G R A D. C A L P O LY. E D U
Welcome to Graduate Education at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California. Our master’s degree programs provide an opportunity for students to extend their undergraduate learning and develop professional skills that enable them to successfully achieve your career goals. At Cal Poly, students are encouraged to integrate fundamental principles with applied problem-solving in our trademark Learn by Doing educational environment. We embrace intellectual entrepreneurship and support bringing ideas and people together in a synergistic way that enables our students to impact the global challenges that society faces. Entrepreneurship encourages risk-taking within the scientific discovery process; it embraces both knowledge and creativitity, which enables us to bring ideas and people together to create change. I believe Cal Poly provides an educational experience that will change your life. Come join us and experience the beautiful California Central Coast. Richard Savage, Ph.D. Dean of Graduate Education
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
M.S. in Agricultural Education M.S. in Environmental Sciences and Management M.S. in Food Science M.S. in Nutrition M.P.S. in Dairy Products Technology M.S. in Agriculture with Specializations in: Animal Science BioResource and Agricultural Systems Crop Science Dairy Products Technology Environmental Horticultural Science Irrigation Plant Protection Science Water Engineering
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
M.S. in Architecture Master’s in City and Regional Planning M.S. in Architectural Engineering
College of Engineering
M.S. in Aerospace Engineering M.S. in Biomedical Engineering Specialization in Regenerative Medicine M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering M.S. in Computer Science M.S. in Electrical Engineering M.S. in Engineering Management M.S. in Fire Protection Engineering M.S. in Industrial Engineering M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
M.A. – Master of Arts MBA – Master of Business Administration MAGED - Master of Agricultural Education MCRP – Master of City & Regional Planning M.P.P. – Master of Public Policy MPS – Master of Professional Studies M.S. – Master of Science
College of Liberal Arts
M.A. in English Master’s in Public Policy M.A. in History M.S. in Psychology
College of Science and Mathematics
M.S. in Biological Sciences Specialization in Regenerative Medicine M.S. in Polymers and Coatings Science M.S. in Mathematics
School of Education
M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction M.S. in Special Education M.A. in Educational Leadership and Administration M.S. in Higher Education Counseling/Student Affairs
Orfalea College of Business
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M.S. in Accounting MBA M.S. in Business Analytics M.S. in Economics M.S. in Packaging Value Chain M.S. in Taxation
Professional Certificate Programs Business Analytics Packaging Value Chain
Graduate Certificates Fire Protection Engineering Science Fire Protection Engineering Applications
Agricultural Science Building Building 11, Room 211
Agricultural Education The M.S. degree in agricultural education prepares candidates for positions as teachers of agricultural education in public schools. The degree is a non-thesis, terminal program that provides practitioners with opportunities for professional development. At least one year of successful high school or community college teaching is required for completion of this degree program. WEBSITE: AGED.CALPOLY.EDU
Environmental Sciences and Management The M.S. degree in environmental sciences and management is an interdisciplinary degree designed to provide core knowledge in research methods and planning, environmental science and environmental management, while providing for sub-disciplinary environmental specialization through directed electives. Primary topics of sub-disciplinary studies are environmental management, forestry science, earth science and soil science. The program prepares students for a broad range of careers in science, research and environmental management. The program is open to students from any undergraduate major who have demonstrated high academic achievement. The program requires completion of a core curriculum (research skills, sciences, management) and directed electives for a total of 45 units. Students admitted to the program are expected to begin their studies in the fall quarter as a cohort, but students with prerequisite coursework deficiencies may be admitted in other quarters. WEBSITE: NRES.CALPOLY.EDU
Food Science The M.S. degree in food science is designed to give individuals advanced knowledge and skills in food science. Content knowledge will include expertise in food chemistry and safety as well as product and process development. The program prepares graduates for advancement, specialization and leadership in food science careers and governmental agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration and Department of Agriculture. Students will be able to select one of several emphasis areas: food chemistry; food microbiology/food safety; sensory/ product development; sustainability; dairy food science, and meat science. A unique feature of the program is a required course that focuses on sustainability in the food system. To our knowledge, this program is the only one in the nation to require such a course. 4
