Contact Mar / Apr 15

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March / April 2015

David Kingdom Consultation, collaboration, communication

THE PERFECT BREW Behind the scenes with the hops, malt, yeast and the technical brewer at Guernsey’s producer of craft beer



New president of the Guernsey Society of Architects shares his views on the profession locally and his goal for more consultation with the public sector

G U E R N S E Y ’ S


Warren Mauger talks about our obsession with Jersey, abusive drivers, negativity and misperceptions of the creative sector


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Welcome to Contact as Spring approaches This issue’s lead article is with David Kingdom, the new president of the Guernsey Society of Architects. David gave a very interesting talk at one of our lunches last year, drawing on his experience of delivering large-scale infrastructure projects in jurisdictions around the world.

Chamber fully recognises the reservations that exist amongst both individuals and its own membership with regards to increased taxation, but conversely acknowledges that whilst we are in a position of being able to debate the issue and find solutions we should take the opportunity to do so.

David is particularly keen to raise the profile of architecture in Guernsey and examine how the various sectors within the construction industry can collaborate going forward, to create an environment worthy of our island’s heritage.

Chamber has lobbied the States hard on the issue of GST and we are pleased to see that this is not immediately on the table, but nevertheless does remain a source of potential revenue for the States. Chamber has indicated to Treasury and Resources that it will liaise with its members and provide their feedback in order that the States can understand the cost implications to the business community of implementing GST and the likely impact on business revenue.

Architecture and construction is a highly pertinent issue, writing this introduction as I do on the day that the environment department has released its long awaited draft of the island wide plan. No doubt the coming months will be full of debate about its contents and their implications. Chamber has already held a seminar presented by Jim Rowles, head of planning, attended by 140 people. Treasury and Resources and the Social Security Department also released the Personal Tax, Pensions and Benefits Review in February. The financial pressure on the States’ budget resulting from long-term demographic change has been acknowledged. The need to modernise our tax and benefits structure therefore becomes more prevalent when combined with an underlying need to understand what additional resources will be required to provide health and social care to an ageing population.

Editor Trish Grover Advertising sales Julie Todd Design & production Mojoe

So we anticipate lots of discussion and debate in the forthcoming months with two major documents in circulation. But on a lighter note, the beginning of Spring is unbelievably just around the corner and with it, we will hopefully see the continued upturn in our tourism numbers, aided by the imminent arrival of Condor’s new ferry. The tourism sector will be one of our featured topics in the next issue. In the meantime on page 48, Jonathan Watson, director of hospitality in Herm, gives us a bit of a taster of the coming season.

Contact is produced six times a year by Collaborate Communications Ltd. To receive Contact magazine call Julie Todd on: communications 01481 715 222 or email: @collaborateCI 01481 727 483

Suite 1 16 Glategny Esplanade St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 1WN

Contact is published by Collaborate Communications Ltd. Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Any reproduction without permission is prohibited. Contact contains editorial content from external contributors which does not necessarily reflect the views of the publishers. Contact does not accept or respond to unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. The publishers do not accept responsibility for errors in advertisements or third party offers.

@GuernseyChamber GuernseyChamber




David Kingdom

40 Bermuda

Consultation, collaboration, communication



Grumpy old (wo)man With Warren Mauger

Contents 6 Business news 10 Viewpoint


All in a day’s work

If I were in charge

With Matthew Lane

With Mark Despres

12 Chamber news 19 David Kingdom 26 Insurance and pensions 40 Jurisdictions - Bemuda 44 Business in the community 49 Property 58 Grumpy old (wo)man 61 Focus on law 67 All in a day’s work 70 If I were in charge

CONT RIBU T O R S James Arklie - writer Gemma Long - writer Nichole Sweetsur - writer Richard Digard - writer


Simon Boucher-Harris - photographer John O’Neill - photographer

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BUSINESS NEWS Fintech – the next chapter in Guernsey’s finance success story? Momentum to establish Guernsey as the ‘Silicon Rock’ of the finance technology industry moved up a gear in February with a second fintech seminar Claire Cockerton, head of innovation programmes at Level39 and founding CEO at Innovate Finance, as well as Adrian Chopin of Crowdshed, spoke to leaders in financial services, programmers, entrepreneurs, local politicians and regulators who all agree the island is well-placed to capitalise on this sector. Claire Cockerton talked to Contact about government support, the UK’s fintech industry and the opportunities for Guernsey in this sector. Contact: The name fintech suggests that this is just about the finance industry, what’s the bigger picture? CC: Fintech is not just about banking, it’s about how we all manage our money, to whom we send our money, how we all care for our hard-earned cash and how we leverage and use that cash. Fintech innovations are going to help other industries to flourish. They make it much easier to understand and to engage with customers, to integrate loyalty and rewards programmes, to make payment easier and fun and to access funding to support business growth. Contact: What is the story behind Innovate Finance? CC: I helped to set up Level39 which is a tech accelerator in Canary Wharf for fintech entrepreneurs who are looking to sell their new technologies into the banks or to help banks do business better. I was also working with entrepreneurs who had completely different business models that were offering


B2C solutions and new wealth management, payment or crowd-funding platforms. The UK government then approached us and asked if we could tell them about the challenges and the opportunities that this sector has in the UK. This identified the need for a new industry organisation. One that embraced the younger companies as well as the traditional institutions and incumbent firms, all working towards a mission to make banking more competitive, to create better quality products and services and to be more able to adopt new technologies and become digitally enabled.

Fintech is not just about banking, it’s about how we all manage our money, to whom we send our money, how we all care for our hard-earned cash and how we leverage and use that cash. Contact: Innovate Finance is endorsed by the UK government but it’s not a government agency. Why? CC: We are a voice for the industry, so it is really important that we have an independent organisation that is apolitical,

so we’re not attached to any one administration. The set up of Innovate Finance was made possible with some seed funding from the City of London and the Canary Wharf Group whose interest is to create an infrastructure for the industry. George Osborne launched our organisation and his team has been very open to hearing the voice of industry. We’ve been working with policy makers, regulators and decision makers and the UK has been really good from the regulatory perspective. Contact: What activity has been seen in the UK? CC: We’ve had this great swell of fintech companies who are not only bringing great new technologies to the banks, but are also bringing new business models to consumers. This is making our financial services sector busier and more diverse. There are all kinds of new companies that are bringing solutions to consumers like wealth-management platforms, peer-to-peer lending platforms like Zopa or crowd-funding platforms like Seedrs or Funding Circle. These are new companies that are giving you and I access to a different kind of banking experience, a different kind of payment service, a different kind of saving and lending service. More competition and more diversity mean a greater resilience for the industry. Contact: We’ve talked about banking, what about insurance? CC: Insurance is a white space at the moment for tech innovation and there are


many incredible applications of fintech that can be applied to insurance. For example, peer-to-peer exchange movements, and perhaps crowd-sourcing insurance products and services, but we are still in the early stages of seeing companies doing that. I also think that the insurance industry will embrace the ‘internet of things’; we’re going to have connected cars and connected homes and I think the insurance industry will tap into that digital connectivity.

infrastructure and to financial services themselves.

Finally, access to talent and skills is also a big challenge that we need to overcome.

Accessing finance and investors who are willing to back these fintech companies is a big challenge. Sometimes there is a chicken-and-egg situation where the investor doesn’t want to back a fintech firm until it gets regulated but the regulator doesn’t want to authorise a fintech company until it has some investment.

Contact: What opportunities do you see for Guernsey and fintech?

Contact: So what are the main challenges the fintech industry is facing in the UK?

Smaller companies also face an issue of credibility. Your credibility as a brand and as a business in financial services is so important to people.

CC: These include access to banking

Four other local organisations were also singled out for their outstanding achievements during 2014. They were; the 7in7 Challenge who were awarded the Healthspan Excellence in Marketing Award; Sarnia Hotels who were presented with the first Investec Sustainability in Action Award; Louvre Group who scooped the Condor Ferries Employer of the Year award and IAG (International Administration Group Ltd), who were named the Commerce and Employment Business of the Year.

A team of multidisciplinary therapists walked away with two of the Guernsey Awards for Achievement trophies at this year’s gala dinner. Avenue Clinic had a celebratory evening as they collected the NatWest Best New Business Award and the BWCI Innovation Award, in front of a 700-strong audiance.

Attendees were treated to 20 minutes of the satirical wit of Lucy Kellaway. Lucy is an associate editor and management columnist of the FT. For the past 15 years her weekly Monday column has poked fun at management fads and jargon and celebrated the ups and downs of office life. Contact had caught up with her earlier in the day and found out what had started her on the path poking fun at the corporate world. ‘No one thing acted as a catalyst. If you are in the corporate world you have a choice. You either go with it and start using the ridiculous language or you refuse to and then it starts sounding like a foreign language. ‘I have to say that rather than annoy me less over the years, jargon and corporate speak irritate me more and more.’

CC: Guernsey can create attractive infrastructure, spaces and incubators. It can bring great industry players to the table and it has this great independence of thinking which means it can create a very favourable policy, tax and regulatory environment for certain niches of fintech to really take hold. The opportunity is for Guernsey’s making.

the butts of her humour either from things she hears or sees, but as she has become better known, people now send her examples from their own workplace. And particular hates? ‘It’s a bit passé now but I absolutely hate ‘reach out’; but now this one gets turned around and I get emails saying ‘this is an outreach to you…’. I think that’s even worse.’ During the evening, Lucy, by show of hands from the audience, gave out some awards of her own – from the re-branding of common nouns to the best jargon for firing people. Speedo’s re-brand of a bathing cap to a ‘hair management system’ and Evian’s bottle water becoming a ‘portable affordable lifestyle beverage’ came in for particular attack, as well as real life examples of what Lucy described as ‘absolute drivel’. One of the most entertaining speakers at this event in recent years.

Material is not in short supply. Lucy sources

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Learn while you earn the future model for tertiary education? Elaine Monkhouse, who is a well-known name within Guernsey’s business community, has spent the past 18 months as interim CEO for the GTA University Centre and is now heading off to warmer climes to take life slightly easier. Before her departure, Elaine spoke to Contact - with Simon le Tocq who replaces her as CEO – about the training and education landscape in the island and the role the GTA plays. The shift in Guernsey’s demographic profile is a subject of much debate. Elaine explained the new training model that could help develop and retain skills in the island. ‘We know that we have an ageing population and a reduction in middle management ‘earners’ in the workforce. We therefore need to either attract more locals back when they graduate or we need to encourage them to stay in the first place. Part of the GTA’s longer-term strategy is to develop the ‘earn as you learn’ education model. This is basically where a student will be employed, but will take up part-time study towards a first degree. ‘The employer’s role is vital if this model is to be successful and we have had very strong feedback from the business sector that it is something that would be extremely attractive to both employers and employees alike. It’s a model that has already been successfully introduced in Jersey and so we can learn from that. Employers with operations in both islands are


understandably particularly keen to see it and it is a great way of developing skills that will stay within the island for its long-term benefit.’ Initially, the degree courses available will focus on the finance sector, together with the law degree currently offered. Looking ahead other subject areas such as IT could potentially be added.

Part of the GTA’s longer-term strategy is to develop the ‘earn as you learn’ education model. This is basically where a student will be employed but will take up parttime study towards a first degree. ‘We wrote the proposal for the academy of code,’ said Simon, ‘which will be one of the key strands of the digital greenhouse. We plan to offer short coding courses but with a view to introducing a full three year degree course in IT with the ‘learn while you earn model’. It’s a question of identifying the growth areas where training needs are likely to be greatest.’

The recent financial crisis prompted quite a change in the attitudes of local businesses towards training, as Simon explained. ‘Before the downturn, companies sent staff on courses in many instances without a huge degree of thought. As budgets tightened, businesses started considering the benefit an employee could deliver back to the company on completion of a course; potential return on training investment became a part of the decision-making process that had not featured previously.’ Technology has been another game changer in the training world. ‘Technology certainly opens up a range of training opportunities,’ said Simon. ‘We offer some blended courses – a combination of online and face-to-face learning – which I believe will become the most common model. There are courses available entirely online but for me learning is a social activity and bringing people into a classroom is important. It facilitates ideas exchange and stimulates creativity. The blended approach combines the best of both worlds and is learning at its most effective.’ Collaboration and communication are other keys the GTA’s role and success. ‘We have advisory groups for each of our key business sectors,’ explained Elaine. ‘This is one of the ways that we can identify the skills and training gaps, with direct input from employers; our team of programme managers has regular face-to-face meetings with businesses to discuss their needs – this

B U S IN E S S N EWS is something that they have always done, we have freed up their time to enable even more of this type of networking in the future. We also undertake research surveys asking both for feedback on course delivery and also on future requirements. We are here to offer a service to the island so communication with the business community is imperative.’

business. I think that these messages are gradually permeating throughout the local business community but there is still work to do. ‘I nudged some of these things along whilst I have been here, but it is certainly not all down to me.’ And the one thing Elaine would like to see in the future is financial support for small business training needs.

What legacy will Elaine leave? ‘The GTA was already doing some great things when I joined; I think the organisation is now very strong and has clarity on what it’s here to do; we have right people in the right roles and a bit more political support. One challenge I had was to enhance the organisation’s profile and articulate what it is we actually do. The GTA basically facilitates training; we don’t employ tutors directly but bring them in for courses as and when required. This enables us to be extremely agile and react quickly to changing markets and employer needs. We are not in competition with the private training providers – on the contrary, we feed them

‘Guernsey’s business community has an incredibly high percentage of small businesses. Freeing staff to attend a two-day course is a particular challenge when you have a workforce of say five people. I would love to see the island supporting small businesses in this regard through some form of financial assistance. Small businesses are the life blood of the economy and potentially tomorrow’s medium-sized or large business.’ Simon became CEO at the beginning of March. Elaine has relocated to Italy where she will continue tutoring for the Open University MBA remotely. Technology in training in action.

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Small businesses are the life blood of the economy and potentially tomorrow’s medium-sized or large business

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Road to nowhere The first of our new VIEWPOINT series by Richard Digard, the man whose opinions on local politics and business are infamous. The car crash that was Environment’s attempt at introducing an integrated transport strategy raises serious questions about how policy is developed locally. Let’s be blunt: Environment’s efforts at introducing an integrated transport strategy were always going to be fraught. It’s not a department that has commanded respect – previous regime changes and its high-profile role in planning (‘say no to dementia care homes’) serve as evidence. In addition, not only was the transport strategy itself aspirational, and I’m being kind there, but it arose from a riven committee and several earlier failed attempts. Tempting though it is, however, to blame Environment for this, the underlying issue


is rather deeper and – at this point you can blame the department – it failed to recognise the strategy’s fundamental weakness. It lacked legitimacy. Put another way, there was no buy-in for a series of measures that were going to be unpopular, costly, habit-changing and of questionable impact. Does anyone really believe there will be more cycle lanes? Do they care? So, what government does not do well is formulate policy. Those deficiencies were well documented last summer by the States Review Committee (SRC) in its first report on the organisation of States affairs which found that ‘there was little confidence about the prospects for success in policy development where co-ordination

between various committees is required’. With no party of government elected on a pre-agreed manifesto, most policy is developed after a general election and therefore without a clear electoral mandate – hence my earlier point about legitimacy. Just look at Greece. As States SRC chairman Deputy Matt Fallaize told me, ‘This is nobody’s fault, but it’s a highly unusual characteristic, which we frequently overlook.’ In addition, deputies, newly-elected or not, have hardly any access to credible policy advice and analysis other than from the civil service. In Environment’s case, that’s the same advice which led to the earlier policy defeats. A third factor is Guernsey itself.


Ultimately, Environment’s biggest failure was to rely on ‘consultation’ to try to legitimise its plans, ignoring the fact it had gained the views of the handful who could be bothered to express a view

Politicians are cheek-by-jowl with the electorate, which can make it harder to establish the balance of opinion on topics and well-established lobbies can wield disproportionate influence. Just look at refuse. Just how many people living in flats and bedsits enthusiastically endorsed (partial) kerbside recycling and the privilege of living with their rubbish for a fortnight? Ultimately, Environment’s biggest failure was to rely on ‘consultation’ to try to legitimise its plans, ignoring the fact it had gained the views of the handful who could be bothered to express a view. Again, that’s not entirely its fault as this consultation route has been endorsed by the States as the way forward, implying future policies will be based more on zealotry than consensus. Deputy Chris Green, whose areas of interest include the economy, improved access to information, and public services, also has concerns about the process. ‘My own view is that policy formulation in Guernsey very much operates within a very narrow set of parameters and is often based on a number of assumptions that may or may not be valid. The process might work better in practice if the parameters were wider from the start of the process and if there was rather less reliance on age-old assumptions as regards what is politically or publicly acceptable,’ he said. A classic example was with the just published review of personal taxes,

pensions and benefits. ‘We are told that we can have higher personal income tax allowances, but only if there is GST. That to me seems like a very narrowly calibrated policy, too narrow by a long chalk. We also see the review largely ignoring the issue of corporate tax reform, somewhat surprising when the introduction of zero 10 largely created the current narrowness of our tax base at the moment,’ he said. ‘Or, alternatively, the debate [last July] on the system of government hinged on an argument that an executive system of government would be inappropriate because we don’t have political parties. ‘Although that may be correct to an extent, it shouldn’t really be the end of the argument in my view. The debate was really conducted in a manner whereby the States would almost inevitably vote for the enhanced committee system almost irrespective of the weaknesses of it.’ While Deputy Fallaize, who led that SRC report on the system, might take issue with that, he does accept there are wider problems – but is confident there are solutions.

benefits review, but if one looks at the consultation responses one finds that a particular demographic had a hugely disproportionate influence. ‘In every jurisdiction policy development is tough and always will be. However, Guernsey can do better, as set out in the SRC reforms,’ he said. ‘A new Policy and Resources Committee will be formed and will be more focused on policy co-ordination and reconciling policy and the resources. In addition, fewer principal committees combining common functions will encourage politicians to do what their title suggests they should – make policy. ‘In stage two we’ll propose a network of policy advisers to serve the principal committees – that would assist members and encourage co-ordination of policy earlier in the process. And the reforms to scrutiny will encourage deputies to examine and challenge policy in a more structured way.’ None of which helps Environment, of course, which was always going to run out of road with policies islanders did not support.

‘I’m very dubious about building any policy on fairly rudimentary consultation unless we develop more sophisticated and accurate ways of collecting the full range of public opinion. Nobody doubts the significance of the tax and



What goes around‌ Ever wondered what happens to the bags of recycling most of us now leave weekly at the end of our drive? Chamber members had the opportunity to find out more on a tour of Guernsey Recycling, Waste Oil Recycling and Mayside Recycling.

The Chamber of Commerce tour group with Alan Crowe and Mike Grime of Guernsey Recycling and Mayside Recycling and Peter Macgill of Waste Oil Recycling Picture Courtesy of Sealord Photography

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Guernsey Post to sponsor customer service event. The Guernsey Post Customer Service Awards are organised by Collaborate Communications in association with Guernsey Chamber and celebrate excellence, best practice and innovation in customer service. Boley Smilie, Guernsey Post’s CEO commented:

New sponsor for awards event

‘Guernsey Post is delighted to be partnering with the organisers and the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce. The event has grown from strength-to-strength over recent years and we very much hope to be

The dates for the remaining breakfast events in the series. All take place at i2Office from 07.45am to 0900am

Topics to be covered • Retail • Health and wellbeing at work • Marketing and public relations • HR and recruitment for full details visit:

Hacking – as easy as 123 This year’s Grant Thornton Breakfast Series got off to a great start with a seminar on a topic that makes the headlines on an increasingly frequent basis – cyber security. Presented by Matthew Parker (pictured right) of Grant Thornton and Richard Le Tocq of Heritage Insurance, attendees were given

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Key dates: • Corporate entry submission opens Wednesday 6th May 2015 • Public voting for individuals opens Wednesday 6th May and continues until Friday 19th June • Awards ceremony on Thursday 9th July, in Market Square, compered by Island FM

tips on how to minimise risk, develop a security strategy and have a plan in place should a breach occur.

For your diaries...

19 March 16 April 14 May 4 June

able to raise the profile even further. The awards provide an opportunity for everyone within the Bailiwick to recognise those individuals and teams who are consistently providing excellent customer service.’

With cyber crime a real threat, Matthew also explained that insider information theft is by far the most common type of fraud which affects one in five companies over the last year. Overused passwords also came under fire as a security risk – ‘12345’, ‘qwerty’, and ‘password’ are all still in the top10. Attendees also heard about the implications of the proposed new EU data protection regime including mandatory reporting of breaches within 72 hours – something that organisations are sometimes reluctant to do to avoid reputational damage. The Grant Thornton Breakfast Series continues over the coming months. Keep a look out on the Chamber website for details of topics and speakers


Calling all entrepreneurs…

Guernsey’s Young Business Group is once again calling for enterprising islanders to apply for the Bill Green Award for Entrepreneurial Spirit. The award, which is run by YBG on behalf of the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce, is for new or established organisations which are making their mark on the local business scene with a fresh direction or project. Entries for the 2015 award will be judged by a panel including: YBG president and vice president Gill Mabbett and Wing Lai, secretary Lindsey Dean, plus Chamber Council member Fionnuala Carvill, and member, Carl Symes.

