Published Nationally ®
Southeast Edition
January 26 2011
Vol. XXIV • No. 2
“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded 1957.” 470 Maryland Drive • Ft. Washington, PA 19034 • 215/885-2900 • Toll Free 800-523-2200 • Fax 215/885-2910 •
National Maritime Museum Sets Sail in Mobile By Mary Reed
Smith-Rowe Tackles Its Largest Ever Contract…8
One of the latest educational establishments to be built in the United States, the $36 million National Maritime Museum of the Gulf of Mexico, formally known as GulfQuest, is under construction in Mobile, Ala., on the Gulf of Mexico.
Dedicated to the celebration of the historic, cultural and economic significance of the Gulf Coast’s seafaring traditions, the 90,000 sq. ft. (8,363 sq m) museum will be only the third maritime museum in the world featuring largely interactive exhibits. Described by Gov. Bob Riley as a “signature project” for southern Alabama, the museum is a partnership of GulfQuest and the city of Mobile. The muse-
Meekins Holds 16th Annual December Sale…68
ConExpo Section........33-35 Paving Section ..........39-50 Parts Section ..................51 Business Calendar ..........54 Auction Section ........63-71 Advertisers Index............70
see MUSEUM page 56
Funding Issues in Minn. ASSE Reflects Felt Across United States On 100 Years
Cat Litter Keeps Firm Thinking Inside the Box…25
Table of Contents..............4
um is slated to open in late 2012. Although the project began in the mid1990s with the formation of a non-profit organization to run it, it was not until 2000 that the city announced that the museum would form the centerpiece of its Mobile Landing project. This downtown 12-acre development features a cruise ship terminal and a convention center,
The Minnesota portion of Highway 14 is the main east-west roadway across the southern end of the state besides Interstate 90.
As Minnesota addresses its highway construction needs, so might the country. The upper Midwestern state, like the United States, starts 2011 with new Republican clout in the capitol, conservative resistance to flagrant earmarks, and way more projects than project dollars. To illustrate highway funding issues facing the United States, CEG decided to ratchet down the national confrontation to
state and local levels. Specifically, what lessons are there for Washington in a southern Minnesota standoff over a dangerous stretch of U.S. Highway 14? Not many, as it turns out. CEG found that similar political roadblocks frustrate policy-making at the state and national levels. But the numbers facing legislators in St. Paul are smaller than in Washington and, hence, more comprehendible. The state’s road-building process also seems somewhat less fractured by special intersee FUNDING page 20
In 1911, coffee prices were at 18.75 cents per pound, a first class U.S. stamp was $.02, and “ready-to-wear” trousers were the newest development on the men’s fashion scene. It also was the year the first airplane was landed on the USS Pennsylvania, stationed in San Francisco, Calif., and the year the first Monte Carlo races were held. 1911 also was the year of one of the most recognized tragedies in the history of workplace safety and the beginning of a movement that would change the way the world viewed safety on-the-job. The modern occupational safety and health movement began in 1911 after the horrific Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City, N.Y., March 25, 1911, where 146 garment workers were killed due to unsafe working conditions and inadequate fire escapes. Seven months later, in October of 1911, a small group of people gathered with the collective goal to reduce injuries and illnesses in the workplace and ensure that employees arrived home safely to their families each day. This group formed the United Society of Casualty Inspectors, now known as the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE). It grew steadily for the past 100 years and its members experienced some of the most pivotal times in American history as highlighted in ASSE’s new Celebrating 100 Years of Safety film. ASSE members work in all industries, including education, government, manufacturing, construction and technology, and are instrumental in helping businesses and the public recognize the importance of being safe at work. Prior to the formation of ASSE in 1911, workplace fatalities were prevalent and workers frequently suffered see ASSE page 30
Page 2 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
Contact your sales representative to see how we can make a difference for you.
Main Office: 1023 S. 50th Street • Tampa, FL 866-586-8956 Fort Lauderdale Davie) 954-327-8808
Fort Myers 293-334-6063
Jacksonville 904-268-4400
Orlando 407-859-9160
Savannah, GA 912-966-5666
The Takeuchi product line is only available in the Tampa and Orlanda locations.
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 3
ASC has the Largest Articulated Truck Fleet in North America BLOW OUT SPECIAL
ASPHALT / PAVING 1999 BLAW-KNOX PF161, 9711 hrs ..........................$27,000 2007 INGERSOLL-RAND PF2181, 1613 hrs.......... $225,000 2007 VOLVO PF6170, 1302 hrs .............................. $255,000
MOTOR GRADERS 2007 VOLVO G940, 1397 hrs .................................. $168,500 (4) 2008 VOLVO G940, from 784 hrs ............From $165,000
COMPACTION EQUIPMENT PADFOOT 2007 BOMAG BW145PDH-3, 157 hrs ...................... $61,000 2007 BOMAG BW177PDH-3, 130 hrs ...................... $78,500 2007 BOMAG BW211PD-40, 752 hrs........................ $77,000
2008 VOLVO ECR235C, S/N 235C110253, 55 hrs $140,000
2007 INGERSOLL-RAND PF2181, 1613 hrs $225,000
(4) 2005 VOLVO A40D, LOW HRS $270,000 EACH
COMPACTION EQUIPMENT SMOOTH DRUM 2007 BOMAG BW124DH-3, 3 hrs.............................. $51,000 2007 BOMAG BW145D-3, 114 hrs ............................ $53,000 2007 BOMAG BW177D-3, 116 hrs ............................ $85,000 2007 BOMAG BW211D-40, 501 hrs .......................... $87,000 2006 BOMAG BW213DH, 588 hrs ............................ $82,000 2006 HYPAC C766C, 32 hrs .................................... $101,000 2007 HYPAC C778B, 265 hrs .................................. $126,000 2007 HYPAC C815C, 1 hr .......................................... $52,000 2007 HYPAC C830C, 5 hrs ........................................ $86,000 2005 HYPAC C840C, 1128 hrs .................................. $60,000 2007 HYPAC C840C, 263 hrs .................................... $91,000 1999 HYPAC C842C, 1 hr ........................................ $103,500 2008 VOLVO DD16, 50 hrs ........................................ $32,000 1999 WACKER RD25, 2498 hrs .................................. $8,000
2009 BROCE KR350, 686 hrs $36,000
2006 DEERE 450D LC, 4240 hrs ............................ $195,000 2004 VOLVO EC140B LC, 2428 hrs.......................... $60,000 2006 VOLVO EC140B LC, 1523 hrs.......................... $79,000 2007 VOLVO EC240B LC, 3125 hrs........................ $132,000 2008 VOLVO EC240C LR, 2213 hrs........................ $180,000 2007 VOLVO EC290B LC, 1825 hrs........................ $156,000 2005 VOLVO EC330B LC, 3133 hrs........................ $171,600 2007 VOLVO EC330B LC, 2717 hrs........................ $165,000 2007 VOLVO EC360B LC, 2488 hrs........................ $175,000 2003 VOLVO EC460B LC, 6512 hrs........................ $149,000
OFF-HIGHWAY TRUCKS 1999 VOLVO A25, 13009 hrs...................................... $20,000 (5) 2007 VOLVO A25D, from 1052 hrs ..........From $175,000 1996 VOLVO A30C, 14671 hrs .................................. $50,000 2002 VOLVO A30D, 8362 hrs .................................... $95,000 2003 VOLVO A30D, 5478 hrs .................................. $235,000 (6) 2007 VOLVO A30D, from 3830 hrs..........From $195,000 2005 VOLVO A30D, 4745 hrs .................................. $140,000 2006 VOLVO A35D, 5763 hrs .................................. $185,000 2004 VOLVO A40D, 12266 hrs ................................ $115,000 (2) 2005 VOLVO A40D, from 2309 hrs .................... $270,000 2006 VOLVO A40D, 6082 hrs .................................. $240,000 (4) 2007 VOLVO A40D, from 2865 hrs ..........From $305,000 (3) 2008 VOLVO A40E, from 3519 hrs ..........From $350,000
SWEEPER/BROOM 2009 BROCE KR350, 686 hrs .................................... $36,000
WHEEL LOADERS (2) 2007 VOLVO L110F, from 2350 hrs ........ From $120,000 2009 VOLVO L110F, 2102 hrs .................................. $190,000 2008 VOLVO L120F, 1683 hrs.................................. $215,000 2007 VOLVO L150F, 6830 hrs.................................. $167,500 2009 VOLVO L150F, 1972 hrs ..................................$260,000 (2) 2005 VOLVO L70E, from 6322 hrs..............From $50,000 2009 VOLVO L70F, 2189 hrs ....................................$142,000 2004 VOLVO L90E, 10385 hrs ....................................$86,000
2004 CATERPILLAR 247, 2375 hrs .......................... $17,000
1995 CATERPILLAR 963B, 8447 hrs........................ $49,000
Your VOLVO dealer in The Carolinas • Georgia • Alabama • East Tennessee North Carolina: Charlotte, Raleigh, Asheville, Greenville.
South Carolina: Columbia, North Charleston, Piedmont,
Georgia: Acworth, Buford, Forest Park, Savannah
Alabama: Birmingham, Huntsville, Montgomery, Mobile,
Tennessee: Knoxville, Chattanooga
ASC has a large, late model rental fleet. Call for details.
Contact: Doug Wilson 704-562-2032 Email: Contact: Billy Brice 678-318-9500 Email:
Page 4 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
SOUTHEAST EDITION Circulated Throughout
Be sure to check out this monthly special section! Keep up to date with the latest information on paving and milling equipment.
8 12
12 14
16 25
The rapid and continuing growth of King, which is located fairly close to Winston-Salem, has increased traffic, making it necessary to reconstruct a diamond interchange and replace a two-lane bridge with a six-lane span at the interchange on U.S. 52 and Main Street in King.
This 500,000 sq. ft. distribution center is located in Southaven, Miss., just outside of Memphis, Tenn., and serves as a key supplier for the eastern and southern parts of the country.
The new branch will be managed by Knoxville branch manager Jon Frits with Richard Overman, Coble Trench Safety’s southeast region sales manager, helping to develop the initial branch presence.
Regional transportation planners are studying a possible new bridge over the Mississippi River proposed for somewhere in the Memphis metropolitan area.
The JLG Train-the-Trainer course gives instructors the most effective methods to teach aerial work platform (AWP) and telehandler operators how to work the equipment properly.
At the beginning, the company produced absorbent clay products for agriculture and many other uses, including cat litter. In the mid-70s, the focus changed completely to cat litter.
The auction attracted 1,390 on-site bidders and 1,491 lots were sold.
EQUIPMENT… 52 VOLVO EC203 Compact Excavator
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470 Maryland Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 215/885-2900 800/523-2200 215/885-2910
Richard C. McKeon • North & South Carolina • Tennessee • Virginia 704/366-1342 800/288-4234 704/366-1344 Rich Olivier • Alabama • Arkansas • Georgia • Mississippi • Tennessee • Florida Panhandle 770/443-3174 800/409-1479 770/443-3176 Jim Van Natta • Florida • Virgin Islands • Puerto Rico
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Construction Equipment Guide Southeast Edition (ISSN 1058-6474) is published bi-weekly by Construction Equipment Guide Ltd. Advertising and Editorial Offices are located at 470 Maryland Dr., Ft. Washington, PA 19034. Toll Free 800/523-2200 or Fax 215/885-2910. Annual Subscription Rate $65.00. Call for Canadian and foreign rates. Periodicals postage paid at Ft. Washington, PA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Construction Equipment Guide Southeast Edition, 470 Maryland Dr, Ft. Washington, PA 19034. Contents Copyrighted ©2010, by Construction Equipment Guide, which is a Registered Trademark, registered in the U.S. Patent Office. Registration number 0957323. All rights reserved, nothing may be reprinted or reproduced (including framing) in whole or part without written permission from the publisher. All editorial material, photographs, drawings, letters, and other material will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and are subject to Construction Equipment Guide's unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially. Contributor articles do not necessarily reflect the policy or opinions of this publication. Call or write for advertising rates, publication schedule and media kit. The Construction Equipment Guide is not responsible for clerical or printer's errors, every care is taken to avoid mistakes. Photographs of equipment used in advertisements are not necessarily actual photographs of the specific machine. Similar photographs are used occasionally and every effort is taken to depict the actual equipment advertised. The right is reserved to reject any advertising.
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 5
U.S. Shoring - Crushing, Screening, Classifying and Material Handling U.S. Shoring & Equipment Co. is committed to providing a complete line of products for the aggregate and quarry industries. We proudly represent KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens, Inc. which offer a complete line of equipment for your crushing, screening, classifying and material handling needs. Call U.S. Shoring Today for the replacement wear parts you need.
Astec FT5162, 5 x 16 Screen, Screens - Horizontal, medium scalper, 2 decks, Handheld Remote Control, CAT Tier III 173 HP with 200 gallon fuel tank, 2 side discharge conveyors, Heavy duty apron or belt feeder - directly fed or fed by conveyor. Kathy Cheney 407-702-8584
KPI-JCI FT4240, Vibrating Grizzly Feeder - 40” by 14’ vibrating pan, HSI Crusher - variable speed, hydraulic drive, Undercrusher Conveyor - 36” by 40’, Deck Screen - 4 x 12 two deck screen, CAT 385hp Tier III
Roxann Carlson 813-477-7995
Page 6 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
National Headquarters Voorhees, NJ 800-232-6535 Concord, NC Columbia, SC 800-438-2250 800-915-9900 Jacksonville, FL 800-828-3055
Allentown, PA 800-383-8894 Scranton, PA 800-569-1400 Elkton, MD 800-544-7127 Delmarva, DE 866-486-1400
Baltimore, MD 888-601-7500 Concord, NC 800-438-2250 Columbia, SC 800-915-9900 Jacksonville, FL 800-828-3055
Weight Laws are Changing!
Heavy Haulers: we have the axles, jeeps, flip boxes and spreaders you need. This Month's Specials
New East Florida Spec Dumps, 24' x 96" x 60" triaxle suspension, electric tarp
New Trail King 60 Ton Double Drop Extendable 52'x102", deck extends up to 51', air suspension flip box and flip axle included
NEW East Closed Top Aluminum Refuse W/F's, 50' x 96" x 100", Spring Suspension Leak Proof Floors, Compactor Compatible, 113 Cu. Yds
New East Hardox Steel Dumps 34' x 96" x 66" SUPER HEAVY DUTY - Demolition Trailer, Air Ride, Barn Door.
New Talbert 20 Ton tags, 21' deck, 6' beaver tail, 17.5 wheels
New East walking floors, 48' long x 102" x 13', spring suspension; Keith walking floor installed.
NEW 65-Ton Capacity Widespread Available: Talbert, Etnyre, Trail King
(90) 25 New Fontaine Composite Flats, 48'x102" Spring Slide Suspension, Bulkhead, Winches, Chain Tie Downs
Light Weight 9,300 lbs.
Used Late Model, Double Drops, In Stock, Hydraulic and Mechanical Necks, Flip Axles Included. Call For More Information
New Etnyre 35 Ton & 55 Ton Paver Special Low Boys, Air Ride Suspension, Tandem & Triaxle
NEW Fontaine Revolution Drop Decks 48'x102' Air Spread Suspension, Stronger than Steel Side Rails, 52,000 in 4 Feet
NEW TALBERT & FONTAINE 5O & 55 TON LOW BOYS, Flat Level Deck & Raised Center, 25’ & 26’ Deck Lengths, (2) King Pin Locations, Automatic 3rd Axle Air Lifts, 275/70R 22.5, 3+1 Capability, In Stock!
Excellent We Rent Lowbeds WeFinancing Rent Walking Floors Available
New XL Specialized 60 Ton Hydraulic Double Drops, Extendable, 3 & 2 Capable, Flip box, Spreader bar, Flip Axles, Pony motors, Alum. Wheels CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION
New Talbert & Trail King 35 Ton Lowboys 22" Deck Height, Air Ride Suspension
View Our Inventory at
New Fontaine & Talbert Dropside 55 & 60 Ton Lowboys, 26' Deck, 22.5 Wheels, Air-Ride/ Air Lift and Modular Available
New Landoll 440 & Trail King TK70SA, 50'x102", air ride suspension, 20K winch, wireless remote, PSI system & dock levelers optional
We Rent Lowboys, Blade Trailers, Etc.
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 7
1. 2. 3.
Schedule a Tune-Up for $750.00 Flat Rate FREE TA1* Inspection Recieve a
Does Your Hydraulic Excavator NEED A TUNE-UP?
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*TA1 Inspections are visual inspections used to identify and document basic equipment condition. Repair discounts include labor only. Offer valid through March 31, 2011 at Carolina CAT only. Other restrictions may apply.
John Lisk 1604 Salisbury Road Statesville, NC 28677
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(828) 545-8118 (864) 430-6756
To take advantage of this excellent offer, please contact
Bryan Henderson 704-731-7277 Today!
Page 8 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
Increased traffic in the area has made it necessary to reconstruct a diamond interchange and replace a two-lane bridge with a six-lane span at the interchange on U.S. 52 and Main Street in King.
Smith-Rowe Tackles Biggest Ever Contract as a Prime By Mary Reed
First came the clop of hoofs and the rattle of wooden wheels, then the mournful cries of train whistles, followed by the bark of car klaxons. Now the sound of big iron at work can be heard in King, strung along U.S. 52 (the future I-74) and the largest municipality in North Carolina’s Stokes County. Once a stagecoach stop, progress brought the railroad to King in the late 1880s. The first autos appeared in the city in the early 1900s, leading to highways being constructed for this more modern form of transport. Some 50 years later Highway 52 was built, being completed in the 1960s. The rapid and continuing growth of King, which is located fairly close to WinstonSalem, has increased traffic, making it necessary to reconstruct a diamond interchange
and replace a two-lane bridge with a six-lane span at the interchange on U.S. 52 and Main Street in King. Smith-Rowe LLC, based in Mt Airy, N.C., is overseeing the $15.3 million project. Smith-Rowe has an unusual connection to the original construction of U.S. 52 because company president David Rowe was a laborer working for the Mount Airy Grading Company, later to become H. B. Rowe Inc., when the highway was built in the late ’50s and early ’60s. He recalls flagging traffic near the U.S. 52 and Main Street interchange when there were perhaps 10 cars a day, a far cry from the thousands of cars passing through the area today. With regard to the current project in the same location, Rowe said, “This is the largest single contract Smith-Rowe has ever had as a prime contractor. We have been subcontractors on similar projects, but never
Locke Rowe is on site as Smith-Rowe LLC, based in Mt Airy, N.C., oversees the $15.3 million project in King, N.C.
prime on this large a contract before this project. “Phase One work has consisted of constructing a new bridge and approaches beside the existing bridge as well as the reconstruction of the ramps,” he went on. “Phase Two consists of the demolition of the existing bridge and building the remaining portion of the bridge built in Phase One. The Phase Two work will be predominantly bridge work, as the heavier grading will have been been completed in Phase One.” The company has an average of 24 employees working on the job, peaking at 37. Equipment in use includes three Komatsu PC 300 excavators. In addition, Smith-Rowe are fielding one apiece of Komatsu excavator models PC200, PC220, PC228, PC50 and PC55, as well as D39, D41, D51 and D63 bulldozers plus two WA250 wheel loaders from the same manu-
facturer. “Obviously, Komatsu equipment has played a major role on this project,” Rowe said, “and it has done an effective job with very little downtime.” Smith-Rowe’s Komatsu equipment was purchased from the Charlotte branch of Linder Industrial Machinery Company. The two companies have been doing business since Smith-Rowe was founded in 1983, and Rowe praised Linder for its sterling work with them. “You can count on Linder to be a valuable, but unofficial, partner in our work. We look to them first for our equipment needs. Their service department has performed well on what little service work has been required,” he said. The friendly relationship between the two companies was noted by Chris Wilkes, see SMITH-ROWE page 22
Smith-Rowe’s Komatsu equipment was purchased from the Charlotte branch of Linder Industrial Machinery Company. The two companies have been doing business since Smith-Rowe was founded in 1983.
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 9
The Southeast’s Premier Crane Dealer. Ring Power Crane offers premier machines from America’s leading crane manufacturers, including Manitowoc, Grove, National Crane, Broderson, Manitex and Tadano Boom Trucks and serves from the Southeastern United States to the Caribbean and Latin America.
WANTED: LATE MODEL USED CRANES! All Brands Considered. Keith Summerlin – O: 904.494.1416 • C: 904.814.1184
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Page 10 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • • • •
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2007 CAT 972H WHEEL LOADER, SMU: 9228, ID#: UP11404N, SN: 0A7D00501, EROPS, BKT, RIDE CONTROL, A/C, GP BOOM, AUTO SHIFT, TIRES@9825 HRS, 26.5R25 BRIDGESTONE RF84% LF84%, RR 88% LR 88%
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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 11
Page 12 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
Coble Trench Safety Opens Its 11th Branch Location SAVE TIME SAVE LABOR
The FlangeLock Tool allows for the simple sealing of open SAE Code 61, 62 & 62 KAT-Style hydraulic flanges without tools. Constructed out of lightweight high tensile strength T2200 anodized aluminum. Easy on, easy off. Offers a leakproof solution to hydraulic system and environmental cleanliness. • No Tools Required • No Expensive Hardware Needed • No more Rags stuffed into hoses • No more messy Plastic Caps • The Ultimate Contamination Control Tool
• One hand Installation • Eliminate Hydraulic Oil Spills & Clean up • Quick Installation & Ease of Usage • Industry Acclaimed • 100% Made in USA • Safe for Personnel & Environment
For more information contact Mike Pearl
Coble Trench Safety Inc. (CTS), a Greensboro-based company specializing in the rental and sales of trench safety equipment, as well as OSHA-compliant training classes and the rental and sales of traffic safety equipment, has opened a new branch in Knoxville, Tenn., which will service the Knoxville metropolitan and surrounding areas. “We are very excited about our new Knoxville operation,” said Tom Coble, president of CTS. “The Knoxville branch is our eighth expansion outside the state of North Carolina, and will be the eleventh fullystaffed operation of Coble Trench Safety in the United States.” The new branch will be managed by Knoxville branch manager Jon Frits with Richard Overman, Coble Trench Safety’s southeast region sales manager, helping to
develop the initial branch presence for the company. Frits and Overman have many years of direct successful experience in the trench safety equipment rental industry in a variety of positions and will be responsible for the Knoxville market for CTS. “We are fortunate to have Jon Frits and Richard Overman heading up our new Knoxville location,” said Coble. “Their successful track record and specific industry experience will truly be an asset to Coble Trench Safety and our customers in the Knoxville market.” In maintaining the objective of building a network of trench and traffic safety branches, CTS plans to open at least one to two other new branch operations in the coming year with additional branches to follow. For more information, visit
Terex AWP Opens Eastern Distribution Center in Miss. Terex Aerial Work Platforms (AWP), a business segment of the Terex Corporation, is now distributing Genie parts and Terex utilities parts from the new Terex Distribution Center East. This 500,000 sq. ft. distribution center is located in Southaven, Miss., just outside of Memphis, Tenn., and serves as a key supplier for the eastern and southern parts of the country. The center currently carries the most frequently ordered Genie parts and will continue to add parts in the future as needed. The new center complements the Terex Distribution Center West located in North Bend, Wash., introduced in 2009. Previously stocked with only Genie parts, North Bend will now also distribute frequently ordered Terex utilities parts. “Expanding parts distribution to an additional location has enabled us to better serve our customers,” said Dave Schille, director of parts and warranties, Terex AWP. “The shipping process is more efficient than ever, helping to decrease wait time across the
nation.” While North Bend, Wash., remains the main parts hub for Genie parts, the addition of the eastern location provides savings on freight and reduces the distance parts are shipped around the country by up to 44 percent. The new location also serves as support for the North Bend facility, allowing for quicker response on a national scale with ground shipments reaching 95 percent of U.S. customers within two days. With this new addition, the eastern distribution center now supports Genie parts and Terex utilities parts. “Customers are receiving Genie and Terex utilities parts faster than ever while still receiving the same customer support that has made Terex AWP an industry leader,” said Schille. “This is simply the latest step for Terex in its efforts to best support its customers.” For more information, visit
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 13
Tolll Free:: (888)589-4546 Orr (800)646-4546 email:
The Original Since 1957
(2) 2010 FTL M2 106
(2) NEW 2010 INTL 7400
KLEIN PORTO-TOWER KPT-120 The Original Mobile Water Tower, 12,000 Gallon Hydraulic Raise
NEW 2,000 GALLON & 4,000 GALLON TANK KITS For On the Road Trucks, Can Customize to Your Specification!
Page 14 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
FDOT’s Miami Rental Car Center Transportation Earns APAAward of Excellence Planners Eye New Miss. River Bridge
The recently opened Miami Rental Car Center (RCC), built by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), has received the prestigious American Planning Association’s (APA) Award of Excellence. The award, sponsored by the APA’s Gold Coast Section, recognizes excellence in planning that “supports quality development practices which combine good design, sensitivity to the environment, and which facilitate an improved quality of life.” Among the RCC’s many notable features are its distinctive architecture, enhanced safety and security and the first multilevel fueling system in the United States. This innovative system required careful consideration of technical and life safety challenges and permits a more economical car turnaround cycle for rental car companies. Miami Intermodal Center Program Manager Gary Donn (C) receives the APA “The Rental Car Center Award of Excellence for the Florida Department of Transportation. was a completely new challenge for the department because we are thought of as road builders,” said FDOT energy. Now visitors to south Florida, who are key to the District Six Secretary Gus Pego. “We designed it by imple- south Florida economy, will have a much more positive first menting innovative and state-of-the-art planning methods experience at the RCC. Hats off to FDOT District Six for and practices, and built it through exceptional interagency making this mega project come to life.” The RCC is the second largest facility of its kind in the cooperation.” United States, with a total capacity for 6,500 vehicles. The The award was accepted by FDOT MIC Program Manager Gary Donn at the APA Gold Coast Section annual 3.4 million sq. ft. rental car shopping mall provides rental car awards luncheon on Dec. 8th at the Miami Beach Golf Club. choices in one convenient location for travelers arriving to Encouraging excellence in planning has been APA’s pur- south Florida. Each of its four levels is 20 acres in size; the pose since its inception in 1978. The APA’s Gold Coast first three floors are dedicated to storage and maintenance Section supports quality development practices which com- operations and the fourth level is a spacious customer servbine good design, sensitivity to the environment and facili- ice lobby. Sixteen companies including all that used to opertate an improved quality of life. The Gold Coast Section’s ate inside the airport and several that were located nearby are award program recognizes those planners, developers, archi- now situated in the center. The $387 million RCC is the first major structure of the tects, landscape architects, project owners or other design professionals who have exemplified outstanding planning $1.7 billion MIC Program. Scheduled to open in fall 2011 is studies or urban design and development projects in Miami- the MIA Mover, a 1.25-mi. automated people mover system connecting the airport to the RCC and future Miami Central Dade and Monroe counties. “The Gold Coast Section of the American Planning Station. Miami-Dade County’s first ground transportation Association (Florida Chapter) is pleased to honor the Florida hub, the Miami Central Station will be completed in 2013. Department of Transportation District Six with an Award of An eight-acre Joint Development component is also being Excellence for the Miami Rental Car Center,” said Lynda planned. For more information, visit Kompelien Westin, Gold Coast Section treasurer and award (This story also can be found on Construction program coordinator. “The RCC shows sustainability in practice, consolidating acres of separate rental car facilities Equipment Guide’s Web site at www.constructionequipinto one state-of-the-art structure, at the same time saving CEG
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) Regional transportation planners are studying a possible new bridge over the Mississippi River proposed for somewhere in the Memphis metropolitan area. The Commercial Appeal newspaper reported that highway and rail planners from three states — Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi — plus the Federal Highway Administration are involved in the study dubbed the Southern Gateway Project.
