CitA BIM Gathering 2023: Proceedings

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Proceedings 6th CitA BIM Gathering, a virtual and in-person conference.

18th - 20th September 2023

CitA BIM Gathering Conference 2023 Hosted by The Construction IT Alliance (Est. 2002) Edited Dr. Alan Hore Dr. Barry McAuley Professor Roger West Published in 2023 ISBN: 978-1-90-045483-4

Published by The Construction IT Alliance © Copyright Declaration: All rights of papers in this publication rest with the authors.

This publication is part of the proceedings of the CitA BIM Gathering Conference held between 18th – 20th September 2023 Copies of these proceedings are available from: Suzanne Purcell Construction IT Alliance Limited 29 Mount Street Upper Dublin 2 D02 K003


Design: Cloake Design Consultants

The Proceedings CitA BIM Gathering Conference 2023 Page 2

CitA BIM Gathering Conference 2023

Committee Members Organisation Committee

Scientific Committee

Dr. Alan Hore, TU Dublin and CitA Suzanne Purcell, CitA Mella Ruadh, CitA David Mullen, Engineering Documentation Mary Flynn, Dublin City Council Finola Deavy, Technological University of the Shannon, Midlands, Professor Ibrahim Motawa, Ulster University Ryan Dempsey, TU Dublin Gerard Nicholson , Atlantic Technological University Gervase Cunningham, Ulster University Antonio Ianni, GS1 Ireland Dr. Claire Penny, Invicara

Dr. Martin Taggart, Atlantic Technological University Dr. Joe Harrington, Munster Technological University Dr. Tara Brooks, Queens University Belfast Dr. Faris Elghaish, Queens University Belfast Dr. Brian Graham, South East Technological University Dr. Ahmed Hassan, Technological University Dublin Dr. Alan Hore, Technological University Dublin Dr. Barry McAuley, Technological University Dublin Dr. Mark Mulville, Technological University Dublin Dr. Róisín Murphy, Technological University Dublin Dr. Marek Rebow, Technological University Dublin Professor Roger West, Trinity College Dublin Professor Ibrahim Motowa, Ulster University Dr. Ciaran McNally, University College Dublin Dr. James O’Donnell, University College Dublin Professor Robert Amor, The University of Auckland Professor Jason Underwood, University of Salford

Mike Tofton, BRE Group

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CitA BIM Gathering Conference 2023


The 6th BIM Gathering was presented in Athlone in the heartland of Ireland in 2023. Placing the Gathering at the centre of Ireland was a strategic decision to unite our industry north, south, east and west to embrace BIM and openBIM in our sector. The Irish government announced back in July this year the introduction of BIM requirements in larger scaled projects exceeding €100m. The introduction of these requirements reinforces that BIM remains at the centre of a digital transformation of the construction sector and the built environment in Ireland. However, BIM is much more than a digital technology, it should be considered as a strategic and complete methodology to increase construction productivity by delivering cost savings, improved construction and exploitation management, better environmental performance and quality, enhanced transparency and collaboration across the industry. Since the inaugural BIM Gathering in 2013, much progress has been made by the Irish construction industry’s use of BIM and digital technologies. In more recent years the important work of the CSG Innovation and Digital Adoption Group, Enterprise Ireland’s “The Irish Advantage” programme, funding of the Build Digital Project and the Construct Innovate centre of excellence are all examples of national initiatives that have

helped collectively to raise the profile of the importance of supporting digital adoption and BIM in the Irish construction sector. The Irish Government should be commended on these initiatives, but there is much work yet to be done for a more connected national effort to encourage the Irish construction industry to adoption BIM and Open BIM to help drive their sustained growth and unlock the impasse of poor productivity and inefficiency. CitA were delighted with the reception we received in 2023 and on behalf of the network management I would like to sincerely thank the CitA events team, sponsors, speakers, organisation and scientific committees for all their efforts in making the Gathering 2023 a great success. I would also like to thank the many authors that contributed to the production of these proceedings which continues to add to the rich catalogue of proceedings previously published in 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021. Best Regards

Dr. Alan Hore, Director and Co-Founder of CitA

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CitA BIM Gathering Conference 2023

CitA BIM Gathering, Best Paper Awards Best Industry Paper Sponsored by BAM Ireland Limited

Framework for the automation of Embodied Carbon calculations for Interior Architecture by Léa Laurent and Sean Carroll

Best Academic Paper Sponsored by Mercury Framework for the implementation of a BIM-Based Data Analytics approach for Construction Adjudication within the United Kingdom by Babamide Britto and Ibrahim Motawa

Best Early Researcher Paper Sponsored by National Standards Authority of Ireland The Adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) to Facilitate Health Promotion within an Oncology Day Ward by Jennifer McAuley and Jonathan Reinhardt

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Our sponsors We appreciate the support of our generous sponsors and their contribution to the BIM Gathering 2023

CitA BIM Gathering Conference 2023

Sponsors Platinum sponsors

Gold sponsors

Silver sponsors


Event Partner


Enabling & Supporting BIM


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The Proceedings CitA BIM Gathering Conference 2023 Page 6

Table of Contents (1 of 2) Accelerating BIM Adoption


Accelerating BIM Adoption in Ireland: A ten-year review of CitA BIM Gathering Proceedings Alan Hore, Roger West and Barry McAuley


BIM Benefits


A critical analysis of speed and accuracy when updating structural as-built BIMs with visual programming and point-cloud survey data. Rubens Lage Lopes and Davitt Lamon


How does the interoperability of BIM digital technologies in modern methods of DfMA construction impact the workflows in the AEC sector? Works at the Construction Stage. Shane Coppinger and Kieran O’Neill


BIM as a Value Creator


Framework for the automation of Embodied Carbon calculations for Interior Architecture. Léa Laurent and Sean Carroll


Using BIM technologies to calculate and visualise the global warming potential of building materials. Ryan Dempsey and Malachy Mathews


Synergising BIM and Real-Time Data for Improved Efficiency: An Irish Case Study. Ahmed Hassan, Ankur Mitra, Alan Hore, Mark Mulville


The Adoption of Building Information Modelling to Facilitate Health Promotion within an Oncology Day Ward. Jennifer McAuley and Jonathan Reinhardt


First Step to Digital Transformation


The Telecommunications Life-cycle information exchange (TLie) Data Model. Shawn E. O’Keeffe


Challenges and opportunities for automating physical compliance on construction sites. Ankur Mitra and Mark Mulville


Procurement Requirements


Framework for the implementation of a BIM-Based Data Analytics approach for Construction Adjudication within the United Kingdom. Babamide Britto and Ibrahim Motawa


Early Collaboration


Promoting Early Collaboration, Communication and Leveraging the Use of BIM between Project Stakeholders for the Generation of Effective Knowledge in Information Protocols Khin S. Myat and Mahmoud Alhawamdeh


Data Sharing and openBIM Standards


Digital Product Passport and the adoption of GS1 standards for identification Seán Dennison and Antonio Ianni


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Table of Contents (2 of 2) BIM Skills


An investigation into Ireland’s BIM Skills Gap Guadalupe Centanni and Barry McAuley


Barriers to BIM Implementation for Cost Management in the Irish Construction Industry Uchenna Sampson Igwe, Alan Hore, Dermot Kehily, David Colmenero Lechuga


Provision for digital quantification learning on quantity surveying programmes: drivers and barriers Gervase Cunningham and Ryan McAllister


Building Information Management Frameworks for Enabling Circular Economy within the Built Environment: A Systematic Literature Review Sadaf Dalirazar, Ciaran McNally and James O’Donnell


Skills Matter – up-skilling across construction stakeholders for emerging roles Avril Behan, Paul McCormack and Barry McAuley


Behavioural Change


What are the Barriers and Enablers to the Implementation of Lean Digital Construction for the Irish Civil Engineering Sector? Ronan Hayes and Kieran O’Neill


Long Term Commitment & Support SMEs


The Development of a Lean Digital Construction (BIM) innovation framework for Irish Construction SMEs Marina Andreou, Barry McAuley and Alan Hore


A Review on BIM Adoption in Indian AEC Industry: Barriers and Action Plans Rhijul Sood and Boeing Laishram


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CitA BIM Gathering Proceedings

Accelerating BIM Adoption

The Proceedings CitA BIM Gathering Conference 2023 Page 9

CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023

Accelerating BIM Adoption in Ireland: A ten-year review of CitA BIM Gathering Proceedings Alan Hore1, Roger West2 and Barry McAuley3 Sc oo o

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Digital construction interfaces have been studied extensively over the last few decades, with an ever-growing catalogue of publications. The CitA BIM Gathering conferences have played a key role in bringing together the research and industry communities in a collaborative setting over the past decade in Ireland. In this paper the authors systematically review 10 years of papers published in the BIM Gathering proceedings since the inaugural conference in 2013. A total of 175 papers involving over 200 authors have been reviewed and classified under the 2018 World Economic Forum (WEF) recommendations in respect to accelerating BIM adoption. The primary contribution of the review is to present the broad landscape of digital construction research. There is clear evidence at a high-level that the BIM Gathering proceedings collectively address many of the WEF recommendations. Nonetheless, an uncoordinated approach remains in implementing and monitoring BIM adoption in Ireland. The most influential studies related to articulating BIM benefits, data sharing, openBIM standards, and BIM skills. Fewer studies were evident on early collaboration, procurement requirements, behavioural change and long-term commitment to support small to medium enterprises. While there are encouraging signs due to the Irish government introducing a requirement for BIM on public sector projects in the near future and funding vital centres of excellence, there remains still a fragmented and uncoordinated approach to BIM adoption in Ireland. Keywords ̶ Motivation, Collaboration, Enablement, BIM Gathering proceedings

I. INTRODUCTION Since its formation over 20 years ago the Construction IT Alliance (CitA) has played an important role in Ireland in promoting the benefits of digitisation in the Irish construction industry. A cornerstone of this discourse is the CitA BIM Gathering biennial conference and published proceedings serving as an important repository of knowledge in respect to BIM adoption in Ireland [16]. At the inaugural BIM Gathering conference in 2013 the construction industry was characterised as the last bastion of the analogue world and delegates were reminded of the beneficial use of BIM by clients [7]. The conference called for the abandonment of paper-based analogue systems and the identified urgent need to improve the performance of the sector, through the effective and efficient creation, management, and exchange of building information [8]. Comprehensive detail was provided on BIM adoption and maturity in Ireland in 2017 and 2019 [9,10]. Since the 2019 report, anecdotal evidence would suggest that there is a relatively low level of BIM adoption in Ireland among SMEs.

A review of digital construction and BIM research in Ireland 2016-2020 was carried out in 2021 [11]. The 2021 conference coincided with the opening up of the construction industry postpandemic and a renewed focus on the importance of digitalisation for the sector. The post pandemic era brought with it new and significant challenges, not least rising inflation, Brexit, the impact of the war in Ukraine, the housing crisis and the very significant climate change challenge. The focus of this years’ conference was inspired by the World Economic Forum (WEF) “An Action Plan to Accelerate Building Information Modeling (BIM) Adoption” published in 2018 [12]. In 2019 the authors of this report recommended the deployment of the WEF framework in Ireland in order to stimulate BIM adoption [13]. The WEF action plan is founded on three parallel interventions. a) Moti ation set the right motivation for increased BIM adoption and effective monitoring of BIM capability. ) o a oration – work in a culture of collaboration, supported by standard information flows allowing for improved use of BIM to support better projects.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 c) Ena ement – enable all stakeholders to acquire the skills, knowledge and support to drive the cultural change required to realise digital transformation. It is acknowledged that important interventions have been introduced nationally in recent years with the funding of the Build Digital Project. There is however a distinct absence of a coordinated effort to increase BIM adoption and effectively monitor BIM capability in Ireland currently.

II. MOTIVATION A motivational strategy is key for the wider adoption of BIM. The WEF suggested three core actions to stimulate motivation. 1.

Articulate the BIM’s benefits across the entire lifecycle.


Think of BIM as a value creator, not as a cost factor.


Approach BIM as the essential first step to digital transformation.


M s ene its

There was a multitude of papers focused on the benefits of BIM across a project lifecycle. A sample of benefits articulated included: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Improved design [14-19]; Improved information flow [20-22]; Project planning, model checking and clash detection [23-26]; Accuracy of quantity take-off [27]; Technology assisted inspection [28-31]; Supporting knowledge management [32].

A key feature was the presentation of case studies and the articulation of the benefits in using BIM by client organisations. This included the benefits during the construction phase in respect to project planning, model checking and clash detection. There is a misconception that BIM is mostly used on larger sized projects with a number of publications articulating the relevance of BIM on smaller sized organisations and projects [33-37]. BIM Gathering proceedings have consistently articulated that BIM is a powerful communication tool for SMEs [34]. There was a call in 2013 for thinking beyond project and organisation level and focusing more on a higher level of national adoption [38, 39]. This strategic focus on BIM was later articulated in 2015 as extending to build informed environments that drive incredible value for the individual building and smart cities agenda. A link was also made to the power of BIM solutions in predication and monitoring of climate change challenges [40]. A number of authors spoke of the barriers that existed to increased BIM adoption, such as a lack of understanding of the BIM process, issues pertaining to

intellectual property and liability issues with sharing information, investment and training costs, as well as the long-term cultural changes required to commit to a new way of working. The drivers predominately articulated the need for strong client leadership mandating the use of BIM, process change, uptake of information management standards and upskilling across the sector. Professions are largely waiting for client demand and leadership before embracing BIM implementation. Furthermore, AEC businesses require a complete understanding of the key benefits and risks derived through BIM adoption and fundamental business process restructuring [41]. )

M as a a ue creator

BIM has been described as providing considerable value for the building industry and the wider smart cities agenda [42]. The viability and application of BIM can also be extended across lean and green agendas [43-46]. There was much debate over the past decade on the added value that BIM can bring in bridging the disconnect between construction and operation phases. This disconnect has been comprehensively dealt with by many authors who articulated the need for BIM for whole lifecycle analysis, in particular extending the beneficial use BIM into digital twin operational solutions This added value was also evident in the papers that focused on the contribution that BIM can provide in the optimisation of building performance and consideration of energy efficient strategies for building performance enhancement, energy certification and passive house compliance [47-67]. Demand for BIM by clients however is the key to unlocking the wider adoption on BIM in the construction industry. The true value of BIM lies in the whole lifecycle and facility management phase. In more recent years the debate surrounding BIM for the operations and maintenance phase has extended into the concept of digital twins. c) irst step to digita trans ormation According to the WEF if the industry is slow to adopt BIM, it will likely impede adoption of other digital technologies. There has been significant advancement in the use of BIM dependent technologies for improving productivity in the construction industry. Advanced scanning technologies featured extensively in the period of BIM Gatherings under review [68-76]. Drones have proven to be a powerful tool that can assist in creating 3D lifelike models via photogrammetry software [77], for example in the measurement of cut and fill to accommodate level foundations. In more recent years there has been a debate about the application of blockchain technology and its integration with BIM, in particular how blockchain data can work alongside BIM data to create digital twin solutions connected to live data analytics [78-80].

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Coupled with these advancements is the potential for BIM tools to work in tandem with product identification standards and reality-capture technologies [81, 82].

III. COLLABORATION Successful BIM adoption requires a high level of collaboration among stakeholders. The WEF suggested three core actions to stimulate the collaborative use of BIM in construction. 1.

Use of integrated contracts, redefine risk-reward mechanisms and BIM procurement requirements.


Set up early collaboration and communication among stakeholders.


Adopt data-sharing and open BIM standards.

a) rocurement e uirements The linkage between BIM and procurement featured extensively in the proceedings. BIM and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) are two innovations that must be deployed effectively in the construction industry to compete in the emerging knowledge economy [83]. IPD processes improve efficiencies and allow for the reduction of costs by resolving issues during the early stages of the project [84]. The use of BIM was considered in Irish standard forms of construction contracts as requiring only minor amendments to the public works contracts by adopting a contact protocol similar to that proposed by the Construction Industry Council in the UK [85]. The Irish government is planning to introduce a BIM mandate on larger scale public works projects from early 2024. Further work is required to develop the legal status of BIM in Public Works Contracts and to determine contract implications and obligations for public sector clients [86]. The collaborative role that BIM can play in infrastructure development was evident in a number of publications. For example, the use BIM application and the spectra of more efficient asset management of existing infrastructure [87]. BIM offers the methodologies and technologies to develop the required digital asset database to best inform lifecycle decisions associated with conception, design, construction and operation of physical infrastructure assets [88] and the challenges and opportunities for the use of BIM on larger infrastructure projects [89]. Additional contributions included a number of case studies that articulated the beneficial use of BIM on infrastructure projects. For example, Penn State University [90]; recreation of heritage buildings in Waterford city [91]; educational projects [92-94] and large-scale civil infrastructure projects [95]. In more recent years the increasing importance of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) featured in proceedings [96-98]. The intersection of BIM and MMC is also gaining significant traction in 2023 [99].

The interrelationship between BIM and dispute avoidance or management also features in proceedings. Research into the use of BIM in the US Government Services Agency suggests that 3D BIM technology has positively avoided certain types of disputes. However, there are further contractual risks that may be associated with BIM and that may require additional skill and knowledge for construction contract procurement specialists and construction contract practitioners to effectively manage them in the future [100]. A more recent publication presented a framework for the implementation of a BIM based data analytics approach for construction adjudication, concluding that a digital approach can offer a promising solution to these challenges by providing a more objective, data-driven construction adjudication [101]. ) Ear

o a oration

Collaboration featured as a key theme in the BIM Gathering proceedings. If the Irish Industry is to take advantage of BIM it must embrace both the technology and new ways of working [102]. An example of successful collaboration featured papers looking at Bridge Information Modelling (BrIM) from conceptual design through to operations [103, 104]. Many contributions looked at the improvements in communications on case study projects. For example, the Corrib Onshore Gas Pipeline [105]; MEP coordination on a Slovenian University project [106]; collaborative lessons learned on the first case study project on TU Dublin’s Grangegorman campus [107]; and Newcastle’s Quayside Project [108]. The broader contribution of BIM in facilitating virtual unified communication platforms in lieu of synchronous face-to-face design coordination communications was also found to be beneficial [109]. The question was raised about the suitability of the traditional procurement model to deliver early collaboration. An investigation into current procurement strategies that promote collaboration through early contractor involvement found that this best works when BIM, lean and IPD procurement strategies are working in unison [110]. The implementation of BIM by large public sector clients can be very challenging and will require a significant investment [111]. The concept of BIM can facilitate knowledge management by enabling project parties (appointing and appointed) to share and access knowledge and information in a coordinated collaborative manner [112]. c) ata s aring and open M standards The broader theme of adopting information management standards featured extensively in the conference proceedings. In order to transform the industry must adopt standards that allow information

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 to flow across the entire project life cycle and into the operations phase [113]. The case has been made for the industry to move away from in-house CAD standards and onto international information management exchange standards [114, 115]. openBIM is a collaborative process promoting interoperability of data to benefit projects and assets throughout their lifecycle. Collaboration itself should never be the goal, the goal is the creation and efficient exchange of good data across the lifecycle. It is based on open standards and workflows that allow different stakeholders to share their data with any BIM compatible software [116]. Examples of innovative openBIM data sharing contributions included: • Exchanging partial set of BIM information on a cloud-based service [117]; • Model View Definitions for environmental assessment [118, 119]; • Interoperability of BIM objects [120]; • Telecommunications life-cycle information exchange (TLie) Data model [121]. BIM has the capability to leverage Whole Life Cycle Cost (WLCC) data requirements to perform WLCC calculations and produce WLCC estimates [122, 123]. While much of the focus on data exchange is on the design information, there needs to be improved standards in the structing of cost data and life-cycle costing and the quantity surveyor in particular needs to increase their uptake of BIM and leverage its greater potential to create more accurate financial assessments [123]. Recent developments in data sharing include the Build Digital Project focus on information standards; launch of the BIM mandate on Public Works Projects; the introduction of Agreed Rules of Measurement fifth edition (ARM5) and the introduction of the International Construction Measurement Standards (ICMS) in Ireland. These innovations will all collectively help provide a renewed focus on improving standardised data exchange in the industry going forward [124]. While there remain some complexities in regard to the proliferation of BIM guidance and standards internationally, it is incumbent that the appropriate authorities in Ireland develop BIM guidance for industry and that this is compatible with internationally recognised ISO information management standards [125-126].

IV. ENABLEMENT Accelerated BIM adoption can only be achieved if we enable it to happen. The WEF identified three core actions to support this enablement. 1.


Change behaviours and processes, not just technology.


Make a long-term commitment and support construction SMEs.


MS i s

The experiences of international and Irish Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) introducing collaborative multi-disciplinary BIM programmes featured extensively in proceedings, in particular the call for a paradigm shift in collaborative education [127]. In recent years all of Ireland’s HEI’s have developing BIM education programmes by availing of national development and stimulus funding from Skillnet Ireland and/or the Higher Education Authority. In addition, there was experience of HEI’s working collaboratively with industry in developing BIM programmes [128]. A particular challenge remains in developing multi-disciplinary programmes across faculties and embedding BIM across multiple programmes [129- 132]. There was a particular focus on skills for structural engineering [133-134]; quantity surveying [135-139]; architecture [140-142] and geospatial surveying [143]. The sustainability and green skills also emerged as a key theme in recent years [144-149]. Micro credentials more recently have come to the fore and advancements in BIM research skills [150]. The pedagogical experiences of HEIs in transitioning to BIM education, research and compatible teaching BIM methodologies featured over a number of BIM Gathering conferences demonstrating a maturity of approach to BIM education [151-158]. There was a call in 2023 for a more consistent education experience for graduates across the Irish HEIs by developing core BIM competencies across multiple programmes [159]. ) e a ioura c ange This is perhaps the single most important action to be addressed in the construction industry and in any national roadmap for increasing BIM adoption. Much work was carried out by the National BIM Council and the BIM Innovation Capability Programme managed by CitA between 2015-2017 in focusing on the cultural challenges evident in the industry in respect to BIM. Many in the industry see it as an unnecessary disruption to traditional ways of working at a time when the industry is short of people and where the skills are not evident in the sector in respect to its use, particularly by non-design professionals. This is particularly evident with the quantity surveying profession [160].

Establish BIM skills along the value chain.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 The question of BIM ownership was a significant challenge that needs to be addressed, particularly from a trust perspective [161]. It is widely accepted that the adoption of digital tools, automation, information sharing and communication technology has been envisaged as the main concept of the fourth Industrial Revolution, due mainly to demand in industry for increased efficiency. This requires strong leadership both from industry and in the state government [162-164]. Trust was further explored in the critical relationship between the client and the design consultant [165, 166]. Authors have consistently called for an implementation roadmap to accelerate BIM adoption in Ireland [167]. c) Long term commitment and support SMEs Alongside the cultural change imperative tackling procurement is a huge challenge necessitating leadership from government to bring about change. Many governments across the globe have introduced BIM requirements into procurement models, some creating national laws or mandates effectively forcing the industry to use BIM processes. Others have not and have left the supply chain to work it out for themselves. It was previously stated that the Irish government has been very proactive, particularly in recent years in subsidising BIM training through their various national upskilling initiatives and driving forward their Project Ireland 2040 vision. The formation of the Construction Sector Group and its participating stakeholders have driven a construction innovation and digital adoption agenda with the formation of Build Digital and Construct Innovate Ireland’s National Research Centre for Construction Technology and Innovation. The drive for change in Ireland is more of a “top-down” approach rather than a “bottom-up” approach [168, 169]. In more recent proceedings there was a recurring theme to overcome resistance to BIM including calling for a roadmap and a national BIM mandate to begin embedding BIM in the public sector projects [170-174]. There was an urgent call for decisive support for SMEs to drive digital transition of the industry in Ireland as was called for in 2017 by the National BIM Council [175].

behavioral change and long-term commitment to support BIM adoption by SMEs. The absence a BIM mandate was seen as stifling the development of BIM in Ireland. It is encouraging that this mandate is planned to be introduced in 2024. Over the past decade there is increasing evidence of maturity in BIM adoption by principal industry stakeholders in Ireland and an increasing offering of BIM education across Irish HEIs. It is acknowledged that the Irish government have made significant strides to drive the adoption of digital in the Irish construction industry through the work of the construction sector group construction innovation and digital adoption working group. This initiative has seen the funding of national programmes such as the Build Digital Project and the establishment of the Construct Innovate centre of excellence. There remains however a relatively low level of uptake from public sector stakeholders which is likely reflective of the absence of a national roadmap and government requirement for BIM adoption on public sector projects. In order to support BIM adoption in Ireland, it is clear that there is an urgent need for a coordinated programme to support the imminent public sector BIM mandate and encourage the wider adoption of BIM in the private sector, particularly among SMEs. The WEF recommended that companies must take a strategic approach to digitalisation starting with implementing BIM as the baseline application to support a green, lean and digitised future. While BIM adoption was the main focus of the BIM Gathering conferences, it was recognised that BIM remains only part of the wider technological adoption that is required to tackle the productivity, sustainability and communication challenges in construction. The published proceedings reviewed in this paper collectively provide a compelling case for BIM as a necessary disrupter to unlock the unproductive and inefficient work practices so prevalent in the Irish construction industry today.

V. CONCLUSIONS It is clear from the review that there is ample evidence that all of the 9 actions identified by the WEF have been collectively articulated by the BIM Gathering publications over past 10 years. The most influential user studies related to articulating BIM benefits, data sharing, openBIM standards and BIM skills. Fewer studies were evident in early collaboration, procurement requirements, The Proceedings CitA BIM Gathering Conference 2023 Page 14

CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023

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[112] Myat, K.S. and Alhawamdeh, M., (2023), ‘Promoting early collaboration, communication and leveraging use of BIM between project stakeholders for generating effective knowledge in information protocols’, Proc CitA 6th BIM Gathering – Accelerating BIM Adoption [113] Smith, D.K. (2013), ‘Architects, life cycle and standards’, Proc CitA 1st BIM Gathering, Dublin, pp. 3-4 [114] Moore, R., McAuley, B. and Hore, A.V. (2015), ‘The application of industry standards as an alternative to in-house proprietary standards within the AEC industry’, Proc CitA 2nd BIM Gathering - An integrated future, Dublin, pp. 86-93 [115] Moore, R., McAuley, B. and Hore, A.V. (2015), ‘Adopting of PAS 1192-2 by Irish AEC companies – A formula for winning international work’, Proc CitA 2nd BIM Gathering - An integrated future, Dublin, pp. 148-154 [116] Van Berlo, L. (2015), ‘Collaborative engineering with IFC’, Proc CitA 2nd BIM Gathering – AN integrated future, Dublin, pp. 14 [117] Redmond, A., West, R.P. and Hore, A.V. (2013), ‘Designing a framework for exchanging partial sets of BIM information on a cloud-based service’, Proc CitA 1st BIM Gathering, Dublin, pp. 141-150 [118] Pinheiro, S.V., Corry, E., Kenny, P. and O’Donnell, J. (2015), ‘Development of a model view definition for environmental and energy performance assessment, Proc CitA 2nd BIM Gathering - An integrated future, Dublin, pp. 223-230

[108] Comiskey, D., McKane, M., O’Shea, E., Hughes, J. and McNiff, S. (2015), ‘Collaborative and Multidiscipline Working: From Theory to Practice in 48 Hours. A Case Study from BIM Region Northern Ireland’, Proc CitA 2nd BIM Gathering - An integrated future, Dublin, pp. 156-161

[119] Alshehri, F., Kenny, P., Pinheiro, S., Ali, U. and Dr. ’Donnell, J. (2017), ‘Development of a Model View Definition (MVD) for thermal comfort analyses in commercial buildings using BIM and EnergyPlus’, Proc CitA 3rd BIM Gathering – Building capabilities in complex environments, Dublin, pp. 226-233

[109] Hayes, E. and Saleeb, N. (2017), ‘The virtual interactive relationship between BIM project teams: Effective communication to aid collaboration in the design process’, Proc CitA 3rd BIM Gathering – Building capabilities in complex environments, pp. 245-252

[120] Cabrera, A.G., Gallagher, S., Purshouse, N. and Ntimos, D. (2017), ‘IMPRESS BIM methodology (iBIMm) - Façade retrofit methodology using cloud based open source BIM’, Proc CitA 3rd BIM Gathering – Building capabilities in complex environments, Dublin, pp. 130-137

[110] Lefebvre, F. and McAuley, B. (2019), ‘An investigation into current procurement strategies that promote collaboration through early contractor involvement with regards to their suitability for Irish public work projects’, Proc CitA 4th BIM Gathering – Delivering better outcomes for Irish construction, pp. 209-221

[121] O'Keeffe, S., (2023), ‘The Telecommunications Life-cycle information exchange (TLie) Data Model’, Proc CitA 6th BIM Gathering – Accelerating BIM Adoption

[111] Martin, M., Boch, A. and Furlong, K. (2021), ‘Can the implementation of Building Information Modelling (digital construction) improve delivery of capital projects (design and construction) for the Health Service in association with the development of a new national estates information system’, Proc CitA 5th BIM Gathering – Construction innovations for future generations, pp. 38-47

[122] Kehily, D. (2013), ‘Linking life cycle cost data requirements to parametric Building Information Model’, Proc CitA 1st BIM Gathering, Dublin, pp. 151-158 [123] Clarke Hagan, D., Curran, M. and Spillane, J.. (2019), ‘Whole life/life cycle costing during the design stage of a construction project: A qualitative review’, Proc CitA 4th BIM Gathering – Delivering better outcomes for Irish construction, pp. 93-100 [124] Flynn, M. and Brodie, S. (2019), ‘A critical review of the requirements for a Quantity Surveyor’s model

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[136] Flynn, M. and Behan, A. (2021), ‘A critical review of the requirements of Quantity Surveyors for collaborative BIM engagement and success’, Proc CitA 5th BIM Gathering – Construction innovations for future generations, pp. 151-158 [137] Cunningham, G., McClements, S., McKane, M. and Duggan, B. (2021), ‘Re-imagining quantity surveying’, Proc CitA 5th BIM Gathering – Construction innovations for future generations, pp. 159-164 [138] Sourabh, A. (2021), ‘Creating opportunities for successful adoption of BIM solutions for Estimators and Quantity Surveyors’, Proc CitA 5th BIM Gathering – Construction innovations for future generations, pp. 165-169 [139] Cunningham, G., and McAllister, R., (2023), ‘Provision for digital quantification learning on quantity surveying programmes: drivers and barriers’, Proc CitA 6th BIM Gathering – Accelerating BIM Adoption [140] McAuley, J. and Reinhardt, J., (2023), ‘Can the adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and automated design better inform Interior Architects to create an optimal environment within an Oncology Day ward: a Constructionism perspective’, Proc CitA 6th BIM Gathering – Accelerating BIM Adoption [141] Kiviniemi, A. (2015), ‘BIM in education - What skills do future professionals need?’, Proc CitA 2nd BIM Gathering - An integrated future, Dublin, pp. 13 [142] Peters, J. and Mathews, M. (2019), ‘What is a BIM design model’, Proc CitA 4th BIM Gathering – Delivering better outcomes for Irish construction, pp. 23-32 [143] Behan, A., Murray, H., Argue, J., Hogan, R., Martin, A., O’Sullivan, P., Moore, R. and Mathews, M. (2017), ‘Linking Geospatial Engineering into Collaborative Multidisciplinary BIM Projects - an Educational Perspective’, Proc CitA 3rd BIM Gathering – Building capabilities in complex environments, Dublin, pp. 201-207 [144] McAuley, B., Behan, A., McCormick, P., Hamilton, A., Rebelo, E., Neilson, B., Beckett, G., Aguiar Costa, A., Carreira, P. , Likar, D., Taneva-Veshoska, A., Lynch, S., Hynes, W., and Borkovic, T. (2019), ‘Improving the sustainability of the built environment by training its workforce in more efficient and greener ways of designing and constructing through the Horizon2020 BIMcert project, Proc CitA 4th BIM Gathering – Delivering better outcomes for Irish construction, pp. 63-70 [145] McAuley, B., McCormack, P., Hamilton, A. and Rebelo, E. (2021), ‘ARISE (certCOIN)- inspiring demand for sustainable energy skills’, Proc CitA 5th BIM Gathering – Construction innovations for future generations, pp. 97-102 [146] Laurent, L. and Carroll, (2023), ‘Framework for the automation of Embodied Carbon calculations for

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 20th 2023 Interior Architecture’, Proc CitA 6th BIM Gathering – Accelerating BIM Adoption

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 20th 2023 [171] McAuley, B., Hore, A. V., West, R.P. and Kuang, S. (2017), ‘Stewardship of International BIM Programmes: Lessons for Ireland’, Proc CitA 3rd BIM Gathering – Building capabilities in complex environments, Dublin, pp. 15-23 [172] Moore, R. (2017), ‘Level 1 before Level 2’, Proc CitA 3rd BIM Gathering – Building capabilities in complex environments, Dublin, pp. 24-31 [173] Turner, T. (2019), ‘A critical appraisal of the potential for public works contracts and design-build clients in Ireland to leverage benefits from BIM processes’, Proc CitA 4th BIM Gathering – Delivering better outcomes for Irish construction, pp. 197-208 [174] Sood, R., and Laishram, B., (2023), ‘A review on BIM Adoption in Indian AEC Industry: Barriers and Action Plans’, Proc CitA 6th BIM Gathering – Accelerating BIM Adoption [175] Hore, A.V., McAuley, B. and West, R.P. (2019), ‘Centres of Excellence and roadmaps for digital transition: Lessons for Ireland’s construction industry’, Proc CitA 4th BIM Gathering – Delivering better outcomes for Irish construction, pp. 247-255

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CitA BIM Gathering Proceedings

BIM Benefits

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A critical analysis of speed and accuracy when updating structural asbuilt BIMs with visual programming and point-cloud survey data Rubens Lage Lopes1 and Davitt Lamon2 School of Surveying and Construction Innovation Technological University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland E-mail:


Abstract ̶ In the continuously evolving field of construction, consistent updating of as-built Building Information Models (BIMs) is crucial. However, the existing methods often lead to fragmented information flow, risking the loss of important design data during the transition. This research presents a novel approach aimed at enhancing the speed and accuracy of updating asbuilt BIMs using Visual Programming (VP) and point-cloud survey data, thereby addressing this critical problem. Our proposed workflow, tested through action research, retains design data whilst integrating construction position details, enabling a seamless correlation between the design model and the as-built model. The results indicated that our method successfully reduced the median distance to cloud-point in 31 out of 33 elements (93.94%), albeit with a slightly lower accuracy rate (97.16%) compared to the reference software (97.64%). Notably, our approach significantly expedited the process, with an average processing time of less than a minute per face of element tested. These findings underscore the potential of the proposed workflow to improve the efficiency and precision of as-built BIM updates, providing a promising foundation for future enhancements and further research. Keywords ̶ BIM, As-built model, Visual programming, Dynamo, point-cloud, Laser scanning.

I INTRODUCTION In the BIM life cycle, the appointed party must deliver the as-built model to the appointing party at the end of the Collaborative Production phase [1]. When the asbuilt model is updated during the construction phase and it can be advantageous for numerous purposes such as design coordination, progress tracking, update quantity take-off and checking construction deviations from design. This data flow trails a sequence of design, check, build, as-built model updating, share information and coordination check. It might lead to a design or construction review (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 – As-built data flow during the construction phase.

To be compatible for analysis and review, the model needs to be composed of parametric elements and Level of Detail (LOD) consistent with

the Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) [2]. The speed and accuracy of this data flow is essential to keep the construction schedule and quality of information [3]. This information will be shared through the Common data Environment (CDE) with multiple stakeholders, each one will run analyses for quality assurance check purposes and design coordination [1]. The accuracy and time spent on checking, updating, and sharing the as-built model information, depends on the technology adopted for realty capture and the methodology to translate this data into useful information for the team. Technology and methodology will be essential for the quality of the asset information model handed over at the end of the project [1]. To gather good quality data, companies are using technologies such as Total Station (TS), Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) [4]. The TLS is considered the most accurate way to site survey for construction nowadays. It creates a dense 3D point-cloud file to represent the reality on site. Processing this immense amount of data and populating this information into the as-built model presents a huge challenge, is time-consuming and prone to errors [5]. To process this data, there are five main different methodologies as human visual checking (HVC), which overlap the design model against the survey, it relies on human judgment to determine the

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 20th 2023 construction deviation and adjust elements as-built. Semi-automatic HVC augmented by the computational process. The automatic process uses computational algorithmics (CA), based on mathematics and geometry, for checking surveys against the design model [5]. Those algorithmics can be elaborated only using Coding Programming Languages (CPL), as Python, C#, MATLAB etc [6], or Visual Programming (VP), as Dynamo, Grasshopper, Unity etc, or a mix of both [7]. Each of two options comes with pros and cons. On the one hand, CPL proved a wide range of functionalities and possibilities, although it demands a longer learning curve if compared with Visual Programming (VP). VP was developed to be more user-friendly, faster to learn and easier to be used [8]. Although, it has a limited library of nodes to perform tasks. The control of information flow is more complex, and lacks tools such as loops and debugging [7]. Those characteristics will be discussed in this paper. This research will act on Fig. 1 using as data source TLS and the Design model, then process this information by applying VP, analyse the accuracy and the data processing time during the check and update of the as-built model.

II LITERATURE REVIEW The literature outlines various workflows for gathering as-built model data. The choice depends on the use of the information, the LOD required, and the alignment of technology and methodology with the tools, expertise, and specifications detailed in the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) and EIR [1]. These processes can be divided into three stages; data source, data processing and As-built model (Fig. 2)[9].

Fig. 2 – Existing workflow for processing TLS or TS data.

a) data source The data source should be decided based on how the as-built model will be used [2] and LOD required [1]. Laser scanning is a popular technology when a high level of geometric accuracy is required. This technology creates a dense 3D point-cloud, capturing details such as building edges, doors, equipment, and windows, which would not be recorded in a regular survey using a tape measure or a TS. Despite these advantages, laser scanning requires significant investment, highly qualified operators, numerous control points, and the considerable amount of information captured is timeconsuming to process [9]. Nonetheless, using a TS survey, it is also possible to achieve a high level of geometric accuracy in a trade-off for a much lower number of details captured [10]. To plan the reality capture data on-site, the referenced papers [9] [4] provide insight into TLS specifications, including Quality, White Balance, Image Resolution, and High Dynamic Range (HDR). They present a comprehensive framework outlining the essential steps for acquiring, refining, and processing a point cloud to make it compatible with BIM modelling. This workflow should save time during the survey because the TLS settings will be adjusted to capture only the necessary level of detail. This needs to be carefully planned not to miss valuable information. b) data processing The data source needs to be processed to become useful information. A raw TLS point-cloud survey presents numerous challenges, such as recognising, classifying, and grouping points, so they can be compared with the Design model. It is also essential to clean points not related to the model [9]. Most papers propose processing data through CL, it provides more tools for more complex information analyses and flow control such as loops. It also gives the user more means to debug the code and apply more dense and accurate geometry analyses [7]. CL are often considered more complex to learn than VP [11]. To create new elements through automatic algorithmics, there are different approaches, such as Scan vs BIM to give context to the TLS data [3]. A mathematical algorithm is implemented to detect plans, identify the context, and compare with the BIM model. A combination of Scan-vs-BIM and mathematical methodology [12]. In this other paper [13], authors use mathematical forms to filter and classify point-cloud to model Structural elements, floors, walls, columns and beams. There is also a very superbly detailed step-by-step automatic process to segment pointcloud into planar and linear elements. This method

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 20th 2023 does not use any BIM elements as a reference. Instead, it uses a robust statistic, minimum covariance determinant (MCD), robust principal components analysis (PCA), robust planar and linear segmentation. This methodology yielded accuracy rates of 96.8%, 97.7% and 95% [13]. Those approaches can accomplish a high accuracy level, using the existing BIM model as a reference. Not taking a BIM model as a reference is possible to achieve a high precision. Although a common point is those methodologies all use complex mathematical algorithmics to perform data analysis [8] and more intricate CP, such as C#, to classify point-clouds and create new elements [6]. There are also in the literature VP papers presenting a methodology to process in-situ data and create new 3D as-built elements. Using Grasshopper, [6] presents a very well-structured point classification system. It is based on square cells to subdivide the point-cloud. Each cell is taken as a point and analysed against the other cells to create lines; each line is analysed against the other lines to create walls. The maximum process error is half of the cell size. The choice of cell size dictates the LOD and simplification of calculations. This method is only suitable for interior modelling cases, where the walls can be assumed as regular and parallel between themselves [6]. In another framework, [10] uses a Dynamo script to track construction site progress and productivity, processing TS data and placing new elements by Point and Level. [14] draw a very comprehensive roadmap, starting with Autodesk Recap Pro to reduce the Point-cloud density, then Magnet Collage to export points coordinates x, y, and z. This data is processed in Dynamo (VP) to model a non-parametric surface in Revit. Despite the very promising results, this paper only assesses this approach on a floor with no walls or columns to interfere on the results. Though these workflows use VP to model parametric and non-parametric elements, they create new elements rather than updating the existing model. A hybrid approach using the Unreal engine (VP) is proposed by [5]. This workflow analyses data to optimise output information and results combining different data and modelling techniques into a single hub. To decide what modelling technique, the authors analyse the use of the information based on the Grade of Generation (GoG), Grade of Information (GoI) and Grade of Accuracy (GoA) needed [2]. c)

depending on the data source and processing data technique adopted. Additionally, most of the workflows presented in the literature are processing data through CPL (Table 1), which is not as accessible as VP [8][7]. Table 1 – Literature review summary.



Reference Paper


[13] [15] [4] [3] [6] [9] [5] [2] [16]




[13] [15] [4] [3] [9] [2] [16]


[6] [5] [10]


[16] [13] [15]


[4] [3] [6] [9] [5] [2] [10]

Data Source

Data Processing

Element type

Model elements As-built model


[4] [3] [6] [9] [5] [2] [10]

Point cloud points classification

[16] [13] [15]

Move elements to as-built position


As an alternative, this paper evaluates a workflow that checks design model elements against TLS data, measures deviation, and updates the model to as-built positions using VP (Fig. 3). VP is deemed more user-friendly non-programmers professionals, such as Architects and Engineers [11].

Literature summary and alternative proposal

The reviewed literature is presenting methods for modelling new non-parametric and parametric elements instead moving elements for updating the design model into an as-built model (Table 1). It is not compatible with the collaborative process of updating the as-built model during the construction phase (Fig. 1) as the LOD may deviate from the design model

Fig. 3 – Proposed workflow.

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III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research aims to tackle the problem of actively intervening in the update of the as-built workflow by introducing a VP script to automate tasks. The action research methodology was selected since it employs a cyclical, interactive approach, 1st diagnosing, 2nd action planning, 3rd action taking, 4th evaluating and 5th specifying learning [17]. This cycle must be repeated to improve the quality of the process and achieve better results (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 – Research methodology workflow.

a) Diagnosing In this stage, this study will describe the current workflow and compare it with other processes in the literature, aiming to find strengths and weak points where the existing workflow can be enhanced. It was identified a gap in the literature for a study about asbuilt model updating without creating new elements (Table 1).


Specifying learning

This stage concludes a cycle and records lessons learned, evaluating if the action adopted at this cycle archive. This stage can be the foundation for the next cycle and changes in the action process [17].

IV DIAGNOSING Existing workflows for updating as-built models, as discussed in the literature review, are categorised by data source (TLS or TS) and data processing methodology (CPL, VP, or both). These methodologies produce models with Parametric, Non-parametric, or a combination of both element types. While various combinations exist in the literature, no proposal has been found that updates model elements to as-built positions using both TLS data and VP. Unlike existing ones, the proposed workflow uses the design model as the starting point to create the as-built model by analysing point cloud data and moving elements to as-built positions (Table 2). It preserves design-phase information and adds only construction position information, maintaining data flow. In contrast, existing workflows generate new elements without design information, creating a disjointed information flow from the design. Table 2 – Comparison of workflows for as-built model updating.

b) Action Planning A detailed action plan will be elaborated in the second stage, detailing the proposed workflow and how to access its accuracy and speed. c)

Action Taking

In this phase, all proposed strategies are put into practice. Metadata concerning the procedures, from initiation to results, will be systematically captured. The emphasis will be on contrasting the time efficiency of our method with that of benchmark software references [4] [3]. To ascertain the script's precision in updating the as-built model, it will measure the median deviation of points in the point-cloud both before and following the adjustment of the design model element to its as-built position. d) Evaluating The data collected in the previous stage was processed and evaluated in this fourth stage. The deviation measured using the proposed framework will be compared against the deviation found using the benchmark software (Verity).


Existing Workflows

Proposed Workflow

Data Source



Data Processing



Element type

Parametric or NonParametric


As-built model

Model new elements

Move elements to as-built position

V ACTION PLANNING The action plan to fill this gap and analyse the speed and accuracy of the proposed solution consists of collecting TLS survey data and design model files, measuring the deviation between the design model and the points in the point-cloud, and then moving the element to the as-built. Compare the results with the deviations obtained by the benchmark software using the same TLS and design model files. The scope of structural elements to be analysed is limited to floor, walls, columns, and beams.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 20th 2023 To verify the speed of time spent processing and measuring the information will be compared against the processing time spent by the benchmark software. To measure the accuracy of the proposed solution, the number of points in the point-cloud that are within the design tolerance will be counted, before and after moving the designed element to the as-built position. This process will be done using the deviation obtained by the proposed solution and by the benchmark software. The proposed plan followed four phases, data collection, data processing, comparison, and analysis of results. These phases will be detailed below Fig. 5.

The measurement uncertainty of those points in relation to their coordinates x, y and z, varies with the radius of the distance from the equipment to the verified point; it depends on the overlaps of surveys from different scanning points [9]. For an open range of 35 metres wide, the uncertainty considered is 1.5 millimetres [18]. The benchmark deviation for each element was sourced from the ClearEdge3D-Verity software report. This software compares the point-cloud to the Design model, creating a 3D as-built element representation and measuring its deviation from the design. The detailed report provides metrics like vertical and horizontal translation and rotation [19]. This study considered only the Cross Axis Translation, representing deviation perpendicular to the element's long axis. Data was processed using a VP script, developed in Dynamo version 2.1. The script was grouped into blocks, each block performing seven main tasks: Read Inputs, translate information to numbers, Filter points, Measure deviation from design, gather results, Measure processing time, and Export results. Each block is composed of several connected nodes. Each node has inputs, processes information to perform a specific task and responds with outputs. This is possible because each node is a block of programming code pre-prepared and ready to be used (see Fig. 7) [11].

Fig. 5 – Proposed plan Action Planning.

VI ACTION TAKING For implementation and testing of the proposed plan, a sample area measuring 10 meters in width, 30 meters in length, and 5 meters in height was chosen to gather data for evaluation. This area encompasses a single floor divided into 16 parts, 7 walls, 8 columns, and 2 beams. This selection is intended to assess the effectiveness of the proposed workflow. This area was laser scanned four times, and the resulting file is a combination of surveys (see Fig. 6). The file format used was RCP. For this survey a Leica P40 TLS was employed. This equipment produces a 3D point-cloud at a scan rate of up to 1 million points per second at ranges of up to 270 m [18].

Fig. 6 – Sample area point-cloud survey points.

Fig. 7 – Script nodes grouped in task blocks.

The script's inputs include the target face, design deviation tolerance, point-cloud data, and a reference element for analysis. It turns these inputs into numerical data, organising geometry and point-cloud data according to x, y, and z coordinates. The script selects points near the element's face within twice the tolerance deviation, excluding unrelated points such as those representing people, furniture, etc. This limitation restricts its use to elements deviating up to twice the design specification, making it apt for structural models. Additionally, the script refines its point selection by eliminating points shared with other elements. To determine the deviation from design, the script converts point coordinates to a face-centred

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 20th 2023 system, ensuring the Z axis indicates the perpendicular distance to the element's face, producing the median design deviation. It also computes the point-cloud's projected area on the face, determining the coverage percentage. The data is organised, exported, and accompanied by a report. The script's final phase moves the element to the as-built position based on detected deviation.

The as-built status after moving the elements (Verity). The percentage of points in tolerance is displayed in the graph of Fig. 8. The Y axis represents the percentage of points in tolerance, and the X axis the categories of analysed elements. •

VII RESULTS & EVALUATION The script was evaluated three times, before moving elements, after moving elements, called here TUD in reference to Technological University Dublin, and after moving elements using the benchmark software deviation from design, called here Verity. In the first test cycle, the distance from the points of the point-cloud to the face of each of the twenty-three listed elements was measured. The report produced contains: • Element ID. • Category – Element Revit Category. • Element area [A] - Checked element face area. • Point-cloud coverage - Proportion of the area of the projection of the points on the verified face [(Cp)/(A)]x100. • Number of Point-cloud (Cp) points checked for each face. • Deviation tolerance. • Deviation from design before moving elements - The median of the distances between the Point-cloud (Cp) points and the measured face. • Percentage of points in tolerance before moving elements to as-built position. • As-built status before moving elements - If the deviation from design found is smaller than the design tolerance, the element is marked as in tolerance, otherwise, it is marked as out of tolerance. In the second test cycle (TUD), the script measured the deviation, moved the elements according to the measured deviation, then rechecked the point percentage in tolerance. Adding the following items to the report: • Percentage of points in tolerance TUD. • Deviation from design TUD - After moving elements using the proposed workflow. • As-built status TUD – After moving elements based on the TUD deviation. In the third test cycle (Verity), the script moved the elements based on the Cross Axis Translation of the report produced by the benchmark software, then checked the following items: • The percentage of points in tolerance (Verity). • The design deviation after moving the elements (Verity).

Fig. 8 – Percentage of points within the tolerance range.

In the total of 33 elements, it is possible to verify that TUD improved the percentage of points in tolerance 13 times (39.39%), while moving the elements using the deviation from the benchmark software, improved the percentage of points 15 times (45.45%). Both performed below 50%, which may indicate that this accuracy parameter may not be relevant or is not being measured correctly. The average points in tolerance before moving the elements was 97.49%, after moving using TUD 97.16%, and using benchmark software 97.64%. All values with variations less than 0.5%, which may be another indication that this accuracy parameter is not satisfactory. Deviation from design results were also displayed in the following graph Fig. 9, where the Y axis represents the deviation in millimetres, and the X axis the categories of the analysed elements.

Fig. 9 – Deviation from design results.

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In the total of 33 elements, TUD reduced the as-built element distance from the median point-cloud plan 31 times (93.94%), while moving the elements using the deviation from the benchmark software, reduced the distance 21 times (63.64%). It's crucial to note that only perpendicular deviation from the face plane was measured. Despite this limitation, the proposed workflow reduced the deviation from design in 93.94% of elements. This hints at extending the analysis to other deviations like x, y, and rotation, meriting further study. Two elements displaying increased deviations from the design might be influenced by unfiltered unrelated points within the point cloud. To validate this hypothesis, a broader range of tests would be required. The processing time spent in the proposed script is shown in the graph below Fig. 10, where the Y axis represents the time in minutes and seconds (mm: ss), and the X axis represents the categories of the analysed elements.

Processing time (mm:ss)

Column Column Beam Column Column Column Wall Column Wall Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor

04:19 03:36 02:53 02:10 01:26 00:43 00:00

Fig. 10 – Processing time results.

The processing time for the reference software was not available for comparison. Using a laptop equipped with an 11th Gen Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz 1.69 GHz processor and 16.0 GB RAM, the proposed script took, on average, less than 1 minute. This duration is notably quicker than the time taken to manually analyse the point-cloud, identify design deviations, reposition the element, and append metadata.

of this is vital for the quality of information and the construction schedule. The accuracy assessment of 33 elements showed that TUD improved tolerance points 13 times (39.39%), while the benchmark software did so 15 times (45.45%). Both methods yielded results under 50%. Additionally, the proposed workflow lagged by 0.48% compared to the reference software, pointing to potential concerns in the accuracy measurement or its relevance. The examination of design deviation was limited to the perpendicular distance from the face of the designed element and the median plan of pointcloud points. TUD successfully reduced as-built element distance from the median point-cloud plan in 31 cases (93.94%), while the benchmark software did so in 21 cases (63.64%). Given TUD's 93.94% effectiveness in reducing design deviations, future research might employ a more sophisticated mathematical approach to explore deviations across the x, y, z axes and element rotation. The average processing time was less than one minute per element face, suggesting potential benefits in accelerating as-built information sharing. Since comparison with reference software was not possible, a feasibility study considering the number of elements needing updates and the task frequency versus manual execution is recommended. The experiment showed that it is possible to process point-cloud data using VP, with a data processing speed of less than one minute per element face. Though the script's accuracy was 0.48% lower than that of the reference software, it successfully identified and measured the as-built deviation. This suggests that the workflow can be used and improved in future studies. A recommendation for further study would be integrating deep learning techniques into BIM, which presents an exciting frontier for the future of asbuilt model updates. By harnessing artificial intelligence's adaptive learning capabilities, further refinements in the process and accuracy can be achieved, opening doors for innovative applications and efficiencies in construction and design data management.


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VIII CONCLUSIONS & LEARNINGS This research evaluated the speed and accuracy of updating the structural as-built model using VP and Point-cloud Survey data. The proposed model differs from the reviewed literature, as it updates existing designed elements, moving them to the as-built position, instead of creating new ones, which maintains the LOD of the model and facilitates collaboration between project stakeholders. The speed and accuracy

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 20th 2023 64, 2017, doi: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII2-W5-57-2017. [3]


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F. Banfi and M. Previtali, “Human– computer interaction based on scan-to-BIM models, digital photogrammetry, visual programming language and eXtended reality (XR),” Appl. Sci., vol. 11, no. 13, 2021, doi: 10.3390/app11136109.


W. Wahbeh, “Parametric modelling approach to reconstructing architectural indoor spaces from point clouds,” Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spat. Inf. Sci. ISPRS Arch., vol. 43, no. B4-2021, pp. 251– 257, 2021, doi: 10.5194/isprs-archivesXLIII-B4-2021-251-2021.


C. Preidel, S. Daum, and A. Borrmann, “Data retrieval from building information models based on visual programming,” Vis. Eng., vol. 5, no. 1, 2017, doi: 10.1186/s40327-017-0055-0.


T.-L. Chen, I.-A. Su, and J.-K. Lee, “Case Study: Design Strategies for Enabling Visual Application Blocks of Bluetooth Library,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 52630–52654, 2022, doi: 10.1109/access.2022.3175316.


L. Sanhudo et al., “A framework for in-situ geometric data acquisition using laser scanning for BIM modelling,” J. Build. Eng., vol. 28, no. November 2019, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.jobe.2019.101073.


F. Arif and W. A. Khan, “A Real-Time Productivity Tracking Framework Using Survey-Cloud-BIM Integration,” Arab. J. Sci. Eng., vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 8699–8710, 2020, doi: 10.1007/s13369-020-04844-5.


J. Collao, F. Lozano-Galant, J. A. LozanoGalant, and J. Turmo, “Bim visual programming tools applications in infrastructure projects: A state-of-the-art review,” Appl. Sci., vol. 11, no. 18, 2021, doi: 10.3390/app11188343.


J. Wang, X. Wang, W. Shou, H. Y. Chong, and J. Guo, “Building information modeling-based integration of MEP layout designs and constructability,” Autom. Constr., vol. 61, pp. 134–146, 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2015.10.003.


R. C. Lindenbergh et al., “a Framework To Extract Structural Elements of Construction,” vol. XLIII, pp. 501–507, 2020.


A. Evans and M. Stark, “Adding Intelligence to Point Clouds for Near Real-Time Construction Management,” Autodesk Univ., pp. 1–30, 2017.


F. Bosché, M. Ahmed, Y. Turkan, C. T. Haas, and R. Haas, “The value of integrating Scan-to-BIM and Scan-vs-BIM techniques for construction monitoring using laser scanning and BIM: The case of cylindrical MEP components,” Autom. Constr., vol. 49, pp. 201–213, 2015, doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2014.05.014.


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How does the interoperability of BIM digital technologies in modern methods of DfMA construction impact the workflows in the AEC sector? Shane Coppinger and Kieran O’Neill School of Surveying and Construction Innovation Technological University Dublin, Bolton Street, Dublin, Ireland E-mail: ¹; ² Abstract ̶ The aim of this study is to explore and evaluate the impact of both BIM, and design for manufacturing and assembly software, in modernising residential construction. The literature review and the online survey analysis suggest that both are effective tools for promoting Modern Methods of Construction in the Architectural Engineering and Construction industry. This paper presents a case study that examines the design of Modular Bath Pods using BIM digital technologies in the context of architectural and production manufacturing. The case study aims to highlight the advantages of BIM, its techniques, workflows, and areas for improvement, as seen in the successful implementation of modular bathroom pods in the North Dublin Residential Development project. Keywords ̶ Building Information Modelling (BIM), Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA), Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), Software, Interoperability.


INTRODUCTION [1] Design for Manufacturing & Assembly (DfMA) is a well-established engineering methodology that comprises two parts: Design for Manufacturing (DfM) and Design for Assembling (DfA). DfM is defined as "the design for ease of manufacture of the collection of the parts that will form the product," while DfA is "the design of the product for ease of assembly." By considering material selection, cost, manufacturability, and ease of assembly, product designers can use DfMA to create the most efficient design possible. Research has shown that designing with these principles in mind can reduce time, cost, and labour while improving quality and efficiency in manufacturing. Although different areas of research have defined various DfMA flows or steps, they all share similar principles. [2] There is a growing belief that the combination of Building Information Modelling (BIM), DfMA, and lean thinking will lead to significant changes in technology, processes, and required skills in the design and construction industry in the future. The author argues that DfMA and lean thinking are not just a set of tools but philosophy and design concepts that can be implemented throughout a value stream to drive organisational transformation and collaborative strategies.

This study looks to explore and evaluate the impact of DfMA, BIM software on the MMC in the AEC industry. 1. Identifying key DfMA BIM software and examining their impact on MMC. 2. Analyse the effectiveness of DfMA software in relation to its interoperability and compatibility with architectural, engineering, and manufacturing design. 3. Conduct a case study that examines the design of Modular Bathroom Pods using BIM DfMA software in the context of Architectural and Production Manufacturing.

III METHODOLOGY After weighing the pros and cons of various research approaches, a mixed method was selected because it was deemed necessary to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative data to comprehensively address the stated research objectives. To encompass all types of DfMA construction prevalent in Ireland and gauge the present level of MMC adoption in the AEC industry, a quantitative research method was selected. On the other hand, to assess the obstacles to the adoption of DfMA software from diverse stakeholders' viewpoints, a qualitative approach was deemed appropriate. A mixed method employs multiple research methods, which may include a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. This approach

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 can facilitate the interpretation of findings obtained through a quantitative survey or questionnaire by means of complementary follow-up interviews.


