onRoute Edition 2

Page 1


Kin Pho g Of T to C he om Clic pet it k ion

Your South African Travel Companion

World Record Breakers

Go Big Or Go Home

Living Langebaan

Switch Off. Pitch Up. Camp Out! Local Camping Gems

World’s Most Interesting Animals Not Just A Job,

I Was Born To Save Lives


Hyundai’s SIlver Bullet • Fun For The Kids • Croc Canoe Marathon • Malaria: Know The Facts

issue 2 • www.onroutemag.co.za

The Fascinating Five

Always buckle up, no matter how short the trip or how fast or slow the car is going! Remind mom and dad to buckle up too, and if you have younger brothers or sisters, help get them into their child car seats. When mom and dad see you putting on your seatbelt they will be super proud of you. They will be even more delighted when you make sure they are safely strapped in too. It is never a good idea to sit in the front-seat before you are all grown-up and do not sit on someoneʼs lap, even if you are both wearing a seatbelt. It is way too dangerous.


HERE ARE SOME IMPORTANT THINGS TO SHOW THE GROWN-UPS: • Even in collisions at speeds as low as 40km/h, passengers not wearing seatbelts could sustain serious or fatal injuries. • Children are at greater risk in collisions. Their bodies are not yet fully developed and therefore less able to absorb the sudden impact of a crash. • Safety seats should be appropriate for your child or babyʼs size and weight and should always be SABS approved. • Never strap your child or baby into your own seatbelt or travel with your child on your lap. In an accident, serious injury will be caused by the force of your body, crushing your child against the dashboard or seatbelt. • People of all ages should wear a seatbelt, whether travelling in the front- or back-seat. BUCKLING UP IS THE ONLY WAY TO ROCK OUT – EVERY RIDE, EVERY TIME. Take the IMPERIAL I-Pledge today at www.ipledge.co.za and be part of making South Africaʼs roads a safer place for everyone.







4 How to be a 26 Kids pull-out section World Record Breaker THE GARAGE 8 The Fascinating Five [ C ar R E V I E W]


32 Hyundai’s Silver Bullet

12 Notes from an THE MALL [ T ech R eviews ] Extreme Photographer 34 All the latest gadgets 14 King Of The Click


[HEAL T h &Fashion ]

20 20 21 22

The Arcade [ Game R eviews ]

A Guide to Driving 36 Latest Games the Distance DETOUR Surf Safety [TRAVEL] Malaria: Know the facts! 38 Switch Off. Pitch Up. Happy Feet Camp Out! 42 Living Langebaan

Hidden Entrance

[ Blink A nd You ’ ll M iss I t ]

46 Hidden gems in SA


48 Lowveld Croc Canoe Marathon


50 Born to Save Lives


52 Aerial Cableway Reopens! 53 Baby Rhino Orphanage


55 Q&A with Justin Bonello


56 Event Guide

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THe Team


CROSSROADS [F I GURE I T OUT T I ME ] www.onroutemag.co.za


How to be a World Record Breaker It takes guts, grit and years of dedication to break a world record and carve your name in history. Or, a little creativity and your tongue planted firmly in your cheek, explains Gord Laws.

Ashrita Furman - Most records held by an indiviual

Images by Shutterstock

At 57-years-old, Ashrita Furman has broken enough records for a hundred (still quite loony) lifetimes. The health shop-owner from Queens, New York, currently holds more than 120 world records, including the current record for most records held by an individual at one time. Here’s how he does it:

Stay hungry for glory!

In 1979, Ashrita broke his first world record by performing 27,000 jumping jacks. Since then he’s broken or set more than 300 records overall. Currently holding more than 120 recognised world records, he’s still in good shape and shows no sign of relenting.

Be a hippy!

Next time you knock esoteric types, consider that Ashrita accredits his strength and success to his spiritual beliefs. He seeks new challenges in order to “demonstrate the benefits of the ancient Eastern Arts”. Originally called Keith, “Ashrita” has been practicing meditation for thirty years. His name means “Protected by God” in Sanskrit and was bestowed upon him by his spiritual teacher, Sri Chinmoy. And when he’s not targeting new records to set? Ashrita runs an organic health-food store in his hometown.

Go big or go home!

It took Ashrita years of practice and repeated failures to break the record for the fastest eight kilometre sprint... on stilts. In 2004, in China, he set a time of 39 minutes, 56 seconds, breaking a record that had remained unchallenged since 1892. He’s also performed 9 628 sit-ups in one-hour, balanced 700 eggs end on end, and travelled more than 19 km doing forward roly-polys. But Ashrita’s speciality seems to be covering long distances in the most uncomfortable ways he can imagine. Like carrying more than four kilograms of bricks in one hand over a distance of 137 kilometres in 1999. Just imagine how badly you’d have to want that record...

Low-hanging fruit

Of course, not every record has to be an act of superhuman endurance or insane tenacity. You could always think of something outrageously random and hope that no one’s thought (or bothered) to set an impressive marker yet. Like in 2004, when Furman set the record for the fastest 100 metres on a spacehopper (or “kangaroo ball”), completing the distance in a remarkably spritely 30,2 seconds. In 2006 he built the largest ever popcorn sculpture, standing 20-foot-ten-inches (over six metres) tall. He also set a world record in 2007 when he hula-hooped for two-minutes and 38 seconds. Underwater. Seeing your opportunity for greatness, it seems, may be a simple matter of looking out for it. And then having the courage (and the light sprinkling of crazy) it takes to seize the day.


