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Vol. XVIII • No. 25



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Attendees Laugh, Learn at OAIMA Annual Trade Show

(L-R): Columbus Equipment Company’s Tim Albright, Jeff Richards, Tim Smith, Norb Huner, and Dean Hatem are joined by Jay Mertz of Deister Machine Co.

(L-R): Murphy Tractor & Equipment’s Mike Little, Allison Cramer and Robert Allee shared information about John Deere equipment solutions in the aggregates industry.

(L-R): Aggregate Processing Incorporated’s Bob Harris, Mike Purvis and Scott Kennedy were ready to discuss the company’s engineering, fabrication and installation capabilities.

Southeastern Equipment Company’s Randy McCabe (L) and Charlie Patterson greet attendees at their booth.


hio Aggregates & Industrial Minerals Association’s (OAIMA) held its annual meeting and trade show at the Hilton at Easton in Columbus, Ohio, on Nov. 13

and 14. OAIMA President Tony Price of National Lime & Stone Company welcomed attendees and provided opening comments during the general session, which was followed by comments from OAIMA Executive Director, Pat Jacomet and Jerry Wray, director Ohio Department of Transportation. (L-R): Ohio CAT’s Chris Harris and Kyle Bodkin wel- Attendees selected from a variety of educational sessions come Martin Cudoc of National Lime & Stone Company held throughout the two-day event. along with Ned Herald, also of Ohio CAT. The trade show featured table top displays of more than 60 industry service and product providers and manufacturers presenting new equipment, products and services geared toward Ohio’s aggregate industry. At the close of the first day’s sessions, comedian Greg Hahn entertained both attendees and exhibitors prior to a reception held in the Easton Grand Ballroom and sponsored by the show exhibitors. Major event sponsors included AMI (Aggregate Manufacturing International); Bowser-Morner Testing Labs; Brady, Coyle & Schmidt; Columbus Equipment; Gerken Materials; Lafarge North America; Murphy Tractor & Equipment; Stone Products Inc.; and Watson Gravel Inc. Jerry Sammons of Telsmith joins the crew of Hall Industrial Company to lend a helping hand at the show.

(This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at www.constructionequipmentguide.com.)

(L-R): Rudd Equipment Company’s Josh Poston, J. Kelly Cates, Dave Sizemore, Brian James and Martin McCutcheon discussed their lineup of Volvo equipment.

(L-R): Aggcorp’s Sean McIvor and Ken Clemons are joined at their booth by Kirk Sidwell of the McLean Company, Stan Archer of Sidwell Materials and Rob Armbruster of Aggcorp.

Page 2 • December 7, 2013 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Ohio State Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

New Report Identifies Two Options for Ohio River Bridge The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) released a study of options Oct. 3 for a new Ohio River bridge between Cincinnati and northern Kentucky. The report identifies two options Kentucky and Ohio could consider as the states continue their work to hammer out a funding plan for building the new bridge. The analysis examined four procurement methods in terms of cost factors, schedule benefits and market conditions, among others. It concluded that two delivery models represented the most attractive potential options for ODOT and KYTC:

• Design-Build — An approach where the states finance the project through a possible combination of federal, state, federal loan and bond funding. Following a request for proposal, contractors respond with designs and plans and the selected contractor builds the project. Repayment of loans and bonds would be made through the collection of tolls. • Availability Payment Concession — A contractor finances and builds the project and is repaid on a regular schedule over many years. This repayment of financing the project is by the collection of tolls. “The study focuses on two potential delivery and funding options,” Kentucky Transportation Secretary Mike Hancock

said. “Our bi-state management team will continue to work so that, together, we can make a reasoned decision.” The project involves constructing a second bridge directly to the west of the existing Brent Spence Bridge to increase safety and relieve some of the nation’s worst traffic congestion along Interstates 71 and 75. The existing bridge would be renovated to improve safety, visibility and other deficiencies. Nearly 8 mi. (12.9 km) of highway —approximately five in northern Kentucky and three in Ohio — also would be improved to accommodate the enhanced bridge. The two-deck Brent Spence Bridge, which opened 50 years ago, carries both interstate highways across the Ohio River between Cincinnati and Covington, Ky. The bridge is structurally sound but classified “functionally obsolete” because of its narrow lanes, absence of emergency shoulders and limited visibility on its lower deck.

