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Vol. XVIII • No. 7
“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded in 1957.” Your Ohio Connection: Ed Bryden, Strongsville, OH • 1-800-810-7640
Nelsonville Bypass Project Nearly 50 Years in the Making By Irwin Rapoport CEG CORRESPONDENT
The $155 million 8.5 mi. (13.7 km), fourlane (two in each direction) U.S. Route 33 Nelsonville Bypass project was completed last October after breaking ground in 2007. The three-phase project, which was first proposed in the 1960s, represents the final leg of the corridor between Charleston, W. V., and Columbus, Ohio. The bypass, commissioned by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) with the contract awarded to Kokosing Construction Company Inc., replaced a section of U.S. 33 which passed through the middle of Nelsonville, Ohio. The new road cuts through the northern section of the Wayne National Forest (WNF), the only national forest in the state. “At one point it was the largest dirt work project in the state and it was the largest stimulus project via the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA),” said Steve Williams, District 10 deputy director of ODOT in Marietta. Close to 25 million cu. yd. (19 million cu m) of dirt was removed and about 21 million cu. yd. (16 million cu m) was recycled. “Most of it was ballast,” said Williams. “Most of the cuts went into the fills. We had three dedicated waste areas where we placed the material that we didn’t use for the fills.” The bypass was built to eliminate the bottleneck and traffic delays that were encountered when the road passed through Nelsonville. “The new highway saves an average of 10 to 15 minutes as opposed to when you had to travel through town,” says Williams, “and on Friday nights, it can save up to 45 minutes.” Because it cut through nearly 5 mi. (8 km) of forest land, the project raised a number of environmental concerns which required several environmental and biological assessments for ODOT. “This meant we had to do a lot of things that we normally don’t,” said William, “so
there are numerous environmental and wildlife features on this project. There had been sightings of Eastern Timber Rattlesnakes and we built a snake crossing under the road and installed snake fencing to convey them. We also erected deer fencing along the entire bypass with deer jump-outs to funnel them off the highway and into the wildlife crossings.” Minimizing the impact of road projects on wildlife is being taken more seriously by highway designers, which has led to greater dialogue between DOTs and environmental organizations. “We consulted with other states on wildlife and environmental mitigation techniques, especially when it came to deer fencing and crossings,” said Williams. “We invested $10 million for all of the engineering and construction of these infrastructures.” One of the bridges — there are four twinspan bridges up to 355 ft. (108 m) long and
42 ft. (12.8 m) wide — was built to protect the endangered Appalachian Grizzled Skipper butterfly. “Research has shown that wildlife culverts and bridges are successful at keeping animals off the highway, as well as allowing them to move freely through their habitat,” said Williams. “We planted certain vegetation under the overpasses. This attracts the animals and helps facilitate the use of these wildlife culverts.” He added that at this point, ODOT does not have any plans to install wildlife culverts Kokosing installed settlement platforms and vibrating wire piezometers in some of the larger embankments to monitor the fills to determine the rate of settlement or pore pressure as required by ODOT.
After decades of planning, several years of construction and effective partnering, the U.S. 33 Nelsonville Bypass is open, providing motorists to southeast Ohio safer, faster and easier travel.
