Construction Machinery ME

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Why are they so darn good?


Brazil wants your kit


Finning at the South Pole


SNAKES AND LADDERS CMME slides into Yas Waterworld **









18 IS S U E 1 2 2012 OCTOBER


Editorial It’s the end of the year and it’s show time!


NEwS What’s happening across the region in construction machinery?


“The site’s congested. You can see pipes running around everywhere. It’s like spaghetti under there.”



NEwS aNalySiS Oman promises to kick start its rail programme


taKEN For a ridE at yaS watErworld


GErmaNy Still thE EuropEaN champioNS

CMME gets an exclusive tour of the work that goes behind the Yas Waterworld theme park, the Middle East’s newest and biggest water park.

What is the secret of German industry’s success? CMME explores a culture of innovation, dedication and, yes, superlative organisation.

24 29

thE coldESt jourNEy How a construction machinery dealer ended up joining Ranulph Fiennes on his great adventure across the freezing wastes of the Antartic continent.




Raw power

SElliNG oN thE amazoNiaN marKEtplacE

A market opens up to the importing of used machinery from the Middle East.


40 NEW RELEASES ROUND-UP What’s hot in new machinery this month? Page 45 SECTOR ANALYSIS: BACKHOE TECHNOLOGY Your guide to the latest in the back to front and front to back again world of Backhoes Page 49 FIND ME A DEALER Guide to the dealers across the GCC region. Page 58 THE LAST WORD Move aside Usain Bolt, here comes DARPA’s robot cheetah. Page

Editor’s Letter

PubliSher Dominic De SouSa GrOuP COO naDeem HooD ManaGinG DireCtOr RicHaRD JuDD eDiToRiaL eDitOr STepHen WHiTe +971 4 440 9110 DeSiGn DireCtOr RuTH SHeeHY GraPhiC DeSiGner GLenn RoXaS JuniOr DeSiGner peRcivaL manaLaYSaY

The shows will go on


y accident and by design, October signals the start of one of the biggest show seasons that the region has seen.

InterMat Middle East has moved from its Spring slot and arrives this month with its solid line-up of European heavyweights and global players. With Big5 coming to Dubai in early November and Bauma China a few weeks later, it gets the first bite of the cherry and, boy, does it need it. If you don’t remember the last InterMat Middle East, then you are probably part of the vast majority of the industry that conducts business in and about the UAE that gave it a miss. There was no fanfare, no radio specials or newspaper spreads dedicated to the event when it made its debut 18 months ago. All in all it was a muted affair, a sad testament to a year when budgets were reeled back in the UAE’s capital. At the time, I was told by those that stayed away from the event, that they had ignored the show because, while they value the InterMat name, they couldn’t see a reason to go to another event outside of Big5. As a stern supporter of trade events I fervently disagreed with them at the time. From a visitor point of view, why not go to something that costs you nothing other than the cost of fuel and your time, I argued. However this time is different and InterMat’s need to rotate around the three-year cycle of the main Paris event (its 18-month rotation means that in a year of InterMat in Paris the Middle Show will fall in the autumn) shows that the organisers prefer to go up against Big5 rather than their own event. Whether this is madness or genius will become clearer in the coming weeks. Big5 remains the number one construction show, but the heavy equipment aspect was allowed to drift when it was looked after by different organisers from the main event. This was corrected last year with the PMV Live at Big5 show coming back under dmg::events’ control and the strongest exhibitor lineup in years, but InterMat will be hoping that it has convinced that another show can exist and thrive in Abu Dhabi. And even if it succeeds, by missing next year entirely, and allowing two more Big5s to come and go, it may need to try and win those arguments all over again.

COntributOrS Dave ReeDeR, KaRen YounG aDveRTiSinG PubliShinG DireCtOr RaZ iSLam +971 4 440 9129 COMMerCial DireCtOr micHaeL STanSFieLD +971 4 440 9128 ciRcuLaTion DatabaSe anD CirCulatiOn ManaGer RaJeeSH m +971 4 440 9147 pRoDucTion OPeratiOnS DireCtOr JameS RaWLinS +971 4 440 9108 PrODuCtiOn ManaGer JameS p THaRian +971 4 440 9146 DiGiTaL DiGital ServiCeS ManaGer TRiSTan TRoY maaGma Web DevelOPerS JoeL aZcuna +971 4 440 9100 pubLiSHeD bY

1013 centre Road, new castle county, Wilmington, Delaware, uSa branch office po box 13700 Dubai, uae Tel: +971 4 440 9100 Fax: +971 4 447 2409 pRinTeD bY atlas printing press L.L.c. © copyright 2012 cpi all rights reserved While the publishers have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information in this magazine, they will not be held responsible for any errors therein.

As visitors to these events let’s just enjoy the fact that now at least we have a choice – and that can only be a good thing for us.



Why are they so darn good?


Brazil wants your kit


Finning at the South Pole

Stephen White, Editor, CMME



CMME slides into Yas Waterworld **








nOW Online You can now catch the online edition every month at:




October 2012

News Round-Up

NEWS New machines, new offices, new projects, new initiatives – we look around the region at what’s new this month.

HigH-SpEEd EgyptiaN railWay to Start NExt yEar Egypt plans to launch its own highspeed railway by H2 of 2013.

Time To Wig ouT Team Sky’s Tour de France and olympic hero Bradley Wiggins (second from right) gets a gB welcome at JCB’s headquarters.

egyptian minister of Transport, Dr mohamed Rashad has said the Cabinet will offer a highspeed rail project for private sector participation in 2013, upon the conclusion of feasibility studies within the next six to 12 months.

“The full project is estimated to cost more than $16.4bn,” the minister was quoted as saying by Zawya. “Some Asian, Arab, Chinese, italian and Spanish companies have expressed interest in bidding for the project,” he added.

The high-speed train will link the cities of Alexandria, Cairo, Aswan and Hurghada at a speed of up to 300km per hour, said Rashad.

The project is expected commence, in several phases, in the second half of 2013 and will require four to five years to complete, he said.

Oman re-tenders rail project Oman aims to complete the design of the project by 2014, with construction to start in the third quarter of 2014.


man’s ministry of Transport and Communications has announced tenders for the Sultanate’s multibillion dollar National Railway Project are to be floated soon. The first tender will be for the appointment of a consultant to undertake the preliminary design of the 1,061km rail network, to be followed by two other tenders, the first of which will be for ‘Detailed Design and Build,’ while the second will be for ‘Project management Consultancy and Supervision Services,’ said Salim bin Said al Amri, the ministry’s Deputy Director general of Roads and Head of the Railway Team. The ministry is aiming for the completion of the design by end of 2014, and the construction phase to




September 2011 October 2012

start in the third quarter of 2014, he said. “We hope to complete Phase 1 (roughly 1,061 kilometres) by end 2018 in line with a target set by the gCC states in this regard,” al Amri added. The current list of contenders for the first package includes a partnership of AeCom (uS), Cowi & Partners, DBi (germany); Consortium Systra (France), Parsons (uS) and Atkins (uK); a group headed by mott macDonald (uK), italferr SpA (italy) and Worley Parsons (Australia). A partnership of eight Korean firms led by Korea Rail; and a Consortium led by Prointec group (Spain) and including the Spanish-based engineering entities idom, eurostudies and ALg, are also in contention for the project.

Company intelligenCe EmiratEs transport has revealed that it has converted 2,000 vehicles from diesel and petrol to compressed natural gas in the Uae. With a fleet of over 11,000 vehicles emirates transport is the largest fleet operator in the Uae providing transportation services to both government and private organisations. Converting to Cng is estimated to deliver 40% fuel savings over diesel and 30% over petrol. it also has a lower carbon content helping it reduce green house gases in engines by 6-11%. emirates transport’s five conversion centres currently switch 75 vehicles to Cng per month. Jaidah automotivE , a subsidiary of the Doha based conglomerate Jaidah group, announced on Sunday that it had appointed a new general manager to head up its growth in the Qatari market. Brit mark JEnkins has joined Jaidah automative with immediate effect, bringing with him a wealth of automotive experience, accrued over a 30 year career spent in Saudi arabia, Russia and the UK. “Qatar is undergoing great change and it is becoming a very exciting and vibrant place to be, and the automotive market reflects that dynamism and optimism,” he said. the world’s third-largest port operator, Dubaibased Dp World has signed up infrastructure development specialists, toa-solEtanchE Bachy Jv to build the infrastructure needed to expand capacity at the firm’s flagship JEBEl ali port in duBai . Upon completion in 2014, total capacity at Jebel ali will reach 19 million teU. it will also be equipped with 19 Ship-to-Shore ‘StS’ quay cranes and 50 Rail mounted gantry ‘Rmg’ cranes.

tenDeR UpDateS


the master developer and operator of the uaE’s national railway network, Etihad rail has invited bids for thE first thrEE contracts in thE dEvElopmEnt of phasE ii of the rail network.the contracts cover the design and build of new lines between ruwais and Ghweifat (137km), liwa Junction and al ain (190km), and for the railway integration and systems contract, which covers signalling, communications and commissioning for the second phase network.

Abu Dhabi’s UME launches SANY Rough Terrain Cranes

AAA EXpECTS fAVOURABLE RETURNS fROM GCC Qatar and Saudi Arabia are the two countries with the most opportunities to attain a favourable return on investment, said Nabil Salim, AAA Construction Equipment director last month, as GCC governments look to step up infrastructure spending. Investment in the region provides both positive and negative trends in the demand and supply of heavy machinery in the region, Salim said. One negative trend he pointed out was the high level of competition that was bound to take place. This would lead to a ‘vast amount of low quality and low standard equipment’ being used in the region. “This has been a major threat to reputed manufacturers,” said Salim, “Additionally, some customers are

now looking for used equipment because of the huge investments required to buy heavy machinery.” However, he pointed out that there were significant positive trends in the regional marketplace, with steady growth seen in the heavy machinery sector, while a number of projects have been awarded in the GCC, particularly the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Salim added that the UAE construction market, which had collapsed in the wake of the downturn, was now showing reasonable growth. As a result, he said that AAA was strengthening its presence in the UAE through its Abu Dhabi subsidiary, AAA Construction Equipment and AAA Construction Equipment Rental Establishment.


dElta 1 rEsidEntial towEr proJEct – duBai marina . a local engineering firm has been appointed and the project is expected to be completed within (14) months after commencement of work on site.


the department of transport (dot) in abu dhabi’s multi-discipline tender on sEction 3B of thE madfraq-al Ghwaifat hiGhway will expire on 21 october. the tender numbered dot/t/mr/75/12 and called the improvement of mafraq to al Ghwaifat border post highway section 3B: al mirfa to abu al abyadh includes main roads and streets contracting as well as contracting for bridges, tunnels and interchanges.

DiCe to Unveil neW eQUipment Range South Korea’s Doosan Infracore Construction Equipment (DICE) is set to introduce models from

United Mechanical Equipment Trading, the Abu Dhabi based construction equipment trading and rental firm, has announced the launch of SANY’s new Rough Terrain Cranes in the UAE market. As the exclusive agent of SANY’s mobile cranes and feeler forklifts, the UAE firm has a large service centre and spare parts yard in Musaffah, Abu Dhabi emirate. It is scheduled to launch its new showroom within the next week. “SANY Mobile Crane endeavour to have the best manufacturing practices possible and use world renowned components in the making of the mobile cranes,” said Ahmed Choudhary, the marketing manager for UME, citing the use of Bosch Rexroth, Kawasaki and Mercedes Benz for the crane engines. “Also, they comply with ISO & CE certifications, which therefore result in a world class product outcome,” he added. As part of UME’s efforts to deliver a consistent, quality product to its customers, Choudhary said that all technical staff had been qualified and trained by certified bodies to help ensure a work safe environment at all times. He added that UME ensured that all the equipment pieces sold were properly inspected and tested by certified professionals prior to delivery. The company offers cranes in a variety of classes, including: truck cranes from 25t to 130t, all-terrain Cranes up to 1200tns, rough terrain cranes from 35t to 75t and special purpose cranes. “Our customers are satisfied with our products in the UAE,” said Saif Al Neaimi, general manager of UME. “Our SANY Mobile Cranes Sale Volume has crossed $18m from January to August 2012. There are advance sales bookings of $5m till the end of 2012,” he added.

its new ranges of excavators and wheel loaders at an upcoming Intermat Middle East 2012 exhibition in Abu Dhabi. The new range of excavators consist of three models, replacing the previous SOLAR range. Doosan will also unveil the new DX225LCA and DX340LCA models. The Bobcat display will include the latest in telescopic handlers, compact loaders and compact excavators from the company. As well as the

company’s popular T35120, T40140 and T40170 models offering maximum lifting heights of 12, 14 and 17m, respectively. The display will also feature the company’s new range of rotary telescopic handlers, as well as the S130B model of the popular skid-steer loader. The exhibition will take place at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre from October 8 to 10 – be sure to read CMME’s guide to the event.