But all is not lost, friend! Who’s to say that you have to be the best at something useful? Or logical, even? The bar for “best job ever” is set low for certain things. Usually because they’re so ridiculous, or so utterly insane, that few people – if any – would bother to try them. It’s this rich vein of opportunity and potential glory that we regular folk must mine if we are to become record breakers! Read on, and learn how other brave pioneers of the ridiculous have paved the way before us!



nless you’re eight years old and already displaying significant natural talent at a particular sporting discipline, it’s unlikely that you (like me) will ever experience the unique thrill that comes with breaking a world record. Being declared “the best there’s ever been” at something, and hailed as a champion. If Olympic glory is your dream, and you’re not already making dedicated strides towards your goal, time has probably run out, I’m sorry to tell you.


Kevin Fast - Heaviest vehicle and aircraft pulled by a man

Ilker Yilmaz - Farthest milk squirting distance

Just about anything you truly set your mind to collecting could, potentially, land you up with a “biggest collection ever” world record. Make sure it’s something you’re really into, and then get going. Like the UK’s Lisa Courtney, whose collection of 14 410 pieces of Pokemon memorabilia landed her a Guinness World Record in 2009.

Images by Guinness World Records

Other Routes you May Want to Try

Be strong. And specific

Being the strongest human on earth is going to be really hard work; however you plan to measure it. That’s why it pays to narrow the field of competition by choosing something that’s really tough, and really obscure. Canada’s Kevin Fast – whose “thing” is finding, and then pulling, the heaviest vehicles he can – is a good example. He holds the Guinness World Records for the Heaviest Vehicle Pulled over 100 Feet by a Male (a 57,243 kilogram fire truck in 2008) and the Heaviest Aircraft Pulled by a Man (a CC-177 Globemaster III, weighing 188.83 tonnes, over 8.8 metres in 2009.)

Master something gross

It helps if you’re the world’s best at something too disturbing or creepy to have much of a mainstream following (or any competition!). Squirting milk out of your tearducts, for example, is not something likely to land anyone a multi-million dollar Nike endorsement. Which is a pity, if you’re Turkey’s Ilker Yilmaz, who set the Farthest Milk Squirting Distance Guinness World Record in 2004, spraying the stuff 279.5 centimetres from his (highly lactose tolerant) eye. On the bright side, he’s probably not calcium deficient.

Be a ninja

Well, technically, China’s Fan Weipeng is a kung-fu master, but close enough, I say. Any mystical martial art that enables you to execute seemingly impossible physical acts in ludicrous time will help your quest. Think about breaking a ceramic bowl using just your finger. Ouch, right? Okay, now think about breaking 102 of them in just one minute. That’s exactly what Fan did in 2009 when he broke his own previous record of 99, earning the Guinness World Record for Most Bowls Broken with One Finger in One Minute. Fan Weipeng - Most bowls broken with one finger in one minute

For other bizarre world record holders visit: www.guinnessworldrecords.com



Lisa Courtney - Largest Pokemon collection

Be obsessive


The Fascinating Five


While some creatures lack in the looks department, others make up for it with their skill, intelligence and darn right disgusting habits. You’ve heard of the Big Five now meet our pick of the most interesting animals that make up Our Fascinating Five.




1 The Mongoose – Courageous Snake Killer While they may look cute and cuddly, these daring bundles of fur are feared by some of the deadliest snakes in the world. No bigger than a foot high, the little mammals are intelligent, bold, and agile predators - beware the most fearless snake killer! In fact, the mongoose has been called a snake’s worst enemy. Its ability to fight cobras is a result of its supreme confidence and courage coupled with its lightning fast speed and agility. In a standoff with a snake the mongoose will typically make a series of feints towards the

snake, to finally dash in and seize the snake by the back of the neck, moving fast enough to avoid strikes. The animal’s sharp teeth will bite deeply to break the snake’s spine. After killing its dangerous foe, the victor makes a meal of it, starting with the head. The fact that the mongoose has a high tolerance to snake venom also helps. Experts report that while they’re not entirely immune to the cobra’s poison, it takes eight times the lethal dose to kill a Mongoose than that needed to kill a rabbit. It’s rare for a mongoose

to die from a snake bite – but it’s more likely that a mongoose will die from eating a poisonous snake! Several have been found dead with post mortem examinations revealing that they have eaten a snake whose fangs have punctured the stomach wall allowing the poison to enter their bloodstream. In spite of its reputation as a predator, the mongoose is not a vicious animal. On the contrary, some have been found to make the most lovable pets.

Hippos are very unique creatures and there are a few things that make them so: They weigh up to 1 800 kilograms, despite a mostly vegetarian diet, they’re hairless and so use mud as a natural sunscreen for their sensitive skin, their yawn is not a sign of sleepiness or boredom but is actually a threat gesture, displaying long, thick, razor-sharp canine teeth which are capable of biting a small boat in half. Being fearlessly protective of their turf and young, hippos have killed more people than any other wild animal in Africa!