COLLEGE OF AGRICULT URE , FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Nutrition The M.S. degree in nutrition is designed to prepare graduates for advancement, specialization and leadership in nutrition and health care careers. In addition, graduates will be prepared for further education in dietetic internships, professional schools, allied health professions, and doctoral studies in a number of academic areas, including public health, animal science, and the social sciences. The interdisciplinary nature of the program allows students to work with faculty from several departments and to choose a research topic from a broad range of themes, including human nutrition, animal nutrition, kinesiology, public health, business and social sciences. Content knowledge includes developing expertise in nutrition themes ranging from molecular nutrition to public health, a “cells to society” approach. Students will be able to select one of three emphasis areas: molecular nutrition, public health nutrition, or health and wellness. WEBSITE: FSN.CALPOLY.EDU
M.P.S. Dairy Products Technology After successfully completing our one-year Master of Professional Studies in dairy products technology, students will be able to demonstrate a mastery of the technical foundation necessary to enter a management role in a largescale global dairy foods manufacturing operation. Students will learn to employ leadership principles, apply critical thinking and analytical skills to solve problems, synthesize solutions, and predict outcomes in a food production environment. Students will also develop a strong awareness of the dairy food industry’s place in society and be able to formulate plans that benefit their company and society. WEBSITE: ANIMALSCIENCE.CALPOLY.EDU
Agriculture The College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences (CAFES) offers a M.S. degree in agriculture that reflects the growing diversity of choices available and skills required in modern agriculture, life sciences and related professions. Students can choose from eight specializations and a common core of courses that include research planning, communication, ethics, advanced statistics and experimental design. The specializations are: animal science; bioresource and agricultural systems; crop science; environmental horticultural science; irrigation; plant protection science; and water engineering. 6
Agriculture Specializations: Specialization in Animal Science Courses in animal husbandry date back to Cal Poly’s very first classes offered in 1903. Today, the department offers students the opportunity to apply the principles of animal biology, molecular biology and other life sciences to a variety of species, including farm animals, exotic pets and laboratory animals, as well as their own pets. This degree provides students with an interdisciplinary, science-based curriculum in which students develop basic scientific knowledge, apply that knowledge to a research project, then write and defend a thesis.
Specialization in BioResource and Agricultural Systems Students have the opportunity to focus their program on the application of bioresources and agricultural systems. Graduates will be prepared to enter a career in production agriculture, consulting, regulatory compliance, equipment sales and technical support. Topics include agricultural and food processing waste management, renewable energy, California production agriculture and food systems, precision agriculture, and automation and mechanization in agriculture. The multidisciplinary nature of these programs will allow students to select electives in departments throughout the university with advisor approval. 7
COLLEGE OF AGRICULT URE , FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Specialization in Crop Science This specialization is intended for students with undergraduate preparation in plant agriculture and/or plant science. Current research is focused primarily in applied fruit crop physiology, vegetable breeding and physiology, sustainable fruit and vegetable production, post-harvest technology including sustainable packaging and packaging safety, and integrated pest management.
C AL POLY GROW N Cal Poly is renowned for its unique Learn by Doing approach to academic instruction. Our students enroll in courses — termed enterprise projects — that allow them the opportunity to directly participate in the production, care, harvesting and marketing of organic vegetables on our campus farm. This “field to fork” experience teaches students valuable lessons in production agriculture that make them work-ready and knowledgeable citizens.
Specialization in Dairy Products Technology This specialization is intended for students with an academic background in food science, nutrition, dairy science, microbiology, chemistry, engineering and biochemistry. Students will have the opportunity to work on research projects at the Cal Poly Dairy Products Technology Center and interact with multidisciplinary teams of scientists from around the world. Cal Poly has one of the most up-to-date dairy product technology training facilities at an academic institution in the United States.