September 2011 October 2012



News Round-Up

HitacHi leaves cHina

Hitachi has slashed excavator production and taken workers home in china due to slack demand and a series of anti-Japanese protests in the country.

Kuwait adopts new highway building technology

Dubai Metro hits 180 Million passenger lanDMark Dubai Metro has transported 184 million passengers from the start of its operations till the end of August 2012, the Roads and Transport Authority said on Sunday as celebrations commemorating the third anniversary of the transportation service commenced. On September 9, 2009, the RTA launched the Red Line, a 52km stretch of track that comprised of 29 stations, including four underground, one at the grade and 24 elevated. This was followed by the opening of the Green Line on September 9, 2011. This track had 18 stations (six underground and 12 elevated) and intersects with the Red Line at Khalid Bin Al Waleed and Al Ittihad Stations. “This huge success has gone beyond the boundaries of the emirate to the world over, stamping the prominent standing of Dubai as a distinctive metropolitan city and a hub for business and sophisticated living standards,” said Mattar Al Tayer, chairman of the Board and executive director of the Roads and Transport Authority. As addition to Dubai’s many landmarks, the Metro has been recognised for its use of cutting edge technology, such as being the

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September 2011 October 2012

world’s longest driverless Metro project. “The project also comes in implementation of the Dubai Strategic Plan 2015 in general and the Infrastructure and Environment Sector in particular with a view to offering a smooth mobility, enhancing transit safety levels, and making mass transit systems the ideal choice of mobility,” explained Al Tayer. He added that the number of commuters using the Metro Red Line from its start till the end of August 2012 totalled 151,781,357 passengers. It showed a sustained growth in jumping from 1.8 million passengers in October 2009 to 3.3 million passengers in October 2011, and climbing to six million passengers in the second half of this year. Since September 9, 2011, the Green Line has carried 32,592,310 passengers, rising from 2.4 million in October 2011 to three million passengers in July 2012. “These indicators vouch for the fact that the RTA is making headway in its drive to realise its strategic objective of ultimately raising the share of public transit means to 30 per cent of the total number of trips by 2030, whereas such ratio clocked 10 per cent in 2011,” Al Tayer said.

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Public Works has announced that materials used in the building of Jahra highways are manufactured in a special yard with special technology employed for the first time in the Middle East region.

Sharjah Sale An auction of plant and fleet belonging to the UAE ministry of finance and Sharjah Transport raised $735,000 last month.

red & dare Linde’s line of material handling equipment was given a lift in Qatar when FAMCO said it is to step up its presence in the market.

The new technology facilitates the process of creating the highways especially those of several layers, said the head of the Jahra road overhauling project, Yasser Budstor.

The project uses the pre-cast and prestressed concrete parts to create stronger highways that can be built faster, longer, and more slender, said Budstor. The 150,000 m2 Jahra Yard, which comprises a concrete plant, steel plant, block moulding and processing unit, and storage unit, has manufactured 24 pieces of bridges, with 20 more in the pipeline.

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News Round-Up

Al FAris expAnds crAne Fleet

UME opens new UAE showroom

Al Faris will spend $50m to buy nine cranes in 2013, after buying 30 mobile cranes this year. UAE heavy equipment rental firm, Al Faris has revealed plans to buy $50m worth of cranes next year to expand its specialised energy rental fleet. The Dubai-based firm grew its current fleet, which includes Liebherr mobile cranes ranging from 50tns to 1200tns, and is valued at $272.27m, by adding 25 Tadano GR 700EX last year, and 30 high capacity Liebherr and Tadano mobile cranes in 2012. Al Faris placed an order for an additional six Liebherr LTM, one Liebherr LR and two Tadano, including a Liebherr LTM 1750 02, to be delivered in 2013. The company uses its equipment to provide a turnkey solution incorporating design, build, commissioning and maintenance of power plants.

UME is offering rough terrain cranes to the UAE market for the first time. United Mechanical Equipment (UME), the sole dealer for Sany Heavy Industry Company in the UAE, has announced the opening of a new showroom and is offering rough terrains for the first time, as the firm enjoys robust growth this year. From its base in Musaffah, Abu Dhabi, UME offers Sany truck cranes from 25-130t, all terrains up to 1,200t, rough terrains from 35tn

to 130tns and special purpose cranes. “Our Sany mobile cranes sales volume has crossed $18m from Jan-Aug 2012, and there are advance sales bookings of $5m until the end of 2012,” said UME general manager,Saif Al Neaimi. “I believe that Sany brand can change the world: it already attracts the market with high quality, better specifications, excellent performance, competitive price and good customer satisfaction,” he added.

Sharjah opens Al Bahr Road

The finalisation of this road is another step towards the development of the ‘Heart of Sharjah’ project. The Sharjah Corniche (Al Bahr Road) was opened on Thursday by the Sharjah Public Works Department and Sharjah Investment and Development Authority (Shurooq), following the completion of the $5.7m development works and the provision of service facilities on the road connecting Ahmed bin Darwish Square to Al Merraija Square. Authorities hope the opening of the road will help ease

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September 2011 October 2012

the flow of traffic during rush hours, especially as the area includes one of the liveliest ancient markets, and that finalising this step will accelerate the development works of the first phase of the ‘Heart of Sharjah’ project, considered to be one of the region’s largest tourism and heritage projects. The development is a five-phase, 15-year historical preservation and restoration project that aims to revitalise the heritage area in the heart of the emirate. Construction work on the first phase has already commenced.

FIrsT LIEbhErr MK 88 MobILE ArrIVEs In TurKEy Turkey’s Kapukaya Vinç ve Tacımacılık has taken delivery of the first Liebherr MK 88 in the country. The MK 88 mobile crane was handed over to Kapukaya Vinç ve Tacımacılık at the Ankomak Exhibition in Istanbul in June. Kapukaya Vinç ve Tacımacılık is a family-owned company based

in Çerkezköy, a city 80km north of Istanbul. The crane has been added to the company’s fleet of truck loading cranes which contains lifting capacities of up to 120 tonnes. “The Liebherr MK 88 mobile construction crane is an ideal addition to our hire fleet. In fact the MK 88 provides the flexibility both

we and our customers want. It is the ideal solution for a wide range of hoisting work in a fast-growing and challenging environment”, explained Managing Director Emir Ali Kapukaya. Mobile construction cranes and tower cranes from Liebherr are sold in Turkey through the company’s dealer Atilla Dural Trading.

News Round-Up

Bahrain to start causeway construction By 2015 Bahrain’s Ministry of Works has announced that the construction of a major new causeway that would link the Kingdom to a $2.66bn coastal development was scheduled to start work by the beginning of 2015. Following nearly a decade of delays, the Gulf Daily News said that the project would provide direct access to the Northern Town project from the Seef district, bypassing the existing Budaiya Highway altogether. “The works ministry has now assigned two consultants to prepare studies on the coastal route, which should be complete by December next year due to the nature of the area that would cut through,” said Hussain Al Sagheer, municipal councillor. The ministry told the Northern Municipal Council that it expects the designs for the new route to take around a year to complete. Therefore, it anticipated that construction of the road would be due to start by early 2015. Al Sagheer added that he expected the entire project to take around two years to complete. Earlier this month, the Ministry of Works invited construction firms to submit their bids for Phase II of the maintenance and paintings of their causes, as part of a plan to beautify interchanges with flyovers.

KUwAIT SET TO REvEAl RAFT OF INFRASTRUCTURE TENDERS Senior Kuwaiti officials have revealed that the country is close to finalising plans for a wave of infrastructure projects. According to reports within the country, the Kuwaiti government will soon announce a series of tenders in accordance with Kuwait State Development Plan. Among the projects expected to be revealed will be the third

phase of the maintenance, restoration and upgrade of the First Ring Road; the construction works and restoration of roads and its service in the Al-Fahahel commercial zone. Also coming are tenders for the projects in the City of Jahra, Doha area, Cairo Road, the Second Ring Road, Damascus Road, Third Ring Road and Jaber Al-Ahmad

ssangyong wins $200m iraq contract South Korea’s Ssangyong Engineering & Construction has said it has been awarded a contract by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) for infrastructure projects in the Iraqi semi-autonomous region. Under the $200m deal, Ssangyong is to build a water treatment plant and transmission and storage facilities in the cities of Halabja and Sulaymaniah, in the northern Kurdish region, within 24 months. The project is being financed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The Korean builder beat out the world’s second-largest construction firm Vinci of France to net the order. The company is looking to secure a foothold in the country, which plans to spend a total of$186bn by 2015 on national reconstruction projects.




October 2012

City, Fifth Ring Road, Nawaseeb Road and East of Sulaibikhat. DSI wins Iraq oil and gas EPC contract with Italy’s Sicim UAE-headquartered Drake & Scull International (DSI) has been awarded the share of a $354million EPC contract for the pipeline installation at the Zubair Oil Field in Basrah, Iraq with Sicim of Italy.


Takenaka – Singapore Piling Joint venture has deployed three linden Comansa luffing cranes to help construct Singapore’s new National Art Gallery.




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News Analysis

Oman rethinks and ramps up rail plans


A flurry of activity in Oman shows that the Sultanate is finally ready to take its rail programme seriously.

hether you describe it as a pledge to the long-term ambition of a GCC region united by a world class rail network or a knee-jerk reaction to Iran’s latest bout of sabre rattling, officials in Oman were busying about getting busy on the Sultanate’s long-awaited rail network last month. The Sultanate plans to build a 1,000km railway, which will run from the northern border town of Buraimi to the southern city of Salalah, at an estimated cost of around $13bn with completion slated for 2018 At first glance it looks like a frustrating wait for Oman contractors can come to an end – but will it? It was back in 2009 when Oman revealed first its plans to start laying down rail in its northern areas (centring on a 500km network linking Misfat to Muscat, Sohar to Khatmat Malaha on the Oman/UAE border and Sohar to Al Ain). The local press at the time were sold on the idea that this was a demonstration of Oman’s commitment to becoming not only a vital trading exit point to the Indian Ocean but also a southern release valve should the region get embroiled in a dispute with aggressive neigbour Iran. Three years have passed since then and in that time the GCC Railway’s targeted date of 2017 has

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September 2011 October 2012

taken blows from first the economic downturn and security and social issues surrounding the Arab Spring. Oman’s contribution was particularly affected. Unrest in the Sultanate was almost dismissed as a sidestory during last year’s seismic events regionally but it was highly disruptive locally, making the widespread belief that trouble in GCC was contained to tremors in Bahrain (Yemen’s long-standing troubles notwithstanding) a myth created by social economic and political pressure to maintain an illusion of stability. In terms of benchmarks Oman is now some way behind the progress behind made by the Saudi Rail Organisation in the Kingdom and the accelerating work of Etihad Rail in the UAE. However Oman has recognised that like its oil and gas pipeline work, it stands to benefit greatly by plugging itself into a GCC network and becoming more than just the gatekeeper isolated on the Straits of Hormuz. Even its outward facing ports and terminals face increased competition from neighbours despite the geographically blessed locations of Salalah and Sohar. So the matter of a rail network has become an imperative but it needs momentum as Oman’s peers head inexorably closer to being connected by high speed gauges in 2017.