or bridges along existing highways in the state. The bypass does not cross any rivers and has had minimal impact on local streams and waterways. A 6 acre wetland was created to not only help improve the local aquifer, but also help promote ecological growth within the forest. Although the project needed more than 600 acres of WNF land, ODOT helped offset the acreage loss by donating a total of 328 acres back to the forest. “We had some parcels of land that we gave the forest and then we bought 248 acres that was adjacent to it,” said Williams. “We also gave them about 40 acres of old U.S. 33 that already runs through the forest — at the tail end, which they’re going to use for parking and recreation.” But the largest challenge for the project was dealing with very old abandoned coal mines under the roadway that operated in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The mines, which could not be accessed through their entrances as the shafts had collapsed, covered several mi. of the bypass. “It was the largest mine mitigation project in the country at one point,” said Williams, “and on one phase of the project we spent $32 million to grout the mines. We had to drill down from anywhere between 20 and 120 feet as part of the operations.” This project was instructive for ODOT, especially how important it is for cooperation when partnering with other agencies in terms of planning and getting all sides on board to secure approval, permissions, schedules and mitigation efforts. see BYPASS page 2
Page 2 • March 29, 2014 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Ohio State Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide
Kokosing Develops Drilling, Blasting Patterns to Clear Path BYPASS from page 1
“This bypass was talked about in 1965, so it took that long to get here,” he said. “Working with the WNF on this scale was new to us. It was definitely challenging at times, but we worked through it and in the end developed a very good partnership. Being a stimulus project, we had eight different government agencies with oversight on this project, so just partnering with them, getting the information that they needed was a major effort, but we had a pretty good system and no issues in that regard.” The wildlife mitigation efforts and mining operations were monitored by other DOTS and are the subject of inquiries, including the Montana DOT in regards to the deer jump-outs. “The WNF is taking this throughout the nation,” said Williams, “so every national forest authority will know what we’ve done at Nelsonville. It has been a great project for us and we had nothing but positive comments ever since.” The efforts to ensure that the project was approved, he adds, were critical to the operations of the Kokosing Construction Company Inc., which won the contract to build the bypass. Kokosing was awarded the contracts to build two of the three phases of the Nelsonville Bypass for a total contract amount of about $66 million. The dirt that was moved was utilized in the construction of the roadway embankments during the cut and fill operations. Approximately 7.8 million cu. yd. (5.96 million cu m) of rock was excavated and 5.5 million cu. yd. (4.2 million cu m) went into the embankments. The balance was distributed in designated areas adjacent to the projects. For all three phases of the project, 207,215 sq. yds. (173,258 sq m) of concrete pavement and 150,230 sq. yds. (125,611 sq m) of asphalt pavement were used, as well as 1.1 million lbs. (521,054 kg) of reinforcing steel and 1.6 million lbs. (741,852 kg) of steel piling. The asphalt was used primarily on the Kokosing phases. “These were large earthwork projects,” said Andy Rhodes,
Kokosing’s project superintendent, who added that the company utilized two Komatsu PC 2000 hydraulic excavators. “There were some very large cut and fill areas and some stipulations on embankments, whether they had a select rock blanket at the bottom or stipulated fill-rates — only so many feet per-day and per-week to allow for the proper settlement of these large embankments.” Kokosing installed settlement platforms and vibrating wire piezometers in some of the larger embankments to monitor the fills to determine the rate of settlement or pore pressure as required by ODOT. “We have had other projects where we utilized the Komatsu PC2000,” said Rhodes, “but this was the first time where we had two of them on one project. “It required a lot of pre-planning,” he added. “We had to plan where we were going with the excavation operations so the select embankment material was available at the right time to keep the construction sequence moving. We pride ourselves on our pre-planning and we did an effective job on that.” Kokosing handled the blasting to clear the path which was based on knowing what type of rock was being encountered and the patterns of the rock. “We do all that studying ahead of time to develop drilling and blasting patterns,” said Rhodes, “and it’s challenging, but as long as you know where you are headed and able to stay in front of your excavation operations, things run smoothly.” Maintenance issues were a priority and as the work proceeded 20 hours per-day (two shifts), the necessary staff was on hand to look after scheduled maintenance and unexpected breakdowns. “We had one onsite full-time master mechanic, a night shift mechanic and a full-time lube and grease man,” said Rhodes. “We were running a lot of equipment and it required maintenance. We pride ourselves on our equipment tremendously. Just to keep up on normal routine maintenance and occasional wear and tear breakdowns took a staff of that size.” Most repairs were done on the
