Southeast #26, 2009 - CEG

Page 1

Published Nationally ®

Southeast Edition

December 30 2009


Vol. XXII • No. 26

“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded 1957.” 470 Maryland Drive • Ft. Washington, PA 19034 • 215/885-2900 • Toll Free 800-523-2200 • Fax 215/885-2910 •

Nashville Concert Benefits Military Families



Kyle Busch Motorsports Relocates in N.C. …14

Ritchie Bros. Holds Sale in Nashville…72 Published Nationally ®

Southeast Edition

December 16 2009


Four servicemen who attended a benefit concert for ThanksUSA at Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium on Nov. 9, 2009, have different home states, but what they all have in common is they have been undergoing treatment at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. Colonel James G. Hay, Private First Class Michael Cunningham, Sergeant Ryan Lohss and Specialist Jason Poyneer were flown to the event by the Veterans Airlift Command (VAC), a not-forprofit organization providing free air travel to wounded veterans and their families. Coble Trench Safety, based in

(L-R): SPC Jason Poyneer, SGT Ryan Lohss, PFC Mike Cunningham, Col Jim Hay, Debby Coble and Tom Coble at Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, Tenn.

Greensboro, N.C., was one of the travel sponsors for the concert. This was the sixth trip the company has made for the VAC Wounded Warrior program. All costs associated with these flights are covered by aircraft owners in the VAC’s national network, and while the Command is currently concentrating on those who served or still serve in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, it hopes to eventually expand flights to the veterans of other wars. “Coble Trench Safety employees, Debby Coble, and myself were thrilled to assist these wounded warriors for the Veterans Airlift Command ThanksUSA trip to Nashville, Tenn., to raise scholarship funds for our troops’families,” see CONCERT page 28

Vol. XXII • No. 25

“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded 1957.” 470 Maryland Drive • Ft. Washington, PA 19034 • 215/885-2900 • Toll Free 800-523-2200 • Fax 215/885-2910 •


New Orlando Arena Set for Fall ’10 Tipoff

Blanchard d Hosts s Second Appreciation n Event… 1 0


Work to be done includes scaling and trimming, trim blasting, pre-split blasting and rock removal. Rock bolts also will be placed to secure material adjacent to areas where rock was removed in order to forestall future slides.

Mack k Delivers s Christmas Spiritt to o N.Y.,, D.C.. …28 Published Nationally ®

Southeast Edition

December 2 2009


Vol. XXII • No. 24

“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded 1957.” 470 Maryland Drive • Ft. Washington, PA 19034 • 215/885-2900 • Toll Free 800-523-2200 • Fax 215/885-2910 • www.constructionequip


Katrina Victims’ Compensation Given by Judge

Blanchard d Hosts s ‘Fan Appreciation n Day’…14


Beyell Does s Heavy y Lifting forr Powerr Plantt in n Fla.. …25 Published Nationally ®

Southeast Edition

November 18 2009


Vol. XXII • No. 23

“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded 1957.” 470 Maryland Drive • Ft. Washington, PA 19034 • 215/885-2900 • Toll Free 800-523-2200 • Fax 215/885-2910 • www.constructionequip


I-40 Landslide May Take Six Months to Clear By Eric Olson CEG CORRESPONDENT

Rhinehartt Purchases Perimeterr Bobcat…8

Charlotte’s s Terex x Service s Offerings…10 Expands Published Nationally Southeast Edition $3.00

“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded 1957.”

Congress Lags on Highway Bill Extension


AP Photo/Bill Sanders, Asheville Citizen-Times

U.S. Group installed more than 2,500 yellow storm water chambers about 5 ft. (1.5 m) underground, each of which allows rainwater to soak into the ground under eath the parking area, rather than run off into the surrounding area.

Innovative Drainage Key to New Parking Area for Gamecock Games

ing Power Opens New u l l- S e r v i ce F a c i li t y … 3 2

Table of Contents


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Business Calendar

Nat onal y So outh heast Editio on $3.00

Trailers Section 36-39 Paving Section


Parts Section


“ he Na on’s Bes Read Cons

on Newspaper… ounded 1957.”

Georgia Flood Recovery Begins in Earnest

Ins id e


Sta ford H olds Open House at It s New Va. Facili ty… 8


New England THE








Northeast Edition

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HCEA Holds 24t h A n ual Convent ion…18

Cat 321C LCR a d 330DL excavators are hard at work at a C.W. Matthews project in Northeast Cobb County, Ga., for emergency Cobb DOT road replacement, which included installation of a triple barrel 72 in (183 cm ., 70 ft. (21 lo g pipi g syste a d te porary road to service 40 homes t at were wi thout a roadway to get out of their Waterford subdivisio o es.

Hensel Phelps LeadsCharge for New Fort Bragg Commands

St . Johns Riv er Dr edging Under Way…27

e of Content ng Sect on Min

om pment


Advertisers Index

Officials with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) believe that a large rock slide blocking both directions of Interstate 40 just east of the Tennessee line could take as long as six months to clear The slide happened in the early morning hours of Oct. 25 at mile marker 2.6 in a rugged mountainous area of Haywood County As a result, one of the Southeast’s major thoroughfares is closed from Exit 20 in North Carolina west to Exit 451 in Tennessee, forcing a detour that will take motorists many miles out of their way Several hours after the 200-ft.-wide (60.9 m) landslide occurred, NCDOT had rushed a crew on site to assess the situation and begin a preliminary cleanup. Initially, it was see LANDSLIDE page 26

.H. Griffin Welcomes uests to A n ual Fish Fry…8

ydrauliCircuit S e s Major Growth…14

on Sec on

HO LT C ra ne H os ts O pe n Ho u se in H ou st o n… 8

S co t -Ma c on H o ld s Gr a nd Op e n in g i n Da l as …1 4



9-62 Ca sh m a n Su p or ts Sta r t Us U p U S A ! i n V e ga s… 3 9


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GDOT Deployment

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r er Index


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Constructing Healthy Look at Health Care CE CORRESPONDENT

Health care efo the U ted States h s been beaten nearl to death th year b ocates cr t cs al ke. Yet as the eb te o e to Octobe the fin l sh e of “refo ” e s el e an elast c th const uct on i t execut es anxous about t pact o thei com e e wthe T e bri d ge s t a t w e re oved vary i le gt fro 8 5 t o 1 7 3 f t . ( 2 5 . 9 t o 5 2 . 7 cha d e r e ste 4 3 efin tely ll to 94 ft. (13 to 28.6 m wide. T e larges t weig ed i at 1,350 tons (1,220 t . h e pact o cont cto eepi change could upend s alle f — o t con t uct on co e e small-toedi - zed. The t th of the m tter the refo o el in hich o e e t oul ovi e o t health c e e ce oul at call ch ge the w y ever bus e ope te l e or ll It act cal to ho e that health care refo ll be tailo e to the co tructio t everthele all bus nes e Ho ock neer d H Lochne co tentl f vor ce t efo t t ve neer e the des gner l h Lover other CEG COR ES O T ere h ngton to st tute o th Co t uct on i the gene l cont c-efo long the l nes gener l cont actor ork on a Ut h f ee eco t uct on projectto ght l y dow the follow ng fe t es so unusual t s feat ed as N t o al So e of the br ges e e t orte ch ould be among the le lated changes eogr phic Ch nnel “ orl Toughe t xes” le half h ch i “a good distance,” • New utho ity fo oc tio s to hea g fo on-t e on-budget com let onMontoya egot ate i surance p ck es fo the at the end of the ye “That f cant The e e a f ount clo t in e otiof oject here you move a br e couple e be . e e h t m e ork o 22k tretch oc at on i nce negohundred feet but e ct ll ove o e oft g be ef t of I-80 S lt L ke C ty o ect e trao t ator coul n lo e e f ven le and half ” the ccele te ge Const uct on ( C them oci te l er The br dges that e e oved va lengththe opport t ethod us g Self opelled Modul T nsport te nce e e 43Cont to ctor note th t S MT to const uct x of 12 br ges and one off om 85 to 173 ft 25.9 to 52.7 m c e t k e ch 94 ft 13 to 28.6 de, C lye Som er pubt or the oject 5 e cent hen deal th all The $139 m ll o oject long a 2t etchl c i ol ement er fo Loch e The ou orde to eet of t t et f om State St eet to 1300 E t th ough Salt L ke l e t e ghe t 1,350 tons 1 220 t he e oc t o c Ct clude co t uct on of the br dge The S MT that oved the br ges hadoff et ove he e t t ve e ce “ ot t the f l loc tio ” Joh Mo to oxi ately 250 wheel oved at e - ov e the fo thei e ber at a cost of 15 perce t or oject nager I ste the gi e age speed of f ve m le e ho So er le — if, th t e be e llo e to decks ere const ucted on the ground at a “b dge The onl oute crew coul ove the br ges f ” M ve t o te oved the to be dow the s e one they we e o k ng on so bu nce th ough all bus e l fte to place long the e es

Reconstruction on Schedule for UDOT’s $139M Project

Constructing Healthy Look at Health Care

Construction crews pour co crete for a abut e t that will support the Route 202 parkway bridge over Route 309.

M st v c D NJ, MA & NY


He lth c e refo the U ite St te hasbeenbeatennearl todeathth yearb oc te c itic like Yet a the eb te o e to Octobe the fin l sh e of “refo ” e s el e and elast c th co t ct o stry execut e ousabout t pactonthei com es ychangei thes temdef tel ll have ctoncont ctor ee change could upe lle f — ost co tructio co ie e ll-toe - ize . The truth of the tte the refo o el hich o e e t oul o e mo t health care ser ces o l at call ch e the w ever bus nes ope te l e or ll act cal to hope that health care oject d th t cul ob w ong those It ill be tailo e to the co tructio re-e lu te re lt, a rk ltim te- refo t everthele ll bus e e l chosen opr te ol t on fo o iti t e fte ny yea of c on, bit ous tra el co itio the e hile re th-co te tly fa or ce ta efo o ect to ease con est on Pen syl the l t t ons pose by avail ble f ove othe ee h ton to t tute de ely popul ted B cks and Montgome counrefo lo the line e e l co t cto t es f nally under th ht la o , the follo fe t e ouldbe ongthele l tedcha ge const uct on of longte k The Pe l e t ent of T nsportat o e de ngclout negot e OT) h e tim te th t at g benef t associat o ce negoby 2020 the ne highw ll t tor coul n lo e em f ve be t eled b bet een 23 700 the opport t ssociated B lder d 28, 00 vehicle l Cont cto oted that ate i nce o M t n O M lle nounced that t onal t anspo t t o Ce t ch ge howeve ca e t k e ch m ll on w ll be f nde by P e ent ck had to be de befo e ound Oboject o th $30 35 perce t he deal th all er can eco e e est ent ct could be broken fo the oject oups orde to eet of t t et g fo these ad tonal oject l ble d e to Acco to e DOT the off et overhead. here associat ons can tedbythe te eco et t onfo M yl highk had i t lly been gene and o e the s e t at e se ces t tcont ct advert edearl e th year ex essw th fo thei e ber atacostof15percento “Wthoutadoubt es e tOb ecover ogr gencce Ho eve erat the des ed effect here M yl ” sai O M lle le — if, th t e be e llo e to M ch 2004, the de t ent “Ac os our t te o k under ehabil t t g our o buy i nce th ough s all bus ne t t stem He lthy co et t o fo tho e state eal zed t ojecte evenues br e healthpl pool ould not ovi e enough ng fo ll t opose

Words Into Action: Route 202 Parkway Finally Advances

Atl an ti c Cit y W e lc o me s UTC A Me m be rs …1 2

nu a l

Additional $30M in Funds En Route to Md

Table of Contents Tr



Crushing, Screenin Recycl ng Section 67rts Section siness Calendar


on Newspaper… ounded i .”1957

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ICU E W el c om e s L ar g e Tu rn ou t o L ou i svi l e … 12

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MDOTRehabilitates Crucial Mich. Corridor

T e Nort east Rockbusters sign ador s a 1934 McCor ick Deeri g track tractor ow ed by Dave Burnha of Sau derstown, R.I., president of t e group and o e of t e event’s chief organizers.




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Ph i l L i fted to N ew Pa rk in H ei gh t s… 8

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H CE A P re se rv es Hi st or y a t A nu al Co n ve nt io n …1 4

Antique Truck Lovers, NE Rockbusters Join for Sixth Annual Machine Show CEG COR ESPONDENT

I t ucki coo erat o everythi Thes ecoul be fo const uct onwo k allcont act gandther ngof cces fulcluboror zat on. Cooperat o allthesearen cameto ether oneatthe t que T ck Club of er c L ttle hody Chapte S xth nnual t que T ck Show on Sept 13 on the h gton Count ounds chmond, orki conjunct o th the H tor c l Const uct on ent soc t o HC o theast ockbuste o ce ore th 60 e be of the loc l tiq e T ck Club brought out the f est old equ ent to the del ght e of other e be guest and enth tThe t que T ck Club and the ockbuste hol th event ever September eople f o ever e ngland st te M chines th t nge f om the unusual to the bl efllthefl t f eldsof the f ounds fo e byto


e “We comb e our how e support the and they support eve the ” Jackie ol t le ho or zestheseshow thherhusb oge theclub’ e e t hat dethepres e t lcoupleso oudth ye thattheevent or zedto emoney foodfo the hodeI l ndFoodB nk. ebrought 800pounds ofcanne goods L tye e fe 2 000 ee fa lie fo yea e e teproudof th t,” J ckie ol tile They also are ver proud of the cooperat on and shared tere t of the e be ho b ll wo k ant quem chi estotheseevent aslo they eable “ e elco e cl c tr ck e elco e tr cto th th t co e ,” e o e ol tile. “ tiq e ant queto ” The ol tile re e e t the Little ho Ch te t tio l e e ts lly held the tio l Ch te ho e t te of e yl “The e e 21 differe t chapte the

of Contents ne


A ction Section Adver er In




r hin , Scr nin Recycling Section Parts Section

hort 19-m 05 k ) stretch of ro st north of et oit has been t for e to o ement oject th ther com l cate t te te e wo k on the I-96/I-696 cordor O kl dandM combcount e ha been ded i to four e te oject oject 1 co t of ehabil t t on of eight br dges e of4m 6 4km ofpave ent O kl d Count bet ee o and H l te ro cl theI-96 I-696/M-5 terch e ovi gtonH ll o ect2 ck herethefrst oecten volves pave ent tchi ehabil t t on of 42 br ge on I-696 i O kl nd Count bet eenH lsted C bell-H lto o oject3focuse onrehabil t t ng22br ge on I-696, 15 of hch are loc te th the IA total of 56 bridges will u dergo rehabilitatio . Because C.A. Hall is a subco tractor for 696/Mo o te change. all bridge work o bot co tracts a d si ce t ere is a lot of bridge work in the west co oject4i cludes ehabi l t t onof xbrdges and e te e pave ent e to I-696 tract, Hall is doi g co siderable work o bot . bet een H ye e o M comb $14 m ll on cont ct to conduct br ge rehabil t cul l concer ng the br ge o k Count lso i cluded are s fet ade t t ona dconcretepatchingonI-696—thee t tot l of 56 br dge ll undergo rehabil t l ght epl ce e t on the e oject The we t cont ct vol es f c nt tio ec eC H ll bco tractor fo ll ount ofove l buttherei noneontheea t br dge o konbothcont ct ncethe e cont ct I stead therei avett l “a lot of b e o k the e t co t ct, H ll is lotofconc etepatchi ” doingconsi e able o konboth. “Becausethey’ eam o sub tle stoalot Oth s fo of coor t on. H ll t all the meet gs fo Ol -T T theD scont ct” efo e being de ted a lt highcco to ett l the t o b con1832, the co dor f om L ke Mchi t act co t of t o-ye oject fo $47 m lthro h etroit,L l on to econst uct vement f om ovi to to H lls — the e t o ect — Ov o ll ct cal pose the $67 m ll on overall oject has bee de to t o cont ct — e st e t — th t o pr e cont cto cavat ng out of ant Mch. onthe e tcont ctandC H llonthee t t e e th t o little bl “There e o erl f cet ” ob ettila,co tructio recto forTetraTech

H a l In du st ri al Th an k s Cu st o me rs in O h io … 58

Constructing a Healthy Look at Health Care Reform

Truck & r iler Section-





Healthcare efo theU tedStat eshasbeenbeatennearl todeath e b oc te c itic like Yet a the eb te o e to October thef lsh eof“reform” e el e d el t c w th cont ct o t e ecut es ous about t pact on thei com e change i the system def tel ll have ct on cont ctor ee ngchangecouldupends llerfirms— ostco trucie e ll-to-me - ze Thetruthofthe tte the

63 th 68-

efo odel h ch gove ent oul ovi e mo t health c e e ce oul at c ll changethew yeverybus nes ope tes l eor ll. It is ctic l to ho e th t he lth c e refo ll be tailo e to the const uct on i t eve thele all bus nes e co tentl f vor ce t efo itiative o e othe ee h to to titute refo alongthel nesgener lcont actor ghtl ydow thefollow gfe t e ouldbe ongthele sl tedcha ge • ew author ty fo ociat o to egot ate i u ce ckages


Iron Caravan Urges D.C. Action on Highway Funds

tio co

• New utho ity fo oc tio to egot te urance packages fo the membe .

Digitall Editionss Available e at e .com constructionequipmentguide

Table of Contents ............4 Business Calendar ........26 Truck & Trailer Section .... ..................................29-32 Crushing, Screening & Recycling Section ....37-45 Parts Section............46-47 Auction Section ......58-67 Advertisers Index..........66

A sea of 5,500 orange flags, each one representing 100 jobs already lost in the construction equipment industry.

A large caravan of bulldozers tion equipment industry Start Us and other construction equipment Up USA! campaign organizers displaying huge banners paraded joined by House Transportation through the streets of Washington & Infrastructure Committee Oct. 28 to send a message to law- Chairman Jim Oberstar D-Minn., makers that they must act now to and other allies, also staged a rally stop the bleeding in the construcsee RALLY page 48

Work begins on clearing a rock slide Oct. 27, 2009, on Interstate 40 in Haywood County, west of Asheville, N.C. Engineers plan to remove as much of the rock at the base of the slide as possible to allow room for material still clinging to the mountainside to be dislodged.

AGC: Stim Projects Add, Save Construction Jobs A $20.5 million stimulus-fund“For the dozens of men and ed project to widen I-95 in Palm women who will be working on Bay Fla., is helping Ranger this project, the stimulus means a Construction expand its payroll good job, warm food and a comand retain dozens of employees fortable home,” Bob Schafer presfacing layoffs, the Associated ident of the Associated General General Contractors of America Contractors’ Florida East Coast announced Oct. 30. The associa- Chapter and vice president of tion added that the Florida firm’s Ranger Construction, said. “As far experiences, along with those of as this project is concerned, the contractors across the country stimulus is working as intended.” underscore the economic benefits Schafer said the stimulus-fundof investing in infrastructure and ed project couldn’t have come at a construction projects. see STIMULUS page 47

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Table of Contents ............4 Motorgrader Section .......... ..................................37-39 Paving Section..........43-56 Parts Section ............58-59 Auction Section..66, 73-79 Business Calendar..........68 Advertisers Index ..........78

The paver foreman and screed operator adjusting the controls of screed to keep the width uniform and depth of the asphalt consistent.

MDOT Puts Stimulus Funds to Work Resurfacing U.S. 49 By Brenda Ruggiero CEG CORRESPONDENT

The Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) is currently supervising the resurfacing of 5.3 mi. (8.5 km) of U.S. 49 in Hattiesburg. The contract for the $8.3 million project was handled by Dunn

Roadbuilders LLC of Laurel under the direction of Pepper Beckman. Work began in July, and the expected completion date was set at Nov. 30. The project was made possible through federal funds as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), also known see MDOT page 62

NEW ORLEANS (AP) The U.S. federal government could be vulnerable to billions of dollars in claims after a judge ruled that the Army Corps of Engineers’ failure to properly maintain a navigation channel led to massive flooding in Hurricane Katrina. U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval on Nov. 18 awarded seven plaintiffs $720,000, but the government could eventually be forced to pay much more. The ruling should give more than 100,000 other individuals, businesses and government entities a better shot at claiming damages. Duval sided with six residents and one business who argued the Army Corps’ shoddy oversight of the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet led to the flooding of New Orleans’ Lower 9th Ward and neighboring St. Bernard Parish. He said, however, the corps couldn’t be held liable for the flooding of eastern New Orleans, where two of the plaintiffs lived. The ruling also is emotionally resonant for south Louisiana. Many in New Orleans have argued that the flooding in the aftermath of


their workplace allegiance for a lifetime. The ultimate goal of every apprenticeship program sponsor in the country is to boost both the quality and quantity of trained construction laborers. How they pursue this common objective differs in a variety of ways. To produce skilled workers in such fields as carpentry, cement masonry and construction laborer, contractors in the Master Builders’ Association of Western Pennsylvania mostly work through trade unions. It is an association that goes back a long ways: the Master Builders’


see KATRINA page 18

Apprenticeships Eye Creating Lifetime Craftspeople A dynamic apprenticeship program will not by itself save the U.S. construction industry from a looming shortage of skilled labor, but it is “one of the pieces of the puzzle” to stabilizing the labor situation, say industry leaders. Unions, contractors and associations operate apprenticeship programs mostly to teach trade skills. However, they also hope the programs will swell the ranks of craftspeople and retain

Rock Slide Poses Slippery Slope for Repair Crews in Tennessee

Association — a founding member of Associated General Contractors — and the carpenters union both date from the 1880s. The success of apprenticeship programs in Pittsburgh is evident in the new $13 million training center of the Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program. Ground was broken a year ago for the center, which sits adjacent to the carpenters’ headquarters. The 93,000-sq-ft. facility is state of the art, according to Jon O’Brien, MBA’s director of communicasee APPRENTICE page 31

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Table of Contents ............4 Truck & Trailer Section .... ..................................28-31 Crushing, Screening & Recycling Section ....35-43 Business Calendar ........20 Parts Section............44-45 Auction Section 50, 58-63 Advertisers Index ..........62

Rain set off a rock slide at the 17-mi. marker on U.S. 64 in the Ocoee River Gorge in Polk County, Tenn., early one morning in November, blocking the west lane. The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) quickly dispatched mobile maintenance crews to clear it, but when a boulder the size of a truck fell on the east lane, TDOT

brought in a private contractor to break it up with an impact hammer in preparation for removal. A few hours later, TDOT geologist Vanessa Bateman arrived from her Nashville office. Upon hearing a thunderous cracking noise, she ordered workers to move back just before continuous rain precipitated another slide that dropped boulders on the roadway. In a matter of seconds, the scope of the cleanup had been magnified, with the road see TDOT page 18

Photo Courtesy of Fernando Medina/Orlando Magic 2009

The Amway Center, which is scheduled to open in fall 2010, will be home to the NBA’s Orlando Magic.

Alison Premo Black said the value of highway, street and bridge construction (from all sources) put in place should reach $90.5 billion in 2010, up from about $83.9 billion this year. Black cautioned, however, that the boost to the market could be temporary. Uncertainty over the reauthorization of the multi-year federal surface transportation bill and future growth of the overall

“This will be one of the most technologically advanced event centers in the world when it opens,” said Robert L. Rayborn, RA, LEED AP Construction Executive Sports and Public Assembly Group of Turner Construction Company, which is managing the project. The center, which also is set to host national events and concerts, will feature a modern mix of metal and glass exterior materials. There will be a 120-ft.(36.5 m) tall glass tower (with features such as 200 LED lights and an observation deck on top) that will serve as a landmark for the downtown area while anchoring the arena to the adjacent I-4

see MARKET page 19

see AMWAY page 44

Highway Construction Market Expected to Grow 8 Percent in ’10 Driven by record federal investment in surface transportation, increased spending through the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and continued easing in material prices, the highway construction market is expected to grow eight percent in 2010, according to the American Road & Transportation Builders Association’s (ARTBA) annual economic forecast. ARTBA Vice President of Policy & Economist

A sports landmark is in the works in downtown Orlando, Fla. The Amway Center, which is scheduled to open in fall 2010, will be home to the NBA’s Orlando Magic and at 875,000 sq. ft. (81,290 sq m) and 8.75 acres (3.5 ha) it will nearly triple the size of the Orlando Magic’s current home arena.

