NewEngland #9,2013

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A Supplement to:



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Vol. XlIX • No. 9

“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded in 1957.” Your New England States Connection •  Kent Hogeboom 1-800-988-1203

2013 EZ-Screen 1200XL

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New England Yankee Construction Inc. Builds Relationships From Ground Up By Jay Adams CEG CORRESPONDENT

ment work. Through the years, we realized, that to truly serve our customers, we needed to offer more services. We have branched into full demolition, selective demolition, tank removal and contaminated soil clean-up, to name a few.” Those other “few” include site work, concrete foundations and repairs, structural shoring and shot blasting, along with a few wrinkles that can’t be described in a few words. “Since our inception, we have continued to add services, based upon the requirements of our customers. By listening to the needs of our customers, we have been able to add services,” added Godek. In its 16-year history, NEYC also has been involved in several notewor-

In the construction game, there is building; and then there is relationship-building. That is the strength of New England Yankee Construction LLC (NEYC), Wallingford, Conn., which prides itself on building rapport with potential clients from the ground up. “I believe that one of the key components is relationship-building. We have built solid relationships with both customers and vendors,” said NEYC founder Christopher Godek. “These relationships have enabled us to weather some rough waters over the last few years. New England Yankee Construction offers on-call dem“For example,” Godek olition services. continued, “While we were performing demolition at a private school, the administration asked if we would perform thy projects. Among them: Groton, Conn. — Navy Northeast Housing the excavation on campus to upgrade the infrastructure with “We have performed turnkey work for Navy Northeast natural gas. Our client said our attention to detail, keeping the site clean, and the care our crews took in treating the campus, Housing. Due to the Navy’s desire to reduce and replace like it was their own, was the deciding factor [in awarding housing stock, working through their residential property manager we demolished, abated and restored 350 units,” the contract].” Founded in 1997 by Godek, NEYC is entering its 16th said Godek. “In some cases, the now empty sites were used year of operation. Today it is run and managed by Godek and to build new housing. In some cases, the sites were restored to grass, with new sidewalks and curbs. his wife, Staci. “Our firm would fence the sites, conduct environmental Godek started in the trade in 1990 as a laborer. He moved up through the ranks at various companies. In 1996, he was remediation, consisting of asbestos abatement, tank removal the manager of an environmental firm. Disenchanted with and contaminated soil removal,” he added. “The sites conthe lack of customer service in the construction market, sisted of one to 20 units at a time. After environmental remeGodek felt it was a good time to venture on his own. He set diation, NEYC would perform the demolition of the respecup shop in Wallingford, about 14 mi. north of New Haven. tive structure, and then restore the site.” Newport, R.I. — NAVSTA “Luckily, the economy was chugging along, and helped Following its success with performing the Groton with the company’s growth,” said Godek. “Our humble beginnings were mainly asbestos abatement and lead abatesee WAllINgFOrD page 4

Page 2 • April 24, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

THE W.I. CLARK COMPANY Brookfield, CT • Wallingford, CT • Plainfield, CT Call Mark Doty @ 203-823-2316

2000 New Holland LS 160 2003 New Holland LS180 rops, foot controls, 1080 hrs, great running condition

2006 Deere 250D

2010 Deere 326D

c/heat, gp bucket, 80% rubber, great snow machine

25 ton haul truck, c, air, 80% radials, tailgate, great condition

c/air, 2 speed travel, 76" bucket, 400 hrs

stk# 21498 ............................$13,500

stk# 21417 ............................$24,000

stk# 21536 ..........................$36,500

stk# 20949 ........................$146,500

2003 Leeboy 300

2007 Deere 50D

2011 Deere 270DLC

2004 Hitachi ZX270LC

rear vibratory roller, Hatz diesel, split front drum

ROPS, 890 hours, hydraulic thumb

c/air, 10' 6" arm, 54" bucket

c/air, 10' 8" arm, 42" pin on bucket

stk# 21432 ............................$6,500

stk# 20936 ..........................$42,500

stk# 20958 ........................$189,000

stk#21442 ..........................$126,000

2006 Deere 544J

Deere 644G

2010 Leeboy 8510

2009 Carlson CP-90

A/C, RC, 3rd valve hyds, JRB hyd cplr and 3 yd bucket

stk# 21348 ........................$127,500

c/heat, 4 yard bucket, 90% radials, 3500 original hours

stk# 21509 ..........................$67,500

Cat engine, 8-15’ electric screed, 416 demo hours, excellent condition

Kubota diesel, 8-15’ Legend propane screed, 3 new screed plates in late summer, great condition

stk# 21501 ........................$105,000

stk# 20713 ..........................$95,000



2008 DEERE 344J, A/C, RC, 3RD VALVE HYDS, HYD COUPLER, 920 HRS, STK#20274 ..................................................................$98,500

