PROVISION OF A BIM INNOVATION CAPABILITY PROGRAMME (BICP) Submitted by The Construction IT Alliance Ltd 21st May 2015
Foreword 1 1.0
Executive Summary 2
2.0 Building Information Modelling 3 2.1 Global Perspective 3 2.2 European Union 4 2.3 United Kingdom Mandate 4 2.4 Ireland’s Response 3.0 Construction IT Alliance 6 3.1 Background to Formation 6 3.2 Strategic Vision 6 3.3 Corporate Governance 6 3.4 Financial and Economic Capacity 7 3.5 Previous Contracts 7 3.6 Networking Capability 8 3.7 BIM Capability 9 3.8 International Links 10 4.0 Overview of BIM Innovation Capability Programme Team and Budget 11 4.1 Governance of BICP 11 4.2 BICP Team Members Proposed 11 4.3 BICP Delivery Steering Groups 11 4.4 Project Evaluation 12 4.5 Project Duration and Milestones 13 4.6 Project Budget and Detailed Breakdown of Fixed Costs 13 5.0 Detailed Delivery of Work Packages 14 5.1 Research Strategy and Design 14 5.2 Setting the BICP Research Objectives 14 5.3 Overview of Research Methods Chosen 15 5.4 Work Package 1: Information Gathering 15 5.5 Work Package 2: Industry Consultation 16 5.6 Work Package 3: In-depth Analysis 20 5.7 Work Package 4: Dissemination of Findings 21 6.0 Key Performance Indicators 26 Appendices Appendix 1: Letters of Support Appendix 2: Form of tender Appendix 3: Declaration of Bona Fides Appendix 4: Declaration of Statutory Obligations Appendix 5: Self Declaration Re Financial and Economics Capacity Appendix 6: Previous Contracts Appendix 7: Framework Agreement Terms and Conditions Appendix 8: Confidentiality Appendix 9: Resource Allocation Table Appendix 10: BICP Team CVs Appendix 11: Project Schedule Appendix 12: List of Research Publications Appendix 13: List of CITA Members (May 2015)
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Foreword The Construction IT Alliance (CITA) are delighted to be given the opportunity to tender for this important project. Since CITA’s formation in 1999, its mission has been to drive the adoption of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) within the Irish construction sector. Over the past 15 years, CITA has championed the development of capabilities in Building Information Modelling (BIM). In recent years, CITA has instigated a series of BIM focused workshops and hosted a BIM international conference in the year of the Gathering 2013. In addition, CITA Skillnet provides training in BIM concepts and software1. CITA very much welcome the accelerated features contained in the newly proposed BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP) and CITA hopes that this tender proposal is of interest to the Contracting Authority. CITA welcomes, in particular, the research focus of the BICP programme, as this was perhaps the missing component to-date in respect to the collation of data to measure the relevance and readiness of BIM to be deployed extensively in Ireland. CITA would like to acknowledge the funding it has received since 2006 from Enterprise Ireland which has helped to build a momentum in respect to the interest among Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) businesses to embrace innovation technologies and processes, such as those offered by BIM. Centrally funded programmes like the Enterprise Innovation Network (EIN) programme and the CITA Skillnets training programme have helped CITA to build a vibrant and representative network across the Island of Ireland. As BIM is becoming a powerful driving force in seeking out efficiencies and increased productivity in construction Ireland’s response need to be swift2. CITA takes pride in that it was first to market in respect to identifying the relevance of BIM to the Irish construction sector. CITA are conscious and fully aware that the 2016 mandate is fast approaching in the UK and we believe it is now ideal time for this important programme to be introduced to help better prepare the Irish construction sector for the digital age and to exploit the opportunities that BIM will bring to Irish businesses that are operating in international markets. Dr. Alan V Hore Founding Director
Forfás, 2013, Ireland’s Construction Sector: Outlook and Strategic Plan to 2015. Government Publications, (2014), Construction 2020: A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector 1 2
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Section One: Executive Summary
Executive Summary This proposal is responding to a call by the Contracting Authority to collate applicable BIM data, founded on an explicit research programme that will help feed into an overall BIM development plan for the Irish AEC sector. The initial phase of the proposal focuses on data collection. CITA responds to the request to collate readily available publications on the operational challenges associated with the adoption of BIM, latest studies on technology trends, best practice case studies and a comprehensive review of BIM implementation in international regions, with a particular focus on enablers to support implementation. The next phase calls for proposals for a structured programme of consultation with industry and 3rd level institutes. This phase will help provide a comprehensive snapshot of the current offering of BIM programmes in Ireland, together with the identification of the skill gaps evident within industry that require addressing to allow Irish businesses to compete on internationally mandated BIM projects. The final phase of the proposal involves carrying out an in-depth analysis of the data collected from the earlier phases, together with a strategy for the dissemination of findings through formally structured bi-monthly events and an international conference. This dissemination will also involve locating best practice projects detailing effective use of BIM. The proposal includes for a formal timescale of reporting to both the Contracting Authority and a newly formed BIM Implementation Steering Committee.