“Both Ohio and Kentucky cannot wait another 50 years to address this bottleneck.” Jerry Way ODOT

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“Both Ohio and Kentucky know we cannot wait another 50 years to address this bottleneck,” said ODOT Director Jerry Wray. “Without the hard work by both teams the citizens and economy of southwest Ohio and northern Kentucky will suffer. We appreciate the partners we’ve found in Kentucky and look forward to continuing to move this project forward.” Under the bipartisan leadership of Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear, the two states have made progress toward a long-term solution for the commercial and commuter bottleneck the Brent Spence Bridge has become. The study ultimately eliminated two other finance and delivery models: • Design-Bid-Build — Traditional approach in which the state transportation agency designs a project and submits it for bids. A contractor is selected and builds the project. Necessary funding for construction is obtained through traditional sources of federal and state funds. • Toll Revenue Concession — A contractor finances and builds the project and recoups its costs exclusively through toll revenue. Funding for design, construction, maintenance and operation of the project is provided by private partner. According to a Texas Transportation Institute Study, motorists waste 3.6 million hours of their time and 1.6 million gallons of fuel simply by sitting in traffic on the current Brent Spence Bridge each year. Further, more than 3 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product — or $417 billion — crosses the bridge each year and that number is expected to grow to $830 billion by 2030. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at www.constructionequipmentguide.com.)

Construction Equipment Guide • Ohio State Supplement • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • December 7, 2013 • Page 3

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Page 4 • December 7, 2013 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Ohio State Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

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Allu Delivers Results for Harbor Restoration Initiative Allu Group Inc.’s in-situ mass Allu screener crushers. Allu’s stabilization system recently screener crusher attachment completed its intended work resembles an excavator bucket while two of its D-Series screenwith rolling mixing drums in the er crusher processing attachbottom. Rows of these drums ments continue work on a job within the attachment sizesite in Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio. reduce and screen material This major cleanup project in scooped into the attachment as Ohio includes a plan to dredge the material passes through. This 120,000 cu. yds. (91,746 cu m) allows the attachment to easily of sediment from the harbor botmix binding agents into piled soil tom. The dredged sediment is material. being treated and then placed In some areas of the settling pond, previously “The mixing efficiencies of material is being mixed with a bind- the PMX/PF and screener crushinto an existing wastewater set- excavated ing agent using two Allu screener crushers. tling pond near the harbor. The Allu’s screener crusher attachment resembles er machines make the best use of treated sediment will double as an excavator bucket with rolling mixing drums binding agents and improve profill material to create and support in the bottom. duction rates for contractors,” a crowned cap during the Ohio said Charles Wilk, Allu’s managEPA-approved closure of the 9-acre ing drums which can quickly and thor- er of mass stabilization and remediaoughly mix binding agents into the tion applications. “Allu manufactures pond. To safely dispose of the dredged har- pond at depths of up to 21 ft. (6.4 m). equipment for geotechnical and envibor sediment, contractors mixed a Binding agents may be injected pneu- ronmental projects which directly conbinding agent into approximately matically by the Allu PF pressure feed- tribute to lowering the closure costs of 200,000 cu. yds. (152,911 cu m) of er, directly to the area being mixed, the Ashtabula Harbor cleanup project.” pond sediment using two Allu PM through an internal nozzle located at For more information, call 800/939power mixers. The Allu PM attach- the base of the PM or PMX mixing 2558 or visit www.allu.net. ments are excavator-mounted and drums. (This story also can be found on In some areas of the settling pond, Construction Equipment Guide’s Web This major cleanup project in Ohio includes a plan to resemble a rototiller on a stem. dredge 120,000 cu. yds. (91,746 cu m) of sediment from Powered by the excavator’s hydraulic previously excavated material is being site at www.constructionequipmentsystem, each PM has two rotating mix- mixed with a binding agent using two guide.com.) the harbor bottom.

Construction Equipment Guide • Ohio State Supplement • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • December 7, 2013 • Page 5

Ohio Launches $120M Effort to Repair Locally Owned Bridges Gov. John R. Kasich recently announced that Ohio will invest $120 million to repair and replace more than 200 county and cityowned bridges over the next three years. The funds are made available by Ohio’s successful efforts to overhaul highway funding by reducing overhead costs and improving efficiency at the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT). Work is expected to begin on the first 40 bridges next year. ODOT will work with local officials to identify the remaining bridges to repair or replace in the following years. Bridges will be selected based on a variety of factors including safety and importance to local job creation efforts. “When we took office Ohio faced not only an $8 billion shortfall in our general budget but also a $1.6 billion shortfall in our highway budget,” Kasich said. “ODOT tightened its own belt, freed up more than

$600 million and then Ohio leveraged the turnpike to generate an additional $1.5 billion, which grows to $3 billion when paired with federal and local funds. That innovative thinking and that careful management of our resources is why we can do this $120 million program to help counties and cities meet their bridge needs. In the past ODOT hasn’t really helped counties or cities address these kinds of needs but fortunately we’re in a strong enough position now that we can and we will.” Ohio has 44,000 bridges, the second-highest number in the nation behind Texas. According to some reports, the condition of Ohio’s bridges are better than the national average but many bridges are waiting for much-needed repairs. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at www.constructionequipmentguide.com.)