FROM ..............................................................STARTING AT $6,000


DOZER – CRAWLER 2004 DEERE 544J, C/AIR, RC, RADIALS, 3RD VALVE HYDS., JRB COUPLER, 2.5 YD BUCKET, STK#20904 ............................$121,000 2007 DEERE 1050J, A/C, 24" PADS, 159" SEMI-U BLADE, MS RIP2007 DEERE 544J, C/HEAT, HI-LIFT, 2 FUNCTION HYDS., STK#21419 ........................................................................$102,000 DEERE 644G, C/HEAT, 4 YD BUCKET W/ TEETH, 80% RADIALS 3500 ORIGINAL HOURS AND PAINT, SUPER CLEAN. STK#21509 .... ..............................................................................................$67,500

PER, NEW PAINT, STK#20688 ............................................$315,000

2005 DEERE 450J, ROPS 6 WAY BLADE, 860 HRS, STK# 21232 ...... ..............................................................................................$46,500

See Our Complete Inventory at

Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 24, 2013 • Page 3



251 Shaker Road, East Meadow, MA 01028 Direct: 413-525-6351 Toll Free: 800-292-6351 Parts Direct: 877-255-6351

1980 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin, CT 06037 Direct: 860-356-0840 Toll Free: 800-352-4473 Parts Direct: 860-356-0848

2005 VOLVO EC240B LC, Stk #: 12231, S/N: 11777, 3900 Hrs, This unit is in our East Longmeadow office. Call 1-800-352-4473 ........................$97,500

2002 VOLVO EC35, S/N: 28314849, 3475 Hrs, 2002 VOLVO MINI-EXCAVATOR, Call 1-800-352-4473 for more information! ......................................$25,000

2010 VOLVO HB1100, Hyd. 2300 ft/lb hammer, w/S6 Manufacturer Plate, New Hoses Chisel Point. 6 Month Mgf. Warranty ..............................$33,500

2006 INGERSOLL-RAND DD90HF, Stk #: 8650, S/N: 190361X, 1250 Hours, 66” Drum, Work Lights, Cummins Diesel ..............................$57,000

2007 INGERSOLL RAND DD90HF, Stk #: 8333, 1200 Hrs, 66” Drums, Cummins Diesel Eng., Work Lights, ROPS Lights and Strobe ................$57,000

2006 VOLVO EC460B LC, S/N: 80090, 7420 Hrs, Many New Parts; Track Chains, Sprockets, etc. READY TO WORK! ....................................$156,000

CHIPPERS 1992 MORBARK 290, S/N: 8061, 2194 hours ............................................................................................................................................................................$6,000 1990 OLATHE 986, #11957, 2309 Hrs, 12” Brush Chipper has Ford Diesel Engine & all the Parts and Service Manuals, Call Tom Tyler, VP at 203-509-0967 $6,000 EXCAVATORS 2005 SENNEBOGEN 850M, S/N: 850.0.149, 0 Hrs on Brand New Boom! ..............................................................................................................................$295,000

Volvo Construction Equipment

Page 4 • April 24, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

NEYC’s Ability to Cut Costs Makes Customers Beam WALLINGFORD from page 1

Housing project, the company was awarded the contract to perform the same scope of work in Newport, R.I. NEYC demolished and restored 65 housing units in three different Navy housing neighborhoods. This project required all work to be performed in active neighborhoods. “During this project, we were awarded a contract for additional removal of 26 underground fuel storage tanks. This project in itself was not a difficult project. The difficulties of this project stemmed from the multitude of underground issues that presented themselves,” said Godek. “The entire site required [us] to perform ground-penetrating radar [GPR] to try and identify underground utilities.” Even after extensive GPR work, utilities were still discovered, he added. Delays caused by multiple stop-and-go-work to avoid breaking any utilities caused the project to be in jeopardy of falling behind. Yet, with three weeks left on the schedule, NEYC had finished the underground work, and through teamwork with its subcontractors, was able to complete the project on time. Hope Street JV —- Niantic, Conn. “This project was the environmental remediation and demolition of the former Hermitage facility,” said Godek. “This project had an added degree of difficulty, in that it was situated adjacent to the town wellhead. All heavy equipment on site had to be refitted with non-toxic hydraulic fluid. This fluid is a vegetable-based fluid, and, if leaked, would not jeopardize the wellhead.” In addition to the known environmental issues, additional environmental issues were uncovered weekly. NEYC’s