Company Founder Viewed Jindal Admin. to as Angel Amid Disaster Hasten Planned Highway Work By Giles Lambertson CEG CORRESPONDENT

“Tad Agoglia is almost looked upon as an angel here in Parkersburg, Iowa,” said Table of Contents ................4 city administrator Chris Luhring. Agoglia doesn’t have wings, as it turns out, but his story does have a Christmas Underground Utility, Trenchers feel. & Boxes Section............35-37 Two years ago, Agoglia converted his profitable disaster response and cleanup Paving Section ..............41-53 company to a nonprofit foundation. He left his home and went on the road where Parts Section......................54 he spends all year donating his expertise to stricken communities and seeking Business Calendar ..............59 support and training for his team. Several leading equipment manufacturers and construction industry companies have Auction Section ............60-73 caught the giving spirit and are backing him with money and machinery. Advertisers Index ..............74 see ANGEL page 24

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LAFAYETTE, La. (AP) The state transportation department intends to speed up planned highway work, starting $120 million in road and bridge construction now that wasn’t set to begin for a few more years, Gov. Bobby Jindal announced Dec. 15. State Transportation and Development Secretary William Ankner said the state is using dollars left over from the 2007-08 and 2008-09 budget years and other available funds that had been banked in the treasury to start the construction work. “We’ve got road projects that are sorely needed by the public,’’Ankner said. As he announced the plans at a Lafayette event, Jindal Tad Agoglia surveying the damage in part of Parkersburg, Iowa.

see JINDAL page 54

Page 2 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE


Auction Update FARMINGTON, NM, USA 505.327.6800 PITTSBURGH, PA, USA 724.947.7240 DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES +971.4.8120600 NASHVILLE, TN, USA 615.453.4549 MINNEAPOLIS, MN, USA 507.774.5050 KANSAS CITY, MO, USA 816.633.4096 NORTH EAST, MD, USA 410.287.4330 LOS ANGELES, CA, USA 951.940.9441 PRINCE GEORGE, BC, CAN 250.963.8491 ST LOUIS, MO, USA 636.931.0090 NARITA, JAPAN +61.7.3382.4444

DEC 14 * DEC 14 DEC 14 - 16 DEC 15 DEC 15 DEC 16 DEC 16 & 17 * DEC 17 & 18 DEC 17 DEC 18 JAN 27


Upcoming Unreserved Public Auctions


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FEB 2 FEB 2 & 3 FEB 3 FEB 5 FEB 10 FEB 15 - 20 MAR 16 MAR 18 MAR 19 MAR 24 MAR 30

*NOTE NEW DATE - Dates are subject to change

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800.211.3983 For information on upcoming auctions, visit our web site at

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 3

Your VOLVO dealer in The Carolinas • Georgia • Alabama • East Tennessee



(2) 2004 Volvo EC140BLC, 1169-2360 Hrs........................$$60,000-$64,000 (5) 2006 Volvo EC140BLC, 807-1946 Hrs..........................$$45,000-$95,000 2006 Volvo EC160BLC, S/N 11100775, 951 Hrs ..............................$$90,000 (3) 2004 Volvo EC210BLC, 2321-5074 Hrs........................$$47,000-$95,000 2006 Volvo EC210BLC, S/N 11100985, 1539 Hrs ............................$$95,000 (4) 2007 Volvo EC210CLC, 602- 2779 Hrs ......................$$82,500-$126,000 2006 Volvo EC240BLC, S/N 11102327, 1874 Hrs ............................$$70,000 2007 Volvo EC240BLC, S/N 11103018, 1991 Hrs ..........................$$132,000 (3) 2008 Volvo EC240CLR, 1228-1443 Hrs ..................$$180,000-$190,000 2006 Volvo EC290BLC, S/N 11102217, 2043 Hrs ..........................$$140,000 (2) 2007 Volvo EC290BLC, 1340-1772 Hrs....................$ $140,000-$156,000 2005 Volvo EC330BLC, S/N 11101357, 2268 Hrs ..........................$$171,600 (2) 2006 Volvo EC330BLC, 1800-3168 Hrs....................$$115,000-$140,000 (6) 2007 Volvo EC330BLC, 675-1605 Hrs ....................$$160,000-$202,800 2008 Volvo EC330BLC, S/N 11103374, 1025 Hrs ..........................$$195,000 2008 Volvo EC330CLC, S/N 11103459, 1248 Hrs ..........................$$205,000 2005 Volvo EC360BLC, S/N 11101440, 1876 Hrs ..........................$$170,000 2006 Volvo EC360BLC, S/N 11101452, 3481 Hrs ..........................$$118,000 2007 Volvo EC360BLC, S/N 11103200, 1129 Hrs ..........................$$165,000 2003 Volvo EC460BLC, S/N 11101497, 5996 Hrs ..........................$$149,000 (3) 2007 Volvo EC460BLC, 523-2745 Hrs......................$$235,000-$296,400 2007 Volvo EC460CLC, S/N 11103709, 2981 Hrs ..........................$$190,000 2008 Volvo EC460CLC, S/N 11103401, 635 Hrs ............................$$375,000 2002 Cat 320CL, S/N JP01LG, 4006 Hrs ........................................$$110,000 2007 Cat 328DHG, S/N 11103611, 1052 Hrs ................................$$218,000 2003 Cat 330CL, S/N JP02LG, 4590 Hrs ........................................$$148,000 2006 J.Deere 450D, S/N 11103612, 3365 Hrs ..............................$$250,000

WHEEL EXCAVATORS 2006 Volvo EW160B, S/N 12100016, 1125 Hrs..............................$$110,000 2008 Volvo EW210C, S/N 12100086, 181 Hrs................................$$185,000

COMPACT EXCAVATORS 2002 Volvo EC35, S/N 21100272, 1629 Hrs ....................................$$22,000 (2) 2006 Volvo EC35, 761-812 Hrs ....................................$$21,000-$22,000 (2) 2006 Volvo EC35A, 400-808 Hrs..................................$$23,000-$27,000 (3) 2008 Volvo EC55B, 1491-1575 Hrs..............................$$42,000-$48,000 2005 Volvo ECR28, S/N 21100166, 21 Hrs ......................................$$27,000 2005 Volvo ECR88, S/N 21100162, 1340 Hrs ..................................$$65,000 2006 Takeuchi TB175, S/N 80101095, 1341 Hrs..............................$$54,000

2004 Volvo G710B, S/N 14100308, 1751 Hrs ..................................$$80,000 (3) 2007 Volvo G940, 1183-1365 Hrs............................$$168,500-$171,500 (6) 2008 Volvo G940, 784-1203 Hrs..............................$$165,000-$195,000

COMPACT MOTOR GRADER 2007 Champion C86, S/N 24100020, 853 Hrs ................................$$85,000

WHEEL LOADERS 2006 Volvo L60E, S/N 10102770, 3264 Hrs ....................................$$76,000 2005 Volvo L70E, S/N 10101420, 5980 Hrs ....................................$$85,000 2004 Volvo L90E, S/N 10101900, 10367 Hrs ..................................$$86,000 2006 Volvo L90E, S/N 10102024, 10600 Hrs ..................................$$82,500 (2) 2007 Volvo L110F, 1521-1771 Hrs ..........................$$162,500-$165,000 2008 Volvo L120F, S/N 10103539, 1270 Hrs..................................$$195,000 2007 Volvo L150E, S/N 10103386, 1159 Hrs ................................$$245,000 2006 Volvo L180E, S/N 10104003, 7185 Hrs ................................$$128,000 2008 Volvo L220F, S/N 10103636, 1524 Hrs..................................$$330,000 1996 CAT IT24F, S/N 10104031, 9107 Hrs ......................................$$28,000 1995 CAT 963B, S/N 10103639, 8447 Hrs........................................$$49,000 1996 J.Deere 444G, S/N 10104030, 15062 Hrs ..............................$$20,000

COMPACT WHEEL LOADERS 2005 Volvo L45B, S/N 20100062, 4070 Hrs ....................................$$42,000 2007 Volvo L30B, S/N 20103151, 595 Hrs ......................................$$53,000 2007 Volvo L25, S/N 10103646, 1617 Hrs ......................................$$38,000

COMPACTION 2008 VRM DD16, S/N 30101733, 34 Hrs ........................................$$32,000 2008 VRM DD-31HF, S/N 30101684, 1051 Hrs ................................$$38,000 (3) 2006 VRM SD116DX, 809-1036 Hrs ..........................$$75,000-$105,000 2007 VRM SD116DX, S/N 30100816, 542 Hrs ................................$$80,000 2003 VRM SD122DX, S/N 30101906, 5834 Hrs ..............................$$37,500 (2) 2005 VRM SD122DX, 741-800 Hrs ..............................$$94,000-$97,000 2006 VRM SD122F, S/N 30101584, 24 Hrs ......................................$$97,000 1999 Wacker RD25, S/N 30101725, 2498 Hrs ..................................$$8,000 2002 Hypac C784, S/N 30100527, 614 Hrs ......................................$$55,000 2005 Hypac C832C, S/N 30101817, 1300 Hrs..................................$$30,000

MOTOR SCRAPER 2005 Euclid S12, S/N 80100142, 0 Hrs ..............................................$$3,000

ARTICULATED HAULERS (2) 1998 Volvo A25C, 12427-14091 Hrs............................$$38,000-$63,000 (2) 1999 Volvo A25C, 10064-11723 Hrs............................$$65,000-$74,000 2000 Volvo A25C, S/N 13100403, 11522 Hrs ..................................$$74,000 2003 Volvo A25D, S/N 13100713, 9221 Hrs ..................................$$138,000 2004 Volvo A25D, S/N 13102453, 3580 Hrs ..................................$$144,000 2006 Volvo A25D, S/N 13102307, 1877 Hrs ..................................$$208,000 (9) 2007 Volvo A25D, 1648-3429 Hrs............................$$169,000-$220,000 (2) 2008 Volvo A25E, 1343-2206 Hrs ............................$$230,000-$248,000 2002 Volvo A30D, S/N 13101012, 9104 Hrs ..................................$$135,000 2003 Volvo A30D, S/N 13100937, 4900 Hrs ..................................$$235,000 2004 Volvo A30D, S/N 13100966, 7040 Hrs ..................................$$185,000 (2) 2005 Volvo A30D, 4837-4841 Hrs......................................$$125,000 Ea. (3) 2006 Volvo A30D, 712-2487 Hrs ............................$$170,000-$220,000 (3) 2007 Volvo A30D, 1658-2636 Hrs ..........................$$190,000-$270,000 (3) 2008 Volvo A30E, 1053-2619 Hrs ............................$$220,000-$325,000 (2) 2006 Volvo A35D, 2883-3951 Hrs ..........................$$250,000-$275,000 (2) 2007 Volvo A35D, 1493-2176 Hrs ..........................$$245,000-$275,000 2002 Volvo A40D, S/N 13102209, 5990 Hrs ..................................$$160,000 (5) 2004 Volvo A40D, 8998-11231 Hrs....................................$$115,000 Ea. 2005 Volvo A40D, S/N 13102207, 4204 Hrs ..................................$$205,000 (2) 2006 Volvo A40D, 4070-6854 Hrs............................$$155,000-$225,000 (6) 2007 Volvo A40D, 3012-4248 Hrs............................$$260,000-$400,000 (6) 2008 Volvo A40E, 2328-4239 Hrs ............................$$345,000-$490,000

BACKHOE LOADERS 1998 New Holland 555E, S/N 10104055, 615 Hrs ..........................$$16,000 2007 Volvo BL704ROS, S/N 22100328, 1734 Hrs............................$$47,000 2007 Volvo BL704CAS, S/N 22100331, 1768 Hrs ............................$$56,000

SKIDSTEERS 2004 ASV RC85, S/N 23100182, 781 Hrs ........................................$$23,000 2004 CAT 247, S/N 23100320, 2400 Hrs ..........................................$$16,500

PAVERS 1999 VRM PF-161, S/N 31102149, 9711 Hrs ..................................$$27,000

WATER TRUCK 1994 CAT 613C, S/N 80101141, 15000 Hrs......................................$$47,000

TRACK PAVER 2005 Lee-Boy 8500T, S/N 80101217, 1256 Hrs ..............................$$60,000

Contact: Doug Wilson 704-562-2032 Fax: 704-494-8196 Email: Billy Brice - Southeast U.S. - 678-592-1004 Email: ASC has an expansive Volvo rental fleet. Call for more details.

Serving You From North Carolina: Charlotte, Raleigh, Asheville, Greenville. South Carolina: Columbia, North Charleston, Piedmont, Georgia: Acworth, Buford, Forest Park, Savannah Alabama: Birmingham, Huntsville, Montgomery, Mobile, Tennessee: Knoxville, Chattanooga

Page 4 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

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Heavy construction equipment is currently working its way across the gently rolling sandhills of central South Carolina as part of a project to expand the recently dedicated Fort Jackson National Cemetery.


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The first building in the South Fork Business Park in Mooresville, N.C., is nearing completion by L.B. Builders Construction Group. The project involves an 85,000 sq. ft. personal race shop for Kyle Busch Motorsports.




Roger Brown was one of the principals who took Genie Industries from a small aluminum products manufacturer more than three decades ago and made it into one of the largest manufacturers of aerial products in the world; one with a vast global footprint.



Replacing McPoland is Tim Gann. Early in his career Gann worked as a Cowin sales representative based in Mobile, Ala., and went on to work his way up in the organization.

64 70



Rain showers kept the grounds and bidders wet, but the sale was well attended and more than 600 items went on the auction block.



Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers held a multi-million dollar auction on Dec. 15 in Nashville, Tenn., with the participation of more than 1,200 online and on-site bidders from 27 countries.


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Wrapping up its 20th anniversary year, Ritchason Auctioneers Inc. held a final big sale of 2009 Dec. 12 at its auction headquarters in Lebanon, Tenn.


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Construction Equipment Guide Southeast Edition (ISSN 1081-7034) is published bi-weekly by Construction Equipment Guide Ltd. Advertising and Editorial Offices are located at 470 Maryland Dr., Ft. Washington, PA 19034. Toll Free 800/523-2200 or Fax 215/885-2910. Annual Subscription Rate $65.00. Call for Canadian and foreign rates. Periodicals postage paid at Ft. Washington, PA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Construction Equipment Guide Southeast Edition, 470 Maryland Dr, Ft. Washington, PA 19034. Contents Copyrighted ©2009, by Construction Equipment Guide, which is a Registered Trademark, registered in the U.S. Patent Office. Registration number 0957323. All rights reserved, nothing may be reprinted or reproduced (including framing) in whole or part without written permission from the publisher. All editorial material, photographs, drawings, letters, and other material will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and are subject to Construction Equipment Guide's unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially. Contributor articles do not necessarily reflect the policy or opinions of this publication. Call or write for advertising rates, publication schedule and media kit. The Construction Equipment Guide is not responsible for clerical or printer's errors, every care is taken to avoid mistakes. Photographs of equipment used in advertisements are not necessarily actual photographs of the specific machine. Similar photographs are used occasionally and every effort is taken to depict the actual equipment advertised. The right is reserved to reject any advertising.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 5



SINCE 1913



Complete Boom Assembly for Terex RS60100 New Pricing Negotiable

JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207 904-737-4401 904-636-0532 Fax Se Habla Espa~ nol

INTERNATIONAL POMPANO BEACH, FL 33073 954-974-1101 954-974-0122 FAX Se Habla Espa~ nol

FT. MYERS, FL 33905 239-334-1060 239-334-6307 FAX

FAIRBURN, GA 30213 770-964-4517 770-964-6247 FAX

Page 6 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Power Equipment

CCS Equipment Sales

Used & Rental Fleet Quality at Auction Prices

Your Central North Carolina Link-Belt Dealer

Most Machines carry a 6 month / 500 hour powertrain warranty. Komatsu PC200LC-7, #C5188, 2004, 3,750 Hrs, Plumbed, 6 Month/ 500 hrs $61,600

5428 Highway 96 • Youngsville, NC 27596 Raleigh • Durham


Komatsu D65PX-15, C0397, 2005, 3,490 Hrs, 6 Month/ 500 hrs $77,000

ROLLERS/COMPACTION Ingersoll Rand SD77DX, #C0354, 2004, 1,100 Hrs, Padfoot/Shell Kit ..........................................$$33,000 Ingersoll Rand SD77DX, #C0436, 2005, 1,100 Hrs, Padfoot/Shell Kit ..........................................$$33,000 Hamm 3410, #C0561, 2008, 650 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs ................................................................$$66,000 Hamm 3410, #C5504, 2008, 520 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs ................................................................$$66,000 Hamm 3410, #C5508, 2008, 950 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs ................................................................$$60,500 DOZERS Komatsu D31EX-21A, #C5435, 2007, 300 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$38,500 Komatsu D39EX-21A, #C0385, 2005, 2,270 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$35,200 Komatsu D39EX-21A, #C0381, 2005, 2,330 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$35,200 Komatsu D41EX-6C, #C0497, 2007, 1,000 Hrs ........ ....................................................................$$53,900 Komatsu D61PX-15, #C0392, 2005, 3,870 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$71,500 Komatsu D65EX-15, #C5152, 2004, 3,140 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$77,000 Komatsu D65EX-15, #C0396, 2005, 4,010 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$71,500 Komatsu D65PX-15,C0397, 2005, 3,490 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$77,000 Komatsu D155AX-5B, #C0457, 2006, 2,210 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs............................................$$231,000 Komatsu D275AX-5, #C0539, 2002, 12,460 Hrs ...... ..................................................................$$209,000 EXCAVATORS Komatsu PC138USLC-2, #C5162, 2004, 2,690 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs ..........................................$$46,200 Komatsu PC138USLC-2, #C5163, 2004, 2,790 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs ..........................................$$46,200 Komatsu PC200LC-7, #C0226, 2004, 3,170 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$61,600 Komatsu PC200LC-7, #C5175-T, 2004, 3,240 Hrs, Thumb, 6 Month/500 hrs ............................$$63,800 Komatsu PC200LC-7, #C5185, 2004, 3,240 Hrs, Plumbed, 6 Month/500 hrs ..........................$$63,800 Komatsu PC200LC-7, #C0261, 2004, 3,600 Hrs, Plumbed, 6 Month/500 hrs ..........................$$61,600

Komatsu PC200LC-7, #C5188, 2004, 3,750 Hrs, Plumbed, 6 Month/500 hrs ..........................$$61,600 Komatsu PC200LC-7, #C0413, 2005, 3,340 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$63,800 Komatsu PC220LC-7, #C5196, 2004, 3,700 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$70,400 Komatsu PC220LC-7, #C5261-T, 2004, 4,140 Hrs, Thumb, 6 Month/500 hrs ............................$$70,400 Komatsu PC220LC-7, #C5201, 2004, 4,700 Hrs, Long Reach, Bkt., 6 Month/500 hrs ............$$82,500 Komatsu PC300LC-7, #C5205, 2004, 4,990 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$82,500 Komatsu PC400LC-6M, #C5304, 2004, 3,540 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$99,000 Komatsu PC400LC-6M, #C5303, 2004, 4,090 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$99,000 Komatsu PC400LC-7, #C5218, 2004, 4,720 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$93,500 Komatsu PC400LC-7, #C5220, 2004, 5,130 Hrs ...... ....................................................................$$88,000 Komatsu PC600LC-8, #BP8614, 2006, 4,500 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs............................................$$231,000 EXCAVATORS WITH ATTACHMENTS Komatsu PC300LC-7/GXP500R, #C5207-S/BP8002, 2004, 5,190 Hrs, Genesis Shear ................$$242,000 Komatsu PC300LC-7/GMS700, #C0238-S/BP8506, 2004, 5,350 Hrs, Genesis Shear ................$$242,000 WHEEL LOADER Komatsu WA320-5L, #C0535, 2007, 1,800 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs..............................................$$88,000 ARTIC TRUCKS Komatsu HM300-1, #C0353, 2005, 3,990 Hrs, 6 Month/500 hrs............................................$$104,500 Komatsu HM300-1, #C5300, 2005, 5,000 Hrs .......... ....................................................................$$88,000 Komatsu HM300-1, #C5327, 2005, 5,630 Hrs .......... ....................................................................$$82,500 ATTACHMENTS Tramac V1200, #C5486, 2007 ..........................C CALL Tramac V1200, #C5487, 2007 ..........................C CALL Tramac V1600, #C5491, 2007 ..........................C CALL

Call John Noble

Knoxville, TN 865-579-7346

Kingsport, TN • Chattanooga, TN • Nashville, TN Knoxville, TN • Memphis, TN • Tupelo, MS

0% Financing for 60 Months Expires 12/31/09

Spin-Ace® Series Excavators LBX Company’s Spin-Ace® excavators feature a minimum swing radius so you can get in and out of the tightest job sites.

2006 Link-Belt 330LX 2200 hrs, 13’3” stick, 42” Esco bucket ......................$$130,000 2006 Link-Belt 130LX 2400 hrs, 24” bucket, Mechanical thumb, 24” pads ....$$49,900 2005 Link-Belt 240LX 3200 hrs, hydraulic thumb, 42” bucket ........................$$75,000 2002 Link-Belt 210LX 4500 hrs, hydraulic thumb, 42” bucket ........................$$38,500 1997 Link-Belt 2800Q 7300 hrs, 36” bucket, 9’10” Stick ................................$$26,500 1995 Link-Belt 2800Q 6200 hrs, 42” bucket....................................................$$22,500

CCS Equipment Sales Offering Takeuchi Special Financing! 5428 Highway 96 • Youngsville, NC 27596 Raleigh • Durham


.9% Financing for 60 Months Expires 12/31/09

INTRODUCING the all-new TL250 High Flow...Great for Cutter Head Attachments. They are engineered with the power and strength of a track loader in an agile and maneuverable size. 2007 Takeuchi TB1140 (31,878 lbs.) excavator 1100 hrs, hydraulic thumb, rubber pads, blade, independent boom swing ................................................................................................$$81,000 2006 Takeuchi TB175CR (17,230 lbs.) excavator 1350 hrs, quick coupler, hydraulic thumb, rubber tracks, blade ........................................................................................................$$41,900 2006 Takeuchi TB145R (10,562 lbs.) excavator 1670 hrs, rubber tracks, blade ..........$$24,500 2007 Takeuchi TL150CR rubber track loader 710 hrs, cab, A/C, heat, straight bucket, forks, 40% tracks ......................................................................................................................$$34,900 2007 Takeuchi TL130R rubber track loader 640 hrs, 4N1 bucket, new tracks and sprockets .... ........................................................................................................................................$$20,500 2005 Takeuchi TL140R rubber track loader 2075 hrs, 80% tracks, 4N1 bucket............$$18,500 2004 Takeuchi TL140R rubber track loader 2160 hrs, cab (no heat or A/C), 4N1 bucket, 60% U/C ..................................................................................................................................$$17,500

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 7

Gatorback Tracks & Equipment LLC New and Used Equipment Sales • Rubber Tracks and Undercarriage Parts

St. Augustine, FL • Jacksonville, FL 877-748-7299 • 904-622-7141

2003 Cat D5N LGP, 3920 Hrs, Cab, A/C, Limb Risers, Rear Screens........$$48,000

2009 Mustang MTL312, Enclosed Cab, A/C............................................$$28,500

2003 John Deere 450HLGP, 2320 Hrs, OROPS, 80% U/C..........$$29,900

2006 Big Tex Pintle Hitch Tr a i l e r, Elec. Brakes, 22500GVWR......$$4,500

2005 John Deere 650J LGP, 1000 Hrs, One Owner ................................$$54,900

2005 JD 624H, Cab, A/C, Quick Tach w/Root Rake, One Owner ......$$59,900

1989 Volvo A25, 5000 Gallon Water Truck ....................................$$18,500

2005 Gehl CTL80, 1150 Hours, New Tracks and Sprockets ..........$$19,900

1996 Komatsu CD50, Steel w/Rubber Pads, 360˚ Rotating Dumper ....$$39,900

2003 Takeuchi TB145, Rubber Tracks, Fixed Thumb ............$$16,900

2006 Mustang 634 Te l e h a n d l e r, 500 Hrs........................................$$28,900

1998 Dodge Ram 3500, 4x4, Auto Trans Service Body, 140k miles ........ ..............................................$$8,500

2004 ASV RC85, 1400 hours, Hi Flow Aux Hydraulics ..........................$$14,900

2006 Mustang MTL25, Cab, A/C, 150 Hrs........................................$$37,500

1995 Komatsu CD50, New Chains and Sprockets, New Roadliner Pads.............. .................................................. $44,900

2009 Gehl CTL55 Standard ROPS, New Machine..........................$$24,500

2008 Mustang 1503, 60 Hrs, Aux. Hydraulics, 3 Buckets ..........$$17,900

2007 Kaufman Gooseneck 24k lb Tr a i l e r, 36ft ............................$$7,900

2006 Nissan 8000lb Forklift, 60” Forks, 5000 Hrs, Pneumatic Tires..........$$5,995

2001 Komatsu PC300LC-6LE 54” Bucket w/Manual Thumb ......$$44,500


2007 Gehl 373, Rubber Tracks, only 150 hours ..................................$$22,900

Undercarriage Parts

1996 Mack with Demo Trailer .............. ....................................................$$25,500

Page 8 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

S.C. Firms Working on Fort Jackson Cemetery Expansion By Eric Olson CEG CORRESPONDENT

Heavy construction equipment is currently working its way across the gently rolling sandhills of central South Carolina as part of a project to expand the recently dedicated Fort Jackson National Cemetery. When it first opened last year, the cemetery became one of 125 national burial sites spread over 39 states and Puerto Rico honoring more than 3 million American veterans. The new 585-acre national cemetery is located adjacent to the U.S. Army's sprawling Fort Jackson base just east of Columbia and south of Interstate 20. The cemetery was dedicated last fall by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and, when completed in another 10-15 years, will provide gravesites for about 170,000 veterans. Work began on the initial phase of the $19 million project in May 2008 with a 15-acre early burial area and temporary facilities. Known as Phase 1A, this piece of land began seeing burials and funerals late last year. The work was done by International Public Works LLC, a Charleston, S.C.based construction and engineering firm. The work currently going on at the cemetery is known as Phase 1B and encompasses 74 acres. This phase of the project includes the installation of 4,224 concrete vaults, 5,000 full-casket gravesites, another 5,000 in-ground cremation sites and the construction of a 2,000-niche columbarium. In addition, several buildings and memorials will be erected and extensive landscaping will be put in place. LW Construction of Charleston LLC, a service-disabled, veteranowned small business, is coordinating the current phase. The VA awarded a $10.3 million contract

The cemetery was dedicated last fall by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and, when completed in another 10-15 years, will provide gravesites for about 170,000 veterans. to the firm earlier this summer and work got underway shortly thereafter. LW subcontracted the earthmoving and paving part of the project to another Charleston company, Landmark Construction. Ron Brantley, LW's project supervisor on the Fort Jackson work, said that his outfit was given 540 days to complete the job, meaning that Phase 1B should be done in early 2011. “The site was actually harvested of its timber before we began work, so we just came in and got rid of the stumps and chipped it out,” he explained. “All the chips were then reused and spread around the reforested areas. We are also producing a number of different retention ponds. Later, we will be putting up two main buildings, a maintenance structure and an administration building.” LW will also build a pair of committal service shelters, where gravesite services will be held, as well as the columbarium niches, which, Brantley said, will have marble faces. After that, LW will build several other support buildings, along with a flag assembly area, which Brantley said would be a raised platform with a curved brick wall that will display the emblems of each of the U.S. armed services. Visitors will be able to access it via a set of sidewalks and ramps. “Another main part of our work is the installation of the 4,224 preplaced crypts,” Brantley contin-

ued. “Each is a dual crypt, with spaces for two caskets, one low and one high, and they will be precisely placed and covered with about 21 inches of general fill and topsoil.” Mack Industries, based in Brunswick, Ohio, will manufacture and install the pre-cast crypts,

“So when it rains here you can keep working and you don't have to wait for it to dry out like you do if you were working in the Low Country around Charleston,” Brantley explained. “In fact, I was told that in Phase 1A they never lost any work time due to rain.” Landmark has really been the

“With construction taking place while funerals are happening, there is a learning curve to make sure that you respect the whole process. I think our guys really understand that.” J e re m y B l a c k s t o c k Landmark Construction

Brantley said. In addition, The Greenery, a Charleston landscape firm, will handle the cemetery's large amount of landscaping in Phase 1B. Brantley explained that the soil at Fort Jackson is very sandy and dry, making it easier to work in. With the water table in the Sandhills being about 180 feet down, any rain that falls in the area quickly disappears, he said.

firm to enjoy the benefit of the sandy soil, according to Jeremy Blackstock. The director of Landmark's site work and civil department, Blackstock said that his crews are now busily leveling the slightly hilly area. That type of terrain is perfect, he said, for using heavy equipment that utilizes double-barreled pans. “After we balance the site, we'll dig out an area for the crypts and

get it all prepped for the general contractor,” he added. “LW will put up some buildings and get the vertical construction going before we come back in and do the road construction, some concrete work and some brick pavers, as well as the back filling of the crypts and soil stabilization.” Landmark's portion of the contract is just under $3 million, Blackstock said. For the clearing and grubbing work, Landmark used primarily Caterpillar 315 and 320 excavators, but now that the firm is into moving more dirt at the site, they have brought in a variety of equipment, including John Deere bulldozers and Volvo excavators. A workhorse at the Fort Jackson site will be the Terex TS 14B scraper, according to Joe Johnson, a general superintendent for Landmark. “Over the years as we have run lots of different equipment, like the Terex TS 14B, we have learned what pieces are the real heavy horses that move a lot of dirt and move it well,” he said. “With the Terex, the durability is there, as well as the longevity, and the maintenance is minimum. They move a lot of earth and they move it quick.” In the end, said Blackstock, the most important thing to remember while working at the site of a veteran's cemetery is to show reverence for the solemnity of the place, not always an easy task when operating heavy, noisy machinery. “With construction taking place while funerals are happening, there is a learning curve to make sure that you respect the whole process,” Blackstock said. “I think our guys really understand that.” (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at CEG

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 9

Page 10 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

2006 Bomag BC1172RB

Trash Compactor, Dealer Serviced & Maintained Ready to go to Work, $339,000


After Five Years, USM’s Lott Center Nearly Complete HATTIESBURG, Miss. (AP) A University of Southern Mississippi building named in honor of former U.S. Sen. Trent Lott is nearly complete after being under construction for five years. “I think in late January, early February, we’ll be ready to give the go-ahead,’’ said Chad Driskell, USM executive assistant to the president for external affairs An electrical system check by engineers and building furnishings are among the items remaining to be completed at the Trent Lott National Center of Excellence for Economic Development and Entrepreneurship. The building will house the Department of Economic and Workforce Development; Center for Logistics, Trade and Transportation; National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security and the

Office of Advancement and USM Foundation offices Construction began in 2004, but moved slowly because of funding shortages. When President Martha Saunders took over in 2007, only the first floor and exterior were completed after three years of construction Driskell said he worked with the state Legislature to get necessary state funding to complete the $28 million building. In 2004, when the project began under then-USM President Shelby Thames, the estimated cost was $22.8 million, a figure that didn’t include architectural design. Higher post-Hurricane Katrina construction costs are among the reasons the final price tag increased, said physical plant director Rusty Postlewate.