Wing Lai at Watts & Co Ltd, One High Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 2LZ or by email to

New guide published Chamber has produced a publication to help members get the most out of its new website. The guide aims to ensure that members know how to make the most of the site’s enhanced functionality - from editing their profile to adding events and publishing news.

The judges will be looking for a robust business model and evidence of a well researched business plan, as well as vision, leadership and personality within the organisation. Applicants will also be need to show evidence of how the business has managed any risks or challenges that have arisen. Entries for the award should include a letter describing the business and its future objectives and initiatives, and explaining why that business should be considered. Applications can be sent by post to:

Download the guide from the website chamber-news/website-user-guide/ For any additional assistance, Chamber ‘drop ins’ offer another opportunity for members to seek advice on using the website or on any other matter they would like to chat through. No appointments are necessary – just pop in on the first Wednesday of any month between and 1.00pm.

Chamber has a number of sub groups that meet regularly to discuss issues relating to specific topics. Creative industries

Jay Aylmer

Energy and waste

Rupert Dorey

Finance, legal and tax

Martyn Dorey

Hospitality and tourism

Luke Wheadon


Marc Lainé marc.lainé

Land and planning

James Barker


David Thompson


Jo Porritt

Small business

Barry Cash


Barry Cash

Join Chamber today the voice of local business

Business support; networking events; business advice; business events; liaison with States departments; new interactive website. Email: Tel: 01481 727 483




Coming up… A few key business events for your diaries Date

10 Mar 12 Mar 16 Mar




Booking / Information

Rise and Shine networking breakfast


Muse Café

'Influencing the media'

all day event

GTA University

OGH Hotel

Chamber monthly lunch 1200 Paul Whitfield Chief executive - States of Guernsey

19 Mar Grant Thornton 0745 - 0900 i2Office Breakfast seminar series 14 Apr Rise and Shine networking breakfast 0745 Muse Café 16 Apr Grant Thornton 0745 - 0900 i2Office Breakfast seminar series 20 Apr Chamber monthly lunch 1200 OGH Hotel John Ogier, former registar of intellectual property

If you would like your event included in our diary please email details to

Banking online? Our promise to you

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Our Secure Banking Promise gives complete security for our personal and business customers who bank online with us or through our mobile app. Easy. Fast. Secure. Search for the NatWest offshore app The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited trading as NatWest (NatWest). Registered Office: PO Box 64, Royal Bank House, 71 Bath Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE4 8PJ. Regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission. Guernsey business address: PO Box 62, Royal Bank Place, 1 Glategny Esplanade, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4BQ. Regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission and licensed under the Banking Supervision (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1994, as amended, the Insurance Managers and Insurance Intermediaries (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2002, and the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987, as amended. Network charges may apply.

Contact Magazine. Another quality job polished off by Mojoe



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Social media + compliance = social disorder or social harmony? Jo Porritt of Crowd Media takes a look at how businesses can adopt social media channels and still remain compliant Understanding how social media can effectively become part of your marketing mix is one thing, but what if you also have the challenge of being a regulated entity?

The rules include sector-specific requirements but in each case there is an overarching principle that any communication should be fair, clear and not misleading.’

While there are often very real and often challenging barriers to overcome, when you add the issue of compliance into the pot, it’s enough to put any organisation off even trying.

Its latest consultation paper set out in further detail specific areas that firms need to consider, and provides some solutions and illustrative examples. These include:

Risk appears to far outweigh the advantages. But perceived risk is often down to lack of knowledge, fear of losing control of the brand, and of course concerns over potential negative sentiment… and then there’s regulation… Mitigating risk Regulation alone is enough to make most compliance departments run a million miles from the idea of social communications. Your compliance team will have a thorough understanding of the regulations that impact your business, but how in tune is it with how they apply to social media? The fact that all correspondence between a business and its client base may be subject to regulatory guidelines makes social communications no easy thing. Whilst regulatory bodies in Guernsey have not yet given guidance on the use of social media channels, broader and more comprehensive guidelines have been published by bodies such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). In 2014 it set out its approach to financial promotions through social media channels. “The FCA’s overall approach is that the financial promotion rules are intended to be media-neutral to ensure that consumers are presented with certain minimum information, in a fair and balanced way, at the outset of firms’ interaction with them.

The best policies are often a collaborative effort; using inherent skills of digital natives within the organisation, but combining with the expertise of compliance and legal departments Promotions for investment products There is a specific requirement that financial promotions for investment products are identifiable as such. The FCA’s view is that - for social media in particular - it is important that in all cases, it is clear that a promotion is a promotion. One generally accepted way to do this, for character limited media, is the use of #ad in online posts. Stand-alone compliance -Each communication (e.g. a tweet, Facebook post or web page) needs to be considered individually and comply with the relevant rules. Risk warnings and other required statements - Firms are reminded that there

are requirements to include risk warnings or other statements in promotions for certain products/services. These rules are media-neutral and therefore apply to social media as they would to any other medium. When taken into account with the supervisory approach to standalone compliance, this poses particular challenges for the use of character limited social media. One solution to the problem of character limitation is to insert images such as infographics into tweets, which allows relatively unrestricted information to be conveyed. Image advertising - The FCA reminds firms that it remains possible to advertise their presence in the market through ‘image advertising’ in a way which is unlikely to present difficulties with character limitations. Social Media Policy Guidelines Regulated industry now has a responsibility to equip staff with the support and guidance on the use of social media. Creation of robust and current social media policy guidelines are a critical part of managing social media communications. The best policies are often a collaborative effort; using inherent skills of digital natives within the organisation, but combining with the expertise of compliance and legal departments. In the US, firms have been sanctioned for improper use of social media and for failing to provide adequate training to employees. Need Help? Crowd Media has not only written extensive social media policy guidelines for corporations with 6,000+ employees, we have helped those businesses incorporate training and compliance requirements successfully. If you would like to learn more about how we could help you and your teams understand the risks and the opportunities, please get in touch. 17 |

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David Kingdom Consultation, collaboration, communication



Contact spoke to David Kingdom, chairman of Kingdom Architects + Masterplanners. David has just taken over as president of the Guernsey Society of Architects (GSA), Guernsey’s local branch of the Royal Institute of British Architects, whose members are all chartered architects. Contact asked David about his views on the architectural profession as well as what he hopes to achieve in his new role. A relative newcomer to Guernsey, David has been a regular visitor since the early 60s and so already had a network of friends and professional contacts before taking up permanent residence in 2012. Agreeing to take on the three-year tenure as president of his profession’s society, reflects a commitment to sharing with the island some of the benefits of his planning design and management experience which he has gained from roles with a number of significant infrastructure and commercial projects worldwide throughout a career that has spanned over 40 years. But he is taking it one step at a time. ‘The first thing I need to do is to establish who the main players are right across the construction industry and particularly in the public sector. I would like to meet with them all as a fact finding and networking exercise.


I have started the process but there are a lot more cups of coffee to be drunk yet before I can fully appreciate how the island’s industry ticks.’ David is a firm believer in consultation and collaboration and this is an issue he wants to improve whilst he is ‘in the seat’. ‘I honestly don’t think that the States uses the GSA enough as a consultative body. Our members have an extremely varied and complementary range of experience, knowledge and expertise, which starts with seven years of professional training and professional practice examination. Occasionally members will be called upon as consultants for topical States or significant private projects, but I would like to see the GSA included in a consultative capacity in public and private sector planning strategies and policies a lot more frequently, together perhaps with representatives of other informed design disciplines. ‘The draft Island Development Plan is a

case in point. The GSA was not approached formally during its preparation which I find extraordinary.’ The protection of the title ’architect’ itself is something David hopes to move forward during his term of office. ‘We are the only state in Europe, including Jersey, that does not legally recognise the professional title which in the UK was granted Royal Chartered status in 1837. This causes a great deal of confusion in our marketplace particularly with non-professional clients. There is clearly a reluctance by the States to set this straight and initiate steps toward legal protection to bring us into line with the rest of Europe. Although there is a healthy choice of talented and successful alternative designers on the island, it seems anyone who can hold a pencil can set him or herself up and practise as an architect. I cannot pick up a scalpel and call myself a surgeon – so what’s the difference? I welcome freedom of choice for clients when choosing who they


wish to appoint as designers and custodians of their projects but feel we need to prioritise avoiding confusion with clients so they know exactly what they are getting. I am really hoping that I can make some progress on this one in the coming months. ‘I am not saying that other people within the construction industry – surveyors, construction professionals etc. – are not good at what they do. Guernsey has some extremely skilled individuals in all of these professions who do some fantastic things. But they are not architects and should not in my view be calling themselves such.’ As president of the GSA, David also sits on the Construction Industry Forum. ‘This is a group that includes all sectors related to property – designers, estate agents, constructors, sub-contractors, engineers etc. – it’s a perfect way to exchange ideas on shared issues and, where necessary, lobby the States with one common voice rather than as individual groups. Individuals who sit on this group are all respected and empowered senior people within their respective organisations and disciplines.’ David’s other aim is to increase the profile of architects locally, particularly as a way of attracting young talent into the profession

and improving public awareness of what they do. ‘We have come up with a few ideas of how to improve our visibility. ‘The bi-ennual Design Awards are a great way of celebrating excellence in the construction sector. I would love to see this developed into a much bigger event that really highlights what we do including a grand awards dinner that celebrates what designers and construction professionals have achieved and the contribution they make to the island’s economy and environment. ‘Another thing I would love to do is to set up some dynamic and interactive exhibitions and displays perhaps in some of the schools either on a permanent or temporary basis. This could showcase some of our best work as well as excite some of the budding architects of tomorrow.’ As a past examiner and post-graduate tutor, education is something that David feels particularly strongly about. ‘I would encourage businesses to participate in offering dynamic work experience opportunities. We have a duty to bring on the next generation so if we can get some of these youngsters enthused about

what we do that’s a great start.’ But David sees some issues at tertiary education level. ‘There are still a number of degree courses in architecture which focus far too heavily on the artistic side of the subject – the planning, the aesthetics, the use of space, the history – and not enough on the construction technology side. I have seen some architectural courses where building technology was included only as an optional module. This can result in batches of new recruits hitting the industry who might author extremely aesthetic and internally functional design solutions but with little idea as to what it might look or perform like a decade after the weather and cyclical building movements have taken their toll. Being able to incorporate a holistic approach into a successful project comes with experience as well as through technical training and know-how and particularly having the right design support professionals on the team’ David has first-hand experience of the university environment and was part-time lecturer at Huddersfield University for two years. ‘I continue to be surprised in architecture and other design disciplines at the number

It seems anyone who can hold a pencil can set himself up and practise as an architect on this island... I wouldn’t pick up a scalpel and call myself a surgeon



The Idlerocks site is incredible. But the plans are just ordinary and a bit pedestrian. Imagine what the Americans might have done with it. The site needs something ‘fabulous’

‘I would encourage universities to involve experienced practising architects and would urge those architects to grasp the opportunity to get involved if offered.’

‘The lengthening of the runway will inevitably be back on the agenda at some point in the not too distant future. Like London, our runway capacity is directly linked to economic growth constraints. It all starts with the runway but there are also issues with wasted space in the terminal that could be looked at more commercially. 70% of turnover at Singapore airport comes from commercial operations not aviation activities. Obviously Guernsey would never reach that sort of split because there are only two traffic peaks at either end of the day. But it is indicative of what can be achieved. The commercial side of Guernsey Airport is tricky but I am convinced there are improvements that can be made.’

David is keen to compare notes with the other islands.

And from air to sea and the harbour development proposals…

‘I am planning to meet my counterpart in Jersey. After all it’s like living in the next village. I am sure we could both benefit from exchanging ideas and seeing how our industry operates in our respective islands. I would also like to involve any architects in Sark or Alderney with some of our activities.’

‘The current plans for the harbour are a first step and will get things moving. My fear is though that there will be a fragmented approach. I am firmly of the view that the St Sampsons and St Peter Port Harbours should be considered together as part of one master plan for the entire Eastern seafront. Only then can the island really maximise income from development opportunities, more efficient port operations and the not insignificant number of cruise visitors that come ashore every year.’

of lecturers and tutors who have never actually practised in the profession. It was a great experience lecturing post-grad students and helping them to manage their expectations of the industry they were about to enter. Most expected to graduate, land a plum job and earn a lot of money from day one. In reality, for the first couple of years they need to be closely shadowed in everything they do. A large construction firm or professional developer client might eat them for breakfast otherwise.

Before leaving the UK, David completed 25 years with global giant Aedas and was the partner responsible worldwide for their transport and infrastructure projects. These included the 30 year master plan and Terminals 1 and 2 redevelopments at Manchester Airport, proposals for a new terminal development at New York’s LaGuardia Airport, part of London’s Crossrail and cruise terminal redevelopment proposals for the Port of Los Angeles. Whilst the scale of these is clearly beyond anything we might see locally, David’s views on Guernsey’s air and sea terminals are interesting.


David’s own business, Kingdom Architects + Masterplanners, continues to undertake large projects around the globe. As well as designing a current private 39 apartment development in Sheffield, the company is currently bidding for a project for a 250-bed hospital in Ajman in the Gulf, designing a hotel in Libya and master planning 10,000 affordable homes in Saudi Arabia. With directors located around the world, the

business operates as a collective with David at the hub. This structure enables the company to draw on a wide range of expertise specific to each of the projects it takes on and draw up individually tailored project agreements. As far as the Guernsey market is concerned – we have seen a quiet period for the industry. ‘Large projects in Guernsey are few and far between, so the focus is very much on residential. It has been a pretty flat market while everyone waited for the draft Island Development Plan to be published. In my view the whole process took far too long and really didn’t help an already difficult trading situation and together with the Open Market review did nothing to promote development confidence. ‘Decision-making needs to be so much sharper. Prevarication costs money, hits the economy hard when it is already on a downward swing.’ David believes that there is scope for nuggets of iconic and challenging architecture in Guernsey. ‘The Idlerocks site is incredible, but the plans in my view are pedestrian for a site that deserves so much more. Imagine what the Americans might have done with it. The site needs something ‘fabulous’. ‘Guernsey is a uniquely beautiful place and in a way it’s the architects who are custodians of much of its beauty; we are responsible for making sure that we create fabulous buildings that exceed our clients’ expectations and complement and not compete with the island’s natural beauty.’

Oi appoints Managing Director for Guernsey operation as agency structures for next phase of growth

“ Having Pip on board will further strengthen our client-focussed approach to delivering the best agency services in the Channel Islands and beyond”

Find our more by visiting or call: Guernsey – Pip Queripel +44 (0) 1481 716606 Jersey – Heather Townsend +44 (0) 1534 888186 UK/International – Peter Grange +44 (0) 7955 566623

Leading advertising and marketing agency, Oi, has appointed experienced marketer and agency professional Pip Queripel as the Managing Director of its Guernsey operation. The appointment is part of Oi’s next phase of growth across Guernsey, Jersey and London. Jersey Director Heather Townsend has been promoted to Jersey Managing Director. “I have been really impressed with the structure, people, passion and client service that Oi offers. I have worked both with, and for, a number of top agencies over the past 15 years and truly believe that Oi has combined infrastructure investment with great people to deliver market-changing solutions to its clients. I am excited to be at the agency as it takes the next step towards achieving ambitious growth plans,” said Pip, whose focus will be on managing the Guernsey team and clients as well as Oi’s UK client base. Pip has extensive agency and marketing experience. She moved to Guernsey in 2004 having worked at London agencies for 5 years. Her agency experience encompasses working with an impressive array of blue chip brands including Baileys, Carling, Coca-Cola, Disney, Grolsch, Microsoft and T-Mobile before she moved to Diageo to manage their creative agencies, working across their extensive portfolio of brands. Pip was Head of Marketing and Business Development at a leading international law firm for five years and has been consulting for various Guernsey businesses over the past couple of years.

Founder of Oi, Peter Grange has become Chief Executive Officer with a focus on liaising with the Managing Directors and Ben Clarke, Creative and Digital Director, to develop new business across all markets including London. “It’s important to make this management change at this stage in Oi’s life. We’re 11 years old and this is a pinnacle moment I’ve been looking forward to for a while,” said Peter. “This new management team structure will enable me to focus on ideas, strategy, leadership and business development to take Oi to the next level. It’s going to be good fun.” Heather added that the agency will continue to look for growth opportunities including acquisitions and hiring talent across Guernsey, Jersey and London in 2015, following a strong 2014. “Making clients more successful is our priority and we are committed to developing a market-leading agency. Following the acquisition of award-winning Jersey creative agency Arcade in 2014, we are open to discussing acquiring other agencies and hiring talent in the Channel Islands and beyond that would complement Oi’s full-service offering,” said Heather.


Bryon Rees and Christopher Jones, Ogier

Paul Mohan, Gower Financial Services

Paul Rogers, Norman Piette

Bryon and Christopher, were called to the Guernsey Bar in February.

Gower has appointed Paul as senior investment manager.

Paul has been appointed managing director of Norman Piette.

Prior to joining Gower, Paul was portfolio manager for Man Investments in Switzerland and Guernsey managing multi-manager hedge fund portfolios. He has worked for a number of leading international financial organisations including Morgan Stanley and The Financial Times.

In his previous role as the group’s commercial director, Paul was the driving force behind the development of the Bulwer Avenue site which is nearing completion. He has a long and distinguished background in the industry having previously held directorships of major independent UK builders’ merchants and has developed extensive experience over his 30-year career in the sector.

Bryon (pictured left) joined Ogier in 2005. His practice includes advising on investment funds, corporate and commercial, regulatory and finance matters. Christopher joined the firm in 2010. He advises on investment funds, financial institutions and corporate clients on a broad range of multi-jurisdictional transactions. Marcus Leese, practice partner, commented: ‘We are delighted to see two more of our lawyers being called to the Guernsey Bar. Bryon and Christopher have both developed strong practices in their areas of expertise and will have a lot to contribute to the future of Ogier.’

Director Tim Cross said: ‘We are delighted that Paul has joined us at Gower. The experience he brings underlines our on-going commitment to serving our clients - his qualifications represent the gold standard of professional credentials within the global investment community.’

John Surcombe, Digimap

Helen has been appointed Mourant Ozanne’s global head of human resources.

John has been promoted to director of software development at Digimap, the mapping technology company.

Chief operating officer, Keith Pearse said: ‘I’m really looking forward to working with Helen. She will play a key role as we deliver key elements of our strategy that focus on leadership, teamwork and world class people management and development.’

‘Paul has been a key factor in transforming Norman Piette and we have no doubt that he is the best person to steer the business through its continued growth and on to even greater success.’

Rebecca Goater, Network Insurance

Helen Seery, Mourant Ozannes

Helen brings extensive HR experience gained from senior positions at global professional services firms. Helen was at CPA Global for nearly eight years, where she was part of the global leadership team that set the strategic agenda for HR, delivering services to a broad range of internal clients across Europe and Asia Pacific.

Group CEO Tony Gallienne said:

Rebecca has been appointed Associate Director of Network Insurance and Financial Planning, joining the executive board.

John has been with the firm for 11 years and has been involved in many of its successful software projects, including the development of a rolling electronic census for the States of Guernsey which is due to be launched next month. Colin Le Conte, managing director, said: ‘ ‘Software development is a key part of our business. There are many uses for mapping software in business and particularly within government, so we are excited about John’s new role developing this part of our offering to our clients in Guernsey and Jersey.’

In addition to being a fully qualified financial adviser, Rebbeca holds diplomas in regulated financial planning and international trust management In addition to being a fully qualified financial adviser, Rebecca holds diplomas in regulated financial planning and international trust management. Oliver Goater, managing director said: ‘Rebecca will help us stay on track with our plans for growth, contribute to our strategy and be the backbone of our financial planning department.’



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Jane Wade, Wayne Le Maitre and Claire Tersigni, Saffery Champness Jane (pictured right) has been promoted to head of human resources; Wayne and Claire have both been promoted to assistant trust managers. Jade joined the company in 1983, becoming HR Manager in 2001 a role in which she has remained until her recent promotion to head of HR. She will be responsible for all aspects of HR for the 125 staff, as well as for advising the board on all HR-related issues Wayne and Claire have over 30 years’ fiduciary experience between them. Wayne is responsible for administering the affairs of ultra-high net worth private clients. Claire takes on a portfolio of mainly UK-based clients utilising a variety of structures that include ethical and sustainable investments.

Stuart Gardner, EY Stuart joins EY’s Channel Islands transactions advisory team as a director, responsible for liquidations and strategic exit routes services. An Oxford graduate and chartered accountant, Stuart brings almost a decade of experience working in the Channel Islands’ professional services industry.. His restructuring experience is across asset classes and jurisdictions, including both solvent and insolvent liquidations, receiverships and administrations. Andrew Dann, Channel Island managing partner said: ‘We are seeing an increased appetite for mergers and acquisitions, as well as strategic voluntary wind-ups. Stuart will be in the unique position of being the only fully licensed appointment taking insolvency practitioner within a ‘big four’ firm in the Channel Islands.’