Building Information Modelling

The definition of BIM as "an intelligent 3D model-based process that provides AEC professionals with the tools to efficiently plan, design, construct and manage buildings and infrastructure" is provided by the National Institute of Building Science [3]. [4] BIM and Off-Site Construction (OSC) have been touted as two paradigms that could potentially tackle the longstanding issues of lower efficiency and productivity in the construction industry and bring about profound innovation in this sector. b)

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly

[5] OSC is a construction method that involves relocating on-site construction works to a climatecontrolled facility equipped with advanced machinery and manufacturing technologies, to enable the prefabrication of buildings in a standardized and efficient manner. [6] DfMA is attracting attention from designers, practitioners, and construction project stakeholders in the AEC industry. The paper suggests that digital fabrication (Dfab) and design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) practices are in current need of further research and development, as DfMA's conceptual function is to maximise the process efficiency of Dfab and DfAM building projects. [5] DfM is a constraint that pertains to the initial stage of product design, wherein engineers can select materials, technologies, and make cost estimates. During this stage, the product design plan is analysed and reviewed for the identification and correction of errors, based on the feedback received. The fundamental idea of DfMA is to identify and resolve problems that may arise during the manufacturing and component assembly process in the early design phase, to anticipate the risk of product damage that may occur in the final product. This approach helps to minimize production time and costs. One trend in the construction industry is the integration of DfMA and Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) technologies such as BIM. [7] BIM is a digital representation of a building that includes parametric objects representing all building components. BIM can facilitate DfMA implementation from two perspectives. First, BIM provides an analysis platform for identifying opportunities to improve manufacturing and assembly processes through design. BIM objects have rich information about actual building components, which can be analysed to determine whether DfMA

principles can be applied to make the design more suitable for production and construction. Second, BIM enables a seamless collaboration environment. BIM-enabled modular design is a design approach that utilises the modularisation of building components. In China, Wanke, the largest housing developer, has applied this method to high-rise apartment buildings. This approach is most suitable for buildings with similar layouts or unit assemblies, such as affordable housing developments. The layout of affordable housing units is limited due to constraints on total area and cost per unit area, with only minor variations in the number of units on a standard floor and the layout of a housing unit (with limited customization on dimensions). BIM is used to support parametric design at various module levels [8] c)

Modern Methods of Construction

MMC refers to a variety of construction practices that deviate from the conventional on-site building methods. These practices incorporate both off-site manufacturing and innovative on-site techniques to offer alternative solutions to traditional construction methods. When applied to residential construction, MMC may involve the use of prefabricated panelised components, such as timber frame, light gauge steel frame, or precast concrete, that are manufactured in a factory and assembled on the construction site. Alternatively, finished dwelling units or components of dwellings can be fabricated off-site and delivered as completed modules for installation on-site, [9] To fully benefit from BIM, it is crucial to establish agreed BIM levels and information sharing protocols early on in the project, which should be accepted by relevant stakeholders. Contracting authorities should clearly identify BIM requirements when tendering for consultants or design and build contractors. [9] The Irish government and relevant state agencies have outlined their plan to reduce the cost of constructing residential buildings, particularly apartment buildings, in the report "Housing for All". To achieve this, they will focus on the residential construction sector by enhancing their existing and planned initiatives. The government aims to ensure a coordinated and whole-of-government approach to residential construction. They will also promote, develop, and support innovative MMCs that utilise digital and manufacturing technology. Additionally, they will help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) scale up and adopt MMCs and BIM techniques for residential construction. Finally, they will support the digitisation of the manufacturing sector, including the use of digitally controlled

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 manufacturing equipment, to aid in residential construction, [10] [11] the MMC aims to address contemporary construction challenges by requiring a more fundamental transformation, shifting from disjointed ways of delivering construction projects to a more controlled environment. [12] In the context of MMC, it is critical to locate and understand relative information that can enhance a client's understanding of new methods. Additionally, poor communication and a lack of drive to search for information that facilitates an informed decision have been identified as factors that undermine innovation adoption. According to a report by the House of Commons Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee, in order to fully leverage the potential benefits of MMC, such as better-quality finishes from precision manufacturing and the development of a high-tech industry that is attractive to potential employees, homebuilders should incorporate more digital technologies like BIM into their processes, rather than just moving construction off-site, [13] d)

DfMA BIM Software Analysis

Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines Modelling (NURBS) curves are mathematical representations of curved shapes in three dimensions. [14] In a case study found that NURBS parametric modelling, serves as the software base for digital fabrication. The manufacturer of robotic arms collaborated with a subcontractor to develop a timber structure processing plug-in, enabling robotic fabrication. Real-time operation of the physical robot arm can be mirrored and generated in the virtual 3D software, allowing simulation of all modular component processing and manufacturing processes. [14] Customised software development and maintenance services improved the robot arm's adaptability to the needs of the project. The integration of robotic fabrication and BIM technologies has significantly enhanced design quality, production efficiency, and reduced labour demands. Automated production tools facilitate the exchange and upgrade of design information at the corresponding stage. However, the traditional exchange method, using CAD-based file transfer and WeChat-based chatting group, remains a habitual tradition for existing project organisations and is considered more efficient by practitioners to fit the project. Additionally, construction automation represents only a small part of the overall project perspective. [15] The extensive utilisation of Visual Programming Language (VPL) and the systematic establishment of a range of computational models in Dynamo. Given the complexity of DfMA, where multiple stakeholders need to be consulted before

implementing modifications, the parameters serve as essential tools for decision-making, [15]. e)

Digital Twins in DfMA Construction

A modular approach involves creating reusable and parameterised modules that correspond to physical entities in advance. These modules can be modified based on the parameters and integrated into a digital twin model of a physical factory. By using this approach, the time required for modelling can be significantly reduced. Furthermore, a flexible digital twin can not only validate the current design but also explore other possible design solutions through multiple simulations. As a result, digital twins can quickly adapt to changes in design. [16]


Literature Review Conclusions

Through the literature review, a set of challenges emerged that must be addressed to facilitate the implementation of off-site construction processes across various types of projects. These challenges include the need for a higher level of technology information application, requiring tools to keep track of building attributes. Another challenge stems from the negative reputation associated with earlier prefabricated systems, which were linked to post-war architecture and social housing. In addition, designers and contractors may lack experience in off-site construction, making it more difficult to implement. Making modifications can also be challenging, as the project must be stable from the beginning since changes cannot be made easily during the construction process. Transport limitations can further exacerbate these challenges, as some elements may be difficult to move. There is also a higher initial cost associated with off-site construction due to the need for more detailed design and expertise. Finally, the repetitive design and lack of innovation can be viewed as an aesthetic challenge Using BIM, one is able to accurately model and plan out the construction process, enabling a review of the efficient use of materials and processes, supporting continual improvement. DfMA factories may be able to minimise emissions by precisely predicting their raw material needs, reducing waste and overuse. By contrast, traditional construction sites often struggle to accurately estimate their material needs, resulting in excess waste and emissions. Reflecting on this, it is clear that BIM and DfMA are valuable tools in the quest to promote sustainability in the construction industry.

V ONLINE QUESTIONNAIRE ANALYSIS The author conducted an in-depth analysis of the topic of DfMA /MMC software, using an online survey approach. The survey included carefully

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 chosen DfMA/MMC questions based on the relevant literature review and study. The survey targeted a specialised audience of MMC/DfMA/prefabricated designers, technicians, consultants, advisors, and specialists who possessed extensive BIM knowledge in the AEC industry. These professionals were located both within and outside of Ireland. MMC Ireland, a representative body for Ireland-based designers, manufacturers, and installers of MMC, provided valuable assistance in narrowing down the list of companies to survey. The results of the survey provided valuable insights into the current state of DfMA/MMC software in the AEC industry, highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by this specialised software. Overall, this analysis represents a significant contribution to the understanding of DfMA/MMC software and its role in modern construction practices. The study conducted a comprehensive analysis of the personnel roles and industry backgrounds of 40 respondents from a range of established and new companies with a focus on BIM expertise. The sample size was chosen with specific attention to BIM background roles and MMC experience, including senior managers, project managers, coordinators, and technicians. Additionally, to account for industry variation among BIM technicians / coordinators in the survey, a range of companies were included, such as architecture, building products and fabrication, civil engineering, project management, structural engineering, and mechanical engineering. The study also examined the companies' delivery of prefabricated/offsite elements and the specific BIM trade specialisations of the respondents. For instance, one BIM technician from Modubuild specialised in designing pharmaceutical volumetric units with MEP design, while another from Flood Precast was a precast concrete designer. Similarly, a BIM technician from Evolusion Innovation specialised in modular prefabricated apartment units. The question on trade specialisation was optional, but it proved helpful in analysing the perspectives of the respondents. Overall, the study provided a detailed analysis of the roles and industry backgrounds of the surveyed personnel, providing valuable insights into the AEC industry across various industries. The author posits that the first question was designed to serve as an alarm for respondents and to filter out any non-relevant participants from the survey. This is a commonly used tactic in survey design to ensure that only qualified and relevant participants are included in the sample. Furthermore, the author suggests that the main aim of the survey was to identify DfMA software and to highlight issues related to DfMA and in the BIM AEC sectors. This analysis indicates that the survey was likely focused on gathering information about

specific technologies and practices within the industry and aimed to identify potential areas for improvement or development. The vital question was the use of intraoperative software and analysing the BIM software utilised in the DfMA sector. The survey highlighted the prevalence of Autodesk's Revit as the most commonly used software with 33 out of 40 using Revit. The author conducted a comprehensive literature review to identify prevalent software used in this sector, and the findings were in line with the responses of the survey respondents. The survey results revealed that AutoCAD Architecture and Tekla Structures were the second and third most used software, respectively, with 19 of 40 using AutoCAD and 15 out of 40 respondents using Tekla. However, the analysis did not solely focus on the most commonly used software, as the author also sought to investigate software that was not mentioned in the literature review. The survey respondents had the option to indicate the software they use that was not listed, and this generated 11 additional responses. Some of the software mentioned included Trimble Realworks, Bentley Prosteel, Auodesk's Advanced Steel, and Vertex and BD. Overall, the analysis of the software selection in the DfMA sector provides a valuable insight into the software landscape in this industry. This analysis helps to inform decision-making regarding software selection in the DfMA sector and highlights the importance of considering both popular and lesserknown software options.

Figure 1 Listed DfMA software in survey. The data presented in Figure 1 provides insight into the distribution of software used in the DfMA

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 design environment. By examining the positions of the most commonly used software, one can gain a deeper understanding of the DfMA design environment and its associated software landscape. This analysis allows for a more informed perspective on the software tools utilised in the design process and can inform decision-making for future software adoption and integration.

Figure 2 List of Respondent's Roles After analysing the data collected, it was found that a majority of respondents, over 77%, make use of DfMA software on a daily basis for their construction processes. This indicates that DfMA software has become an integral part of the construction industry. Additionally, the data revealed that more than 45% of the respondents were somewhat satisfied with the software they have used for DfMA construction. However, it was also observed that at least 80% of the respondents were not familiar with any other DfMA/MMC software that can perform the same workflow as the one they are currently using. This suggests that there may be other software options that could be explored to improve construction processes. Furthermore, the data indicated a mixed reaction among respondents regarding their awareness of DfMA/MMC software in the AEC industry. While 25% were somewhat satisfied with their awareness, 25% were somewhat dissatisfied. This highlights the need for greater awareness and education on the use of DfMA software in the construction industry. Over 55% of the respondents believed that not enough BIM collaboration/integration across their sector utilising the DfMA software. This indicates a need for greater integration and collaboration among stakeholders in the construction industry to fully realise the potential benefits of using DfMA software. Upon analysing the responses to the question regarding project stakeholders' or BIM software investors' awareness of DfMA/MMC software, it is evident that over 35% of the respondents perceive that there is insufficient utilisation of the software and a lack of skilled workforce to implement it effectively. This data suggests that the utilisation of DfMA/MMC software is not optimal, and there is a need for more awareness and education regarding its benefits and usage. The lack of skilled workforce to implement the software further emphasizes the need for training and

upskilling of the existing workforce or hiring skilled professionals who can effectively use the software. It also indicates a potential gap in the market for training and education providers to address the skills gap and provide the necessary training. In summary, the responses to this question reveal a concerning perception among the respondents regarding the utilisation of DfMA/MMC software and the lack of skilled workforce to implement it effectively. This highlights the need for increased awareness, education, and training in the industry to address these issues and optimize the utilisation of DfMA/MMC software. The author of the survey employed a strategic approach by incorporating an open-ended question that allowed respondents to express their thoughts on enhancing the software utilised for DfMA construction. The responses obtained were insightful and offered a comprehensive outlook on the existing software. The responses were diverse with one respondent emphasising “They were happy enough with the software. The only issue is getting access to it, programs are expensive so unless they are constantly using it it’s not cost-effective to have it, which puts a negative stigma against it where people just write off the advantages of using it”. Another respondent said “Everyone should step up in digitalising manufacturing and having the application open to be used or altered. Manufacturers/suppliers have control of the product and designers should be able to give input/design based on manufacturing parameters”. Another interesting answer was “with manufacturing and construction industries coming closer together, software that combines the building level items (Architectural) and the manufacturing level (systems, assemblies) to form a unified source of truth platform, to export Bills of Materials (BOMs) and or drawings. Some work is being done to now link Inventor and Revit, so I can see it happening in the future”. It was found that a significant portion, (namely 40%, of the respondents) are likely to invest in additional software tools for DfMA construction processes in the future. This suggests a potential trend in the market towards an increased focus on the use of DfMA software in construction processes. However, the survey also revealed that a large percentage, almost 70%, of respondents have encountered obstacles when transferring data from design software to manufacturing software, either directly or through intermediate data such as IFC. This highlights a major challenge in the sector, namely, the lack of interoperability with DfMA software. Based on the results of the survey, it appears that a significant majority of respondents (80%) believe that additional design work is necessary to ensure that

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 data can be effectively transferred from design to manufacturing software. Furthermore, an overwhelming majority of respondents (over 90%) believe that proactive measures can be taken during the design stage to facilitate the transfer of information and ensure its suitability for the manufacturing process. This sentiment indicates a potential opportunity for designers to take a more proactive approach to designing with manufacturing considerations in mind, potentially leading to more efficient and effective data transfer. Overall, these findings suggest that there may be opportunities for process improvement in the transfer of data from design to manufacturing software and that designers may be able to play a key role in facilitating this transfer through more thoughtful and proactive design work. Additionally, the author employed Microsoft Power BI, a data visualization tool, to communicate the research findings to survey respondents and other relevant parties in a clear, concise, and easily comprehensible manner.

Figure 3 Microsoft Power Bi data visualisation dashboard. By utilising the Excel data obtained from Microsoft Forms, a dashboard is generated in Power Bi. See Figure 2 of the data visualisation dashboard. By leveraging the interactive features of the dashboard, one can discern valuable data trends by examining the responses of each survey participant based on their profession. This functionality enables a more nuanced analysis of the research findings, empowering one to gain deeper insights into the underlying patterns and tendencies revealed by the survey data. In conclusion, the data analysis indicates that DfMA software is a commonly used tool in the construction industry. However, the findings also suggest that there is a need for further improvement and education in maximising the benefits of this software. This indicates an opportunity for companies

to invest in better training and education for their employees to optimize the use of DfMA software and improve construction processes. By doing so, companies can potentially enhance their operational efficiencies, reduce costs, and achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction.


BIM and its Role in the Modular Bathroom Pod

This case study will explore the Modular Bathroom Pod through a BIM lens. The author's interest in the topic stems from their professional experience, where they have been able to apply their skills and knowledge acquired during the second year of their BIM master's program. This case study aims to highlight the advantages of BIM, its techniques, workflows, and areas for improvement in relation to the Modular Bathroom Pod. Through the author's literature review and online survey analysis of DfMA software, it is evident that BIM is enabling the latest digital revolution. Its standout feature is the optimisation of DfMA prefabrication, which has enabled the construction sector to integrate off-site components with ease. By doing so, a vast library of off-site components can be created, including the Modular Bathroom Pod. BIM encourages the creation of comprehensive and precise details for each engineered module, enabling designers to produce a 3D visualization of every Pod manufactured off-site. This level of detail helps reduce errors during the manufacturing and construction phases, saving time and resources. In this case study, the author explores various techniques and workflows, including the creation of a digital prototype, clash detection, and the creation of a precise bill of materials. The creation of a digital twin prototype enables designers to test various design options before manufacturing the actual Pod. b)

Modular Bathroom Pod Case Study.

The North Dublin Residential Development is a large-scale project encompassing 730 residential units across five urban blocks. The development consists of five apartment buildings and two duplex buildings, ranging from one to nine storeys in height. The project's aim was to expedite the construction process while incorporating MMC aspects such as prefabricated balconies, standardized apartment layouts, prefabricated MEP units, standardized window types, prefabricated bathroom pods, and precast panel structural elements throughout the project. This case study will focus on the bathroom pod supplier, BathSystem, and its role in the development.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 The main contractor, and the lead designer, selected BathSystem as the supplier for over 1,000 bathroom pods for the development. The project's MMC approach meant that BathSystem needed to ensure consistency in their product's quality and design ensure the bathroom pods were delivered on time and met the project's specific requirements. In this case study, the author observed with gratitude the collaboration and shared responsibility demonstrated by the main contractor, the lead designer, and the bathroom pod supplier in driving the implementation of MMC on an extensive residential project. c)

Design Stage

The Architects utilise Revit software to incorporate Bathroom Pods into their design workflow. According to the author's Online Survey Analysis, Revit is the most widely used software in the DfMA/MMC sector for early conceptual design and for creating architectural tender drawings and documents. d) Production stage Once the main contractor has appointed a supplier, the tender documents and information are processed, and production drawings from the supplier "BathSystem" are initiated. The architect assumes the role of the lead reviewer for all technical information submitted with accepted, approved with comments or rejected status processes, while the MEP team reviews the relevant equipment as secondary reviewers. It is the responsibility of the lead designers to ensure that all pods align with their proposed design from the tender. e)

Interview Analysis

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the Production Stage, the author conducted an interview with the BIM coordinator / production lead at BathSystem. Through analysis and relevant questioning, the interviewee revealed that they utilise SolidWorks to generate modular bathroom pods. They emphasised that the software is particularly beneficial for their product, which is a hybrid between mechanical and civil construction. They also find the software user-friendly and intuitive, particularly with the 3D modelling feature which simplifies the drawing comprehension process. When asked about issues with software in relation to production and collaboration for delivery, the interviewee stated that they had not experienced any issues. However, they did highlight a potential improvement which would be the ability to mirror the model. This would also address an issue that was identified in the design stage. The interviewee stated that the key advantages of using DfMA software in

their design process were the ability to design each component and the time savings in the design and production process. Additionally, they noted that cost savings were realised since the implementation of the software. Overall, the interviewee expressed satisfaction with the DfMA software they are utilising, which has proven effective in their design and production process. In conclusion, this case study highlights the importance of BIM and its role in the Modular Bathroom Pod, specifically in the context of the North Dublin Residential Development project in Dublin. BIM helped optimise the DfMA prefabrication process by creating comprehensive and precise details for each engineered module. This resulted in a reduction of errors during the manufacturing and construction phases, saving time and resources. The architects' innovative design approach and the collaboration with reliable and trustworthy suppliers, such as BathSystem, enabled the successful implementation of MMC in the project. Despite some challenges faced in Revit software, the use of standardisation at an early stage and customisation of unique designs for each apartment helped maximise available space and meet specific requirements. Overall, this case study highlights the benefits of BIM and modular construction methods in the construction industry. During both the design and production stages, while collaborating closely with the BIM modeler/technician, a noteworthy observation emerged. Regrettably, it was discovered that the digital twin concept was not fully realized in the utilization of the production pod model. Instead, the production model solely served the purpose of generating production drawings. The interviewee highlighted the process of exporting SolidWorks data to the IFC format for subsequent importation into Revit. This underscores the opportunity of integrating the DfMA within the framework of the Handover Asset Information Model, thereby providing valuable support to operational facilities managers. The author firmly contends that a compelling case exists for this paradigm shift. The integration of the production pod model as a comprehensive digital twin holds the potential to furnish operational managers with a profound comprehension of every intricate building component within the toilet pod, ultimately enriching the efficacy of building management.

VII CONCLUSIONS In summary, this research paper has provided evidence that BIM and DfMA technologies can significantly reduce costs and enhance efficiency in

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 construction projects. Therefore, the integration of these technologies into construction practices is vital for the future growth and progress of the AEC sector. However, there is a need for further education and improvement in maximising the benefits of DfMA software. The case study presented in the paper highlights the importance of BIM in modular construction, as seen in the successful implementation of MMC in the North Dublin Residential Development project. To sum up, the interoperability of BIM digital technologies and DfMA MMC has demonstrated a positive influence on workflows in the AEC sector, leveraging the traditional submittal review process to ensure alignment between offsite fabricators, the design team and onsite subcontractors. With increased buy-in from stakeholders in MMC methods, there will be a greater push for DfMA software interoperability in the industry, leading to its normalization and high demand. By enhancing collaboration, communication, accuracy, and quality, the use of BIM and DfMA technologies can significantly reduce costs (including re-work costs) and enhance efficiency in construction projects. The results of the literature review and the online survey analysis suggest that BIM and DfMA are effective tools for promoting MMC in the construction industry.







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BIM as a Value Creator

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Framework for the automation of Embodied Carbon calculations for Interior Architecture Léa Laurent1, Sean Carroll2 1 2

O’Connell Mahon Architects

Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Munster Technology University (MTU), Cork E-mail: 1,

The architectural sector is becoming increasingly concerned about sustainability in construction and the carbon footprint of buildings. New regulations and frameworks provide guidance and targets for architects. To assess the embodied carbon content of buildings, architects may request Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for materials and equipment and employ Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) calculators to bring transparency to the sustainability calculations. Research has shown that over the typical 60-years design life of a building, interiors can be retrofitted anywhere between 4 and 10 times. The embodied carbon of interior refurbishment can therefore match or even exceed the carbon footprint emitted by the structure and envelope over the same lifespan. The research presented in this paper proposes a BIM workflow for carrying out embodied carbon calculations for architectspecified furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF+E) in the architect’s Revit model. The workflow illustrates how sustainability data such as Global Warming Potential (GWP) obtained from EPDs may be automatically populated in Revit families as shared parameters. The data was then inputted into in schedules for comparison and review. This workflow has been found to provide reliable estimate values for the carbon footprint of architect-specified interior equipment and fitments in a Revit project. The proposed workflow was applied to the researcher’s workplace, O’Connell Mahon Architects, and the study of an exemplar project highlighted the benefits and limitations of the proposed workflow, in particular the difficulty of using EPDs. Keywords ̶ Sustainability, Revit, embodied carbon, interior architecture

I INTRODUCTION Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the construction industry. Architects now have tools to assess a building’s projected carbon footprint from early design stages to minimise its impact [1][2]. However, tools are heavily focused on the structure and envelope of buildings. Those tools tend to omit furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF+E), although research has shown that they have a significant impact on a project’s total carbon footprint [3][4][5]. A worldwide certification available for architects are Environmental Product Declaration (EPDs), which provide embodied carbon values and third-party certifications for products [2]. This research aims at assessing the importance of interior design for sustainability and the lack of tools available to designers. The goal is to propose a new workflow based on the integration of EPD data being integrated into Revit models from an early design stage, enabling carbon footprint

calculations and allowing the architects’ to refine their choices in regards to FF+E. The proposed workflow was tested on an exemplar project in order to assess its usability in the context of a healthcare project. Section II of this report assesses how sustainability in construction is considered in the Irish and European context, including the use of life cycle assessment tools. Section III gives an overview of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). Section IV assesses how interior design (FF+E) is considered in life cycle assessments and the impact FF+E can have on the embodied carbon of a building over its life expectancy. Section V details the proposed workflow to assess FF+E emissions. Sections VI and VII introduces the exemplar project and summarises the results found using the proposed workflow and their interpretation. Section VIII gives an overview of the limitations of the proposed workflow and section IX presents the conclusions to this research.

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II SUSTAINABILITY IN ARCHITECTURE The architectural sector in Ireland and abroad is becoming increasingly concerned about sustainability in construction and carbon footprint. Frameworks and regulations [6][7] provide targets for architects while the RIAI [8] and the Irish Green Building Council [9] provide guidance in Ireland. The embodied carbon of a building, or carbon footprint, refers to all the emissions generated by the construction of the building: collection and processing of raw materials, manufacture and construction, end of life, demolition, or reuse. Embodied carbon calculation methodologies are based on the Cradle to Grave scenario and international standards ISO 14040 to ISO 14044 as well as European norms EN15978 and EN15804. The Cradle to Grave methodology is split in sections called modules, as illustrated in Figure 01.[1] Approximately 75% of the carbon footprint is generated in modules A1 to A3, which covers a product’s manufacture and transportation (cradle to gate) as well as in module B1 to B5, which covers the operational phase (use). Architects and engineers can greatly reduce a building’s carbon footprint by choosing quality low carbon materials from an early stage in the project, prior to construction [1] [2].

accuracy of those tools is however approximate as it does not account for example of the project’s location in the world. It is challenging for the data to be a correct reflection of reality and the tool uses a generic database. One ClickLCA gives an approximate indication of the project’s environmental impact and allows architects to find potential improvements. At the start of a new project, the user inputs key information such as the building type, key dimensions, and inputs building parameters for the LCA calculation such as foundations, structure etc. One of the building parameters available is “Finishes”, which refers to internal walls, floor finishes and ceiling finishes [2]. In addition to internal doors and screens, this is the extent of the “interiors” that is considered into the LCA calculations on OneClickLCA [2][11]. This key gap in LCA calculations indicates that there are improvements needed in the process and in the software to capture a correct image of a building’s carbon footprint. LCA calculations are extremely interesting in the early stages of the design process, where the architect can compare different design options and use the data to get client buy-in. The tool can also be used for an as-built carbon footprint of the building rather than a conceptual

Fig.01: Illustration of BS EN15978 life cycle stages [1]

Tools such as the proprietary cloud-based software OneClickLCA (aligned with ISO14040, ISO 14044, EN15978, EN15804)[2] or the Revit plugin H/B:ERT (aligned with EN15978) [10] allow the user to calculate the carbon footprint of a project by inputting proposed materials. OneClickLCA offers a diversity of materials and specifications [2]. The

one, when all the specifications have been decided upon and the architect can rectify the inputs to match any site changes. In addition, architects can request EPDs and certifications for interior FF+E, however the process is complex and time consuming as it requires individual research and comparison.

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III ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATIONS Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) provide certified information on products about their Global Warming Potential (GWP) and other key environmental factors. An EPD is a certified document created by a manufacturer assessing a product’s carbon footprint for one unit of the product using the Life Cycle Assessment calculation methodologies (aligned with ISO14040 and ISO 14044) [2][12]. It is verified by a third party and can be created for any type of product or system. Figure 02 shows a summary of a typical EPD, with the calculations for GWP, as well as other values such as biogenic carbon etc, and their emissions in different stages of the life cycle [13]. EPDs can be found online, either directly on the supplier’s website or via one of the several international databases [13][14].

lifespan, interior refurbishments can potentially match the carbon footprint of the structure. [3][4][5] Figure 03 shows the conceptual footprint of an office building over 60 years: as predicted, the envelope and structure are extremely high in the first years whereas the interior fitout is low in proportion. However, interiors are revamped approximately every 15 years and, by the end of life of the building at 60 years old, represent most of the cumulated embodied carbon [4]. In addition, 15 years is an average in terms of interior refurbishment: it is accurate for office buildings however hospital and retail interiors can be changed as frequently as 2 to 5 years [3][4][5]. Figure 03 does not account for potential envelope repairs or upgrades: these are however much less frequent in general. Figure 03 includes elements such as floor finishes, wall finishes and ceiling in the “interiors” section [3]. Those elements are omitted from this research project, which focuses solely on FF+E. However, FF+E still forms a significant part of the interiors in the event of a refurbishment.

Fig. 02: Typical EPD (totals) [13]

IV EMBODIED CARBON IN INTERIOR DESIGN Research shows that interior design can have as much of an impact as the structure in contributing to the overall carbon footprint. As can be expected, the carbon footprint of the external envelope is much higher than interior equipment when construction is completed prior to the building starts its operational phase. However, over the 60-year design life of the building, interiors could be retrofitted anywhere between 4 and 10 times depending on the building’s use. This means that over the course of the building’s

Fig. 04: Diagram showing the proportion of interior fitment in a typical building's carbon footprint over a 10and 60-year period [3]

Interiors are poorly considered in current workflows due to a lack of education and the perception that interiors are less important [3][15][16]. Figure 04 shows that over 60 years, the interiors are estimated to contribute to over 60% of a building’s embodied carbon whereas they represent

The Proceedings CitA BIM Gathering Conference 2023 Fig. 03: Conceptual carbon timeline[4]

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 30% over a 10-year period [3]. EPDs and several other smaller-scaled initiatives such as Friendly Materials [12][17] aim to provide information on the carbon footprint of FF+E. These are however at early stages of the process and not yet unified, and the existing LCA tools mostly omit interior equipment, although they could also be considered from early design stages. Architects have a responsibility towards the interior design of their projects in the same regard as the envelope and can significantly reduce the potential carbon footprint by using appropriate tools such as EPDs.

their scope. For this reason, this research project focused exclusively on group 1 items. As highlighted in Section III, EPDs contain an array of information on a product.[2][12] Due to the nature of the research project, the goal was limited to GWP values only. In addition to that, EPDs do not provide a GWP value for the product itself but rather for a unit, such as kg, of the product, as explained in Figure 06. The user is required to calculate the total value for the product separately.

IV PROPOSED WORKFLOW The research project aimed at proposing a new workflow integrating sustainability data in a Revit master template to contribute to the LCA calculations regarding architect-specified interior equipment. The goal was to add new information to an existing extensive library of Revit families by using Shared Parameters. Figure 05 shows the key steps of the research project methodology.

Fig. 06: Diagram, calculation of GWP per product

The Shared Parameter contained the following information: the EPD number, the declared unit, the GWP value per declared unit, and the weight of the product. Due to the large amount of Revit family that required the Shared Parameter, the plugin Dynamo was used to automatically update the families. Fig. 05: Research project methodology diagram

The parameters aimed at assigning an EPD to each family and adding the relevant GWP value. This would allow the master template to automatically calculate the total GWP generated by the FF+E in the project using the scheduling tool. The limitations of this research project are addressed in Section VII. a) Adding EPD-sourced GWP values to Revit families using Shared Parameters FF+E items were divided into three groups: group 1 refers to items specified by the architect and supplied by the contractor, group 2 refers to items specified by the client and supplied by the contract, and lastly group 3 refers to items specified and supplied by the client. Architects have the most control over group 1 items whereas groups 2 and 3 items are often out of

b) Creating schedules in a Revit template to calculate the total GWP emitted by FF+E Schedules were created in the Revit template to calculate the total GWP emitted by all group 1 FF+E items in the project. To do so, schedules used calculated parameters to execute the calculation highlighted in Figure 06. Three schedules were integrated into the Revit master template. The first one scheduled all the FF+E group 1 items in the project and gave a total GWP value for all the items. The second scheduled the FF+E group 1 items by room type (bedroom, ensuite etc) to give a detailed view of all the equipment in a room (Figure 07). The last schedule only showed the room type, the number of repetitions of that room and the total GWP value for those.

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Fig. 07: Typical Revit schedule

V EXEMPLAR PROJECT A study of an exemplar project highlighted the benefits and limitations of the proposed workflow. All the data in this exemplar was indicative only but allowed to demonstrate the concept. The aim was to compare the embodied carbon of the structure and envelope versus the embodied carbon of the FF+E. The results were expected to be like the patterns identified in Section IV, Figure 03.[4] The exemplar project was completed in the context of the researcher’s workplace to provide better accuracy. The researcher’s workplace (O’Connell Mahon Architects) specialises in healthcare buildings The proposed example consisted of a typical hospital ward with 26 bedrooms and respective ensuites, staff offices and support rooms with a gross internal floor area of 2025 m2. The ward was composed of a total of 82 rooms, with 25 room types (excluding circulation and risers), some of them repeated up to 24 times. The layout was populated with general FF+E throughout. It comprised of 2220 FF+E items, including 1325 items categorised in Group 1 and 895 items in Groups 2 and 3.

were carried out for the following key elements: floor slab, ceilings, internal and external walls and finishes such as doors and floors. All the other categories were omitted. These elements were included in an attempt to be able to make comparisons between values calculated through OneClickLCA and the researchers own proposed framework. This enabled the researcher to create a prototype of refurbishments that would typically occur within the 60 years of the building’s design life, as detailed in Section IV.[3][4][5] The proposed works included bedrooms and ensuites refurbishment at years 10 and 45, a refurbishment of the staff areas at year 20 and new windows at year 45, as illustrated in Fig 08. Year 0 indicates the end of construction prior to the beginning of the operational phase of the building. The estimated GWP values for the structure and envelope as well as for FF+E items was calculated by using proportions of the total values at year 0.

VI EXEMPLAR PROJECT RESULTS This estimated works schedule of the ward was represented in a chart illustrated in Figure 09. The calculated embodied carbon values for structure and envelope compared to FF+E over the 60-year design life of the building compared well to the research identified in Section IV. [3][4][5] The chart illustrated in Figure 11 showed a similar pattern to Figure 03. [4]

Fig. 08: Exemplar project refurbishment schedule over 60 years

The structure and envelope calculations were completed using the free version of OneClickLCA[2] over an expected design life of 60 years. Calculations

Fig. 09: Projected Global Warming Potential over 60 years

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 As expected, the GWP value for the envelope and structure represents 73% of the total GWP of the building at construction completion stage (year 0). On the contrary, the proportion of the carbon footprint emitted by FF+E at the same time is much lower, as illustrated in Figure 10.

In addition, during the building’s occupancy (years 1 to 60), FF+E take a much bigger proportion of the GWP created by the refurbishments, as could be expected, with 70% of the total. Lastly, during the building’s lifespan (years 0 to 60), FF+E represents 50% of the total GWP of the exemplar project when all groups are included, as opposed to only 42% when only Group 1 items are included, as illustrated in Figure 12.

Fig. 10: Estimated GWP at construction completion (year 0) of structure and FF+E group 1, Lea Laurent

However, during the building’s lifetime and occupancy (years 1 to 60), the tendency is reversed. Over that period, the GWP emitted by FF+E is 63% and of 37% for the structure. During the building’s expected design life, which includes the newly finished building to demolition, FF+E eventually represents 42% of the GWP emitted. FF+E only represented 27% of the emissions at year 0: its importance nearly double over the course of the building’s use. This shows that group 1 items can have a significant impact on a project’s carbon footprint and should be taken into consideration from the early stages of the project. As detailed previously, this study only includes FF+E items categorised as Group 1. A comparative study was completed with Group 2 and 3 items using a ratio to calculate the potential GWP of those items. Figure 11 illustrated the proportion GWP created by the structure and the FF+E at completion (year 0). When FF+E items in Group 2 and 3 are included in the calculation, FF+E’s share is increased and the structure’s reduces overall.

Fig. 11: Estimated GWP at construction completion (year 0) including FF+E groups 2 and 3

Fig. 12: Estimated GWP during lifecycle (years 0 to 60) including FF+E groups 2 and 3

VII EXEMPLAR PROJECT RESULTS INTERPRETATION The goal of the exemplar project was to assess the efficiency of the proposed workflow in calculating the GWP of FF+E items, in particular group 1. To assess the relevance of the data, the GWP calculated was compared with the GWP of the conceptual structure and envelope of the proposed example. The results were expected to follow the trend detailed in Section IV [3][4][5] Research showed the although the GWP of the structure and envelope was more important than the GWP of FF+E at the end of construction, over the duration of the building occupancy, the average GWP of interior equipment was often like that of the structure. The results found using the proposed workflow on the exemplar demonstrated that the pattern identified in Section IV [4] was respected. Overall, during the lifecycle of a building, FF+E equipment represent more than half of the GWP of the building. Groups 2 and 3 items also represent a significant part of the carbon footprint of the building when accounted for: recommendations and suggestions may be provided at early stages by the architect to the client to influence their choices. This is significant for architects and engineers. Indeed, they are responsible for specifying FF+E items. In order to improve the

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 FF+E’s carbon footprint, architects and engineers can : • Request green certifications on specified products, such as EPDs or others. • Specify durable and resistant equipment that will last longer. In combination with excellent planning and future-proofing of a project, that will reduce the number of refurbishments required. • Ensure that the end of life of FF+E is also considered, and products can be recycled or reused. In addition to this, architects and engineers also have a role to play in regard to leadership and education; • They can educate clients, stakeholders, and contractors on the importance of sustainability and make recommendations in regard to equipment or certifications to look for. • They need to lead the way by systematically requesting certification and integrating a sustainable component to their approach to encourage contractors and suppliers to get certifications or make better choices.

VIII LIMITATIONS a) Limitations for architects in implementing the proposed workflow A key factor in implementing this workflow successfully is the suitability of the project and architectural practice. The workflow relies on an extensive library of EPDs and other data that must be implemented in Revit to calculate values. This requires a preliminary work from the architect’s part to add this information to their Revit library of families. This assumes that the practice has existing Revit workflows and knowledge. In addition, some projects are more suitable than others. Indeed, the exemplar project was completed in the context of the researcher’s

workplace, which specialises in healthcare, such as hospital or nursing homes. In those projects, layouts are typically very repetitive with a high number of bedrooms or ensuites for example, and specialist equipment has a reduced number of potential suppliers. This means that the database can be generated in greater detail and kept throughout most projects, creating a reliable baseline. On the other hand, projects such as offices for example vary greatly from one to the other and FF+E suppliers are extremely diverse. This can make it quite difficult to have a detailed database of GWP values for FF+E items as they would likely change from one project to the next. A possibility is to calculate average values for a typical FF+E item and retain it throughout projects, however the results will be less accurate. Time is another key element. Creating the initial database requires a lot of time and money that often companies do not have. It requires sourcing data from EPDs, gathering the values, implementing them in a Revit database, and keeping the information up to date. Although beneficial overall, companies need to see the benefits of an approach such as the proposed workflow before investing in it. Lastly, this workflow relies on the availability of EPDs or similar certificates showing the GWP of a product. EPDs are still at an early stage in their development and can be difficult to source. In addition, they come in a variety of different formats although they contain the same data. This makes them difficult and tedious to process. A lot of EPDs also do not include total values for GWP but only values for each life cycle stage. Calculating overall totals was a timeconsuming task. An important consideration that needs to be addressed is the life expectancy of a building. LCAs and GWP calculations use a typical design life of 60 years from end of construction (start of occupancy/use) to demolition. However, this is rarely the case. Most buildings live on for much longer than 60 years and require a number of upgrades to stay relevant, both structural and

Fig. 13: Illustration of project design life vs actual life The Proceedings CitA BIM Gathering Conference 2023 Page 47

CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 internal. Overall, including potential change of uses and interior refurbishments, it can be assumed that the GWP of FF+E will become increasingly more important than the GWP of the structure, as illustrated in Figure 13. The well-known Rotunda Hospital in Dublin for example has occupied its current premises since 1757. b)

Limitations on the research

This research was completed as part of a MSc degree. The time constraints restrained the amount of testing that could be completed and the amount of data that could be used. In the exemplar project, the structure and envelope used conceptual values generated by OneClickLCA. EPDs were difficult to source in some cases and generic ones were used. Although the results meet the expected trends, the exemplar study was limited.

IX CONCLUSIONS The research project assessed the importance of sustainability in architecture and the role interior design and FF+E items have to play in managing the carbon footprint of architectural projects. Over a building’s lifetime, the carbon footprint of FF+E can be as important as that of the structure’s, and architects have a role to play in reducing carbon emissions by making educated choices from the early stages of the design process. The proposed workflow successfully allows architects to use a Revit model to calculate the embodied carbon of the FF+E in their projects. Provided the preparation work was completed (adding shared parameters to the families and sourcing relevant EPDs), Revit project automatically calculate the GWPs of the FF+E placed in the model. In addition, EPDs contain more information than simply the GWP. They also provide information on the acidification potential and a number of other categories that impact the environment and could be improved. Although current LCA software do not take them into consideration yet, they should become part of the process, as the quality of air and water is as important for the environment’s health. This means that the proposed workflow could also be updated to reflect to values for interior equipment.

[4] Glaser K. et al. (2020), Designing For the future, Interior Life Cycle Analysis, One Workplace, Hawley Peterson Snyder [5] Schultz E., Henrich E. (2019), A vision of the Future of Modular Hospital Design: Structure and Setting, European Healthcare Design Conference 2019 [6] A. Non (2021), Level(s): The European framework for sustainable buildings: Relevance and benefits for Architects & Designers, Architect's Council of Europe [7] Mathews S. et al., (2022), Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment, Joint Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage on behalf of the Houses of the Oireachtas [8] O'Dwyer S. et al (2021), RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge, Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland (RIAI) [9] A.Non (2021), Level(s) – EU Sustainable Buildings Framework, Irish Green Building Council [10] Bowles L. (2022), H\B:ERT Emissions reduction tool, Hawkins/Brown [11] Survey, O’Connell Mahon Architects, 2022 [12] The International EPD System, 2022 [13] Formica High Pressure Laminate, EPD number 4789852082.101.1 (2021) [14] Sustainable Minds, Transparency Catalog [15] Timurbanga H. et al (2022), Who’s Responsible for Carbon Emissions, Anyway?, LMN Architects, volume 2 “ Path to Zero Carbon Series” [16] Timurbanga H. et al (2022), Toward Zero Carbon Architecture, LMN Architects, volume 3 “Path to Zero Carbon Series” [17] Friendly materials, PMMT, 2022

REFERENCES [1] Gibbons O.P. et al. (2020), How to calculate embodied carbon, Institute of Structural Engineers [2] A.Non. (2021), Life Cycle Assessment for Buildings: Why it matters and how to use it, One Click LCA [3] Briefel D. et al (2021), Quantifying embodied carbon, Gensler Research Institute The Proceedings CitA BIM Gathering Conference 2023 Page 48

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Using BIM technologies to calculate and visualise the global warming potential of building materials Ryan Dempsey and Dr. Malachy Mathews School of Surveying and Construction Innovation, College of Engineering and Built Environment Technological University Dublin, Ireland E-mail:


Abstract ̶ The built environment has a significant potential to reduce carbon emissions and raw material consumption. Digitisation processes such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can offer solutions to improve sustainability throughout the building’s life cycle for the decarbonisation of the industry. In Ireland, the Royal Institute of Architects Ireland (RIAI) launched the 2030 Climate Challenge in response to the climate emergency. This sets out a list of targets to meet before 2030 for carbon emissions within the built environment. This research aims to investigate if the application of BIM tools can be leveraged to automate Global Warming Potential (GWP) to support design decision-making in meeting the RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge. This research focuses on the development of a validated database for building materials using the growing register of Environmental Product Data certificates (EPD) necessary for the correct calculation of GWP of building materials. This study has developed a series of workflows that can be used to automate and monitor Global Warming Potential (GWP) to assist professionals in meeting the RIAI 2025/2030 embodied carbon targets. The results demonstrated a proof of concept for automating GWP calculation via the digital building model database and in doing so giving the design team visual feedback empowering them in their design decision-making. Keywords ̶ Building Information Modelling (BIM), Decarbonisation, Global Warming Potential (GWP), Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Automation, Embodied Carbon

I INTRODUCTION In 2021, the Royal Institute of Architects Ireland (RIAI) launched the 2030 Climate Challenge in response to the climate emergency. Adopted from the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), this document presents four key challenges with specific targets before the end of the decade. These include a reduction in operational energy demand, a reduction in embodied carbon by at least 40%, a reduction of potable water use by at least 40%, and achieving all core health and well-being targets (1). The building sector generates roughly 33% of CO2 in the atmosphere and is responsible for 40% of total global energy through the construction and operation of buildings (2). In Ireland, the built environment is directly responsible for 37% of Ireland’s emissions, with 14% consisting of embodied carbon emissions from the production of construction materials, transport, construction, maintenance, repair and disposal of buildings and infrastructure (3). To achieve the targets set in the EU Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD), sustainability must become a core focus

for educators and firms in our industry. Investments and research in energy efficiency from governments are a necessity for meeting 2050 targets (4). In addition to this, significant measures are required for the built environment to reach the United Nations – Sustainability Development Goals. Since the EU launched ‘Net-Zero 2050’ in 2011, the focus on decarbonisation has been at the forefront of the built environment. In 2021, the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (Global ABC) published ‘Decarbonising the Building Sector – 10 Key Measures’- a report containing 10 essential steps to decarbonise the construction industry. From the recommendations, the seventh focuses on building materials that “enable easy access to information on the carbon footprint of materials” (5). In the same vein, the Irish Green Building Council (IGBC) launched a draft roadmap to decarbonise Ireland’s built environment across the entire life cycle. A key recommendation from the draft includes “publishing a clear timeline on the introduction of regulations on embodied carbon to provide certainty to the industry” (6). Both reports highlight the crucial role of materials in the

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 decarbonisation of the construction sector. A major consumer of raw materials (7), the built environment has a huge role in mitigating climate change. For environmental impacts to be significantly decreased to achieve net zero by 2050, innovative solutions to how the built environment designs, constructs and operates need to be implemented in new construction as well as the existing building stock. Processes such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) have been widely adopted in the industry as a means of analysing and improving the performance of buildings while allowing decisions to be made at the early stages (8). LCA is a method for assessing environmental impacts associated with all stages of a product’s life cycle (9). Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a process of information management underpinned by collaborative working and digital technologies (10). This study will develop an automated workflow using BIM tools for monitoring Global Warming Potential (GWP) values to support design decisionmaking in meeting RIAI Climate Challenge targets, with an overall contribution to decarbonising the construction sector. To achieve this aim, the following objectives were developed in response to the research question. 1) To critically review the synergy of BIM and LCA in the construction sector. 2) To hypothesise a solution with the capacity to incentivise stakeholders to decarbonise the built environment. 3) To progress the hypothesis from theory to application using rigorous testing. 4) To analyse and present findings of the application for the potential implementation in the built environment.

II LITERATURE REVIEW In response to the first objective, the literature reviewed subject areas in BIM, Life Cycle Assessment, BIM & LCA Synergy, Material Libraries, and Data Management for Environmental Performance. It is imperative to the research that these key topics were extensively reviewed before establishing the hypothesis of the study. a) BIM As stated in the introduction of this paper, Building Information Modelling is a process (10). During this process, coordinated digital construction information representing built assets across a project’s life cycle is developed using industryrecognized technology and software.

BIM has been shown to offer many benefits across various stages of the life cycle. Firstly, in preconstruction, BIM can facilitate better concept and feasibility and enhance energy efficiency design (11), resolve design clashes earlier through visualisation (12), and enable faster and more accurate cost estimation (13). During construction, BIM leads to better site utilisation and planning (14), efficient off-site fabrication using design models (15), and allows for effective management of the storage and procurement of project resources (11). Lastly, in post-construction, BIM is a strategic enabler for improving decision-making about operations, maintenance, repair, and replacement of a facility (13). In the context of sustainability, BIM offers solutions for rapidly producing energy outputs enabling design teams to analyse and compare the most cost-effective, energy-efficient options (16). Another widely adopted method for evaluating and improving sustainability is life cycle assessment (LCA). b) Life Cycle Assessment By definition, LCA measures the environmental impacts on products or services across the entire life cycle of buildings (17). Within a life-cycle assessment, four phases are carried out as per ISO 14040: goal and scope definition, life cycle inventory (LCI), life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), and interpretation (18). A critical element of the LCA process is using environmental impact factor information on products and materials that are found in Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). EPDs developed through EN 15804:2012 present a standardised way of providing environmental impact data on products across their life cycle (19). In an EPD that conforms to EN 15804:2012, the environmental impact indicators report the following: -

Global Warming Potential (GWP) Acidification (AP) Eutrophication (EP) Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP) Abiotic Depletion (Elements) (ADPF) Abiotic Depletion (Fossil Fuels) (ADPF)

By adopting this standard, EPDs can be integrated into building assessments through a common methodology for reporting environmental impacts that support decision-making. Construction products and their environmental impact are modelled over five life cycle stages as set out in EN 15978:2011 (20):

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Product Stage (A1-A3) – covers ‘cradle to gate’ processes for materials and services used in construction. Construction Stage (A4-A5) – the construction stage starts from the factory gate of the different construction products to the practical completion of construction work. Use Stage (B1-B7) – the use stage covers the period from the practical completion of construction work to the point of time when the building is deconstructed/demolished. End-of-Life Stage (C1-C4) – the end-oflife stage starts when the building is decommissioned and is not intended to have any further use. Beyond the Life Cycle (D) – this covers reuse, recovery, and recycling potential. To note this is outside of the scope of this research.

Figure 1- i e C le Assessment Stages as set out in IS 1 (IS , 2011) An EPD Ireland programme was developed by the Irish Green Building Council (IGBC), allowing Irish producers the opportunity to create EPD for their produce in line with EN 15804:2012 and CEN TR 1 970:201 . Using Product Category Rules (PCR), products can be verified and published onto the EPD database that has been digitised, facilitating EPD data to be integrated into BIM tools through a plugin from the LCA tool ne Click LCA. In this research, a ‘cradle to grave’ approach will be adopted with the inclusion of all life cycle stages for EPD, with a focus on one aspect of an environmental impact indicator global warming potential (GWP). The next section will focus on the integration of BIM and LCA used to promote the calculation of GWP values. c) BIM & LCA Synergy This area has been explored through numerous scientific papers found in the literature. Each study has explored several approaches in the coupling of BIM and LCA as a means of creating a more sustainable industry (21). ne of the most common findings across these studies is the adoption of both

methodologies for supporting decision-making in the early stages of design (22). Palumbo et al., experiment on achieving accurate LCA results that assist decision-making in the selection of building products and materials (23). Through analysis, the results highlighted a possible reduction in errors and inconsistencies in LCA results through the integration of BIM and EPDs. To evaluate a BIM-based LCA workflow in the early design phase of buildings, Nilsen Bohne adopt the use of neClick LCA for design analysis (24). In a case study approach, a building model is developed and evolved through different levels of development (L D). It is proposed for frameworks to demonstrate the definition of L D information evolving through a project life cycle, a consistent combination of LCA databases, and providing a link between L D levels and LCA databases. Bridging a link between databases through the framework will improve GWP values by emphasi ing decisionmaking processes during design (24). Assessing environmental impacts from building materials through the application of BIM using EPDs may facilitate environmentally friendly decisions to occur (25). In this study, a model was produced of a roof structure using Revit, with a material database of EPDs being supplied in Microsoft Excel. Materials that were uantified in the BIM authoring tool were exported to Excel for the final calculation of GWP. It is noted that the workflow re uires manual input from users. A similar key finding was found in a research project for product resource and climate footprint analysis during architectural design in BIM (2 ). A cradle-to-gate approach was investigated within the LCA boundaries for building elements and construction materials using GWP values. The LCA calculation was integrated into Revit for monitoring changes in footprint results, which were accessible to project design teams. It was found that significant reductions can be made to overall footprint results when alternative design decisions are applied. Due to the task of manually inputting LCA data into BIM objects, real-time footprint analysis is not achievable without an additional tool. This is where adopting a visual programming tool can offer a solution. Dynamo which comes in the Revit default package offers many automated benefits allowing users to gain insight into designs, improve design evaluation, eliminate repetitive tasks, and prove efficiency in projects (27). What Dynamo does significantly well, is that it provides a user-friendly interface and built-in functions to assist users

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 without a background in programming. Using Revit and Dynamo to access GWP totals through an open-source tool called Buildings and Habitats object Model (BHoM) was developed by BuroHappold. By housing this information in the 3D objects, the results can be visualised using some of the Revit functionalities such as filtered views (28). Several other studies have explored adopting Dynamo to connect material databases to Revit to reduce the effort required in carrying out LCA (29). To simplify the efforts even further, Naneva et al., adopt the Dynamo Player in executing analysis through visual programming (30). This presents a more user-friendly approach for running scripts without opening Dynamo. The importance of automating material mapping to reduce human error was suggested by Abu-Ghaida & Kamari in their proposal of a practical approach to automating LCA using BIM software (31). The proposed tool from the study introduced a bottomup material mapping approach to mitigate the errors in material names in a BIM model. By combining EPD data in Excel and Revit, the tool delivers rapid early design-stage feedback on material choices and their environmental impact. Charts are produced in a pop-up window, as well as custom filters in Revit views indicating where GWP limits have been exceeded. Abu-Ghaida & Kamari conclude that the tool is not considered to be a replacement for what already exists on the market, but rather a solution for quick feedback on environmental impacts at early design stages to be used in tandem with other tools such as LCAbyg (31). d) Material Libraries Several of the previous studies discussed to show how environmental data can be applied to Revit materials for calculating GWP totals. For this to happen, a selection of shared parameters is required to host the information. To avoid this process for every new project, utilising a project template containing a material library can give users a starting point. The adoption of a ‘green template’ was introduced by Lee et al., to evaluate GWP impact for BIMbased LCA through a library of building elements using established databases (32). A similar template was developed by Hawkins Brown with their opensource tool containing a material template library built using ICE databases and per EN 15978:2011 (33). Adopting this workflow enables designers to quickly review and visualise GWP impacts throughout the design process (34). Providing a Revit template file containing a baseline of materials has also shown benefits in establishing

consistency and efficiency in streamlining decarbonisation using digital tools (35). Outside of the Revit environment, ARUP has invested in a carbon insight typology library of commonly used elements and systems in buildings and infrastructure. It is anticipated that this will guide designers in decision-making by providing GWP totals at the A1-A5 lifecycle stages (36). Although not currently available, the build-ups and systems could include native files for downloading into projects. While these examples provide an excellent starting point for designers, it is important to note that manual inputs are required in the development of additional materials outside of the generic suite supplied with the template. Consequently, if external BIM objects from manufacturers’ websites are imported, they will also require to abide by the standards set in the template. Hollberg et al., suggest that adopting predesigned components may limit freedom of design, and architects may not want to use this approach (8). They continue that perhaps it is best suited for projects that contain standard components such as modular and prefabrication. e) Data Management for Environmental Performance These studies show different innovative ways that EPD data can be married with BIM technologies to support decision-making during design stages. Nevertheless, it is clear from recent literature that there is no standardised approach to how construction product EPDs are digitised to support BIM. Recognising the necessity to eradicate the environmental impact of the building sector, ISO 22057 was developed to standardise the digitisation of EPD providing data templates for the use of EPDs for construction products in BIM (37). Research carried out by Anderson & Rønning investigated the use of standards to maximise the benefit of digitisation of construction product EPD to reduce Building Life Cycle Impacts (38). Through adopting ISO 22057, it is envisioned that digitised EPD results are accompanied by machinereadable and machine-interpretable data in a common format that can be used alongside BIM. The authors note there is a huge potential for a rapid digital transition of building LCA could be achieved through ISO 22057. In the early design stages, where the information available on EPD data is absent, a generic LCA data template is available by adopting this standard. Schulze discusses how the standard provides a common language amongst stakeholders,

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 information can be captured and shared that is traced to a credible source (39). This is supported by Lavagna who acknowledges digitised EPDs in machine-readable formats – Extensible Markup Language (XML) as being an important first step in the integration of data in BIM and LCA software. Further work, however, is needed for Revitcompatible LCA tools to include an importing feature for XML files (40). In application, empowering BIM software with construction object data templates and EPD properties has led to GWP evaluation using IFC models integrated with carbon assessment algorithms (41). In Estonia, a similar development facilitates an automated digital building permitting system was introduced (42). Although not currently a requirement, the system has the functionality to automate GWP totals based on an uploaded BIM model that has been developed using a default national GWP database for typical materials (42). There have been several concepts explored in the literature review that introduce examples of BIM & LCA synergy, BIM & EPDs, leveraging BIM for GWP calculations, material libraries, and data management for environmental performance. From a design perspective, several studies have implemented the use of Dynamo for automating Revit tasks and giving rapid GWP results to support decision-making. More recent developments demonstrated methods in how BIM models can become verification tools through the automation of GWP totals. The next section will discuss the importance of both workflows to the research methodology and present the hypothesis that has been influenced by the findings of the literature review.

III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This section will describe the research methodology and methods that were selected following an exploration of several forms of research. A study was undertaken to establish the most suitable approach. Taking an already existing process such as BIM to extend its functionalities to solve real-world problems has led to the adoption of Design Science Research (DSR). In its simplest form, DSR is a problem-solving paradigm that seeks to enhance human knowledge via innovative solutions to real-world problems (43). The main objective of DSR involves the creation of new and innovative “artefacts” in the form of constructs, models, methods, and instantiations (44). In the context of DSR, an “artefact” can be a new development, adding to an already existing process to expand its capabilities (45).

Approaching this research to join existing processes (BIM with IGBC database of materials) to automate GWP values (innovative solution is the reason for choosing this methodology. This methodology as outlined by (46) involves six activities to be integrated into the overall research project. Below lists the six activities and how the structure of this research paper will follow the DSR methodology. 1) Problem identification and motivation – define the specific research problem and propose a solution. -

Through a literature review, the problem, and motivation for this research were identified. It is clear from the literature significant steps are required to support the decarbonisation of the built environment. Global ABC recommends providing accessible and easily attainable information on the carbon footprint of materials. This is echoed by Simon McGuinness (47) who states that there is a need to record data on GWP values to verify designs. In addition to verification requirements, Simon McGuinness continues that the proposal needs to “de-skill” and “de-risk” current GWP workflows. Furthermore, the recent publication of the RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge presents targets encouraging their members and the wider construction industry to act with urgency to reduce the environmental impact of the construction sector in Ireland. The targets established by the RIAI – in line with the EU Level(s) Sustainable Buildings Framework – sets out clear thresholds to be achieved in domestic, non-domestic, and school project settings. In response to this initiative, the research will work to the thresholds set out by the RIAI and demonstrate if the proposal can be used to support professionals to make better decisions throughout a project’s lifecycle. Moreover, with the correct information, tools, and processes in place, it is hoped that the construction industry can achieve a net zero whole-life carbon for new builds and retrofits by 2030.

2) Definition of the objectives for a solution – create objectives for a solution from the problem definition.

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The objectives for a solution expand upon the objectives already stated in the introduction of this paper. The overarching aim of this paper is to incentivise stakeholders to decarbonise the built environment using BIM technologies. Elaborating on the aim, the paper hypothesises two possible solutions in response to the research question: H1 - The proposed tool/workflow will have the potential to deliver real-time lifecycle GWP calculation that will incentivise better decisionmaking in decarbonising the construction sector.

Throughout the literature review, several existing LCA tools were explored and reviewed for their functionalities, usability, and interoperability with BIM tools. While LCA tools have a user-friendly interface, these tend to be technical and appear daunting to those who do not have sufficient training. Moreover, the extra costs of training, licences, and plug-ins to an already expensive suite of BIM software may prove to be a barrier in practices adopting LCA tools. For that reason, the application of this theory will de-skill this process by producing a cost-effective solution embedded in Revit, offering rapid feedback on GWP calculation. Design decisions will be influenced by this workflow in the attempt to de-risking and decarbonising the built environment. Therefore, the first proposal is built on the theory presented in papers by Palumbo et al. and Röck et al. who focus on the earlydesign stage GWP calculation. For this research, the tool will focus on all project stages rather than the early design stage. This will transform design, as every decision a designer makes as they develop the design will have a lifecycle carbon footprint which gets added to the building’s GWP total. In addition to this, Abu-Ghaida & Kamari, stress the importance of automating material mapping to reduce manual errors. Taking this into consideration, to prevent human error, an automated approach will use digital EPDs in machine-readable formats (XML) as suggested by Lavagna. To make the workflows easily accessible, the visual programming aspect will introduce Dynamo Player for running scripts for a more user-friendly approach Naneva et al. This experiment will be in a Revit template file encapsulating a generic material library based on the IGBC database. Like studies

from Lee et al.,and Bowles et al., the “green template” will provide a starting point for monitoring designs. H2 – The model will be used as a verification tool to record and monitor the GWP totals of a building.

Secondly, the model will then become the verification tool at various project milestones where the verified GWP will be confirmed by the model. This will enable a declaration of GWP per m2 of floor area for regulatory purposes. As well as this a timestamp and signature will be supplied providing evidence of declaration. In a BIM process, GWP targets may be included in the client brief and information requirements as part of the plan of work (48). Additionally, to monitor progress in a BIM project, information exchanges/data drops present the opportunity to confirm the status of a project in line with the brief. Models that are required in these information exchanges can host the GWP declaration that can be used to verify the established targets and make comparisons with previous versions. 3) Design and Development – create the artefactual solution. Conceptually, the artefact will be designed using a visual programming script (Dynamo) used to map EPDs into a BIM design software (Revit). Within Revit, a series of information containers (parameters) will be created that contain information on the GWP values of selected material from the IGBC database following the standard EN 15804. Using a selection of schedules and formulas based on the standard EN 15978, the total GWP values will report and evaluated based on the targets set out by the RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge. Rapid feedback on GWP totals will be presented in schedules and using visualisations (Revit & Dynamo). 4) Demonstration – show the efficacy of the artefact. The proposed artefact developed to support the hypothesis of this research will involve experimentation. The developed workflow will be broken down into a series of steps and demonstrated through images

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 that can be found in the research testing section of this paper. 5) Evaluation – measure the efficacy of the artefact for addressing the problem. -

The evaluation of this proposed workflow will be presented through the findings from the demonstration stage. These will be used to evaluate the workflow and discuss the potential application in the built environment.

6) Communication – conclude and communicate the importance of the artefact for the problem. -

In collaboration with stakeholders of the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage of Ireland, the designed artefact will be presented to discuss its future potential.

IV RESEARCH TESTING To thoroughly investigate the proposed theories presented in the second activity of DSR, the path for experimental research will be organised into key stages as presented below: 1)

Preparation of data sources to be used in the study.


Creation of a material library and shared parameters based on GWP data.


Designing and modelling an example to be utilised for research testing and experimentation for this study.


Creation of a visual programming script to map EPD data to building materials inside the model.


Creation of additional visual programming scripts used to visualise the GWP data of the model and compare thresholds.

Stage 1 – Preparation To begin the experimental part of this research, the first step involved identifying the data resources to be used in this study. This was necessary to establish the parameters of the research. The following data sources have been identified that the research will be working to: Benchmark: Target set out in the RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge (Table 1) Standards: EN 15804, EN 15978, and ISO 22057

Database: IGBC National Inventory of Generic Construction Materials Data / The Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE) database Environmental Impact Factor: Global Warming Potential (GWP) BIM Tools: Revit, Dynamo LCA Tools: OneClick LCA IFC Viewer: BIMcollab ZOOM

Table 1- Embodied Carbon Thresholds (RIAI,2021) Stage 2 – Material Library and Shared Parameter Creation The second stage of research testing involved the creation of a geometric Project Information Model (PIM) using Revit 2023. Information embedded in elements within a model use ‘parameters’ for hosting specific characteristics to identify that object. The standard Revit template comes with a suite of parameters; however, this functionality can be expanded upon using shared parameters. Several shared parameters were created based on EN 15804 and using the information for formulas in a schedule per EN 15978. In Figure 2, the list of parameters shown divides the various stages of a product’s life cycle. To note, the parameter ‘Density (ton/m3)’ was created separately from the one supplied through the standard Revit template for scheduling purposes. For filtering materials in the schedule, a ‘yes/no’ parameter was created to control what information is captured. Lastly, a ‘UUID’ parameter will provide a link to the XML file that contains an EPD dataset. In the example below, this is set to N/A as the current material library contains generic data.