NEW ENGLAND EDITION Founder, Publisher & CEO Northeast Publisher Editor In Chief Associate Editor Editorial Consultant Production Mgr. Controller Circulation Mgr. Main office

commitment to the environment, customer satisfaction, and safety became the driving force that kept them on task. “The project was completed, and was a great example of redevelopment. An environmental liability was turned into housing,” Godek added. Chapel Street — New Haven, Conn. This project consisted of demolishing a severely neglected building located in downtown New Haven. Water damage to the building was so severe that the city of New Haven condemned the structure and ordered it to be demolished. Due to this unsafe condition, it could not be accessed for proper environmental testing. An Alternate Work practice was submitted to the state of

For advertising rates: Contact

Edwin M. McKeon Sr. Edwin M. McKeon Jr. Craig Mongeau Christine Reckner Pete Sigmund John Pinkerton Tom Weinmann Cathy Printz

470 Maryland Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034

215/885-2900 Toll Free 800/523-2200 Fax 215/885-2910 Web site Editorial e-mail Advertising e-mail

(L-R): Michael Hicks, Jason Hicks and Christopher Godek have worked together for 10 of the 16 years that New England Yankee Construction has been in business.

Edwin M. McKeon Jr.

215/885-2900 800/523-2200 215/885-2910 e-mail

Toll Free Fax

Kent Hogeboom •New York •New England 315/866-1423 Toll Free 800/988-1203 Fax 315/823-4136 e-mail Contact

Construction Equipment Guide Northeast Edition (ISSN 1081-7034) is published bi-weekly by Construction Equipment Guide Ltd. Advertising and Editorial Offices are located at 470 Maryland Dr., Ft. Washington, PA 19034. Toll Free 800/523-2200 or Fax 215/885-2910. Annual Subscription Rate $65.00. Call for Canadian and foreign rates. Periodicals postage paid at Ft. Washington, PA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Construction Equipment Guide Northeast Edition, 470 Maryland Dr, Ft. Washington, PA 19034. Contents Copyrighted ©2013, by Construction Equipment Guide, which is a Registered Trademark, registered in the U.S. Patent Office. Registration number 0957323. All rights reserved, nothing may be reprinted or reproduced(including framing) in whole or part without written permission from the publisher. All editorial material, photographs, drawings, letters, and other material will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and are subject to Construction Equipment Guide's unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially. Contributor articles do not necessarily reflect the policy or opinions of this publication. Call or write for advertising rates, publication schedule and media kit. The Construction Equipment Guide is not responsible for clerical or printer's errors, every care is taken to avoid mistakes. Photographs of equipment used in advertisements are not necessarily actual photographs of the specific machine. Similar photographs are used occasionally and every effort is taken to depict the actual equipment advertised. The right is reserved to reject any advertising.

Aurora Products tapped New England Yankee Construction to perform the demolition of a 10,000-sq. ft. (929 sq m) concrete vault at the home of its future headquarters. The vault portion of the building had been constructed as an addition to the building, which offered the challenge of demolishing the vault while keeping the structure in place.

Conn. Department of Public Health and approved to load out all debris from demolition as friable asbestos wastes. The challenges on this project were the space constraints. The west side of the structure was 32 in. (81 cm) from its adjacent structure and the east side was 4 in. (10 cm) from its adjacent structure. NEYC had to obtain an obstruction permit to use the parking lane for removal of debris. All demolition was monitored by a licensed asbestos project monitor and — through use of pool water tankers — debris was kept adequately wet so as not to contaminate outside areas. Upon completion of the demolition, NEYC received an email from the city of New Haven’s demolition coordinator letting the company know they did a great job. “Our commitment to customer service makes us stand out,” said Godek. “More than one customer has been heard to say, ‘We only have to ask you guys once,’ or ‘I don’t have to worry about New England getting it done.’” The company is truly ‘New England.’ It has performed work in Connecticut, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Jersey and New York. “We will travel anywhere for a good customer,” said Godek. In the Vault Sometimes, the company’s ability to cut costs makes customers beam. Other times, NEYC’s ability to cut beams make customers ecstatic. “We were selected to perform the demolition of a 10,000square foot concrete vault, by Aurora Products, at the home of their future headquarters. The vault portion of the building was constructed as an addition. The vault was built as an integrated portion of the building,” said Godek. “The first complexity of the project was demolishing the vault, while keeping the structure in place. “When approached with the problem of how to get it done, [we] devised a plan to get the project completed via the most cost-effective method. To complete the project, we had to shore the interior concrete beams of the vault. Following this, we saw-cut the concrete beams to separate them from the structural columns that were slated to stay,” he added. “Then, the exterior wall of the building was removed to see WALLINGFORD page 5

Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 24, 2013 • Page 5 SALES • RENTALS • PARTS • SERVICE


61 Silva Lane Dracut, MA 01826 (978) 454-3320 Fax: (978) 454-3325

Hydraulic Hammers for All Your Demolition Needs. Besides the eco-friendly silenced design, which fits international standards to be used in environmentally noise sensitive areas, the Ramfos TF series hydraulic hammers boast unbeatable performance. We perform complete hammer rebuilds and have a complete parts inventory in stock at our facility for all models of Ramfos hammers. 550 ft lbs - 15,000 ft lbs available

Crushing and Screening Plants as well as Keestrack/OM parts in stock.