Images by Shutterstock



The Hippo - Mating Rituals to Make You Sick

The Vulture - A Dead Carcass Diet While the dead carcass diet may not be everyone’s cup of tea, these scavenging birds of prey prefer rotting flesh as their meal of choice. In fact, vultures can eat up to 20 percent of their own body weight in one sitting! And as Mother Nature would have it, their preference for dead or dying animals serves a critical purpose in the animal world, ridding the highways of disease-filled discards. Vultures will never go after healthy prey, and while usually found feasting on the leftovers of a kill, they have been known to attack wounded and dying animals. Most vultures have no power in their legs or beak and so cannot rip open thick hide so they let other animals do it for them. They love to eat off the bone especially picking away at the tendons. They insert their beaks as far they can sliding along the bone all the time. A particular characteristic of vultures is a bald head, devoid of normal feathers specially designed to stay clean even when confronted with a meal of blood and bodily fluids. Equipped with a digestive system made of steel, their


stomachs contain special acids that dissolve anthrax, botulism, and cholera bacteria. This means they can eat rotten meat at any stage of decomposition with no effect on their health and can also withstand most diseases that kill other animals.

common defence tactic against predators. If the food is relatively undigested, the predator is rewarded with a free meal. If the food is mostly digested, the foul-smelling substance acts as a deterrent and will sting the eyes of a predator if it lands in their face.

If their eating habits gross you out, it’s Vultures are social and are often seen feeding interesting to note that the vomit of a vulture, together on the same carcass. What’s the followed by the action of flying away is a point of a good meal if you can’t share it?



But what earns this sub-Saharan dweller a place as one of the Fascinating Five is their rather revolting mating ritual. While some animals change colour or call out for a mate, male hippos attract theirs by emerging from their mud baths to fling a mixture of their own urine and faeces at each other. Then, if that’s not bad enough, the enamoured female will respond by twirling her tail like a propeller, spreading the delicious slop in every direction! The smelly pair will then begin foreplay, which consists of splashing around in the water before settling down to business. Gross!



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Its repertoire is extensive: it can swim like a banded sole (a type of poisonous flatfish). It can bury six of its tentacles so that only two are visible making it look like a particularly deadly snake.


It can also swim with its arms spread to mimic a venomous lionfish. It also speeds through the water, drawing its arms together and swims in a rippling motion, just like a poisonous flatfish. All of the above talent begs the question: Who is the mimic octopus when he’s not in disguise? Well, he’s almost 50 centimetres long with brown and white stripes or spots all over its body - just another normal guy really.

The Flatworm – Penis Fencing Battles Because all flatworms are hermaphrodites and have both male and female sexual organs, they can all inseminate and be inseminated. So, when certain species of marine flatworms meet, they engage in a battle like no other, in what is scientifically termed ‘penis fencing’.

using one of their two penises. This battle can last for hours and can sometimes even harm the worms in the process. Just like a real battle of war, there are winners and losers and this particular battle is enforced by the sheer determination to donate sperm rather than receive it.

The act can best be described as the ‘war’ to determine who will be the mom and who will be the dad. Both worms are the swordsmen and have two penises each for their weapons. If the actual scientific term for the act of ‘penis fencing’ is not interesting enough – you can just imagine how it’s done. Equipped with their twoheaded dagger-like penises, the flatworms engage in a sexual fight where both worms try to pierce the skin of the other

The first one to make a successful jab delivers its sperm and becomes the male and the pierced one becomes the female. Both worms would prefer to be the male as the one that has no choice but to take on the female role, now has the more difficult and energy expending task of raising the young and caring for the developing eggs. So in essence the losing flatworm bears the burden of motherhood - not at all sexist!


Images by Shutterstock


There are plenty of animals who pretend to be other animals, but the mimic octopus is the first one that can do more than one impression! So much so that this master of disguise was only discovered ten years ago – before that, divers who spotted it mistook it for the creatures it was pretending to be! The sneaky mimic-octopus is a master artist duplicating the appearance of at least fifteen other species. It doesn’t just copy the physical characteristics by twisting and folding its body, and changing shape and colour but can also adjust its behaviour to fit its new form. Its amazing talent to ‘fake it’ comes in very handy at dangerous depths. So intelligent, it’s able to decide which dangerous sea creature to impersonate that will act as the greatest deterrent to whatever predatory animal threatens it. For example, scientists observed that when the octopus was attacked by damselfishes, it mimicked the banded sea snake, a known predator of damselfishes.



The Mimic Octopus - Master of Disguise

THE SCENIC ROUTE [Photog rapher F ocus ]

NOTES from aN

EXTREME Photographer

When you are a passionate creative and a wild child at heart, the solution is simple - which is why Extreme Photographer, Gustav Janse van Rensburg, combined his obsession for climbing with his love for photography.


What does it take to be a successful Extreme Photographer?


Assuming I am successful first, it’s about trying your best not to kill yourself! Seriously, your safety and the safety of your gear is all important. There are so many more skills involved beyond just making sure you have the right lens. You can’t ever allow for your position (however extreme or dangerous) to become more important than your subject. Part of it also requires you to remain pretty low key in order not to distract your subjects at dangerous heights. The key is really getting into the right position for the best shot.

What about the sport of rock climbing most attracts you?

Oh the list is endless. I love the feeling of being outdoors and the sport comes with

a great challenge. Rock climbing is like a game of physical chess, your moves are slow, thought out and calculated. Apart from the thrill, it’s really the physical and mental engagement that keeps me going back for more.

Tell us more about Roc ‘n Rope Adventures?

Roc ‘n Rope Adventures is a one stop shop for climbers – both existing and aspiring. I started and own the business and am not being biased when I say that it’s set in the most beautiful part of our country in Waterval Boven, close to Nelspruit in Mpumalanga. People come to engage in world class rock climbing, abseiling, mountain biking, and hiking. We offer half day courses for first timers with guided climbs to full day and weekend courses. There’s also advanced courses for more

serious climbers. You can come for the weekend and have a good time, with a full rock climbing gear store we provide all the equipment and accommodation too.

The best parts of the country to do extreme rock climbing?