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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 11

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New East Florida Spec Dumps, 24' x 96" x 60" triaxle suspension, electric tarp

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New Trail King Conveyor Belt Trailers, 41'x96" Air Ride Suspension, Super Single Wheels, 33 cubic yard Capacity, Great for Sand, Stone and Asphalt $57,500 / Rental Option Available

New Trail King Pneumatic Tanks, 1,000 cu. ft., Air Ride Suspension, Call now for more info! ...................... ........FET Not Included, FOB Current Location $48,500

New East Hardox Steel Dumps 34' x 96" x (66" or 76") - SUPER HEAVY DUTY - Demolition Trailer, Air Ride, Barn Door.

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Fontaine Drop Decks New 48' & 53' Drop Deck Trailers IN STOCK

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New East walking floors, 48' long x 102" x 13', spring suspension; Keith walking floor installed.

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Page 12 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

(717) 635-7409 Joe Goncalves (717) 561-3312 Harrisburg, PA jgoncalves@

Duane Phillips (412) 877-3549 Pittsburgh, PA dphillips@

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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 13

Page 14 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Kyle Busch Motorsports Relocates in Mooresville, N.C.

The first building in the South Fork Business Park in Mooresville, N.C., is nearing completion by L.B. Builders Construction Group.


The first building in the South Fork Business Park in Mooresville, N.C., is nearing completion by L.B. Builders Construction Group. The project involves an 85,000 sq. ft. (7,896 sq m) personal race shop for Kyle Busch Motorsports. The structure, which is a steel building package for Nucor Building Systems, originally started at 62,000 sq. ft. (5,759 sq m), and increased from there. When complete, it will include approximately 21,000 sq. ft. (1,950 sq m) of office space. There also will be a fabrication area and a car set-up area. There will be a capacity for 55 to 100 employees. “Everything will be state-of-the-art in the building,” Peterson said. “We are running all the fiber optics for the computers, and LED lighting is going in.” Currently, Kyle Busch Motorsports is located in several different locations. The new site will combine everything into one facility. Construction began in June 2008, and is expected to be complete in late 2009. “We are working on LEED certification,” Peterson said. “This has been a challenge, since it was brought to us halfway through the project. We’re actually going for gold certification.” Another challenge has been rainy weather, which has particularly affected the drilling of 128 geothermal wells, which are each 300 ft. (91.4 m) deep. Each six-inch well contains two one-half-inch diameter pipes. In all, the project will

involve 86 mi. (138 km) of piping underground and under the slab. When complete, approximately 600 gallons of water per minute will move through the building at all times. The geothermal system will result in a 65-to-75- percent savings on electric and gas for the business. In addition, Peterson explained that another challenge was that his group has gone through several major changes to the original design plans per the owner’s request, which resulted

in new plans and approvals. The entire business park project will cover about 120 acres. Phase I, which is complete, involved moving approximately 150,000 cu. yds. (114,683 cu. m) of dirt. Phase II will begin in the spring of 2010. “We are totally equipped to do all the grading and utility work, the whole nine yards,” Peterson explained. “We own see MOORESVILLE page 16

Construction began in June 2008, and is expected to be complete in late 2009.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 15



Joe McElreath Co., Inc.




The Joe McElreath Company, Inc. has been in business for the past 47 years. Keeping with new technology of the time, we began directional boring in 1993. Joe McElreath has owned and operated the company since its inception in 1962 and has made the company one that the industry has come to rely upon. We pride ourselves in owning all of our equipment ranging from directional boring equipment to trenchers, Vac-Trucks, mud motors, mud trucks, 16” air missile with 900 cfm Sullair air compressor to MCM 2000 & 4000 American Auger cleaning systems. Along with excavators, front end loader backhoes, track type dozer, equipment to drill both rock and dirt, walk-over and wireline locating systems, we own and operate over 30 pieces of backup equipment available for all our jobsites. We have the capabilities, the equipment and the personnel to handle up to 5 complete horizontal bore jobs at the same time.

Founded in 1962 and Fully Insured Lic. No. 51508

Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana. Fax: 940-668-8828 Email:

“You Are In Good Hands”

Page 16 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Contractor Seeking LEED Gold Certification on Project Tire Size



Qty Price





















L3 24ply



$400 $1,056

SOLD OUT! $2,145 SOLD OUT! $2,200 SOLD OUT! $2,365 SOLD OUT! $2,723



L3 20 ply



L3 20ply



L3 20ply



L3 22ply



L5 30ply





L5 42ply





L5 42ply





L5 Smooth



42ply 875/65R33


SOLD OUT! $9,020 3% Surcharge for Credit Card Purchases

The structure, which is a steel building package for Nucor Building Systems, originally started at 62,000 sq. ft. (5,759 sq m), and increased to 85,000 sq. ft. (7,896 sq m). MOORESVILLE from page 14

everything that we need.” Major subcontractors for the project include The Plumbing Shop for all plumbing in the building, including all geothermal piping inside the building; ADS Interiors for all framing drywall, ceilings, and paint; Stamey Brothers Electrical for all electrical in the building; A-1 Glass for all glass inside and outside of the building, including the front walls that are 38 ft. (11.5 m) tall and lean outward at a three-degree angle; Shumi’s Concrete for all concrete inside the building and the two-acre parking lot; Hills Service for all the geothermal outside the building and valves inside the building; and Climatech Heating and Cooling for all HVAC within the building.

The equipment list for the job includes well drilling equipment, a Cat 963, a Komatsu 200, D51; and several types of trackhoes and backhoes. L.B. Builders Construction Group has been in business for 10 years, and specializes in commercial buildings. About 95 percent of its work is completed in Mooresville. Recent work has included buildings in the Talbert Point Business Park and the Lakeside Business Park. The company is owned by Butch Bouwens, who has been a builder for more than 20 years. (Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in the Carolinas state supplement.) CEG

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 17

Page 18 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Mexico Welcomes Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers to Polotitlan


he state of Mexico officially welcomed international auctioneer Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Dec. 8 to the municipality of Polotitlan at the company’s first industrial auction at its new permanent auction site in the Mexican municipality. Municipality President Jesus Jimenez and, on behalf of the state of Mexico, Philippe Sester Bouclier (sub-secretary of industrial development), accompanied company representatives in an official ribboncutting ceremony on the morning of the unreserved industrial auction. The new permanent auction site is one of 39 Ritchie Bros. auction sites around the world. More than 600 construction, mining, transportation and industrial equipment items were sold to the highest bidders at the multi-million dollar public auction, which attracted online and in-person bidder participation from 29 Mexican states, 12 U.S. states, 7 Canadian provinces and 8 other countries. Equipment in the auction was sold to buyers from as far away as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Italy. “On behalf of Governor Enrique Pena Nieto and the state of Mexico, we feel honored to be part of the grand opening celebrations for the new Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers permanent auction site in Polotitlan,” said Phillipe Sester Bouclier during the ribbon cutting ceremony. “It is very important for us that a company of international stature in the industrial equipment sector like Ritchie Bros. has decided to invest their resources to improve the services that they offer their local and international customers. Mexico

Aerial view of the new Ritchie Bros. auction site in Polotitlan.

brings us together today to reach out and collaborate with the initiatives taken by Ritchie Bros. and, in doing so, makes a promise to the nation.” Nick Nicholson, Ritchie Bros. senior vice president, said: “We are very pleased with the level of co-operation between Ritchie Bros. and the municipal and state governments. The relationship we’ve held with them has allowed us to grow and bring our customers this new permanent facility and see RITCHIE page 68

Aerial view of the new facility in Polotitlan.

All the staff join the ribbon cutting ceremony in Mexico.

The 30,000-sq.-ft. auction theater has a seating capacity for more than 500 people.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 19

Contact: Tel: Fax: Email:

Walt Kay 540/309-1709 540/389-6507

RSC Equipment Rental SCISSORS


2004 GENIE GS1930, SCISSOR LIFT-15-19' DC, S/N GS300465147, UNIT #509416........................................$3,553 2003 GENIE GS2632, SCISSOR LIFT-26' DC-30-32", S/N GS320350321, UNIT #460069 ................................$4,776 2004 JLG 2646ES, SCISSOR LIFT-25-26' DC-46-68", S/N 0200122777, UNIT #516754 ..........................................$5,670 2004 SKYJACK SJIII-3226, SCISSOR LIFT-26' DC-30-32", S/N 272214, UNIT #515905 ..................................................$5,696 2005 SKYJACK SJIII-4632, SCISSOR LIFT-30-34' DC-46-69", S/N 711485, UNIT #541377..........................................$11,608

2004 MULTIQUIP MRH800GS, W/B ROLLER-SMOOTH-DD1500# 26", S/N M3646, UNIT #509442 ..........................$3,970 2005 WACKER RT56-SC, W/B ROLLER-PADFOOT-3000#, S/N 5569442, UNIT #565640 ................................................$9,367 2005 WACKER RT82-SC, W/B ROLLER-PADFOOT-3000#, S/N 5549433, UNIT #548636................................................$10,042 2005 IR SD45D-COMBO, R/O ROLLER-VIB-SD 5T 54” S/N 182289, UNIT #555319..................................................$23,925 2005 IR SD70D, R/O ROLLER-VIB-SD 8T 66” S/N 182142, UNIT #557622 ..............................................................$32,622



1999 GENIE Z45/25-DF-4WD, ART BOOM LIFT-45-49'-4WD, S/N Z452511256, UNIT #286953..................................$18,074 2005 JLG E300AJ-NAR, ART BOOM LIFT-30-34'-2WD DC, S/N 0300087886, UNIT #581382 ........................................$21,709 1999 GENIE S60-DF-4WD, STR BOOM LIFT-60-64’-4WD, S/N S603928, UNIT #269355 ......................................$22,647 2005 JLG E400AN-NAR, ART BOOM LIFT-40-44'-2WD DC, S/N 0300081644, UNIT #541391 ........................................$23,752 2002 TEREX TB85-D-4WD, STR BOOM LIFT-85-89'-4WD, S/N 2660012, UNIT #7602108 ............................................$24,012 2002 GENIE S85-DF-4WD, STR BOOM LIFT-85-89'-4WD, S/N S853354, UNIT #439174 ..............................................$37,412

G E N E R AT O R S 2005 MULTIQUIP DCA10SPX3, GENERATOR-10-14 KW, S/N 3763449, UNIT #584432 ................................................$5,301 2004 MULTIQUIP DCA45USIC, GENERATOR-30-39 KW, S/N 8200424, UNIT #529066 ................................................$9,458

2005 DAEWOO G25E-NM, IND FORKLIFT-5000 LB, S/N GA00397, UNIT #551736................................................$9,848 2004 DAEWOO D35S, IND FORKLIFT-8000-9000 LB, S/N FZ00026, UNIT #513074 ..............................................$16,548 2005 TEREX TX55-19, RCH FORKLIFT-FXD-5000 LB 18-24', S/N TX551911540, UNIT #547302 ..............................$20,449 2004 GEHL RS5, RCH FORKLIFT-6000 LB 20-34', S/N RS5JV0311221, UNIT#494403 ....................................$21,740 2004 SKYTRAK 6036, RCH FORKLIFT-6000 LB 35-39', S/N 0160004949, UNIT #511059 ........................................$22,400 2003 JLG G9-43A, RCH FORKLIFT-9,000 LB 35-45', S/N 0160002173, UNIT #473963..................................$27,375 2002 LULL 844C-42, RCH FORKLIFT-8000 LB 35-45', S/N 16161, UNIT #412448 ..................................................$28,457 2004 LULL 644E-42, RCH FORKLIFT-6000 LB 40-45', S/N 0160003168, UNIT #484162 ........................................$30,522 2004 SKYTRAK 10054, RCH FORKLIFT-10000 LB 40-55, S/N 0160004344, UNIT #508084 ........................................$49,390


2005 BOBCAT S220, SKIDSTEER LOADER-1851-2200 LB, S/N 526215460, UNIT #590851 ........ ...................................... $19,107

2004 DEERE 550H-LT CRAWLER DOZER, 75-84HP-STD TRACK, S/N T0550HX937358, UNIT $36,159 #512419 ........................$

2005 WACKER RT82-SC, W/B ROLLER-PADFOOT-3000#, S/N 5593138, UNIT #581593............ $10,042 ......................................$

2004 DEERE 710G BACKHOE4WD 23’ EXT, S/N T0710GX941793, UNIT #531117 $57,981 ......................................$

2004 JLG G9-43A, RCH FORKLIFT-9000 LB 35-45', S/N 0160003850, UNIT #505796 ...... $27,831 ......................................$

2004 BOBCAT 325 MINI EXCA VATOR, 8-9.9’ DEPTH, S/N 234111374, UNIT #511074 ...... $12,142 ....................................$ ©2009 RSC Equipment Rental Inc.

Case Announces ‘Landscaper of the Year’Finalists for 2010 Case Construction Equipment recently announced the 12 finalists in the 2010 Landscaper of the Year contest. The contest, co-sponsored by Case, recognizes the best landscape contractors across the United States. The finalists in the Landscaper of the Year contest include: • Rick Armet of Armet’s Landscape, Atascadero, Calif. • Kit Bock of Big Tree Inc., Fort Myers, Fla. • Mark Borst of Borst Landscape & Design, Allendale, N.J. • Larry Dixon of Dixon’s Landscaping, Brewton, Ala. • Gene Grant of Grant & Power Landscaping, West Chicago, Ill. • Thomas Allen Grosh of Grosh’s Lawn Service, Clear Spring, Md. • Steven Hansen of Hansen’s Landscape Services, St. George, Utah • Steve Hill of Turftenders Landscape Services, Raleigh, N.C. • Karen and Maur McKie of Green Oak Garden Center, Jackson, Miss.

• Eric “Cameron” Murray of ECM Enterprises, Raleigh, N.C. • Shaun Shepherd of One Degree Lawn Care & Landscaping, Tahlequah, Okla. • Allen Sweeney of Al’s Complete Lawn Care, Frankfort, Ky. The 12 finalists will attend a four-day, three-night, all-expenses-paid Caribbean cruise. The event includes a special reception, industry roundtable session and an awards banquet. The winning contractor’s business will be featured on the front cover and in a multi-page story in the January 2010 issue of Total Landscape Care magazine. The 11 finalists will be featured in articles in subsequent 2010 issues of the magazine. To qualify, nominees had to own a landscaping company for at least five years, post annual revenues of $8 million or less, maintain an excellent safety record, own at least three ride-on machines and provide a positive reflection on the landscape industry overall. For more information, visit

Beasley Forest Products, Inc. P O Box 788 Hazlehurst, GA 31539

Crane Mats & Skids BFP Builds Quality Mats Produces over 200 mats per day End Coating to prevent splitting and checking Place stacking sticks between mats to allow drying and prevent decay Minimal Wane Consistent 48” wide mats; no random widths

We can truck or rail crane mats anywhere in the United States.

BFP Logo stamped into each bold head Maintains large inventory of mats

Phone (912) 375-5174 Fax (912) 375-9541 Email:

Page 20 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

HAROLD HOWELL Construction Equipment Co. 757-545-3600 2506 South Military Highway • Chesapeake, VA 23320 Bryan Smith & Tom Coyne: Sales • Ryan Mellott: Sales & Parts Brian Evans: Rentals

See our website

1996 CATERPILLAR MODEL 12-H MOTOR GRADER Serial #4XM00756, 1996,14' Moldboard, Open Cab, Scarifier, 7352 Hours, 17.5 – 25 tires. Good - Clean - Strong Machine SPECIAL PRICE: F.O.B. West Palm Beach, Florida ............$79,500 CATERPILLAR MODEL D5M LGP CRAWLER DOZER Serial #3CR00370, 1997, 60% + undercarriage, 30” pads, Open ROPS, excellent powertrain, good looking, clean, straight dozer SPECIAL PRICE WAS: F.O.B. West Palm Beach, Florida ..$45,000 REDUCED PRICE TO $29,500

1998 Komatsu WA470-3, Enclosed cab with AC. General purpose bkt ...... .......................................................................................................$$46,500

1995 CATERPILLAR 938F FRONT END LOADER Serial #1KM1001, 1995, enclosed cab, large-wide 550/65 R25 tires, cranked and ran without assist, power train good – forward/back good, pins and bushings good, good brakes. REDUCED PRICE ......$38,500

Call Harold Howell at 561-744-5091 Email: 2001 Cat D6MLGP, OROPS, finger tip controls, PAT blade, Strong engine and transmission...........................................................................$$46,500

LOADER BACKHOES 2000 Cat 416C, OROPS, 4x4, Std. Backhoe, GP Loader Bucket .........................................................$$23,500 (2) 1998 Cat 416C IT, OROPS, 4WD, Quick Coupler, 4-n-1, Low Hours.......................................$$19,500 Ea. 2002 John Deere 310G, OROPS, 4x4, Std Hoe, Very Good Condition................................................$$24,500 2003 John Deere 310G, OROPS, 4x4, Std Backhoe ...........................................................................$$25,500

CRAWLER DOZERS 2004 Cat D5NLGP, Enclosed Cab w/AC, 30” Pads, Clean Straight, Tight Machine..............................$$59,500 2004 Cat D6NLGP, Cab w/ AC, 6 way blade, Ripper valve...................................................................$$74,500 2005 John Deere 550JLGP, Enclosed cab w/Heat & A/C, 6 way blade ...............................................$$63,500 1994 John Deere 650GTC, OROPS, 6 way blade, good undercarriage ...............................................$$25,000 1999 John Deere 650HLGP, OROPS, six way blade, wide pads..........................................................$$29,500 2006 John Deere 650JLGP, OROPS, 6 way blade, wide pads.............................................................$$65,000

EXCAVATORS 2004 Cat 308C CR, Enclosed cab w/AC. 36" bucket w/ thumb. Steel tracks. Wrist-a-twist, backfill balde....... ............................................................................................................................................................$$38,500 2005 Cat 311CU, EROPS, with A/C and heat, very good undercarriage..............................................$$44,500 2004 Cat 313C CR, Cab w/AC and Heat.. Clean, Straight, Tight ..........................................................$$44,500 1992 Cat 320L, Enclosed Cab, Strong Engine, Good Running Machine .............................................$$31,500 2000 Cat 322BL, Cab w/AC, 80% UC, thumb, clean, straight, tight machine......................................$$63,500 1993 Cat 325L, Cab w/heat, long undercarriage, wide pads, 10'8" stick, 38" bucket w/side...............$$54,000 1997 Cat 330BL, Enclosed cab w/AC, 54" bucket, coupler, clean, straight, tight machine. Good running machine ...............................................................................................................................................$$59,500 1995 Cat 350L, Enclosed Cab w/Heat, Well Maintained ......................................................................$$49,500 1998 Hitachi EX110-5, EROPS with heat, 24” bucket, clean and straight...........................................$$25,500 1998 Hitachi EX120-5, Enclosed cab w/ A/C & heat, 36" bkt w/sidecutters, man. thumb, good ........$$35,500 1997 Hitachi EX135 UR, EROPS, heat & A/C, thumb, steel pads .......................................................$$22,500 1998 Hitachi EX160LC, Enclosed Cab w/ AC, thumb ..........................................................................$$29,500 2000 Hitachi EX210LCH-5, 51' Long Reach w/ 33" bucket, 32" (wide) pads......................................$$69,500 1998 Hitachi EX300LC, Enclosed cab with AC, aux plumbing, 48” bkt with side cutters ..................$$39,500 2005 Hitachi ZX160LC, Cab w/ A/C, manual thumb, very nice machine.............................................$$65,000 2004 Hitachi ZX200LC, Enclosed Cab w/ A/C, Long U/C, long stick, wide pads, 1 owner, well..........$$89,900 2004 Hitachi ZX270LC, Enclosed Cab with A/C, bucket, coupler and forks, good rubber, aux. hydraulics, work ready machine ............................................................................................................................$$64,500 1996 Hyundai 200LC, EROPS, tight machine, original paint, needs pins, bushings and sprockets in undercarriage................................................................................................................................................$$14,500 2005 JCB JS220LC, Enclosed Cab w/AC, Aux Plumbing, 80% U/C, Isuzu Diesel, Very Clean, Straight .................................................................................................................................................$$74,500 1999 Komatsu PC270LC-6, Enclosed cab w/AC and heat, Long stick, good U/C, quick coupler ........$$49,500 2005 Link Belt LBX135, Enclosed cab w/AC, thumb, 9’10” stick, low hrs..........................................$$59,500 2004 Volvo EC210B LC, Cab w/AC, Wide Pads, Clean, Straight, Tight Machine .................................$$64,500

WHEEL LOADERS 2004 JD 624J, Enclosed cab w/AC, GP Bkt, auxiliary plumbing, forestry tires ...................................$$77,500 2005 JD 624J, Cab w/AC, Bucket, coupler, forks ................................................................................$$73,500 2000 JD TC54H, Enclosed cab, GP bucket, forks, clean, straight, tight machine ................................$$48,500

All Equipment Owned by Southeastern Equipment Corp

Senior Vice President of Global Sales Roger Brown to Retire From Genie Industries will be stronger for it.” Genie Industries, a subsidiary of Brown was one of the principals Terex Corporation, announced that who took Genie Industries from a Roger Brown, senior vice president small aluminum products manuof global sales, will retire. Brown’s facturer more than three decades last day with the company will be ago and made it into one of the Dec. 31. largest manufacturers of aerial “Roger is an icon in the aerial products in the world; one with a industry and has engendered a feelvast global footprint. During the ing of respect among those he rental industry’s formation and worked alongside and led,” said consolidation years, Brown helped Tim Ford, president, Terex AWP. the industry’s growth and develop“This feeling not only permeated ment. At the peak of industry Genie for decades, but extended out demand in 2008, Genie Industries into the entire rental industry. I employed more than 5,800 team would like to extend my sincere members globally to produce suffigratitude to Roger for all that he has cient units to meet customer needs. done for our organization. He proJoe George, vice president globvided true value and helped cusal sales of Terex AWP, will assume tomers to grow their businesses and Brown’s responsibilities. will be greatly missed internally as For more information, visit well as throughout the industry. But Roger Brown’s last day with Genie will be we will build upon his legacy and Dec. 31.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 21

Page 22 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

After 42 Years With Cowin Equipment Co., Dennis McPoland Set to Retire After more than 42 years of service to Cowin Equipment Co., Senior Vice President and General Sales Manager Dennis McPoland has elected to retire at the end of 2009. “Dennis has been with us for more than 40 years. He was our top sales officer and one of our top corporate officers. He is one of the most important employees in Cowin’s history and certainly is a friend of mine, and to many in the company,” said Jamie Cowin, president, Cowin Equipment Company. “Dennis opened our Mobile office decades ago, when he was working for my father. Since then he became the sales manager for the Mobile, Montgomery and Pensacola branches, and was eventually promoted to senior vice president and general sales manager for all of Cowin’s sales and rental activities. Dennis chose to retire at the end of this year; it was something he planned for well in advance. Everyone at Cowin will miss Dennis and we certainly wish him and his family nothing but the very best for the future” said Cowin. Replacing McPoland is Tim Gann. Early in his career Gann worked as a Cowin sales representative based in Mobile, Ala., and went on to work his way up in the organization. Gann assumed the position of vice president and general sales manager as of Nov 1, 2009. He has been with the

Dennis McPoland, Cowin Equipment’s senior vice president and general sales manager is retiring at the end of this year after more than 42 years with the company.

company for more than 19 years and previously had been serving in the capacity as sales manager for the northern part of Alabama. Gann will now be responsible for all of Cowin’s sales and rental activities. To fill the sales management functions for Southern Alabama, a responsibility previously held by McPoland, Randy Rockwell was appointed to the position of vice president, southern area sales manager. Rockwell has been with Cowin for 12 years, most recently serving as a sales representative in the Mobile branch. Rockwell will be responsible for all

Randy Rockwell has been appointed to the position of vice president, southern area sales manager.

of Cowin’s sales and rental activities for the Mobile, Pensacola and Montgomery branches. Rockwell will report directly to Gann. Cowin Equipment Co Inc. is a full service distributor of construction machinery, including sales, rental, parts and service departments. Cowin has offices in Birmingham, Mobile, Huntsville-Decatur, Montgomery, Oxford, Ala., Pensacola, Fla. and Atlanta, Ga. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at CEG

Tim Gann is Cowin Equipment’s new vice president and general sales manager.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 23

Mobile Crushing and Screening in Action The unification of the Extec and Fintec brands within the Sandvik group of companies has created the world’s most comprehensive and dynamic line-up of mobile crushing and screening equipment. The Sandvik Mobile Screening and Crushing range now delivers all the familiar characteristics of productivity, versatility and exceptionally low running costs, but they are now combined with levels of durability and aftersales support that are synonymous with the Sandvik name. New name, improved service, same great product.



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Page 24 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

First Response Team of America Delivers Disaster Relief ANGEL from page 1

“When you meet him, you’ll quickly see that his passion is unprecedented,” said Darrin Foulk, vice president of Cleveland Brothers Equipment Co., which has Caterpillar dealerships across Pennsylvania. Foulk speaks from experience. He met Agoglia when the latter entered a Cleveland Brothers branch in Lancaster to buy a piece of equipment. The company executive overheard Agoglia’s story and invited him to dinner. By the time they folded their napkins and pushed away from the table, Agoglia had been offered a Cat skid steer under cost as well as donated cables for his generator and a full complement of spare parts for his mechanical repair truck. Not finished, Foulk rang up two other equipment manufacturers and persuaded them to help out with major pieces of equipment. “These are the unique kinds of people I have been meeting lately,” Agoglia said, reflecting on the $800,000 in equipment received in the last two months. “I can’t explain it. They offer their help with no strings attached and the team keeps responding.” Changing Focus Before Tad Skylar Agoglia was founder of a charitable organization, he was president of a profitable firm called Disaster Recovery Solutions. It basically was a loader and dump truck company specializing in storm debris. The company would show up a month or two after a natural disaster and earn premium dollars clearing streets and carting away the debris of people’s lives. Disaster Recovery’s first disaster was Hurricane Isabel, which struck the East Coast in 2003. The company’s last for-profit cleanup was in 2007. By then, Agoglia had experienced a change of heart. He had come to believe that what these splintered communities really needed was not a clean-up crew pulling in a month after disaster struck. Rather, the storm victims and beleaguered local leaders needed volunteer assistance and they needed it immediately, the kind of help that only an experienced and equipment-ready professional like Agoglia could offer.

Tad Agoglia turned his profitable disaster cleanup business into the non-profit First Response Team of America after sending his equipment to help in Greensburg, Kan., in May 2007 after an E5 tornado virtually destroyed the town.

He acted on this personal revelation in May of 2007 after an E5 tornado virtually destroyed the small Kansas town of Greensburg. To the dismay of his employees, Agoglia ordered his equipment off a profitable job elsewhere and driven to Greensburg. “That was the pivotal moment,” the businessman- turned-activist recalled of his Kansas experience. “I was using my crane to clear a street in Greensburg so firefighters could get to their equipment. I saw that people emerging from basements were given hope when they realized someone had come to help them quickly. At that moment, I decided that no longer am I going to use my equipment to make money. I’m going to help people. And I’ve never looked back.” For the first year and a half, Agoglia funded his altruistic work out of his personal savings before reorganizing the company as a nonprofit. Now — two-and-a-half years and 27 storms later — he heads an emergency recovery

organization called First Response Team of America. His commitment to his charitable work is rooted in conviction that openly guided him through his college years. Agoglia has a master’s degree in theology and was on track to enter a life of ministry when he concluded he was meant to do something else. A disaster relief business was his choice of alternate vocations. At the age of 30, however, he said he “kind of arrived as a small business owner and I realized that I wanted something more than just to make money. When I saw the need in these communities, I decided with my background and capabilities that I could help. There is something very valuable in life in caring for people.” His benefactors in the heavy equipment industry have caught the same vision. Due to their support, First Response’s equipment will be state of the art when Agoglia heads into another year of disasters.