• Pile Drivers • 360˚ free rotation & 90˚ tilting rotation of jaw clamp • Tilting structure can easily be attached and detached

Buy Proven High Quality Construction Equipment from one of the World’s Leading Manufacturers and Save $$$$ from Competitor’s Brands.

Perfect where there is limited space. Yanmar introduced the first Swing boom excavator, First Rubber tracked excavator and First Zero Tail Swing excavator.

Employees Take Pride in Work, Company Reputation WALLINGFORD from page 4

allow us to walk our equipment into the building. “Once these preparations were completed, we began demolishing the vault itself,” Godek continued. “Due to the sensitive nature of the demolition we needed to progress in a very deliberate and systemized manner. We completed one bay at a time before proceeding forward and demolishing the next bay.” His crew demolished the vault using a 5,000 Model G 80 Allied brand hydraulic hammer, mounted on a Volvo 290. “We used a Genesis GXP 300 processor to process the rebar for salvage. The difficult parts of this phase of the project were the confined spaces in which we were working and the volume of materials produced,” said Godek. The vault was constructed of 18in. (46 cm) concrete walls and decks. All of it was tied together with five mats of 1-in. (2.5 cm) bar. All materials from this project were reused. The concrete was crushed on site and reused in the

fills, and the rebar was sent out as salvage. “Upon completion of the project we installed a temporary enclosure to the exterior of the building,” said Godek. Brotherly Co-Workers for 10 Years Godek cited the exemplary work of his crew, particularly a pair of brothers. “Michael and Jason Hicks have been with the company since the early 2000s. Both started as laborers and have progressed within the organization. Mike is currently a field superintendent and Jason works in the office as a project manager/estimator,” he said. “This year will mark my 10year anniversary working here at New England Yankee Construction. I began working here when I was 18 years old, driving the box-truck and managing the warehouse,” said Jason Hicks. “Over the last 10 years, I have progressed through the various positions — from driver to laborer to

site supervisor and now, I serves on the National am a project manager and Demolition Association’s estimator. board of directors. The “The working environorganization represents ment at NEYC feels more demolition contractors like we are a big family throughout the United and not just a company,” States, and is proud to added Hicks. “And this have international memtype of working environbers as well. ment reflects itself to the In 2013, he assumed field. Every employee at the role of environmental NEYC takes pride in their sub-committee chairman. work and strives to do betIn March, at the organizater for the good of the tion’s 40th Convention, A young Jack Godek, Chris and Staci’s son, on he will be elected to the ‘family.’ ” This year also will his first day on the job at the family company. National Demolition mark Mike Hicks’ 10-year Association’s Executiveanniversary. Mike Hicks has tually all of your construction Board. Godek will serve as treasworked his way from a laborer to a clean-up needs. Certain charities urer, will continue through the also have been “cleaned up,” as a executive-board positions and will site superintendent. “Our reputation has spread due result of the company’s ongoing eventually assume the role of the to word of mouth. Most of our calls commitment to help in their com- organization’s president. for pricing come from clients that munity. For more information, visit “We have provided monetary www.newenglandyankeeconstruchave heard of commitment to customer service and our dedication to support to quite a few charities; or call 203-284-9972. our clients through previous or The Clifford Beers Clinic for one,” (This story also can be found existing clients,” said Mike Hicks. said Godek. “We have also sup- on Construction Equipment New England Yankee ported children’s athletics through Guide’s Web site at www.conConstruction is the company the years. Christopher Godek currently CEG around Wallingford to go to for vir-

Page 6 • April 24, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

A.T. Equipment, Inc.


(508) 865-0400 Sales and Rentals

(508) 523-8852


2008 Cat 345 with auxiliary hydraulics, 13,000 pound hammer and thumb P.O.R.

W.I. Clark, Customers Review Product Lines at Annual Asphalt Seminar


he W.I. Clark Company hosted an Asphalt Seminar April 5 in Wallingford, Conn. W.I. Clark holds this event each year to review with customers the many product lines it carries, as well as showcasing for them the latest in paving equipment. The company also presents seminars on the latest paving techniques, how to properly maintain equipment and more. The well-attended all-day event included speakers from Wirtgen America, Rosco and LeeBoy. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at see SEMINAR page 12

2009 Yanmar VIO17 300 hours, showroom condition, auxiliary hydraulics, thumb $18,500

Middlefield, Conn.’s highway department enjoyed W.I. Clark’s recent Asphalt Seminar event in Wallingford, Conn.