Stuart Cramner, AFM

Sophie Vaudin, 1st Central

AFM has appointed a new soft services manager who joins the company with 10 years’ experience in facilities management.

Sophie is 1st Central’s new group brand manager, moving from 1st Central’s managing company, Robus Group where she was lead underwriter and was also responsible for marketing.

Stuart, who is a member of the British Institute for Facilities Management, will manage new business activity and increase efficiencies within the soft services team. Joint managing director Darren Etasse said: ‘Since our expansion into the soft services markets within Guernsey, Jersey, Gibraltar and the Isle of Man, the business has had to meet increasing demands from our clients. Due to recently securing a number of contracts, the time was right to appoint a new soft services manager to manage our existing teams and implement future requirements.’

John Scanlan, Carey Olsen John has been promoted to senior associate within the firm’s corporate practice. He advises corporations, institutions and private equity sponsors and funds on the structuring and restructuring of local and international acquisitions and disposals of funds and other regulated entities. Prior to joining Carey Olsen, John spent a number of years in the corporate team of a City law firm. Three further promotions to senior associate have been made in the Jersey office. Managing partner in Jersey, Alex Ohlsson, said: ‘These new senior associate promotions reflect the dedication and expertise across the team and I congratulate them on reaching this milestone in their careers. ‘

She is an associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute, a Chartered Insurance Practitioner and holds a certificate in captive insurance management. Mike Leonard, 1st Central’s co-founder and deputy group CEO, said: ‘Sophie has a strong background in the insurance sector and has hit the ground running. She is a problem solver and her passion for marketing is clear. I have every confidence that Sophie will ensure that the group moves as one, with a distinct and clear vision.’

Rebecca O’Sullivan and Nadine Vermeulen, Situations Recruitment Two new consultants for Situations Rebecca joins the company with six years’ recruitment experience having worked for leading brands in the sector. Rebecca becomes senior consultant responsible for permanent and temporary recruitment. With a Masters in HR, Nadine has extensive and varied HR experience, having worked in both the finance and commercial sectors. Nadine has focused on recruitment in the majority of her previous roles. She becomes Situations’ manager of permanent placements. Melissa Campbell, director, said: ‘We are delighted that such experienced professionals have joined our team. They bring a wealth of relevant experience. They are valued additions to our growing business.’

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Baby boom or bust? Michelle Galpin of BWCI considers the pension implications of the recently published Personal Tax, Pensions and Benefits Review. Everyone has a view on it, but have you actually read the Personal Tax, Pensions and Benefits Review report? Running to almost 400 pages, there’s certainly a wealth of information, but it is still difficult to grasp the enormity of the challenge that lies ahead. What is clear however is that procrastinating or, even worse, doing nothing are not options. Fundamentally we need to agree how to meet the financial challenges of an ageing population over the next 40 years. Guernsey is far from unique in having to address the problems, with many countries grappling with similar issues. While some may take comfort because we are not alone, it actually makes the problem more difficult to solve as ‘younger’ people become a more scarce resource around the world Why is an ageing population a problem? The population of any country is dynamic. While every individual ages, the average age of the population as a whole will depend on many factors; the birth rate, life expectancy and the numbers and ages of immigrants and emigrants. The chart below shows how Guernsey’s population has changed between 2001, when the last census was carried out, and 2013 (the latest published statistics). The darker bars show the numbers of people in each 10-year age band in 2001, and the lighter ones show how many there are in that same age group in 2013. The increase in the numbers of people

between the ages of 60 and 69 is dramatic and is a trend that is set to continue, as the baby boomer ‘bulge’ ages through the population. This, coupled with increasing life expectancy generally, means that not only will there be more people drawing their old age pensions in future, their pensions will also be payable for longer. The numbers of men and women in their 80s are already noticeably greater than 12 years ago. All of this means that we need to plan for a significant increase in the cost of providing health and social security benefits in future. Some commentators have suggested that the simplest thing would be to increase the basic rate of income tax. However, this is unlikely to work as the report highlights that almost 90% of the direct taxes (ie income tax and social security contributions) are paid by those of working age and their employers. As the working age population shrinks relative to the pensioner population, whatever changes are introduced, one thing is clear, a greater part of the tax burden will need to be borne by the pensioner population if we are to maintain the current levels of services. So what’s the answer? Part of the solution certainly needs to include pensions. Action has already been taken to manage the cost of State provision, by gradually increasing the age at which old age pensions commence from 65 to 67; a further increase to 70 is on the cards.

However, it would be naïve to think that the old age pension in itself will be sufficient to provide comfortable retirement. Individuals will also be encouraged to take more personal responsibility for their financial security in retirement, with the report identifying more take-up of private pensions and more tax incentives for private pension provision as two of the ways to achieve this. This could be one way to bridge the affordability gap between when people would like to retire and when they receive their old age pension. The UK has already taken steps to meet the challenges of an ageing population by their workplace pensions initiative - remember the ‘I’m in’ TV campaign fronted by familiar faces from Dragons’ Den and The Apprentice? Since 2012, well over three million people have started saving for retirement for the first time through their employers’ pension arrangements. One final thought, the report focuses on dealing with the consequences of an ageing population, but hasn’t really addressed part of the root cause of the problem – the relative decline in the numbers of young people in the population. There don’t seem to be any incentives mooted to increase the birth rate. Perhaps this falls outside the scope of the review and has wider implications for Guernsey’s population policy, but it seems worthy of further consideration.

The Pensions specialists For more information contact Mike Freer 01481 728432


A member of Abelica Global


Mark Chipperfield is Head of Financial Planning. He has worked within the financial services industry for almost 25 years, and joined SPF Private Clients as an Associate Director in August 2013. Highly qualified, Mark’s primary areas of expertise are investments and pensions, although he is very experienced in all aspects of financial planning.

Local, Independent Financial Advice SPF Private Clients has exclusive products and in-house discounts, which means planning for your future can be more exciting than you think. With the forthcoming regulatory requirements, it has never been more important to deal with a fully qualified adviser who will be available to advise you in the long term.

SPF Private Clients is one of the few multi-disciplined advisers in the island. For local, Level Four Qualified independent financial advice, visit or call us on 715234.

The Financial Suite, The Maze, Berthelot Street, St. Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1JT. Licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission to provide advice on insurance and investment related products.


After the love has gone. The changing life and pensions landscape - Mark Chipperfield of SPF Private clients (CI) explains

I was asked to consider any relevant changes in the life and pensions world locally and the biggest change is that most of us have become risk managers without probably realising it. So have the goalposts moved? In short, yes. For life assurance the same needs remain - protection of debt, dependants and dearly beloved (lady of the house or equivalent). However, the market is more fluid with the likelihood of new providers so if you have not reviewed your cover in the last four years you should contact your adviser and do so as you may be paying too much. For pensions you may wish to remind yourself of the headline above. Up until the mid-1990s it was not unusual to visit an adviser who brokered a deal involving a packaged product traditionally with an insurance company of long standing. It is now universally acknowledged that these contracts have proved expensive due to high internal charging structures. It would be natural to assume that with the arrival of retirement annuity trusts (RATS) the process remains similar with the remaining, long suffering firms providing their package of choice. While this remains an option the reality is that consideration is now required of the three parties to the agreement, namely the financial adviser, the trustee and the investment manager. With the new Guernsey Financial Advice Standards (GFAS) requirements for financial advisers we are now seeing a clear split of responsibilities with the trustee concentrating on providing the trusteeship and preparing the accounts with some ad

hoc administrative duties. The bulk of the pivotal communications are held with the financial adviser who has evolved as the natural contact point for trigger events such as drawing down pension payments, bearing in mind these need to be reviewed annually (you may be getting divorced). As an investment manager partner mentioned to me recently, they may have the easier part of the jigsaw as they join the party once the structure and basis of advice have been agreed. RAT business for investment houses is very sticky for it is likely a client relationship will be in place for several decades, which allows a high degree of trust to develop. Having established there is a little more under the bonnet than may at first appear it becomes apparent that the wise choice is to deal with an independent financial adviser who can source the most attractive components and advise accordingly. You do not need to necessarily buy off the shelf (think mobile phone deals). The new GFAS requirements demand total transparency, which is only right, so do you pay commission or fees?

The majority of investment houses no longer pay commission to advisers so there is a very real cost up front such as a 2% initial adviser fee plus on-going annual fees ranging between 0.25 and 0.75%. I mention this in passing as this will be the route followed by the majority of providers so do not be surprised to see your £100,000 reduce down to £98,000 at the outset. At SPF Private Clients we have burnt the midnight oil with the help of the regulator’s excellent decision to prevent social exclusion and allow the commission option. Therefore, we can offer a wide and diversified choice to suit all pockets without any upfront cost. In fact, we have gone even further with our client loyalty programme, which rebates a percentage of commission received to pay for ancillary benefits on your behalf such as the first year’s trustee’s fees and set up. In summary, a lot of changes have been made and hopefully they are for the best. If you go into any arrangement with your eyes wide open, the potential for acceptance is always much greater.

Having established there is a little more under the bonnet than may at first appear it becomes apparent that the wise choice is to deal with an independent financial adviser who can source the most attractive components and advise accordingly



Professional indemnity and directors’ and officers’ insurance explained by Ben Meader at Cherry Godfrey It is often asked what is more important, professional indemnity Insurance (PI) or directors’ and officers’ liability insurance (D&O). The core purpose of PI is to protect an insured firm or individual in the event of any negligent errors or omissions made during the course of its professional services to third parties. D&O primarily provides coverage for individuals against allegations of wrongful acts, while acting in their capacity as directors or officers of a company. Wrongful acts can include breach of duty, breach of trust or negligence. The policy is designed to cover the personal liability of the company directors and officers and also to provide reimbursement to the company if it has had to indemnify a director. Many of us can understand the need to take out an insurance policy to cover ‘errors’ that might be made in the course of our vocation. It can also be said that as more companies have to adhere to a more stringent legislative and regulatory framework, differences between the PI and D&O covers become more apparent.


It is more usually the case that allegations of loss from a PI policy will arise from a client or third party. In these cases, mediation is often a feasible option to rectify the situation, since the initial contract would normally have been for a professional service.

With both types of cover, the peace of mind that is afforded from having an insurance expert available at the time an allegation is made is often invaluable In the case of D&O, claims arise from a variety of sources such as governments, regulatory bodies, independent third parties and staff, who often cannot have their loss rectified, since no ‘service’ was undertaken. Examples would be breach of environmental standards, breach of health and safety

standards, breach of pay or working conditions, and shareholder action. With both types of cover, the peace of mind that is afforded from having an insurance expert available at the time an allegation is made is often invaluable. Both covers offer set guidelines of what to do in the event of a circumstance (a notification preceding a claim), and brokers’ claims teams and/or insurers can provide assistance of how to conduct matters going forward. Without these covers, companies can often have concerns about the expenditure on legal costs, worse case scenarios, timescale of responses and final results. In the case of those indemnified they will have an expert guiding them through the process and advocating their side. At Cherry Godfrey we work with a panel of specialised PI and D&O underwriters to tailor a policy to individual needs and would be happy to discuss any company’s current and future insurance needs to ensure the appropriate level and type of cover is in place.





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P.I and D&O reviews

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Cherry Godfrey Insurance Services Limited is licensed by The Guernsey Financial Services Commission.


Ferraris and time travel Wendy Dorey of Dorey Financial Modelling takes a look at the implications of the new UK pension rules, and considers the next best thing to a time machine in financial modelling After spending nearly 20 years in the City of London working for a number of leading actuarial consultancies and fund managers, investment actuary and economist Martyn Dorey, and financial marketing director Wendy Dorey relocated to Guernsey and shortly afterwards established Dorey Financial Modelling (DFM). DFM’s clients are pension consultants, wealth managers and financial institutions in the UK, with satellite offices around the globe. On 5 November last year, the firm celebrated its one-year anniversary – a fitting date for a revolutionary first year of business. The big news item in the last year for UK pensions has been that George Osbourne


relaxed the restrictions on how UK defined contribution scheme (DC) members can use their pot of assets at retirement. You may recall the excitement when Government minister Steve Webb mentioned buying a Ferrari as an acceptable use of your pension savings. Many of our institutional clients had felt that annuities were poor value for pensioners, and the bubble in bond prices left many scheme members clamouring for alternative choices to buying an annuity. So, by freeing DC members from an obligation to buy an annuity, Osbourne has delivered the pensions game-changer that the market was looking for. From April 2015, DC scheme members in the UK can explore new flexible pensions benefit options from the age of 55 onwards. When this type of big news breaks, our clients have to be very reactive to changes in legislation and the impact it will have on their businesses. At the same time, they

need to be very creative to think through in practical terms how scheme members can capitalise on the benefits and avoid the pitfalls that these choices can bring them. Whilst UK expenditure on new Ferraris would drive tax revenues back to the UK treasury, research in Australia has indicated that pensioners with free choices tend to follow a pattern: the lower earners tend to pay off debts using a lump sum of cash; the middle tier who can afford to buy a pension tend to buy an annuity; and the better off explore other options such as ‘drawing down’ their income in a flexible way. We have done a lot of work with our DC consultant clients to explore the impact of these changes. In the process, our engagement has involved helping our clients not just with their technical investment work, but also with the broader marketing strategy to support

Chart 1

Chart 2

“Default funds” expected returns and risks

where have we been, where are we now?


7 6 5 4


Expected return %

10 9 8

3 2 1 -


Economic Cycle




15 20 Expected Risks %

their overall business. By way of illustration, to understand the current challenges faced by UK trustees, consider chart one. It is an analysis of the expected risks and returns on some 42 ‘default’ funds that are offered to DC scheme members by the big DC occupational pension platforms in the UK. Risk on the x-axis is annualised volatility in investment returns; return on the y-axis is future expected annualised returns. The range of risk covers safer bond-like assets on the left, through to risky equity-like investments to the right. What the chart is saying is that you can have anything from safe-haven investments to very adventurous investments, - and all are, in some way, suitable default fund options. Given this very wide (and arguably unhelpful) range of choice, it is abundantly clear that there is no industry consensus on what risk a DC scheme member should be taking. This really isn’t much help to a trustee who needs some guidance on the appropriateness of a DC scheme design for a particular situation. So the DC industry must continue to work towards a deeper understanding of a scheme’s membership, its members’ risk tolerances, and of course ‘what makes a member tick?’ A ‘one size fits all’ approach will no longer work given the new pensions flexibilities. At the heart of a DC scheme, the core investment philosophy must ensure that a default DC fund’s risks are appropriate not just on average, but for all the ups and downs in the economic cycle - an approach called ‘defensive engineering’. The graph above illustrates our assessment of the global economic cycle based on a balance between key interest rate and unemployment indicators. The gold line across the chart represents the movement in the global economy cycling through economic warming and cooling from 1992

to the present day. Generally, when the cycle is growing and moving upwards, equity markets deliver strong growth at lower levels of risk. Likewise, when the economy moves down into a period of cooling, there are periods of higher volatility and, generally, negative equity returns. From the chart, we can see that since 1992 there have been three periods when the world economy was moving upwards, and during these periods, equity markets delivered strong growth. Conversely, the downward movement into troughs would have presented greater risk to DC scheme members who were approaching retirement. One such period is over the period 20002003 when equity markets fell and annuities became much more expensive. The message for getting risk right is that diversification and flexibility is increasingly important, and a great deal of scheme members could benefit from more dynamic asset allocation in the investment growth stage of their lives. Time travel The other issue trustees are faced with is the challenge of meeting future expectations. To achieve this, trustees may ask for the skills of George Wells to build a time machine so they can fast forward through time, and see the outcomes their members end up getting in the future. They can then answer the question: did the design of a DC pension solution live up to its aims? Unfortunately, we don’t have a time machine, but we do have an interesting alternative. Over the last six months, DFM has developed a new equation, called The Dorey Equation. This new piece of technology allows us to project forward a distribution of potential future financial outcomes. To assist us, we have engaged with the University of Leicester as an industry partner, which has confirmed that our approach not only works, but that initial findings suggest that our maths is also unique. You might ask ‘will I achieve my target

income at retirement if I choose a particular investment fund?’ Traditionally this is done through a colossus of hard working computers working through all potential scenarios like a Bletchley Park code-cracking marathon. However, our new approach gives the answer straight away - without the need for any simulations at all. This presents better, even greener, financial modelling for our institutional clients. The uptake of our new piece of maths has been fast - a major UK IFA network has licensed our calculation for their financial planning tools, and another of our UK clients has used the equation to provide projected outcomes to their top DC clients. The first scheme to receive the analysis last year was one of the biggest charities in the UK. All within six months from initial conception. Supporting the island As a Chamber of Commerce Council member and head of Chamber’s finance, legal and tax subgroup, Martyn has been deeply involved in Chamber getting to grips with Guernsey’s tax and demographic challenges. We recently shared a simple calculator that shows the effect different economic and tax changes will have on the island’s finances. This gave everyone on the island the chance to look at a number of different economic scenarios and be treasury minister for the day. In recognition of our contribution to Chamber, Martyn was both delighted and honoured to be presented with the Anvil Award at last year’s annual dinner. What next? DFM is engaged in several exciting new initiatives, one of which is to explore ways in which we can enhance our legal framework with new technology, to this end we are working with local lawyer Stephen Ozanne, and entrepreneur Pete Francis, to explore new ideas on machine readable law. Martyn is co-presenting with Stephen at the upcoming TEDx event on Thursday, 26 March 2015, we hope to see you there.



Ensuring a trust’s assets are insured Martin Fallaize from Rossborough Insurance considers the possible scenarios if a trust’s assets are not adequately insured Trustees have the responsibility of ensuring that assets in their control are correctly insured.

risk such as structural alterations or a change in tenant/trade.

cover applied and the increased premium rates applied.


Conditions and warranties

If the trustee fails to deal with the insurance correctly, and a claim is subsequently repudiated or becomes subject to a shortfall in the expected payout, this will result in an unhappy beneficiary and a possible negligence claim against the trust company and its professional indemnity policy.

Underinsurance occurs when the sum insured is insufficient to fully reinstate, repair or replace the property insured. Most policy wordings will contain a condition known as the underinsurance (or average) condition. This usually states that, in the event of a claim where the property is underinsured, the policyholder will have to bear a share of any loss because the claim’s settlement is reduced by the same proportion that the property is underinsured by.

All insurance policies are legal contracts that include a range of conditions and warranties to clarify and define what the insurer will do and what is expected of the policyholder. A breach of a policy condition or warranty could allow the insurer to decline a claim so it is imperative that you understand what conditions are contained within the insurance policy. A good broker should specifically draw the trustee’s attention to any condition or warranty, but it is then vital that the trustees understand the requirements of the condition and/or warranty and takes steps to ensure that the occupiers of the property are made aware of, and follow these requirements. Failure to do so could expose the trustee to a claim of negligence.

When arranging insurance for property held in trust, there are some common pitfalls that can be avoided with knowledge of the basic principles of insurance and the common exclusions and conditions that would normally be found within a property owner’s policy wording. These include: • Non-disclosure • Underinsurance/average • Unoccupancy • Cover issues • Conditions and warranties Non-disclosure When arranging insurance there is a positive duty placed upon the policyholder to declare all material facts – whether requested or not – to the insurer. A breach of this duty means that an insurer can legitimately decline a claim or void the entire policy. A trust officer should provide the following information:-

Therefore the consequences of underinsurance are serious and could lead to trustees being responsible for the shortfall. The safest way to ensure that the sum insured is correctly assessed is to seek professional advice and obtain a ‘reinstatement valuation for insurance purposes’ from a professional such as a chartered surveyor. Unoccupancy All insurers automatically limit the extent of cover when a property is unoccupied after a certain period of time. When the property is empty there is usually no cover for: - Escape of water - Malicious damage

- Risk address

- Theft/attempted theft

- Description of the property

- Accidental damage

- Construction details and number of floors - Use of the building - Security details – alarms, CCTV etc. - Method of heating - Details of any previous claims - Cover and sums insured required It is important to note that the duty of disclosure continues throughout the policy’s life to notify insurers of any changes to the 34

The conditions used on property policies vary, but generally they require that the insurer is notified as soon as the property becomes unoccupied and also that certain precautions are put in place such as turning off utilities and weekly internal and external inspections. All insurers are wary of unoccupied property and this is reflected in the restrictions to the

Cover issues Some brokers position products mainly on price where certain inexpensive, but optional covers are not automatically included in the initial quote. Subtle variations in the cover may have a large impact on a particular client and it is always best to seek guidance from a professional insurance broker. Issues to watch out for include: - width of cover – always request ‘all risks’ or ‘accidental damage’ wording - check the terms of any quote to ensure optional sections are not missed off by mistake - check that the ‘loss of rent’ cover is sufficient and reflects the true rental income figure Given the complexities, trustees should ensure that they use reputable insurance brokers who will ensure that cover is adequate, that all eventualities are covered and that there is no risk, financial or reputational, to the trust company and its trustees.