Mashair railway ready for hajj The Saudi Municipal and Rural Affairs Ministry has said the Mashair Railway project is set begin transporting pilgrims during the upcoming Haj season. The company that operates the train has already started experimental operation, which will continue until October 1, during which maintenance work will be carried out at the project’s three stations, the ministry said. In total, there are 20 trains, each of which is 300m long and has the capacity to carry 3,500 pilgrims per trip. The trains will be transporting about 72,000 pilgrims in one hour, and over six hours they will be transporting 500,000 pilgrims from Makkah to Mina and then from Mina to Arafat. Each train would cross the distance between Arafat and Mina in just 13 minutes, while it would take only seven minutes for the trip between Arafat and Muzdalifah, the ministry noted. The world’s largest train maker, Bombardier Transportation, has signed an agreement with the Saudi Arabian unit of Spain’s Talgoto supply parts for 36 high-speed trains, it announced on Wednesday. Saudi Railways Organisation had commissioned intercity passenger train manufacturer Talgo to build and operate the 450km Haramain High Speed Rail project connecting Makkah and Madinah. Bombardier said the $367m deal is likely to include propulsion and control packages and highspeed bogies, most of which is to be manufactured at the company’s plant in Trapaga, Spain. The Haramain project will link the two Saudi holy cities via King Abdullah Economic City, Rabigh, Jeddah and King Abdulaziz International Airport, and will also link with the Kingdom’s national network at Jeddah. The Montreal-based transportation giant has participated in the development of many of the world’s leading high speed rail systems, including four different generations of the Train à Grande Vitesse (TGV) in France. Meanwhile Egypt is preparing its own high speed link. Egyptian Minister of Transport, Dr Mohamed Rashad has said the Cabinet will offer a high-speed rail project for private sector participation in 2013, upon the conclusion of feasibility studies within the next six to 12 months. The high-speed train will link the cities of Alexandria, Cairo, Aswan and Hurghada at a speed of up to 300km per hour, said Rashad. “The full project is estimated to cost more than $16.4bn,” the minister was quoted as saying by Zawya. “Some Asian, Arab, Chinese, Italian and Spanish companies have expressed interest in bidding for the project,” he added. The project is expected commence, in several phases, in the second half of 2013 and will require four to five years to complete, he said.

It is frustrating then that Oman’s ministry of transportation chose to re-state its commitment to the project by allowing an extension on bids to win the design and consult on the construction of the country’s first major railway last month. While the new date of 5 October seems like a small adjustment it is yet more delay upon delay that leaves Oman without a cogent rail plan three years after Etihad Rail came into existence. At least the Oman Tender Board is finally able to reveal a working list of nine bidding consortia committed to working on the project. That list of bidders for the contract, which could be worth as much as $155m, include a consortium comprising Denmark’s COWI, DBI and US-based AECOM; SYSTRA of France; USbased Parsons Corp; UK-based Mott MacDonald; a consortium comprising Italy’s Italferr and Worsely Parsons of Australia; a China Railway company; France’s Egis Rail; the Pointec group; and a consortium of Korea Rail and the Hyundai group. “The new deadline is on October 5, for what we expect will be a contract worth between $117m and $155m,” an official told Reuters, declining to be named under briefing rules. Details emerging about this first critical tender involve the appointment of a consultant to undertake the preliminary design of the

1,061km rail network. There is also a roadmap emerging on the points that will follow; the first of which, according to Salim bin Said al Amri, the deputy director general of roads and head of the Railway Team, will be for ‘Detailed Design and Build.’ A second will follow for project management consultancy and supervision services. The ministry is aiming for the completion of the design by end of 2014, and the construction phase will start in the third quarter of 2014, he added. “We hope to complete Phase 1 (roughly 1,061 kilometres) by end 2018 in line with a target set by the GCC states in this regard,” al Amri stated. What seems to have been largely overlooked is that this means that the dream of a complete region-spanning network will now be delayed by at least a year. From an industry perspective this is also increasingly looking like a missed opportunity for Oman contractors. This may seem like a harsh assessment but consider this. When the first track is being laid Oman will have its pick of battle-hardened contractors from the UAE and Saudi Arabia (assuming Qatar honours commitment to local industry in its own contractors in the lead up to the World Cup) – and the biggest losers are likely to be holding Omani passports.

September 2011 October 2012


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27.06.2012 10:50:22

Heavy Hitters

FantasY Island

CMME pays a visit to Yas Waterworld and finds out that creating a theme park is as much fun as you would hope.

Snakes alive! With space at a premium contractor Alec turned to Liebherr cranes to lift the park’s stunning and beautiful slither slides and rides (including a fully operating rollercoaster) into place.



MIddlE East

October 2012


as Waterworld’s Mike Oswald has the sort of job that you wish you had asked your career advisor about when you were at school instead of how do you become an astronaut or a nuclear physicist or a plant manager. You see, Mike’s job is to run theme parks. “When you were at school I’m sure you wanted to be a reporter, I wanted to be in this business,” says the likeable Californian. “Sometimes you just love an industry and you know that’s what you want to do.” He then pauses and smiles: “It’s a fun business and I’m happy every day.”

The ‘fun business’ he refers to is running the Middle East’s newest and biggest water park. In design and location – it has the world’s first aqua park rollercoaster running through – it is also arguably the most ambitious ever attempted. Yas Waterworld, so called because of its location on Yas Island, has been developed by Aldar Properties in cooperation with operator Farah Leisure Parks Management as the next step in creating a fully-fledged leisure resort outside of Abu Dhabi. The park covers 15ha of land alongside Aldar’s Ferrari World complex on Yas – it sounds like a lot

Developed by Aldar Properties and operated by Farah Leisure Parks Management, Yas Waterworld is located next to Ferrari World on Yas island, adding appeal to Abu Dhabi’s status as a tourist destination.

of room to play with but every bit of that area has been designed to maximise the space available; squeezing in 43 rides, attractions and the stealthily hidden network of pipes, pumps, filters and tunnels vital to keep the park running all year-round. Considering the park is just 62 days from completion when we meet – with main contractor ALEC (Al Jaber LEGT Engineering and Contracting) and an army of 3,000 workers putting adding the finishing touches to Yas Waterworld’s facades – Oswald seems admirably relaxed. Perhaps that’s because he expects completion to come earlier than planned? “We will probably hand over early and definitely be open by the end of the year,” he says. “Which is a cool thing to be able to do.” Talking of cool, on Oswald’s office wall hangs a map of the park, outlaying an impressive tangle of rides destined to thrill park visitors. Many of them, he says, have never been seen before in the region. There is Bubbles’ Barrel, which will let surfer’s ride the world’s largest 3m-high sheet wave; there’s Falcon’s Falaj the Middle East’s longest water slide at 300 metres;Liwa Loop, the region’s first high-intensity looping waterslide where riders stand on a platform which retracts; then there’s Dawwama, the world’s longest hydromagnetic powered tornado which will send riders up a 20m high funnel. High-octane thrill-seekers will love the Aqualoop, the only looping waterslide in the Middle East, while the tech lover will surely enjoy the Pearl Master Quest, the world’s only SplashQuest interactive game. And then there’s Bandit Bomber, the world’s first rollercoaster to incorporate onboard water and laser special effects as well as the longest suspended roller coaster in the Middle East with a length of 550 metres. While visitors will be thrilled with the dizzying array of rides, Oswald hopes they will be charmed by the theme of the park: ‘the lost pearl’. Yas Waterworld pays tribute to the UAE’s pearl-diving


heritage, and is themed around “The Lost Pearl”, an original story about Dana, a young Emirati girl on a quest for the legendary pearl that had once brought prosperity to her village. The UAE is already a crowded market in terms of water parks, and the scale and vision of Yas Waterworld is bound to force comparisons with the two best known, Wild Wadi and Aquaventure at the Atlantis Hotel on the Palm Jumeirah in Dubai, but Oswald is confident that he is overseeing something truly unique. “Those are very good parks but this park is designed to be the best in the world. I truly believe that this has the best rides that you’ll find anywhere else in the world.”

ConstruCtion Oswald first joined the early stages of the project in 2008 combining duties on Ferrari World’s launch (“when big parks open it’s all hands on pumps”) and the design of the park. In 2009 work on the design began in earnest, he says. “We worked on it in the interim (as we were opening Ferrari World), and this project with this design really started in 2009 and at the end of 2010 the piling work started. The main construction work started in February 2011,” he says. Once the team nailed the story of Dana, the main character, they were able to work on the design. He explains that not only did it inspire the look of the park it dictated how the park would be designed and constructed. “Once you integrate the story you have a theme park. From there you lay out the park, then, based on who will be coming to the park, you decide what kind of attractions you are going to have; then you look at how you can fit it together with the other facilities you need like restaurants, locker rooms. As you’re laying that all out, you take into account how you are going to power it and where the water, sewarage and utilities are going to come from.” Much of the design was conducted by lead consultant WS Atkins with US firm Water Technology working on the engineering and aqautic design of the pipes and pumps (“they’re one of the best in the world”). “WS Atkins are very well known here and familiar with this type of project. They had all the right

October 2012




heavy hitters

“This is going To change The way people Think abouT waTer parks.” connections (including appointing contractors for some of the themeing).” with designers and consultant in place, the construction, under project manager Mohammed younis of aldar, began with the appointed of alec with the aim of being completed by the end of this year. “There were piles were for the main buildings and then for the pools and other stuff they used planking, where they dig a hole and feel it with rocks. it’s not as elaborate as burj khalifa,say,” he laughs. “[having said that] if you were here a year ago you would have been amazed at how deep some of these foundations go and the layers involved.” in total 1.2 million kg of steel went into building the park with the contractors have carried out 50,000m2 of rockwork across the park. in terms of equipment used alec turned to liebherr tower cranes to do the heavy lifting, despite the relatively low ceiling of the park: “The site’s very congested with a maze of pipes running around.”

THE rEal magic as a teenager he worked as a lifeguard at one of the biggest water parks in los angeles, before he took on the much more serious-sounding route of studying business and iT. his passion for the theme parks remained. “i still get excited depending on what i’m looking at. you know i’ll go into the pump room – it’s just a pump and a filter – but some of these filters are super cool. when i first started, we had these huge sand filters that were [stretches his arms out] this big and now we are using [brings his hands close together] this big, and they use 90% less water during backwash.” he continues: “with the old pumps you used to

turn the valve and set it to sewer at full power for four or five minutes once a day – you, know those pumps would do a couple of thousand gallons per you drain the tank once a month and all you’re wasting is the water in the tank. Filter technology is also better and the quality of water is better as well.” unsurprisingly the water and the electrics of the park are the most important in the element in the experience. “The Mep works are truly spectacular, i tell people that’s where the real magic is. The main utility corridor goes down 4m or 5m deep while the Mep works wind throughout the structures and in and out of the foundations. we use a lot of 3D modelling to make sure there’s no clashes. he adds: “The main plant room is in the middle of the park, hidden by themeing and in the models you can see it looks liek swiss cheese with all the pipes coming out of it. you try to run them in corridors as much as you can.” over the course of his career, the fresh-looking veteran has seen technology progress so far that he feels that 20 years ago a project on the scale of yas waterworld in the desert-like environment of abu Dhabi’s outskirts would not have been possible. “back then they didn’t have 3D modelling technology and some of the construction techniques just weren’t there yet. The ride technology was not there as well. we’re using super high-technologies like linear injection motors which i don’t even know whether they were invented 20 years ago – and if they were they were certainly not being used on rides!” The park, he says has been designed to meet the “highest standards of anywhere in the world” and matches both industry, iso and en standards. “it was designed with the highest quality components as well,” he proudly declares. “in terms of efficiency it is definitely one of the most efficient water parks in the world.” strip the layer of landscaping and themeing away and yas waterworld, with its network of pipes and