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Global Perspective European Union United Kingdom Mandate Ireland’s Response
Section Two: Building Information Modelling
Building Information Modelling 2.1 Global Perspective BIM usage is accelerating rapidly across the globe, driven by major private and government owners who want the benefits of faster more certain project delivery, and more reliable quality and cost. BIM mandates by the US, UK and other government entities demonstrate how enlightened owners and policy makers can set specific targets and empower design and construction companies to leverage BIM technologies to meet and exceed these goals, also driving BIM into the broader project ecosystem into the process3.
2.2 European Union In February 2014, the European Council approved the European Public Procurement Directive which includes encouragement for BIM in the procurement of public works to support the modernisation of procurement processes, improvements to cost efficiency of public funding and to increase consideration for whole life costing in public works4. A number of European nations have already started, or are now beginning to investigate the development of national and centralised public sector BIM strategies, including; Austria, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and UK. In recent months a BIM Task Group was formed to coordinate and collaborate on BIM at the European level due to the following reasons: I.
There is compelling evidence of the revolutionising impact that e-procurement and digital working can have on the performance of both the public estate and the construction sector.
To align on the introduction of BIM and digital working practices with a common aim to improve cost efficiency, growth and competitiveness.
To reduce public costs due to the duplication of implementation efforts.
Avoid placing an additional cost burden to the European construction sector and its SMEs in responding to potentially divergent BIM tender requirements from public clients.
An Immediate need for coordination is required with cross-European initiatives to avoid divergent and competing national strategies and to support the objectives described under the European Commission’s strategy for Construction 2020.
Positive change can be influenced by aligning at the European level the combined procurement power of central public clients5.
McGraw Hill Construction (2014), SmartMarket Report, The Business Value of BIM in Global Markets; How Contractors Around the World are Driving Innovation With Building Information Modelling. 4 Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), Article 22(4). 5 McAuley, B., Hore, A.V. and West, R. (2012) Use of Building Information Modelling in responding to L ow Carbon Construction Innovations: An Irish Perspective, Proceedings of the Joint CIB W055, W065, W089, W118, 3
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
2.3 United Kingdom BIM Mandate The UK Governments Construction Strategy was published by the Cabinet office on 31 May 2011. The report announced the Government’s intention to require collaborative 3D BIM (with all project and asset information, documentation and data being electronic) on its centrally funded projects by 2016. Essentially the UK Government has embarked with industry on a four year programme for sector modernisation with the key objective of: reducing capital cost and the carbon burden from the construction and operation of the built environment by 20%. Central to these ambitions is the adoption of information rich BIM technologies, process and collaborative behaviors that will unlock new more efficient ways of working at all stages of the project life-cycle6. The consequence of this important announcement increased the level of interest in BIM in Ireland causing CITA to respond through its Enterprise Ireland, EIN funding projects (20082014) with the delivery of specific monthly BIM events, a CITA BIM Gathering International conference in 2013 and its successful CITA Skillnet training funded programme (2008 – 2015). In 2015, CITA are hosting both in Dublin and regionally the CITA Smarter Building Series, which is specifically focused on Level 2 BIM implementation in Ireland. Advanced plans are also in place to host the return of the CITA BIM Gathering International 2 day Conference in November 2015.