“Right now, we’re trying to determine the purpose and need for the project.” Steve Chipman
Tennessee Department of Transportation
A new bridge would be the fifth for the Memphis area. Two spans now carry highways across the Mississippi while two more carry rail lines. The study will look at possible multi-modal designs that could carry highway vehicles, trains, bicycles and pedestrians. A Web site set up for the study, at, said the project is intended to document shortcomings of the current cross-river transportation network, then look at potential locations for a new bridge. Possible sites range from DeSoto County in northern Mississippi up to northwest Shelby County in Tennessee, west of Millington and north of Memphis. Planners also will assess the demand for a span accommodating different modes of transportation — everything from bicycle and pedestrian to rail. The project also will look at funding options and environmental impact. Plans call for identifying a preferred alternative by 2014, with a final environmental impact statement done the following year. “Right now, we’re trying to determine the purpose and need for the project,” said Steve Chipman, project manager of the Tennessee Department of Transportation. The newest of the four current bridges, the Hernando DeSoto Bridge that links West Memphis, Ark., with downtown Memphis, via Interstate 40, was opened in 1973. The Memphis and Arkansas bridge carrying traffic on I-55 a few miles south of the downtown area was built in 1949. The Frisco and Harahan rail bridges are 119 and 95 years old, respectively. Officials said the highway spans handle heavy traffic volumes — nearly 50,000 vehicles a day on each bridge — and don’t meet current standards. Past estimates indicated that a new span, especially one serving rail as well as vehicles, could cost up to $1 billion. Chipman said the study could show that a new Memphis crossing would be of national significance given the large volume of freight moving through the area.
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 15
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Page 16 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
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RTV900 Utility Vehicle Any HP diesel With fuel-efficient 21.6 Any engines, 4-WD, power steering Any,AL0 and 3-range variable hydrostatic transmissions (VHT), these utility vehicles are ready for anything.
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JLG Industries Graduates 6,000th Qualified Instructor JLG Industries Inc., recently graduated the 6,000th qualified instructor from the company’s Train-the-Trainer course held in Las Vegas. James Mason Jr., who is an outside machine shop apprentice instructor, was recognized with the honor. He received gift certificates for JLG merchandise and complimentary accommodations from the Orleans Hotel & Casino. The JLG Train-the-Trainer course gives instructors the most effective methods to teach aerial work platform (AWP) and telehandler operators how to work the equipment properly, stressing the importance of operator training as it relates to increased workplace safety. “As the use of aerial work platforms and telehandlers increases and the variety of applications grows, the need for programs — such as JLG’s Train-the-Trainer — has become more important than ever,” said Chris Mellott, JLG Industries vice president of sales and development of the Americas. “We estimate that for every graduate of the program, five to 25 or more people receive qualified operator training every year in the safe use of JLG equipment. We are proud of these individuals, as workplace safety is of the utmost importance.” The Train-the-Trainer instructor qualifica-
Jim Smith (L), manager of the JLG instructor development and operator training programs, and James Mason Jr. celebrate Mason’s graduation as the 6,000th qualified instructor. The JLG Train-the-Trainer Course gives instructors methods to teach aerial work platform and telehandler operators how to work the equipment properly.
tion is valid for a five-year period; afterward, a refresher course is required to ensure instructors remain current with the new developments and changes within the industry. Attendance for JLG’s Train-the-Trainer program, since its inception in 1995, has grown an average of 10 percent or more each year. In North America, courses are
available in Atlanta, Ga., Houston, Texas, Las Vegas, Nev., McConnellsburg, Pa., and Riverside, Calif. Additional courses also are held in Europe and South America on a regular basis, and new courses are being developed for China and India. Tom Hickey, manager of the JLG instructor development and operator training pro-
grams, leads the JLG Train-the-Trainer program. Hickey is one of three JLG Master Safety Training Instructors in North America, along with Jim Smith and Jose Orozco, a bilingual Spanish/English instructor. Other JLG Train-the-Trainer instructors, located in Europe and South America, teach the program in countries outside North America. For more information, visit
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 17
Contact: Tel: Fax: Email:
Walt Kay 540/309-1709 540/389-6507
RSC Equipment Rental BOOM LIFTS
2004 JLG E300AJP-NAR, ART BOOM LIFT-30-34'-2WD DC, S/N 0300079224, UNIT #517940 ........................................$18,449 1999 GENIE Z45/25-DF-4WD, ART BOOM LIFT-45-49'-4WD, S/N Z452511283, UNIT#289324 ..................................$18,451 2005 JLG E400AN-NAR, ART BOOM LIFT-40-44'-2WD DC, S/N 0300081644, UNIT #541391 ........................................$22,471 2002 TEREX TB85-D-4WD, STR BOOM LIFT-85-89'-4WD, S/N 2660012, UNIT #7602108 ............................................$28,319 2000 JLG 660SJ-DF, STR BOOM LIFT-65-69'-4WD, S/N 0300053825, UNIT #350053 .......................................$25,445 2002 GENIE S85-DF-4WD, STR BOOM LIFT-85-89'-4WD, S/N S853354, UNIT #439174 ..............................................$39,132
2006 ATLAS COPCO XAS97JD, AIR COMPRESSOR-DSL-80185 CFM, S/N USA015223, UNIT#612085......................$6,599 2005 ATLAS COPCO XAS186, AIR COMPRESSOR-DSL-250375 CFM, S/N USA013977, UNIT#589291....................$10,809
2005 MULTIQUIP MRH800GS, ROLLER-SMOOTH-DD-1500# 26”, S/N N4034, UNIT #588093......................................$5,002 2005 WACKER RT820, W/B ROLLER-PADFOOT-3000#, S/N 5599982, UNIT #585071 ................................................$6,655 2005 WACKER RT82-SC, W/B ROLLER-PADFOOT-3000#, S/N 5549433, UNIT #548636..................................................$7,391 2005 IR SD45D-COMBO, R/O ROLLER-VIB-SD 5T 54”, S/N 183045, UNIT #564018 ................................................$26,192
2004 GENIE GS1930, SCISSOR LIFT-15-19' DC, S/N GS300464946, UNIT #506376........................................$3,864 2005 JLG 2032E2, SCISSOR LIFT-20' DC-30-34", S/N 0200138716, UNIT #580396 ..........................................$4,307 2005 GENIE GS2032, SCISSOR LIFT-20' DC-30-34", S/N GS320576098, UNIT #581686 ................................$4,884 2004 SKYJACK SJIII-3226, SCISSOR LIFT-26' DC-30-32", S/N 272214, UNIT #515905 ..................................................$4,998 2005 GENIE GS2646, SCISSOR LIFT-25-26' DC-46-68", S/N GS460563998, UNIT #564334........................................$6,006 2005 SKYJACK SJIII-4632, SCISSOR LIFT-30-34' DC-46-69", S/N 711485, UNIT #541377............................................$9,216
2005 DAEWOO G25E, IND FORKLIFT-5000 LB, S/N GA00539, UNIT #563670 ..............................................................$10,476 2004 DAEWOO D35S, IND FORKLIFT-8000-9000 LB, S/N FZ00026, UNIT #513074 ..............................................$16,544 2004 GEHL RS5, RCH FORKLIFT-6000 LB 20-34', S/N RS5JV1211568, UNIT #539392....................................$19,820 2006 TEREX TX55-19, RCH FORKLIFT-FXD-5000 LB 18-24', S/N TX551913584, UNIT #613578 ...............................$25,025 2004 GEHL RS6, RCH FORKLIFT-6000 LB 35-39',S/N RS6JV0813119, UNIT #528082....................................$23,227 2004 LULL 644E-42, RCH FORKLIFT-6000 LB 40-45', S/N 0160003168, UNIT #484162 ........................................$27,390 2004 GRADALL 534D9-45, RCH FORKLIFT-9000 LB 35-45', S/N 0160003937, UNIT #499455 ........................................$30,827 2005 GEHL DL8L-42-CAB-HTR, RCH FORKLIFT-8000 LB 3545', S/N 8L42JW0135516, UNIT# 541583 ..................$36.010 2004 SKYTRAK 10054, RCH FORKLIFT-10000 LB 40-55, S/N 0160004344, UNIT #508084 ........................................$39,816
2005 BOBCAT S220, SKIDSTEER LOADER-1851-2200 LB, S/N 526215460, UNIT #590851 ........ .................................... $15,711
2004 DEERE 550H-LT CRAWLER DOZER, 75-84HP-STD TRACK, S/N T0550HX937358, UNIT $32,301 #512419........................$
2005 WACKER RT82-SC, W/B ROLLER-PADFOOT-3000, S/N 5593138, UNIT #581593............ $7,391 ........................................$
2003 DEERE 200CLC, EXCAVATOR-42-48.9K LB-TRACK, S/N FF200CX504633, UNIT #480043 $42,820 ....................................$
2004 JLG G9-43A, RCH FORKLIFT-9000 LB 35-45', S/N 0160003850, UNIT #505796 ...... $30,275 ......................................$
2005 IHI 35N MINI EXCAVATOR, 10-10.9' DEPTH, S/N WM000642, UNIT #545200 ...... $18,888 ....................................$ ©2009 RSC Equipment Rental Inc.
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Page 18 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
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Road Trip...
Celebrating America’s Lasting Love Affair With the Open Road As a nation, we love to be on the go. With 220 million cars in a country of 290 million people, Americans spend countless hours driving each year. The road is essential to our daily lives. Celebrating America’s relationship with the road, Asphalt magazine has launched, a Web site and online community where people can share photos and stories of their favorite roads. “Road trips are as American as apple pie. The average U.S. family makes 10 car trips every day — and people are passionate about their driving experience,� said Layne Rider, site editor of It has been that way since the advent of the automobile and the paved road, though some roads are now feeling their age. Today the federal government has allocated millions of dollars toward improving the infrastructure of America’s roads. is being updated continually with new photos and stories, including featured roads and related road insights. Outstanding submissions also may be eligible for prizes and contest giveaways. For more information, visit
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 19
Kernersville, North Carolina • Contact Andy Kendall
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Got Wet? Seven Thompson 12” Skid Mounted Wellpoint Pumps. Four with Deere 6.8L Diesels, 2230-3601 Hrs. Three with 75HP, Electric Motors with Control Panels.
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Page 20 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
Funding Woes for Highway 14 Reflect Those of Other States FUNDING from page 1
est wedges, its deadlocks perhaps less intractable. Hwy. 14 runs from the northwest Cook County suburbs of Chicago to Yellowstone National Park. Its passage through Minnesota is the main east-west roadway across the southern end of the state besides Interstate 90. Hwy. 14 jogs north at Mankato and then runs through the Minnesota River valley before crossing the river at New Ulm. The area is largely agricultural with some attendant agribusinesses, including a large Archer Daniels Midland Co. soybean processing plant. However, farms are not the sole driver of the economy. Mankato is growing into a regional center. New Ulm already is a trucking hub and home to such diverse manufacturers as 3M and Associated Milk Producers Incorporated. Outstate vs. Metro The urban-rural split in Minnesota is a significant factor in the state’s highway decision-making. Fully 60 percent of Minnesota’s 5.3 million people live in the “Twin Cities” metropolitan area of Minneapolis-St. Paul. The area ranks as the 15th largest urban agglomeration in the United States. It is where the legislature meets and 3M, Target and U.S. Bancorp, among other corporations, are headquartered. “There is a pretty high level of competition for road project funds, certainly in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area,” said Wendell Sande, city administrator of North Mankato. He goes on to describe a rich-get-richer scenario, where the Twin Cities’ constant growth and attraction to rural Minnesotans keeps its highway work atop the priority list. Consequently, completing a six-lane beltway around the metro area is a popular funding priority for many Minnesota public officials and citizens. A much lower priority is Hwy. 14, an interregional corridor 80 miles away with serious traffic problems. Work on the Twin Cities beltway dates back 80 years, but complaints about U.S. 14, particularly between New Ulm and Mankato, go back 40 years. The attention paid Twin Cities projects has occurred despite bipartisan efforts of elected representatives along Hwy. 14. A recent backer is Rep. Terry Morrow, a professor at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter. The Democrat-Farmer-Labor Party member has lobbied hard on behalf of the highway. As one of four newly named minority party whips in the House, he is positioned to boost the issue in legislative huddles this session. Another key player has been North
Mankato Mayor Gary Zellmer, though his role is apt to diminish following an election defeat in November. Zellmer was president of the U.S. Highway 14 Partnership, a 13year-old lobbying group dedicated to upgrading U.S. 14 from New Ulm through Mankato to Rochester. Its membership includes 20 communities and assorted businesses. Fatalities and Rankings One reason the former mayor has pushed for the highway improvements is safety. He knows the situation first hand. His brotherin-law and an executive from Zellmer’s workplace are among the approximately 140 people who have died during the last 20 years on U.S. 14 — three-quarters of them on the 24-mi. leg between New Ulm and Mankato. “I think the highway has been pushed for many reasons, but the real tragedy is that this road is dangerous,” he said. “We are dying on it.” His brother-in-law was killed when the man’s vehicle ran head-on into a truck, not an unusual occurrence on the two-lane highway. That’s because at least 10 percent of the 12,000 vehicles on any given day are tractortrailer and straight rigs. Furthermore, stretches of the road either wind along the edge of the river or intersect north-south county and township roads at an angle, which produce rash passing decisions and dangerous blind intersections. The highway’s mortality rate ranks high among Minnesota roadways. Despite that fatality record, however, U.S. 14 didn’t even make it on the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s latest 20year plan. The department ranks investments in three categories: (1) safety, (2) preservation (maintenance) and (3) mobility (improving and expanding roadways). Unfortunately for promoters of 14, the highway’s road straightening and widening fall into the bottom category. While the fatality rate boosts the highway’s funding chances, it is not enough to overcome resistance to spending more than $300 million on the roadway. The traffic death of a 21-year-old Minnesota National Guardsman last August did momentarily jumpstart the process. Zellmer was disturbed by the fatality and complained to Morrow, who in turn wrote to DOT Commissioner Tom Sorel and declared, “Enough is enough.” Local and state officials subsequently huddled and at the end of it Morrow announced, “We have finally reached the end of the tunnel.” The legislator might have been guilty of election year overstatement. What DOT finally announced this month was $40 mil-
lion for an interchange and for upgrading 2 mi. of highway. The upgrade is an obvious response to the latest fatality, but it also is a continuation of the piecemeal strategy that has marked Hwy. 14 work for decades. Furthermore, Zellmer believes the patchwork of new and old highway sections actually is contributing to the problem. “You get some miles done and then it sort of just ends. What we have found is that accidents increase and fatalities increase in the switchbacks from two-lane to four-lane and back to two-lane. That’s why we are trying to get it all completed.” The Highway 14 Partnership, perhaps seeing DOT’s relatively fast response to the latest fatality, decided this month to stress safety in future promotions. Partnership member J.D. Burton of Owatonna was quoted in the Owatonna newspaper explaining the change to other members. “Everybody makes the economic development argument. We can’t distinguish ourselves there,” Burton said, so the Partnership instead will play up the danger of driving the roadway. Thus does the coalition put itself in the awkward position of banking on death and injury to win additional funds. Earmarking Pros and Cons The Department of Transportation’s voluminous 20-year planning document seems clinical in its approach to funding and efficient in its dispatch. However, when a clearly dangerous leg of Hwy. 14 doesn’t even make it on the 20-year plan, skeptics are born. When a fatality suddenly leads to discovery of $40 million for a quick fix, skeptics proliferate. Clearly, subjective judgments are being made at various points in the highway funding process. That said, Minnesota’s highway funding system is cleaner than some. “It is a pretty nonpartisan process,” said Phil Raines, director of legislative and public affairs for Minnesota Associated Builders and Contractors. Raines is satisfied that Minnesota’s “culture” mitigates against wholesale corruption of the process. “It’s not like in some states where you have projects slipped into a bill,” he said. “We don’t do that in Minnesota.” Oops. What Raines describes is precisely what happened in 2008. At that time, Republican Rep. Rod Hamilton crossed party lines to vote with the then-DFL majority and override Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s veto of a gas tax increase. Hamilton switched sides when he was promised that state Hwy. 60 in his district would move to the top of a DOT funding list. When the political smoke cleared, the special funding proviso stood.
The result: further delay of work on the most dangerous portion of U.S. 14. “We did get some bonding funds for that Hwy. 60 work, though not enough to do all of it,” said Rebecca Arndt, DOT public information officer in the Mankato office. “The District 7 funding budget is being used to complete it and once we finish the Hwy. 14 piece east of Mankato, we won’t have the funds lined up to do the work on 14 going west.” Despite that incident, Raines believes in Minnesota’s track record as a systematic funder of transportation. “I will take the Minnesota system over the federal system any day. The federal system is betrayed by a lot of earmarking and political influence. A great example is right here in the great state of Minnesota… our former transportation chairman,” he said from St. Paul between legislative meetings. Raines alluded to the career of U.S. Rep. Jim Oberstar, the Minnesota congressman who served the 8th District for 36 years till defeated last November. Oberstar was chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and was notably successful at bringing highway funding back to Minnesota. “I don’t want to bash the 8th District but it got a lot of project money,” Raines said. “If Oberstar had represented the district with Hwy. 14 in it, the highway would have been done already. It would have been done 10 years ago. I don’t think that’s a good process. Funding should be based on what is most critical, what creates the most movement for the least amount of cost.” Not everyone agrees. Tim Worke, for example, seems more accepting of earmarking in general and Oberstar’s record in particular. Worke, who is director of the transportation and highway division of Minnesota Associated General Contractors, is familiar with the U.S. 14 situation, having grown up along the roadway before working at DOT for 17 years. “Rep. Oberstar had several roads in his district that were similar to Hwy. 14 and they are still undone, including Trunk Hwy. 8. Oberstar has improved that corridor immensely, but it still is one of the most dangerous roads in the state. Why wouldn’t he have done that by now?” Actually, in the first moments after his defeat, Oberstar specifically cited the upgrading of Hwy. 8 north of the Twin Cities among a legacy of accomplishments. “Lives are saved every year on Highway 8 in Chisago County for the improvements that I brought at a citizens committee request,” he told reporters. see FUNDING page 66
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 21
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Page 22 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
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CHECK OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY AT: WWW.FCCEF.COM Jacksonville, FL CONTACT US TODAY FOR MORE INFO! 2008 MANITOWOC 14000 Stk #60885, S/N: 1400-1075, 2569 Hrs $1,250,000
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Despite Paperwork, Stim Job Helps Firm Retain Workers SMITH-ROWE from page 8
regional manager of Linder’s Western North Carolina division, covering Charlotte, Greensboro and Asheville. “It is an absolute pleasure to deal with Smith-Rowe. David Rowe, Locke Rowe, and all of their employees treat Linder like a partner,” he said. “They really put a lot of educated thought into the way they purchase machines. With the amount of competition out there today, Linder really considers it a compliment that they own so much Komatsu machinery.” Smith-Rowe began work on the project in May 2009. It is on schedule for an estimated time of completion in August 2011, despite encountering occasional problems, as is usual with any project. One problem in particular concerned the relocation of overhead utilities. “This slowed the initial work down considerably, about 90 days to be more exact,” Rowe recalled. “The resolution occurred only after the utility got all its overhead lines
moved. “On the other hand, the project was a stimulus project and enabled us to retain workers as well as hire five additional workers to develop a utility section,” he added. “The paperwork associated with a stimulus project has been greater than the normal projects we perform. Or at least the scrutiny was greater.” Several subcontractors are working on the job, including APAC-Atlantic Inc., whose Thompson-Arthur Division in Greensboro, N.C., is serving as Smith-Rowe’s paving subcontractor. “We have been working successfully with APAC since 1983,” Rowe stated, “and they are a reliable, good-performing company with which to work.” Smith-Rowe LLC, formerly Smith-Rowe Inc. developed from a company called Surry Bridge Builders, which was founded in 1979 by Russell Smith and Carl Ray Smith. The construction industry slowed considerably in the early
Equipment in use includes three Komatsu PC 300 excavators.
1980s and Carl Ray Smith became interested in divesting himself of his interest. David Rowe, who was then working for H. B. Rowe Inc., saw this as an opportunity and bought Carl Ray Smith’s half of the business in early 1983. Russell and
David worked together until Russell’s untimely death in 1998. The company has continued to grow and the production work is now being handled by Locke Rowe, David’s son. As is the case with most contractors in the current economy,
work is scarce and difficult to find. However, as company president Rowe puts it, Smith-Rowe LLC continues to look to the future with optimism. Linder Industrial Machinery Company has been in business for more than 55 years. Serving clients in the Carolinas, southeast Georgia and Florida, it specializes in equipment for the highway, landscape, commercial and residential construction industries, as well as for paving, demolition, utility aggregates, mining and other markets. With 16 locations, Linder represents Komatsu construction products; Wirtgen milling machines; Vogele pavers; Hamm compaction products; Kleemann crushing products; Atlas Copco hydraulic attachments; Genesis demolition and scrap attachments; Exodus scrap handlers; and Esco, Hensley and Superior Brooms. (This story also can be found on Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 23
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MFM Scoops Up Profit With Successful Cat Litter Biz By Brenda Ruggiero CEG CORRESPONDENT
The MFM Group of Companies (the company was originally named Mid Florida Mining) in Marion County, Fla., consists of MFM Limestone LLC and MFM Industries Inc. and was founded in 1964. At the beginning, the company produced absorbent clay products for agriculture and many other uses, including cat litter. In the mid-70s, the focus changed completely to cat litter. “Today, 85 percent of our business on the cat litter side is private label, for stores such as Publix, Winn Dixie, Dollar General,” Elliott Mallard, president of MFM noted. “We mine and produce the actual cat litter clay. We’re predominantly in the eastern United States, but we do have some national accounts that we ship to. The cat litter business has been a good foundation for the MFM Group.” Mallard got involved with the business in late 2006, when he and his consulting business were asked to do a geologic investigation of the limestone on the property. “I found that the 720-acre site had in excess of 250 million tons of limestone reserves on it,” Mallard said. The limestone is 97 to 98 percent calcium carbonate, which power plants can use for
Kawasaki 115 loaders working around MFM’s secondary crusher, a Cedarapids 4040.
flue gas desulphurization. In addition, the company makes commercial grade aggregate for the concrete industry. Currently, MFM is under contract with Seminole Electric Power Plant, near Palatka, Fla. “For the power plant, we supply crushed (minus 2.5 inch) limestone, road base which is DOT certified and commercial grade aggregate,” said Mallard. “As we get deeper
The Bohringer crusher rejects anything minus two-and-a-half inch, and anything plus two-and-a-half inch goes to the crushing chamber.
and a little bigger, we’ll focus on making DOT- grade aggregate.” Equipment upgrades were recently made through Great Southern Equipment and Sales in Savannah, Ga. “One of the things that attracted the two companies to Great Southern is that they’re more of a one-stop shop,” Mallard explained. “Any needs we had, they could
supply. Two years ago when I got heavily involved with MFM Limestone, we had undersized equipment, we had older equipment and we had just won a power plant contract and had to upgrade the facilities from overburden removal through mining and crushing and processing of finished limestone.” see MINING page 26
MFM upgraded its primary crusher to a portable Bohringer Champ model 1200 horizontal-shaft-impactor, in part because of its roller grizzly arrangement.
Page 26 • January 26, 2011 • • Florida State Section • Construction Equipment Guide
Firm Thinks Inside the Box With Cat Litter Demand MINING from page 25
Mallard had known Tommy Marks, Great Southern Construction Equipment’s vice president for several years, and he went to him for a quote when the time came to upgrade. “Great Southern can come in and supply not just one thing, but everything from excavators and small mini loaders to articulated trucks, and they’re very competitively priced,” Mallard said. The company upgraded its crusher operation. It added a portable Bohringer Champ model 1200 horizontal-shaft-impactor, in part because of its roller grizzly arrangement as its primary crusher and a Cedarapids 4040 secondary crusher which was installed on its wash plant. “The Bohringer rejects anything minus two-and-a- inch, and anything plus two-anda-half inch goes to the crushing chamber,” Mallard explained. “We have some very hard limestone nodules separated by some softer particles, and we can get a lot more through the crushing circuit if we reject the minus two-and-a-half inch. It immediately goes to the road base or to the power plant contract. Anything plus two-and-a-half inch goes to the crushing chamber, and then we can take that to our wash plant. We haven’t
quite doubled our capacity by setting up the process that way, but we get the maximum production out of the crusher by that set-up.” At the same time that they got the new crusher, MFM worked with Florida Processing Machinery on the design of a new 300 to 350-ton (272 to 317 t) wash plant, which the company then built and installed for them. In addition, MFM acquired the first Kobelco 850 east of the Mississippi River, complete with an 8 to 9 cu. yd. (6.1 to 6.9 cu m) bucket. Other equipment includes a 480 Kobelco with a 6 cu. yd. (4.6 cu m) bucket, a 330 Kobelco with a 3 cu. yd. (2.3 cu m) bucket, two 115 Kawasakis with 9 cu. yd. buckets, a Caterpillar D9T and five Terex 40-ton (36 t) articulated haul trucks. “Great Southern is a one-source supplier for all our needs,” Mallard said. “Any issue we have, we pick up the phone and we get immediate fixes and repairs. We’re benefiting from a longtime relationship that Tommy and I have had that has really helped us to get where we need to be.” Gary Parker, vice president of operations, explained how the operation works. “At the surface, there’s the Hawthorne Formation, and that’s what we make the cat litter from,” he said. “We’ve got 190 to 220
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feet of Ocala limestone on this reserve. Ninety feet of that is above the water table, and we’ve got another 110 to 120 feet of limestone below the water table. So we’re working on getting a pit big enough so that ultimately it will be a three-phase operation where we’re doing clay, doing limestone above the water table, and then using a dragline to get limestone below the water table. We’re actively sourcing a dragline now, and we’re planning to get it during the next six to nine months.” (L-R) are Elliott Mallard, president of the MFM Group Parker explained that the of Companies; and Gary Parker, vice president of Hawthorne layer can range operations of MFM Limestone LLC. from 25 to 60 ft (7.6 to 18.2 m). When it reaches 60 ft. (18.3 m), there is generally 30 to 40 ft. (9 to 12 m) of full reserve clay. “The true way to test that you’ve got good full reserve clay is that it’s absorbent enough that if you touch it to your tongue, you have to rip it off your tongue — it’s that absorbent,” Parker said. The wash plant operation is a closed circuit plant that creates three different aggregate products. Currently, it is set for 67,89 and 919 screenings for paver and block companies. Kobelco 850 excavator digging and loading limerock According to Mallard, into a Terex TS 40 haul truck. MFM currently has in excess of 100 years’ worth of limestone ably had a maximum annual capacity of reserves, an amount which is in the top five about a million tons,” Mallard said. “Now, I of reserves in the northern half of Florida. He think our capacity is probably in excess of also noted that they try to keep a two-to four- four million tons for total limestone producweek stockpile for clay and limestone. That tion, and on the wash plant side, we’re at way, even with inclement weather, crushing about a million and a half. “This is the first operation I’ve ever and shipping can still be done. “On the clay side, the excavator is loading worked at where we ran this type of equipdirectly into a contract haul truck that takes it ment, but I really can’t say that I miss the to our cat litter facility,” Mallard said. “On equipment I was working with previously a the limestone side, the Kawasaki loaders whole lot, because the equipment we’re runfeed the crusher and wash plant and fill out- ning seems to be very dependable,” Parker going trucks. Normally on day shift, we load said. “The Terex trucks are great. We’re the outgoing trucks and then operate the pulling probably eight- or nine-percent crusher and the wash plant on a back shift. grades out here, and the older trucks came up The 115s have done a tremendous job for us pretty slow. There’s a noticeable difference, cutting about three minutes off of our averand they’re a good piece of equipment.” For the cat litter, the overburden is taken age cycle time. At the end of the day, that’s a off and placed around the perimeter of the lot of money.” Currently, there are 21 people on-site. property. The clay is then excavated and (This story also can be found on hauled six miles to the cat litter facility, which includes a processing plant and bag- Construction Equipment Guide’s Web site at ging facility. “I think with the old equipment, we prob- CEG
Construction Equipment Guide • Florida State Section • • January 26, 2011 • Page 27
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Page 28 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
Caterpillar 797F Off-Highway Truck....$230
Komatsu 960E Mining Truck ..............$250
Allis-Chalmers HD21 Dozer/Ripper, 1:50 Scale ..............$$70 Allis-Chalmers HD-41 Dozer, 1:25 Scale........................$$185
Bobcat Tractor/Trailer Set ....................$85
All New in Box
Link-Belt 80100 Rough Terrain Crane, 1:50 Scale ....................................................$165
International TD-15 Dozer, 1:87 Scale..............................$$40 International TD-24 Ag/Crawler, 1:50 Scale ....................$$40
Bantam C-35 Crawler Backhoe, 1:50 Scale......................$$60
International TD-25 Dozer, 1:87 Scale..............................$$40
Bantam C-35 Crawler Shovel, 1:50 scale ........................$$65
JCB 3CX Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale ..............................$$45
CALL Toll Free
Bobcat A300 Wheel Loader, 1:25 Scale ..........................$$25 Bobcat M610 Golden 50th Anniversar y Skid Steer Loader ....