Although Waterval Boven lacks the heights compared to the Cape or Drakensburg ranges that boast hundreds of metres of sheer climbs, we have quality and variety with so many different routes and high levels of challenge. So although Waterval Boven may be less extreme, it certainly is more adventurous. There’s no better place to climb in the whole of Africa if you ask me.

What has been your most thrilling rock climbing experience?

My latest climbing trip to Mali has been the highlight of my climbing career so far. In the

Images by Gustav Janse van Rensburg

“There are so many more skills involved beyond just making sure you have the right lens.” dessert in Timbuktu, we climbed The Hand of Fatimah which has the tallest freestanding sandstone towers in the world – what a thrill!

awesome. You also draw a lot from your subject, so when a good position, good light, and a good climber all meet it can be really cool.

years of experience and solving problems with very few resources keeps things exciting too.

How do you prepare before heading out to ‘shoot’?

What were you doing at the London Olympics?

What is the hardest part of your job?

Which photograph have you captured that makes you the most proud?

There are some shots where everything just works, when everything comes together and gels. I have a particular series of climbing shots that I am particularly proud of – its very rare to get a sequence that are all just

I was asked to help with the structural installation of the cables at the Olympic stadium. My qualification on the ropes saw me hanging from the stadium roof for inspection to ensure it was safe for the opening ceremony and going forward. It was cool to be there, even though it wasn’t the most exciting job. The Roc ‘n Rope crew offer services to the film industry on a stunt photography side – now that’s exciting! If ever they need someone to hang off a building or bridge, they know who to call.

How do you keep yourself motivated and your photography fresh? The climbers keep me motivated and inspired. I have the incredible opportunity to see people do amazing things and am fortunate enough to be in the rare position to capture them in crazy positions. Having to make critical decisions by drawing from

Your advice to aspiring Extreme Photographers? Your skills base needs to be a lot bigger than shooting a wedding, for example. Make sure that your technical ability is good first, before you start getting yourself into crazy positions. Safety is first so ensure you can use the equipment! There are thousands of little tricks of the trade; you learn things as you go. There’s no school to learn adventure photography, but you can do a rope course that will enable you to get a good head start. Roc ‘n Rope Adventures can be found along the N4. For more information: www.rocrope.com


The climbing situations are so vastly different that the gear involved in getting into position is often more complicated than the most advanced camera gear. It takes about three hours to get into position, so I prepare by doing a location recce. If that means waking up at 04h00 to get the best light, that’s what I do. I plan the shot 100% so I know exactly what I want and what camera equipment I need to get that, so there’s no need to change lenses or any of that when I’m out there.

Not dropping the lens when you’re out there. It’s really not nice when you see that piece of glass falling.


THE SCENIC ROUTE [Photo C ompetition]



TITLE: A Bug’s Life Photographer: Gerhard Jansen van Vuuren Location: Farm in Limpopo


TITLE: Township Living Photographer: Stu Shapiro Location: Knysna Township

Join the league of onRoute’s travelling photographers by simply capturing the beauty of your journey and sending us your best shots!

TITLE: Flirting Lions Photographer: Justin Rael Kramer Location: Lower Sabie Road


TITLE: Little Boy Lost Photographer: Stu Shapiro Location: Knysna Township


THE SCENIC ROUTE [PHOTO C OMPE T I T I ON] www.onroutemag.co.za

TITLE: Dancing Seagulls PHOTOgRAPHER: Stu Shapiro LOCATION: The Overberg


TITLE: Sun & Snow PHOTOgRAPHER: Jenice van Zyl LOCATION: South Drakensburg Mountains

Be crowned King of the CliCK


All images must be at least 1Mb in size and include your full name, address, telephone number, and the location of the photo. Check www.onroutemag.co.za to vote for your favourite photos.


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PITSTOP [H ealth ]

A Guide to Driving the Distance

The Human body is designed to walk over long distances, not drive! Qualified Physiotherapist, Richard Feher gives us the guidelines for pain-free long distance driving.

Adjust Mirrors

Good Driving Posture The best angle for your seat is at 100 degrees slightly back from sitting straight up. Hands should be in the three and nine o’clock positions on the steering wheel. Relax into your seat so that muscle pressure is not concentrated, leaving the body firm but relaxed.

Give yourself the widest field of vision with your mirrors so you don’t have to move your head around to see properly.

Lower Back Support If your seat offers lumbar support, adjust it to fill the space at your lower back; if not, a small pillow will maintain the right shape from tailbone to neck. Adjust your seat close enough to the steering wheel to avoid leaning forward. The seat is designed to touch your entire back - make sure it does!

Head Support Adjust your head-rest so that it touches the middle of the back of your head.

Avoid Eye strain Driving with poor vision can lead to eyestrain and cause you to crane your neck forward, putting pressure on your neck muscles. If you’re straining to see while driving, you need to get your eyes checked.

Take a Break Stop every hour if possible to stretch your neck, shoulders, waist and knees. Walk a little to increase the speed at which blood flows through your veins.

Richard Feher has worked with Orlando Pirates FC, Chelsea FC and Tonga Rugby. He is also a columnist for SKY SPORT, Business Day and SA Rugby. He has cycled around the European continent, motorcycled solo from Cape to Cairo and run to Mount Everest over the Himalayas. www.richardfeherphysiotherapy.co.za • 011 791 3454 • physiofeher@telkomsa.net

Surf Safety Rip currents claim the lives of many people every year. Here’s how to spot them and what to do if you get caught in one.


ips are essentially ‘rivers’ of current produced by water draining from the beach back out to sea. They develop anywhere you see breaking waves. Often rips move slowly enough to barely be detected, but they can develop into current moving at a speed of up to two metres per second – faster than any of us can possibly swim! They range in size from just a few feet to a couple of hundred metres wide and their pull can be to just outside the breaking waves to over two hundred metres from shore.