2.4 Irelands Response Irelands approach to BIM can be best described as cautious. Given the catastrophic impact of the banking collapse in Ireland and its impact on the Irish construction industry this is perhaps a sensible approach. In contrast to the aggressive and brave approach taken by the UK authorities, Ireland needs to ensure that whatever policy emanates from BICP and other initiatives taken by Enterprise Ireland, such as their BIM Enable and BIM Implement programmes that the fragility of the sector is kept in focus. In the recent Construction 2020 report published by the Irish Government in May 2014, BIM featured as a very powerful enabler to increasing productivity in construction and it was acknowledged that BIM is rapidly becoming a standard requirement internationally and that Ireland must embrace its ideals. Specific recommendations were included in the report in respect to BIM. Recommendation 68: Implement a BIM staged development programme to support companies advancing to Level 2 BIM capability7. Recommendation 69: Work with industry organisations to promote the use of BIM and develop the appropriate technical skills amongst Irish construction firms so that they can successfully compete in markets where BIM is widely adopted or a requirement8.
TG76, TG78, TG8 International Conference on Management of Construction: Research to Practice, Montreal, Jun 26 – 29th 2012, pp 528 – 536. 6 HM Government (2012), Industry Strategy, Government and Industry in Partnership, Building Information Modelling. 7 Government Publications, (2014), Construction 2020: A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector, pp. 58. 8 Ibid, pp. 59.
Submitted by The Construction IT Alliance Ltd
Section Two: Building Information Modelling
In response to this recommendation Enterprise Ireland has recently embarked on a stimulus programme to heighten BIM knowledge and proficiency across the Irish AEC sector. The strategy includes a BIM Enable and BIM Implement programmes which is restricted to Enterprise Ireland Clients and supported by a directory of approved service providers. These programmes are an important signal from the Irish Governments agency responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets that BIM is important for Irish AEC businesses. There are currently early signals of BIM adoption on flagship Irish public sector projects like the DIT Grange Gorman development and HSE developments like the new National Children’s Hospital. There is evidence that private sector clients are now calling for BIM and Irish designers and contractors are having to respond. This was particularly evident in the 2014 Client BIM Series organised by the CITA, which attracted Irish based clients from a variety of sectors to share their desire to deploy BIM on their future projects. There is also evidence of a number of 3rd level institutes across Ireland who are active in the design and delivery of specific BIM programmes both at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Submitted by The Construction IT Alliance Ltd
Section Five: Detailed Delivery of Work Packages
Detailed Delivery of Work Packages CITA intend to deliver the BICP in strict adherence to the four (4) work packages and relevant reporting requirements stipulated in the tender documentation.
5.1 Research Strategy and Design The work packages are framed within an overall research strategy, the objective of which, is the collation of applicable BIM data, founded on focused research and consultation with industry and academia in the Irish AEC Sector. The BICP Tender Research Steering Group set about preparing an overarching research strategy and identifying the research methods that were most applicable to this project. The main consideration was to initially decide whether a qualitative or quantitative strategy would be adopted. Issues such as bias, objectivity, subjectivity, reliability and validity were also considered. The explicit nature of the research agenda set out by the Contracting Authority was such that it is largely a qualitative research strategy that is required. The research strategy proposed describes how the data will be collected and analysed in order to answer the questions posed and provide a framework for understanding the research13 . In addition to an in-depth literature review in Work Package 1, qualitative research methods will mainly be used to help the author achieve the aims and objectives of the BICP project. This will be achieved by using qualitative interviews in conjunction with rigorous use of appropriate case study material. During the early stages of the research investigation, it may well become apparent that a quantitative research strategy may also be required to measure trends within the data collected in order to compare it to international research findings from comparable studies14.
5.2 Setting the BICP Research Objectives Members of the BICP Tender Research Steering Group were determined to ensure that the research objectives would be as clear, and simple and measurable as possible. To ensure ease of evaluation the group ensured that the objectives set were S.M.A.R.T. objectives15. The overarching research objectives chosen for the BICP include: 1. Collating applicable BIM data, founded on an explicit research programme that will help feed into an overall BIM development plan for the Irish AEC sector. 2. Carry out a structured programme of consultation with industry and 3rd Level Institutes to test the findings concluded from Work Package 1.
Ruddock, A.K., (2008), Advanced Research Methods in the Built Environment, West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing. Lee, N. And Hollar, D., A., (2013), Probing BIM Education in Construction Engineering and Management Programme using Industry Perceptions 49th ASC Annual International Conference Proceedings. 15 Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and Time bound. 13 14
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
3. Identify appropriate comprehensive best practice case studies detailing effective use of BIM. 4. Carry out an in-depth analysis of the data and implement a strategy for the dissemination of findings through a formally structured events programme. 5. Delivery a working paper to Enterprise Ireland and an appointed BIM Implementation Steering Committee on an optimum strategy for the implementation of BIM in Ireland.
5.3 Overview of Research Methods Chosen The research methods proposed are intended to focus on participant observations deployed in both industry and educational consultations and the subsequent case studies identified, all of which will result in the analysis of a narrative or a descriptive account of practice experienced. The qualitative analysis will need to place an emphasis on meanings, experiences and descriptions. This will be achieved through three main sub-components of research gathering, namely: 1. Exploratory research (unstructured early consultations with key stakeholders) 2. Attitudinal research (structured opinions from appropriate stakeholders) 3. Placement research (gathering data from appropriate environments and case studies) A more detailed account of the particular research methods chosen is covered in more detail under each of the separate Work Packages below.
5.4 Work Package 1: Information Gathering Element Description of Package This work package will be delivered by the Post Doctorate Researcher in partnership with a 3rd Level Institute, both of which have to be nominated by the successful tenderer. The package will focus on a desk based study appraising BIM software applications, BIM technology trends, Irish best practice BIM case studies and a global review of BIM adoption in international regions. Scope (Provided by Contracting Authority) 1. Research and evaluate leading BIM management software applications appropriate for Irish industry, identifying operational challenges in company adoption and suitability for Irish industry (to enable Irish industry to compete to international standards). 2. Research the latest information (to include data and case studies) on technology trends across industry with particular emphasis on BIM. 3. Identify and capture best practice effecting of BIM on Irish projects in the Irish and international markets. 4. Undertake a systematic review of BIM adoption in international regions with particular focus on the enablers to support implementation.
Month One (1)
Twenty four (24) months
(Provided by CITA)
Submitted by The Construction IT Alliance Ltd
Section Five: Detailed Delivery of Work Packages
1. Create a leading BIM management software applications register and user dashboard for Irish industry. 2. Conduct a comprehensive literature review of the operational challenges experienced in the delivery of BIM projects both in Ireland and overseas. 3. Identify examples of best practice in the use of BIM on specific Irish projects in Ireland or Internationally 4. Conduct a comprehensive literature review on emerging BIM technology trends. 5. Conduct a comprehensive literature review of global BIM adoption initiatives with a particular focus on successful enablers. Research Methods Desk-based literature review and industry consultation. Deliverables CITA propose to breakdown this work package into 4 separate components which is evident in appendix 11 on the delivery schedule. Phase WP1A – Software Applications Phase WP1B – Technology Trends Matrix Phase WP1C – BIM Case Study Capture Phase WP1D – Global BIM Adoption Study Milestones 1
Commencement of Work Package Delivery of quarterly report to Contracting Authority
5.5 Work Package 2: Industry and 3rd Level Institute Consultation Element Description of Package This work package will be delivered by the Post Doctorate Researcher following consultation with both industry and the 3rd Level sector in Ireland. This package will focus on a field based study, appraising a mapping of all BIM training and Educational Programmes on offer in Ireland, together with a validation of the findings from Work Package 1. In addition, two consultation workshops will be undertaken to identify industry requirements in respect to BIM adoption. Scope (Provided by Contracting Authority) 1. Map all 3rd Level Institutes, and private bodies, delivering BIM training programmes in the Irish market presently. 2. Consult with a selection (minimum 5) of 3rd Level Institutions that are active in the delivery of BIM programmes, to test findings concluded from Work Package 1. 3.
Half day consultation workshops with 8-10 industry companies (2 in total) will be undertaken in order to identify fully the companies’ requirements and areas which require up-skilling to adopt BIM processes and technology products in order to compete in the Irish and international markets. Feedback from the consultation workshops will be documented and a detailed written summary included in reports.