Specialization in Environmental Horticultural Science This specialization is intended for students with undergraduate preparation in horticulture and/or plant science. Current research is focused primarily in applied plant physiology, nursery and potted plant production, sustainable landscape development and maintenance, and integrated pest management.
Specialization in Irrigation This specialization requires applicants to have successfully completed at least one undergraduate class in general irrigation, soil science, crop science, calculus and hydraulics. The program allows students to gain deeper knowledge of each of these subjects, thereby preparing them for positions within the agricultural professional community.
Specialization in Plant Protection Science Approximately one-third of the world’s food crops are destroyed each year by insects, rodents, disease and other pest organisms. Finding ways to reduce these losses is the challenge these students tackle. This program provides students the opportunity to conduct field and/or laboratory research with corporate stakeholders for career enhancement while also providing a deeper understanding of crop production principles, ecology, biotechnology, pesticide toxicology and environmental science. 8
Specialization in Water Engineering This program is available to civil, environmental and agricultural engineering students. The program of study includes water, water transmission, water treatment and water management. It produces students who can design infrastructure and manage water resources with an interdisciplinary approach to agriculture, industry and municipalities. Students may select elective courses to reinforce these areas or examine other areas, such as water treatment, urban water planning, groundwater and surface water hydrology. This program utilizes excellent teaching and laboratory facilities to engage students in Learn by Doing. Graduates from this program can be found at engineering consulting and design firms, irrigation districts (engineers and managers), municipal water agencies, state water resources departments, and federal agencies, such as the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, National Resources Conservation Service. WEBSITE: BRAE.CALPOLY.EDU
Architecture The M.S. degree in architecture is a research program that provides an opportunity for specialization in six broad areas that are significant to the design and sustainment of the built environment: innovating material practice; design and decision systems; computer-aided design; building science; sustainable architecture and, facilities management. Each of these areas encompasses a wide range of potential study topics that may be selected for in-depth research, subject to the interests and desires of the individual graduate student. However, regardless of the selected research topic, students are expected to be knowledgeable of fundamental building science principles and advanced information technology concepts.
Architecture and Environmental Design Building 5, Room 212
City and Regional Planning The Master of City and Regional Planning is an applied, comprehensive and professionally based program that is open to students with high standards of academic achievement who wish to pursue careers in city and regional planning. It is structured to prepare graduates to function in a general context of city planning, as well as in areas of special emphasis. Two such areas of study include urban development and design and environmental planning. WEBSITE: PLANNING.CALPOLY.EDU
COLLEGE OF ARCHITEC T URE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Architectural Engineering The M.S. degree in architectural engineering is an applied program that prepares graduates for positions in the broad fields of environmental design within the architecture, engineering and construction industries. The program was developed for individuals interested in strengthening their understanding of the relationships between structures, architecture and construction practices. It also covers current materials, design and analysis trends in the structural engineering profession. This program is ideal for recent undergraduate engineering students as well as individuals who wish to re-enter academia after gaining valuable work experience. WEBSITE: ARCE.CALPOLY.EDU
Aerospace Engineering The M.S. degree in aerospace engineering promotes competency in advanced mathematics, science and aerospace engineering knowledge, while also supporting awareness of professional and ethical responsibility, global and contemporary issues related to aerospace, and the rapid advancement of modern technology. It prepares students for engineering work related to aerodynamics, flight testing, structures, propulsion, control systems, vehicle dynamics, stability and control, flight simulation, and design for both fixed and rotary wing aircraft, missiles and spacecraft.