Figure 2- GWP Shared Parameters The library itself is built on the National Inventory of Generic Construction Materials Data from the IGBC website. This list contains a dataset for the GWP impact indicator of 15 different material types (28 in total) in the Irish construction industry covering the Product Stage (A1-A3). Where gaps were found on certain products like ‘gypsum’, 'concrete block', or ‘mineral wool’, the ICE database was adopted. A summary of the materials found in the database can be found below.

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Average Cement for Ireland CEM I produced in Ireland. CEM II/A-V (<20% PFA) CEM II/A-L (<20% Limestone) CEM II/A-S (<20% GGBS) CEM II A-D (<10% silica fume) CEM II/B-S (<35% GGBS) Average CEM II CEM III/A (35-60% GGBS) CEM III/B (66-80% GGBS) Average Aggregate for Ireland Average hot rolled steel coil used in Ireland. Average cold rolled coil used in Ireland. Average galvanised steel value used in Ireland. Average organic coated steel used in Ireland. Average steel section and steel rail value for Ireland Average reinforcing steel used in Ireland. Average aluminium sheet used in Ireland. average aluminium foil used in Ireland. Average aluminium extrusion used in Ireland. Average float or coated glass used in Ireland. Average facing brick imported from the UK (excl transport) Average Irish C16 timber Irish-produced OSB Irish-produced MDF Imported MDF (737 kg/m3) Average imported Chipboard Particleboard (640 kg/m3) Average imported plywood

As the database is supplied in Excel, this provided the perfect opportunity to use Dynamo to create the materials and map the generic GWP value for the Product Stage. This will remain in the template as a starting point for authors at the early stages of design (Figure 3).

Stage – S hed le e ign and Modelling Within Revit, parameters of building elements can be selected to create lists of schedules and material take-offs in a tabular display of information. To avail of this functionality, a material-take-off schedule was created listing out all materials in use within the model highlighting their GWP totals using formulas per EN 15978. To differentiate the elements in the model, design options were created for generic materials versus EPD materials. To establish the weight of each material, a multiplication of ‘Material: Volume’ by ‘Material: Density (ton/m3)’ is re uired. This is followed by a calculation of all ‘GWP Stage’ parameters as listed in the previous stage. The GWP of all stages is then multiped by the ‘Weight of Material (ton)’ to confirm the ‘Total Material GWP (ton C 2e)’ for each element. To establish the ’Building Footprint’ impact per element, the ‘Total Material GWP (kg C 2e) is divided by the ‘Building Gross Area (m2)’ For demonstration purposes, four different materials are shown in the schedule to show the overall GWP within the model (Figure 4). A total sum is then calculated through the schedule. The formula is based on the following: GWPbuilding = (GWPproduct 1, GWPproduct 2 … GWPproduct n) Where: GWPproduct = GWP Product Stage(A1−A3) + GWP Construction Stage(A4−A5) + GWP Use Stage(B1−B7) + GWP End of Life Stage(C1−C4) As projects are developed further, the schedule will automatically fill out the based material selection and add through the ‘yes/no’ parameter.

Figure a - Cal ulation o GWP Total and uilding Foot rint

Figure - Re it atabase

aterials ased on IG C Generi

Figure b- Cal ulation o GWP Total and uilding Foot rint

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Stage – Mapping P to Material In the preliminary stages of design, specific materials may not be known. This is why the IGBC / ICE material library template presents a selection of generic figures to allow calculations to begin at the earliest possible stage. When products and suppliers are established, designers can begin to implement specific data from EPDs to obtain accurate GWP totals. EPDs can be supplied in either PDF format or through structured datasets using XML - a machine-readable data format. Upon comparing both formats for an EPD of the product ‘ ingscourt Clay Brick’, several observations were made that influenced this stage. First, with PDFs, there is the task of downloading the document and then proceeding to manually input figures into parameters within Revit. This can be a tedious task and opens the possibility of human error when inputting. Moreover, the units shown in the documents re uire conversion to comply with units within the Revit model. For example, the GWP of the A1 module in the PDF value is 1.42E 01, whereas the dataset provides a value of 14.2, the latter of which suits a Revit workflow. To avoid errors and adopt a common language, the use of XML datasets was selected as a method for mapping EPD data to materials in Revit using Dynamo. To expand upon the standard package of Dynamo nodes, the LunchBox for Dynamo (2018.7. ) package was downloaded for reading XML data. Figure 5 illustrates the Dynamo script that has been organised under their function. Section 1 (Pink) pulls information from the XML file that has been downloaded from EPD Ireland and creates a list. Section 2 (Blue) searches for any data that includes GWP information and organises them into separate lists according to their stage. Before pushing this data into Revit, these are divided by 1000 for using the unit for tonnes. When this is complete, the data is mapped to a corresponding material within the Revit model. For providing a link between the EPD dataset and the Revit element, the Universally Uni ue Identifier (UUID) has also been mapped.

Figure - namo S ri t or Re it Parameters



ata to

Stage a – Se ond i al Programming S ript Whether users are adopting generic or detailed information Generic vs EPD Design ptions), the second Dynamo script has been developed to assist users in their decision-making based on the calculated totals of the schedule in Stage 3. The graph sets out to a) Collect GWP total values from the schedule, b) Find the material with the highest GWP value, c) Pull all elements in the model that corresponds with the material with the highest GWP value, and d) Create graphics to illustrate the GWP contents of the model in a pie chart, as well as highlighting in the active view any element containing the material with the highest GWP value by overriding the graphics. For creating charts and user-friendly interfaces, the Data-Shapes (2022.2.105) package was deployed. Additional custom packages downloaded in this script include bimorphNodes (4.2.4), Clockwork for Dynamo 2.x 2.4.0, Crumple (2022.5.57) and Rhythm (2023.2.2).

Figure - GWP isualisation Tool through


Stage b – hird i al Programming S ript While Stage 5a focuses on GWP totals of specific materials, a variation of this script was developed to capture the GWP footprint of the project building. The reason for this is to allow users to visualise where the building total can be compared against threshold targets at any stage throughout any given project. In place of a pie chart, a bar chart was selected comparing three different values: a) Total GWP Building kgC 2e/m2), b) RIAI 2025 Threshold (kgC 2e/m2), and c) RIAI 2030 Threshold (kgC 2e/m2). To calculate the ‘GWP Building Total (kgC 2e/m2)’ this is divided by the building area that has been extracted from the model. Custom packages deployed for this script include Data-Shapes, Crumple and bimorphNodes. Where the RIAI Targets for dwellings were used for this example, the values can be customised for commercial and school projects, as well as other specific benchmarks. In addition, a link is provided to the RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge document that can be accessed by clicking the ‘Help’ button on the user interface that is generated when executing this script. For declaring the GWP value and the time of calculation, the total for the building is

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 pushed into parameters hosted in ‘Project Information’ with a timestamp and who is responsible for the declaration.

Figure - Com are RIAI Thresholds and GWP Totals


e lare


In the previous chapter, the workflows for this research were proposed for implementing GWP analysis within a Revit/Dynamo environment. The following section discusses the findings found through research testing.

schedule within the ‘Generic’ design option were published through charts, prompts, and graphical displays. When executing the scripts in Stage 5a, three outputs occurred. First, a message prompt identified the material with the highest GWP value. From the materials listed in the schedule, the material ‘ICE Concrete Block 215mm’ had the highest GWP value and was highlighted in Figure 9. Followed by this, a user interface appeared that contains a pie chart of all materials extracted from the schedule, and their total GWP value (Figure 12). By hovering over the chart, the percentage of material out of the total was identified. These charts can be published to a drafting view within Revit and can be kept for a record. Finally, to locate any element within the model that contains ‘ICE Concrete Block 215mm’, a red graphic override was set within the active view of the Revit model (Figure 13).

a) Material Library and Schedule A material library template was generated hosting a generic selection of materials based on the IGBC database. Within the materials, a series of GWP parameters have been integrated for purpose of analysing designs. To evaluate the functions of the schedule, a selection of materials was shown in a multi-category material takeoff created to calculate GWP totals. A benefit of the relationship between elements, materials and schedules in Revit is shown when changes are made to the model. For example, if a wall is added or deleted, this will automatically pick up in the scheduled grand totals. Elements that were modelled in the testing phase were applied to design options for comparing generic and EPD data. To import data from the digital EPD ( ingscourt Brick), a dynamo script was prepared for transferring GWP values, as well as the UUID (Figure 8). Unfortunately, not all data could be retrieved from the XML file as the ‘Density’ was not included. To overcome this, the density was identified through a technical data sheet from the manufacturer.

Figure - ser essage indi ating the material ith the highest GWP alue

Figure 10 - Pie Chart Containing GWP rea do n o odel

Figure - EP in the model


embedded into the material

b) Visualisation Tool As a visualisation tool, the results of the GWP

Figure 11 - Gra hi erride in A ti e Elements ontaining highest GWP ontent



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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Like Figure 10, by running the script from Stage 5b, a bar chart was presented that illustrates the total GWP extracted from the schedule that can be compared to thresholds. In this instance, the RIAI targets for 2025 and 2030 were shown, however, any threshold can be inputted for use in comparing totals. Further to this, the ‘Total GWP Building (kgC 2e/m2)’ was mapped from the schedule into a parameter in ‘Project Information’. To note, as this is a proof of concept, a small section was modelled to test the workflows. Therefore, the total GWP was considerably low in comparison to the RIAI Targets (Figure 14).

To note on the exporting stage, this information remains static, and trust is needed amongst stakeholders to confirm that the provided values have been validated within Revit before exporting. This does, however, provide a record of declaration that can be used at project milestones to confirm carbon targets, while being fully accessible through a free viewer.

Figure 1

Pro e t In ormation o Test

Figure 1 ie er

eri i ation In ormation isible in IFC




For verification of the GWP value, the mapping of ‘Total GWP Building (kgC 2e/m2)’ was inserted into the project information section of the model. Additionally, to keep a record of when the calculation took place, and by whom, a timestamp has been applied to ‘GWP Declared n’ along with initials for ‘GWP Declared By’ (Figure 13).

The purpose of this study was to investigate if BIM technologies can be leveraged to automate GWP to support decision-making in meeting the RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge, contributing to the decarbonisation of the built environment. Engagement with the Department of Housing, Local Government Heritage of Ireland provided the starting point for this research. Therefore, the results of this study will be communicated with stakeholders to establish if the research proposal has been met, as well as discussions on the potential application, issues with the study, and next steps.

As this testing was primarily carried out in Revit, the model was exported to IFC to review if this information would transfer into an IFC file. Using a free viewer (BIMcollab oom), the project information appeared in the IFC file under ‘Energy Analysis’ (Figure 14). Exporting IFC files presents an opportunity for stakeholders to review models without access to authoring software (Revit).

In response to the research proposal, four objectives were identified, first to comprehend the subject matter and then to conduct an application of theory based on the outcome of the literature review. Research into the integration of workflows for BIM and LCA is paired with previous studies (21). In supporting the BIM and LCA workflow, the use of material library templates has been introduced in

Figure 12- Threshold om arison to building total and de laration o GWP c)

Verification of GWP

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 different studies (32,33). As a visualisation tool, different techniques were identified for supporting decision-making in Revit (28,30,49). These studies provided the building blocks for the conceptual framework and method for this research study thereafter. Two theories were proposed based on the findings from the literature review and through engagement with stakeholders from the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage of Ireland. H1 - The proposed tool/workflow will have the potential to deliver real-time lifecycle GWP calculation that will incentivise better decision-making in decarbonising the construction sector. H2 – The model will be used as a verification tool to record and monitor the GWP totals of a building.

For both theories, the research study approach was selected based on the DSR methodology. It was demonstrated that several workflows could be adopted to influence the decision-making process of professionals in the built environment. By marrying GWP data with objects within BIM authoring tools, it is possible to create workflows for rapid GWP calculation that could incentivise users in their choice of materials to meet the targets set out in the RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge. Firstly, creating a material library template provides users with a starting point when commencing the modelling of a design. If users properly maintain standards set in developing materials, GWP totals can be easily calculated. However, there are limitations that users need to be made aware of before adopting this workflow. When duplicating materials in the library, this will reset all parameters to the default figure and will require additional input. Moreover, as data is manually inputted, the values will need to be verified by a custodian. Secondly, to overcome the process of manual inputs, an approach of automatically mapping datasets containing EPD information was investigated. For keeping this study within an Irish context, the datasets hosted on EPD Ireland were chosen for testing. It was found through reviewing the content on the platform that there are currently 102 EPDs available to download, compare this to the German platform ÖKOBAUDAT with 1153 total entries. Building a Zero Carbon Ireland aims to improve on this figure for the coming years with milestones set for EPDs of main products in 2024, followed by all products before 2030. An example XML file of an EPD was downloaded to evaluate extracting information related to GWP and UUID values of a product and mapping them to elements in a Revit model with Dynamo. This requires some

knowledge of visual programming to understand where and how the information is being mapped across. Nevertheless, the workflow can be achieved through Dynamo to prevent any human error in the manual inputting of information. To ensure the script can work seamlessly using any EPD dataset, it is recommended that they are structured in a standardized way to allow ease of data extraction. Further to this, the density of the chosen EPD was not included in the downloaded dataset and was sought from the technical specifications of the manufacturer. This proved that one element of the automated mapping process required manual input. Thirdly, in support of the material takeoff schedule, various visual aids were explored to be utilized when making decisions during design. These included charts, graphic overrides, and message prompts. When running these scripts, users are provided with instant feedback on GWP values through a pie chart that highlights all the materials that were extracted from the schedule. All elements in an active view associated with the highest GWP value are presented in a red graphic override, as well as a prompted message noting what the material is. It is recommended to a keep view dedicated to reviewing elements to avoid any unwanted overriding of other views. Revit can be daunting for novice users and those without experience in LCA and EPD terminology. Furthermore, the testing was conducted with a student license. Without adding to the current costs of software, the workflow in this research aimed to present a free solution that can be adopted where resources do not allow for additional tools. Additionally, the workflow presented aimed to offer a simple and quick solution for providing GWP totals that could support users in decision-making. By conducting a comparative study, the results showed a slight difference of 0.0432526% in the figure for tonCO2/e. However, when rounded to the nearest number the value of 53 kgCO2e/m2 matches. It was never envisioned that the workflow presented in this research should replace any industry tools for LCA calculations. The tool offers an alternative method of calculating GWP values in a simple and free way before any official reporting is required. of materials. While Ireland does not have a regulated GWP threshold, in the coming years, the Building a Zero Carbon Ireland plan will introduce requirements for disclosing embodied carbon values, followed by a mandatory set of embodied carbon limits (3). For this study, GWP was selected as one aspect of the RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge for testing. Further research into the application of BIM for the

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 remaining targets such as operational carbon and potable water should be explored by industry professionals and academic specialists.

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Synergising BIM and Real-Time Data for Improved Efficiency: An Irish Case Study Ahmed Hassan1, Ankur Mitra2, Alan Hore3, Mark Mulville4 School of Surveying and Construction Innovation Technological University Dublin 3 E-mail: 2ankur.mitra@ 4

The evolution of 3D visualisation and the Internet of Things (IoT) presents a substantial opportunity for integrating real-time data with Building Information Models (BIM) to improve its functionality and construction workflow efficiency. Integrating real-time data with BIM can enhance the digital representation of construction buildings’ physical and functional characteristics and provide recordable status of on-site operations. Nevertheless, the integration between Visualisation and IoT technologies with BIM remains in its preliminary stages and faces a myriad of technical and operational challenges. Furthermore, developing advanced solutions to facilitate this complex integration requires a considerable understanding of the viability and feasibility of merging BIM and real-time data sources. This paper presents the early development of a nationally-funded Irish case study deploying a combined camera and tracking solutions that enable the integration of BIM and real-time data through passive data capture. It aims to explore the potential benefits, challenges, and perspectives of integrating the disruptive A-EYE solution for real-time data BIM in Irish construction projects. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the BIM specialists of an Irish construction company to investigate the data-related challenges to As-built BIM updating. The qualitative data were subjected to thematic analysis to explore their predispositions, expectations, demands, and motivations for utilising real-time data in updating BIM. The research results demonstrated a favourable perspective regarding integrating real-time data sources with BIM, enhancing the efficiency and quality of the As-built BIM development process. Keywords ̶ data capture, BIM, visualisation, automation, construction

I INTRODUCTION Building Information Modelling (BIM) has become an established process for enhancing construction project delivery practices [1]. It is regarded as the digital representation of a building’s physical and functional characteristics and encompasses creating, sharing, exchanging, and managing information throughout a project lifecycle [2]. Properly developed and managed, BIM can provide a wealth of descriptive, geometric, positional, and operable data about individual building components. Initially, BIM was implemented to solve collaboration problems among stakeholders during the design phase of building projects [3].

Nevertheless, owing to the escalating adoption rates of BIM in advanced economies, it is progressively regarded as the principal technology driving the digitalisation of the construction sector [4]. The increasing use of BIM as a central digital element for data management in construction projects has spurred the emergence of numerous related BIM applications [5]. As a result, the scope of BIM has extended beyond the design phase, encompassing various aspects throughout the lifecycle of building projects, as illustrated in Figure 1.

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Fig 1. Applications of BIM across the construction value chain (Boston Consulting Group; Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology)

The adoption of BIM is commonly associated with a range of perceived advantages. These include the enhancement of project outcomes, the facilitation of decision-making, the promotion of collaboration among project stakeholders, the augmentation of operational efficiency, and the reduction of both building and operational costs. Lu et al. [6] reported a 6.92% decrease in costs achieved through adopting BIM across the architectural, engineering, and construction phases. Similarly, Staun-French and Khanzode [7] documented a 25% productivity enhancement in productivity achieved through BIMenabled coordination and constructability reviews, pre-emptively identifying the majority of design conflicts before the construction phase. The BIM process’s efficacy, on the other hand, heavily depends on the quality and timeliness of data acquired from construction projects. Precise, up-todate, and timely data are vital in developing an accurate digital representation of buildings, creating and adjusting project plans effectively, supporting team-wide collaboration, and enhancing cost control. However, capturing up-to-date and accurate data from on-site projects poses a challenge for BIM technology [4]. In response to this issue, researchers are increasingly interested in investigating the integration of BIM with advanced data capture and visualisation technologies, such as cameras, laser scanners, and sensors [8, 9]. It was discovered that incorporating data generated by these technologies into BIM can improve progress monitoring, facilitate conflict resolution, enable the reuse of project knowledge, and enhance data representation [3]. Despite the considerable potential of employing modern data capture technologies for precise and

real-time data input into BIM, their widespread adoption in the building industry has been hindered by several challenges. Firstly, there is a shortage of digitally accessible data to support a seamless transition from visual tools to BIM [10]. Visual data obtained from construction sites using cameras is often not adequately converted into digitised formats, obstructing smooth integration within the BIM process. Likewise, costs associated with acquiring and operating these data capture tools impede contractors from investing in this technology without assured returns [3]. Consequently, most construction firms rely on manual and conventional data-capturing and recording approaches. In summary, integrating BIM and advanced data capture tools presents many opportunities for the construction industry. Among the key benefits are enhanced collaboration, improved design and visualisation, clash detection, and stakeholder engagement. However, challenges such as data interpolation, training requirements, cost considerations, and security management must be addressed to leverage the potential of this integration. By overcoming these challenges, contracting companies can unlock innovation and drive improved project outcomes in building projects. This publication aims to explore the potential benefits, challenges, and perspectives of integrating real-time data from the IoT and 3D visualisation technologies with BIM in the construction industry. The paper focuses on a case study from Ireland that utilises camera and tracking solutions for passive data capture, aiming to understand how real-time data can enhance the efficiency and quality of the As-built

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 BIM development process. The aim is to contribute insights into the viability and feasibility of merging BIM and real-time data sources, ultimately advancing the integration of these technologies in construction workflows. The following case study presents the early stages of an Irish government-funded A-EYE project. This disruptive technology seeks to create a construction visualisation platform that enables measurable productivity advantages through passive data capture and real-time delivery of mission-critical information in an accessible form. The technology aims to integrate captured on-site real-time with the BIM process to raise the digital representation accuracy in building projects, enhance team-wide collaboration, improve cost estimation and control, reduce conflicts and rework, and facilitate clash detection.

II CASE STUDY a) A-EYE Technology The A-EYE Technology is aligned with Ireland’s Industry 4.0 Strategy 2020-2025 [11]. The collaborative project envisions addressing the on-site productivity, sustainability and communication challenges facing construction firms. A-EYE’s control tower, supported by high-resolution cameras and tracking devices, is uniquely positioned to provide complete project visibility and enables the most transparent visual communication between stakeholders. Two Irish construction technology firms developed the integrated solution to capture passive real-time visual and numerical data to monitor and track construction activities, detect irregularities, and reduce waste. Moreover, Technological University (TU) joined the project consortium to act as the research performing organisation (RPO) responsible for user-experience research management and dissemination of findings. The following table summarises the functions and applications of A-EYE to address the prevalent worldwide on-site construction challenges.

Real-time BIM

Integrating real-time data with a project’s BIM allows for automating the model update process to reduce buildings’ initial and lifecycle costs.

Budgets and billing

A-EYE aims to match the billing process with actual on-site progress by detecting materials’ delivery time, quantities, and equipment up-time to resolve supplier disputes and cut unnecessary costs transparently.

Safety monitoring

Analysing video footage using A-EYE technology can provide real-time alerts in the event of safety violations. Signals can be delivered in case of equipment operating procedures violations, and personal protective equipment is not used on-site to prevent safety hazards due to labour faults or exposure to heavy machinery.

b) Technical Evaluation The technical evaluation of A-EYE is being undertaken by piloting the technology on an active Irish construction project to investigate the productivity, sustainability, and communication advantages of this disruptive solution. The research fieldwork plan includes studying the predispositions, expectations, demands, and motivations for integrating A-EYE solution with the BIM process on building projects.

III METHODOLOGY a) Research Method

A qualitative research approach was adopted in this exploratory study to understand the range of perspectives held by construction practitioners involved in the BIM process of an Irish residential project under development. Qualitative research methods prioritise thoroughly examining textual data acquired through conversational formats such as Table 1: A-EYE Technology Applications interviews [12]. Particularly advantageous for exploratory inquiries, interviews facilitate a profound Application Anticipated benefits of A-EYE comprehension of the phenomena under investigation Real-time Adopting A-EYE technology on by capturing multifaceted perspectives [13]. Four semi-structured interviews were used to construction sites can help monitor scheduling gather textual data that provided an in-depth concurrent activities and track labour and understanding of the phenomena under investigation. and plant to detect irregularities, resource The study sample consisted of construction automate schedule updates, and control professionals actively involved in the Irish reduce resource waste. construction project where A-EYE technology is being piloted and tested. Target participants held principal roles in the project’s BIM process.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Interviewees were assigned pseudonyms, ranging from A to D, to maintain their confidentiality. Table 2: Interviewees’ Profiles Participant


Practical Experience (years)


Construction Director



Structural Engineer



Quality Engineer



Quantity Surveyor


A-EYE functions and applications were initially presented to the study participants. Moreover, the fieldwork sought to explore: • • • •

Current data capture, handling, and analysis challenges on Irish construction projects. Constraints associated with the used data management methods for developing BIM as built. Opportunities for integrating A-EYE solution with existing BIM workflows. Challenges associated with capturing and transitioning live project data using A-EYE to update BIM.

b) Data Collection Procedures The ethical validity of the research procedures adopted in this study was carefully considered to ensure the findings’ credibility [13]. The conduct of this study carefully considered the following ethical considerations: integrity, confidentiality, informed consent, and the privacy of research participants [14]. Ethical approval was gained from the TU Dublin research committee after they assessed the data collection process and procedures and confirmed their ethical validity. Before the commencement of the interviews, participants were informed of the study’s purpose through a formal invitation letter. Likewise, interviewees had the right to withdraw from the research at any stage without an obligation to provide a specific explanation. The data collection process ensured the anonymity of participants and the confidentiality of gathered data. Each interview lasted

approximately 45 minutes and was audio-recorded with the participant’s consent. Audio records were later transcribed verbatim to facilitate the analysis of data. c) Data Analysis MethodThematic analysis was adopted to examine the data gathered during the fieldwork phase. It is a widely used approach to identify, analyse, and report themes in qualitative data [15]. The thematic analysis provides a detailed account of verbal data by examining narrative materials from life stories and breaking the text into relatively small units [16]. The thematic analysis followed the six-step approach articulated by [16] due to its clarity and flexibility. The six steps can be summarised as follows: familiarising yourself with your data, generating initial codes, searching for themes, reviewing potential themes, defining and naming themes, and producing the report. The six-step approach guided the transcription, coding, analysis, and reporting of the gathered qualitative data. Data analysis was conducted using NVivo 12 software for data management.

IV FINDING AND ANALYSIS The data analysis process started by reviewing transcripts and highlighting initial ideas. Likewise, any terms referring to a participant’s identity or company were redacted. a) Data Coding Data were coded to structure the transcribed discourse. The initial codes organised the data according to the fieldwork objectives, which yielded a starting point for developing relevant themes. A considerable number of codes (n=67) emerged; some included only one phrase, and others contained several sentences. b) Themes Themes emerged from initial codes by merging related codes into subordinate categories. The primary purpose of this phase was to explore the patterns and relationships between highlighted codes throughout the entire dataset. The established themes were directly related to the study’s objectives and were developed by interpreting the underlying roots of codes. Four main themes were established and supported by coded data. The core themes of this research revolve around examining data capture approaches utilised in the BIM as-built process and the potential integration of real-time data sources within the BIM workflow. The following table presents an overview of the identified themes and a few relevant code examples.

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Table 3: The Five Main Themes No.







Relevant Codes

BIM Process

•BIM applications •BIM benefits •BIM limitations

Current Methods of Data Capture

•BIM development procedures •Data capture challenges •BIM & skills shortage

Inter-team Communication

•Progress communication •Transparency •Limitations of digital tools in use

A-EYE Opportunities

•Potential advantages •Commercial benefits •Supporting collaboration

A-EYE Challenges

•Staff resistance •Skills deterioration •Learning curve

c) BIM Process It was deemed crucial to obtain participants’ feedback regarding the implementation of BIM in construction projects, the benefits of BIM to the building process, and the limitations of BIM use. Participants confirmed that BIM remains primarily used for visualisation purposes. Nevertheless, detailing (i.e. providing specific information about the components of construction elements) and clash detection (i.e. identifying and resolving conflicts between different building elements) are conducted manually by examining 2D drawings of the building design. Subsequently, the information obtained from the detailing and clash detection stages is communicated with the on-site staff for execution. Likewise,

Interviewees emphasised that BIM designs frequently encounter technical challenges during project implementation. It can be elicited that there is a need for upgrading the BIM maturity level across the Irish construction sector. To fully harness the potential of BIM in the construction sector, it is imperative to broaden its applications to include detailing, surveying, and clash detection. Likewise, the research participants asserted that the scarcity of digital skills and resistance to change continue to act as robust barriers to the widespread adoption of BIM. Concerning the as-built development, interviewees affirmed that it is a continuous process throughout the project execution phase. The as-built model incorporates precise, accurate, and updated information concerning the structural components, geometric attributes, equipment, materials, and services, as well as operational and maintenance information. d) Current Methods of Data Capture Creating a BIM as-built is a complex process that necessitates a substantial amount of comprehensive data. Despite the rapid advancement in technology and automation, it was found that data capture continues to rely heavily on manual methods and the expertise of on-site staff. Engineers and construction managers routinely perform physical inspections of the building and utilise checklists to document essential data for updating BIM as-built. Interviewees described the current methods of data capture as rudimentary, deficient in accuracy, and excessively time-consuming. Research participants clarified that capturing building data is assisted by a few technological solutions, such as laser scanning and drones. However, Participant B has expressed his dissatisfaction with the level of maturity in applying these advanced solutions in the Irish construction industry by saying, “Those areas are still kind of 10 years lagging behind.” Another participant expressed disappointment with most technological solutions for progress tracking, “Let’s be honest about it. There have been a lot of different things tried, but none stuck that really we will take this on, and we will move forward.” – Participant A In this context, participants reported their concerns with these technological solutions primarily for several reasons. Firstly, they pointed out that these solutions were not customised to meet the specific requirements of individual construction firms. Additionally, participants emphasised that the solutions did not adequately address the unique characteristics of building projects. Furthermore, another significant concern raised by participants was

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 the essential requirement for continuous technical support to utilise these solutions effectively. “It has to be user-friendly on a huge scale and does not take effort. If it takes a huge effort, staff will not use it.” – Participant A e) Inter-team Communication Notwithstanding the reported challenges associated with digital solutions for on-site progress monitoring, participants asserted that technology has markedly enhanced communication among diverse project teams. Advanced solutions have demonstrated their effectiveness in enhancing coordination during the design, planning, and procurement stages. Subsequently, during the execution phase, similar solutions are employed to automate communication pertaining to task assignments and inspections. However, the absence of visual evidence of events has led to diminished transparency in communication, primarily attributable to the lack of accountability. f) A-EYE Opportunities Respondents expressed a positive perspective on leveraging the capabilities of 3D visualisation and artificial intelligence technologies for the real-time capture of on-site data, monitoring construction progress, and enabling effective communication among stakeholders. Interviewees underscored the significance of visual communication in alleviating conflicts between project teams. Furthermore, AEYE’s potential impact on productivity improvement was highlighted, with the potential to streamline the data capture and analysis process by reducing associated time and effort. The system’s capacity to facilitate remote working was also noted, enabling efficient management of concurrent projects and reducing overhead expenses and travel time. Additionally, the study participants predicted the possibility of enhancing overall project quality by integrating A-EYE cameras with other inspection solutions. An interviewee described the immense potential of A-EYE in recouping unperformed working hours, stating, “Probably can turn around and save 20,000 worth of day works by looking through a camera at a certain time.” – Participant D. g) A-EYE Challenges Although A-EYE could be effective in automating and enhancing the data capture process for developing BIM as-built, the disruptive technology adoption in Irish construction projects may face several challenges. Firstly, the study participants explained that construction staff may resist camera

solutions. “Construction staff do not like to be watched, especially in Ireland.” - Participant A Reluctance to utilise innovative solutions on construction sites can also be reasoned by resistance to change. Staff may prefer relying on traditional methods to avoid uncertainty and time pressure. “If you offer them a tool that can do the job twice as good as what they were doing, but it takes twice as long, they will not use it. - Participant C. Consequently, disruptive solutions must exhibit user-friendliness and the ability to assist staff time optimisation. Ultimately, the technology development team faces a substantial challenge in achieving the precision of AEYE external fixed-position cameras to capture fine building details. V CONCLUSION Data capture is an integral part of the process of BIM as-built development. The pivotal process is marked by its complexity and time-intensive nature. Overreliance on traditional methods for data collection, such as checklists, was found to be a primary reason for data loss, reduced data quality, and time waste. Hence, integrating 3D visualisation and IoT solutions, exemplified by cameras and sensors, into the data capture process presents an unparalleled potential for automating this mechanism, consequently raising its efficiency. The initial outcomes of the pilot testing involving A-EYE Technology at an Irish construction displayed encouraging results. The research outcomes unveiled the substantial potential of this innovative solution in raising workforce efficiency, enhancing data precision, fostering team collaboration, and bolstering the implementation of remote work protocols. Consequently, the A-EYE 3D visualisation solution holds the potential to enhance the operational efficiency of the BIM as-built development workflow and curb expenditures and time investment associated with data capture. Nevertheless, revolutionary technological resolutions centred around camera systems continue encountering various obstacles that impede widescale adoption. These challenges stem from the potential reluctance of staff to embrace change and the time constraints prevalent within Irish construction sites. Regarding the study limitations, the study sample was limited to 4 participants who are actively involved with the BIM process on the pilot construction project. Although the number of interviews may not but sufficient to drive generalisable findings, participants were encouraged to provide their insights about BIM process and data collection methods on other projects they worked on. Another limitation is that the data was related to the Irish construction industry, also, participants experiences were limited to the residential sector within the building industry.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 In terms of the study’s limitations, it is important to note that the sample size was restricted to just four participants who were actively engaged in the BIM process on the pilot construction project. While the number of interviews conducted may not be extensive enough to draw generalisable conclusions, it is worth noting that participants were actively encouraged to share their perspectives on the BIM process and data collection methods in relation to other projects they had been involved in. Additionally, another limitation to consider is that the data collected pertained specifically to the Irish construction industry, and the experiences of the participants were primarily confined to the residential sector within the building industry. Subsequent investigations will be undertaken after the completion of the pilot phase for the A-EYE solution. The forthcoming research endeavours aim to delve into A-EYE technology’s functionality, userfriendliness, and complexity when employed in a real construction environment. The insights derived from these studies will be compared with the initially elicited anticipations and requirements of construction practitioners concerning the A-EYE solution, in order to establish a comprehensive assessment of the technology’s viability.

REFERENCES [1] Tang, S., Shelden, D.R., Eastman, C.M., PishadBozorgi, P., & Gao, X. (2019) ‘A review of building information modeling (BIM) and the internet of things (IoT) devices integration: Present status and future trends’, Automation in Construction, 101, pp. 127-139. [2] Wang, J., Sun, W., Shou, W., Wang, X., Wu, C., Chong, H., Liu, Y., & Sun, C. (2015) ‘Integrating BIM and LiDAR for Real-Time Construction Quality Control’, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 79, pp. 417-432. [3] Onungwa, I., Olugu-Uduma, N., & Shelden, D.R. (2021) ‘Cloud BIM Technology as a Means of Collaboration and Project Integration in Smart Cities’, SAGE Open 11. [4] Oesterreich, T. D., & Teuteberg, F. (2016) ‘Understanding the implications of digitisation and automation in the context of Industry 4.0: A triangulation approach and elements of a research agenda for the construction industry’, Computers in Industry, 83, pp. 121–139. [5] Afsari, K., Eastman, C.M., Shelden, D.R. (2016) ‘Cloud-based BIM Data Transmission: Current Status and Challenges’, 33rd International

Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2016). [6] Lu, W., Fung, A., Peng., Y. & Liang, C. (2014). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), pp. 77-101. [7] Staub-French, S. and Khanzode, A., (2007). 3D and 4D modeling for design and construction coordination: issues and lessons learned, ITcon 12, pp. 381-407. [8] Matthews, J., Love, P. E. D., Heinemann, S., Chandler, R., Rumsey, C., & Olatunji, O. A. (2015) ‘Real time progress management: Reengineering processes for cloud-based BIM in construction’, Automation in Construction, 58, pp. 38–47. [9] Shahinmoghadam, M., & Motamedi, A. (2019) ‘Review of BIM-centred IoT deployment: state of the art, opportunities, and challenges’, 36th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2019). [10] Sacks, R., Girolami, M., & Brilakis, I. (2020) ‘Building Information Modelling, Artificial Intelligence and Construction Tech’, Developments in the Built Environment, 4, 100011. [11] Government of Ireland (2019) ‘Project Ireland 2040: Build Construction Sector Prospects Available at 2019’. 666ac76b534c45.pdf (Accessed: 18 April 2023). [12] Neuman, W. (2000) Social research methods qualitative and quantitative approaches. (4th ed.), Allyn and Bacon: Needham Heights. [13] Saunders, M., Thornhill, A., & Lewis, P. (2009) Research Methods for Business Students, (5th ed.), Prentice. Hall: New Jersey. [14] Shah, N. (2011). Ethical issues in biomedical research and publication. Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 14(3), pp. 205-207. [15] Guest, G., MacQueen, K., & Namey, E. (2011). Applied thematic analysis. Sage Publications: California.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 [16] Braun, V. & Clarke, V., (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), pp. 77-101. [17] Boston Consulting Group (2016). Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology. World Economic Forum, Available at: _the_Future_of_Construction_full_report__.pd f (Accessed: 29 08 2023).

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The Adoption of Building Information Modelling to Facilitate Health Promotion within an Oncology Day Ward Jennifer McAuley1 and Jonathan Reinhardt2 School of Multidisciplinary Technologies Technological University Dublin, Bolton Street, Dublin, Ireland E-mail: 1mca le .


The research outlined in this paper examines the use of building information modelling (BIM) and design processes relative to an oncology day ward’s physical environment. In the context of an Irish hospital, this paper aims to gain an understanding of how the digital built environment may assist in supporting the sociological experience of patients in ambulatory facilities. This study was performed using dialogical action research to collect data carried out through advocacy research. The importance of patient satisfaction is examined through literature to study attributes that constitute optimal strategies within an oncology day ward. This includes, but is not limited, to supportive design, the salutogenesis theory, and post occupancy evaluation. Furthermore, the study will refine the characteristics using BIM technologies to establish a simulated walkthrough BIM model to define if these qualities are applicable to an Irish hospital. Following dialogical stakeholder interviews that were carried out, a systematic thematic analysis was conducted to synthesise four themes. The promotion of health indicators to assist in the sociological experience for patients include patient distraction, patient privacy, spatial layout and biophilic design. The findings develop on existing theories in the literature with further appreciation of the use of such elements within an Irish-based hospital. Keywords ̶ BIM, Environmental Psychology, Evidence Based Design, Salutogenic Design, Sense of Coherence Design

I INTRODUCTION Assessing health promotion through a socioecological lens has become a fundamental topic of clinical concern and psychosocial consideration in the design, implementation, and evaluation of healthcare design [1]. The term health promotion has been defined to augment and address health challenges by enabling increased control one has over their environment. Through the National Cancer Strategy 2017-2026, they wish to improve health and well-being, treatment experiences and outcomes to combat cancer contributing to the high mortality rate in Ireland [2 and 3]. The physical space within healthcare design can often be inadequate to the needs of a patient, with the design of patient interactive facilities to be often psychologically hard [4]. Due to the exponential growth of healthcare design research, there has been heightened awareness of the built environment and its importance to the quality of care

it can provide for patients’ [1]. Furthermore, the study of healthcare design on the impact on patients’ wellbeing and stress reduction has accumulated consequential research, although there is little evidence that the research has led to improvements in the quality of healthcare [5]. Ireland’s construction industry is undergoing a paradigm shift to the internationally recognised Fourth Industrial Revolution. Through this transition has enabled the industry to foster growth and implement future trends to meet the requirements of the current generation without compromising on future generations [6]. To carry out such advancements, it is believed that ‘Industry 4.0’, enables the ubiquitous digital realm for optimised planning, increased automation and enhanced research and development (R&D). Thus, within Ireland’s Industry 4.0 strategy 2020-2025 is the facilitation of upskilling to the current and future workforce to exploit the new opportunities being presented by the transformative revolution of digital

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 transformation [7]. This study recognizes that digital adoption is necessary to enhance health promotion by integrating BIM technologies to the forefront of transformational reform of conceptual design to perform better decision-making. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to examine the sociological experience of an environment for patients within an Oncology treatment room by examining a setting that promotes patients’ wellness, with the hypothesis that poor design works contra to the process of healing. Drawing from the literature, existing ambulant care wards have historically been designed in accordance with, and reflective of, both design and medical practices. Thus, there is an evident gap in the literature that requires a holistic reform of salient interior architectural features within day wards to be conducted with the assistance of BIM and design processes to reflect a digital representation of a patient-centered design. Thus, this study will be reviewed through social cohesion and quality of care lens.

II LITERATURE REVIEW a) Supportive Design Design of healthcare facilities is a topic that has been extensively researched, typically by Ulrich who developed the theory of supportive design. This theory was originally introduced by Florence Nightingale in the late 19th century when environmental theory was established [8]. Nightingale is known to be the founder of modern nursing while also pioneering health reforms and outlining the need for adequate ventilation, sanitation, and cleanliness [1]. Furthermore, supportive design, based on seminal studies by Ulrich was founded on Nightingale’s ideology of health promotion, further emphasising the importance of the patient’s presence in the built environment to encourage healing through stress reduction [9]. Due to the complexity of the treatment regime within ambulant cancer facilities, their environment, and the salient architectural features it inhabits can leave a substantial impression on patient’s treatment progression [10]. The concept of a hospital layout is thought to be of a demoralizing nature by the various corridors, signposting, closed doors, and artificial lighting [11]. Thus, studies have drawn on the idea that open doors display the ideology of openness and involvement of care for patients, thus, reducing their fears and discomfort during the course of their treatment [12]. b) Salutogenic Design In line with Nightingale and Ulrich’s theories, the

evolution of patient care has surpassed the pathogenic conception of disease towards the promotion of health and well-being [13]. Therefore, removing the ideology of traditional healthcare settings that often foster feelings of stress through sparsely decorated environments, conveying negative connotations to patients [12]. Incorporating patient, public involvement (PPI) and their feedback during the conceptual stage of the lifecycle process enables the desired outcome of the design to improve the environment provided to the patient. Salutogenic design captures the concept of Sense of Coherence (SOC), developed by medical sociologist Antonovsky, that encapsulates three components: comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness [13]. SOC can be defined on a scaled paradigm through several survey-based assessments to illustrate how individuals respond to the environment they occupy and their capacity to counter ubiquitous stressful circumstances [14]. Therefore, designing a treatment setting through a salutogenic lens leads to the belief that fewer environmental stressors may impact a patient’s healthcare experience or their physical health. It is well established in the literature that through psychoneuroimmunology research, stress and physical health are related [15]. However, in contradictory of this concept, the ideology that all stressors are equally likely to impact ones’ health highlights that there is little evidence to measure the social-psychological characteristics of what makes various stressors stressful [16]. c) Environmental Psychology Environmental psychology has highlighted usercentered design as a pivotal subject matter among various communities including architecture that caters to improving the milieu [17]. For example, to provide the patient with a perceived sense of control and privacy is examined in the literature as a significant characteristic of patient satisfaction [18]. Furthermore, providing control over their environment through the personalisation of daylight or ability to control their ambient conditions of artificial light or temperature is believed to assist with positive health outcomes [19]. However, studies also regard environmental control as less desired in comparison to positive distraction and social support [3]. Due to the sensitivity of a cancer diagnosis, it can be a highly stressful environment that must consider treatment-related vulnerabilities within its design, including but not limited to side effects that may cause exhaustion, sensitivity to temperature and noise and anxiety to name a few [10]. Therefore, achieving supportive surroundings that can increase the opportunity for social interaction, or

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 otherwise privacy becomes timely and warranted. Through various studies in the literature, it was established that elements such as artwork, are highly ranked to improve patients’ mood [20]. To measure the nexus of patient satisfaction and healthrelated outcomes can be viewed as a multidimensional construct that requires intangible aspects of cognitive, emotional, and sensory metrics [21]. d) BIM and Healthcare Design It is well propagated in the literature that the application of BIM has several benefits and a catalyst with its ability to alleviate problems that face the needs of the architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) industry, with many studies highlighting the paradigm as an improvement to greater productivity and agility [22]. Using BIM technologies enables the modelling of information to assist stakeholders visualize the space and therefore, eliminate any misunderstandings that may occur between the stakeholders and design team. Therefore, introducing a digital model that illustrates real-time visualization to communicate ideas and exchange data is thought to alleviate the necessity for architectural understanding by the stakeholder. Consequently, striving to achieve stakeholders’ information requirements and furthermore, patient satisfaction through the holistic environment [23]. Advancements in technology have led to greater emphasis on user-centered design. However, the complex needs of patients that are subject to changing overtime has led to heightened pressure on the built environment to support patients in both physical and psychosocial realms [24]. Therefore, due to the complexity of evolving public health needs and advancing technologies in the architectural and medical sphere, the physical environment remains largely unexplored in determining what the concept of good design entails nor can future demands by users be accurately depicted [22].

III DIALOGICAL ACTION RESEARCH a) Methodology Dialogical action research technique used in this study facilitated an iterative process to identify and synthesize fundamental design variables to construct an optimal simulated novel using digital modelling tools. A group of eight stakeholders were selected to collaborate in this study to which ethical clearance was given by Technological University Dublin (TUD). However, ethical clearance did not include patients due to the vulnerability of the subject matter. All participants voluntarily took part in the two-stage interview with a comprehensive understanding they

could opt-out at any stage throughout the process without penalty or explanation. With preauthorization from all participants, interviews were audio-recorded, and later transcribed. The selected oncology unit is located in a hospital in Dublin, Ireland and was completed during renovation works carried out in 2015. This was compared to a proposed design for the same environment revision P02, that extracted design variable data from the literature. An open dialogue remained in place for the second interview.

IV EVALUATION OF DIALOGICAL INTERVIEWS a) Novel Model The BIM novel model was based on health promoting factors that are of fundamental importance in understanding interdependent requirements when constructing a day ward. To qualify what these requirements were, it was imperative to develop reliable qualitative data to assess this construct through an independent variable of the novel model and a dependent variable through conducting dialogical stakeholder interviews to gain a relativist ontology through the subjective experience of stakeholder’s reality and their respective truths [25]. Illustrated in Fig. 5 are a list of parameters that were mentioned through the second stage of the interview process. The blue line represented themes that were acknowledged by the interview participants and the red line indicating the themes that were introduced by the interviewer to receive the participant’s feedback. The parameters listed in Fig. 5 were reoccurring themes that were established in the literature and furthermore, through thematic analysis of the findings from the BIM model. The subjects established were supported by the knowledge of sociological conditions of design on patient wellbeing to include biophilic design, spatial layout, patient privacy, and positive distraction. The BIM novel model was developed into three iterations as demonstrated below. 1. An existing oncology treatment room, developed from a two-dimensional (2D) generated plan, modelled in Revit, revision P01. 2. A proposed oncology day ward with the application of key indicators from published literature, that constitute for an optimal healthcare setting, revision P02. 3. Conducting interviews enabled feedback to be received from revision P01 and P02 of the model. Therefore, gaining insight into key indicators for the development of revision P03. Based on feedback from stakeholder interviews, revision P03 was updated to illustrate an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the stakeholders’

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 experiences. Thus, enabling an optimal BIM novel model to be carried out.

environment’s lifecycle [24]. Thus, as mentioned earlier in the study the need for upskilling within the

Fig. 5 - Thematic analysis based on stakeholder interviews b) Design Evaluation The findings drawn from the BIM model have evaluated health indicators that have been established through literature and stakeholder perceptions that have been implemented through salient architectural features.

AEC industry in Ireland is imperative to adhere to the necessary workflows that is required to withstand the information requirements that healthcare design demands. Therefore, with the use of Revit 2022 and the attributes defined in the literature enabled the construction of the BIM model; revision P02 to be developed as displayed in Fig. 7.

Fig. 6: Existing oncology day ward

Fig. 6 displays novel model, revision P01 that was developed into a BIM digital model from 2D-based drawings as a visual method to effectively communicate with stakeholders on the spatial composition, and layout of the existing oncology day ward. As the complexity of the design process continues to evolve, the implementation of BIM technologies provides a catalyst for reform to increase efficiency and quality through the duration of the built

Fig. 7: Proposed oncology day ward; revision P02


Biophilic Design

The BIM model enabled all participants to observe the use of curtain walling that was held in high regard and eliciting positive impressions from the simulated walkthroughs. Additionally, biophilia was also acknowledged for its imperative approach to alleviate

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 stress and lead to greater health outcomes to patients. The use of biophilic design has been implemented into the design of the day ward through the use of colour, artwork, and the outdoor space available for planting to provide a non-disruptive relationship between the patient and the environment. Although patient access to the outdoor was not feasible and the use of indoor planting is prohibited for infection control, the view of the outdoor biophilia was thought to be an important factor to a patient’s mental position. Therefore, with the current arrangement of the chairs from the first revision of the model, it was believed by all participants that the cubicles should be repositioned to maximize the view the patients have access to. In the second and third revision of the model, where internal walls were required, glazed doors and partitions were implemented to retain the concept of non-traditional hospital design, openness, and access to the outdoor view as illustrated in Fig. 8. Further emphasized through PPI that was gathered by Participant 1 and 2, it was stated that the use of biophilia and outdoor views cannot be underestimated in salutogenic design. It was thought by both participants that were involved within the PPI study that the configuration of the spatial layout could be improved to allocate the outdoor view to each chair. However, this was reviewed from an architectural perspective and with the limitation of location services to walls, it was not feasible to achieve this. Therefore, glazed partitions were utilized where it was possible to do so.

Fig. 8: Proposed oncology day ward; revision P03 to include biophilic design

d) Spatial Layout The spatial layout of each model was deliberated by each participant, however, the layout remained largely unchanged between the first and second revision of the model. The number of beds decreased by two with the inclusion of three private rooms and a breakout area for patients. Although private rooms and breakout areas were thought by the participants to be of relevance to their needs, the cubicle sizes were thought to be inadequate to the demands of the patient and healthcare staff workflow processes. Therefore, interrupting the interactive flow provided

by staff and minimizing the level of care provided to the patient. Revision P03 of the model aimed to rectify and facilitate lean processes for staff through the allocation of space to provide the patient with quality and efficient care by increasing the width of the cubicle size. Suggestions of lean practices were called upon to include the provision for gloves, hand sanitizer within the cubicle and a blood pressure machine to allow staff carry out the necessary workflow regime within the independent cubicle [26]. It was noted from the second model that the inclusion of private rooms was of benefit to respect patient privacy. However, it was also pointed out that private rooms are necessary for isolating patients that may contract an infection. To eliminate a widespread outbreak, it was made known that isolation rooms require the use of a private toilet. Consequently, by implementing two toilets, one ambulant and the second ambulant disabled, the number of private rooms reduced to two, with the capacity of the third model consisting of twelve chairs, in contrast to nineteen chairs in the existing oncology ward. 2 out of 7 participants queried whether the optimization of the environment was financially viable due to the significant number of chairs lost in the evolution of the models. Participant 8 stated that if the hospital environment saw that having a better environment could also create additional turnover while losing the seven chairs it lost in the process, then it would be a viable option. However, as that cannot be guaranteed, it was made known that a hospital may be unwilling to accept an optimized environment for patients based on the revenue loss. Therefore, when referencing to the breakout and coffee dock area illustrated in Fig. 10, the view made by Participant 8 was that the space is a luxury and therefore, the space may be compromised for additional beds. Nevertheless, to optimize the environment for the patient, it was believed that the breakout area is essential in the assistance of their recovery and stress reduction [27]. e)

Patient Privacy

As somatic challenges may arise, patient privacy was established through zoning areas to accommodate for various levels of privacy that a patient may desire while remaining flexible to navigate patients, and the necessary equipment. It was highlighted by a number of participants that the treatment room is usually open, without the use of a curtain. Therefore, the possibility of a curtain to cater for privacy would be of benefit to the patient. In contrast to this, Participant 2 believed that curtains were inefficient and dissatisfactory to respect one’s privacy due to its inability to mute sound and support a patient therapeutically or, from a psychosocial perspective. Therefore, a fixed glazed

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 partition was suggested. From the correlation of all views made by the participants, the curtains remained as a division between patients, as it was concluded that the space needed to remain adaptable in the event of a surge in patients while also maintaining flexibility within the cubicle for staff to access all sides of the chair in the event of an emergency. The interrelationship of patient-to-staff was considered to be imperative within the day ward [28]. Thus, it was noted by the participants that the centralized nurse’s station in the first model and illustrated in Fig. 6, did not have the view of all participants. It was agreed by all participants that decentralizing the nurse’s station would be beneficial. f)

Positive Distraction

The salutogenic approach was unknown to one participant when the analogy was discussed. However, after the explanation was given of how it promotes health and wellbeing, the participant understood, noting that it is an emotionally driven area. The use of colour and natural elements were utilized among the loose furniture, joinery, wall, and flooring finishes for its influential tools to shift patients’ thoughts and induce serenity and calming impressions of the environment [29]. As Participant 6, pointed out, the third model was very much patient driven, to make a comfortable environment for an oncology facility. It was recognised in the first model by Participant 1, the lack of stimuli for the patient to engage in. Digital imagery was suggested by Participant 3 to facilitate biophilia within the environment. Within the second model, artwork was included but it was noted by Participant 7 that the artwork included should be thought-provoking, enabling the scene to elicit diverse emotions and ideas on each encounter. Therefore, as displayed in Fig. 9 of the third model, the inclusion of water and greenery was believed to be a stimulant for patients.

Fig. 9: Oncology day ward; revision P03 illustrating biophilia through artwork

Sociability was considered to be essential where people can maintain independence within the hospital environment. In the second model, a breakout space

was provided to activate the engagement of communication among patients to capture the psychosocial parameter of those who wished to engage with others. It was noted by Participant 3 that not all participants may be physically mobile to leave the ward to get a refreshment and so, the inclusion of such facilities would enable them to engage with others in phatic communication while waiting on their results, highlighting the support patients can provide one another and know it’s not a lone journey. Therefore, the third model, as presented in Fig. 10, facilitates these changes with the inclusion of a breakout area, coffee dock, privacy screens, and an assortment of loose furniture to capture all psychosocial instances and maintain patient dignity.

Fig. 10: Proposed breakout area; revision P03

V CONCLUSIONS The findings in this study show the application of BIM technology and processes can be articulated to promote a sociological supportive ambulant cancer facility to improve patient experience. However, despite the significance that advanced technology has in healthcare processes, there is limited research into the use of BIM that applies efficient workflows to improve design performance for all stakeholders involved. Based on a critical analysis and synthesis of the findings, this study investigated health promoting attributes to determine how salient architectural characteristics can assist in removing the traditional healthcare setting through a BIM model, using Autodesk Revit and visualization to communicate and exchange data to the stakeholder participants. This was devised and studied through a simulated, digital novel model in an oncology day ward to portray how health inducing indicators can assist in patient health and wellbeing through the physical environment. At the onset of this research, synthesis occurred to formulate design attributes that support the treatment of patients through the environment they inhabit. Therefore, through dialogical stakeholder engagement, four constructs were derived as imperative to the optimization of an ambulant cancer environment to include, but not limited to: positive distraction, biophilic design, spatial layout, and patient privacy. Although each derivative has been investigated individually, the

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 interrelationships between them link each construct to a holistic view that elucidates the necessary attributes for a high-quality output for a user-centered environment. The three BIM models that were illustrated through simulated, digital walkthroughs and computer-generated images enabled stakeholders to engage with the environment, with the data collected being transferred to the subsequent model to support the architectural design process. On review of the final model, revision P03, it was concluded by all participants that the attributes that constituted an optimal model had been included and therefore, overturned adverse connotations associated with an oncology day ward by providing engagement beyond treatment. The findings in this paper refine existing theories of health inducing factors that align stakeholder information requirements to integrate a holistic understanding of patient-centered data through the ubiquitous digital realm of Industry 4.0. Although BIM was not a known topic to 7 out of 8 participants, it was an attribute that facilitated the changes required to each novel model with healthcare design as the context for the study. Therefore, it showcases the role that BIM can provide through the digital tools to portray the physical characteristics that can assist in optimized planning, and enhanced research and development from the onset of an ambulant cancer day ward design. The findings of the current research conducted in this paper encourage further development that may consider but not limited to interviewing a larger cohort of participants to include cleaning operatives, infection control operative, patients, and an increased number of nurses to improve the representation of what an optimized environment may entail. A number of participants did not have experience working in a live oncology day ward and therefore, their narrated experience on an ambulant cancer facility was limited.

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CitA BIM Gathering Proceedings

First Step to Digital Transformation

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The Telecommunications Life-cycle information exchange (TLie) Data Model Shawn E. O’Keeffe BIM & Scan Ltd. Co. Dublin, Ireland. E-Mail: Abstract ̶ The Telecommunications Lifecycle information exchange (TLie) data model is for capturing mission-critical project life-cycle data during all phases, e.g. surveying, planning, design, installing, operating, and managing, of any telecommunications site type regardless of the applications, tools, and devices that were utilised to create the data. It is also for the interoperability of that captured data by all machines and actors during life-cycle activities. The telecommunications sector has suffered from missing and fragmented information on a global scale, hindering the planning and designing of new 5G project networks sites globally. The lack of information required for designers during their new planning for site retrofits led to a need for new methods, tools, and processes for capturing, validating, and storing data of 5G site’s in progress for future deconstruction, reuse, and retrofits. TLie addresses, and affords solutions for said needs. Currently, TLie formatted data drives deployed enterprise systems within major international telecommunications companies. TLie has an internationally applicable ISObased open standards data schema, i.e. model view definition (MVD), currently in use globally by design and field engineers in the rollout of 5G sites on several continents. This extensible data schema uses ISO 16739 Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), and was built utilising business process models created by implementing ISO 29481 Information Delivery Manual (IDM). The IDM applied methodology has enabled many micro-MVD TLie sub-schema’s to be developed that capture and collect data through the full project life-cycle from the responsible actors, and theirs devices that were used to create that data, e.g. PC or mobile phone. This paper shows how the TLie MVD was built, applied, and tested using currently available industry applications. IDM-based business process models were developed. The author discusses the a value-add assessment (VAA) methodology layered within the business process modelling. VAA eliminates non-value-add portions of traditional telecommunications built environment processes for leaner deployment of future TLie-based telecommunications site builds. The BIM & Scan® OpenOp “digital twin” Platform showcases an implementation and results of the TLie data model. TLiebased systems are currently being deployed in the field. Keywords ̶ Telecommunications, Data Model, Data Schema, Ontology, OpenBIM, IFC, IDM, MVD

I INTRODUCTION The telecommunications industry is suffering from project life-cycle data fragmentation, and in many cases the data required does not exist at all. A holistic data model is needed that can be universally applied, on a global scale, to all telecommunications sites. Data waste, and physical equipment waste, plague corporations and their sites due to not knowing exactly what is, and what is not, on their sites and logged in their enterprise systems. As corporations journey into digitisation and make promises to the public about digital twin systems, and new promising end-to-end enterprise architectures, this industry has a race within itself to accomplish data interoperability that they, and their customers can rely on. Worldwide, 5G sites are being designed and built. The future operations and management of these new 5G sites depends on the data we capture from earlier phases in the project

life cycle. In the telecommunication sector, one project can have many sites, called a network of sites. Capturing data for each site within a project, how each sites’ data is interrelated with other sites in that network, and at larger scale, how data of project networks are interrelated, are all of the greatest concern in the new wave of telecommunications life-cycle data management. To aid the telecommunications industry for these needs, the author invented and developed the Telecommunication Life-cycle information exchange (TLie) data model. TLie is the minimum life-cycle information exchange requirements currently known, and its data modelled, for the telecommunication industry, and by definition it is “extensible” [1], i.e. to be built upon by others. However, the overall goal, is to only objectively add to this data model based on properly conducted business process modelling. The conceptual, logical, and physical schemas for the TLie data

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 model have been created and deployed in industry. Also discussed herein is why, and how it is true, that TLie is both contractable, and testable [1, 2, 3]. A new openBIM “digital twin” cloud-system is also shown, which is built on TLie to serve as an end-toend (E2E) solution for the telecommunications industry.

II BACKGROUND In 1993 the Enterprise Data Model (EDM) was introduced by Telecom Italia in a strategic project called IBDA [4]. IBDA set out to define how to use the EDM for existing data, and the design and implementation of databases. The inconstancy of current data model impedes leveraging data, especially when companies use their own specific data model [5]. In contrast, Open standards-based data models are not new in the telecommunications sector [6]. In the 1990’s the ISO 16739 IFC data schema was created to solve interoperability of built environment data in the building domain [2]. Later researchers, such as the author of this paper, discussed and demonstrated that IFC could be more universally utilised for the entire built environment [7]; perhaps even beyond our own planet. Today, and in the near future, these ideas will now be possible via proper implementation of ISO 29481 IDM [8], and IFC5 [9]. Currently the newest ISO/DIS 16739-1 , i.e. IFC5 data schema, proposed is just that, i.e. inclusive of most of the built environment that humans need to build, but also operate and manage daily, globally [9]. It’s not new to use IFC as the basis for capturing built environment data via phased-based processes through the full life-cycle of buildings [3]. Industry is also fully aware of the misuse of COBie for that purpose, therefore buildingSMART International have facilitated and supported researchers and industry personnel to develop [10, 11, 12], a new IDM that will replace equipment management data capture when implementing [9] in the future. Other, non-building domain sectors are able to use [10, 11, 12] these templates. There are too typical phases in telecommunications, which are are: Survey, Design, Install, and Operations and Management. Each of these phases are further broken down into subphases, e.g. 35% Design Phase, 60% Design Phase, etc. The main critical component to understanding how the TLie data model was created and deployed, is understanding the concepts associated with aligning traditional 2D paper-based contracted processes to the new computer-based object oriented world of contract deliverables as set out is such standards as ISO 19650 [13&14]. Just as in the COBie standard specification, for the design phase for example, the mantra is a simple as “data = drawings” [1&15]. As in Figure 1, for example,

when drawing by hand, or using CAD/BIM design applications, we create important title block information which is critical throughout the whole project life-cycle, not only the design phase. So we need to map this information to the correct objects in the data model schema. Then we can reuse the data model schema specification. The same was done for TLie, i.e. the object definitions in COBie, that are related to capturing design information and otherwise, were reused, or referenced, in the more extensible TLie MVD specification.