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Month One (1)
Twenty four (24) months
(Provided by CITA)
1. Identify both specific BIM 3rd level educational programmes and component modules both at undergraduate and postgraduate level in the Irish market. 2. Identify private bodies delivering BIM training in the Irish market. 3. Identify and consult with a minimum of five (5) 3rd Level Institutes active in delivering BIM programmes and test the findings of WP1. 4. Conduct and document two consultation workshops with industry on BIM requirements and upskilling. Research Methods Focus groups and consultation workshops. Deliverables CITA propose to breakdown this work package into 4 separate components which is evident in appendix 11 on the delivery schedule WP2A – BIM Education Mapping WP2B – BIM Training Catalogue WP2C – BIM Education Dialogue WP2D – BIM Consultation Workshops Milestones 1
Commencement of Work Package
3rd Level Institute Consultation
Delivery of quarterly report to Contracting Authority
Industry Consultation Workshops
Proposed Structure, Location and Costs of Consultation Workshops CITA has extensive experience in hosting and co-ordinating consultation workshops. There are two categories of workshops called for by the Contracting Authority, namely: 1. 3rd Level Institutes 2. Industry
Submitted by The Construction IT Alliance Ltd
Section Five: Detailed Delivery of Work Packages
3rd Level Institutes Consultations The proposed 3rd level Institutes consultation programme will be facilitated by the Post Doctorate Researcher and the Principal Investigator Dr. Alan Hore. The consultation programme will provide an opportunity to meet 3rd Level Institutions who are active in the delivery of BIM programmes to test the findings of Work Package 1. The consultation programme, as envisaged by the Contracting Authority, will include but not be exclusive to 1-1 meetings at their convenience and locations. It is envisaged that the following 3rd level institutions will be consulted at their institute as a minimum. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Dublin Institute of Technology Trinity College Dublin University College Dublin Waterford Institute of technology Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
The following is the suggested structure of the consultation meetings. i. i. ii. ii. iii. iv. v.
Details of current programme(s) on offer a. Awarding Authority b. Programme structure c. Mode and delivery strategy d. Programme metrics Entry thresholds Student destination statistics Phase WP1A – Software Register a. Preferential software usage b. Operational challenges Phase WP1B – Technology Trends Matrix a. Mapping of BICP matrix to curriculum development Phase WP1C – BIM Case Study Capture a. Linkage with local industry b. Use of Irish case studies on project design Phase WP1D – Global BIM Adoption Study a. Involvement of lecturers in local BIM hubs b. Research outputs c. International links
Feedback from the consultation will documented and detailed in the quarterly report that will be submitted to the Contracting Authority and also the 3rd level institutes consulted. Industry Consultations The proposed two industry consultation workshops will be facilitated by the Post Doctorate Researcher and chaired by Principal Investigator Dr. Alan Hore. They will provide an opportunity to meet 10 cross– sectorial companies, in two separate locations, one located in a central location and the other in a regional location. CITA has extensive experience in organising these types of workshops on previous funded projects by the Contracting Authority. The companies invited to attend these workshops will be carefully chosen from owners, designers, constructors and building operators/managers who are active in Irish and international markets. Table 9 below illustrates the suggested structure of the consultation meetings, which will typically be 3-4 hours in duration. The qualitative data will be captured by the Post Doctorate Researcher for analysis.
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Introduction by Chair Dr. Alan Hore
Introductions by Participant Companies
Theme 1 - Understanding companies BIM upskilling requirements. Open Discussion
Theme 2 – Understanding companies BIM Software requirements. Open Discussion
Tea and Coffee
Enterprise Ireland Speaker (TBA) –
A BIM Framework for Practical Implementation for the Irish AEC Sector
11.45-12.00 Q&A 12.00-12.30
Summary of Data Collection by Post Doctorate Researcher
Table 9 - Outline Structure of Industry Consultations Feedback from the consultation workshops will be documented on the day and detailed in the quarterly report to be submitted to the Contracting Authority and also the industry contacts who partook in the consultation workshop. It will not be a necessity to hire specific venues to facilitate these consultations as the 3rd level institute meetings will take place on their campuses and the industry workshops will be hosted in CITA’s offices in Dublin and in the regional offices of a CITA member company. Proposed Reporting Mechanism and Structure for WP1 and WP2 The responsibility for the production of the quarterly reports will be placed on the appointed Post Doctorate Researcher who will be the main custodial of the data collected. Reports will be produced by the provider on a three (3) monthly basis for the Contracting Authority. The report will be forwarded initially to the Principal Investigator and the Advisory Research Supervisor who will both provide comments and suggestions in regard to any proposed changes. The Principal Investigator will forward the final draft to the Account Manager who will in turn forward same to the Contracting Authority, once satisfied that all proofreading and changes have been made. An important component of the reporting will be the independent review of the project performance by FAC as earlier described. The report will be created in Microsoft word and be converted into a PDF format for dissemination. The structure of each interim report will contain the following headings and have a maximum page length of 30 pages excluding appendices. i. Introduction ii. Work Package Phase iii. Scope of Research iv. Research Approach v. Review of Action Undertaken vi. Realisation of Project Objectives vii. Project Timeline viii. Issues and Challenges to be Addressed ix. Proposed Action for Forthcoming Period x. Conclusions and Recommendations xi. Project Evaluator Report (Future Analytics) xii. Appendices It is acknowledged that all report meetings with the contracting authority will be accommodated in Enterprise Ireland’s premises, East Point Business Park, Dublin 3.