JCB 456 ZX Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ............................$$65
John Deere 850J Crawler Dozer, 1:50 Scale ....................$$40 Komatsu 960E Mining Truck, 1:50 Scale ........................$$250
Ext. 197
Bobcat S175 Skid Steer Loader, 1:50 Scale ....................$$18 Bobcat S175 Skid Steer Loader, 1:25 Scale ....................$$40
Komatsu PC300LC-8 Excavator, 1:50 Scale......................$$70 Komatsu WA500-6 Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale..................$$60
Bobcat S185 Skid Steer Loader, 1:25 Scale ....................$$30
Komatsu D51 EX Dozer, 1:50 Scale ..................................$$60
Bobcat 325 Mini-Excavator, 1:25 Scale ............................$$30
Caterpillar 323D L Excavator, 1:50 Scale............................$$50
Bobcat M200 Gold Skid Steer Loader, 1:25 Scale ..........$$35
Caterpillar 320D Excavator, 1:50 Scale ..............................$$65
Bobcat Tractor/Trailer Set, 1:50 Scale ..............................$$85
Caterpillar 365B Excavator, 1:50 Scale ..............................$$65
Caterpillar AP655D Paver, 1:50 Scale ..............................$$55
Caterpillar 432E Side Shift Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale $45
Caterpillar CB-534D XW Asphalt Compactor, 1:50 Scale ......
Caterpillar 511OB Excavator, 1:50 Scale..........................$$70
Caterpillar 611 Motor Scraper in display case, 1:64 Scale....
Caterpillar D6K XL Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ..........$$45
Caterpillar D7E Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ................$$65
Caterpillar 623G Elevating Motor Scraper, 1:50 Scale ....$$35
Caterpillar D8R Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale................$$45
Caterpillar 725D Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale ................$$30
Caterpillar D10T Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ..............$$85
Caterpillar 797F Off-Highway Truck, 1:50 Scale ............$$230
Caterpillar D11R Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale..............$$50
Caterpillar 825H Soil Compactor, 1:50 Scale ..................$$35
Caterpillar D11T Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ..............$$85
Caterpillar 924 G Versalink Wheel Loader: 1:50 Scale ..$$40
Caterpillar 24H Motor Grader, 1:50 Scale........................$$90
Caterpillar 950H Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale........................$$45
Caterpillar 140H Motor Grader w/ripper & scarifier, 1:50
Caterpillar 963D Track Loader, 1:50 Scale..........................$$45
Scale ..................................................................................$$40
Caterpillar 966A Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ....................$$45
Northwest 25-D Shovel, 1:50 Scale ..................................$$90
Caterpillar 140M Motor Grader, 1:50 Scale ....................$$60
Caterpillar 977 Traxcavator, 1:50 Scale ..........................$$35
Volvo SD-122 Soil Compactor, 1:72 Scale ......................$$40
Caterpillar 226B2 Skid Steer Loader w/tools, 1:32 Scale ......
Caterpillar 988H Wheel Loader, 1:64 Scale ....................$$30
Volvo BL71 Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale ..........................$$45
Caterpillar 992G Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ....................$$70
Volvo FH12 Tractor/Trailer w/Volvo L150C, 1:50 Scale....$$60
Komatsu D51 PX Dozer, 1:50 Scale ..................................$$60 Komatsu D375 Dozer, 1:50 Scale......................................$$85 Komatsu GD655 Motor Grader, 1:50 Scale ......................$$60 Komatsu HD605 Off-Highway Truck, 1:50 Scale ..............$$70 Komatsu Mack Granite MP w/Talbert Lowboy Trailer, 1:50 Scale ..................................................................................$$75 Komatsu PC2000-8 Front Shovel, 1:50 Scale ................$$225 Komatsu SK1020 Skid Steer Loader, 1:25 Scale..............$$40 Komatsu SK1026 Skid Steer Loader, 1:25 Scale..............$$40 Link-Belt 3200 All Terrain Crane, 1:50 Scale ................$$180 Link-Belt 80100 Rough Terrain Crane, 1:50 Scale ........$$165 LeTourneau Super C Scraper w/Cab, 1:50 Scale..............$$80 Northwest 25-D Backhoe, 1:50 Scale ..............................$$90
Caterpillar 247B2 Multi-Terrain Loader, 1:32 Scale ........$$30
Caterpillar Four Piece Militar y Set ..................................$$80
Volvo L90E Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ............................$$70
Caterpillar 272C Skid Steer Loader, 1:32 Scale ..............$$30
International 175 Crawler Loader w/Multi-Purpose Bucket,
Volvo L150C Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ..........................$$30
Caterpillar 302.5 Mini-Excavator, 1:32 Scale ..................$$35
1:50 Scale ..........................................................................$$50
Volvo L350F Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale............................$$70
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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 29
Vermeer Southeast Sales & Ser vice, Inc.
Boynton Beach, FL 1060 West Industrial Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33462 561-742-7400 • Fax: 561-742-7448
Clearwater, FL 12785 N 44th St. Clearwater, FL 33762 727-299-9207 • Fax: 727-299-0166 Ft. Myers, FL 2231 Flint Dr. Ft. Myers, FL 33916 941-337-5900 • Fax: 941-337-5901
Jacksonville, FL 11550 Philips Hwy. Jacksonville, FL 32256 904-262-4400 • Fax: 904-262-0619
Orlando, FL 4559 Old Winter Garden Rd. Orlando, FL 32811 407-295-2020 • Fax: 407-293-8087 Miami, FL 13301 S.W. 131st Str. Miami, FL 33186-5816 305-234-4556 • Fax: 305-234-5561 Pensacola, FL 6691 Mobile Highway Pensacola, FL 32526 850-944-8110 • Fax: 850-944-8166 Tallahassee, FL 31767 Blue Star Hwy Midway, FL 32343 850-575-1556 • Fax: 850-575-5718 Marietta, GA 1320 Gresham Rd. Marietta, GA 30062 770-973-8811 • Fax: 770-973-7829 Savannah, GA 411B Telfair Rd. Savannah, GA 31415 912-238-1300 • Fax: 912-238-1003 Birmingham, AL 2950 Pinson Valley Parkway Birmingham, AL 35217 205-841-9895 • Fax: 205-841-9841 Decatur, AL 314 Beltline Rd Decatur, AL 35601 256-341-0700 • Fax: 256-341-0773
Vermeer Puerto Rico
Ave. Cementerio Nacional Local #49, Hato Tejas Bayamon, Puerto Rico 00961 787-780-0533 • Fax: 787-780-1501
Vermeer of Texas-Louisiana
8272 Rushing Road Denham Springs, LA 70726 225-665-7900 • Fax: 225-665-7979
G & S Equipment Co., Inc.
124 Hwy 82 west Prattville, AL 36067 334-365-5192 • Fax: 334-365-5199
6007 University Blvd Cottondale (Tuscaloosa), AL 35453 205-556-3333 • Fax: 205-556-9229 2209 Hwy 280 Alexander City, AL 35010 256-329-7777 • Fax: 256-329-7718
s Visit U th At Boo #G-190
Page 30 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
ASSE Celebrates a Century ASSE from page 1
injuries and illnesses on the job. Children frequently worked dangerous jobs in coal mines and textile mills, and devices designed to protect workers, such as fall protection equipment, were virtually nonexistent. In a Professional Safety Journal article from 1961, titled, “Safety Engineering in a Changing World,” ASSE past-president John Grimaldi noted that until 1907, the accidental death rate in America was consistently increasing. By 1911, when ASSE was formed and the national safety movement began, the accidental death rate had begun to decrease and had dropped by more than 13 percent. Between 1911 and 1961, ASSE’s 50th anniversary, there had been a very clear, steady decline in workplace fatalities due, in part, to the rise of the safety profession and the importance of safety on the job. During the first 50 years of ASSE’s existence, its members experienced the Great Depression, the development of the first television and flight of the first liquidfueled rocket. Members also witnessed the birth of nuclear technology, which would significantly change global methods of producing energy and present new challenges for the safety professional in protecting workers. ASSE members also served during World War II, the Korean and Vietnam wars. During that time, the profession continued to grow as a valuable part of business in all industries, including the military, manufacturing, education and government. In 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the important Federal Highway Act into law, linking the country through new roads while creating new jobs. Safety professionals became an integral part of a new motoring public as the growth of the roadway system and use of automobiles presented new hazards for employees and the public. From 1961 to the present, a technological boom occurred and safety took a new shape as computers and machine technology became more prominent and complex elements of the workplace. The Space Race dominated the 1960’s and ASSE members contributed by serving as experts on projects for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), helping to identify hazards and control risks in a realm of new discovery. In 1970, President Richard Nixon signed the Occupational Safety and Health Act, cre-
ating the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), dedicated to protecting worker safety and health in the United States. The birth of modern computing in the 1970’s forever changed the way business was conducted and has led to the rise of present-day safety concerns, such as ergonomics and sedentary occupational injuries and illnesses. During the 1980’s and 1990’s, the worldwide marketplace became seamless and technology became a bigger part of everyday life and in the workplace, with machinery becoming more powerful and more complex and developments in materials for manufacturing occurring at lightning speed. The beginning of the 21st Century has presented challenges such as new medical tech-
In 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the important Federal Highway Act into law, linking the country through new roads while creating new jobs. nology and the development of modern bionics, nanotechnology and the prevalence of synthetic chemicals used in many every day products. The role of a safety professional is always evolving based on the needs of businesses and the nature of the ever-changing world. With each change to a business process, such as the addition of a new machine or chemical, comes the need for new safety procedures. As ASSE begins a journey into the next 100 years of protecting people, property and the environment, developments such as nanotechnology and advancements in nuclear power present new challenges for the safety professional in the role of protecting employees from the hazards of their work. ASSE continues to expand its reach globally, with new chapters in places such as the Philippines, Nigeria and the Middle East, and members continue to network and collaborate with others thousands of miles away for the benefit of worker safety and health. For the next century of safety, the possibilities are endless and global ASSE community will continue to work toward the goal of zero lives lost on the job. For more information, visit
100 Years Of Safety “American Society of Safety Engineers — A Century of Safety” tells the story of work safety and tragedy through the decades. Narrated by Chicago-based actor Alan Wilder, the film walks the audience through tragedies and triumphs in the history of work safety. It spans several years and topics, from the horrific March 25, 1911, Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City that took the lives of 146 people unable to escape the fire due to locked doors and collapsed fire escapes — some jumping to their deaths from the high floors — to the successful building of large projects without worker injuries or fatalities. ASSE was founded just months after the tragic Triangle fire. ASSE produced the documentary as part of its ongoing efforts to raise awareness about the importance of workplace safety and how it affects everyone in every facet of people’s work and daily lives. ASSE members and non-members are featured throughout the film discussing the past and the future of work safety whether in the office, the manufacturing plant, on the road, in the air, in the farm fields and more. “I don’t know if its genetics “It truly is a feel good profession. It’s because I’m a third hard work. It can be generation safety engineer, challenging. I think people can get disbut I know I’ve made a couraged, but at the difference in the past and I end of the day you know I can make a are helping people return home to their difference in the future.” families safely, you are helping them earn a living and you are L a w re n c e J . H . S c h u l z e helping them to do it ASSE safely. And I don’t think it gets any better than that,” Sandy Smith, of Cleveland, Ohio, ASSE member and magazine editor discussing the importance of the occupational safety and health profession in the film. ASSE President Darryl C. Hill, noted in the film, “One area that I’ve seen the profession change over the years is that it is beginning to focus on the business of safety. Whereas also demonstrating to the employer that safety is just not compliance or regulatory driven; that you as a profession or professional have to demonstrate the financial benefits to an organization.” “I don’t know if its genetics because I’m a third generation safety engineer, but I know I’ve made a difference in the past and I know I can make a difference in the future and that’s a big driving factor,” Lawrence J. H. Schulze, past ASSE Gulf Coast chapter president, associate professor Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Houston, said in the film. “It’s a great joy when you know you can make a difference in somebody’s life.” The documentary not only looks back on some of the tragedies and successes involving work safety and the development of the occupational safety, health and environmental profession, safety products, education, services and more, it also looks to the challenges of the future.
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 31
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JCB of Alabama 8920 Weaver Avenue Leeds, AL 35094 205/699-2699 866/480-6125
JCB of Georgia 4008 Mike Padgett Hwy. Augusta, GA 30906 888/431-0130
791 Anderson Road Montgomery, AL 36110 334/262-8104 866/954-6522
Pooler, GA 31322 912/330-0130 888/431-0130 Fax: 912/330-9214 2679 Barrett Lakes Blvd. Kennesaw, GA 30144 678/594-5400 Fax: 678/594-7868
JCB of Chattanooga Chattanooga, TN 37421 423/899-1219 Fax: 423/892-0508
Valley Supply and Equipment 8192 Euclid Ct. Manassis Park, VA 20111 703/330-5579
, ( ) $ $, $* * ! % "% ( $ * ) %$)* $*"/ $ &(% + * % $$%, * %$ # ! $ * * -%(" 0) )* ) "" $ ! % %* %$"/ * * +* ")% % () * - )* ( $ % ! % "% () $ * $ +)*(/ (%# * ) "/ *( $)&%(* " *% * "/ &(% + * , %+( - " )* ( %$ % %+( )* $ * #% ") ) " %( /%+( % ) * ( '+ ( # $*) * %+( ( %( ) ** $ ) "# . $ $ ( *%- ( ) 1 $ / /%+0"" * * #%)* %+* % -%(! / %$* * " ( $ ( /%+ *% " ($ #%( %+* - / ) * -%(" 0) )* ) "" $ ! % "% (
Interstate Equipment JCB of Florida & South Georgia Company 6907 Broadway Ave. www.interstateequipmentjcb.c Jacksonville, FL 32254 om 2230 North U.S. Highway 301 877/218-5638 1604 Salisbury Road Tampa, FL 33619 Statesville, NC 28677 813/621-4671 704/873-9048 2755 Marshall Drive Fax: 813/594-0584 800/626-4599 Tifton, GA 31793 877/462-3250 7979 West Chapel Hill Road 1915 N. Orange Blossom Trail Cary, NC 27513-4166 Orlando, FL 32804 919/467-1801 877/205-6098 800/626-4602
Page 32 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
Construction Equipment Guide®’s Preview Section
New Roadtec Product Introductions at ConExpo 2011 Roadtec will be introducing two brand-new products and a new generation Shuttle Buggy material transfer The new Roadtec FM-85 heavy-duty vehicle at ConExpo. Moreover, Roadtec broom represents a new product line will be rolling out and demonstrating its for Roadtec and fills the need for a sweeping device in road conremote machine monitoring/diagnostic robust struction. software. The new products are the SX-5 mid- Buggy material transfer vehicle has size stabilizer/reclaimer and the FM-85 enhanced conveyor wear resistance, heavy-duty, front-mounted broom. which will lower contractors’ operating The new Roadtec SX-5 stabilizer fea- costs. A new adjustable width front hoptures a 540 hp (403 kW) Cat C15 engine. per allows the E-series to work with The SX-5 comes with a 96 in. (244 cm) trucks of widths commonly used in wide drum and countries outside weighs in at less the United States. than 60,000 lbs. The dual operator (27,200 kg). The stations of the stabilizer/reclaimer machine have is capable of a true been enhanced cutting depth of 18 and can now slide in. (46 cm). Water sideways past the and emulsion sysouter edge of the tems, enclosed main frame, operator cab and which improves many other options visibility, accordare available. ing to the manuThe new facturer. Roadtec FM-85 The new Roadtec SX-5 stabilizer The machine broom is a heavy- reclaimer will be introduced at monitoring/diagConExpo 2011. duty piece of nostic software machinery featurwill be shown in the booth. Visitors will ing an 83 hp (61 kW) Cat 3.4T engine. It be able to see the data provided by the weighs in at 6,000 lbs. (2,720 kg). A system on a computer screen mounted brush head allows the brush to side-shift on a demo kiosk and also the actual up to 15 in. (38 cm). Due to an innova- machine from where the data is being tive telescoping feature, the unit can pulled. accommodate broom lengths of 6, 7 and Roadtec is an Astec Industries compa8 ft. (1.8, 2.1 and 2.4 m). The operator ny and will be exhibiting virtually its station is located in a climate-controlled, entire product line together with the robust cab. other Astec companies in Central Hall, The new generation E-series Shuttle booth number C5133.
Maeda to Display Fully Compliant Mini-Cranes With New Attachments
All Maeda mini-cranes meet ASME and EPA requirements for North America. Models range from 3,800 to 10,800 lb. (1,723 to 4,900 kg) capacity with lift heights to 68 ft. (21 m).
Maeda USA will display five fully compliant minicranes with new attachments in booth 440 in the gold lot. All Maeda mini-cranes meet ASME and EPA The company will disrequirements for North America. Models range from play new attachments that expand the uti3,800 to 10,800 lb. (1,723 to 4,900 kg) capacity with lization of its minilift heights to 68 ft. (21 m). “This is the first time fully compliant Maeda mini- crane line including a jib attachcranes have been displayed at ConExpo,” said Tony man-basket, ments, a glass manipInman, president of Maeda USA, western hemisphere ulator and a searcher distributor for Maeda Japan. hook. “The mini-crane method of material handling has been successfully proven in our territory and the market is finding many applications for smaller cranes,” according to Inman. Maeda cranes can fit through openings as small as 24 in. (61 cm). The company also will display new attachments that expand the utilization of its mini-crane line including a man-basket, jib attachments, a glass manipulator and a searcher hook, which is a boom tip extension arm for lifts where there are overhead restrictions. A new accessory transformer package also will be shown which converts the power supply when operating electrically. Maeda mini-cranes are being used in many non-traditional roles including curtain wall and glass handling for commercial construction, steel erection, lifting inside high rise structures and virtually any lifting role where space is limited. For more information call 713/715-1500 or visit
Page 34 • January 26, 2011 • • ConExpo-Con/Agg Section • Construction Equipment Guide
CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2011 Caterpillar Display to Total 60,000 Sq. Ft. of Floor Space
International Industry Support Enhances Quality Show Experience
Caterpillar will present one of the largest displays at ConExpoCon/AGG with three different exhibit areas totaling 60,000 sq. ft. of floor space. Nearly 40 machines, a wide variety of work tools, technology solutions, engines and components will offer something for everyone — contractors of all types, aggregates miners, construction materials suppliers and specialty trades. More than a dozen new Cat machines will make their North American debut at ConExpoCon/AGG, including the new Cat vocational truck, the CT660, which will be shown publicly for the first time. To be sold and serviced by North American Cat dealers, the CT660 will be shown in a variety of configurations and in both the North Hall and Gold Lot exhibits. A new G Series 775 off-highway truck will garner a spotlight as it is the first Cat machine to go into production with a Tier IV Final emissions solution. Many of the other new machines, such as the wholly redesigned H Series 627 wheel tractor-scraper, will showcase a Tier IV Interim solution. These emissions reduction technologies from Caterpillar are integrated into the machine design, allowing Cat Tier IV-ready products to perform at peak production while reducing emissions by approximately 90 percent. The Cat K Series midsize wheel loaders — ranging from the 950K to the 980K — also will be introduced at ConExpo-Con/AGG. All five of the loaders feature improved performance and fuel efficiency, and each has a totally new cab for greater operator comfort and productivity, according to the manufacturer. Cat E Series hydraulic excavators also will make their North American debut. The 336E, for example, features more net power
ConExpo-Con/AGG and IFPE 2011 will be the global industry gathering place in 2011 with the help of worldwide industry support. More than 80 allied associations and groups are official show supporting organizations; hundreds of industry meetings and conventions will be held at the shows; and key countries for industry business are hosting international exhibit pavilions. ICON Expo is co-located for 2011 with the shows, and leading industry educational conferences also are co-located. “These industry connections broaden the base of our shows to enhance the trade show experience for all — more interaction between qualified buyers and sellers, more industry education, and more networking in a global environment,” said Megan Tanel, AEM’s vice president, exhibition and events. “More than ever, companies are looking at their bottom line and evaluating their investment of time and money. Our industry collaborations are one way we offer real value in today’s marketplace for all participants,” added Melissa Magestro, IFPE show director. The 80-plus official show supporting organizations come from the United States, Canada and 13 other countries worldwide. They promote the shows’value and bring qualified buyer groups to the events, and many help develop direction and content of the shows’ education programs to ensure they meet industry needs. Besides the United States and Canada, these groups represent Brazil, Chile, China, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom and Venezuela. International groups also lend their support by organizing show exhibit pavilions. There are currently 10 such pavilions — IFPE 2011 has pavilions from China, Italy and Taiwan, and ConExpo-Con/AGG has pavilions from China, Finland, Germany, Italy, Korea, Spain and United Kingdom. These pavilions offer attendees a wider range of business solutions and help them develop more global industry contacts, while participating exhibitors gain access to customers outside their home countries. In addition, the Associated General Contractors (AGC) is sponsor of the IT & Business Solutions pavilion at ConExpoCon/AGG 2011, and on the IFPE 2011 show floor are exhibit pavilions from the American
than its predecessor for faster digging and loading. The 140M2 allwheel-drive motorgrader represents the upgraded M2 Series. A wider variable horsepower range enhances productivity. The new AP1055E asphalt paver offers improved fuel economy through use of the adjustable engine speed control, and it meets Tier IV Interim emissions standards, as do the M2 motorgraders, E Series excavators and K Series wheel loaders In addition to new machines, Caterpillar will present a new telematics solution that builds on Cat Product Link. Additional hardware options enabled with cellular technology and a new user friendly web-based application with enhanced features and new capabilities will improve overall fleetmanagement effectiveness. Center-stage presentations in the North Hall will demonstrate how the new system works. The Caterpillar display in the North Hall, exhibit space N1913, shows machines for site development, road building and paving, underground utilities construction and quarry and aggregates operations. Cat Rental Store services also share the North Hall exhibit. The exhibit in the Gold Lot at G130 includes small machines for general construction and specialty trades and features displays representing the Caterpillar commitment to building machines that benefit current and future generations. The South Hall exhibit, S16329, features engines from Caterpillar Industrial Power Systems and Perkins. The Caterpillar OEM Solutions display is nearby at S16343 and features components for OEM applications. Live and video presentations will take place in the North Hall, including a visit from Mike Rowe, the star and originator of the Dirty Jobs television program.
Gear Manufacturers Association and the Power Transmission Distributors Association. The co-located ICON Expo 2011, sponsored in part by the National Concrete Masonry Association, brings a stronger concrete products segment to the shows. In the education arena, the co-located Crane and Rigging Conference by Maximum Capacity Media strengthens the presence of the crane and rigging industry at ConExpoCon/AGG 2011. A Green Roads Summit is a collaboration between ConExpo-Con/AGG and the U.S. Federal Highway System, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, AGC and Construction Materials Recycling Association. And the show’s Safety Zone will again include the International Powered Access Federation, and new this year is participation of the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators. At IFPE 2011, the 52nd National Conference on Fluid Power is the cornerstone of expanded education and includes new sessions from the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power. Additional education sessions are being provided by the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. And, the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power also is co-locating its annual meeting with IFPE 2011. Nine associations are holding annual conventions or board meetings at the shows: American Concrete Pumping Association, American Road and Transportation Builders Association, Associated General Contractors, Association of Equipment Management Professionals, Construction Materials Recycling Association, Land Improvement Contractors of America, National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association and Power Transmission Distributors Association. Conducting certification programs are the American Concrete Pumping Association, Association of Equipment Management Professionals, Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute, National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators, National Concrete Masonry Association and National Ready Mixed Concrete Association. For more information, visit floor. For more information, visit
Construction Equipment Guide • ConExpo-Con/Agg Section • • January 26, 2011 • Page 35
CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2011 Morbark Inc. Exhibits at Fifth ConExpo Morbark, Inc., is gearing up to exhibit at its fifth consecutive ConExpo. The heart of the 2011 booth offers visitors a “World of Opportunities” and gives attendees a chance to explore a multitude of opportunities to expand and enhance their businesses, as well as network with industry experts on-hand to discuss their successes with Morbark products and product applications. “ConExpo has always been a very successful show for us in the past and we’re excited to be participating in our fifth show in a row,” said Morbark Marketing Manager Tim Adams. “Morbark builds equipment that creates opportunities and we’ll show our visitors exactly how, with real examples in different business areas.” Morbark’s diverse offering of opportunities will be the focus of six in-depth showcases including wood waste processing, shingle grinding, C&D shredding, waste-to energy, biomass preparation and new wear parts. Equipment accompanying these opportunities will include the Morbark 40/36 WCL track drum chipper, the 4600XL track and 3800XL wood hogs and the Beever M20R forestry brush chipper. The Morbark booth will be located in Silver Lot 1, number 552. To join Morbark’s Happy Hour at the show, and for a chance to win great prizes, visit for more information and where participants can sign-up to receive a Morbark Passport in the mail before the show.
Rototilt to Offer Live Demo
Indexator will showcase its Rototilt product line including a live demo in the Gold Lot at Booth G-244. Rototilt is a versatile attachment for excavators and backhoes that combines continuous rotation, 40 degree side tilt in each direction and a hydraulic quick coupler all in one package. It allows a bucket or other attachment to be rotated and tilted at the same time, making it simple to operate around or under obstacles, and for any type of ground contouring. The unique combination of continuous rotation and side tilt lets you approach your job from any angle. Rototilt is available in models covering excavators and backhoes from 3 to 30 ton (2.7 to 27 t) capacity. The flexibility of the Rototilt allows an excavator or backhoe to operate in extremely tight work areas and perform functions that would normally require specialized equipment, multiple machines or additional manpower. The Rototilt allows the operator to perform new tasks and work more efficiently in all types of conditions or situations. For information, call 519/754-2195 or visit
ConExpo-Con/AGG 2011 to Feature New ‘Green Roads Summit’
Increased interest in green highways is a natural extension of the fast-growing green building movement in construction. A new “Green Roads Summit” at ConExpoCon/AGG 2011 will offer attendees ready-to apply green construction techniques and the latest environmental information affecting job sites, including green roads programs. The daylong event, which includes a closing reception, is March 24, 2011, and is open to all show attendees. The Green Roads Summit is a collaboration between ConExpo-Con/AGG and Construction Materials Recycling Association (CMRA), U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Associated General Contractors of America (AGC). Also participating are industry experts from groups including Maryland State Highway Administration, New York Department of Transportation, American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA), Diesel Technology Forum, National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) and Rubber Pavements Association “Sustainability is an issue that transcends national bor-
ders, so attendees from the United States as well as worldwide will find the topics of interest. It’s a great opportunity for attendees to meet with leaders in this emerging area to discuss current and future best practices,” stated William Turley, executive director of CMRA. Kicking off the event is Steven Van Beek of the ENO Foundation for Transportation, talking on “Climate Change, Sustainable Transportation and Economic Competitiveness.” Emerging trends in sustainability is the focus of the summit’s morning general sessions, including FHWA’s sustainable highway criteria tool and pilot projects. Afternoon breakouts will cover a variety of topics related to recycling and reuse, stormwater management and climate/air issues. Recycling/Reuse breakouts will discuss use of industrial byproducts in pavements, recycled asphalt pavement, scrap tires in rubberized asphalt, in-place concrete and asphalt pavement recycling and two-lift concrete construction with recycled concrete. For more information, visit the education section of the show Web site,
Page 36 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 37
SINCE 1913
JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207 904-737-4401 904-636-0532 Fax Se Habla Espa~ nol
INTERNATIONAL POMPANO BEACH, FL 33073 954-974-1101 954-974-0122 FAX Se Habla Espa~ nol
FT. MYERS, FL 33905 239-334-1060 239-334-6307 FAX
FAIRBURN, GA 30213 770-964-4517 770-964-6247 FAX
Page 38 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
SECTION Dynapac Debuts New
Pages 39-50
Series of LF Forward Compaction Plates Dynapac’s new series of LF forward compaction plates feature improved speed, flexibility and performance. The LF 50 (110-lb. [50 kg] class) and the LF 60 (132-lb. [60 kg] class) are ideal for small soil jobs and narrow trenches. In the 286-lb. (130 kg) class, the LF 130 is designed for heavy-duty soil applications and has the highest compaction performance in the Dynapac range. Engineered for soil applications and available with a number of options to customize the plates, the new models are approximately 20 percent faster than their predecessors, according to the manufacturer. The LF series is equipped with Dynapac’s Low-Vib handle, which reduces exposure to hand-arm transmitted vibrations and increases operator comfort. For tight spaces, the handle is aligned with the center of the plate for easy maneuverability. The handle can be raised to a vertical operational position, and then easily folded for transportation and storage. All models offer a wide variety of optional
equipment such as lifting handles, block paving kits and a protection frame suitable for rental applications, all of which makes it possible to customize the machine. On the soil versions, a company can put its own branding on the cover. All three models feature a Honda engine, and the LF 130 also can be special ordered with a Hatz engine. Field kits are Volvo CE manufactures two models of high-frequency, high-amplitude compactors — the available. DD118HFA and the DD138HFA.