Fig. 1: Dormitory Project Design Drawing Template [2]

A key recommendation for when setting up the delivery of TLie data, is to keep into consideration that when implementing TLie, and using a COBie compliant application for design models of telecommunication sites, the building elements within COBie that are not in your typical designs, e.g. IfcWindow, “can” be excluded when specifying data exchange and creating TLie data. One can accomplish this when using COBie compliant application plugins, e.g. the COBie Extension [16]. The three most common telecommunications sites taken into consideration when creating TLie are: open field sites with towers, site on streetscapes, and sites on roof tops. Unlike COBie and the SA MVDs, the TLie MVD , as does the CV MVD, specifies IfcPort’s (Figure 3), for the connections of components within systems. Specifying ports is not new, and can be seen in the US National BIM Standards for building facilities, e.g. within the HVACie, WSie, Eie (“sparkie”), etc. MVDs [17]. Port data can be currently exported from modern software application, such as Revit, using its the CV 2.0 MVD, which includes IfcPort data [18]. Ports are very important because they identify the flow of fluid, air, gas, and electricity when specified to do so. Figure 3 shows the port data requirement for TLie can be accessed via classes in CV MVD. Figure 2 shows the IFC 2X3 TC1 EXPRESS specification [19] for IfcDistributionPort. The critical part of this specification for TLie, is the connections and distribution that describe exactly where cable connections are located on physical

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 components, and the distribution direction of the flow of electricity, e.g. IfcFlowDirectionEnum. The design phase portion of TLie, specifies that these connections, i.e. IfcPort related classes, are captured from the designers’ drawing data; specifically the schedule which include the cable lists. Approximately two dozen IDM information models were created to define every design phase data exchange, and these are discussed, and some of them are presented in below sections. Structural components, in the SA MVD of Figure 3, are also specified as needed for the delivery of TLie design data, e.g. IfcMember, IfcStructuralMember, and so on. Structural analysis, for example load bearing calculations, are very important, especially for retrofitting sites, where it is know some 5G equipment is much heavier than these components predecessors; these designs require frequent load checks.

Coordination, COBie, and Structural Analysis existing MVDs, plus the TLie specific known data that’s needed for the telecommunications project sites of todays world, i.e. at this time in human history. Again, TLie is extensible. It can have IFC objects added to it, but one should not exclude currently included IFC object classes. Only with newly agreed, and tested, IDM-based business process models should one ever exclude from the existing TLie data model. A not so common, but interesting aspect of the TLie data model, is its requirement to support point clouds. The author has explored ISO STEP 1030326 HDF5 binary serialisation for point clouds, and it is envisaged that in the future, e.g. IFC5 completion, TLie may support point clouds natively in IFC format [20]. For now, the ASTM E57 open format is currently utilised when implementing TLie. Implementing point clouds within TLie-based software systems is briefly mentioned and shown in the results section. Point clouds can be utilised in all phases of creating and delivering TLie data.


Fig. 2: IFC 2X3 TC1 EXPRESS for IfcDistributionPort

Fig. 3: TLie Data Model Conceptual Schema

Obviously, models can be coordinated during the design phases using TLie, via the CV 2.0 MVD specification portion about TLie. As shown in Figure 3, the TLie Conceptual Model, i.e. Venn Diagram, TLie is not all of IFC. Nothing can be “all” of IFC. Out of the IFC “Universe = U”, TLie is made up of mission critical information exchange data inclusive of, but not limited to, the

By definition, ISO 29481 IDM is the core methodology for this research [4]. It specifies how to link construction related business processes with the information required by those processes, and is how to map and describe information processes over the life cycle of built environment projects. IDM facilitates interoperability between software applications used during all stages of the project life cycle, e.g. from briefing to demolition. IDM is the basis for quality IFC-based information exchanges. “Quality” in this context can be defined as the conformance of said data to both the IFC data model, and the specification for that IFC data that was derived from the IDM process, e.g. in the form of an IDS, or MVD. The author used IDM, and a well known business process modelling language for implementing IDM with IFC, called Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN) [21]. BPMN specifies business processes in graphical representations, i.e. business process model. Originally developed by the Business Process Management Initiative, BPMN has been maintained by the Object Management Group since the two organisations merged in 2005 [22]. TLie does not add new requirements to existing contracted deliverables in the telecommunications industry. TLie does, however, simply uses IDM to structure existing data into the ISO IFC open standard international format. IFC data can be shared in any format, as long as it adheres to the international standard data schema [1]. a) TLie Formats & Schemas

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 TLie has many different formats, e.g. ISO 10303-21 (IFC STEP Physical File Format-SPFF), ISO 10303-28 (XML, and IFC Spreadsheet Physical File Format), JSON, etc. The format used is directly dependent on the IDM being conformed to, and by what type of machines and systems are being used. For humans to better interpret the TLie requirements throughout the full project life cycle, the author created the full set of IFC-based TLie data that is required in ISO 10303-28 format. With that said, TLie has an IFC-based spreadsheet schema (Figure 4). The author is now on version 6.9. Over the past few years, several major decision have been made in regards to life-cycle data capture, and in general, these major additions, or amendments, have warranted a new version whole number increment, especially from the perspective of software developments that utilise this schema type of the TLie data model. For the readers who are aware of the COBie spreadsheet schema data mapping [23], and the newer Asset Operations Handover - Building Systems Equipment Maintenance spreadsheet schema data mappings, it is a similar concept, but a different TLie IDM and MVD specification alltogether. The TLie IFC-based Spreadsheet Schema is a human readable representation of the full set of required ontological objects, that can map to any given business process model to assure that those process exchange requirements, i.e. use case, can be satisfied.

Fig. 4: TLie_1.0_MVD_Data_Model_V6.9

Many IFC-based TLie spreadsheet schemas were created, e.g. Figure 5. In fact, every TLie IDM has a corresponding TLie spreadsheet schema, to assure humans are aware of the exact IFC data required in these specifc information exchanges, to satisfy these very specific IDM-based data requirements. The IFC data required is different than the information itself that is being exchanged, e.g. ISO 8601 for Date and Time specifies the data format, not the exact date or time itself which will continuously vary when submitting and storing information. This data requirement is key to automatic verification as prescribed in [24], and in accordance with ISO 9001 as explained in [2]. As for the IFC-based TLie information exchanges,

spreadsheet data schemas were created at the lowest levels of granularity possible for specific vendors and applications, because of specifc contracted requirements, and the verification and validation of these requirements. This type of schema is to assure alignment, and no deviations from the overall data model and the schema implementation of that data model on a particular project. Bidirectional interoperability of this particular contracted data set (Figure 5) is archived and maintained via its schema version mapping to the overall data model ontology classes. Data model objects, e.g. IfcTypeObject.Name, are identified for each and every piece of data.

Fig. 5: TLie-based site installation document schema for the exchange of cable list, cabinets, connections, ports; utilised during the install phase, and is the final design document containing, e.g. wiring diagrams, needed to connect equipment components into systems on the site.

b) Design Application BPMN Model For the telecommunications design phase, 21 BPMN2 models were created to capture, verify, and validate the TLie data within those processes, e.g. Figure 6. These are Autodesk Revit specific process models for designers to implement TLie using that software. However, the IDM-based TLie process models, their related IFC objects, and the BPMN2 models themselves, are all reusable. One must map the business process to the user functions required in the other application, e.g. Archicad, to return the same results; the IFC classes required to do so are embedded in the BPMN “Artefacts”. Only, the limitations of software vendors implementation of IFC can prevent some desired results; hence, the need for software testing in this regard, as shown in [1&15].

Fig. 6: TLie component creation process, and QC embedded for TLie data exchange.

c) Web and Mobile Application BPMN Model IDM-based business process models were created

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 for the interactions between TLie-based cloud and mobile applications. After the design phase, to capture TLie formatted data in an efficient manner, a mobile application is utilised to collect data during the installation phase of telecommunication sites. After the aforementioned (Figure 5) final design documents are issued for field personnel use, as series of tasks (IfcTask/s) are issued to the mobile app from the cloud-based web app. During those tasks, communications via BCF “Topics”, are tracked and sent back to and fro between the mobile and web apps via BCF API [25]. When tasks are complete, e.g. install of equipment and pictures as evidence, the BCF topics with the evidence is either approved or rejected within the web app by this design engineering user (Figure 7).

IFC-based site designs. Therefore, other “Specification” documents such as the IDMs have also been created to help industry deploy TLie both in engineering practice, and within software applications. With that said, the author has attempted to also create “Commentary” documentation in the form of IDM driven user and software implementation guides. One representation for both a TLie deliverable “Specification”, and “Commentary”, is the IDMbased BPMN model Figure 8. Figure 8 outlines the exact personnel, and the moments of which they share specified contracted data deliverables between each other using different TLie-based BIM tools. It also specifies objective testing of the data prior to data exchange and use. There is also a documented guide for how to create web and mobile tools for this specifc TLie data exchange situation. The result of this process is two fold: 1. The tasks that are issued to the mobile app from the web app are tracked and status are confirmed upon completing, and 2. If the tasks are successful, then they result in quality controlled reliable TLie install phase data entered into the master database.

Fig. 7: BPMN model for the interoperability of TLie formatted data required during tracking site tasks.

d) BPMN Model for Scheduling Field related Tasks from Office to Field Figure 7 emphasised office to field needs regarding tasks and communications at a high level, i.e. not much granular details. Figure 8, however, goes into the granularities required for all data exchanges, and the verification gates for this data. Figure 7, 8, and 9, also have a combined total of approximately 90 pages of IFC/IDM specifications for software development purposes. The three required documents to implement conformance requirements for a data model such as TLie in practice are: code, commentary, and specification [2]. Objective testing procedures for data are also required in the development of conformance standards, along with publicly available test models, and verification tools [26]. In TLie’s case, the TLie data model schema and documentation such as this article, are considered the “Code”, i.e. standard requirements. This “Code” is the authors attempt to bring TLie into international standardisation, versus currently only select corporations have adopted it, and perhaps even misusing it, i.e. altering it to their specifc desires in areas where the universal applicability of the existing standard is not fully understood, e.g. one must include cables and connections in their 3D

Fig. 8: BPMN Model for Scheduling Field related Tasks from Office to Field

e) Office and Filed Personnel Collaboration BPMN Model


The BPMN model in Figure 9 shows the

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 interoperability through the full life-cycle when using TLie based information exchange via design application, a web application called OpenOp, and the OpenOp Mobile Device Application. App swimlanes are left to right, and project phase swimlanes are top to bottom. Every single data creation and exchange for TLie formatted data was identified; from the data conception, its creation, to its checking, to the database, and then that data reuse by humans and machines in other processes.

Fig. 9: Office and field personnel life-cycle collaboration BPMN model, when implementing TLie via local design apps, web apps, and mobile apps, for the capture of TLie data in all life-cycle phases.

V RESULTS The results presented below show that the IFCbased TLie data model can be utilised as the basis for telecommunications applications that capture and store TLie formatted data, if one adheres to the the TLie IDM-based business process model specifications. These specifications are equally beneficial for the human-based capture and sharing of TLie data, as they are also for Machine-toMachine) M2M interoperability and machine centric capturing of TLie formatted data.

a) TLie-based Software applications This research resulted in several TLie-based applications. Firstly, a cloud-based web-application architecture, and its infrastructure, were created solely on the basis of the minimum specification for TLie formatted data throughout the whole known, i.e. at that time, project life cycle. Obviously, the extensibility of the TLie data model itself afforded several new version and modifications to this system, and these extensibility’s are highlighted above in each section, and more below in the databases section regarding the tables where TLie data is stored for reuse. Second, a mobile device application was created that interoperates with the cloud-based web-app. The mobile device was created for the TLie.Site.Phase = IfcProject.Phase = Install Phase, data that is required to be collected during the field installation of site equipment. The phase data defined, by the IDM conducted, spans from the delivery of equipment (moment they arrive to site), to the install and testing of the equipment, and finally, the go-live moment of the telecommunication equipment. When equipment arrives at a site, the minimum data required is shown in Figure 12 above, and that data is marked in the image as TLie.Phase = Design Phase. This design data, is actually not needed to be manually intern in the case of this TLie-based mobile device; rather, this design phase data, since it is in a relational database, and connected to TLie.Type and TLie.Component data, is automatically populated for every component that arrives to the site, that also matches the bill of material generated from the site BIM, in the web-app discussed above. The TLie.Site.Phase = Install phase data required at this time and can be collected by manual entry (in this app) are: TLie.Spare.PartNumber, and TLie.Type .ManufacturerStartDate. During the physical installation of the site equipment, the TLie.Component.SerialNumber is collected. The serial number is only collected here because it records the actual position of the component, e.g. an antenna, and this is so critical because 1. There can be several pieces of equipment of the same type, and 2. Downstream use of this data is dependent on knowing where exactly is this piece of equipment installed exactly, e.g. in the case of an antenna, there are likely a minimum of 3, and they are each installed in their own “sector”. Knowing the sector (Figure 14) that the equipment are installed is is the most critical for addressing operations phase needs. At go-live, the full site set of project data switches too the next phase, i.e. Operations. All life-cycle data from each phase, and any changes to that data, are theoretically merged and inherited into the Operations phase, meaning that design data that was relevant during install and is still relevant during

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 operations, actually came from the phases that that data was captured/collected from. This leads to mention again, that TLie simply requires that we capture data from the personnel whom create that information, or at the moment that data came into existence in some other manner. The data, when captured, can have several primary keys related to it, but for sake of explanation here, the IfcSite.Name + IfcProject.Phase + IfcProduct.Name are the critical keys. One can see here that the most critical information about site equipment, is that it is needed in multiple phases throughout the life-cycle, actually originally came from the design phase.

Fig. 14: Typical Site Plan showing “Sectors”. A sector provides signals to specific areas, e.g. Motorways, Neighbourhoods, Schools, Residential Areas, etc.

b) OpenOp OpenOp stands for Open (standards) Operations, and it is an openBIM enterprise management cyberphysical system that connect real and virtual worlds though various mediums. Some refer to it as a platform for “Digital Twins”, whilst others may not use the platform in that way at all. One may simply use OpenOp for model validation when updating asbuilt BIMs, or for construction monitoring, via BIM&Scan: AutoCorr [27&28], for example, which if one has that OpenOp user role via RBAC, then they only see this part of the cyber-physical ecosystem and other aspects required to carry out the full analyses, e.g. the OpenOp BCF Manger. OpenOp users can use TLie formatted data, if they adhere to the TLie data model by using the TLie data schemas as described in this article. The invention OpenOp is based on is here [29]. The author aims to publish other articles on OpenOp, and keeps the context of OpenOp functionality within scope of this article. OpenOp can consume, share, and store, TLie formatted data. For example, Figure 10 shows the uploading of TLie formatted data, more specifically design phase deliverables in

TLie formats IFC and XLSX. This data can be shared via the many OpenOp TLie-based API schemas such as Figure 16. Said data is, furthermore, stored in the OpenOp TLie structured portion of its database, discussed below. Figure 16 shows one modern way to reuse TLie-formatted BIM data, and integrate it into other machines to further enhance those E2E business processes by removing human activities when using this value-added data. OpenOp obviously has an IFC-based 3D viewer as shown in Figure 17 [30]. The data, shown upon setting IFC elements, comes from the IFC only portion of the database. This database is further explained in the next section. The TLie formatted data, in IFC format that is shown in Figure 16, comes from the design or as-built models that are uploaded into OpenOp in Figure 10.

Fig. 15: Validating the telecommunications tower cabin equipment utilising a TLie formatted IFC BIM, and an OpenOp: AutoCorr “semantic” point cloud.

Fig. 16: TLie-based API call - TLie.Component, from the design phase data.

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Fig. 17: OpenOp IFC-based 3D Viewer c) The TLie Databases

As a result of this research, there are actually two different databases, but both are SQL. There is a Postgres database that contains all of the IFC data possible for all possible project sites, and there is a leaner and more reliable cleansed TLie database. The TLie structured database serves as the reliable and reusable repository for the telecommunications data that was captured throughout the full life-cycle of all projects that are conducted implementing the TLie data model and its many schemas, methods, and applications. This computer implemented method of TLie (a & b above) regarding a physical working database, resulted in an SQL relational database. It does not contain the geometry etc. that would be contained in the aforementioned Postgres database. The reason there are these two different databases at this time, is because during the IDM developments, it was learned that the key important data to humans, enterprise systems, and longterm reuse of this data, did not required geometry, especially the geometric representation’s of everything ever geometrically represented through the full project life-cycle. This would actually be more of a burden than solution of any kind. In regards to geometry, these “representations” exist on the contracted mediums they have always existed on, e.g. design drawing submissions, site install wiring diagrams that were derived from the building information models, etc. within the design phase. In fact, the geometry, changes many times, even more so than the data that is eventually submitted as final phase-based attribute representations for 3D geometric objects, e.g. length, width, height, and units and values such as watts, hertz, decibels, and their corresponding integer or decimal values. In a broader context, one can consider these attributes mentioned as simply the data that is typically found in all drawing schedules irrespective of the discipline, or region on the planet, e.g. Figure 18. Obviously, in the context of TLie, however, the focus is on telecommunications equipment data that is found on engineering design drawing schedules, anywhere in the world. A TLie Database has sixteen primary tables to facilitate the capture of data during all life-cycle phases of telecommunications sites: Contact, Site,

Level, Space, Zone, Type, Component, System, Connection, Spare, Resource, Task, Document, Attribute, Coordinate, and Topic. All tables are currently utilised, except Spare and Resource. It is envisaged that the author will develop the IDM and business process models for these operations phase requirements at a later date. Systems mentioned in Results a) & b), must be further utilised in practice, and d) below finalised for the installation phase. The hypothesis at this time is that in telecommunications, Spare data will come from the final bill of materials after the as-built data (BIM) is updated reflecting the components that are actually installed and live on the site at the end of the installation phase, and Resource data will come from the set of installation tools utilised to conduct that installation. During site operations, and maintenance, these spares will need to be readily available, and so shall the tools required to install them, and dismantle the prior equipment.

Fig. 18: Typical Fan Schedule [8]

Before TLie data can be reused, TLie data is first verified and validated, and these both occur prior to the database entry of the TLie formatted data, i.e. in TLie IFC and XLSX formats, and otherwise via API, etc. Submitted data that does not conform to TLie verification rules is automatically rejected, and the user is notified via web-app GUI error message. The primary and foreign keys, etc. for this TLie relational database are defined in the the TLie data model schema in spreadsheet physical file format, along with all of the data required values, allowed values, constraints, and IfcObjects. d) Value-Added Assessment The value-added assessment (VAA) was conducted according to IDM best practices and principles learned from Mr. Jeffery Wix [31], and the VAA productions as prescribed in [32]. The main objective when implementing VAA is to eliminate non-value add tasks, or otherwise, within the business process models. Tips such as, naming process with verbs (e.g. copies, moves, loads, etc.), for instance, can be learned in [32]; whereby doing so, “actions and verbs will consistently emerge as being potentially non-value-added” [32]. By cataloging and investigating these non-value-added tasks within the business process procedures, one can further refine the, e.g. BPMN2 Models, to excluded these non-value-added tasks, therefore by result, creating true value-added processes that are lean IFC-based IDM information exchanges.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 An objective of VAA is to simply remove unneeded task to produce the same desired result, and in this case, built environment contracted information exchanges are the focus. Next, one must test the efficacy of the new business processes that have excluded the non-value-added tasks. An example of the VAA analysis being invaluable, is when developing a TLie-based mobile app, the decision of using BCF API was made, instead of BCF physical files, for the interoperability of human communications between a TLie-based web-app and TLie-based mobile device. Prior to the VAA, there was a BPMN model already created by the author for the interoperability of TLie formatted human communications data between design engineers using local design authoring applications, and the design admin engineers only using the design review applications in the web. In that process model, the information modelling only requires BCF physical files of TLie formatted data, because the author application, as is, supports BCF in this format, and from a business process perspective, designers were already using this method, therefore, it was agreed to be unwise to remove this aspect of the process, even though redflags were derived during the VAA, i.e. the BCF task were named such as “Export BCF file” and “Copy BCF file”, etc.; one can see these are nonvalue-add verb driven tasks that could be remove by simply using the BCF API vs BCF Physical file method. Nonetheless, as when implementing Figure 9 mentioned earlier, communication between the web-app and local apps utilise BCF physical files for TLie-formatted data, and between web-app and mobile-app BCF API is utilised for TLie-formatted data. The main point here is that by conforming to the TLie data model in all cases, it allowed the VAA decisions to be very flexible where a happy medium could be found that suits business processes today, whilst still affording the optimal business process to be implemented in the future, e.g. BCF API will be used for the use case scenario TLie formatted data exchange between web-app and local app. VI CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, the TLie Data Model for the telecommunication industry was invented, created, and deployed. Problems regarding life-cycle data capture, storage, and reuse have been solved. The problem statements are explained in detail within the introduction and background, firstly, in this article. Secondly, in the methodology section, IDM and BPMN were explained in great detail; IDM and BPMN were utilised to create the overall and subset TLie data model schemas, new TLie-based processes, and develop new TLie-based tools to implement those processes.

The creation of TLie data in all phases have been discussed, along with examples, and the verification and validation of TLie formatted data is also addressed. TLie structured databases, and how this data is reused in an interoperable way by using modern API methods are explained. Lastly, using VAA, the final step of using IDM for integrated lean value-added business processes that work within real-world contracts on real projects, was deeply explained. The author is not allowed at this time to disclose these real world projects, nor the major clients involved, however, this article is a glimpse into that world and the IFC-based open TLie Data Model that is driving it for over the past two years. TLie is currently utilised on several continents on real 5G rollout projects, solving problems that once plagued the telecommunications industry during 3G and 4G retrofit planning, design and installation, and operations and maintenance. The huge benefits of small wins such as reliable openBIM-based automatic bill of materials integration via API with the larger E2E enterprise architecture is currently flourishing. Other benefits such as automatic site installation documentation, that once took many personnel in several global locations and weeks to develop, can now, utilising cloud-computing technology, be created in seconds via a single button in the OpenOp GUI due to TLie formatted data that is captured during the design phase, verified and validate on-the-fly, and stored in a TLie structured relational database. Only months ago, site personnel were manually taking photographs of sites during install, and writing down by hand on paper, and within spreadsheets, installation data while to trying and capture the as-built state during surveys of the new 5G sites being created. Now, with a TLie-based mobile device, that same data can be collected, captured, verified and validated, and stored into a master relational database in a fraction of the time, with fewer personnel task responsibilities when on site. The VAA, in particular during the installation phase, encouraged leaner BPMN models that resulted in new ways to issue tasks from the office to the field, and new ways of communicating throughout the full project life-cycle using BCF and IFC, via TLie-based schemas, processes, and tools.


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Challenges and opportunities for automating physical compliance on construction sites Ankur Mitra1 and Mark Mulville2 Department of Surveying & Construction Innovation Technological University, Dublin, Ireland E-mail:


The construction project lifecycle includes several compliance requirements that need to be checked at multiple levels and at different phases of the project. Inability to comply with these regulations due to lack of time and resources or human oversight can affect the project throughout its service lifecycle with the potential for severe outcomes. Following a number of high-profile failings and owing to the high stakes nature of compliance, digitalisation has been introduced in this field of construction over the past few decades to reduce mistakes and neglect. Although the compliance checking process in the design phase has seen significant digital advancement with artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing, the physical compliance checking process on construction sites still remains largely manual. This paper will present academic research on the industry challenges faced in automating site compliance checking process based on literature studies done in the past. The study highlights the need to address the different challenges and barriers of physical compliance from a more structured construct. The opportunities for process improvement, behavioural change, and technological intervention to improve or in some cases replace manual oversight were also explored. A thematic analysis was performed on the qualitative data of barriers to chronicle the list of challenges that need to be addressed. Findings from this study will help highlight the pressure points faced while conducting compliance checks at sites. This research aims to reduce the knowledge gap between the ailment of checking compliance on construction sites and the tools that can help fix the issue. Keywords ̶ compliance, construction inspection, automation, digitalisation

I INTRODUCTION The construction project lifecycle includes several compliance requirements that need to be checked at multiple levels and at different phases of the project. Depending on the phase of the project, these compliance matters can be design based, related to the implementation of an agreed design (i.e., building control, fire regulations, energy performance etc), or the functional requirements of the constructed process (i.e., safety laws, environmental regulations, quality of works). In the construction phase, a project must adhere to extensive regulations encompassing various aspects of the building process, including insurance, building codes, worker agreements, union requirements, safety codes, and more [1]. Despite the presence of such comprehensive regulatory

frameworks, achieving construction compliance has proven to be challenging. Ensuring compliance from all stakeholders with the multitude of regulations is a formidable task. Non-compliance in construction has significant consequences, leading to increased project costs and posing substantial risks to life and property. Poor quality is observed in more than 80% of building projects, resulting in up to a 50% increase in building costs and potential project delays of the same magnitude [2]. [3] noted that the manual nature of construction compliance processes contributes to inefficiencies, leading to cost overruns in 66% of construction projects and schedule delays in 53% of projects. It has been estimated that effective quality management could save the UK construction industry up to £12 billion annually [4]. In the United States, the cost of rework due to construction deficiencies is

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estimated to range from 6% to 12% of the total construction cost [5]. Construction compliance presents a complex challenge with multiple variables. Although the onus is on the contractor to provide compliance, there is an urgent need to explore strategies for inspection and adherence to regulations. The paper addresses the challenges of construction compliance by undertaking a literature review on the compliance failures and breaks it down into three categories or parameters – process, behaviour and technology. The study tries to answer the question ‘Can the integration of digitalization, behavioural changes, and process improvement offer a viable solution to address noncompliance issues in the construction industry? It focuses on the role of each category in attributing to compliance failure and relies on literature to suggest ways to improve them. Further, the paper describes the barriers to effective compliance obtained in the literature review through the lens of the three parameters. Finally, the paper presents a holistic approach to effective compliance by improving each of the three parameters.

II METHODOLOGY To understand the challenges to construction compliances, it is important to look at the literature studies done in the past. [6] identified design-related activities as influential factors contributing to poor quality. Independent Working Group to Examine Defects in Housing, Ireland [7] reported in 2021 that between 1991 and 2013, 50% - 80% of the apartments and duplexes constructed in Ireland may be affected by one or more defects (fire safety, structural safety, or water ingress defect). Further, according to [8], 40% of quality failures occur during the construction stage. Compliance is a multivariate problem. Effective compliance is dependent on multiple factors which needs to work in harmony to achieve maximum compliance. From an initial survey of journal papers written about construction compliance, it was noted that compliance challenges can be broken down into three primary categories – process, behaviour, and technology. To do a literature review, each individual parameter was searched separately to find the best results. The keywords, ‘automation’, ‘artificial intelligence’, ‘robotic’, ‘sensors’ were used along with ‘construction compliance’ to select papers for the technology aspect. It was noted that using ‘automated construction compliance’ as a single keyword returned papers for automated design code checking which fell out of the purview of this study and was rejected. In the process category, to understand the current process of compliance checking of residential buildings in Ireland, the Building Control (Amendment) Regulations, Code of Practice and

other associated reports and documents ([9], [10], [11]) were consulted. Finally, for behavioural aspect of compliance, ‘compliance behaviour’, ‘worker behaviour’ and ‘behaviour practices at construction sites’ keywords were used. This initial search produced limited papers with a majority of them involving case-studies in corrupt or unethical construction practices in specific markets. To broaden the scope of literature, compliance behaviour in different industries and as a sociological theme was searched. Papers addressing patterns and theories of compliance behaviour were shortlisted.

III LITERATURE REVIEW a) Compliance Failures & Challenges The Grenfell Tower fire exposed significant shortcomings in regulatory oversight and responsibility. The official inquiries following the incident revealed a lack of clarity regarding accountability among various stakeholders involved, including the local government, building owners, contractors, and regulatory bodies. This lack of accountability hindered effective compliance monitoring and enforcement, allowing non-compliant practices to persist. The tower underwent a major refurbishment between 2012 and 2016, during which several modifications were made to the structure. An inquiries committee that was set up found several inadequacies in the fire systems that were in place. The absence of a comprehensive sprinkler system and effective fire-resistant compartmentation exacerbated the intensity of the fire. Firefighters had trouble getting water since there was no "wet riser," a conduit filled with water that ran up the building to be utilized in the case of a fire, and the building's smoke extraction system was not functioning. Additionally, the building's fire safety assessments failed to adequately identify and address potential risks, such as the absence of a centralized smoke extraction system and a deficient evacuation plan. Dr. Lane, who testified during the inquiry, stated that the 2016 installation of exposed gas pipes was another contributing factor, and that none of the flat doors complied with current fire protection regulations [12]. Similarly, the Priory Hall scandal, which unfolded in 2011 in Dublin, Ireland, shed light on the severe consequences that can result from a lack of compliance with building regulations and safety standards [13]. The complex's evacuation, prompted by fire hazards and numerous building defects, highlighted the failures of self-regulation, as well as the absence of post-construction inspections and oversight. The complex exhibited multiple issues that jeopardized the safety and well-being of its residents. The flooding of the underground car park shortly after completion revealed poor construction quality and

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inadequate waterproofing measures. Plumbing problems and faulty fire safety systems further compromised the integrity of the building. Additionally, unauthorized room constructions without proper planning permissions highlighted a disregard for regulatory compliance [14]. During the Celtic Tiger era, self-regulation was prevalent in the Irish construction industry. During Ireland's building boom between 1997 and 2007, a staggering 685,988 houses and apartments were constructed, according to ESB connections data. Troublingly, in October 2015, it was reported to the Dáil's Public Accounts Committee that 150 out of 300 vacant properties under the agency's control were identified as fire hazards, resulting in an expenditure of €100 million to rectify structural defects [15]. Furthermore, in 2021, the National Oversight and Audit Commission's Local Authority Performance Indicator Report revealed that 23 local authorities found over 90% of inspected dwellings to be noncompliant with the Standards' Regulations. Compliance regulations were often signed off during the planning and drawing stages, without thorough post-construction inspections [13]. Local authorities did not require an onsite representative for inspections, leading to oversight and a lack of accountability. As per the Code of Practice for Inspecting and Certifying Buildings and Works, 2016 [10] local authorities are only required to carry out inspections for 12% to 15% of new buildings for which valid Commencement Notices have been received. Even recently, the National Oversight and Audit Commission’s [16], shows that the inspection rate is abysmally low even with the effects of pandemic in mind. Although, the causes of compliance challenges seems varied, they can be sorted into three broad categories as described below. b) Classifying Compliance Issues: A Categorical Analysis Compliance Process The process of compliance checking in the Republic of Ireland follows the Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 2014 (BCAR) [9]. The Code of Practice for Inspecting and Certifying Building and Works 2016 [10] provides a guidance manual to associated parties in order to comply with the BCAR. The process of compliance prior to BCAR was heavily self-regulatory. There would have been no checks done from local authorities or independent bodies to verify the viability of the building. This self-regulatory approach, in general, creates several challenges. [17] highlighted the inconsistency among inspectors in interpreting compliance regulations to actual practice. [18]

conducted a survey on identifying building defect where it was found that inspections by multiple inspectors lack consistency. This issue stems, not from an individual cognition bias, but rather from a broader perspective of process chain establishment. After the implementation of BCAR [9], positive steps has been taken to upend the self-regulatory process with a more strict and independent compliance process. [10] provided guidance to tasks and functions that need to be carried out by each individual party. Further, necessary documents and checklists that need to be submitted to the local authority at each stage were clearly defined. This constitutes a pivotal stride towards attaining higher levels of compliance. However, it is necessary to engage in a meticulous deconstruction of construction compliance processes at the most foundational levels of construction activities, in order to realize enhanced degrees of regulatory conformance. [19] stated that the compliance process and monitoring for construction is very weakly defined and understood by people implementing it at all levels. There is a clear lack of understanding in the tasks and sequence of activities that need to be carried out for compliance [3]. [20] noted that field inspection is subjected to uncertainty and inconsistency because the level of education and training of the inspector varies. The education and training of inspectors, site supervisors and labours need to be made uniform, systemic and comprehensively straightforward. Furthermore, with proper systems in place, data collection and analysis through those systems depend highly on the inspector’s experience and the fragmentation of data [21]. [11] stated that the regulatory regime of Ireland remains dispersed across multiple authorities and the liability of defects are heavily skewed towards the inspectors/certifiers. Conflict of interests among certifiers possess yet another problem in maximising compliance [22]. Compliance Behaviour Compliance behaviour, specifically to construction, is a rarely reviewed research area. A significant number of studies dives into corrupt and unethical construction practices in specific regions or countries. Although human behaviour, is a culturally dependent concept, compliance behaviour can be interpreted in wider domains. To explore this area of study, certain studies from social sciences and psychology have been integrated in this review as listed below in Table 1. Table 1: Papers reviewed to understand the behavioural aspect of construction compliance.

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Key Findings

Implications for Construction Compliance

Olanrewaju & Lee


Most research about the poor quality of buildings are not conducted at the construction level but at design and handover level.

Competencies of the workers on the construction sites are very important determinants of the quality of the buildings.

Non-compliance is not only an incentivization problem. The paper presents 'resource' and 'autonomy' as two other factors responsible for lack of compliance. The rate of compliance depends on the perceived consequences of noncompliance and the importance of the issue to the general public. Frequency of compliance checking has a positive relation to overall compliance. Peer Effect - Compliance is likely to be higher when noncompliance is seen as socially unacceptable

Compliance checking by independent investigators must be frequent for adhering to compliance. Worker relations with their superior and colleagues plays an important role in enforcing compliance. Stricter punishment may not be an obvious deterrent without resource availability and autonomy among labours.

Compliance can be portrayed from an incentive & opportunity framework. Organizational Ethical Climate or “the consensus of organization members on ethical issues to support their ethical judgments and actions" plays a strong role in maintaining compliance standards. Decision making under various pressure situations affect compliance significantly.

Construction compliance will follow a top-down approach as organizational attitude is not a sum total of individual attitudes but skewed at the top. Theory of planned behaviour suggests that construction compliance can be affected positively if perceived costs of violations outweigh the potential benefits

Compliance program in China lacked due to “lack of related laws and regulations”, support from the “insufficient government”, “lack of authorization to the compliance department”, “shortage of compliance professionals”, and “lack of case studies”. A total of 18 barriers were revealed categorised into social, resource, managerial, and psychosocial barriers.

Solutions to these compliance challenges required proactive initiatives from top management in awareness, training and showing leadership and commitment to compliance. Advanced technology integration was found to have potential in helping maximising compliance.

[2] Weaver [23]

Liu et al. [24]

Luo et al. [25]




[23] studied the challenges and barriers to compliance when it comes to behaviour. The study found that non-compliant behaviour is not just an incentivisation problem which means that just by providing incentives to target people (people who implement compliance) or sanctioning them bear no fruitful relation to increasing or decreasing overall compliance. Individual behaviour is guided by multiple aspects including information availability, compliance capacity and willingness, and even peer effect.

Also, when it comes to construction compliance, [24] outlines different types of organisational behaviour that affects compliance at a project level. The study breaks down organisational behaviour using the Ethical Climate Theory (ECT) which categorises organisations based on the ethical climate it provides to its employees. The ethical climate was described as the relationship between four factors that influence rule violations [26] - structural secrecy, enforceability, procedural emphasis, and power imbalance. [2] showed that behaviours of site

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workers, materials and component installations, methods of construction, plant and equipment, and working environment all have a direct impact on the quality of the finished project. e) Compliance Technology Usage of technology is at a very nascent stage in the construction industry. There are several areas of research that have shown promise in relation to construction activities in general. For construction compliance specifically, technology implemented at sites cover several aspects – enforcing safety, visual monitoring, code checking sensors, and detecting defects. An important underlying philosophy in using advanced technology is to ensure proactive compliance enforcement approach rather than a reactive failure detection approach. The papers reviewed for this section are listed below in Table 2. According to [3] the construction inspection and monitoring process is still largely manual. The study explored the automation of construction inspection by classifying the process into 4 categories based on the type of work done by the technologies: data collection, information retrieval, progress estimation, visualization. The paper finds immense potential for cost and time savings in compliance processes with robot assistance wherein robots capture 360 views, provides compliance assurances based on automated compliance checking algorithms and marks items that need to be checked by an inspector. [28] developed a platform of intelligent agents that can observe, report and document defects passively on a construction site. The integration of VR along with GPS and IOT sensors can prove critical in certain compliance inspections. However, the role of these technologies are highly dependent on a good network connection and a certain level of BIM maturity. [27] explored technology such as basic cameras for video calls and photo capture as mediums of virtual inspection. This study highlighted the current scenario of remote inspections that has been carried out over the last few years. The study derived the advantages and disadvantages of virtual inspection based on time and financial implications, changes to the scope of the inspections, changing practices and technological innovation, and benefits to customers. Although this level of digitalisation can hardly be classified as automation, it is an important first step towards it. According to [30], the vision for an automated regulatory compliance system is complete when the physical asset has been certified and relevant automated checks are put in place for the O&M phase of the project. The study maps the entire process and produces a roadmap to achieve automation. An important highlight of this study is that complete automation is undesirable for industry professionals.

The concept of full automation still holds a significant level of uncertainty, making it challenging to clearly envision. As a result, the extent to which it is seen as undesirable might be indirectly connected to the importance of construction activities.

IV DISCUSSION a) Barriers To Efficient Compliance [24] considered organisational ethical barriers including incentives and sanctions, corruption, ethical climate, and individual attitudes towards compliance as the chief barriers. [3] showed lack of automation, data collection and analysis accuracy, education, and training to professionals as major barriers to compliance. [25] suggested lack of related laws and regulations, insufficient support from the government, lack of authorization to the compliance department, shortage of compliance professionals, and lack of case studies as major barriers to ethical practice. In all the papers, these barriers are seen as independent variables. Arguably, a better understanding of these barriers can be found while analysing them through the lens of process-behaviour-technology construct. Each of these barriers are caused due to a lack in either of the above three parameters. To improve compliance, these barriers need to be addressed in relation to the three key elements of compliance. According to the literature, thirteen barriers to compliance can be listed. These barriers can be grouped as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1: Categorisation of Compliance Barriers

Table 2: Papers reviewed to understand the technological advancement in construction compliance.

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Author Halder




Technology used


Managerial perspective robotics


Mott et al.




Basic cameras for video calls and photo capture. Market available products reviewed: ⬧HoloBuilder ⬧StructionSite ⬧QuicaBot ⬧H3Dynamics







Market available products reviewed: ⬧Nimble VR ⬧Prio VR ⬧SmartRock2 ⬧Daqri et



ReID (reidentification machine learning model)


Literature review automated compliance


Beach et al. [30]

Intelligent cameras, RFID, sensors, VR




The automation of construction inspection has been classified in 4 categories based on the type of work done by the technologies: data collection, information retrieval, progress estimation, and visualization. Robots can capture 360 view and pinpoints items that need to be checked by inspector. Frequency of manual inspection can be reduced as the robot can act as a first investigator of inspection.

Extent of human-robot partnership remains doubtful as human interpretation of compliance is more than code checking. Although the pre-inspection and post inspection administrative duties can be automated, the inspection stage poses a complex challenge. Levels of non-compliance needs to be integrated in this human-robot environment to prevent excessive work stoppages.

Virtual inspection of building codes for energy inspections - case studies on 5 countries: Australia, Canada, Singapore, UAE, US. The quality of virtual inspections is dependent on the accuracy of the information received and the ability of the inspector to verify that information. Virtual inspections can be more cost-effective by saving inspection, travel, and administrative costs.

Follows basic video calling for remote monitoring and inspection. Contractors being inspected can show only what they want to.

Virtual reality - provides spatial cognizance to professionals from BIM data. Three main applications of the Internet of Things in off-site manufacturing - supply chains, factories, and products. Cloud-based GPS working along with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip technologies are going to enable the demanded visibility between the manufacturer, the suppliers, the distribution centre, the retailer, and the customer Multiple camera tracking with nonoverlapping field views can capture larger view fields and larger scope of works. Worker identification can be done with a reidentification model that remembers each worker based on definitive features and reduces false positives.

VR technology highly dependent on BIM maturity.

Likely adoption of automated compliance remains partial among industry professionals surveyed. Full automation is not desirable as per survey. Twelve obstacles (in three categories – Technical, Political and Commercialisation) to automated compliance were generated based on academic literature and ranked by industry professionals.

Levels of automation may not be a similar across all construction activities. A bottom-up approach may work in some instances.

Compliance remains largely manual as inspectors can only check what they are shown through video calling.

Use of IOT sensors and GPS under poor network conditions remains an integral problem.

The cost mechanics of this multi-camera approach remains unstudied as it can have a serious impact on project cost. The multi-camera approach needs to be tested in differing weather and low light conditions to check viability.

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Incentives/Sanctions and Enforcement are process issues that need to be dealt with better regulations and further improvements in the compliance process. Ethics and corruption, both on an individual level and organisational level, are solely influenced by behaviours. Improvements in behaviour can change people mind-set on the need for compliance and negate rule violations. Technological investment can help improve the data accuracy and data storage issues of compliance. Also, a lot of time can be saved when specific digital solutions can be integrated into the compliance process. Further, education and training to inspectors remain lacking because of weak processes and lack of technology investments. Similarly, data collection can be improved when the right processes are in place with the right kind of technology employed. All, these improvements result in better handling of resources and reduces wastage. Capacity, as defined in [23], is the control people have over their decisions to comply with regulations. This autonomy can be instilled by making changes in behaviour as well as implementing technological solutions that bring back control to individual inspectors. Willingness, or the information and cognition problem, attitude and belief problem and peer effects, can be improved by modifying both the processes in place as well as behaviours of individual people. Finally, construction methods employed depending on the type of project, region, materials, and resources available is a combination of all the three key aspects of compliance. While ensuring compliance, it is important to align the construction methods with the processes, behaviour, and technology available in that project.

Advantages and disadvantages of independent third-party compliance authority and minimising conflicts of interest among parties. Research on more advanced digital platforms for streamlined documentation and permit acquisition. Potential of blockchain technology for secure and transparent recordkeeping of compliance-related activities. Development of comprehensive compliance training programs for all construction personnel. Behaviour

Requirement of industry-wide codes of ethics to guide ethical behaviour and decision-making. Research on breakdown of individual construction activity and relevant technology that can check its compliance Utilization of BIM as a gateway to check compliant data and store reports

b) Holistic Approach To Efficient Compliance The three pillars essential for maximizing compliance are interdependent, requiring substantial enhancements in each area to achieve meaningful improvements in overall compliance. The impact of these improvements in one pillar on the other two pillars must be carefully analysed to understand their interconnected nature. Harnessing this knowledge of interdependence among the three pillars, the future research focus for automated compliance can be listed below in Table 3. Table 3: Future research focus categorised under the three pillars of construction compliance. Pillar

Future Research Focus/Trends


Research on robust systems, protocols, and workflows at ground levels to guide construction activities.

Research on the value of rewardbased system to recognize and incentivize compliant behaviour.


Research on machine learning algorithms to analyse compliance patterns and predict potential violations. Utilization of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) for immersive compliance training experiences.

These three pillars—process, behaviour, and technology—form an interdependent framework that collectively contributes to the maximization of compliance in construction projects. By addressing each pillar comprehensively, stakeholders can foster a culture of compliance, streamline construction processes, and harness the potential of technological advancements to achieve higher standards of compliance in the industry.

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V CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, the construction industry continues to face significant challenges in achieving compliance, leading to substantial risks, cost overruns, and compromised safety. Despite the critical need for improved compliance practices, there is a lack of research and attention towards automation in construction compliance. Understanding compliance challenges and barriers through the framework of the three pillars—process, behaviour, and technology— provides a comprehensive perspective. There also exists a research gap in comprehensively understanding the barriers to automating compliance checks at sites. The discussion on digitalisation cannot be removed from the aspects of process and behaviour. By addressing these pillars conjunctively, including enhancing procedural frameworks, promoting responsible behaviour, and leveraging technological advancements, stakeholders can lay the foundation for making a positive impact on compliance in construction. Research needs to be done by carrying out surveys and interviews about the specific challenges to compliance and creating a comprehensive framework to address them. Further, digital technologies for compliance needs to be tested in simulated environments along with necessary process improvements and behaviour changes to effect change.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023

Framework for the implementation of a BIM-Based Data Analytics approach for Construction Adjudication within the United Kingdom Babamide Britto1 and Ibrahim Motawa2 Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Ulster University, Belfast, UK E-mail:


Construction projects are intricate endeavors that involve multiple parties, complex procedures, and a substantial allocation of time and resources. Despite meticulous planning and implementation, disagreements frequently occur during the progression of a construction project. Adjudication is a widely utilised method for resolving these disputes. However, the traditional method of adjudication can be subjective, given the limited timeframe in which a claim must be submitted and a verdict reached in addition to other issues related to limiting the decision to the documents alone, limiting the period for individual submissions, or refusing further submissions in order to reduce the duration and cost of the adjudication process. A digital approach can offer a promising solution to these challenges by providing a more objective, data-driven construction adjudication. This research aims to develop a framework for the implementation of a BIM-based Data Analytics approach for Construction Adjudication that addresses the perceptions, ethical, and security considerations. Thorough literature review and semistructured interviews with professional adjudicators has been conducted to gather perceptions and experiences of data analytics in construction adjudication in order to develop the proposed framework. The framework will help digitising and improving the adjudication process to overcome the identified problems above. Keywords ̶ Dispute Resolution, Construction Adjudication, Data Analytics

I INTRODUCTION Modern adjudication is a process of resolving disputes in the construction industry that emerged in the late 20th century. The construction industry has a long history of generating disputes, particularly related to payment, delays, variations, and additional expenses. These disputes can be costly and timeconsuming, often leading to litigation or arbitration which highlights the need for a faster and more efficient way of resolving disputes [1]. Despite the availability of an extended timeframe, there still exist instances where a party may disagree with the adjudicator's decision and appeal, based on grounds of jurisdiction or natural justice, due to the methods used by adjudicators to streamline the process, such as limiting the decision to the documents alone, limiting the period for individual submissions, or refusing further submissions, in order to reduce the duration and cost of the adjudication process [2]. Digital approaches have been acknowledged to offer a promising solution to these challenges and provide a more objective, data-driven construction adjudication. This paper presents a framework for the implementation of a BIM-based Data Analytics approach for Construction Adjudication that can offer a promising solution to the challenges above by providing a more objective data-driven construction adjudication. and addressing the perceptions, ethical,

and security considerations. The framework will help digitising and improving the adjudication process to overcome the identified problems above.

II BACKGROUND In the UK, the Michael Latham report, "Constructing the Team," published in 1994, was a driving force behind the implementation of adjudication in the construction industry. The report called for a fundamental change in the way construction projects were managed and recommended the introduction of adjudication as a way to resolve disputes quickly and cost-effectively. The subsequent Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 introduced statutory adjudication in the UK construction industry, adjudication has become a common method of dispute resolution [3]. Adjudication offers a fast and cost-effective way of resolving disputes between parties involved in construction projects, without the need for lengthy and expensive court proceedings. Adjudication is a process where a neutral third party, called an adjudicator, is appointed to resolve a dispute between the parties. The adjudicator is usually an expert in construction-law and has the power to make a binding decision that is enforceable by the courts [3, 4]. The adjudication process commences through the service of a notice of adjudication by one party to

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 the other, which should contain information on the nature of the dispute, relief sought, relevant documents, and the proposed adjudicator. The adjudicator appointed must possess relevant knowledge, be impartial and independent. The adjudicator is granted 28 days to make a decision that is binding on the parties and can be enforced in the courts. During the adjudication process, the parties can submit written and oral evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and make submissions. The adjudicator must decide impartially, based on the evidence presented [5]. However, the adjudicator's decision is not final and can be challenged through arbitration or litigation. The Construction Act provides a mechanism for the enforcement of adjudication decisions. The use of adjudication in the UK construction industry has been successful in reducing the time and costs associated with resolving disputes. A significant proportion of adjudicatory processes typically take between 29 to 42 days, as reported by the Association of Adjudicators, with approximately 20% taking between 43 to 75 days, taking into account that both parties must agree to the extension of time for the adjudication. This has made adjudication a popular choice for resolving disputes, particularly in cases where time is of the essence [4, 6]. However, it should be noted that in certain cases, it can result in substantial expenses and prolonged proceedings; nonetheless, it can prove to be advantageous, particularly in the context of largerscale projects. This may in part be due to the increasing cost of legal representation particularly in complex disputes. One criticism is that the process can be biased towards the party with more financial resources or legal expertise. This can result in an unfair outcome for the other party. Another criticism is that the short timeframe of adjudication can lead to rushed decisions or longer timeframe due to the limited response time within the adjudication process [7]. When considering the cost of adjudication, adjudicators typically spend between 40 and 56 hours per adjudication. However, the cost can vary widely depending on the complexity of the case and the amount of time required to resolve the dispute. The prevailing opinion among professionals is that adjudication is progressively becoming more expensive. Despite the potential for errors, the majority of adjudication cases are not appealed [2]. This suggests that the decisions made by adjudicators are generally accepted by the parties involved. Although, the slip rule allows the adjudicator to correct any errors made in the decision of which most adjudicators allow for, but the slip rule errors are only limited to typographical or arithmetic error and do not change the decision itself only numerical values or grammatical errors. All these short comings highlight

the potential for data analytics to aid in the adjudication process.

III DATA ANALYTICS IN LEGAL SECTOR Data analytics offers a promising solution to these challenges by providing a more objective, data-driven approach to construction adjudication. By analyzing vast amounts of construction and contract data, through the use of text-mining and logic based models it is possible to identify trends, patterns, and relationships that can inform the adjudicator’s decision making and help resolve disputes more efficiently [8]. Moreover, data analytics can also support better project planning, risk management, and continuous improvement, making it a valuable tool for all stakeholders involved in construction projects and can potentially reduce instances of construction dispute all together. The use of data analytics in adjudication has been the subject of various studies and research. In the field of UK construction adjudication, a comprehensive understanding of relevant legislation, case law examples, and legal literature is crucial for the adjudicator to make well-reasoned adjudication decisions. However, conducting legal research can be a lengthy and meticulous process, which is why there has been a growing interest in using AI-based legal research applications to speed up this process such as LexisNexis [9], Anylaw and West law. In addition, courts and state organizations have developed their own legal research operating systems, such as the Supreme Court of India's SUPACE and the AI-based Prometea application used by the Argentinian Court. These systems use AI technologies to analyze and present legal information, making legal research processes more efficient [10, 11]. Furthermore, the Hangzhou Internet Court has deployed an intelligent evidence analysis system that employs blockchain, artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing technologies [12]. In the United States, several states use COMPAS in criminal cases [13]. Two areas where these technologies are particularly useful are litigation data collation and due diligence contract review. AI-powered applications can automate and streamline this process by extracting relevant content from contracts and summarizing it into searchable reports. These tools use natural language processing and machine learning to recognize relevant textual data, reducing the amount of manual work required and potentially increasing accuracy [14]. It is worth noting that the automated proposals resulting from AI processes may not cover all aspects of the case but can still be suitable for resolving disputes. The final decision rests with the human judge who can approve the proposal or alter it if they disagree with certain parts based on their own convictions or research [12].

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 A study conducted by Eugene [15] examined the use of AI and data analytics in construction dispute resolution. The study identified three main areas where data analytics could be used to improve the construction dispute resolution process. These areas are: predicting the likelihood of disputes, identifying the causes of disputes, and predicting the outcome of disputes. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) is a type of ADR that has gained considerable attention in academic literature. ODR involves the use of information and communication technologies, particularly the internet, to resolve disputes outside of the traditional litigation process. ODR can be used to adjudicate or resolve disputes partially or fully, using technology-mediated interfaces, and is sometimes referred to as the "fourth party," alongside the disputants and the neutral third party (such as a mediator, arbitrator or adjudicator) [16]. AI adjudication is a new paradigm that seeks to empower the predecessor of ODR. It offers two hallmarks of codified justice: efficiency by maximizing resources and uniformity or elimination of bias and arbitrariness. AI adjudication utilizes reactive communication tools used by parties to the dispute [17]. In construction dispute management, the analysis of historical dispute cases has been leveraged to obtain relevant information from unstructured text documents. Researchers have proposed various models, including case-based reasoning and natural language processing, to identify frequently appearing patterns and themes associated with construction defect litigation. Recent advancements in unstructured text data analytics have attempted to address these limitations, with researchers leveraging text mining techniques to extract valuable insights from vast amounts of documents. For example, the use of text mining has facilitated the efficient extraction of contractual knowledge from contract documents, enabling quick access and efficient use of such knowledge for project management and contract administration [12]. However, it is important to note that while advancements in text mining techniques offer promising solutions, they also present potential ethical concerns related to privacy and confidentiality. As such, it is crucial for researchers to consider the ethical implications of their work and prioritize the protection of sensitive information [18].

IV METHODOLOGY The aim of this study is to examine the use of data analytics in construction adjudication in the UK. To achieve this aim, the study will employ a qualitative research design using thematic analysis of interviews conducted with professional adjudicators and solicitors that allows for an in-depth exploration of

the experiences and perspectives of professional adjudicators and solicitors on the use of data analytics in construction adjudication. Thematic analysis allows the identification of patterns and themes within qualitative data, providing a detailed exploration of the research question. Moreover, thematic analysis allows for the examination of multiple perspectives and experiences, which is essential in studies with diverse participants. It is also a flexible method that can be applied to various research questions and data types, making it accessible to novice researchers [19]. Thematic analysis does not require theory to guide analysis and is purely inductive, which allows for a more exploratory approach to the research question. Additionally, it provides considerable flexibility regarding the type and amount of data that can be analyzed and the theoretical and epistemological frameworks that can be employed. To adhere to best practices when conducting thematic analysis, it is essential to explicitly stating the theoretical or epistemological framework and the role of theory in the analysis, engaging in interpretive work rather than mere description, and deriving themes from the data that are internally consistent and representative of the data set as a whole. It is also crucial to be mindful of potential weaknesses in the analysis, such as unsupported claims or overlapping themes. By following best practices, researchers can conduct rigorous and high-quality thematic analyses [20]. In this research, discussion on the independent and dependent variables (cause and effect) related to the use of data analytics in construction adjudication will be presented. The researcher seeks to understand whether the use of data analytics causes an improvement in the effectiveness of construction adjudication. The independent variable, perceived use of data analytics by adjudicators, is measured to determine its influence on the dependent variable, the effectiveness and need for data analytics in construction adjudication as perceived by adjudicators to determine their relationship. The responses of adjudicators provide insight into how data analytics affects the effectiveness and need for it in construction adjudication. The relationship is crucial in determining the adoption and implementation of data analytics in the industry. The hypothesis for this research is that the use of data analytics to analyze project data, identify potential disputes, and make more informed decisions, construction adjudicators will be able to resolve disputes more efficiently and satisfactorily.

V DATA COLLECTION Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with professional adjudicators and solicitors who have experience in construction adjudication and

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 the use of data analytics in the United Kingdom. The sampling strategy for this study involved purposive sampling, a type of non-probability sampling. Purposive sampling involves selecting participants based on specific characteristics that are relevant to the research question. In this study, professional adjudicators and solicitors who have experience with construction adjudication were selected. The sample was drawn from a range of professional backgrounds, including legal practitioners, arbitrators, adjudicators, and experts in construction disputes resolution. In order to gain insight into the studied topic, the researcher conducted a series of interviews with adjudicators in the United Kingdom. The researcher used their professional networks on LinkedIn Premium and online databases to identify potential participants who met the selection criteria. The researcher also reached out to professional associations and regulatory bodies such as the RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors), TECSA Accredited Adjudicators Panel and UKA Adjudicators nominating body to identify potential participants. The sample size for the interviews was determined based on the principle of data saturation, which is the point at which no new information or themes emerge from the data collected. The researcher conducted interviews until they reached data saturation. A total of 8 adjudicators were interviewed for this study. There are several reasons why this sample size was limited, which can impact the interpretation of the findings. Despite reaching out to a total of 48 adjudicators via email and contacting bodies like the RICS via LinkedIn and email, the researcher faced challenges in getting a higher number of participants. Many adjudicators stated that they had no experience with data analytics in construction adjudication and did not feel that they could contribute meaningfully to the study. The interviews were conducted in 25 minutes to one hour depending on the availability of the participants. A set of open-ended questions were used to guide the conversation, but participants were also encouraged to discuss their experiences and opinions in their own words. The questions were designed to explore the use of data analytics in construction adjudication, the benefits and challenges associated with its use, and the factors that influence its implementation.

VI DATA ANALYSIS As part of the thematic analysis process for this research, the interview transcripts were imported into NVivo 12 to begin the coding process. The coding process involved the identification of patterns and themes in the data, and the assignment of codes to these patterns and themes. This process involved a systematic approach to organizing and analyzing the data to ensure that all relevant information was captured. The codes were developed based on the

research questions and interview questions. For example, codes related to characteristics of data were developed based on interview questions related to data privacy, data security, and data sources. Similarly, codes related to implementation and adoption were developed based on interview questions related to barriers to using data analytics and the challenges associated with implementing data analytics in the context of construction adjudication. The coding process was iterative, and the codes were refined and updated as additional interviews were conducted. As patterns and themes emerged, new codes were added, and existing codes were reorganized or merged with other codes. Once all interviews were coded, the next step was to identify common themes and patterns across the codes. This involved grouping similar codes together and refining them into larger themes. For example, codes related to characteristics of data were grouped into a larger theme called "Data Governance and Management" This process involved reviewing the codes and determining how they fit together to provide an overarching theme or concept. Based on the codes generated from the interviews with construction adjudicators, the proposed framework for the implementation of a BIM-based Data Analytics approach for Construction Adjudication was developed, as shown in Figure 1.

Data Governance and Management

• Data privacy and security • Data governance • Data quality and availability • Internal data sources • External data sources • Cost of data analytics implementation • Expertise in adjudication • Resistance to change • Training and education

Implementatio n and Adoption

Technology and Emerging Trends

Digital Construction Adjudication

Ethical and Legal Implications

Perceived Benefits and Limitations

• Artificial Intelligence • Emerging technology • Purpose of data analytics

• Compliance • Ethics • Government and policy • Legal implications

• Competitive advantage • Improved decision making • Improved transparency and accountability • Increased efficiency • Legal and regulatory challenges

Fig. 1: Framework for the implementation of a BIMbased Data Analytics approach for Construction Adjudication

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 a) Data Governance and Management The rationale for this theme is that it covers all aspects of data management and governance related to the use of data analytics in construction adjudication. It encompasses the policies and procedures related to collecting, storing, and managing data, both from internal and external sources. b) Implementation and Adoption This theme covers the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing and adopting data analytics in construction adjudication. It includes codes related to the perceived barriers to using data analytics, such as lack of expertise and resistance to change, as well as the cost of implementation. The theme also addresses the need for training and education to overcome these challenges. c) Technology and Emerging Trends This theme covers the potential impact of technology and emerging trends (specially BIM-based technologies) on the use of data analytics in construction adjudication. It includes codes related to the use of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies and their potential impact on the future of adjudication. d) Ethical and Legal Implications This theme covers the ethical and legal considerations related to the use of data analytics in construction adjudication. It includes codes related to compliance, ethics, and government policy, as well as the legal and regulatory challenges that must be taken into account when using data analytics in construction adjudication. e) Perceived Benefits and Limitations This theme captures the potential benefits and drawbacks associated with the use of data analytics in construction adjudication. It includes codes related to the perceived advantages of data analytics, such as improved decision-making and increased efficiency, as well as the legal and regulatory challenges that may arise. The theme also addresses the perceived limitations of data analytics.

VII DISCUSSION During the interviews, it became apparent that many of the adjudicators had little knowledge or experience with data analytics in construction adjudication. This could be a potential barrier to the adoption and effective use of data analytics in construction adjudication. It is important to note that this lack of familiarity could be due to several factors such as limited exposure to data analytics, lack of training and

education, or a perceived lack of relevance of data analytics to construction adjudication. This finding emphasizes the need for education and training for adjudicators on the use and benefits of data analytics in construction adjudication. It also highlights the importance of developing user-friendly tools and platforms that can assist adjudicators in using data analytics to improve decision-making in construction disputes. The theme of Data Management and Governance highlighted concerns regarding the privacy and security of data. The issue of privacy that people may not want their dispute cases to be analyzed in public, and that competitors may take advantage of information they acquire. This indicates the need for proper data management and governance practices to ensure that data is secure and used appropriately. Regarding the veracity of submissions given to adjudicators, some interviewees stated that there are no steps being taken to check the accuracy of the information provided. This is particularly concerning since adjudication involves arguing over who is correct and who is wrong, and inaccurate information could lead to unfair outcomes. Therefore, proper data governance practices, such as data verification and validation, are necessary to ensure the accuracy and reliability of data. The external sources of data mentioned by most interviewees were case law. This highlights the importance of data management in ensuring that relevant case law is properly documented and easily accessible to adjudicators. This also raises the question of how emerging technologies, such as AI and data analytics, could potentially be used to analyze case law and provide insights to adjudicators. Internal sources of data were mainly unstructured text data, such as party submissions, witness statements, and expert reports. This reinforces the need for proper data management practices to ensure that this data is easily searchable and accessible to adjudicators. It also highlights the potential for emerging technologies to be used to analyze and extract insights from unstructured text data. BIM-based data management systems are clearly linked to this theme and have been identified as one of the key emerging technologies to support the adoption of Data Analytics tools in construction adjudication. The integration of BIM models with non-numerical data sources related to various construction practices have shown advanced use of BIM in managing more complex construction practices such as those developed by the author [21] in using Case-Based-Reasoning to analyse previous building maintenance cases that also includes descriptive data. Other application was developed using Spoken Dialogue Systems to capture verbal data into BIM systems [22]. Construction

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 adjudication is considered one of these complex practices as it involves consideration of both numerical and non-numerical data. Other data analytics and AI techniques have also the potential to provide advanced functions to BIM-based systems. Figure 2 below shows the architecture of a proposed BIM-based data management system for Construction adjudication.

