NewEngland #8,2013

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Vol. XlIX • No. 8

“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded in 1957.” Your New England States Connection •  Kent Hogeboom 1-800-988-1203

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Northern Construction Services Aids Sandy-Ravaged Areas — By Ferry

By Jay Adams



Auctioneering & Liquidation

ITL Auctioneering Justin Lyerla (508) 824-3262

Northern Construction Service LLC photo

Northern Construction Service LLC was hired by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation to restore about $3.1 million of assessed damage to roads and beaches ripped up by Hurricane Sandy as it cut a path of destruction through southern New England.


The Block Island Ferry operators hadn’t seen anything like it since they began ferrying passengers over from the mainland to the vacation island by boat through Narragansett Bay, not even for the famous Hurricane of 1938. Transporting cars and motorcycles for island visitors to drive? Sure, they do that every day. Carrying bikes and scooters to maneuver the winding roads? Of course, that’s the business. But a working fleet of several large excavators, a bulldozer, a roller, front-end loaders and trucks, heavy iron driven down from Palmer, Mass. to the creaking piers of Newport, then 12 mi. to sea? No, sir; not ever. Northern Construction Service LLC drove the equipment from its yard to the Newport docks to board the ship after the company won a bidding process. Northern was hired by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) to restore about $3.1 million of assessed damage to roads and

beaches ripped up by Hurricane Sandy as it cut a path of destruction through southern New England. It was a unique start to a job that began in October, a few days after the storm caused billions of dollars of damage in several oceanfront states along the Atlantic Seaboard, and ended on time and on budget in late December. “The equipment did come over on the ferry,” said Eric Rahkonen, who managed the project for Northern Construction. “That process was difficult, as we were required to work around the regular passenger ferry trips. This led to us operating in early morning trips or late-in-theday trips.” Damage to the Island Manhattan Island and Long Island were greatly damaged by Sandy and Staten Island virtually destroyed; the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, N.J., was turned into kindling and 500,000 people lost power in New Jersey alone, and this little comma of land 12 mi. off the coast of the Rhode Island see NOrTHErN page 4

Page 2 • April 10, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

THE W.I. CLARK COMPANY Brookfield, CT • Wallingford, CT • Plainfield, CT Call Mark Doty @ 203-823-2316

1998 Deere 410E

2008 Deere 524K

c/heat, 4x4, std hoe, 2000 original hours

2006 Deere 544J

c/air, hi lift, hi- vis hyd coupler w/2.75 yd bucket, radials

2003 New Holland LS180 c/heat, gp bucket, 80% rubber, great snow machine

A/C, RC, 3rd valve hyds, JRB hyd cplr and 3 yd bucket

stk# 21372 ..........................$47,500

stk# 20889 ........................$110,500

stk# 21348 ........................$127,500

stk# 21417 ............................$24,000

2000 New Holland LS 160

2007 Deere 50D

2011 Deere 270DLC

2004 Hitachi ZX270LC

rops, foot controls, 1080 hrs, great running condition

ROPS, 890 hours, hydraulic thumb

c/air, 10' 6" arm, 54" bucket

c/air, 10' 8" arm, 42" pin on bucket

stk# 21498 ............................$13,500

stk# 20936 ..........................$42,500

stk# 20958 ........................$189,000

stk#21442 ..........................$126,000


1988 Deere 570B

2006 Deere 250D

2009 Carlson CP-90

Deere powered, 90% rubber, 3 to choose from

c/heat, 12’ blade, front scarifier, 80% rubber, 833 original hours

Starting at 6,000

stk# 21413 ..........................$65,000


Cat engine, 8-15’ electric screed, 416 demo hours, excellent condition

25 ton haul truck, c, air, 80% radials, tailgate, great condition

stk# 20949 ........................$146,500

stk# 20713 ........................$110,500

COMPRESSORS IR P185WJD, DEERE POWERED, 90% RUBBER, 2 TO CHOOSE FROM ..............................................................STARTING AT $6,000

2008 DEERE 344J, A/C, RC, 3RD VALVE HYDS, HYD COUPLER, 920 HRS, STK#20274 ..................................................................$98,500


2004 DEERE 544J, C/AIR, RC, RADIALS, 3RD VALVE HYDS., JRB COUPLER, 2.5 YD BUCKET, STK#20904 ............................$121,000

2007 DEERE 1050J, A/C, 24" PADS, 159" SEMI-U BLADE, MS RIP-

2007 DEERE 544J, C/HEAT, HI-LIFT, 2 FUNCTION HYDS., STK#21419 ........................................................................$102,000


DEERE 644G, C/HEAT, 4 YD BUCKET W/ TEETH, 80% RADIALS 3500 ORIGINAL HOURS AND PAINT, SUPER CLEAN. STK#21509 .... ..............................................................................................$67,500

PER, NEW PAINT, STK#20688 ............................................$315,000

1988 DEERE 570B, C/HEAT, 12’ BLADE, FRONT SCARIFIER, 80% REAR RUBBER, 833 ORIGINAL HOURS, FULLY SERVICED, STK# 21413 ....................................................................................$65,000

See Our Complete Inventory at

Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 10, 2013 • Page 3



251 Shaker Road, East Meadow, MA 01028 Direct: 413-525-6351 Toll Free: 800-292-6351 Parts Direct: 877-255-6351

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2005 VOLVO EC240B LC, Stk #: 12231, S/N: 11777, 3900 Hrs, This unit is in our East Longmeadow office. Call 1-800-352-4473 ........................$97,500

2002 VOLVO EC35, S/N: 28314849, 3475 Hrs, 2002 VOLVO MINI-EXCAVATOR, Call 1-800-352-4473 for more information! ......................................$25,000

2010 VOLVO HB1100, Hyd. 2300 ft/lb hammer, w/S6 Manufacturer Plate, New Hoses Chisel Point. 6 Month Mgf. Warranty ..............................$33,500

2006 INGERSOLL-RAND DD90HF, Stk #: 8650, S/N: 190361X, 1250 Hours, 66” Drum, Work Lights, Cummins Diesel ..............................$57,000