Spot the Signs! • An area of water through a surf zone that is different in colour - usually darker - because it is deeper than the surrounding water. • A break in the incoming pattern of waves. • Seaweed or debris moving out. • Isolated, turbulent and choppy water.

If You Get Caught!


You are not going to win a fight with the ocean, so if you are caught in a rip current the primary thing to do is to stay calm and relax. You can swim slowly and conservatively parallel to the shoreline or just relax and let it carry you out past the breakers until it slacks.


Contrary to myth – rip currents are not “undertow” and will not pull you under the water. As long as you can tread water or float you will be safe until you escape the flow and head back to the beach. It’s important that when you head back in, to do so at an angle to the shoreline. Again, maintain a slow and relaxed pace until you reach the shore or assistance arrives. www.nsri.org.za

MALARIA: KNOW THE FACTS! THE FACTS • Malaria is normally only transmitted in three provinces in South Africa: Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal with transmission occurring predominantly between September and May. • The risk in neighbouring countries, especially Mozambique, is all year round! • You get malaria from the bite of an infected anopheles mosquito. • You can’t “catch” malaria from someone else. • The risk of severe malaria is very high for little children, pregnant women and anyone who is immunocompromised. • Three recommended medicines are effective if taken correctly: atovaquone-proguanil (MALANIL®), mefloquine (LARIAM® or MEFLIAM®) and doxycycline (e.g. DOXIMAL®). All are available on prescription only and side affects should be discussed with your doctor. • Symptoms of infection commonly develop 10 to 14 days after an infective bite, but may develop much later. • ‘Flu-like’ symptoms (headache, fever, myalgia) are the most common symptoms of early malaria, but in some cases fever may be absent. Other symptoms include rigors, sweating, tiredness, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. • If you have any of the above symptoms after being in a malaria area, seek immediate medical attention as malaria can be fatal.

Images by Shutterstock & NSRI

Despite being a preventable and readily treatable disease, Malaria continues to present thousands of cases in South Africa each year. There’s no need to worry if you know all the facts...

PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE Avoiding mosquito bites is as important as using preventive drugs. • Remain indoors between dusk and dawn. • Wear long sleeved clothing (preferably light coloured), long trousers and socks. • Apply insect repellent to exposed skin. • Stay in well-constructed and well-maintained buildings in the bestdeveloped part of town. • Cover doorways and windows with screens, but if not available, windows and doors should be closed at night. • Ceiling fans and air conditioners are very effective. • Use a mosquito-proof bed net over the bed, with edges tucked in under the mattress. • Spray inside the house with an aerosol insecticide (for flying insects) at dusk, especially the bedrooms, after closing the windows. • Use mosquito mats, or burn mosquito coils in living and sleeping areas during the night.

Bakwena cares about YOU... We are concerned about the safety of road users on the Bakwena N1N4 toll. Surveys show that U-turns causing accidents and fatalities are on the increase. The law relating to U-turns is as follows: • NO U-turns are allowed on a freeway when there are two carriage-ways separated by a median. • Sections of other roads where U-turns are illegal will display the following sign: When there is no distance displayed a U-turn is illegal only at the position where the sign is displayed. There must be a distance displayed below the sign. Within the distance displayed it is illegal to make a U-turn.


The distance displayed can be up to 5km but we have restricted the distance to 3 km on the N4.

No U-turns are allowed when the following road markings are present: Single solid line in centre Double solid line in centre

WARNINg! Lee Baker, a member of the Malaria Advisory Group subcommittee (SCAT) and the Southern African Society of Travel Medicine (SASTM), advises “Avoid taking young children to high risk malaria areas because they can rapidly become severely ill! Mefloquine is the only recommended malaria medication for small children and is very effective if taken correctly. Some medication is contraindicated in children below eight years of age and another can only be used by children weighing 11 kilograms or more. Natural, homeopathic preparations should NOT be used!” she warns.

Yellow line markings between two solid lines

0800 BAKWENA (0800 2259362)

Please let common sense prevail not only during the festive season but always. • Consider your fellow road users. • Don’t drink and drive. • Buckle up. • Don’t speed. • Take a break, rest. • Don’t overtake a vehicle when you are driving on the left of the yellow line. • It is illegal to drive on the shoulder at night or when on a dual carriage-way freeway. • It is illegal to intimidate anybody to drive on the shoulder. • Try to avoid driving at night.

PITSTOP [fashion]

Ballet Pump: R1290 Suede Slip-on: R1100

Paez Check: R350

Paez Green: R350


Cork Stack Heel: R1790



When summertime hits there’s only ONE way to be... ...footloose and fancy free!

Canvas Slip-on: R690

Red Wedge: R1190

Fiat Sneaker: R2190

Leather Boat Shoe: R1100

Photographer: Gareth Jacobs Stylist: Tammy Hoffmann (Dollhouse) Suppliers: Europa Art Shoes: Shop S17 Rosebank Mall - The Street Store: 135/137 Greenway Street, Greenside


Striped Slip-on: R750


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Bakwena Platinum Corridor Concessionaire (Pty) Ltd is responsible for the design, finance, construction as well as on-going operations maintenance and toll collection of 385km of toll road. Some of our milestone achievements to date, are electronic toll collection and the refinancing of our debt. Bakwena is the first and only Concessionaire in the whole of South Africa to date, who offers the option of electronic toll collection. Bakwena has a Corporate Social Investment Program that supports and contributes to the development of communities along the Bakwena Corridor. Bakwena’s CSI program currently focuses on: • •

• • •

Education through the allocation of bursaries for undergraduate studies; Skills development through community road safety education and awareness programs, environmental and road safety education workshops for educators, life skills and vocational training for previously disadvantaged employees; Support of established community events and activities along the route that contribute to recognised charities; Community health issues through sponsorship and assistance; Economic development and tourism along our route through sponsorships and assistance.

