Distributed free of charge, via U.S. Mail, by name, 11 times a year, to every Village, City, Town & County Highway Superintendent, Public Works Director, and State D.O.T. and Thruway Authority official in New York State.
AD CLOSING DATES: 12th of preceding month
Digital files required. Electronic files at 100% size. 300 dpi. Four color can be added to ads for an additional $200 per month. Spot color: $105. Superintendent’s Profile will prepare ads for no charge when you provide clean, crisp photos and/or logos.
Profile can accept advertising in the following programs: QuarkXpress, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Microsoft Office 2000 (please do not send advertising and art work in any of the Microsoft Office Programs, ONLY text copy should be sent in these formats). Artwork should be saved as a JPEG, EPS or TIFF whenever possible. These are the most efficient for our purposes although we support most file formats. We do not, however, support some of the proprietary formats used with some of the lower end digital cameras.
Any files built on a non-Mac computer MUST have the three digit file extension included in the file name (eg.: .qxd, .ai, .wrd, .innd). SASE required for returned disks.
We can insert your prepared advertisement in with the mailing of the PROFILE for $695.00 per insert. Size and weight requirements apply. Please inquire.
All payment for advertisements is due 30 days from the date of publication invoice. We pay a 15% commission to ad agencies on all accounts paid within 30 days except on our yearly rates.
*Payment for yearly rate ads is due in full, for the entire year, after first run appears, upon invoice. All past due accounts are charged a 2% per month service charge.
Photos, press releases and/or stories from suppliers are welcome. The publishers reserve the right to include or exclude submitted editorial content and/or modify it at their discretion.
Publisher is not responsible for any misprints, errors or omissions beyond the cost of the advertisement. Every effort is made to provide absolutely accurate advertisement. In the rare event of error, a replacement ad of the same value will be run at no charge to the customer.
Ad order forms, editorial and advertisement materials should be mailed to: