Construction Communications Gold Medal Edition - Kyrene Utility Services Building

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The Building of America

Kyrene Utility Services Building

ARIZONA CONCRETE REPAIR, INC. 2031 W. Lone Cactus Dr. • Phoenix, AZ 85027 Tel: (623) 780-4570 • (800) 266-EPOXY Fax: (623) 780-4544 • High-quality Resinous Flooring with Aesthetic Appeal Before they became owners of their own business, Pete and Tim Schlink worked as laborers, apprentices and journeymen for many years. Their past experiences have provided them with versatile industry knowledge that they draw on today. Arizona Concrete Repair, Inc. (ACRI) opened in 1975, and both Pete and Tim have worked at the company since its inception. Pete and Tim worked for ACRI on weekends and throughout their summers, but in 1983, they decided to buy the company and made it their own. Since then ACRI has grown significantly, and now boasts a 32-person team and three profitable divisions. The company specializes in seamless epoxy flooring and wall coatings, commercial and custom residential terrazzo flooring, industrial coatings and linings, and moisture vapor-remediation systems. ACRI is one of only a few contractors that can offer both terrazzo flooring as well as commercial and industrial epoxy flooring. Its team’s abilities range from large-scale, workhorse industrial projects to highly artistic architectur-

al finishings. This unique skill set places the company at the forefront of its industry and allows it flexibility in any type of project. After nearly 30 years, Pete and Tim have dealt with countless installation scenarios and the full lot of epoxy product manufacturers, giving them the ability to handle any type of project situation.

Individualized Services, on Budget Whether you’re looking for flooring installation in a production plant, a restaurant or even a water treatment center, ACRI will offer you a cost-effective solution that is tailored around your individual needs and requirements. Above all, they focus on the customers and assure them excellent service, which is why so many have returned throughout the years. Building strong client connections and relationships with suppliers are the crucial components that help the company progress.

Most notably, ACRI has designed and installed terrazzo flooring — complete with a company logo — for online auction and shopping website, eBay, at its Distribution Center in Phoenix. Other famed projects include the Mercy Gilbert Medical Center, where the team members installed terrazzo flooring throughout the entrance, lobby and cafeteria; and the City of Peoria Development and Community Services Building, where they also installed terrazzo flooring. For the Kyrene Utility Services Building in Tempe, ACRI was eager to work with Adolfson & Peterson, the general contractor on the project, a company it has shared many successes with in the past. Before ACRI was working on the project, an attempt to stain the concrete floor had resulted in less than desirable results, prompting Adolfson & Peterson to turn to ACRI for a smart and fast solution to the debacle, which was fixed expertly and on time.

With the experience to create a lasting foundation, ACRI also keeps an aesthetic sensibility in mind at all times. By carefully modifying the installation of a typical epoxy floor, the team provided Kyrene with a floor that can be used for years to come, while employing its own artistic pizzazz. Bringing with it the knowledge of terrazzo flooring, the ACRI team was able to consider an endless array of designs and custom artwork. For Kyrene, ACRI designed, manufactured and installed the logo and incorporated it into the epoxy flooring, as it would in a terrazzo floor. With growing success, Schlink’s future plans are extensive, and reach all the way to Nevada, Colorado, Utah and California. Until then, ACRI has a growing clientele base in Arizona, and will continue to serve its customers with superior service and a unique team to see their projects through to success. — Corporate Profile

Tempe, Arizona

Facts & Figures Owner: City of Tempe, Water Utilities Department Type of Project: A new administrative/warehouse facility Size: 19,500 square feet Cost: $6.7 million (total construction costs) Construction Time: June 2006 - December 2007 The Need: A new office/warehouse for the city’s water utilities department The Challenge: Fitting all the necessary components onto the small site without disrupting the existing water reclamation plant on site

Kyrene Utility Services Building For workers at the Kyrene Utility Services Building in Tempe, Ariz., being on the job has just gotten a little brighter. The new facility houses the water department’s utility construction crews, the utility/city warehouse, the utility’s customer service/mapping section and the field site mechanics, in addition to all the associated vehicles. For the past 40

Gold Medal Award-Winning Team Members Deutsch Associates Architect

years, the department had called the city’s water treatment plant home, but a planned expansion of

Bosak CPM Construction Manager

the plant meant relocation. “The

Adolfson & Peterson Construction General Contractor

programmed to take up the area

Arizona Concrete Repair, Inc. Epoxy Flooring Contractor/Designer

expansion at our old facility was associated with our vehicle parking, warehouse and some of our existing office space,” said John D. Mann, transmission and collection administrator for the City of Tempe. “Since these changes were necessary for the treatment and storage of our potable water, it was decided the best choice was to move the functions of the utility Photo courtesy of City of Tempe, Water Utilities Department

services section.”