Engineering IV Building 192, Room 301
Biomedical Engineering The M.S. degree in biomedical engineering is well-suited for individuals who desire to explore the application of engineering to living systems. It provides a rigorous hands-on educational experience with a culminating activity that can be a thesis or a project. The program aims to provide graduates with a broad-based advanced education in engineering fundamentals coupled with applied human physiology. It also offers a specialization in regenerative medicine. The program prepares graduates for the many diverse career opportunities that are part of the global health community, including bio-mechanics, bioinstrumentation, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering and micro/nano-based point-of-care diagnostics. WEBSITE: BMED.CALPOLY.EDU
Civil and Environmental Engineering The M.S. degree in civil and environmental engineering prepares students with a job-entry education for the more complex areas of engineering, such as research and development, innovative design, systems analysis, and engineering management. The program provides a more advanced foundation in the engineering skills needed to plan, design, construct and maintain infrastructure at industrial facilities. Students can also focus on the inter-relationship of people, materials and processes in a complex and changing environment. Topics of study include control of air and water pollution, industrial hygiene, environmental health and safety, solid waste management and pollution prevention. WEBSITE: CEENVE.CALPOLY.EDU
Computer Science The M.S. degree program in computer science offers students the opportunity to prepare for careers in several areas of emphasis, including software engineering, computer architecture, programming languages, theory of computing, operating systems, database systems, distributed computing, computer networks, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, and human computer interaction. The program is designed for maximum flexibility to allow students to concentrate in one or more areas of study. Eligibility for admission to the program requires a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution and good standing at the last college attended. Applicants must have successfully completed introductory and upper-division computer science coursework in the amount equivalent to a computer science minor. WEBSITE: CSC.CALPOLY.EDU
Electrical Engineering The M.S. degree in electrical engineering provides an opportunity for students to expand their expertise in these strategic areas: power and energy, mobile computing, systems on a chip and embedded computing. The program provides opportunities for practicing engineers to prepare for further studies at the doctoral level. Typically a twoyear program with the culminating event being a thesis. WEBSITE: EE.CALPOLY.EDU
Engineering Management The M.S. degree in engineering management is designed to inspire and educate a new generation of technical leaders with analytical knowledge, business insight, advanced communication and project management skills. The program equips students to design and implement data-driven, innovative and effective solutions for improving processes and systems in industry and society. This program emphasizes Learn by Doing and a project-based engineering educational approach. Students typically work closely with industry to solve real-world problems. It helps students sharpen both technical skills and non-technical skills required for success in their professional careers. A large percentage of our recent graduates have landed positions in high-tech companies Cisco and Workday; aerospace industry leaders ViaSat, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Parker Aerospace; manufacturing companies Tesla Motors, Boston Scientific, and Johnson & Johnson; and the consulting company Deloitte. WEBSITE: IME.CALPOLY.EDU
DID YOU KNOW? With 6,000 engineering and computer science students, 14 undergraduate and eleven graduate degree programs, Cal Poly has one of the West’s largest engineering colleges — and it is set in one of the nation’s most beautiful locations.
Fire Protection Engineering The M.S. degree in fire protection engineering is directed toward the identification, analysis and mitigation of fire hazards and risks across a broad spectrum of applications, including buildings, consumer products, industrial processes, transportation vehicles, infrastructure facilities and the wild land-urban interface. Students are taught to use the latest engineering and construction technologies to design systems that control fires, alert people to danger, and provide a means for escape. Students learn to evaluate buildings to identify fire risks and the means to prevent or mitigate them; conduct fire safety research on consumer products and construction materials; investigate fires to discover how fires start and spread; investigate why protective measures fail and how those measures could be designed more effectively. WEBSITE: FPE.CALPOLY.EDU