2009 Yanmar VIO45 1000 hours, auxiliary hydraulics, thumb, cab, a/c, hydraulic quick coupler $39,000

This massive Wirtgen W250 milling machine was by far the largest piece of equipment on display.

2009 Yanmar VIO35 1000 hours, auxiliary hydraulics, quick coupler, thumb, cab with a/c $34,000

(L-R): Frank Apuzzo of W.I. Clark, Kim Lohr of the commercial sales division of Tilcon, and Jack Stanley of American Paving Specialists, Danbury, Conn.

2006 John Deere 160CLC auxiliary hydraulics, 3,500 pound hammer, and thumb P.O.R.

Chris (L) and William Bogue of KW Paving & Concrete in Wallingford, Conn., made the short trip to the event.

1999 Komatsu PC400 w/auxiliary hydraulics, new bottom ..................................................$59,000 Rammer E68 hammer completely rebuilt and not used since the rebuild ............................$21,500 Tramac BRH750 hydraulic hammer, 3,000 pound completely rebuilt................................$7,500 2002 John Deere 250 skid steer w/500 hours, cab, heat, a/c, 6-foot hydraulic snow plow, forks, excellent condition........................................$16,500

81 Worcester Providence Turnpike, Sutton, MA 01590

James Harkins, territory manager of LeeBoy, offers up equipment maintenance tips.

Headquartered in Windsor Locks, Conn., Ayotte Brothers Construction found the information presented at the Asphalt Seminar to be very informative. (L-R): Matt Gemco, Lester Ayotte, and Justin Ayotte.

Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 24, 2013 • Page 7

The N.i.c.e. Company Northeast International Construction Equipment Co., Inc.

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2009 Cat 336DL, 12’10” Stick, 6000 Hrs $169,000

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2006 Terex TXC300-2, Long Reach, 3300 Hrs $99,000

2008 Komatsu D51, EROPS, Very Nice! Only $99,000

2008 Doosan DL200 Loader, Only 1000 Hrs! Only $79,000!

2006 Cat 930G, 3300 Hrs, QC Nice! $89,000

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Page 8 • April 24, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

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Where can you go to get high performance boom-mounted attachments?

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Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 24, 2013 • Page 9

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Page 10 • April 24, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

Construction Equipment Rentals

Hundreds Gather for Bobcat of Rhode Island Customer Appreciation Event

H Hyundai Robex 160 LC-7 John Deere 544J accompanied with a articulating wheel loader 3500 LB hydraulic hammer with 3.5 yd bucket Rental: Daily $1,150, Rental: Daily $500, Weekly $3,750, Monthly $9,500 Weekly $1,350, Monthly $4,500

Extec 440 Portable Screening Plant (Equivalent to Read 90) with optional 1/2 in. or 3/4 in. screen Rental: Daily $550, Weekly $1,650, Monthly $4,500

Daily • Weekly • Monthly Rentals Available! We Buy Iron!

(508)363-1889 • (888)363-1889

Hydraulic Cranes 6-365 Ton

undreds of contractors and their families attended Bobcat of Rhode Island’s Customer Appreciation Day April 6 in Warwick, R.I. Stuart Graham owns the only exclusive Bobcat store in R.I. along with the three existing stores in Hartford and Stratford, Conn., in addition to West Springfield, Mass. His newest 10,000sq.-ft. location officially opened in September 2012, but his group wanted to greet customers in early spring with a day of raffles, demonstrations, food, sales, music and more. The afternoon event included a free raffle of a Stihl Blower, an RC Bobcat, a $50 gift card, and a customized Bobcat hoodie. Dozens of T-shirts and other gifts were handed out. The event was fully catered with hot dogs, pulled pork sandwiches, salads, brownies, beverages, and more by Lemon & Oil, a popular Seekonk, Mass., deli caterer. Stihl Timbersports was on hand to provide hot saw, overhand chop, and springboard demonstrations. Outside

Guests line up outside the Bobcat of Rhode Island store to register for the free raffle and receive a T-shirt.