spot or when possible, taken to a other projects that we are engaged ductive performer for mining and lay-down area. Most of the equip- in.” construction projects when workment was not easy to transport, so Rhodes said that one of the most ing in tandem with our HD785-7 taking it to one of Kokosing’s per- important lessons learned on this 100-ton trucks,” he said. “These manent maintenance facilities was project was the need for under- two machines have the same basic not an option. The onsite mainte- standing the relationship between engine configuration in our nance yard was set up with hose the Wayne National Forest and 12V140 engine, so the machines presses and other essential equip- Ohio Department of have many common filters that ment to produce what was needed Transportation. make stocking of parts/filters on on site as much as possible. It also “It was the extensive teamwork the job much easier.” included a 15,000 gal. (56,781 L) and planning that led to a very sucMcNabb stressed that PC2000 fuel tank, storage sheds for spare cessful project and coming up with was designed for easy maintenance parts, and an office trailer for the win-win solutions that led us to via its walk through maintenance staff. deliver the project nine months corridor and easy access points. Rhodes added that each “We couple the project is taken as an opporphysical ease of tunity to hone the skills of access to all mainteall involved from top-tonance locations on bottom, which includes the machine with morning action plan meetwhat we call our ings and in critical operaKOMTRAX/VHMS tions, operational hazard system that totally analysis where the full crew monitors all functions goes through the process so on the machines at all that we “all know what we times via satellite,” he are doing, where we are said. “Kokosing is headed and in that way, well versed with the they can identify all the system and they folknown hazards. Safety of low their fuel conour employees is at the top Close to 25 million cu. yd. (19 million cu m) of dirt sumption, idle time, of the list” was removed and about 21 million cu. yd. (16 mil- duty cycle and other At peak construction lion cu m) was recycled. critical machine functhere were about 65 tions from a computKokosing and subcontractors per- ahead of schedule,” he said. “The er via the Web. We have an alert for sonnel on site. road construction was not typical cautions that will pop up on the “These were big projects,” said because of the abandoned mines, KOMTRAX system and send Rhodes, “but it didn’t require a environmental sensitivities and the them an e-mail in real time, that large workforce.” vast earthworks, but at the same allow owners’ maintenance staffs About 20 subcontractors were time, it wasn’t like working in a to address an issue in advance brought in, including: Lyndco Inc. major metropolitan area where you before it could cause any unschedfor traffic control; the M.P. Dory have to worry about traffic issues uled downtime for the machine.” Co. for fencing and guardrails, and other obstacles.” Komatsu also provides maintesigns and signal; Lake Erie A third phase was awarded to nance books and provides mechanConstruction for seeding and fenc- Beaver Excavating Company to ics with factory sponsored training ing; Shelly & Sand Inc. for paving; complete the new highway. for repairs and regular mainteWampum Hardware for drilling Scot McNabb, Southeast nance, as well as update on parts and blasting; Vermilion Tree and regional sales manager, Komatsu and repair techniques. Land Clearing Services for land- mining, and Ohio Komatsu dealer “Updates to our parts, maintescape planning; and Grout Columbus Equipment, dealt with nance and service publications is Systems Inc. for grouting and pil- Kokosing on the purchases and the an ongoing process through our ing work. use of the Komatsu Mining vehi- service network,” said McNabb. “We always had a coordination cles on the project. “These are distributed to our dealmeeting with our subcontractors as “Kokosing has owned five ers and customers alike electronithey came in,” said Rhodes. “We PC2000s over the years and cur- cally and also accessible on our had quite a few contractors, but we rently have three,” he said. “They site.” primarily self-performed a lot of have been a great repeat customer After decades of planning, sevthe work.” for us on the PC2000s and HD785- eral years of construction and Rhodes depended upon close 7 haul trucks. When a nationally effective partnering, the U.S. 33 cooperation between ODOT and recognized contracting firm such Nelsonville Bypass is open, prothe WNF to complete the project. as Kokosing uses our products, it viding motorists to southeast Ohio “There was extensive collabora- sends a very clear message to the safer, faster and easier travel. (This story also can be found on tion,” he said. “Environmental sen- industry that they see the quality of sitivity was a big issue and we met design and productivity we build Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at www.constructionequipthat challenge head on and it’s an into these machines. experience that we are bringing to “The PC2000-8 is a very pro- mentguide.com.) CEG