AI Analytics module

XML protocol

IFC protocol BIM module

XML protocol

Multi-media module for construction adjudication data

Fig. 2: Architecture of a proposed BIM-based data management system for Construction adjudication. The theme of ethical and legal implications of using data analytics in construction adjudication was also raised by some interviewees. One interviewee did not see any ethical issue with data analytics not being widely available to all parties, stating that it is the commercial reality of the world we live in. However, others highlighted the bias and credibility of the data being used as an ethical consideration. They emphasized the importance of professional judgment and working in the best interests of the client, and expressed concern about the possibility of bias being built into the system. In terms of governance and policy, some interviewees did not see the need for any statutory changes, as they found the current system to work perfectly well. However, others felt that a centralized database would require statutory backing or acceptance. One interviewee raised a legal implication, stating that the adjudicator is not meant to go off on their own and make decisions without the party's agreement and knowledge, and that the process is restricted to 28 days. The theme of implementation and adoption, one of the main barriers to using data analytics, according to one interviewee, is convincing people to use it. Another interviewee pointed out that there are very few Adjudicators who make a full-time living out of being an Adjudicator.

The cost of data analytics implementation was also discussed, with one interviewee expressing skepticism about its widespread adoption. Resistance to change was another factor that came up, with one interviewee noting that some seasoned lawyers might struggle to adapt to new technology. In terms of perceived benefits and limitations of using data analytics in the adjudication process, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what data analytics can and can't do, as well as how to use it effectively, in order to achieve meaningful results. An interviewee highlighted the potential competitive advantage that could arise if an adjudicator was frequently put forward by particular firms, which could create a conflict of interest. However, the interviewee also highlighted the potential for improved decision making through the use of data analytics. An interviewee discussed how a risk profile could be built up over time to identify key risk indicators and assess the likelihood of certain outcomes. Successful implementation of data analytics in adjudication will require platforms geared towards adjudication and word of mouth promotion to publicize its success. An interviewee also believes that data analytics should be a tool relied upon by parties in the dispute to improve their case, rather than a tool used by adjudicators themselves. It was also highlighted that adjudicators are tasked with making decisions based on the law and the facts presented in a case, and they must weigh multiple factors and consider the unique circumstances of each case. While data analytics can assist with some aspects of this decision-making process, it cannot replace the essential role of the adjudicator. Data analytics may serve solicitors and other parties arguing their case by helping them make more informed decisions and present a stronger case. By analyzing large amounts of data, lawyers can identify patterns and trends that may be relevant to their case. For example, data analytics can help lawyers identify common arguments made by opposing counsel or trends in how certain types of cases are decided. This information can be used to develop a more effective legal strategy and make a more compelling argument. Additionally, data analytics can help lawyers make more informed decisions about which cases to take on and how to allocate resources. By analyzing data on previous cases, lawyers can identify which types of cases are more likely to be successful and which ones are not worth pursuing. This can help them make better decisions about which cases to take on and how to allocate resources such as time and money.

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VIII CONCLUSIONS The framework for the implementation of data analytics in construction adjudication can be developed from the findings of the research discussed. The framework would need to include the following components: • Education and training for adjudicators on the use and benefits of data analytics in construction adjudication to overcome the lack of familiarity among adjudicators. • User-friendly tools and platforms that can assist adjudicators in using data analytics. • Proper data management and governance practices to ensure that data is secure and used appropriately. This would include data verification and validation to ensure the accuracy and reliability of data. • The proper management of external sources of data, such as case law, and internal sources of data, such as party submissions, to ensure that they are easily searchable and accessible to adjudicators, solicitors and the parties involved. • The ethical and legal implications of using data analytics in construction adjudication need to be considered. This would include the bias and credibility of the data being used as ethical considerations. Professional judgment and working in the best interests of the client must be ensured to avoid the possibility of bias being built into the system. • The potential for emerging technologies, such as AI and data analytics, to be used to analyze case law and unstructured text data, thereby extracting insights from the data. The implementation of this framework would enable the effective use of data analytics in construction adjudication, leading to improved decision-making and more fair outcomes. The integration of BIM and digitization processes as well as a central platform for correspondence between parties will prove integral in the implementation of data analytics in the construction industry. In conclusion, while data analytics has the potential to benefit construction adjudication, most adjudicators do not currently view it as a means of improving their process. This could be due to a lack of familiarity with the technology and a preference for traditional decision-making methods. However, as more research is conducted and the potential of data analytics is demonstrated, it is likely that more adjudicators will see the value in its use. It is important to note that the industry may not be entirely ready for the implementation of data analytics at present. Some stakeholders may require additional education and time to fully understand the

capabilities of data analytics and how it can be used to improve dispute resolution. Therefore, it is essential to recognize that the implementation of new technology requires careful consideration and planning, particularly when it comes to ethical and legal considerations such as data privacy and algorithmic bias. To address this issue, ongoing education and training should be provided to all stakeholders involved in construction adjudication, including adjudicators, lawyers, and parties to disputes. This education should cover not only the potential benefits of data analytics but also the potential risks and ethical considerations involved. By providing stakeholders with a better understanding of data analytics and how it can be used effectively and ethically, the industry can move towards a more informed and data-driven approach to dispute resolution. Moreover, the industry should also take into account that data analytics implementation requires not only education but also technical expertise and investment. It is important to ensure that the implementation of data analytics is appropriate for the specific context and needs of each case. This will require a collaborative effort among stakeholders to identify and address the challenges and limitations of data analytics in construction adjudication, and to develop best practices and guidelines for its use.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 [6] Safinia Sian (2014). A Review on Dispute Resolution Methods in UK Construction Industry. International Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 3, 105–108. [7] Agapiou, A. (2013). UK construction participants’ experiences of adjudication. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Management, Procurement and Law 166, 137–144. [8] Lee, J., Ham, Y., and Yi, J.-S. (2021). Construction Disputes and Associated Contractual Knowledge Discovery Using Unstructured TextHeavy Data: Legal Cases in the United Kingdom. Sustainability 13, 9403. [9] LexisNexis (2023) Online Legal Research Platform | LexisNexis [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 5.9.23). [10] Gustavo, J. and Co-Director, C. (2020). Prometea: Artificial Intelligence to transform justice and public organizations. International Journal of Digital and Data Law 6. [11] Snehanshu, S. (2021). Supreme Court embraces Artificial Intellegence, CJI Bobde says won’t let AI spill over to decision-making [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 5.9.23). [12] Chronowski, N., Kálmán, K., and SzentgáliTóth, B. (2021). Artificial Intelligence, Justice, and Certain Aspects of Right to a Fair Trial. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Legal Studies 10, 169– 189. [13] Equivant (2019). Practitioner’s Guide to COMPAS Core. Northpointe Inc. [14] Martin Katz, D., Bommarito, M.J. and Blackman, J. (2017). A general approach for predicting the behavior of the Supreme Court of the United States. PLoS One 12. [15] Eugene, V. (2019). Chief Justice Robots. Duke Law J 68, 1135–1192. [16] Mohd Shith Putera, N.S.F., Saripan, H., Abu Hassan, R. and Abdullah, S.M. (2021). Artificial Intelligence for Construction Dispute Resolution: Justice of the Future. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 11. [17] Ojiako, U., Chipulu, M., Marshall, A. and Williams, T. (2018). An examination of the ‘rule of law’ and ‘justice’ implications in Online Dispute Resolution in construction projects. International

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Early Collaboration

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Promoting Early Collaboration, Communication and Leveraging the Use of BIM between Project Stakeholders for the Generation of Effective Knowledge in Information Protocols Khin S. Myat1, Mahmoud Alhawamdeh2 School of Science, Engineering and Built Environment University of Salford, Manchester, UK 2 E-mail: 1

Knowledge is a major asset for every organisation in the construction industry because it forms the basis of effective decision-making, thereby providing them with a competitive advantage. Knowledge management (KM) in construction projects is important in facilitating improvements in decision-making, creating value and increasing productivity. The concept of BIM can facilitate KM by enabling project parties (appointing and appointed) to share information and access knowledge in a coordinated manner. It can also enhance communication and collaboration among project members by capturing, storing, representing, and sharing/transferring knowledge represented building models, as well as auditing it for retrieval data. Although BIM ensures knowledge represented building models in part of a fast-tracking system, collaboration and effective communication between project members is a critical strategy that can improve KM and delivers competitive advantages for information management (IM) in construction projects. The main aim of this research paper is to explore how collaboration and communication through the adoption of BIM contributes to KM in construction projects. The research strategy adopted is that of an integrative literature review. Drawing on relevant literature on the significance of BIM and early collaboration and communication between key project members in ensuring effective knowledge generation in information protocols, the paper presents insights into the status of current KM problems in construction projects and leveraging the use of BIM in knowledge represented building models management. The findings reveal that the capability of KM is enhanced by early collaboration, communication, and leveraging the use of BIM at the early project phases as this provides an interactive information flow in the knowledge generation management (i.e. research outcome) that is transparently accessible and workable in a collaborative environment for multi-disciplinary project members. The proposed knowledge generating workflow, which is the main contribution of the paper, consists of six steps and is based on the adoption of a BIM-enabled KM life-cycle approach. This paper concludes that this workflow can benefit all project stakeholders from the appointing, lead appointed, and appointed parties by introducing collaborative KM process throughout the project lifecycle under a BIM environment. Keywords - Early Collaboration and Communication, Building Information Models/Building Information Modelling/Management (BIM), Knowledge Management, Knowledge Generating Model, Collaborative Knowledge Management.


The construction industry is both knowledge-intensive and knowledge-generating; however, challenges exist in terms of capturing and sharing knowledge of best practices and lessons learnt within and across projects [1]. This is primarily due to the multi-disciplinary, multiorganisational, and temporary nature of construction projects which cause valuable knowledge to remain with individuals and/or become lost with time [2]. Specifically, project teams are regrettably disbanded after each project without adequately capturing and storing important data of the project for future use. As a result, the fragmentary and transient nature of construction

projects makes it difficult for information to be communicated among project members [3]. The nature of construction projects, including uncertainties, risks, interdependencies, and substantial complexity results in project delays and fragmentations in project activities [4]. Reviews on the problems associated with the information management (IM) of construction projects reveal that the principal sources of confusion and disagreements between project teams are communication breakdown and information bottlenecks between the client and the contractor, misunderstandings between engineers and architects due to the lack of collaboration and

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 poor communication, as well as a lack of consistency in the information flow of the project as it progresses [5]. To improve these challenges, BIM acts as an innovative and centralised database that contains intelligent input information related to building models that are interconnected with information modelling through visualisation, simulation, and interactions in data/information management [2]. BIM enables project teams to easily access their required knowledge and information [6], thus reducing information asymmetry between project members, as well as reducing project uncertainty and risk. Furthermore, BIM is a process for creating and managing information on a construction project across the project lifecycle [6] and the key output of this process is the Building Information Models (BIMs). These BIMs should be managed coordinatively at the early phase of the construction project where early collaboration, communication and the potential of building information models (BIM) management at the early project phases between project stakeholders are essential to generate effective knowledge in information protocols (i.e. the building information/ information models) via smooth information flows and data coordination [7]. Hence, in this article, it is focused on BIM at the early which can support the processes of designing, constructing and operating a building with the use of knowledge generating workflow that is detailed discussed in the research outcome and providing electronic objectorientated information, i.e. BIMs (including knowledge represented in the project/asset information models that are critically important to manage for smooth flows in information and data exchange throughout the project handover and facility operation management) of the project lifecycle [8]. Thus, in this research paper, the significance of BIMs management at the early project phases, early collaboration and communication between key project members are important to consider in order to develop via a new knowledge generation workflow ensuring enhanced KM processes in BIM based on exploratory research study. On the other hand, Information is achieved from data in a specific context, and interpretation, abstraction or association of data leads to the generation of information. As a result, knowledge is obtained by experiencing and learning from this information and putting it into action [8]. Hence, knowledge is not directly available but is obtained by interpretation of information deduced from the analysis of data. Therefore, in this research study, it is also focused on the BIMs management based on the context of design process of construction projects as knowledge is an understanding of some pieces of information given by design consultants for the design contents [9]. Moreover, knowledge is valuable intellectual asset generally possessed by humans, which is the key understanding of how to use data and information and why to use them in a particular way [10]. In this article, it is concentrated on the designers’ knowledge that is based on designers’ experiences, design concepts, design’s beliefs and as a

result, these information from designers’ knowledge are defined and codified as data in which ways of working that can be captured, stored, shared and communicated for the design information requirements using BIM technologies [8]. Based on the information requirements upon the client’s requests, and defining this knowledge for information requirements in BIM, it is important to inscribe knowledge as data in this paper and represented as building information/models with the support of BIM tools [9]. Thus, KM in BIM includes generating, collecting, storing, exchanging, representing, and retrieving important data for the generation of information. In comparison with the application of BIM at the information level, BIM at the knowledge level extends the sphere of its application [10]. Although BIM-supported KM is promising and has attracted increasing research attention in recent years, it is at an early stage in terms of both research and practice [8,9,10]; hence, further exploration is required. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to explore how early collaboration and communication through BIM adoption early can contribute to the KM lifecycle in construction projects.


Different actors among key project stakeholders did not focus on clearly defined organisational goals contributing to the construction project requirements and use different tools and managing systems. This type of complexity in generating data requires early collaboration on the part of all key actors (appointing and appointed parties) in order to form a mutual consensus that helps key decision-makers to perform their activities [11]. Typically, through early collaboration and communication among key stakeholders, different heterogeneous viewpoints converge into mutual objectives that involve establishing the same organisational goals so as to generate effective knowledge throughout asset management and project delivery [12]. Another problematic issue within the construction project is that an effective and practical system for capturing, storing, compiling, representing and retrieving important data may be absent, which does not achieve collaborative working practices among key project actors [7]. To solve this problem, KM can help improve communication and collaboration among project members in relation to the capturing, storing, representation and sharing/transfer of data, as well as the auditing of such data for reused information [13]. As a result, KM is seen as a fundamental process for organisations because it constitutes a systematic process of generating, gathering, capturing, sharing and analysing knowledge in terms of resources, documents, and people skills within and across an organisation [8, 13]. Therefore, KM has been defined

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 as ‘the identification, optimization, and active management of intellectual assets to create value, increase productivity and gain and sustain competitive advantage’ [13]. The construction industry is a heavily knowledgebased environment that relies on the input of all participants in a project. This intensive KM process involves different stages of knowledge processing. The fact that KM helps project parties (i.e. appointing and appointed) to access valuable knowledge resources in order to accomplish project tasks could provide opportunities for substantially enhancing project performance. Furthermore, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) has stated that KM is not about data, but about getting the right amount of information/data to the right people at the right time in order to control the overall bottom line [14, 15]. The KM process consists of six main stages: defining, codification, capturing, sharing/transfer, representation, and reuse of knowledge, which are summarised in Table1 [11, 15]. Based on these processes, the KM Lifecycle has been developed (see Figure 1). Table 1: Relations between the Six Main Knowledge Management Processes [11, 15]

Ensuring that knowledge can be accessed and shared by people allows them to exchange their views and ideas regarding a particular domain [18]. Transferring knowledge is a way of sharing information or ideas from one entity to another; it involves the dissemination of knowledge from point to point which could include a person, project information, data documents, and so on [20]. The fourth stage, Knowledge Utilisation, is where knowledge can be used for the representation of building models based on information requirements and information technology [21]. Knowledge represented in project/asset information models to provide decision support for organisational management, asset management, and project delivery. The final stage of the KM life cycle is that of Knowledge Auditing for Reuse and Knowledge Maintenance [22], which includes validation, modifying, and networking processes. Knowledge auditing for reuse refers to the amount of knowledge that can be reused for future innovations and new developments [21,22]. Therefore, Project Information Models (PIMs) are stored in a long-term archive so that knowledge can be re-applied in the future [23]. Finally, Knowledge Maintenance is an essential process that encompasses reviewing, correcting, and refining knowledge, as well as ensuring it is kept up-to-date by removing obsolete knowledge from the archive [24].


Figure 1: Generating Knowledge Lifecycle [16] The KM lifecycle can assist in focusing on the generation, collection, capturing, storing, representation, and retrieval of data [15, 16] to support problem-solving, dynamic learning, strategic planning, decision-making, and the smooth flow of communication between project stakeholders [8]. The first stage in the KM life cycle, Knowledge Creation, refers to the process of constructing knowledge by defining and codifying it. It involves the formation of new ideas through interactions among project teams, and also includes the process of organising knowledge for storage and capture [17]. Once knowledge is captured, it needs to be stored in the form of a knowledge repository such as documents, reports, and databases, all of which form part of the Knowledge Storage process. The next most important stage of the KM life cycle is Knowledge Sharing/Transfer.

The main aim of this paper is to explore how early collaboration and communication through BIM adoption early can contribute to the KM lifecycle in construction projects. Among the numerous research approaches that might be adopted, the most appropriate was considered to be an integrative review of literature [25] on the significance of BIM, early collaboration, and communication between key project members in ensuring effective KM, including generating, collecting, storing, exchanging, representing, and retrieving important data for the generation of effective knowledge in information protocols. An integrative literature review based on the archival research is a research strategy that involves reviewing and synthesising the representative literature on an integrated topic in order to generate a new workflow of the knowledge generation management for information protocols in a particular context of work [26]. The research outcome is delivered as a workflow based on exploratory studies of KM processes and IM based on the BS EN ISO 19650-1:2018 Standard. Initially, an exploratory research study was conducted of the state of the art in existing literature, standards, and websites in order to gather a sufficient basis for the secondary data derived from the work of other researchers. The exploratory phase was a threestep process: identify, collect and gather the literature; standards; and commentary websites. Focusing the

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 literatures, BS & PAS Standards and UKBIM Framework series upon the UK guides are comprehensively reviewed, not considered upon the guides outside of the UK because the UK Government encouraged the building industry to implement BIM Level 2 in all projects as part of its Digital Built Britain drive which seeks to improve data management process and smooth information flows make the enhanced KM in BIM more efficient [21]. Furthermore, the UK is one of the leading countries in BIM adoption based on the UKBIM framework and BIM standards (ISO 19650 series and BS standard series) acting as a pivotal for IM throughout the lifecycle of construction projects towards BIM Level 3 by 2025. Firstly, several representative keywords and phrases, namely “the use of building information management in building information models of construction projects” AND “knowledge management problems” OR “the potential of BIM benefits in information management of construction projects” AND “improving knowledge management processes” were searched. Here, the focus was on acquiring and identifying specific current information about the potential of BIM for improving KM practice and the KM lifecycle. Next, valuable standards and accompanying guidance associated with ISO 19650 standard series and UKBIM Framework Guidance were searched; these were sorted separately, as well as being collected from the UKBIM Alliance and BSI Group Standards websites. Secondly, academic papers containing a combination of the above terms focusing on the process for improving KM practice through BIM were looking into the Web of Science and Scopus. Thirdly, after reviewing the papers, relevant papers were added into references, and standards and guidance were selected and gathered in order to build the inclusion criteria for the generation of the new workflow. By using the search databases (Web of Science & Scopus focusing on literatures from 2018 to 2022, the 37 articles, and 3 ISO BIM series and 3 BS/PAS BIM standards are reviewed from among BIM framework and BS Standard Series. In order to ensure the review is on the most relevant and qualified literature, 318 papers are identified from the search databases and based on screening articles, total 159 papers are relevant to include (due to the focusing on the journal articles from 2018 to 2022). Among 159 papers, only 85 papers were collected (articles limited to construction management and English, papers for only “open access”, not concerned to the IM in BIM construction projects) and from the collected 85 papers, 48 papers were excluded focusing on the duplications (articles not fully focused on KM processes or KM lifecycle, not associated with “ISO 19650” or “BIM standard” acting as the strict inclusion criteria); hence, total 37 journal articles are critically reviewed.

There are different reasons for the disruption of information flows in the project/asset’s life cycle in BIM, which include non-consistent terminologies and taxonomies, inadequate specification of requirements, confusion over the information needs in the information protocols [27]. Moreover, the barriers of KM are compounded by the following: a lack of standard work processes, time and money constraints, poor information technology infrastructure, limitations on oral and paper communication modes, complicated information flows among increasingly diversified stakeholders, and a lack of standard workflow to communicate information and knowledge [27]. To overcome the current KM problems in construction projects, the use of BIM is considered. The feature of BIM is to create and operate on a shared digital database for information exchange, as well as to capture and preserve information for reuse and to manage changes effectively [14]. As BIM is used as a knowledge carrier to support KM throughout the project life cycle [28], it enables object-oriented and parameter-driven modelling through 3D visualisation and the collaborative platform of a building information repository [29, 30, 31]. In addition, KM through BIM integrates all exchanged data and information associated with the project plan, design, construction, and operation [32, 33]. Moreover, the importance of KM in BIM enables a core repository to be established that restores project data and helps to project parties in order to collaboratively conduct BIM-enabled project tasks (e.g. reduce information waste, clash detection, site analysis, energy simulation, design optimisation, and cost estimation) [34]. Although BIM has the capability of managing multidisciplinary information [35], collaboration and effective communication between project members acts as a critical strategy that can improve the KM process in BIM [5] and deliver competitive advantages for project information management [13]. The introduction of collaborative KM can ease data coordination processes, provide more efficient information and reduce conflict among project teams [36, 37]. The information flow of ISO 19650 includes specifying details of building information in Table 2, where it also outlines the scope of responsibilities of project parties for IM processes in the project delivery.


a) Knowledge Management ifecycle n olla oration ith B M Standard S

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Table 2: Scope of Information Management Responsibilities among Project Parties [19, 20, 23]

Overall, ISO 19650 provides a common framework that all project parties ‒ from the appointing party to the lead appointed party of the delivery team and appointed parties from the task team (see Figure 2) ‒ are required to follow in order to minimise rework by reducing information waste through an integrated approach to IM [38].

Figure 2: Different Project Stakeholders in the Design and Build procurement route [23] There are different steps within the IM in BIM, but a gap is identified due to the current disruption of information flows in the project/asset’s lifecycle in BIM. Information flowing from project management (PM) to asset management (AM) is often fragmented because temporary project organisations and project teams struggle to establish a common data environment (CDE) for data and information exchange between the appointing and appointed parties [31]. Other issues include imprecise information/data documentation for asset owners, deficiencies in sharing PIRs, an absence of information related to employer’s information requirements, and poor software protocols and standards that result in poorly organised project data [39]. To bridge this gap, it leads to suggest that this new knowledge generation workflow can adopt in BIM (based on ISO 19650-1 standard) effectively to achieve a smooth flow in information protocols. All these challenges can be improved through BIM-enabled KM workflow which helps the realisation of data coordination and information

quality in project delivery [14]. This is because it can facilitate the ability of project teams to generate, capture and share the data that is vital to the project and integrate these as project/asset information models, and this process is inscribed under the KM lifecycle and can collaborate with BIMs management so that project members can exploit this knowledge generation workflow effectively to add value to information protocols, business practices and decision-making for the overall benefit of the organisation [40]. The following steps should be adopted to build a new workflow for generating effective knowledge in information protocols: 1) Data Generating: Defining Knowledge for key decisions and codification of knowledge in terms of Organisational Information Requirements (OIRs) 2) Data Collecting: Setting knowledge for Project Information Requirements (PIRs) based on OIRs 3) Data Storing: Capturing knowledge for Asset Information Requirements (AIRs) 4) Data Exchange: Sharing knowledge/knowledge transfer for Exchange Information Requirements (EIRs) 5) Data Representation: Representation of Knowledge in AIM for Asset Information Products and PIM for Project Information Standards 6) Data Retrieval: Following knowledge auditing, knowledge reuse for PIM and knowledge of AIM that are maintained in a long-term archive. 1) Data Generating for OIRs: The collaborative production of information (i.e. building information) should start with clear and well-defined information requirements. Firstly, it is essential to define the data that are required to add value to clients and end-users, as well as to understand what data should be included depending on the context of the client’s requirements. In this case, early collaboration and communication among key project members in the appointing party is the key driver for defining knowledge in terms of identifying the client requirements and initiating the plan for PIRs [31]. Following this, clear definitions of the project information are required by the appointing party; hence, the construction methods, project processes, project deadlines and methods of information deliverables will govern the project requirements in terms of defining knowledge based on project organisation requirements and the codification of that knowledge in OIRs [19]. Furthermore, such information in OIRs can explain the activities needed to achieve strategic objectives within the major stakeholder team. In OIRs, members from the appointing party state their project objectives for the required information deliverables which will inform or specify the responsibilities of their work [4]. As a result of early collaboration and communication between project members in the appointing party, the quantity and quality of defined knowledge in OIRs

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 will become sufficient and aligned with the client’s information requirements. 2) Data Collecting: Through early collaborative discussion between the project members of the appointing party, the subjective and objective goals of projects based on OIRs are identified and collected. For instance, the aim of collecting data for PIRs in the briefing process is to capture explicit knowledge (i.e. information on requirements) that aligns with the client’s needs, as well as to transform this into a documented requirement brief to enable the designer to develop quality designs at the early procurement phases before construction work starts [39]. By setting knowledge for PIRs, strategic business operation procedures, a strategic AM process, project portfolio planning, and the policymaking for project progress and development can be implemented [19]. 3) Data Storing: AIRs present the managerial, commercial, and technical aspects of producing asset requirements while taking into consideration early collaborative discussion among project stakeholders and knowledge of the managerial and technical aspects of AIRs that are specified [7]. Using BIM, a set of AIRs should be captured and recorded to quantify the detailed AIRs throughout the asset operation, and the knowledge captured can be incorporated into the AM process to support strategic decision-making [42]. In this case, data/information of AIRs should be accessible through the CDE in order to ensure the integrated flow of data between project members. Moreover, capturing knowledge of AIRs enables the important knowledge source for AIMs to be identified [43]. Therefore, for knowledge of AIMs, knowledge retained in a BIM model is linked to building objects while engineers who input knowledge in the model are also recorded. In doing so, it becomes possible to trace the source of knowledge. Thus, if any inaccurate or inappropriate knowledge is identified, it is easy to determine why such knowledge was captured and who was responsible for it [11, 38]. 4) Data Exchange: The knowledge of EIRs is based on the collected data of PIRs. This knowledge should be shared in open and simple data formats such as Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) to facilitate the exchange of digital information in a structural way between different systems. This will assist project members to make productive decisions to ensure successful project delivery [40]. Likewise, the goal of knowledge sharing for EIRs is the creation of new knowledge through the combination of different forms of existing knowledge in AIRs & PIRs. In this case, motivation, team integration (based on effective communication and collaboration) and interest are delivered by team members sharing ideas and useful information for EIRs. This involves organising an open and simple ‘Big-room’ meeting where established AIRs and PIRs can be visualised by all project members, which

will allow systematic decisions to be made. Consequently, information exchange between key project members encourages frequent communication between project parties, which reduces misunderstandings and conflicts, thus improving collaboration [43]. 5) Data Representation: Knowledge of PIMs and AIMs is represented as BIM models by employing BIM technology in the knowledge representation process. BIM can improve information/data exchanges among project parties through a collaborative process. Typically, it includes the abundant parametric representation of objects and storage of abundant knowledge in the form of parameters that can be exported to external databases for project parties to share [33]. 3D models of BIM replace document-based communication approaches and strengthen the visualisation and accessibility of information [33]. As such, building information models (PIMs and AIMs) interpret the information and represent knowledge of project teams and help them to establish a mutual understanding during the project delivery process [13,35]. Furthermore, information in BIM models is useful in supporting the rapid analysis of different scenarios in relation to the building performance [40]. In fact, it can be used for a wide range of purposes including clash detection, construction planning, design simulation, and energy performance evaluation [15]. 6) Data Retrieval: Knowledge auditing occurs through the adaption or integration of project information standards and PIMs of the delivery phase, with the purpose of reusing the data in the O&M phase. The updated PIMs should be stored in a longterm archive and aggregated into AIMs for the O&M of the asset [13,14]. Subsequently, knowledge maintenance in AIMs is implemented, which encompasses reviewing, correcting, updating, and refining AIMs to keep them up-to-date, as well as removing obsolete data from the archive. The updated AIMs are maintained securely for future innovations and to provide lessons learnt for the next similar project [30, 33].

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 effective KM (i.e. data generating, collecting, storing, exchanging, representation, and retrieval) helps in data coordination and information exchange for data documentation throughout the project phases of the asset lifecycle. In conclusion, developing a knowledge generation workflow can benefit project stakeholders, including asset owners, consultants, project members of the appointing, lead appointed, and appointed parties, as well as end-users, in the following ways [19, 42]: 1) Ensuring the right information is delivered at the right time; 2) Facilitating greater collaboration and data coordination in the IM system, as well as ensuring information quality among project team members; 3) Reducing information wastage and rework through clearly specified information requirements; 4) Progressively generating knowledge through a managed process, improving the accuracy and validity of information; 5) Capturing an audit trail of information development and information exchange across the delivery and operation of a built asset.

REFERENCES Figure 3: Information Flows in the Knowledge Generation Management (Source: Authors’ own)

V CONCLUSIONS This paper has reflected on the importance of early collaboration, communication, and leveraging the use of BIM in KM processes to facilitate the smooth delivery of information protocols in building information/models. The findings revealed that early collaboration and communication between the major project stakeholders of the appointing party is the key driver for defining knowledge in terms of identifying and setting effective information requirements (i.e. knowledge in OIR) that focus on client demands, providing vital support with regard to planning for project requirements [41]. However, the ability of BIM potentially enables a collaborative platform for the KM process to be initiated, and that focuses on capturing of AIR effectively, systematic sharing/transfer for EIR, clear knowledge representation of AIM and PIM, and reuse for PIM. Hence, this research identified that the capability of KM should be enhanced by early collaboration, communication, and leveraging the use of BIM as this can offer an interacting knowledge workflow (Figure 3) that is transparently accessible and workable in a collaborative environment for multidisciplinary project members. Improvements in KM from early collaboration and communication through BIM adoption enable project stakeholders to collaboratively work on knowledgeintensive models, subsequently increasing project performance at the early procurement phases [36]. More importantly, this knowledge generating flow ensures that

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Data Sharing and openBIM Standards

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Digital Product Passport and the adoption of GS1 standards for identification Seán Dennison1 and Antonio Ianni2 GS1 Ireland E-mail:


Abstract Under the framework of the EU Green Deal, setting the objective of becoming the first climate-neutral region by 2050, the European Union (EU) adopted the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) proposal on 30th March 2022. The proposed regulation includes the EU Digital Product Passport (DPP), a new concept. In addition, the proposed regulation sets mandatory green public procurement criteria. The overall aim of the proposal is to reduce the life cycle environmental impact of products through efficient digital solutions and also to enable the objectives of EU industrial policy such as boosting the demand for sustainable goods and supporting sustainable production. From 2026 on, companies will be obliged to identify their products and supply chain events in order to be compliant with the new requirements. But how can CO2 emissions be calculated, and supply chain events regarding finished products be recorded and disclosed, if products are not correctly identified? The aim of this paper is to investigate how GS1 standards can be applied to construction products in order to meet the DPP requirements for globally unique, interoperable and non-proprietary methods of product identification. As the DPP for construction products is a new concept, the methodology of research for this paper is the problem-solving approach (action research) based on a desk study. It analyses the requirements of the DPP and investigates how GS1 Standards can address them. Keywords ̶ ESPR, ISO 19650, Interoperable Identification, DPP, CPR, GS1.

I INTRODUCTION GS1 is a neutral, not-for-profit, global collaborative standards organisation that brings together industry leaders, government, regulators, academia, and industry associations to develop standards-based solutions to address the challenges of data exchange. Its scale and reach - local member organisations in 116 countries, over two million member companies and over 6 billion transaction every day - helps ensure that there is a common language of business used globally [1] across 25 sectors, including consumer packaged goods, transport and logistics, healthcare, construction, and DIY [2] . GS1’s open standards are based on ISO standards. They create a common foundation for business to uniquely identify, accurately capture and automatically share information about products, locations and more [3]. Businesses can also combine different GS1 standards to streamline processes - such as interoperability and traceability systems for supply chains [4]. GS1 provides a common set of standards to share sustainability information widely, both for Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Customer (B2C) purposes.

The aim of this paper is to investigate how GS1 standards can be used to meet the requirements of the DPP for construction products. To put this in context, it is useful to describe the timeline of the development of the DPP proposed by the European Union (EU) and the proposal for a Construction Products Regulation (CPR) with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This will be done in the context of ISO standards created to improve traceability, data sharing and safety for construction products in the EU using BIM processes. This paper is based on the ESPR Commission proposal, which may be modified as it goes through the legislative process. The final publication in the Official Journal of the EU is expected by March 2024. The methodology of this paper is problemsolving research based on a desk study, where on one side it examines the requirements of the DPP and ISO BIM standards, and on the other explains how GS1 Standards would fit as a possible solution to enable the digital transformation which is essential to meet these requirements. Conclusion and recommendations appear at the end of the paper. References and an appendix are also included.

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II LITERATURE REVIEW The construction ecosystem represents almost 10% of EU value added and employs around 25 million people in over 5 million firms. The construction products industry counts 430,000 companies in the EU, with a turnover of €800 billion. These are mainly small and medium-size enterprises. They are a key economic and social asset for local communities in European regions and cities. Buildings are responsible for around 50% of resource extraction and consumption and more than 30% of the EU's total waste generated per year. In addition, buildings are responsible for 40% of EU's energy consumption and 36% of energyrelated greenhouse gas emissions [5]. The collision of major crises and economic shocks in recent years has impacted every part of the EU’s economy and society. But these crises also have much in common, and force one to question assumptions, to rethink economic models and to work on redesigning energy systems. These dependencies and vulnerabilities can lead to issues with security of supply, financial strain on households and shocks for businesses whose daily operations and long-term survival may be at risk. Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. To overcome these challenges, on the 11th of December 2019 the EU announced, “A European Green Deal” (EGD) to transform the EU into the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 [6]. To deliver the EGD, there is a need to rethink policies for energy supply across many sectors, including construction [7]. Therefore, the EU has adopted a set of proposals to make the EU’s climate, energy, transport, and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emission by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels, and for no net emissions of greenhouse by 2050 [8]. On the 11th of March 2020, the EU published “A New Circular Economy Action Plan” (CEAP) for a cleaner and more competitive Europe [9]; it is one of the main planks of the EGD. The new action plan announces initiatives along the entire life cycle of products. It targets how products are designed, promotes circular economy processes, encourages sustainable consumption, and aims to ensure that waste is preserved, and the resources used are kept circulating in the EU economy as long as possible [10]. As part of the governance of the sectorial actions, the Commission will cooperate closely with stakeholders in key product value chains to identify barriers to the expansion of markets for circular products and ways to address those barriers, these product value chains are: • Electronics and ICT • Batteries and vehicles

Packaging Plastics Textiles Construction and buildings Food, water and nutrients [11] On the 30 March 2022, the European Commission adopted the package of measures proposed in the CEAP. These are: • Sustainable Product Initiative, including the proposal for the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) • EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles • Proposal for a revised Construction Products Regulation • Proposal for empowering consumers in the transition The following is a brief description for each of these measures: The ESPR proposal establishes a framework for setting Ecodesign requirements for sustainable products and repealing Directive 2009/125/EU, which had only covered energy-related products [12]. This framework will allow for the setting of a wide range of requirements, including: • • • • •

• • • • • • •

Product durability, reusability, upgradability, and reparability Presence of substances that inhibit circularity Energy and resource efficiency Recycled content Remanufacturing and recycling Carbon and environment footprints Information requirements, including a Digital Product Passport (DPP) [13].

The idea to bring in a DPP is generally supported by clear majorities across all stakeholder groups on their impact assessments, as are incentives and tools to stimulate demand for sustainable products. Article 8 of this document “Product Passport” cites: the information requirements referred to in Article7(1) shall provide that products can only be placed on the market or put into service if a product passport is available in accordance with the applicable delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 4 “Empowerments to adopt delegated acts”, Article 9 “General requirements for the product passport” and 10 “Technical design and operation of the product passport”. Article 12 “Product passport registry” cites “The commission shall set up and maintain a registry storing information included in the product passports required by delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 4”. Moreover, under point 32 of the proposal, it requires that the product passport is flexible, agile, and market-driven and evolving in line with

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 business models, markets and innovation; it should be based on a decentralised data system, set up and maintained by economic operators. However, for enforcement and monitoring purposes, it may be necessary that competent national authorities and the Commission have direct access to a record of all data carriers and unique identifiers linked to products placed on the market or put in service [14]. In support of this document Annex III, which refers to Article 8, lists and specifies the information that can be included in the product passport. The EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles addresses the production and consumption of textiles sectors. It implements the commitments of the European Green Deal, the Circular Economy Action Plan and the European Industrial Strategy. Textiles are in in the fabrics of everyone’s daily lives. They are used to apparel, household textiles and in the furniture, and also in products such as medical and protective equipment, building and vehicles. In the EU, the consumption of textiles, most of which is imported, now accounts on average for the fourth highest negative impact on the environment and on climate change and third highest for water and land use from global life cycle prospective [15]. The proposal for “laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Regulation (EU) 205/2011” [16], (the CPR). This regulation provides a common technical language to assess the performance of construction products. It ensures that reliable information is available to professionals, public authorities, and consumers, so they can compare the performance of the products from different manufacturers in different countries of the EU [17]. Article 78 of this proposal, “EU construction database or system” cites: “The Commission is empowered to supplement this Regulation by meaning of delegated act according to Article 78, by setting up a Union construction products database or system that builds to the extent possible on the Digital Product Passport established by Regulation (EU)… [Regulation on Ecodesign for sustainable products]. Similar to the ESPR, the enacting terms of the proposal for the CPR are accompanied by several annexes. Annex III, on the procedure for the adoption of a European Assessment Document (EAD) [18] will also play an important role in the implementation of the DPP. The Commission’s proposal will empower consumer to make informed and environmentally friendly choices when buying products. Whether it is a mobile phone or a kitchen appliance, consumer will be better informed about how long the product is made to last and if it can be repaired. The new rules will also better protect consumers against

misleading practices related to greenwashing or to early obsolescence of products [19]. Figure 1 shows a timeline of this package of measures proposed in the CEAP, starting from the EGD in 2019.

Fig. 1: Timeline of the development of the DPP and CPR

Two more ordinary legislative procedures strictly related to the construction industry and to be monitored are: •

30 June 2023, 2020/0353 (COD) “Draft, concerning batteries and waste batteries, amending Directive 2008/98/EC and Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Directive 2006/66/EC (first reading) [20]. 30 Nov. 2022 COM (2022) 677 final, 2022/0396(COD) “on packaging and packaging waste, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and Directive (EU) 2019/904, and repealing 94/62/EC” [21].

Figure 2 below shows the interconnectedness of the various EU strategies and regulations. It illustrates how the ESPR functions as safety net in cases where sectoral legislation does not sufficiently address environmental sustainability goals.

Fig. 2: Circular Economy Spring 2022 Package by the EU

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 The construction industry is traditionally complex, fragmented, and siloed. It is not unusual for stakeholders in construction to work independently of each other even though they are required to produce a common result. This makes progress towards the Green Deal and digitalisation in the whole industry a significant challenge. In parallel to the development of the DPP and CPR, which will take effect in 2026 for construction products, a number of ISO and BS standards have been developed with the aim to improve traceability and data sharing of construction products, these are: ISO 23386:2020 “Building information modelling and other digital processes used in construction – Methodology to describe, author and maintain properties in interconnected data dictionaries”. This document establishes the rules for defining properties used in construction and a methodology for authoring and maintaining them, for a confident and seamless digital share among stakeholders following a BIM process. ISO 23387:2020 “BIM – Data template for construction objects used in the life cycle of built assets – Concept and principles”. This document sets out the principles and structure for data templates for construction objects. It is developed to support digital processes using machine-readable formats using a standard data structure to exchange information about any type of construction object e.g., product, system, assembly, space, building etc., used in the inception, brief, design, production, operation, and demolition of facilities [22]. Arising from a recommendation in the Hackitt report, following the Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017 [23], a new British Standard for Digital Management of Fire Safety Information, has recently been published, (BS 8644-1:2022 [24]. This standard is intended to be read in conjunction with the ISO 19650 series for managing information over the whole cycle of a built asset and to manage fire safety information using BIM processes [25]. BS 8644 builds on ISO 19650 series where appropriate in relation to fire safety information for buildings and assets subject to the requirements of the Building Safety Act 2022. It includes additional requirements to record data over and above Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie), for non-maintainable assets (e.g., walls, structural columns). This has a similar approach to the proposed ESPR. As a result, by combining ISO 19650 with the ESPR, the scope of the DPP/CPR will enable the right people to get the right information at the right time. This includes clear assignment of tasks, recording of events and managing fire safety throughout the lifecycle of the asset.

There follows in this paper a list of GS1 Standards based on ISO and other standards and applicable in the construction industry. GS1 Standards and their ISO/IEC basis GS1 Standard ISO/IEC Standard GTIN (Global Trade Item ISO/IEC 15459-6 & Number) ISO/IEC 6523 GLN (Global Location Number) ISO/IEC 6523 SSCC (Serial Shipping Container ISO/IEC 15459-1 & Code) ISO/IEC 6523 GIAI (Global Individual Asset ISO/IEC 15459-4 & Identifier) 5 ISO/IEC 6523 GSRN (Global Service ISO/IEC 15418 Relationship Number) EAN/UPC barcode ISO/IEC 15420 GS1 Data Matrix ISO/IEC 16022 GS1 QR Code ISO/IEC 18004 EPC Tag Data Standard ISO/IEC 15962 Table 1: GS1 Standards as part of ISO and other standard bodies

The main GS1’s identification keys used in construction are: GTIN or Global Trade Item Number can be used by a company to uniquely identify a construction product. This number can be encoded in a barcode applied to packaging or to the product itself, or in a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag. GMN or Global Model Number is used to identify a product model or product family. GLN or Global Location Number can be used to identify legal location, physical location, functional location entity or location. SSCC or Serial Shipping Container Code can be used to identify logistics units. GIAI or Global Individual Asset Identifier is used to uniquely identify a specific asset. This could be an Air Handling Unit, Pump, Lift, etc. GSRN or Global Service Relationship Number can be used by services organisations to identify their relationships with individual service providers (such as Field Service Engineers and equipment Installers) and individual service clients (such as the metering points of an electricity company). These identifiers are usually encoded in data carriers (barcodes and RFID tags). The main ones used in Construction are: EAN/UPC barcodes are linear barcodes and are printed on virtually every consumer product in the world. They are the longest-established and most widely used GS1 barcodes. GS1 Data Matrix is two-dimensional symbol and because of its small size and high information capacity is used in multiple industry sectors including electronics, automotive, aerospace and healthcare – has in-built error connection, to compensate for the lost or missing data, or damage to the barcode, making it very accurate and secure.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 GS1 QR Code is a two-dimensional square barcode that carries text-based data. Thanks to the GS1 Digital Link standard, it is now possible to include a GS1 identifier and a website link in a QR code. Electronic Product Code (EPC) Tag Data Standard specifies the data format of the EPC, and provides encodings for numbering schemes, including the GS1 keys within an EPC. The three major advantages of GS1 standards are that they are globally unique, interoperable & persistent. Because of this GS1 standards enable the identification, capturing, and sharing of information on products and services in a global circular economy where product and asset life spans are often measured in decades. Figure 4 and 5 in the appendix, demonstrate how the GS1 standards function for both B2B & B2C exchanges of information in a linear supply chain and throughout an asset’s life cycle. The challenge for the industry is to convert a linear supply chain into a circular supply chain. Figure 3 builds on Closing the Loop – Circular Economy Action Plan (2015). It emphasises the importance of reducing waste to ensure a wellfunctioning internal market for high quality secondary raw materials [26].

Fig. 3 Circular economy © European Union

III METHODOLOGY The methodology selected for this paper is the problem-solving approach (action research) based on a desk study. It examines the DPP requirements as stated in the ESPR, CEAP and CPR. It then identifies where GS1 Standards can address them.

IV PROBLEM SOLVING APPROACH The proposal for the ESPR includes the following relevant sections:

Point 32 requires that the product passport is flexible, agile, and market-driven and evolving in line with business models, markets, and innovation. It should be based on a decentralised data system, set up and maintained by economic operators. However, for enforcement and monitoring purposes, it may be necessary that competent national authorities and the Commission have direct access to a record of all data carriers and unique identifiers linked to products placed on the market or put in service. Article 9 General requirements for the product passport: 1. A product passport shall meet the following conditions: (a) it shall be connected through a data carrier to a unique product identifier. (b) the data carrier shall be physically present on the product, its packaging or on documentation accompanying the product, as specified in the applicable delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 4. (c) the data carried, and the unique product identifier shall comply with standard (‘ISO/IEC’) 15459:2015 (d) all information included in the product passport shall be based on open standards, developed with an inter-operable format and shall based on open standards, developed with an inter-operable format and shall be machine-readable, structured, and searchable, in accordance with the essential requirements set out in Article 10. (e) the information included in the product passport shall refer to the product model, batch, or item as specified in the delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 4. The GS1 Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) meets all these requirements. When encoded in a GS1 compliant 2D barcode or Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Tag, this unique product identifier can be physically attached to the product or product packaging or on accompanying documentation. It complies with the ISO/IEC 15459:2015 standard and is open, interoperable, and persistent in that it will not normally be changed over its lifetime, which may be several decades. Where changes are necessary (e.g., where the product is recycled) there will be industry-agreed processes and rules in place to minimise and loss of traceability data. Article 12 Product passport registry: Section 1. The Commission shall set up and maintain a registry storing information included in the product passports required by delegated acts adopted pursuant to Article 4. This registry shall at least include a list of the data carriers and unique product identifiers referred to in Article 9(1).

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Section 4. The economic operator placing the product on the market or putting it into service shall upload, in the registry referred to in paragraph 1, the information referred to in paragraph 2. Section 5. The Commission, competent national authorities and customs authorities shall have access to the registry referred to in this Article for carrying out their duties pursuant to Union legislation. GS1 GTINs are already used in many registries such as the GS1 Registry Platform, the Global Data Synchronous Network, national and regional registries, and in the Product Information Management and Enterprise Resource Management Systems of individual companies. This will make it easier for economic operators to share their data and lead to better data quality. Having this common identifier will make it easier to link data across registries. From Annex III, Digital Product Passport (referred to in Article 8) of the ESPR: Section (b) the unique product identifier at the level indicated in the applicable delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 4. Section (c) the Global Trade Identification Number as provided for in standard ISO/IEC 15459-6 or equivalent of products or their parts. Section (g) information related to the manufacturer, such as its unique operator identifier and the information referred to in Article 21 (7) Section (h) unique operator identifiers other than that of the manufacturer. Section (i) Unique facility identifiers. Section (k) the name, contact details and unique operator identifier code of the economic operator established in the Union responsible for carrying out the tasks set out in Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020, or Article 15 of Regulation (EU) […/…] on general product safety, or similar tasks pursuant to other EU legislation applicable to the product. The GS1 GLN is used to uniquely identify legal entities (such as economic operators, manufacturers and brand owners) and physical locations (including factories, production lines and corporate offices). It is widely used in Retail, DIY and Healthcare in Ireland. The CPR includes the following relevant article: Article 78, EU construction database or system Section 1. The Commission is empowered to supplement this Regulation by meaning of delegated act according to Article 87, by setting up a Union construction products database or system that builds to the extent possible on the Digital Product Passport established by Regulation (EU)… [Regulation on Ecodesign for sustainable products].

The GS1 identifiers for products, economic operators and locations can be used across the product databases for the CPR and DPP thereby providing global uniqueness, interoperability, and persistence.

V CONCLUSIONS This paper describes the origin of the Digital Product Passport and the Construction Products Regulation and their benefits for reducing greenhouse gas emissions if implemented in multiple industry sectors, including construction. The problem-solving approach section described how GS1 Standards meets the stated requirements of the DPP and CPR for globally unique, open, interoperable, and persistent product identification that complies with ISO Standards. These are recommendations for future works: The requirements of the DPP/CPR have yet to be fully defined. In the meantime, manufacturers should ensure that their products are identified using a standard that complies with ISO 15459. As more details emerge about the DPP and the CPR, the sector needs to work together at national, regional, and international levels to develop Data Dictionaries (ISO/IEC 22386) and Product Data Templates (ISO/IEC 22387) that meet the requirements of the legislation. Manufacturers in Ireland are already recognising that they need to identify their products in order to meet the requirements of the DPP. Industry stakeholders in the Norwegian public sector [27] and in the Swedish private sector [28] have already mandated the GS1 GTIN for product identification for this purpose. When the regulations have been operating for some time, further research could be undertaken to investigate any gaps in the standards discussed here or in their application.

VI REFERENCES [1] GS1, About GS1, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 16 Jun 2023]. [2] GS1 Ireland, Who is GS1, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 14 Jun 2023]. [3] GS1, GS1 Standards, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 19 Jun 2023]. [4] GS1, GS1 Global Traceability Standards, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 19 Jun 2023].

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 [5] EU, Establishing a framework for setting ecodesign requirements for sustainable products, EU, Brussels , 2022. [6] EU, A European Green Deal, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 20 Jun 2023]. [7] EU, A European Green Deal. COM(2019) 640 final," Brussels, 2019. [8] EU, A European Green Deal, 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 20 Jun 2023]. [9] EU, A new Circular Economy Action Plan. COM(2020) 98 Final, 2020. [Online]. Available: 25-6388-11ea-b73501aa75ed71a1.0017.02/DOC_1&format=PD F.[Accessed Jun 2023]. [10] EU, Circular economy action plan 2020.[Online]. Available: strategy/circul ar-economy-action-plan-en [Accessed 20 Jun 2023]. [11] EU, A new Circular Economy Action Plan, [online]. Availible: resource.html?uri=cellar:9903b3 25-6388-11ea-b73501aa75ed71a1.0017.02/DOC_1&format=PD F [Accessed Jun 2023]. [12] EU, "Establishing a framework for setting ecodesign requirements for sustainable products," EU , Brussels , 2022. [13] EU, Ecodesign for sustainable products, 2022.[Online].Available: [Accessed 13 Jun 2023]. [14] EU, Establishing a framework for setting ecodesign requirements for sustainable products, in COM(2022) 142 final, Brussels, EU, 2022, p. 7, 26, 48, 52, 55, and 54. [15] EU, Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles [Online]. resource.html ( Available: [Accessed 15 Jun 2023]. [16] EU, European Commision, DocsRoom, Document details, 2022. [Online]. Available: documents/4931 25-[Accessed 15 Jun 2023]. [17] EU, Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, 2022. [Online]. Available: con struction-products-regulation-cpr_en. [Accessed 14 Jun 2023].

[18] EU, laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products, Brussels , 2022, p. 16.-productsregulation-cpr_en.[Accessed 16 Jun 2023]. [19] EU, Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition, Brussels, March 2023 [Online]. Available: tail/en/fs_22_2099 [Accessed 24 Aug. 23 2023] [20] EU, Interinstitutional File: 2020/0353, 2023 [Online]. Available: https:// ST-11176-2023INIT/en/pdf#:~:text=2008%2F98%2FEC%20a nd%20Regulation%20%28EU%29%202019% 2F1020%20and%20repealing%20Directive,Sec retariat%20of%20the%20Council%2011176%2 F23ADT%2Fcm%201%20GIP.INST%20EN [Accessed 24 Aug. 23 2023] [21] EU, COM (2022) 677 final, 2022/0396(COD) on packaging and packaging waste, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and Directive (EU) 2019/904, and repealing 94/62/EC [Online]. Available: C0677 [Accessed 24 Aug 23 2023] [22] coBuilder, Connecting PAS 14191 to EN ISO 23386 & 23387 standards, [Online]. Available: 2023386%20is%20an%20international% 20standard%20that,%2 8BIM%29%20and% 20other%20digital%20pro cesses%20used% 20in%20construction. [Accessed 15 Jun 2023] [23] GOV.UK, Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety: Hackitt review, [Online].Available: ependent-review-of-building-regulations-andfire-safety-hackitt-review. [Accessed 15 Jun 2023]. [24] BSI, Introducing a new British Standard on managing fire safety information digitally, [Online].Available: ctice%2C%20meaning,fire%20safety%20infor mation%20using%20digital%20information%2 0manag. [Accessed Jun 2023]. [25] BSI.Knowledge, "Digital management of fire safety information - Design, construction, handover, asset management and emergency response. Code of practice," [Online]. Available: products/digit al-management-of-fire-safetyinformation-design-construction-handover-

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 -asset-management-and-emergency-response-codeof-practice/standard? _gl=1*kmcq2u*_ga*ODc5M Dc1NTE3LjE2ODYyMzYwMzk.*_ga_RWDQ 3VY9NQ*MTY4NzI2OTc0M. [Accessed 13 Jun 2023]. [26] ENVI, Circular economy 2021 [Online].Available:https://www.europarl.europ [Accessed 15 Jun 2023]. [27] GS1 Norway, GTIN Guideline for Construction Industry 2021 [Online]. GTIN-guideline-for-the-construction-industry.pdf [Accessed 25 Aug 2023]. [28] GS1 Sweden, GTIN for construction products to be introduced in 2022, 2021 [Online]. [Accessed 25 Aug 2023].

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Fig. 4 – GS1 Identification Keys (Courtesy of GS1)

Fig. 5 – GS1 Technical Industry life cycle (Courtesy of GS1)

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BIM Skills

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An investigation into Ireland’s BIM Skills Gap Guadalupe Centanni1 and Barry McAuley School of Surveying and Construction Innovation Technological University Dublin, Ireland. E-mail: 1g a al pecen


The adoption of digital skills within the Irish AEC Sector has the potential to enhance efficiency and competitiveness among its stakeholders. Despite this opportunity, there is still a high demand for skilled BIM professionals, which cannot be currently met. To meet this skills demand and directly target future skills gaps within Ireland, several challenges must be addressed to facilitate broader BIM adoption. This paper focuses on addressing this gap by identifying steps to be followed to develop skilled professionals within BIM. This has been achieved by investigating the extent to which construction stakeholders in Ireland comprehend BIM and, examining the training and educational initiatives implemented locally and internationally to facilitate the digital transition. The research also provides insights into the ramifications of the absence of a mandate for BIM implementation in the country concerning skills maturity. The findings highlight that insufficient BIM knowledge and resistance to change are the major challenges of digitalisation and how educational initiatives can play a major role in addressing these issues. A set of recommendations are put forward to increase the involvement of key stakeholders and younger generations in addressing Ireland’s BIM skills gap. Keywords ̶ Building Information Modelling, BIM Awareness, BIM Mandate, Education & Training.

I INTRODUCTION The adoption of digital skills has the potential to enhance efficiency and competitiveness among industry stakeholders [1]. Due to this, there is a high demand for skilled BIM professionals, which cannot be currently met [2]. Therefore, an organisation with inadequate or limited resources might have insufficient access to the custom knowledge required to transition into BIM, affecting its performance [3]. There is a shortage of professionals with a deep understanding of BIM and data management in Ireland, which is one common barrier that firms encounter when transitioning into BIM [3] [4]. Despite the potential benefits of BIM, several challenges need to be addressed to facilitate its adoption in Ireland. Client reluctance to embrace BIM processes and the lack of software programming expertise remain the main obstacles for organisations [5][6]. It appears that these same challenges have persisted for over a decade, with the primary issues centering on the initial costs involved in adopting BIM software, investment in computer upgrades, employee training, and technical support [7][8][9]. Effective strategies for BIM adoption acknowledge the importance of allowing for a period of adjustment as BIM requirements increase gradually [9].

Even though the country lacks a formal BIM mandate, the progress of Ireland's transition to BIM is noteworthy. However, the absence of such a requirement may pose a challenge to achieving a seamless and efficient implementation of BIM [10]. On the one hand, organisations are responding to the industry's shift towards digitalisation by implementing structural and operational alterations to their business frameworks and strategies. In the absence of a specific directive, they are adopting various measures such as establishing an implementation team, designing training programmes, and restructuring their organisational framework to accommodate new responsibilities and roles to reduce resistance [11]. On the other hand, the absence of a mandate affects the clients' tendency to request the adoption of BIM in their projects, which can also be attributed to their limited understanding of BIM and their obligations [5]. Considering this, introducing a BIM roadmap that aligns change management techniques with a BIM implementation plan can help bridge the gap between stakeholders and ensure the successful incorporation of BIM within an organisation [11]. The purpose of this research is to identify why the demand for BIM specialists is not satisfied in the Irish AEC industry and which steps should be followed to develop skilled professionals within this area. Moreover, the paper aims to investigate and

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 analyse the extent to which construction stakeholders in Ireland comprehend BIM and examine the training and educational initiatives implemented locally and internationally to facilitate the digital transition.

II LITERATURE REVIEW a) BIM Skills and their Importance BIM is the process that generates and assembles all the building’s data and enables its management during the entire project [12], representing a sustainable design decision-making tool that allows the planning of a building to achieve the best favourable outcome possible [13]. As a result, there is a gradual upward trend in the number of companies within the AEC sector that are embracing BIM methodologies. This would imply that the number of competent BIM professionals in the country should be increasing accordingly. However, the demand for highly skilled specialists is expected to outstrip supply over the next 20 years [14]. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), the shortage of employees possessing adequate BIM skills within the AEC industry and among its clients is slowing down the global adoption of BIM [7]. Considering the significant ongoing transformation towards digitisation in the built environment, it is highly likely that the workflows within the construction sector will undergo a fundamental transformation, as supported by previous research [4][6][7]. However, it appears that the advancement of technology is outpacing the development of workforce skills and competencies [2]. The construction industry has experienced a notable deficiency in labour productivity, which has been alleviated by introducing advanced technologies and innovative construction strategies [15][16]. Considering this, the WEF issued an action plan to accelerate BIM adoption in collaboration with 35 delegates from prominent global companies. The key findings of this report highlight the importance of upgrading the education curricula in third-level institutions by integrating practical BIM modules that are directly applicable to real-world scenarios. In addition, it was mentioned that it is crucial for organisations to offer internal upskilling training programmes to equip current professionals with the necessary BIM competencies, along with the interdisciplinary skills required for effective BIM collaboration. The government also plays an important role, as its involvement in integrating BIM skills training into public projects can help facilitate a smooth transition towards digitalisation [7]. Considering this, it is worth noting that the success of these initiatives depends on the commitment and

collaboration of the industry stakeholders in working together towards a common goal [10][17].

b) BIM Skills Challenges within Ireland The implementation of BIM has gained significant traction within the Irish construction industry, as it is recognized as the best-practice approach to successfully manage information throughout the asset life cycle [18]. The reality in Ireland is that the economic recession of 2009 negatively affected the construction sector's performance. During the economic recovery, numerous professions encountered a shortage of skilled personnel [19]. A study by Friel identified that it was only in 2018 that most companies could recover from the economic downturn and saw a return to profitability. Findings indicate that the most affected areas in the country have been “skills” and “education” since many skilled construction workers changed professions and/or emigrated during the recession. Furthermore, thirdlevel education institutions were challenged in attracting new individuals into surveying and engineering courses, ultimately resulting in a strain on the budgeted funds [20]. Research demonstrates that to alter the way the Irish industry operates, it is essential to have an overall goal to transition into BIM. Moreover, organisations need to improve their change management strategies to reduce employee resistance [10][11]. Change management denotes a resilient approach aiming to develop an organisation’s structure and capabilities to satisfy customer needs [21]. As described in the McKinsey 7S Model, “Staff” represents human resources that must be nourished and protected. In addition, the top managers are responsible for promoting a good work environment to attract new talents, which will contribute significantly to the company’s performance [22]. Therefore, implementing new processes and technologies usually occurs when employees manifest their desire for continuous improvement to their employer. However, in order to upgrade an organisation’s workflow, a top-down approach from management would be essential [11][23]. Over the years, the Construction IT Alliance (CitA) and Enterprise Ireland have conducted several surveys to estimate the level of BIM awareness in Ireland. The 2017 survey revealed that 76% of the respondents recognized the importance of BIM processes and their technologies. The 2019 NBS National BIM Report confirmed the top barriers to transitioning to BIM in Ireland, which included the absence of in-house expertise, lack of client demand, and training, but also the lack of a mandate which would be essential for introducing a BIM framework to the construction industry [11][15].