the shop, guests enjoyed an excavator operator challenge and representatives of Honda and the other manufacturers each had their own booth. Outside the garage behind the new showroom, parts and service representatives Mark Haverly, James Brown, Dave Methe and Perry DeYoung directed contractors to operate a fullsized Bobcat skid loader by remote control. Graham said the event is representative of every day at the new Bobcat. “I

want our customers to realize that our focus is on customer service,” he said. “We strive every day to provide the highest level of customer service possible. We are very easy to get to from South County, we are right down the road from Providence; you can access us easily from all over the state. We are in the heartbeat of Rhode Island, right here. “Our Rhode Island Branch greatly benefits from being part of a larger see BOBCAT page 11

Bijur Automatic Lubrication Systems VEI Wheel Loader Scales West Springfield, MA 01089-3850 (413) 788-LUBE

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Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 24, 2013 • Page 11

Stihl Timbersports Provides Hot Saw, DISPLAY ADS/ Overhand Chop, Springboard Demos CLASSIFIEDS BOBCAT from page 10

enterprise, all four locations share parts and new and used inventory, having these resources readily available allows us to provide an increased level of customer service,” he said. “I can see them from the highway, off Route 37, as I was driving down,” said Mark Rufo of Bristol, R.I. “I didn’t know they were here, but I do now. This is a great place to stop.” Bobcat also sells and services a full line of Stihl, Honda, MBW, Towmaster, Buffalo Turbine, US Mower, and other products.

Bobcat of Rhode Island is located at 421 Lincoln Ave., Warwick, Jefferson Blvd. exit of Interstate 95, just off Route 37. For more information, call 401/921-4300, or visit (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at see BOBCAT page 14

Classified Rates: 30 Words or Less for $30.00. Each Additional Word is 95¢. For just an additional $20 your ad can be posted on our online searchable database for 30 days. Ad runs for 2 (two) insertions - no changes in second insertion. PLEASE ENCLOSE PAYMENT WITH ORDER and mail to: 470 Maryland Drive• Fort Washington, PA 19034

215/885-2900 • Fax 215/885-2910 Toll Free 1-800/523-2200 EXCAVATORS


Hydraulic Excavators

Backhoe Loaders

2007 JCB JS260, 60,000 lb,

2005 Case 580SM II, cab, 4x4, ext hoe, ride control, 1291 hours ..........................$45,000.

includes bucket, very good, 2535 hours................$103,425.

800-654-8733 847-437-8686 2005 Case CX135, aux. hyd.,

Ian McMullin greets Genevieve Jolley and her children, Thomas, Anna and Isabella, as they arrive to the event from Walpole, Mass. John Black (C) and Mike Bucket (R) of All State Asphalt, Sunderland, Mass., sign up for the free Bobcat raffle with Bobcat of Rhode Island’s Tim Bingham.

3815 hours..................$55,000. 800-654-8733 1999 Samsung SE50-3, cab, mechanical thumb, blade, steel tracks, very good, 2275 hours ..

Skip Vasconcelos and his son, Seth, of the Four Brothers Co., New Bedford, Mass., look at a Bobcat S550.

Service Manager John Brogan and staff prepare Bobcat T-shirts to present to all customers who registered for the free Bobcat raffle.


2007 John Deere 310TJ, cab with air, 4x4, good condition, 1664 hours..................$62,500.

Parts & Service

Harter Equipment Inc. 1888-HARTER-1

Sales & Rental

2008 JCB 3CX-14, 14’ backhoe with extradig, 4WD, extendable dipper, excellent, 554 hours .... ....................................$72,900.



Mini Excavators

Skid Steer Loaders

2008 Cat 304C-CR, 24’’ bucket,

2007 New Holland C185, track loader, cab w/heat, new rubber tracks, 84’’ bucket, very good, 1380 hours. ................$25,995.

Modern Equipment

good condition, 1040 hours $34,000. 1998 Kobelco 25SR-1, open ROPS, new rubber tracks, aux hyd, good condition, 4033 hours ......................................$6,500.

Donny Gingras of the Bobcat team demonstrates the maneuverability of the Bobcat front loader by picking up small objects and dropping them in a can. Two points!

New Castle DE 302/652-3028 Eagle PA 610/458-7054

New & Used

Jeff Towle is in the driver's seat, while his proud father, Jacob Towle of Towle Brothers Landscaping, Cumberland, R.I., beams.

Eagle Power & Equipment Montgomeryville PA 215/699-5871


NH Construction Equipment

(L-R): The parts and service team of Mark Haverly, James Brown, Dave Methe and Perry DeYoung await customers in the garage bay where they eventually led them to operate a Bobcat skid loader by remote control.






NH Construction Equipment


Bradd Read of New England Helical & Excavation Inc. and his son, Zack, check under the hood of a Bobcat E35.

Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800-445-4381


Page 12 • April 24, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide



Chadwick-BaRoss, Inc. 15 Katrina Road • Chelmsford, Massachusetts (800) 804-0775 • (978) 256-9571 Fax: (978) 256-8802 •

Event Features Speakers From Wirgten, Rosco, LeeBoy SEMINAR from page 6

A guest inspects the latest features of the LeeBoy 8510B paver.

Paving contractors and municipalities from across New England packed in to hear the latest information from paving equipment manufacturers.

This compact LeeBoy 1000F gets a big thumbs up from Tom Bryda of the Shults Company in Terryville, Conn.

Larry Dembek of the town of Oxford public works department likes the looks of this Rosco RB48 sweeper.

Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 24, 2013 • Page 13




Davis Auctions, Inc. will be conducting our next auction of utility and construction equipment and related supplies on May 4, 2013. This auction will consist of equipment from utility companies; municipalities; contractors; and others.

Early consignments from the Utility Company: (2) 2001 INT’L 4900, w/stake body; 2001 INT’L 4700 Cab & Chassis; (2) 2005 FORD F750, w/Versalift 240 Squirt Boom; (4) 2002 FORD F550, w/Altec AT35G Boom; 2001 FORD F350, w/utility body, 4x4; 2001 FORD F350 Crew Cab; 2004 GMC Sierra 2500HD, w/Reading utility body, lift gate, & plow, 4x4; 2008 DODGE Durango, 4x4; 2005 DODGE Durango, 4x4; 2007 FORD Escape, 4x4; 2005 GMC Safari, AWD; 2004 GMC Safari; 2005 DODGE Caravan; 1999 KENSINGTON Utility/Reel Trailer; 1959 CUSTOM Reel Trailer; Tandem Axle Trailer; ONAN Generator; DAYTON Generator; (2) Generators, w/Kohler engine.

Early consignments: DAEWOO DH280 Hyd. Excavator; CAT EL240B Hyd. Excavator; KOMATSU PC35 Hyd. Excavator, w/blade, thumb & rubber tracks; CAT 301.5C Mini Hyd. Excavator, w/blade & rubber tracks; DRESSER TD20E Crawler Dozer, hyd. tilt, OROPS; BOBCAT S130 Skid Steer Loader; NEW HOLLAND LS160 Skid Steer Loader; BOBCAT 553 Skid Steer Loader, 440 +/- hrs.; NEW HOLLAND LB620 Articulating Loader Backhoe, w/bucket & forks; VOLVO BMA30 6x6 Articulating Rock Truck; TESAB RK623 Roto-Impact Crusher, aux. hydraulics, double deck, grizzly feeder, trailer mounted, Cat diesel, under 1100 hours; EXTEC 5000 Turbo Screening Plant, 2 deck screen, grizzly feeder, 2 side conveyors, diesel; REED RD150 Screening Plant; REED RD40 Screening Plant; GRADALL 534C Forklift, EROPS, Cummins diesel; BRANSON 3510h Forklift, 4x4, low hours; NEW HOLLAND TD22DA Wheel Tractor, w/belly mower, model 10LA loader, 3 PtH, 4x4, 464 +/- hrs.; CUB CADET 7264 Wheel Tractor, w/60”: mower deck, model 610 loader, 3 PtH, 4x4; HOLLAND Transplanter, 3 PtH; 7000 kw Generator, trailer mounted, Isuzu diesel; TRAMAC 85 Hyd. Hammer; 1999 PETERBILT 379 Tandem Tractor, w/sleeper & wet lines; 1991 PETERBILT 379EXT Tri-Axle Dump, Cat 425, 8LL trans., 20K front, 20K lift, 46K rears; 1989 FORD 9000 Tri-Axle Dump, Truck; MACK Superliner Tri-Axle Dump, 400 Cummins, 13 sp., 18K front, 20K lift, 46K rears, 17 ½ ‘ body, power cover, pintle hitch; 1997 GMC TC7H047, w/Pico Bucket, Cat diesel, Allison Auto; 1997 FORD F800, w/Holan Bucket, Cummins diesel, Allison Auto; 2010 FORD E150 Van, w/tool bins, 23,900 +/- miles; 2007 CHEV. Silverado; 2006 DODGE Stratus; 2004 SATURN Vue, AWD; 2004 CHEV, Blazer; 2004 JAGUAR X-Type; 2004 JEEP Liberty; 2004 KIA Sedona; 2004 GMC 2500 Van; 2003 FORD Crown Vic Police Interceptor; 2003 NISSAN Altima; 2002 CHEV. 1500 Ext. Cab, w/plow & cap; (2) 2001 FORD Crown Vic Police Interceptor; 2001 HONDA Odyssey; 1999 PONTIAC Montana; 1997 FORD Explorer; 1995 JEEP Grand Cherokee; 1989 PACE 50 ton 3 axle Drop Deck Trailer; 2013 BIG BEE 14,000# Dump Trailer; 2013 TOPLINE Landscape Trailer; 2013 TOPLINE Car Trailer; KOHLER 100 kw LP Generator; 3 PtH Equipment- Mowers, Rakes, Grader Blades, Box Blades, & ETC.; ALAMO VF74 Flail Mower; Hoist; Air Compressors, gas & electric; Lawn Mowers; Overhead Doors; Chainsaws; Landscaping Tools; Shop Tools; Electrical Supplies and much more. You name it; it looks like it is coming!! More arriving daily. This is our early tentative list. We accept consignments up thru WEDNESDAY prior to sale. We never know what will be consigned at the last minute – so come to our inspection and find out!