Volvo Compactors Provide High Frequency, Amplitude
The LF 50 and the LF 60 are ideal for small soil jobs and narrow trenches. The LF 130 is designed for heavy-duty soil applications.
Volvo CE manufactures two models of high-frequency, high-amplitude compactors — the DD118HFA and the DD138HFA. Through the SMART drum technology, each of these HFA compactors can be used for a wide range of applications. These high-frequency compactors are engineered with eight amplitude settings. Each amplitude setting is automatically adjusted to the highest frequency for that amplitude selection. This enables the operator to use lower amplitudes with higher frequency on thinner lifts to increase productivity with decreased risk of damage to aggregate structure or sub-grade, and higher amplitude with lower frequency on thicker lifts and stiffer materials. This flexibility once required two separate compactors; Volvo technology enables one compactor to provide both ends of the spectrum in performance. Other SMART technologies designed into these three compactors include: • SMART vibration system, which automatically adjusts vibration frequency for both drums to the design frequency for the given amplitude
• SMART propulsion system automatically controls rolling speed for optimum drum impact spacing • SMART water system not only shuts off water spray whenever the compactor stops moving, but also automatically regulates water-flow rates to match rolling speed • SMART start, which prevents vibration of the trailing drum on cold or hard pavement surfaces at the beginning of each paving operation, or at transverse joints on bridges or junctions with PCC pavement panels Making an Impact These compactors are designed to keep up with pavers moving at faster lay-down speeds while maintaining appropriate drum impact spacing, reducing the need for additional compactors on the job, according to the manufacturer. The impact meter measures the relationship between the compactor’s vibration frequency and its rolling speed to accurately indicate the number of see VOLVO page 48
Page 40 • January 26, 2011 • • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide
Kdakd ^h ndjg XdbeaZiZ gdVY Wj^aY^c\ gZhdjgXZ# 6 XdbegZ]Zch^kZ gVc\Z d[ eVk^c\! XdbeVXi^dc! \gVY^c\ VcY b^aa^c\ bVX]^cZh VcY XdchigjXi^dc Zfj^ebZci \^kZh ndj ZkZgni]^c\ ndj cZZY [dg i]Z gdVY V]ZVY#
4(%É2/!$ !(%!$ )3É7)$%É/0%.
Kdakd gdVY bVX]^cZgn ^h hjeedgiZY l^i] ldgaYl^YZ Zc\^cZZg^c\! iZX]cdad\n VcY XjhidbZg hZgk^XZ# I]Z gZhjai/ i]Z ]^\]"eZg[dgbVcXZ Zfj^ebZci VcY hjeedgi ndj ZmeZXi [gdb Kdakd# ;dg bdgZ ^c[dgbVi^dc! XdciVXi ndjg adXVa 6H8 8dchigjXi^dc :fj^ebZci YZVaZg# L]Zc ndjÂźgZ gZVYn id hiVgi Wj^aY^c\ gdVYh! i]Z higZc\i] d[ Kdakd ^h dc i]Z gdVY [dg ndj#
New Stone SFP3000A for w a r d plate tamp, 5.5 hp Honda gas engine, 13 qt polyethylene water tank, plate size 20" x 24", eccentric force 3000 lbs, vibration frequency 6000 vpm, removable water tank New Stone WP4100 double drum vibrator y roller, front, rear or both drums vibrate, Kubota 24.8 hp liquid cooled diesel engine, 40" drums, hydrostatic drive and steering, water system, 4000 lbs centrifugal force, ROPS, double drum drive
Asheville, NC Greenville, NC Piedmont, SC <gZZck^aaZ! C8 828-687-0620 252-754-5280 E^ZYbdci! H8 864-704-1060 Charlotte, '*'",*)"*'-% NC Cayce, SC -+)",%)"&%+% Chattanooga, TN 704-596-82838VnXZ! H8 803-791-07408]ViiVcdd\V! IC 423-308-7940 Garner, NC North Charleston, SC Knoxville, TN -%(",.&"%,)% )'("(%-",.)% 919-661-8710 843-414-1120 865-525-1845
Cdgi] 8]VgaZhidc! H8 -)(")&)"&&'%
@cdmk^aaZ! IC -+*"*'*"&-)*
3517 Wayne White Rd., Climax, NC 27233
New Stone Bulldog TR34 trench compactor, remote operation, 20 hp Hatz diesel engine, 34" drums, centrifugal force 15709, 2000 vpm
Acworth, GA 6h]Zk^aaZ! C8 770-529-5125 -'-"+-,"%+'% Atlanta, GA 770-319-0074 8]VgadiiZ! C8 Buford, GA ,%)"*.+"-'-( 678-318-9500 <VgcZg! C8 Savannah, GA .&."++&"-,&% 912-964-8079
New Marathon KERA145HD r u b b e r i z e d melting kettle for crack sealing, 145 gallon, diesel engine, diesel burner, automatic temperature control, hydraulic agitation, 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; oil heated hose system w/heated applicator wand, overnight heating, electric brakes
New Marathon TPS250T tack distributor, Honda 5.5hp gas engine, 10GPM pumping system, 250 gallon capacity, 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; spray wand w/40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hose, 10â&#x20AC;? filler lid, hose reel, electric brakes
New Marathon CR300K pavement crack router, 30 hp Kohler gas engine, dual element air cleaning system
New Marathon HEPR36 walk behind infrared heater, 3â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x3â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
New Marathon DF10W walk behind crack s e a l e r, 10 gallon, hand agitation, leak free trigger controlled dispensing valve, 80,000 BTU propane torch w/hose & regulator, steel rear wheels, steel front caster wheel, temperature thermometer
New Marathon KERA10 walk behind crack s e a l e r, 10 gallon material vat, full wrap around oil jacket, manual full sweep agitation, single 50,000 BTU vapor burner with flame out protection, automatic temperature control, front caster wheel, two cast iron rear wheels, heated 3/4â&#x20AC;? discharge valve
Serving Serving the the Asphalt Asphalt Industry Industry for for over over 20 20 Years Years
Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • • January 26, 2011 • Page 41
Arrow Equipment • The Paving Specialists Cat PM-200 Milling Machines With many enhanced features and options, the PM-200 performs controlled full-depth removal of asphalt layers in a single pass and is also capable of concrete removal. Cat Pavers Caterpillar Asphalt Pavers continue to lead the industry and meet your demanding job requirements.
Cat CB54 Our Cat Compactors are designed to help you complete your work more efficiently and productively.
Arrow Equipment has the Cat Machine to Satisfy Your Requirements.
1516 Glendale Drive Greensboro, NC 27406 (336) 294-2326 (800) 451-6819
1233 Bluff Rd Columbia, SC 29201 803/765-2040 866/880-8365
The LeeBoy 8510 High Deck or Low Deck Conveyor P a v e r s are designed with the paving professional in mind.
Featuring the Legend Screed System famous for producing seamless mats up to 15 feet in width. LeeBoy 8500B series pavers feature the durability, reliability and productivity that make them ideal for commercial and mainline paving applications. Designed with the Paving Professional in Mind. ®
Tack Distributors
Pneumatic Compaction for Asphalt Paving
Motor Graders
Featured with: • 84.5 HP Kubota or 83 HP Caterpillar • 8- to 15-foot Heated and Vibrating Legend Screed System • Poly Pad Steel Track Drive – Standard • 12” Casted Augers • Dual Lever Joystick Steering Control (both sides) • Standard Hydraulic Operating Controls • Sonic Auger Controls • Under Auger Cut-off Plates • Heavy-duty Radius Hopper Wings VT LeeBoy, Inc. 500 Lincoln County Parkway Ext. • Two-speed Hydrostatic Drive, Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092 Internal Brakes – standard 704.966.3300 • Electronic Gauge and Vandalism Packages
Page 42 • January 26, 2011 • • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide
The Worldwide Leader in Concrete Paving Technology
FLAGLER CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, LLC 5210 Reese Road Davie, FL, 33314 954-581-4744 954-583-0318 (Fax) 5151 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Ft. Myers, FL 33905 239-481-8554 239-481-3302 (Fax)
COWIN EQUIPMENT CO. Birmingham, AL 2238 Pinson Valley Pkwy Birmingham, AL 35217 205-841-6666 205-849-0853 (Fax)
Montgomery, AL 3120 Old Hayneville Road Montgomery, AL 36108 334-262-6642 334-834-2272 (Fax)
Oxford, AL 1501 Highway 78 East Oxford, AL 36203 256-832-5053 256-831-4295 (Fax)
Mobile, AL 23 Schillinger Road North Mobile, AL 36608 251-633-4020 251-633-9157 (Fax)
Huntsville, AL 15101 Alabama Hwy 20 Madison, AL 35756 256-350-0006 256-355-5250 (Fax)
Pensacola, FL 7950 Pittman Avenue Pensacola, FL 32534 850-479-3004 850-474-1602 (Fax)
ARROW EQUIPMENT PO Box 21185 Greensboro, NC 27420 336-294-2326 1233 Bluff Rd. Columbia, SC 29201 803-765-2040
Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • • January 26, 2011 • Page 43
COWIN EQUIPMENT CO. INC. Birmingham, AL 205-841-6666 Mobile, AL 251-633-4020 Montgomery, AL 334-262-6642 Huntsville / Decatur, AL 256-350-0006 Pensacola, FL 850-479-3004
RICHMOND MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Richmond, VA 804-359-4048 800-662-6485
FLAGLER CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, LLC. Ft. Myers, FL Orlando, FL (Corporate 239-481-8554 Office) Davie, FL 407-659-8700 954-581-4744 Orlando, FL Tampa, FL 407-850-9614 813-630-0077 Jacksonville, FL 904-737-6000
ASC CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NORTH CAROLINA Asheville, NC 828-687-0620 Charlotte, NC 704-596-8283 Raleigh, NC 919-661-8710 Greenville, NC 252-754-5280
ASC CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia, SC 803-791-0740 Piedmont, SC 864-704-1060 North Charleston, SC 843-414-1120
ASC CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GEORGIA Acworth, GA 770-529-5125 Atlanta, GA 770-319-0074 Buford, GA 678-318-9500 Savannah, GA 912-964-8079
Page 44 • January 26, 2011 • • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide
POWER EQUIPMENT COMPANY 3300 Alcoa Highway Knoxville, TN 37920 (865) 577-5563
1487 Rock Springs Road Kingsport, TN 37664 (423) 349-6111 Highway 58 @153 Chattanooga, TN 37406 (423) 894-1870 1290 Bridgestone Pkwy LaVergne, TN 37086 (615) 213-0900 3050 Ferrell Park Cove Memphis, TN 38116-3502 (901) 346-9800 1545 Highway 45 Saltillo, MS 38866 (662) 869-0283
917 Cavalier Blvd. Chesapeake, VA 23323 (757) 485-2100 • (757) 485-3616 1410 West Hundred Rd. Chester, VA 23836 (804) 748-6411 133 Wise Mountain Rd. NW Coeburn, VA 24230 (276) 395-6901 • Fax: (276) 395-3438 10214 Fayetteville Rd. Bealton, VA 22712 (540) 439-0668 • Fax: (540) 439-0719 5731 Glenmary Drive Salem, VA 24153 (540) 380-4858 66 International lane Suite 102 Staunton, VA 24401 (540) 887-8291 • Fax: (540) 887-8295
REYNOLDS-WARREN COMPANY INC 1945 Forest Parkway Lake City, GA 30260 (800) 875-5659 • (404) 361-1593
ARROW EQUIPMENT PO Box 21185 Greensboro, NC 27420 (336) 294-2326 1233 Bluff Road Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 765-2040
5336 Messer-Airport Hwy Birmingham, AL (205) 591-2131 3820 Greensboro Ave. Tuscaloosa, AL (205) 752-0621
2100 East I-65 Service Rd. North Mobile, AL (251) 457-8991 800 Church St. N.E. Decatur, AL (256) 355-0305
3285 Selma Highway Montgomery, AL (334) 288-6580 243 South Jackson St. Grove Hill, AL (251) 275-4158 961 Hwy 20 & Elledge Lane Tuscumbia, AL (256) 383-5666
4307 Reeves Street Highway 431 North Dothan, AL (334) 678-1832 309 Hamric Drive West Oxford, AL (256) 831-2440
150 Piper Lane Alabaster, AL (205) 621-2489 3305 Highway 77 Panama City, FL (850) 763-4654 9036 Pine Forest Rd. Pensacola, FL (850) 505-0550
Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • • January 26, 2011 • Page 45
Florida Ft. Myers • 239/337-1313 Jacksonville • 904/786-6710 Ocala • 352/629-7585 Orlando • 407/849-6560 Pembroke Pines • 954/433-2800 Plant City • 813/754-2727 West Palm Beach • 561/863-0570 North Carolina Asheville • 828/681-5172 Charlotte • 704/376-7554 Greenville • 252/695-6200 High Point • 336/665-0110 Raleigh • 919/851-2030 Wilmington • 910/254-2031 South Carolina Columbia • 803/794-6150 Greer • 864/877-8962 North Charleston • 843/552-0095
Knoxville, TN • 865/577-5563 LaVergne, TN • 615/213-0900 Chattanooga, TN • 423/894-1870 Kingsport, TN • 423/349-6111 Memphis, TN • 901/346-9800 Saltillo, MS • 662/869-0283
The challenge: bridge rehabilitation in Pittsburgh, PA over the weekend to avoid total gridlock. The solution: fast and cost-effective rehabilitation methods using Wirtgen Group technologies. That’s what Wirtgen Group customers can rely on. ROAD TECHNOLOGIES
Ashland, VA • 804/798-6001 Fishersville, VA • 540/337-3057 Richlands, VA • 276/596-9440 Salem, VA • 540/380-2011 Winchester, VA • 540/667-9777
Page 46 • January 26, 2011 • • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide
Road Applications: • Asphalt Grinding • Soil Mixing and Stabilizing • Rock Crushing • Dirt & Gravel Roads • Highways
Visit Us at Booth B-921 (Blue Lot)
Path Preparation for: • Pipe Lines • Gas Lines • Power Lines
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Maximizer 3 Asphalt Distributor Features:
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8 to 16 Foot Extendible Spraybar Automatic In-Cab Controls 400 GPM Viking Asphalt Pump Enviro-Flush Clean-Out System Internal Spraybar Valves
Roadbuilding Solutions
LeeBoy’s Rosco brand roadbuilding solutions are designed and built for the most demanding applications. From asphalt distributors and brooms to pothole patchers and chip spreaders, count on LeeBoy products for value that delivers bottom-line results. Durability, productivity, ease of operation and value have made LeeBoy an industry leader.
RICHMOND MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 1701 Roseneath Rd. Richmond, VA 23230 1-800-662-6485
Contact your Rosco Dealer
VT LeeBoy, Inc. • 500 Lincoln County Parkway Ext. • Lincolnton, N.C. 28092 • 704.966.3300 •
Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • • January 26, 2011 • Page 47
INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR CO., INC. Jacksonville, FL 904/296-5000 Lake City, FL 386/752-9544 Palatka, FL 386/325-6268 Brunswick, GA 912/264-6161
Savannah, GA 912/964-7370 Ladson, SC 843/572-0400 Andrews, SC 843/221-4940 Walterboro, SC 843/539-1420
NORTRAX CORPORATE 4042 Park Oaks Blvd. Tampa, FL 33610 813-635-2316 SARASOTA PARTS Sarasota, FL 34243 941-752-1300 TAMPA PARTS Riverview, FL 33569 813-621-4902
MIAMI Miami, FL 33166 305-592-5740 WEST PALM BEACH West Palm Beach, FL 33404 561-848-6618 ORLANDO Orlando, FL 32804 407-299-1212 FORT MYERS Ft. Myers, FL 33916 239-334-3627
POMPANO BEACH PARTS Pompano Beach, FL 33064 954-977-9541 MELBOURNE PARTS West Melbourne, FL 32904 321-729-8944 NEW TAMPA Lutz, FL 33559 813-995-0841 DAYTONA PARTS Holly Hill, FL 32117 386-252-4121
Page 48 • January 26, 2011 • • Paving Section • Construction Equipment Guide
Hamm Relaunches ‘Compact Line’ of Small Rollers Hamm Compaction Division has relaunched its compact line — its popular series of small asphalt rollers — with significant changes “under the hood” that will boost performance and productivity, according to the manufacturer. Models of the new compact line — with drum sizes from 31 to 54-in. (78.7 to 137 cm)-wide — are just as user-friendly and functional as ever, but now are quieter and more powerful.
The Compact Line includes the HD 8 VV, with a drum width of 31.5 in. (80 cm); the 39-in. (99 cm) HD 10 VV and the slightly smaller HD 10 C VV; the 47-in. (119 cm) HD 12 VV; the 51-in. (129 cm) HD 13 VV; and the 54-in. (137 cm) HD 14 VV. Each offers a wider compaction width when operated in offset mode. The compact line also offers combination rollers. The HD 10 VT, HD 12 VT, HD 13 VT
and HD 14 VT are combination models with smooth drum in front, and four smooth pneumatic tires in rear. Nomenclature of the models has not changed for 2010. VV stands for “Vibration Front, Vibration Rear”, in which both drums offer vibration, with the capability of vibration running in the front drum only, in the rear drum only, in both drums, or no vibration. The compact line offers hydrostatic dual drum drive, automatic/manual vibration sys-
For 2010, the compact line of articulated tandem rollers from Hamm has been enhanced with a redesigned drive train. In the larger machines, engine power has been increased by 15 percent.
You get more performance, reliability and productive per square foot with Stone compactors. Stompers®, forward and reversible plates, walk-behind and ride-on asphalt and dirt rollers, manual and remote control trench rollers - all designed to hit hard and travel fast. They’ll get your job done on time and on budget. When you need a real compaction performer call in one of the heavy hitters from Stone - a 100% employees owned American company.
JFW Equipment Inc. 3517 Wayne White Rd. Climax, NC 27233 336-685-4998 • Fax: 336-685-0968 Email: Web:
tem, hydrostatic articulated steering and enhanced maneuverability. Key features of the compact line include its visibility, low profile and ease of handling, driving characteristics, high compaction force and low center of mass, according to the manufacturer. Drive Train New for 2010 For 2010, the compact line drive train has been redesigned. All models have been upgraded to the new Kubota diesel engines. In the HD 13 and HD 14 models, Hamm has increased the engine power by 15 percent. The new drive train components have brought about only minor changes to the external design of the machines. They retain their “wasp waist” and visibility. The operator platform is fully insulated against vibration, thus improving comfort levels. The operator’s seat, steering column and tread plate are mechanically isolated from the framework, which reduces vibration. The new engines and changed layout of the central electrical system mean quicker servicing and simpler maintenance in the future. All service points for the drive units are now located on the same side, making them quicker and easier to check.
Volvo HFACompactors Offer SMART Drum Technology VOLVO from page 39
drum impacts per foot. The operator is able to precisely control the optimal rolling speed for the desired drum impact spacing using an easy-to-read, color-coded gauge. This system allows for increased productivity under a wider range of operating conditions. Smooth Operation Another Volvo performance advantage is chamfered, radiused edges on the drums. This minimizes drum marking and maintains smooth surfaces as the roller makes its passes. The drum wetting system is available on all models. The dual water spray system incorporates primary and secondary spray components. Each drum has independent water storage tanks and two water pumps, two primary filters, separate water distribution lines and two spray bars with hand-serviceable nozzles. Better drum surface coverage and reduced misting is achieved with 10 nozzles on each DD118HFA spray bar; the DD138HFA spray bars are fitted with 12 nozzles each.
Two 164-gal. (620 L) water tanks are monitored by the illuminated water-level indicator. In its highest amplitude setting, the DD118HFA has a maximum centrifugal force of 42,070 lbs. (187.1 kN). Vibration frequency ranges from 3,000 to 4,200 vibrations per minute (50 to 70 hertz); and the maximum nominal amplitude is 0.031 in. (.08 cm). The machine has an operating weight of 27,670 lbs. (12,548 kg). The DD118HFA is powered by a turbocharged and charge air-cooled Cummins 148-hp (110 kw) engine. The DD138HFA has a maximum centrifugal force of 41,720 lbs. (186 kN) in its highest frequency setting. Vibration frequency ranges from 2,700 to 4,000 vibrations per minute (45 to 66.7 hertz); and the maximum nominal amplitude is 0.035 in. (.08 cm). The machine has an operating weight of 30,325 lbs. (13,752 kg). A Cummins turbocharged and charge air-cooled 173-hp (129 kw) engine provides the compactor’s power. For more information,visit
Construction Equipment Guide • Paving Section • • January 26, 2011 • Page 49
WHILE SOME PEOPLE ARE HAVING A PROBLEM GRASPING THE CONCEPT, THEY’RE SURE NOT HAVING ANY DIFFICULTY GRABBING THE RESULTS. It’s a rubber tire roller that vibrates with enough centrifugal force to equal the output of a 55,000 pound pneumatic. The GW750 handles the toughest HMA mixes with ease, getting balanced high densities from the top through the bottom of the mat. Great on SMA, too! And it provides a sound interlock between new overlays and profiled surfaces. It’s bonus time! 1-800-323-0535
Check one out at your Sakai dealer today.
Nasser Heavy Equipment 4320 GA Hwy. 400 525 Hurricane Shoals Rd. Cumming, GA 30041 Lawrence, GA 30045 770/889-5004 770/995-6663
450 Edge Road Villa Rica, GA 30180 678/941-1100
Ashland, VA 23005 804/798-6001 Burkeville, VA 23922 434/767-5578 Chester, VA 23831 804/748-9324 Fishersville, VA 22939 540/337-3057 Fredericksburg, VA 22408 540/373-2778 Salem, VA 24153 540/380-2011 Manassas Park VA 20111 703/631-8500 South Hill, VA 434/447-1325 Danville VA 24540 434/822-6110 Richmond VA 23220 840/358-6776 Winchester, VA 22602 540/667-9777 Asheville, NC 28806 828/667-0176 Charlotte, NC 28269 704/597-0211 800/532-6797 Greensboro, NC 27409 336/668-2762 800/632-0376 Wilkesboro, NC 28697 336/973-8201 800/422-4193 Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 910/439-5653 800/692-9175 Asheboro, NC 27203 336/625-2212 Salisbury, NC 28144 704/636-2571 Matthews NC, 28104 704/821-7399 Rock Hill SC 29730 803/325-1555 866/277-8119
Page 50 â&#x20AC;¢ January 26, 2011 â&#x20AC;¢ â&#x20AC;¢ Paving Section â&#x20AC;¢ Construction Equipment Guide
See us at...CONEXPO-CON/AGG Booth 6633
Authorized Dynapac Dealers Flint Equipment
Flint Equipment, cntâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d.
Tractor & Equip. Co.
Dynapac USA
Tractor & Equip. Co., contâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. 0RELOH $/ 0RQWJRPHU\ $/ 6KRDOV $UHD $/
Trekker Tractor, Llc :HVW 3DOP %HDFK )/ 0LDPL )/ 7DPSD )/ %RQLWD 6SULQJV )/
Stafford $VKODQG 9$ 5RDQRNH 9$
Atlas Copco Construction & Mining /D9HUJQH 71 .QR[YLOOH 71
Construction Equipment Guide • Parts Section • • January 26, 2011 • Page 51
Topcon Introduces New QS Robotic Total Station Series Topcon Positioning Systems, new generation of robotic total stations, the QS Series (Quick Station) — featuring the X-TRAC 8 prism tracking technology — is designed to “provide unprecedented power and speed to dramatically enhance productivity and save time and money on every job,” said Denny Welch, senior vice president of the TPS survey business unit. Welch said, “The QS Series can be summed up in four words: Faster. Smarter. Farther. Stronger. “With the new XTRAC 8 technology, strong tracking and quick prism re-acquisition in any work site condition is assured. The QS represents around-the-corner design and technology that provides increased performance in even the most obstructed sites. Topcon continues to be an industry leader with long-range power.
The QS is built to withstand the most adverse working conditions and the toughest job site locations,” Welch said. The X-TRAC 8 technology incorporated in both the QS instrument and RC-4 QuickLock rover device “dramatically increases power for prism tracking. Employing entirely new optics, laser system, and further advanced algorithms, X-TRAC 8 provides the QS instruments with an unsurpassed ability to keep tracking a moving prism no matter the job site obstacles,” he said. The new RC-4, a compact QuickLock remote system that integrates an array of advanced techTopcon’s new generation of robotic total stations is the QS series (Quick Station).
nologies that “dramatically increases pro- urement time for the hard-to-measure ductivity on all survey projects” is designed objects such as wet road surfaces or manfor use with the QS, Welch said. holes, darkest colored slopes or rocks. The “The RC-4 uses dual lasers, a built-in QS system is complete with the addition of spread spectrum radio and Topcon’s Topcon Tools and TopSURV software. QuickLock technology to create on-the-job In combination with the 6,500 ft. (2,000 efficiencies from stakeout to topo and from m) super-long-range non-prism capability, construction layout to as-built surveys. the QS provides ultimate power in distance “These core technologies make the QS measurements to ensure maximum producnot only the most dependable tool for sur- tivity, according to the manufacturer. veying and stakeout,” he said, “but also has Completely cable-free, the QS comes the industry’s most advanced sensor for with one-, three- and five-second accuracy highly productive, precision machine control options, and has a full-color, graphical systems.” Windows CED interface. The RC-4 remote has dual laser emitters, For more information, call 925/245-8300 which expand remote control coverage to or visit speed up prism search and lock operations. A built-in spread spectrum radio provides a convenient data link between the QS and the field controller, eliminating the need for an external radio system or integrated controller system, according to the manufacturer. Topcon has further enhanced the EDM processing engine in the QS that dramatically reduces meas-
Undercarriage Parts at Great Prices! GATORBACK TRACKS
Page 52 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
Bobcat’s New E45 Compact Excavator Offers Zero Tail Swing, Refined Control The new Bobcat E45 compact excavator features true zero tail swing, making it ideal for working in areas close to walls, fences and buildings. The E45 joins the Bobcat MSeries excavator line in the 4-to-5ton (3.6 to 4.5 t) weight class. It is powered by a 41.8 hp (31 kW) liquid-cooled diesel engine and has an operating weight of 10,077 lbs. (4,570 kg). An overall width of 77.2 in. (196 cm) makes it easy to transport, while a bucket breakout force of 8,048 lbs. (3,650 kg) is about 2 percent greater than the model it replaces. Redesigned hydraulics with a load-sensing pump and closed center-valve system provide improved, refined control of machine travel and work-group operation. The new hydraulics combined with reengineered boom geometry also result in increased bucket breakout forces. Cushioned work-group cylinders offer smooth end-ofstroke for precise control. The E45 comes with an autoidle feature which, if activated by the operator, automatically returns the engine to idle if excavator functions are not used for a period of four seconds, saving fuel and reducing job site noise. The engine automatically returns to the preset throttle position as soon as the E45 is powered by a 41.8 hp (31 kW) liquid-cooled diesel engine and has operator starts working again. For The an operating weight of 10,077 lbs. (4,570 kg). precise engine speed adjustments, a new easy-to-use rotary knob has been added to the controls. Within the operator’s area, the to protect them from potential damage. boom swing control has been moved from the floor and Integrated slew brakes hold loads still and steady on placed on a thumb switch on the left joystick, making it eas- slopes for more accurate placement. The need for the operaier to operate and opening up space on the floor for the oper- tor to manually engage the slew brakes during transport is ator’s foot. New larger travel pedals fold up to provide more eliminated, making it easier to load and position the floor space while flush-mounted floor mats make cleanup machine. easier. A keyless start system that discourages theft and vanIn addition, Bobcat’s in-track swing frame keeps the dalism is available as an option. swing castings and cylinders within the width of the tracks A TOPS/ROPS canopy with high-back suspension seat, when digging in an offset position, helping the operator dig retractable seat belt, cup holder, adjustable armrests and flush against an obstacle. When other compact excavators lockable toolbox is standard on the E45 while a quiet, com- work in an offset dig position, their components extend outfortable enclosed “radio ready” cab with heat and air condi- side the tracks and reduce their ability to dig in tight areas. tioning is available as an option. The cab includes an The E45 is available with a long arm option that maxiimproved air conditioning system with a 20 percent increase mizes dig depth, reach and dump height clearance. Other in air flow and additional air ducts. An optional deluxe cloth popular options include pad-ready steel tracks, a hydraulic seat also is available. angle blade, second auxiliary hydraulics, hydraulic clamp Like all Bobcat M-Series compact excavators, the E45 and Hydraulic X-Change attachment mounting systems for features an X-frame undercarriage that provides improved quickly switching between the 16 attachments approved for ground clearance and sheds debris for reduced cleanup time. use on the machines. Drive motor covers are inset within the motor wrap-arounds For more information, visit
Authorized Bobcat Dealers
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Triangle Equipment Co. Morrisville
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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 53
For the first time ever, you can see how Bobcat ® excavators compete with other brands online. Visit to find out who comes out on top. Come see us at BOOTH G100 “Bobcat” is a registered trademark of Bobcat Company. | 0111091
Page 54 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
act your full service dealer for more information
Takeuchi understands the needs of the industry and responds with solutions. Track loaders feature high sprocket double reduction planetary reduction final drives which provide the most efficient use of power for more traction and digging force. Wheel loaders feature pushbutton 100% front and rear axle differential lock which provides immediate traction for superior digging and lifting power. Excavators feature pressure compensating piston pumps which provide smooth multi-function operation with unmatched breakout force and control. Driven to provide maximum functionality and performance. Try a Takeuchi and feel the power.