2007 INGERSOLL RAND DD90HF, Stk #: 8333, 1200 Hrs, 66” Drums, Cummins Diesel Eng., Work Lights, ROPS Lights and Strobe ................$57,000

2006 VOLVO EC460B LC, S/N: 80090, 7420 Hrs, Many New Parts; Track Chains, Sprockets, etc. READY TO WORK! ....................................$156,000



1992 MORBARK 290, S/N: 8061, 2194 hours ......................................................$6,000

2008 MSD250R Shear, S/N: 626034, Full Rebuilt by Genesis in 2012, 0 Cycles, Bracket Fits Most Brands w/a Bushing & Pin Kit, FOB Superior, WI ..............................$136,500

1990 OLATHE 986, #11957, 2309 Hrs, 12” Brush Chipper has Ford Diesel Engine and all the Parts and Service Manuals, Call Tom Tyler, VP at 203-509-0967................$6,000


Volvo Construction Equipment

2005 SENNEBOGEN 850M, S/N: 850.0.149, 0 Hrs on Brand New Boom! ........$295,000

Page 4 • April 10, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

Iron Ferried Out to Block Island During Off-Peak Hours NORTHERN from page 1

mainland suffered a smaller, but relatively devastating fate. It is tiny by island standards (the smallest town in the smallest state), but large in its draw of tourists to and from Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York and beyond. New Shoreham is the town that is coextensive with Block Island, with a population of slightly more than 1,050 residents, and an estimated 65,000 annual visitors who seek its almost 11 sq. mi. of beauty. The Narragansett tribe called it “Little God’s Island.” A recent travel magazine lauded it as “One of the Twelve Great Places in the Western Hemisphere.” There are 17 mi. of coastal beaches, 30 mi. of walking trails and an amazing 365 fresh water ponds, virtually all churned up by the high tides and storm surges of Sandy. Daylong winds at a steady 70 mph hit the island, bringing gusts that reached 117 mph downed trees and threw debris across the entire span. One restaurant, the popular Ballard’s Inn — a hub for yearly tourists — was washed out by waves and sand after just finishing some $200,000 of improvements. Beaches and the meandering roads that wind around the resort spot were ripped up or flattened completely. Two major roads — Corn Neck Road and Spring Street — were chunked to bits. “Corn Neck Road amazes me,” New Shoreham Town Manager Nancy Dodge told the Block Island Times newspaper. “It’s flat to the beach.” A dock in Old Harbor, recently built by the U.S. Army Corps of engineers was found warped like a bow.

NEW ENGLAND EDITION Founder, Publisher & CEO Northeast Publisher Editor In Chief Associate Editor Editorial Consultant Production Mgr. Controller Circulation Mgr. Main office

Northern Ferries Immediately RIDOT bid the repair project a few days after the Oct. 28 and 29 storm. “RIDOT accepted the bid after verifying all the proper information was included. RIDOT’s response was quick,”

For advertising rates: Contact

Edwin M. McKeon Sr. Edwin M. McKeon Jr. Craig Mongeau Christine Reckner Pete Sigmund John Pinkerton Tom Weinmann Cathy Printz

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Northern Construction Service LLC photo

Beaches and the meandering roads that wind around the resort spot were ripped up or flattened completely. Two major roads — Corn Neck Road and Spring Street — were chunked to bits.

Edwin M. McKeon Jr.

215/885-2900 800/523-2200 215/885-2910 e-mail

Toll Free Fax

Kent Hogeboom •New York •New England 315/823-7668 Toll Free 800/988-1203 Fax 315/823-4136 e-mail Contact

Construction Equipment Guide Northeast Edition (ISSN 1081-7034) is published bi-weekly by Construction Equipment Guide Ltd. Advertising and Editorial Offices are located at 470 Maryland Dr., Ft. Washington, PA 19034. Toll Free 800/523-2200 or Fax 215/885-2910. Annual Subscription Rate $65.00. Call for Canadian and foreign rates. Periodicals postage paid at Ft. Washington, PA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Construction Equipment Guide Northeast Edition, 470 Maryland Dr, Ft. Washington, PA 19034. Contents Copyrighted ©2013, by Construction Equipment Guide, which is a Registered Trademark, registered in the U.S. Patent Office. Registration number 0957323. All rights reserved, nothing may be reprinted or reproduced(including framing) in whole or part without written permission from the publisher. All editorial material, photographs, drawings, letters, and other material will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and are subject to Construction Equipment Guide's unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially. Contributor articles do not necessarily reflect the policy or opinions of this publication. Call or write for advertising rates, publication schedule and media kit. The Construction Equipment Guide is not responsible for clerical or printer's errors, every care is taken to avoid mistakes. Photographs of equipment used in advertisements are not necessarily actual photographs of the specific machine. Similar photographs are used occasionally and every effort is taken to depict the actual equipment advertised. The right is reserved to reject any advertising.

said Project Manager Rahkonen. “A pre-bid meeting was held to discuss the damaged areas and repair expectations prior to the bid. An on-site visit was held after we were notified of being the low bidder.” Rahkonen was chosen by his company to head this project because of his previous experience in marine construction and with emergency repair situations. Rahkonen headed a similar operation in Massachusetts in 2011. Hurricane Irene had devastated Route 2 and MassDOT also chose Northern Construction Services to work on emergency repairs and reconstruction. Rahkonen led a crew of between 10 and 30 individuals operating several large excavators, bulldozers, rollers, frontend loaders and trucks to repair multiple roadways after Sandy caused severe flooding and immediate erosion. The sight of flattened beaches and crushed roads were nothing new to his crew. “Many of the men working on site have extensive experience dealing with difficult situations. The majority of them were a part of the extensive rebuilding of Route 2 emergency repairs after Hurricane Irene,” said Rahkonen. The New Shoreham project consisted of dune restoration, slope repairs on failed roadways, full depth roadway reconstruction (warm mix asphalt paving), removing damaged guardrails and replacing them with new guardrails, seeding and plantings,” said Rahkonen. “The roadways were shored up by establishing a proper rip rap toe for the rest of the slope to build from.” The Block Island work was a parallel project for Northern. At the very same time, emergency repairs were being done by the company in Falmouth, Mass., on Cape Cod, for similar storm damages. “The Town of Falmouth, Massachusetts, lost portions of seawall as well as roadway slope failures. The previous year, Northern repaired a six-mile stretch of Route 2 in Florida, Massachusetts, in the Berkshires. Portions of the highway slid more than 70 feet into a river below, and then we did a two-mile stretch of Route 2 located in North Adams, Massachusetts, so tackling Block Island was familiar territory,” said Rahkonen. see NORTHERN page 6

Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 10, 2013 • Page 5


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Page 6 • April 10, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

The N.i.c.e. Company Northeast International Construction Equipment Co., Inc. “Your Newest Source for Quality Equipment”

I Buy Machines

NORTHERN from page 4

2009 Cat 315DL, VERY NICE!!, 2200 Hrs, Plumbed $119,000

2009 Cat 336DL, 12’10” Stick, 6000 Hrs $169,000

2008 Volvo ECR88, QC, Tilting Bucket, Rotating Grapple, 2600 Hrs $59,000

2008 JD160D, QC, Hyd Thumb, 2600 Hrs, REDUCED $99,000

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Locals Grateful for Northern Services Lead in Cleanup


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Department of Transportation, which included $3 million in quickly-released funds by Around the Clock Shifts His crews were given the assignment by Oct. 30 in disaster relief. This grant coincidthe state to repair approximately 1,800 ft. ed with millions of dollars released to help (549 m) of highway along Corn Neck Road RIDOT and private vendors shore up suband damaged Spring Street in the Old stantial damage caused by Sandy along the Harbor section of the town. They worked southwestern coast of Rhode Island, particuseven days a week, 12 to 14 hour-days, larly in the towns of Westerly and a badly through difficult marine, salt water condi- damaged seawall and sidewalk on Ocean tions in order to complete the work on time and on budget in December. “The people that lived on the Island were very helpful and grateful,” added Rahkonen. “Many of the crew have been out to the island during the summer for vacations and were familiar with the area we had to work in. They had traveled those same roads.” Rahkonen’s brother Alex Rahkonen was the superintendent with him on New Shoreham. He played a vital role in overNorthern Construction Service LLC photo seeing the onsite day-to- Crews worked seven days a week, 12 to 14 hour-days, day operations. Alex also through difficult marine, salt water conditions in order had been responsible for to complete the work on time and on budget. the nighttime Route 2 emergency repairs (the ones caused by Hurricane Irene in 2011). Road in Narragansett, where more than 100 The brothers are sons of one of the owners, homes were split apart along the beaches, John Rahkonen, a co-founder of the compa- which were seriously eroded. “The restoration of our roads and other ny. Northern had been the recipient of the infrastructure following Hurricane Sandy American Public Works Association’s annu- remains a high priority,” said Rhode Island al award for disaster construction in the past, Gov. Lincoln Chafee, work that continues a clear indicator of why RIDOT, MassDOT through the winter. “Northern did a great job and other municipal authorities have hired of doing the work on time and on budget, just as we asked. We are pleased to remain them so often to fix disasters. Northern Construction Service LLC has on the fast-track in getting these repairs startspecialized in bridge construction, marine ed and completed in as short a time frame as construction and reconstruction, concrete possible.” Three other ongoing state repair projects and utility work and site work since 1996. With current projects throughout New include Ocean Drive in Newport, England and in New York founders John L. Poppasquash Road in Bristol and Conanicus DiVito and John Rahkonen have grown the Road in Jamestown. “We are pleased by the dedication and company steadily with an excellent reputation for quality work and responsible owner- cooperation shown by our contractors on these projects to get repairs started and comship. Like RIDOT, their clients often include pleted quickly,” said RIDOT’s Michael federal, state and municipal agencies, along Lewis. For more information, call 413-636-8411 with private industrial and utility companies. The company employs 80 people and main- or visit www.NorthernConstruction .com. (This story also can be found on tains two offices, in Weymouth and Palmer, Construction Equipment Guide’s Web Mass. A portion of the project’s costs on Block site at www.constructionequipmentIsland were funded by the United States CEG

Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 10, 2013 • Page 7

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Page 8 • April 10, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

Washington • Windsor • Bennington • Lamoille • Windham • Chittenden • Orange • Caedonia • Addison • Orleans • Franklin • Essex • Grande Vermont... Isle • Washington • Windsor • Bennington • Lamoille • Windham • Chittenden • Orange • Caedonia • Addison • Orleans • Franklin • Essex • Grande Isle • Washington • Windsor • Bennington • Lamoille • Windham • Chittenden • Orange • Caedonia • Addison • Orleans • Franklin • Essex • Grande Isle • Washington • Windsor • Bennington • Lamoille • Windham • Chittenden • Orange • Caedonia • Addison • Orleans • Franklin • Essex • Grande Isle • Washington • Windsor • Bennington • Lamoille • Windham • Chittenden • Orange • Caedonia • Addison •

‘Green Mountain State’ Highway Projects Let

The Vermont Department of Transportation received bids for transportation-related improvement projects. Following is a list of some of the projects let. County: Washington Town: Warren Project Name: WARREN BRF 013-4(14). Contract ID: 78F242 Location: Beginning at a point in the town of Warren, on Vt. Route 100 approximately 5.82 mi. northerly of the Granville-Warren town line and extending northerly 0.162 mi. Project: Replacement of existing bridge #173 on Vt. Route 100, a temporary detour and all necessary roadway, channel and approach work. Contractors and Bid Amounts: • S. D. Ireland Concrete Construction Corp. — $3,522,363 • J. A. McDonald Inc. — $3,547,833 • Cold River Bridges LLC — $3,588,681 • Winterset Inc. — $3,688,141 • Northern Construction Service LLC — $3,728,195 • CCS Constructors Inc. — $3,792,937 • Beck & Bellucci Inc. — $3,848,711 • T. Buck Construction Inc. — $3,993,310 • Wyman & Simpson Inc. — $4,024,494 • New England Infrastructure Inc. — $4,655,622 • Blow & Cote Inc. — $4,707,817