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Kasich Unveils $2.4B Budget With Shale Industry Money for Road, Park, Prison Projects Brings Increasing Demands on Roads COLUMBUS, Ohio, (AP) — Ohio Gov. John Kasich has unveiled a nearly $2.4 billion state construction budget to fund a host of community, school, park and prison projects. Kasich and state legislative leaders introduced the spending blueprint March 18. Quick action on the bill is expected. The bill directs $675 million toward primary and secondary schools and $450 million toward public colleges and universities for repairs, renovations and new buildings. Another $574 million goes for maintenance, renovation
and cost-saving projects at state-owned facilities, including parks and prisons. Local road, bridge, sewer and other infrastructure projects would receive $369 million, with an additional $100 million going to the Clean Ohio green space preservation program. By Becky Giauque The administration estimates projects funded under the SPECIAL TO CEG bill would create 31,000 jobs over several years. Shale industries are a rising presence in the state. Eastern (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Ohio is the sweet spot, with activity expanding both north Guide’s Web site at www.constructionequipmentguide.com.) and south. To date, 23 Ohio counties now have some level of shale development. State-wide, there are a total of 1,050 wells either permitted, being drilled, drilled, or producing energy, but data suggests that almost 2,000 wells may be in production in Ohio by the end of this year. This industry is an economic boom for Ohio, but it also brings increased demands on roadways, as drilling sites install new pipelines and driveways and ship out super loads of their product. Addressing these issues is the job of District 11’s Anna Kuzmich. Already a pavement engineer with the office, Kuzmich took on a new role as ODOT’s first state- wide shale coordinator in July 2012. Her job is to work with the shale industry and with Anna Kuzmich ODOT to make cerDistrict 11 tain shipping permits are issued consistently to companies throughout the state and that the transportation is being used safely and productively by everyone. “I’m fascinated by the industry and find it to be a great Let’s face it. When it comes to Heavy Duty Equipment, from the outside, brands tend to run together. The challenge,” said Kuzmich. “I’m excited to learn new things real separator? Performance. As in ‘how reliable’ and ‘how productive’. That’s why Hyundai designs their equipment with features that matter. From the minute-by-minute, and be part of this great opportunity for the state. I continue online ability to connect with your machines and know their exact to be surprised by how willing the oil and gas companies are productivity, to the best warranty in the business - 3 years/3000 to cooperate with us and how safety conscious they are.” hours full machine and 5 years/10,000 hours structural. Hyundai Helping with the permit process is no small job: In 2013, is an original in a look-alike world. districts saw a large increase in permits for gathering and transmission lines of both liquid and natural gas. Just about Visit hceamericas.com for the complete story. 50 percent of the permits issued in District 11 are now oil and gas related, with about 35 percent of those issued in nearby District 10. Districts 4 and 5 are also seeing a 10 to 15 percent increase. This makes it extremely difficult for the district permit technicians and engineers to visit each site. Both the county and transportation managers step in and help review requests by visiting the sites. Additionally, eastern Ohio has seen an increase in superload and oversized load transports. HUDSON COLUMBUS CINCINNATI “We are experiencing some difficulties with the transport 6681 Chittenden Road 3155 E. 17th Avenue 8131 Regal Lane of these loads simply because of the geometry of our more Hudson, Ohio 44236 Columbus, Ohio 43219 West Chester, Ohio 45069 rural road- ways,” said Kuzmich, “but we are continuing to P: (330) 655-5900 P: (614) 475-2880 P: (513) 777-5556 work through them.” F: (330) 655-5969 F: (614) 475-0069 F: (513) 777-4494 Kuzmich has been with ODOT for 20 years. She graduatwww.themcleancompany.com ed as a civil engineer in 1996, and received her professional engineer’s license in 2001.