Better tools for business

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Better for business R A Rossborough (Insurance Brokers) Limited is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission. Registered in Jersey No. 1944. Registered Office: 41 La Motte Street. R A Rossborough (Guernsey) Limited is licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission. Registered in Guernsey No. 2873. Registered office: Rossborough House, Bulwer Avenue. Rossborough Insurance (IOM) Limited is registered with the Insurance and Pensions Authority in respect of General Business. Registered in Isle of Man No. 110231C. Registered Office: Bourne Concourse, Peel Street, Ramsey, Isle of Man IM8 1JJ.



Heimdallr Solutions

i2Office Guernsey offers a more flexible and lower cost alternative to the traditional long term lease with prestige serviced offices and meeting space in Royal Chambers on St Julian’s Avenue, St Peter Port.

Heimdallr Solutions provides discreet remedial and preventative security solutions through a range of techniques.

i2Office provides high quality serviced offices for rental on flexible, competitive terms with top-grade technology services. The offices can accommodate all sizes of operations, from small start-up teams to companies looking to house more than 50 people, either for a project, an interim period whilst refurbishing or moving offices, or for a long-term real estate solution. A business lounge plus meeting space to accommodate board meetings, seminars, training and events for two to 150 people is also available. i2Office operates high quality serviced offices and meeting rooms in over 25 locations in the UK, including Mayfair and the City of London as well as major cities such as Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds and Manchester.

The company works closely with clients to establish the exact nature or their requirements and deliver accurate and timely solutions. Service quality is enhanced by a team of professional associates that has experience in the military, intelligence services, law enforcement, counter terrorism and investigating serious organised crime. Heimdallr and its associates provide bespoke training services to both the private and government sectors and lawful covert and overt solutions in a number of areas. These include global risk assessment (compliance, fraud investigation hostile behavioural detection), technology solutions (cybercrime, IT security, forensic investigations, network and penetration testing), tradecraft (surveillance, lawful covert photography, asset tracking) and personal protection (situation awareness, team building, travel advice).

The National Trust of Guernsey

Prospero Facilities Services

The National Trust of Guernsey (NTG) was founded in 1960 with the aim of protecting island heritage against irreversible loss or inappropriate development.

Prospero is a facilities maintenance and management company with significant experience in the provision of services across all market sectors, including banking and finance, public sector, data centres, retail, utilities and commercial office property.

Some may consider NTG’s foundation as prescient. Over the last five decades ‘invincible’ industries have been lost and the now vital finance industry shapes Guernsey’s prospects. NTG is a modern body, embracing advances in technology, engineering, building materials and development in scale and appropriate to the surrounding landscape. Island heritage suffered in the ‘gold rush’ of the late 70s, 80s and 90s and NTG is pleased that heritage preservation is now a priority consideration with planning. Its membership figures, with an increasingly younger demographic, evidence support for NTG. Its properties, places and events have never been more important for well-being and outdoor family time in these tech-tied times. Being part of the out crowd is definitely in.


Through its in-house staff in Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man, Ireland and UK, Prospero provides security, cleaning, mailroom and porter services, caretaking, space and workplace management, technical maintenance (such as heating, ventilation and fire alarms) project management for refurbishments and upgrades, energy efficiency programmes. By being able to offer a fully integrated facilities management service, Prospero is very well positioned to assist clients in reducing their operational costs significantly. This is done through the elimination of unnecessary additional steps in the management of the services and the consequential removal of multiple layers of vendors’ overhead costs and profit margins.


Accent Language School

Channel Island Adjusters

Accent Language School has been teaching languages for over 25 years to both local and foreign students of all ages and backgrounds.

Channel Islands Adjusters was founded in 2004 in Guernsey by husband and wife Richard and Julie-Anne Headington.

Under new management, the team is passionate about spreading the love for languages from a very young age and supports the development and mastering of any language at different levels, according to the needs and wishes of its customers. The teachers are either native speakers and/or qualified to teach the languages and are dedicated to teaching and developing each student’s knowledge and ability. Accent Language School is also always looking for teachers of a variety of languages to continue to deliver its wide range of services and languages. The school offers a variety of courses from general to business-based knowledge, pre-school lessons to GCSE/A-Level preparation classes and local holiday clubs to residential schools, both for students to come and learn in and enjoy Guernsey and also for local students to go and experience another country.

It offers service and expertise in both commercial and domestic property claims. Attention to detail, extensive experience, technological innovations and a personal service are the key drivers for the business. With a career of 29 years in the insurance industry, Richard cemented his position in the local market by forming the business. He is a chartered insurance practitioner with innovative ideas, dedication and professionalism. From a background in business studies and accountancy, Julie-Anne began her insurance career in 1990. With experience in loss adjusting, insurance broking and accountancy, Julie-Anne deals with complex claims calculations and client liaison. Channel Islands Adjusters Ltd developed Go Create, a bespoke software programme, which works across all desktop and mobile devices and streamlines the information capture process for each claim allowing for efficiency, speed and ingenuity for clients.

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Outsourced financial controlling – more than a cost cutting exercise AG Accounting’s Andy Gill looks at the benefits of outsourcing some or all of a business’s financial management activity There are many reasons why a business will seek outsourced support for one or several areas of service provision. Outsourcing is often seen as a potential cost-saving tool – depending on which report you read savings can be anywhere between 20% and 50%. But outsourcing can offer far more than pure financial gain with many companies now seeing it as a means of facilitating growth. Outsourcing has seen significant growth over the last decade with businesses choosing to appoint third party providers to deliver core as well as non-core business services. In the UK, research suggests that the annual turnover generated by the outsourcing market is around £207 billion, and supports 3.1 million jobs - equivalent to 10% of all UK workforce jobs. In Guernsey, with our proliferation of small companies, outsourcing forms an important part of the corporate market. In the finance sector, compliance and risk management services are a relative newcomer to the outsourced arena – no doubt driven by the ever-increasing complexity of regulatory and legal requirements across the sector; third party HR service providers are benefitting from the more litigious environment in which we work and the complexity of employment legislation faced by all employers – a particular minefield for small operations. Every business has key time-consuming tasks that are often non-client-facing and therefore non-fee-generating. These include financial management related activities. Most small businesses cannot afford to employ a full-time financial controller. Using a ‘remote’ service to fulfil this activity means that they can concentrate on their core business – whatever sector they are in – leaving the management accounts, cash flow management, bookkeeping to an experienced and qualified third party provider. AG Accounting aims to 38

support business owners who wish to concentrate fully on the running of their business while we deal with the financial management and the related pressures placed on any business owner. Whether you are a sole trader, just starting out or already have a well-established business, we can provide you with the tools to maximise the potential returns from your business in the most efficient manner.

In the UK, research suggests that the annual turnover generated by the outsourcing market is around £207 billion, and supports 3.1 million jobs equivalent to 10% of all UK workforce jobs The benefits of handing these responsibilities to a third party and concentrating on the business’s core services are not hard to appreciate. However, the benefits are not all related exclusively to cost. •

Continuity - an outsourcing company can deliver seamless service provision through economies of scale often impossible to guarantee from its in-house equivalent;

• •

Experience – access to a package of services from bookkeeping through to group finance director; from basic management accounts to tax expertise; from set of simple templates to complex business IT modelling; Knowledge – a business has access to a wider knowledge and experience-base via

a third party company; within a financial management context, accurate forecasting and budget projections can assist a business in its strategic planning and enables a business owner to make informed decisions;

• Efficiency – outsourcing some of these back-office functions means that key staff can concentrate on core business; •

Value-added – a third party provider can become part of the team bringing invaluable additional input into the business planning process;

• Scaleability - for example to project- manage a one-off project such as a systems implementation; •

Cost – whilst savings are not always guaranteed, outsourcing will normally deliver real bottom-line savings; improved efficiencies and reduction of ancillary staff costs being obvious examples.

When selecting a outsourcing partner – irrespective of sector, there are a few key points to consider •

Levels of experience and expertise; accreditations held by the company and individuals which can offer assurances with regard to the levels of service delivery and controls that you can expect;

• Chemistry – if you are giving a third party access to sensitive company data it has to be to someone you instinctively trust. Whatever the size of your business, outsourcing can deliver tangible benefits. Guernsey Accounting has a wide range of clients across the whole Guernsey business community. We spend time with each client to understand its business model and aspirations. This enables us to deliver bespoke services depending on their individual size, operation and needs – ours is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach.


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In this issue we take a look at Bermuda, which has a remarkable list of parallels with Guernsey. It also comes under similar ‘attacks’ from neighbouring governments and its rebuttal is just as robust. Its insurance market is particularly strong and whilst Guernsey’s own impressive successes in this sector continue, it doesn’t hurt to take a look at what the competition is up to.



Any Guernsey resident taking a quick look at Bermuda will feel an immediate affinity – an offshore island of 21 square miles; a population of 64,000; a finance sector that outstrips tourism; a British Overseas Territory that is self-governing; and another highly regulated jurisdiction where whatever they do or say never seems to ease the continual struggle against being labelled an ‘offshore tax haven’.

that Guernsey has done in the last few weeks, Bermuda takes a robust stance.

Bermuda, like Guernsey, also retains the confidence and the drive to shrug these issues off and continue to do business and to thrive. Like Guernsey the island has recreated itself as an international business centre and continues to evolve through regulation, legislation, innovation and strategy.

Governor Richards, told the USA that ‘those that live in glasshouses should not throw stones’, and went on to point the finger at Delaware in no uncertain terms. Strong and direct and a reflection of a jurisdiction that is confident in itself and its own space. Dare we call them a brother in arms?

Rebutting the criticism – all too familiar

Proximity to the largest market in the world

Bermuda also maintains a fairly low, albeit ‘centre of excellence’ profile, which serves it well...that is until occasionally a random politician (in their case it is usually a US senator or two, while for Guernsey it is currently the leader of the UK’s opposition party) feels the need for an attention-seeking sound bite. At which time it becomes the offshore bad boy again. But in the same way

A recent example follows yet another attack concerning the legal ‘syphoning offshore’ of corporate profits (sometimes referred to as ‘corporate inversions’). In this case the finger was being pointed at Google, but Bermuda is where the profits end up, so it is, of course, its fault.

The location of Bermuda, less than a two-hour flight from New York has been the key to its success. Map in the rest of the East Coast and the South American gateway of Miami and it is an enviable position. In the same way that Guernsey is a return day trip away from the sophisticated leading business centre that is the City of London, so

Bermuda has New York and the response has been the same as Guernsey’s – identify and respond to the needs and requirements of the opportunity on your doorstep. Bermuda – the world’s risk capital These are their words not ours, but they do focus the spotlight on the continuing success story of Bermuda – the captive insurance industry. And here’s yet another similarity because Guernsey is undoubtedly one of their major (if not the major) challengers in this area with our highly successful insurance sector that continues to be a world leader in this field. Bermuda claims to have invented the captive in the early 1960s. It became the cornerstone of its finance sector. From this the insurance industry grew and it became and remains essential to its success. It is reflected in the fact that at one time Bermuda boasted the highest income per capita in the world and still remains one of the highest. Most of the insurance business comes from the US and, importantly (and the cause of the robust exchanges referred to above) the large corporates. According to the Bermuda insurance website, Chevron reportedly has

Bermuda claims to have invented the captive in the early 1960s. It became the cornerstone of its finance sector. From this the insurance industry grew and it became and remains essential to its success



over 400 Bermuda incorporated companies. Approximately 75% of the top ‘Fortune 500’ companies have a registration in Bermuda. That doesn’t mean to say that they are involved in the corporate inversions to maximise profits, or insurance/reinsurance, but it shows that Bermuda has targeted and has something to offer to a key area of the US market. The size of Bermuda’s involvement in the insurance market can be gleaned from the insurance sector’s own website. The sector supports 25% of the US medical liability insurance and reinsurance market; paid out US$22 billion to rebuild US Gulf and Florida coasts after the hurricane season of 2014/2015; and paid 51% of reported liabilities from the 2011 New Zealand earthquake. US litigation leads to asset protection The leading litigation country in the world creates a need for mechanisms and structures for asset protection and Bermuda is right there on the doorstep to oblige and provide what is needed. So they have asset protection trusts, purpose trusts, and a flexible trust concept adaptable for business purposes. While for private wealth they have reserved power trusts in which the settlor can reserve extensive rights and powers to themselves.


In addition there is the insurance trust where a Bermudan insurance company will establish a master trust that owns and sells life and annuity policies. This structuring re-characterises them as investment products rather than policies and changes the US tax treatment. In addition, the structuring enables individual sub-trusts for each family or family member that can be specifically tailored to meet their needs. Shipping and aircraft registries Bermuda also has a shipping registry (cruise liners, super-tankers and luxury super-yachts) because, like Guernsey it allows the vessels to fly a non-contentious flag (the red-ensign) - ideal if sailing in dangerous waters. There is also an aircraft registry boasting more than 500 aircraft, many of Airbus size. Any other similarities? Plenty. The tax legislation is such that there is no income, capital gain, profit, gift or inheritance taxes. There is a Bermuda Stock Exchange facilitating the listing of Bermudan funds (there are more than 2,700 registered investment funds with a value in excess of US$3Bn). There is, of course, a regulator, the Bermuda Monetary Authority. It is the regulator of the financial services sector and is responsible for the supervision, regulation and

There is a vast distance in miles between our islands, but in many other respects we are remarkably close inspection of financial institutions operating in Bermuda. Attracting tourists and the casino conundrum Moving away from finance for a moment and onto a topic of constant discussion in Guernsey, Bermuda has also produced a government green paper to consider the feasibility of having a casino on the island to attract more tourism. Remember that gambling is not allowed in many of the States of the US so it is seen as an easy market to win. It is reported that the first casino may open its doors in 2015. As would be expected, opinions are strongly divided although there is already limited gambling allowed on the island playing guess what? Yes, crown and anchor! But it is the insurance and re-insurance industry that is the story of Bermuda. That, and its robust belligerence when its integrity is challenged by US politicians. There is a vast distance in miles between our islands, but in many other respects we are remarkably close.


Business intelligence in travel management In the last issue, Fred Eulenkamp discussed the role of traveller tracking within a company’s duty of care requirements. In this issue he considers the role of business intelligence and big data The buzzwords ‘business intelligence’ and ‘big data’ are currently being referred to as the latest innovation in the running of any business. Forgive me if, at first glance, I put on my sceptic’s hat and think: seen it all before, this is just another fashionable item that will soon become part of forgotten history’. However, apply these concepts to the travel industry and you have something that not only will survive, but will become one of the most important areas of service of a good travel management company and its relationships with clients. Business intelligence (data reporting) in travel is nothing new. Since TravelSolutions started, we have been able to provide our corporate clients with simple and easy-toread statistics on where and when they travel, their annual spend, and their travel policy compliance. Within the next couple of months we will go a few steps further and provide our clients with instant access to reports that have been specifically designed for them and their corporate needs, bringing TravelSolutions to the forefront of technology. Tailor-made reporting including spend analysis, carbon footprint and destination information will all be just a click away. Our interpretation of these reports and what we are able do with them is of great importance - rather than merely producing them for clients’ information. In an ideal world, a travel management company would be able to analyse a client’s travel patterns, and identify the areas in

which they have the scope to undertake contract negotiations with the supplier that suits their organisation’s specific needs. Although many companies do this themselves, they can often miss some of the finer points that lead to achieving the best deals. In addition, a knowledgeable travel management company will usually have a better picture of the whole market than a client possibly can, making it harder for an airline, for example, to provide misinformation. This is where big data comes to the fore. What is it that makes big data such a powerful concept? • • •

It can provide insights that help deliver a more intelligent travel experience than has ever been possible before. Harnessing both unstructured and structured data promises a more integrated view of our industry. It gives travel companies the opportunity to enhance current industry processes, push innovation and build better relationships with their customers.

(and thus importance) that any company has to an individual supplier. The new reporting suite from TravelSolutions will allow travel managers to: • Access on-demand reporting which includes daily updates to online and agent-assisted bookings • Quickly and easily uncover savings opportunities • Leverage comprehensive reports that provide a detailed analysis of one particular aspect of a company’s travel spend and can identify where this puts that company in order of their spend with a particular supplier such as an airline • Look at broader travel trends across the organisation. Big data helps deliver answers to complicated questions and answers questions businesses didn’t know they wanted answers to, thus helping them to make faster and better commercial decisions. Big data helps companies not only sense the present, but also see the future and proactively shape it to their advantage.

Negotiations with suppliers have, for example, always been based on promising a specific number of travellers on a specific route and receiving some form of discount, whether this be an upfront fare reduction or a rebate paid on reaching certain targets.

TravelSolutions works closely with leading travel global distribution system Amadeus, and travel reporting solutions provider Cornerstone, both of which are developing ways in which big data can be integrated simply into tools that aid corporate clients in their contract negotiations.

With the advent of big data and utilising the full knowledge of the trends across the whole travelling community, it is now possible to identify the importance of any one air route to an airline or hotel to a chain and to identify the percentage of business

TravelSolutions would be delighted to meet with your company’s finance director or procurement managers for a free 60-minute consultation to assess your company’s travel needs.


Deutsche Bank Nurturing talent in the community Businesses have sought to support community organisations in various ways for years, but for some firms effective support has become about more than just donating money or supporting small one-off projects. For those businesses, the aim is on bringing about real change in the communities in which they operate. Deutsche Bank’s support of various community groups across the Channel Islands is a case in point. Having adopted a carefully formulated long-term community engagement strategy some years ago, it is focused on bringing about societal change and nurturing local talent through sport and the arts, by forming long-term partnerships with specific groups or initiatives that are pertinent to its business or that share similar cultural values. Liberation For some years, the bank has placed an emphasis on collaborating with community


organisations with an educational, cultural or sporting remit in order to nurture local talent. In Guernsey, this includes a range of grassroots sports development programmes and cultural partnerships, such as with the

We have a strong belief that grassroots sport can play a crucial role in the development of young people Guernsey International Photography Festival and the annual bursary award for students studying classical music. In a particularly exciting move this year, and reinforcing the bank’s support of bringing music to the community, is an original and unrepeatable concert in May planned to

mark the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Channel Islands, featuring the world-renowned Berlin Philharmonic Octet. Set to take place on the 8 May in Guernsey, the special event, which Deutsche Bank is supporting together with Mourant Ozannes, forms part of the Victor Hugo International Music Festival and will feature a narration of material from the occupation, including letters and diaries from residents and soldiers stationed in the islands. The concert has come about in no small part as a result of Deutsche Bank’s 25 year global association with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, a long-term partnership whose aim is to provide access to classical music to people from all walks of life. ‘It is fitting for the Bank, which has a long established presence in the Channel Islands, to support this important historical anniversary,” says Andreas Tautscher, Chief Country Officer of Deutsche Bank in the


Channel Islands. “As a strong supporter of artistic endeavour locally, we are delighted to play a part in welcoming musicians from the Berlin Philharmonic Octet, who are feted in festivals all over the world.’ In addition, the Octet will also host a workshop with local young musicians during their visit, providing them with a unique opportunity to learn from some of the world’s leading musicians. ‘We were so excited to be invited to support this project,” explains Andreas. “It isn’t just a concert - to be able to help bring the octet to Guernsey and Jersey for such an anniversary and to deliver an event for school children in each island is particularly special.’ Life Skills Meanwhile, the bank is also focused on nurturing talent and giving young people an opportunity to develop sporting and life skills through participation in sport. A recently extended sponsorship of the

Guernsey Squash & Racketball Association, for instance, is enabling hundreds of pupils

As a strong supporter of artistic endeavour locally, we are delighted to play a part in welcoming musicians from the Berlin Philharmonic Octet, who are feted in festivals all over the world

‘We have a strong belief that grassroots sport can play a crucial role in the development of young people. Thousands of young people have come through the development programmes we’ve supported over the years, and we see consistently just how beneficial they are not just in terms of improving sports technique, but also in giving young people essential life skills and boosting self-confidence.’ By focusing on nurturing talent across the sports and cultural sectors, Deutsche Bank’s community programme provides a good example of what can be achieved when local businesses make a genuine commitment to engaging with community groups. Further information about the Victor Hugo Festival and the Berlin Philharmonic Octet concert can be found at

from schools across Guernsey to take part in taster coaching sessions with qualified coaches. It’s an ethos Andreas is clearly proud of:



RBC donates £1,000 to Home-Start Guernsey

Investec sponsors CI Rugby League

RBC donates £14,000 to Alzheimer’s Association

Barlays’ Tea & Teach events provide free technology advice


Saffery Champness supports CLIC’s fundraiser


Youth Speaks: when CSR works The annual Rotary Club of Guernsey Youth Speaks competition is now in its 16th year and, for 10 of those, Mourant Ozannes has been the sponsor The relationship is a textbook example of how corporate social responsibility should work, benefiting all partners equally. The competition is part of a national initiative, organised by the Rotary Clubs of Great Britain and Ireland. The Guernsey event is open to all island secondary schools. Each team consists of a chairperson, a speaker, and a vote of thanks and each one has a specific role to play, to a set time. The teams present an argument on a topical subject and then face questions from an appointed independent scrutineer. The judges award two winning teams – one aged 14 – 16 and one 17 – 18 years old. This year’s winners both came from Guernsey Grammar, presenting Mary Berry for Prime Minister and Dinner with Ozymandias. Congratulating the teams Robert Shepherd, senior partner at Mourant Ozannes said, ‘The ability to construct a persuasive proposition and then to defend your case against a searching question from the floor of the hall is an important life skill, and one that will serve you well.’ The senior winners go forward to regional finals and, hopefully, on to the national final. Last year’s Guernsey winners, also from Guernsey Grammar, made it to the top, to be narrowly defeated by a team from Maidstone.