County: Addison Town: Addison Project Name: ADDISON STP 032-1(18). Contract ID: 12E008 Location: Beginning approximately 1630 ft. east of the Vermont/New York state line at STA 133+50.00 and extending easterly for a distance of 825 ft. to STA 141+75.00. The project will include the resurfacing of Vt. 125 starting at STA V 11+50.00 and extending northerly for a distance of 234 ft. to STA V 13+84.00. Project: Cold planing and overlaying with a leveling course and a wearing course with pavement markings, signs, drainage improvements and incidental items. This project also includes the removal of the ferry access road, construction of a new boat launch, construction of two gravel parking lots, construction of walking paths, reshaping the chimney point driveway and incidental items. Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Peckham Road Corporation — $853,954 • J. P. Sicard Inc. — $1,117,891 • Reale Construction Company Inc. — $1,214,000 • Markowski Excavating Inc. — $1,337,709 • J. Hutchins Inc. — $1,345,446 • Pike Industries Inc. — $1,394,811 • Kubricky Construction Corporation — $1,454,122

County: Statewide Town: Statewide Project Names: STATEWIDE SW REG STP HRRR(15) and STATEWIDE SW REG HES HSIP(6). Contract ID: 12K024 Location: TH-5, Bennington (East Road). TH-14, Bennington (Houghton Road). TH-2, (SHTH 144), Benson (Vt. Route 144). TH-3, Castleton (East Hubbardton Road). TH-2, Manchester (West Road). Statewide Southwest Region Hes Hsip (6): TH-11, Bennington (Matteson Road). TH-1, Bennington (South Street). TH-424, Bennington (Franklin Lane). TH-5, Bennington (Park Street). TH-1, Danby (Brook Road). TH-30 Danby (Keeler Road). TH-2, New Haven (River Road). TH-235, Rutland (Lincoln Avenue). Project: The removal of existing signs and posts, and guardrail, and the installation of new signs and posts, guardrail, pavement markings and other highway related items for the described work. Contractors and Bid Amounts: • F. R. Lafayette Inc. — $163,992 • L & D Safety Markings Corporation — $168,866

County: Addison Town: Hancock Project Name: HANCOCK ER BRF 0174(16). Contract ID: 11C210 Location: Beginning at a point approximately 2.2 mi.

west of the junction of Vt. 125 and Vt. 100 and extending easterly 275 ft. along Vt. 125. Project: Replacement of the existing bridge with a new bridge on the existing alignment with necessary roadway and channel work. Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Parent Construction Inc. — $1,247,020 • Miller Construction Inc. — $1,356,277 • Cold River Bridges LLC — $1,390,599 • Engineers Construction Inc. — $1,406,133 • CCS Constructors Inc. — $1,422,921 • T. Buck Construction Inc. — $1,522,914 • Winterset Inc. — $1,686,238

County: Statewide/Multiple Counties Town: St. Johnsbury, Waterford, Barnet and others Project Name: NEWBURY-ST J. AC IM 091-2(76) Contract ID: 06A046 Location: Newbury on 1-91 at MM 110.683 in the SB lane and extending northerly a distance of 94,369.44 ft. to MM 128.556. Project: Cold planing, resurfacing with a leveling course and wearing course, new pavement markings, guardrail, drainage and other related highway items. Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Pike Industries Inc. — $6,447,029 • Frank W. Whitcomb Construction Corp. — $6,766,982 • Kubricky Construction Corp. — $7,266,392 • All States Asphalt Inc. — $7,862,144

Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 10, 2013 • Page 9

CRUSHING EQUIPMENT, PARTS & SERVICE Ace Equipment Sales, Inc. and Milroy and Company LLC 171 Tolland Turnpike (Route 74) • PO Box 535 • Willington, CT 06279

(860) 429-2793 • Fax: (860) 429-0542 Don Bayer • (518) 527-1910

John Patton • (860) 614-3426

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Go to for a complete listing and description of our new and used equipment.

Manufacturer of Portable Primary Crushing and Screening Equipment


USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Crushers Cedarapids 30 x 42 Portable Jaw Plant w/Jaw Crusher

s/n 50309/50382, 42” x 20’ Vibrating Grizzly Feeder, 150 HP Electric Crushing Motor, End Discharge Conveyor, Ready for Transport, FOB: Willington, CT..........................$195,000

Eagle 1536 Portable Jaw Crushing Plant

s/n 10945, Eagle Model 33D4155, 15x36 Jaw Crusher, Vibratory Pan Feeder with Hydraulic Grizzly Dump - Remote Control, 3’x6’ 2-Deck Scalping Screen, Cummins Diesel Engine Drives, 50KW Generator and Hydraulic Pump, Dual-Axle, 30” FoldUp Discharge Conveyor, Rear Discharge Conveyor for Screen Throughs, Jaw Dies Over 50%...VERY GOOD CONDITION!!! ................................$145,000

Pioneer 540CSE Cone Portable Plant

Telsmith 52H Portable Cone Plant

s/n 450CSE101, 45 Allis-Chalmers Cone, DD Screen, Electric Starters and Switch Gear on Board, 200HP, Dual-Axle, Double Deck Screen, Front and Rear Discharge Conveyors ........................$125,000

s/n 505M2588, Refurbished 52S Model H Cone Crusher, Crusher s/n: 202M9842, New Head and Shaft Assembly, New Eccentric, (2) New Thrust Bearings, New Inner Sleeve, New Outer Sleeve, New Inner & Outer Piston Rings, New Countershaft Bearings, New Belleville Springs, 90% Manganese, Hydraulic Relief, Dynamic Adjustment Controls for Close Side Settings & Extraction, Air - Oil Cooler Option, Telsmith Dual-Axle Chassis with Side Discharge Conveyor, 250 HP Motor w/Switch-Geat, Will be Painted, Ready for Transport and Crushing, FOB: Willington, CT ....................................$255,000

WE HAVE ALL THE PARTS YOU NEED: Manganese, Conveyor Belts, Idlers, Head Pulleys, Tail Pulleys and Much More!