October 2012




Heavy Hitters

Meet Theme Park Guy Stefan Zwanger aka Theme Park Guy has been following the construction of Yas Waterworld right from the beginning. A legend in his own lifetime, it is true that he’s already the park’s number one fan. Why this website? And who is The Theme Park Guy? Pure Passion! I was born in Germany in 1979, growing up in Munich and later living in Berlin, Bratislava, Dubai and London. I started my first website in 1997 and ran my own affiliate marketing and film-making company for 8 years, but nothing ever struck me as passionately as becoming The Theme Park Guy: the man with the roller coaster hat who travels around the globe, visiting, photographing and reviewing all current and upcoming theme parks. Who pays for all the trips, tickets and helicopter flights? Myself. Not Mom, not Dad, not a rich Auntie, nor any company, sponsor or sleeping partner. So where did The Theme Park Guy get all his money from? I was lucky with my affiliate marketing business in a previous life or, more precisely, in the 8 years prior to starting this adventure. I also produced/ directed movies but never made a dime out of them. Have a look: http://www. You are an adult. Don’t you have something better to do?

supporting struts looks more like an industrial plant or refinery belonging to Abu Dhabi’s gas giants. Like those constructs and unlike normal commercial developments, its future development is a question of capacities and forecasted demand. Oswald says that a phase programme is already in place should it prove to be as popular as expected. “Only time will tell how things will work out but if you go on site now you will see how it will work out. We’ve already made some changes to improve some things that turn out the way we thought. This is about continuous improvement,” he remarks. “We have two more phases already allocated to land. There’s concepts done for those and there’s another land bank for what we call phase four that’s there for the future. We’ll continually improve and get better and better as time goes on.” But like an over eager teenager who’s fallen off our rubber ring, we’re getting ahead of ourselves, and Oswald says that for now he will be concentrate on ensuring a smooth ride when the park opens Built like giant functioning and complex machines, theme parks often show quirks and issues when they first let the crowds in; throw in millions of gallons of water being pushed around




October 2012

at speed and at height and Oswald knows he can expect one or two issues when the park opens. “We strive to make it to make it as perfect as possible, but there’s always something,” he chuckles. Mike Oswald is doing his dream job and he sounds like he’s enjoying it. Life is just not fair. “Don’t get me wrong it can be agonising at times,” he says reassuringly, “but when you see the end result and the kids smiling and having a good time, it makes it all worth it. This is not like other jobs where you don’t get to see that.” “It’s been a really good experience with Aldar, one of the things that has made this collaboration successful has been the high intergration, the collaboration with them and the delivery. A lot of projects don’t have the same level of cooperation. It really came down to the people involved. Sometimes you don’t get that same feeling and it doesn’t work that well. “As an operator we want a high quality, unique park, that has the best experience possible. Construction guys want to deliver a high quality project that is on time and underbudget. If we do that together. “Everyone is happy.”

Definitely not. This is the best thing I could ever be doing; I’m absolutely passionate about theme parks! I’m not making any profit from the site yet, but I’d rather be buried in a mass grave than stop

doing this. Where is The Theme Park Guy based? Currently in stunning Stockholm and previously in airport-rich London and Dubai, the insane metropolis in the Persian Gulf. Doesn’t it feel strange to travel around the world with a roller coaster hat taking pictures of all these theme parks? It does. Especially when someone on an airplane asks you what you’re doing. Cool roller coaster hat! I will make my own. Will you sue me for that? Don’t you dare think about it! How does your rating work? My personal 1-5 star rating works like this: I’m an optimist and I always start with a 5 when I enter a new theme park. If everything in there is new and creative, it stays a 5, if there are Disneyland copies all over the place, it drops to a 4 straight away. Then, if the staff is rude (to specify here: if two or more employees have personalities worse than ghost train animatronics!) the park loses another point. There’s no excuse for rude staff members in a theme park, as they have by far easier and happier customers to deal with than in an airport transit hotel! Therefore, 3 would be my rating for a very very good park with tacky Disney copies and rude staff. From there the stars go on dropping if the coasters are not good, the park is dirty, the opening times are inconvenient, the food is overpriced and so on and so on... If you are adamant that I have given one of the parks the wrong rating, tell me why and I’ll have a look at the park again.

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German Technology

GErmany kEEps a Grip It’s been a volatile few years in Europe but German manufacturers remain the standard that others can only aim for.


arlier this summer the head of Germany’s plant and machinery association (VDMA) found himself discussing the country’s machinery manufacturing prospects for the second half of the year. On his mind were the words recovery, Chinese competition and intellectual property rights. Voicing the hopes and concerns of his country’s industry is his job, the fact that he chose to tackle these issues head on in a press conference in Beijing was the sort of typically bold and direct approach much admired of his countrymen. And China, which he said was spending 11% less on German products than it did last year, is clearly




October 2012

an admirer of the country’s technological prowess. Why else would its companies have spent billions on German knowhow in the flurry of acquisition activity at the beginning of 2012? Germany exported machinery products worth 23.7 billion to China in 2011, Thomas Lindner revealed a figure that was up 23% year-on-year. In terms of bilateral trade volume, machinery manufacturing was valued at $27 billion in 2011. In 1970 it was just $75 million. Meanwhile trade between the two countries really is the proverbial two-way street with Germany importing machinery worth $1.25 billion

How Germany rediscovered its touch A decade ago, German manufacturing was facing a crisis in confidence. The sector which had surged forward when other European nations such as the UK had seen their industrial strength dissapate was seemingly facing inevitable decline. For years, gross value added has grown faster in manufacturing than in the service sector. More importantly, the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) estimates that industrial companies will be responsible for 100,000 of the anticipated 300,000 new jobs

that will be created in Germany this year. Even though industry, not including the construction sector, provides only about 14 percent of all existing jobs, it is responsible for one-third of all new jobs -- two-thirds if one includes the jobs created by service companies affiliated with industry. This development is by no means self-evident. In the last boom, in 1999 and 2000, manufacturing companies laid off large numbers of workers, even though the economy grew by more than three percent. After

shrinking rapidly, manufacturing has begun to gain ground once again. Its share of annual economic output has declined from 40 percent in 1970 to less than a quarter today, but that number has begun to increase again recently. According to a forecast prepared for the German Economics Ministry, this trend is expected to continue until at least 2010. Manufacturing is expanding at an especially high rate in the former East German states, where it has grown twice as fast as in the West since

2003. Eastern Germany accounts for more than 11 percent of industrial production today. Exports reflect the importance of manufacturing. Almost ninetenths of all German exports are industrial products. This is not without consequences for the service sector. According to a position paper by the Economics Ministry, “industry provides the impulse for growth in the service sector.” Forty percent of all services, as well as 63 percent of all research and development activities and engineering services are provided

from China in the first quarter of 2012 alone, an increase of 13% year-on-year. Then he moved onto the tricky subject of intellectual property rights. Lindner told the Beijing press that German machinery manufacturers lost revenues of $10 billion through pirated products. A VDMA survey, he revealed, that 75% of respondents believed those products came from China. This was not universally covered by the Chinese media, but the Global Times did get a retort from Lindner’s counterpart at the China Construction Machinery Association “You cannot say that without proof,” he told the paper, noting that “Some Chinese machinery manufacturers facing IPR charges have won lawsuits over the past two years, which shows that they are paying more attention to IPR protection”. Trading partners and market rivals Germany and China represent in many people’s eyes the two ends of the industry. One innovative and one derivative. Germany Trade and Invest estimates that German industry spends $14 billion per year on R&D, compare that with the Chinese government’s current five-year plan in seven key areas such

for industrial companies. “The strength of German companies in world markets is based on the fact that they offer a package of their products and services that go along with the products,” says Hans-Joachim Hass, director of the economic policy division of the Federation of German Industries (BDI). For instance, a German machine tool manufacturer that supplies a production line to a customer in the United States may operate it using personnel from its own service company until local workers have been trained.”

as green vehicles, energy efficiency and new materials said to be worth over $1.5 trilion and it is possible to conceive a time when China will not need to purchase expertise, it will have it. However according to research by DIW Berlin, no other industrialised country produces a larger share of gross value added in researchintensive manufacturing industries than Germany: “The share of total value creation in research-intensive industries in Germany is above Japan and US levels and more than double the share of UK, Italy and France combined.” There is much more to German expertise than badges and OEMs. The country builds well because it is built for it. German’s badge holders know they can rely on a network of smaller support companies and suppliers. The machinery and equipment, which incorporates construction machinery’s Germany’s largest sector by level of activity; with almost 6,300 companies along the value chain and a highly trained workforce of more than 908,000 people. According to a Germany Trade and Invest report, 87% percent of these companies are active

October 2012




German Technology

in the sMe sector. With annual r&d expenditures topping out at over $13 billion, the industry is one of the most innovative industries in germany.” Many of its manufacturers have grown as the centre of a cluster of commercial and social activity in their areas sucking in the best of local talent. “in the county we are in, we are the major employer,” explains liebherr’s Wolfgang Berginger. “We employ about 10,000.” liebherr is a prime example of how german companies stand apart from their european competition in terms of bringing through talent. during the downturn, it has also shuffled staff around providing extra training and boosting productivity. another german industry with a huge reputation, the automotive sector, has likewise made similar moves. “it’s not just us. We are located in southern germany and i know of at least one major car manufacturer that took a lot of labour out of one factory to another. so we’re not unusual.” it is also still getting a steady flow of bright young minds into its workforce, benefitting from a reputation of developing careers and a location that places it at the heart of a largely rural community. “We hear there will be a lack of young people,” he says. “But at the moment we don’t have that

“We have had 1,400 apprenticeships in

the last 40-plus years and 800 are still Working for us.”




October 2012

problem. We are well-known and people like to work with us after their studies. We have had 1,400 apprenticeships in the last 40-plus years and 800 are still working for us. ” reliant on local suppliers he does feel that being so dominant an employer could be to the detriment of the satellite companies that orbit liebherr as less young people decide to join heavy industry. “they may have a problem now and they will have to fight harder to get them.” as the deals for companies like putzmeister and schwing have highlighted, chinese companies have coveted german industry’s ability to tie up not just the production but also the research and development. sany’s purchase of putzmeister was almost explicitly because it had discovered that owning a european factory was not the same as owning european technology. however there are other barriers that remain that german companies crossed a long time ago such as post-sale support. it is not just spare parts either. a putzmeister, sennebogen, Wirtgen, Bauer, Wolffkrann, liebherr customer knows that they can have the back up of entire technical teams based in germany. in fact it is a major selling tool and a boast of companies here. it is this famed attention to the detail that still give german manufacturers over their counterparts. as Martin kirby of Wolffkran arabia puts it: “When it comes to tower cranes, contractor doesn’t know everything. By analysis we can save them money.”

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The coolesT dealer in The world

Finning UK’s Spencer Smirl and two converted Caterpillar D6s are about to join legendary explorer Ranulph Fiennes on one of his most daring and dangerous expeditions.