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What’s in the middle of a jellyfish? A Jelly-button!

Why do spiders like the internet? Because of all the websites!

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Images by Shutterstock

p U h c t a M Summer





Can You Spot the Difference? This holiday traffic jam has 10 differences. Can you find them all? Keep your eyes peeled and draw a circle around the area where you can spot the difference!

Wild Animal Word Search


imals below Find all the hidden an you go! & cross them out as


Colour by Number

1. Black


3. RED


Images by Shutterstock



Find the happy

lour code below.

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Judged ‘Car of The Year’ for 2012, the Elantra, a four door sedan, is a handsome car — it’s not pretty, but handsome! Hyundai designers have taken great care in the proportions and fine lines; and it shows. The interior is tastefully appointed and is definitely made of quality materials. The spacious cabin seats five in comfort and one passenger actually compared it very favourably to the interior of a BMW 3 Series, which obviously competes in a completely different price category. It’s fitted with all the necessary luxuries, such as electric windows and side mirrors, climate control with dual controls and even a semidecent sound system with auxiliary inputs for your IPod or MP3 player and with controls on the steering wheel. The boot is also large and I was very impressed that nine kilogram gas cylinders stood upright when I took them for refilling — alleviating any ‘time bombs’ rolling around in the back. Also the boot boasts some clever design thinking as you can fold the rear seats down without having to open the back doors to release the seat latches. You can do this from the boot — which is simple yet highly effective. Look it’s no ‘street racer’, but the 1 800 engine pushes a respectable 110 kilowatt and 178 Newton meters of torque, so it’s perky and pulls nicely even in the Highveld where we typically lose a lot of power. It also easily beats the competition’s 1 600’s on offer. The Elantra handles well and for what it’s intended for I believe it does a good job.


However, as we all know, nothing in life is perfect and there are a few things that need re-thinking —— none of them are deal breakers though: the handbrake isn’t positioned well and was a little uncomfortable when operating; the centre air-conditioner vents are mounted low and can lead to frozen knee syndrome, and not the best air distribution to the rear of the vehicle; the remote unlocked all four doors on the first press of the button, and we’re not sure if this is the safest thing, but it could possibly be changed by your Hyundai dealer.


As the car of the year 2012 award would indicate, the competition is in a bit of trouble! The quality and added extras of the Hyundai Elantra 1,8 GLS Manual are both overwhelming and at a very well priced R234,900, we simply cannot understand why you would currently buy anything else in this price range.

Hyundai Elantra 1.8 gLS Manual

Now, 12-years down the line, the Koreans have not only succeeded in creating reliable vehicles that offer more for your money but their ‘silver bullet’ — the Hyundai Elantra — has finally taken out the competition.


THE gARAgE [C AR RE VI E W ] BY: Brad McCreedy


outh Africans were less than enthusiastic when the Koreans brought Hyundai to South Africa in 2000. In fact, we were downright suspicious of the brand that was ‘attempting’ to compete with our established German and Japanese manufacturers.

For more information: www.imperial.co.za

Similar to staring at Scarlett Johansson, just looking at a supercar is a highly emotive experience and all kinds of feelings bubble to the surface. The McLaren is also pretty, but more importantly it oozes tons of sex appeal — and like Scarlett, the McLaren has all the right curves in all the right places. The best part of the vehicle is the way the doors open! They are called dihedral doors and make this car look like it’s going at a million miles an hour even when parked. And guess what? In December South Africa will get the first Spiders — and they still have those awesome doors!

I was very fortunate to test this car on the road and even got a couple of laps at Kyalami. Now I could be rude here but will restrict my comment to ‘blistering barnacles’ because this car is fast (460 kilowatts and 600 Newton meters), even at altitude. And the twin-turbos give you tunnel vision, which is very intoxicating! In some publications this vehicle received some unkind words — things like “clinical handling”. This is true, but push the car to the edge and it starts communicating beautifully and becomes quite a handful, which is good — no it’s great! You could drive this car everyday and attempt to be civilised, but to be honest, in a car like this civilised is not an option, hooligan is. In the interests of the JMPD, I had to restrain myself as all I wanted to do was floor it! So yes, I want a new Spider in volcano yellow and I am planning to sell dates with Scarlett to unsuspecting guys on EBay to fund the purchase. So if you know Scarlett, please send me her number and put in a good word for me with the JMPD!

Images by Shutterstock & Hyundai


hen it comes to supercars you have some choices, but most would say Ferrari or Lamborghini. But now, mere mortals could almost, yes, almost, afford the new McLaren MP4-12C after the success of the McLaren F1 many years ago. The F1 was unfortunately made in very limited numbers and only for the very fortunate.

Pirelli’s CINTURATO P7 The CINTURATO P7 is Pirelli’s environmentally friendly high performance tyre for medium to high-powered cars. It has been created to take full advantage of the latest materials, structures and tread pattern design in order to guarantee savings, respect for the environment, comfort and safety on all road surfaces. Every aspect, from its manufacture to its behaviour on the road is designed to better preserve the world we live in. Available at tyre dealerships throughout South Africa: Tiger Wheel and Tyre, Supa Quick, Hi-Q.