Simon Milsted of the Rotary Club of Guernsey believes the sponsor partnership has been successful because Mourant Ozannes has not just supported the event financially. ‘We benefit from the longstanding relationship with Mourant Ozannes’, he says, ‘because we have a corporate sponsor who is participative and genuinely interested in promoting the skills in our young people that come to the fore in public speaking.’

As well as supporting the local winners through to the higher stages of the national competition, members of Mourant Ozannes Guernsey staff dedicate time to mentor and coach anyone who wants assistance in preparing for the event. Importantly, because Mourant Ozannes believes in inclusivity, promoting excellence, supporting teamwork and encouraging endeavour, Youth Speaks is an ideal initiative with which to engage. Jessica Roland, managing partner says:

Victoria Crisp, teacher at Guernsey Grammar, is clear on the advantages of taking part. She says, ‘I think all the students are aware of the benefits. It is a competition that hinges on giving them a voice, working as a team and ultimately operating in a competitive field. ‘When they perform they are in the adult world, learning how to conduct themselves in public later on in life, and being able to explain their ideas and thought processes. Once they are on the competition circuit, it is great to see them interacting with the other teams, supporting each other and giving helpful feedback.’

‘There is a very tangible link between the life skills that the competition seeks to encourage and develop and those that are exhibited through good advocacy. Guernsey competitors have shown how talented our young people are and we have been very proud to work with the Rotary Club of Guernsey for the past 10 years.’

The overriding objective is to offer young people the experience of public speaking and an opportunity to work as a team. They need to understand a topic, research and assimilate facts, prepare a cogent and compelling argument to present in a persuasive and confident manner and be assessed on the success of their presentation. The synergy with the law is obvious.

In the case of Youth Speaks there are three beneficiaries: Rotary Club of Guernsey is able to stage the event thanks to the financial and professional support they receive; Mourant Ozannes is able to enrich its brand through a meaningful community touch point; and Guernsey’s students gain invaluable life skills that will remain with them throughout adulthood. This year’s winners will be hoping to emulate last year’s success and take their place in the national final being held in Brentwood, Essex in May.



Herm Only 20 minutes away but a different world Contact spoke to Herm’s director of hospitality, Jonathan Watson, about the balance between bringing in new service offerings and maintaining the familiar and traditional ethos that is at Herm’s very core. For young or old, walkers or beach lovers, foodies or pub grubbers – Herm is undoubtedly one of the favourite escapes for Guernsey residents and visitors alike. Its fascinating history and gradual development into the tourism market are topics in themselves. In more recent years, with the need to create other revenue streams and develop new market opportunities, the island has carved a successful niche for itself within the corporate arena as Jonathan explained: ‘Many companies throw a summer party for their staff and Herm has become a popular choice. We have, over the years, run BBQs, created the Black Rock Grill, and offered other catering options depending on what the client is looking for and the size of the party. ‘But it’s important to make sure that we keep our service and catering offering fresh. So this year we have introduced live theatre cooking at the Mermaid to replace the BBQ. It was a concept I saw first at Borough Market in London and it suits Herm perfectly. We can cater for 100 people. The chefs cook all the dishes in huge paella type pans, live

in front of you – giving the whole event that real theatrical twist.’ The Black Rock Grill has also gone and is now a grillroom. ‘The Black Rock Grill was very successful. But there are natural life cycles with this type of offering and given that Herm enjoys a high level of repeat business we wanted to bring in some changes before people became bored. The fundamental basis of great food and excellent service is still at the heart of everything we do.’ Jonathan believes that companies are now starting to relax budgets a little following some stricter times in recent years. ‘The summer party business continued throughout the recent downturn, but it was a little lower key. Now I am noticing that the purse strings aren’t quite as tight which does indicate that things are improving generally. ‘We are very mindful of cost anyway and our party menus start from £10 a person, which with the boat only being £10 too makes for a pretty reasonable night out.’ Themed nights are another trend that Jonathan has seen. ‘Some people like to do something completely outside the norm. So we have organised – together with a local event organiser – pirates’ parties; Caribbean themed evenings; and one of the more

unusual corporate parties was a Prohibition night when everyone drank alcohol out of teacups – which apparently is precisely what went on in the speakeasies of the time in case of raids. If numbers exceed our Mermaid capacity we can accomodate up to 150 people in the marquee on the White House lawn that we leave up throughout the season.’ Client entertainment is one area that continues to thrive for Herm. The ideal way to escape the office for a couple of hours for lunch or to share a different dining experience with a city-dwelling client, the AA two rosette White House Conservatory Restaurant is often on the itinerary. The restaurant also boasts a pretty impressive wine list – something of which Jonathan is very proud. ‘We go to a lot of effort with our wine selection and the French choices are largely sourced direct from the vineyards. We aim to include an extremely wide variety both in terms of price and provenance and I am always looking forward something that you won’t find elsewhere in the islands.’ From pub grub to fine dining, as Jonathan sums up: ‘Herm really does have something for everyone.’

Our party menus start from £10 a person, which with the boat only being £10 too makes for a pretty reasonable night out


Jason Powers of NorthGates explains the benefits of independent project management for complex residential and commercial building projects High-net-worth owners and investors, like any owner of open market and local market property, have a personal stake and want to maximise the value they achieve from any refurbishment, redevelopment, extension or new building. The value equation may be personal design taste or ensuring that any work is within accepted commercial limits, either way this translates into a much stronger interest, with regard to design, specification, cost advice and contractor performance in the construction process. Today’s expectations of high value properties result in complex projects involving many different suppliers, trades, companies and contractors that all require orchestrating to produce the desired property. Investors are increasingly looking for professional independence to achieve this objective, a role fulfilled by the project manager, quantity surveyor and cost advisor. Whatever the role, the essence is the same, a guiding hand to manage and co-ordinate all the activities associated with achieving a successful project effectively. Many of these clients simply do not have time or experience to manage their projects, so gain peace of mind that someone else with the time and expertise is at the heart of their development, and is on call as required. NorthGates Guernsey Limited, which provides independent and chartered professional services to private individuals, developers, investor organisations and governments developing commercial or residential property, prides itself on the high number of repeat commissions it receives and its long-term relationships with clients. Two of NorthGates Guernsey Limited’s recent domestic projects have involved the

redevelopment of substantial properties in St Peter Port. The first, a 10,000 square foot seven-bed home with sea and valley views took two and a half years to complete. The property’s owner, Tony Todd, after being provided a list of potential project managers in the island and subsequently meeting with the team decided to employ NorthGates Guernsey Limited to manage the project. ‘I’m very pleased with everything NorthGates has done and I would absolutely use them again,’ he said. Mr Todd said he would strongly advise anyone taking on a residential, or commercial project to employ a project manager unless they wanted to commit 100% of their own time to it. ‘NorthGates is a very professional company and carried out every task agreed in the contract with absolute diligence.’ Mr Todd said he gained peace of mind that NorthGates Guernsey Limited would address any issues with contractors quickly and effectively. ‘Meetings are recorded to ensure project actions are agreed and followed by the entire project team and that everyone, including the client, knows exactly what is expected.’ The second property, a year-and-a-half long project, saw the demolition of an existing home and the total rebuild to create a new residential property.

‘From a client’s perspective you want someone who has the technical know-how. Someone with the knowledge and experience to make sure all contracts and documents are in order; that’s very important. ‘But I think greater value comes, as it did with NorthGates, from the actual project management. For a client, the main concern is that things are getting done, to the right standard and to the agreed timescale. If this is not the case then the project manager can ensure this is quickly rectified. You really do need somebody who understands the industry from a client’s perspective.’ Mr Cornell said autonomy and discretion were also very important. ‘You have got to have someone who is independent of any architect or contractor and is resilient. Jason and his team have been very good at navigating any issues, and have acted professionally and respectfully, but at the same time had the authority to take charge when required; that’s real added value.’ Mr Cornell said he would use NorthGates Guernsey Limited again if he were starting the project tomorrow. In balance, the project manager and cost advisor roles are something that NorthGates Guernsey Limited takes extremely seriously. By bringing knowledge and experience to the table we can guide clients in a direction that will benefit in the long term, but is not always the easiest approach in the short term, ensuring the result reflects the client’s aspiration for their property.

The owner, Peter Cornell, said there were two reasons he had used NorthGates Guernsey Limited after recommendation from his contractor.
















MEET THE LIVINGROOM TEAM “Our principles at Livingroom apply to all. Whether selling or buying a £150k studio or a £25m mansion everyone should feel they are the focus of our work and we are determined to make sure our clients stay with Livingroom because of the innovative quality of service they receive.”




Time to be positive about the housing market Livingroom’s Richard Hardie looks at the current local residential housing market and how some vendors need to have a reality check While there have been some that have been sounding the death knell on the Guernsey housing market there are others that continue to see opportunities. A realistic housing market is cause for optimism and it is time this outlook became the prevailing view. Of course 2014 was a year for ‘corrections’ in the local market and some saw this as a time to spread doom and gloom in the market but Livingroom recognised it for the opportunity that it is. A negative mind set from agents fosters fewer sales; it is difficult to motivate a work force or, indeed, vendors, purchasers, landlords and tenants if there is a pervading pessimistic view of the housing market. The Guernsey Residential Property Prices Bulletin showed that the average purchase price for local market properties (realty only) was £408,000 in the third quarter of 2014 0.4% higher than the same quarter of 2013 but 0.6% lower than the previous quarter. There were 161 local market transactions during the third quarter of 2014 - 17.9% fewer than in the same quarter of 2013 when there were 196. The realty only price of the 10 open market transactions in the third quarter of 2014 was £1,116,250 compared with £930,000 in the third quarter of 2013

when there were 15 transactions. The reality is that there is buoyancy in the markets both open and local - if the price is right and this really is the crux of the matter. An organic correction, which takes the heat out of the market, can be a very good thing. It leads to a more realistic attitude from the sector and from the clients. The aim is to strike the right balance; giving good advice to vendors and setting an accurate sales price as well as managing purchasers’ expectations. In a buyers’ market it can be challenging to demonstrate to purchasers that it is not an opportunity to push the price further if the vendor has already set a price that is reasonable and fair. This takes experience and commitment from a professional staff who have their clients at the heart of what they are doing and not their eye on the commission or the biggest sale. Despite the number of sales being down in 2014 Livingroom continues to gain in market share. There is no doubt this is as a consequence of our honest approach and level-headed advice about the market. Sometimes vendors have an inflated idea of how much their houses are worth and there are several reasons this can be the case. In Guernsey we have had years of increasing

house sales at increasing prices. Sometimes it takes a while for individuals to fully comprehend that that is no longer the case so their view on how much their house is worth is based on what might have been the case one, two or three years ago. Another reason is that vendors may have developed their properties; paying to have upgrades and extensions and then they, understandably, want to recoup this investment when selling. The issue here is that the cost of the development may have outstripped what the market will pay so, again, understanding where the market is going before developing is a sensible thing to do. Equally developers may have bought an undeveloped plot of land at the height of the market and may be attempting to sell in a different market entirely at a sizeable profit. However, this will not work if the market has gone through a correction and the demand is just not there for the excessive price they are looking to make. Estate agents have a responsibility to price appropriately and to inform their clients of exactly what is happening in the market right now. It is through this leadership approach, underpinned by a realistic attitude, that we will keep the market moving.

An organic correction, which takes the heat out of the market, can be a very good thing. It leads to a more realistic attitude from the sector and from the clients ‘Glorious Guernsey’ picture courtesy of VisitGuernsey 51


Are you ready for the future? Technological innovations now available for domestic and commercial propertiesMatt Guille of Sensible Technology takes a look at a few

I recently read a piece in a magazine, written by a very good friend of mine who also happens to be an architect.

the technology headaches. This starts with a simple consultation, detailing what we can offer a client in a sometimes confusing and stressful world of home building.

He asked a very simple question.

With massive companies like Apple and Google making huge leaps in technology on a daily basis, how can I possibly know what the future will bring?

‘Is your home future proof?’ From a building fabric and use point of view, if you appoint the right architect and building contractor, this can be fairly easily achieved. But can this be so easily achieved when it comes to home technology? When clients tell me that they want me to future proof their home, I am always very careful with my response. It usually starts with me saying, ‘I don’t know what the future will bring.’ With massive companies like Apple and Google making huge leaps in technology on a daily basis, how can I possibly know what the future will bring? My first advice to a client when we are sat considering a set of drawings of the proposed property is to make sure that during renovation or construction stage, the best quality cabling is installed. That way the house has the best possible infrastructure available and, as technology changes, there is a reasonable chance that it can be fairly simply installed without the need to rewire. Sensible Technology ihas an excellent reputation locally when it comes to the supply and installation of home technology, whether it be a small sonos multi-room audio system, or complete home installation, comprising of lighting controls LED lighting, TV and TV distribution multi room audio, heating controls and wired and wireless internet. Sensible Technology offers the complete service.

In recent years we have looked into other areas where we can bring our expertise and have moved into the commercial market. Recent projects include a new audio, visual and lighting control system for the OGH Crown Club, the centrepiece of this project being six regency mirror framed TVs.

We often receive referrals from architects who tell their clients we can take away all of

The Guernsey Rugby Club received a new audio and visual system, and we were very


happy to be contracted to install the audio and wireless system in the recently opened Storm Force gym in Smith Street, to name but a few. It is at this time of year that the company’s focus moves towards the heating control market. With energy prices only rising, the need to make savings on heating the home is very important. This year Sensible Technology has started working with Oracle Finance to make our products, particularly heating control products, more affordable to a wider market. We are currently selling a heating control system that can be retro-fitted to existing heating systems (radiators or under floor) and allows each room to be individually temperature and time controlled, with consequential financial savings. Customer feedback has indicated real interest in the product but also a desire for a finance structure that allows for monthly payments. Our ensuing partnership with Oracle was a logical step to facilitate this customers’ requirements. What does the future hold for Sensible Technology? This year is the company’s 10th anniversary, and with the team expanding to meet a constant changing market, hopefully the next 10 years will see Sensible Technology remain at the forefront of the technical market in Guernsey.

LIGHTING Get your internal and external lighting designed and controlled properly and really see the difference. State of the art LED lighting will save you 80% on your running costs.

HEATING Control radiators or under-floor heating and more in each room to save you money and improve your comfort. Savings of 30% are common.

AUDIO All the music you want, anywhere in your home. SONOS multiroom music system can be built in so it is hidden from sight but available anywhere in your home both inside and out.

For more information visit: or call us on: +44 1481 248567

VISUAL We can design and install TV systems with surround sound but no trailing wires or dust traps. We also supply AV furniture that can house speakers, satellite boxes, DVD players and the TV.

You’ve found the perfect candidate. Now it’s time to help them relocate.

• Independent property search and negotiation service • Single point of contact to coordinate all their relocation-related issues • Finding the right school for your candidate’s children • Helping them to settle in and make new contacts • Enabling them to hit the ground running from day one

For help in relocating your perfect candidate to the Channel Islands, please contact: Jo Stoddart Guernsey Office T: +44 (0)1481 257200

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Relocation services to help recruit, retain, reward… Jo Stoddart of Quintessential Relocation Consultants looks at the advantages or outsourcing relocation services to the experts

You’ve invested time and resources in the recruitment process, identified the perfect candidate and made a job offer. But how do you entice world-class talent to accept a position that involves major upheaval for themselves and their families? With a tempting package… A candidate’s decision to relocate their family to a new country, a new home, a new school and an unfamiliar routine can be a difficult one, no matter how desirable the employment opportunity. Offering the services of a specialist relocation agent as part of the package can certainly make the employment offer a more tempting (and less daunting) prospect. A friendly, efficient, single point of contact to take care of all the stress and administration will deliver a positive message to potential employees. Quintessential Relocation Consultants (QRC) helps clients and their families enjoy the smoothest possible transition to the Channel Islands. Experience tells us that the most successful relocations are those where the needs of the spouse and children are also carefully considered. Whilst a move can be exciting, it is also likely to involve difficult moments and we are committed to giving our clients and their families the best possible support at every stage of their journey. A relocation consultant is not the same as an estate agent, although we often work together to help accommodate newcomers to the islands. Relocation consultants are entirely independent. Our sole remit is serving the best interests of our clients – your employees. Having worked as

an estate agent on both Jersey and Guernsey, I know the local property market inside out. However, finding the right home is just a small part of what we have to offer. My job is to ensure that your candidate has access to all the property on the market, is able to make an informed choice based on independent advice, and gets a good deal. Our ongoing support also continues long after the handover of the keys.

Whilst a move can be exciting, it is also likely to involve difficult moments and we are committed to giving our clients and their families the best possible support at every stage of their journey. QRC is able to provide as much or as little assistance as your company requires recognising that clients’ requirements can differ extensively. Our approach, attention to detail and desire to ensure that each move is professionally managed does not alter. Services include: • Accommodation search • Island orientation tours • Permits, registrations and licences

• Introductions to financial services, tradesmen and domestic help • Information about sporting, social and community activities • Ongoing general, practical and moral support for the whole family This ‘menu’ approach to our service provision, allows us to deliver a fully flexible and individual solution. Corporate clients have the security of fixing a budget, whilst their staff can enjoy the freedom of selecting those services that they find most helpful or relevant. Helping you through the red tape Local housing regulations can be a minefield for clients, and as they differ slightly on each island, QRC has an office on both Jersey and Guernsey in order to deliver high quality, local expertise. QRC is the only member of the ARP and EuRA operating in the Channel Islands. Each member of our client-facing team has lived through international relocation and between us -we speak French, Afrikaans, Flemish, Dutch and German. We were very proud to win both the ARP’s Destination Service Provider of the Year Award as well as the Property Finder of the Year Award in September 2014. Companies that have offered our services to expatriated staff tell us that their employees settle more quickly and are less likely to resign their positions early. Our commitment to providing professional, bespoke relocation services can help drive your business in the same way - by supporting your candidate and their family we allow them to focus entirely on establishing their new life in the Channel Islands.

• Accompanied school visits




What’s trending in the world of architecture? Find out from James Barker of Create Architects 1. Passive houses Reducing the consumption of energy, carbon emissions and focusing on ‘green’ principles are some of the most important issues facing architecture today. Ultra-low energy buildings designed with environmental principles from the outset are the key to the passive house standard. It has been suggested that passive houses can save up to 90% in heating costs. With more governments offering grants and funding to assist with developing your own passive house, it is becoming a reality to a greater number of householders, which will certainly have a positive impact improving environmental performance across the world for a more sustainable future. 2. Design and relaxation - the ‘cave’ In this age of mobile technology and the constant bombardment of information, we all need that one place to escape in order to ‘switch off’; a retreat of our own to relax and unwind. This could be as simple as a garden shed or chalet, music room or home gym, or you may want to improve your mind, body and spirit with a yoga/meditation pod or artist’s studio. This type of ‘me’ space is becoming ever more popular and will continue to grow as everyday life becomes increasingly more stressful. The design industry has responded to this need in the form of garden and office pods. However a dedicated ‘cave’ in your home could also be an ideal respite from technology overload. 3. Flexible living Flexibility in the design of your home is certainly a key trend for 2015. As our

disposable income is reducing and the cost of buying a home increases, many homeowners require their house to adapt to different life events and circumstances, whether this involves parents moving in or children fleeing the nest. Flexible living is a versatile way of living. There are as many options for making your home more flexible as there are changes in circumstance that require the adaptation in the first place. Flexible living could include the use of partitions, in otherwise open plan spaces, to allow the occupant to divide off areas and create rooms with a range of different uses depending on their needs at the time. Flexible living could also include the design of the home to accommodate an elderly relative who may wish to retain their privacy whilst benefitting from the security of having their family nearby. As housing footprints get smaller, being creative with the space you already have and thinking about the possibility of being able to use the rooms in your home in a variety of different ways ensures that a home can be used to its full potential. 4. Prefabrication Prefabrication in varying degrees of scale, from garden pods to modular roofs and entire houses is set to be a key trend for 2015. The benefits of prefabrication include consistency in the product output, less reliance on the weather for construction and minimised time on site. When it comes to prefabricated dwellings, well designed units are produced in greater numbers to reduce unit cost, which can directly reduce the cost of a new home for first-time-buyers or for down-sizers.