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Page 10 • April 10, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

Essex • Bristol • Franklin • Plymouth • Worcester • Middlesex • Norfolk • Dukes • Barnstable • Suffolk • Hampshire • Chilmark • Amherst • Massachusetts... Monterey • Nantucket • Hampden • North Adams • Essex • Bristol • Franklin • Plymouth • Worcester • Middlesex • Norfolk • Dukes • Barnstable • Suffolk • Hampshire • Chilmark • Amherst • West • Monterey • Nantucket • Hampden • North Adams • Essex • Bristol • Franklin • Plymouth • Worcester • Middlesex • Norfolk • Dukes • Barnstable • Suffolk • Hampshire • Chilmark • Amherst • West • Monterey • Nantucket • Hampden • North Adams • Essex • Bristol • Franklin • Plymouth • Bristol • Franklin • Plymouth • Worcester • Middlesex

‘Bay State’ Highway Projects Let

MassHighway received bids for transportation-related improvement projects. Following is a list of some of the projects let. Location: Holyoke to West Springfield Document Number: 605594 Project: Resurfacing and related work (including rehabilitation of 16 bridges) on a section of Interstate 91 (FAP# IM-91-1(168)). Low Bidder: SPS New England Inc. Bid Amount: $14,886,806 Completion Date: June 10, 2015 Location: Leominster Document Number: 605773 Project: Bridge superstructure replacement Br. No. L-08028 (Steel) Hamilton Street over Route 2 (FAP# BR002S(401)X). Low Bidder: MAS Building and Bridge Inc. Bid Amount: $3,384,982 Completion Date: May 11, 2014 Location: District 4 Document Number: 606468 Project: Scheduled and emergency bridge structural repairs at various locations. Low Bidder: Kodiak Corporation Bid Amount: $337,947 Completion Date: July 13, 2014 Location: Boston Document Number: 604871 Project: Massachusetts Avenue streetscape improvements at Symphony Hall (including repair of bridge No. B-16238) (FAP# HP-002S(340)X). Low Bidder: McCourt Construction Company Inc. Bid Amount: $4,967,653 Completion Date: Sept. 16, 2014 Location: Agawam Document Number: 606005 Project: Resurfacing and related work on a section of Route 57 (FAP# STP-002S(486)X). Low Bidder: Palmer Paving Corporation Bid Amount: $2,042,569 Completion Date: Oct. 12, 2013 Location: Westhampton Document Number: 605815 Project: Roadway reconstruction and related work on a section of Route 66 (Main Road) (FAP# STP002S(485)X). Low Bidder: Palmer Paving Corporation Bid Amount: $1,063,334 Completion Date: Oct. 22, 2013 Location: Oak Bluffs Document Number: 604813 Project: Intersection improvements and related work at

Edgartown-Vineyard Haven and Barnes Roads (FAP#S HSI-002S(399)X and STP-002S(399)X). Low Bidder: Lawrence - Lynch Corporation Bid Amount: $1,121,950 Completion Date: April 26, 2014 Location: Agawam Document Number: 602653 Project: Roadway Reconstruction and related work along sections of Route 159 (Main Street) (FAP#S HSI002S(409)X and STP-002S(409)X). Low Bidder: Palmer Paving Corporation Bid Amount: $3,716,849 Completion Date: Oct. 27, 2014 Location: District 5 Document Number: 606600 Project: Scheduled and emergency drawbridge repairs at various locations (including Martha’s Vineyard). Low Bidder: SPS New England Inc. Bid Amount: $1,862,350 Completion Date: Aug. 29, 2014 Location: Weston Document Number: 606399 Project: Bridge painting and rehabilitation three bridges (Br. No.’s W-29-053, W-29-054, W-29-049) over Interstate 90 and Norumbega Road. Low Bidder: MIG Corporation Bid Amount: $N/A Completion Date: Jan. 17, 2014 Location: Hudson Document Number: 604006 Project: Bridge replacement Br. No. H-25-004 (concrete) Houghton Street over the Assabet River (FAP# BR002S(321)X).

Low Bidder: Tully Construction Corporation Bid Amount: $2,866,256 Completion Date: June 2, 2014 Location: Mansfield to Foxborough Document Number: 605821 Project: Rehabilitation of 4 bridges (7 spans) (including painting) on Interstates 95 and 495 (FAP# BR-002S(384)). Low Bidder: MIG Corporation Bid Amount: $2,267,327 Completion Date: June 14, 2014 Location: Brockton Document Number: 600365 Project: Roadway reconstruction and related work (including traffic signals) on sections of Route 27 (Pleasant Street) (FAP# STP-002S(431)X). Low Bidder: L.A.L. Construction Company Inc, Bid Amount: $3,270,489 Completion Date: March 29, 2015 Location: Chicopee and West Springfield Document Number: 606601 Project: Bridge deck repairs and related work Br. No. C13-023=W-21-022 Interstate 90 over the Connecticut River. Low Bidder: SPS New England Inc. Bid Amount: $4,492,238 Completion Date: May 11, 2014 Location: District 5 Document Number: 606637 Project: Scheduled and emergency bridge substructure repairs at various locations. Low Bidder: N.E.L. Corporation Bid Amount: $1,549,384 Completion Date: Aug. 10, 2014

Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 10, 2013 • Page 11

A.T. Equipment, Inc.