October 2012


Middle easT




lot of dealers will tell you that they will go to the ends of the earth for you but how many actually mean it? Well Finning is preparing to give legendary explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes the ultimate level of service by sending one of their team to the South Pole in one of the riskiest expeditions attempted on the continent. Early next year, Sir Ranulph Fiennes will lead an attempt to cross Antarctica over the winter months and as anyone that has a passing interest of the expeditions on the continent will know, this is a feat that has never been successfully completed. Fiennes himself has called it “The last great polar challenge.” Currently Fiennes and his teams are making final preparations ahead of the trip’s departure on the South African ship, the SA Agulhas. On board the ship will be two specially modified D6N Caterpillar dozers supplied by Finning. UK Caterpillar distributor Finning supplied the two bespoke Cat D6N track-type tractors and spent two years working on the design and manufacture of the machines, which are commonly found on construction and waste sites, to make them suitable to work at temperatures as low as -70oC. Each unit will tow more thanf 55t of material, including an accommodation caboose and a science caboose, which will house equipment to measure the depth of the ice in winter, providing data that will contribute to the climate change debate. Commenting on the challenge, Fiennes said: ““Having liaised with Caterpillar, who supplied the two factory D6N models, Finning engineers have been working with my team over the last two years on a comprehensive retrofitting task, designing the ultimate Antarctic expedition machines.” Fiennes will be joined on the expedition by Finning engineer Spencer Smirl, from Canada, who volunteered to join the trip and went through a selection process that included practical and psychological tests with one of the D6N’s in Sweden, at temperatures of minus -40oC. Smirl said: “It is amazing to think that the part I play in this expedition will help to determine the climate change argument. I feel it is a once in a




October 2012

lifetime opportunity that will test man and machine to the limits.” According to Finning, Sir Ranulph Fiennes approached the company, the largest supplier of Caterpillar equipment in the UK & Ireland, “to ask for our support in helping him bring his vision for the ultimate expedition - to cross the Antarctic continent in winter - to a reality. “Having worked with Caterpillar equipment supplied by Bowmaker (part of Finning since 1982) on a previous expedition some 40 years ago, Sir Ranulph Fiennes had confidence in the capabilities of Caterpillar equipment.” Historians may note that Antarctica has a history of mystifying explorers that have dared to rely on machinery to cross its barren landscape; with it most famously taking the lives of Robert Scott and his team after they equipped themselves with, for the time, cutting-edge motorised sledges. Fiennes has made a habit of refusing to bow to historical boundaries however calculating that he needed a machine capable of towing in excess of 55 tonnes of material, over the incredibly challenging terrain while coping with temperatures reaching -70 degrees centigrade during three months of complete darkness. With ambitious aims for the expedition, including important scientific and educational work and the additional challenge of raising $10m for the ‘Seeing is Believing’ charity, which helps to bring affordable eyecare to some of the poorest communities across the globe, it was important for Fiennes to secure both the support of Finning and Caterpillar. Having spoken to Finning’s newly formed bespoke engineering team manager, Andy Thomas, Sir Ranulph and the Finning team identified the Caterpillar D6N track type tractor as the machine for the job. With backing from Finning, in secret, Sir Ranulph put

Having worked with Caterpillar equipment supplied by Bowmaker (part of Finning since 1982) on a previous expedition some 40 years ago, Sir Ranulph Fiennes had confidence in the capabilities of Caterpillar equipment.



together a video to explain the challenge to the Caterpillar team in the USA. This was a great success and secured the supply of two D6N track type tractor units from Caterpillar, according to Finning. It was also later used to secure additional expedition supporters. Once the first of the two D6N track type tractors was shipped to Finning at its head office in Cannock a locked down secret engineering workshop bay was sourced and the real work of turning a factory produced D6N into an Antarctic expedition machine began. With thousands of hours dedicated to the task over a two-year period, including design, engineering, fabrication and testing, the first of the D6N’s was ready for practical cold weather use. At this point it was shipped to a secret location in Sweden and joined by a selected group of Finning engineers who had volunteered for an opportunity to take part in the expedition. Having already undergone a rigorous selection process the engineers from Finning UK and Finning International in Canada, were tested alongside the expedition team and the D6N, in conditions reaching - 40 degrees centigrade. Following the selection process Spencer Smirl from Finning International in Canada was chosen as lead engineer for the expedition. The D6N was then returned to Cannock where the final phase of engineering works took place to complete the first machine. Once modification of the first Caterpillar D6N was complete, a series of testing

and practical training took place at the Caterpillar visitor centre in Desford, Leicester. It was here that the six man expedition team was able to get together for the first time. Completing the Finning journey to date was the arrival of the specially designed cabooses, large containers that will be used for accommodation and scientific research. The science caboose will house a whole range of equipment to measure the depth of the ice in winter, providing essential data that will prove decisive in the climate change debate. Following on from the bespoke engineering work carried out on the D6N units, the expedition team went to work on the cabooses. This was to ensure that they would be easy to tow with all of the material housed inside them. The expedition is currently on course for its 6 December start. The Agulhas’ course will first take it from London to Cape Town at the tip of South Africa. From there it will head to and then to a Russian outpost on Antarctica. After months of preparation the six-man expedition will set off on 21 March and begin the slow march over 3000km of ice, snow and mountains over the South Pole and onwards to McMurdo Sound on the other side of the continent. With the temperatures falling as much to almost minus-100 degrees the team will be forced to survive in darkness throughout the three-month journey. The trip will test the boundaries of human endurance and Fiennes has committed the team’s experiences to

be used for scientific research of both physiology and psychology. The dozers, which fully loaded will weigh up to 70t, will be vital in carrying everything the team will need to survive including food, equipment. They will also double up as accommodation providing protection from the cold. The heavily modded machines also have their central heating systems for their engines as well as special insulation. They are also fitted with grouser bars on the tracks that also have removable ice spikes, and a winch and towing attachments. While they will be working in the dark, the expedition will follow a well-established trail over the continent, however it can still be treacherous to travellers. Crevasses or weaknesses in the ice could stricken 70t machine, so Fiennes and another team members will ski ahead probing the ground with radar. An in-cabin display will then alert the drivers to oncoming dangers. It is high-tech in low temperature environment, but the team know that they can’t take their technology for granted.

October 2012




Special Report

Riding the AmAzon mARketplAce In CMME’s final look at the South American market, Daniel Moffat of Moffat Consulting & Technology (MCT) looks to unravel Brazil for those tempted by the booming country.


or those wishing to sell machinery and construction equipment to Latin-American countries, the market is shrouded in some mystery as to what is acceptable and what is not, plus there are a number of market rumours about how to trade within the sector. Some say import restrictions are open to interpretation and certain criteria exists, however, from what we have ascertained the protocol says: machines and models not available or manufactured in South America can be imported; machinery used in the mining industry can be imported into South America; machinery may be manufactured in the country or region, with global business partners, exemplified by JCB establishing its large assembly plant in Brazil. The South American economy is extremely buoyant with international trade figures for 2011 showing



middle eASt

October 2012

Brazil achieving +5.1% sustained growth, coming a strong second behind Asia at +7.1%. The Middle East & Africa achieved +3.5%; South America +3.2%; Eastern Europe +2.5%; North America +2.0%; and Western Europe -0.5%. This strong Brazilian growth has helped it become the World’s sixth largest economy by nominal GDP and it’s widely expected to rise to fifth position in that table by the end of 2012. Brazil is also one of the world’s fastest-growing markets for construction equipment, with 15% current annual projected growth. Large-scale infrastructure projects underway include the construction of 5000 km of highways, while significant residential projects and various major sporting events (FIFA World Cup 2014 and Olympic Games 2016) coming to the country over the next few years are only going to add to this.


Backhoe Loaders






Wheel Loaders



Skid steer Loaders



Boom Lifts



Scissor Lifts



Motor Graders



Compact Rollers





10. Pavers


11. Dump Trucks


The wider Latin-America region is also buoyant with four major initiatives worth an estimated US$ 30 billion in Columbia (including highways, seaports, airports, railways and river ways) and similar projects elsewhere puts the whole region firmly on the radar for anyone with machinery and equipment to sell. The strength of this market also offers substantial opportunities for the right partners to create trade links with Brazil, however the Brazilian market is unique and does need to be approached in a particular way, with a tailored strategy. Demand is heavy for construction equipment and mining machinery, with buyers from South America looking for quality excavators and other specialised plant, particularly from manufacturers like CAT and Hitachi. JCB has also fared well in Brazil, due to the popularity and versatility of the JCB 3C backhoe, making it a firm favourite on infrastructure projects in the Brazilian interior where thousands of miles of secondary roads are being upgraded. Many of the worlds leading brand manufacturers are also currently operating in Brazil, with distribution partners or manufacturing partners. In terms of volume, the leaders are clearly Caterpillar and Case, with Caterpillar providing one in every five machines sold into Brazil. Marques like Volvo, Komatsu, New Holland, JLG, JCB, Genie, FIAT, and Hyundai are also strong ‘second tier’ brands. BRAZILIAN MARKET SHARE % FOR TOP 5 1.













New Holland


Another new entrant into the South America market is China; however it is too early for brands like XCMG, Sany and Liugong to compete with the leaders, having made no significant impact on the overall Brazilian market.

Import BarrIers Barriers to import do exist, however with a clear understanding of the overall procedures and opportunities, what is acceptable and how to proceed becomes evident. The first barrier to entry in this region is a high import tax on foreign products, which includes construction, mining and agricultural machinery. With the economy booming the Brazilian government looked to boost the local manufacturing base by making the route to entry on imports somewhat prohibitive. There is complex tax legislation in Brazil that strives to be protective of the local market, especially surrounding local production. Brazil is therefore one of the most difficult countries in the world to do business with, so local knowledge is a must and hence partnering with a Brazilian organisation is preferable. Taxation is also a decider when it comes to localisation, with benefits being made available for locating production facilities in areas where employment is most needed. Skill levels and labour costs in Brazil can also differ dramatically due to localisation, however legal frameworks do exist to better understand these differences and in negotiation with the state government for each project, good and reasonable outcomes can be negotiated. For those that do operate in the region, providing new and used machinery to Latin America, the completion of documentation and general paperwork is extremely strict, with arduous legislation to protect the local economy. Seeking assistance from a local business partners to ensure requirements are met is therefore the smart move. Government schemes backed by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) encourage the production of new machinery and equipment locally to boost the local economy. This scheme provides financing for collaborative ventures and many of the major players in the market use this scheme. Whilst import barriers exist, there are certain constraints that make it possible for certain types of equipment to be imported in to Brazil. Equipment without national production is allowed, with import duty exemption for specific equipment types as defined by the Government. Equipment with local production, either solely by a native local manufacturer or in partnership with an international associate or partner is exempt, but will attract import tariffs thus protecting the national supply chain. Machines such as excavators and backhoe loaders fall into this latter category. Any machinery type that cannot be provided through the local home market manufacturing base may be imported. We’ve already mentioned the JCB plant and Brazil has recently embarked in a US $ 340 million alliance with FIAT to set up a construction equipment plant in Montes Claros, in the northern region of Minas Gerais. This will create 2,700 jobs which is the reason Brazil imposes these restrictions. The considerations made by other global manufacturers of machinery as to where the location of manufacturing bases should be in the region have included easy access to the main customer base, as well as local infrastructure, local supply chain,

October 2012




Special Report

transportation, labour costs as well as the taxation benefits as discussed before. the current regions of brazil that are proving popular for the reasons outlined include: minas gerais, sao paulo, paranas and rio grande do sul. with mining accelerating and extraction under pressure to deliver raw materials to meet world market demand, it is believed that the home market has been slow to support the demand for machinery in this sector. it appears a relaxing on the import rule and tax levy has resulted in equipment being exempt from the various restrictions, as long as it can be proven that the equipment is for mining projects. the rental industry in brazil is becoming really interesting and an attractive proposition; and one that is predicted to be the next big growth area. according to government figures, rental is growing at around 15% per year and provides a good revenue strategy for the home market as well as investment opportunities for major global manufacturing brands. due to the size of the country, rental is also an attractive proposition for the contractor because of the distances machinery may have to be transported from project to project. renting machinery for specific projects is a clearer and simpler process when compared to purchasing. with rental finance, valuations and inspections are not required, logistics are managed by the rental company, and rental will provide employment for a local labour force. many opportunities do exist within brazil for businesses to implement a rental strategy in association with local partners. how big this market actually may become is hard to comprehend as conclusive global and localised statistical date is not easy to come by. the aem in the Us (association of equipment manufacturers) in its report of ‘exports by world regions and top 10 countries’ reported that in 2011, construction machinery exports to south america increased by 39%, with purchases worth $4.3 billion. with brazil dominating the construction machinery and equipment trade in south america, many global Oem’s are also now locating

themselves here and using brazil as the springboard for exports to other countries in the region, including argentina, chile, peru, central america, mexico as well as the Usa. so what does the future hold? the Latin america market is clearly maturing and as new construction equipment brands arrive in brazil, the market is demanding better levels of after sales support. competition in the brazilian market is fierce and newcomers will be judged on their ability to deliver and prospective partners are being judged on this element of the supply strategy. Just seven years ago, approximately 10 manufacturers were operating in brazil. today, over 30 brands are actively being imported or manufactured in the region with many of the more recent entrants being chinese. since the internal market in china shrank by approximately 40% in 2010 – 2011, chinese manufacturers have turned eyes to other countries with brazil being the prime target. chinese manufacturers are on track this year to become the second-largest global exporters of construction equipment, but it will take some time for them to pose a threat to established suppliers. in late 2011 construction equipment exports from the Usa stood at $153 billion global, with a 15.7% market share, followed by germany (11.5%), Japan (10.8%) and china (10.2%). the Far east is emerging as a rival to traditional players like cat and Komatsu and Latin america is firmly its sights.