Environmentally, prefabricated houses go a long way towards sustainable architecture as they can reduce energy consumption in manufacture, minimise waste and they are often constructed to be highly airtight and energy efficient units. For homeowners however, the real benefits of prefabricated houses are in the cost savings and reduced amount of construction time required on site. This is particularly useful where you may wish to rebuild your home and minimise the cost of renting a property elsewhere. 5. Outdoor living Using outdoor spaces as additional rooms is set to increase in popularity in 2015, with architects using their creativity to design unique and efficient solutions to using the land we own. For larger gardens, this can involve dividing the space into different uses throughout the year with shelter for those rainy days. Small homes can benefit from the addition of a glazed half-garden half-living space more commonly known as a winter garden. Outdoor living solutions can incorporate a number of the above key trends including flexible living, the ‘cave’ and prefabrication. Utilising part of your garden area for a prefabricated home office, a relaxation pod tucked away out of sight or a retractable winter garden structure, which can be used in the summer for barbeques, not only makes an efficient use of space, but also allows homeowners to use their garden, even when the weather is being particularly ‘British’.

Your Vision. Our Creation. Our work encompasses both private and public sectors specialising in bespoke residential extensions and roof conversions, social housing and extra care housing, office developments and refurbishments. We aim to create buildings that improve people’s lives whilst minimising environmental impact.

For a free consultation please call 01481 259333 or visit Create Ltd Shoreline House, Marion Place Port Grat, St. Sampson, Guernsey GY2 4TD

Employment law at its very best. We are the only employment team to be ranked in tier 1 in Guernsey and Jersey by the Legal 500 UK and Chambers legal directories.

From listed offshore operations of global financial institutions to small businesses, with the largest team in the Channel Islands, our highly experienced lawyers advise on all aspects of contentious employment law, including claims before the Courts and Employment Tribunals, as well as non-contentious employment law ranging from housing licences, pensions, employment document drafting, health checks and in-house training to redundancies, restructures and dismissals. For advice on all employment matters, or to arrange a meeting with one of the team, contact us at: 01481 731 455 01534 676 206



old (wo)man.


Warren Mauger is

Island rivalry, negativity, abusive drivers‌ Warren Mauger gets a few things off his chest.



I find it quite amazing how often I get shouted at by car drivers or passengers when I am running. They do it just for fun and to make you jump or to scare you. It’s a pretty cowardly thing to do since they are anonymous and just drive off

Warren is director and owner of Spike Productions and, when his face is not hidden behind a camera, he will probably seem one of the least likely grumpy individuals you could meet. There are however just a few things that do make him frown. Contact found out more. ‘As an island we seem to have an obsession with being better than Jersey,’ he said. ‘Don’t get me wrong. I am not referring to the Muratti or other inter-island sports fixtures – I am happy to cheer on the greens at these events - I am talking about within a business context. Our island seems to set Jersey as its benchmark across the board and if a business venture or initiative is deemed to tick the ‘better than Jersey’ box then that’s apparently good enough. ‘We are operating in a global economy

so why would we not set our sights and aspirations much further and aim to be the very best. There is nothing wrong with comparing ourselves to our sister island and Jersey does certain things extremely well. What concerns me is that Guernsey could miss out on market opportunities and settle for being first division rather than premier league if we never broaden our horizons. ‘The digital greenhouse is perhaps a good example. This could be a fantastic opportunity if we set the bar high enough and aim to be a market leader. It just needs to be allowed to flourish.’ First division is certainly not what Warren settles for. If you don’t know him through his filming business you can’t fail to have registered his amazing feat last year completing seven marathons in seven days alongside fellow-runner Philip Smith. They raised an incredible £22,000 for charity

and scooped the Healthspan Excellence in Marketing Award at the recent Guernsey Awards for Achievement. But his training regime is a source for another small gripe. ‘I find it quite amazing how often I get shouted at by car drivers or passengers when I am running. They do it just for fun and to make you jump or to scare you. It’s a pretty cowardly thing to do since they are anonymous and just drive off. I live in hope that I might catch up with one at red traffic lights at some point and actually say something. Apart from the fact that it annoys me, it’s actually pretty dangerous and I know of several people who have been completely put off running as a direct result.’ Warren also finds negative attitudes difficult to deal with. ‘I do get irritated hearing people whinge about a public policy, or moan that Guernsey



‘isn’t what it was’, without having anything of substance to suggest as a feasible alternative. I am not suggesting that everything is perfect but constant negativity is unconstructive. ‘In a similar vein people should think twice about ‘knocking’ the finance sector. I am not at all against economic diversification but without the finance sector – which incidentally in itself is extremely diverse – the island would not have thrived over the last three decades and we have all enjoyed a higher standard of living as a direct result. So many businesses, mine included, rely in some way on that sector. If my clients aren’t all financial organisations, my clients’ clients often are! Health clubs, restaurants, lawyers, estate agents – the list is endless. So yes let’s look at diversification – digital being a great example – but don’t let’s ‘bite the hand that feeds us.’’ Warren is also concerned that the island is becoming a little risk averse and reluctant to innovate. ‘It’s always easy to do what we have always done; change is always the more difficult

and more risky option. But you can’t enjoy commercial success without an element of risk. One advantage of being a small island community is that we are in full control of our own destiny. We should theoretically be able to take decisions quickly, be nimble, fleet of foot and first to market, whether that’s with a new financial product, or more fundamental island strategy. Why could we not have a ground-breaking transport strategy? What’s stopping us taking innovative steps in the renewable energy area? I am an optimist by nature anyway, but so much is possible with the right ‘can do’ approach.’ Warren’s natural optimism is borne out by history. ‘The island has achieved some impressive creative successes over the years. The building of the current market building was funded by public bonds – a finance model well ahead of the game; the fact that we even have a finance sector demonstrates an appetite to innovate; the

protected cell company – a world first; and there are many more examples.’ The last issue that Warren mentioned relates to perception and attitudes towards the creative sector. ‘Most of us working in this sector – whether in PR, design, marketing or any other branch of the creative world – have been perceived at some point as dealing with the ‘fluffy stuff’. In truth the industry boasts so many highly skilled professionals who are strategic thinkers and who can bring real value to the boardroom table. I think part of the problem is that people only see the end-result – an advert, a piece of copy or in my case a film – and they don’t witness any of the strategic thinking and work that goes into its production.’ And as if Warren’s seven-marathon challenge wasn’t enough, he and Philip are now training for their next feat – a 48 hour non-stop treadmill session planned for later this year. So if you spot him out training, don’t shout out of your car window – he’s doing it all for charity.

If my clients aren’t all financial organisations, my clients’ clients often are! Health clubs, restaurants, lawyers, estate agents – the list is endless. So yes let’s look at diversification – digital being a great example – but don’t let’s ‘bite the hand that feeds us'



Guernsey employment law – help or hindrance? Carly Parrott from Mourant Ozannes takes a look at Guernsey’s employment legislation and how it can support small businesses

We often hear comments that employment legislation is a barrier to both entrepreneurial spirit and the recruitment of new people, particularly in small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) because it is bureaucratic and costly. In truth, Guernsey’s legal employment landscape defies that perception and provides an attractive offering to businesses. Statutory protection for employees is part and parcel of running a business, but that does not mean it has to be a hindrance; in fact it can positively help a business to perform better, and to grow. It is important to point out that Guernsey’s employment legislation, while taking its cue from the United Kingdom, is quite distinct and is not unnecessarily complicated or prescriptive. Relevantly to SMEs, there are five key pieces of employment legislation in Guernsey that will directly affect their business: the Conditions of Employment (Guernsey) Law 1985 (as amended), the Minimum Wage (Guernsey) Law 2009, the Health and Safety at Work (General) (Guernsey) Ordinance 1987, Sex Discrimination (Employment) (Guernsey) Ordinance 2005 and The Employment Protection (Guernsey) Law 1998, as amended. These five statutes form the backbone of Guernsey’s employment laws and every business needs to understand the obligations imposed upon it by each one. It is perhaps easy to misconstrue employment legislation. It exists to provide a fair playing field for both employer and employee – to set boundaries and expectations. Just as the legislation is

designed to provide the employee with protections and rights, it also gives the employer a clear set of guidelines that, when applied proactively and consistently, can create a healthy and constructive work environment that should feed into improved employee/employer relations and higher levels of productivity.

Compared with many other jurisdictions, the employment law landscape in Guernsey has clarity, is well mapped and, once you understand and appreciate your obligations, is relatively easy to navigate with the right captain at the helm Taking professional advice on your rights and obligations as an employer and developing the necessary documentation at the outset of a venture or employment relationship may save emotional, managerial and financial pain when the relationship breaks down.

In the majority of situations an acrimonious breakdown in that relationship will have been caused not by the existence or enforcement of employment legislation, but by poor management of the situation: the view that the way your employees feel about your business can be the difference between sinking and swimming is perhaps well-founded.* Compared with many other jurisdictions, the employment law landscape in Guernsey has clarity, is well mapped and, once you understand and appreciate your obligations, is relatively easy to navigate with the right captain at the helm. Embrace the legislation positively and you will discover it can really be a help for business, rather than a hindrance. Getting it right obviously incurs a cost, but that cost is a natural consequence of running a business and getting the right advice at the right time will assist your business to grow into the future. Employment legislation will continue to evolve as, for example, new discrimination laws are brought into force and parental benefits are introduced. Just as the employer/employee relationship is an ongoing one, so is the continual need to take stock of your contracts, policies and procedures and to ensure you remain at the leading edge of best practice. If you can do that you will achieve greater peace of mind and your employees will respect and value their employment, which ultimately will create a successful business environment from which all will benefit. *Investors in People Why treating your employees like customers will help your business soar 16th October 2014



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Be careful what you wish for What do we mean by consumer rights and what impact will their introduction have? Tom Carey of Carey Olsen tells us more

With just over a year to go until the deputies have to face the public vote, the electioneering has already begun with consumer rights back on the political agenda. The States first looked at consumer rights back in 1995 and the implementation of consumer rights legislation is part of the Commerce and Employment Department’s (C&E) business plan for 2015. The sheer magnitude of the task facing C&E should not be underestimated and this article examines what we mean by consumer rights, what impact their introduction will have on business and consumers and what the financial implications are for businesses and the States. What are consumer rights? The scope of the rights of a consumer with regard to the purchase of goods and services under the customary law of Guernsey is uncertain and, unlike the UK and elsewhere, the rights have not been clarified by statutory provisions. Recognising this issue as a commercial threat to the reputation of the island, the States approved a policy letter in March 2000 setting out proposals for fair trade practices and the drafting of legislation in the following areas: • • • •

The sale and supply of goods and services Unfair contract terms Misrepresentation Disposal of uncollected goods left for repair, cleaning etc.

The legislation was never enacted and in 2006 the States approved the preparation of an enabling law, pending a review of the fair trading proposals, to ensure they met the requirements of the 21st century and dovetailed with the competition legislation, given the close relationship between the two areas of interest.

In 2011 the Trading Standards (Enabling Provisions) (Guernsey) Law, 2009 was finally registered which, broadly speaking, allows the States to make ordinances relating to trading standards and the protection of consumers based on corresponding UK legislation. It is perhaps more by luck than judgement that the implementation of consumer rights legislation is now being considered by the department. This is because the corresponding UK and EU law is being completely overhauled due to its disjointed and incoherent nature. After a report from the Law Commission and public consultation, together with the proposals from the EU on a new consumer rights directive, the UK government is currently steering the Consumer Rights Bill through Parliament with the hope that it will bring together, improve and update consumer law by setting out a simple modern framework of consumer rights. When the bill becomes law in the UK the core rights will be: • • • •

Right to clear and honest information before you buy Right to get what you pay for Right that goods and digital content are fit for purpose and services are provided with reasonable care and skill Right that faults in what you buy will be put right free of charge or a refund or replacement provided

Given the clarity of the above list it is highly likely that the States will follow these principles when approving its own ordinance so that Guernsey is not out of step with the UK or the EU. What will be the impact on the island? The biggest impact will be the codification

of Guernsey contract law, which will provide consumers and businesses in Guernsey with legal certainty and a modern framework for determining the rights and obligations of both parties in the digital age. With well informed consumers, who understand their rights, it is hoped that Guernsey can build a stronger economy as people will have more confidence to experiment and shop around, which itself should encourage new businesses and drive innovation, boosting competition and creating growth. There will be a cost to businesses as they will have to familiarise themselves with new regulation and may have to update their terms and conditions and alter their practices to comply. However the hope is that if the law is easier to understand there will be less costly disputes and therefore less need for on-going legal advice. In addition they may benefit from additional business from the UK and EU as they will be subject to an equivalent consumer rights regime. Perhaps the unintended consequence of this policy is the cost to the States in meeting its obligation to establish a trading standards service to administer and enforce consumer rights. It would make sense for this service to be established within the Channel Islands Competition and Regulatory Authorities, but it is yet to be determined whether this will be possible and within agreed funding limits. Overall, the introduction of consumer rights is to be welcomed as it will modernise and clarify certain aspects of Guernsey contract law which will increase confidence in the rights and obligations of both parties to daily transactions in goods and services. However, the States will need to find the resources in an already constrained budget with which to administer and enforce consumer rights. Sometimes you need to be careful what you wish for.



Celebrity = global industry David Evans of Collas Crill considers the growing trend towards image rights recognition worldwide and the role Guernsey is playing

Every week I receive updates on image rights stories from around the world. Many of these are from the US, where the treatment of image rights is still haphazard, despite many years of recognising such rights in certain states. Others are from the UK and other countries which fail to recognise these rights at all. Only in the last few weeks has the UK restated its position that there are no such things as image rights which exist under English law. I have also learned that players in the Australian Football League are now successfully able to claim an element of their earnings relates to payments for the use of their image rights and that Spain pulled out of the European Badminton Championships due to ‘image rights’ conflicts. Whereas other rights in this area, such as trade marks, are treated fairly consistently across a large number of countries, the laws in the area of image rights across the world are a disparate hybrid of existing rules trying to catch up with the demands of the celebrity or personality who wishes to protect and exploit their own image. This use of different laws not intended for the purpose is no more apparent than in the Rihanna and Topshop case, which has been the subject of a Court of Appeal decision in the UK in the last few weeks. Rihanna had been successful in the first case and, on appeal, it was again Rihanna who walked away victorious. The only reason for this was that the judges in each case decided that Rihanna had sufficient reputation in the world of fashion to have an action against Topshop for using her image on a t-shirt. Had she not enjoyed such a reputation then it is safe to say that she wouldn’t have won. This puts many celebrities and personalities in a difficult position when it


comes to protecting and exploiting their own image. There seems to be a free for all when it comes to the ability for others to use the image of a well known person on merchandise, provided the appropriate licence fee has been paid for the use of the picture. In most cases, the owner of the picture will not be the celebrity him/herself who therefore goes unrewarded, whilst only the photographer is paid from the trade.

There is a definite trend towards the recognition of image rights generally in the world, as the cult of celebrity becomes a global industry All the different stories and cases illustrate the difference in the way that image rights are dealt with from one jurisdiction to another. They highlight both the gaps in UK and international systems regarding the rights of personalities and celebrities and also the advantage of registering such rights in order to provide clarity, substance and to enable the management of these rights going forward. It is exactly these uses which Guernsey image rights give to the high profile personality client. It allows them to register rights not able to be registered anywhere else in the world and for these rights to be structured and managed in an effective way, whilst also providing clarity

over the rights. This is especially important when considering licensing contracts or, indeed, tax planning or succession planning opportunities. Over the two years or so the image rights register has been available in Guernsey, we have seen a huge range of different personalities taking advantage of the benefits or registration. From sporting stars to entertainers and entrepreneurs, there is a cross section of personalities from many different countries registered here. There will be numerous reasons as to why they wish to register their rights in Guernsey, but the one thing they have in common is that their image is paramount to their current and continued success and anything that they can do in order to protect and manage this valuable asset should be utilised. There is a definite trend towards the recognition of image rights generally in the world, as the cult of celebrity becomes a global industry. It is interesting from the examples at the start of this article that image rights are clearly important even in more niche sports such as Australian football and badminton. It is unlikely that the governing bodies for these sports would have contemplated image rights issues even five years ago. Guernsey’s register was a bold step into unchartered territory and yet it may turn out to have been prescient. The world of law generally has yet to catch up with the worlds of sport and entertainment, but we believe that it is only a matter of time before other jurisdictions copy Guernsey’s example in this area and in the meantime, Guernsey has a chance to steal a march in this most dynamic of areas.

THE IMAGE RIGHTS EXPERTS Collas Crill IP are Guernsey’s Image Rights specialists, offering a complete IP service for you and your clients. In today’s celebrity obsessed world it is important that individuals have control over the use of their name, likeness, distinctiveness and personality: their ‘image’. For the first time anywhere in the world, individuals and their agents can now register and protect their personality. Contact David Evans for more information: t:+44 (0)1481 734220

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All in a day’s work With Matthew Lane



Delivery driver to designer, installing pumps to sourcing ingredients – Matthew Lane’s job is far from routine. Contact found out a bit more about Matthew’s life as White Rock Brewery’s technical brewer. Matthew has worked for this young Guernsey company, which specialises in the production of craft beers, since his graduation last year. Not expecting to find a job suited to his area of expertise in Guernsey, Matthew anticipated a career in the UK after leaving Bath Spa University with a BSc (hons) in biology. But following a chance meeting with one of the company’s


two founders he landed his perfect job. ‘I met Ross Gledhill and Jack Gervaise-Brazier at the end of my second year by which time I had already developed a real interest in brewing science and was writing my dissertation on beer microbiology. What they were doing with White Rock was really exciting and when I graduated they offered me the job as technical brewer. It is a great opportunity for me to put some of the theories and science that I have learned into practical use.’

brew a relatively small amount for testing. We invite in about a dozen people who apart from enjoying beer, we know will give us honest feedback on the product. ‘From there, if we are lucky enough to get it right first time (which was the case for our inaugural beer – Wonky Donkey) we can either go into full production or we go back to the drawing board to tweak the recipe, adjusting the proportion of malt or yeast for example, until we get something we are happy to take to market.’

For those of us with sketchy knowledge of the beer industry, Matthew explained the process that the company goes through to launch a new product.

But life for Matthew involves a lot more than taste-testing beer. Working for a small company he gets involved in a wide range of tasks.

‘As with any product or service, the first thing we do is to research what the market is looking for, where the gaps are. This might well reflect seasonal variances in drinking habits. For example in the summer the trend is towards drinking lighter beers of say 4% volume. I will develop a recipe and then

‘Rather than have a ‘typical day’ I probably have three of four different types of days. On brewing day I stay put– the process takes about 10 hours in total to produce around 800 litres; another day I will be delivering beer to customers, servicing or installing pumps; another I will be researching and

I have had to learn to separate my own personal taste preferences from the commercial testing process. What I might like to drink might not be what the market needs at that point. So that has been a bit of an interesting challenge


Learning about the non-brewing related areas of the business was probably the steepest learning curve. Ross and Jack take a collaborative approach to a lot of things and have happily involved me in discussions on labelling, point of sale and marketing which has been really interesting

sourcing ingredients – it’s extremely varied.’

job, ironically, they are his own taste buds.

Matthew is very clear as to the area of his work he likes least.

‘I have had to learn to separate my own personal taste preferences from the commercial testing process. What I might like to drink might not be what the market needs at that point. So that has been a bit of an interesting challenge.

‘Cleaning! But it’s just part of the job. All our equipment obviously needs to be sanitised so you will find me scrubbing stale beer from casks or physically inside the vessels making sure everything is as it should be – the less glamorous part of my role but needs must.’ Working for a small organisation, Matthew has the opportunity to have an input into aspects of the operation that would be less accessible in a large company. ‘Learning about the non-brewing related areas of the business was probably the steepest learning curve. Ross and Jack take a collaborative approach to a lot of things and have happily involved me in discussions on labelling, point of sale and marketing, which has been really interesting.’ If Matthew has faced any challenges in the

‘I also spend a lot of my time ‘at the sharp end’ dealing with customers, licensees and suppliers, which I actually really enjoy.’ Matthew’s heart though remains firmly on the product development side.

installed, as well as some retailers. The process is quite different than casking and certain beers are more suited to bottling than others. So initially we will be bottling Wonky Donkey and Lost Tourist.’ The company has also installed a small bar in the brewery and, as a further reflection of the spirit of entrepreneurship that permeates throughout everything it does, small groups can take a tour of the operation and finish with the obligatory beer tasting. It would be a shame not to…

‘I love experimenting with unusual yeast varieties or interesting hops to see what new flavours I can create.’ And new challenges lie ahead. ‘We are just awaiting the arrival of our bottling plant. This will mean that we can supply outlets that don’t have the volume throughput to justify having a pump



in charge If I were

Ever imagined yourself in the ‘big seat’ with the power and ability to make changes, influence futures and … well what else would you do? Contact asked investment manager, Mark Despres how he might behave and what people might think of him if he were pounding the corridors of power.