Industrial Engineering The M.S. degree in industrial engineering is designed to prepare students for a successful career in industry as well as the option to further their study at the doctoral level. Building on Cal Poly’s strength in Learn by Doing and project-based engineering education, students work closely with industry to solve real-world problems. Students sharpen both technical knowledge and non-technical skills like project management and communication, which are key to success in any professional field. WEBSITE: IME.CALPOLY.EDU
Mechanical Engineering The M.S. degree in mechanical engineering at Cal Poly is designed to prepare you to work in research or product design. It provides a systems-level foundation of knowledge, and students can select an area of emphasis based on their specific area of technological interest, including biomechanics, stress analysis, thermal-fluid sciences, and robotics. Degree candidates can select a thesis option or a non-thesis option. Graduates will develop competency in advanced mathematics, formulate system-level solutions to problems, and develop effective communication and project management skills. Career opportunities can be found in automotive; computers; electronics; aviation; defense; heating, ventilation and air conditioning; petroleum; food production; space exploration; and wind energy. WEBSITE: ME.CALPOLY.EDU
Faculty Offices North Building 47, Room 31
The M.A. degree in English offers a thorough and intimate survey of British and American literature, literary theory, composition theory, linguistics, and technical and professional writing. The program is organized to provide substantial experience with project-based learning and writing, thereby effectively enhancing students’ communication skills (both verbal and written), analytical skills, reading comprehension, and expertise in a scholarly discipline and the ways in which that discipline relates to the larger world of the arts, science and technology. Students who complete the program are well prepared to either continue their studies at the doctoral. level or enter a variety of career paths, including creative writing, professional writing, professional editing, marketing, public relations and education. WEBSITE: ENGLISH.CALPOLY.EDU
Public Policy The Master of Public Policy degree from Cal Poly equips students with the professional and analytical tools necessary to have an impact on future policy decisions in California and the nation. The program prepares students for leadership roles in the public and private sectors, nonprofit management and consulting by developing expertise in multiple types of analysis, communication and leadership. The core courses include public policy analysis, economic and regulatory policy, research design, quantitative methods, leadership, internships and a graduate seminar. WEBSITE: POLITICALSCIENCE.CALPOLY.EDU
History The M.A. degree in history is tailored to students who want to pursue careers in public history, education, museums, and local or state government. The two-year program takes students deeper into particular cultures and eras while honing their skills in historical research and analysis. The program develops students’ critical thinking and their understanding of the rich diversity of human experience. Graduate seminars include topics on American, European, Latin American, Asian, Middle Eastern and comparative history. To finish the degree, students either undertake original historical research by writing a thesis or deepen their expertise in two historical fields of their choice. Students’ expertise is evaluated by a comprehensive exam. Graduates find employment in secondary education, community college instruction, doctoral programs, public history and research positions in private companies. WEBSITE: HISTORY.CALPOLY.EDU
Psychology The M.S. degree in psychology fulfills the educational requirements for California’s Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) license. The program’s mission is to provide California with highly competent master’s-level clinicians trained to counsel individuals, couples, families and groups in a multicultural society. Graduates find employment with county mental health, drug and alcohol services, social services, schools, employee assistance programs, hospitals, community mental health centers, and in private practice. Some graduates also secure teaching positions at community colleges and universities. Students complete a 90-quarter unit professional degree program designed to prepare students for licensure as marriage and family therapists. Graduates are also prepared for doctoral training in clinical or counseling psychology. The cornerstone of this graduate program is the counseling practicum. After students complete core coursework, they develop their clinical skills and identity as a counselor working in Cal Poly’s Community Counseling Clinic. Students apply their knowledge of psychological assessment, psychiatric diagnosis, and counseling theory and practice by working with individuals, groups, couples and families in SLO County.
LEARN BY DOING The College of Liberal Arts at Cal Poly has a wider and somewhat uncommon opportunity to collaborate with multiple polytechnic disciplines. This results in our graduates receiving the kind of rich interdisciplinary education that will prepare them for the many challenges ahead as they become educated, conscientious members of a global, technological community.