Moffat Consulting & Technology (MCT) provides market intelligence and information for global construction and allied machinery professionals plus develops iPhone and smartphone applications that enable them to better understand their markets. For more information email or call +44(0)20 8471 8221.

“Over 30 brands are impOrted/made with many recent entrants being chinese.” 34



October 2012

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The region’s largesT ConsTrUCTion

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Jeddah into a world class city, making it the perfect location for the Construction Machinery Show. The 2012 exhibition proved that Saudi Arabia is the most dynamic country in terms of construction in the region, drawing praise from exhibitors for the quality of his attendees and the number of deals signed on the show floor. With over 20,000 sqm of space at the Jeddah Exhibition Centre dedicated purely to construction equipment the Construction Machinery Show in 2013 will once again stand out as an event where visitors come to buy. We will be back in April 2013, Will you?

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Product Focus


page 58 LAST WORD

DARPA has unleashed its robot cheetah and mules on an unsuspecting public. Could we be witnessing a new dawn in robotics and their usefulness in a wide range of applications?

page 45

page 40


JCB has high hopes for its newly launched range of compacts and skid steers for the Middle East market...


A new generation of the swiss army knife of construction sites, the backhoe, is in full swing. CMME looks at the best in the market.

page 46 KING OF


...and does the company still deserve to be considered the number one name in backhoes with the competition growing ever stronger?

page 49 A-Z OF DEALERS

CMME’s best of the best in dealers in the GCC regions makes its special return.

page 52


FAMCO proves that it is possible to develop an operations across the GCC region.

October 2012




New Products

Huge compact middle east launcH for JcB Why gET ThEM? compacts for every occasion improved efficiency


CB has launched 17 new skid steers and track loaders as it hopes to capitalise on burgeoning demand for the models in the Middle East. Skid steers and compact loaders have been a mainstay in North America since arriving on the scene in the 1980s but only experienced moderate growth in the markets such as the Middle East where a traditional preference for large machinery has left dealers and rentals reluctant to push them. The post-downturn has seen a shift in buying habits in the region, and coupled with a growing list of attachments from OEMs such as Caterpillar and Bobcat, there could be an opening for machinery that can multitask on urban developments. “While the majority of these machines are sold in North America, international demand for smaller skid steers and track loaders is growing at a fast pace, particularly in the Middle East and Europe. The new range of machines is particularly well-suited to Middle Eastern markets and we expect demand for this product to be very high,” explained Nic Grout, JCB Middle East’s general manager. According to JCB, the new machines include nine large platform models: the 225, 260, 280, 300 and 330 wheeled skid steers and the 225T,




October 2012

260T, 300T and 320T track loaders. The 260 and up use a vertical lift version of the JCB Powerboom single arm, providing maximum reach at full height while the 225 and 225T are radial lift and provide maximum reach at the mid-point of the lifting path. The range also includes 8 small platform models: the 175, 190, 205 skid steers and the 190T and 205T compact track loaders, which are vertical lift machines. They are complemented by the 135, 155, and 150T models, which feature a radial lift design, which offers improved digging. Grout added: “We offer 17 models in our skid steer range – both wheeled and tracked with radial and vertical lift designs – providing 97 per cent global market coverage.” JCB claims the machines are 16% more fuel efficient than rival models and will save customers around $2,700 annually. SPECIFICATIONS: (205SS) • Rated operating cap: 930kg • Operating weight: 3.2t • Overall length: 3.6m • Overall height: 1.98m • Dump height: 2.26m • Max reach: 1.04m

VolVo unVeilS itS neW fH ranGe Volvo has launched its new range of FH series truck, which will be available with new features with potential to save up to ten per cent on fuel. The Euro 6 version of the new FH series will be available with I- Torque, a double clutch transmission, as used in racing cars. This makes gear changes in just hundreths of a second, eradicating power loss and enabling four per cent savings on fuel. The system also incorporates a turbo compound unit, and overall provides 2,800 nm torque, compared to 2,300 in the previous FH trucks. Volvo reckons the Euro 6 model with I-Torque will save ten per cent on fuel compared to the old Euro 5 models, and will be profitable after around 2.5 years, based on running 120,000 km per year. Hardware updates enable a further per cent fuel saving, and five per cent cuts can be gained from the I-See topography system. Ricard Fritz, senior vice president of Volvo truck Global said the I-See system uses GPS to record

data about terrain, such as the gradient of each hill, and adapts gear changes and speed to the topography next time the truck travels on that road. Volvo says the FH offers handling equivalent to a car. “To put things into perspective, we can even offer independent front suspension, although initially only on left-hand drive vehicles. This world-first takes handling to unsurpassed levels in the truck world, says Claes Nilsson. The new FH has a new air suspended chassis design, air suspended cab and seat and new front and rear suspension as well as IFS to provide its smoothest ever ride.

naSS brinGS neW caSe WHeel loaderS to baHrain

fill a 27-tonne dump truck in three passes, allowing faster fill and shorter cycle times. Case designed the new 1021F and 1121F Series wheel loaders from the ground up for the aggregate and quarry market to boost operator productivity and reduce owning and operating costs. To increase productivity and meet Tier 4 Interim emissions standards, Case is the first manufacturer to introduce selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology for wheel loaders. “With the SCR technology, Case is making what was already the industry’s most fuel-efficient line of wheel loaders even more fuel efficient,” explained O’Brien. “At the same time, the F Series engines ‘breathe freer’ than engines with a cooled exhaust gas recirculation (CEGR) solution. This lets wheel loaders respond to the throttle faster.” He said in addition to letting the engine generate power easier, other advantages of SCR technology include improving fuel efficiency and reducing long-term maintenance costs. The 1021F and 1121F wheel loaders provide fast acceleration, quick cycle times and high production. The new high-horsepower Case engines also feature variable-geometry turbochargers. In addition, the Case wheel loaders have four power modes -- Economy, Standard, Max and Auto -- to let operators match the engine power to their needs. A new idle-management feature maximizes fuel economy and allows owners to meet local idle reduction regulations. Using the fuel-saver mode, the operator can limit the time the machine idles in fiveminute increments. Helping to protect the engine is a standard diagnostic and engine shutdown feature. The new Case 1021F wheel loaders is also available with the industry’s first hydro-mechanical transmission. The new transmission intelligently adjusts the mix of power delivery depending on travel speeds.

SpecificationS: • net engine power: 296hp • bucket capacity: 4.20cu m • lift capacity: 14,027kg • dump Height: 3.07m • Max Weight: 25.6t

Nass Commercial, part of Bahrain-based Nass Group, has said it has taken delivery of two new units of Case wheel loaders designed to provide extra safety on the work site. The Case 1021F wheel loaders provide the operator with the ability of fine-tuning the engine and hydraulic output to a meet the requirements of a specific task. The 1021F is powered by Tier 4 interim-compliant engine and 296bhp, which uses a hydro-mechanical transmission. It is equipped with a rearview camera to enhance the visibility for the operatorby providing live feed to a colour monitor in the cab. It also features redesigned bucket profiles that can

SpecificationS: • engine size: up to 16.1 litre • power: 500-750hp • torque: 2650-3550 Nm • emissions: Euro 5 and Euro 6 engines • transmission: I-shift up to 3,500 Nm Torque • GcW approval: 100t

liGHt and coMpact froM dooSan

doosan portable power has launched a new 50 Hz version of the company’s lSc (lightSource® compact) portable light tower for markets in the Middle east and africa*. designed for reliability and durability, the lSc light tower also available as a 60 Hz model - is ideal for rental. applications include lighting on road and bridge construction sites, all general construction applications as well providing lighting for special events, emergency and disaster relief, oil and gas

drilling and for mining and quarrying locations. the light tower has a new power train based around the Kubota d1005 water-cooled diesel engine providing 8.5 kW at 1500 rpM (1800 rpM for the 60 Hz version) and meeting epa tier 4 final emission regulations. thanks to a high output alternator, the power rating of the lSc light tower has been increased to 6 kW. the additional power allows operators to fully utilise the light tower’s four 1,000-watt metal halide floodlights at the same time as using the unit’s receptacle power function. the fuel tank capacity allows an extended runtime to 64 hours (55 hours for the 60 Hz version).

SpecificationS • array: NEMA 6 x 7 beam • Mast height: 3.6m-9m • power: 50hz • Wind resistance of up to: 105km/h

October 2012




New Products


The 994H, largest of the Cat wheel loader line, features four loader linkage configurations and a range of buckets to tailor the machine to the job. While optimally matched to Cat 785, 789 and 793 mining trucks, the 994H has the design flexibility, capacity and durability to deliver reliable, low-cost production in any operation. Engineered to ensure operator safety, comfort and convenience, the fuel efficient 994H, with 1,463 net horsepower (1,092 kW) and an operating weight of 431,000 pounds (195,500 kg), features Caterpillar’s Rimpull Control System, Positive Flow Control hydraulics and Vital Information Management System. Lift configurations for the 994H include standard, high lift, extended high lift and super high lift, providing dump clearances at maximum lift that range from 19.2 feet (5.578 mm) to 23.3 feet (7.080 mm). Bucket choices include heavyduty rock, high-abrasion rock and coal— available in narrow and wide widths to suit the application— and ranging in capacity from 19.5 to 47 cubic yards (15 to 36 m³). To ensure durability that will sustain multiple life cycles, the 994H uses solid-steel lift arms that work through a powerful Z-bar linkage, which features


a greased pin design and an automatic lubrication system. The 994H rear frame is a full-box-section fabrication designed to resist torsional shock and twisting forces, and the machine’s cast axle-pivot mounting areas disperse stress loads for added overall durability. The 994H Positive Flow Control (PFC) implement hydraulic system uses four, electronically controlled, variable-displacement pumps, delivering up to 386 gpm (1,460 L/min) at a main relief pressure of 4,750 psi (32,800 kPa), assuring fast, consistent response as well as fuel economy and low heat generation. The PFC system also integrates concurrent valve control, providing precise, proportional command of loading functions with electro-hydraulic loader controls, electronically controlled cylinder stops and automatic kickouts set from the cab. The Steering and Transmission Integrated Control System (STIC) combines control of travel direction, steering and gear selection in a single controller, and the spacious, pressurized cab features automatic climate control and a quiet, 71 dB(A) sound rating. The 994H also features a powered access ladder and reduced stairs angles for easy access and egress from the operator station. SPECIFICATIONS Name Standard Increased lift High lift Ultra high rise

Roland Verreet, owner of steel wire rope failure analysis company Wire Rope Technology Aachen has told International Cranes magazine that its new wire rope test machine could change the standard of safety checks. Verreet told the magazine that the system differs from current tests as the rope is passed over up to to five “test sheaves” and run through the reeving system with no fleet angle. According to Verreet : “after installing the rope, all you do is press a buttom to start the test. Then an hydraulic cylinder will put the rope under the required

Max lift height 8,15m 8.48 m 9.55 m 10.06 m

tension, and the rope will be cycled back and forth throught the reeving system until the rope finally breaks. Then the analysis of the rope begins.” “If you have a bad rope, you want your test machine to tell you that it is a bad rope,” explained Verreet to International Cranes. “If, for example, the rope was manufactured with incorrect back twist, which will create problems on a crane over time, the conventional test machine will not detect this problem. The looseness will be milked out of the test zone, and then the machine will test a good rope.”