Visit our website: to view additional Gold Medal Award-winning projects.

So, a new building was con-

includes office space (support and

up, and remaining parts can be

structed on the site of an existing

management for all operations

unloaded into the warehouse at

water reclamation plant. The new

below) for housing management,

the end of the day. “This is a beau-

two-story facility includes offices,

mapping and CAD.”

tiful and durable configuration that

a warehouse, crew rooms, locker

The building is based on a lin-

rooms, kitchens and a wellness

ear organization with a circula-

maximizes employee efficiency,”

room. The site also accommodates

tion spine connecting two verti-

One of the big design goals

storage of vehicles and common

cal circulation nodes, continued

was incorporating sustainability

areas for spoils containment and

Calcaterra. This circulation pattern

into the design and construction


is used to divide the building into

of the facility. “The City of Tempe

According to David Calcaterra,

two distinct lower level areas: a

is committed to building ‘green’ in

principal for Deutsch Architecture

warehouse/maintenance and util-

the community,” said Mann. “With

Group, the project’s architect, the

ity services field operations area,

this in mind, the building was

form of the building follows the

and then a utility services stag-

designed to incorporate as many

function of each of its spaces. “The

ing area, which is located on the

‘green’ materials and processes as

first floor includes the warehouse

exterior. A spine connecting the

possible.” The building recently

and staging areas as well as lock-

two zones then becomes the link

received the U.S. Green Building

er rooms and conference space.

between them, allowing for parts

Council’s Leadership in Energy and

The second floor is operations and

and equipment to be ordered and

Environmental Design (LEED®) gold

meeting areas in which operations

loaded onto vehicles. Through this


begin and complete their days,”

set up, employees can use the

The benefits for building “green”

he said. “The second floor also

field operations area for cleaning

are significant, and sustainable

he said.

continued on page 6

gold medal award winner

arizona/neveda edition

The Owner’s Perspective with John D. Mann, Transmission and Collection Administrator, City of Tempe

Q: What is the most unique or important feature of the facility (or of the design/construction process)? JM: The City of Tempe is committed to building “green” in the community. With this in mind, the building was designed to incorporate as many “green” materials and processes as possible. The building used high ceilings, lots of windows and skylights for natural illumination, open spaces for the inhabitants, expanded locker rooms for comfortable before and after shift changing, laundry facilities for hygiene as needed, a wellness room, and reclaimed water from the reclamation plant is used for the toilets and also the landscaping. Q: What is the most innovative aspect of the project (or of the design/construction process, financing, environmental)? What could others learn from? JM: The philosophy of the City of Tempe is to try to take the employees’ work spaces into consideration

Photo courtesy of City of Tempe, Water Utilities Department

whenever possible, as well as work-related efficiencies. With this in mind, the entire project was designed to provide work areas that would lead to comfortable spaces that in turn lead to better work environments and therefore lead to better productivity and a healthy work lifestyle. The building used plenty of muted outside natural lighting, open quiet workspaces, high ceilings [and] calming earth tones in furnishings and walls. The architect also used exposed ceiling and structural and air handling appurtenances to reflect the type of work we are involved in. Again, the use of reclaimed water for toilets and landscaping was quite innovative in our area. Q: How did the strengths and experience of the project team contribute to the success of the project? JM: I believe the real strength of the team was their experience. All except myself had been involved in design and construction of many different types of facilities, including working with municipalities. This enabled the team to sit and regroup as issues such as material availability, unforeseen grading issues, designs that needed to be modified, or weather became apparent. No job this large goes as planned. Rather, it is how the unknown is reacted to. Experience shows at times like these. Our team handled all unforeseen issues in a timely manner and with professionalism. Alternate plans were always at someone’s fingertips, which kept things running smoothly. As issues were handled, and no one panicked, it also built trust into the relationships of all involved, which made the project more enjoyable.