ODOT Invests $3M for Elderly, Disabled Transportation Needs The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) announced recently a $3 million investment in local communities to aid the transportation needs of the elderly and disabled in Ohio. The money will be used to purchase new vehicles and equipment which were not available previously. “We have an obligation to recognize the needs of the elderly and disabled in our community and do what we can to help get them get where they need to go,” said ODOT Director Jerry Wray. The new equipment will help provide access to medical appointments, employment, grocery shopping, banking and other services. The funding is part of the ODOT’s Specialized Transportation Program with a goal of increasing personal mobility for the elderly and individuals with disabilities. Overall 63 different non-profit agencies

and organizations across 36 different counties in Ohio are receiving the funds. Terry Fruth, director of finance of Quadco Rehabilitation Center in Williams County has directly seen the benefits this funding has on his facility. “The funding we receive is essential to our program. We serve 240 individuals across four different counties in northwest Ohio. The majorities of the people we serve are developmentally disabled as well as mentally, physically, and economically disabled individuals. On average we put 40,000 mi. per month on all vehicles combined. This year, we will be able to purchase four new, much needed vehicles, to help provide the best service possible to our area.” said Mr. Fruth. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at www.constructionequipmentguide.com.)



Page 6 • December 7, 2013 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Ohio State Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

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‘Buckeye State’ Highway Lettings

The Ohio State Department of Transportation received bids for transportation-related improvement projects. The following is a list of some of the projects let. Project No: 130314 Type: New Bridge. Location: CUY-LR-Lakefront West; West 73rd St. State Estimate: $20,802,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Great Lakes Construction Company, Hinckley, Ohio — $21,099,599 • Independence Excavating Inc., Independence, Ohio — $21,518,932 • Kokosing Construction Company Inc., Columbus, Ohio — $23,840,300 • Walsh Construction Company, Crown Point, Ind. — $25,602,693 • J D Williamson Construction Company Inc., Tallmadge, Ohio — $26,166,478 Completion Date: Nov. 1, 2015 Project No: 130351 Type: Minor widening. Location: MIA-CR-C.R.25A-18.31. State Estimate: $2,783,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Eagle Bridge Company, Sidney, Ohio — $2,747,159 • R B Jergens Contractors Inc., Vandalia, Ohio — $2,855,511 • Barrett Paving Materials Inc., Middletown, Ohio — $2,890,126 • John R Jurgensen Company, Cincinnati, Ohio — $2,979,302 • Brumbaugh Construction Inc., Arcanum, Ohio — $2,983,652 Completion Date: July 31, 2014 Project No: 130361 Type: Bridge repair. Location: BEL-IR-70-13.36. State Estimate: $1,290,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Shelly & Sands Inc., Columbus, Ohio — $1,221,418 • Complete General Construction Company, Columbus, Ohio — $1,337,590 • Ohio-West Virginia Excavating Company, Shadyside, Ohio — $1,357,277 • Becdir Construction Company, Berlin Center, Ohio — $1,357,706 Completion Date: May 31, 2014 Project No: 130362 Type: Bridge repair. Location: BEL-IR-70-8.65. State Estimate: $1,380,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Shelly & Sands Inc., Columbus, Ohio — $1,335,916 • Armstrong Steel Erectors Inc., Newark, Ohio — $1,379,726


• Miller Bros Construction Inc., Archbold, Ohio — $3,165,830 Completion Date: July 15, 2014

Project No: 130368 Type: Major reconstruction. Location: CUY-LR-Waterloo Road. State Estimate: $4,750,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Perk Company Inc., Cleveland, Ohio — $4,886,093 • Fabrizi Trucking & Paving Co Inc., Valley City, Ohio — $4,887,926 • Karvo Paving Company, Stow, Ohio — $4,966,328 • Terrace Construction Co Inc., Cleveland, Ohio — $5,122,779 Completion Date: Oct. 3, 2014

Project No: 130380 Type: Four lane resurfacing. Location: FAI-SR-79-0.00; FAI/LIC-360-0.00/0.00. State Estimate: $$2,531,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Shelly Company, Thornville, Ohio — $2,646,720 • Kokosing Construction Company Inc., Columbus, Ohio — $2,713,750 Completion Date: Aug. 31, 2014