Warren J. Baker Center for Science and Mathematics
Biological Sciences Our M.S. degree in biological sciences also offers a specialization in regenerative medicine. The program is designed to strengthen students’ academic understanding and improve competence for fields that require advanced training beyond the bachelor’s degree. This leads to careers in industry and/or civil service and teaching biological sciences at the elementary, secondary and community college levels. Students who graduate with a master’s in biological sciences from Cal Poly often pursue graduate work at the doctoral level or obtain professional employment in environmental consulting, teaching, research (e.g., lab manager, research specialist), biotechnology and related industries. WEBSITE: BIO.CALPOLY.EDU
Polymers and Coatings Science The M.S. degree in polymers and coatings science allows students to gain a technical background in the field through lecture and laboratory courses. Students undertake a rigorous industrial internship that develops advanced skills through directed study in areas related to their internship work. The program is designed to prepare students for challenging careers in the polymers and coatings industry. The program also provides excellent background for doctoral studies in areas related to polymers and coatings science. This program is unique in California and relies on the close relationship between the department and the polymers and coatings industry for its success. It involves a two-year curriculum capped by a thesis or project experience. WEBSITE: CHEMISTRY.CALPOLY.EDU
Mathematics Cal Poly’s M.S. degree in mathematics immerses students in both pure and applied math. To help defray the cost of tuition, students have the opportunity to teach during most quarters or to engage in paid summer research projects. Faculty research interests include areas such as analysis of partial differential equations, ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems, and climate and fluid modeling, discrete mathematics, topology, geometry, operator theory, abstract algebra, and mathematics education. Master’s degree recipients will find themselves with a rigorous background in mathematics and the ability to solve a variety of problems, both practical and theoretical. Core curriculum consists of nine required courses in applied mathematics, discrete mathematics with applications, real analysis, algebra, and topology. Students must pass two qualifying exams in undergraduate algebra and analysis for which there are support courses in the spring and late summer to help prepare students for these exams. As a culminating experience, students have the choice of either writing and defending a thesis or taking an oral exam in their choice of three topics from the core curriculum. Typically, students graduate within two years. Graduates typically work in industry, teach at the community college level, or enroll in mathematics Ph.D. programs. WEBSITE: MATH.CALPOLY.EDU
Cotchett Education Building Building 2, Room 121
Curriculum and Instruction The M.A. in curriculum and instruction program is designed to support school-based educators in developing advanced knowledge and skills with research-based practices necessary to promote PK-16 students’ development of the multiple literacies needed to meet the demands of the 21st century. A program emphasis is to create a professional learning community with a common goal of advancing teaching practice to foster student learning. A culminating action research project involving the study of a problem of teaching practice is required. Hybrid and online course delivery are offered to accommodate the schedule of working professionals. Admission requires a teaching credential (by start of program) OR two years of PK-16 teaching experience along with access to an educational setting for conducting action research. WEBSITE: SOE.CALPOLY.EDU
Special Education Cal Poly offers an Integrated M.S. degree in special education and an (MS/SPED) in mild/moderate disabilities credential program. The degree leads to careers as teachers, clinicians and professionals in education who have an opportunity to improve the quality of lives of children and youths with disabilities as well as their families. The degree/credential requires advanced study in the field of education as well as a deepening of content knowledge in your subject specialization. Students entering Cal Poly’s Special Education program will have the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills that will contribute to their success as a special education class teacher, resource specialist, inclusion specialist autism specialist, or clinician. Cal Poly’s Special Education program provides California with dedicated teachers who are collaborative, competent, caring and creative. Our graduates are also highly successful in obtaining employment after graduation. In the most recent graduating class of 2017-18, 22 of 23 graduates were offered school district teaching contracts by August. The program prepares candidates to earn a Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in mild/moderate disabilities while concurrently allowing them to probe more deeply into one mild/moderate disability such as autism. The majority of candidates enter the MS/SPED as post-baccalaureate students from a wide variety of majors ranging from art and business to child development and psychology. Some candidates enter the program after earning an elementary or secondary California teaching credential. These students have met many of the state-mandated requirements (e.g., CSET) for entering or completing credential programs. The MS/SPED is a cohort-based (all students progress through the program together, taking courses in a prescribed sequence) program beginning each fall quarter. Cohorts are limited to 20 candidates. The degree can be earned in three quarters of full-time enrollment. There is, however, an option to complete the program in two years. WEBSITE: SOE.CALPOLY.EDU