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Further analysis was conducted in 2020 regarding the productivity in the Irish construction sector. This report evidenced that even though there is a willingness to embrace new technologies, there has not been enough funding or training resources, which would facilitate the development of not only the field professionals but also the country itself [24]. Moreover, the NBS Digital Construction Survey conducted in 2021 revealed that, even though most of the participants were going through a BIM adoption process, there seem to be different stages of implementation between clients, contractors, and manufacturers. This implies that until there is a consistent demand for BIM data, the full adoption of BIM as the default will not occur [6]. Research supports that governments can expedite BIM adoption by making it a mandatory requirement in projects, engaging other stakeholders in pilot initiatives, advocating for education and training opportunities, and implementing diverse financial/non-financial incentives [7]. Moreover, government policies and public procurement methods are recommended as effective strategies to facilitate a drastic transformation in the sector. Without a topdown approach, the industry will most likely have limited and inconsistent data, thus significantly restricting its capacity to enhance productivity and cost-effectiveness [9]. To avoid this, establishing a BIM mandate will provide a standardisation across the Irish construction sector, ensuring the key requirement for innovation [23]. As seen in the USA and UK industries, mandating BIM speeds up its adoption and diminishes education and training challenges [25]. According to an investigation into Irish clients' understanding of the capabilities of BIM and their role within a construction project conducted in 2019, several potential issues have been identified towards mandating BIM in the Irish AEC sector, including leadership, standards, training/education, and procurement [5]. Another factor to be considered is the impact of COVID-19 on the construction sector. The pandemic forced the industry to re-evaluate lifestyles and work practices [6]. It not only heightened the importance of digital technologies, but also prompted several organisations that previously underutilized BIM to recognize its significance as a vital component to be incorporated into their business models [10]. In light of the above, it becomes apparent that Ireland is still at an earlier point of its BIM transition, as not many projects have achieved BIM stage 2. Still, also, a substantial discrepancy in expertise among industry stakeholders seems to exist. Despite this, there is evidence to suggest that over the next five years, BIM will be positioned as the leading construction strategy in the industry, as it possesses the greatest potential to transform the built environment positively. Consequently, clients and

contractors are expected to increasingly mandate the adoption of BIM, which is anticipated to result in elevated levels of BIM implementation in the forthcoming years [6][26]. Nevertheless, for this to be successful, all stakeholders involved in the construction sector must adopt and cooperate with these new practices [17]. In recent years a number of government and industry strategies, training methods, and education initiatives have been launched in the country, with the purpose of assessing whether further progress in this domain is imperative for effectively undergoing the digital transition. These include: • National BIM Council (NBC) unveiling of its 2018-2021 Roadmap for Digital Transition, representing the country's first-ever digital construction strategy. The strategy contained a training pillar to deliver a broad awareness and upskilling learning framework for educators and the industry. The roadmap was influenced by findings from the Irish BIM Innovation Capability Framework (BICP) [27][28]. • Digital Technology in Public Works Projects Strategy - The Irish government announced its strategy to increase the use of digital technology in particular categories of public works projects over a 4-year timeframe ending in 2021. This statement of intent from the Irish government demonstrated an acute awareness of the importance of BIM and how it brings together technology, process improvements, and digital information to improve project outcomes and asset operations [29] radically. • Project Ireland 2040 - This strategy established a €500m Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF) to facilitate research and innovation growth, higher education, and further education and training (FET) development. The fund aims to enhance awareness of the significance of digital transformation in the Irish AEC sector (Enterprise Ireland, 2022) while fostering collaboration between the industry and the nation’s research base [30]. • Build Digital Project - This project was created to encourage higher levels of innovation and continuous improvement approaches within the construction sector in Ireland. One of its main priorities is to enhance the skills and capabilities of the AEC workforce to mitigate the skills gap throughout all levels and areas of specialisation [31]. a) Interventions at Secondary & Third Level Education

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Globally, there is a growing trend towards implementing interventions at the secondary level of education to address the shortage of skilled personnel. Multiple construction firms in Ireland collaborate with educational institutions to align with the syllabi. The aim is to offer BIM awareness at schools and BIM-related training programmes at universities that emphasise the growth of future skills and the development of young engineers/architects [32]. It is important to consider that current student generations have most likely grown up in a technologically advanced world, and, as a result, they tend to prefer learning through active participation rather than passive observation or reading [33]. Using innovative approaches in schools to introduce BIM to students at an early stage will help them understand the significance of the AEC sector. Additionally, providing education on BIM to individuals in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) holds the potential to positively transform the future of the construction sector [32]. If we look at the UK’s introduction of its work experience schemes, promotion of AEC degrees, and talent retention strategies have helped increase the engagement of younger generations in the construction industry and facilitated the upskilling/reskilling of the existing workforce [19]. Evidence suggests that adopting these types of strategies could be key in engaging young individuals and encouraging them to join the construction industry, thereby mitigating skill shortages [34]. In Australia for example, a non-profit organisation, NATSPEC, facilitated the promotion of quality and productivity in the built environment by providing tailored guidance packages for all building structures and diverse professionals in the field [35]. An initiative called "Collaborative Design EducationCODE BIM," supported by the Australian government's Learning and Teaching Department, was established to address the challenges of poor implementation of BIM education, which were associated with the relevance of the syllabus content and cultural resistance to change [25]. It is imperative for the rest of the construction and education entities to collaborate with the industry by introducing educational programmes, participating in skills development, and implementing continuous improvement approaches. The major challenges for a country to successfully embrace BIM are related to people, particularly their insufficient knowledge and resistance to change. As demonstrated by the research above, implementing preventive measures, particularly educational initiatives, plays a major role when addressing these issues [36].

III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The aim of this paper is to formulate a question relevant to the programme's subject matter and

learning objectives, followed by providing a comprehensive answer to the question posed. In this case, the inquiry pertains to whether implementing a digital construction mandate could potentially mitigate the BIM skills gap in Ireland. Consideration was given to the fact that research methodologies can generally be categorized into two distinct groups: quantitative and qualitative; both offer a valuable opportunity to analyse the problem statement at hand critically. Quantitative methods are concerned with measuring observable aspects of phenomena to generate knowledge. In contrast, qualitative methods aim to increase understanding of the social world by exploring the underlying reasons for human behaviour and attitudes [37]. The research methodology employed in this paper can be identified as a pragmatic mixed methodology approach [38], given that qualitative data was scrutinized through concept analysis. In contrast, quantitative data was evaluated by reviewing surveys and official statistics. The research methods adopted within this assignment were: Literature reviews and Semi-structured interviews. The semi-structured interviews were conducted with Irish public and private construction sector representatives, including 3 participants from SMEs, 2 participants from large private organisations and 1 participant from a large public organisation. Organisations where selected based on their impact within their relevant sector. All of the participants selected have a responsibility for BIM within their organisation. It is important to note that the findings discussed below are relative of this small sample size and in some case may not accurately reflect the industry.

IV FINDINGS The semi-structured interviews were divided into three phases to cover the following themes: -

BIM Awareness BIM Training/Education Initiatives BIM Mandate

a) BIM Awareness The interviewees were asked a series of questions to determine the level of BIM awareness in their organisations. Concerning each organisation’s level of BIM adoption, it appears that SMEs and large private businesses have been gradually implementing BIM; however, full implementation is yet to be achieved. On the other hand, the public body realises it is still in the early stages of its BIM adoption process. Results from the interview revealed that the implementation of BIM had had a positive impact on the workflow of the organisations under study. The benefits observed were consistent across all cases,

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 including improved information management and its delivery and enhanced communication facilitated by a collaborative approach among employees. It became apparent that engagement between organisations from diverse industry sectors and with different levels of BIM adoption can strengthen the development of companies with lower BIM readiness. Additionally, it appears to be a growing trend among organisations, irrespective of their type, to incorporate BIM-related methodologies and technologies into their daily workflow to standardise processes and boost productivity. These approaches include periodical coordination meetings, implementing lessons learned, and utilising cloudbased platforms. Interviewees were also questioned regarding potential resistance to BIM in their organisation. 83% indicated there is currently no resistance, despite some initial opposition during the early stages of implementation or amongst other companies working on the same project. Only one participant responded that resistance towards BIM still exists. Although some respondents suggested that older generations may be more resistant to change, most interviewees agreed that resistance towards BIM is not solely determined by age but rather by the individual's mindset. In light of the impact that Covid-19 had on the construction industry, the findings from the interviews suggest that the pandemic positively influenced BIM adoption as digital technologies have been adopted in greater scale throughout this period. Moreover, organisations recognise that the pandemic acted as a catalyst for adopting flexible workflows and implementing various coordination approaches. Five of the six interviewees were asked if their clients had knowledge of BIM and if there was a difference between the level of BIM engagement among national and international clients. While most respondents indicated that the difference in BIM knowledge between the company and the clients is no longer significant, some participants suggested that clients from smaller towns in Ireland may have more limitations than their international counterparts. Moreover, some international clients were also observed to have a lower level of BIM adoption, which could be attributed to the level of BIM implementation in their respective countries. Interviewees were asked to rank the following items in order of importance: ‘Technology,’ ‘People,’ and ‘Process’. 67% of respondents affirm that ‘People’ is the most important of the three. The remaining results highlight the importance of having appropriate technology at the outset to implement BIM methodologies successfully. This is followed by a fixed period of time dedicated to employee training and process development to ensure the effective

adoption and integration of BIM into the daily workflow.

b) BIM Training/Education Initiatives Participants were questioned to determine if their respective organisations acknowledge the importance of BIM training/education initiatives. It was asked if their company implemented any BIM awareness or upskilling initiatives for employees. In this regard, large private organisations have multiple benefits for pursuing continuing professional development (CPD), including educational funding for third-level education courses, flexible working hours, study leave, and training throughout the company’s online platform. On the other hand, the situation with SMEs varies. Results indicate that, despite some upskilling initiatives and flexible work/study schedules that may be available, they are not as extensive as those offered by large private organisations. In some instances, BIM promotion is completely absent, and only a basic introduction to the company's software is offered. In the case of the large public organisation that was interviewed, there are indications of efforts to promote BIM awareness; however, there are currently no upskilling courses available. It was mentioned that the organisation does not have a broad enough programme to provide training for all its employees. Nonetheless, if someone identifies a course that would benefit the organisation’s BIM adoption vision, they are willing to support it. Considering that there have been initiatives in HEIs to add new BIM-focused courses, participants were asked if this was reflected within the existing employees or new hires. Findings indicate that most employees acquire BIM knowledge through on-thejob experience rather than formal courses. This could potentially lead to bad practice if individuals are not fully aware of the extent of BIM methodologies. According to the results, 83% of the participants have completed or are currently undertaking a BIMfocused course. It was highlighted that all these courses were delivered online and included practical exercises that applied BIM principles to real-life scenarios, facilitating a quicker understanding of the concepts. Moreover, some interviewees highlighted that having diverse specialists involved in course instruction proved beneficial, allowing for teaching content based on various experiences and perspectives. Lastly, participants were asked about their organisation's motivation for encouraging their employees to enroll in BIM-related courses. The majority of respondents acknowledged that by doing so, the company would acquire significant returns in the future, including a boost in productivity and streamlined progress to keep pace with the industry.

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c) BIM Mandate The third part of the interview focused on organisations' perceptions of the government's approach toward BIM implementation and which measures would facilitate BIM development in the industry. When discussing whether BIM has become the norm in Ireland, the interviewees' responses were equally split, with 50% stating that BIM has become the norm, while the other 50% disagreed. From the perspective of SMEs, BIM is considered to be the norm based on their experience working in the country. Conversely, large organisations tended to agree that while BIM is gaining popularity, it is not yet widespread enough to be considered the norm in Ireland. This can be attributed to the varying levels of BIM adoption within national projects and the lack of awareness and understanding of BIM within the industry. When considering whether the government is leading the industry in digital construction, some interviewees stated that the government should be more proactive in leading the industry, particularly given the competition and leadership shown by the UK. Others felt that the industry is the primary driver of BIM adoption and that the government needs to be more involved in the implementation process, as previous upskilling initiatives have not been sufficient to facilitate a smooth BIM transition. Participants were also asked if introducing a BIM mandate would lead to greater awareness and adoption within the private and public sectors, and 83% agreed that mandating BIM would provide the necessary push for the industry to continue developing further. It was mentioned that a mandate would likely lead to BIM becoming the norm within 5 to 10 years of its implementation, as every transition requires a progressive period for adaptation. On the contrary, if a BIM mandate is not introduced, results stated that resistance towards BIM would likely persist, as many organisations may not see the need to adopt BIM unless required. Nevertheless, results noted that adopting BIM in the public sector is expected to drive adoption in the private sector, as design teams and contractors who work in the private sector often also work on public sector projects. Furthermore, the interviewees were asked about potential barriers that could hinder the implementation of a BIM mandate in Ireland. The findings revealed three main challenges that could impede its successful adoption from the outset. Firstly, the lack of skilled professionals could potentially lead to bad practices. This could be attributed to a lack of awareness within the field, leading to a disregard for established standards.

Secondly, the combative nature of the construction industry. As organisations prioritize profits, they may prioritize financial gains over the collaborative approach that BIM requires, which could lead to a focus on monetary gains rather than proper project execution. Lastly, the strict adherence to a predetermined set of requirements could potentially limit the Irish industry from exploring and implementing more efficient workflows or better solutions that may not align with the prescribed mandates. The interview's final question asked what training would be necessary if a BIM mandate was introduced. The findings indicate that it would be beneficial to implement BIM-focused modules into the syllabi of third-level institutions using interactive learning methods that can be applied to real-life scenarios. Additionally, presenting new BIM courses within multiple national frameworks of qualification levels could facilitate the upskilling of professionals with diverse levels of expertise. Furthermore, introducing BIM in schools could boost the interest of younger generations in the construction sector, which could eventually diminish the current skills gap.

V DISCUSSION Based on the research findings it has been found that the government's digitalisation efforts need to be accelerated. Therefore, it is recommended over the short term (next three years) that the government revise the Digital Technology in Public Works Projects Strategy. This revision should focus on providing public entities with adequate information to comply with requirements related to information management and collaboration approaches. Secondly, it is recommended that the government should review the mandate strategies employed by other countries as a reference for developing an Irish mandate. Mandating BIM will encourage its adoption among industry stakeholders, as observed in the countries examined in the literature review [9][25]. Thirdly, the government should promote BIM awareness and upskilling initiatives for the construction sector, such as the ones highlighted by the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs [19]. Lastly, the government should establish educational support schemes to encourage young professionals to pursue careers in the construction industry and attract them to BIM. By implementing these initiatives, the Irish government can develop a more strategic approach to overcome the challenges and risks associated with BIM implementation and efficiently manage scarce human resources [11] Additionally, based on interview results, it is recommended that the construction sector should consider implementing BIM-focused CPD programmes and providing training to establish a BIM department within the organisation. This will

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 help promote BIM awareness and develop guidelines and standard operational procedures based on BIM approaches. Regarding HEIs, to positively transform the industry's future, it is recommended to research the accuracy of current syllabi within construction degrees and the availability and range of BIM-related courses in the country to develop a wider variety of modules for different expertise levels [32]. This can be argued is already taken place with studies as far back as 2019 highlighting that learning and education remain strong with ongoing commitments to digital construction evident within leading third level educational bodies [30] It is recommended that HEIs develop updated curricula incorporating multi-disciplinary, teambased modules focused on real-world BIM challenges in architectural/engineering degrees. Some International Universities have seen how the use of Integrated Construction Studio as a BIM teaching methodology which can promote collaborative construction skills through BIM-integrated learning environments focused on software skill training and applying teamwork within a real-world scenario in a BIM interdisciplinary project. Collaborative BIMbased projects have been seen to share a common trait in that communication and collaboration are enabled by BIM-based communication environments. BIM as a learning environment represents a new educational paradigm in which integration, multidisciplinary collaboration, simulation, real-life scenarios, and application of learning concepts are at the heart of the learning process [40-41]. This approach in Ireland has provided excellent document and collaboration tracking, with full activity analytics that could inform further research on the learning experience [42]. Additionally, these courses should be presented in Secondary Education Institutions to attract younger generations into construction.

1. O’Brien, E., Milovanic, B., Maseo, J.L. and McDonagh, B. (2021). Recognised MicroLearnings To Support The Digital Journey In The Construction Industry. 5th CitA BIM Gathering Proceedings 2021, September 21-23, 2019, The Construction IT Alliance, pp. 103110. 2. SOLAS, (2022). Difficult-to-fill vacancies survey. SOLAS Skills and Labour Market Research Unit. [online] Available at: [Accessed February 26, 2023]. 3.

Ghaffarianhoseini, A., Tookey, J., Ghaffarianhoseini, A., Naismith, N., Azhar, S., Efimova, O. and Raahemifar, K., (2017). Building Information Modelling (BIM) uptake: Clear benefits, understanding its implementation, risks, and challenges. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 75, pp.1046-1053.


Barison, M.B. and Toledo Santos, E., (2010). An Overview of BIM Specialists. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. Ed. W Tizani, Nottingham, pp.1-5, Available at: [Accessed October 9, 2022].


Kennedy, B. (2019). An Investigation into Irish Client's Understanding of the Capabilities of Building Information Modelling and their Role within a Construction Project. Technological University Dublin, Capstone Reports. 1. Dublin, Ireland.


Hamil, S. and Bain, D., (2021). NBS Digital Construction Report 2021. NBS Enterprises Ltd, v2, pp. 1–30.


World Economic Forum, (2018). Shaping the Future of Construction - An Action Plan to Accelerate Building Information Modeling (BIM) Adoption, World Economic


Bryde, D., Broquetas, M. and Volm, J., (2013). The project benefits of Building Information Modelling (BIM). International Journal of Project Management, 31(7), pp.971-980.


EU BIM Task Group, (2016). Handbook for the introduction of Building Information Modelling by the European Public Sector. [online] Available at: [Accessed February 11, 2023].

VI CONCLUSION The main concern is that as long as there is a reluctance to embrace BIM, the nation's progress will be hindered. In addition, the lack of a mandate for the construction sector could impact Ireland’s effectiveness in satisfying society’s needs and the market’s competitive nature. As a result, an action plan needs to be established to prevent the loss of international contracts, exports, and Irish-based employment. It is important to highlight that evidence suggests that the Irish construction industry could address skill shortages by making BIM more appealing to young professionals.


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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 10. McAuley, B., West, R.P. and Hore, A.V. (2020). The Irish Construction Industry’s State of Readiness for a BIM mandate in 2020. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2020. Dublin, Ireland.

20. Friel, K. (2018). Is Ireland's Digital Roadmap enough? Bimireland.i.e., Ireland's only dedicated BIM Exclusive Resource, BIM Ireland. Available at:

11. MacLoughlin, S. (2019). Overcoming Resistance To BIM: Aligning A Change Management Method with A BIM Implementation Strategy, Proceedings of the CitA BIM Gathering, September 26, Galway, pp 188 – 196.

21. By, R.T., (2005). Organisational change management: A critical review, Journal of Change Management, 5:4, 369-380,

12. Carvalho, J., Bragança, L. and Mateus, R., (2021). Sustainable building design: Analysing the feasibility of BIM platforms to support practical building sustainability assessment. Computers in Industry, 127, pp.1-14. 13. Nowak, P., Książek, M., Draps, M. and Zawistowski, J., (2016). Decision Making with Use of Building Information Modeling, Procedia Engineering, 153, pp.519-526. 14. Smith, D.K. and Tardif, M., (2009). A strategic implementation guide for architects, engineers, constructors, and real estate asset managers, Hobboken, John Wiley & Sons. 15. McAuley, B., West, R.P. and Hore, A.V. (2020). The Irish Construction Industry’s State of Readiness for a BIM mandate in 2020. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2020. Dublin, Ireland. 16. World Economic Forum, (2016). Shaping the Future of Construction - A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology, World Economic Forum. 17. Hire, S., Sandbhor, S. and Ruikar, K. (2021). Bibliometric Survey for Adopting Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Construction Industry – A Safety Perspective. Archives of computational methods in engineering, 29(1), pp.679-693. 18. George, J. and McGrath, J., (2017). BIM: Time to tap into its full potential. Civil & Construction Ireland. [online] Available at: [Accessed January 10, 2023]. 19. Expert Group on Future Skills Needs, (2020). Building Future Skills: The Demand for Skills in Ireland's Built Environment Sector to 2030, Dublin.

22. Channon, D.F. and Caldart, A.A., (2015). McKinsey 7S model. Wiley Encyclopedia of management, pp.1-1. 23. Carroll, P. and McAuley, B., (2017). Establishing the key pillars of innovation required to execute a successful BIM strategy within a Construction SME in Ireland. Proceedings of the 3rd CitA BIM Gathering, Dublin, 23rd - November 24, 2017. 24. KPMG, Future Analytics and TU Dublin, (2020). Economic Analysis of Productivity in the Irish construction sector. Department of Public Expenditure and 25. Hamma-adama, M., and Kouider, T. (2019). Comparative Analysis of BIM Adoption Efforts by Developed Countries as Precedent for New Adopter Countries. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 36(2), pp.1-15. 26. Archer, J. (2019). BIM in Ireland. National BIM report 2019, NBS. [online] Available at: [Accessed: February 5, 2023]. 27. National BIM Council, (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed February 25, 2023]. 28. BIM Innovation Capability Programme (2017) Research Objectives, available from 29. Office Government Procurement. (2017). A Public Sector BIM Adoption Strategy: A GCCC positional paper. paper. Government Construction Contracts Committee 30. Government of Ireland, (2019). Project Ireland 2040 Building Ireland’s Future. p.6. 31. Government of Ireland, (2022). Build Digital Project, A national centre of excellence. [online] Available at: [Accessed March 24, 2023]. 32. Boyle, J., and Brennan, D. (2022). Could the inclusion of certain Building Information and

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Modelling aspects into the Leaving Certificate Engineering syllabus aid the transition of students into third-level education when choosing a course within the construction industry. Technological University Dublin. DOI: 10.21427/3H2G-3724 33. Hashim, H. (2018). Application of technology in the digital era education. International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education, 2(1), pp.1-5, 34. Mc Kane, M. and Comiskey, D., (2018). BeIMCraft - Built Environment Information Modelling. ARKTEK Gamejam Workshop, Barcelona, Spain. 35. NATSPEC, (2023). About NATSPEC. NATSPEC Construction Information, 36.

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37. Al-Ababneh, M.M. (2020). Linking ontology, epistemology, and research methodology. Science & Philosophy, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 75-91. DOI: 10.23756/sp.v8i1.500. 38. Newby, P. (2014). Research Method for Education. Oxon: Routledge. 39. McAuley, B., Hore, A., and West, R. (2019) BIM in Ireland 2019: A study of bim maturity and diffusion in Ireland, Proceedings of the 4th CitA BIM Gathering, Galway 26th -27th September, pp 222-229. 40.

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41. Olowa, T., Witt, E. & Lill, I., 2019. BIM for Construction Education: Initial Findings from a Literature Review. 10th Nordic Conference on ons r ion ono i s and r ani a ion erald Reach Proceedings Series, Vol. 2), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 305-313, 42. Hayes, E. (2021) Teaching our way through a o a pande i , ris i din Ma a ine, Iss2, pp 130-131

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Barriers to BIM Implementation for Cost Management in the Irish Construction Industry Uchenna Sampson Igwe1, Alan Hore2, Dermot Kehily3, David Colmenero Lechuga4 School of Surveying and Construction Innovation Technological University Dublin E-mail: 3 4 colmenero@ci Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the foundation of digital transformation in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry that enables efficient collaboration and information sharing among stakeholders in the industry. It has been identified as a powerful tool for construction cost management because it provides accurate and timely information about the cost implications of design decisions. BIM development in Ireland is expected to continue growing in the coming years, driven by the proposed 2024 government mandate, continued state supports and the benefits that BIM brings to the construction industry, including improved collaboration, reduced errors and waste, and increased efficiency. Notable developments have occurred over the years to leverage the adoption and implementation of BIM in Ireland such as Build Digital Project geared towards the delivery of Project Ireland 2040, recent launch of the BIM mandate on Public Works Projects, the introduction of Agreed Rules of Measurement fifth edition (ARM5) and the introduction of the International Construction Measurement Standards (ICMS) in Ireland that aims at harmonizing cost reporting across the globe. However, BIM implementation in Ireland still suffers setbacks as most projects adopt traditional approaches to construction implementation and cost management. The aim of this article is to evaluate the key barriers that is hampering the full adoption and implementation of BIM in the Irish construction industry for cost management of projects. Data was gathered from Irish construction professionals and academics in construction related disciplines using a structured questionnaire. The data gathered was analyzed quantitatively using severity indices, and mean values, to identify the top barriers. Structural equation modelling of the identified barriers was performed using SmartPLS software to determine the level of effect on the variables (barriers) leading to the efficient cost management of projects. Lack of awareness and understanding, cost, resistance to change, a skills shortage, and lack of standardization were identified as the top barriers to BIM implementation for cost management of projects in Irish construction industry. Addressing these barriers will require a concerted effort from industry stakeholders, government, and educational institutions to promote awareness, provide the much-needed training and education to Quantity Surveyors, develop standardization, and address legal and contractual implications of introducing BIM into traditional contract settings. Keywords ̶ Barriers, BIM, Cost Management, Irish Construction Industry.

I INTRODUCTION Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the holistic process of creating and managing information for a built asset [1]. Based on an intelligent model and enabled by a cloud platform, BIM integrates structured, multi-disciplinary data to produce a digital representation of an asset across its lifecycle, from planning and design to construction and operations

[1]. Digital technologies are disrupting the way the Irish construction industry works, and if it is to attract the next generation of professionals and seek out better value-for-money for the taxpayer, it is crucial that the government and the industry stakeholders continue to embrace change and one of the most prevalent digital technologies in the Irish construction industry is Building information modelling (BIM) [2]. In Europe, western and northern countries have widely implemented the use of BIM

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 for their needs, in particular United Kingdom and Scandinavian countries (Finland and Norway), as well as France and Italy [3]. BIM has been gaining traction in Ireland, in particular with its promotion by the Construction IT Alliance (CitA), CIF Construction 4.0 Group, and the Construction Sectors Group focusing on Construction Innovation and Digital Adoption. More recently the Government announced the introduction of a BIM mandate on larger public sector project to drive greater innovation in the proposed National Development Plan (20212030). There has been a significant increase in the number of construction projects in Ireland using BIM in recent years. Major public infrastructure projects such as the new children's hospital in Dublin, the M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy motorway, and the Dublin Airport Central development have all utilized BIM. In addition, many architectural, engineering, and construction firms in Ireland have also started adopting BIM in their projects. BIM is now seen as an essential tool for collaboration and project management in the industry. CitA, a non-profit organization that promotes the use of technology in the Irish construction industry, has been instrumental in driving the adoption of BIM in Ireland. CitA has been organizing events and training programs to educate professionals on the benefits of BIM and how to use it effectively. BIM development in Ireland is expected to continue growing in the coming years, driven by government support and the benefits that BIM brings to the construction industry, including improved collaboration, reduced errors and waste, and increased efficiency. BIM offers significant opportunities for construction management as it provides an effective method for design and documentation, supports communication, and collaboration and enhances the most important factors of a project (time, cost, and quality) [4]. BIM can be used for various purposes, including construction cost management. BIM can be a powerful tool for construction cost management. By providing accurate quantity take off, clash detection, visualization, schedule optimization, and improved communication, BIM can help in reducing the risk of errors and omissions, which can lead to cost overruns. The last BIM survey of 2019 [5] specifically for design professionals from a mixture of disciplines, including architects, architectural technologists, BIM managers, building services engineers and structural engineers, amongst others revealed that certain barriers still hinder the adoption of BIM in Ireland. The Barriers as revealed in the survey are depicted in Table 1. The aim of this article is to investigate these barriers to BIM adoption and the implementation, to ascertain if they still exist in the Irish construction

industry and to reveal any new impending challenges the construction players face with a focus on the construction cost management. Table 1: Top 10 Barriers to BIM adoption in Ireland SN Barriers Ireland UK 1 Lack of in-house 74% 63% Expertise 2 No Client Demand 67% 65% 3 Lack of training 67% 59% 4 No time to get up to 56% 48% speed 5 No established 48% 36% contractual framework for working with BIM 6 Cost 48% 51% 7 Difference in expertise 41% 28% among collaborating parties in a project 8 Lack of Standardized 41% 33% tools and protocols 9 Don’t see the benefit 30% 15% 10 Lack of collaboration 30% 33% Source: [5]

II LITERATURE REVIEW a) Overview of Recent Developments in BIM The socio-economic growth of every nation is significantly influenced by the construction sector. Construction is a major player in the global economy: representing 13% of gross domestic product (GDP) and employs 7% of the global working-age population [6]. Despite this, the construction sector confronts several difficulties due to its complexity, including low productivity, poor quality, growing costs, wasteful construction practices, delays, and a lack of coordinated information exchange among project participants. These issues are potentially being addressed by BIM, which would also boost the performance of the construction sector. BIM is a revolutionary innovation in the construction industry to virtually design and manage projects throughout the building lifecycle [7]. BIM has gained popularity in the construction industry because of smart problem-solving and helping with sharing knowledge between all the construction participants [8]. The recent advances in construction technology and the growing complexity of the industry have stirred up the key players of the industry to perceive the great benefits of BIM application. BIM has rapidly gained prominence in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry over the past decade. Major industries are currently going through a

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 digital transformation known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR-4.0), driven by exponentially increasing computing power and abundantly available electronic data. As a result of this digital technology adoption, the AEC market size is expected to surge from $7188 million in 2020 to $15,842million by 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.7% from 2021 to 2028 [9] . Over the past few years, BIM has continued to evolve, driven by technological advancements and industry demands. The notable recent developments in BIM include: 1. Increased adoption and standardization 2. Cloud-based collaboration and data management 3. Integration of reality capture technologies 4. Advancements in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) 5. Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) 6. Application of BIM for Operations and Maintenance (O&M) of facilities. 7. Use of BIM for sustainability and energy analysis 8. BIM enabled prefabrication and modular construction. 9. Mobile and field BIM for activity tracking b) BIM Implementation in Irish Construction Industry The implementation of BIM in the Irish construction industry has been steadily progressing over the past decade [5]. The Irish government, industry organizations, and construction stakeholders have recognized the potential benefits of BIM and have taken steps to promote its adoption [2]. Government Initiatives and Mandates: The Irish government has been actively promoting BIM implementation through various initiatives and mandates [2]. In 2017, the National BIM Council (NBC) was established to drive the adoption of BIM across public and private sectors [10]. The NBC has developed the Irish National BIM Council Strategy and Roadmap, which provides a framework for BIM implementation in Ireland [2]. The government plan to introduce a BIM mandate on a tiered public project scale basis from early in 2024 by incorporating a contractual requirement for BIM in Public Works Contracts and supporting guidance in the Capital Works Management Framework [11]. Industry Collaboration and Standards: Collaboration among industry stakeholders has played a crucial role in advancing BIM implementation in Ireland. The Construction Industry Federation (CIF) has been actively involved in promoting BIM adoption and providing

training and support to the industry [12]. Collaboration platforms such as the BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP) and the BIM Excellence Initiative (BEI) have been established to support knowledge sharing, best practices, and industry-wide collaboration. Irish BIM standards are aligned with international standards such as the ISO 19650 series [13]. The introduction of International Construction Measurement Standards (ICMS) and Agreed Rules of Measurement 5 (ARM5) is another giant stride especially in Quantity Surveying profession. The ICMS is a framework for the harmonization and standardization of construction cost reporting and measurement [14]. BIM Education and Training: To support BIM implementation, educational institutions in Ireland have introduced BIM-related courses and training programs. Universities and colleges offer degrees and certifications in BIM and related disciplines, equipping the future workforce with the necessary skills. The CIF and CitA provides BIM training courses, workshops, and seminars to upskill industry professionals and promote BIM competency through their respective Skillnet Ireland funded programmes [5]. BIM Adoption in Major Projects: BIM implementation has gained momentum in largescale infrastructure and building projects across Ireland. Major projects, including transport infrastructure, healthcare facilities, and educational buildings, have embraced BIM methodologies to enhance collaboration, coordination, and project delivery. BIM has been recognized for its potential in improving project outcomes, reducing costs, minimizing risks, and enhancing sustainability. The introduction of the imminent government BIM mandate in 2024 will be a requirement on these larger projects [11]. BIM Maturity and Digital Transformation: The Irish construction industry has made significant progress in terms of BIM maturity and digital transformation. Organizations are adopting advanced BIM technologies, such as 4D scheduling, 5D cost estimation, and virtual reality (VR) visualization, to optimize project planning, improve cost control, and enhance stakeholder engagement [5] [15] The integration of BIM with other emerging technologies, including AI, IoT, and robotics, is also gaining attention. BIM implementation in the Irish construction industry has made significant strides, driven by government initiatives, industry collaboration, and recognition of its potential benefits. Continued efforts in education, training, standards development, and collaboration are expected to further enhance BIM adoption and contribute to the digital transformation of the Irish construction

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 sector. c) BIM and Cost Management Cost management (CM) is the systematic process of developing, monitoring, and adjusting a budget to achieve the maximum amount of work at a given level of quality in situations where unknowns and uncertainty may cause costs to rise beyond acceptable levels [16]. According to [17]cost management could be defined as the process of planning, interpretation, detailing, directing, agreement, cost control, and evaluation of the construction during its preparation and constructing phases. Estimation, task controls, field data gathering, scheduling, accounting, design, and other project management tasks are included. The approach to these cost management activities is being transformed since the advent of BIM technology. Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the technical solutions of applying BIM for cost management (e.g., BIM-enabled quantity take-off, automated generation of bill of quantities, and 5D BIM-enabled cost control) [15] BIM technology integrates the entire process of construction cycle [18] and all the cost management task at each stage is executable using BIM tools. The key areas of construction cost management that digital transition is revolutionizing with the use of BIM tools include. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Quantity take-off and estimation Clash detection and coordination Value engineering Change management: 4D and 5D visualization Cost tracking and control Facility management and lifecycle costing

Quantity Surveyors are professionally trained to manage and control cost of construction projects. Hence, they are sometimes referred to as Construction Economists, or Cost Managers. By leveraging BIM's capabilities for quantity take-off, clash detection, value engineering, change management, visualization, cost tracking, and facility management, the Quantity Surveyors and other professionals can enhance cost control, reduce project risks, and improve overall project efficiency. Various BIM Software such as Autodesk Construction Cloud, Procore, Revit, Oracle Aconex, Builterra, iTWO CostX, Pype, Cype, Cubit, Cubicost, InEight, BIMcollab Cloud, Trimble Nova etc., are currently being utilized to effectively deliver these cost management functions. BIM-based projects provide the Quantity Surveyors substantial involvement especially in the project design process compared to the traditional 2D practice. The Quantity Surveyors and other professionals in the industry is required to

effectively collaborate and have a clear understanding of the varied areas of construction so as to optimize project performance in terms of cost, time and quality. Despite these advantages, BIM is perceived differently within construction industries across different countries [8] Examining these perceptions has been viewed as a necessary step for enhancing BIM implementation. Considering this, researchers have worked to identify key barriers to BIM adoption in different countries. d) BIM Implementation Barriers for Cost Management The common challenges facing BIM adoption are related to the huge cost investment and benefits that are insufficient compared to the cost, and an unwillingness to start new technology, according to the results of a study representing respondents from the USA, Canada, the UK, Ghana, China, India, Australia, and South Africa [8] The work of [3] indicated that Lack of expertise (within the project team or within the organizations), high investment cost, lack of standardization, and legal issues are most often cited as significant barriers to BIM implementation. If nothing is done to tackle the barriers, then it might become difficult for BIM latecomers to adopt BIM and work at the same standard as the BIM early adopters [5] In 2019 CitA and NBS formed a strategic partnership to support Ireland’s digital transformation and to assist with BIM, knowledge and training initiatives across the industry. A crucial part of this partnership was a BIM survey, specifically for design professionals from a mixture of disciplines, including architects, architectural technologists, BIM managers, building services engineers and structural engineers, amongst others. The results revealed that awareness of BIM in Ireland matches awareness levels in the UK [5]. The BIM survey revealed that the primary barriers for BIM implementation in Ireland are a lack of in-house expertise, no client demand and a lack of training. Other barriers which hinder BIM adoption for construction cost management include as identified by different researchers include Lack of Awareness and Understanding [19], Skills and Training Gap [20], Cost of BIM Adoption [20], Collaboration and Information Sharing Challenges [21] and [8], Legal and Contractual Frameworks [20], [21], and [7] and Change Management and Resistance to Change [8] [22] [19].This article revealed the key barriers that still hinder the full adoption and implementation of BIM for cost management in the Irish construction industry.

III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research is targeted at revealing the impending barriers to BIM adoption for construction cost

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 management in the Irish construction industry. Consequently, various past literatures were reviewed to articulate the barriers identified by the past researchers in other countries and in the Republic of Ireland. A quantitative approach was adopted, and an online 5-point Likert scale survey was designed and administered to construction professionals in the Republic of Ireland. A quantitative research method is used in achieving a wide coverage of the survey with a considerable response rate, bias free-response and free from privacy issues. A reliability test, descriptive statistics, and Severity Index (SI) statistics were subsequently deployed in the analysis of data. The severity of the identified barriers was ranked based on the severity indices of barriers calculated using the equation 1. 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝑆𝑆𝐼𝐼 (𝑆𝑆. 𝐼𝐼) =



Where 𝑊𝑊𝑠𝑠 = Total of severity weight given to each barrier, 𝐻𝐻 = Highest Ranking Available which is 5 using 5-point Likert scale, 𝑁𝑁= Total Number of Respondents that answered the question. Partial least square (PLS) algorithm was run to determine the correlations and impact of the barriers with/on effective cost management of projects. The PLS-SEM is a common multivariate method of analysis for calculating structural equation models based on variance, especially in the field of social sciences. Nevertheless, PLS-SEM provides an opportunity to resolve multifarious correlations and causal relationships that would otherwise be difficult to discover. The survey was administered to the target respondents through emails and made public on social media platforms. Fig. 1 shows the response rate of the administered survey and over 70% (Fig. 2) agreed that barriers still exist in the implementation of BIM in the Irish construction industry. 44% 56%

Surveys Returned Surveys Not Returned Fig. 1: Response rate of Survey


34.0 Yes


79.0 0.0




Fig. 2: Response on Existence of BIM Barriers

The identified barriers were coded as per Table 2 while the impact of the barriers on BIM benefits were coded as per Table 3. Table 2: Barriers to BIM Implementation for Cost Management Ref code Variable Name BBCM1 BBCM2 BBCM3 BBCM4

Lack of awareness Lack of understanding Lack of training No time to get up to speed


Cost (hardware & software) Resistance to change Skills shortage Lack of standardised tools and protocols Differences in expertise among collaborating parties in a project Lack of collaboration Limited knowledge & experience No Government enforcement Lack of adoption in public procurement



Table 3: BIM Benefits Variable Name Faster and more efficient processes Increased productivity Controlled whole-life costs Controlled environmental data Avoidance of rework costs Reduce on-site waste Error prevention Clash detection Opportunity to secure Government contracts Improved safety

Prior to the analysis of the data gathered, the reliability of the information was checked to ascertain the internal consistency of the data, using Cronbach’s alpha reliability statistics. The results were all within

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 excellent reliability values of 0.903 and 0.927 for BIM barrier variables and BIM benefit variables respectively, indicating excellent internal consistency of the data.

IV RESULTS The respective roles of the respondents are depicted in Fig. 3. Majority of the respondents were Quantity Surveyors making up 43% of the total response, followed by BIM professionals which represented 28% of the respondents. A greater percentage of the respondents had over 20 years of professional experience (Fig. 4). Though the greater percentage of the respondents reported to be using BIM platforms/tools, there was still professionals that rarely use the technology and there are those that do not use BIM tools for job delivery (Fig. 5). Others 4%

Academic 1%

Contractor QS 9%

M&E Client QS 1% Project Manager 12%

Freelance QS 2%

M&E Contractor QS 2%


Fig. 3: Role of Respondents 40 30 20 10 0








Fig. 4: Years of Professional Experience




Even though 92% of the respondents declared a high use of BIM platforms, only 41% of the respondents confirmed the use of BIM for cost management (CM), as indicated in Fig. 6. This is an indication that BIM implementation for cost management in Irish construction space is still facing setbacks. Maybe 21%

Yes 41%

No 38%

Client QS 29%

BIM Professional 28%

Architect / Engineer 12%

Fig. 5: Response on use of BIM Platforms/Tools


Fig. 6: Response on Use of BIM for CM

Table 4 presents the descriptive statistics and the severity indices of the identified barriers. The barriers were ranked using their respective severity index values and the mean values. Table 4: Severity Indices of BIM Barriers Barrier ID







67 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113

0.636 0.630 0.625 0.616 0.612 0.611 0.598 0.596 0.595 0.593 0.593 0.536 0.469

3.180 3.150 3.120 3.080 3.060 3.050 2.990 2.980 2.970 2.960 2.960 2.680 2.350

1.180 1.046 1.070 1.070 1.055 1.059 1.319 1.018 1.138 1.017 1.322 1.112 1.132

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

The severity ranking of the analyzed barriers showed that Lack of awareness (BBCM1) with severity index value of 0.64 has the highest impact on BIM adoption for cost management of projects in Irish construction sector. Though this variable has the highest SI value, the total number of valid data were lesser than all other barriers. The valid data of 67 against 113 for other variables might have contributed to the higher SI value. Hence, Resistance to change (BBCM6) with SI value of 0.63 is considered as the most critical barrier to BIM adoption and implementation for cost management. Differences in expertise among collaborating parties in a project (BBCM9) with SI value of 0.625 is considered second in the ranking of the barriers, while Lack of

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 standardized tools and protocols (BBCM8) with SI value of 0.62 was ranked third. The lower mean values and SI values of other barriers analyzed does not mean negligible impact on BIM adoption and implementation but these four have been identified based on this study to be the most critical barriers that hamper BIM adoption and implementation for construction cost management in the Irish construction industry. The effect of the BIM Barriers on the great benefits of BIM which includes effectiveness of construction management was further established with the use SmartPLS software by running the PLS algorithm of the two endogenous variables. Fig. 7 is the PLS algorithm of the BIM barriers and the benefits of BIM. Though some of the indicators of the BIM barriers did not meet the minimum threshold of outer loadings of 0.708 [22], it is evident that the barriers have strong effect on the BIM benefits with effect size of 0.55 and R-square value of 0.302. Deleting the indicators that did not meet up the minimum outer loading threshold reduced the effect size to 0.525 and the R-square value to 0.275 (Fig. 8). However, the effect size is still high even with reduction in the number of indicators in the BIM barrier variable.

Fig. 7: First PLS Algorithm of BIM Barriers on BIM Benefits

V CONCLUSIONS The article explored the challenges and obstacles faced by the Irish construction industry in adopting BIM for effective cost management. One of the primary barriers identified in the research is the lack of awareness and understanding of BIM among industry professionals. Many construction stakeholders, including contractors, architects, and clients, have limited knowledge and misconceptions about BIM, hindering its adoption. This knowledge gap leads to resistance and reluctance to invest in BIM technologies and training. Also, the paper highlights the financial constraints faced by construction companies in Ireland. Implementing BIM requires substantial upfront investment in software, hardware, and employee training. The financial burden associated with BIM adoption acts as a significant barrier, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that may struggle to allocate resources for BIM implementation. Furthermore, the study identified the lack of standardized processes and protocols as a significant challenge in BIM implementation. Another barrier identified is the resistance to change. The industry traditionally relies on conventional methods of cost estimation and management, and transitioning to a new technology-driven approach like BIM requires a cultural shift. To address these barriers, it is highly recommended that investing in BIM education and training programs to enhance industry professionals' understanding and skills, providing financial incentives and support for BIM adoption, establishing industry-wide standards and guidelines, and promoting collaboration among stakeholders to create a conducive environment for BIM implementation are very crucial. By overcoming these obstacles, the industry can harness the benefits of BIM, enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving project outcomes.

REFERENCES [1] Autodesk, (2023), “What Are the Benefits of Aug. 07. BIM?” BIM, -of-bim [2] Mcauley B., West R. P, and Hore A. V., (2020) “The Irish Construction industry’s state of readiness for a BIM mandate in 2020,” in Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference, pp. 740–745. Fig. 8: Second PLS Algorithm of BIM Barriers on BIM Benefits

[3] Leśniak A., Górka M., and Skrzypczak I., (2021) “Barriers to BIM Implementation in Architecture, Construction, and Engineering

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Projects—the Polish study,” Energies (Basel), vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 1–20. [4] Hyarat E., Hyarat T., and Al Kuisi M., (2022) “Barriers to the Implementation of Building Information Modeling among Jordanian AEC Companies,” Buildings, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1-20. [5] Hore A., Mcauley B., and West R., (2019) “Building Information Modelling in Ireland 2019,” Dublin. [6] Dowd T., and Marsh D., (2020), “The future of BIM: Digital transformation in the UK construction and infrastructure sector,” 2020. [7] Ullah K., Lill I., and Witt E., (2019) “An overview of BIM adoption in the construction industry: Benefits and barriers,” in Emerald Reach Proceedings Series, Emerald Group Holdings Ltd., pp. 297–303. [8] Sepasgozar S. M. E., Khan, A.A., Smith K., Romero, J.G., Shen, X., Shirowzhan, S., Li, H., and Tahmasebinia, F. (2023), “BIM and Digital Twin for Developing Convergence Technologies as Future of Digital Construction,” Buildings, vol. 13, no. 2, Pp. 134. [9] Mannok, (2021) “NBC Digital Roadmap 2021: What does it mean for the Irish construction industry?” Technical Articles/Architecture, Mar. 01, 2018. (accessed Aug. 16, 2023). [10] Construction Procurement Policy Unit, (2023) “BIM requirements in the CWMF from January 2024,” Capital Works Management Framework/Office of Government Procurement, Jul. 04, 2023. (accessed Aug. 16, 2023). [11] Construction Industry Federation, (2018) “CIF BIM Starter Pack,” Dublin, 2018. [Online]. Available: [12] The Editor, (2018) “BIM Innovation Capability Programme paves the way to Ireland’s Digital Construction Programme 2018-2021,”, Dublin, pp. 1–5, Feb. 08, 2018. Accessed: Aug. 16, 2023.

[15] Chigara, B., Moyo, T., and Mudzengerere, F. H., (2013), “An Analysis of Cost Management Strategies Employed by Building Contractors on Projects in Zimbabwe,” International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering & Technology, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 2180–3242. [16] Ellingerová, H., (2011) “Planning and Management of Construction Budgetary Costs,” Organization, Technology and Management in Construction: An International Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 296–301. [17] Ji, Q. and Chen W., (2020) “The application of BIM technology in the cost management of the whole process of construction projects,” in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing Ltd, Oct. 2020. [18] Salman, H., Hamma-Adama, M., and Kouider, T., (2020) “Analysis of Barriers and Drivers for BIM Adoption,” International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 18– 41. [19] Kineber, A. F., Massoud, M. M., Hamed, M. M., Alhammadi, Y., and Al-Mhdawi, M. K. S., (2023) “Impact of Overcoming BIM Implementation Barriers on Sustainable Building Project Success: A PLS-SEM Approach,” Buildings, vol. 13, no. 1, Pp. 1-22. [20] Sardroud, J. M., Mehdizadehtavasani, M., Khorramabadi, A., and Ranjbardar, A., (2018) “Barriers Analysis to Effective Implementation of BIM in the Construction Industry,” in 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC2018), 2018, pp. 1–8. [21] Saka A. B., and Chan, D. W. M., (2020) “Profound barriers to building information modelling (BIM) adoption in construction small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): An interpretive structural modelling approach,” Construction Innovation, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 261– 284. [22] Yana, A. A. G. A., Rusdhi, H. A., and Wibowo, M. A., (2015) “Analysis of factors affecting design changes in construction project with Partial Least Square (PLS),” Procedia Eng, vol. 125, pp. 40–45.

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Provision for digital quantification learning on quantity surveying programmes: drivers and barriers Gervase Cunningham1 and Ryan McAllister2 Belfast School of Architecture & the Built Environment Ulster University Belfast County Antrim E-mail: Abstract ̶ The ongoing impact of digitalisation on construction is very evident. However, third level institutions are lagging behind industry in many respects. This is particularly relevant in the digitalisation of the quantification process. This study explores the provision for digital quantification learning in third level institutions across Ireland and the United Kingdom, analysing the drivers and barriers to its delivery on programmes. The study highlights that staff are keen to further embed digital quantification in the curriculum of quantity surveying programmes. The study also proposes measures to further encourage and improve its adoption and overcome barriers to its implementation. Keywords ̶ Digital, Quantification, Measurement, Drivers, Barriers, Learning.

I INTRODUCTION The development of the measurement skills of quantity surveying students is happening in a rapidly changing environment [1]. There is a need for these students to quickly adapt to advancing digital technologies including BIM [2]. Prior to the 1990s measurement was predominantly carried out under the traditional method of handwriting quantities and descriptions onto dimension paper which were then transferred manually with the aid of a typewriter or latterly a word processor into a bill of quantities format [3]. However, advances in technology over the past thirty plus years have seen the continued digitalisation of this process. Initially software packages required entering dimensions taken from 2-dimensional drawings to the automated abstraction of total quantities from 3-dimensional building information models (BIM).This has largely dispensed with the requirement to wait for printed drawings and then use scale rulers to abstract dimensions to be recorded in a systematic manner on dimension paper. This has been replaced by drawings being emailed or shared on a cloud based common data environment and then quantified using on screen take-off software [4]. This evolution in the utilisation of computerised systems has generally made the labour-intensive manual processing of dimensions virtually

redundant, with measurement and bill production now predominantly automated [5]. Therefore, the traditional manual method of taking off quantities is now not meeting the needs of industry with regard to accuracy and time efficiency [6]. However, the research indicates that quantity surveyors have been slow to adopt advanced digital technologies for their practice [7]. Despite the advances in technology, the conventional approach to teaching construction measurement in third level institutions involves a lecturer trying to develop learning in construction technology to allow students read and interpret information on a drawing. In conjunction with this instruction, it is necessary to explain the rules, namely a standard method of measurement such as the New Rules of Measurement – Detailed Measurement for Building Works second edition (NRM2) if based in the United Kingdom (UK) or the Agreed Rules of Measurement fourth edition (ARM4) if based in the Republic of Ireland. This is also done whilst showing the process of how-to take-off (measure) to quantify work [8]. Inevitably some students struggle to acquire this mix of skills and knowledge within a restricted academic timeframe [1]. With the vast majority of quantity surveyors in industry now using computer software to measure, the practice of teaching traditional manual measurement must now be questioned [3]. To reinforce this it has also been observed that students

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 with digital quantification skills and knowledge displayed a higher level of technical ability and were better prepared for work in industry [9]. This is confirmed in the research of [10] who noted integrating digital tools in student learning allows application of knowledge gained to real-life tasks and provides for a more holistic and practical learning experience for the student.

II DRIVERS The drivers for the adoption of digital quantification in academia are common in many instances to those drivers for its adoption in industry. These include increased productivity reducing time spent on the production of quantities generally and more specifically the production of bills of quantities, better response times, improved quality control and more transparent working methods [11]. This is also confirmed in the research of [12] who note that employing digital quantification tools improves the accuracy of quantities and the time required to obtain them. The facilitation of remote access and promoting greater and more efficient collaboration have also been cited as drivers of digitalisation of quantification in industry [13]. The advances in digitalisation of the quantification process have improved communication and facilitated enhanced visualisation of data and project information in a 3-dimensional BIM environment. It also provides greater flexibility and adaptability to manging changing project requirements. However, the main driver in academia is ensuring that students have the necessary digital skills in a rapidly changing industry as the research of [13] identifies that many academic institutions do not offer specific modules in digital learning or if they do it is inadequate to meet industry’s needs. This then puts the onus on companies to train their recently employed graduates [14]. It is also worth noting that quantity surveying graduates will be future influencers of the construction industry and its implementation of digital technology and will need digital skills [15].

III BARRIERS The integration of digital quantification on quantity surveying programmes throughout the UK and Ireland has not been without its challenges and there are numerous barriers. As with the adoption of digital quantification in industry there is again some similarity in the barriers encountered.

A major barrier identified by [13] is the lack of digital literacy among not only students but also academics. This can make it difficult for academic institutions to incorporate digital quantification on their programmes. The lack of industry support and cooperation is another barrier as consultancies and companies may be tentative about partnering with academic institutions to provide real-life projects and case studies for students to gain relevant knowledge. The lack of industry collaboration is also seen as a barrier impeding progress on the development of a relevant digital curriculum. As noted by [15] poor collaboration between academia and industry has resulted in many instances of programmes of study not being fully attuned to the needs of industry. The accessibility and affordability of digital technologies or in particular lack of awareness of what software is accessible and affordable can also be a barrier. It has also been identified that barriers include issues such as lack of investment in computer hardware, poor managerial leadership and attitude towards incorporating digital technologies, software not being user friendly, frequent updates/revisions to software, software compatibility issues, intellectual property, privacy and copyrights particularly where industry information may be used, resistance or fear of change by academics and lack of knowledge and basic digital skills of students [2]. This is also confirmed in the research of [11] who observed barriers to digitalisation such as technological, financial, organisational and psychological.

IV PRIMARY RESEARCH In order to establish the current provision and approach to the delivery of digital quantification on quantity surveying programmes at both undergraduate and indeed at postgraduate level a survey was conducted. The survey explored the difficulties and challenges faced by academics delivering digital quantification learning, evaluating the support provided to academics by their respective institutions. The survey also investigated the methods of delivering learning and how assessment was carried out. Data was collected using an online questionnaire that was developed through JISC Online Surveys. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were considered for obtaining primary data with quantitative in the form of a questionnaire survey being selected. The selection was based on the fact that data obtained could be analysed and summarised

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 easily. A larger sample size from a wide variety of participants could also be achieved. Whereas if a qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews was carried out this would be more time intensive, and data would have potentially been more difficult to analyse. The sample size as a result would also have been more restricted due to time involved and potential reluctance or unavailability of potential participants to take part in a semi-structured interview. A mixed method of both quantitative and qualitative was also considered, but again this was potentially time intensive with the added issues of possibly duplicating specific data collection and confusion and ambiguity arising from conflicting data collected from both research methods making analysis difficult. The questionnaire was designed and drafted to collect data on staff members' perceptions and experiences related to the teaching and learning of digital quantification in quantity surveying programmes, as well as the challenges and benefits related with its integration. The use of an online survey enabled easy distribution and data collection, as responses were automatically collected through the online platform. Questions were mainly structured allowing results to be easily quantified with a mixture of multiple choice (single answer and multiple answer) questions and questions where respondents could rank answers in order of importance using a “Likert scale” format. There were also a number of questions providing the opportunity for respondents to provide a qualitative answer. A total of 91 prospective participants were identified in over 30 academic institutions across Ireland and the UK via university websites and RICS/SCSI databases. These academics were then contacted via email to complete the survey. Out of these, disappointingly only 31 recipients completed the survey, representing a response rate of 34.07%. The contributors were selected based on their expertise and involvement in the field of Quantity Surveying learning at third level institutions, which was deemed necessary for the study's objectives. The anonymity of responses made it difficult to follow-up directly with those academics who had not responded to encourage them to complete the survey. The demography of responses is considered in the following data analysis and results section, but it can be concluded that a greater response rate would have provided clearer and more definitive data for analysis and potentially facilitated cross-analysis across the regions.

in third level institutions delivering quantity surveying programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level throughout Ireland and the UK. Republic of Ireland (5) 16%

RESPONSES England (10) 32%

Northern Ireland (3) 10%

Wales (6) 19%

Scotland (7) 23%

Fig. 1: Demography of responses

All respondents indicated that learning and assessment in measurement/quantification at their institution was a mixture of traditional manual “taking-off” and the application of some form of digital method. The responses indicated that 18 institutions deliver learning and assessment in digital quantification in first year at undergraduate level. Moving on to second year, responses recorded that this was the most popular stage for embedding digital quantification learning and assessment in the curriculum with 29 of the 31 respondents indicating that their institutions had provision at this stage. With regard to third year, 11 institutions provided learning and assessment in digital quantification. These were institutions in either the Republic of Ireland or Scotland who predominantly deliver a 4-year fulltime programme as opposed to the 4-year sandwich undergraduate degrees offered at institutions in England, Wales and Northern Ireland where the third year is spent on industrial placement. In final year at undergraduate level 19 institutions provided for learning and assessment of digital quantification. At postgraduate level all 7 institutions offering such programmes had provision for digital quantification learning and assessment.


Table 1 provides a further analysis of responses detailing the diversity of approaches to the provision for digital quantification learning and assessment across all academic years of undergraduate programmes.

Figure 1 provides a numeric and percentage breakdown of the demography of responses to the survey. As can be seen the survey targeted academics

As can be seen on the table all respondents with the exception of one indicated that digital quantification learning and assessment was delivered over at least 2

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 years on their undergraduate programme, with 8 respondents indicating that it was delivered over 3 years and 4 respondents indicating delivery over all 4 academic years of a full-time programme.

Provision for digital quantification learning and assessment

Programme format

1 year only

4-year sandwich programmes


Number of institutions


1st and 2nd year

4-year sandwich programmes


1st and final year

4-year sandwich programme


2nd and final year

4-year sandwich programme


1 , 2 and final year

4-year sandwich programme


2nd and 3rd year

4-year full-time programme


1st, 2nd and 3rd year

4-year full-time programme


2nd, 3rd and final year

4-year full-time programme


1st, 2nd, 3rd and final year

4-year full-time programme




Table 1: Provision across undergraduate programme years With regard to the software platforms used by third level institutions for digital quantification Table 2 provides a detailed breakdown of results from the survey. As can be seen Microsoft Excel and CostX are popular software platforms for digital quantification learning in academia followed by Buildsoft Cubit and Bluebeam. Software Used Autodesk Quantity Take-off Bluebeam Revu Buildsoft Cubit Causeway CATO CostX Microsoft Excel Planswift QS Pro Revit

Northern Republic England Scotland Wales Ireland of Ireland 0 1 3 1 2 3 4 1 0 2 3 2 3 1 3 0 1 0 0 1 3 4 7 5 3 3 5 8 5 6 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 0

Total 7 10 12 2 22 27 2 1 4

Table 2: Software used across regions However, it interesting to note that the survey has identified that the vast majority of institutions use two or more software platforms to deliver digital quantification learning. This is detailed in table in Table 3. Combination of software Northern Republic England Scotland used at institution Ireland of Ireland Microsoft Excel only 2 1 Buildsoft Cubit only 1 Microsoft Excel & CostX 3 4 CostX & Autodesk Quantity 1 Take-off CostX & Buildsoft Cubit 1 Microsoft Excel & Causeway CATO Microsoft Excel & Bluebeam 1 Revu Microsoft Excel & Autodesk Quantity Take-off Buildsoft Cubit & Autodesk 1 Quantity Take-off Microsoft Excel, CostX & Buildsoft Cubit Microsoft Excel, CostX & 1 Causeway CATO Microsoft Excel, Buildsoft Cubit & Autodesk Quantity Take-off Microsoft Excel, CostX & Bluebeam Revu Microsoft Excel, Autodesk 1 Quantity Take-off & Bluebeam Revu Microsoft Excel, CostX & QS 1 Pro Microsoft Excel, CostX & 1 Planswift Microsoft Excel, CostX, 1 Autodesk Quantity Take-off & Planswift Microsoft Excel, CostX, Buildsoft Cubit & Bluebeam Revu Microsoft Excel, CostX, 1 Buildsoft Cubit & Autodesk Quantity Take-off Microsoft Excel, CostX, 3 1 Buildsoft Cubit, Bluebeam Revu & Revit


Total 3 1 7 1 1


1 1


1 1


1 1




1 1 1 1 1





Table 3: Combination of software used by institutions across the regions In terms of the design information used in the delivery of digital quantification modules 11 respondents indicated that their institutions used design information solely in a PDF format and 10 respondents indicated use of design information in either a PDF or DWG format. With regard to using 3dimensional design information 5 respondents indicating that their institution used BIM models in addition to design information in a PDF and DWG format with a further 2 respondents indicating that their institutions used BIM models as well as design information in a PDF format. A further 2 respondents indicating that their institution only used BIM models. The remaining respondent recorded that they only used design information in a DWG format at their institution.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 The main drivers identified by respondents were the better preparation of students for a career in a rapidly changing industry followed by improving efficiency and transparency of the quantification process and embedding the importance of collaboration and communication in a digital environment. Respondents also identified the growing need to improve the speed and accuracy of data processing and analysis as attributes employers are increasingly looking for in quantity surveying graduates. Digital quantification was also noted by several respondents as contributing to improving collaboration and communication skills in a digital environment. The enhanced visualisation of data and project information in a digital 3-D environment is also enhancing understanding and development of learning particularly understanding and applying construction technology to the quantification process. The improved accessibility to digital quantification software and support and its evolvement in terms of being “user friendly” are also important in increasing the embedding of digital quantification in quantity surveying programmes. This is confirmed in the research of [6] who observed that quantity take-off should be practical and dependable if efficiency and accuracy are to be achieved. However, some of the main barriers identified by respondents were mainly lack of digital literacy among students which can be lack of understanding of digital technologies particularly with many firstyear students not having basic skills in the use of Microsoft Excel for example being identified. This confirms the research of [2] who noted insufficient knowledge and skills being barriers. The lack of appropriate resources to support digital quantification learning was identified as an issue as well as limited training and support for academics responsible for delivery of digital quantification learning and assessment. A number of respondents also identified lack of institutional support as a barrier particularly the facilitating of digital quantification in terms of course curriculum, teaching, computer laboratory availability and technician support to deal with technical issues etc. This is also confirmed in the research of [2] who observed poor leadership and attitude to digitalisation as being barriers. The cost of implementing, maintaining and updating digital quantification software was not seen as a barrier as most quantification software companies now provide licences free or for a minimal

charge with all technical support provided free or at discounted cost. Lack of digital literacy among academic staff delivering digital quantification modules was seen as a minor issue by respondents with software being more user friendly and many software providers providing access to demonstration videos etc and technical support being readily available. The difficulty in obtaining design information in the form of digital drawings was highlighted, particularly information suitable for use in an academic environment and free of any potential commercial or copyright restrictions was also highlighted as a potential barrier to the effective delivery of digital quantification. The ease of sharing information in a digital environment was also identified as a potential problem particularly when it came to assessment and ensuring academic integrity. Another issue identified as restricting the further embedding of digital quantification in the curriculum is the view among some pedagogists that an over reliance on technology may contribute to restricting the development of critical thinking and problemsolving skills. This is confirmed in the research of [16] who cautioned on placing too much focus and emphasis on using information technology. The survey also asked if the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)/Society of Chartered Surveyors of Ireland (SCSI) should incorporate a competency in digital quantification for the quantity surveying Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) as a further measure to advance the further embedding of digital quantification in quantity surveying programmes. 52% of respondents said yes, 29% of respondents were unsure, and 19% of respondents said no. With regard to the suitability of the current method of measurement, either NRM2 or ARM4 for use in digital quantification 28 respondents indicated that the respective methods of measurement were suitable with the remaining 3 respondents indicating that they were not. However, it was identified that the building-up of descriptions is still a time consuming process and qualitative responses argued that possibly the methods of measurement need to be updated to recognise the restrictions of quantifying in a digital platform. Another observation was that there needs to be greater alignment between the methods of measurement and ISO19650 and with regard to BIM the model needs to be aligned to the data sets of the International Construction Measurement Standards (ICMS).