Cowin Equipment Company, Inc. 2238 Pinson Valley Pkwy P.O. Box 10624 Birmingham, AL 35202 205.841.6666 35 Schillinger Road, N P.O. Drawer 29 Mobile, AL 36601 251.633.4020 3120 Old Hayneville Rd. P.O. Drawer 9367 Montgomery, AL 36108 334.262.6642
15101 Alabama Hwy 20 Madison, AL 35758 P.O. Box 6192 Huntsville, AL 35824 256.536.9390 1501 Highway 78 East Oxford, AL 36203 256.832.5053 7950 Pittman Ave. Pensacola, FL 32591 850.479.3004
ACT Construction 355 Business Park Drive 3001 Boundary St. Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Wilmington, NC 28405 800.849-5438 800.849.5438 ®
The Power of Product and Support
*St. Louis Blues Club Seats Available! It’s time to catch Blues action! Single games sales are available for this year’s St. Louis Blues Hockey games. The AGC of St. Louis purchased 10 premium games (4 tickets per game) for the 2010-2011 Blues season. Seats are located behind the goal and in the middle section. This perfect view of the ice is ideal for watching plays unfold. If you are interested in purchasing a game(s), please contact Donna Pigg at (314) 781-2356, ext. 108 or by email at Mining New Members. Everyone knows word-ofmouth advertising from satisfied customers brings more business to your company. As an IAAP member, you have experienced valuable benefits from membership in this Association and along the way maybe you have talked with others in the industry about joining the IAAP. Your efforts are now being rewarded through a new member recruitment program called “Mining New Members.” For more information, please contact IAAP Outreach Manager Shawn McKinney at (217) 2411639 or DONATION - HELP Support IAAP’s Political Activities – The IAAP Political Action Committee (PAC) was created in order to provide financial support for our allies in the Illinois General Assembly. Whether from Chicago or Downstate Illinois, Democrat or Republican, these legislators all have one thing in common – they support bills that help the Illinois aggregates industry and oppose bills that hurt our interests. As the cost of political campaigns continues to rise, we want to ensure that legislators who support this industry can compete and continue to do good work. For that reason, supporting the IAAP PAC is critically important to the future of our industry, your company, and your Association’s political activities. Please consider sending a donation, payable to the IAAP, to: John Henriksen, Secretary/Treasurer, IAAP PAC, 1115 S. 2nd Street, Springfield, Illinois 62704. INFORMATION - The Transportation for Illinois Coalition (TFIC) has published and electronic version of it’s most recent white paper, an analysis of the 2009 capital program. To download a copy of this document, go to the TFIC website:, click on publications and open the file entitled Capital Funding for Transportation. Questions? Please feel free to contact John Henriksen, Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers, 1115 South 2nd Street, Springfield, IL 62704. Office: (217) 241-1639. Cell: (217) 8997389. Fax: (217) 241-1641. AGC Volunteer Appreciation - The AGC of St. Louis is grateful for the many members who serve on committees. The time devoted by these individuals and the knowledge they share with the industry in very important to the success of the AGC. INFORMATION - MSHA Enforcement Alert from an IAAP Member. An IAAP company has posted a new MSHA citation on the MSHA Enforcement Alerts website at maintained in partnership by the IAAP and other Midwest Aggregate Associations. This citation concerned the company because the inspector believed miners were stepping over the motor, but just as in a lot of other cases, this practice was acceptable during previous inspections by this same inspector and also during a CAV that was completed on these screens just 2 1/2 years ago. This motor configuration is present on many screens by different manufacturers. To view further details on this citation you may log on to ?id=144. January 31, 2011 – 2011 AGC St. Louis Club Applications Deadline. The AGC of St. Louis is proud to invite you to become a member of one of the most prestigious groups in the St. Louis commercial construction industry. For questions, contact Len Toenjes at (314) 781-2356 or All applications must be received by January 31, 2011. January/February 2011 – Meetings. Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers, IAAP, Grassroots Meetings in Mt. Vernon, Bloomington and Springfield, Illinois. Please consider attending one or more grassroots meetings in 2011. Meetings in Northern Illinois will follow these below: Monday, January 24th (Southern Region) Holiday Inn 222 Potomac Blvd. in Mt. Vernon, Illinois Monday, January 31 (Central Region) The Chateau Hotel 1601 Jumer Drive in Bloomington, Illinois Monday, February 7th (Capitol Region)
Lake Pointe Grill 1386 Toronto Road in Springfield, Illinois Additional information about each meeting and registration forms can be found on the IAAP website: For questions, please contact Shawn McKinney, Outreach Manager, Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers, Office: 217-2411639; email: February 8, 2011 – IAAP Contest. Fatality Free Year in Illinois: IAAP Hardhat Sticker Design Contest. CONGRATULATIONS ! go out from the IAAP Safety Committee to everyone working in the aggregate mining industry in Illinois for another Fatality Free Year in 2010. Working together we ensured Illinois was again one of the safest places to be a miner. As in previous years, the Safety Committee will celebrate this achievement by conducting a hard hat sticker design contest. The winning entry will be produced for distribution to every member mining company and during the IAAP Annual Convention on May 3, 2011. The IAAP will award a $250 cash prize to this year’s sticker design contest winner. Please submit your artwork by mail or email to Shawn McKinney at Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers, 1115 S. 2nd Street, Springfield, IL 62704; Office: 217241-1639; Fax: 217-241-1641. The IAAP Safety Committee will select the winning entry during its February 9, 2011 meeting in Springfield. Get started NOW on your design ideas! February 10, 2011 – Auction. AGC of St. Louis Education Foundation’s Silent Auction. The first annual silent auction held in conjunction with the Construction Careers Center 10th Anniversary Celebration, February 10, St. Louis, MO, is designed to raise money to support the Construction Careers Centers educational programming efforts. For information, contact Cheryl Marty, AGC of St. Louis, 6330 Knox Industrial Drive, Suite 200, St. Louis, MO 63139. Phone: 314-781-2356; Fax: 314781-2874. July 18-20, 2011 – Workshop. Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers (IAAP) Illinois Teachers Workshop: Teachers from your community should register. The IAAP’s Public Information and Education Committee will hold its 15th annual Illinois Teachers Workshop: Rocks, Minerals & Mining in Today’s Society at Lewis University in Romeoville, Illinois on July 18 to 20, 2011. This workshop is proving to be very popular. Teachers have begun registering and we are now 1/3 of the way to our capacity of 35 teachers. The goal of this workshop is to inform teachers in grades K-12 about the importance of rocks, minerals, and mining in everyday life. Questions? Please call, Shawn McKinney, Outreach Manager, IAAP, 1115 S. 2nd Street, Springfield, IL at 217-241-1639. Winter Clothing Drive for the CCC. The AGC is holding a clothing drive for Construction Careers Center (CCC) students. Donations of coats, hats, gloves and scarves for students of the CCC are needed at this time. The students ride Metro to school and have to wait in the frigid temperatures for the bus to arrive. It would be greatly appreciated if you could make a donation of gloves, scarves and hats or a monetary contribution. Checks can be made out to the Construction Careers Center (please note in the memo line, “hats, coats, and gloves donation”). We will collect all items at the AGC office (6330 Knox Industrial Drive, St. Louis, MO) until the end of the year. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Valentine at 314-781-2356, extension 103 or at nvalentine 2011 CLUB. Join the elite 2011 Club before the January 31, 2011 deadline. By contributing $2,011, member companies become part of the 2011 club and receive special recognition at all AGC of St. Louis and Construction Careers Center events throughout 2011 as well as other benefits. For more information, contact Bill Lovett, Publication Director, 800-369-6220, extension, 3448; fax: 352-331-3525; Successful 2010 Build St. Louis Expo. The Build St. Louis Expo was a great success! The aisles were full of representatives from all facets of the industry. All of the booths were sold, so attendees had some great new specialty contractors to meet and view new products on the market by the suppliers. The expo gave another meaning to the words “social networking” and actually shaking hands. Our appreciation to our industry participants – St. Louis Council or Construction Consumers, AIA St. Louis, St. Louis Minority Business Council and Contractors Assistance Program who helped promote the event to their members.
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 55
4700 MILLENIA BLVD. ORLANDO, FL 407-659-8700 407-659-8720 (FAX) DAVIE 954-581-4744 JACKSONVILLE 904-737-6000
ORLANDO 407-850-9614 TAMPA 813-630-0077 FT. MYERS 239-481-8554
VIRGINIA MCCLUNG-LOGAN EQUIPMENT COMPANY CHESAPEAKE 757-485-3314 RICHMOND 804-266-0000 ROANOKE 540-989-3750 WISE 276-328-8027 MANASSAS, VA 703-393-7344 WINCHESTER, VA 540-722-3700
Page 56 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
Maritime Museum Work Under Way MUSEUM from page 1
among other amenities. Groundbreaking took place on April 9, 2009. The museum building is shaped like a ship with its prow pointing to Mobile Bay, and the event was therefore adapted from the traditional keel-laying ceremony when the keel, the first part of a ship to be built, is laid in its construction cradle. In this instance, attending dignitaries, which included Gov. Riley and Jack Dunnigan, assistant administrator of NOAA’s Ocean Service, signed a faux steel plate which will Groundbreaking took place on April 9, 2009. The be displayed in the museum building is shaped like a ship with its prow museum. On real vespointing to Mobile Bay. sels, signed steel plates “ N u m e r o u s displays relating to shipwrecks, hurriare welded to the hull unknown condi- canes, shipbuilding, plant and animal when the ship is comtions are present life in the coastal environment, early pleted. in the ground. settlements, oil and gas platforms and Mobile-based Vance The site, located other maritime topics. A particularly McCown Construction on the Mobile striking feature will be a lighthouse’s Company Inc., is curRiver adjacent to renovated lantern room. Obtained by rently carrying out the new cruise the Alabama Lighthouse Association deep foundation work terminal, has from a Californian collector, the lantern for the museum. This been many difVance McCown is using this has been fitted with a restored Fresnel part of the overall project carries a price tag of Bauer BG-23 drilled displace- ferent things in lens loaned by the U.S. Coast Guard. $2.7 million, funded by ment pile installation rig on the the past 200 Federal funding for developing the as well as many other years from an exhibits was received from the a federal grant with a job, machines. original shipping National Oceanic & Atmospheric matching contribution dock, to a ship Administration, which also is supplyfrom the city of Mobile. “Vance McCown Construction is the building company’s repair yard, to a ing information and scientific data for a general contractor for the deep founda- park,” Claridge noted. “The presence number of the museum’s interactive tion package of this project,” said the of timber, concrete and metal at differ- exhibits. The city of Mobile opened bids on company’s project manager Ian ent elevations in the ground has made the installation of the sheet piling, 13 of the remaining 15 packages in Claridge. “We are responsible for installing the excavation support and drilled displacement piles and dewater- mid-November, with contracts due to protection, dewatering and drilled dis- ing a challenge. Each issue has had its be awarded in November and own resolution and they are numer- December. placement piles. Vance McCown Construction “Dewatering is now being installed, ous.” Despite these problems, the deep Company Inc. is licensed as a general as are drilled displacement piles,” he went on. “The excavation support and foundation phase is on track for its contractor in Alabama and seventeen protection — sheet piling — is com- anticipated completion date of January other states. It specializes in institution4, 2011, he added. al, industrial and commercial construcplete.” Vance McCown have engaged sub- tion. Incorporated in 1983, previous With three employees on site, Vance McCown are using John Deere 330C contractors for the job. Berkel & notable projects have included a mainLC, 200C LC, and 230 LC excavators Company Contractors Inc., of Atlanta tenance, repair and operations facility as well as a 450J LT ’dozer and 310E is handling the furnishing and installa- for Goodrich Aerostructures in Foley, backhoe manufactured by the same tion of sheet piling and drilled-dis- Ala., (2006), the office and maintecompany. In addition, the company is placement piling. Burns Dewatering nance buildings of a container terminal utilizing a Bauer BG-23 drilled dis- Services Inc., locally based in Mobile, in Mobile (2007) and the FBI Building placement pile installation rig and a Ala., is providing and installing the in the same city (2002), as well as the Lay Mor Model 6HC street sweeper wellpoint and dewatering system, McGill-Toolen Science & Technology for the job. Other equipment on site while Asphalt Services Inc., of Spanish Building, also in Mobile (2008). They includes a Komatsu PC 200LC excava- Fort, Ala., is responsible for excava- completed a new LEED Silver certified tor, John Deere CT 322 skid steer, tion, storm water and domestic water student center at Mobile’s Spring Hill Bobcat T-250 skid steer, and a Genie services. Mobile’s Gulf Electric College in May 2010. Company Inc., is primary supplier of (This story also can be found on GTH-636 Tele-Handler. Construction Equipment Guide’s Some difficulties have been experi- electrical power. The museum is planning an ambi- Web site at www.constructionequipenced by the company, which began tious selection of exhibits, including CEG work on the job on August 27, 2010.
JAMES RIVER EQUIPMENT Ashland, VA 23005 804/358-6776 Burkeville, VA 23922 434/767-5578 Fishersville, VA 540/337-3057 Richland, VA 276/596-9440 Wilkesboro, NC 28697 336/973-8201 800/422-4193 Asheboro, NC 27203 336/625-2212 Salisbury, NC 28144 704/636-2571 Matthews, NC 28104 704/821-7399 Rock Hill, SC 29730 803/325-1555 866/277-8119
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 57
The Difference is in the D-tails. You asked. We delivered. Our D-Series Skid Steers are loaded with customer-recommended enhancements, like larger operator stations, quiet pressurized cabs with best-in-class visibility, and curved-glass swing-out doors. D-Series innovations include an exclusive cooling system with available hydraulically driven variable-speed fan that reverses to clear core-clogging buildup. Plus options such as electrohydraulic joysticks, variable boom and bucket speed settings, and more than 100 attachments to let you take on more tasks. Packed full of best-in-class productivity and uptime-enhancing features, the D-Series are destined to become owner and operator favorites. Ask for a demo today. INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR CO. Jacksonville, FL 32245 904/296-5000 Lake City, FL 32055 386/752-9544 356 N. Hwy 17 Palatka, FL 32177 386/325-6268 Brunswick, GA 31521 912/264-6161 Garden City, GA 31412 912/964-7370 Ladson, SC 29456 843/572-0400
FLINT EQUIPMENT COMPANY Tallahassee, FL 1206 Blaylock St, 850/575-5600 P.O. Box 3329 West Columbia, SC 29169 Albany, GA 31706 803/794-9340 229/888-1212 Aynor, SC 29511 Fax: 229/435-3612 843/358-5688 Cuthbert GA Atlanta, GA 30336 229/732-2631 404/691-9445 Dothan, AL Braselton, GA 30517 334/794-8691 770/965-1889 Troy, AL Adairsville, GA 30103 334/566-4181 770/773-9857 Perry, FL 850/584-9200
R.W. MOORE EQUIPMENT CO. Main Office Garner, NC 919/772-2121 Ahoskie, NC 252/332-5550 Hope Mills, NC 910/424-1200 New Bern, NC 252/638-5838 Greenville, NC 252/758-4403 Castle Hayne, NC 910/675-9211
Page 58 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
Volvo Adds EC20C — the JDPS PowerTech E 6.8L Smallest in Its Compact Line Boasts Two Certifications
Now available in North America, the EC20C is powered by a Tier IV compliant 16.2 hp (12 kW) diesel engine and sports a new cab and digging equipment design.
The EC20C 2-ton (1.8 t) class compact excavator from Volvo Construction Equipment joins the compact excavator team as the smallest model in the line. Now available in North America, the EC20C is powered by a Tier IV compliant 16.2 hp (12 kW) diesel engine and sports a new cab and digging equipment design. The operator can now use an electro-proportional fingertip control on the joystick for swing and offset movement at the same time. This enables the EC20C excavator to deliver faster and more precise performance, while reducing operator fatigue. The attachment circuit and offset function foot controls have been replaced by the joystick button — providing operators with more leg and foot room. Maximum hydraulic oil flow for the first auxiliary circuit can now be set to adjust the maximum speed of a tilting ditching bucket. The adjustment is easily made from the right-hand joystick using the proportional roller and maximum flow switch, according to the manufacturer. Productivity is enhanced and fuel consumption lowered during traveling movements since travel speed automatically shifts from high to low according to the working load. This ensures optimum productivity and traction when operating over steep terrain or in difficult conditions. It also helps improve productivity in leveling work or backfilling. The Volvo Care Cab on the EC20C pro-
vides a roomy operating environment that meets or exceeds TOPS, ROPS and OPG1 (Object Protective Guard) standards of protection. An adjustable seat has ergonomic armrests for operator comfort. A new instrument panel provides comprehensive information for all key operating functions with well-designed and ideally located controls, instruments and switches. A digital hour meter displays total engine running hours and can be viewed from outside the cab without starting the engine. The design of the EC20C has reduced the tail swing by 7 percent compared to its predecessor, the B-series excavator. The shorter tail swing footprint, along with the rounded design and cast-iron rear counterweight, offers maximum rear protection to the excavator. Serviceability is efficient and maintenance/operating costs are lowered as all service points are easily accessible under the engine hood of the EC20C, including fuel level when filling; checks for engine oil, air filter coolant level and hydraulic oil level and filling. A battery disconnect switch is standard on the EC20C. Located outside of the cab/canopy of the excavator, electricity supply is turned off when the switch is removed, ensuring safety and lowering risk of machine theft, according to the manufacturer. For more information, visit
John Deere Power Systems (JDPS) introduced extended generator drive emergency stationary power ratings for its PowerTech E 6.8L diesel engine at POWER-GEN International 2010, Dec. 14 to 16 in Orlando, Fla. The PowerTech E 6.8L, 6068HFG82, is the first John Deere engine to carry both Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Tier III Emergency Stationary and European Union (EU) Stage III A certification, with dual frequency ratings of 1,800 and 1,500 rpm. “PowerTech E technology is optimized for performance in emergency stationary gen-set applications and provides superior block-loading capability in every operating condition,” said Vincenzo Perrone, power generation business manager of JDPS. “Adopting this 6.8L engine to meet Tier III and Stage III A helps the OEM’s reduce their product complexity by offering a standardized solution in a critical range of power nodes and electric frequencies.” The 212 kWm rating at 1,800 rpm is currently available from John Deere with a PowerTech Plus 6.8L engine, but the new engine will provide genset owners a dual frequency PowerTech E engine at the same power level. Before the introduction of these new ratings, the highest PowerTech E 6.8L power rating was 177 kWm at 1,800 rpm. The 20 percent power increase from the existing PowerTech E 6.8L platform adds to the JDPS engine lineup that meets power generation needs and emissions regulations worldwide. Gen-set customers can now utilize the PowerTech E platform from 60 to 345 kW with 2.4L, 3.0L, 4.5L, 6.8L and 9.0L displacements. John Deere’s entire Stage III A lineup employs dual frequency, and the PowerTech E 6.8L is the first Tier III engine available with dual frequency that meets both Tier III and Stage III A emissions regulations, according to the manufacturer. Extended emergency standby power ratings for the PowerTech E 6.8L include: • 202 kWm @ 1,500 rpm (213 to 225
kVA and 170 to 180 kWe) • 212 kWm @ 1,800 rpm (218 to 230 kVA and 174 to 185 kWe) The 6068HFG82 is an extension of the Tier III 6068HF285 engine that is available today and continues to feature a fixed-geometry turbocharger, high-pressure commonThe PowerTech E 6.8L, 6068HFG82, is the first John Deere engine to carry both Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Tier III Emergency Stationary and European Union (EU) Stage III A certification, with dual frequency ratings of 1,800 and 1,500 rpm.
rail fuel system, 2-valve cylinder head, air-to-air aftercooling and full-authority electronic controls. Additional features and benefits of the 6068HFG82 include increased power density, dual frequency with the same hardware and software sets, and lower heat rejection allowing the use of a simpler and more economical cooling package. John Deere’s full lineup of generatordrive engines includes non-emissions certified; European Union Stage II and III A; and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tier I, II, III and Interim Tier IV models ranging from 2.4 to 13.5L of displacement and covering gen-set ratings from 42 to 634 hp (31 to 473 kW). For more information, visit
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 59
RISH EQUIPMENT COMPANY Bluefield, WV • 304/327-5124 Chesapeake, VA • 757/485-2100 Chester, VA • 804/748-6411 Coeburn, VA • 276/395-6901 Opal, VA • 540/439-0668 Salem, VA • 540/380-2090 Staunton, VA • 540/887-8291 POWER EQUIPMENT Knoxville, TN • 865/577-5563 LaVergne, TN • 615/213-0900 Chattanooga, TN • 423/894-1870 Kingsport, TN • 423/349-6111 Memphis, TN • 901/346-9800 Saltillo, MS • 662/869-0283 LINDER INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY Florida Ft. Myers • 239/337-1313 Jacksonville • 904/786-6710 Ocala • 352/629-7585 Orlando • 407/849-6560 Pembroke Pines • 954/433-2800 Plant City • 813/754-2727 West Palm Beach • 561/863-0570
North Carolina Asheville • 828/681-5172 Charlotte • 704/376-7554 Greenville • 252/695-6200 High Point • 336/665-0110 Raleigh • 919/851-2030 Wilmington • 910/254-2031
(productivity runs in this family)
You’re committed to getting things done on time and on budget, and you need dependable, hard-working machines to meet your deadlines day after day. The Komatsu D31, D37, D39 and D51 dozers all feature the reliability and versatility that have made Komatsu the choice of owners and operators for years: s (YDROSTATIC 4RANSMISSION (34 FOR SUPERB ACCURACY AND SMOOTH CONTROL s %XCELLENT BLADE VISIBILITY THAT MINIMIZES OPERATOR GUESSWORK AND REDUCES CYCLE TIMES s !LL THE DAILY MAINTENANCE ITEMS CENTRALIZED IN ONE LOCATION FOR CONVENIENT ACCESS Whether you’re looking for a 78, 89, 105 or 130 horsepower machine, you can be confident you’ll get a full day’s work—and then some—from dozers that are…
100% Komatsu.
South Carolina Columbia • 803/794-6150 Greer • 864/877-8962 North Charleston • 843/552-0095 TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT COMPANY Alabama Alabaster • 205/621-2489 Anniston • 256/831-2440 Birmingham • 205/591-2131 Decatur • 256/355-0305 Dothan • 334/678-1832 Grove Hill • 251/275-4158 Mobile • 251/457-8991 Montgomery • 334/288-6580 Shoals Area • 256/383-5666 Tuscaloosa • 205/752-0621 Florida Panama City • 850/763-4654 Pensacola • 850/505-0550 Georgia Albany • 229/435-0982 Atlanta • 404-366-0693 Augusta • 706/798-7777 Calhoun • 706/879-6200 Columbus • 706/562-1801 Hoschton • 706/654-9850 Kennesaw • 678/354-5533 Macon • 478/745-6891 Savannah • 912/330-7500
Page 60 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
Classified Rates:30 Words or Less for $30.00. Each Additional Word is 95¢. For just an additional $20 your ad can be posted on our online searchable database for 30 days Ad runs for 2 (two) insertions - no changes in second insertion. PLEASE ENCLOSE PAYMENT WITH ORDER and mail to - 470 Maryland Drive• Fort Washington, PA 19034
215/885-2900 • Fax 215/885-2910 • Toll Free 1-800/523-2200
Excavator Bucket
Crawler Tractor
Hydraulic Excavators
Logging Equipment
All Makes & Models Rental, Parts, Service, Training
HUNDREDS OF NEW & USED BUCKETS, Nationwide Locator service, Sample “New Bucket” prices ...
NH Construction Equipment New & Used Parts & Service
Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800/445-4381
Excavators (30,000-40,000 lb) 24” $2,200, 30” - $2,400, 42” $2,600, 48” - $2,900 Excavators (40,000-55,000 lb) 24” $2,400, 30” - $2,600, 42” $2,900, 48” - $3,100 Excavators (55,000-65,000 lb) 24” $2,600, 30” - $2,800, 42” $3,100, 48” - $3,300
2007 John Deere 450J, LGP, ROPS, hydro trans., 124’’ 6way blade, very good condition, 1072 hours ................$57,375. 2005 John Deere 650J, LGP, ROPS, hydro trans., 128’’ screen and sweeps, good condition, 1806...............$57,800.
1996 Caterpillar 320L stroke delimber, 31” pads, Balderson attachment, good condition, 7157 hours ...............$92,000
AIR COMPRESSORS Compressors Ingersoll-Rand New & Used Parts Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800/445-4381
ASPHALT EQUIPMENT Asphalt Rollers 2004 Cat CB534DXW, 832 hours .........................$75,000 2005 Cat CS563E, 287 hours ...................................$75,000 2005 Cat CS563E, 1,778 hours ...................................$75,000 Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729
ATTACHMENTS Hammers 2003 Cat H160...........$55,000 2004 Cat H160...........$55,000 Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729
Call the Grappler at 856/778-4070
COMPACTION EQUIP. Pneumatic Rollers Leeboy 400, vibratory roller, 5500 lb., diesel engione, good running condition, 1985 hours.............................$4,500. JFW Equipment, Inc. 336-685-4998
Vibratory Compactors 2007 JCB VM75, 68’’ width, 17,000 lb., 80 HP, 2 units, low rent hours. Pictures available. Good condition...........$40,000. 2006 Vibromax VM115, 125 HP, 84’’ width, mint condition, 50 hours. Pictures available, low hours....................$68,500. Farm-Rite Inc. 908/625-0697
2001 John Deere 700H, 30” pads, lube rails, 132” 6-way blade, limb risers, rear & side screens, excellent factory warranty, 1500 hrs ...$121,000 Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 843/572-0400 2003 Deere 750C, LGP, PAT blade, open ROPS, screen, sweeps, hang in rake, good condition, 4560...........$64,000. 2004 Deere 700H, LGP, cab with A/C, 132’’ PAT blade, 30’’ pads, sweeps, screens, new hang on rake, good ocndition, 5244 hours..................$62,000. Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 904-296-5000 2003 John Deere 650H LGP, cab, A/C, U/C, just turned, fresh paint, very good condition, 4521 hrs...............................$48,500. JDE Equipment Co. 616/530-2000
Misc. Compaction Equip. 2004 CAT 836G, 7159 hours ...................................$355,000 Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729
Trenchless Technology
Crane Inspections
TERRA PIERCING TOOLS, DIRECTIONAL DRILLS Sales, service, rebuilt units. Bursters, Rammers, Compact Geothermal Drills, Shop Training National Distributor
Fagan’s Lehigh Equipment 609/476-3481 800/458-5238
Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 843-572-0400
Accredited by the US Dept. of Labor Under 29CFR Part 1919 and Accredited by CALOSHA Call 800-841-6189
Atlantic Crane Inpection Services Visit us at
2004 4551 2004 3406
Cat D6RXLII, hours................$139,000 Cat D8RII, hours................$369,300 Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729
NH Construction Equipment New & Used Parts & Service Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800-445-4381
Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800-445-4381 2007 John Deere 120C, #17395, 28’’ pads, cab with A/C, 9’11’’ arm, aux. hyd., 36’’ Helac bucket, very good condition, 1099 hours .........$76.900. Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 904-296-5000 2000 John Deere 550LC, low hours, very clean unit, hyd. coupler, 72’’, very good condition, 5320 hrs....................$179,500. 2007 Hitachi ZX240LC, low hours, one owner unit, 48’’ bucket, very clean, 2061 hours.......................$127,500. 2005 Hitachi ZX450LC, super sharp, very clean, 36’’ pads, very good condition, 3656 hours.........................$183,000. JDE Equipment Co. 616-530-2000 2006 Cat 303.5CCR, 698 hours...................$39,900 2005 Cat 330CL, 2,366 hours..............$199,000 2003 Cat 345BL, 4,941 hours..............$199,000 Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729
Mini Excavators Sell Your Bobcat to Us We Buy Used Bobcat Equipment Loader Services & Equipment 205/320-1000 NH Construction Equipment New & Used Parts & Service Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800-445-4381
1997 John Deere 550G, LGP, open ROPS, PAT blade, new paint, average condition, 6724 hours...................$25,000
2005 Deere 50D, 36’’ bucket, rubber tracks, push blade, very good condition, 1040 hours ..............................$32,000.
Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 904-296-5000
Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 904-296-5000
Five Star Equipment Inc. 607/775-2006
FORKLIFTS Industrial Forklifts Gradall/Lull Sales, Service, Training Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800/445-4381
GENERATORS Generators & Gen Sets For Sale or Rent All Makes & Models Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800/227-2525 2008 Ingersoll Rand G290 Portable Generator, 290 KVA, trailer mounted, NEW.$59,000.
2007 John Deere 310J, ROPS, 4x4, power S trans., GP front bucket, 24’’ BH bucket, very good condition, 55 hours...........................$57,200. 2009 John Deere 310SJ, ROPS, turbo, 4x4, PS trans., P controls, ext. hoe, GP loader bucket, 24’’ BH bucket, excellent condition, 38 hours. ....................................$73,700. 2006 John Deere 310SG, ROPS, turbo, 4x4, PS trans, P control, ext. hoe, GP bucket, 24’’ BH bucket, excellent condition, 384 hours...........$57,300. 2004 John Deere 410G, ROPS, 4x4, turbo, P controls, PS trans, ext. hoe, GP bucket, 24’’ BH bucket, good condition, 2862 hours..................$39,500. Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 843-572-0400
Skid Steer Loaders Sell Your Bobcat to Us We Buy Used Bobcat Equipment Loader Services & Equipment 205/320-1000 2007 JCB 180T, canopy Servo controls, 12’6’’ tracks, Servo control with bucket, mint Pictures available, 15 hours ...................................$28,500.
Farm-Rite Inc. 908/625-0697
Wheel Loaders
Misc. Landscape Equip. 2004 Kubota L3430, open ROPS, rear hitch, AWD, 540 PTO, good condition, 1158 hours....................$18,500 Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 904-296-5000
Track Loaders Backhoe Loaders 1989 John Deere 410C, open ROPS, 2 wheel drive, 24’’ bucket, GP loader bucket, fair condition, 2600 hours ..........$13,875. Industrial Tractor Co. Inc. 904-296-5000 2007 John Deere 310J, ROPS, turbo, 4x4, GP loader, 24’’ bucket, very good condition, 71 hours...........................$58,635.
2006 Cat 904B, 3,456 hours ....................................$29,000 2005 928GZ, 2519 hours ....................................$87,300 2006 Cat 972H, 3,180 hours ..................................$229,000 1998 Cat 990............$599,000 Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729 NH Construction Equipment New & Used Parts & Service Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800-445-4381
Track Loaders 2006 Cat 953C, 1004 hours ..................................$135,000 Cat 953C, 3577 hours ..................................$115,000
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 61
Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729
MISCELLANEOUS Service We Service What We Sell! Warranty, Maintenance and More! Heavy Equipment, Light Equipment, Hand Tools & Gas Detectors Norris Sales Company 610/279-5777
OIL SPILL CLEAN-UP Oil Spills Oil Eating Bacteria, Remediates water, soil “in place.” Use in fueling areas, shop floors, hydraulic hose breaks. OSHA and DEP preferred method. Fagans’ Lehigh Equipment 609/476-3481 800/458-5238
PARTS Miscellaneous Parts BOBCAT - All Models New and Used Bobcat Parts Shipped to Your Door! Call 1-800-753-2879 For Best Prices Loader Services & Equipment 205/320-1000 BOBCAT PARTS New and Used, Low Hour Equipment Loader Services & Equipment Call 1-800-753-2879 JOHN DEERE USED PARTS All Makes In Stock! Nationwide Availability 1-800-344-3205 Industrial Tractor Co., Inc. Jacksonville, FL VISA/MC BOBCAT MULCHING ATTACHMENT SALE! Land Clearing Mulcher Sale Like New! Loader Services & Equipment Call 1-800-753-2879
Bohringer portable impactor ...................................$129,000 Finlay 393 3-in-1 screener ... .....................................$99,000 8 x 4 Shop Built portable screener. .....................$44,500 Portable Simplicity 6 x 20 Triple Deck .................$95,000 Portable Cedarapids 2540 Jaw, excllent .............$166,000 Portable 6 x 4 Mark II..$38,500 Various conveyors, stackers & idlers ...........................$6,000+ Mixing Plant with 28 x 6 drum .....................................$12,500 Sand/Gravel washing plant ..........................................POR SAND SCIENCE INC. 843/525-6140
RENTALS Rental Construction Equipment Rentals Modern Equipment Sales & Rental 800/445-4381 Daily - Weekly - Monthly Competitive Rates Mixers, Generators, Arrow Borads, Compaction, Excavators, Loaders! Now in PA & NJ Norris Sales Company 800/547-RENT (7368) 610/279-5777 Construction & Industrial Equipment Rentals Compaction, Excavating, High Lifts, Traffic Control, Safety, Loaders, Landscaping Norris Sales Company 610/279-5777 Construction & Equpment & Supplies for the “Professionals” Daily - Weekly - Monthly & Long Term Rentals Available Stone, Wacker, Honda, Gehl, JLG to name a few ..... Norris Sales Company 610/279-5777
SCRAPERS Motor Scrapers 1998 Cat 627F, 9,740 hours. ..................................$299,000 1998 Cat 627F, 10,307 hours .................................$299,000 Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729
TRAINING Operator Training NCCCO Crane Operator Training Tower, Rigger and Signal Person. Trained at our location in PA or NJ or your location.
The Easy Way To Advertise Your Equipment Valued At Less Than $1 Million Run In Two Consecutive Issues For $95
All trainers NCCCO Certified Call 800-841-6189 Atlantic Crane Inpection Services Visit us at Are your operators compliant with Federal Standards, OSHA, ANSI, ISO? MODERN GROUP offers training for: - Front-end Loaders & Backhoes - Aerial work platforms (AWP) (Boom & Scissor Lifts) - Rough Terrain Forklifts (Gradall, Lull, JCB) - Skid Steer Loaders For information, pricing or reservations: Call 1-800-223-3827 All prices include Trainer, travel and material NO HIDDEN COSTS
2011 EZ Screen 550, Works with 1 Yard Loader or 96” Bucket, Excellent 5’x4’ Vibratory Screenbox! Ideal for site cleanups. One man = 50 yards a day+. Talk to the folks that own them. 2 Year warranty. This will be the fastest payback of ANY machine you’ve ever bought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW $9,500 plus freight. Other Screens Av a i l a b l e 2 EB • 866-745-5828
1998 International 4700 T444E, Allison 4 SPD, 8,000# Front, 17,500# Rear, Terex Telelect Telecon Crane, 46’ Hook Height, 3 Section HYD Boom, RT Rear Corner Mount Unit, Basket w/Upper Ctrls, Start/Stop, 2 Outriggers, 9’ Utility Body, 69,000 Miles +- . . . . $15,000 3-4 AP Sussex, NJ, Scott • 973-827-6464
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Trenchers 2006 Vibromax VM1500-33, 23 HP, 3500 lbs, 33’’ drum width, remote control, pictures available, 20 hours. ...$24,000. Farm-Rite Inc. 908/625-0697
TRUCKS Misc Trucks 2004 Cat 735, 4,035 hours .................................$249,000 2005 Cat 735, 3,738 hours .................................$269,000 2006 Cat 740, 3,320 hours .................................$305,000 1994 Cat D350D, 20,412 hours .........................$49,000 Ransome CAT Call Tom Rosser 215-245-2749 or Joe Villa 215-245-3729
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Attention Contractors! Post Your Wanted To Buy Listings FREE! Here’s How! List Your Wanted Items
If you would like to place your Wanted To Buy listings on our website for inclusion in our newsletters, simply visit: and enter your listings. SINGLE SHANK RIPPER TO FIT DEERE 330CLC EXCAVATOR Contact: WILLY STOLTZFUS Phone: 717-598-5718 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 435 BOBCAT DASHBOARD COMPUTER Contact: BRIAN Phone: 336-325-7714 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEED TO BUY EXCAVATOR’S 25 TONNES 2007 AND MOORES LOW HOURS Contact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTIN Phone: 1 450 346 8975 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– KOMATSU D65EX15 | AIR CAB, LESS THAN 3500 HOURS Contact: RICHARD Phone: 603 828-6100 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FURUKAWA WHEEL LOADERS Contact: DALE Phone: 360-551-9778 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– JRB QUICK COUPLER WITH FORKS TO FIT CASE 621D LOADER Contact: DAVID ROSS Phone: 573-888-7500 Fax: 573-888-9005 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CASE LOADER BACKHOES | 580E UP THRU 580SMIIS Contact: FRANK HORAN @ TRICO EQUIPMENT Phone: 1-800-654-USED (8733) Fax: 856-697-4842 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– PIN/SHAFT ASSY/SEAL | 1 500322619 PIN 1 1431425H91 SHAFT ASSY 1 22U54-12890 SEAL KOMATSU, NEW OEM Contact: ROBERTO J PALACIOS Phone: 786-287-7056 Fax: 305-573-7038 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LOOKING TO BUY OR RENT A RIPPER TOOTH OR RIPPING BUCKET FOR VOLVO EX460 BLC, PREFERABLE FOR USE WITH S3 COUPLER, OTHERWISE A PIN ON SETUP WOULD WORK. IMMEDIATE NEED. Contact: TJ Phone: 973-857-2501 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WE WANT TO BUY CATERPILLAR AP1050B & AP1055B ASPHALT PAVER Contact: TONY THOMAS Phone: 818-956-5231 Fax: 818-956-5239 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EXCAVATOR FOR BRUSH PILING NEEDS A THUMB AND BUCKET | GOLD MINING OPERATION, WILL PAY WITH HALF INTEREST IN DEEDED 120 ACRES. VERY GOOD GOLD BUT DEEP Phone: 541-523-6215 Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
NEED TO BUY BULL D8K WITH RIPPER 1983 AND MORE Contact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTIN Phone: 1 450 346 8975 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WANTED | SV500D, SV500TF, SV510D, SV510TF, SV512D, SV512TF WITH ISUZU ENGINE Contact: IJAZ AHMED Phone: 001-916-550-7009 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– KENCO WEDGE BOLT BUCKET 42” FOR 18 TON EXCAVATOR | GOING ON A ED150 BLADERUNNER KOBELCO EXCAVATOR 36,000LB ALSO 50 OR LARGER CLEAN OUT BUCKET Contact: DON PADEN Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3 CAT EXCAVATORS 325 OR 330, LATE MODEL, LOW HOURS Contact: JOHN MAYFIELD Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 419-30-40120 RIM FOR A KOMATSU WA320-6 / 70056, PREFERABLY NEW OEM. Contact: ROBERTO Phone: 786-287-7056 Fax: 305-573-7038 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DIESEL ENGINE, ISUZU 4LE1 PA03 FOR A THOMAS MINI EXCAVATOR T45 Contact: RALPH SUAREZ Phone: 724-258-8883 Fax: 724-258-6229 Email: Contact: ROBERT MORGAN –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Phone: (214) 801-3100 LAZOR SCREED | SOMERO S-240 Email: PREFER QUARTZ SYSTEM –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Contact: URBAN A. SALONEK 6X20 VIBRATOR THREE DECK SCREEN. Phone: 507-723-4218 ANY MAKE WILL DO. SOMEONE HAS Fax: 507-723-6355 ONE SITTING THAT THEY WANT TO Email: SELL -- PLEASE CALL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Contact: LARRY CAT 320 BL | CLEAN MACHINE WORK Phone: 608-655-1300 READY Fax: 608-655-1399 Contact: RICHARD Email: Phone: 603-828-6100 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Email: JOHN DEERE 544G | LOOKING FOR –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LOADER WITH COUPLER AND HYD. TOPCON DUAL SLOPE LASER AND GOOD RUNNING CONDITION MACHINE CONTROL FROM Contact: LARRY LEISTIKOW CONTRACTOR Phone: 608-655-1300 Contact: K SANSALONE Fax: 608-655-1399 Phone: 856-297-4758 Email: Fax: 856-362-5602 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Email: VOGELE 2116W, 2116T OR 780WB | –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Contact: HIGDON CONST. CO. CUMMINS C83C ENGINE • DESCRIBE Phone: 828-321-5350 or 828-361-1791 WHAT YOU WANT. Fax: 828-321-2241 Contact: KEVIN Email: Phone: 502-955-6962 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Fax: 502-955-6762 ROME DISK HARROW TYCH 1350 | 50" Email: DISK BLADES FRONT GANG 6 DISKS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– REAR GANG 7 DISKS IN NEED OF A TRACTOR CAB, WITH Contact: TOM HEAT, FOR A NEW HOLLAND TC55DA Phone: 805-735-3649 WITH AN 18LA LOADER. Contact: PATRICK Fax: 805-735-8785 Email: Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– USED LARGE MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT | I HAVE 2 LARGE US BUYERS THAT ARE LOOKING FOR LARGE LOTS OF USED MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT LOOKING TO DISMANTLE FOR STEEL SCRAP. WE CAN MOVE IN TEAMS QUICKLY AND TURN DEALS FOR UP FRONT CASH. DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING THAT MAY BE OF INTEREST? Contact: JAY Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– TRUCK CRANE Contact: MUHAAMMAD FROM DUBAI Phone: +92 322 822 9528 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 5 YARD WHEEL LOADER IN GOOD CONDITION, CAT , KOMATSU , DEERE, CASE.. ANYTHING YOU MAY HAVE. LIMIT $60,000.00 Contact: LARRY Phone: 608-655-1300 Fax: 608-655-1399 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– HITACHI E 2001 | LOOKING FOR URGENT HITACHI CHAIN EXCAVATORS EX 200-1.KINDLY OFFER US SOONEST. THANKS Contact: RIZWAN Phone: +92-345-6429345 Fax: +92-213-6057723 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– JOHN DEERE 744J WHEEL LOADER, GP OR QC, AUX. HYD., EROPS, BUY FROM USER OR CONTRACTOR.
KOMATSU BR380 JG1 TRACK CRUSHER • CLEAN, LOW TIME , JOB READY Contact: RICHARD Phone: 603 828-6100 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LOOKING FOR CONCRETE FORMS STEEL-PLY FORMS AND ACCESSORIES, FORMING EQUIPMENT, EUROPEAN CRANE SET CLAMP FORMS; RESIDENTIAL FORMS; GANG SYSTEMS, DECK SYSTEMS, SHORING, SCAFFOLDING Contact: JIM Phone: 630-231-6900 Fax: 630-231-0266 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– HYUNDAI 3607A EXCAVATOR • LATE MODEL WITH LESS THAN 3000 HRS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION Contact: BEAUFORD MULLINS Phone: 260 497 0500 Fax: 260 490 8217 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ZX200, KLD70ZA, 80ZA & 85Z1 Contact: SALMAN Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CASE 580 E Contact: DON Phone: 207 474 2847 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– KOMATSU PC200LC6 | LOOKING FOR 34 KOMATSU PC200LC-6 MACHINE. ORIGINAL PAINT, KOMATSU ENGINES, GOOD RUNNING CONDITION. PREFER CONTRACTOR OWNED. ONLY BUYING FROM THE US FOR THIS ORDER Contact: RESOURCE EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS Phone: 601-750-0201 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEED TO BUY FROM CONTRACTOR OR RETIRED BULLDOZER D3B ENC CAB WITH LOW HOURS Contact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTIN Phone: 1 450 346 8975 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CAT 330CL | AIR CAB, REASONABLE HRS., CLEAN , JOB READY, WHOLESALE PRICE, EAST COAST LOC. Contact: RICHARD Phone: 603 828-6100 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– TEREX RT 1000 TRANSMISSION 4 SALE | TEREX ROUGH TERRAIN CRANE Contact: BRAD REEDER Phone: 832-326-3292 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BOBCAT SKIDSTEER Contact: CHRIS MORGAN Phone: 864-420-7024 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– GRADER TO FIT 287B CAT | ROAD BOSS TYPE GRADER TO FIT OUR 287B CAT--MUST BE MIN 84" TO 96" WIDE -GOOD CONDITION! Contact: BOJAC FARMS INC Phone: 509-520-4568 Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
NEED TO BUY TAKEUCHI TRACK LOADERS & EXCAVATORS Contact: PAUL MADSEN Phone: 407-468-1070 Fax: 321-445-9851 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IT38G | LOOKING FOR 2 LOW HOUR IT38G WITH BUCKET AND FORKS. Contact: DAVID MULLINS Phone: (276) 328-0077 Fax: (606) 644-0477 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BOOM LIFT Contact: PEDRO CABANILLAS Phone: 407-831-8090 Fax: 407-322-0456 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BACKHOE CASE 580K | LOOKING FOR CASE 580-K BACKHOES.2 WHEEL DRIVE,STANDARD STICK.IN WASHINGTON AND OREGON CALIFORNIA. Contact: DALE Phone: 360-551-9778 Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COBBLESTONES – LARGE QUANTITIES OF CLEAR, USED COBBLESTONES; WHOLESALE BUYER. Phone: 631-339-1648 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– KOMATSU D65PX | AIR CAB 5000-6000 HOURS CLEAN WORK READY Contact: RICHARD Phone: 603 828-6100 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CATERPILLAR D7R WITH RIPPER | CAT D7R WITH RIPPER 70+ U/C 6,000 HOURS OR LESS. EROPS. Contact: RANDALL REECE Phone: 770-966-9056 Fax: 770-966-9035 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BOBCAT 463 OR 553 | LOOKING FOR UNITS WITH UNDER 1,000 HOURS AND FULL ENLOSURES WITH HEAT. BRING ALL OFFERS ON THIS SIZE MACHINE. PREFER 2003 AND NEWER Contact: WILLIE Phone: 201-786-3354 Fax: 201-444-6377 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LOOKING FOR EXVAVATORS | LOOKING FOR KOMATSU, HITACHI, CAT EXCAVATORS. 120--200 SIZE. WE RECYCLE MACHINES ANY CONDITION. Contact: DALE Phone: 360-551-9778 Fax: 360-895-7897 Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
CRASH TRUCK WITH ENERGY ABSORTION SYS WITH ARROW BOARD Contact: MIKE DEAN Phone: 954-792-8287 Fax: 954-792-8374 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEED TO BUY D6D WITH BUDGET UNDER 1,700,000 US I NEED 4 FROM USER Contact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTIN Phone: 1 450 346 8975 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEED SERVICE MANUAL FOR A HITACHI EX1202 Contact: AARON HAYES Phone: 503-572-4169 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– HITACHI EX/ ZX EXCAVATOR | EAST COAST. LESS THAN 6000 HRS CLEAN WORK READY Phone: 603 828-6100 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEED BULLDOZER KOMATSU 375A 2 375A 3 375A 5 ENC RIPPER USER STATES NO HACKER Contact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTIN Phone: 1 450 346 8975 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CAT D4 HI TRACK WITH BLADE | MODEL WANTED LATE 90’s or EARLY 2000’s, LOW HOURS, AUTO TRAN., EXCELLENT CONDITION. Contact: JIM Phone: 1-330-669-3545 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SCREENING PLANT | SCREENING PLANT TRACK MOUNTED AGGREGATE SCREENING PLANT. DESIGNED TO SCREEN ROCK, SOILS, SAND AND GRAVEL AND C&D MATERIALS, PRODUCING THREE DIFFERENT SIZES. WHOLESALE, PREFERABLY IN THE SOUTHEAST. Contact: MICK Phone: 352-527-0072 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– HYUNDAI | 2- HYUNDAI HL760-7A OR 2HL770-7A, GOOD TIRES, WORK READY --- WHOLESALE, PREFERABLY IN THE SOUTHEAST. Contact: MICK Phone: 352-527-0072 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 16H, 16G MOTOR GRADER | WANT TO BUY CATERPILLAR 16H OR 16G MOTOR GRADER FOR RESALE Contact: TONY THOMAS Phone: 818-956-5231 Fax: 818-956-5239 Email: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BOBCAT T190 GOLD PK Contact: KEVIN Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 63
ALEX LYON & SON AUCTIONEERS Phone: 315-633-2944
• Orlando, FL Sat. January 29 thru Sun., February 6, 2011 For: 9 DAYS OF SELLING! Construction Equipment, Aerial, Forklift, Dump Trucks, Truck Tractors, Trailers, Support and Attachment
• Houston, TX February 9-10, 2011
• Dallas, TX Tues., March 8, 2011 For: Late Model Rental Fleet Construction Equipment, Trucks, Trailers, Support Equipment • Tuscaloosa, AL Fri., March 18, 2011 For: Late Model Logging, Construction, Attachments, Support, Truck Tractors, Dump Trucks & Trailers • Jackson, MS Sat., March 19, 2011 For: For: Complete Liquidation of Late Model Construction and Paving Equipment, Support, Parts, Trucks, Trailers, Real Estate • Las Vegas, NV Wed., March 23, 2011 For: Large Construction Support, Aerial Lifts, Forklifts, Trucks & Trailers • Atlantic City, NJ Thurs., March 31 - Sun., April 3, 2011 For: Construction Support, Aerial Lifts, Forklifts, Dump Trucks, Truck Tractors, Trailers, Support & Attachments • Racine, WI Sat., April 9, 2011 For: Late Model Volvo & Cat Earthmoving Equipment, Trucks and Trailers • Syracuse, NY Sat., April 30, 2011 For: Light Construction, Compact Tractors, Lawn & Garden Equipment, Skid Steers, New & Used Support Equipment • Allentown, PA DATE TBA For: Complete Liquidation of Automotive Dismantling Operation • Rochester, NY DATE TBA For: Late Model Dump Trucks, Truck Tractors, Equipment Trailers, Construction Equipment, Aerials & Forklifts • Ledyard, CT (Foxwood Casino) DATE TBA For: Construction and Support Equipment, Aerial Lifts, Forklifts, Trucks & Trailers • Houston, TX DATE TBA For: Rental Fleet Construction, Support, Aerial Lifts, Trucks & Trailers • Auburn, NY DATE TBA For: Liquidation of former P&C Supermarket
Coming Auctions
• Tipton, CA February 11, 2011
• Avignon, France April 7, 2011
¥ Foley, MN Fri., March 4, 2011
• Orlando, FL February 15-19, 2011
• Grand Prairie, AB, CAN April 13-14, 2011
¥ Sioux Falls, SD Fri., March 25, 2011
• Moerdijk, The Netherlands February 23-25, 2011
• Truro, NS, CAN April 21, 2011
¥ Portage, WI Fri., April 15, 2011
• Phoenix, AZ February 24, 2011 • Panama City, Panama February 25, 2011 • Pasco, WA March 1, 2011 • Torreon, Mexico March 1, 2011 • Los Angeles, CA March 4, 2011 • Toronto, ONT, CAN March 7-8, 2011 • Olympia, WA March 8, 2011 • St Aubin Sur Gaillon, France March 8, 2011 • Dubai, UAE March 8-9, 2011 • Fort Worth, TX March 9-10, 2011 • Caorso, Italy March 10, 2011 • Edmonton, AB, CAN March 10-11, 2011 • Sacramento, CA March 11, 2011 • Denver, CO March 15, 2011 • Chicago, IL March 16, 2011 • Columbus, OH March 17, 2011 • Salt Lake City, UT March 17, 2011 • Montreal, QC, CAN March 17-18, 2011 • Ocana, Spain March 17-18, 2011 • Albuquerque, NM March 18, 2011 • Jackson, MS March 18, 2011 • Brisbane, Australia March 22, 2011 • Geelong, Australia March 24, 2011 • Las Vegas, NV March 24-25, 2011 • Northeast, MD March 29, 2011 • Statesville, NC March 30, 2011 • Chilliwack, BC, CAN March 30, 2011 • Atlanta, GA March 31, 2011 • Kansas City, MO March 31, 2011 • Portland, OR April 6, 2011
BAR NONE AUCTION Phone: 866-372-1700 • Sacramento, CA Sat., February 12, 2011 For: Construction Equipment • San Bernardino, CA Sat., February 26, 2011 For: Construction Equipment BLACKMON AUCTIONS, INC. Phone: 501-664-4526 • Berryville, AR Wed., January 26, 2011 For: Jimmy Jones Excavation, Inc. CAT AUCTION SERVICES Phone: 866-750-9432 • Los Angeles, CA Fri., February 11, 2011 For: Construction Equipment • San Diego Wed., February 23, 2011 For: Construction Equipment DAVIS AUCTIONS Phone: 203-758-4087 • Prospect, CT Sat., March 5, 2011 For: Quinnipiac Construction Auction • Prospect, CT Sat., April 30, 2011 • Prospect, CT Sat., June 25, 2011 • Prospect, CT Sat., August 20, 2011 • Prospect, CT Sat., October 15, 2011 • Prospect, CT Sat., December 10, 2011
¥ ONLINE ONLY Fri., May 6, 2011 www.IRAYONLINE.COM ¥ Sioux Falls, SD Fri., May 20, 2011 ¥ Foley, MN Fri., June 3rd ¥ Portage, WI Fri., July 15, 2011 ¥ ONLINE ONLY Fri., August 5, 2011 www.IRAYONLINE.COM ¥ Sioux Falls, SD Fri., August 19, 2011 ¥ Foley, MN Fri., September 16, 2011 ¥ Portage, WI Fri., October 14, 2011 ¥ ONLINE ONLY Fri., November 4, 2011 www.IRAYONLINE.COM ¥ Sioux Falls, SD Fri., November 18, 2011 ¥ Foley, MN Fri., December 2, 2011
MEEKINS AUCTION COMPANY Phone: 800-499-6560 • Lumberton, NC Wed., April 20, 2011 For: Heavy Equipment Auction PETROWSKY AUCTIONEERS INC. Phone: 860-642-4200 • North Franklin, CT Fri. & Sat., Jan 28-29, 2011 For: Equipment from Area Contractors & Equipment Dealers PURPLE WAVE AUCTION Phone: 866-608-9283 ¥ ONLINE ONLY Bidding Starts to Close January 27, 10AM For: Construction Equipment RITCHASON AUCTIONEERS INC. Phone: 800-806-3395
• Thurs., January 20, 2011 For: Agriculture
• Lebanon, TN June 11, 2011 For: Construction Equipment
• Wed., January 26, 2011 For: Construction & Agriculture Equipment • Thurs.-Fri., January 27-28, 2011 For: Construction Equipment • Thurs., February 3, 2011 For: Construction Equipment • Thurs., February 10, 2011 For: Construction Equipment • Thurs.-Fri., February 24-25, 2011 For: Construction Equipment JAMES G. MURPHY INC. AUCTIONEERS Phone: 800-426-3008
• Winchester, VA Fri., January 28, 2011 For: Virginia Contractors & Truck Auction
• Kenmore, WA Sat., February 5, 2011 For: Construction Equipment
¥ ONLINE ONLY Fri., January 28, 2011 www.IRAYONLINE.COM
• Pelzer, SC Wed.-Thurs., January 26-27, 2011 For: Construction and Farm Equipment
IRON PLANET AUCTIONS Phone: 888-433-5426 ONLINE AUCTIONS Go to to view the complete auction schedules, inspection reports and to place your bid!