Working With the Best The new equipment is an upgrade of the specialty tools Agoglia developed as a disaster response businessman. His Disaster Recovery Solutions operated oversized tandem truck-trailers with a loader attached to the main unit. The company excelled in efficient removal of debris and cleaned up in more ways than one. The same efficiency on an even bigger scale is a hallmark of his First Response Team. His latest generation of equipment rides on the backs of three new Peterbilt trucks donated by the Knoxville, Tenn., branch of The Pete Store dealer group. A Model 335 Peterbilt truck hauls First Response’s mechanical support equipment and parts. A Model 367 powers a stretchedframe tandem unit with three steerable axles and 120-cu. yd. (91-cu m) capacity. A Prentice 2124 loader — donated by the Forestry Division of Caterpillar — rides

piggyback at the rear of the truck and is outfitted as needed with a grapple, donated by Heiden Grapple, or a hydraulic crushing head. The third truck — a Model 375 Peterbilt — pulls a drop-deck trailer donated by Ledwell & Son Enterprises in Texarkana, Tex. It is loaded with top-of-the-line equipment donated by manufacturers, including: • Cat 229C compact skid steer track loader • Godwin CD150 pump that will push almost 2,000 gallons of water per minute • 400 kW Cat generator capable of powering up critically needed buildings such as a public shelter, skilled nursing facility or emergency department. • Terex AL4000 light tower with a diesel engine and generating unit that can light up seven-and-ahalf acres for nighttime work and security. • Towmaster T-110DTG see ANGEL page 32

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 25

Page 26 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

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THE NEW T630 COMPACT TRACK LOADER “Bobcat” is a registered trademark of Bobcat Company | #1108850

ESCO Corporation Receives ‘Excellence in Training’Award On Oct. 29, the Portland Business Journal presented its annual manufacturing awards at the Portland Art Museum, honoring Portland-based manufacturer ESCO Corporation in the “Excellence in Training” category. As Business Journal Publisher Craig Wessel said, the goal of this new program is to “recognize manufacturing companies that continue to drive our region’s economy through innovation and strategic evolution.” The other awards categories were “Product Innovation of the Year” and “Manufacturing Company of the Year” (small, medium and large companies). Other manufacturing awards winners included Benchmade, Eleek, FEI Company, Korvis Automation, Oregon Iron Works, Plas2Fuel, Timber Pro UV, Tinitron, TriQuint Semiconductor and Williams Controls. ESCO Corporation has become increasingly noted for its application of “lean manufacturing” practices that emphasize waste reduction in its operations. According to spokesperson Robert Kenneth, the goal is to increase customer value while continually reducing waste and cost. “Our culture of quality, value and speed — or QVS — drives the elimination of waste in everything we do, from engineering and payroll to the plant floor and loading docks. The result is business practices that create long-term, sustainable economic, environmental and social benefits for our employees, our customers and our neighbors in the communities where ESCO operates.” ESCO’s Organizational Effectiveness team is responsible for development and delivery of countless training initiatives aimed at integrating lean and continuous improvement at

every level of the company. “At ESCO, we live by the philosophy of continuous improvement to deliver quality, value and speed to our customers,” said Elizabeth King, ESCO’s executive director of Organizational Effectiveness. “With that as a vision, our team looks at what stands in the way of us getting there. And it’s those obstacles we go after.” Because ESCO has operations throughout the world, King and her team face special challenges when it comes to implementing uniform practices across all levels of the organization. “We can’t succeed as a global organization if we lack the required expertise at even one of our sites. That’s why we actively support developing expertise throughout the entire company,” King said. According to King, another important aspect of ESCO’s training approach is how indistinguishable it often is from day-to-day operations. “Some people have traditional ways of training — which means you go to a classroom to learn something, pass a test, and often never use what you learned. But it would be hard to distinguish between training and real time work here at ESCO — it’s all the same.” ESCO enjoys a strong reputation as an innovator, with more than 300 product patents highlighting the company’s passion for solving difficult problems. King said she and her Organizational Effectiveness team support this innovative culture “by creating and delivering innovative training and development opportunities.”

“The quality of our work creates an experience for participants that builds personal skills and commitment to ESCO — and also furthers our strategic initiatives.” About winning the “Excellence in Training” category among multiple candidate companies, King said: “Our team is delighted to be awarded with this honor on behalf of all ESCO employees. We couldn’t do what we do without effectively partnering at all levels of the organization — from board room to break room. It’s what makes our work impactful and fun.”

(L-R) are Victoria Arellano, Elizabeth King, Marion Pender and Heather Noel.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 27


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VIRGINIA McCLUNG LOGAN EQUIPMENT CO. CHESAPEAKE 757/485-3314 RICHMOND 804/266-0000 ROANOKE 540/989-3750 WISE 276/328-8027 MANASSAS 703/393-7344 WINCHESTER 540/722-3700






Page 28 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Veterans Airlift Command Flies Wounded Vets to Benefit CONCERT from page 1

company President Tom Coble said. “We were truly honored to be of service to these fine soldiers and amazed at the caliber of each individual. Each soldier was very positive and upbeat about his future, plus several were planning to reenlist into the military.” Hay was wounded several months ago during his second tour in Iraq, having been assigned to the Corp headquarters MNCI (Multi National Corp Iraq) as director of Contracting Oversight. “I had been at Walter Reed Army Medical Center since the 7th of June recovering. This trip was the first opportunity for me to get out of the area and it was a blessing,” Hay said. “I leave Walter Reed in early December to report to a Warrior Transition Battalion in Rock Island, Ill., and then will return home to Minneapolis and finish my treatment at the Veterans Administration hospital in Minneapolis. The Army calls this Warrior home-based care, allowing me to spend the nights and weekend with my wife and two teenage kids, both going to school.” Those undergoing long-term medical treatment often experience boredom, especially once they become ambulatory. Hay touched upon this aspect of recovery when he noted in particular that being transported to the concert allowed him and the younger troops an

(L-R): Mike Kavanaugh, SPC Jason Poyneer, PFC Mike Cunningham, Col Jim Hay, SGT Ryan Lohss, Matt Coble, Debby Coble, Connie Williams and Bobby Goff at the Coble Trench Safety Manassas, Va., branch.

opportunity to get away from the everyday tedium of life as a hospital patient. Walter Reed Army Medical Center describes the Warrior Transition program as promoting either a timely return to the military or a transition to civilian status by providing care and case management to those who have suffered wounds in ongoing conflicts. “On the trip down, Tom let me sit up in the co-pilot’s place, as I at one time pursued my license to fly. This was great of him,” Hay recalled. “On the way back Specialist Poyneer became Tom’s co-pilot. He was thrilled to death to sit up front.”

Ricky Skaggs put in a surprise appearance at the ThanksUSA concert in Nashville, Tenn.

Poyneer, a native of New York state, was assigned to A Company 427 BSB of the 27th brigade from that state. “I deployed to Afghanistan on January 17th ‘08 and then got injured on August 4th ‘08,” he said. “I have been here at Walter Reed since November ‘08 and stayed here for recovery for 13 months.” Poyneer went on to observe it is “always great to get out of Walter Reed and actually do something fun,” mentioning in particular his flight back to Washington sitting in the copilot’s seat. He also expressed appreciation to all those involved in the event.

“I think that ThanksUsa is a amazing organization that helps so many soldiers and their families out and doesn’t ask for anything in return,” he said. “I would like to thank them for allowing us to come down and watch the show. I would also like to thank Loews Hotel for donating the beautiful rooms for us and Tom Coble and his wife for their generosity.” Cunningham is from Massachusetts. He is fairly new to the military although his family has a long military tradition. “I joined late, signing my first contract at 33 years old and going in as airborne infantry,” he said. “I was the crazy old man of the com-

(L-R): Debby Coble, Matt Coble, Col Jim Hay, SGT Ryan Loss, SPC Jason Poyneer and PFC Mike Cunningham at the Manassas Airport, Manassas, Va.

pany, nicknamed grandpa, and the oldest in my company serving out in southeast Afghanistan, where I suffered injuries to the left side of my face and neck from a mortar round while I was trying to carry a fellow soldier with my sergeant to a medic. “I have a grandfather who served in the navy in the Pacific during WWII, a great-grandfather who served as a captain during WWI and a great-uncle who served during WWII and the Korean War. He was in the infantry and escaped from the North Koreans, during which time he lost his toes on his right foot due to frostbite. He used to show us every morning during breakfast while putting on his shoes to go to work,” he went on. “The latest I know is he’s about 80 years old and serving as a lieutenant commander for the Coast Guard out in California, chasing drug smugglers from Mexico. Oh yeah, and in between he served as L.A. County sheriff for a little while.” Cunningham described the travel arrangements for the four men as “top notch from beginning to end. “Tom Coble and his son picked up three soldiers and myself personally from Walter Reed to meet their co-workers, then off to the airport. The flight back and forth was fantastic since we got to go in Tom’s personal plane, which he flew himself,” he recalled. “After checking into a fabulous hotel we see CONCERT page 62

Amy Grant and Vince Gill were among the headliners at the ThanksUSA concert, Nashville, Tenn.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 29

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Carroll Pons is the director of heavy equipment operations for Plaquemines Parish, LA. After Hurricane Katrina hit, he knew he’d have a tough time getting his equipment working again to help in the clean-up. But he never expected anything like this. The parish’s Doosan excavator had been submerged in 20 feet of saltwater for two weeks. Part of a roof was stuck in the boom. Though he thought it was a goner, it was worth a try. So Pons called M&L Industries, his Doosan dealer for 10 years. They drained 60 gallons of seawater from the engine compartment and did some minor repairs. Four hours later, our excavator roared to life and headed off to help clean up. Talk about durability! Want to see for yourself what a Doosan can do? Tell us you want a free demo. Visit to find out how.

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Page 30 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 31

Vermeer Southeast Sales & Ser v i c e , I n c .

Boynton Beach, FL 1060 West Industrial Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33462 561-742-7400 • Fax: 561-742-7448 Clearwater, FL 12785 N 44th St. Clearwater, FL 33762 727-299-9207 • Fax: 727-299-0166 Ft. Myers, FL 2231 Flint Dr. Ft. Myers, FL 33916 941-337-5900 • Fax: 941-337-5901

Jacksonville, FL 11550 Philips Hwy. Jacksonville, FL 32256 904-262-4400 • Fax: 904-262-0619 Orlando, FL 4559 Old Winter Garden Rd. Orlando, FL 32811 407-295-2020 • F a x : 4 0 7 - 2 9 3 - 8 0 8 7 Miami, FL 13301 S.W. 131st Str. Miami, FL 33186-5816 305-234-4556 • Fax: 305- 234-5561 Pensacola, FL 6691 Mobile Highway Pensacola, FL 32526 850-944-8110 • Fax: 850-944-8166 Tallahassee, FL 31767 Blue Star Hwy Midway, FL 32343 850-575-1556 • F a x : 8 5 0 - 5 7 5 - 5 7 1 8 Marietta, GA 1320 Gresham Rd. Marietta, GA 30062 770-973-8811 • F a x : 7 7 0 - 9 7 3 - 7 8 2 9 Savannah, GA 411B Telfair Rd. Savannah, GA 31415 912-238-1300 • Fax: 912-238-1003 Birmingham, AL 2950 Pinson Valley Parkway Birmingham, AL 35217 205-841-9895 • Fax: 205-841-9841 Decatur, AL 314 Beltline Rd Decatur, AL 35601 256-341-0700 • Fax: 256-341-0773

Vermeer Puerto Rico

Ave. Cementerio Nacional Local #49, Hato Tejas Bayamon, Puerto Rico 00961 787-780-0533 • Fax: 787-780-1501

Vermeer of Texas-Louisiana

8272 Rushing Road Denham Springs, LA 70726 225-665-7900 • Fax: 225-665-7979

G & S Equipment Co., Inc.

124 Hwy 82 west Prattville, AL 36067 334-365-5192 • Fax: 334-365-5199 6007 University Blvd Cottondale (Tuscaloosa), AL 35453 205-556-3333 • Fax: 205-556-9229 2209 Hwy 280 Alexander City, AL 35010 256-329-7777 • Fax: 256-329-7718

Page 32 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Industry Giants Donate New Equipment to Good Cause ANGEL from page 24

detachable gooseneck trailer, a second Towmaster trailer and a T-16T drop deck tilt. • A Miller plasma cutter and Big Blue Air Pak welder. “I have to have the best equipment on the market,” Agoglia said of his fleet’s mechanical upgrade. “If something goes down, someone’s life might be depending on it. I can’t show up in a 1984 dump truck. Under these circumstances, if the equipment goes down, it’s not profit being lost, it’s people’s lives. There’s no time to stop and fix unreliable equipment.” All the Right Reasons Neither the Team nor its industry supporters are in it for publicity. Agoglia believes in just showing up and pitching in. Agoglia is, in fact, adamant that the assistance be given communities for the right reason. “If I do the work under the umbrella of a nonprofit, people really know we are not there to make money. They don’t have to worry. We’re only there to help.” He said companies that he’s approached — or that have taken the initiative to contact him — also are in it for the right reason. “All of these companies say, ‘Take this. We don’t want anything in return. We don’t want a photo. We don’t need a billboard. We don’t want names on our trucks. We don’t want anything. Just keep doing what you’re doing.’” “A lot of people want publicity, but Tad just doesn’t work like that. He flies under the radar,” Parkersburg’s Luhring said, looking back on Agoglia’s surprise appearance in the community in late May 2008 after a tornado struck the town. Luhring was Parkersburg’s police chief when the tornado killed seven people and destroyed 220 homes. He met Agoglia after someone told him a big truck was blocking the road and Luhring went to investigate. “Tad told me, ‘I’m here to help. I’ll help in any way I can,’” Luhring recalled. “Well, I’m pretty well versed in construction and I realized we didn’t have a truck like Tad’s. I knew that truck could do things we couldn’t do.” First, Agoglia used the grapple on the truck-mounted loader to gently sift the ruins of Parkersburg’s city hall till they found cemetery rolls that would allow the community to bury its dead. Then he used the loader to dig the graves, working alongside some high school boys. It was a scenario Agoglia never imagined would become part of his life. “I don’t know how to explain this but these are the situations that made me walk away from my for-profit company so easily,” he said.

At least once a year the First Response Team shows up in a community where a fire station has been destroyed along with its equipment, like this one in Greensburg, Kan. Agoglia hopes to add a fire truck to his equipment fleet so firefighters can make it use of it when needed .

Later that year, he stopped back in Parkersburg while on a trip and was persuaded to attend a high school assembly that was happening that afternoon. Luhring said high school students recognized Agoglia after he walked into the assembly area and spontaneously gave him a standing ovation. Luhring, who became city administrator just last month, said the First Response Team’s impact on the community is lasting. “Parkersburg has been labeled the most successful disaster recovery community in the nation. Tad drove that train right after the storm. He made it possible.” Small Team, Big Hearts Agoglia’s entire team consists of five people including himself. Those who came over with him from his for-profit company took a 70-percent pay cut. Tim Wilkowicz became a team member

when Agoglia was converting his company to nonprofit. Wilkowicz, 22, said he has no problem being on the road two or three months at a time — “though my Mom doesn’t like me being away so much” — but he said he is not doing it for adventure. “I think for me it is kind of a feeling that, well, a man is not the man he could be unless he tries to make the world a better place,” the Pennsylvania native said during an interview in early December. “I feel like I am doing something that has lasting value, something that brings satisfaction to other people rather than just to myself.” December can be a storm-less part of the calendar year. Wilkowicz was in Florida when contacted, Agoglia in Washington, D.C., visiting a Red Cross office. Such distance between team members is unusual, but contingency plans are in place for swiftly uniting them with the equipment should dis-

The tornado that hit Parkersburg, Iowa, in May 2008 killed seven people and destroyed 220 homes.

aster occur. For most of the year, team members live together in firehouses or motels. They either are working in a devastated area or preparing to drive to the next one. “How I get there so quickly is that I work with the best meteorologists all over the country, such as the folks from The Weather Channel. When they report there are circular motions in clouds over Kansas and Missouri, for example, we get to the region and pre-position the fleet in harm’s way in order to be within a five- or-10- hour response time,” Agoglia explained. Were he operating as a for-profit company, his team’s anxious waiting for imminent disaster would be decried as unconscionable, but to Agoglia, “Life is precious and must be saved and time is of the essence. Most people die under rubble within 24 hours and its our job to get to the scene quickly to aid the emergency workers. We remove the obstacles and do the heavy lifting so they can do their job and save lives.” Looking to the Future Agoglia’s team responds nationwide — to wildfires in California or hurricanes in North Carolina or any severe storm in between. His main equipment depot is in Knoxville, Tenn., but he hopes within five years to have two other teams in place on both the east and west coasts. Agoglia also is hoping to add a fire truck to his stable of equipment. At least once a year he shows up in a community where a fire station has been destroyed along with its equipment, which he said leaves the firefighters feeling helpless. “They are the real heroes in these situations,” Agoglia said. “I want to have a fire truck available so that when the town is without its own equipment, we have something to offer.” The team is prepared to respond in just about any other way. It has a hovercraft for transportation in flood situations. GPS equipment helps local first responders communicate and bring order to situations and helps victims communicate with distant family members. Off-road motorbikes are standard equipment to help find victims isolated by storms, as are more typical rescue equipment such as the biggest plasma cutter on the market, concrete saws, welders and cameras and sensors to search rubble. “Let’s be realistic, it costs a lot of money to do this,” Agoglia acknowledged. “I am almost out of my personal reserves and the companies that have responded have really set the bar high. I was moved by their generosity. We need more help from other good people who are doing it for the right reason. see ANGEL page 56

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 33

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METRAC Main Office SW Atlanta, GA 404/691-9445 Grovetown, GA 706/855-5440 Columbus, GA 706/687-3344 Braselton, GA 770/965-1889 Macon, GA 478/788-1586 Adairsville, GA 770/773-9857

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R.W. MOORE EQUIP. CO. Main Office Raleigh, NC 919/772-2121 Ahoskie, NC 252/332-5550 Fayetteville, NC 910/424-1200 New Bern, NC 252/638-5838 Greenville, NC 252/758-4403 Wilmington, NC 910/675-9211

STAFFORD Tifton, GA 229/382-4400 800/255-4401 Douglas, GA 912/384-4400 800/559-4019 Valdosta, GA 229/247-4495 800/283-2576

JAMES RIVER EQUIPMENT INC. Ashland, VA 804/798-6001 Fredericksburg, VA 540/898-8933 Manassas Park, VA 703/631-8500 Winchester, VA 540/667-9777 Charlotte, NC 704/597-0211 800/532-6797 Greensboro, NC 336/668-2762 800/632-0376 Mt. Gilead, NC 910/439-5653 800/692-9175 Salem, VA 540/380-2011

FLINT EQUIPMENT COMPANY Albany, GA 229/888-1212 Dothan, AL 334/794-8691 Troy, AL 334/566-4181 Perry, FL 850/584-9200 Tallahassee, FL 850/575-5600 West Columbia, SC 803/794-9340 Simpsonville, SC 864/963-5835 Aynor, SC 843/358-5688 Asheville, NC 828/667-0176

INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR CO. Jacksonville, FL 904/296-5000 Lake City, FL 386/752-9544 Palatka, FL 386/325-6268 Brunswick, GA 912/264-6161 Savannah, GA 912/964-7370 Ladson, SC 843/572-0400 Andrews, SC 843/221-4940 Walterboro, SC 843/539-1420

Page 34 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Page 36 • December 30, 2009 • • Underground Utility, Trenchers & Trench Boxes Section • Construction Equipment Guide

J.C. Lee Winning the War on Wear in the Trenches J.C. Lee Construction & Supply, founded in Petrolia, Pa., in 1977 by John Lee Junior and his son, John III, specializes in drainage projects, primarily the installation of cross-pipes and underdrains, for the highway-heavy construction industry. At one time, the crew spent 10 hours welding on its Vermeer T-655 trenching machine’s 4 ft. long by 12.5 in. wide (1.2 by 3.8 m) chain for every 40 hours of application. Weekends included. Then, Joe Pistorius, now the firm’s equipment manager and trencher operator for more than 11 years, discovered Kennametal KenCast pads and bars. “The same set of KenCast pads we installed in 2003 is still on the job — even after almost 1,000 hours of some of the most abrasive cutting we’ve encountered in our history,” said Pistorius. “And, best of all, we strongly feel this set can go another 1,000 hours….with just some routine maintenance involved.” Kennametal KenCast metallurgically bonds cemented tungsten carbide particles, in various sizes, to air-hardened steel. This combines the steel’s practicality with the carbide’s wear resistance and toughness to create enhanced weld-on (by wire or rod) A close-up of KenCast wear pads — protection against even the still on the job after almost 1,000 of heavy-duty, abrasive cutting. most abusive environments. hours J.C. Lee anticipates this same set will In fact, KenCast pads outlast last another 1,000 hours before and are more easily attached replacement is required.

Joe Pistorius (L), equipment manager/trencher operator of J.C. Lee Construction & Supply, has been using the same set of KenCast wear pads to protect the base plates on his Vermeer T-655 chain trencher for more than six years. Randy Dobson, Pistorius’s local Kennametal sales engineer, looks on.

J.C. Lee’s Vermeer T-655 chain trencher, fully equipped with Kennametal T7 teeth, C30HD blocks, and KenCast ultimate wear-fighter pads, makes a 4 ft. (1.2 m) deep cut on a concrete-highway drainage job.

(to trencher base plates and an endless array of mining and construction equipment) versus solidcarbide tiles, AR-type steels, hardfacing materials, and embedded weld overlays, according to the manufacturer. “They simply keep me in the trencher seat, not in the garage doing maintenance,” said Pistorius. But Pistorius didn’t stop at KenCast chain protection. After initial application to shield his base plates from the excessive damage incurred by scraping concrete and cutting rock during road work, he realized that chain life was exceeding that of his bolt heads. “So, I began applying KenCast in a way to deflect material away from our bolts. Now they wear evenly with the plates.” In addition, KenCast pieces keep J.C. Lee’s base plates square and the sides of their tooth-holders safeguarded. Time savings, though, are just one part of the story. “By our estimates, we now save up to $400 per week on downtime. All due to these 272 [eight KenCast pads on each of the chain’s 34 plates] marvelous little wear fighters,” said Pistorius. J.C. Lee also uses Kennametal T7 (1 in. [2.5 cm] shank; 3 in. [7.6 cm] gage) conical teeth and C30H heavy-duty pockets on its 12-year-old T-655 chain trencher that normally is active four 10-hour days per week, performing base-drain work on state highways and some unpaved township roads. “The Kennametal cutting tools are absolutely the best we’ve ever tried. Always reliable, especially in the most difficult operating conditions. Our T-655 machine recently returned from 60,000 ft. of rough trenching — going right up against the edge of existing concrete — during the installation of pavement-base drainage in central Pennsylvania. The 66 Kennametal teeth held up remarkably well,” continued Pistorius.

Joe Pistorius (L) and crew once spent 10 hours on maintenance for every 40 hours of chain operation. KenCast wear pads, as checked here by Randy Dobson, Kennametal sales engineer/representative, put Pistorius back into the trencher seat, not in the welding shop.

Joe Pistorius (R) and Randy Dobson inspect the Vermeer T-655 chain after yet another shift of extremely difficult trenching to install drainage.

J.C. Lee owns a smaller Vermeer T-455 machine, with an offsetting head, as well. It employs 186 KenCast pads (and Kennametal C20 slim-profile blocks) for its underdrain tasks. “And we get the same top-quality wear performance on it as on our T-655. These KenCast bars are always up to the severest challenge. On any machine — on any job,” remarked Pistorius.