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2008 Cat 345 with auxiliary hydraulics, 13,000 pound hammer and thumb P.O.R. 2009 Yanmar VIO17 300 hours, showroom condition, auxiliary hydraulics, thumb $18,500 2009 Yanmar VIO45 1000 hours, auxiliary hydraulics, thumb, cab, a/c, hydraulic quick coupler $39,000 2009 Yanmar VIO35 1000 hours, auxiliary hydraulics, quick coupler, thumb, cab with a/c $34,000

2006 John Deere 160CLC auxiliary hydraulics, 3,500 pound hammer, and thumb P.O.R. 1999 Komatsu PC400 w/auxiliary hydraulics, new bottom ..................................................$59,000 Rammer E68 hammer completely rebuilt and not used since the rebuild ............................$21,500 Tramac BRH750 hydraulic hammer, 3,000 pound completely rebuilt................................$7,500 2002 John Deere 250 skid steer w/500 hours, cab, heat, a/c, 6-foot hydraulic snow plow, forks, excellent condition........................................$16,500

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Page 12 • April 10, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

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Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 10, 2013 • Page 13

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Doosan Delivers Doosan and the Doosan logo are registered trademarks of Doosan Corp. in the United States and various other countries around the world. ©2013 Doosan Infracore Construction Equipment America. All rights reserved. | 0313751

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Page 14 • April 10, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide




Hydraulic Cranes 6-365 Ton

Dracut’s Equipment East Appointed Doosan Distributor in Massachusetts (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Equipment East will distribute Doosan heavy excavators, wheel loaders, articulated dump trucks and attachments in Guide’s Web site at the Dracut, Mass., area. The dealership is located at 61 Silva Lane, Dracut, Mass. Equipment East brings more than 30 years of experience to the construction equipment industry, selling, servicing and renting heavy construction equipment. “After visiting the testing ground in Tuscon, Arizona, and operating the equipment firsthand, we are pleased to add Doosan to our product lineup,” said Equipment East Manager Giovanni Albanese. For additional information, call Equipment East at 978/454-3320 or visit Equipment East is now a Doosan heavy equipment dealer.

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Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 10, 2013 • Page 15

Vt. Lawmakers Call New Office Space DISPLAY ADS/ Project’s $9M Estimate Eye-Popping CLASSIFIEDS By Dave Gram ASSOCIATED PRESS

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) New office space for some Vermont state agencies is being described as gorgeous but its cost as eye-popping. Vermont lawmakers use those terms for the new space at the National Life building in Montpelier that has been renovated to house the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources and other state agencies. Members of the House Corrections and Institutions Committee, which oversees state building projects, said they were given a rough estimate last year of about $2 million to move the Natural Resources Agency into the building that already housed the transportation and commerce agencies. The most recent figure is now $8.65 million — and that’s not a final number. Administration Secretary Jeb Spaulding, whose agency includes the Department of Buildings and General Services, which managed the project, said March 18 that he and his aides never told the committee the National Life project would cost $2 million. Last year, the Legislature included $1 million for the project and separate allocations for replacing other office space in Waterbury lost by Tropical Storm Irene and for replacing the Vermont State Hospital. The allocation was included in the state’s capital construction budget, which uses money raised through bonding to pay for building projects. Spaulding called the early amounts “placeholders.’’ But some committee members still find the latest price tag troubling. Rep. Cynthia Browning, D-Arlington, said she saw a pattern in which BGS officials “get us to commit to a project and then come back later and say we need more ... We end up being kind of played, kind of manipulated, kind of trapped,’’ she said.

Getting off the elevator, a visitor steps into a reception area featuring a curved wall with paneling made of horizontal rectangles of locally sourced hardwood. Sunlight flows through the space. New office cubicles have low walls for better visibility and collaboration among workers. Smaller, glass-walled conference rooms are scattered throughout the space to afford workers more privacy. “White noise’’ is used to mute any distracting noises. National Life chipped in $3.5 million for the project, but will charge the state an average $3.7 million a year in lease costs over the next 10 years. A list of costs from the Department of Buildings and General Services shows the state spending nearly twice last year’s early estimate just on modular furniture: $3.675 million. And that didn’t include $1.4 million on new walls, $600,000 on carpeting, or $100,000 for a “transition manager,’’ whose job was to help state employees get familiar with their new surroundings. “Once you start getting into the renovations, it’s like ‘Oh, my God, this is much more involved than anyone had anticipated,’’’ said Rep. Alice Emmons, D-Springfield and chairwoman of the House committee. The storm in August 2011 triggered the project. The Agency of Natural Resources, known as ANR, was one of several state agencies that lost its offices when the Winooski River inundated the state office in Waterbury. During storm recovery, Gov. Peter Shumlin touted the collaboration between ANR and the Agency of Transportation as they worked on permitting and rebuilding roads and restoring gouged river beds. Shumlin said he wanted that collaboration to be the new norm. ANR would move into the National Life building, which already housed the Agency of Transportation and the Agency of Commerce and Community Development. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at

Maine’s Lawmakers’ Plans to Toll State’s Interstates Need Federal Approval By Glenn Adams ASSOCIATED PRESS

AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) Drivers on Maine’s interstates could be charged tolls under a pair of proposals that lawmakers are considering, but transportation officials counter that federal law prohibits such a move. It would take an act of Congress to impose fares on highways that have been built or repaired with federal money, the Transportation Committee was told at a hearing on the bills March 22. “Federal law is quite clear on the issue,’’ said Dan Morin of the Maine Turnpike Authority, which took no formal position on the bills sponsored by Rep. Michel Lajoie, DLewiston, and Rep. Brian Bolduc, D-Auburn. When any section of I-295 is expanded to three lanes, the entire road would be tolled at a rate commensurate with I-95, the Maine Turnpike that runs through Lewiston and Auburn, Lajoie proposed in an amendment to an earlier bill. “I-295 is paid for with gas taxes by Mainers all over the state. Interstate 95 is solely supported by its users, my con-

stituents,’’ leaving them with an unfair burden, Lajoie said. “This bill would create equality between the two highways so drivers taking both will pay their fair share.’’ Bolduc’s bill calls for a task force composed of legislators, highway users and other interested parties to study options for imposing tolls on portions of Maine’s interstates to pay for highway improvements. The study would analyze financial and administrative requirements and the revenue potential from tolls. In opposition to both bills, the state Transportation Department cited the federal law prohibiting tolls on highways built or repaired with federal money. “The federal Highway Administration has informed MaineDOT that they do not have the authority to waive the tolling prohibition,’’ said Nina Fisher of the state Transportation Department. “Thus, under current law, authority to impose tolls on I-95 would require a specific act of Congress,’’ Fisher told the committee. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at