“I’m fascinated by the industry and find it to be a great challenge.”
(This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at www.constructionequipmentguide.com.)
Construction Equipment Guide • Ohio State Supplement • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • March 29, 2014 • Page 5
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‘Buckeye State’ Highway Lettings
The Ohio State Department of Transportation received bids for transportation-related improvement projects. The following is a list of some of the projects let. Project No: 130567 Type: Bridge replacement (2 bridges). Location: TRU-IR-80-8.56. State Estimate: $12,490,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • A P O’Horo Company, Youngstown, Ohio — $11,803,000 • Marucci & Gaffney Excavating Company, Youngstown, Ohio — $12,183,905 • J D Williamson Construction Company Inc., Tallmadge, Ohio — $12,413,760 • Shelly & Sands Inc., Columbus, Ohio — $12,556,163 • Great Lakes Construction Company, Hinckley, Ohio — $13,242,894 Completion Date: Oct. 15, 2016 Project No: 130590 Type: Four lane resurfacing. Location: HAN-SR/WYA-15-21.52/0.00. State Estimate: $3,109,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Kokosing Construction Company Inc. — $2,803,469 see ODOT page 7
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2014 AASHTO SCOBS Annual Meeting Heads to Columbus The Annual AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures (SCOBS) working meeting will be coming to Columbus, Ohio, from June 22 to 26. During the first two days of the meeting, the 20 technical committees come together to discuss the latest industry issues and to finalize any changes needed to the AASHTO Bridges and Structures publications. These meetings are open to state and federal engineers, academicians, consultants, contractors and industry representatives. The second two days of the meeting include a State Bridge Engineers’ Meeting and a general session. During the general session, all changes to the AASHTO Bridges and
The Annual AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures (SCOBS) working meeting will be coming to Columbus, Ohio, from June 22 to 26.
Structures publications are presented by the full subcommittee and balloted. This meeting also is open to the industry and is a good place to learn of upcoming changes to specifications. The SCOBS meeting also offers an ice breaker and a banquet where attendees can network and share experiences. The dress code for all meetings and events is business casual. The dress code for all spouse/guest activities is casual. For more information, visit https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/?eventid=1328369. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at www.constructionequipmentguide.com.)
OCIA Launches Revamped Site The Ohio Construction Information Association (OCIA) recently announced the launch of its new Web site. “We take pride in being a source of timely information about Ohio road construction, infrastructure and the major transportation issues that affect each of us. And we believe the new Web site does that job better than ever,” the the OCIA wrote on its new Web site. Visitors will find pages dedicated to the current condition of Ohio’s roads and bridges, the gas tax, and relevant news summaries from around the state. OCIA made the new site information-rich with plenty of links to studies from research organizations such as the Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and TRIP, a national transportation research group. OCIA is a reference source for legislators, municipalities, the news media and Ohio citizens — virtually anyone concerned about restoring and improving Ohio’s highways, roads, bridges and utilities. It offers up-to-date information about Ohio’s transportation infrastructure, the opportunities and initiatives that affect the state, town, and ultimately individuals personally. “Whether about the transportation budget, gas tax revenue or the latest public-private partnership, keeping you well informed has always been our goal,” it said. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at www.constructionequipmentguide.com.)
The Ohio Construction Information Association recently announced the launch of its new Web site.