INSPECTION: FRIDAY, May 3, 2013 Call for more information: DAVIS AUCTIONS, INC. (203) 758-4087 or 1-800-201-4368

This is when/where you find out what is really here!!! For Online Bidding, Visit



Website list frequently updated. If you don't see what you want here, visit for updates.

9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

Auctioneer: Reginald Lussier Lyndonville, VT 05851 NH License# 2413

Page 14 • April 24, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide


Contractors, Families Enjoy Excavator Operator Games BOBCAT from page 11

A T EQUIPMENT INC........................................................6 ARGUS INDUSTRIAL COMPANY ....................................1 ASTRO CRANE ..............................................................10 BARRY EQUIPMENT CO..................................................7 C N WOOD CO INC ........................................................16 CHADWICK BAROSS MA ..............................................12 CLASSIFIEDS ................................................................11 CONTRACTOR’S CORNER ..........................................10

Guests gather to inspect the equipment.

CURTIS CONSTRUCTION ............................................10 DAVIS AUCTIONS INC ..................................................13 EQUIPMENT EAST ........................................................5,9 FOLEY MARINE & INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ......................1 GORILLA HAMMERS........................................................1 ITL AUCTIONEERING ......................................................1 J R VINAGRO CORPORATION........................................1 KRAFT POWER CORP ....................................................1 LORUSSO HEAVY EQUIPMENT LLC..............................8 LOU GIZA EQUIPMENT....................................................1

Eric Bieler (foreground R) and Channing Ehlert (background R) of the Bobcat sales team register contractors as they arrive.

Bobcat of Rhode Island Owner Stuart Graham (R) shows a Bobcat 4X4 5600 Toolcat to guests Michael Hoffman and his son, A.J. Hoffman.

LUBRICATION TECHNOLOGIES INC............................10 MILTON CAT ....................................................................11 ROGERS BROTHERS ....................................................15 SUMMIT SUPPLY LLC/MULTI MACHINE ........................1 THE N.I.C.E. COMPANY ..................................................7 THE W I CLARK CO ........................................................2 TYLER EQUIPMENT CO ..............................................3,8 The Advertisers Index is printed as a free editorial service to our advertisers and readership. Construction Equipment Guide is not responsible for errors or omissions.

A guest operates and MBW Ground Pounder.

Stihl representatives demonstrate their line of products.

Construction Equipment Guide • New England States Supplement • • April 24, 2013 • Page 15

Tyler Equipment

C.N. Wood Co., Inc.

Joseph Equipment Company

251 Shaker Road East Longmeadow, MA 01028 (413) 525-6351 (800) 292-6351

200 Merrimac St. Woburn, MA 01801 (781) 935-1919

300 Gay Street Manchester, NH 03103 603-641-8608

Avon, MA (508) 584-8484

1980 Berlin Turnpike Berlin, CT 06037 (860) 356-0840 (800) 352-4473 Parts: (860) 356-0848

Johnston, RI (401) 942-9191

Page 16 • April 24, 2013 • • New England States Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

! Most Complete Line in the Industry

! Complete Hydraulic Kits Designed Specifically to Fit Your Carrier

! Industry’s Most Comprehensive Field Service Corps

! Extensive Parts Distribution System

! Network of Nearly 300 Distributor Outlets

An experienced engineering and service team is ready to help you with special applications and installation kits. ! Hammers ! Compactors ! Quick Attach Coupler Systems ! Material Processors ! Pedestal Booms ! Crushers ! Grapples ! Breaker Buckets

Our parts and service people have been factory trained to assist you. If you have any parts or service needs or questions please call us today...



Woburn 200 Merrimac Street Woburn, MA 01801 (781) 935-1919

Avon 140 Wales Avenue Avon, MA 02322 (508) 584-8484

Whately 102 State Road Whately, MA 01093 (413) 665-7009

Johnston 60 Shun Pike Road Johnston, RI 02919 (401) 942-9191

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