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Page 16 • April 10, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

Groups Join Seeking Maine’s East-West Highway Records By Glenn Adams ASSOCIATED PRESS

AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) Environmentalists joined with civil libertarians and residents of northern Maine on March 22 in support of a bill that would make memos and other planning documents for projects like the proposed 220-mi. (354 km) east-west highway project subject to public disclosure. The Legislature’s Transportation Committee held a hearing on a bill sponsored by Rep. Jeff McCabe, D-Skowhegan, which would make records, notes, summaries, memoranda and other information on transportation projects that are a publicprivate partnership open to public review. “The controversy around the east-west highway demonstrates the problem with our current law, which treats all of these documents as confidential,’’ McCabe, the assistant House majority leader, told the committee. “The very secrecy surrounding the feasibility study and the department’s plans has undermined public confidence and trust in the process.’’ The latest proposal for an east-west highway, which could also include a utility corridor connecting Calais and Coburn Gore, would be built with private investments estimated at around $2 billion. Some of those attending the hearing asserted that it qualifies as a public-private partnership because the Legislature’s last session appropriated $300,000 for an economic feasibility study. While the state Transportation Department advertised for companies to do the study, little interest was shown and no analysis has been done, Deputy DOT Commissioner Bruce Van Note said. Speaking against McCabe’s bill, Van Note said the project is actually a private enterprise and therefore would not be subject to the public records release provision. The American Civil Liberties Union’s Maine chapter disagreed, saying the eastwest highway would be a public-private partnership. “Decisions about whom the government enters into partnership with and how they spend our taxpayer money are certainly matters of public importance,’’ Shenna Bellows, executive director of the ACLU of Maine, said in support of McCabe’s bill. “The public’s right to know is essential to democracy, and it is the only way we can hold our government accountable. Too much secrecy paves the way for bad decisions.’’ Lisa Pohlman, executive director of the Natural Resources Council of Maine, said

that if the project is deemed to be a publicprivate partnership, “the public will have no access to any information about the project, including the proposed route which could cross the land of hundreds of Maine and property owners’’ as well as properties under conservation ownership including the Appalachian Trail, the Penobscot and Kennebec rivers, wetlands and important wildlife habitats.

An east-west highway has been approved and rejected six times since 1944 …

An east-west highway has been proposed and rejected six times since 1944, and the rejections came mainly because significant benefits to Mainers and their communities could not be assured, according to Sierra Club’s Karen Woodsum. “There are still many unanswered questions about this project and small business owners and citizens have the right to know,’’ said Woodsum. Taking no formal position for or against the bill, Maine Turnpike Executive Director Peter Mills said the law allowing confidentiality of public-private highways was enacted to protect private contractors from having to make public financial and other inside information that could impact their competitive position. “They are simply not going to reveal all of that information,’’ said Van Note. Mills also said that one of the biggest impediments to the project will be bottlenecks at U.S.-Canadian border crossings. American federal border officials, he said, can make it very difficult for cargo-bearing trucks to cross. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at

Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 10, 2013 • Page 17 HEAVY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT


Crushing and Screening Plants as well as Keestrack/OM parts in stock.

Hydraulic Hammers for All Your Demolition Needs. Besides the eco-friendly silenced design, which fits international standards to be used in environmentally noise sensitive areas, the Ramfos TF series hydraulic hammers boast unbeatable performance. We perform complete hammer rebuilds and have a complete parts inventory in stock at our facility for all models of Ramfos hammers. 550 ft lbs - 15,000 ft lbs available

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Page 18 • April 10, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

Petrowsky Three-Day Spring Sale Draws Bidders From Far, Wide


etrowsky Auctioneers Inc. hosted its annual Spring Auction on March 21 to 23 in North Franklin, Conn. Thousands of lots from BIRM-I Construction Company LLC, Tilcon, Conn., and many other area contractors and equipment dealers went on the block over the course of the three-day event.

Bidders came from as near as Massachusetts and as far as Sri Lanka to vie for items ranging from flatbeds to trailers to marine and contractor support. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at see PETROWSKY page 20

Mike Bianco, owner of Mike A. Bianco Landscaping, Inc., Pittsfield, Mass., inspects the inside of an Ackerman excavator.

Jeff Leone, owner of Air Temp of Southington, Conn., is trying the Komatsu excavator on for size, and Ban Dissanayake of Sri Lanka. Dissanayake is looking at shipping heavy iron overseas to help a construction boom in his country now that war has ended. Ralph Delvecchio, director of the Heavy Construction Academy of Brentwood, N.H., instructs students, including many U.S. veterans, on how to operate heavy iron for careers in construction.

(L-R): Mike Martin, owner of M&M Electric Inc., Bolton, Conn., tries out a 45-ft. personnel lift as Ted Marszalkowski, founder and owner of Adams Farm North of Vermont, and Adams Farm of R.I. and his worker Chris Reed watch the lift.

Richard Wojtowski, Pittsfield Lawn and Tractor, Pittsfield, Mass., operates from the seat of one of the 1,000 pieces up for auction.

Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 10, 2013 • Page 19

We’ve ve become attached to your machines. AR Series™ hydraulic impact hammers

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Where can you go to get high performance boom-mounted attachments?

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Page 20 • April 10, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

Thousands of Lots Go on Block at Petrowsky Sale PETROWSKY from page 18

George Nogueiras, sales manager of Newark Equipment Sales Corp., Newark, N.J., works a Caterpillar 320.

(L-R): Stanley Galasyn, owner, Galasyn Construction, Rocky Hill, Conn., operates this John Deere excavator from the cab as co-worker Gerald Toze watches its moves and Tyler White, a Petrowsky employee, helps out.

Roger Schefield (L) and George Fitch stand in front of the John Deere they were hoping to sell.

Will Sinigur (L), Sinigur Trucking, Montgomery, Mass., and Jeff Kent, Kent Brothers Excavating, Southampton, Mass., examine the iron together.

Jeff Leone, owner of Air Temp of Southington, Conn., registers at the bidding table inside the auction bays.

Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 10, 2013 • Page 21

Chappell Tractor Sales, Inc. Milford, NH 800/698-2640

Chappell Tractor East, LLC Brentwood, NH 800/616-5666

Kahn Tractor & Equipment, Inc. North Franklin, CT 860/642-7596

Lorusso Heavy Equipment, LLC 160 Elm Street P.O. Box 857 Walpole, MA 02801 508/660-7600

Page 22 • April 10, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

NEW ENGLAND SUPPLEMENT ADVERTISER INDEX A QUICK PICK CRANE SERVICE INC ..........................14 A T EQUIPMENT INC ......................................................11 ACE EQUIPMENT SALES INC ........................................9 ARGUS INDUSTRIAL COMPANY ....................................1 ASTRO CRANE ..............................................................14 BARRY EQUIPMENT CO................................................12 C N WOOD CO INC ........................................................24 CHADWICK BAROSS MA ..........................................5,17 CLASSIFIEDS ................................................................15 CONTRACTOR’S CORNER ..........................................14 D C BATES EQUIPMENT CO INC..................................11 DOOSAN NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND ......................13 EQUIPMENT EAST ......................................................7,17 FOLEY MARINE & INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ......................1 GORILLA HAMMERS........................................................1 HYUNDAI CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT....................21 ITL AUCTIONEERING ......................................................1 J R VINAGRO CORPORATION........................................1 KRAFT POWER CORP ....................................................1 LORUSSO HEAVY EQUIPMENT LLC............................19 LOU GIZA EQUIPMENT....................................................1 LUBRICATION TECHNOLOGIES INC............................14 MILTON CAT....................................................................15 NORTHLAND JCB ..........................................................12 POWERSCREEN NEW ENGLAND ................................16 ROGERS BROTHERS ....................................................23 SUMMIT SUPPLY LLC/MULTI MACHINE ........................1 THE N.I.C.E. COMPANY ..................................................6 THE W I CLARK CO ........................................................2 TYLER EQUIPMENT CO ............................................3,19 WANTED MACK TRUCKS..............................................14 The Advertisers Index is printed as a free editorial service to our advertisers and readership. Construction Equipment Guide is not responsible for errors or omissions.

MNG Begins Next Phase of Augusta Pipeline Project Maine Natural Gas (MNG), a subsidiary of Iberdrola USA, has signed a contract with three Maine companies to start the immediate construction of the 12 in. (30.5 cm) steel pipeline backbone of its natural gas distribution system in Augusta. The project will be led by Enterprise Trenchless Technologies (ETTI) of Lisbon Falls, joined by Cianbro of Pittsfield and Shaw Brothers Construction of Gorham. “This is the next major milestone for Maine Natural Gas as it continues on the path of bringing affordable warmth to Augusta and throughout the Kennebec Valley,” said Bob Kump, CEO of Iberdrola USA. “It’s another example of Iberdrola’s ongoing commitment to invest in critical infrastructure and technology to better serve all customers in the region.” During the last five years, Iberdrola USA and Iberdrola have invested more than $2 billion on electric and natural gas infrastructure and technology in its operating company territories. In Maine alone, Iberdrola has invested more than $1 billion and created more than three thousand jobs on major projects such as the recently completed Advanced Meter Initiative (AMI) and the ongoing Maine Power Reliability Program (MPRP). The 10.5 mi. (16.9 km) natural gas backbone pipeline, which will serve residential, commercial and institutional customers in the Augusta area, will tap the Maritimes and Northeast transmission pipeline in Windsor, travel west along Route 17, cross the Kennebec River, and then on to the new MaineGeneral hospital. Maine Natural Gas signed a ten-year contract in the fall of 2012 to deliver natural gas to the new medical facility by Nov. 1, 2013, and has been laying pipe in the area continuously since then. “ETTI led the recent Maine Natural Gas expansions in Freeport and Bath and we’re proud once again to join them in expanding access to affordable natural gas to the peo-

ple of Maine and boosting the Maine economy,” said Scott W. Kelly, president of Enterprise Trenchless Technologies Inc. “The expansion work we’ve been doing with Maine Natural Gas has created 30 local permanent jobs and this particular pipeline project will add 115 Maine jobs during the 2013 construction season.”

“The expansion work we’ve been doing with Maine Natural Gas has created 30 local permanent jobs and this particular pipeline project will add 115 Maine jobs …” Scott W. Kelly Enterprise Trenchless Technologies Inc.

Maine Natural gas currently has the lowest PUC-approved delivery rates in central Maine and continues to sign contracts with businesses, institutions and residents in the Augusta area for natural gas delivery beginning in late 2013. “Maine Natural Gas is a solid Maine company, and Cianbro is thrilled to be working once again with them and their parent Iberdrola, to help deliver clean, affordable natural gas to more Mainers; this time the people of Augusta and the Kennebec valley,” said Peter Vigue, CEO of Cianbro. “Iberdrola is one of the leading energy services companies in the world — a company of great integrity and financial wherewithal, known for its environmental stewardship and sustainability initiatives across the globe.” For more information, call 877/867-1642 or visit (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at

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Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 10, 2013 • Page 23

Tyler Equipment

C.N. Wood Co., Inc.

Joseph Equipment Company

251 Shaker Road East Longmeadow, MA 01028 (413) 525-6351 (800) 292-6351

200 Merrimac St. Woburn, MA 01801 (781) 935-1919

300 Gay Street Manchester, NH 03103 603-641-8608

Avon, MA (508) 584-8484

1980 Berlin Turnpike Berlin, CT 06037 (860) 356-0840 (800) 352-4473 Parts: (860) 356-0848

Johnston, RI (401) 942-9191

Page 24 • April 10, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

C.N. Wood is the exclusive distributor for Komatsu off-road equipment in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Also available is an extensive line of solid waste and environmental equipment to support the well-being of our communities throughout New England.

200 Merrimac Street Woburn, MA 781-935-1919

60 Shun Pike Johnston, RI 401-942-9191

102 State Road Whately, MA 413-665-7009

140 Wales Avenue Avon, MA 508-584-8484

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