City of Tempe, Water Utilities Department 255 E. Marigold Ln. Tempe, AZ 85281 480-350-2631

The Architect’s Perspective with David Calcaterra, Principal, Deutsch Architecture Group

Q: Describe the project in relative detail, incorporating what you think makes the project unique, innovative, important or sets it apart. How does the design complement the overall mission of the facility/ owner? DC: Program: The City of Tempe’s charge to [the] design/construction team was to design a new space for this facility that combines the warehouse services and water utility services in a new centralized location to promote efficiencies of use. Following the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) silver criteria, the building will be a healthy and environmentally friendly space. Accordingly, utility costs will be lower, and occupant comfort higher, than in conventionally designed buildings….* Q: What were some of the drivers behind the design? What design materials or concepts were used? Please note any design innovations on this project, especially those that would be helpful for other owners to learn from. DC: Many components of the facility will appear conventional, but actually serve to achieve points within the LEED® rating system. For example, myriad components such as the roofing system, insulation and exterior walls will be constructed from products [that] use recycled household products like Styrofoam trays and aluminum cans. Effective natural lighting and window placements will serve to decrease annual electricity use as well as provide occupant comfort and flexibility in workspaces. Additional energy savings will be recognized due to thorough HVAC design, lowering energy usage over a standard building. From a plumbing perspective, the most innovative aspect of the Kyrene project is the wastewater reduction measures. The building uses an on-site water reclamation facility that treats all wastewater from the building to an acceptable standard for use as gray water. All flushable fixtures in the build-

Photo courtesy of Jessie McGaskill

ing are supplied with gray water and are on a water distribution system separate from the potable water system. The wastewater reduction for this building is calculated at 80 percent from that of standard EPA 1992 fixture performance requirements. Q: What were the greatest challenges encountered on this project, either from your firm’s point of view or as a project team? DC: Under-floor HVAC in the second-floor office areas without chillers; this was overcome by utilizing standard direct expansion split systems. Other challenges are related to assuring that the design and build team are experienced in utilizing the new building materials associated with a LEED® project. Q: What were some of the lessons learned from this project? DC: Communication is key. *Editor’s note: After completion, the project was awarded LEED® gold certification.

4600 E. Indian School Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85018 602-840-2929

continued from page 3

resources helped foster a healthy working environment at Kyrene and also cut utility costs drastically when compared to conventionally designed buildings. “The essence of our design intent for this facility lies in maximizing light and views for all occupants, creating bright spaces conducive to a productive working environment,” said



natural lighting will help decrease annual electricity use while providing occupants with a more comfortable atmosphere. While many components of the structure may appear “conventional,” they are designed to achieve LEED® certification, thereby making them more structurally and tech-

designs and construction that have

On a related note, the new

traffic patterns and safety needs.

nically complex. “Myriad compo-

an average anticipated life cycle of

facility and its operations had to

It also required an architect that

nents such as the roofing system,

20 years,” he said.

be located on the site in a way

researched us and our needs so

insulation and exterior walls will be

Arizona Concrete Repair, Inc.

that wouldn’t disrupt the opera-

that he knew us and our operations

constructed from products [that]

(ACRI) served as the project’s epoxy

tions of the existing water rec-

and needs, thereby guaranteeing a

use recycled household products

flooring contractor/designer. Pete

lamation plant. “We brought a

workable facility could be construct-

like Styrofoam trays and aluminum

Schlink, president and designer for

lot more activity to this site 24/7

ed that met all our needs.”

cans,” he said.

ACRI, said the company has had

than they were used to having to

All stakeholders involved on the

Structurally, the project consisted

numerous successes with Adolfson

operate with,” said Mann. “This

project agreed that communication

of three separate components: insu-

& Peterson, so it was glad to help.

was [overcome] by meeting with

was the key to a successful project.

lated concrete forms (ICFs), struc-

In the end, ACRI designed “a floor



Due to their efforts, the new Kyrene

tural steel and concrete masonry

system that would not only have a

everyone’s needs and modifying

Utility Services Building is up and

units (CMUs). Bringing these three

much greater aesthetic value, but

the designs as often as needed to

running for the benefit of Tempe

components together efficiently

would far outperform the stained

maximize the use of available

residents and the water utilities

demanded the involvement of engi-

concrete flooring [originally done

space [and] meet the needs of

department employees. n

neers and subcontractors at the

by another contractor] as well,”

both facilities as [they] related to

outset. David A. Bosak, AIA, LEED

said Schlink.