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VI CONCLUSION The survey has highlighted that third level institutions across Ireland and the UK are incorporating digital quantification in conjunction with embedding traditional quantity take-off skills. The retention of learning in manual take-off processes is acknowledged by [5] as being important in properly forming descriptions and structuring a bill of quantities. There does appear to be a variety of approaches as to how digital quantification learning is embedded. This is particularly evident at undergraduate degree level where digital quantification learning is being delivered solely in one year in some institutions, across two years at others or all years of a programme be it 3 years on a sandwich degree or 4 years on a fulltime degree. As all degree programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level are accredited by either the RICS or SCSI and embed their respective learning framework the development of a digital quantification APC competency would set out clear criteria. It would provide the basis for developing a uniform and consistent approach for embedding learning outcomes for digital quantification on programmes across institutions. The issue of students not being familiar with digital technologies and lacking digital literacy should also be addressed. Embedding learning in the first year of undergraduate programmes to develop competency in the use of Microsoft Excel and computer aided design software such as Revit and Navis Works would provide the basis for developing further digital quantification skills with bespoke quantification software from second year onwards. The survey also identified that the delivery of learning in digital quantification is done by a variety and combination of different methods. These include PowerPoint, live demonstration, software provider instruction manuals, videos accessed via YouTube channels and bespoke instructional videos prepared by the lecturing team using education audio-visual platforms such as “Panopto” or “Nearpod”. The preparation of instructional videos by academics is a time-consuming process. Therefore, the possibility of sharing exemplar or best practice in terms of audio-visual delivery across institutions may be a way of enhancing learning without impacting on intellectual property issues.

The issue of assessment was also explored with the predominate methods being a coursework completed either individually or as group and/or a presentation. Unfortunately, digital quantification does not lend itself to being a time-controlled test or examination due to resource availability and the potential to lose time due to technical issues etc. This raises the issue of academic integrity as information in a digital format facilitates improper sharing in an efficient manner. Therefore, it is incumbent on bespoke software providers in conjunction with academic institutions to explore ways of enhancing licences issued to use their product for educational purposes that facilitate forensic checking by academic staff to establish that the work has been completed by the student or students concerned over the time period allocated and not simply copied from another student just prior to submission. The concerns regarding academic integrity mirror in many respects the potential concern of industry stakeholders to data security [7]. However, the main challenge for academic institutions moving forward is to keep up with technology that is changing rapidly. Therefore, the lack of a strategic plan for adopting, embedding, and advancing the use of digital technology will make their programmes obsolete and irrelevant [14]. The 4th industrial revolution (IR4.0) is placing an emphasis on digitalisation to enhance efficiency, production and innovation. As future graduates quantity surveying students will be among the influencers in terms of increasing digitalisation of the construction sector, not just quantification but also advising on risk management and mitigation for the adoption of digital technologies [7]. To conclude a larger response would have improved the study’s reliability as is would have provided for more accurate and definitive statistical analysis of the drivers and barriers. Finally, it is important to embrace the digital transformation taking place in construction generally and exploit technology to its full potential [4]. With the rapid advancement of technology there is a significant opportunity for quantity surveyors to improve efficiency and accuracy of construction cost management. Improving quantification by the use of digital technology can facilitate this [6].

The development of a shared online repository where design information in either a model, DWG or PDF format can be shared by industry or developed by academic institutions that are again free of any intellectual property restrictions should be considered.

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REFERENCES [1] Hodgson, G. Mak, M. Willy, S. and Li, H. (2014). "An e-learning approach to quantity surveying measurement." Loughborough University, England. [2] Perera, S. Jin, X. Samaratunga, M. Gunasekara, K. (2023) “Drivers and barriers to digitalisation: a cross-analysis of the views of designers and builders in the construction industry”, International Journal of Information Technology in Construction, Volume 28, pp. 87106. [3] McDonnell, F. (2010) “The Relevance of Teaching Measurement Techniques to Undergraduate Quantity Surveying Students”, School of Real Estate and Construction Economics Technological University Dublin. [4] Seidu, R. D. Young, B. E. Clack, J. Adamu, Z. Robinson, H. (2020) “Innovation changes in Quantity Surveying Practice through BIM, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”, School of the Built Environment and Architecture London South bank University.

[12] Matthews, J., Scott, L., and Newton, R. (2016). "Digital tools for quantification in construction: A review of current practice and potential benefits." Automation in Construction, 63, 4654. [13] Akinshipe, O. Ikuabe, M. Aigbavaboa, C.(2022). “Digital Transformation in Quantity Surveying: Where Lies the Issues?”, cidb Centre for Excellence, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg. [14] McCarthy, P. (2020a). “The Digital Literacy Gap in Quantity Surveying Education”, Journal of Quantity Surveying, 35(3), pp. 167-174. [15] Hu, H. Zhang, J., Wu, F. and Li, H. (2015). "A review of the current state of collaboration between industry and academia in the construction sector." Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 9(3), 309-318. [16] Biggs, J. (2003. Teaching for Quality Learning at University. UK: Open University Press.

[5] Lee, S., & Trench, W. (2010) Willis’s Elements of Quantity Surveying, UK: Blackwell Press. [6] Vassen, S. A. (2021) “Impact of BIM-based Quantity Take off for Accuracy of Cost Estimation”, International Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 10 ( 3), pp. 55-69. [7] Lim, M. L. W. Wong, S. Y. Ding, C. S. (2022) “Challenges of industrial revolution 4.0: quantity surveying students’ perspectives”, School of Built Environment Uiversity of Technology Sarawak, Sibu, Malaysia. [8]

Lee, C.T. (2013). "An interactive approach to teaching quantity surveying measurement." Glasgow Caledonian University Scotland.

[9] Jones, S. (2019a). “The Impact of Digital Quantification on Quantity Surveying Students”, Journal of Quantity Surveying, 33(4), pp. 245-252. [10] Brown, A. (2018a). “The Benefits of Digital Technology in Quantity Surveying Education”, Journal of Quantity Surveying, 32(2), pp. 133140. [11] Aghimien, D. Aigbavboa, C. Ayodeji, O. (2018). “Digitalisation for effective construction project delivery in South Africa”, Contemporary Construction Conference: Dynamic and Innovative Built Environment (CCC2018) | Coventry | United Kingdom.

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Building Information Management Frameworks for Enabling Circular Economy within the Built Environment: A Systematic Literature Review Sadaf Dalirazar1, Ciaran McNally2 and James O’Donnell3 1,3

School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

and UCD Energy Institute, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 2

School of Civil Engineering, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland 2 E-mail: 3

Due to the intensive consumption of natural resources as well as the significant quantities of waste produced by the construction industry, there is significant potential for adopting Circular Economy (CE) principles across the whole life cycle of built assets. However, successful application of CE in construction projects requires close collaboration of key stakeholders and appropriate sharing of information, which mandates digitalisation. Collaborative Building Information Modelling (BIM) tools and processes should underpin building information management to ensure the application of CE in the built environment. This study aims to objectively examine current BIM frameworks that advance the use of CE projects in the built environment. The methodology leverages a systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis based on 662 documents grouped into two categories, including BIM and building information management from the two dominant databases, to identify circular economy BIM supported frameworks. Relevant frameworks are then categorized and discussed based on their support for the adoption of CE principles and their use cases in the built environment. The findings show that despite the capabilities of using BIM for facilitating the transition to a CE model in the built environment, there are still challenges such as difficult access to data, interoperability issues, uncertainties about data ownership and transparency and skills gaps. Furthermore, the absence of a common whole life cycle information management framework specifically designed for circular economy projects in the construction sector was identified as an important gap in the current literature. The paper concludes with recommendations to facilitate the implementation of circular economy principles in construction projects. Keywords ̶ Building Information Modelling (BIM), Building information management, circular economy, digitalisation, construction industry and built environment, sustainable development.

I INTRODUCTION The built environment sector has a vital role to play in responding to the climate emergency as the engineering and construction industry is the world’s largest consumer of raw materials [1–4]. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) [5], the construction industry is responsible for almost 50% of extracted materials [6]. Currently the construction sector is responsible for consumption of about 40% of the raw stone, gravel and sand, 50% of water each year, and 50% of landfill waste [7]. Buildings are also responsible for

30% of global final energy consumption and 27% of total energy sector emissions [8], and 40% of global energy related CO2 emissions [9, 10]. Twenty-eight percent of these carbon emissions are from operational emissions, including energy needed to heat, cool and power them, and the remaining 11% are embodied carbon emissions released during the processing of raw materials, manufacturing of products both on and off site as well as the emissions associated with the maintenance and end of life of the materials and products used in the built environment [10, 11]. It is predicted that embodied carbon will continue to grow and will be responsible for half of

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 the entire carbon footprint of new construction between now and 2050 [10, 12]. Thus, this sector needs to be less carbon intensive in its activities and fundamentally change the established working practices. Therefore, changing this resource intensive process to a cycling process that increases the use of recycled and renewable resources while reducing energy consumption and usage of natural resources is essential [13, 14]. The Circular Economy (CE) is a sustainable development model, defined as an economic system that replaces the ‘end-of-life’ concept with reducing, reusing, recycling and recovering materials in production or distribution and consumption processes and is considered to be a substitute regenerative system for the traditional linear ‘take-make-waste’ model [15, 16]. In this circular system, long-lasting design, maintenance, repair, reuse, re-manufacturing, refurbishing and recycling is utilised to minimise resource input, residual waste, and emission and energy leakage by slowing, closing and narrowing material and energy loops [16], which leads to resource efficiency and optimisation of assets, resulting in sector’s emissions reduction [16]. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation [17], circular economy could reduce global CO2 emissions from building materials by 38% in 2050, by reducing demand for steel, aluminium, cement, and plastic [17]. In addition, responding to global housing needs while reducing environmental impacts is a major challenge. Therefore, a paradigm shift from linear to circular built environment and adoption of more circular practices could address various challenges, including resource depletion, the sector’s emissions and waste while meeting the construction needs [18]. However, widespread implementation of circular economy in the built environment is hindered by various challenges, including complex supply chain [19], significant design changes, uncertainties regarding reused or recycled materials and economic risks, implementation of a new business model, lack of collaborations among stakeholders, the lack of cross-sector communication and coordination tools [20], lack of knowledge, and methodology for CE evaluation [21]. To overcome these barriers and enable adoption of CE in the built environment, digitalisation of the sector is required [22, 23]. Digitalisation can boost the transition and can facilitate closing the material loops by providing accurate information on the availability, location and condition of the assets [24], enabling tracking of materials and resource flows through specific datasets that will allow reuse of materials reaching their end of life [22]. Therefore, the transition to a circular economy requires integration of information systems, and the

dominant information system in the construction industry is BIM [25]. BIM is an integrated process that involves collaboratively developing and using a computer generated parametric model of building to facilitate whole life management of building [26]. BIM is considered to be a capable tool for storing different types of information in its digital model, and it has become an important tool for facilitating the implementation of CE in the built environment by offering automatic clash detections, design error reduction, improved collaboration of stakeholders from early stages, visualization, simulation of waste performances, and waste management reporting [27, 28]. The adoption of BIM will help applying the planned strategy throughout the asset’s life-cycle [22] and can connect different stakeholders such as architects, engineers and contractors during the building lifecycle from the design to demolition phase [29]. The principal objective of BIM is to streamline construction efforts through intensified collaborative planning and a clear definition of goals at the early stages of a project [28]. Therefore, BIM facilitates a paradigm shift from the traditional style of working in silos to a collaborative strategy using a digital representation of the building with potential to stimulate efficient waste management [28]. Furthermore, using BIM can enable the selection of sustainable materials and components during the design stage, and also help quantify the amount of materials which can potentially be recovered at the end-of-life of the facility [21]. Thus, considering the fragmented nature of the construction industry and the complexity of the supply chain, adoption of a systematic approach for integrating the supply chain to enhance the collaboration and communication among actors and efficient data flows through effective information management for facilitating the transition to a circular construction is essential [20, 21]. As a result, in the context of circular economy, BIM can be considered as an effective tool for managing information, minimising waste and creating a closed loop system throughout the building’s life-cycle [22]. However, digital transformation of the construction industry and adoption of BIM has been slow due to numerous barriers such as interoperability and compatibility issues among different software, the amount of data that needs to be generated, the quality and the reliability of the data, lack of collaboration, and transparency from all stakeholders along the supply chain [20, 22, 30]. Therefore, due to the need for effective information management throughout the entire supply chain for successful adoption of CE, and important role of BIM in information management in the construction sector, this study aimed to identify and systematically review current BIM-based frameworks designed for

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 information management for facilitating adoption of CE strategies in the built environment, and

Scopus databases and the results were analysed accordingly.

Fig. 1: Indication of linkage between information management and construction industry and circular economy in the current literature

identifying current gaps, opportunities and challenges for information management in circular construction projects.


Systematic reviews help reduce the likelihood of bias for comprehensively searching, appraising and synthesising research evidence and gathering all known knowledge on a topic area [31, 32]. They can provide syntheses of the state of knowledge in a field, such as identification of future research priorities, addressing questions that otherwise could not be answered by individual studies, and identifying problems in primary research that should be rectified in future studies [33]. Thus, in this study, a systematic review approach was adopted to identify relevant building information management frameworks developed for facilitating the adoption of CE in the built environment. In order to conduct the systematic review, two of the most influential databases, including Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus were used as the main search engines as they are considered to be complementary and providing a large dataset, improving the analysis by having a more global perspective of bibliometric analysis and eliminating any dependency of the results on the database used [19, 28, 34]. Therefore, in this study, the documents were collected from both WoS and

To visualise the research efforts and relation between studies that address implementation of circular economy through adoption of BIM in the built environment, the map of co-occurrence of relevant keywords and search terms (i.e. circular economy AND built environment AND Building Information Management, circular construction AND BIM, etc.) was created using the Visualisation of Similarities (VOS) Viewer software [35] based on the results from WoS and Scopus databases (Figure 1). The source data for the co-occurrence map shown in Figure 1 were the 662 articles, proceedings papers, review articles, reports and early access articles [in English] listed on the WoS and Scopus that included combinations of general relevant keywords (circular economy, circular, built environment, construction, buildings, building information management, BIM, Building information modelling) in their titles, abstracts and keywords. In Figure 1, the terms are located based on the co-occurrences in titles, abstracts and keywords using the VOS-mapping technique [35]. The higher the number of cooccurrences, the closest they are located on the map. The size of the circle indicates the number of occurrences of each term in title, abstract and keywords of the documents. The terms are grouped into clusters of closely related terms using a clustering technique presented by [36]. Five main clusters of similar terms were identified in Figure 1, including circular economy (yellow), construction industry and

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 BIM (green), waste management (red), life cycle assessment (blue), and cities and urban development (purple). The most prominent clusters are construction industry, waste management, life cycle assessment, and circular economy, respectively. However, these clusters are separated and significantly distant from each other. Notably, the relation between construction industry and circular economy and waste management according to their distance and narrow interconnecting lines are low. Furthermore, information management and building information modelling are separated from other important keywords such as CE, waste management and life-cycle assessment in the other clusters. This demonstrates the gap in studies in the fields of circular economy and information management in the construction industry. Considering the limited number of research on information management for adoption of circular economy in the construction industry, keywords were refined and BIM and Building information modelling were replaced with building information management, and keywords related to waste management, including Construction and Demolition Waste, and waste management were added to the previous keywords to identify current efforts on information management for CE projects in the built environment. Thus, the combination of the keywords related to building information management and circular economy and construction and demolition waste and waste management were used to find relevant documents. At this stage, after removing duplicates, 151 documents were identified based on the results from Scopus and WOS databases, and the map of cooccurrence of the secondary keyword combinations was created (Figure 2). Based on this map, circular

economy cluster is significantly separated from BIM, construction industry and built environment. The narrow lines between CE and building information modelling and distance between these keywords indicates limited number of research in this area [35]. Thus, the 151 identified documents were selected as the main data set for conducting the systematic literature review and identifying building information management frameworks for CE projects in the built environment. To this end, first titles and abstracts of all 151 documents were reviewed and 53 irrelevant documents that were not in the scope of this research were removed. Finally, the remaining 98 documents were selected to be reviewed.

III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on the review of the obtained documents, conceptual and practical frameworks were identified and a summary of the current frameworks were categorised based on their application at different life cycle stages and adoption of circular economy strategies and principles in Table 1. Findings from the systematic review of the documents indicated that most studies investigated potentials, challenges and important role of adoption of BIM for facilitating the implementation of a circular economy [28, 37–42], however, limited number of studies (only 15 papers) focused on development of frameworks for adoption of CE using BIM. Among these frameworks, 8 studies considered a whole life-cycle approach for developing their framework using BIM [20, 43]. Notably, most of the frameworks were conceptual and some of them were tested through case studies.

Fig. 2: Map of co-occurrence of the keywords related to the Building Information Management and CE in the built environment

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 In terms of circularity strategies and in particular the 9R principles [54], Circular Digital Built environment (CDB) framework [20] and the ReSOLVE framework [16] were identified as the most comprehensive CE frameworks at the building level with the whole life-cycle approach. CDB framework was developed based on regenerating, narrowing, slowing and closing resource loop principles. In addition, ten digital technologies, including additive or robotic manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data and analytics, blockchain, BIM, digital platforms or marketplaces, digital twins, the geographical information system (GIS), Material Passports (MPs) or databanks, and the Internet of Things (IoT) were identified and mapped for enabling CE in the built environment [20]. ReSOLVE framework consisted of Regenerate, Share, Optimize, Loop, Virtualise and Exchange principles and was tested through 4 case studies. However, it was found that none of the case studies were able to incorporate all CE principles of the ReSOLVE framework in one project [16]. Notably, increased digitalization and adoption of BIM in various stages of the project from design to end of use phase were identified as enablers for adoption of CE in the built environment. In terms of circularity level, according to Potting et al. [54], circularity priorities are categorized as (a) smarter product use and manufacture that includes refuse, rethink and reduce strategies providing high levels of circularity by retaining materials in the chain for a longer period; (b) extending product lifespan and its parts encompassing reuse, repair, refurbish, remanufacture and repurpose strategies resulting in medium level of circularity; and (c) useful application

of materials, delivering the lowest levels of circularity through recycling and recovering strategies [54]. Comparing the circularity levels, only CBD and ReSOLVE framework incorporated high, medium and low levels of circularity through various strategies and potential examples, whilst most research efforts focused on reusing and recycling [16, 26, 43, 48–51, 53, 55]. Reuse is considered as a strategy for lifetime extension and is a medium level circularity strategy. Other medium to low level circularity strategies are repair, refurbish, remanufacture and repurpose, respectively [54]. Only two frameworks focused on reducing waste during the design phase [47, 52]. Similarly, two other frameworks were developed for design for manufacturing and assembly [44] and deconstructability and recovery [46] with a whole life-cycle approach. It is notable that according to [54], recycling and recovery has the lowest level of circularity for reducing the consumption of resources and materials and waste generation as the materials will no longer be available to be used in other products [54]. In terms of adoption of BIM for whole lifecycle information management for facilitating the implementation of CE in the built environment, number of studies regarding the information needs and requirements and practical application of BIM were limited to particular life-cycle stages and specific strategies such as reuse and design for disassembly [48]. According to the findings, only one research studied using BIM for repair and maintenance of building equipment [45] which is considered as a strategy with medium to low level of circularity [54]. This is also in line with the results from Davila

Table1: Summary of current studies on BIM-based frameworks for applying circular economy in the built environment Studies


ife cycle phase

CE principles strategies


Pre-use phase, Use phase, next-use phase 3 case studies considered all stages of the building lifecycle Whole life-cycle

Regenerate; Narrow; Slow; close


BIM and other technologies. BIM, material banks, QR codes used in materials BIM, AI, digital twin

[44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [26] [53]


whole lifecycle of assets Maintenance Whole life-cycle Design phase Planning and design Whole life cycle Planning and construction All phases Design Whole life cycle End-of-life

DfMA Repair and maintenance deconstructability and recovery Reducing waste Reuse Reuse Reuse and recycle Recycle and reuse Reducing construction waste Reuse and recycle Recycle


Regenerate, Share, Optimize, Loop, Virtualise, Exchange Refurbishment, recycling, and reuse

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Delgado & Oyedele [56], stated limited use of BIM during the operational phase of the buildings as a hindering factor for transitioning towards circularity in the construction sector. Furthermore, important challenges such as immaturity of the current open BIM data models that limits the interoperability of the BIM approach and the implementation of circular economy principles [56], data integrity, transparency, and security [53], lack of familiarity with the BIM technology, difficult access to the data, lack of awareness or interest, risks related to transferring data or copyright ownership of the data, cost of hiring or training people to use BIM [37, 57–59], and compatibility issues [41] were identified. Additionally, according to the results, BIM can be used in various phases of the project, and is an effective tool for life-cycle information transformation and data exchange [43, 49], life-cycle assessment [44], and waste management [52, 53]. Furthermore, BIM can optimise the design to reduce resource consumption and waste generation by storing, sharing and monitoring life-cycle information of materials and providing common collaborative environment for all stakeholders and optimised design options [60] that could facilitate adoption of high circularity strategies, including refuse, rethink and reduce. However, in order to manage information effectively to achieve a fully circular construction, use of BIM alone is not sufficient and integration of various technologies is required [20, 53]. Based on the results, increasing circularity requires innovations in core technology [54] and integration of BIM, digital twins, Industry 4.0, big data, IoT, and AI [56], blockchain, digital platforms or marketplaces, GIS, MPs or material banks are suggested for enabling CE in the built environment [16, 20, 43, 46, 53]. As a result, after reviewing frameworks, the necessity for development of a common information management framework for facilitating the adoption of circular economy principles by integrating lifecycle information from all stakeholders in the built environment was identified as most of studies were focused on obtaining and storing information related to reusability or recyclability of the materials. Therefore, further investigation regarding smarter product use and manufacture circularity strategies including refuse, rethink and reduce could lead to identification of potential applicable strategies and increased level of circularity in the construction projects. In addition, most of the studies were focused on design or end of life phases. Therefore, further investigation regarding the whole life-cycle information management is required. Furthermore, there are limited studies on education and skill gaps regarding the adoption of

BIM for CE. The number of case studies or demonstration projects and reports on the performance of the current frameworks were also limited that has led to lack of availability of data and dissemination of the information from demonstration projects.


In response to negative impacts of the construction sector on the environment and global challenge of increased construction needs, adoption of more sustainable practices in the construction sector and transition to a fully sustainable construction is required. This transition could be accelerated by a paradigm shift to circularity. However, implementing circularity in construction projects requires adoption of effective information management framework to integrate information and increase collaboration among the entire supply chain to enhance the information flow and mitigate various challenges such as design changes, complex supply chain and inadequate communication and lack of collaboration hindering the adoption of CE in the built environment. Therefore, this study systematically reviewed current efforts on development of BIMbased frameworks designed for implementation of circular economy in the built environment with the main focus on whole life-cycle information management. The findings identified the lack of development of a common whole life-cycle information management framework, encompassing life-cycle phases, to facilitate the implementation of circular economy principles in the construction sector as an important gap in the current literature. Therefore, further studies on life-cycle information management frameworks for integrating information and improving collaboration among the entire supply chain is recommended. In addition, there is potential for adopting more circular economy strategies such as prefabrication and modular construction with focus on which modular construction can support circularity more effectively, along with increased durability of the materials or buildings, sharing and product as a service which could be investigated further. Also, further case studies and demonstration projects for encouraging the industry and providing guidance to respond to the knowledge and skill gaps is suggested. Regarding the limitations of this research, the focus of this study was solely on the building sector using two scientific databases. Therefore, further studies on information management frameworks for infrastructure projects by identifying opportunities for adoption of CE on infrastructure projects is recommended.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Information & Communication Technologies', Journal of Cleaner Production, 349:131335.

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Skills Matter – up-skilling across construction stakeholders for emerging roles Avril Behan1 , Paul McCormack2 and Barry McAuley3 1

College of the Future, Solas, Castleforbes House, Castleforbes Road, Dublin 1 2

Belfast Metropolitan College, e3 Building, 398 Springfield Road, Belfast,

Northern 3 School of Surveying and Construction Innovation, TU Dublin 2 E-mail: 3

Abstract ̶ The EU’s Climate Target Plan To 2030 (European Union 2020b) of achieving at least 55% reduction in Green House Gas emissions from 1990 levels, delivering towards a climate-neutral economy by 2050, requires systems-level change in the way we design, construct, and operate our built assets. Funding initiatives, such as co-ordinated by BUILD UP Skills, aim to deliver upskilling to the market but targets set by the European Skills Agenda may not be reached at current achievement levels. This paper presents the results of one completed and the progress of one ongoing Horizon 2020 funded project, BIMcert and ARISE, respectively. Learning from both projects demonstrate that bite-sized (micro-credential), justin-time, recognised training that is supported by digital platforms, gamification, and quality face-to-face interventions have the potential to support better delivery toward delivery against climate targets. Additional focused initiatives targeted at attracting school-leavers, at increasing female and diverse participation in the sector, and at retraining the aging workforce are proposed as potential ways to broaden the impact of the projects described in the research. Keywords ̶ Construction, Education & training, UN SDG 4: Quality education

I INTRODUCTION The EU’s Climate Target Plan To 2030 of achieving at least a 55% reduction in Green House Gas emissions from 1990 levels, delivering towards a climate-neutral economy by 2050, will require the deployment of new technologies [1][2] and the adoption of consistent information management standards for building performance, waste reduction, and continuous productivity improvement across all built environment stakeholders [3][4][5]. In turn, this will require widespread upskilling and reskilling of the construction workforce, systems-level thinking, and collaboration across the supply chain. The European Academics Scientific Advisory Council has provided a suite of messages for policymakers in their Decarbonisation of buildings: for climate, health and jobs report, including a recommendation to “expand, retrain and re-skill the building sector workforce to quickly deliver sustainable deep renovations” [7]. The EU supports this decarbonisation agenda via a range of ‘investment in skills’ funds under the European Skills Agenda with a total value of €85 billion [8].

Additional funding will also be available between 2021 and 2027 via €55 billion investment in the Just Transition Mechanism: “a key tool to ensure that the transition towards a climate-neutral economy happens in a fair way, leaving no one behind” [9][10]. Pillar 1: The Just Transition Fund provides supports that include upskilling and reskilling of workers, which aligns with funding already and historically available through Horizon 2020 – Energy Calls and the LIFE programme. Last year’s Life 2021 call included a specific Clean Energy Transition (CET) sub-programme targeted at supporting achievement of the European Green Deal. Significant progress has been made in improving the energy performance of buildings through digitalisation at planning and design stages of built assets, for example, through the MEnS – Meeting the energy professional skills – Horizon 2020 project [11]. In parallel, BUILD UP Skills, an initiative to improve the qualification and skills of Europe’s construction workers, which acts as a springboard to stimulate the demand for energy efficiency skills [12], has coordinated the delivery of national skills roadmaps, with associated training deployment and sharing of best practice (more detail in Section 2). Specifically in respect of ERASMUS+,

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 two specific priorities align with Energy Transition: Digital Transformation and Environment and Fight Against Climate Change. Some of these funding initiatives receive supporting or matching funding from national Governments and local sources, such as through labour-market activation and retrofit schemes (e.g., Springboard+ in Ireland [13[14]. Despite this progress in some parts of the construction supply chain, and the widespread availability of funding at various levels, the uptake of training and reskilling opportunities at site level and among lower qualified workers, while improving, is lower than necessary to meet sectoral and societal requirements (Table 1). Indicators

Obje Current Percent ctive level age s for (latest increas 2025 year e available )

Participation of adults aged 25-64 in learning 50% during the last 12 month (in %) Participation of lowqualified adults 25-64 30% in learning during the last 12 months (in %) Share of unemployed adults aged 25-64 with 20% a recent learning experience (in %)

38% (2016)


18% (2016)


11% (2019)


Share of adults aged 16-74 having at least 70% basic digital skills (in %)

56% (2019)


Table 1 European Skills Agenda objectives to 2025 [7]. To achieve the 2025 European Skills Agenda targets and to enable European countries to meet their energy transition targets, it is essential that lessons are learned from training and education successes and that these inform future activity. The research presented here reports on recent and ongoing exemplars of successful upskilling for energy transition achieved within the BIM Energy Performance Alliance (BIM-EPA), including implementations across twelve European countries using cohort-appropriate tools and methodologies. Section 2 of the paper describes the focus and achievements of BIM-EPA. Section 3 details two successful up-skilling projects, BIMcert and ARISE, which were implemented across a number of European jurisdictions with funding from

Horizon2020 Coordination and Support Actions. Section 4 discusses the implications of the results of these projects in the context of the EU and global need for significant growth in the availability and quality of up-skilling towards emerging roles that support energy transition. The final section is a brief conclusion.

II BUILD UP SKILLS Since 2011, the BUILD UP Skills initiative has supported the upskilling of building workers and professionals across Europe, with a view to delivering building renovations offering high-energy performance and resulting in nearly zero-energy buildings [11]. The initiative hosts annual European exchange meetings that aim to create a forum between relevant projects for discussion on common challenges and good practices in an effort to advance the skills agenda in the field of energy-efficient and sustainable buildings. Representatives from the Director-Generates of Energy, Employment, Environment, and Internal Market are typically in attendance at these forums to present on the latest policy developments and to encourage further collaboration. The BUILD UP Skills initiative brings together several policy priorities, namely energy efficiency, economic growth, circularity, education, and digitalization in recognition that, without skilled construction workers and professionals at all levels, the decarbonisation of our building stock, which is one of the essential pillars of the Green Deal, will not be achieved. While previously funded under Horizon2020, future BUILD UP Skills activities will now be funded under the LIFE CET programme. The 1st BUILD UP Skills programme focused on mapping current capability within EU member states, developing national qualifications platforms and roadmaps, and creating schemes and frameworks of training and qualifications. The 2nd BUILD UP Skills calls closed early 2022 and sought applications from consortia to develop national roadmaps beyond 2022, focusing on simulating demand. The next section describes the BIM-EPA which evolved from the BUILD UP Skills activities.

III BIM-EPA BIM Energy Performance Alliance (BIM-EPA) (Figure 1) is an association of aligned, former H2020 and Erasmus+ projects, including BIMcert, BIMEET, BIMplement, BIMzeED, and NET-UBIEP, with additional partners vital to the upskilling of the AEC sector in respect of digitalisation and energy transition. The alliance has over 100 partners across twelve European countries and was founded during a workshop hosted by the Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency with the objective of obtaining increased impact from CINEA-sponsored

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 funding programmes. CINEA has cultivated the relationship within the alliance through invitations to participate in EU Energy Week, the BUILD UP Skills Exchange, and VET Training Week.

Figure 1. BIM Energy Performance Alliance logo Previous work by BIM-EPA partners has confirmed, through the achievement of measurable, positive results, the advantages of BIM as an improved enabler of higher levels of sustainable energy in buildings, when compared to traditional methods. They have also developed and showcased training programmes to upskill the construction sector workforce in digital construction (inc. BIM) using holistic approaches to reduce energy use and sustain lower emissions. A number of BIM-EPA partners are also members of the New European Bauhaus initiative which “connects the European Green Deal to our daily lives and living spaces” [14]. This helps guide the alliance’s work to achieve positive impacts and cultural change toward enabling Europe to be “a leader in the circular economy” [15]. The alliance has a stated intention of delivering a pan-European, virtual Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Digital Construction, that will make existing and developing tools, teaching content, and blended materials widely available to stakeholders across the built environment. The Digital Repository will be the core of the Centre from which a range of services can be delivered to the industry in support of the energy transition. The alliance has 5 specific focus areas: 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

improved achievement of energy targets and savings resultant from ongoing utilisation of the outputs of previous projects, particularly in collaboration between projects and partners. cross-project dissemination and communication to amplify messaging and improve impact across Europe. connected recognition, accreditation, and certification of micromodules, modules, and awards. exploitation of the outputs from previous projects through collaboration and crossadvancement. Identification of, and action towards, future collaboration opportunities.

The alliance is closely connected with built environment actors across the full supply chain, including governments, local authorities, municipalities, public and private clients, contractors and sub-contractors, consultants, craft workers, and unskilled labours. These connections enable identification of skills gaps in respect of particular energy transition interventions (e.g. Expert Group on Future Skills Needs 2021)), including in respect of agreement on the EU’s Renovation Wave Strategy in 2020, which resulted in the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in 2021 [17][18]. The skills required to enable this Renovation Wave are captured within relevant EU, national, and local policy and include the introduction of certification schemes to support the development of new competencies, which will, in most cases, be absorbed into existing profiles or roles within the sector. The adoption of new competencies at professional levels is strongly supported by relevant professional bodies and representative groups leveraging their Continuing Professional Development programmes and education programme accreditation requirements to deliver necessary changes in behaviour [19]. For example, since its 2021 signing of a Surveyors Declare – Sustainability Declaration, the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland requires recording of CPD against a tool called ‘My Sustainability Journal’. However, achieving the same impact among non-professional construction workers is a greater challenge. The alliance’s purpose focuses on these hard-to-reach but essential and numerically greater groups. This stems from the alliance’s origins with the BUILD UP Skills initiative’s calls targeted at “blue collar” and “no collar” workers and the ERASMUS+ programme, which has a track-record supporting vocational education. Additionally, the alliance’s training and upskilling target audiences include those with existing experience but limited formal recognition of those skillsets. This lack of recognition creates barriers to mobility and limits opportunities for individuals. At a systems level, the absence of formal arrangements for mutual and pan-European recognition reduces the ability of countries and regions with surplus work to avail of skills developed and available in other jurisdictions. As the Renovation Wave moves across Europe, there will be an increasing reliance on worker mobility to meet demand. The alliance recognises that vocational and lower-skilled workers respond better to task-based, bite-sized, and micro-module learning where there is dynamic engagement that empowers the learner to both higher achievement within an individual learning opportunity and to be more encouraged to undertake additional upskilling as a

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 result of positive outcomes from each separate occasion. Authors including Brown and McCracken and McAuley et al. identified a range of barriers to the uptake of available upskilling such as fear of failure, perceptions of the value of training, and previous experience. The projects described in the following focus on delivering a positive experience of highvalue upskilling, where learners feel supported both in their training experiences and in their personal learning journeys [20][21]. Two specific projects undertaken by BIM-EPA partners are described in the following. a) aRISE Digitalisation - a vital enabler of Net Zero Construction The ARISE consortium led by Belfast Met received a grant of € 1.12 million from the Horizon 2020 work program: Building a low-carbon and climate-resilient future: Safe, clean and efficient energy, as part of the Call: Increasing Market Demand for Sustainable Energy Skills in the Construction Sector. Alphabetically in English, the project’s nine partners are: The Architects’ Council of Europe, Belfast Met, Bouwt ann Verandering, Copenhagen School of Design Denmark, iBIMi Building Smart Italy, Institute of Research in Environment Civil Engineering and Energy North Macedonia, ISSO Netherlands, Technico Lisboa Portugal, and TU Dublin Ireland [21][22]. The ARISE project has the ambitious global goal of revolutionizing “the learning process by changing both delivery and recognition of sustainable energy skills in the construction sector” . The intention is to develop and implement a unifying method for the recognition of competencies on digital and energy construction skills in Europe via a digital skills passport (Figure 2). The project has the twin targets of creating stimulus and providing adequate, widespread upskilling actions to ensure that digital and energy construction skills are market "currency". These outcomes are critical to programme two of BUILD UP Skills where the focus is on demand creation as well as meeting needs nationally and across the continent. ARISE recognises this symbiotic, selfgenerating loop between Need, Offer, and Demand (Figure 3). Therefore, to stimulate the Demand, ARISE will emphasize the need, while also increasing the offer, by establishing a common-knowledge baseline and specific specialised skills to individual construction professionals. Increasing requirements, competencies, and applicable skills in digital construction, big data, and BIM to specifically support sustainability and energy transition trends in the construction sector will be a priority.

The project is developing, testing, and delivering a widely recognisable Framework for Europe for a continuous professional development (CPD) scheme. It will be assisted by the development of an online delivery platform to support a set of various direct actions. The combination of the framework/training scheme delivery and auxiliary direct support actions to construction sector target audiences, together with the platform, format, and accreditation type, will influence and raise demand for sustainable energy skills. Specifically, the project will leverage Blockchain technology to remove the friction and blockages from individuals’ learning journeys in developing an open, competency-based qualification scheme. It will create a "cryptocurrency" of skills and learning in the digital built environment, activated by blockchain technology to ensure trust in the awards gained by a learner. Called “CERTcoin”, the currency will be a digital asset designed to stimulate engagement and quantify skills development and learning. CERTcoin is a model for providing professionals and workers with a mutually recognised, comparable, and accepted "tender" advantage for their skills, to enhance their employment while raising the standards and demand across the construction sector. This system will be based on a digital maturity ranking method to measure the level of skills and to account for and record CPD learning through micro and macro transactions. Learners will engage with a mobile-friendly gamified platform which rewards the achievement of specific learning milestones. Bringing learning to the gemba. Japanese for “the real place” and used in Lean practices to represent “the workplace” has been shown to achieve high quality results in vocational learners) [23][24]. Initially, the platform will recognise successes with points and digital badges. These can then be sent as CERTcoin currency to the blockchain network, which will allow a large European repository for recognition and certification to be created.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 b) BIMcert

Figure 2. ARISE Push & Pull, Demand Driver Approach

Figure 3. ARISE methodology In alignment with the project schedule, pilot testing has not yet commenced with industry partners since international benchmarking and tool development are not sufficiently complete. The outcomes are expected to demonstrate how digitalisation can be harnessed to stimulate and empower all workers to reach their full potential; how micro modules, segmented accreditation, and digitalised individual learning accounts can provide accelerated access to further education; and how a dual pathway of reward through exchange of certification and/or recognition will increase vocational mobility and opportunity supporting sectoral energy transition. Results will be published once available on the project’s website with dissemination through the BUILD UP Skills network and tools.

BIMcert was a Horizon2020 project funded to €1.16m under the Work Program for Clean, Secure and Efficient Energy, led by Belfast Met, with project partners Construction Industry Training Board Northern Ireland, Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar Croatia, Future Analytics Consulting Ireland, Institute of Research in Environment Civil Engineering and Energy North Macedonia, Technico Lisboa Portugal, and TU Dublin Ireland. The BIMcert project team was supported and guided by an active group of industry partners including O’Hare McGovern Architects, Belfast and Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia [25]. The BIMcert project developed a blended, fully supported suite of Building Information Modelling training curriculum and tools, which allows geographically dispersed construction project teams to use technology to enhance information exchange

and collaboration. The project focused on testing the BIM approaches to green and passive building design to contribute to improving energy efficiency. The program content was developed in a accessible open format allowing middle managers, blue collar workers, and other work tied industry personnel to access the training and accreditation at times and locations of their choice in order to increase their BIM skills, utilise these in their work increasing energy efficient construction and improve their skills/employment mobility. A state of the nation survey across partner countries revealed barriers to digital adoption in support of energy upskilling of: fear of breaking something (that was working sufficiently well); not understanding terminology, need, and potential; not having time to learn; an assumption that this method was for others; logistical issues including aspects of personal mobility; and a challenge of understanding the personal benefit of upskilling or reskilling. The project examined a wide range of potential tools and methods through initial surveys. These

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 included Problem/Project Based Learning, Narrative Videos, Guided Self-Study, Mastery Learning, Scaffolding, Case Studies, Instructor-led Tutoring, Active Learning, Flipped Classrooms, and Role Playing. While a preference emerged among respondents to the survey for instructor-led tutoring, the same respondents typically also identified a challenge of being time-poor. To address this contradiction, BIMcert focussed on creating a pool of resources that supported flipped classrooms (i.e., selfguided learning by students with support from narrative videos and problem-based learning activities before engaging with tutors in a more traditional classroom-based setting). However, these materials could equally be used by tutors where time for training was less constrained. The project undertook extensive testing in workshops in each partner jurisdiction with groups of students of differing qualification levels and at different stages on their learning journeys. The above assumptions in respect of pedagogical tools were validated in these industry works. This enabled the project to develop a “beyond blended” approach to learning which connected digital and face-to-face modes of delivery of bite-size learning units with flexibility in respect of just-in-time delivery combined with tutor-led sessions. To motivate learners and support bite-size integration into connected pathways, the project created a gamified, digitally badged system of support and assessment Each module can be taken independently or can become part of a supported learning journey connected as a Training Plan where dependencies between learning in modules are managed through insystem assessments. O’Hare McGovern (OHMG), a leading architectural practice in Northern Ireland and an associate partner to the project, trialled BIMcert’s modules and Training Plans as part of their BIM Plan to upskill 27 staff to UK Qualification Level 3 and six managerial and leadership staff to Level 4. Particular focus was placed on BIM for Cost Control and in respect of co-ordination and collaboration between office and field aspects of construction. Implementation of BIM on 6 projects, supported by training through BIMcert, resulted in improved collaboration and higher quality of finished buildings. OHMG reported “improved whole life value to our clients” and the ability to achieve a “seamless flow of structured data between the project delivery team and stakeholders”. Associate partners in each of BIMcert’s active jurisdictions, for instance Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia, achieved similar results, supporting workers at all levels in respect of skills development and demystification of BIM terminology and practices. BIMcert’s survey and workshop activities enabled engagement with over 5000 industry supply

chain participants where learning tool selections were verified, and content improved in support of improved learning. More detail on the achievements of these engagements is available in (McAuley et al. 2020). Figure 4 consolidates the results of BIMcert in infographic form:

Figure 4. BIMcert results and achievements

IV DISCUSSION The two projects presented above demonstrate the potential for practical, bite-sized, and authoritatively recognised training programmes to support the upskilling of the construction supply chain in respect of the global energy transition required over the next three decades toward a zero carbon Europe in 2050. However, EASAC has identified a requirement for the creation of 3 million more jobs “to deliver new and renovated buildings with nearly zero GHG emissions” [7]. To enable this scale of recruitment and associated upskilling, reskilling, and initial training, a number of step-changes are required, particularly at systems level. Some potential target activities, which can build on the successes of projects such as previously described, are identified in the following. a) Increased construction supply chain engagement and participation For many construction supply chain participants, the challenges associated with energy transition are not yet sufficiently real or relevant to their day-to-day activities. For instance, the Irish Central Statistics office reports that 98.4% of construction companies employ fewer than 50 persons and 92.8% of enterprises comprise fewer than 6 persons. At these small scales, while organisations should have the agility to respond to new market requirements, this type of innovation is frequently not possible or

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 rewarded because of systems-level barriers. Even where opportunities are identified and small organisations wish to respond, difficulties are frequently experienced regarding upskilling related to available time and finance, both for direct training and for associated infrastructure investment. Innovation Programmes Supports available from various national initiatives and inter-regional agencies seek to address these requirements and enable better and more widespread responses. For example, the Irish Government has provided the Build Digital Project with a grant of €2.5 million over 5 years as one of 7 priority actions implemented by the Construction Sector Group’s Innovation and Digital Adoption Sub-Group. The Build Digital Project is intended to transform the Irish construction and built environment sectors by enabling all stakeholders, particularly SMEs, suppliers, and clients, to develop, maintain, and continuously improve their capabilities through digital adoption to support delivery of Project Ireland 2040, which includes achievement of Ireland’s energy transition targets under the Climate Action Plan and the National Development Plan. A key tenet of the Build Digital Project is the adoption of a bottom-up approach where the “Voice of the Customer” is heard and acted upon. The project has embedded over 50 industry members from across the breadth and depth of the construction supply chain into its Industry Steering Group and directly within the activities of its five pillars, two of which are Sustainability and Circular Economy and Education and Training [26]. The project is building an Exchange Hub for the sharing of best practice and support materials, which will, in turn, be used to deliver appropriate Education and Training into the sector at all levels using a network of vocational, further, higher, and tertiary education providers from across the public and private sectors, supported by professional bodies and funding such as Skillnet, Springboard+, and direct Government funding. Innovation actions such as Build Digital connect government policy to representative groups to training and education and have significant potential as change agents in support of more widespread and sector-impacting adoption. Clustering Additionally, the power of clustering as a mechanism to increase collaboration and co-petition between organisations, particularly SMEs, with shared challenges is being recognised and financially supported by governments and their agencies. Construction Cluster Ireland was established in 2021

through funding from Enterprise Ireland, the agency responsible for developing and growing Irish enterprises in world markets. One of its key activities focuses on supporting SMEs to understand and prepare for market changes created by policy change. The Cluster is connected to TU Dublin as its academic host to specifically support the upskilling necessary within cluster member companies in response to market changes. Greater participation by companies of all scales in clusters has the potential to be the mechanism through which the reskilling imperative is communicated and acted upon, with the potential for achieving better business outcomes and increased amounts of activity as the motivations. b) Attracting workers The issue of attracting workers has three particularly problematic aspects: school-leavers / new entrants; female participation; and aging existing workforce. School-Leavers and New Entrants Perceptions of the construction industry in respect of energy performance are low relative to other industries. This is one of a number of factors, alongside a perception of instability and low quality employment, that results in low recruitment into the sector from school-leavers, both into further and higher education, creating a skills shortage [17] Increased schools outreach activities are capable of increasing the attractiveness of the sector as a career choice. The STEPS – Engineering outreach programme operated by Engineers Ireland and the 5*S - Space, Surveyors and Students – STEM and the Sustainable Development Goals (Cahalane et al. 2021) programme supported by Science Foundation Ireland’s Discover Programme and ESERO [27], the European Space Education Resource Office, are successful examples of the impact of targeted initiatives that increase recruitment towards particular professions and sectors. Attracting a female workforce Depending on data being used, women comprise as low as 5.5% or as high as 20% of the construction workforce [28][29]. Attracting people from more diverse backgrounds, including more women, into the sector is critical to addressing skills shortages. The ability of projects such as BIMcert, ARISE, and Build Digital to highlight the increasing digitalisation and improved sustainability of the sector will be essential to achieving this goal. Additionally, specific projects aimed at increasing diversity such as the ERASMUS+ A-STEP 2030: Attracting Diverse Talent to the Engineering Professions of 2030 have also achieved success in highlighting the essential connection

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 between particular jobs and professions and the global need to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals [30]. Aging workforce The US reports that workers aged 55 and over in 2018 represented 22% of the workforce, an increase from 17% in 2011 [31]. Similarly, in the European Union, the percentage of workers over 50 grew from 24.7% in 2011 to 31.5% in 2018 [32]. These statistics present challenges in maintaining existing knowledge, increasing on site risk and lost work days, and openness to change, upskilling, and reskilling. To counter the latter challenge, the BIMcert project’s field trials with industry demonstrated success in delivering to mixed age cohorts by providing training that is just-in-time, on-site when possible (as per Health & Safety Toolbox Talks), with low technological barriers (similarities to everyday online usage was highlighted with learners), and with faceto-face supports at appropriate intervals during a learning journey. Duplicating these learnings has the potential to enable workers over the age of 50 to maintain relevance and will support their employers in retention of corporate memory while also responding to current and future challenges. Further study is required to identify additional supports that can increase the effectiveness of reskilling for this older cohort. This is particularly necessary as worldwide governments seek to increase retirement ages and maintain current workers beyond traditional pensionable ages.

V CONCLUSIONS & LESSONS LEARNED The activities reported in this paper highlight a number of successes in respect of upskilling for energy transition. However, the scale of impact currently being achieved through significant investment, particularly from the European Union, is insufficient to achieve the targets in the European Skills Agenda and required to address Climate Change requirements. This paper has identified a number of opportunities that will leverage the learnings from existing projects to achieve greater impact, particularly regarding the numbers of upskilled and reskilled workers. Additional engagement is needed at systems level to ensure joined-up-thinking of the nature identified by the Horizon 2020 Call: Increasing Market Demand for Sustainable Energy Skills in the Construction Sector, through which ARISE has received funding. Only through mobilisation of a need – offer - demand loop will the construction sector rise to the challenge of reducing emissions and achieving an effective energy transition.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge Technological University Dublin and Belfast Metropolitan College, which collectively supported these projects, and Horizon2020 funding: ARISE ARISE inspiring demand for sustainable energy skills, by providing clear learning interactions, transparency of upskilling transactions and recognition of qualifications achieved (101033864) BIMcert - the right path for BIM training (785155) EU Erasmus + A-STEP 2030 project funded under call number 2018-1-FR01-KA203-047854 The authors would also like to acknowledge the support of project partners within BIMcert, ARISE, BIM-EPA, Build Digital, 5*S, and Construction Cluster Ireland.

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demand forsustainable energy skills', in Proceedings of the 5th CitA BIM Gathering, September 21st - 23rd, CitA, 97-102 [22] ARISE Project (2021) ARISE: Awakening Relevant Innovative Scalable Equitable, available: [23] Liker, J.K. (2004) The Toyota way: 14 management principles from the world's greatest manufacturer, New York ; London: McGraw-Hill. [24] Alblooshi, M., Shamsuzzaman, M., Khoo, M.B.C., Rahim, A. and Haridy, S. (2021) 'Requirements, challenges and impacts of Lean Six Sigma applications – a narrative synthesis of qualitative research', International journal of lean six sigma, 12(2), 318-367, [25] McAuley, B., Behan, A., McCormack, P., Hamilton, A., Rebelo, E. and Lynch, S. (2020) 'Improving the Sustainability of the Built Environment by Upskilling SMEs in Building Information Modelling Through the Horizon 2020 BIMcert Project', SDAR* Journal of Sustainable Design & Applied Research, 8(1), [26] Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (2022) BUILD 2022: Construction Sector Performance and Capacity [27] Cahalane, C., Browne, S., Faul, J., Ffrench, J., McNerney, L., McNerney, E., Rickard, A., Abernathy, R., Lonergan, J. and Foley, R. (2021) 5*S: Space, Surveyors and Students – STEM and the Sustainable Development Goals, available [28] Construction Industry Federation (2018) Membership Diversity Report, available: [29] Construction Industry Training Board Northern Ireland (2020) Women in Construction, available: [30] Beagon, U. (2021) A phenomenographic study of academics teaching in engineering programmes in Ireland : Conceptions of professional skills and approaches to teaching professional skills, unpublished thesis, TU Dublin,, available: [31] Vaquera, K. (2019) An Aging Construction Workforce: Recognition And Response, available: [32]Fontaneda, I., Camino López, M.A., González Alcántara, O.J. and Greiner, B.A. (2022) 'Construction Accidents in Spain: Implications for an Aging Workforce', BioMed research

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Behavioural Change

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What are the Barriers and Enablers to the Implementation of Lean Digital Construction for the Irish Civil Engineering Sector? Ronan Hayes1 and Kieran O’Neill2 School of Surveying and Construction Innovation Technological University Dublin, Bolton Street, Dublin 1, Ireland E-mail: 1 ronan. a es@, 2 This paper aims to explore the level of lean digital construction amongst Irish civil engineering contractors engaged in the construction sector. The collaboration between civil engineering contractors with the appointing party & main contractors is lacking through lack of communication, inconsistent methods of information exchange and outmoded business practices resulting in waste. There is little adoption of lean techniques, such as the last planner systems and process improvement. This research aims to fill the knowledge gaps by examining the digital construction adoption and lean awareness amongst Irish civil engineering contractors engaged in the construction sector. A comprehensive literature review was undertaken, the findings of which informed the content of the semi-structured interviews. Within this context, a thematic analysis of the semistructured interviews was conducted, assessing seven main themes. The findings of the thematic analysis indicate that the digitisation of information is ranked as the most important driver for digital construction. The most significant barrier to digital construction is company culture with resistance to change. Thematic analysis reveals that lean value stream mapping is the most important driver for lean implementation. The most significant barrier to lean implementation is resistance to change and backsliding. The research reveals that there is a varying level of adoption of lean digital construction across the industry, leading to inefficiencies and project cost overruns on civil engineering projects, and challenges remain for construction contractors. The research indicates that a government policy mandating the need for lean digital construction would be a powerful enabler in bringing about change within the industry. Keywords: - Digital construction, Lean, Implementation, Civil engineering, BIM Mandate



The Irish construction industry is facing capacity constraints in terms of skilled workers entering the sector [1], [2] and employed fewer workers in Q3 2022, representing 6.7% of the labour force [3] compared to when it employed 11% of the workforce in 2007 [2] A recent survey of industry practitioners identified that 63% of construction companies in 2022 are struggling to hire talent to meet their business needs, and 33% believe that young talent is emigrating from Ireland altogether [4]. Considering all these factors it is more critical now, more than ever, that the construction industry adapts to overcome these challenges and learn to do more with less in terms of materials and human capital. Irish construction has embraced digital construction since 1998, when Enterprise Ireland was founded, where it partnered with Irish enterprises to help them innovate and compete in global markets [5].

The downturn in the Irish construction industry accelerated the digitisation and implementation of building information modelling along with lean processes within the industry, according to the Forfás Report 2015, as the industry was forced to compete in international markets and become more competitive [6]. Improvements have been made within the Irish AEC sector, and there is much recorded in the literature on the benefits of the concepts of Lean Construction (LC) and building information modelling (BIM) to the transformation from traditional methods and practices in construction management [7]. However, the civil engineering sector has lagged in adopting these concepts. If the benefits of lean and digital construction are to be fully realised, then it is necessary to understand the enablers and barriers. This research aims to explore the Irish civil engineering sector and critically evaluate the barriers and enablers to implementing lean digital construction within the Irish civil engineering sector.

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II. LITERATURE REVIEW a) Lean Construction Lean Construction (LC) is derived from the processes and principles which originated in Japan after the second world war; Taiichi Ohno at Toyota developed what is now known as the Toyota Production System (TPS) [8]. The TPS was designed by Ohno to improve quality and productivity and to align the production systems towards what the customer values. At the core of the TPS system is the identification of sources of waste known as “Muda” (waste), “Mura” (unevenness – levelling) and “Muri” (overburdening). Waste is categorised as any activity which does not achieve the efficiency standards of the production system and does not create value in the product development flow line or production line. Ohno’s system helped to reduce inventory stock, freed up additional space, produced only what was needed, and in doing so, created the Justin-time (JIT) manufacturing system [9] The concepts of lean thinking developed by Womack et al. in their book “The Machine That Changed the World” [10] sought to expand the applications to other industries using the exemplar of the TPS. These authors developed this concept based on five guiding principles. The process is illustrated below in Figure 1 and was initially proposed by Womack et al., [11].

Figure 1 The Five Lean Principles [12]. Koskela [13] was one of the first to introduce lean principles to the construction industry, and later Ballard & Howell, [14] where they described “Lean Construction” focusing on the reduction of waste and improvement of management systems and processes to create better flows. In his report, Koskela looked at production in terms of conversions and flows, activities that result in the conversion of material and information to add value to the product, whereas flow activities should be focused on their elimination or reduction, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Source: Koskela [13]. Performance improvement in conventional, quality, and new production philosophy approaches. Koskela proposed using 11 heuristic Lean Construction principles to improve flow and reduce non-value adding activities. In Ireland, there is an increased awareness of Lean principles within the Irish construction industry; these efforts have been promoted through organisations such as Lean Construction Ireland (LCI) and through Irish Government initiatives such as the LeanStart programme.

b) Lean Digital Construction The benefits of BIM can be realised by implementing the full capabilities of digital construction. In addition, BIM provides a collaborative platform where the 3D digital visualisation capabilities provide greater engagement levels between stakeholders resulting in better collaboration between engineering disciplines which further results in better project management and construction performance [15]. The sustainability of an asset is becoming more important for stakeholders and governments across the globe who are making considerable efforts in working to achieve the UN 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development [16] climate change targets set in 2015. Linear infrastructure, such as roads and rail, forms an essential component and strategic asset for economic and social mobility to support the development of a city, region, or country. However, studies have shown that due to the dynamic nature of construction and the significant input materials and equipment requirements required, linear infrastructure uses substantial quantities of materials and energy while producing waste [17]. The consequences of these processes result in increased greenhouse gas emissions which are harmful to the environment by contributing to global warming. These negative environmental impacts can potentially give rise to adverse reactions from the public. In the EU, clients and designers must comply with Directive 97/11/EC EU Nature Protection and Environmental

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Impact Assessment to reduce the environmental effects or introduce mitigation measures [18]. Farmer [19] advocates in his report that the construction industry must “modernise or die”; therefore, change must be embraced to make the sector more attractive to the next generation of construction professionals to ensure project performance, sustainability, and sustainability cost certainty benefits are realised. McAuley et al. [20] support the view that digital construction technologies are recognised as a driver to implement the sustainable growth agenda by ensuring that project life cycle and cost certainty targets are achieved.

c) Barriers & Enablers to Lean Digital Construction It is noted from the literature that the successful implementation of lean digital construction is challenging for the construction industry [21]. Researchers mentioned that the reasons behind these challenges are diverse. These include lack of management support, inadequate training, poor implementation planning and coordination, resistance to change, regression to traditional work practices and a deficiency in practical and technical knowledge needed for lean and digital construction implementation [22]. Mäki et al [23], demonstrate in their study the challenges in implementing the Last Planner System (LPS on a construction project. The project team, which included designers and site management personnel, struggled to fully embrace the LPS and eventually backsliding into their old ways of working. The research identified inadequate management commitment, lack of resources, and a failure to appoint lean champions as factors contributing to the unsuccessful implementation. Employee engagement and training programs must be broad enough to cover the whole workforce and not centralised amongst a few selected individuals. LC training is essential in overcoming the challenges posed by regression to old ways of working and resistance to implementing lean processes [23]. Parfenova et al. [24] discuss lean implementation in a Russian context, citing incorrect methods and tools used to support lean concepts in construction. The same authors surmised that external consultants hindered the implementation of lean principles leading to unsuccessful outcomes. This perspective is contested by other researchers who consider that external consultants to be key critical success factors[22]. Hines et al. [26] demonstrate the importance of focusing on the human elements and showing respect

for team members and end users is essential for the sustainability of lean implementation. Demirkesen & Bayhan [22] identified twentyseven variables for the successful implantation of lean construction. These variables are distilled into six critical success factors. (1) Motivational factors through employee engagement, making training resources and information and communications technology (ICT) available for lean implementation resulted in better outcomes. (2) Project factors, comprised of end-user satisfaction with the project, implemented through utilising LPS techniques such as “whiteboard meetings” and visual value stream mapping (VSM). (3) Strategy and policy factors for the project and firm centre on the company and project adopting a lean culture. Barclay et al. [28] further supported this, stressing that a positive company culture encourages change, learning from mistakes, empowers employees to implement changes without fear of reprisal, and failures were not viewed negatively. (4) Company factors focused on management commitment to implementing lean through creating awareness amongst the organisation and the willingness to invest in Lean practice techniques. (5) Technical factors. There must be a clear understanding of the lean tools and techniques before implementation, along with the support of external consultants during the onboarding process. Locatelli et al. [25] advocate the need for a project team to attend training seminars, firstly to become acquainted with technical elements of lean tools and methods and secondly to address any reservations that team members might harbour towards the implementation of LC. The same authors describe a three-stage process for the successful implementation of LC, illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3, Source: Locatelli et al. [25] LC adoption phases, lean process and personnel involved. (6) Workforce and resource factors. An organisation seeking to implement a successful lean

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 programme needs to provide robust support mechanisms for senior managers to create a solid lean foundation built upon lean leadership principles. Employees must be motivated by senior management to deliver the lean programme and given clear instructions so that team members understand their roles and responsibilities and conduct activities in the correct sequence.

d) Lean and Digital Construction Synergies Digital and lean construction processes have functioned as a disrupter within the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sectors resulting in significant changes within the industry. Throughout the literature, a considerable amount of investigation has been conducted on the individual topics of the implementation of digital construction and lean principles [29]. However, there is little research relating to the adoption of these processes in parallel. The Irish construction industry is facing social, economic, and environmental challenges. Social in terms of attracting new talent into the industry and capacity constraints, economic through budgetary constraints with the Irish Government seeking to achieve value for money and environmental pressures to achieve climate change targets combing lean and digital construction processes can address these challenges. Sacks et al. [20] highlighted fifty-six of interactions between lean and digital construction, with forty-eight identified as being beneficial. Nascimento et al. [30] introduced the concept of a Digital Obeya room based on the PDCA management system creating a pull production system that minimises waste and rework during construction. Obeya comes from the Japanese word “Big Room” and originated from Toyota as a method to deliver better coordination in complex engineering situations. The Obeya room encourages workers to visually display their ideas enhancing collaboration, breaking down barriers and expediates decision making.


questionnaire. The objective of stage two is to evaluate the current industry status on adopting lean principles and digital construction techniques in civil engineering. To investigate this objective, a total of six qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted by the author. The author adopted the qualitative interview approach for its capacity to yield more in-depth and insightful analysis [31]. The interviewees are all involved in the civil engineering sector within Ireland. They have been selected from tier-one, tier-two main contractors and a civil engineering designer to get a broad spectrum of opinions across the construction Industry. The are all working with or in the process of implementing lean digital construction. A profile of the participants is shown in Table III.1.