Educational Leadership and Administration The M.A. degree in educational leadership and administration prepares educational leaders who foster a norm of ethical behavior, moral integrity, and social responsibility in an interdependent and rapidly changing world. Leaders from many fields, including K-12, higher education, sports administration, and nonprofit organizations, will benefit from this fast and flexible program. It is instructed by faculty composed of scholar-practitioners who bring real-world experience and nationally recognized scholarship to the teaching and learning experience. The program emphasizes 1) applied theories of educational leadership, 2) mastery of practical skills required for effective leadership, and 3) competence in research methods necessary for understanding and assessing learning organizations. Designed to meet the needs of working professionals the program can be completed over an 11-month period. WEBSITE: SOE.CALPOLY.EDU
Higher Education Counseling / Student Affairs The M.S. degree in higher education counseling / student affairs program is designed to prepare students for careers working as counselors and student affairs professionals in a variety of higher education and nonprofit settings. The program meets the American College Personnel Association (ACPA, 2003) Professional Preparation Commission standards and the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS, 2012). Our program is listed in the ACPA Directory of Graduate Programs and the NASPA Graduate Program Directory. Completion of the degree also meets the educational requirements for those seeking positions as counselors in the California community college system. Candidates for the program come from a wide variety of educational and professional backgrounds; no specific undergraduate degree is required. Though many candidates enter the program with backgrounds in psychology and social sciences, others have possessed backgrounds in agriculture, business, mathematics and sciences. Students attending full time complete the 72-unit program in two years; students attending the program part time typically complete the program in three years. A major strength of the program is its extensive internship program, which takes place during the second year of studies and provides students with real-world work experience. Many of our graduates are employed across the Cal Poly campus and at local community colleges. The program enjoys a large and supportive network of alumni employed in higher education and nonprofit settings throughout California and the Western region of the U.S. WEBSITE: SOE.CALPOLY.EDU
Business Building Building 3, Room 455
Cal Poly’s M.S. degree in accounting is a rigorous, highquality program intended to prepare students for entry into the accounting profession. The MSA program prepares candidates for careers with international public accounting firms, regional and local CPA firms, and industry and government agencies. The program is a uniquely designed, multi-disciplinary approach to graduate accounting education that combines advanced financial accounting and audit topics with courses in information systems and data analytics. The accounting faculty work closely with an active board of advisors comprised of public accounting and industry leaders from throughout California to keep the MSA curriculum current and relevant for graduates. WEBSITE: GRADBUSINESS.CALPOLY.EDU
Business Administration The Master of Business Administration degree offered by Cal Poly’s Orfalea College of Business includes a full array of core courses, elective courses and several optional specializations, such as architectural management, general management, graphic communication document systems management, and landscape architecture management. The in-class experiences include numerous simulations of management decision-making scenarios, case studies, team exercises, extensive interaction with faculty and other students, and personal communication and presentation skills enhancement. The coursework is designed to provide future managers with the ability to make data-supported ethical decisions. 26
Business Analytics The M.S. degree in business analytics program is a comprehensive, one-year, interdisciplinary business degree program that encompasses economics, finance, accounting, marketing and information systems. It offers a holistic approach to data analytics, combining qualitative reasoning with quantitative tools to identify key business problems, translate them into relevant data questions, and apply data analytics while telling a story and proposing concrete business actions. Students will have the opportunity to work with industry partners and use real data to synthesize ideas and techniques learned in the program. With exposure to analytics in a business setting, graduates will also be able to serve as a critical link among senior management, data scientists and clients. WEBSITE: GRADBUSINESS.CALPOLY.EDU