Submitted by The Construction IT Alliance Ltd
Section Five: Detailed Delivery of Work Packages
5.6 Work Package 3: In-depth Analysis Description of Package This work package is a very concentrated period of two (2) months when all data collated up to that point is analysed and reported to the Contracting Authority. Scope (Provided by Contracting Authority) Analysis should be applied to research findings arising from Work Package 1 and Work Package 2 of the BICP including exploratory data analysis, deriving of main findings recommendations for industry and public sector.
Month Five (5)
Two (2) months – stipulated by Contracting Authority. CITA propose to extend this to 19 months
(Provided by CITA)
1. Analyse a base of knowledge in respect to leading BIM management software applications, technology trends, Irish BIM projects and BIM adoption in international regions and determine if current perception is consistent with the potential wider adoption of BIM in Ireland. 2. Analyse a base of knowledge in respect to the extent and impact of 3rd Level Institutes, and private bodies, delivering BIM education and training programmes in the Irish market presently and determine if these offerings are improving the overall skill set of the Irish AEC sector in the use of BIM. 3. Carry out an in-depth analysis of two consultation industry workshops and determine if companies’ requirements and upskilling issues identified are intrinsically required to remain competitive in the Irish and international markets. Research Methods Reflective and exploratory analysis Deliverables CITA propose to breakdown this work package into two separate components which is evident in appendix 11 on the delivery schedule. Phase WP3A – Information Analysis Phase WP3B – Consultation Analysis Milestones
WP3A WP3B Commencement of Work Package Delivery of quarterly report to Contracting Authority
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Proposed Reporting Mechanism and Structure for WP3 The responsibility for the production of the in-depth analysis of data from WP1 and WP2 will be the responsibility of the Post Doctorate Researcher who will be the main custodial of the data collected. The in-depth analysis element will commence four (4) months after commencement of Work Package 1 and 2 and be ongoing for 2 months. CITA propose extending this to 19 months. The quarterly report will be forwarded initially to the Principal Investigator and the Advisory Research Supervisor who will both provide comments and suggestions in regard to any proposed changes. The Principal Investigator will forward the final draft to the Accounts Manager who will in turn forward same to the Contracting Authority, once satisfied that all proofreading and changes have been made. An important component of the reporting will be the independent review of the project performance by FAC as earlier described. The report will be created in Microsoft word and be converted into a PDF format for dissemination. The structure of this report will contain the following headings and have a maximum page length of 30 pages excluding appendices. i. Executive Summary ii. Introduction iii. Work Package Phase iv. Scope of Research v. Research Approach vi. Realisation of Project Objectives vii. Data Reduction viii. Data Display ix. BICP Matrix x. Verification of Data Display (Future Analytics) xi. Conclusions and Recommendations xii. Appendices The reference to Data Reduction above refers to the skill by the researcher to “reduce and focus” on themes or threads of data that can be more easily analysed. It is acknowledged that all report meetings with the contacting authority will be accommodated in Enterprise Ireland’s premises, East Point Business Park, Dublin 3.
5.7 Work Package 4: Dissemination of Findings Element Description of Package This work package is the concluding component of the BICP, where the findings from the preceding work packages will be disseminated. Scope (Provided by Contracting Authority) 1. Disseminate conclusions to Irish industry through regional bi-monthly events (6) and Annual Conference (1). 2. Circulate comprehensive case studies detailing best practice effecting of BIM on Irish projects (or Irish practitioners operating in international markets) across industry and directly to the Contracting Authority and an appointed BIM Implementation Steering Committee (minimum of 6 per annum).
Submitted by The Construction IT Alliance Ltd
Section Five: Detailed Delivery of Work Packages
Deliver a working paper to Enterprise Ireland and the BIM Implementation Steering Committee on the optimum strategy for the implementation of BIM in Ireland. The research to pay particular focus to “contracts and standards” and the costs and benefits of BIM to “client groups”. The working paper to be delivered to Enterprise Ireland within 4 months of commencement of Work Package 4.