IRAY AUCTIONS Phone: 320-968-7230
J.M. WOOD AUCTION COMPANY Phone: 800-447-7085 • Montgomery, AL Wed.-Fri., March 2-4, 2011 For: Construction & Forestry Equipment, Trucks
• Lebanon, TN March 12, 2011 For: Construction Equipment
• Lebanon, TN September 17, 2011 For: Construction Equipment • Lebanon, TN December 10, 2011 For: Construction Equipment RYAN AUCTION SALES Phone: 603-491-6159 • Virtual Equipment and Truck Auction Thurs., February 24, 2011— 10AM • Virtual Equipment and Truck Auction Thurs., March 24, 2011—10AM • Virtual Equipment and Truck Auction Thurs., April 21, 2011—10AM • Virtual Equipment and Truck Auction Tues., May 3, 2011—10AM • Virtual Equipment and Truck Auction Thurs., May 26, 2011—10AM
STEFFES AUCTIONEERS INC. Phone: 701-237-9173 • ONLINE ONLY Tues., Jan 25. - Feb. 3, 2011 For: Farm and Construction Equipment, Trucks and More! • West Fargo, ND Wed., March 9, 2011 For: Tractors, Harvest Equipment, Construction and Heavy Equipment and More! • Litchfield, MN Thurs., March 24, 2011 For: Tractors, Harvest Equipment, Construction and Heavy Equipment and More! THOMPSON AUCTIONEERS, INC. Phone: 937-426-8446 • Beavercreek, OH Tues., January 25, 2011 For: Mainline Road & Bridge Construction Inc. UTILITY AUCTIONS Phone: 302-530-9103 • Wilmington, DE Fri., February 25, 2011 For: Construction and Utility Equipment VAUGHAN AUCTION GROUP Phone: 903-873-6777 • Wills Point, TX Thurs., February 3, 2011 For: Winter Contractor s Public Auction WESTERN CONSTRUCTION AUCTIONS INC. Phone: 760-731-7760 • Perris, CA Thurs., February 3, 2011 For: Construction Equipment WOLFE INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONS, INC. Phone: 800-443-9580 • Frederick, MD Sat., January 29, 2011 For: Northern MD Contractors Auction YODER & FREY AUCTIONEERS, INC. Phone: 419-865-3990 • Kissimmee, FL February 7-14, 2011 For: Construction Equipment, Trucks and Trailers
Page 64 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
* 9 Days of Selling!
OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, AERIAL, FORKLIFT, DUMP TRUCKS, TRUCK TRACTORS, TRAILERS, SUPPORT & ATTACHMENT. Saturday, January 29 - Sunday, February 6 @ 9:00 A.M. KISSIMMEE, (WINTER GARDEN) FLORIDA DIRECTIONS: From Tampa: I-4E to Rte. 27N for 6.5 miles to Rt. 192E for 1 mile. Left on Avalon Rd. for 3 miles to sale site on left. From Orlando: I-4W to Rt. 192W for 5.5 miles, turn right on Avalon Rd. to sale site. Address: 12601 State Rd. 545 North (Avalon Rd.), Winter Garden, FL 34787. JACK’S NOTE: Once again we’re returning to Kissimmee with the sale that gets bigger and better each year! It’s recognized as “The Class Sale”, where top-quality EQUIP. is the norm, not the exception. You can become part of construction history either as a buyer or a seller. The EQUIP. comes from the BEST authorized dealership rental fleets including NEFF, RSC (Rental Service Corp.), Genie, Doosan, JCB & JLG, Sunbelt, Hertz and Caterpillar Rental Fleets, Florida Contractor’s Rental. *** SPECIAL NOTE: For Non-US Resident Bidders: A $10,000 Cashier’s Check Deposited Prior to Bidding will be Required. * No Exceptions. HILITES: 4 ROUGH TERRAIN CRANES: 2009 Grove RT890, Grove RT518, Terex RT335, P&H (4x4), 2 CARRY DECK CRANES: (2) Shuttlelift 3340, TRUCK CRANE: Linkbelt 18 ton, 67 ARTICULATED HAUL TRKS: Unused Case 340B, (3) Unused Case 340, Unused Case 335B, (3) Unused Case 330B, (3) Unused Case 330, (2)2005 Case 325, (2)2004 Cat 740, (2) 2006-2005-(2) 2002 Cat 725, (5) Cat D400E, Cat D350E, Cat 350D, Cat D250E-II, (3) Cat D250E, Cat D25D, Cat D25C, 2007-(2) 2006-(2) 2004 Terex TA30, (2) 2008 Terex TA27, (2) 2007 JCB 722 (4x4), (2) 2005 JCB 718 (4x4), 2008 -(3) 2004 JCB 714, (2) Volvo A35V, Volvo A35C, (2) Volvo A30C, (3) Volvo A25C, Volvo A25, 2003 JD 300D, (2) JD 250D, (2) 2004 Komatsu HM400, Komatsu HA270, Terex 2766C, (2) Moxy MT30, Bell B25C, 2002 Hitachi AH400D, 282 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS: (3) 2007-(4) 2006 Cat 345CL, (2) Cat 345BME, Cat 345BL, (5) 2008-(4) 2007- (11) 2006 Cat 330DL, (4) 2006-2004 Cat 330CL, (2) Cat 330L, (2) 2006 Cat 330DL, Cat 330BL, (2) Cat 325DL, Cat 325CL, (3) 2008-2006 Cat 324DL, 2005 Cat 322CLR, 2003 Cat 322CL, (4) Cat 322BL, 2006 Cat 321CLCR, 2008-2006 Cat 320DLRR, (5) 2008-2007 Cat 320DL, 2005 Cat 320CLU, (8) 2006-(5) 2004-2003 Cat 320CL, Cat 320BL, 2006 Cat 318CLN, 2005 Cat 318CL, (2) 2006-(4) 2005 Cat 315CL, 2007-2005 Cat 312CL, Cat 312, 2000 Cat 307B, 2006 Cat 305CR, 2006 Cat 304CCR, Cat 235CLC, Cat 225, Cat 215BLC, 2006 JD 450CLC, 2005 JD 370CLC, 2008 JD 350DLC, (2) 20072004 JD 270DLC, 2006 JD 240DLC, 2005 JD 225CLC, 2008 JD 200DLC, 2007-(2) 2005-(2) 2004 JD 200CLC, (2) 2004 JD 160CLC, (3) 2005 JD 120C, 2009-2008 JD 35D, Volvo EC340LC, 2006-2004 Volvo EC240BLC, (2) 2007 Volvo EC210CL, Kobelco SK400LC, 2006-2005-(5) 2004 Kobelco SK330LC, (2) Kobelco SK300LC Mark IV, 2004-2003 Kobelco SK290LC, 2008 Kobelco SK260LC-8, (2) 2004 –(2) 2003 Kobelco SK250LC, 2004 Kobelco 235SRLC, 2008-(2) 2004-2001 Kobelco SK210LC, 2004 -2003-2000 Kobelco 135SRLC, Kobelco SK35SR, Komatsu PC600LC-6K, Komatsu PC450LC-6KJ, 2004-2003 Komatsu PC400LC-6, (3) Komatsu PC400LC, 2007-2005- (2) 2004 Komatsu PC300LC-7, 2005-2004 Komatsu PC228USLC, 2000 Komatsu PC220LC-6, (3) 2007- (2) 2006 Komatsu PC200LC-8, (2) 2004 Komatsu PC200LC-7, Komatsu PC200LC-6, (2) Komatsu PC128US, (2) 2006 Komatsu PC50MR, (5) 2006 Komatsu PC35MR-2, 2005 Komatsu PC18MR, Hitachi ZX850LC, 2004 Hitachi ZX600LC, 2007 Hitachi ZX350LC, 2006 Hitachi ZX330LC, Hitachi EX300LC, 2002 Hitachi ZX200LC, 2004 Hitachi ZX160, Hitachi EX150LS, 2005 Case CX225SR, (2) 2003 Case CX130, (4) 2005 Case CX36B, (17) 2005 Case CX27B, 2Case 9010B, 2007 Terex TXC340, 2007 Terex TXC300, 2008 Terex TXC255LC, (3) 2008 Terex TXC225LC-2, 2007 Terex TXC180, 2007 Terex TXC140, 2008 Terex TXC50, 2003 JCB JS330L, (2) 2005 JCB JS130, (2) 2008 NH EC50B, 2006 IR ZX125, 2007 Doosan 170-3, (3) 2006 –(2) 2004 Gehl 353, 2006 Bobcat 341G, (2) 2005 Bobcat 337, (2) 2004 Bobcat 334, 2006 Bobcat 331G, 2001 Bobcat 331E, 2005 Bobcat 331, 2000 Bobcat 328, 2005 Bobcat 325, 2005 Bobcat 323, 2006 IR ZX125, Kubota KX161-3, Kubota KX91-2SR1, 2004 IHI 45NX, 2004-(3) 2003 IHI 35NX, (3) IHI 7J, 2005 Takeuchi TB175, 2005 Takeuchi TB145, (5) 2005-(4) 2004 Takeuchi TB135, 2006 Takeuchi TL130, 2005 Takeuchi TB125, 2007 Takeuchi TB35R, 2005 Takeuchi TB108, Takeuchi TBO16, Linkbelt 3900 Quantum, 2005 Linkbelt 240LX, 2003 Linkbelt 135, 2007 Yanmar VIO45, 2 RUBBER TIRED EXCAVATORS: Gradall XL2300, Samsung SE210W-2A, 59 MOTOR GRADERS: 2009 Cat 140M, Cat 140HVHP-II, 2005 Cat 140HVHP, Cat 140HVHP, 2004 Cat 140H, (2) Cat 140H, (7) Cat 140G, Cat 135H, (2) Cat 14G, (2) 2006-(2) 2005 Cat 120H, Cat 120H, Cat 120G, 2005 Cat 12H, (4) Cat 12H, (7) Cat 12G, (2) 2006 Komatsu GD675-3G, 2009 Komatsu GD655, 2007 Komatsu GD655-3EO, Volvo 710A-VHP, 2006-(2) 2005 Case 865, 2008 Sany PQ160, (2) JD 670C, JD 670B, (2) JD 670, JD 570A, Champion 740, Champion 730A-III, Champion 720A, 2001 Volvo 736VHP, NH RG170, Fiat Allis FG85A-B, (2) Fiat Allis FG85A, (2) Fiat Allis 65B, 10 MOTOR SCRAPERS:
2002 Cat 621F, (7) Cat 621F, (2) Cat 615C, 10 PULL SCRAPERS: 2006-(3) 2005-(2) 2004 Icon 18D, (2) 2006 Icon 821D, 7 INTEGRATED TOOL CARRIERS: 2005 Komatsu WA250PT-5L, 2005 Cat IT28G, (3) Cat IT28F, Cat IT18F, Cat IT18, 118 RUBBER TIRED LOADERS: Cat 988F, 2010 Cat 980H, 2006 Cat 980H, 2005-2004 Cat 980G-II, (3) Cat 980G, (2) Cat 972G, (2) Cat 966G, (5) Cat 966F, 2008-(5) 2007-(3)2006-2005 Cat 950H, (3) 2005 Cat 950G-II, (4) 2005-2004 -2001 Cat 950G, (3) Cat 950G, (4) Cat 950F, (3) 2008 Cat 938H, (2) 2008-(3) 2006-(2) 2005 Cat 938G, (3) Cat 938G, Cat 938F, 2008 Cat 930G, (2) Cat 930, (4) Cat 928G, Cat 928F, Cat 928, Cat 924G, Cat 908, (3) 2008-2006-(5) 2004 JD 644J, 2002 JD 644H, JD 644C, 2009 JD 624K, 2006-(2) 2004 JD 624J, 2007-2005 JD 544J, 2003 JD 544H, 2006-2004 Komatsu WA500-3, 2005 Komatsu WA450-5, Komatsu WA420, 2005-(2) 2004 Komatsu WA380-5L, Komatsu WA380, (2) 20082007-2004 Komatsu WA320-5L, 2007-(2) 2006 Komatsu WA250PT-5, (2) Komatsu WA250, Komatsu WA150, 2004 Komatsu WA75-3, 2006 IR WL440, (2) 2006 Volvo L110L, 2005-2004 Volvo L110E, 2003 Volvo L90D, 2006 Kubota R5025, TCM 806, 2006 Luigong CLG856-II, Case 921C, Case 521D, 165 CRAWLER TRACTORS: 2004 Cat D9T, Cat D9R, Cat D9G, 2007-(3) 2006-(2) 2005 Cat D8T, 2003 Cat D8R-II, Cat D8R-II, (10) Cat D8R, Cat D8N, Cat D8L, Cat D8K, (2) Cat D7RLGP, Cat D7R, Cat D7HLGP, (3) Cat D7H, Cat D7E, 2008 Cat D6TXW, (2) 2008-(3) 2007 Cat D6TXL, 2008 Cat D6TLGP, 2007 – (5) 2006- (2) 2004-2002 Cat D6RXW, (3) 2006-2005-2002 D6RXL-II, (2) 2007 Cat D6RXL (6 way), 2003 Cat D6RLGP-II, 2006-(2) 2005-2003 Cat D6RLGP, (2) Cat D6RLGP, 2006 Cat D6R-II, 2008-2007 Cat D6NXL, 2007-(7) 2006-2005-(2) 2004 Cat D6NLGP, Cat D6MXL, (3) Cat D6MLGP, 2008 Cat D6KXL, 2008 Cat D6KLGP, (2) Cat D6HXL, (2) Cat D6HLGP-II, (4) Cat D6H, Cat D6C, 2007-2004 Cat D5NLGP, (4) Cat D5MXL, 2002 Cat D5MLGP, (4) Cat D5MLGP, Cat D5HXL, (2) 2005-2004-(2) 2003 Cat D5GXL, 2007-2006- (4) 2003 Cat D5GLGP, Cat D4H, (2) 2005 Cat D4GXL, 2006 Cat D4GLGP, Cat D4G, (3) 2008 Cat D3KLGP, 2004-(2) 2003 Cat D3GXL, 2002 Cat D3G, Cat D3CLGP, Cat D3C-II, Cat D3C, 2008-2005 JD 850JWLT, 2004 JD 850CIIWT, 2005 JD 750JLGP, 2004 JD 750C, 2006-(2) 2005 700JLGP, 2004 JD 700H, 2005 JD 650JXLT, 2007- (2) 2006 JD 650JLGP, 2005 JD 650JLGP, JD 650J, 2002 JD 650HLGP, (4) 2004 JD 650H, 2006 JD 550JLGP, Unused JD 450JLT, 2005 JD 450J, (3) 2005 Komatsu D155AX-5, 2006 Komatsu D65PX, 2006 Komatsu D65PX-15, 2006 Komatsu D65EX, (2) 2007-2005-(2) 2004 Komatsu D61PX-15, Komatsu D61EX, 2007 Komatsu D41E-6, 2007 Komatsu D39PX-21, Komatsu D32P, 2005 Komatsu D31PX, Komatsu D21E-6, 2006 Case 1150KWT, 2002 Case 850HLT, 2005 Case 850K, 2008 Dressta TD10M, 15 CRAWLER LOADERS: Cat 973, 2008 Cat 963D, (2) 2001 Cat 963C, (2) Cat 963B, Cat 963, (2) Cat 953C, (2) 2008 JD 755D, (2) 2005 JD 755C-II, 20062005 JD 655C-II, 174 TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOES: (2) 2008-(2) 2007-2006 Cat 420EIT (4x4), (7) 2008-20072006 Cat 420E (4x4), 2005-2004-(2) 2003-2002 Cat 420DIT, (2) 2004 Cat 420D (4x4), (2) Cat 420D (4x4), 2009-(12) 2008(2) 2007-(2) 2006 Cat 416E (4x4), Cat 416E (4x4), (2) 2004 Cat 416D (4x4), (4) Cat 416C (4x4), Cat 416B (4x4), Cat 416, Cat 426B (4x4), 2008 JD 410J (4x4), 2007 JD 310SJ TC (4x4), (3) 2007 JD 310 Super J (4x4), 2007 JD 310J (4x4), (3) 20062005-2004-2001 JD 310 Super G (4x4), JD 310 Super G (4x4), (2) 2006- (15) 2005-(7) 2004 JD 310 G (4x4), JD 310 Super E (4x4), (2) JD 310E (4x4), JD 310E , 2004 JD 410G (4x4), 2004 JD 710G (4x4), (2) JD 710D, JD 710C, (2) New Case 580 Super M-II, (3) 2005-(4) 2004-2003 Case 590 Super M (4x4), Case 590 Super M (4x4), (2) Unused 580 Super M (4x4), (3) 2006-(2) 2005-2004 Case 580M-II (4x4), 2007- (4) 2006-2005 Case 580 Super M-II, Unused Case 580M (4x4), 2006(9) 2005-(3) 2004- (8) 2003 Case 580M (4x4), (2) Case 580M (4x4), (2) Case 590 Super L (4x4), Case 580K (4x4), (4) Unused JCB 3CX-14, 2007 JCB 3CX-14 (4x4), (2)2008 JCB 3C-14 (4x4), 2005 JCB 214 (4x4), (2)2008-2007 NH B95B (4x4), (2) 2007 NH B95 (4x4), 2005 NH LB75B (4x4), NH LB75B (4x4), 2007 NH LB75 (4x4), (3) NH 555E, (2) Terex TX760B, Komatsu WA146-5, (3) 2006 Allmand TLB425, 7 ASPHALT PAVERS: 2008 Road Tec RP190, (2) 2005 Blaw Knox PF5510, 2006 Blaw Knox PF3200, Blaw Knox PF200-1, 2002 Gehl 1468, Leeboy 7000 Elite, 21 ASPHALT ROLLERS: IR DD130, IR DD118F, (2) IR DD90, IR DD30, IR DD24, Cat CB534C, 2006-2005 Hypac C784, 2004 Dynapac CC142, Dynapac CS12, 2005 Bomag BW900-2, Demo Bomag BW205AD, Demo Bomag BW202ADH-2, 2006 Bomag BW120AD, Bomag BW65S, Dresser T242, 2002 ProTec Sprinter, 2004 Wacker RD25, Wacker RD7HES, Hypac C766C, ASPHALT RECLAIMERS: Rosco SPR-H2 SOIL STABILIZERS: 2008 Demo Terex RD-350 (4x4), Bomag MPH100S, 11 SOIL COMPACTORS: 2002 Cat 826G, (2) Cat 825C, Cat 825B, 2007-2005 Cat 815F, (3) Cat 815B, Cat 815, LANDFILL COMPACTORS: (2) Cat 826C, 96 VIBRATORY ROLLERS: Dynapac CA262, Demo Dynapac CA260D, (4) 2008-(4) 2007 Dynapac CA260PD, (3) 2008 Dynapac CA260D, Dynapac CA251PD, DEMO Dynapac CA250PD, (2) 2006 Dynapac CS250D, 2008-(2) 2007-2006-2005-2004 Dynapac CA250D, 2005-(2) 2004 Dynapac CA150D, 2008 Dynapac CA144, Dynapac CA141, 2009 Dynapac CA134PD, 2007 Dynapac CA121, 2006 Dynapac 116PX, 2008 Cat CS54,(2) 2008-2007-(3) 2005 Cat CS563E, 2005-(2) 2004 Cat CP563E, Cat CP563D, (4) Cat CS563, (2) Cat CS563C, Cat CS553, 2008-(2) 2007 Cat CS533E, 2005 Cat CS433E, Cat CS433C, Cat CP433C, Cat CV18B, 2002 Bomag BW213D-3, Bomag BW177D-3, 2006 Bomag BW145D-3, (2) 2006 IR SD105TE, 2007 IR SD100F, IR SD100F, (3) IR SD100D, (12) IR SD100, 2005 IR SD77DX, 2005 IR SD70DTF, (2) 2006 IR SD70D, IR SD70, (2) IR SPF54, IR SD45F, (2) 2003 Superpac 6620, Super Pac 540, Case 602PD, Hypac C812A, 2009 Hamm 3410, Hamm 2411SD, Hamm 2410, Hyster C610, Tampo, (2) Benford SP2010SM, 28 TRENCH ROLLERS: (6) 2005-(13) Multiquip P33HHMR, 2005 Vibromax W1500, Wacker RT820, 2004 Wacker RT82-SC, (2) 2005 Wacker RT56SC, 2004 Wacker RT3 RUBBER TRACKED SKID STEERS: (2) 2008 NH C190, (14) 2008 NH C175, 2006- (7) 2005 Bobcat T300, 2007-(5) 2006-(10) 2005 Bobcat T190, Takeuchi TL130, 2008 ASV PT100, 2004 ASV RCV, (2) 2006-(4) 2005 ASV RC100, 2005 ASV RC85,
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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 65
Rental Service Corporation
* 9 Days of Selling!
OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, AERIAL, FORKLIFT, DUMP TRUCKS, TRUCK TRACTORS, TRAILERS, SUPPORT & ATTACHMENT. 2007 ASV RC60, (2) 2008 Cat 287C, (2) 2006—2005-2004 Cat 287B, 2005 Cat 287, 2008 Cat 277C, 2007-(3) 2006-(3) 2005 Cat 277B, Cat 267, 2007- (4) 2006 Cat 257B, (2) 2008 Cat 247B-II, Cat 247B, Cat 247, (7) 2007 JD CT322, 2007 Komatsu CK30-1, 2006 Mustang MTL16, 69 SKID STEERS: 2010 JCB 1110W-II, 2010 JCB 1110, 2002 NH LS190, 2005 NH LS185B, 2007 NH C185, 2002 NH LS180, 2007-2006-2003 NH L170, 2007 Bobcat S330, 2009 Bobcat S250, 20092004 Bobcat S220, 2008 Bobcat S185, (3) 2006-(3) 2005-2004-(3) 2003 Bobcat S175, 2005 Bobcat S160, 2005 Bobcat S150, Bobcat 7753, Bobcat 763F, 2006-2004 Bobcat 463, 2005 Gehl 5640E, (6) 2006-2005 Gehl SL4640, 2002 JD 250, (2) 2003 JD 240, JD 8875, 2009 Cat 299C, 2008 Cat 272C, 2008 Cat 262C, 2007 Cat 262B, 2008 Cat 242B-II, 2006 Cat 236B-II, 2006 Cat 236B, 2008-2007 Cat 262B, 2008 Cat 226B-II, 2007-(2) 2006 Cat 226B, 2004 Cat 216B, 2006 Komatsu SK10205N, 2004 Volvo MC80, 2005 Case 450, Case 95XT, 2004 Case 60XT, 2005 Takeuchi TL130, 10 MINI LOADERS: (2) 2007 – (2) 2006-2005 Bobcat MT52, (4) Toro Dingo TX420, 2007 Boxer 526DX, 60 TELESCOPIC FORKLIFTS: (2) 2007 Genie GTH1056, (2) 2009- (3) 2007-(2) 2006 Genie GTH844, (4) 2007-(2) 2006 Genie GTH636, 2007 Genie GTH5519, 2004 Gehl RS6, (4) 2004 Lull 1044C-54, Lull 844C-42, 2006-(5) 2004 Lull 644E-42, 2004 Lull 644D-34, Lull 644, 2006 IR VR638, IR VR843, 2007 IR VR638, 2006 Terex TX55-19, 2004 Terex TH528C, (2) 2008-2007 Cat TL943, 2006 Cat TH460B, 2005 Cat TH360, Cat TH360, Cat TH83, Cat TH82, Cat TH63, 2004 JCB 520, JCB 520, Demo JCB 507, Unused 2009 JCB 506-36, Unused JCB 506C, Demo JCB 506C, JCB 506C, NH LM840, Gradall 544D-10, Gradall 522, Gradall G642A, 2003 Gradall 534D10-45, Gehl DL8L42, 2006 Gehl RS632, 2002 Manitou TMT320HTFL, 2005 Bobcat V518, Skytral 8042, 2005 Skytrak 6042, Skytrak 6036, 18 ROUGH TERRAIN FORKLIFTS: (4) 2004 IR RT706H, 2005 JCB 930RTFL, (3) JCB 930, 2001 Cat RC60, Cat RC60, Case 586E, Yale GDP330, 2002 Waco MT60, Waco MT60,Taylor TYEB-160S, 11 PIGGY BACK FORKLIFTS: 2002 Moffett M5000, (9) Moffett M5000, Princeton D5500, 75 FORKLIFTS: Cat 150D, (6) Cat DP70, Cat GC55, Cat GF40, Cat DP40, 2004 Cat GC30K, 2006 Cat C5000, 2005 Cat P5000, (3) Cat GC25K, (2) Cat GC25, (2) 2004 Cat GC18K, (2) Cat GC15, Komatsu FD70, Komatsu FD40-3, (3) Komatsu FG25T-12, Komatsu FG25, Komatsu C25T-14, Komatsu FG20C11, (2) 2006 Toyota 7FGU35, 2005-2004 7FDU25, Toyota 6FDU30, 2005 Toyota 7GCU25, Toyota 6FGCU25, (3) Toyota 5FGC20, (2) 2006 Toyota 7GCU15, Toyota 5FGC15, 2002 Hyster H155XL2, Hyster H150F, Hyster H135XL2, Hyster H110XL, Hyster H10XM, Hyster H100XL2, Hyster H90XLS, (2) Hyster H80XM, (2) Hyster H80XL, Hyster H80C, Hyster H50, Hyster S40XMS, Yale GLP060 TFNUA6087, Yale GLC050, (2) 2008 Yale GLC040S, Yale GLCO40S, Case 586E, Clark 2358616 20,000lb., Clark C500Y155D 15,000lb., Clark IT70 12,000lb., Clark C500Y50, Clark GC50, Taylor 160S, 2005 TMF 55, Manitou 30D, Daewoo GC25, Nissan 2F30, 134 BOOM LIFTS: 2001 Genie S85 (4x4), (3) Genie S85 (4x4), (2) 2004 Genie S80 (4x4), (2) 2008-(2)2007 Genie Z60 (4x4), (5) 2008 –(5) 2007-(2) 2004 Genie S60, Genie S60, (2) 2008-(2) 2007 Genie Z45/25RT, (6) Genie Z45/25, (3) 2007 -2006 Genie Z40 (4x4), 2008(5) 2007 Genie S40 (4x4), (3) Genie S40, 2002 Genie AWP40S, (3) 2007 Genie Z34 (4x4), Genie Z30/20, (4) JLG 80HX, (10) 2008 JLG 600S (4x4, generator) , (2) JLG 1200SJP (4x4), JLG 120HX, JLG 800AJ, (2) JLG 800A, (4) JLG 660SJ, (2) 2001 JLG 600S, (8) JLG 600S, (2) JLG 600AJ, JLG 60H, 2008 JLG T350, JLG E300AJP, (3) Snorkel TB80, (12) Snorkel TB60, Snorkel ATB46, (11) Snorkel TB42, Snorkel TB40, Terex TB60, 201 SCISSOR LIFTS: (6) 2006 Skyjack SJ9250, (2) 2008-(6) 2007 Skyjack SJ8850, (4) Skyjack SJ8841, 2005 Skyjack SJ8831, (6) 2005-2003 Skyjack SJ7135, 2005 Skyjack SJ7127, Skyjack SJ6832, Skyjack SJIIIB4830, 2001 Skyjack SJIIIB4626, (3) Skyjack SJIIIB4626, 2004 Skyjack SJ3220, (27) 2005- (3) 2004 Skyjack SJIII-3219, (3) Skyjack SJIII-3219, 2001 Genie GS4390RT, 2008 Genie GS3390 (4x4), (2) 2005 Genie GS 3384RT, 2005 Genie GS3268RT, (24) 2005 Genie GS2668RT, (16) 2007 Genie GS2646, 2008-(2) 207 Genie GS2632, (4) 2008-(5) 2007-2004-2002 Genie GS2032, (10) Genie 1932, (4) 2008-(3) 2005-(3) 2004 Genie GS1930, (2)2006 Genie SLC-24, 2003 JLG 3369LE, 2002 JLG 2658E3, JLG 2658E3, JLG 2646E2, (3) JLG 25RTS, (5) JLG 2032, JLG 1932E2, (10) JLG 1930, (4) 2006 - 2005 Snorkel 1930, 2002 Haulotte 2747E, 39 AIR COMPRESSORS: (8) New/Unused Atlas Copco XAS47, New/Unused Airman PDS185S, (8) 2007- 2006 Airman 185CFM, (3) 2006-(5) 2005-2003 IR XP375AWIR, (8) IR 185CFM, IR 100D, New Unused Sullivan D185JD, New Unused Kaesar M50, CP CPS375 375CFM, Leroi 375CFM, 172 GENERATORS: Cat 155kw, 2004 Cat/Olympian G125G1125kw, 2003 Cat/Olympian G1000F3S 100kw, (2) 2005-2004 Cat/Olympian G50F3 50kw, Atlas Copco XAHS186DD, Atlas Copco QAS108, (2) 2004 Airman SDG25S, (2) 2004 Magnum MMG35, 2007 Terex T25G, (96) New/Unused Honeywell HW5500, Multiquip DCA150, Multiquip Ultra Silent Whisper Quiet 45kw, Multiquip 25kw Ultra Silent Whisper Quiet, (3) 2003 Multiquip GA-6HZR 6000watt, (13) 2004 Multiquip GA-6H 6000watt, 2005 Multiquip GA6HEA 5000watt, (2)2005 Multiquip GA6HA 5000watt, (2) 2006-2005 Multiquip GA-3.6H 3600watts, 2008 MITM GEN-7500-OMHO, MMD SDG150S, 26kw, 2005 Honda EB11000 11kw, (2) 2005-2004 Honda EU1000 1.9kw, 2002 IR G40, (7) 2004-(4) 2003 Wacker G5.6A, 2004 Wacker G3.7A, (2) PT1300EG 8500watt, GN08000E 800-watt., (6) New Diesel Pro 6800w, (2) New 8000w, (2) New 4000w, (4) New Sparks 1250 w, (3) PowerPro 8750w, Power Product 100w, 31 WELDERS: 2007 Miller BB500CCCV, (2) 2007-(3) 2004-2001 Multiquip BLW400SS, (2) Miller Big Blue 400D, 2004 Miller Bluestar, (2) Miller Bobcat, 2006 Miller XMT-304CC/CV, Miller Bobcat 300, (2) 2007 Miller Bobcat 250, (4) Miller Multi-Operator, 2007 Lincoln Vantage 500, (3) 2007 Lincoln Vantage 400amp, Lincoln Ranger Welder/Generator, 2005 Lincoln SP135, Lincoln K2406, (3) Lincoln K1278-5, Hobart Champion 16, 89 LIGHT PLANTS: (50) 2008-(3) 2007-2006 Genie TML4000, (18) 2007 Terex RL4000, (4) 2006-(6) 2005 Amida AL4060D4MH, (2) 2000 Amida AL4060D, (2) 2004 Magnum MLT3060, (3) Magnum MLT3060, 16 WATER PUMPS: 2006-(2) 2005 Ameripump GP200 8in., 2003 Myers Seth SPHA105E 4in., (2) Myers SPHA10SE 4in., (3) Thompson F4L914 8in., Thompson 4LGB 4in., (2) 2006 Wacker PT3A, (2) Seth 4in., 2006 Multiquip QP2TH 2in., 2005 Sykes WP200, Griffin PRS1250, CURTAIN BURNER, 5 SCREENING PLANTS: 2006 CEC Road Runner Screen-It, 2005 CEC Screen-IT, Powerscreen Power Grid Box Screener, Powerscreen MKIII, Nordberg RD40-5, 2 IMPACT CRUSHERS: 2005 Western Retek Supertrack 1310, 2002 Western Retek 13131, CONCRETE BATCH PLANT: Aran America Pugmill ASR500B, 14 TRENCHERS: 2005 Vermeer RT450, (3) Vermeer RT450, Vermeer 450, Vermeer V1150, Ditch Witch RT70H, (3) 2005-2004 Ditch Witch RT40, Ditch Witch 1820, Ditch Witch 1330, Ditch Witch 1230, 3 TUB GRINDERS: (2) Morbark 950, Lane LRM-2408, HORIZONTAL GRINDERS: Rexworks B-
10, 2 STUMP GRINDERS: Vermeer 630 2003 Vermeer SC130, BRUSH GRINDER: 2006 Rayco RC20XP, 2 COMMERCIAL MOWERS: (2) New Ferris 48in. zero turn, 24 LOADER LANDSCAPE TRACTORS: New Cat MT325B, New Cub Cadet EX450 (4x4), New Cub Cadet EX3200 (4x4), (3) 2003 Kubota L5030GST (4x4), (2) NH T2310, 2008 NH T1510 (4x4), N T1510 (4x4), New NH T1520 (4x4), New NH T1510 (4x4), (2) 2006 NH U80 (4x4), 2005 NH TC34DA (4x4), 2005 NH TC33DA (4x4), NH TC30 (4x4), (2) 2006 Case 570MXT, (2) Case 570MXT, 2005 JD 3320, 2003 JD 210LE (4x4), Ford 445, 2 UTILITY TRACTORS: 2008 Kubota BX24 (4x4), David Brown 1200, 13 AGRICULTURAL TRACTORS: 2006 Cat MT325B, 2007 Challenger MT975B (4x4), 2007 Challenger MT965B (4x4), Cat Challenger 65E, JD 8850 (4x4), JD 8630, JD 4240 (4x4), (2) 2005 JD 4310, JD 4050 (4x4), JD 4040S (4x4), Case 9150 (4x4), Unused YTO 304 (4x4), Steiger Bearcat II (4x4), Steiger Bearcat ST320, 3 LOG SKIDDERS: 2003 Timberjack 460D, Timberjack 350 (man basket), Cat 535B, WOOD CHIPPERS: Salsco 810, FORESTRY EQUIP.: Rayco C140 Brush Cutter, 18 SWEEPERS: 2005-2002 Broce RJ350, (3) Broce RC350, (3) 2006-2005 Laymor 8HC, 2006 Laymor 8B, 2004 Laymor 6HC, 2005 Advance 5800GN, 2004-2002 Terramite TSS38, (2) 2004 Tennant 6600LP, 2006 Superior DT80C, Power Boss Ride-On, BUCKET TRUCKS: GMC 3500 (s/a), 7 BOOM TRKS: (2) 2000-1999 Int’l. 4700 (s/a), (2) 2000 GMC C7H042, 1990 Mack DM600 (t/a), 2002 Sterling LT9511 (t/a), Int’l. 4700 (s/a), 21 WATER TRKS: 2000 Int’l. 9200 (t/a), 2000 Int’l. 8100 (s/a), 2000 Int’l. 4900 (t/a), (2) 2000 Int’l. 4700 (s/a), (2) 2006 Int’l. 4200, 1998 Int’l. (t/a), 2001 Sterling LT8500 (t/a), 1999 Sterling (t/a), 2003 Sterling (s/a), 1999 Peterbilt 379, 1998 Peterbilt 330TA, 2005 Ford F750, (2) 20001999 GMC C7H042-C7500 (s/a), 1999 Freightliner FL70 (s/a), Terex 2766C, Volvo (t/a), 2 WATER TRKS & TANKERS: Cat D25D, Terex TA30, 5 CONCRETE MIXER TRKS: (2) 2006-(2) 2005- 2004 Oshkosh Highland 10.5 yd. Rear Discharge (6x6), GARBAGE TRUCKS: 2000 Mack 25yd. (t/a), FIRE TRUCK: Int’l. Loadstar Water/Foam Truck (4x4) (s/a), 2 ROLLBACK TRKS: 1992 Int’l. 9200 (t/a), Ford (t/a), 2 ROLLOFF TRUCKS: 2008 Kenworth T300 (t/a), 2007 Mack CV713 (tri.), 23 TRUCK TRACTORS: 2011 Western Star 4900EX (t/a), 2001 Western Star (t/a), 2010 Kenworth T800 (t/a), 2010 Kenworth T800, 2000-1999 Peterbilt 379 (tri.), 1994-1991 Peterbilt 379 (t/a), (2) 1998 Peterbilt 377 (tri.), (2) 2004 Mack Granite (tri.), (2) 1997 Mack RD688SX (t/a), 1997 Mack RD686SX, 2008 Mack CXU613 (t/a), 2008-2006 Int’l. 9200I (t/a), 1994 Autocar (t/a), Autocar (t/a), 2007-2000 Freightliner FLD (t/a), 1993 Freightliner (t/a), 45 DUMP TRKS: 1994 Peterbilt 379 (t/a), 2007 Peterbilt 378 (quad.), 2000 Peterbilt 357 (quad.), (5) Peterbilt 357 (quad.), (2) 20072006-(12) 2005 Mack CV713 (tri.), 2005 Mack CTP713 (tri.), 2001-1994 Mack RD688S (quad.), 1988 Mack RD688S (t/a), 2002 Mack CH613 (t/a), 1998-(2)1995-(2) 1994 Mack RD6 (tri.), 2006 Kenworth T800 (tri.), 2000 Kenworth T800 (t/a), 2001 Volvo (tri.), 2000-1999 GMC C7500 (s/a), (3) 2000 - 1999 GMC C7H042-C7500 (s/a), (2) 2005 Ford F750 (s/a), 1996 Ford LTL9000 (tri.), (3) Int’l. 4700 (s/a), 2005 Int’l. 4300 (s/a), 4 FLATBED DUMP TRKS: 2000-(2) 1999 GMC C7H042C7500 (s/a), Int’l. 4700 (s/a), 14 SERVICE TRKS: 2011 Peterbilt 337 (t/a), (2) 2006 Kenworth T800, (4) New Ford F550XL Super Duty (4x4), 2005 Ford F550 (s/a), 1999 Ford F550XL Super Duty (s/a), (2) 2004 Ford F550, 2002 Ford F250, 1996 Ford (t/a) , 1990 Ford F700 (s/a), 4 FUEL/LUBE TRUCKS: 2005 Ford F750, 1988 Ford F700 (s/a), 1977 Ford 8000 (s/a), 1982 Int’l. S2155 (s/a), 4 PICKUPS: (2) Ford F250XL, (4) 1999 Ford F150, MOTOR HOMES: 2000 Bluebird 43ft. (t/a), BUS: 1996 Ford E350 Super Duty Mini Bus, 2 COLLECTIBLE VEHICLES: 2003 Ferrari 360 Modena Spider, 1978 Chevy Corvette T Top, 3 MOTOR CYCLES: 2007 Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail, 1999 Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail, 2001 Yamaha YZF, 2 PORTABLE CREW QUARTERS: New 49ft. racing crew quarters, New 48ft. racing crew quarters, BOATS: 27ft. Mainship, 17 DETACHABLE GOOSENECKS: (8) 2011 Witzco RG50 Challenger (tri.), (3) 2011 Witzco RG35 Challenger (tri.), 2009 Magnolia 50 ton (tri.), (2) 2005 Trailking 50 ton (tri.), 2001 Trail-Eze DHT7048 (t/a), 2006 Pitts 35 ton, 2005 Pitts 50 ton (tri.), Pitts 35 ton (t/a), 2 GOOSENECK TRAILERS: 2004 Witzco Challenger RN35 (t/a), 2001 Pitt 35 ton (t/a), 2 SPECIAL DROP DECKS: (2) 2008 Thruway 75ton 60ft. (quad.), STEP DECK TRAILERS: 2007 Transcraft DTL-2100W2 (t/a), 3 EQUIP. TRAILERS: 2004 Landoll 660B 35 ton (t/a), 2005 Ledwell 35 ton (t/a), 2005 Anderson 20 ton (t/a), 10 TAGALONGS: (2) 2010 Road Boss 20ft. (t/a), (3) 2010 Road Boss 16ft., (2) 2010 Road Boss 12ft. (s/a), (2) TH18 18ft. (t/a), TLU16 16ft. (t/a), 4 UTILITY TRAILERS: (2) JTFA13 13ft. (s/a), JTFA11 11ft. (s/a), JTFA10 10ft. (s/a), 2 WATER TRAILERS: 2006 Wylie EXP-500S, (2) 2006 Wylie W1245S (t/a), 2 DUMP TRAILERS: (2) Big Bee 12ft. w/ Scissor Lift (t/a), 2 CAR HAULERS: (2) 2010 18ft. (t/a), 2 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES: 2004 Yamaha 3 Seater Jet Ski w/ (s/a) trailer, 2003 Sea-Doo GTX 3 Seater Jet Ski w/ (s/a) trailer, 23 UTILITY VEHICLES: 2011 Kawasaki 4010 Mule (4x4), 2004 JD Gator, (2) New Cub Cadet Volunteer (4x4), (4) 2005 IR XRT1200, (10) 20052004 Club Car XRT1200, (2) 2006 Club Car XRT900, 2007 Club Car, 2006-(2) 2005 EZ Go, 4 FRONT END DUMPS: 2001 Benford 9000PTR (4x4), 2005-2004 Benford 6003PTF (4x4), Benford PS5000 (4x4), 4 DUMP BODIES: (4) New 9ft/. Steel, 12 FLATBED BODIES: (6) New 12ft. Steel, (6) New 10ft. Steel, 2 STORAGE CONTAINERS: (2) 40ft., Large Quantity New Cat Undercarriages, CONCRETE EQUIP.: 2005 Stone SB1600, STEL SHEARS: Pemberton Hydr. Second Member Metal Shear, LaBounty MSD15 Third Member Shear for Cat 315-Komatsu 160-Kobelco 160, CUSTOM STONE CARVINGS: Garden Art-Benches-Water Troughs- Bird Baths, ATTACHMENTS, BRONZE STATUES, SURVEY & SUPPORT EQUIP. FLORIDA AUCTIONEER LICENSE: #AU 0001548, FLORIDA LICENSE: #AB-1091. SALE SITE PHONE: (407) 239-2700, (770) 537-7386, FAX: (407) 239-0068.
Everything sells “AS IS,” “WHERE IS,” everything sells to the highest bidder without minimums or reserve.
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Page 66 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
Check Outpdated Our Website! Daily!
37th KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA AUCTION February 7-14, 2011 7 DAY AUCTION HEAVY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT • TRUCKS AND TRAILERS Sunday, February 13, 2011 – No Auction, Office & Equipment Yard Open
Day 1 Mon., Feb. 7, 2011 Motor Graders, Asphalt Rollers, Asphalt Pavers, Asphalt Distributors, Compactors, Sweepers, Brooms, Vacuum Trucks, Soil Stabilizers, Roto Mills, Concrete Equipment, Misc.
Day 2 Tues., Feb. 8, 2011 Rubber Tired Loaders, Rubber Tired Loader Backhoes, Skid Steer Loaders, Attachments, Pumps, Misc.
Day 3 Wed., Feb. 9, 2011 Crawler Tractors, Crawler Loaders, Dirt Compactors, Motor Scrapers, Water Wagons, Off Highway Water Trucks, Attachments, Generators, Electric Motors, Power Units, Engines, Misc.
Day 4 Thurs., Feb. 10, 2011 Hydraulic Excavators, Attachments, Off Highway End Dumps, Dumpers, Forklifts, Manlifts, Misc.
Day 6 Sat., Feb. 12, 2011
Day 5 Fri., Feb. 11, 2011
Rough Terrain Cranes, Truck Cranes, Crawler Cranes, Pile Driving Equipment, Marine Equipment, Crushing & Screening, Boom Trucks, Bucket Trucks, Fuel & Lube Trucks, Mechanics Trucks, Water Trucks, Misc.
Farm Tractors & Implements, Mowers, Forestry, Track Drills, Air Compressors, Welders, Light Plants, Boring Equipment, Trenchers, Digger Derricks, Flatbed Trucks, Automobiles, Vans, Pickups, Mixer Trucks, Specialty Items, Rollbacks, Garbage Trucks, Cab & Chassis, Misc. Trucks, Buses, Misc.
Day 7 Mon., Feb. 14, 2011 Tri-axle, Tandem & Single Axle Dump Trucks, Flatbed Dump Trucks, Truck Tractors, Lowboy, Dropdeck, Dump and Flatbed Trailers, Misc. Trailers
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International buyers are required to deposit $10,000 to bid. This deposit must be in the form of cash, credit card or bank wire.
Divided Government Slows Funding Process for Projects FUNDING from page 20
While Worke doesn’t dispute that Oberstar brought a lot of earmarked money to the 8th District, he said he believes that the state’s roadways generally benefited from the congressman’s efforts. “I elect a congressman to be an advocate for issues that are important to me. I’m not sure we do ourselves a service when we say that elected officials should not have a role in transportation funding.” Worke acknowledged that state legislators traditionally have been more reserved about directing how money should be spent. They do so, he said, out of concern that “all of a sudden they will have a food fight on their hands that they can’t manage.” New Political Realities Minnesotans are in the same position as the rest of America: divided government. Their legislature suddenly has far more Republican influence than prior to November, but the state’s executive mansion has been turned over to a DFL governor for the first time in two decades. The dynamics of passing and signing into law new transportation bills have changed dramatically in St. Paul.
The GOP retook the Minnesota House after a 4-year hiatus and won a majority in the Senate for the first time in three decades. The consequences of this stark political change could be pretty sweeping if Republicans really are serious about changing the culture of spending. Yet clashes over spending are assured with new Gov. Mark Dayton already proposing taxes on the wealthy to overcome a $6.2 billion budget deficit. The expectation is that legislative belttightening will ensue, unless Dayton successfully vetoes it. Some major cuts in programming are a distinct possibility. Even though highway and bridge funding is in a dedicated account, auxiliary appropriations are not as apt to be forthcoming. On the other hand, more public-private construction partnerships could be in the offing. With the defeat of Oberstar, earmarked federal funds for highways are far less likely to be channeled to St. Paul from Washington. Yet the new Republican leadership of the House in Washington might give GOP peers in Minnesota special consideration — if they can do so within a new, more circumspect, spending framework.
This all sounds familiar to anyone monitoring the political environment in Washington, where divided government returns after a two-year absence. In St. Paul, it might mean that the deck chairs only have been moved around and the good ship Minnesota still is sinking. The unresolved question for Washington as well as Minnesota is how deep the new ethic of austerity runs in the body politick. Do taxpayers have the mettle to demand tough highway funding choices previously kicked down the road? For example, is the public conviction to reduce deficits and shrink the size of government strong enough to back actual prioritizing of highway and bridge projects? Worke, for one, doesn’t think so. “I don’t think that’s possible,” he said of the idea of entirely deferring spending on one project so that the money can be appropriated to complete a more urgent project, a policy of taking turns. “The way the system has developed and the way funding structures are put in place, I don’t believe that will happen. It might be possible if we had sufficient resources, but the needs are just so far reaching that you can’t forsake needs in one area of the state
for two or three years, even if the other needs are of a higher rank or order.” Hwy. 14 proponents probably would argue that what Worke described is exactly what has happened to them. That is, a project to make a deadly road safer and a corridor of high economic importance more functional has been forsaken by legislators for years in order to assuage complaints about congestion around St. Paul and other places where constituent clamor carried the day. Until the first bills are filed in St. Paul and Washington, the impact of the 2011 election on highway funding simply is unclear. Yet Worke is an optimist. Despite all the horse-trading involved in transportation funding in the past — and maybe in the future — the Minnesota AGC executive refuses to grow cynical. “I am hopeful,” he said. “And you know what, you can’t look at these issues as an end. You have to believe that some day we are going to arrive, and on that beautiful day, we are going to sit back and say we took care of all the needs despite all the ups and downs along the way. “It becomes much easier to press ahead when you think that way.”CEG
2004 CAT D9R
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 67
2007 CAT 950H
2005 GROVE RT600E
ERRECA’S INC. {COMPLETE DISPERSAL} 12570 Slaughterhouse Canyon Rd. // Lakeside, CA
UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTION Our auctions offer a wide variety of equipment makes and models, as well as premium services from the Cat name you already know and trust. View auction details, complete equipment listings, video footage, and register to bid online at: /CA Follow the new leader.®
CAT AUCTION SERVICES 8050 County Road 101 East Shakopee, MN 55379 866.750.9432
2001 CAT 826G *Equipment subject to change
View the full equipment list, photos, and inspections at: ©2011 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos and “Caterpillar Yellow,” as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.
Page 68 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
Meekins Holds 16th Annual December Contractors Sale
David Vendemia (L), Tar Heel Machinery, Raleigh, N.C., and Josh Kearns, BenchMark Tool & Supply, Raleigh,N.C., came to the sale to network and see who was bidding.
loyd Meekins & Sons Auction Co. held the 16th annual December Contractors Auction on Dec. 28 in Lumberton, N.C., featuring an absolute, complete dispersal for Morgan Trucking as well as absolute packages of equipment and trucks from many owners. The auction attracted 1,390 on-site bidders and 1,491 lots were sold. “As a company that has worked with Lloyd Meekins & Sons Auction Co. for almost ten years, I am happy to state that our long-standing relationship has been nothing but excellent,” said Larry Garafola, founder and CEO of online auction solution provider, Equipmentfacts LLC. “It has always been a pleasure to work with Meekins because of their high level of professionalism. Their comJosh and Don Blanton, both of Road Builders Inc., in Wilmington, pany is well organized, reliable and yields great results (L-R): N.C. and Keith Davenport, Davenport Inc., Plymouth, N.C., came to buy each time. Our most recent auction with Meekins was a few rollers, skid steer loaders and dump trucks. extremely successful. The December 28th contractor’s auction attracted an astounding 311 out of 351 bid-placing bidders, representing 44 states and 20 foreign countries. We are very pleased to provide online auctions for Meekins, and hope to collaborate well into the future.” Among the highest-selling items were a 2005 Cat 330CL hydraulic excavator that sold for $85,000, a 1997 Cat DR7 crawler dozer that sold for $78,000, and a 2002 Sterling T/A 30-ton crane boom truck that sold for $75,000.
Trey Meekins spots the winning bid on this John Deere 892E LC excavator. The buyer came in from South Florida. (L-R):Eric and Brad Gordon, both of EBG, Clayton, N.C. were selling a few excavators and were going to bid on a few rollers. Their neighbor, Wayne Calton, Gregory Poole Equipment Company, came to the sale to see what the Cat Machines were selling for. Bidders were packed into the covered, heated arena to view and bid on the machines as they came over the ramp.
(L-R): Kyle Lear and Chance King, both of C&K Construction & Logging, Chesterfield, N.C. and Woody Dutton, Deer Creek Timber, Anson County, N.C. were looking for a few dozers to build and maintain their logging roads.
This Link-Belt 5800 track hoe went to an internet buyer in Columbia.
(L-R): Adrian Staley, Staley Construction, Stanley, N.C., and Johnny Langley, Langley Grading, Stanley, N.C., both came to the sale to buy a couple of dozers. Bill Poteat, Gregory Poole Equipment Company, talked to them about a few other options.
P.D. Hudson (L), Hudson Insurance, and Jackie Adkinson, J&J Truck Sales, Danville, Va., came to the sale for Adkinson to bid on a few select pieces.
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 69
Online Auction February 24 & 25 Featuring equipment from
2008 CAT D6N LGP
2008 CAT D6K LGP
(3) 2008 CAT CS54
2008 CAT 950H
2008 CAT 320DL Long Reach
2008 CAT 297C CL2
2008 JCB 520-40
2007 CAT 325DL
2007 CAT 311CU
(2) 2007 Peterbilt 4000 Gallon
2006 CAT D6R LGP
(3) 2006 CAT 725
2006 CAT 312CL with Hammer
2006 CAT 307CSB
2005 CAT 325CL Long Reach
(2) 2005 CAT 12H
Visit our website to see the complete list of equipment, review the guaranteed inspection reports, and place your bids.
Inspected and Guaranteed s 888-433-5426 Auction Company Bond #70259785. Preliminary list to date. Equipment subject to change.
Page 70 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
ADVERTISER INDEX ABINGTON LLC..............................................................................19 ALEX LYON & SON INC KISSIMMEE FL ......................................................................64,65 ALL ERECTION & CRANE RENTAL..............................................18 ARROW EQUIPMENT INC.............................................................41 ASC CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT USA.................................3,40 BARGAINS .....................................................................................61 BEASLEY FOREST PRODUCTS...................................................21 BENCH MARK TOOL & SUPPLY.....................................................9 BLANCHARD MACHINERY USED PARTS ..............................23,51 BOBCAT COMPANY..................................................................52,53 BOMAG...........................................................................................47 BROOKS SALES INC.....................................................................17 CAROLINA CAT................................................................................7 CAT AUCTION SERVICES LAKESIDE CA.............................................................................67 CEG SCALE MODELS ...................................................................28 CERTIFIED BOOM REPAIR SERVICE ..........................................17 CLASSIFIEDS............................................................................60,61 CLEVELAND BROTHERS EQUIPMENT CO ............................10,11 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE WANTED .....................................................................................62 CONEX PROMO.........................................................................32 EXCAVATORS & ATTACHMENTS PROMO ...............................38 DITCH WITCH OF ROANOKE INC................................................16 DYNAPAC .......................................................................................50 FAE USA INC..................................................................................46 FCC EQUIPMENT FINANCIAL ......................................................22 FLANGE LOCK...............................................................................12 FLUID CONTROL SERVICES........................................................15 G S EQUIPMENT .............................................................................2 GATORBACK TRACKS & EQUIPMENT ........................................51 GOMACO CORP ............................................................................42 HALE TRAILER BRAKE & WHEEL..................................................6 HILLS MACHINERY COMPANY ....................................................72 HYDRAULICIRCUIT TECHNOLOGY .............................................21 INTERSTATE EQUIPMENT CO .......................................................7 IROCK CRUSHERS .......................................................................35 IRON PLANET ONLINE AUCTION......................................................................69
JCB INC ..........................................................................................31 JFW EQUIPMENT INC ...................................................................40 JOHN DEERE SKID STEER .....................................................56,57 KLEIN PRODUCTS INC .................................................................13 KOMATSU AMERICA CORP ..........................................................59 LASER-GRADER MFG...................................................................22 LEEBOY..........................................................................................44 M D MOODY & SONS INC.............................................................37 NATIONAL ATTACHMENTS ...........................................................16 PINNACLE CENTRAL CO..............................................................26 QUEST EQUIPMENT .....................................................................24 RING POWER CRANE.....................................................................9 RITCHIE BROS. AUCTIONEERS ORLANDO FL .............................................................................71 ROAD BUILDERS MACHINERY ....................................................15 ROSCO MFG CO ...........................................................................46 RSC EQUIPMENT RENTAL ...........................................................17 SAKAI AMERICA INC .....................................................................49 SOLESBEES EQUIP & ATTACHMENTS .......................................21 SOUTHERN SHOWS .....................................................................18 STONE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT .......................................48 T-QUIP OF FLORIDA .....................................................................15 TAKEUCHI ......................................................................................54 TOPCON POSITIONING SYSTEMS..............................................23 TREKKER TRACTOR.....................................................................36 TRENCH SHORING SERVICES ....................................................19 U S SHORING ..................................................................................5 UNITED RENTALS OF FLORIDA ..................................................27 VOLVO COMPACTION...................................................................43 VOLVO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT .......................................55 WIRTGEN AMERICA......................................................................45 YANMAR AMERICA........................................................................29 YODER & FREY AUCTIONEERS FLORIDA AUCTION....................................................................66
GEORGIA STATE SUPPLEMENT BORDER EQUIPMENT ....................................................................3 TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO INC .................................................8 YANCEY BROTHERS CO ................................................................4
The Advertisers Index is printed as a free editorial service to our advertisers and readership. Construction Equipment Guide is not responsible for errors or omissions.
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • January 26, 2011 • Page 71
Orlando, Florida February 15 – 19, 2011
2007 CAT 325DL
2003 TEREX DEMAG AC110 130 TON
2007 TEREX TA30 6x6
2005 VOLVO L330E
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Crawler Tractors Wheel Loaders Motor Graders Motor Scrapers Articulated Dump Trucks All Terrain Cranes Rough Terrain Cranes Hydraulic Truck Cranes Crawler Cranes Cranes
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Excavators Skid Steer Loaders Truck Tractors Dump Trucks Boom Trucks Telescopic Forklifts Forklifts Scissorlifts Boom Lifts Recreational Vehicles
For complete and up-to-date equipment listings visit
700 Ritchie Road, Davenport, FL 33897 • Sale Starts 8 AM Auction Business License #AB303 / Auctioneer Greg S. Fuqua # AU2824
Page 72 • January 26, 2011 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE
1997 Case 580L
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2008 Cat D6N LGP
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