• Complete General Construction Columbus, Ohio — $1,581,025 Completion Date: May 31, 2014

Project No: 130376 Type: Bridge replacement (one bridge). Location: HUR-US-250-15.54. State Estimate: $2,869,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • Becdir Construction Company, Berlin Center, Ohio — $2,627,129 • Great Lakes Construction Company, Hinckley, Ohio — $2,657,221 • Shelly & Sands Inc., Columbus, Ohio — $2,669,694 • Vernon Nagel Inc., Napoleon, Ohio — $2,769,037 • J D Williamson Construction Company Inc., Tallmadge, Ohio — $2,787,008 • Mosser Construction Inc., Fremont, Ohio — $2,919,278

Project No: 130392 Type: Lighting. Location: FRA-VA-LIGHTING-FY2013. State Estimate: $1,058,000 Contractors and Bid Amounts: • J Ranck Electric Inc., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. — $1,090,333 • Miller Cable Company, Green Springs, Ohio — $1,118,000 • Complete General Construction Company, Columbus, Ohio — $1,161,708 • Perram Electric Inc., Wadsworth, Ohio — $1,295,665 • Rauhorn Electric Inc., Macomb, Mich. — $1,319,452 • M P Dory Company, Columbus, Ohio — $1,330,930 • Jess Howard Electric Company, Blacklick, Ohio — $1,439,448 Completion Date: May 31, 2014

Construction Equipment Guide • Ohio State Supplement • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • December 7, 2013 • Page 7

Ohio Turnpike Panel OKs $930M for Road Projects CLEVELAND (AP) The Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission has signed off on $930 million for 10 projects in the turnpike’s first round of funding for highway and bridge work outside of its corridor. The financing change is meant to speed along road projects that might have been delayed for years because of funding problems. Turnpike toll increases over the next decade will be used to pay off $1 billion in bonds issued by the commission to help with projects outside of the toll road’s route across northern Ohio.

The agreements finalized Sept. 16 include $340 million for a new eastbound bridge on Interstate 90 in Cleveland. The bid for that project came in lower, at $273 million. The Ohio Department of Transportation is expected to make recommendations for spending the $67 million difference. “No trips start or end on the turnpike, so our financial support of these projects is a benefit to the entire transportation system and turnpike customers as well,” Rick Hodges, turnpike executive director, said in a statement.

Jobs, Transportation Plan Clears Final Hurdle for Kasich Final approval was given to Gov. John R. Kasich’s Jobs and Transportation Plan, setting in motion a plan to create 60,000 new jobs and help grow Ohio’s economy with a $3 billion investment in infrastructure over six years. The state’s Transportation Review Advisory Council (TRAC) today completed the last step of the process by voting unanimously to put the governor’s plan into action. “We have been working hard to move through the process quickly and get projects started. Thanks to the governor’s plan we will be able to get more projects moving faster, without a tax increase,” said Ohio Department of Transportation Director Jerry Wray. The vote is the final step in the independent council’s approval process for Kasich’s Jobs and Transportation Plan. Many of the projects were previously delayed by 10 years or more and now, some may start as soon as this fall. A complete list of all projects TRAC approved for construction throughout the state in the coming years can be found online at http://www.dot.state.oh.us/trac/TRAC%20List/FINAL_TR AC%20Major%20New%20Constrcution%20Program%20 FY14-FY17_9.26.13.pdf. The nine-member TRAC was established by the Ohio Revised Code in 1997 and provides guidance for developing a project selection process for ODOT’s largest investments of more than $12 million. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at www.constructionequipmentguide.com.)

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Other approved projects involve a link between Interstate 490 in Cleveland and the city’s University Circle neighborhood, Interstate 80 near Youngstown, Interstate 271 near Akron, interstates 75 and 475 and U.S. 20 in the Toledo area, the Interstate 75 corridor south of Toledo, Ohio 57 near Elyria and U.S. 250 in the Sandusky area. Two projects — a railroad crossing improvement in the Toledo area and bus route infrastructure in the Canton area — were rejected. Under legislation, the turnpike has taken

on $1 billion of what ultimately will be $1.5 billion in debt backed by toll revenue. The funding marks the first time that the turnpike will finance projects well off its 241-mi., east-west corridor. To pay the tab, tolls will climb 2.7 percent a year for 10 years, beginning Jan. 1, for turnpike users with the exception of commuters using E-ZPass and traveling fewer than 30 mi. between exits. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at www.constructionequipmentguide.com.)

Page 8 • December 7, 2013 • www.constructionequipmentguide.com • Ohio State Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

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