Construction Equipment Guide • Underground Utility, Trenchers & Trench Boxes Section • • December 30, 2009 • Page 37

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Page 38 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 39

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Page 38 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 39

Your Source for Link-Belt Excavator

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Stock #


1997 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007

4300Q 80 Spin Ace 130 LX 130 LX 130 LX 160 LX 160 LX 210 LX 210 LX 225 LX MSR 225 LX MSR 240 LX 240 LX 240 LX 240 LX 240 LX 240 LX Long Front 240 LX Long Front 330 LX 330 LX 330 LX 330 LX 330 LX 460 LX 460 LX 460 LX 460 LX 460 LX 460 LX 460 LX 460 LX 460 LX 460 LX 460 LX


2770 213 9 362 538 633 1172 2034 1247 2093 826 2434 23 766 1000 1965 1469 1500 311 527 1747 1659 111 2131 2991 9 710 1749 2158 2376 2833 3192 22 83

L001383 L000609 L001378 K3J50304

L000996 F002249 C001312 L001953 T000747 T000520 T00190 L000995 C001318 K6J60897 L000608 C002373 K7J50250 K7J50496 W001320 T000729 60898 L001348 T00168 L000649 L001347 L004609 L004757

Call Tim Tomberlin 229-386-9472 or Cell: 229-300-9266


SOLD $79,900 SOLD SOLD SOLD $131,000 $117,500 $135,000 $189,000 $189,000 $162,500 $199,000 $185,000 $185,000 $289,000 $239,000 $185,000 $175,000 $185,000 $185,000 $175,000 $298,000 $298,000

$31,500 $55,900 $88,000 $79,000 $79,500 $73,500 $69,500 $75,000 $97,000 $78,000 $90,000 $83,000 $158,000 $118,000 $148,500 $101,000 $135,000 $122,000 $173,000 $173,000 $132,000 $132,000 $173,000 $163,000 $163,000 $202,000 $183,000 $173,000 $163,000 $163,000 $163,000 $163,000 $202,000 $202,000

Added Extended Warranty Available

Page 40 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

CALL ree Toll F

-2200 3 2 5 800 7 9 Ext. 1

Allis Chalmers HD-41 Crawler Dozer, 1:25 Scale..................................................$190

Oshkosh Front Discharge Mixer Truck, 1:34 scale ............................................................$70

Northwest 25-D Shovel, 1:50 Scale .......... ..........................................................$100

Bobcat Tractor/Trailer Set, 1:50 Scale ............................................................$80

All New in Box Allis-Chalmers HD41 Crawler Dozer, 1:25 Scale ..............................................................$190 Allis-Chalmers HD21 Dozer/Ripper, 1:50 Scale ..................................................................$80 Bell B40D Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale ..............................................................................$50 Bobcat A300 Wheel Loader, 1:25 Scale ..............................................................................$55 Bobcat S175 Skid Steer Loader, 1:50 Scale ........................................................................$18 Bobcat M610 Golden 50th Anniversary Skid Steer Loaer ..................................................$50 Bobcat Tractor/Trailer Set, 1:50 Scale ................................................................................$80 Case 721D Wheel Loader, 1:87 Scale ................................................................................$20 Case 340 Articulated Truck, 1:87 Scale ..............................................................................$20 Case CX 330 Excavator, 1:87 Scale......................................................................................$20 Caterpillar No. 12 Motor Grader, 1:87 Scale ......................................................................$25 Caterpillar 140H Motor Grader w/ripper & scarifier, 1:50 Scale ........................................$40 Caterpillar CS-563 Soil Compactor, 1:87 Scale ..................................................................$25 Caterpillar 825 Soil Compactor, 1:50 Scale ........................................................................$35 Caterpillar 420E Backhoe/Loader, 1:50 Scale ....................................................................$45 Caterpillar D6K XL Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ..............................................................$45 Caterpillar D10T Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale..................................................................$75 Caterpillar D11R Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ................................................................$45 Caterpillar D11T Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale..................................................................$70 Caterpillar 336D L Excavator, 1:50 Scale ............................................................................$70 Caterpillar 797F Off-Highway Truck, 1:50 Scale................................................................$250 Caterpillar 950H Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ........................................................................$45 Caterpillar 980G Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ........................................................................$35 Caterpillar 992 Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ..........................................................................$50 Caterpillar 994F Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ........................................................................$95 Caterpillar 226B2 Skid Steer Loader w/tools, 1:32 Scale ..................................................$30 Caterpillar CB-534D XW Asphalt Compactor, 1:50 Scale....................................................$40 Caterpillar D5G XL Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale..............................................................$55 Caterpillar D8R Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ..................................................................$40 Caterpillar Vintage Twenty Tractor w/metal tracks, 1:16 Scale ..........................................$70 Caterpillar 302.5 Mini-Excavator, 1:32 Scale......................................................................$30 Caterpillar 320C Excavator, 1:50 Scale................................................................................$35 Caterpillar 330D L Excavator, 1:50 Scale ............................................................................$70 Caterpillar 511 OB Excavator, 1:50 Scale ............................................................................$65 Caterpillar 247B2 Multi-Terrain Loader, 1:32 Scale............................................................$30 Caterpillar 432E Side Shift Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale ....................................................$40 Caterpillar 365C L Front Shovel, 1:50 w/metal tracks ............................................................$70 Caterpillar 963D Track Loader, 1:50 Scale ..............................................................................$45 Caterpillar 977 Traxcavator, 1:50 Scale ..............................................................................$35 Caterpillar 611 Motor Scraper in display case, 1:64 Scale ................................................$25 Caterpillar 623G Elevating Motor Scraper, 1:50 Scale........................................................$45 Caterpillar 725D Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale ..................................................................$30 Caterpillar 775E Off-Highway Truck in display case, 1:64 Scale........................................$25 Caterpillar 777D Off-Highway Truck, 1:50 Scale ................................................................$40 Caterpillar "O" Gauge Complete Train Set ............................................................................$275 Caterpillar Agricultural 75E Tractor, 1:64 Scale ..................................................................$12 Hitachi LX70 Wheel Loader, 1:40 Scale ..............................................................................$65

Collections Wanted, I Buy Collections

CEG Scale Models 470 Maryland Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034

International Harvester 560 PayLoader, 1:87 Scale............................................................$35 International TD-24 Military Dozer, 1:50 Scale ..................................................................$50 JCB 3CX Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale ..................................................................................$50 JCB 456 Loader Waste Master, 1:50 Scale..........................................................................$60 JCB 456 ZX Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ................................................................................$65 JCB Vibromax VM 115 Soil Compactor, 1:50 Scale ............................................................$45 John Deere 320 Skid Steer Loader, 1:16 Scale ..................................................................$45 John Deere 850J Dozer, 1:50 Scale ....................................................................................$40 Komatsu 960E Mining Truck, 1:50 Scale ..........................................................................$275 Komatsu PC300LC-8 Excavator, 1:50 Scale ........................................................................$70 Komatsu WA500-6 Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ....................................................................$60 Komatsu D51 EX Dozer, 1:50 Scale......................................................................................$60 Komatsu D51 PX Dozer, 1:50 Scale ....................................................................................$55 Komatsu D375 Dozer, 1:50 Scale ........................................................................................$75 Komatsu GD655 Motor Grader, 1:50 Scale ..........................................................................$60 Komatsu WB146 Backhoe Loader w/tools, 1:50 Scale........................................................$45 Liebherr 580 Wheel Loader, 1:87 Scale ..............................................................................$25 Link-Belt 210 X2 Excavator, 1:40 Scale ..............................................................................$65 Mitsubishi FG25N Forklift, 1:25 Scale ................................................................................$25 Northwest 25-D Shovel, 1:50 Scale ..................................................................................$100 Oshkosh Front Discharge Mixer Truck, 1:34 scale ......................................................................$70

Peterbilt Tractor/Trailer w/Caterpillar D8R, 1:50 Scale ....................................................$100 U.S. Army Ford F800 Tractor w/Trailer, 1:50 Scale ............................................................$35 Volvo G970 Motor Grader, 1:50 Scale..................................................................................$65 Volvo SD-122 Soil Compactor, 1:72 Scale ..........................................................................$45 Volvo A25C Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale............................................................................$30 Volvo A25D Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale ..........................................................................$45 Volvo A40D Articulated Hauler, 1:50 Scale ........................................................................$50 Volvo BL71 Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale ............................................................................$45 Volvo EC45 Mini-Excavator, 1:50 Scale ..............................................................................$35 Volvo EC 210 Excavator, 1:50 Scale ....................................................................................$45 Volvo EC210C Excavator, 1:50 Scale....................................................................................$80 Volvo EC240B Excavator, 1:50 Scale....................................................................................$45 Volvo EC280 Excavator, 1:50 Scale......................................................................................$25 Volvo EC700 Excavator, 1:50 Scale......................................................................................$80 Volvo FH12 Tractor/Trailer w/Volvo L150C, 1:50 Scale ......................................................$60 Volvo L90E Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ................................................................................$65 Volvo L60E Wheel Loader w/Attachments, 1:50 Scale........................................................$65 Volvo L35B Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ................................................................................$45 Volvo L350F Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ..............................................................................$80

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Visit our Ebay Store – bmckeon collectibles – for a complete list with pictures.



Weaver Bailey...

Stringless Trimming Ups Production on Bypass Project The town of Grady, Ark., had to be bypassed in summer 2008 when it didn’t have enough room through its downtown area to accommodate the Highway 65 rebuilding project. The Arkansas Highway Department purchased new right-of-way land for the project and work on the bypass began. The new four-lane roadway, with two lanes in each direction, going northbound and southbound, was created for the project. Weaver Bailey Contractors Inc., based out of El Paso, Ark., was responsible for trimming the subgrade. It brought in its two GOMACO 9500 trimmers for the work. One 9500 ran off stringline, while the other trimmed with the company’s new Topcon Millimeter GPS 3-D machine control system. “We thought it was time to take a step forward with the stringless technology and see what advantages the GPS system on one of our trimmers would have for us,” Jim Jolly, general superintendent of Weaver Bailey, said. “We were very paranoid starting out with it, because we’ve been on string for so many years.” The 9500s are equipped with 16-ft. (4.9 m) trimming heads and they are cutting through a silty sand material. Five different passes were needed to accomplish the trimming for the 60-ft. (18.3 m) wide subgrade. Stringline was set on some of the trimming passes for one of the 9500s. The stringline also served as a check for the stringless system to make sure it was cutting an accurate subgrade. It was a measure taken to combat some of the company’s stringless paranoia. “We had the stringline to come back to and check grade at any given spot,” Jolly said. “Plus, we had a Topcon rover for other spot checks so we knew, without a doubt between the two methods, that we were hitting grade.” With any doubts about the system’s accuracy erased, Weaver Bailey started focusing on production. The 9500 with stringless was averaging 5,000 sq. yd. (4,181 sq m) of trimmed material per day. The 9500 on string averaged around 3,000 sq. yd. (2,508 sq m). “There’s the tendency with the stringline system that the faster you go, the more vibration you pick up in your stringline and sensor wands,” Jolly said. “You don’t have to worry about that when you’re stringless, and you can trim at a higher speed. We can probably trim one-third faster than with stringline and not have any trouble with the grade, if our sub-

Photo courtesy David Dow

Weaver Bailey’s 9500 trims stringless with the Topcon Millimeter GPS 3-D machine control system.

grade out front is prepared fairly closely.” Time savings also have to be taken into consideration with the stringless system. Crews aren’t needed to set up all of the stringline on the project. Jolly also mentioned time savings with the 9500 itself, getting off and on stringline for each trimming pass. “The trimmer has to be set up and ready to run for every pass on the stringline … extend the arms out, reset the trimmer, get back on line, that sort of thing,” Jolly explained. “A really experienced crew will probably spend about 30 minutes getting the trimmer ready to go again for another pass. With the stringless, you just pull off the trimmed pass, set

down on the new one and go again. That’s a big time savings for us.” Weaver Bailey has claimed success on their first stringless trimming project and it is already looking forward to another to put the 9500 trimmers to work on. “Our 9500s are really good machines,” Jolly said. “One of them is almost 15 years [old] with 15,000 hours on it and it’s still running [well]. We’re not afraid to work them hard and they never fail to deliver a good product.” This story was reprinted from GOMACO World, Vol. 36, No. 3.

Page 42 • December 30, 2009 • • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide

Kdakd ^h ndjg XdbeaZiZ gdVY Wj^aY^c\ gZhdjgXZ# 6 XdbegZ]Zch^kZ gVc\Z d[ eVk^c\! XdbeVXi^dc! \gVY^c\ VcY b^aa^c\ bVX]^cZh VcY XdchigjXi^dc Zfj^ebZci \^kZh ndj ZkZgni]^c\ ndj cZZY [dg i]Z gdVY V]ZVY#

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Acworth, GA 6h]Zk^aaZ! C8 770-529-5125 -'-"+-,"%+'% Atlanta, GA 770-319-0074 8]VgadiiZ! C8 Buford, GA ,%)"*.+"-'-( 678-318-9500 <VgcZg! C8 Savannah, GA .&."++&"-,&% 912-964-8079

Asheville, NC Greenville, NC Piedmont, SC <gZZck^aaZ! C8 828-687-0620 252-754-5280 E^ZYbdci! H8 864-704-1060 Charlotte, '*'",*)"*'-% NC Cayce, SC -+)",%)"&%+% Chattanooga, TN 704-596-82838VnXZ! H8 803-791-07408]ViiVcdd\V! IC 423-308-7940 Garner, NC North Charleston, SC Knoxville, TN -%(",.&"%,)% )'("(%-",.)% 919-661-8710 843-414-1120 865-525-1845

Cdgi] 8]VgaZhidc! H8 -)(")&)"&&'%

@cdmk^aaZ! IC -+*"*'*"&-)*

GOMACO University Announces 2010 Course Schedule GOMACO University in Ida Grove, Iowa, has announced its 2010 course schedule. Classes begin the first week of January and run through April. Each week focuses on a specific piece of GOMACO equipment and the threeday or four-day class covers everything from machine set-up to troubleshooting in both classroom lectures and actual hands-on shop time. The 2010 schedule is listed below: GT-3400 Jan. 5 to 7: A three-day course covering the controls, setup and operation, maintenance and advanced diagnostics. GT-3600 Jan. 11 to 14, Jan. 18 to 21 or March 15 to 18: A four-day course covering the controls, setup and operation, maintenance and advanced diagnostics. Three-Track GT-6300 March 8 to 11: A four-day course covering the controls, setup and operation, maintenance and advanced diagnostics. Three-Track Commander III Feb. 22 to 25 or March 1 to 4: A fourday course covering the controls, setup GOMACO University students get a hands-on learning opportunity with a GOMACO GHP-2800 and operation, maintenance and paver during the shop portion of the paver class.

advanced diagnostics of the three-track machine. Four-Track Commander III & GT-6300 Feb. 8 to 11: A four-day course covering the controls, setup and operation, maintenance and advanced diagnostics of the four-track machine. Trimmers Jan. 26 to 28: A three-day course covering the controls, setup and operation, maintenance and advanced diagnostics. Two-Track and Four-Track Pavers Feb. 1 to 4, Feb. 15 to 18, March 22 to 25 or March 29 to April 1: A fourday course covering the controls, setup and operation, paving to profilograph specifications, maintenance and advanced diagnostics. GOMACO University was founded in the early 1970s and has taught more than 15,000 students from around the world the skills needed to successfully operate GOMACO’s line of concrete construction equipment. For more information, visit

Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • • December 30, 2009 • Page 43


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Page 44 • December 30, 2009 • • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide

685B 685B Motor Motor Grader

8510 Paver 8500 Asphalt Paver

400 Roller 400 Vibratory Vibratory Roller

8515 Asphalt Paver Features:

· · · · · · ·

8 to 15 Foot Paving Width 87-HP Kubota Diesel Engine Dual Operator Stations High Deck or Low Deck Configuration Heavy-Duty Vibrating, Heated Legend Screed System Choice of Propane or Electric Screed Heat Dual Joystick Steering


Roadbuilding Solutions LeeBoy roadbuilding solutions are designed and built for the most demanding applications. From asphalt pavers and motor graders to compaction rollers, asphalt distributors, brooms, chip spreaders and pothole patchers, count on LeeBoy brand products for value that delivers bottom-line results. Durability, productivity, ease of operation and value have made LeeBoy an industry leader.

Contact your LeeBoy Dealer ARROW EQUIPMENT PO Box 21185 Greensboro, NC 27420 336/294-2326 1233 Bluff Road Columbia, SC 29201 803/765-2040

REYNOLDS-WARREN COMPANY 1945 Forest Parkway Lake City, GA 30260 800/875-5659 404/361-1593

3300 Alcoa Highway Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 577-5563

POWER EQUIPMENT COMPANY Highway 58 @153 Chattanooga, TN 37406 (423) 894-1870

3050 Ferrell Park Cove Memphis, TN 38116-3502 (901) 346-9800

1487 Rock Springs Road Kingsport, TN 37664 (423) 349-6111

1290 Bridgestone Pkwy LaVergne, TN 37086 (615) 213-0900

1545 Highway 45 Saltillo, MS 38866 (662) 869-0283

VT LeeBoy, Inc. • 500 Lincoln County Parkway Ext. • Lincolnton, N.C. 28092 • 704.966.3300 •

Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • • December 30, 2009 • Page 45

Jacksonville, FL 904/296-5000 Lake City, FL 386/752-9544 Palatka, FL 386/325-6268 Brunswick, GA 912/264-6161

Savannah, GA 912/964-7370 Ladson, SC 843/572-0400 Andrews, SC 843/221-4940 Walterboro, SC 843/539-1420



INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR CO., INC. CORPORATE 4042 Park Oaks Blvd. Tampa, FL 33610 813-635-2316 SARASOTA PARTS Sarasota, FL 34243 941-752-1300 TAMPA PARTS Riverview, FL 33569 813-621-4902

MIAMI Miami, FL 33166 305-592-5740 WEST PALM BEACH West Palm Beach, FL 33404 561-848-6618 ORLANDO Orlando, FL 32804 407-299-1212 FORT MYERS Ft. Myers, FL 33916 239-334-3627

POMPANO BEACH PARTS Pompano Beach, FL 33064 954-977-9541 MELBOURNE PARTS West Melbourne, FL 32904 321-729-8944 NEW TAMPA Lutz, FL 33559 813-995-0841 DAYTONA PARTS Holly Hill, FL 32117 386-252-4121 Columbia, SC 803/796-4060 Raleigh, NC 919/657-0070 Charlotte, NC 704/333-0786 Douglas, GA 912/384-4400 Tifton, GA 229/382-4400 Valdosta, GA 229/247-4495

Page 46 • December 30, 2009 • • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide

Terex PR330 Multipurpose Mill Features Wide Wheel Stance The Terex PR330 utility mill from Terex Roadbuilding features a wide 18 ft. 4 in. (5.6 m) wheel stance and a low center of gravity for sure-footed operation in the field. The 16-in. (40.6 cm) wide tracks of the PR330T deliver sturdier operation and better traction than other units with 9-in. (22.9 cm) wide tracks, according to the manufacturers. A double parallelogram rear suspension design keeps the tracks level to the grade and evenly distributes the weight when operating on uneven terrain, further enhancing machine stability. The PR330 cold planer features a number of options, so it can be configured to match a wide variety of applications. It is available with either a four track (PR330T) or four wheel (PR330W) drive system to fit the needs of the contractor. The available multiwidth cutter offers milling widths of 24, 36 and 48 in. (61, 91 and 122 cm) to maximize machine utilization. The cutter’s clamp-shell connector design offers fast and simple width changes in about one hour. With four steering modes, the PR330 offers a tight turning radius for enhanced maneuverability when cutting around obstructions. The operator can choose between front only, rear only, front and rear crab or coordinated front and rear (cramp)

The PR330 cold planer is available with either a four track (PR330T) or four wheel (PR330W) drive system to fit the needs of the contractor.

steering, enabling the machine to deliver an inside radius as small as 9 ft. 8 in. (2.9 m). When milling cul-de-sacs, this multipurpose machine delivers a small 14 ft. (4.3 m) righthand or 19 ft. (5.8 m) left-hand turning radius while keeping the rear track inside the cut.

The PR330 features a “center mount” cutter design that positions the full weight of the machine over the rotor, enhancing performance even in the toughest cuts. The subframe parallelogram design delivers a 24-in. elevation to lower and raise the cutter in and out of the cut.

The planer’s standard 40-in. (101.6 cm) diameter drum cuts a 48-in. wide path at depths reaching 12 in. (30.5 cm) for milling and stabilization patchwork. The drum’s 0.5in. (1.3 cm) bullet tooth spacing leaves a smoother surface for motorists than most standard half- and full-lane machines. The cutter’s efficient hydrostatic drive features a built-in relief system, which protects critical drive components from severe damage should the cutter hit an obstruction. The machine features a water system with a high mist type nozzle for cooling of cutter teeth and dust control. Under typical operating conditions, the PR330’s 375 gal (1400 L) water tank delivers uninterrupted service for up to 3.5 hours. The Terex PR330 cold planer is powered by a Tier III and Stage IIIA compliant, 330 hp (245 kW) diesel engine. Similar to larger cold planers in the Terex Roadbuilding line, this multipurpose milling machine includes a standard two-stage conveyor system. Both hydraulically variable, two speed conveyors feature a 24 in. width, while the second stage conveyor swings 55 degree to the left and 35 degree to the right of center for efficient truck loading. For more information, visit

Dynapac Unveils New Pneumatic Rubber Tire Rollers The Dynapac CP224, CP224W and CP274 are equipped with a spacious platform and operator-friendly controls, rotating and sideways sliding seat and steering assembly. The optional comfort cab provides all-round visibility with the added benefit of air conditioning. The new rollers are powered by Tier III compliant engines, which offer reduced emissions as well as low levels of ambient noise due to the use of thermostatically controlled cooling fans. The quality of the finished surface is further enhanced by an ultrasmooth start/stop system when changing direction, according to the manufacturer. The machines incorporate several new features designed to enhance efficiency, serviceability, safety and operator comfort as well as producing enhanced compaction results. A dual-circuit braking system maintains full braking effect even if one circuit is disabled. Like all Dynapac machines, these new rollers are built on a modular basis and share many components and subsystems with other models. This parts

commonality results in areas where cost savings can be made such as servicing and spare parts management. The Dynapac CP224, CP224W and CP274 models have compacting widths ranging from 71 to 91 in. (180 to 231 cm) and maximum operating weights from 23 to 30 ton (20.8 to 27 t). They are ideally suited for a wide variety of finishing, sealing and soil compaction applications using the optimum number of passes due to a highly accurate control system and optional DCA-A compaction analyzer when absolute accuracy is a must. With the optional temperature sensor and Dynapac’s DCA-A analyzer, the new machines can achieve the optimum density and surface texture while providing full statistics and documentation. This system also can play back the rolling pattern and produce a print out of all relevant information, either onto paper or a PDF file for later analysis. The air-on-the run system can even adjust the tire pressure during the compaction process. For more information, visit

The Dynapac CP224, CP224W and CP274 models have compacting widths ranging from 71 to 91 in. (180 to 231 cm) and maximum operating weights from 23 to 30 ton (20.8 to 27 t).

Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • • December 30, 2009 • Page 47

3517 Wayne White Rd., Climax, NC 27233


New Stone WP4100 double drum vibrator y roller, front, rear or both drums vibrate, Kubota 24.8 hp liquid cooled diesel engine, 40" drums, hydrostatic drive and steering, water system, 4000 lbs centrifugal force, ROPS, double drum drive

New Stone Bulldog TR34 trench compactor, remote operation, 20 hp Hatz diesel engine, 34" drums, centrifugal force 15709, 2000 vpm

New Stone WP3100R double drum vibrator y 35.4 width drum, centrifugal force 3000 lbs, hydrostatic drive and steering, Honda 18hp gas twin engine, 40 gallon water tank, double drum drive, front drum vibration, ROPS

New Stone SFP3000A for ward plate tamp, 5.5 hp Honda gas engine, 13 qt polyethylene water tank, plate size 20" x 24", eccentric force 3000 lbs, vibration frequency 6000 vpm, removable water tank

2002 Cat CS433C single smooth drum 66” vibra tor y roller, diesel eng, canopy

1992 Etnyre liquid asphalt tanker, 6750 gallon, propane heat

1998 Rosco Maximizer II 1950 gallon, computer w/1 ft cut-offs, propane heat, 12 ft spray bar, front mount pump, IH 4700 w/T444E diesel engine, 5 spd transmission, 2 speed axle, air brakes

2005 Lay-Mor 8HC broom, canopy, Kubota diesel

Serving Serving the the Asphalt Asphalt Industry Industry for for over over 20 20 Years Years Whatever your job, our proven efficiency and renowned dependability makes Etnyre your most reliable choice.

STAFFORD Raleigh, NC 27607 919/657-0070 Charlotte, NC 28206 704/333-0786 Columbia, SC 29169 803/796-4060 Atlanta, GA 30045 770/822-9050 Tifton, GA 31793 229/382-4400 Douglas, GA 31533 912/384-4400 Valdosta, GA 31602 229/247-4495

Whether you need Bituminous Distributors, ChipSpreaders, Street Flushers, Maintenance Distributors or Heavy Duty Low Boy Trailers, choose Etnyre, the dependability is built-in. Put our experience to work for you.

Visit your Etnyre Dealer today Stafford Raleigh, NC 919/657-0070

Charlotte, NC 704/333-0786

Columbia, SC 803/796-4060

Page 48 • December 30, 2009 • • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide

SweepPro Broom

SPRH Chip Spreader

RA-300 Spray Patcher

Maximizer 3 Asphalt Distributor Features:

Roadbuilding Solutions

· · · · ·

LeeBoy’s Rosco brand roadbuilding solutions are designed and built for the most demanding applications. From asphalt distributors and brooms to pothole patchers and chip spreaders, count on LeeBoy products for value that delivers bottom-line results.

8 to 16 Foot Extendible Spraybar Automatic In-Cab Controls 400 GPM Viking Asphalt Pump Enviro-Flush Clean-Out System Internal Spraybar Valves

Durability, productivity, ease of operation and value have made LeeBoy an industry leader.

Contact your Rosco Dealer


INTERSTATE EQUIPMENT CO. P.O. Box 868 Statesville, NC 28677 704/873-9048 West Columbia, SC 803/794-7400 Raleigh, NC 919/467-1801

RICHMOND MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 1701 Roseneath Rd. Richmond, VA 23230 1-800-662-6485

VT LeeBoy, Inc. • 500 Lincoln County Parkway Ext. • Lincolnton, N.C. 28092 • 704.966.3300 •

HEAVY HITTERS You get more performance, reliability and productive per square foot with Stone compactors. Stompers®, forward and reversible plates, walk-behind and ride-on asphalt and dirt rollers, manual and remote control trench rollers - all designed to hit hard and travel fast. They’ll get your job done on time and on budget. When you need a real compaction performer call in one of the heavy hitters from Stone - a 100% employees owned American company.

JFW Equipment Inc. 3517 Wayne White Rd. Climax, NC 27233 336-685-4998 • Fax: 336-685-0968 Email: Web:

Poly Bolt-On TUFPADS Making Impact With Asphalt Pavers BLS Poly Bolt-On TUFPADS track pads have been making an impact on asphalt milling machine users, but the trend is now catching on with asphalt paving machine users. These bolt-on pads can save up to 40 percent on replacement orders by reusing the steel triple grousers and up to 50 percent in labor time when replacing the pads compared to a standard bonded track pad, according to the manufacturer. David Dunn of Caldwell Paving, in Charleston, Tenn., purchased BLS Poly Bolt-On TUFPADS track pads for his Leeboy 8816 asphalt paver in early July 2008. Since then, Dunn told BLS that the machine has been running every day and has been working great.

“With the rubber pads,” Dunn said, “the track would often spin, leading to quicker wear.” “It would have been so much nicer if the machine came set up with PBO grousers so we didn’t have to buy them the first time we changed pads,” Dunn said, referring to the fact that with the BLS Poly Bolt-On system, users do not have to replace the steel triple grouser when replacing the track pad. This can save contractors 30 to 40 percent in replacement costs and save in shipping cost by not having to ship the steel triple grouser shoes after the first purchase, according to BLS. For more information, call 800/307-0299 or visit

What’s going on in your company? We want to know! Give us a call.

Construction Equipment Guide

800/523-2200 or FAX 215/885-2910

Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • • December 30, 2009 • Page 49


GOT SOME CLAY, ROCK, GRANULAR OR SEMI-COHESIVE MATERIAL THAT NEEDS TO BE COMPACTED QUICKLY? Get some real compaction clout with an 84” wide Sakai Vibratory Soil Compactor. A productive combination of high amplitudes and 67,000+ pounds of total force makes quick work of your next road base, embankment, dam or commercial site. Choose from six different smooth or padfoot models. Check one out at your Sakai dealer today. Ask them about our 67” and 54” series, too.

Nasser Heavy Equipment 4320 GA Hwy. 400 525 Hurricane Shoals Rd. Cumming, GA 30041 Lawrence, GA 30045 770/889-5004 770/995-6663 1-800-323-0535

Flint Equipment Company 450 Edge Road Villa Rica, GA 30180 678/941-1100

101 Bruce Road Asheville, NC 28806 828/667-0176

Ashland, VA 23005 804/798-6001 Burkeville, VA 23922 434/767-5578 Chester, VA 23831 804/748-9324 Fishersville, VA 22939 540/337-3057 Fredericksburg, VA 22408 540/373-2778 Salem, VA 24153 540/380-2011 Manassas Park VA 20111 703/631-8500 South Hill, VA 434/447-1325 Danville VA 24540 434/822-6110 Richmond VA 23220 840/358-6776 Winchester, VA 22602 540/667-9777 Charlotte, NC 28269 704/597-0211 800/532-6797 Greensboro, NC 27409 336/668-2762 800/632-0376 Wilkesboro, NC 28697 336/973-8201 800/422-4193 Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 910/439-5653 800/692-9175 Asheboro, NC 27203 336/625-2212 Salisbury, NC 28144 704/636-2571 Matthews NC, 28104 704/821-7399 Rock Hill SC 29730 803/325-1555 866/277-8119

Page 50 • December 30, 2009 • • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide

Terex Warm Mix Asphalt System Delivers Single Point Mixing

For field installations, the warm mix PLC unit comes complete in a water skid package. The PLC unit interacts with plant controls to meter a predetermined percentage of water with liquid AC.