McLaren Mp4-12C

www.pirelli.co.za 33


THE MALL [tech Reviews] BY: David Greenway

Seagate GoFlex Satellite Mobile Wireless Hard Drive If you love watching movies on the go then you’ll love the Seagate GoFlex Satellite Mobile Wireless Hard Drive. It lets you stream movies from its 500 gigabytes of storage space to any iPad or Android tablet; in fact you can stream three different movies to three different devices at the same time. With five hours of battery life you can watch movies to your heart’s content never having to worry about the storage limitations of your tablet. www.shopandship.co.za

R2 549

Segway i2 R2 499

(rental per month including insurance)

Ever since the Segway first appeared, everyone has wanted one. The latest generation of the Segway Personal Transporter brings a new level of technology to these amazing devices. Using gyroscopic sensors, the Segway is able to self balance, which means that you can almost never fall off one. Driving one is as easy as leaning forward to go forward and back to reverse. www.segway.co.za

Samsung Galaxy S3

R7 049

The most anticipated smartphone launch this year was definitely the Samsung Galaxy S3. With a beautiful 4.8 inch HD Super AMOLED display and a quad core processor, the Galaxy S3 is the highest spec super phone available today. Talk to it and it listens and responds, while you’re reading something on the screen it keeps the back light on. This is the phone of the moment. www.shopandship.co.za

R3 599



Luxa2 H7 iPad Car Mount


Garmin Nuvi 3590LT GPS

The iPad is the ultimate road trip companion for the car passenger. With the vast array of multimedia capabilities of the iPad many people will be taking theirs with them on long drives. With the Luxa2 H7 iPad Car Mount you can easily attach the iPad to any window in the car or any other smooth flat surface like the tiles in your kitchen. It’s the perfect accessory to keep your iPad in just the right place to enjoy a good movie. www.shopandship.co.za

With the most advanced software ever produced by the leader in global navigation technology, the Garmin Guidance 3.0 software makes the new Garmin Nuvi 3590LT GPS the ultra slim companion of choice for any journey. Using Garmin’s 3D Traffic and the Trip Planner, you can make sure that your journey is the best it can be. it even has integrated voice commands that enable you to set your destination. www.shopandship.co.za

Little LogBook


Keeping a log book for your car allowance or business fuel claims is often a tedious process. You forget to write down your mileage, write down the wrong odometer reading and land up getting less back from SARS, or your Employer than you should. With the Little LogBook GPS Trip Logger you don’t have to ever worry again, just plug it into your car’s USB port or lighter socket and it starts tracking your trip for you. Retrieving data is as easy as plugging it into a PC’s USB port. View your trips on street level & extract reports.

Images by Manufacturers & Suppliers

The PS Vita is the hottest handheld gaming device in the world right now. With a powerful quad core CPU and a quad graphics chip driving a superb five inch OLED touch screen display, the PS Vita is capable of PlayStation 3 level graphics and gameplay on the move. Every major gaming franchise is coming to the Vita as well, with Fifa Football, Resistance: Burning Skies and F1 2011 already announced.


R3 799

PS Vita

Little LogBook - claiming made easy. www.littlelogbook.co.za


DStv Walka Handheld TV Watch TV anytime, anywhere with the amazing DStv Walka Handheld TV. The 3.5 inch screen strikes the perfect balance between portability and viewing size, in fact at only 360 grams you won’t believe how light the Walka is. Get your sports fix on the move or catch up on the latest news and entertainment. With the DStv Walka you’ll never be too far from the action. www.shopandship.co.za

Philips 9-Inch Dual Screen Portable DVD Player


WIN a Parrot Minikit+ Go to www.onroutemag.co.za to enter!

Long trips can be difficult for those in the back seats, but with the Philips 9-Inch Dual Screen Portable DVD Player you can now bring some entertainment to the ride. With two 9 inch screens there’s no need to crowd around one side of the car and with the ability to play DVDs or evenDVD+/-RW discs you have written yourself, you can keep enough entertainment on hand for even the longest of journeys. www.have2have.co.za


The Parrot Minikit+ is the ultimatehBluetooth handsfree kit for your car. Mounted to your visor, the Minikit+ turns on automatically when you get into your car and connects to your phone. It syncs with your phonebook allowing you to tell it who you want to call. Withtthe Minikit+ you can even listen to navigation instructions from your phone and when a call comes in, answering is as easy as saying “Accept”.

R2 142

R 899

Parrot Minikit+


The loose gravel under your tyres makes it difficult to negotiate the bend as you swing your car around the corner at break neck speed. And just when you think you have everything under control, you’re hit from the side thrusting you into an uncontrollable spin before you are T-boned by another competitor. This is the reality of Dirt Showdown - a rally-come-demolition derby styled racing game that’s been put together by the same guys who brought you the award winning racing franchise, Dirt Series. The slick racing game takes the best tricks of rally driving and mixes them with the chaos and destruction of demolition driving. The first thing you’ll notice is that it’s not quite a simulation racer but not quite a mindless destruction racer either. The elements taken from both gaming genres are almost perfectly balanced in this game, creating a great mix that will leave you entertained in the anarchy and entwined in the skills needed to compete at the top level. The soundtrack is pumping and suits the pandemonium created on screen, and the game, especially when played with friends, is numbingly addictive. Dirt Showdown is the perfect ingredient for a boy’s night. The driving skill needed for the game really does separate the men from the boys.