Construction Equipment Guide • Ohio State Supplement • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • March 29, 2014 • Page 7
Wood • Hamilton • Stark • Henry • Greene • Knox • Franklin • Ohio.. • Crawford • Union • Cuyahoga • Brown • Licking • Clermont Medina • Williams • Harrison • Adams • Mercer • Butler • Clark • Ashtabula • Sandusky • Portage • Athens • Logan • Lake • Erie • Wyandot • Warren • Fairfield • Miami • Paulding • Darke • Muskingum • Ottawa • Holmes • Jefferson • Trumbull • Summit • Washington • Van Vert • Licking • Wood • Hamilton • Stark • Henry
‘Buckeye State’ Highway Lettings ODOT from page 5
• Shelly Company, Thornville, Ohio — $2,931,764 • Gerken Paving Inc., Napoleon, Ohio — $3,657,814 Completion Date: Aug. 1, 2014 Project No: 130591 Type: Two lane resurfacing. Location: HEN-SR/WOO-18/58217.43/0.00. State Estimate: $2,674,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Gerken Paving Inc., Napoleon, Ohio — $2,273,031 • Shelly Company, Thornville, Ohio — $2,366,140 Completion Date: July 31, 2014 Project No: 130593 Type: Two lane resurfacing. Location: KNO-US-62-0.00. State Estimate: $4,454,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Kokosing Construction Company Inc. — $4,576,133 • Shelly Company, Thornville, Ohio — $5,134,000 Completion Date: Oct. 15, 2014 Project No: 130595 Type: Four lane resurfacing. Location: MAH-SR-11-0.00. State Estimate: $8,147,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Shelly & Sands Inc., Columbus, Ohio — $7,890,595 • Shelly Company, Thornville, Ohio — $8,084,172 • Karvo Paving Company, Stow, Ohio — $8,758,203 Completion Date: July 31, 2014 Project No: 130598 Type: Two lane resurfacing. Location: WOO-US/SEN-23-11.84/12.26 State Estimate: $2,162,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • M & B Asphalt Company Inc., Tiffin, Ohio — $1,837,157 • Shelly Company, Thornville, Ohio — $1,928,820 • Kokosing Construction Company Inc. — $1,973,759 • Gerken Paving Inc., Napoleon, Ohio — $2,028,460 Completion Date: Aug. 1, 2014 Project No: 133024
Type: Major reconstruction. Location: MOT-IR-70-10.79. State Estimate: $53,335,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • John R Jurgensen Company, Cincinnati, Ohio — $50,415,394 • Kokosing Construction Company Inc. — $53,137,166 • Complete General Construction Company, Columbus, Ohio — $62,982,145 Completion Date: July 1, 2017 Project No: 133025 Type: Interchange. Location: HAM-IR-71-19.41. State Estimate: $8,376,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Great Lakes Construction Company, Hinckley, Ohio — $7,402,950 • Shelly & Sands Inc., Columbus, Ohio — $7,895,000 • Double Z Construction Company, Columbus, Ohio — $8,655,565 • Sunesis Construction Company, West Chester, Ohio — $8,684,877 • Complete General Construction Company, Columbus, Ohio — $9,163,901 • Kokosing Construction Company Inc. — $9,216,296 • John R Jurgensen Company, Cincinnati, Ohio — $10,134,935 Completion Date: Oct. 31, 2015 Project No: 140003 Type: Bridge repair. Location: CUY-SR-2-14.41. State Estimate: $6,550,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Kokosing Construction Company Inc. — $6,587,889 • Ruhlin Company, Sharon Center, Ohio — $7,485,966 • Forest City Erectors Inc., Twinsburg, Ohio — $8,420,892 Completion Date: Nov. 2, 2015 Project No: 140006 Type: Culvert replacement. Location: BUT-VA-CULVERTS-FY2014. State Estimate: $1,348,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Rack & Ballauer Excavating Company Inc., Hamilton, Ohio — $1,472,346 • Barrett Paving Materials Inc., Middletown, Ohio — $1,629,190 • Prus Construction Company, Cincinnati, Ohio — $1,661,030 Completion Date: Sept. 30, 2014
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