Tel: +966 3 802 4938 Fax: +966 3 826 9894




October 2012

Capacity 38t 35t 35t 35t

TROjAN SAyS IT CAN OFFER REMOTE HORSE POWER As part of its ongoing strategy to offer a wide range of deep-cycle battery options for the renewable energy market, Trojan Battery Company has added a new 140AH 12-AGM battery to its product family. As the world’s leading manufacturer of deep-cycle batteries, the new 12-AGM is ideal for applications that require maintenance-free battery power such as in remote areas where proper maintenance cannot be guaranteed. “The 12-AGM, 12volt battery is designed to support a wide range of applications including renewable energy and backup power for industrial and residential applications, especially those found in remote areas where there is limited access to clean water which is required to maintain traditional flooded batteries,” said Bryan Godber, Trojan’s senior vice president of renewable energy. “This new addition to our AGM battery line shows he company’s continued commitment to offer a broad range of sealed deep-cycle battery options for renewable

energy applications. The 12-AGM is proudly made in the USA and expands Trojan’s range of amp hour offerings in our AGM line.” Trojan’s deep-cycle AGM (absorbed glass mat) batteries feature a number of design elements to provide optimum performance. Robust plates extend the lifecycle of Trojan’s deep-cycle AGM batteries. A separator of glass fibres serves to isolate the positive and negative plates while acting as a blotter to absorb the electrolyte. The separator is alsp maintained under compression between plates to assure contact with the plate surfaces resulting is reliable power generation. The company says a computer-generated, low calcium grid design is optimised for high-power density, and allows for reduced gas emissions. SPECIFICATIONS: • BCI group size – UI • Capacity: Up to 100hr/1.72kW • Voltage: 12V • Terminal type: 13 • Length: 207mm • Width: 132mm

Sector Analysis

Guess who’s back? CMME takes an about turn to take look what’s round the corner for backhoes.


arlier this year, JCB, the long-standing number one backhoe loader manufacturer launched its most powerful backhoe loader to date – the all-wheel steer 5CX. The machine has been designed to meet the needs of customers in Russia, and in developing countries in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America and was unveiled at Conexpo is Moscow. Powered by a Tier 2 compliant JCB Dieselmax engine, the 5CX boasts an output of 118hp (88kW). The high torque, turbocharged and intercooled JCB Dieselmax engine drives through a six-speed Auto Shift transmission, with the firm’s proven TorqueLock transmission delivering up to 25% fuel savings compared to a standard transmission. TorqueLock engages in the higher gears to reduce transmission loss and maintains higher travelling speeds between sites, cutting travel times by up to 10% and reducing fuel consumption. It’s bigger and greener than almost anything else in the market and worthy of a rich heritage in machines that aren’t backwards in going forwards and vice versa. The 5CX is an equal-sized wheel backhoe loader offering three steering modes; four-wheel, twowheel and crab steer. This makes the 5CX a highly manoeuvrable and versatile machine, capable of maximum tractive effort and high flotation

over difficult terrain. Heavy duty JCB axles with limited slip differentials reduce wheel slip and tyre wear, providing maximum traction on wet and slippery ground. Multi-disc oil-immersed brakes deliver long service life, while class-leading power brakes reduce operator effort. Tim Burnhope, JCB’s Chief Innovation and Growth Officer, said: “The 5CX has been designed as a flagship model for those markets that demand ultimate digging and loading performance. “Russia in particular has a rapidly developing backhoe loader market and our customers there need a higher horsepower model, capable of faster travel times, quicker loading cycles and increased efficiency. With the 5CX, JCB is once again taking the lead in the backhoe loader sector, delivering the right machine to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations. “The 5CX provides a unique specification for our customers that our competitors simply cannot match. It is JCB’s most powerful and productive backhoe loader ever.” The backhoe loader is equipped with a high output 165 litre piston pump for faster digging cycles. Flow on-demand hydraulics deliver up to a 10% fuel saving and the machine is provided with seat-mounted servo excavator controls for maximum controllability and operator comfort.

October 2012




Sector Analysis

With a 6.51m digging depth at the rear and a standard extending dipper, the excavator produces a massive 6,230kgF bucket tearout force. At the front end the 6-in-1 shovel offers maximum versatility with a 1.3m3 shovel capacity. JCB has equipped the 5CX with a new front axle beam and heavy duty loader arms to withstand the additional lifting and digging forces generated by the powerful 5CX engine. With the additional tractive effort provided by equal-sized wheels and a limited slip differential, the 5CX delivers maximum productivity as a loading shovel, providing operators with an increased tonnes/ hour performance on site. Automatic return-to-dig for fast shovel reset and an automatic smooth ride system for maximum load retention help make the 5CX an accomplished loader. The cranked loader arm design improves truck loading, with longer loader arms making it easier to load high-sided vehicles. A single servo lever in the cab reduces operator effort and increases control for grading and dozing work. While JCB is setting a new benchmark with the 5CX the competition are hot on his heels in the




October 2012

crucial mid-weight categories. Case, in particular, has been making strides ever since it unveiled its own unique backhoe boom desig. The Case backhoe boom is narrow, allowing a clear view to the bucket and the worksite, which makes it easier for the operator to avoid worksite accidents. It also locks into an overcenter position that reduces porpoising and provides better balance during roading and trailering. According to the company, the new CASE 1021F wheel loaders have the flexibility of allowing the operator to fine-tune the engine and hydraulic output to a specific task. A rearview camera provides live feed to a color monitor in the cab, hence increasing visibility for the operator. The redesigned bucket profiles can fill a 27 Ton dump truck in three passes, allowing faster fill and shorter cycle times. Other features include enhanced cab comfort, new hydro-mechanical transmission, extended-reach options and ease of serviceability. The 1021F is powered by Tier 4 interim-compliant engine and 296hp (221kW which uses a hydromechanical transmission that combines the advantages of hydrostatic drive with the durability of a mechanical transmission. Hydrostatic pumps

Manufacturers are adding more and more features to the interiors of backhoes. It would be interesting to see how many get used in the region...

Time for a quick tour around the basics of backhoes The standard backhoe configuration involves a diesel-driven tractor body with four wheels, a cab on the middle of the body, and two work tools at either end. The front-mounted tool is the loader, which is comprised of two arms connected to a bucket. The loader can scoop material such as sand or

aggregate, or it can push material. The rear-mounted tool is a backhoe, which is a digging bucket mounted upon a jointed hydraulic arm, which has the power to dig hard and impacted earth. This allows the operator to perform different operations merely by swivelling his

seat around: he can dig a hole with backhoe, and then move the dug earth, and refill the hole, with the loader. Another crucial aspect of the backhoe loader’s popularity is its ability to accommodate a large variety of attachments, which allow it to fulfil many other functions. A backhoe loader can become a crusher, or an

auger, or a grinder, for example, and as such offers excellent value for money, because there is no need to have a separate crusher, or grinder, on site. Because it combines multi-functionality, with impressive power and manoeuvrability, the backhoe loader is an indispensable machine for many construction jobs.

operate at lower speeds for quick response, with the mechanical portion of the transmission taking over most of the work at higher travel speeds. Last year, Terex revealed its TLB840, an excellent competitor to JCB and others from Cat, Case and John Deere. The TLB840 has a curved boom design that offers operators greater clearance to reach over obstacles and the ability to load closer into trucks for greater productivity. With a dig depth of 4.5m — extended to 5.5m — and a reach up of 5.7m — extended 6.6 m, the Terex TLB840 is designed with a new slew system that provides high torque for easier backfilling and slewing uphill. The “deep dig” extendable dipper stick is new on the TLB840. The TLB840 has been designed around the operator with a host of new features aimed at enhancing comfort, reducing driver fatigue and aiding productivity. A more spacious ergonomic cab

“THe TLB840 HAS Been DeSiGneD ARounD THe oPeRAToR WiTH A HoST of neW feATuReS.”

provides closer interaction between operator and machine, with easy to use pilot operator excavator controls, adjustable steering column and centrally positioned instrument groupings. The operating environment has also been enhanced with an upgraded ventilation system, high performance air conditioning and opening rear windows for both ventilation and improved visibility when trenching. An optional thumb attachment is also available for grab and grip applications. High dipper and bucket digging forces allow a dig depth to 5.4m (17’8”) whilst the extending dipper reaches up to 6.7m (22’) at ground level. Powering the TLB840 is an economical and reliable 94hp (70kW) charge air cooled engine with a servo power syncro transmission. This innovative system reduces driveline loss by 9%, delivering greater fuel economy and increased tractive effort for extra productivity. As Richard Ghent, Product Specialist for Terex backhoe loaders said at the launch: “With over 50 years of heritage, it’s great to see this ninth generation design to deliver an all new backhoe focused on operator comfort, power and control.”

October 2012





CONTACT: Bahrain: Ahmet Mansoor Al A'Ali - 97317772256 Kuwait: ICTCO Group - 965 24749312/13/462 UAE: United Al Saqer Group - 97125545900 Lebanon: Medevco - 9619233550 Sudan: The Central Trading Co. - 249 187144164

Oman: International Equipment& Contracting Co LLC - 968 9533 5107 Qatar: Qatar Welding & Fabrication Supplies W.L.L - 974 66852999 Egypt: OMATRA - 20235390051 Turkey: Çukurova Ithalat ve Ihracat Turk A.Ş. - 902163953460

Dealer Round-Up

Find me a dealer!

Back by demand, CMME presents its guide to the best dealers in the GCC

iraq Al-Ghodwa for Trading Agencies Khudairi Group

KingdoM of saudi arabia

Jordan Khudairi Group

Al Juffali Medco OMATRA Saudi Diesel Equipment

Al-GhodwA for TrAdinG AGencies

Kuwait TIECO (Trading & Industrial Equipment Company)

qatar Mannai Obaikan

Al JuffAli Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Iraq Main brands: JCB, Massey Ferguson, Dynapac ContaCt: baghdad +964(1)7785894

Al-Godwha for Trading Agencies LLC. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Al-Ghodwa Group. It is an Iraqi registered and domiciled company with a capital of 1 billion ID. We have since the establishment in 1998 successfully supplied machines, backup and spare parts to all Iraqi sectors including governmental (ministries & state companies), private sector and NGOs. Our company is family owned by a successful Iraqi businessman & his sons. Al-Godwha has grown dramatically since the establishment on 1998 depending on the well established trading & contracting business of the Al Ghaidan family (the owner) in raq. Today, AlGodwha is working with all Iraqi sectors including governmental, private, foreign organizations based in the country. AL GHODWA total numbers of employees are exceeding the (45) persons. They are all Iraqis working in the company headquarter & branches in the fields; management, administration, finance, consultancy, sales, technical & service. On the way of developing Al-Godwha position in the Iraqi market as one of the largest suppliers of “anything on wheels”; Al-Godwha successfully completed the acquiring of “WADI AL GHARY Company” a large local supplier of trucks and commercial vehicles and taking care of IVECO S.p.A.Iraqi dealership. By this acquisition Al-Godwha group is postioning itself as “a one stop shopping centre” for construction, agricultural & commercial trucks.

Main brands: Bosch power tools, Astec asphalt plants, Phoenix asphalt sprayers, CompAir compressors, Worthington concrete pumps and transit mixers, Link-Belt cranes, Demag cranes, Liebherr earth moving equipment, Clark forklifts, Tecalemit lubrication equipment ContaCt: +966 2 667 2222

Al Juffali was established in the late 1940s and since then has played a major role in the development of Saudi Arabia. The company says it has introduced many new quality products, as well as innovative

sultanate of oMan Genserv International Heavy Equipment (IHE)

united arab eMirates Bin Brook Brothers FAMCO (also KSA/Oman) Kanoo Machinery Khudairi Group

services and advanced technologies to the country. Today, activities of the Juffali Group include manufacturing, engineering and construction, as well as distribution and service. Throughout the development of the company, Juffali has continued to expand its interests into a variety of business sectors. Its contribution towards the economic growth of the country has been immense and the company’s reputation for quality goods and services is unparalleled in Saudi Arabia. Today, Juffali is a well-established and prominent player in the Kingdom. It has been involved, from a very early stage, in the Kingdom’s highway construction program. Juffali supplies highway contractors with Astec asphalt plants, Phoenix asphalt sprayers, CompAir compressors, Worthington concrete pumps and transit mixers, Link-Belt and Demag cranes, Liebherr earth moving equipment, Clark forklifts and Tecalemit lubrication equipment.

October 2012


middle eaST


Dealer Round-Up

BIn Brook BrotHers United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi

Genserv Sultanate of Oman

InternatIonal Heavy equIpment (IHe) Sultanate of Oman

Main Brands: Scania, Copma, Perlini, Doosan ContaCt: +971 2 558 4888

Bin Brook Motors & Equipments was established in the year 1969 and is a subsidiary of business conglomerate Bin Brook Group. Since its inception 42 years ago with only six employees, the company has achieved a remarkable growth with 80 employees at present and believes in profitable operation and growth from reinvestment according to the company. Bin Brook Motors & Equipments represents several principal companies who are international suppliers and assists them with local support in presales, sales and post - sales activities. From initial qualification of suppliers to the delivery of the product, Bin Brook professionals are involved in ensuring the satisfaction of both the local buyer and the principal companies.