What type of leader do you think you would make? Seeking any sort of position of authority, particularly one as visible as a politician in an island community, requires a unique set of skills and a fair degree of courage to publically air one’s beliefs and opinions. I have respect for anyone who is prepared to stand for an elected position with the aim of serving their community. That said - would I be brave enough to stand for a position of authority? I don’t know! Often there is too much cynicism surrounding politics, which breeds contempt and mistrust. These are the key barriers I would look to address if I found myself in a position of authority, without them it is very hard to effect any real positive change. The skill(s) I have that would be key in the role… In a world of 24 hour news and social media, politicians, and indeed our community leaders, are highly visible and need a significant number of complementary skills to be effective in their roles. Not least of all is the ability to be ‘thick skinned’… just reading the various blogs and online comments would be enough to deter most from standing or wishing to engage. The key skills that I would bring to any role of authority would include honesty, communication, confidence, delegation and commitment What’s your view of the current political structure and its suitability to take Guernsey through the next decade? What improvements would you make? Economies with smaller governments tend to grow faster, are more efficient and are able to focus on the longer-term needs and the required reform agenda of a community. Shrinking the size of the government can lead to significant cost savings. Further reducing the number of committees and quangos will aid the efficiency of government. A leaner, more transparent government should be able to engage with the electorate more easily. The States needs to work harder at engaging with the electorate. We need to encourage more people to vote. We must breakdown the apathy towards politics in our community. To do that the States needs to understand the requirements of the wider community.

The idea of party politics in Guernsey makes sense; it should lead to more coherent debate and policy. I believe it would enable more engagement with the community. However, how would it work? Political parties are not formed overnight. Allegiances will need to be formed, party manifestos and policies drawn up, membership sought, funds raised and campaigns fought. In order to avoid the current status quo the resultant number of parties would need to be fairly small, say two or three. Intellectually it makes sense, in reality it will take time. In the first instance I would like to see the size of government reduced.

a number of articles, more recently about the issue of a sovereign Guernsey bond. Not all of my observations have been positive and in parts I have been very critical. That said, I believe last October’s budget was comprehensive, well considered and as a result Guernsey is starting to do the right things to address the island’s longer-term structural issues of demographics and a narrow economy and tax base. The budget, the issue of a sovereign bond and the Personal Tax, Benefits and Pension Review are all significant developments. Gavin St Pier has clearly been instrumental in their development and, whilst a lot of work still needs to be done moving forward, it is a very good start. We need politicians like Gavin St Pier, who have the drive and fortitude to not only bring major structural issues to the fore but also to stick his neck out, recommend and implement solutions.

Could you name people you would select for your ideal cabinet and why?

If I were in charge there would be no more…

Gordon Brown – I’ve given Mr Brown a lot of stick over the years, largely due to his statement that he had eradicated the shifting sands of boom and bust when talking about the UK economy a matter of months before the financial crisis hit in late 2007. However, I believe his passion, integrity and the way he engaged with the Scottish community during last year’s referendum was truly inspirational and something we could learn from here in the Bailiwick.

Building control! Not so much ‘no more’, but ‘less of’. Building control is clearly an important function, however it is a classic example of opaque bureaucracy. The process should be more open and transparent and less about one individual’s subjective opinion. This comes back to smaller government, fewer quangos. For Guernsey to look to the future we need to embrace development and encourage investment. Less bureaucracy is a good start.

Pope Francis – There are not many world leaders today who have done more to engage with their community and embrace reform than Pope Francis. Although at times the path of progress within the Catholic Church does seem glacial, there is a clear feeling that Pope Francis is truly looking forward.

Which world leader/influencer would you model yourself on or wish to emulate and why?

Tim Cook – Leader of the world’s largest company by market capitalisation. Apple is one of the most influential and innovative companies of our generation. Tim Cook took over the mantle from Steve Jobs and has led the company from strength to strength, constantly looking for new innovation to diversify and drive revenues. As Guernsey looks to diversify its tax base, leaders like Tim Cook could certainly add some value!

You can’t keep all of the people happy all of the time. Having conviction and belief is always divisive and those who disagree will clearly be frustrated.

Providing a smaller, clearer, more transparent government I believe will be a good step along this road. What’s your position on party politics in relation to Guernsey?

Gavin St Pier – I have covered some of Treasury and Resources recent polices in

A bit from each of the above … Gordon Brown’s passion, Pope Francis belief, Apple’s innovation and Gavin St Pier’s conviction. People would love or hate me as their leader because ……

Guernsey needs to look forward and invest for future growth and development, which will be unsettling. However, with good communication and a high level of engagement between the electorate and politicians, Guernsey has solid foundations on which to build a very successful future.


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Bank J Safra Sarasin Ltd Guernsey Branch Nikki Tanguy

Financial Services 01481 726618

Bank Julius Baer & Co Ltd Tony Crawley Bank Of Cyprus (CI) Ltd Andrew Dempster

Financial Services 01481 716026

Barclays Private Clients International Ltd Simon Veron

Financial Services 01481 755367

Barclays Wealth Financial Services Garry Dayes 01481 755367 Barras Car Centre Ltd Motoring & Biking Martyn Torode 01481 249915 Baudains Trade Supplies (BTS) Retail Peter Baudains 01481 248822 BDO Limited Fiona McKane

Financial Services 01481 724561

Beckford’s Funeral Services Ltd Funeral Services & Monumental Works Jane Duquemin 01481 264202 Bedell Cristin Mark Helyar

Legal Services 01481 812812

Bella Luce Hotel & Spa Luke Wheadon

Hotels, Guest Houses & B&Bs 01481 238764

Best Books Ltd Colin Langlois Betley Whitehorne Image Chris Betley

Financial Services 01481 253332

Advertising & Marketing 01481 723456

Betway Limited, Guernsey Branch Leisure Bridget Jennings 01481 746411 Black Horse Offshore Ltd Phillip Le Cheminant Black Vanilla Jade Isabelle

Financial Services 01481 710411 Advertising & Marketing 01481 729229

Blanchard Building Supplies James Roberts

Retail 01481 822722

Blenheim Group Alasdair Milroy

Financial Services 01481 715200

Bleu IT Consultants Limited Matt Le Huray Blix Ltd Dominic Bennett


IT & Computing 01481 746770 Advertising & Marketing 01481 706740

Retail 01481 210280

Blue Diamond Ltd Alan Roper

Boatworks + Marine Mark Nightingale 01481 726071 Architects & Surveyors 01481 239800

Bonham & Bonham Olly Brock Bonsai Group Mathew Rolfe

Home & Garden 01481 200011 Financial Services 01481 726655

Books & Company Ltd John Merrien Bordage Monumental Works Ltd Martyn Renouf

Funeral Services & Monumental Works 01481 721415

Bordeaux Services (Gsy) Ltd Financial Services Peter Radford 01481 715167 Boulangerie Victor Hugo Reda Karim

Food & Drink 01481 714714 Education & Training 01481 266176

BPP Professional Education Sarah Colley Brehon Ltd Sarah Hancock

Financial Services 01481 233009

Brewin Dolphin Ltd Adrian Clayton

Financial Services 01481 736682 Health & Beauty 01481 245357

Bridge Dental Clinic Anne Richardson Bridgewater Limited Barry Le Pelley

Financial Services 01481 722221

Brittain Hadley Partnership Graham Hollingsworth

Architects & Surveyors 01481 713573

Brooks Macdonald Group Jayne Warren

Financial Services 01481 815555

Browns Advocates Adrian Brown

Legal Services 01481 740002

BSG Resources Limited Trades Peter Driver 01481 812000 Bumblebee Marine Ltd Dan Meinke Butterfield Bank (Guernsey) Ltd John Robinson

Leisure 01481 720200 Financial Services 01481 711521

BWCI Group Financial Services Stephen Ainsworth 01481 728432

Channel Welders Ltd Toni Clayton

C IT & Computing 01481 722575

C5 Alliance Limited Marc LainĂŠ

Calligo Ltd IT & Computing Andrew Wicks 01481 731775 Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management Financial Servces Andy Finch 01481 712889 Retail 01481 245897

Capelles Building Stores Limited Andy Le Flem Capital Pvc Building Supplies Ltd Andre Lenormand Careers Events Limited Anthony Reynolds

Retail 01481 726151

Education & Training 01481 727100

Carey Group Financial Services Tim Bush 01481 737203 Carey Olsen Emma Mauger

Legal Services 01481 727272

Catherine Best Retail Paul Freeman 01481 237771 Cazenove Capital Management Julian Winser

Financial Services 01481 703700

CBL Consulting Nick Barton

01481 244433

CBO Projects Consultants Philip Smith 07781 128208 Chain Limited, The Carl Ceillam

Security 01481 257008

Channel Island Ceramics Home & Garden John Litchfield 01481 234000 Channel Island Toys Andrew Deane

Retail 01481 723871

Channel Islands Competition and Regulatory Authorites Utilities Regulator Lisa White 01481 711120 Channel Islands Co-operative Society Ltd Retail Colin Macleod 01534 879822 Channel Islands Motor Factors Ltd Nigel Robert

Motoring & Biking 01481 248411

Channel Islands Securities Exchange Financial Services Georgina Sines 01481 713831 Channel Islands Skills Academy Education & Training Susie Crowder 01481 244904 Channel Islands Training & Development Stephanie Bass

Education & Training 01534 737701

Retail 01481 246262 Property 01481 244544

Chateaux Estate Agency Ltd David Corson Cherry Godfrey Insurance Services Ltd David Cherry

Insurance Providers 01481 711666

Chescoe Chartered Surveyors & Architects Architects & Surveyors Nigel Chescoe 01481 713137 Food & Drink 01481 724379

Christies Leisure Group manager@christies,gg CI Lighting Ltd Roy Rogers

Retail 01481 728911 Financial Services 01481 725020

CIA Limited Nick England

Claire Boscq-Scott Customer Services Business Services Claire Boscq-Scott 07797 828950 Insurance Providers 01481 728987

Clegg Gifford & Co Ltd Cilla Thompson

Financial Services 01481 740205

Cleland & Co Ltd Harry Dick-Cleland

Climate Controls Ltd Agriculture & Hortliculture B H Bisson 01481 263860 Clos De Vaul Creux Leigh Gibbins

Hotels, Guest Houses and B&Bs 01481 832527

Coast Media Katie Blampied

Advertising & Marketing 01481 735450

Cogent Ltd Nick Ferris

Financial Services 01481 706780

Collaborate Communications Advertising & Marketing Julie Todd 01481 715222 Legal Services 01481 723191

Collas Crill Iain Beresford

Financial Services 01481 246324

Collenette Jones Ltd Gareth Nicolle Comprop (C.I.) Limited Steve Marie

Property 01534 631409

Condor Ferries Travel Russell Kew 01481 729666 Consult & Build Trades Tim Guilbert 07781 148741 Cooper Brouard Limited Property Matt Brouard 01481 236039 Coppolo & Coyde Limited Jonathan Coyde

Health & Safety Specialists 01481 247248


Cranfords Estate Agency Dominic Bacon Cream Services (Guernsey) Ltd Pieter Kluyver Creaseys and Son Ltd Anthony Creasey

Property 01481 243878 Distributors +44 (00) 31-6-53739414 Retail 01481 720203

Recruitment, HR & Payroll 01481 255588

DPS Global Healthcare Recruitment Roger Seaforth

Financial Services 01481 723996

Dixcart Trust Corp Ltd John Nelson

Dominion Fund Management Limited Financial Services Jason Le Roux 01481 734342

Create Limited Architects & Surveyors James Barker 01481 259333

Dorey Financial Modelling Martyn Dorey

Credit Suisse (Channel Islands) Ltd Financial Services Peter Webber 01481 719000

Dorey Lyle & Ashman Ltd Adrian Ashman

Credit Suisse Trust AG Financial Services Anne Bigeard 01481 719100

Doyle Motors Ltd Pierre J Payne

CCD Chartered Architects Architects & Surveyors Andrew Dyke 01481 726461

Duke Of Normandie Hotel Alan Sillett

Hotels, Guest Houses & B&Bs 01481 721431

Duke of Richmond Hotel Lukas Laubscher

Hotels, Guest Houses & B&Bs 01481 726221

Criteria Wealth Managment Mark Penney Crowd Media Jo Porritt Crowd Training Academy Jo Porritt

Financial Services 01481 726375 Advertising & Marketing 01481 721632 Education & Training 01481 721632

CT Freight (CI) Ltd Christopher Torode

Distributors 01481 201121

CT Plus Lee Murphy

Travel 01481 700456

Financial Services 01481 729044 Trades 01481 258123 Motoring & Biking 01481 724025

Retail 01481 246844

DW Arundell and Co Ltd Penny Wilson


Financial Services 01481 722322

E I Sturdza Strategic Management Limited Adam Turberville

D D.D.S. Archive Storage Ltd J B Kempson Da Nello Ltd Nello Ciotti

Business Services 01481 740214 Food & Drink 01481 721552

David Jackson Accountant and Financial Manager Financial Services David Jackson 07781 105457 De Jersey, B R B R De Jersey Deloitte LLP Rick Garrard Deutsche Bank International Ltd Michael McKay Delta Training & Consultancy Dawn Bagnall Digimap Ltd Colin Le Conte


Consultants 01481 712826

East Harbour Associates Ltd Jonathan Guillemet

Home & Garden 01481 247356 Financial Services 01481 724011 Financial Services 01481 702000 Education & Training 07839 123011 Mapping 01481 700321

Financial Services 01481 721069

Eaton Place Investments Ltd Ondrej Faborsky Ec events Marguerite Talmage

Event & Venue Services 07911 719081

Ecoscreed (CI) Limited Trades Andy Allen 07781 457217 Financial Services 01481 716336

Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management Ltd Stuart Perfitt

Financial Services 01481 723432

EFG Private Bank (CI) Ltd Peter Daniels

Financial Services 01481 721672

Elian Fiduciary Services Tom Amy ELM Compliance Consultants Limited Emma Mauger

Financial Services 07781 109289

EY Mike Bane

Financial Services 01481 717400

Evans & Co Brian Evans

Business Services 01481 253277

Executive Car Services Ltd Andy Ogier

Motoring & Biking 07781 155545


Architects & Surveyors 01481 237360

g2a Architecture Laura Priaulx

F Falla Associates International Ltd David Falla

Architects & Surveyors 01481 728020

Feel Unique At Au Caprice Gee Marsh

Retail 01481 729721

Ferryspeed (Guernsey) Ltd Martyn Langlois

Distributors 01481 249094

Finigan & Gibson Dave Finnigan John Atkins Firstcall Recruitment Ltd Tina Quertier First Names Group David Preston

Trades 01481 247290 Education & Training 01481 266799 Recruitment, HR & Payroll 01481 714634 Financial Services 01481 234200

Fletchersports Ltd Terry Ferbrache

Retail 01481 724114

Focus HR Solutions Ltd Katie Bellingham

Recruitment, HR & Payroll 01481 728824

Forest Stores Ltd Keith Bienvenu Fort Group, The Jos Ensink French Connections Ltd Laure Abeille-Brown

Retail 01481 238395 Financial Services 01481 234460 Distributors 01481 722388

Fuel Supplies (CI) Ltd Distributors Jennie Hamilton 01481 200800 Fuller Group Ltd Alex Fuller

Property 01481 730702

Fultura Ltd Steve Vowles

IT & Computing 01481 710047

Fusion Systems Ltd Paul Briggs

IT & Computing 01481 721031

G4S Secure Solutions (Guernsey) Limited Bob Le Bargy

Business Services 01481 265133

Galaxy Computer Brokers Ltd Stuart Mosley

IT & Computing 01481 740022 Trades 01481 254262

Garenne Construction Group Ltd Richard Jones

Generali International Ltd Financial Services Richard Mahy 01481 714108 Generali Worldwide Insurance Company Ian Robinson Geomarine Ltd Ian Gilmour

Insurance Providers 01481 715400 Trades 01481 201015

Giroscope Employment & Payroll Services Joanne Robilliard

Recruitment, HR & Payroll 01481 729020

Global Computing Ltd Les Bichard

IT & Computing 01481 817000

Goldridge Estate Agents Ltd Property Geoff Mauger 01481 715600 Gower Financial Services Rob Boyd

Financial Services 01481 700155

Granite Le Pelley Ltd Phil Le Roy

Trades 01481 257610 Financial Services 01481 753400

Grant Thornton Ltd David Spring Green Acorn Ltd Keith Hounsell GFF Guernsey Greg Forino Greyhound Ltd Steve Page

Renewable Energy 01481 727388

Retail 01481 235936

Advertising & Marketing 01481 264192

GTA University Centre Simon Le Tocq

Education & Training 01481 721555

Guernsey Auto & Electrical Supply Co Ltd Philip Sandwith

Motoring & Biking 01481 726644

Guernsey Botanical Trust Charity Hugh Johnson 01481 713961 Guernsey Careers Service Alun Williams

Education & Training 01481 733044


Guernsey College Of Further Education Saboohi Famili Guernsey Conservatories Ltd Dave Hollingsworth

Education & Training 01481 737500

Home & Garden 01481 244789

Guernsey Disability Alliance Shelaine Green

Charity 07781 467316

Distributors 01481 200700

Guernsey Event Company Limited, The Alex Bridle

Event & Venue Services 01481 728686 Event & Venue Services 01481 266799

Guernsey Event Medical Services Ltd John Atkins Guernsey Finance LBG Dominic Wheatley

Financial Services 01481 720071 Retail 01481 251929

Guernsey Flowers Ltd Bridget Foss Guernsey Freight Services Gary Robilliard

Distributors 01481 238180

Distributors 01481 724811

Guernsey Gas Ltd Ann Cox

Housing 01481 245530

Guernsey Housing Association Steve Williams

Guernsey Mind Charity Emily Litten 01481 722959 Guernsey Occupational Safety & Health Assoc. Health and Safety Specialists Andrew Mills 01481 255774 Guernsey Pearl Ltd Andy Ison

Retail 01481 266404 Retail 01481 724001

Guernsey Photographics Ltd Tim Harland

Distributors 01481 711720

Guernsey Post Ltd Alison Muir Guernsey Press Company Ltd J Marquand

Media 01481 240240

Guernsey Recycling Ltd Recycling Alan Crowe 01481 245402 Guernsey Registry Alan Bougourd

Business Services 01481 743800

Guernsey Sands (Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Society) Tania Shires


Trades 01481 723617 Education & Training 01481 720392

Guille-Alles Library Laura Milligan

Food & Drink 01481 237777

Guernsey Dairy Andrew Tabel

Guernsey Electricity Ltd Alan Bates

Guernsey Sheet Metal Co (1993) Ltd Adrian Vaudin

Charity 07781 715973


Advertising & Marketing 01481 714437

Hamilton Brooke Ged Kelly

Financial Services 01481 704800

Harbour Trustees Ltd Sally Wilkinson

Retail 01481 723711

Harsco Infrastructure John Herbert

Legal Services 01481 721316

Haskins Legal Felicity Haskins

Hassell Blampied Associates Recruitment, HR & Payroll Lesley Harrison 01534 750106 Charity 01481 265623

Headway Guernsey Philippa Stahelin

Retail 01481 711321

Healthspan Group Ltd Ann Outram

Trades 01481 729967

Henderson Green Partnership Guernsey Richard Spinney Heritage Group Ltd Kevin Roberts

Financial Services 01481 716000

Heritage Insurance Brokers Ltd Gordon Snell

Insurance Providers 01481 740000

HFL Limited Margaret Spencer

Financial Services 01481 722066 Retail 01481 721313

Holeshot Ltd Marc Maubec

Financial Services 01481 717705

HSBC Bank Plc Kieran Rose

Financial Services 01481 759000

HSBC Private Bank (CI) Ltd Gary Miller HSSD Occupational Health Department Emma Wood Hunt Brewin Peter Brewin

Health & Beauty 01481 707411 Architects & Surveyors 01481 728236


Ipes Andrew Whittaker

Financial Services 01481 713843

Isabelle Vets Ltd Helen Dyke

Veterinary Services 01481 76000

i2Office Michelle Morley

Property 07781 161375

Retail 01481 721581

Isla Ltd Jose Romanillos

Retail 01481 736249

Island Analysis Limited Chris Brock

Advertising & Marketing 01481 716227

Self Catering 01481 237491

Island Coachways Ltd Hannah Beacom

Travel 01481 720210

Island Electrics Ltd Richard Cowling

Trades 01481 263598

Ian Brown’s Cycle Shop Ian Brown Ideal Furnishings Ltd Steve Argo

Ilex Lodge Ltd Sandra Berry Immuno Biotech Ltd David Noakes Indulge Media Ltd Russell Isabelle Inspired Estate Agents Limited Chris Carr

Manufacturers 01481 722787 Advertising & Marketing 01481 740073 Property 01481 726599

07781 146898

Media 01481 242000

Island Fm Ltd Mike Huston

Business Services 01481 714050

Island Lock & Safe Co Guernsey Ltd Trevor Mahy

Insurance Corporation (C.I.) Ltd Insurance Providers Glyn Smith 01481 713322

Island Marine Craft Ltd Ian Moxon

Integrated Skills (Guernsey) Ltd Matthew Polson

Island Posture Centre Health & Safety Specialists Richie McCurdy 07781 146007

International Asset Monitor Ltd Michael Strachan International Energy Group Tony Nicholls International Law Systems Ltd Chris Meinke

01481 242700 Financial Services 01481 716575 Distribution 01481 715634 Manufacturers 01481 723494

Marine 01481 249294

Island Waste Ltd (Skips R Us/Circuit Skips/Rf Mills) Dan Hubert Islands Insurance Peter Rowe