Table III.1 Profile of Interview Participants The interviews were recorded digitally, and the transcriptions were edited to form the basis of the research analysis. The interview data was correlated with the literature review to establish if there are any similarities or differences between the international research and the experiences in an Irish context. In Stage 3, The qualitative interview data were analysed using the thematic analysis approach. The data was analysed using a six-stage process as proposed by Braun et al. [32] as shown in Figure 4. The interview data were analysed using NVivo, a specialised software package designed explicitly for the thematic analysis of qualitative data. NVivo was selected as it allows efficient coding of the data in a digital format, provides a structured approach to managing the data, and has powerful tools to interrogate and report on the data. NVivo is structured so that all findings can be verified through the coding nodes and traced back to the primary interview transcripts and recordings.

This research paper aims to explore the barriers and enablers to implementing lean digital construction within the Irish civil engineering sector. The research was conducted in three stages. In Stage 1, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to critically assess current international literature to identify the barriers and enablers to implementing lean digital construction. In Stage 2, The literature review formed the basis for developing the qualitative semi-structured interview

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Figure 4, Source: Wet et al. [82] – The six phases of thematic analysis

IV. BARRIERS TO DIGITAL CONSTRUCTION The interviewees were asked their opinions on the barriers to the implementation of digital construction; thematic analysis of the interview data revealed the following findings in Table IV.1. Table IV.1, Thematic Analysis – Barriers to Digital Construction Barriers to Digital Construction


Employees Management Culture Technical

33 29 22 16

Government Financial

10 6

Employees have been identified as the main barrier to the implementation of digital construction, the main reason for this is the “Lack of support for digital construction implementation and training”. To quote Participant 1, “I have a feeling that people are not using digital construction as they are not prepared”. This view is supported by four of the interviewees when asked about digital construction training. Participant 5 cited a lack of company training as a challenge to the implementation of digital construction and has engaged in his own CPD activities to upskill. All six participants cited “Employee’s resistance to change” as an issue to digital construction implementation. Participant 1 commented, “They do not want to change; they want to be in their comfort zone”. This view is shared by other interviewees, noting that the older cohort of individuals within the organisation tended to offer the most resistance, primarily because they have always “done it this way.”

Management issues are scored as the second most prevalent issue. The primary reason for management issues was the sub-theme “Lack of knowledge of managing digital construction processes,” which was identified by five participants; Participant 5 cited “fear of the unknown” by management concerning the adoption of digital technology; procurement of a drone to produce digital mapping for earthworks volumes was management’s first “stepping-stone” towards embarking on their digital journey. Participant 5 recounts on a road project that the alignment information is provided as a 3D model; however, drainage information is provided as a schedule and typical cross-section in a PDF format in which model coordination and clash detection has not been conducted. Participant 1 noted on a civil engineering project that the main contractor is using “Pseudo-BIM”, where drawing coordination is not being conducted through the ISO19650 standards as they mix between digital construction processes and backsliding to traditional methods. Cultural themes explored the cultural dynamics, looking at the sub-themes “Company culture resistance to change” and “Lack of demand from Clients.” Resistance to change was identified as a barrier by five of the participants with eighteen coded sources. Participant 2 notes that people need to see the technology's value and benefits before engaging with digital construction. Participant 3 identifies a similar sentiment where subcontractors are hesitant to engage in the processes due to a perceived lack of value in engaging with digital construction. Finally, participant 4 encountered strong resistance to digital construction processes from a designer who refused to use the common data environment (CDE) to transfer data and would not engage with the ISO19650 file naming conventions.

V. ENABLERS TO DIGITAL CONSTRUCTION During the semi-structured interviews, participants were asked their opinions as to the enablers for the implementation of digital construction; thematic analysis of the interview data revealed the following findings shown in Table V.1 Table V.1, Thematic Analysis – Enablers to Digital Construction Digital Construction Enablers Technical

Sources Coded 91

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36 30 28 14 10 8

Thematic analysis of the primary enablers of digital construction were technical factors. The construction industry’s move to digital is prevalent among five participants. It is evident that the transition from paper to digital processes is underway; Participant 2 reports that “99.9% of the stuff is digital”, Participant 1 describes how they are bringing digital working and technology into the business using apps. The significant contributor to facilitating this digitisation process is the sub-theme “Accessibility to the technology,” where participants are using 3D smartphones, iPads, and tablets to access the information on site. Participant 3 notes, “The biggest thing is access; if you put the tools in the people’s hands, they engage with us”, Participant 7 shares a similar viewpoint, “For me, its userfriendliness”, and recounts how people are holding up iPads, it shows the building (in VR), and they can relate to the data more easily. The other prevalent technical themes are “Model coordination” and “Clash detection.” Interestingly, Participant 6 is exploring these two sub-themes due to a significant clash detected on-site. A structure was discovered to have insufficient headroom clearance between the underside of the bridge beams and the road pavement below. The impact of this design mistake resulted in a two-week delay to the construction programme, and 450m of bituminous pavement, kerb and vehicle restraint systems all had to come out and be reconstructed to accommodate the lowering of the vertical road alignment at significant cost. Employee factors were the second most prevalent theme. All six participants cited that training was a key enabler to digital construction; participants engage with employees through in-house programmes and external providers such as Construction IT Alliance (CitA). Employee training is an important driver, Participant 2, describes how they support employees until they can use the technology themselves. Participant 3 describes a similar theme: training objectives are set annually and provided through in-house training programmes, LinkedIn Learning resources and external providers such as CitA. Participant 3 outlines how they use strong workforce engagement by creating working groups, identifying problems from the ground up, and actively looking for solutions that fit their needs are key to successful implementation.

Organisational cultural themes feature as the third most prevalent theme. Empowering the workforce to embrace digital construction is key to driving the company strategy, and both themes complement each other; Participant 7 describes where the organisation has a “command structure” of digital champions in place so the workforce can approach the right people to ask the right questions to get the proper support. Furthermore, a similar theme is reported by Participant 2, where the BIM department works in a collaborative environment to engage with the workforce to ensure the digital tools are used, and appropriate supports are in place.

VI. BARRIERS TO LEAN The interviewees were also asked about the barriers to lean implementation; thematic analysis uncovers the following findings as shown in Table VI.1 Table VI.1, Thematic Analysis – Barriers to lean construction Lean Barriers - Main Themes Government Employees Communication Managerial Culture

Sources Coded 3 4 5 8 13

The most prevalent barrier to lean implementation is “Culture,” with thirteen coded sources. The findings uncover that people are resistant to change; transitioning from old methods of work to a new lean culture is not easy, as Participant 1 recounts, “That is the hardest point at the moment”, Participant 2 describes a similar theme that it is a “mindset” and “one that has to be broken in” to deploy lean effectively. The second most prevalent theme was management, with eight coded sources. As cultural themes are associated with human factors, management themes are intertwined. The principal sub-themes were misconceptions about lean; Participant 2 describes it as a “mythos” that “scares people off”, and other challenges raised by Participant 1 was that management “did not know if it would be good for the company or not” and hence were risk-averse to implementation of lean processes. Participant 1 describes how there is little interaction between tier-one and tier-two contractors and SMEs to share experience and knowledge in Ireland and goes on to say that in Brazil, it is common for larger organisations to collaborate and share knowledge on

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 best practice exemplars beyond the annual conferences that are a feature in Ireland.

VII. ENABLERS TO LEAN From the thematic analysis of the interview data, the enablers to lean implementation were revealed in Table VII.1 Table VII.1, Thematic Analysis – Enablers to lean construction. Lean Enablers - Main Themes

Sources Coded



Financial Communication Managerial Employees Culture Technical

3 9 9 12 32 33

The primary enabler for implementing lean was “Technical” factors. The most prevalent technical subthemes were “Lean value stream mapping,” with fourteen codes. Participant 2 describes how digital construction has enabled them to identify “the value stream” and use digital construction to “optimise the information that we capture”, which allows the organisation to “communicate more effectively”. For the workforce to be able to understand “the value proposition,” the organisation has implemented training on the LPS and sources of waste, leading to the next sub-theme. Four participants are using the “Last Planner System” with eight coded sources, and there is an obvious split between tier-one contractors and the use of LPS and tier-two contractors where implementation is either in the initial stages of deployment or not being used at all. Participant 3 describes that LPS is being deployed within the organisation using a cautious “slowly, slowly approach”; however, they are implementing “a lot of pull planning”. Cultural themes were identified as the second most prevalent theme as an enabler for lean construction with thirty-two coded sources. Participant 2 explains that through adopting “a collaborative approach” and “meeting with them on a one-to-one basis”, the workforce starts “to feel it” and understand lean then you get the motivation and engagement, which is supported through lean champions embedded in their projects outlining the company strategy which is the second largest cultural sub-theme. Participant 4 explains the collaborative approach adopted by the main contractor by engaging with the

design team, subcontractors, and site project teams, how they are all participating in coordination meetings as part of the company strategy of using the lean tools under the LPS to create pull, noting that it “worked very well” for the supply chain. Managerial and communication were identified jointly as the fourth largest themes as enablers to lean construction. Participant 2 explains that “there is an extensive amount of change management” put in place by management to demonstrate the management commitment and communication to the lean message through a four-stage process; a) understanding individual's knowledge and requirements, b) explaining why the lean processes are being implemented, c) telling them how lean processes will operate and training them in their use, d) Sustaining the programme through workforce supports to ensure successful outcomes.

VIII. DISCUSSION The main challenges that are currently faced in implementing lean digital construction for the Irish civil engineering sector, include resistance to change, lack of knowledge on managing lean digital construction processes, and lack of training and support to implement lean digital construction implementation. The industry must address these challenges by providing training to upskill employees and empowering them to become lean digital construction champions. Training management and employees are key to changing the company culture and overcoming the issues of resistance to change. Furthermore, a motivated workforce supported by a company strategy and supportive management is more likely to succeed in sustaining the implementation of lean digital construction Sinoh et al. [35]. This research has revealed from the interviewees that lean digital construction implementation is inconsistent between tier-one and tier-two main contractors in the civil engineering sector. In contrast, tier-one contractors have engaged with digital construction and lean to a lesser extent; however, tiertwo contractors have little or no adoption of these paradigms. Furthermore, the consensus from the semistructured interviews showed that the lack of a Government BIM mandate is a barrier to the progression of lean digital construction. Therefore, implementing a lean digital construction mandate for Government construction procurement contracts supported with investments in education and training should be a priority which would assist in leveraging the benefits of lean digital construction and serve as a valuable mechanism in controlling the project cost overruns on capital projects to be delivered by the

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 Government of Ireland under the NDP Demirkesen & Bayhan [22]

IX. CONCLUSION This research focuses on the current challenges faced by the Irish civil engineering sector in the implementation of lean digital construction. The communication of the successful implementation of lean digital construction exemplars needs to be shared within the industry to promote change. Lean digital construction champions providing direct support to construction companies via industry bodies would be a proactive way to drive this change and, more importantly, sustain it within the Irish civil engineering sector. This research has revealed from the interviews that there is a lack of knowledge about implementing lean digital construction. Therefore, a particular area of future research could focus on a framework for lean digital construction implementation based on best project exemplars, with practical implementation strategies that could benefit the Irish construction sector significantly.


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Long Term Commitment & Support SMEs

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The Development of a Lean Digital Construction (BIM) innovation framework for Irish Construction SMEs Marina Andreou1, Barry McAuley2 and Alan Hore3 School of Surveying and Construction Innovation Technological University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland E-mail: 1an reo .marina 3

The adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) must overcome several challenges to succeed. Potential barriers include the need for financial resources, correct BIM guidance, and training. In recent years, SME organisations have investigated how the complementary application of BIM and Lean principles can maximise digital construction practices. For this approach to be successful, structured guidance is paramount. This paper presents the results from an extensive literature review that explores BIM and Lean capabilities, focusing on synergies and existing frameworks. Based on the results from the literature review, the paper suggests an experimental framework that will address the key obstacles and provide a structured approach to BIM and Lean implementation for SMEs. The authors envision that the output of the proposed framework will assist Irish SMEs in minimising waste and improving productivity within their practices. Keywords ̶ Lean Construction, BIM, SMEs, Innovation processes and technologies needed to deliver value to SMEs. I INTRODUCTION The paper will also investigate the current knowledge of BIM and/or Lean frameworks related to Lean construction and BIM are two different SME management and examine current philosophies that have significantly impacted the AEC methodologies regarding existing frameworks. industry. BIM contributes directly to Lean goals of Finally, it will present the key synergies to enable the waste reduction, improved flow and reduction in development of a future Lean Digital (BIM) overall time [1]. Additionally, the parallel Innovation Framework. This framework aims to implementation of these two innovative philosophies provide an essential supporting structure to introduce can further increase an SME's ability to compete in an digital construction (BIM) and Lean processes into overcrowded market. This paper will present a SME organisations in Ireland. research gap with respect to identifying the key pillars Exploratory research has been selected as the required for successfully adopting both Lean and BIM primary methodology because it is best applied within processes within an SME and the potential barriers new or relatively under-researched topics or that an SME might encounter. concerning approaching a topic from a different Current studies mostly focus on presenting perspective to generate new outcomes [2]. The findings about the benefits of successful difference between exploratory research and other implementation strategies of BIM or Lean, but only a types is that the ultimate goal is to present something few specifically concern SMEs. At the same time, new and avoid repetition [3]. Another advantage of SMEs currently applying BIM or Lean processes exploratory research is that it can vary how an might need to be aware of the synergies between experimental study is conducted, but it is suggested them. This paper aims to demonstrate how SMEs can that each research fact be conceptualised and adapt BIM and Lean processes to gain advantages continuously verified [3]. This paper will refer to from both. The research focuses on solving problems prior studies to establish the key synergies enabling through innovative BIM and Lean practices, the key pillars to provide a structure for SMEs to mobilising underlying theories and the enabling harness BIM and Lean practices.

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II LEAN CONSTRUCTION ean construction is a way to design roduction syste s to ini ise waste of aterials, ti e, and effort to generate the a i u ossible a ount of value [4]. In other words, Lean construction's primary goals are believed to be effective systems that decrease time, effort, and waste in projects and can be defined by objectives, principles, methods and tools [5]. Some of the main issues that led to the development of Lean construction principles were poor quality of construction projects and high costs. In addition, Lean principles in construction, unlike the manufacturing industry, vary, making standard processes and workflows difficult to achieve [6]. Another feature of Lean is increasing process speed by focusing on what customers want and sequentially considering the importance of quality [7]. Enterprises embrace Lean philosophies by developing long-term sustainable excellence strategies through Lean tools and principles [8]. However, effective implementation will depend on the readiness and the training required before fully implementing each Lean tool [9]. By effectively implementing Lean standards, the AEC industry can direct an enterprise to find and create strategies with the best tools and methods to achieve Lean construction objectives [10]. Lean construction is becoming prevalent in prefabrication by promoting standardised components, such as off-site techniques [6]. Examples of Lean tools widely used in the construction sector include daily huddle meetings and pre-task planning exercises for discussing each day's tasks. If executed correctly, they can help reduce accidents, eliminate waste, and improve efficiency [5]. Other tools include A3, a control mechanism that can be used to track and report on the progress of any project from start to finish. The A3 process, with an 8step approach, ultimately focuses on defining the problem in-depth and developing a solution that addresses the potential cause of each situation. The Six Sigma methodology highlights variability and, at the same time, aims to establish high-quality projects. In working toward the same goal, the pull approach pays attention to materials management [8]. Lean principles permit opportunities for improvement to be identified and applied to future projects. As a result, projects come on time and within budget and create empowered teams [10]. While significant strides have been made regarding Lean construction, the manufacturing industry's efficiency still needs to be fully integrated into the construction industry. For example, automation, the utilisation of information systems, superior supply chain administration, and progressed collaboration tools [11].

Also, changes need to be clearly defined in enterprises. As a result of uncertainty, employees may be hesitant to walk into the unknown. Addressing this employee fear is a component of any successful Lean enterprise [7].

III LEAN FRAMEWORKS A structured supporting system must be implemented for a successful Lean construction strategy. Therefore, the authors undertook an extensive literature review of existing Lean frameworks. An initial study found that focusing only on frameworks designed for SMEs resulted in a narrow search, so it was expanded to concentrate on all sizes of enterprises. The literature review aimed to investigate the interrelationships between different frameworks and common points. According to the findings, some methods used to collect data that eventually led to creating a Lean framework were conducting a literature review or using state-of-the-art or case studies. Moreover, using surveys and questionnaires to collect data, review existing frameworks, use data analysis and even interviews. Correspondingly, examples of strategies used for validation include force field analysis, interviews or validating a framework through case studies. Different Lean frameworks' goals included improving the performance and decision-making capability of the construction processes. Also, analysing various types of waste and investigating waste reduction strategies. Other purposes include minimising variations and rework, promoting innovation through new technologies and increasing productivity. Furthermore, some frameworks identified and presented drivers and barriers to Lean implementation. Other frameworks had a green approach to Lean to improve construction processes' environmental impact or achieve more sustainable solutions in the construction sector. Continuously, various frameworks offer ways to reinforce Lean principles and improve performance levels. The research findings through the different frameworks explored encourage enterprises to implement Lean construction principles by selecting the correct tools and methods based on their targets. Sequentially, targets and functionalities of the various tools can be effectively caught on and then employed. The findings highlight the prospects of using Lean methods and tools to minimise waste and increase the productivity of construction enterprises. It is important to highlight that coaching and training for smaller enterprises can be quicker than for larger ones. A key problem with much of the literature on Lean is that there needs to be more literature regarding Lean implementation frameworks concerning SMEs. This observation raises many

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18th – 20th, 2023 questions about the gap in academic knowledge regarding Lean for SMEs [12] - [21].

IV BIM 2D drawing-based information can result in additional wasted time. It can be limited when considering cost estimations or different types of analysis [1]. This fact has seen a rise in the adoption of 3D modelling software by many architecture schools and large and small enterprises since the nineties. This has allowed new and complex geometries to be modelled that were previously difficult to communicate [22]. Furthermore, the overreliance on traditional practices leads to problems concerning a project's life cycle, as the owner receives information in a 2D format that may need to be updated later on [23]. This has resulted in BIM becoming a key practice within the global AEC sector. A BIM model can contain important information about the whole asset life cycle, from construction to demolition [24]. BIM is also a database of information regarding building components, material properties, construction techniques, and even the costs of building materials [25]. BIM is more than just modelling and has evolved to include preferred methodologies, protocols, and standards. BIM's benefits include accurate material take-offs, identifying clashes, and optimising construction sequencing [25]. In addition, uncertainty and the potential for risky cost estimates that might lead to conflicts between team members can be reduced [26]. The BIM model can also plan maintenance and track usage throughout the building's life cycle [26].

V BIM IN IRELAND The third national survey about the level of BIM adoption in Ireland (2017) revealed that 85% of the enterprises that took part in the survey believe that Ireland should follow the United Kingdom's example and mandate BIM [27]. As of today, 2023, BIM is no longer relatively new to employers, consultants, contractors, subcontractors and even some clients. Nevertheless, the Irish government has actively promoted the use of BIM for major complex projects. Continuously, as of 2019, the Irish government has stated it will require a BIM Level 2 implementation on complex projects, with medium and simple projects potentially being phased in over the upcoming years [28]. From January 2024, the construction of public works contracts with a value exceeding €100m will include BIM requirements. Also, over the next four years, these requirements will be extended to include the construction of projects with a value of less than €1m.

The BIM adoption strategy includes digital delivery requirements as part of the overall Government’s strategy to digitalise the construction sector by 2030. The strategy will be launched with the International Cost Management Standard, enabling decisions based on the total cost of ownership, including the environmental impact of decisions concerning material selection, foundation design, energy use, and production [29]. In response to the Irish construction industry's needs, the following research focuses on BIM implementation in Irish Construction SMEs regarding advancing BIM and Lean capabilities. While the outcome of this research is an innovative framework primarily designed for SMEs based in Ireland, it can also be suitable for SMEs in other countries with similar targets of using BIM and Lean practices.

VI BIM FRAMEWORKS Similar to the literature review for Lean frameworks, the same template was used to investigate synergies between BIM frameworks for general use or SMEs. The literature review highlights a variety of BIM frameworks. Sequentially, utilising a set of BIM principles is an effective tool for upgrading the outcomes of an enterprise, especially for SMEs. Furthermore, the research shows the idea of utilising BIM strategies and tools, including diminishing costs and anticipating the loss of time and effort. Literature reviews, pilot studies, case studies, surveys or questionnaires, or the use of a roadmap are the main methods used to collect data. Other methods noted include data analysis, critical discussions, or using a design thinking process. Examples of strategies used for validation are through surveys, case studies, or validating with the use of a prototype. Some of the goals of the different BIM frameworks include managing risks and rewards by using BIM methodologies to increase profit. Also, finding the main barriers preventing the effective use of BIM. Another common finding is implementing BIM to achieve optimum, cost-efficient solutions. Furthermore, to improve communication and cooperation and obtain sustainability goals. Other findings include the application of BIM to precisely estimate building systems costs and alternative schemes during the life-cycle of a project and to reduce and eliminate construction errors. Similar to the Lean framework findings, educating the employees and improving documentation quality is important. The professionals in the industry are critical to its success. The behaviours and the experiences gained and shared are essential to the growth of a BIM-enabled process. Progressively, some of the main goals of the BIM frameworks are similar to the Lean ones,

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18th – 20th, 2023 especially in trying to achieve less cost, reduce variations, and promote innovation [30] - [39].

VII BIM AND LEAN There are 56 synergies between BIM and Lean construction [1]. One of the main connections between Lean construction and BIM is that they share the same principles and focus. A few of those synergies are a better appreciation of the early stages of designing that can also assist in the initial functional evaluation of the design. As a result, the quality of the final design is more consistent [40]. To assist in categorising BIM and Lean capabilities, the researchers narrowed the scope to a European level due to Ireland's association with the EU. This has resulted in the selection of findings from the EU BIM Task Group Handbook, which was formed to deliver a pan-European approach to best practices in BIM. The group combines national efforts into a common and aligned European approach to develop a world-class digital construction sector. To this effect, the organisation in 2017 published their EUBIM task group handbook to encourage the wider introduction of BIM to the European public sector as a strategic enabler [41]. This report established four categories to categorise the different BIM capabilities, as detailed in Figure 1.

Figure 1: EUBIM task group. The four pillars.

Moreover, an enterprise must consider many parameters and overcome many barriers before eventually implementing BIM and Lean. In addition, the four categories of technology, processes, policies, and people and skills were used to categorise BIM and Lean synergies [41]. a Technical Technology and, at the same time, software usage are key enablers in supporting BIM and Lean principles. The elimination of waste associated with Lean techniques, such as value stream mapping, can be achieved by linking BIM with project schedules, which can help support collaborative decisionmaking. The BIM model can also assist with identifying potential problems and, therefore, eliminate waste from the supply chain. BIM, in partnership with advanced technologies such as

augmented and virtual reality, can empower Lean Construction Management by reducing construction time and minimising the waste of materials [42] [43] [44]. Also, BIM facilitates Lean measures through design to construction and, at the same time, contributes directly to Lean goals of waste reduction [45]. Furthermore, BIM provides better scheduling solutions as tools such as Navisworks make updating schedules much easier. As the tools lead to more collaborative solutions and the industry chooses Lean scheduling methods, traditional scheduling methods will be used less [23]. b eo le and S ills Lean and BIM can provide an effective solution for solving another major problem in the construction industry. The problem is the expectation gaps between all the team members. Nevertheless, Lean promotes collaborative design, which means all team members can participate in the design process, leading to more positive outcomes. Also, all team members should agree beforehand to ensure that only the best practices and best decisions concerning design and construction choices will be used in each project. Furthermore, it pushes the team to achieve the highest productivity possible. Moreover, project optimisation continuously suggests that team members collaborate productively to implement the best solutions possible in each project [5]. Therefore, collaboration is extremely important in the construction industry and can be improved by using BIM and Lean. Another Lean approach suggests observing meetings, training, and employee interviews, which can lead to helpful conclusions. Also, it is beneficial to determine whether employees know how to eliminate waste and whether they have been provided with the necessary direction and resources [8]. Similarly, training should be combined with a common definition of the target behaviours expected by BIM to create capacity for its effective use. With a consistent definition of the required skills, training providers will likely be able to develop the sufficient capacity of capable, skilled professionals [41]. c rocesses Innovations such as cloud-based model collaboration can affect a team's ability to complete estimations effectively. BIM permits team members to collaborate in actual time inside the cloud. It is web-based and includes input from several members. Another major advantage of a cloud-based system is that many independent companies can access a project and collaborate by providing the team with information about materials. Furthermore, it allows handling information from any web-connected gadget [23]. BIM and Lean construction provide a more enhanced level of detailed coordination on-site [46]. Lean and BIM adoption synergies can support the

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18th – 20th, 2023 information, materials, equipment, spaces, and teams in construction processes using Lean concepts [1]. As a result, BIM and Lean contribute to a betterimproved workflow between all the parties [9]. A new BIM-based Lean management system is characterised by a theoretical combination model for BIM and existing management techniques and a methodology for applying these concepts into practice [47]. The utilisation of BIM permits the advancement of Lean construction methods and standards to enable a construction team to drive to the potential of using prefabrication [48]. The synergy between Lean and BIM can benefit different project phases, especially the design phase, where decision-making significantly impacts the next stages of a project. Also, a Lean method that can be implemented with BIM in the design phase is the Last Planner System (LPS) [49]. BIM with lean design principles were used for the Istanbul Grand Airport (IGA) project. Cloudbased data management tools were used to manage the BIM workflow. Furthermore, a BIM model was used through the design and construction stages of IGA. The automated data processing via an integrated environment across the project stages reflected a lean design and construction practice [50]. d olicies Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) techniques utilise BIM to offer a platform for integrated project management and collaboration [40]. IPD is also connected with Lean construction methods and can improve the collaboration and communication between all parties from the first stages of a project [51]. Additionally, a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) helps document the levels of detail required from each professional at each project stage and how the models need to be exchanged [1]. The BEP consists of the pre-contract, the post-contract and the Master Information Delivery Plan [52].

VIII BIM AND LEAN FRAMEWORKS The findings from the BIM–Lean frameworks presented the benefits of applying BIM and Lean to improve project performance. BIM that supports Lean objectives and management of the Lean processes facilitated the adoption and use of BIM. Also, there are ways that BIM and Lean can help with the achievement of greater cost certainty. From the frameworks' research, the methods used are literature review, collection of primary data, and use of a pilot study or a case study. An example of a strategy used for validation is pilot studies. The research shows that Lean construction and BIM strategies and tools can diminish costs [53] - [55].

The findings from a conceptual framework for project delivery that combines sustainability, Lean construction, and BIM regarding principles, practices, tools, and techniques highlight the importance of applying the framework in projects in different contexts. Also, it mentions that the benefits of the parallel implementation of sustainable solutions, Lean and BIM, outweigh the individual application with fewer benefits [55].

IX SME BARRIERS The main difference between SMEs and larger enterprises is that SMEs might have a simple hierarchy and an integrated set of enterprise functions. On the other hand, large enterprises have a matrix organisation and units. The ownership and management of the enterprise are on the owner in SMEs compared to larger organisations where leadership is shared [56]. One of the main advantages of SMEs is agility. They can combine technological and nontechnological innovations, such as organisational, commercial and business models [57]. A study concerning SMEs in Germany showed that several participating SMEs experience concerns regarding how management is led inside the enterprise. The results indicate a potential connection between management issues and how they can be solved with strategic risk management. The study also revealed an association between employee leadership and successful risk management [58]. Ineffective investments in innovation are an important barrier that SMEs face, especially in technology. This fact brings to light gaps in managing innovative decisions, the difficulty recruiting and adjusting human resources, and the low development of transnational cooperation in innovation and inappropriate public support services [59]. SMEs usually depend on few clients compared to larger enterprises with a larger client domain. On the other hand, innovation is a key source for SMEs. The advantage of large enterprises is access to more resources and good external networking. At the same time, SMEs can have an innovation advantage where scale effects are not that important [56]. Most of the time, SME owners focus on the cost of new investments rather than the benefits [60]. SMEs do not believe their bigger clients will support them during the Lean construction implementation process. There needs to be more collective inventory, meaning SMEs must fully understand the benefits of Lean principles [61]. SMEs need to catch up in implementing BIM compared to larger enterprises. As a result, winning funded projects in the public and private sectors is more difficult without BIM adoption. SMEs will continuously lose contracts in domestic and international markets if they need to catch up in

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18th – 20th, 2023 adoption. They need to pay attention to investing in new technology and reforming their enterprises to meet the industry's requirements [32]. The industry needs to accept BIM as a philosophy of working and collaborating. For this to be accomplished, there needs to be more proof of return on investment for SMEs [34]. Information barriers can also occur through a lack of information between investors and SMEs. For example, most SMEs do not provide audited financial statements with credible financial information. On the other hand, investors will need verifiable information about an enterprise before supporting it financially. Furthermore, there is a lack of financial education on the SME funding market. Securing finance is rarely a core characteristic of SMEs, which often lack the resources to employ a dedicated team to manage their finances [62]. Table 1 highlights the main barriers that need to be taken into consideration during the BIM-Lean transition journey of an SME. There are different categories of barriers concerning "legal," "attitude and market," "education, knowledge and learning," and "technical and software financing" issues [63]. In the technical part, barriers include the need for more funds to cover the high software cost and hardware investment. Substantially, problems such as operational tools and techniques for Lean principles need to be better recognised and understood. In the educational part, barriers include the resistance to cultural change and the lack of BIM, Lean construction and I.T. knowledge. Also important is the need for better collaboration, coordination, and understanding between team members. Management barriers include poor supervision and the need for more top management commitment [64]. Moreover, to adopt IPD and BIM in the design phase, there is a need for a systematic framework pushed by the AEC industry and government to improve deficiencies in training, software interoperability, and general BIM and Lean knowledge. Lastly, the AEC sector has to improve its stakeholders' competence and quality levels [49]. There are E.U. funding opportunities for increasing SMEs' financial capacity and supporting them in overcoming the barriers they face [59]. A European Commission study about BIM in the E.U. construction sector highlights how governments play a key role in BIM standardisation by influencing BIM standards. As a result, through the government's chosen policies and initiatives, they can influence the BIM implementation process. Government policies and initiatives can include public procurement, education, and standardisation. Moreover, governments adopted public procurement amendments or regulations requiring BIM for public infrastructure projects. According to the findings, effective implementation of BIM requires governments and the industry to work together. At the

same time, governments faced more difficulties engaging SMEs and enterprises in the operation and maintenance stages of the construction value chain [65]. Technical

People & Skills

-BIM is an expensive investment [32] [34].

- Difficulty changing the existing culture [64].



-Not - Difficulties with contracts and strategically standards. For changing the organisational example, model ownership processes and concerns or the lack of Clients are not - Due to the lack finding optimum long-term interested in procurement of cooperative using BIM on organisational arrangements supply chain strategy for their projects [61]. integration, and do not know SMEs [31] [64]. SMEs cannot the benefits - The Lean always realise -Not facilitating BIM can offer implementation at employees in all the benefits of [31]. SMEs requires hierarchy levels implementing more than to lean [61]. -Lack of top knowing the Lean support the management processes, tools BIM-Lean -The commitment implementation and training implementation [64] [66]. needed. [64]. of BIM comes Collaborative -Lack of with several - Collaborative contractual arrangements that risks. SMEs have leadership planning is an characteristics share profits and a harder time example of a [64]. risks are required. weighing the Lean IPD agreements Construction risks of investing -Lack of support can address technique that is in BIM and from the not standardised SMEs' estimating when government requirements enough and the investment [64]. [66]. might differ for will pay off [32]. each enterprise -Difficult to - Lack of [66]. -High software understand the contractual cost and lack of various team's standards around -Lean different levels funding for BIM models [64]. operational tools of knowledge investment in and lean and experience hardware for -The lack of a principles [64]. both [64]. techniques are stable policy for Lean and the lack - SMEs might poorly -Lack of BIM understood [64]. of standardisation lack an internal and Lean [64]. Knowledge [64]. Lean training -Issues in system and will current BIM and -BIM software to likely require an Lean practices a standard external training and processes method [64]. mechanism run [64]. by Lean consultants [66].

Table 1 – SME Barriers.

X DRAFT FRAMEWORK The first step of this research was analysing Lean construction and BIM individually to establish common synergies and capabilities. According to all the findings and using the EUBIM task group framework for guidance, the key pillars considered for implementing BIM and Lean for an SME are presented in Figure 2. Figure 2 represents the key criteria that must be addressed for BIM and Lean capabilities to be realised, resulting from synthesising the literature findings detailed above.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18th – 20th, 2023 The second stage involved exploring BIM and Lean frameworks. The framework’s literature review findings will be incorporated later in the research, resulting in version two of the framework. Hopefully, this will provide additional commonalities and structure to assist SME adoption. Before an SME considers adopting the framework, they must address the key barriers detailed in Table 1 for each pillar. This will affect the level of implementation but will also assist in helping to set tangible goals. This will also ensure that the developed pillars are being customised for SMEs. Technology




Software & Hardware

Cultural Change and Responsibility

Bim-Lean Principles

Organisational Business Plan

Interoperability and Integration

Simulation-FM Systems

BIM and Lean Execution Management Plan / Procedures and Procedures Guidelines Collaboration and Communication Reduce Risks, Variations And Rework


Information Management Standards Sustainable Solutions and Waste Reduction



Software & Hardware – With an appreciation from stage 1 of what Lean and BIM synergies are to be targeted, an organisation must establish the necessary software and hardware to achieve its Organisational Business Plan. Interoperability and Integration - To effectively work with BIM and Lean, all enterprise members should know the correct way to exchange files and data to achieve the set practices. This will help to refine the software and hardware requirements. Management Procedures, Training and Guidelines - The correct management procedures, specific training requirements and guidelines for applying BIM technology and Lean quality control must be established. This will focus on how best to integrate Stage 2 technologies in alignment with Stage 1 Organisational Business Plan. It is suggested that these documents/requirements should be organisation-focused to begin and become adapted for each individual project, i.e., the selected standards and contract detailed in stage 3 will further shape these documents.

Figure 2: Key pillars for using BIM-Lean in an SME.

The colours present an order of using or implementing each pillar, with each stage needing completion before moving further. Figure 3 shows the five stages of implementation. Stages 1 and 2 focus on creating the organisation's required BIM and Lean ethos, while Stages 3-5 are more project-focused.

Stage 1 – New wa y of working y Stage 2 – Preparing for implementation Stage 3 – Learn the processes and practices Stage 4 – Start working together productively Stage 5 – New sustainable solutions

Figure 3: The five stages of BIM and Lean implementation in an SME.



Cultural Change and Responsibility - Each member of an enterprise should accept and commit to new workflows, processes and practices. A change management strategy/framework should be consulted based

ew way of wor ing.

on the intended level of implementation. Staff should be able to acknowledge their unique role in the enterprise and their new responsibilities. It will be important that there are recognised BIM / Lean champions that will assist in driving the organisation forward. High-level information events/training should be organised by the organisation to make staff aware of fundamental BIM and Lean principles. BIM-Lean Principles - BIM and Lean introduced in an enterprise effectively change a workflow and introduce new principles to benefit the enterprise. At this stage, the organisation should outline what BIM and Lean principles they seek to realise and how they complement each other. This should help establish the key synergies to be realised. Organisational Business Plan - The organisational business plan should be reviewed, and the BIM and Lean principles outlined previously must be aligned with the organisation's short-, medium- and long-term goals. re aring for i

le entation



earn the rocesses and ractices

Contracts - The implementation of BIM demands changes to be made in traditional contracts. A BIM contract will affect the obligations and duties that all parties have. The correct contract must be chosen to maximise

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BIM and Lean capabilities. The contract should refine the management procedures, specific training requirements and guidelines. Standards - BIM standards should be considered and, at the same time, follow the government's policies concerning BIM usage.



BIM and Lean Execution Plan / Procedures – The enterprise must establish a BIM and Lean execution plan that should be project-specific. This should define and answer how the project deliverables will be achieved through a foundational framework to ensure the successful deployment of BIM technologies and Lean principles. Stage 2 and 3 outcomes should form the foundations of this plan. Collaboration and Communication - The digital transformation that BIM will bring in combination with Lean practices demands new collaboration methods. Ongoing training and monitoring must be enforced to ensure that management procedures, training and guidelines are followed and updated accordingly. Information Management - The validation of BIM deliverables/information exchange in the context of achieving Lean principles should reviewed on an ongoing basis to maximise Lean exposure and capture lessons learnt.

Start wor ing together roductively



Simulation-FM Systems - Simulations can help with making early design decisions. Another example is energy simulations and using the BIM model for the F.M. system. There is a synergistic potential of Lean concepts with the BIM-FM system. Reduce Risks, Variations and Rework - The BIM and Lean implementation should eventually lead to advanced practices for an enterprise to learn from each project, improve their workflow, and transfer the knowledge to gain more profits by minimising mistakes and reducing rework. Sustainable Solutions and Waste Reduction BIM and Lean are connected with promoting best practices and sustainability. Any enterprise should aim to reach a stage where sustainable solutions should be implemented and used in each project and promote the long-term advantages of sustainable solutions.

ew sustainable solutions


innovation-enhancing BIM and Lean practices for SMEs. This paper put forward an initial framework for SMEs that will enable opportunities through the combined use of BIM and Lean for SMEs. The findings highlight that categorising Lean tools and methods that can be deployed with BIM can lead to a more rewarding implementation methodology. The next research phase will focus on producing a 2nd draft by incorporating the findings from the literature review of existing frameworks. This will enable a more robust framework that will be tested through field research. The final framework is hoped to provide a scaffolded implementation structure for SMEs within Ireland to harness BIM and Lean capabilities to better position themselves for the 2024 mandate.



[4] [5]








The AEC industry should promote equal rights for each enterprise, regardless of size, and encourage

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A Review on BIM Adoption in Indian AEC Industry: Barriers and Action Plans Rhijul Sood1 and Boeing Laishram2 Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India E-mail:


The Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operations (AECO) sector in India is a major contributor to the country's GDP and employment after agriculture sector. The rising need for infrastructure due to increasing population rate and advancement of technology have increased the pace of construction in the country. However, the vast majority of projects still face issues like cost and time overruns since the existing technology and procedures are either underutilized or not deployed at all due to conventional approaches. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is one such promising technology that has several benefits throughout the lifecycle of an infrastructure project. Various studies have demonstrated that the construction industry, especially in developing nations like India, is still behind the rate at which technology should have been implemented. Using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method and Scopus database, this study seeks to answer questions about the current state of BIM and its implementation in the Indian construction sector, as well as the barriers faced by Indian construction stakeholders. Some potential plan of action to deal with these obstacles were also highlighted in the study. The barriers and action plans are then integrated together to form a framework based on Innovation diffusion theory (IDT). The results of this research may be useful to practitioners and policymakers in their efforts to accelerate the implementation of BIM and other new emerging technologies in the Indian construction sector. Keywords ̶ AECO, action plan, BIM, barriers, IDT

I INTRODUCTION The Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operations (AECO) industry in India is a significant contributor to the nation's GDP and employment, second only to agriculture sector. Recently, National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) has been initiated by the Government of India (GOI) with the objective of achieving a 5 trillion USD economy by 2024. The GOI intends to allocate 1.4 trillion USD towards infrastructure development during the period of 20202025 [1]. There is a huge demand for infrastructure construction as well as maintenance in the country due to increasing population. The pace of construction in the country has tremendously increased with the applications of advanced tools and techniques [2]. However, a significant number of projects exceeds budgetary and scheduled timelines [3] and faces challenges related to coordination and cooperation throughout the process [4], due to implementation of traditional project delivery methods in India which had been proved to be inefficient [5]. The research shows a significant number of construction projects in India have higher costoverruns amounting 63–141% of initial budgeted cost and delays upto 79% of initial project schedule as compared to the global average, as well as higher

frequency (severe cost overruns incurred by 69% projects, while 89% projects are behind schedule) [6]. As per the May 2022 report released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, a total of 1,568 projects with a value exceeding 150 crores were analyzed. Of these, 423 projects were found to have incurred cost overruns, while 721 projects experienced delays. According to another report by PropEquity, construction delays have caused over 465,000 housing units in India's residential projects to miss their delivery deadlines [3]. Some of the most common and important factors for such delays includes failure of sharing relevant project information, lack of collaboration and communication, low productivity of people involved, inefficiency in work causing waste, disagreements among stakeholders and lack of use of innovative technology [7]. The increased need for smart and sustainable built environment only adds to the complexity of the task [8]. Despite the industry’s enormous potential, the only way to increase productivity, quality and management of projects is through digitalization, novel construction techniques, and innovative measures [9]. Furthermore, it is imperative to augment the competencies of the current labor force, as conventional tools and methodologies are

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 inadequate in meeting the forthcoming requirements. In recent years, several disruptive technologies, such as building information modelling (BIM), have been introduced to the construction sector. However, the construction industry has been slower than other industries in adopting these technologies [10]. BIM is widely recognized as a crucial facilitator for effectively identifying risks and achieving the intended construction management objectives among various stakeholders [11], [12]. BIM has been integrated more deeply into various lifecycle phases of construction projects, further facilitates greater digitized industrialization [13], [14] and enhanced project delivery conditions. A recent literature-based investigation was carried out to comprehend the reasons for delays in the Indian construction industry [15]. The study revealed a dearth of research on delay factors that are specific to the sector, the impact of delay factors, the absence of standardization of BIM, and the environmental consequences of delays. Therefore, it is desirable that the construction industry in India should embrace BIM for reducing project delays and achieving costeffectiveness in project delivery [16]. The term "innovation" is characterized as a concept, behavior, or item that is regarded as novel by an individual or another entity of adoption [17]. As per [18], BIM is considered the foremost radical, revolutionary, and disruptive innovation that has impacted the construction industry. BIM has been classified both as a disruptive innovation [19]–[21] as well as disruptive technology [22] that has not only altered cognitive frameworks, but also organizational procedures and contemporary technologies [23]. BIM refers to the methodology of generating and integrating a computerized representation of a building or infrastructure and its associated characteristics [24]. BIM comprises an innovative group of tools, processes or technologies that facilitates the participation and collaboration of multiple stakeholders in the AECO industry. It allows for the insertion, extraction, updating, and modification of information at various stages of the project life-cycle, from its planning to its construction and later its operation [25]. The project team's comprehension of the infrastructure development challenges on the project site is limited by the 2D depiction [26], hence, BIM is utilized by construction projects to facilitate the transition from the conception to realization, thereby enabling the creation of comprehensive data sets [27]. Consequently, BIM has emerged as a transformative technology for the AECO sector [28] and has garnered significant attention within the construction industry over the past decade [29].BIM has been widely employed in the construction to address the intricacy and challenges of overseeing numerous operations and contractors across various geographical locations. BIM is revolutionizing the way in which various stakeholders in the construction industry collaborate on projects. This has resulted in a

notable enhancement in the overall performance of construction projects, from their delivery to management throughout their lifecycle [30]. Currently, a diverse array of BIM software applications is employed across various stages of a project's life cycle. These software packages include Autodesk Revit, Navisworks, ArchiCAD, Synchro, Tekla Structures, Bentley Open Roads etc. [31].


The adoption of BIM has significantly transformed the processes involved in designing, constructing, delivering, and operating building projects on a global scale [25]. According to the report of United Nations Technology and Innovation [32], BIM has seen widespread adoption in developed nations, whereas it is rarely put into practice in the context of developing nations. Regarding developing nations, specifically India, it can be observed that the implementation of BIM is still in its initial stages [33]. However, there is a growing acceptance of BIM among stakeholders such as owners, architects, engineers, and builders [34]. BIM has been in circulation for a significant duration; however, its level of dissemination is inadequate, and its application is restricted to visualization [35], leading to a low level of BIM maturity in India [36]. The Indian construction stakeholders have primarily focused on a restricted range of BIM applications, namely design coordination, clash detection, and quantity measurement [37]. Further, the use of BIM is limited only to industrial and large-scale construction projects [38] and is rarely employed in small scale, residential building designs. There have been few studies of project level implementations of BIM in India [39]–[46], but the maturity level and implementation rate is found to be very low (22%) in comparison to the other countries [47] owing to various barriers. Therefore, it can be inferred that the limited implementation of BIM among construction firms in India is attributable to inadequate investigation into the barriers impeding its adoption, as well as the absence of corresponding action plans to address them. It is recommended that the BIM adoption should be dealt through the lenses of innovation, as it is the most effective approach for exploring BIM adoption in construction companies [48]. Hence, the present study is directed by the theoretical framework of the innovation diffusion theory (IDT) which is well-suited for framing research questions pertaining to the adoption processes of BIM in construction organizations.

III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The development of a systematic review protocol is essential for the identification, screening, and

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 critical assessment of pertinent studies. This process also involves the collection and analysis of data that will be incorporated into a review that is guided by specific research inquiries and explicit methodologies. To organize the literature for the review process, the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) method is used [49], which is an evidence-based minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The aforementioned methodology was instituted in the year 2009 and has gained traction across various research domains in science and technology owing to its replicability and efficacy in enabling the development of superior process [50]. It follows four-step process of identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion of the records [51] as shown in Figure 1. Similar studies have adopted this approach for the review process and content analysis [50]–[53].

Stage 3: Eligibility Using Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria The abstracts of the articles from the previous stage were analyzed to determine their eligibility based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study revealed that a total of 19 articles were sourced from disciplines outside of the construction industry, while 7 articles were deemed irrelevant to the investigation of BIM in India. Stage 4: Included During the final stage, an analysis of full-text availability was conducted, revealing that three articles were not present in the database. Therefore, a finalized list of 39 articles was selected to undertake both quantitative and qualitative content analysis.


Stage 1: Identification of Database and Keywords The main source of data for the systematic review was Scopus database as it was freely accessible for the authors through their university. As per Khan et al. (2021), Scopus is widely recognized as a reputable database engine for academic data. This is due to the fact that Scopus has indexed a greater number of journals compared to other databases such as PubMed, WOS, and Google Scholar [55], [56]. Scopus encompasses a range of data structures, such as literature types, authors, journals, keywords, abstracts, institutes, and references, which facilitate the execution of four fundamental search techniques [54]. The four search techniques that are commonly used in information retrieval using Scopus are: (1) Boolean operators, (2) phrases, (3) truncation, and (4) wildcards [51]. A range of keywords and their synonyms were derived from the main research question which includes “BIM, Building information model*, India, barrier*, challenge*, driver*, critical success factor*, and csf”. Before commencing the literature review, a collection of keywords and search configurations were developed utilizing Boolean operators "AND" and "OR". The symbol "*" is utilized to represent a fuzzy search type that encompasses terms such as "model" or "modelling". A total of 84 articles were retrieved in the initial search. Stage 2: Screening

The qualitative analysis classified the articles based on year of publications as well as type of publications (journal/conference) as shown in Figure 2. The graphical representation illustrates that the emergence of publications pertaining to BIM in India commenced in 2009 and has exhibited a favorable upward trend. The year 2009 saw the minimum number of publications, with only one article being published, while the maximum number of publications, with nine articles being published, was observed in the year 2022. This indicates a growing interest among researchers in investigating the adoption of BIM within the construction industry of India. The aggregate quantity of BIMcentric scholarly articles published in the years 2020 and 2021 has exhibited a decline in comparison to the corresponding figure for 2019 which could potentially be attributed to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among 39 selected publications, 24 were published in journals whereas 15 were part of various conference proceedings. The 24 articles published in 16 various journals is also shown in Table 1. The analysis shows that the top 3 journals with a total of 11 publications includes Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (5 papers), Buildings (4 papers) and Institution of Civil Engineers (2 papers).

Following the database search, a preliminary screening of the 84 articles was conducted using filters based on language and document type. Only journal and conference articles written in English language were kept for next stage, as conference papers serve as a convenient means to gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest developments in a particular field, thereby facilitating the acquisition of up-to-date knowledge. [57]. This resulted in a list of 68 articles.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 13 IDENTIFICATION

14 Records retrieved through SCOPUS database based on keywords search (n=84)

15 16

Other than Journal and conference proceedings were removed (n=16) (n=68)


Abstract based analysis Records related to other sectors (medicine, manufacturing) (n=19) Not related to BIM application in Indian construction (n=7)


Full-text non-availability (n=3) Studies included for quantitative and qualitative content analysis (n=39)

Figure 1: Flowchart for Literature Review Process

Figure 2: Year-wise publications Table 1: Journal-wise publications

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Journal Asian Journal of Civil Engineering Buildings Institution of Civil Engineers International Journal of Construction Management Advances in Civil Engineering Indian Concrete Journal Gradjevinar: Journal of Croatian Association of Civil Engineers International Journal of Applied Engineering Research International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

1 1 1 1

B) Qualitative Analysis


No. 1 2 3 4

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A Procedia Engineering Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies

Papers 5 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

The qualitative analysis helps to conduct the content analysis of the selected articles. The literature identified few studies that discuss about the barriers and action plans that influence BIM adoption in the Indian construction industry. The research indicates that although the Indian construction industry has investigated the full potential of BIM, it has yet to fully realize its benefits [33], [58]. [33] investigated the technological, organizational, and environmental factors that impede or facilitate the adoption of BIM among architectural firms in India. The findings indicate that these firms are currently in the experimentation stage of BIM implementation, primarily due to their inability to identify the critical BIM capabilities [37]. The most recent studies such as [59] identified barriers in implementing BIM in India which includes cultural, legal, lack of skill-sets and competence, economic and management related factors, and [60] did a systematic study based on seven significant factors influencing BIM adoption in India. In another study [35], online and interview survey approach was used to list 12 BIM adoption challenges and concluded that all of the challenges were significant, but depends on strong perceptions of individuals. The majority of studies found out that cost-based factors which includes higher costs for software, hardware and cloud based systems, staff training etc. are major barriers affecting BIM implementation in India [61], [62]. Few studies have indicated that a lack of familiarity and understanding of BIM, reluctance to acquire the necessary skills and adapt new methodologies, and a preference for traditional techniques are significant obstacles in India [47], [63]. The studies were also conducted based on geographical locations within India. The study revealed that in the eastern region of India, the utilization of BIM is restricted to the domain of 3D modeling owing to a range of technical challenges [43]. In another study, [38] suggests a technique that involves the incorporation of indigenous architectural elements into the framework to promote the adoption of BIM in the context of residential developments in Kerala, a state located in the southern region of India. The research on the adoption of BIM was further refined by incorporating multiple dimensions of BIM into the analysis. [40] examined the current state of 4D BIM implementation in India. The findings of the survey indicated that while there is a considerable level of awareness

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 regarding 4D BIM, its usage remains limited. The primary obstacles identified in the implementation of 4D BIM are the absence of internal workforce proficiency, dependence on conventional project delivery approaches and contracts, and shortage of 4D BIM expertise in the market. [41] conducted to assess the viability of utilizing an integrated 5D BIM-based digital project management system for infrastructure projects. The research analyzed a case study of the Nagpur Metro Rail Project, with a focus on examining the challenges and benefits associated with the implementation of a 5D integrated BIM system. Several challenges were identified during the project, including the need for employee training, the absence of a GIS team, the conversion of 2D drawings to 3D models, and the lack of a BIM contract from the project's beginning. In a similar study, [39] examined a large-scale project in India that utilized 5-D BIM technology. The research identifies eight primary challenges that were encountered during the implementation of the project, which were categorized into three groups: personnel-related issues, processrelated issues, and technological limitations. Several studies have also suggested action plans to enhance the adoption and implementation of BIM in India. In order to promote wider acceptance and utilization of BIM in India, it is crucial to conduct a thorough analysis of the benefits and drawbacks associated with the integration of BIM capabilities at the organizational level [64]. It was identified that crucial modifications for both individuals and the discipline, strategies to overcome obstacles, and efficient approaches to implement BIM capabilities in the construction industry of India is required [65]. [66] proposes academic measures and policy recommendations to facilitate the successful implementation of BIM for the management of heritage buildings and aimed to enhance communication, collaboration and transparency among all four important stakeholders i.e., client, consultant, designer, and contractor [39] involved in urban development and conservation efforts. Furthermore, the implementation BIM in India is perceived as being driven by government mandates and the desire for a return on investment (ROI) [40]. A limited number of studies have also attempted to examine the impact of lean construction on promoting the adoption of technology within the construction sector. The implementation of lean practices has been identified as a potential solution for mitigating coordination-related challenges within project organizations, which in turn can facilitate the adoption of BIM in India [67], and has been noted in the literature, particularly with regards to offsite housing construction in India [68].

V CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK According to academic literature, the diffusion of an innovation approach refers to the transmission of a

novel idea through specific communication channels over a period of time among the constituents of a social system, whereas, adoption is characterized as a deliberate choice to fully embrace an innovation as the optimal course of action available [17]. Innovation diffusion Theory (IDT) investigates the mechanisms, drivers, and diffusion patterns of novel concepts and technological innovations across diverse societies [17]. The utilization of this concept has been extensive within the realm of information technology (IT) research, as it offers valuable perspectives on the uptake, execution, integration, and expansion of IT innovations [69], [70]. The methodology offers a comprehensive set of quantitative and qualitative instruments to evaluate the probable pace of technology diffusion, while also pinpointing the factors that either encourage or inhibit the adoption and implementation of claimed technology [69]. The present study pertains to the explanation of the factors that contribute to the successful adoption of BIM in certain countries, while its dissemination is hindered in others, within the framework of the Information Diffusion Theory (IDT). There exist apprehensions regarding the potential assimilation of BIM within the industry, as novel technologies do not invariably yield their anticipated transformative impact and may exhibit a slower-than-expected adoption rate or fail to gain traction altogether [71]. The diffusion of innovation is a phenomenon that is observed throughout society. However, given the commonly held belief that the construction industry experiences a relatively low rate of innovation, it is pertinent to explore this topic within the specific context of construction. Within a given population, the initial 50% of individuals who reach a critical point of innovation adoption are comprised of Innovators (2.5%), Early Adopters (13.5%), and the Early Majority (34%), while the remaining 50% of individuals are composed of the Late Majority (34%) and Laggards (16%) [17]. Several scholarly investigations have employed these theoretical frameworks to comprehend the adoption of BIM in diverse nations. The utilization of IDT in investigating the adoption of BIM among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Australia [72], the adoption of BIM in the Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical industry in Iran [70], and the acceptance of 4D BIM in the UK industry [71] were observed. Whereas, Xu et al. (2014) and Kim et al. (2016) employed an integrated approach that combined the Technology Acceptance Model and the Innovation Diffusion Theory (TAM-IDT), to investigate the adoption of BIM in the construction industry of China and Korea, respectively. Hence, a novel conceptual framework (Figure 3), grounded in the Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT), has been formulated to better understand the connection between the barriers and the action plans

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 for implementing BIM in India, which has not been previously explored. The conceptual framework considers the variables based on an innovation's relative advantage (perception of the innovation's superiority above current practice), compatibility (extent to which an innovation aligns with sociocultural beliefs, prior concepts, and/or perceived necessity.), complexity (level of understanding associated with the utilization or comprehension of an innovation), trialability (the extent to which the innovation can be tried intermittently) and observability (extent to which prospective adopters can perceive the outcomes of an innovation) [17]. The variables encompass a range of rating instruments that can serve as a means of comprehending the significance and efficacy of a technology being examined. Given the significance of technology, it is imperative to comprehend the barriers that impede its execution. The significance of the barriers can be evaluated using an importance index, and then suitable action plans can be taken to eliminate them. Hence, through the utilization of this model, a higher uptake and execution of BIM in the construction industry of India can be experienced. The examination of construction stakeholders in India will additionally justify the categorization of diverse sections of technology adopters, as identified by [17].

VI LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE WORK The research was conducted using a limited sample of 39 papers obtained from the SCOPUS database. To enhance the study's comprehensiveness, it would be beneficial to include papers from multiple databases and government reports. There can be further improvement by adopting a scoping review methodology to analyze broader research questions within an area. Furthermore, the conceptual model presented in the research is of a generic nature and has the potential to be refined through a comprehensive understanding of the diverse population types (based on IDT) that exist within the Indian construction industry. The study's broad scope and requisite modifications based on project type and scale (budget) preclude its direct application to any specific area of the infrastructure sector. As part of future scope, it is imperative to conduct an empirical and survey-based study to comprehend the extent to which different barriers and corresponding action plans can influence the adoption of BIM in India. Moreover, the research can be further improved by incorporating the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory with the Information Diffusion Theory (IDT), as demonstrated by scholars in different nations. In addition, certain studies have addressed the efficacy of lean construction in expediting the adoption and implementation of BIM, limited research has been conducted on the Indian AECO sector in this regard.

VII CONCLUSIONS The present research reveals that the Indian AECO sector has not entirely adopted digital technology such as BIM, and contributes to comprehending the current state of BIM advancement in India. A systematic analysis of the research contributions pertaining to the barriers and action plans for successful implementation of BIM in India necessitated an overview of the relevant studies. To achieve this objective, a systematic literature review was conducted utilizing the PRISMA technique and the SCOPUS database. The aim was to establish a theoretical framework grounded in the Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT). The authors identified 39 articles that underwent analysis based on their year of publication and classification as journal and conference publications. It was ascertained from the study that, there is a paucity of research on the deep understanding of barriers and action plans for implementing BIM in India due to various sociocultural and geographical factors. Furthermore, no prior investigation has employed Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) or Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) to analyze the Indian context. Thus, the present paper presents a comprehensive and methodical examination of research conducted in the field of BIM implementation, along with the imperative to undertake investigations on the efficacy of Lean construction as a potent instrument to enhance BIM implementation in India. Therefore, the aforementioned framework can be employed by stakeholders in the Indian sector to comprehend and choose the necessary BIM tools required during various lifecycle phases of a project, taking into consideration their comparative advantage, compatibility, complexity, triability, and observability. Furthermore, it is imperative for stakeholders to prioritize the identification and analysis of important barriers, as well as the development of action plans that can serve as catalysts for enhancing the acceptance and implementation of BIM technology in India. The utilization of the conceptual model can serve as a foundation for subsequent research endeavors and contribute to the theoretical comprehension of the pragmatic execution of diverse emerging technologies across different infrastructure domains within India construction sector. Notwithstanding the constraints of the review, the comprehensive investigation could potentially function as a valuable reference for experts and policymakers seeking to improve the digital footprint of the construction industry in India.

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CitA BIM Gathering, September 18-20th 2023 intermediaries on implementing IPD in Indian construction,” Proc. 36th Int. Symp. Autom.

Figure 3: Conceptual Framework





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