FamCo United Arab Emirates Sultanate of Oman Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Main Brands: Volvo, Himoinsa, Ingersoll Rand, Merlo telescopic handlers, Linde materials handling ContaCt: +971 4 213 5100

Main Brands: Compare, Detroit Diesel, Isuzu Marine Engines, John Deere, Sandvik, Volvo ContaCt: +968 24490755

Founded in 1982, Genserv rose to become the largest construction equipment dealership in the Oman in a span of 29 years. Today, it is Oman’s leading construction equipment dealer, according to the company. The company started as a spare parts dealer for Detroit Diesel in 1982. It was established in Oman’s capital Muscat as a fully owned subsidiary of Juma Al Majid group. Some of the other brands that were brought to Oman by Genserv includes, Volvo Construction Equipments, Powerscreen, etc. The industrial products handled by the company include bearings, power engines, marine engines, tools and accessories. According to the company, Genserv was a trailblazer. It had no rules and there were many firsts. There was no way of doing things so there was always an original way of doing things.

Al-Futtaim Auto and Machinery Company (FAMCO) is a member of the Al-Futtaim Group,and one of the most highly progressive dealers in the GCC. Famco provides products and services to a diverse range of industries and commercial undertakings covering the transportation, construction, oil and gas, manufacturing, warehousing and marine sectors. After the purchase of Al-Rehab it is now a major player in Saudi Arabia while it has strengthened its position in Oman. Famco boasts world-class brands including Volvo Trucks, Volvo Buses, Volvo Construction Equipment, Merlo, Ingersoll Rand, Linde, Dexion,Yanmar, Himoinsa, Proto, Fenner, Bruynzeel, Mobel Linea, Meco, Bott, Stertil, Hart

Tel: +966 3 802 4938 Fax: +966 3 826 9894




October 2012

Main Brands: Volvo Trucks, Renault Trucks, Leibherr, Putzmiester, Bobcat ContaCt: +968 24 584 500

IHE has three operational departments, which include Volvo Trucks, Renault Trucks and Interparts. The company’s vision is to be one step ahead of the competition by means of professionalism, business ethics, customer commitment and honesty. IHE says it is committed to meeting and exceeding customers’ needs in the field of trucks, equipment (construction, engineering and industrial) and related spare parts. According to the company, it continuously works on improving the quality of service it delivers locally to truck owners in Oman. Customers, located in the interior areas of Oman, are serviced by fully trained personnel and the extensive service network of its sister concern, Zubair Automotive Division, already in place. IHE also has training facilities, in addition to mobile units capable of providing on-site training to its customers along with having a centrally located warehouse complex where over 40,000 line items are stocked. A stateof-the-art racking system is designed to meet IHE’s need for easy and quick retrieval of any spare part at a moment’s notice.

and Nassau. Famco is the exclusive partners of Volvo Construction Equipment, Volvo Trucks and Volvo Buses in the UAE and has been awarded the Volvo Silver Partnership Certificate by Volvo, further reenforcing its standing as a GCC market leader.

driving an indUstry 5 – 8 november 2012 Dubai World Trade Centre Be part of the region’s most interactive showcase of plant, machinery and vehicles PMV Live is the premier event for the construction machinery and vehicles industry. Multi-million dollar equipment deals were signed at PMV Live 2011 and with more fantastic free to attend seminars and live demonstrations, PMV Live is an event you cannot afford to miss. Register and save AED 50 by visiting

Silver Sponsor:

Co-located with:

Dealer Round-Up

Kanoo Machinery United Arab Emirates, Dubai Main brands: Grove, Hyster, Perkins, Bobcat, Tennant, Massey Ferguson, Lincoln Electric, Norton, Ausa, Sullair, Beach Tech, Deves ContaCt: +971 4 337 8400

Kanoo Machinery has grown to become one of the leading materials handling, construction and cleaning and industrial equipment distributors in the Gulf. According to the company, it carries an inventory of parts in excess of $5m. Fast moving parts are stocked in all branches whilst on-line, link to regional

Khudairi Group Iraq, Jordan, UAE Main brands: John Deere, Sany

warehouses in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. UAE ensures a first pick availability up to 90% for common agencies. Non-stocking parts available in principals’ warehouses are generally made available within two to three working days. Trained and qualified personnel ensure that a customer gets prompt service to keep equipment downtime to the minimum. An extensive inventory of fast moving machines and consumables offers fast response time to customer break downs and is maintained in stock at all branches of Kanoo Machinery. This is complemented by a more comprehensive inventory in the Kanoo Distribution Centre in Al Quoz and in Jebel Ali Free Zone. The Distribution Centre is fully equipped with low-bed trailers, recovery vehicles and pick-up trucks to ensure timely deliveries to customers’ premises and to Kanoo’s branches.

skid steers, and wheel loaders. Further, the company has opened sales offices and facilities in Baghdad and Basra to meet the maintenance and repair needs of all their clients. When asked about these recent developments in Iraq, Mohammed Khudairi, VP of Khudairi

Group, responded, “The Khudairi Group is excited to be a part of the growth efforts in Iraq. It is our hope that the new heavy machinery introduced into the country will kick-start construction efforts and help the nation f lourish.”

ContaCt: Erbil: 964-7504-268784

The Khudairi Group recently entered a dealership agreement and sales contract with Sany International Development Limited. Sany is a global leader in the construction machinery industry, with vast products ranging from excavators, crawler cranes, truck cranes, and road construction machinery. Knowing that the Iraqi government is strongly committed to a nationwide infrastructure reconstruction plan, Khudairi Group was determined to close the contract with Sany which will bring millions of dollars of heavy equipment and machinery into Iraq. As investment in the infrastructure is necessary to develop Iraq’s rich petroleum resources continue to grow, Khudairi Group’s new relationship with Sany will position the group to efficiently support construction of large scale transportation and oil & gas infrastructure. In addition to the Sany signing, Khudairi Group is the exclusive John Deere Construction Equipment Dealer in Iraq. Recently, Khudairi Group opened a new showroom in Erbil, Iraq, which showcases five new John Deere units. The dealership now sells and leases new and used construction equipment, including backhoe loaders, dozers, motor graders,

Tel: +966 3 802 4938 Fax: +966 3 826 9894

October 2012




Dealer Round-Up




Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Main Brands: JCB, Grove, Massey Ferguson, TCM, Daewoo Bus, Detroit Diesel, CompAir, Mitsubishi Grader

Main Brands: Dynapac, Gehl, Putzmeister, Sandvik

ContaCt: +966 2 290 7230

Medco is a leading dealer of premium industrial and construction equipment in Saudi Arabia. The company was founded in 1967 by Sheikh Saleh and Ibrahim Alfadl and is a 100% Saudi-owned business. Operating from purpose built facilities in the eastern, central, western and southern provinces, Medco employs more than 150 people and the company prides itself on the commitment of its work force. The Head Office is based in Jeddah together with the western region branch anvd in 2010 moved to new facilities located off the Makkah/Madina highway. Medco began as the agent for Volvo farm tractors and was responsible for selling large volumes of Volvo equipment throughout the Kingdom, including 1,500 units in one year. Soon, it expanded into the industrial and construction fields and over the years Medco has secured several leading and complementary franchises.

ContaCt: +974 440 76000

The HED showroom is located in the Industrial Area alongside the company’s large warehouse and spare parts counter. According to the company, it has a comprehensive engine re-power workshop for diesel engines, transmission, fuel pumps, fuel injector testing and repairs and major repairs/overhaul of hydraulic components. The division provides hired equipment through its own fleet and has a range of mobile service vehicles equipped with specialised tools and operated by well trained technicians to attend to service calls in the field. The companies key activities include sales and after sales service, warranty administration and equipment field monitoring, major repairs/ overhaul of engines mounted on construction and mobile equipment, power generators and pleasure crafts, calibration and testing of fuel injection components (inline and rotary pumps), supply installation and calibration of safe load indicators on mobile hydraulic cranes and the supply, installation, repair and after sales service of refrigeration and air conditioning systems on trailers, trucks and commercial buses.

Obaikan Qatar Main Brands: Perkins, Hyster Europe, Bobcat, JLG access equipment, Bell articulated dump trucks, Hitachi Construction Machinery, Sandvik, Sakai Heavy Industries ContaCt: +974 451 4497

Obaikan is a Qatari company, which is one of the 20 subsidiaries under the OITC Group of Companies established on December 2003. According to the company, it has grown to become one of the most well- respected heavy equipment suppliers in the state of Qatar. Today, Obaikan is the authorised distributor in Qatar of world renowned equipment manufacturers. It has a showroom strategically located with highly trained and professional sales engineers who, according to the company, will be able to discuss the benefits, advantage and features of products, equipped with sizeable warehouse for spare parts availability.

Tel: +966 3 802 4938 Fax: +966 3 826 9894




October 2012

Dealer Round-Up

OmaTra Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Main Brands: Iveco, Astra, CIFA ContaCt: +966 2 672 8545

equipment marketed. Similarly, sub depots are located within each branch. In addition to this, an extensive service and maintenance back-up is provided throughout all outlets as well as a multinational team of engineers and technical staff trained locally. OMATRA is very selective and represents only a few manufacturers, all of international reputation. Through its well organised, concerted efforts since its establishment, it has succeeded in gaining large shares of its specific markets.

One of the Arab world’s leading manufacturing and trading companies, OMATRA (Orient Marketing and Trading) was established in 1977. With its head office in Jeddah, it maintains a strong market presence with well established Branch Offices in Dammam, Jubail, Abha, Madina Al Munawarah and Riyadh, as well as outside the Kingdom in Cairo, Beirut, Baghdad and Rome. Its major areas of activity include the importing and manufacturing of contractors’ plant and truck equipment with full parts and service back-up. OMATRA maintains a large central parts depot with full parts availability for all plant and trucks

saudI dIEsEl EquIpmEnT Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Main Brands: Peax, Higer, Allison Transmission, Doosan, Detroit Diesel ContaCt: +966 3 857 6769

In 1978 Saudi Diesel Generators Company (SDGC) set about establishing itself as one of the country’s first local manufacturers of diesel power generators. Founded with the objective to serve and support the critical growing needs for diesel generators, SDGC soon realised the potential of expanding and

TIECO (TradIng & IndusTrIal EquIpmEnT COmpany) Kuwait Main Brands: SDMO, Perkins, Massey Fergusson, Ingersoll Rand ContaCt: + 965 481 9188

diversifying its business portfolio, and transformed itself into the Saudi Diesel Equipment Company. A 100% Saudi entity and a member of the highly respected Abduljawad group of companies, SDEC achieved instant recognition as an innovative, professional and a trustful business partner. Today, Saudi Diesel Equipment Company claims to have surpassed all expectations to become one of the country’s reliable partners in success supporting the power generation, construction, transportation, airport ground support equipment. SDEC offers its products and services on short and long term lease agreements including diesel engines and generators, forklifts, excavators, compressors and maintenance services. This facility has earned enough support for SDEC to transfer this business to a new operation called Peax, which currently handles transport duties.

TIECO has an equipment hire section operating within the workshop for generating sets of all sizes, load bank for generator testing, air compressors of all sizes and welding machines. This is one of the most active sections in the workshop. The company was established in 1964 and is one of the largest importers and distributors of industrial equipment, construction equipment, tools, agro equipment and chemicals in Kuwait. According to the company, its annual sales turn over is $16m as averages for the last five years. With branches already in Dubai since 1974, the company is now planning to establish branches in Yemen, Qatar and Lebanon. Its fuel injection workshop is one of the biggest and well equipped and most active of its kind in Kuwait, with technicians well trained to repair and maintain most types of fuel injection pumps.

Tel: +966 3 802 4938 Fax: +966 3 826 9894

October 2012




The Last Word

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October 2012

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