The new Terex foamed asphalt system from Terex input signals from a variety of plant controls packages. The The Terex warm mix system works by injecting a variable Roadbuilding allows producers to take advantage of the ben- Terex warm mix asphalt system can be installed on any unit- amount of water with hot oil inside the exclusive expansion efits of running warm mix asphalt without the significant ized counterflow drum mix plant. For new plant purchases, chamber. The system injects and mixes up to 4 percent of costs associated with additives. By simply mixing water and the control unit is integrated into the plant controls package. water by mass weight of the liquid AC. Higher percentages hot liquid asphalt (AC) in the expansion chamber, the new Also contained in the skid package, a water meter veri- of water result in more asphalt foaming action. system eliminates the need for additives that increase the fies the correct percentage of water is injected with the hot “In typical applications, producers inject 2 percent water,” cost of asphalt by dollars per ton. Since its introduction in AC inside the expansion chamber. said Musil. The Terex system is capable of producing up to mid 2008, dozens of Terex warm mix asphalt systems have “By incorporating the meter, the Terex system goes a step 600 tph (544 th) of asphalt at a 4 percent injection rate, and been installed in the field, successfully reducing mix tem- beyond most other foamed asphalt units, which leave the producers can quickly switch between running warm and peratures by 50 to 90 F (10 to 32 C), according to the manu- operator to assume the correct percentage of water is added,” traditional hot mix designs with the new system. facturer. said Joseph Musil, product manager at Terex Roadbuilding. Hot-oil jacketed modules ensure dependable operation of The system design consists of two the warm mix system. The expansion main components: an expansion chamber chamber is insulated and jacketed, while and a programmable logic control (PLC) the asphalt and water safety check valves skid package. The single-mixing-point are jacketed. The system’s injection pipe expansion chamber is based on the includes a heating coil built inside the foamed-asphalt technology pioneered by pipe to keep the valves from clogging. Terex in 1998. Once the hot AC and water “The heating jackets, insulation and combine in the expansion chamber, the coil built into our warm mix system prefoamed asphalt is immediately injected vent the asphalt from cooling and subseinto the drum. The injection pipe is sized quent system blockage,” added Musil. to the drum with a variable number of Many producers continue to realize spray nozzles to evenly and thoroughly significant operating benefits of running coat the heated aggregate. warm mix asphalt. Mixing at lower temFor field installations, the warm mix peratures helps to reduce odor and particPLC unit comes complete in a water skid ulate, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide package. The PLC unit interacts with emissions at the plant, while at the same plant controls to meter a predetermined time virtually eliminate “blue smoke” at percentage of water with liquid AC. The the truck and paver. Warm mix asphalt skid also includes a 220 gal. (832.8 L) helps to reduce the plant’s fuel consumpwater tank and a variable frequency 5 hp tion. Additionally, lower temperatures (3.73 kW) electric motor. Featuring a belt inside the drum potentially result in a drive that allows the producer to increase longer drum shell life, according to the or decrease power output, the motor manufacturer. drives a highly accurate water pump, For more information, visit according to the manufacturer. The system design consists of two main components: an expansion chamber and a The PLC unit interfaces with most grammable logic control (PLC) skid package.

Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • • December 30, 2009 • Page 51

Bullet Proof Introducing the new and improved Dynapac CA250/260 Series II rollers The Series II replaces the CA250/260 models and will be as reliable and “Bullet Proof” as their predecessors! Improved Features Include: - Serviceability - The new hood design provides accessibility to “every point of the engine” - Additional noise reduction - Rear view visibility - Sleeker design These are only a few of the reasons why Dynapac’s service philosophy will keep your uptime up. Want to know more? We’re at your service at

AUTHORIZED DYNAPAC DEALERS ATLAS COPCO CMT USA LLC LaVergne, TN 615.641.3042 Knoxville, TN 865.673.0344 BRIGGS CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Miami, FL 800.320.4633 W. Palm Beach, FL 800.446.2474 Orlando, FL 800.879.8770 Jacksonville, FL 800.275.2860 Tampa, FL 800.866.6098 Ft. Meyers, FL 800.784.9711 Charleston, SC 800.786.1781 Charlotte, NC 800.849.6850

BRIGGS CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Raleigh, NC 800.849.5954 Greensboro, NC 800.953.4751 Asheville, NC 800.948.4861 Greenville, NC 800.849.5956 Wilmington, NC 800.849.3611 FLINT EQUIPMENT Albany, GA 229.888.1212 Perry, FL 850.584.9200 Tallahassee, FL 850.575.5600 Anyor, SC 843.358.5688 Simpsonville, SC 864.963.5835 W. Columbia, SC 803.794.9340

LYLE MACHINERY Jackson, MS 601.939.4000 Columbus, MS 662.243.2152 Hattiesburg, MS 601.296.7556 Magnolia, MS 601.783.2111 Gulfport, MS 228.832.7575 METRAC, INC. Adairsville, GA 770.773.9857 Atlanta, GA 404.691.9445 Grovetown, GA 770.855.5440 Braselton, GA 770.965.1889 Columbus, GA 706.687.3344 Macon, GA 478.788.1586

For more information or a personal demonstration, call 210.474.5770 or visit an authorized Dynapac dealer near you.

STAFFORD Ashland, VA 804.798.4500 Roanoke, VA 540.992.4650 TRACTOR & EQUIP. CO. Alabaster, AL 205.621.2489 Anniston, AL 256.831.2440 Birmingham, AL 205.591.2131 Decatur, AL 256.355.0305 Dothan, AL 334.678.1832 Grove Hill, AL 334.275.4158 Mobile, AL 251.457.8991 Montgomery, AL 334.288.6580 Shoals Area, AL 256.383.5666

TRACTOR & EQUIP. CO. Tuscaloosa, AL 205.752.0621 Panama City, FL 850.763.4654 Pensacola, FL 850.505.0550

Page 52 • December 30, 2009 • • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide

The Worldwide Leader in Concrete Paving Technology

Command performance Introducing the HYPAC C766D: Better Control, Higher Performance With its new sliding/swivel seat and controls, the HYPAC C766D gives you better command over big paving jobs. The new operator’s station features outstanding visibility from either side without having to switch seats and joystick controls that automatically reverse for natural left/right, forward/back operation. In addition to improved operator comfort and control, the new C766D offers: t Mwide drums for big paving jobs. t WQN GSFRVFODZ GPS CFUUFS TNPPUIFS GBTUFS DPNQBDUJPO t$VNNJOT 5JFS FOHJOF XJUI &$0 NPEF GPS JNQSPWFE fuel economy during pause. t-BSHF TJOHMF IPPE BOE IJOHFE TQSJOH MPBEFE TDSBQFS CBST for easy maintenance. For detailed specs and full list of features and beneďŹ ts on the C766D and the 78M C778D, visit


New Tampa Lutz, FL 33559 813/995-0841 West Palm Beach, FL 33404 561/848-6618 Miami, FL 33166 305/592-5740

Orlando, FL 32804 407/299-1212 Fort Myers, FL 33916 239/334-3627 Tampa Parts Store Riverview, FL 33569 813/621-4902 Sarasota Parts Store Sarasota, FL 34243 941/752-1300



NORTRAX Corporate Tampa, FL 33619 813/635-2300

800-831-2320 R

Daytona Parts Holly Hill, FL 32117 386/252-4121 Melbourne Parts West Melbourne, FL 32904 321/729-8944 Pompano Beach Parts Pompano Beach, FL 33064 954/977-9541

5210 Reese Road (Ft. Lauderdale) Davie, FL 33314 954/581-4744 Fax: 954/583-0318 5151 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Ft. Myers, FL 33905 239/481-8554 Fax: 239/481-3302

645 N.W. Enterprise Dr. Suite 112 Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 772/336-7785

COWIN EQUIPMENT CO. Birmingham, AL Huntsville, AL 205/841-6666 256/350-0006 Mobile, AL 251/633-4020

Oxford, AL 256/832-5053

Montgomery, AL 334/262-6642

Pensacola, FL 850/479-3004

Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • • December 30, 2009 • Page 53



Kdakd ^h ndjg XdbeaZiZ gdVY Wj^aY^c\ gZhdjgXZ# 6 XdbegZ]Zch^kZ gVc\Z d[ eVk^c\! XdbeVXi^dc! \gVY^c\ VcY b^aa^c\ bVX]^cZh VcY XdchigjXi^dc Zfj^ebZci \^kZh ndj ZkZgni]^c\ ndj cZZY [dg i]Z gdVY V]ZVY# Kdakd gdVY bVX]^cZgn ^h hjeedgiZY l^i] ldgaYl^YZ Zc\^cZZg^c\! iZX]cdad\n VcY XjhidbZg hZgk^XZ# I]Z gZhjai/ i]Z ]^\]"eZg[dgbVcXZ Zfj^ebZci VcY hjeedgi ndj ZmeZXi [gdb Kdakd# ;dg bdgZ ^c[dgbVi^dc! XdciVXi ndjg adXVa 8dl^c :fj^ebZci 8d# YZVaZg# L]Zc ndjŸgZ gZVYn id For more information, contact your local dealer. When you’re ready to start building roads, hiVgi Wj^aY^c\ gdVYh! i]Z higZc\i] d[ Kdakd ^h dc i]Z gdVY [dg ndj# the strength of Volvo is on the road for you.

COWIN EQUIPMENT CO. INC. FLAGLER CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, LLC. Birmingham, AL Orlando, FL (Corporate Office) Tampa, FL 205-841-6666 407-659-8700 913-630-0077 Mobile, AL Orlando, FL Midway, FL 251-633-4020 407-850-9614 850-574-0082 Montgomery, AL Jacksonville, FL Port St. Lucia, FL 334-262-6642 904-737-6000 772-336-7785 Huntsville / Decatur, AL Ft. Myers, FL Ocala, FL 256-350-0006 7^gb^c\]Vb! 6A 239-481-8554 BdW^aZ! 6A 352-671-4445 Pensacola, FL Davie, FL '*&"+((")%'% '%*"-)&"++++ 850-479-3004 954-581-4744

=jcihk^aaZ $ 9ZXVijg! 6A RICHMOND MACHINERY &'*+"*(+".(.% $ '*+"(*%"%%%+ EQUIPMENT Richmond, VA 804-359-4048 800-662-6485

Bdci\dbZgn! 6A (()"'+'"++)'

ASC CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT North Charleston, SC Asheville, NC 828-687-0620 843-414-1120 Charlotte, NC Acworth, GA 770-529-5125 704-596-8283 Raleigh, NC Atlanta, GA 770-319-0074 919-661-8710 Greenville, NC Buford, GA 6aWVcn! <6 Dm[dgY! 6A 252-754-5280 678-318-9500 Savannah, GA SC ''."---"+'), '*+"-('"*%*(Columbia, 803-791-0740 912-964-8079 SC 6iaVciV! <6 EZchVXdaV! ;APiedmont, 864-704-1060



Page 54 • December 30, 2009 • • Parts Section • Construction Equipment Guide

Interstate Equipment Company Statesville NC 704/873-9048 West Columbia SC 803/794-7400 Raleigh NC 919/467-1801

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TRACTOR TRACS, INC. Undercarriage Specialists

Previous Budget Year Funds Used for New Road Work JINDAL from page 1



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called the speed-up of the highway work a way to help the state economy and protect jobs. Ankner said much of the money from previous budget years was available because of less-than-expected spending on travel, salaries and a variety of other costs. The federal government will reimburse part of the spending because the money will be used for projects slated to receive federal road dollars in upcoming years, Ankner said. State lawmakers must approve some of the spending in the 2010 legislative session before it can begin. Among the largest projects slated for construction with the money is a $23 million bridge replacement and widening in the Baton Rouge area over the Amite River, $17 million for road work on Interstate 49 in St. Landry Parish and $15 million for Interstate 55 work in Tangipahoa Parish. All the projects were part of a three-year construction plan already approved by state lawmakers and federal officials, Ankner said.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 55

Komatsu Adds PC88MR-8 to Short-Swing Radius Family Komatsu America Corp.’s (KAC) PC88MR-8 mid-sized hydraulic excavator is designed to bring increased production and added operator comfort to contractors in a wide variety of construction, utility, landscaping and other excavating applications. The 8 ton class (8.4 t) unit bridges the gap between “compact” and “construction” sized units. The PC88MR-8 is equipped with KOMTRAX technology, which sends machine operating information to a secure Web site utilizing wireless technology. Real-time data including machine operating hours, machine location and fuel levels are relayed to the web application for customer viewing and analysis. Key features of the new PC88MR-8 include: • Enhanced comfort and ease of operation

larger models. It features the very same cab with viscous isolation mounts and an instrument package with money-saving features like auto-idle, and an “eco” gauge that tells the operator if he’s operating at maximum fuel efficiency. There also are five working modes to match hydraulic power to the job, thereby increasing fuel economy further. It also offers the choice of four track systems; rubber track, two steel grouser systems and the Komatsu Road-Liner track system, ideal for use on multiple surfaces. • Service and Maintenance To simplify maintenance, Komatsu equipped the PC88MR-3 with numerous features. Daily inspections are

enhanced by the incorporation of wide opening compartments to allow access to the engine, cooling system, hydraulic valve settings, air cleaner, coolant and windshield washer bottles. In addition, maintenance intervals, including lubrication, have been extended to 500 hours. • Peace of Mind Every PC88MR-8 is backed by a Komatsu 3 year/3000 hour warranty. It’s also loaded with standard features that enhance job site security like lockable compartments with single key access, travel alarm, neutral engine start system and ROPS protection. For more information, visit

The PC88MR-8 is a member of the short-swing radius family, meaning the operator can focus on the work in front and worry less about rear swing impact in confined areas.

The PC88MR-8 is a member of the short-swing radius family, meaning the operator can focus on the work in front and worry less about rear swing impact in confined areas. It accomplishes these tasks while maintaining its high lifting capacity and stability. The X- frame undercarriage provides strength and helps prevent mud and debris build-up, saving the operator valuable time when cleaning the machine. The all new cab is the same as used on Komatsu’s larger units and features a standard automatic climate control system, pilot-proportional joystick controls with auxiliary hydraulics control on the right joystick and a 7-in. color monitor for easy viewing of machine functions and monitoring systems. Every PC88MR-8 also is equipped with a control pattern change valve so the operator can choose either “backhoe” style or “excavator” style controls to match his personal preference. • Power and Performance The PC88MR-8 gets its power from a Komatsu Tier III, 65 hp (48 kW) diesel engine, which has an increase of 17 percent more power than the prior model PC78MR-6. It also features increased drawbar pull, faster travel speed, 10 percent more arm digging force and a significant improvement in dozer blade travel to enhance grading and backfill operations, according to the manufacturer. The PC88MR-8 has an operating weight of 18,558 lbs. (8,418 kg) and features a maximum digging depth of 15 ft. 2 in. (4.6 m), with a maximum reach of 23 ft. 5 in. (7 m). The standard auxiliary hydraulic system flow of 33 gpm (125 Lpm) can be easily changed from single direction flow to bidirectional flow to provide enhanced hydraulic attachment productivity. • Value The PC88MR-8 is packed with construction excavator features like X-Frame undercarriage, just like Komatsu’s


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Page 56 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Cowin Equipment Company, Inc. 2238 Pinson Valley Pkwy P.O. Box 10624 Birmingham, AL 35202 205.841.6666


35 Schillinger Road, N P.O. Drawer 29 Mobile, AL 36601 251.633.4020 3120 Old Hayneville Rd. P.O. Drawer 9367 Montgomery, AL 36108 334.262.6642 15101 Alabama Hwy 20 Madison, AL 35758 P.O. Box 6192 Huntsville, AL 35824 256.536.9390

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1501 Highway 78 East Oxford, AL 36203 256.832.5053

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Atlantic Coastal Equipment Sales & Rentals 922 Longwood Drive Richmond Hill, GA 31324 912.459.1155 • 912.459.1156 Fax 1620 Tobacco Road Augusta, GA 30906 706.814.5369 • 706.284.1005 Fax

Industry Giants Donate New Equipment to Good Cause ANGEL from page 32

I believe there are a lot of good people out there. I believe it is going to work.” Greg Arscott, general manager of The Pete Store in Knoxville, said his office decided to assist Agoglia simply because they could. “We have trucks, we can help,” he said, failing to mention that the company also donated use of a building for the First Response Team’s offices and an acre-and-a-half lot to park the equipment. “There’s always a cause out there, but you can’t always see the impact of your help. With the First Response Team, the next relief effort could be in our own backyard.” Arscott believes that other manufacturers and industry leaders will see that Agoglia’s efforts are “legitimate” and “as the economy improves, many of them will come out of the woodwork to support his efforts. I think it’s a tribute to Tad that, in one of the worst economic climates in 70 years, he has gotten the support he has.” One of the donated Peterbilt trucks First Response Team of America arrived unannounced on the scene in Parkersburg, got baptized in November during the Iowa, in May 2008 following a tornado that devastated the town and were received with team’s response to flooding in Virginia. open arms and hailed as heroes.

Agoglia drove it through five feet of saltwater to rescue a woman. He reported the immersion to Arscott. “I said I think we’ll have to change all the fluids in the truck,” he recalled. “You know they might have said, ‘How dare you!’ Instead, they said, ‘Well, so be it. We’ll change all the fluids.’ This is the kind of response that keeps the team going.” Both Agoglia and his backers in the equipment industry are confident that the business model of altruism that Agoglia has conceived can be sustained and expanded. It will require financial donations via the team’s Web site at, plenty of interagency networking and periodic equipment support, but Agoglia’s twoand-a-half years of experience have proven the project’s viability. In fact, Cat has made an offer to match some of the cash donations that Agoglia’s team can raise in 2010. Certainly the 33-year-old Agoglia is a believer in the effort. “I’m still young enough to think everything is possible.” (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at CEG

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 57

World’s #1

Designed And Built For You... Whatever Your Job As the number one backhoe loader manufacturer in the world today. JCB has over 60 years experience in producing the best backhoes in the industry. With a reputation built on constant innovation, our design has gone from strength to strength. So it will be no surprise to learn that one out of every three backhoe loaders sold in the world carries the JCB logo. We also offer the world’s largest range of backhoes, so whatever your needs, JCB has a backhoe loader solution to help you get the job done. Visit a JCB dealer to try the world’s #1 for yourself!

For more information on the full range of JCB construction equipment and to find the dealer nearest you, please visit

Southland Machinery 8920 Weaver Avenue Leeds, AL 35094 205/699-2699 866/480-6125 791 Anderson Road Montgomery, AL 36110 334/262-8104 866/954-6522

Daily Equipment Company 12186 Highway 67 North Biloxi, MS 39532 228/392-1987 Fax: 228/391-3400 Low Country Machinery, Inc. Pooler, GA 31322 912/330-0130 888/431-0130 Fax: 912/330-9214

Atlanta JCB 2679 Barrett Lakes Blvd. Kennesaw, GA 30144 678/594-5400 Fax: 678/594-7868 Mid-South Equipment Co. Chattanooga, TN 37421 423/899-1219 Fax: 423/892-0508

DeViney Equipment Sales & Rentals P.O. Box 7179 Jackson, MS 39282 601/373-9531 Fax: 601/373-9447 2173 Highway 51 Madison, MS 39162 601/859-0020 Valley Supply and Equipment 8192 Euclid Ct. Manassis Park, VA 20111 703/330-5579

Interstate Equipment Dougherty Equipment Company Company Greenville Columbia 446 Fairforest Way 115 Windhill Drive 1604 Salisbury Road Greenville, SC 29607 Columbia, SC 29203 Statesville, NC 28677 800/476-1727 888/779-3622 704/873-9048 Fax: 864/277-3030 Fax: 803/754-6550 800/626-4599 Charleston Florence 7979 West Chapel Hill Road 9040 Palmetto Commerce Parkway 2015 North Cashua Drive Cary, NC 27513-4166 Ladson, SC 29456 Florence, SC 29502 919/467-1801 800/862-3626 843/665-4700 800/626-4602 Fax: 843/875-6048 Fax: 843/292-8560

Page 58 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Compact size, big possibilities. If you’re looking for a great value in a lightweight, agile, and powerful skid steer, look no further. Like their big brother, Deere 313 and 315 Skid Steers deliver best-in-class stability, visibility, and serviceability. These easy-to-transport dynamos are perfect in tight spaces. Equip one with any of the many Worksite Pro™ attachments, and watch productivity take off. Give us a call and we’ll set up a demo, pronto! INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR CO. Jacksonville, FL 32245 904/296-5000 Lake City, FL 32055 386/752-9544 356 N. Hwy 17 Palatka, FL 32177 386/325-6268 Brunswick, GA 31521 912/264-6161 Savannah, GA 31412 912/964-7370 Ladson, SC 29456 843/572-0400


FLINT EQUIPMENT COMPANY West Columbia, SC 29169 1206 Blaylock St, 803/794-9340 P.O. Box 3329 Aynor, SC 29511 Albany, GA 31706 843/358-5688 229/888-1212 116 Corporate Drive Fax: 229/435-3612 Simpsonville, SC 29681 Cuthbert GA Phone: 864-963-5835 229/732-2631 Fax: 864-963-7405 Dothan, AL 101 Bruce Road 334/794-8691 Asheville, NC 28806 Troy, AL Phone: 828-667-0176 334/566-4181 Fax: 828-667-4865 Perry, FL 850/584-9200 Tallahassee, FL 850/575-5600

STAFFORD Tifton, GA 31794 229/382-4400 800/255-4401 Douglas, GA 31533 912/384-4400 800/559-4019 Valdosta, GA 31602 229/247-4495 800/283-2576

R.W. MOORE EQUIPMENT CO. Main Office Raleigh, NC 919/772-2121 Ahoskie, NC 252/332-5550 Fayetteville, NC 910/424-1200 New Bern, NC 252/638-5838 Greenville, NC 252/758-4403 Wilmington, NC 910/675-9211

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 59

B C usiness


METRAC Atlanta, GA 30336 404/691-9445 Braselton, GA 30517 770/965-1889 Adairsville, GA 30103 770/773-9857

JAMES RIVER EQUIPMENT, INC. Ashland, VA 23005 804/358-6776 Burkeville, VA 23922 434/767-5578 Fishersville, VA 540/337-3057 Wilkesboro, NC 28697 336/973-8201 800/422-4193 Asheboro, NC 27203 336/625-2212 Salisbury, NC 28144 704/636-2571 Matthews, NC 28104 704/821-7399 Rock Hill, SC 29730 803/325-1555 866/277-8119


January 10-13, 2010 – EXPO ‘10. National Utility Contractors Association Utility Construction Expo, Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel, Orlando, FL. NUCA is located in Arlington, VA. Call 703-358-9300 for further information. January 13-15, 2010 – EXPO ‘10. AG CONNECT Expo Preview Day January 12, 2010 (by special admission), Orlando, FL. AG CONNECT Expo provides a world-class international forum for agriculture industry professionals to share global agricultural ideas and management trends. For information please call 800-867-6060. February 7-10, 2010 – SHOW. THE RENTAL SHOW returns to Orlando, FL at the Orange County Convention Center. The show will be in the North-South building, which is where the 2006 Show was held. Exhibitors and Rental Store Attendees can call 800-334-2177. February 9-10, 2010 – EXPO. Pittsburgh Construction EXPO to be held at the Monroeville Convention Center, Monroeville, PA. For ticket and further information, please contact Sheila Kirby (800523-2200) or Bob Buckley (800-992-7116) at Construction Equipment Guide, Ft. Washington, PA. February 24-25, 2010 – EXPO. Chicago, IL Construction Expo to be held at the Schaumburg Convention Center, Schaumburg, IL. For tickets and further information please contact Sheila Kirby (800-523-2200) or Bob Buckley (800-9927116) at Construction Equipment Guide, Fort Washington, PA. February 27 to March 3, 2010 – International Hardware Fair. International Hardware Fair Cologne 2010, Cologne, Germany. For more information regarding this event contact Chris Beavers, Koelnmesse, Inc. at 773-326-9928. March 9-10, 2010 – EXPO. Philadelphia Construction EXPO to be held at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center, Oaks, PA. For ticket and further information, please contact Sheila Kirby (800523-2200) or Bob Buckley (800-992-7116) at Construction Equipment Guide, Ft. Washington, PA. March 17-20, 2010 – CONVENTION ‘10. Mark your calendar! AGC’s 91st Annual Convention will be held at the Marriott Orlando World Center in Orlando, FL. More information will be posted as soon as it is available. March 18-19, 2010 – EXPO. Midwest Construction Expo to be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN. For tickets and further information please contact Sheila Kirby (800-523-2200) or Bob Buckley (800-992-7116) at Construction Equipment Guide, Fort Washington, PA. June 1-5, 2010 – EXPO. ConExpo Russia 2010, Crocus International Exhibition Center, Moscow, Russia. ConExpo Russia is a new construction exhibition supported by the Russian government, Russian contractor groups, and the manufacturers who exhibit. It is the gathering place of the construction, utility and forestry industries in Russia and surrounding states, featuring the latest in equipment technologies and education. The Russian construction industry is booming. With continued growth potential and infrastructure projects in the nonresidential construction, forestry and utility industries, companies are looking to the Russian market to expand their enterprise. For more information visit: and email: and phone: 800-867-6060. March 22-26, 2011 – EXPO. CONEXPO-CON/AGG, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. CONEXPO-CON/AGG will be the world’s largest international gathering place in 2011 for the construction and construction materials industries, showcasing the latest equipment, services and technologies. For more information, visit:; E-mail: or phone: 800-867-6060. March 22-26, 2011 – International Exposition. Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. IFPE 2011 - the International Exposition for Power Transmission is the leading international exposition and technical conference for hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical and mechanical power transmission components, systems and controls. For information visit:; E-mail: or phone 800-867-6060.

Ritchie to Conduct World of Concrete Charity Auction Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers will be conducting the World of Concrete benefit auction in Las Vegas, Nev., on Feb. 4, 2010, starting at 1:00 p.m. All proceeds support the Concrete Industry Management (CIM) post-secondary education program, developed by its National Steering Committee (NSC). Ritchie Bros. will waive its internet purchase fee for this benefit auction. The CIM benefit auction features a wide range of donated items, including equipment, cement and sports packages. Like every Ritchie Bros. auction, the CIM auction will be unreserved, which means there are no minimum bids or reserve prices. Every item will be sold to the highest bidder on Feb. 4, regardless of price. Last year’s CIM benefit auction attracted more than 200 bidders and raised approximately $300,000 for CIM program expansion. CIM benefit auction details: • Location: Room N262, Las Vegas Convention Center, 3150 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, Nev. (on-site at World of Concrete). • Date: Feb. 4, 2010. Auction start time: 1:00 p.m. Registration opens at 11:00 a.m. • Interested buyers can register to bid in person, in real time over the internet or by proxy. Registration is free. • From 11:00 a.m. onwards, registration will be in Room N262 only. Photo ID is required. • Internet bidders must register online. First-time internet bidders are advised to register online 2 to 3 business days before the auction. Ritchie Bros. will waive its internet purchase fee for this auction only. • All proceeds from the benefit auction go to support the post-secondary educational programs developed by the National Steering Committee (NSC) for Concrete Industry Management. The following day, Ritchie Bros. will sell hundreds of equipment items for the construction, transportation and other industries during a one-day unreserved public auction at its Las Vegas auction site on Friday, Feb. 5. For more information, visit

Page 60 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

ALEX LYON & SON AUCTIONEERS Bridgeport, NY Phone: 315-633-2944 • Greenwich (Albany), NY Wed., December 30, 2009 For: Late Model Kobelco, New Holland, Cat, John Deere Earthmoving Equipment, Forklifts, Aerial, Support Equipment • Binghamton NY Fri., January 15, 2010 For: Complete Liquidation of Truck Tractors, Construction and Support Equipment • Memphis, TN Fri., January 15, 2010 For: Complete Liquidation Bankruptcy of Trucks, Tractors, Construction, Support Equipment • Scranton, PA Sat., January 16, 2010 For: Late Model Truck Wreckers, Truck Tractors, Van Trailers & Containers • Detroit, MI Tues., January 19, 2010 For: Complete Liquidation of Construction and Support Equipment • St. Louis, MO Thurs., January 21, 2010 For: Complete Liquidation of Bridge Contractor • Leon, Mexico Thurs., January 21, 2010 For: Late Model Construction Equipment, Aerial Lifts & Support Equipment

Coming Auctions For: Very Large Complete Liquidation Earthmoving, Support Equipment, Trucks & Trailers • Atlantic City, NJ Thurs.-Sat, March 25-27, 2010 For: Annual 3 Day Construction, Aerial, Forklift, Support, Truck & Trailer Auction

• Los Angeles, CA March 1-2, 2010 • Dubai, UAE March 1-3, 2010 • Toronto, ONT, CAN March 2-3, 2010 • Olympia, WA March 4-5, 2010 • St. Aubin Sur Gallion, France March 5, 2010

• Bangor, ME Fri., April 23, 2010 For: Late Model Construction, Aerial Lift, Forklift, Truck & Trailer Auction

• Sacramento, CA March 8-9, 2010

• Newark, NJ DATE TBA For: Rental Fleet Construction Equipment, Aerial Lifts, Trucks & Trailers

• Ocana, Spain March 11-12, 2010

• Middletown (Florida), NY DATE TBA For: Rental Fleet Construction Equipment, Support, Aerial Lifts, Trucks & Trailers • Indianapolis, IN Fri., March 5, 2010 For: Late Model Construction Rental Fleet Equipment RITCHIE BROS. AUCTIONEERS Richmond, BC, Canada Phone: 402-421-2631 • Narita, Japan January 27, 2010

• Lexington, KY Fri., January 22, 2010 • Panama City, Panama For: The Premier Sale of 2010! February 2, 2010 Very Late Model Rental Fleet • Phoenix, AZ Equipment February 2-3, 2010 • Columbus (Delaware), OH • Hyderbad, India Sat., January 23, 2010 For: Late Model Rental Return February 3, 2010 Auction plus Support • Las Vegas, NV Equipment February 5, 2010 • Kissimmee, FL., Jan. 30 thru February 7, 2010 For: Annual 8 Day Sale of the Latest & Greatest Construction, Aerials, Forklifts, Cranes, Truck Tractors, Dump Trucks and All Types of Trailers and Support Equipment – THE REAL SALE!