Economics The M.S. degree in economics is designed to provide advanced preparation in economics for individuals desiring careers as economists in the business, financial, academic and governmental sectors. The focus of the program is on data analysis and quantitative methods in economics. The program provides the technical skills required to engage in quantitative economic analyses that involve forecasting, market assessment, economic feasibility studies, commodity pricing and data analysis. It is comprised of a core curriculum of quantitative coursework that emphasizes a methodological approach to the analysis of market data through the application of calculus and statistical techniques. Students will learn about applied microeconomic theory, applied econometrics, numerical methods and simulation. Upon completion of the degree, students will be well prepared for jobs in the private or public sector involving data analysis or other quantitative methods. WEBSITE: GRADBUSINESS.CALPOLY.EDU
Packaging Value Chain Cal Poly’s 100-percent online M.S. degree in packaging value chain can be completed in 12-15 months. Graduates will develop competencies in the substantive packaging and related business acumen that can be directly applied in the workplace. The intent of the program is to provide working professionals with opportunities to assume leadership roles and advance their careers. Through an interdisciplinary curriculum, students will gain valuable expertise in packaging’s interface with data analytics, design, marketing, finance, supply chain, operations and statistics. Each course is designed to engage students in the latest developments in the relevant topics by collaborating in online discussions involving case studies, solving real-life problems, and interacting with professionals from the industry. Students will participate in practical exercises related to topics for each of the courses. WEBSITE: GRADBUSINESS.CALPOLY.EDU
Taxation The M.S. degree in taxation at Cal Poly is a rigorous 10-month program that prepares graduates for careers in public accounting, industry and government. Classes are full time and held on campus. Having a master’s degree is an absolute must for anyone seriously considering a successful career in the highly technical area of taxation. Cal Poly serves as a primary recruiting school for the Big Four public accounting firms, as well as midsize and boutique firms; all of which eagerly hire our graduates. The placement rate for our program is outstanding. Students graduating from the program also have historically excelled on the CPA examination and in their careers. The program’s curriculum covers a broad spectrum of taxation, including research, corporate, partnership, international, state, local, estate and gift. Students enrolled in the program also apply their knowledge in a winter internship where they receive academic credit and put their tax skills to work. They can also participate in the Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic to build confidence and career readiness. WEBSITE: GRADBUSINESS.CALPOLY.EDU
PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE PROGR AMS Business Analytics Data has changed the way businesses make decisions and the way business leaders give their companies a competitive edge. The professional certificate in business analytics can empower graduates with the knowledge, tools and decision-making skills to solve businesses’ most pressing problems while advancing their professional careers in the exciting and fast-growing field of data analytics. The certificate can be completed in conjunction with other graduate programs, including the MBA, by taking the certificate courses as electives. For those wanting to further enhance their expertise in business analytics, the certificate can also be used as a stepping stone to the M.S. program in business analytics. Though the successful completion of the certificate does not guarantee admission to the M.S. program, if admitted, students will be able to apply up to 12 units of specific certificate courses toward the M.S. degree in business analytics or MBA. WEBSITE: W W W.GRADBUSINESS.CALPOLY.EDU
Packaging Value Chain Through world-class, instructor-led, 100-percent online education, there are a series of professional certificates offered that cover the field of packaging and how it impacts product value. Comprehensive coursework provides an understanding of the critical subsets of the packaging value proposition in a global context. Certificate students are prepared to promote transference of learning to their workplace while providing them opportunities to assume leadership roles and advance their professional careers. The online program is accessible to students around the nation and the globe. WEBSITE: W W W.GRADBUSINESS.CALPOLY.EDU
Fire Protection Engineering Cal Poly’s FPE graduate programs are the first on the West Coast. One goal of this program is to help fill the increasing demand for fire protection specialists. There are two graduate certificates offered in fire protection: The science certificate highlights the science and engineering principles of fire protection engineering, including thermal sciences and flammability characteristics of different materials. The applications certificate emphasizes the fire service aspect of the industry, including courses that identify fire safety codes and regulations, help students understand evacuation models, and provide information about fire detection and alarm systems.
ACADEMIC GRADUATE CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS Academic Graduate Certificate programs are designed to provide a specialized area of study that meets the requirements for professional competence and to expand access to specialized knowledge. The programs are typically designed for working professionals who are seeking to advance their career opportunities by obtaining specialized knowledge in their current field or in a new field.
Dean, Graduate Education