4. The working paper to include a mapping of all Irish academic 3rd level institutions and private organisations involved in the delivery of BIM modules.
Month Seven (7)
Eighteen (18) months
Deliverables CITA propose to breakdown this work package into 4 separate components which is evident in appendix 11 on the delivery schedule. WP4A – Six (6) Bi-Monthly Events WP4B – One (1) Annual Conference WP4C – Twelve (12) Case Studies WP4D – One (1) Working Paper Objectives 1. To deliver six (6) high quality bi-monthly provincial events that provide a flavour of the literature, consultation data and analysis gathered on the BICP. 2. Disseminate twelve (12) comprehensive case studies detailing best practice effecting of BIM on Irish projects (or Irish practitioners operating in international markets) across industry and directly to the Contracting Authority and an appointed BIM Implementation Steering Committee. 3. Deliver a working paper to Enterprise Ireland and the BIM Implementation Steering Committee on the optimum strategy for the implementation of BIM in Ireland. The research to pay particular focus to “contracts and standards” and the costs and benefits of BIM to “client groups”. Milestones
Commencement of Work Package
Annual Conference
CITA BICP Regional Bi-Monthly Events
Comprehensive Case Studies Presented to Contracting Authority and an appointed BIM Implementation Steering Committee
Delivery Working Paper to Contracting Authority and the BIM Implementation Steering Committee
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Dissemination Methods Bi-Monthly Events CITA has a lot of experience in designing and delivering bi-monthly events in association with industry and professional institutions. In the earlier years of CITA there were usually two half day events in May and November annually. Since 2012 CITA has specifically designed bi-monthly BIM focused events in centrally located meetings that proved very popular. To broaden the reach of CITAs message in the past few years CITA has arranged regional bi-monthly BIM focused meetings. On this BICP project CITA will once again work with professional institutions to design a bi-monthly “BIM Capability” programme series to specifically disseminate a flavour of the literature, industry consultation data and analysis gathered on the BICP. Annual Conference CITA organised the internationally renowned CITA BIM Gathering 201316 , which was one of the signature events on the Irish construction industry calendar in the year of the Gathering. 2015 will see the return of this increasingly internationally respected event among the global BIM community, the CITA BIM Gathering: An Integrated Future conference17. Presently in excess of Seventy (60) abstracts have been submitted for consideration in the conference programme. Currently these submissions are been reviewed by a specially assembled international Scientific Committee. The event will take place during Irelands Science Week on the 12th and 13th November 2015. CITAs proposal to retain the strategy of running a bi-annual international conference would be continued under the BICP with the hosting of the 2017 CITA BIM Gathering: Irelands Capability to Deliver BIM. This international conference will be specifically designed to complement the BICP outputs and focus on the Irish AEC sectors capability to delivery state-of-the-art BIM projects both in Ireland and internationally. It is envisaged that BIM communities from around the world will be invited to Dublin to share their experiences in BIM implementation in their respected countries but also Irish businesses will get the opportunity to showcase Ireland’s capability to delivery state-of-the-art BIM projects. Note Whilst the reference to the relevance to the Year of Irish Design 2015 will be duly incorporated into the 2015 CITA BIM Gathering, it is envisaged that the BICP conference will reflect the theme chosen for that year. Case Studies and Recipients CITA also has extensive experience in disseminating best practice in regard to Irish BIM case studies. This was particularly evident in the 2014 CITA Client BIM series, where Irish clients shared their experiences on implementing BIM on education, commercial, health, infrastructure project both at home and overseas. In addition to the events programme CITA has also gained considerable experience on past Enterprise Ireland projects in delivering focused ICT case studies. For example from 2006 - 2008, the CITAX project reported on five (5) separate but collaborative experiential case studies focusing on: 1. CAD Layering 2. eTrading 3. Electronic Tendering 4. Project Collaboration 5. Computer Aided Estimating
16 17
Submitted by The Construction IT Alliance Ltd
Section Five: Detailed Delivery of Work Packages