AP, president/principal architect for

Although the end result of the

BOSAK CPM, the project’s construc-

project was successful, there were

tion manager, said that “insulated

challenges along the way for the

block was utilized as a sustainable

team. According to Mann, one of

option to metal studs or concrete

the challenges involved the small

block, thus providing an exterior

site. He noted that being more effi-

wall that provided the required

cient with storage space for ware-

insulation value….”

house and field goods and getting

John Tomasson, senior project

rid of unnecessary items that had

manager for Adolfson & Peterson

accumulated during the past 40

Construction, the project’s general

years were essential to overcom-

contractor, elaborated on the envi-

ing this hurdle. “When we were

ronmental methodology that the

done, we feel we had only those

team stood by. “The design, materi-

items left that we needed to per-

als and construction of this building

form our jobs. We are definitely a

have provided for a life cycle of 50

leaner, more defined organization,”

to 60 years rather than the current

he said.



— Megan Merritt

Photos courtesy of City of Tempe, Water Utilities Department

arizona/nevada edition

gold medal award winner

The Construction Manager’s Perspective with David A. Bosak Sr., AIA, LEED AP, President/Principal Architect, BOSAK CPM

Q: What is the most unique or important feature of the facility (or of the design/construction process)? DB: The second-floor administrative offices are designed with a raised floor to provide heating and air conditioning, controllable at each workstation to provide individual comfort. Q: What were the greatest challenges encountered on this project and how, specifically, did you overcome them? DB: The project overall went relatively smooth. Unforeseen conditions and the usual opportunities to excel occurred. Weekly owner’s meetings kept major challenges at bay through open communication and proactively examining the critical issues at hand for that week, while not losing sight of the overall objective. Q: How did you work with the architect and owner to save time and/or money on the project? How was value engineering applied to your responsibility? DB: Value engineering did not stop in design; the construction team actively pursued options throughout construc-

Photo courtesy of Bosak CPM

tion to ensure accountability of funds. Q: What were some of the lessons learned from this project? DB: Throughout the entire construction process, which can get rather chaotic at times, one cannot lose sight of the fact that when the building is complete it will be inhabited by people who will be working and interacting in the facility for many hours a day, and it is one of our many goals to make sure the environment is a pleasant facility to work in.

7414 W. Louise Dr. Glendale, AZ 85310 602-909-9507

The General Contractor’s Perspective

with John Tomasson, Senior Project Manager, Adolfson & Peterson Construction Q: What is the most innovative aspect of the project (or of the design/construction process)? What could other owners learn from for their future projects? JT: The design and construction to provide two separate functions (office, warehouse) while maintaining separation and continuity required proper planning and construction materials for life safety requirements. In addition the design, materials and construction of this building have provided for a life cycle of 50 to 60 years rather than the current designs and construction that have an average anticipated life cycle of 20 years. Q: How did you work with the architect and owner to save time and/or money on the project? How was value engineering applied to your responsibility? JT: Working early in the design helped identify methods and materials to provide budgeting and value engineering during design rather than after the construction drawings were completed. This allows the owner to control their budget and design upfront in lieu of accepting a completed design and then finding out the cost

Photo courtesy of Jessie McGaskill

exceeds their budget. This also allows for value engineering to happen concurrent with the design and not have to make any major changes or eliminations after the design is complete. Q: What were some of the lessons learned from this project?

5002 S. Ash Ave. Tempe, AZ 85282 480-345-8700

JT: The challenge of coordination of all the subcontractors that are affected by the energy-efficient design of the mechanical, plumbing and electrical (MPE) systems; all three subcontractor disciplines were involved and crossed over each other’s installation methods and the MPE designs complemented each other to ensure maximum energy efficiency.

24445 Northwestern Hwy. Ste. 218 • Southfield, MI 48075 • 248-945-4700 • fax: 248-945-4701 •

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