• Torreon, Mexico February 10, 2010

• Greensboro, NC Fri., February 26, 2010

• Edmonton, AB, CAN March 10-12, 2010

• Chicago, IL March 11-12, 2010 • Brisbane, QLD, Australia March 16, 2010 • Columbus, OH March 17, 2010 • Denver, CO March 16-17, 2010 • St. Louis, MO March 18, 2010 • Geelong, VIC, Australia March 18, 2010 • Montreal, QC, CAN March 18-19, 2010 • Salt Lake City, UT March 19, 2010 • Albuquerque, NM March 23, 2010 • Statesville, NC March 23, 2010 • Los Angeles, CA March 1-2, 2010 • Hartford, CT March 24, 2010 • London, ONT, CAN March 25, 2010

• Tipton, CA February 12, 2010

• Atlanta, GA Grand Prairie, AB, CAN March 29, 2010

• Rome, Italy February 13, 2010

• Kansas City, MO March 30, 2010

• Orlando, FL February 15-20, 2010

• Regina, SK, CAN March 30, 2010

• Ft. Worth, TX February 25-26, 2010

• Moncofa, Spain April 15, 2010

COCHRAN AUCTIONEERS & ASSOCIATES, LTD Boonsboro, MD Phone: 301-739-0538 • Hagerstown, MD Fri. & Sat., January 1-2, 2010 For: Major 2-Day New Year’s Regional Equipment & Truck Auction INSIGHT AUCTIONEERS Sebring, FL Phone: 863-386-1225 • Sebring, FL Saturday, January 16, 2010 • Sebring, FL Saturday, March 13, 2010 • Sebring, FL Saturday, May 15, 2010 • Sebring, FL Saturday, July 17, 2010 • Sebring, FL Saturday, September 18, 2010 IRAY AUCTIONS Foley, MN Phone: 320-968-7230 • Foley, MN Fri., March 5, 2010 • Portage, WI Fri., April 16, 2010 • Foley, MN Fri., June 4, 2010 • Portage, WI Fri., July 16, 2010 • Foley, MN Fri., September 17, 2010 • Portage, WI Fri., October 15, 2010 • Foley, MN Fri., December 3, 2010 IRON PLANET AUCTIONS Pleasanton, CA Phone: 888-433-5426 ONLINE AUCTIONS Go to to view the complete auction schedules, inspection reports and to place your bid! • Wed. & Thurs., January 7, 2010 For: Construction Equipment • Thurs. & Fri., January 28-29, 2010 For: Construction Equipment

MANHEIM AUCTIONS Lakeland, FL Phone: 863-607-5440 • Lakeland, FL Fri., February 19, 2010 For: Late Model Construction Equipment, Trucks & Trailers PETROWSKY AUCTIONEERS INC. North Franklin, CT Phone: 860-642-4200 • Durham, NC Thurs., January 7, 2010 For: PHASE II - Unreserved Public Auction for Mainline Contracting Inc., Excavation and Construction Equipment, Trucks & Trailers • North Franklin, CT Fri. & Sat., January 29-30, 2010 For: Over 100 Units! Truck Tractors, Dumps, Van & Utility Body Trucks & More! STEFFES AUCTIONEERS Fargo, ND Phone: 701-237-9173 • Litchfield, MN Wed, December 30, 2009 For: AgIron 21 Consignment Event VAUGHAN AUCTION GROUP Wills Point, TX Phone: 903-873-6777 • Wills Point, TX Thurs., February 4, 2010 For: Winter Contractor’s Public Auction YODER & FREY AUCTIONEERS, INC. Holland, OH Phone: 419-865-3990 • Kissimmee, FL Feb 8 –Feb. 16, 2010 36th Annual Kissimmee, FL Auction UTILITY AUCTIONS Wilmington, DE Phone: 302-530-9103 • Wilmington, DE Fri., February 26, 2010 For: Construction, Utility & Forestry Auction

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 61


13 35SRLC

The ED150 Blade Runner does the work of an excavator and a dozer. Now you can dig trenches, lay pipe, backfill, grade, clear sites and do finishing work more easily. Call or stop by today for a demonstration.


* Subject to credit qualification. Program terms and rates are subject to change without notice.

Headline Here (20pt 76 Helvetica Bold Italic – PMS 300 Blue) Copy here (45 Helvetica Light - 10/12). Copy here (45 Helvetica (45 Helvetica Light - 10/12)Copy here (45 Helvetica Light Light - 10/12) Copy here (45 Helvetica Light - 10/12) Copy 10/12)Copy here (45 Helvetica Light - 10/12) Copy here (45 here (45 Helvetica Light - 10/12) Copy here (45 Helvetica Light Helvetica Light - 10/12) Copy here (45 Helvetica Light - 10/12) Copy here (45 Helvetica Light - 10/12) Copy here (45 10/12)Copy here (45 Helvetica Light - 10/12)Copy here (45 STAFFORD COWIN EQUIPMENT CO. INC. Helvetica Light - 10/12)Copy here (45 Helvetica Helvetica Light - 10/12)Copy here (45 Helvetica Light Light Raleigh NC(45 10/12)Copy here (45Parkway Helvetica Light - 10/12)Copy here (45 10/12)Copy here (45 Helvetica Light - 10/12) Copy here 2238 Pinson Valley Pensacola FL 919/657-0070 Helvetica Light AL - 10/12)Copy 10/12) Helvetica Light - 10/12) Copy here (45 Helvetica Light Birmingham 35217 here (45 Helvetica Light - 850/479-3004 Charlotte NC Copy here (45 Helvetica Light - 10/12) Copy here (45 Helvetica 10/12)Copy here (45 Helvetica Light - 10/12) 205/841-6666 Atlanta GA Light - 10/12)Copy here (45 Helvetica Light - 10/12)Copy here 704/333-0786

Mobile AL 251/633-4020 Montgomery AL 334/262-6642 Huntsville 256/350-0006

404/696-7210 Albany GA 229/888-6247 Oxford AL 256/832-5053 [DEALER LOGO HERE]

Ashland VA 804/798-4500 Roanoke VA 800/922-4650

Dealer Address (65 Helvetica Medium 10pt) Phone - 555.555.5555 Fax - 555.555.5555

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© 2004 Kobelco Construction Manufacturing of America LLC and CNH America LLC.

Page 62 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE



VAC Lets Vet Sit Up Front on Trip to Nashville Show

(L-R) are Debby Coble, SPC Jason Poyneer, Amy Grant, PFC Mike Cunningham, Vince Gill, SGT Ryan Lohss and Col Jim Hay. CONCERT from page 28

With TEREX, value takes many forms. Start with high quality equipment designed to improve productivity and return on investment. Add inherent product dependability and the expertise and support capabilities of TEREX and its dedicated dealer organization. Choose from the broadest, most diversified line of equipment in the industry. Then top it off with our customer friendly philosophy and you experience the TEREX value proposition.

Tifton, GA 229-382-4400 800-255-4401

Douglas, GA 912-384-4400 800-559-4019

Valdosta, GA 229-247-4495 800-283-2576

Roanoke, VA 540-992-4650 800-992-4650

enjoyed a nice dinner party before the concert. I do want to express my deepest thanks to the Cobles and everyone else that sacrifices some time to give back to the soldiers. Always know that the smallest bit makes the world of difference to every soldier and every one of their families.” Lohss, a Pennsylvania resident, also comes from a family that has served in the United States military for generations. He plans to continue out the final three years on his contract, and then make a decision on whether or not to stay in for retirement, as he will have served 12 years. He described Coble as a kind man who took all the time in the world to show his passengers his business and private jet and to familiarize them with various aspects of a pilot’s life, which he would never have been introduced to otherwise. “Upon arrival in Nashville the staff of the Loew’s Hotel was extremely kind and generous with us being there. Meeting Mr. David Allen, the man that produced the event, was a wonderful experience. He said the VIP party we attended was all for us soldiers,” Lohss added. Billed as An Evening Celebrating Our Nation's Military Families, the all-star program was headlined by Vince Gill, Amy Grant, Jim Lauderdale, and the Steeldrivers, and also featured a surprise appearance by Ricky Skaggs.

Hay described the concert as “wonderful,” adding that “the standing ovation the other soldiers and I were given was heart warming.” Lohss concurred, saying it meant a lot that so many individuals and families had gone out of their way to make the veterans’ week celebration “as perfect as it could get.” “Receiving a standing ovation at the beginning of the concert brought tears to our eyes. It was overwhelming to see how much some people give to those that have served overseas,” he went on. “If I hadn’t gone I may never have seen the generosity of these wonderful people. The thanks we gave to them was quickly returned by all the people that would stop us to say ‘no, thank you for all that you have done and continue to do.’” Coble Trench Safety’s president Tom Coble intends to make further flights for the Veterans Airlift Command, and stressed he and his employees look forward to additional opportunities to show their support for the troops. “This is a small way that we can say ‘thank you’ to our troops and show our support,” he said. “Our nation is truly blessed because of the sacrifices of our brave men and women in the armed forces.” (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at CEG

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 63

You think it. We’ll help you do it. Introducing the Hyundai 9 Series Excavator

We build a better future

We know what you’re thinking. You need to do more for less. The new Hyundai 9 Series was built to do just that. Think proven, industry-leading fuel efficiency. Think improved hydraulic technologies for an edge over the competition. Think added value for your dollar. That’s the new Hyundai 9 Series Excavator. When you think efficiency – Think again. Think Hyundai.

Hyundai Equipment meets all “Buy American” Provisions in the U.S. Stimulus Bill. ALABAMA

FORESTRY 21, LLC Lafayette, AL 334/864-7250 PITTMAN TRACTOR CO. INC. Daphne, AL 251/621-3555


M.D. MOODY & SONS, INC. Fort Myers, FL 239/334-1060 U.S. SHORING & EQUIPMENT CO. Orlando, FL 407/888-0754 Tampa, FL ARKANSAS 813/662-3723 EQUIPMENT RESOURCE Pompano Beach, FL MANAGEMENT INC. 954/974-1128 North Little Rock, AR 501/223-8604 Jacksonville, FL 904/693-3404


GROVE RIVER Richmond Hill, GA 912/756-7854 STAFFORD Tifton, GA 229/382-4400 Douglas, GA 912/384-4400 Valdosta, GA 229/247-4495




MID SOUTH MACHINERY Gulfport, MS 228/867-1555 Jackson, MS 601/948-6740 Tupelo, MS 662/690-6553


STAFFORD Charlotte, NC 704/333-0786 ROB'S HYDRAULIC INC. Grimesland, NC 252/752-1500


DIAMOND EQUIPMENT La Vergne, TN 615/641-1100


STAFFORD Ashland, VA 804/798-4500

Page 64 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Alex Lyon & Son Holds Sale in Orlando

Ernie Thibeault (L), owner of T-Quip, and his Orlando general manager, Roger Fisher, try to keep dry while looking over the equipment.

Jack Lyon keep the bidding moving.


(L-R): Bob Quigley from Lake City, Fla., came along for

lex Lyon & Son held an auction Dec. 10 in Orlando, the ride as Buddy Parke and Red Schulte from Fla. Owlcreek Mining in Cooks Hammock, Fla., came to get themselves a tractor loader backhoe.

Rain showers kept the grounds and bidders wet, but the sale was well attended and more than 600 items went on the auction block.

Zack Watson came down from Apopka, Fla., to look over some of the skid steer loaders.

J. W. Fulwood (L) and John Helton of Tractor World in Plant City, Fla., track the bidding through the rain showers.

Bidding moves briskly for these Bobcat skid steer loaders amid the rain showers.

Tim Wicker, owner of Tim Wicker Excavating, Orlando, Fla., is looking for bargains.

This 2005 Bobcat S250 went for $11,500.

Darrell Rice of Rice Brothers Construction in Largo, Fla., wears the outfit of the day as he looks at a variety of equipment.

This 2003 Cat 430D loader backhoe from Ring Power’s rental fleet was headed to Mexico. The price was $28,000.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 65

Attention Contractors! Post Your Wanted To Buy Listings FREE! Here’s How! List Your Wanted Items

If you would like to place your Wanted To Buy listings on our website for inclusion in our newsletters, simply visit: and enter your listings. EAGLE 1200 CLOSED CIRCUIT CRUSHING PLANT, NO DEALERS Phone: 724-944-5569 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COMPRESSED EARTH BLOCK MACHINE Contact: RON LEMON Phone: 1-417-818-3121 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WHEEL LOADER WA30 OR WA40 (KOMATSU) Contact: HAMED AHMED SHAWKY MAKRAM Phone: 0020123240580 Fax: 002034297060(107) Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– HAMMER Phone: 914-494-6478 Fax: 845-207-9067 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CASE 586G WANTED 2 WHEEL DRIVE, OROPS Contact: RANDY REECE Phone: 770-966-9056 Fax: 770-966-9035 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 330CL DITCH CLEAN OUT BUCKET • 84" TO 96" WIDE CLEAN OUT BUCKET FOR CAT 330CL Contact: KEVIN Phone: 989-646-0009 Fax: 989-876-8656 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– USED DREDGE • USED DREDGE FOR SAND AND GRAVEL. 300-400 TPH 70 DEEP GOOD CONDITION Contact: BEAUFORD MULLINS Phone: 260-497-0500 Fax: 260-490-8217 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I AM LOOKING TO BUY D9N WITH RIPPER CONTRA Contact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTIN Phone: 1-450-346-8975 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ATLAS COPCO XAS75 COMPRESSOR, NEED MOTOR COUPLER HAS DUETZ ENGINE Contact: TIM LEWANDOWSKI Phone: 724-887-9375 Fax: 724-887-4899 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CAT 140G • ANY YEAR BETWEEN 1980 TO 1995. PLEASE EMAIL ME DETAILS INCLUDING HOURS WITH PHOTOS. Contact: PAMELA STEPP Phone: 229.924.0035 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– D6RLGP 2007 CONTRACTOR Contact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTIN Phone: 1 450 346 8975 Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

EXCAVATOR CATERPILLAR 325CL/DL, YEARS 2005 7, UP TO 5,000 HOURS, PREFERABLY PIPED FOR HAMMER Contact: RON Phone: 0097235403077 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1 YARD ROUNDNOSE CLAMBUCKET Contact: GIL Phone: 239 434 0249 Fax: 239 434 6849 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– D20X22 SERIES II VERMEER HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL Contact: 20082009 Phone: 320-493-7168 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ATLAS COPCO XAS75 COMPRESSOR PARTS Contact: TIM LEWANDOWSKI Phone: 724-887-4899 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– QUIKTACH ADAPTER TO FIT 1845 UNILOADER Contact: JEFF HUBBARD Phone: 316-640-0322 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CATERPILLAR 14H MOTORGRADER WE HAVE A NEW POTENTIAL CUSTOMER FOR AN EARLY YEAR MODEL 14H MOTORGRADER. WHOLESALE PRICE MUST REFLECT CURRENT MARKET CONDITIONS. Contact: WENDELL CAIN Phone: 770-381-8984 Fax: 770-381-6977 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1984 OR NEWER CAT D7G Contact: RANDY REECE Phone: 770-966-9056 Fax: 770-966-9035 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BULLDOZER D7G ONLY CONTRACTOR Contact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTIN Phone: 1 450 346 8975 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BARBER GREEN BG210B PAVER I AM LOOKING FOR BG210B PAVER Contact: TONY THOMAS Phone: 818-956-5231 Fax: 818-956-5239 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– HM 4500 Contact: NASEEM KAUKAB Phone: 00966 503114628 Fax: 00966 1 477 3075 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DUMP TRUCK Contact: LARRY WEINSTEIN Phone: 845 721-2983 Fax: 845 357-221 Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

2 CAT 938F WHEEL LOADERS Contact: RICHARD Phone: 603 828-6100 Fax: 603 430-2119 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I AM LOOKING TO BUY D6NLGP Contact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTIN Phone: 1 450 346 8975 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– VOLVO 360 EXCAVATOR 2004-2006, ANY LOCATION OK Contact: JOHN TANNOURJI Phone: 914-693-0300 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DEMOLITION BUCKET FOR A CAT 977L REASONABLY PRICED Contact: RICK Phone: 860-428-1059 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CAT WHEEL LOADER 910EFG, 920, 930, 936E Contact: ALHARTHI Phone: 00447875086827 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DYNAPACS CA251D,CA252D,CA262D,CA302,CA301 Contact: WAQAR AHMED Phone: 92-0333-2376638 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– KOMATSU MOTORGRADERS GD525A,GD605A,GD625A PLEASE OFFER US & KINDLY SEND US DETAILS, PHOTOS & BEST PRICE. Contact: NAQIB KHAN Phone: +92-333-3298751 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CRAWLER CRANE AMERICAN 9310 CRAWLER CRANE Contact: JOHN NEVINS Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– KUBOTA CHAIN ON FORKS TO BUCKET THESE ARE FORKS THAT SLIP ON THE BUCKET AND ARE HELD ON WITH A CHAIN AND BINDER Contact: BILL VAN PAMEL Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LOOKING TO BUY OLDER CAT WHEEL LOADERS | IN MODELS 910, 920, 930, 950, 950B, 950E, 966D/E/F. Contact: ATHER A. SIDDIQUI Phone: +92-333-2240692 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 325 OR 330 BL OR CL 325 9R 330 MUST HAVE 3306 ENGINE, 36" TRACT, JACK HAMMER AND 70 TO 80% U/C Contact: SAM Phone: 940-655-8462 Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

KUBOTA REAR HYDRAULIC OUTLETS I WANT TO CONNECT UP TO 4 QD FOR REAR ATTACHMENTS ON MY KUBOTA 3750 TRACTOR. I HAVE EXISTING 3POINT & MY TRACTOR HAS EXISTING LEVER SLOTS FOR CONTROL. USED IS OK. Contact: TERRY Phone: 206-241-0630 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CAT DEMOLITION BUCKET USED Contact: RICK Phone: 860-428-0159 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– JOHN DEERE OR HITACHI 160C LC Contact: DAVE CAPODICE Phone: 309-275-1927 Fax: 309-828-1960 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LOADERS, GRADERS, EXCAVATORS LOOKING FOR EQUIPMENT TO PURCHASE. WE CAN ALSO HELP YOU LOCATE EQUIPMENT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR. Contact: RHONDA SCHEER Phone: 610-544-3399 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ANY TYPE OF STEEL I BUY ANY TYPE OF NEW, USED OR SURPLUS STEEL INCLUDING SHEET PILING, H-PILING, PIPE PILING, WIDE FLANGE BEAMS, PLATES, PIPE, TUBING ETC... Contact: MICHAEL KAYE Phone: 609-882-6983 x 104 Fax: 609-882-7458 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CASE/DAVIS TRENCHER TF900/TF1000 DEAD OR ALIVE Contact: STEVEN H. MILLER Phone: (260) 341-2140 Fax: (260) 724-4165 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OHIO SCRAP MAGNET Contact: MARK VIA Phone: 540-745-3405 Fax: 866-905-5488 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CAT 345B TRACKS/PADS Contact: BILL KUKURIN Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BOBCAT 323 COMPACT EXCAVATOR I AM LOOKING FOR A COMPACT EXCAVATOR SIMILAR TO THE 323. Contact: JASON Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I AM LOOKING TO BUY CONTRACTOR D6KLGP Contact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTIN Phone: 450-346-8975 Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

VIBRO HAMMER Contact: MIKE DONNES Phone: +61427775849 Fax: +61892932261 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FINAL DRIVE Contact: ROBERTO J PALACIOS Phone: 786-287-7056 Fax: 305-573-7038 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CATERPILLAR D11R CRAWLER TRACTORS WE NEED ONE POSSIBLY TWO 8ZR OR 9TR SERIES PARTS OR CORE REBUILD MACHINES. SU AND SINGLE SHANK PREFERRED. ANY LOCATION WORLD WIDE. IF YOU HAVE A MACHINE MATCHING OUR NEEDS PLEASE SEND DETAILS, PHOTOS AND PRICE. Contact: CHARLES SOLOMONE Phone: 719-689-2434 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CAT D11T | CAT D11T. NEW UP TO 4000 HOURS. Contact: PAUL CROLLA Phone: +47-22.207696 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Wrecked or burnt Morbark Model 13 wood chipper for parts. Contact: Norma Phone: 724-887-9375 Fax: 724-887-4899 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– VOLVO L120B OR L120C - (1) VOLVO L120B OR L120C, ANY YEAR, ANY CONDITION Contact: IVAN OCAMPO Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– KOMATSU D85A21 - 4 X KOMATSU D85A-21. NEW UPTO 3000 HOURS. Contact: PAUL CROLLA Phone: +47-22.207696 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– KUBOTA L39 OR NEW HOLLAND TC40 WOULD LIKE EITHER A KUBOTA L39 OR A NEW HOLLAND TC40A Contact: GERRY PAOLIN Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FRONT LOADER FOR A KUBOTA L5450 Contact: CHARLIE LOVEALL Phone: 412-445-1878 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FELCO ROLLER BUCKET Contact: DONALD BEARD Phone: 828-324-6774 Fax: 828-324-9632 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– RAYGO RUSTLER 404 PARTS MACHINE Contact: WARREN CARD Phone: 423-332-2223 Fax: 423-332-9444 Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

CRANE BOOM & BASE FOR BUCYRUS ERIE 30B SUPER Contact: VINCENT NERI Phone: 860-664-8042 Fax: 860-664-9175 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– JD 595D,495 - LOOKING TO BUY JOHN DEERE 595 WHEELED EXCAVATOR OR 495 JD ANY YEAR Contact: IMTIAZ Phone: 647-887-4786 Fax: 905-497-8633 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LATE MODEL SOMERO POWER RAKE NO RETAIL DEALS PLEASE. Contact: TOM NACEY Phone: 651-214-1694 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BADGER 460 Contact: COREY Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEED NOW FROM CONTRACTOR ONLY 4 BULLDOZERS 375A 3 Contact: JEAN MAURTICE BOUTIN Phone: 1 450 346 8975 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CAT 330DL Contact: RANDY REECE Phone: 770-966-9056 Fax: 770-966-9035 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 330BL CAT EXCAVATOR Contact: ROD MARTIN OR PETER CORCH Phone: 717-733-3593 Fax: 717-733-8531 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– VIBRATORY ROLLERS • WANTED 05 OR NEWER 66-84 IN ROLLERS 1000 HRS OR LESS Contact: JIM Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CAT 140H - CAT 140H GRADER, 17.5X25 TYRES, BELOW 3500 HOURS, RIPPER Contact: PAUL CROLLA Phone: 47-22.207696 Fax: 44-161.226-8525 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– JOHN DEERE WHEELED EXCAVATOR595 - JOHN DEERE WHEELED EXCAVATOR 495,595 Contact: IMTIAZ Phone: 647-887-4786 Fax: 9054978633 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I AM LOOKING TO BUY 650J NEW LGP Contact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTIN Phone: 1 450 346 8975 Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Page 66 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE



Classified Rates:30 Words or Less for $30.00. Each Additional Word is 95¢. For just an additional $20 your ad can be posted on our online searchable database for 30 days Ad runs for 2 (two) insertions - no changes in second insertion. PLEASE ENCLOSE PAYMENT WITH ORDER and mail to - 470 Maryland Drive• Fort Washington, PA 19034

215/885-2900 • Fax 215/885-2910 • Toll Free 1-800/523-2200 CRAWLER TRACTORS



Crawler Tractor

All Makes & Models Rental, Parts, Service, Training

2003 Cat H160............$55,000 2004 Cat H160.............$45,000

2006 Cat D4GXL, 1049 hours..................$69,000 2004 Cat D6RXLII, 4551 hours................$155,000 2004 Cat D8RII, 3406 hours................$369,300 1998 Cat D8R, 16,600 hours.............$143,000

Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800/445-4381

AIR COMPRESSORS Compressors Ingersoll-Rand New & Used Parts Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800/445-4381

ASPHALT EQUIPMENT Asphalt Rollers 2005 Cat CB224E, 160 hours .....................................$29,900 2004 Cat CB224E, 946 hours .....................................$19,900 2002 CB334D, 962 hours ...........................................Call 2004 CB334E, 2954 hours .....................................$27,000 2004 Cat CB534DXW, 832 hours ...........................$75,000 2005 Cat CS563E, 287 hours .....................................$75,000 2005 Cat CS563E, 1332 hours .....................................$75,000 2005 Cat CS563E, 1,778 hours .....................................$75,000 Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729

Asphalt Distributer 2009 Marathon TPS250T, hot tack distributor, 250 gallons, gas engine, 106PM pumps, spreay wand & hose, hose reel, NEW..............................$7,500. JFW Equipment, Inc. 336-685-4998

Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729

BORING EQUIPMENT Trenchless Technology

Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729

TERRA PIERCING TOOLS, DIRECTIONAL DRILLS Sales, service, rebuilt units. 26 years a dealer.

NH Construction Equipment New & Used Parts & Service

Fagan’s Lehigh Equipment 610/759-6829 800/458-5238

Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800-445-4381

BUCKETS Excavator Bucket HUNDREDS OF NEW & USED BUCKETS, Nationwide Locator service, Sample “New Bucket” prices ... Excavators (30,000-40,000 lb) 24” $2,200, 30” - $2,400, 42” $2,600, 48” - $2,900 Excavators (40,000-55,000 lb) 24” $2,400, 30” - $2,600, 42” $2,900, 48” - $3,100 Excavators (55,000-65,000 lb) 24” $2,600, 30” - $2,800, 42” $3,100, 48” - $3,300 Call the Grappler at 856/778-4070


2001 John Deere 700H, 30” pads, lube rails, 132” 6-way blade, limb risers, rear & side screens, excellent factory warranty, 1500 hrs ...$121,000 Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 843/572-0400

Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729

Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 904-296-5000

EXCAVATORS Hydraulic Excavators 2006 Cat 303.5CCR, 698 hours.....................$39,900 2003 Cat 325CL, 2,998 hours................$108,300 2003 Cat 325CL, 6,987 hours..................$75,000 2005 Cat 330CL, 2,366 hours................$199,000 2006 Cat 345CL ME, 3,809 hours................$299,000 2003 Cat 345BL, 4,941 hours................$199,000 Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729 NH Construction Equipment New & Used Parts & Service

2003 Deere 750C, LGP, PAT blade, open ROPS, screen, sweeps, hang in rake, good condition, 4560...........$64,000. 2004 Deere 700H, LGP, cab with A/C, 132’’ PAT blade, 30’’ pads, sweeps, screens, new hang on rake, good ocndition, 5244 hours..................$62,000.

2007 John Deere 120C, #17395, 28’’ pads, cab with A/C, 9’11’’ arm, aux. hyd., 36’’ Helac bucket, very good condition, 1099 hours ..........$76.900.

Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 904-296-5000

Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 904-296-5000

1997 John Deere 550G, LGP, open ROPS, PAT blade, new paint, average condition, 6724 hours...................$25,000

Mini Excavators

Misc. Compaction Equip. 2001 CAT 836, 8923 hours .....................................$59,000 2004 CAT 836G, 7159 hours ...................................$355,000

2005 John Deere 850J LGP, #17478, push beams with Rockland rake, sweeps and screens, good condition, 3632 hours.........................$142,300.

Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 904-296-5000 1996 John Deere 650G LGP, #15401, sweeps, rear screen, 120’’ blade, fair condition, 7596 hours...........................$37,500. 2006 John Deere 650J LGP, #17302, full forestry package, sweeps, screens, root rake, 121’’ blade, good condition, 1317 hours.................$73,500.

Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800-445-4381

NH Construction Equipment New & Used Parts & Service Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800-445-4381 2005 Deere 50D, 36’’ bucket, rubber tracks, push blade, very good condition, 1040 hours ..............................$32,000. Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 904-296-5000

Sell Your Bobcat to Us We Buy Used Bobcat Equipment Loader Services & Equipment 205/320-1000 2003 Kubota KX-161, cab w/AC, rubber tracks, dozer blade w/hyd. thumb & 2 buckets, good condition, 2600 hours, pictures available ....................................$33,000. Farm-Rite Inc. 908/625-0697

FORESTRY EQUIPMENT Logging Equipment 1996 Caterpillar 320L stroke delimber, 31” pads, Balderson attachment, good condition, 7157 hours ...............$92,000

Track Loaders Backhoe Loaders 1989 John Deere 410C, open ROPS, 2 wheel drive, 24’’ bucket, GP loader bucket, fair condition, 2600 hours ....................................$13,875. Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 904-296-5000 2005 Cat 420D, 972 hours .....................................$49,000 2006 Cat 420EIT, 773 hours .....................................$65,000 Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729

Skid Steer Loaders

Five Star Equipment Inc. 607/775-2006

Sell Your Bobcat to Us


We Buy Used Bobcat Equipment

Industrial Forklifts Gradall/Lull Sales, Service, Training Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800/445-4381

GENERATORS Generators & Gen Sets For Sale or Rent All Makes & Models Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800/227-2525 2008 Ingersoll Rand G290 Portable Generator, , trailer mounted, NEW............$58,500.

Loader Services & Equipment 205/320-1000 2007 JCB 180T, canopy model with Servo Controls, GP bucket, set of forks/ frame 48’’. Pictures available, mint condition, 10 hours...................$31,000. Farm-Rite Inc. 908/625-0697 1998 Rawson Trommel Screen, fifth wheel, tipping Grizzly, very good condition, 5678 hours..................$35,000. Chadwick BaRoss, Inc. 978-479-5192

Wheel Loaders



NH Construction Equipment New & Used Parts & Service

Misc. Landscape Equip. 2004 Kubota L3430, open ROPS, rear hitch, AWD, 540 PTO, good condition, 1158 hours....................$18,500 Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 904-296-5000

Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800-445-4381 2006 Cat 904B, 3,456 hours .....................................$39,000 2005 928GZ, 2519 hours .....................................$87,300

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 67

2006 Cat 938GII, 2,552 hours ...................................$119,000 2006 Cat 938GII, 441 hours ...................................$129,000 2006 Cat 972H, 3,180 hours ...................................$229,000 2003 Cat 980G, 7251 hours ...................................$199,000 2002 Cat 980G..................Call 1998 Cat 980............$499,000 Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729 2003 JCB 407B Compact, cab, heat, A/C, radial tires, limited slip trans with 1.0 cu yd GP bucket and set of F/F.Good condition Pictures available, 2800 hrs......................$31,500. Farm-Rite Inc. 908/625-0697

Track Loaders 2006 Cat 953C, 721 hours ..................................$135,000 Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729

MISCELLANEOUS Misc NEW PARTS Hyundai - Mustang Okada - Sakai Yanmar Call: John Stevens or Jeff Brooks G & H Services, Inc. 973/383-3370 Fax: 373/383-5756

Service We Service What We Sell! Warranty, Maintenance and More! Heavy Equipment, Light Equipment, Hand Tools & Gas Detectors Norris Sales Company 610/279-5777

OIL SPILL CLEAN-UP Oil Spills Oil Eating Bacteria, Remediates water, soil “in place.” Use in fueling areas, shop floors, hydraulic hose breaks. OSHA and DEP preferred method.

Fagans’ Lehigh Equipment 8 0 0 / 4 5 8 - 5 2 3 8


Caterpillar D3, D3B, D3C, D4C, 931...6.125 Pitch 6S8800MT Link Assy., (2), 36 section, dry, master pin, 9/16’’ bolt........................$849.00 Ea. 6S605MT Link Assy., (4), 36 section, dry, split master, 9/16’’ bolt........................$874.00 Ea. 6S9066MT Link Assy., (4), 36 section, SALT, split master, 9/16’’ bolt ...........$1,099.00 Ea. 6Y1339MT Link Assy., (4), 36 section, SALT, split master, 9/16’’ bolt ...........$1,105.00 Ea. 3T6705MT Link Assy., (2), 37 section, SALT, split master, 9/16’’ bolt............$1,150.00 Ea.

Komatsu D30A, D31A, D31B, D37E, D31S, D31P... 6.0126 Pitch TR1103211292 Track Pad, (118), 14’’ single grouser, 14mm bolt................$7.39. Ea. TR1113000260 Top Roller (2), complete w/shaft....$82.00. Ea. TR1113000281 Bottom Roller (9), double flange.......... .............................$103.00. Ea. G & H Services, Inc. 973/383-3370 973/390-7394 Cell Fax: 373/383-5756

Miscellaneous Parts BOBCAT MULCHING ATTACHMENT SALE! Land Clearing Mulcher Sale Like New! Loader Services & Equipment Call 1-800-753-2879 JOHN DEERE USED PARTS All Makes In Stock! Nationwide Availability 1-800-344-3205 Industrial Tractor Co., Inc. Jacksonville, FL VISA/MC BOBCAT PARTS New and Used, Low Hour Equipment Loader Services & Equipment Call 1-800-753-2879

BOBCAT - All Models New and Used Bobcat Parts Shipped to Your Door! Call 1-800-753-2879 For Best Prices Loader Services & Equipment 205/320-1000


Daily - Weekly - Monthly

Mixers, Generators, Arrow Borads, Compaction, Excavators, Loaders! Now in PA & NJ

RENTALS Rental Construction Equipment Rentals

1998 Cat 627F, 9,740 hours. ...................................$299,000 1998 Cat 627F, 10,307 hours ...................................$299,000




Operator Training All prices include Trainer, travel and material NO HIDDEN COSTS

TRUCKS Misc Trucks 2001 Cat 730, 9,126 hours ...................................$115,000 2004 Cat 735, 4,035 hours ...................................$249,000

OLD LOOK NEW AGAIN! Equipment Sandblasting, Painting & Refinishing FREE QUOTES

Additional Services Available CAROLINA TRACTOR 2690 Salisbury Highway

SAND SCIENCE INC. 843/525-6140

reservations: Call 1-800-223-3827


800/547-RENT (7368)

For information, pricing or

Motor Scrapers

Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729

Norris Sales Company 610/279-5777

BEST DEALS Bohringer portable impactor ...................................$129,000 Finlay 393 3-in-1 screener ... .....................................$99,000 8 x 4 Shop Built portable screener. .....................$44,500 Portable Simplicity 6 x 20 Triple Deck .................$95,000 Portable Cedarapids 2540 Jaw, excllent .............$166,000 Portable 6 x 4 Mark II..$38,500 Various conveyors, stackers & idlers .......................$6,000+ Mixing Plant with 28 x 6 drum .....................................$12,500 Sand/Gravel washing plant ..........................................POR


Competitive Rates

Statesville, NC 28677 800-277-1212 Ext 3500

Are your operators compliant with Federal Standards, OSHA, ANSI, ISO?

2005 Cat 735, 3,738 hours ...................................$269,000 2006 Cat 740, 3,320 hours ...................................$305,000

MODERN GROUP offers training for: - Front-end Loaders & Backhoes - Aerial work platforms (AWP) (Boom & Scissor Lifts) - Rough Terrain Forklifts (Gradall, Lull, JCB) - Skid Steer Loaders

1994 Cat D350D, 20,412 hours ...........................$49,000 Ransome CAT

Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa 215-245-3729

Classified...2 Insertions...95¢ Per Word Use the form below to place a classified ad in the Construction Equipment Guide. It could bring the inquiry for which you are looking.

One Word HEADING (Category to place listing):




Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800/445-4381 Construction & Equpment & Supplies for the “Professionals” Daily - Weekly - Monthly & Long Term Rentals Available Stone, Wacker, Honda, Gehl, JLG to name a few ..... Norris Sales Company 610/279-5777

CLASSIFIED RATES: 95¢ Per Word. Minimum $30.00 (30 words or less). Ad runs for two insertions - no changes in second insertion. Initials count as separate words. Telephone numbers including Area Code count as one word. Please indicate the appropriate heading you wish your ad to be listed under. Payment must be made in full for your ad to run. For just an additional $20 your ad can be posted on our online searchable database for 30 days - use your credit card or send payment to Construction Equipment Guide. CARD MEMBER’S NAME _________________________________________________COMPANY NAME ___________________________________________________ STREET______________________________________________________________________PHONE NO. _________________________________________________

Construction & Industrial Equipment Rentals

CITY _______________________________________________________________________STATE ___________________________ ZIP __________________________ Check Enclosed

Compaction, Excavating, High Lifts, Traffic Control, Safety, Loaders, Landscaping Norris Sales Company 610/279-5777






TOLL FREE 1-800/523-2200 FAX 215/885-2910 470 Maryland Drive • Fort Washington, PA 19034 Email:

Page 68 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Ritchie Bros. Holds Its First Industrial Sale in Polotitlan 2000 Link Belt HTC8670LB-70 Ton Truck Crane, 127’ Boom, 70’ Jib, Detroit 60 Diesel-Lower, A/C in Upper & Lower, Upper Engine-None (location Texas).......$$390,000

Call Wally Jones, Chris Lyons 804/798-8840

25-26 RM

The 2009 EZ Screen 1200XL, with a 5'x6' screen box, and a patented non-hydraulic screen drive. The EZ 1200XL works with a 1/2 to 2 yard loader. Now with a 20 Horsepower Deutz Diesel Engine.......$39,500 plus freight Other Screens Available • 866/745-5828 25-26 EB

2009 IROCK Crusher RDS-15 Closed Circuit Crushing and Screening Plant. For more information 25-26 Call Sean Donaghy at 330/931-9595 EB

Did this ad catch your attention? Color can work for you. Call Construction Equipment Guide 800/523-2200

(L-R) are Jenny Marin, Ritchie Bros. customer service manager; Ramiro Esparza, Ritchie Bros. area manager; Abel Mejia, former president of Polotitlan, state of Mexico; Philippe Sestier Bouclier, state of Mexico economic development representative (representing the Governor); Jesus Jimenez, president of Polotitlan; Jaime Reyes, local government representative; Luis Farias, Ritchie Bros. regional manager; Nicolas Agudelo, Ritchie Bros. area manager; and Laura Rodriguez, Ritchie Bros. customer service manager. RITCHIE from page 18

1986 Intl Digger Truck w/ Telelect Digger Derick, diesel, auto trans, 43' corner mount fiberglass hyd. extension, 112,000 miles on it, good condition, runs great! Great for digging holes for ple barns, fences, setting roof trusses for barns, houses and garages, setting poles for electric servies for new home Asking $6,900 construction .........................................................A Ephratah Safety Systems • 518/993-2700 25-26 KH

1997 Kobelco SK150 Mark IV with brand new factory Cummins Engine, only 200 hours on new engine and 5300 on whole machine, weight 35,000 lbs., new thumb attachment and new Wain Roy coupler, new 48" hydraulic bucket, excellent operating condition and excellent appearance. Very Nice Machine! .........................................................................$$34,500 Ephratah Safety Systems • 518/993-2700 25-26 KH

1990 Bucket Chevy Asplundh model L38TM single man bucket, 5 spd w/ a 2 spd rear, 100,000 miles, good condition, brand new batteries, never been stored outside, great operating condition. Great for repairing or painting barns & houses, trimming trees, and decorating trees and houses at Christmas. Asking $5,900 ..............................................................................A Ephratah Safety Systems • 518/993-2700 25-26 KH

Case 1845 Skid Steer with Aux. Hydraulics, Gas Engine, Liquid Cooled, Machine Comes with: Grapple Bucket, Power Angle Snow Plow and Factory made Forks...Runs and Asking $7,500 Operates 100% ....................................................A Ephratah Safety Systems • 518/993-2700 25-26 KH

The Easy Way To Advertise Your Equipment Valued At Less Than $1 Million Run In Two Consecutive Issues For $95

future business opportunities. Mexico has been a very strong customer base for us over the years, and our local customers deserve this type of auction facility like the other 38 facilities strategically located around the world.” At the beginning of this year, the company moved its operations of more than 14 years from Toluca to Polotitlan, where three successful multi-million dollar auctions have already taken place while the construction of the new facilities was underway. The grand opening auction marks Ritchie Bros.’ fourth auction for 2009 in Polotitlan. “Some of our neighbors are Ritchie Bros. employees,” said Jesus Jimenez, municipal president of Polotitlan. “Their success is reflected through the company’s success and expansion — despite a current crisis in the global economy. Therefore our congratulations to Ritchie Bros., as our neighbors, are double.”

Ritchie Bros. Regional Manager Luis Farias speaks to the crowd during the grand opening auction in Mexico.

Ritchie Bros. Senior Vice President Nick Nicholson during grand opening ceremony in Mexico.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 69

Page 70 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

J. D. 970 4 WD W/LOADER J. D. 5203 2 WD J. D. 6300 4WD W/LOADER J. D. 6300 CAB & AIR J. D. 6300 CAB & AIR

J. D. 6400 CAB & AIR J. D. 6410 CAB & AIR 2 WD J. D. 6410 CAB & AIR 2 WD J. D. 6410 CAB & AIR 2 WD J. D. 6410 CAB & AIR 2 WD


Ritchason Auctioneers Wraps Up 2009 With Big Sale


rapping up its 20th anniversary year, Ritchason Auctioneers Inc. held a final big sale of 2009 Dec. 12 at its auction headquarters in Lebanon, Tenn. A nice selection of machines greeted bidders on a frigid December day.

These three guys can be seen at almost any equipment auction in the southeast. (L-R) are Randy Raynor and Tommy Milam of Milam’s Truck Sales, Danville, Va.; and Billy Seals, Thompson Tractor, Birmingham, Ala.

see RITCHASON page 73

This Deere 700H dozer was sold and headed to Kentucky with Keith Whitson (L) and Mark Peterson of Keith Whitson Trucking, Greenville, Ky.

Perched on a New Holland LB75 backhoe loader are John Puryear (L) and Ross Heinen of Puryear Farms-Nursery & Landscaping, Gallatin, Tenn.

Dewain Ritchason, president of Ritchason Auctioneers, delivers the morning announcements.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 71


Auction Premiere. Western Winter Sale

January 28 & 29

2008 CAT D8T

2007 CAT 320C LU

2007 KENWORTH T300

2006 CAT 365CL

2006 CAT D5G

2006 CAT 963C

2006 CAT 950H

2006 CAT 621G

2006 CAT 325DL

1997 CAT 623F

150 Aerial Work Platforms

156 Forklifts

75 Backhoes

137 Loaders

94 Dozers

157 Skid-Steers

216 Excavators

327 Trucks – On-Road

56 Farm Equipment

Plus Many More

Auctions you can trust Auction Company Bond #70259785. Preliminary list to date. Equipment subject to change.

Go to to view the complete auction schedule, guaranteed inspection reports, and place your bids.

Page 72 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

More Than 1,100 Lots Go on Block During Nashville Auction

Looking over some of the dozers before they went on the auction block, including this Caterpillar D6RXL, are Ronald Wix (L) and Tucker Wix of Tree Frog Wood Products, Hohenwald, Tenn. Very interested in bidding on this Caterpillar D8R dozer are Lex Carter (L) and Cullen Carter of Earth Works Inc., Knoxville, Tenn.


itchie Bros. Auctioneers held a multi-million dollar auction on Dec. 15 in Nashville, Tenn., with the participation of more than 1,200 online and on-site bidders from 27 countries. More than 1,100 lots were sold on auction day to buyers from as far away as Austria, Thailand and Venezuela. More than 40 percent of the equipment was purchased live and online.

A couple quarry guys from Minnesota look over one of the five Caterpillar 769C rigid frame trucks in the auction lineup. Joe Braegelmann (in cab) and Jim Fuchs of Cold Spring Granite Company, Cold Spring, Minn.

Talking about this Metso ST356 shaker (L-R) are Chris Rodway, independent contractor in middle Tennessee; Larry Harris, Wolf Creek Sand & Gravel, Antoine, Ark.; and Phil Thomason, Jim Smith Contracting, Grand Rivers, Ky.

Closely inspecting a Kawasaki task master wheel loader are Jim Bolin (L) and Brian Maschhoff of Bolin Enterprises Inc., Casey, Ill.

Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager Wheeler Johnson paces back and forth to keep warm as he awaits the next bid. With a temperature of just above freezing and a swirling wind, the Ritchie Bros. ski hat was a great idea…he may have been rethinking the shorts.

As the auction in Nashville, Tenn., got under way, a crowd jammed into the registration area to get their auction catalogues and bidding numbers.

Early arriving registered bidders from Illinois take a few moments to discuss some machines of interest before they head to the theater area including (L-R) are Matt McVaigh and Kent Marks of Marks Farms Inc., West Salem, Ill.; and Darrell Lynch and Merle Raber of Level Acres Inc., West Salem, Ill.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 73

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February 8-16, 2010 Sunday, February 14, 2010 – No Auction, Office & Equipment Yard Open


Day 1 Mon., Feb. 8, 2010 Motor Graders, Asphalt Rollers, Asphalt Pavers, Asphalt Distributors, Compactors, Sweepers, Brooms, Vacuum Trucks, Roto Mills, Concrete Equipment, Misc.

Day 2 Tues., Feb. 9, 2010 Rubber Tired Loaders, Rubber Tired Loader Backhoes, Skid Steer Loaders, Attachments, Pumps, Misc.

Day 3 Tues., Feb. 10, 2010 Crawler Tractors, Crawler Loaders, Dirt Compactors, Motor Scrapers, Water Wagons, Attachments, Generators, Engines, Misc.

Day 4 Thurs., Feb. 11, 2010 Hydraulic Excavators, Attachments, Off Highway End Dumps, Misc.

Day 5 Fri., Feb. 12, 2010 Rough Terrain Cranes, Truck Cranes, Crawler Cranes, Manlifts, Forklifts, Dredges, Boom Trucks, Crushing & Screening, Aggregate Equipment, Fuel & Lube Trucks, Mechanics Trucks, Water Trucks, Misc.

Day 6 Sat., Feb. 13, 2010 Farm Tractors & Implements, Mowers, Forestry, Track Drills, Air Compressors, Welders, Light Plants, Piercing Tools, Boring Equipment, Trenchers, Digger Derricks, Bucket Trucks, Misc.

Day 7 Mon., Feb. 15, 2010 Tri-axle, Tandem & Single Axle Dump Trucks, Flatbed Dump Trucks, Flatbed Trucks, Automobiles, Vans, Pickups, Misc.

Day 8 Tues., Feb. 16, 2010 Truck Tractors, Mixer Trucks, Specialty Items, Rollbacks, Garbage Trucks, Cab & Chassis, Misc. Trucks, Buses, Lowboy, Dropdeck and Flatbed Trailers, Misc. Trailers, Misc.


Buyer’s Premium

1670 Commerce Rd. Holland, OH 43528 PHONE: 419-865-3990 or 800-842-6221 FAX: 419-865-4595 EMAIL:

2% Buyer’s Premium on each item selling over $2,500 10% Buyer’s Premium on each item selling for $2,500 or less Additional 2% Buyer’s Premium for online bidders

651 West Southport Rd. Kissimmee, FL 34746 PHONE: (407) 396-6060 FAX: (407) 396-8181

Your Kissimmee Connection for over 35 Years! International buyers are required to deposit $10,000 to bid. This deposit must be in the form of cash, certified check, credit card or bank wire.

Auctioneer V. Peter Clark, License # AU2863 FL Firm License # AB2485 Online Bidding Presented By:

Sales Representatives Sales Headquarters V. Peter Clark Ron Coale John Murra Justin Clark Doug Ryan Daryl Houle

800-842-6221 419-865-3990 419-865-3990 419-865-3990 419-865-3990 603-491-6159 412-551-0465

Live and Online Auction Solutions

Bidders Warm Up to Bargains During Chilly December Sale RITCHASON from page 70

A couple of central Tennessee contractors looking for the deal of the day were Darin Lance (L) of JDL Construction, Sparta, Tenn., and Kerry Lankford of K.W. Lankford Excavating, Dickson, Tenn. This nice looking early 1990s Caterpillar D8N garnered quite a bit of attention and rolled out at $79,000. Deep in discussion about this Volvo A25C artic truck are James Hickman (L) and Andy Andrews of H & H Rock, Georgetown, Tenn.

Getting more information on a Hitachi excavator from Ritchason Auctioneers Sales Consultant Glen Brown (R) are Dale (L) and Jeff McPeake of M c P e a k e Trucking in Scotts Hill, Tenn.

When the excavators went on the auction block, bidders quickly gathered around.

Page 74 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

ADVERTISER INDEX ASC CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT USA ...........................3,42,76 BARGAINS .....................................................................................68 BEASLEY FOREST PRODUCTS...................................................19 BOBCAT COMPANY.......................................................................26 BOMAG...........................................................................................45 CCS EQUIPMENT ............................................................................6 CEDARAPIDS INC .........................................................................47 CEG SCALE MODELS ...................................................................40 CLASSIFIEDS............................................................................66,67 CLEVELAND BROTHERS EQUIPMENT CO.................................12 COBLE TRENCH SAFETY.............................................................37 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE CEG WANTED ............................................................................65 CONSTRUCTIONEQUIPMENTGUIDE.COM .............................25 FL AUCTION 2010 PROMO .......................................................69 WE DO TRADE SHOWS ............................................................30 DOOSAN INFRACORE AMERICA.................................................75 DOOSAN INFRACORE AMERICA CORP......................................29 DYNAPAC .......................................................................................51 E D ETNYRE & CO ........................................................................47 EAGER BEAVER TRAILERS .........................................................21 ESCO CORP ..................................................................................54 GATORBACK TRACKS & EQUIPMENT ..........................................7 GEITH INC........................................................................................9 GOMACO CORP ............................................................................52 HALE TRAILER BRAKE & WHEEL ................................................11 HAROLD HOWELL CONSTRUCTION EQUIP ..............................20 HYPAC/HYSTER CO......................................................................52 HYUNDAI CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ..................................63 INSIGHT AUCTIONEERS SEBRING FL...............................................................................70 IRON PLANET ................................................................................71 JAMES RIVER EQUIPMENT .........................................................43 JCB INC ..........................................................................................57 JFW EQUIPMENT INC ...................................................................47 JOE MCELREATH CO INC ............................................................15 JOHN DEERE.................................................................................33 JOHN DEERE SKID STEER ..........................................................58 KOBELCO CONST MACH AMERICA LLC ...................................61 LEEBOY..........................................................................................44

M D MOODY & SONS INC...............................................................5 NEWTON CROUCH INC ................................................................22 NORTRAX EQUIPMENT CO FL ....................................................17 NPK CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT INC ....................................34 P J DOOLING TIRE ........................................................................16 PALADIN HEAVY CONSTRUCTION..............................................55 POWER EQUIPMENT CO................................................................6 RING POWER CRANE...................................................................10 RITCHIE BROS. AUCTIONEERS ....................................................2 ROAD BUILDERS MACHINERY ....................................................10 ROSCO MFG CO ...........................................................................48 RSC EQUIPMENT RENTAL ...........................................................19 SAKAI AMERICA INC .....................................................................49 SANDVIK MINING & CONSTRUCTION.........................................23 SOUTHEASTERN EQUIPMENT CORP.........................................20 STAFFORD .....................................................................................38 STOLTZFUS MFG ..........................................................................20 STONE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT .......................................48 TAKEUCHI ......................................................................................56 TEREX TRUCKS ............................................................................62 TRACTOR TRACS INC ..................................................................54 TRENCH SHORING SERVICES ....................................................37 VOLVO COMPACTION...................................................................53 VOLVO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT .......................................27 YANMAR AMERICA........................................................................31 YODER & FREY AUCTIONEERS KISSIMMEE FL ...........................................................................73

CAROLINA STATE SUPPLEMENT ARROW EQUIPMENT INC (SE) ......................................................4 BENCH MARK TOOL & SUPPLY (SE).............................................7 BOBCAT CAROLINA’S (SE).............................................................8 CAROLINA CAT (SE)........................................................................5 DOUGHERTY EQUIPMENT COMPANY (SE...................................3

FLORIDA STATE SUPPLEMENT FLAGLER CONSTRUCTION EQUIP LLC .......................................4 PINNACLE CENTRAL CO (SE) .......................................................3 UNITED RENTALS OF FLORIDA (SE) ............................................8

The Advertisers Index is printed as a free editorial service to our advertisers and readership. Construction Equipment Guide is not responsible for errors or omissions.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • December 30, 2009 • Page 75


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Charlotte, NC 1010 Atando Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 Toll Free: 800/687-1672 Phone: 704/333-0786

Roanoke, VA 39 Gibson Lane Cloverdale, VA 24077 Toll Free: 800/992-4650 Phone: 540/992-4650

Raleigh, NC 7701 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Toll Free: 800/687-1672 Phone: 919/657-0070

Columbia, SC 846 Chris Drive West Columbia, SC 29169 Toll Free: 800/687-1672 Phone: 803/796-4060

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Atlanta, GA 540 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30045 Toll Free: 866/358-3299 Phone: 770/822-9050

Valdosta, GA 4342 N Valdosta Road Valdosta, GA 31602 Toll Free: 800/283-2576 Phone: 229/247-4495

Douglas, GA 970 SW Bowens Mill Road Douglas, GA 31533 Toll Free: 800/559-4019 Phone: 912/384-4400

Tifton, GA 1821 US Highway 82 W Tifton, GA 31793 Toll Free: 800/255-4401 Phone: 229/382-4400

Page 76 • December 30, 2009 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE


More Care. Built In.

If you have a lot of Mother Earth to move there is no better equipment than Volvo Excavators and Volvo Articulated Haulers. From boom to counterweight, every Volvo Excavator is simply built better. They are aggressive, rugged, powerful and balanced. Volvo Articulated Haulers come with a heritage of superior load capacity, fast work cycles and powerful dump hydraulics. When combined with low fuel consumption and long service intervals, you can be assured of high productivity and low cost. So, if you need a bigger digger and a tougher hauler, this Volvo combination can’t be beat. Visit ASC Construction Equipment now and get your Volvo.

Birmingham, AL 205-856-4008

Acworth, GA 770-529-5125

Asheville, NC 828-687-0620

Charleston, SC 843-414-1120

Huntsville, AL 256-261-1200

Atlanta, GA 770-319-0074

Charlotte, NC 704-596-8283

Columbia, SC 803-791-0740

Mobile, AL 251-473-8222

Buford, GA 678-318-9500

Greenville, NC 252-754-5280

Piedmont, SC 864-704-1060

Montgomery, AL 334-269-1522

Savannah, GA 912-964-8079

Raleigh, NC 919-661-8710

Chattanooga, TN 423-308-7940 Knoxville, TN 865-525-1845

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