Retail 01481 200091

Itchyfeet Recruitment Agency Jodie Burtenshaw

Intersurgical (Guernsey) Ltd Mark Levrier

Manufacturers 01481 710767

ITV Channel Television Gillian Mabbett

Intertrust Fund Services (Guernsey) Ltd Paul Schreibke Intertrust Risk Solutions Limited Darren Wadley

Financial Services 01481 211000 Financial Services 01481 742135

Intertrust Read Private Clients Ltd Tax Advisers Mark Stone 01481 211000 Intransit Limited Lauren Le Feuvre Investec Asset Management Guernsey Ltd Grant Cameron

Transport 01481 700066 Financial Services 01481 710404

Investec Bank (Channel Islands) Ltd Financial Services Mort Mirghavameddin 01481 723506

Recruitment, HR & Payroll 01481 722817


J T (Guernsey) Ltd Paul D Taylor

Johansen Executive Coaching Cato Johansen Joys Production Services Peter Joy

Advertising & Marketing 01481 241888

Retail 01481 725991

J K Window Blinds Kevin Philp

Jacksons (CI) Ltd Peter Campbell

Insurance Providers 01481 710731 Shippers 01481 724059

Isle Of Sark Shipping Company Sarah Roberts

Intersport Nigel Hurford

Intertrust (Guernsey) Ltd Financial Services Paul Schreibke 01481 211000

Trades 01481 235762

Telecommunications 01481 888134 Motoring & Biking 01481 235441

Education & Training 01481 736215 Event & Venue Services 01481 727117


K K De P Glass Ltd Alan Tacon Kemp Le Tissier Angus Kemp Kesell Ltd Keith Hounsell

Le Page Robert W. Robert W Le Page Manufacturing 01481 246861 Financial Services 01481 253050 www.kempletissier.c Business Services 01481 727388

Kingdom Architects David Kingdom

Architects & Surveyors 01481 723658

Kings Mills Hotel Ltd Ian Walker

Hotels, Guest Houses & B&Bs 01481 257996

Kosangas (Guernsey) Ltd Chris Marquis KPMG Channel Islands Mark Thompson Krys Global Caroline Malloy KYCme (Guernsey) Ltd Dominique Carpentier


Distribution 01481 728844 Financial Services 01481 721000 Financial Services 01481 711211 Financial Services 07911 728250

La Fregate Hotel Simon Dufty

Hotels, Guest Houses & B&Bs 01481 724624

La Pointe Farm Hotels, Guest Houses & B&Bs Kevin Gallichan 01481 267169

Law At Work (Channel Islands) Ltd Kelly Flageul Le Coin Trophies Steven Le Prevost Le Friquet Plant Centre T Ingrouille Le Mont Saint Garage David Beausire Le Nautique Restaurant G端nter Botzenhardt

Learning Company Ltd, The Kathy Tracey Legis Group Ltd Stuart Platt-Ransom Les Buttes Holiday Cottages Martin Ozanne Les Cocquerels R T Pipet Les Cotils Christian Centre Fiona Naftel Les Granges Des Fleurs Michael de Garis Les Merriennes Self Catering S A Paine Les Vaugrats Campsite J Laine

Liberation Management Ltd Steve Kail Hotels, Guest Houses & B&Bs 01481 710331

Hotels, Guest Houses & B&Bs 01481 235292 Health & Safety Specialists 01481 727155 Retail 01481 713277 Retail 01481 259220 Motoring & Biking 01481 264811 Food & Drink 01481 721714

Lilley and Co Ltd Trudi Lilley Lince Salisbury Ltd Gregory Robert Lindum Consult Andrew Morley Links Communications Richard Bird links@guernseynet Liquid Katrina Bray Livingroom Ltd Simon Torode Lloyds Bank International Ltd Mike Starkey Lloyds TSB Offshore Ltd Mike Starkey Logicalis Guernsey Ltd Rene Brun Long Port Properties Ltd Charles S Billson


Recruitment, HR & Payroll 01481 711188

Learning Clubs Carol Railton 01481 246973

Liberation Group Limited, The David Robilliard

La Collinette Hotel Ltd Andrew Chambers

La Villette Hotel & Leisure Club Graham Power

Leapfrog Ltd Chris Gnapp

Architects & Surveyors 01481 725239

Education & Training 01481 730598 Financial Services 01481 726034 Self Catering 01481 266363 01481 254468 Event & Venue Services 01481 727793 Self Catering 01481 256879 Self Catering 01481 263262

01481 257568 Food & Drink 01481 724444 Financial Services, 01481 740145 Financial Services, 01481 700582 Business Services 01481 735000 Business Services 01481 264526 Telecommunications 01481 248360 Advertising & Marketing 01481 728841 Property 01481 233008 Financial Services 0845 7309373 Financial Services 01481 708023 IT & Computing 01481 737000 Property 01481 728721

Louvre Group Ltd Derek Baudins

Financial Services 01481 727249

Lovell Ozanne & Partners Ltd Andrew Ozanne

Architects & Surveyors 01481 235397

LRD - The Big Idea Jim Delbridge

Advertising & Marketing 01481 750490 Distributors 01481 724480

Lucas Freight Ltd Adam Prosser


Machon Accounting Ltd Adrian Machon

Financial Services 01481 252800 Financial Services 07911 717755

Mallard David Brown

Business Services 01481 264164

Mappin And Webb Robert Read m&

Retail 01481 723621 Marine 01481 243048

Marine & General Engineers Ltd David Coleman

Marine 01481 253181

Mark Davies & Associates (Offshore) Limited Liz Meades

Financial Services 01481 738750

Marlborough Trust Company Ltd Nick Hannah

Financial Services 01481 713100

Martel Maides Richard Fox

Auctioneers 01481 713463

Martel-Dunn Recruitment Sandra Martel-Dunn

Recruitment, HR & Payroll 01481 730565

Martyn Guille Silversmiths and Fine Jewellers Martyn Guille Martin O’Meara Ltd Gary Willcocks

Retail 01481 236161

01481 734444

Mauger D P, Electrical Contractor Dave Mauger Mawson Collins Ltd Howard Mawson

01481 236771 Trades 01481 727715

Meadowcroft Ltd Paul Meadowcroft Medical Specialist Group Neil Robilliard

Health and Beauty 01481 238565

Mekad Dominique Carpentier

Financial Services 07911 728250 Distributors 01481 721122

Mercury Distribution Ltd James Greening

Home & Garden 07781 464600

Michele Hilton Design Michele Hilton

Madihan Assurance Sue Guillard

Marine Electronics Ltd Alan Green

Meadow Court Farm Ltd Ray Watts

Trades 01481 265892

Property 01481 244244

Mayfield Investments Ltd Ray Blakely

Business Services 01481 239075

Mayside Recycling Michael Grime

01481 247599

Motoring and Biking 01481 720777

Millard & Co Ltd Tim Millard

Financial Services 01481 714942

Milroy Capital Ltd Robert Milroy

Education & Training

Mindful Guernsey Nicky Addlesee

Miss Nob Ladies’ International Fashions Mary L Le Poidevin

Retail 01481 721800

Miton Optimal Portfolio Managment (CI) Ltd Financial Services Mark Margetts-Smith 01481 740044 Monarch Vulcanising Systems Ltd Toni Elderfield

Manufacturing 01481 241024

Montagu Evans Channel Islands Ltd Architects & Surveyors Tony Rowbotham 01481 742280 MOO Ltd Jamie Falla Moore Stephens Lance Spurrier Mora Restaurant and Brasserie Andre Moreira Morgan Sharpe Administration Limited Serena Tremlett Mourant Ozannes Robert Shepherd MS & Co Martin Sandle

Architects & Surveyors 01481 728886 Financial Services 01481 721769 Food & Drink 01481 725053 Financial Services 01481 231100 Legal Services 01481 739344 Financial Services 01481 701521

MSD International Limited Business Services Simon Golland 01481 241200 Muse Steve Le Poidevin

Food & Drink 01481 727101



N Paint & Son Ltd Michael Paint Nashcopy Channel Islands Ltd Clive Le Tissier

Retail 01481 721096 Business Services 01481 712808

National Trust of Guernsey Martin Ozanne

Charity 01481 255384

Navitaur Ltd Nick Bennett

Consultants 07781 152227

Neenam Ltd R Piper Nerine Trust Company Ltd Keith Corbin Network Direct Ltd June Goater Next Generation IT Jason Connolly

01481 715399 Financial Services 01481 701300 Insurance 01481 701400 IT & Computing 01481 750750

Nick Brett Property Ltd Nick Brett

Property 01481 720123

Nordben Life & Pension Insurance Co Ltd Sue Garrett

Insurance Providers 01481 702900

Norman Piette Ltd Tony Gallienne Normandie Group Ltd Chris Schofield Normanor Ltd Sara Harborow

Nova Wealth Ross Preston NP Holdings Limited Tony Gallienne

Retail 01481 245801 Insurance Providers 01481 253953 Distributors 01481 268330

 Oak Trust (Guernsey) Limited David Willis OCS - One Complete Solution Mike de Laune Odey Wealth Management (CI) Limited Sarah Thomson-Kennedy Office Projects Tony Veron

Business Services 07781 105494

Offshore Business Focused Solutions Limited Sean Conlan

Education & Training 01481 736040

Offshore Will Morgan Offshore Electronics Ltd Steve Marshall Offshore Payroll Ltd Gary Hill

Manufacturers 01481 712721 Business Services 01481 728334 Legal Services 01481 721672

Ogier Legal Claire Long Old Government House Hotel & Spa Tracey O’Neill Oliver & Company Chris Oliver

Hotels, Guest Houses & B&Bs 01481 724921 Business Services 01481 251683

Optimus Group Limited Consultants Peter Mills 01481 755690 PR 01481 240600

Orchard PR Steve Falla Orion Insurance Management Ltd Janet Le Poidevin

Insurance Providers 01481 728864

OSA Recruitment Nick Graham

Recruitment, HR & Payroll 01481 712891

Ounsworth Decor Ltd Mac Gallienne

Trades 01481 266194

Outdoor Guernsey Limited Ant Ford Parker

Leisure 01481 267627

Financial Services 01481 231997 01481 244383


Pandora Hotel C Ryan



Business Services 01481 722992

Office Solutions (Guernsey) Ltd Iain Whitchurch

Hotels, Guest Houses & B&Bs 01481 720971 Retail 01481 712877

Paper Box, The Phillip Morgan Financial Services 01481 749273 Cleaners 01481 711690 Financial Services 01481 743600 Business Services 01481 234490

Parish Group Ltd

Financial Services 01481 729002

Partners Group (Guernsey) Ltd Annika Domaille

Financial Services 01481 711690

Paul Davis Freight Services Ltd Nigel Dutson Paul Jonkmans Finance Limited Paul Jonkmans

Distributors 08455 196995 Financial Services 01481 267647

Financial Services 01481 724966

Perkins Chartered Certified Accountants R Laurent

Pet Technology Store Ltd Helen Chamberlain

01481 266066

PJ Web Design Limited Paul J Ninnim

01481 230966 Recruitment, HR & Payroll 01481 736444

Placing People 1st Lynda Sims

Manufacturers 01481 253051

Polar Instruments Ltd Nigel Mann

Financial Services 01481 704657

Polygon Group Limited Amanda Groves

Home & Garden 01481 244718

POS Interiors David Inglis

Advertising And Marketing 01481 727699

Potting Shed, The Jay Aylmer

Financial Services 01481 754951

PPF Partners Limited Mel Carvill

Distributors 01481 242311

Precision Plastics Kevin Brown

Financial Services 01481 715669

Price Bailey Ltd Kirsty Warner

Business Services 07781 156118

Printed in Guernsey

Printers 01481 259188

Project Hire & Sale (Guernsey) Ltd Tony Gallienne Prospero Facilities Services Paul Clark Profile Event Company Michele Butters PwC John Roche

01481 242047 Business Services 01481 723000 Event & Venue Services 01481 740843 Financial Services 01481 752000

Q Quantum Cabling Installations Ltd Mark Addlesee Quayside Ltd Russ Fossey

Consultants 01481 257200

Recruitment, HR & Payroll 01481 723221

Personnel Appointments Chris Blin

Prime Practice Nick Guillemette

Quintessential Relocation Consultants Jo Stoddart

01481 263224 Retail 01481 245881


R G Falla Ltd Peter Gregory

Trades 01481 256585

R W Randall Ltd Jayne Langlois

Food & Drink 01481 720134 Motoring & Biking 01481 244551

Rabeys Group Ltd Gary Rouget

Financial Services 01481 729100

Ravenscroft Ltd Simon Melling Ray & Scott Ltd Jeff Fox

Retail 01481 244610

Regency Bedding Ltd N Swan

Retail 01481 249544 IT & Computing 01481 267338

Resolution IT Olly Duquemin Richard Stapley Ltd Chartered Accountants Richard Stapley

Financial Services 01481 267460

Rihoy, F W & Son Ltd Ivan Rihoy

Trades 01481 245231

Rock & Small Ltd Matt Collas

Advertising & Marketing 01481 724705 Property 01481 728559

Rock Commercial Ltd Peter Van de Velde

Food & Drink 01481 232501

Rocquette Cider Company Ltd James Meller Ronez Ltd Steve Roussel

Trades 01481 256426

Ross Gower Group Dean de la Rue R.A. Rossborough, R A (Guernsey) Ltd Ian Stewart

Insurance Providers 01481 722222 Insurance Providers 01481 241555

Romanillos & Cook Jason Cook

Image Rights Agencies 01481 736331

Rothschild David Oxburgh

Financial Services 01481 713713

Rothschild Trust Guernsey Ltd Emma Roberts

Financial Services 01481 707800

Rotorswing UK Ltd Nick Piper

07781 126267


Royal Bank Of Canada (CI) Ltd Lindsay Ozanne

Financial Services 01481 744041

Royal Bank Of Scotland International Financial Services Robert Girard 01481 703873 Financial Services 01481 711261

Royal London Asset Management C.I. Ltd Pierre Paul

Simon Cottell - Chartered Architect Simon Cottell

Financial Services 01481 721374

Saffery Champness Jeremy Ellis

Retail 01481 727616 Retail 01534 508416

Sandpiper CI Tony O’Neill Sark Estate Management Dawn Manger

Property 01481 832704 Insurance Providers 01481 737414

Sapphire Underwriters Nigel Brand

Architects & Surveyors 01481 725355 Retail 01481 710781

Simon Lovell Interiors Simon Lovell

Retail 01481 728695

Skill Set CI Limited Sharon Alvarez

Safehaven International Ltd Financial Services Richard Bach 01481 723925

Business Services 01481 241111

Simon Larbalestier Opticians S Larbalestier

Situations Recruitment Agency Ltd Melissa Campbell


Samuel Pepys David Whitby

Sigma Robert Sillars

Skipton International Ltd Jim Coupe Smart Office Richard Lowe Smith Signs Ltd Dan Smith Sofsync Ltd Susan Watson Sommelier Wine Company Ltd Richard Allisette

Recruitment, HR & Payroll 01481 710639 Leisure 01481 735440 Financial Services 01481 727374 Business Services 01481 740366 Printers 01481 247749 IT & Computing 07781 122449 Distributors 01481 721677

SOUP Architects Ltd Architects & Surveyors Max Babbe 07781 147667

Sarnia Estate Agents Ltd Alex Ford

Property 01481 727989

Source Recruitment Specialists Limited Julia Martin

Sarnia Hotels Ltd Karel Harris

Hotels Guest Houses & B&Bs 01481 724452

Sovereign Trust (Channel Islands) Limited Financial Services Stephen Hare 01481 729965

Recruitment, HR & Payroll 01481 701616

Sarnia Management Corporation Ltd Andre Stefani

Financial Services 01481 728444

Specialist Construction Supplies Ltd Simon Kerin

Trades 01481 245124

Sarnia Mutual Ltd Vernon Etherington

Financial Services 01481 723501

Specsavers Optical Group D J D Perkins

Distributors 01481 232458

Sarnia Roofing Ltd Gary Gavey

Trades 01481 715475

Sausmarez Manor Peter De Sausmarez

Leisure 01481 235571

Scope Furnishing Ltd A J Bourgaize

Retail 01481 723197

Specsavers Opticians Chris Goldsborough SPF Private Clients (C.I.) Ltd Pierre V Blampied Spicer & Partners Guernsey LLP Shelagh Mason

Retail 01481 723530 Financial Services 01481 715234 Legal Services 01481 710315

SG Hambros Bank & Trust (Guernsey) Ltd Mark Didcott

Financial Services 01481 726521

St Emilion Ltd N Cirigliano

SH Accounting Services Sara Harborow

Financial Services 07781 123546

St George’s Hotel Hotels, Guest Houses & B&Bs Steve Durey 01481 721027

Sidlocks Of Guernsey Roy Kilpatrick

01481 713883

St John Training Services Guernsey Steve Ford St Peters Trust Company Ltd Martin Priest


Food & Drink 01481 726059

Education & Training 01481 247979 Financial Services 01481 723674

St Pierre Park Hotel Dina Le Lacheur

Hotels, Guernsey Houses & B&Bs 01481 728282

Trafalgar Travel Ltd Suzanne Rouxel

Travel 01481 728121

St Sampsons Constable & Douzaine Parish Authority Travel Counsellors - Debbie Freestone-Roberts TravThe Constables 01481 244130 el Debbie Freestone-Roberts 01481 712549 Stan Brouard Group Retail Bridget Foss 01481 252521 Travel Counsellors - Vaughan Davies Travel Vaughan Davies 01481 726837 davies Standard Chartered Trust (Guernsey) Limited Financial Services Trevor Kelham 01481 721787 Travel Solutions Travel Fred Eulenkamp 01481 715145 Startup Guernsey Advisory Services Tony Brassell 01481 710043 Trinity Trust Company Ltd Financial Services Keith Le Poidevin 01481 727429 State Street Trustees (Guernsey) Ltd Financial Services Gerald Hough 01481 734700 Troalic A J & Sons Ltd Retail Andrew Troalic 01481 245363 Steve Ferbrache & Co Ltd Trades Steven Ferbrache 07781 100685

Stopcost Ltd David Holt

07781 413083

Trust Corporation of the Channel Islands Limited Ken Wrigley 730430

Financial Services 01481

Business Services 01481 737044

TrustFord Jonathan Bell

Motoring & Biking 01481 724774

Sueco The Food Co Food & Drink Sue Wilson 01481 720969

TT Software Ltd Tony Trenker

IT & Computing 01481 700202

Sure Telecommunications Jessica Bisson 01481 700700

TTC Travel Group Ltd Michael Page

Style Office Paul Watson

Swallow Apartments Mark Hesse Swoffers Ltd Andre Austin Sydney Charles Group Philip Lepp

Self Catering 01481 249633

Tyrrell Dowinton Associates Ltd Paul Dowinton

Taste Of India Restaurant, The T Fernandes

Insurance Providers 01481 739970

Food & Drink 01481 723730

Technical Field Services International Ltd Recruitment, HR & PayroGail F Batiste 01481 729298 tfsi@cwgsy.cnet Tiara Software Consultants Ltd IT & Computing Tim Rawles 01481 700616 TISEF Ltd Chris Russell

Financial Services 01481 714292

Town Centre Partnership Ltd Jack Honeybill

07781 113464

TPA Ltd Tony Tostevin

Architects & Surveyors 01481 259959

Property 01481 711766

U Urban Kitchen Neil Darby


Travel 01481 754773

Advertising & Marketing 01481 700070

Food & Drink 01481 736366


Valhalla Industries Limited Design Jeff Whittaker Valley Computer Services Ltd Gordon Dutton-Queripel

01481 263548 IT & Computing 01481 239460

Vaudin Stonemasons Ltd Trades Lance Vaudin 01481 248316 Vazon Energy Ltd Elizaeth Landles

Consultants 01481 729981


Vazon PR & Events (Metasis Ltd) Fleur Curzon Vets4pets Ltd Peter Watson

01481 722424 Veterinary Services 01481 239200

Victoria Fine Jewellery Retail Chris Brazier-Creagh 01481 740050 Vision Networks Ltd Bill Mead

Business Services 01481 255414

Vortex Public Relations Nigel Robson

Media 01481 233080


Waite RS Chartered Surveyor R S Waite, FRICS Waitrose Guernsey Allen Edwards Watts & Co Limited Joanna Watts Weighbridge Trust Ltd Paul Conway White & Company Plc Steve Hammer

Architects & Surveyors 01481 722121 Retail 01481 729222 Property 01481 740071 Trust & Company Administration 01481 720581 Removals 01481 736868

White House Hotel Hotels, Guest Houses & B&Bs Jonathan Watson 01481 722377 White Rock Brewery Ross Gledhill Willis Management (Guernsey) Ltd Dominic Wheatley

Food & Drink 01481 249920 Consultants 01481 735630

Wiltshire Property Property Vijay Wiltshire 01481 723919 Window Service Centre Manufacturers Mark De la Rue 01481 248743 World Travel Ken Baker

Travel 01481 252211

WT Partnership (Guernsey) Ltd Architects & Surveyors Nigel Carter 01481 723163



XTEC Ltd IT & Computing Tony Mealing 01481 700004

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