On the CITAX research project, CITA worked with a total of twenty five (25) industry partners and Irish government agencies to test and showcase the potential of using state-of-the-art ICT tools and processes to deliver significant economics and productivity benefits to participating organisations. Working Paper and Recipients CITA has consistently delivered on similar projects to that envisaged on the BICP. The deliverable to prepare a working paper to Enterprise Ireland and the BIM Implementation Steering Committee on the optimum strategy for the implementation of BIM in Ireland, will include a succinct analysis of the data collated on the project. As envisaged by the Contracting Authority, the working paper will pay a particular focus on “contracts and standards” and the costs and benefits of BIM to “client groups”. The focal areas identified by the Contracting Authority will necessitate the setting up of two Special BIM Interest Groups, made up of appropriate private and public sector representatives to effect the research focus of “Contracts and Standards” and “Client Use” and their particular applicability to the Irish AEC sector. In the earlier years of CITA and prior to the receipt of public funding the alliance facilitated a vibrant network of Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Members of the network were encouraged to get involved in developing new interest groups or to join established groups. The work of these SIGs was extensively reported in the media and at CITA dissemination events. The following is the list of SIGs that were active during the period 2001-200618 . • • • • • • • • •
SIG 1 - Materials Procurement SIG 2 - Layering convention for CAD drawings SIG 3 – Knowledge Management SIG 4 - Collaboration Tools SIG 5 - eTendering SIG 6 - Object Modelling SIG 7 - Education and Research SIG 8 – QS CAD User Group SIG 9 – Mobile Computing
The activities and outputs of the above groups led to the successfully Enterprise Ireland funded CITAX project (2006-2008) and the follow on Enterprise Innovation Network project (2008-2014) all of which are documented in Appendix 6. To further demonstrate the capability of CITA to deliver working papers of this nature many of the members of the proposed BICP team have been prolific in the publications of internationally reviewed papers in recent years. A comprehensive list of these publications is included in Appendix 12.
Information Technology in Construction Project Management, (2006), Presentation to Engineers Ireland Project Management Society, 21st March 2006. 18
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
World Wide Web Given the nature of the business that CITA operates within and the virtues it emphasises in respect to the benefits that technology can bring to Irish AEC business, CITA continue to maximise its use of the Internet. Table 10 below provides a snap shot of the communications web tools used by CITA to disseminate its message to the public and the current extent of its reach to the public. Medium
URL Link
Website LinkedIn
CITA Ltd Group
CITA SME EIN Twitter Facebook UTube App Store
Table 10 - CITA Use of the World Wide Web Media Partnerships In early 2015 CITA successfully negotiated a media partnership with the Irish Building Magazine. It is envisaged that should CITA be successful with the BICP that progress and outputs of the projects will regularly feature in the six (6) annual editions of this magazine including the eEdition. Future Plans It would be intended that a dedicated webpage on the website would be set up providing access to the public on overall progress and outputs from the BICP project. This would be further complemented by carrying out additional work on the CITA App Store tool to enable for convenient access to WP1 outputs, such as, the Software Register, Technology Trend Matrix, BIM Case Studies and Global BIM Adoption Study in a centrally located digital hub, which could accessed either from the CITA website or the CITA App. It would be intended that the CITA App would have the following features: • Simplicity of Use • Use on Android and iOS • Offline Use • Analytics • Social Media Integration • Search Facility The costs associated with the development of this tool will not however be covered by BICP funding.
Submitted by The Construction IT Alliance Ltd
Section Six: Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance Indicators Alongside the delivery of the outputs envisaged by the Contracting Authority under Work Packages 1-4, CITA intend to set specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) outside the scope of the BICP to ensure that there is accelerated adoption of BIM in the Irish AEC community during the two years of funding of the BICP. The broad categories of KPIs envisaged include. 1. Monitoring Investment in BIM
a. Level of Investment in BIM Software
b. Securing of grant funding
c. Level of BIM training
d. Employment of BIM personnel or specialists
2. Monitoring Adoption of BIM
a. Presence of BIM Strategy
b. Use of BIM on current projects
c. Exemplar Case Studies
3. Monitoring Health
a. Level of internal expertise
b. Improvements in productivity
4. National Register of BIM Professionals The above KPI’s will require further refinement prior to the commencement of the project. CITA Ltd would like to thank the Contracting Authority for the opportunity to tender for this project.
Provision of a BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP)
23 Fitzwilliam Square Dublin 2, Ireland T: 353 1 676 6052 E: W:
Harnessing the potential of Information Communications Technology in the Irish Construction Industry
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