Images by Suppliers


THE ARCADE [g AME RE VI E W S ] BY: @carandgameguru











The morality of war is put to question in this third person shooter. Would you shoot someone to protect yourself, even if it’s not the person you are there to shoot? Based in the now dusty city of Dubai, your mission is simple, rescue an American Commander who went to Dubai against orders. You have to battle your way through the city to find Colonel Konrad, but on your rescue mission, you have to shoot and kill people you are not at war with, who you are not there to harm, but who are out to kill you to protect their home. They shoot because they do not know what your purpose in Dubai is, so you must shoot back to make sure you can leave alive. The story and the morality issues make Spec Ops a gripping game, and although we were able to finish the game in a shade over eighthours, it was a very entertaining eight-hours. The gunplay is quite easy to master, which is a good thing for novice shooters, but if you are looking for a serious shooting challenge, the game may prove a little easy. The combat tactics needed to complete this game, as well as the authentic weaponry are both very realistic and incredibly impressive. Spec Ops: The Line joins a genre that is filled with some of the best games ever made. Although not a real classic, it’s a winning game definitely worth playing.





Although the games are over, for addiction value, the London Olympics 2012 App is brilliant! Enjoy nine events and infinite hours of play.

Play putt-putt on your iPad with some interesting courses and good tracks.

Be the Mayor of your own city. Build homes, businesses, highways and sports arenas with this city simulating app.

DETOUR [TRAVE L ] BY: Kate Turner

Camping. You’re either a happy camper or not so much. But, chances are, if you’re not a convert it’s because you were subjected to the crusty campsites, bone-chilling ablutions and mosquito nurseries of our youth… today campsites offer so much more than the critterinfested sites you may recall. Here are two such gems:


MERRy PEBBLES For the ‘ants-in-their-pants’ family


WHERE: Off the N4 in Sabie



ishing, river tubing, waterfall stakeouts, mini-golf, horse-riding, mountain biking, hiking, not to mention some delicious pancakes to scoff, Sabie is a veritable feast for the energetic. Plenty to do, plenty to see and lots to eat - this little 2012 Town of the Year has no traffic lights, and yet more than 20 restaurants! Set up camp at Merry Pebbles, a charming threestar graded family resort on the banks of the Sabie River, skirting Sabie town. More than just a stopover, Merry Pebbles is in itself a

mini holiday city with mod cons ranging from a restaurant, little convenience store, heated and cold water pools, water slides, a flood-lit tennis court, a game’s room for teens and jungle gyms for littlies, mountain bike and hiking trails, trout fishing and tubing on the Sabie River, all ensuring the entire family relish their holiday at this one stop campsite.

the river, the original name of which was Ulusaba, meaning ‘fear’, for the crocs that wallowed in its lower Lowveld reaches. But fear not, those crocs won’t get you at Merry Pebbles – they’re all downstream, waaaay downstream.


If anything can tempt you away from Merry Pebbles’ umpteen entertainment options, it’ll Sabie is a mist-shrouded forestry town located be the lure of this Mpumalanga Highlands on the upper Sabie River. It was named after Scenic route. Expect more Kodak moments


Pitch Up. Camp Out!

than any other touring option! Kick-off from scenic Sabie and join the snapshots to Graskop, God’s Window, Mac-Mac Pools and Falls, after which you can take a short detour to the living museum of Pilgrim’s Rest. Stop for some grub at the time-warped Royal Hotel, and you can overnight there too. The next morning continue apace on to Bourke’s Luck, the Three Rondavels and the other Blyde River Canyon view sites, past Echo Caves, and then to where the R532 meets Abel Erasmus Pass, heading to the Lowveld. Oh, and don’t forget

the Sudwala Caves – the stalagmites and stalactites are gobsmackingly impressive – situated off the N4 on the way back to Sabie, about 35 kilometres west of Nelspruit.

Sleeping The best thing about Merry Pebbles is that they place much importance on s-p-a-c-e… if you’d like to spread your tribe out, and provided there’s room, they will give you additional stands for mahala. Clearly these are people who understand the basics,

neh. Furthermore, expect verdant, grassy campsites, with lots of dappled shade. There are four large ablution blocks, three sculleries, and a coin-operated wishy-washy. How convenient. R160 per night per adult, R80 a child.

Make a Booking info@merrypebbles.co.za 013 764 2266/013 764 1502 www.merrypebbles.com Facebook: Merry Pebbles Sabie

DETOUR [Travel ]

Where: Off the N3, Drakensburg

Amphitheatre Backpackers For the party-lovin’ Family




he area is special to me because it’s like stepping back in time,” explains Ilse Roberts, co-owner of Amphitheatre Backpackers in the Northern Drakensburg. And she’s not far off the mark: Mud huts speckle the mountain slopes, cattle roam across the road, water is slurped straight out of the sparkling streams and the horizon is pleasantly-devoid of buildings and, instead, punctuated by flattopped acacias. A pastoral setting fit for the city-weathered souls that converge here to get off the grid. And only a three-and-a-halfhour drive from either Joburg or Durban, just off the N3, the Amphitheatre Backpackers is surprisingly easy to get to.

Lay of the Land The site has natural springs and reliable boreholes, 360 degree mountain views, indigenous grasslands which support a wealth of small mammals and birdlife and the perennial Mpande River snakes through it.

Boogie Nights One of the few places where you can find a healthy ratio of fun for grown-ups and fun for kids, Amphitheatre Backpackers offers a safe space for party-lovin’ families to let their hair down and mingle. There’s a funky bar with a wonderful range of music not to mention cocktails, exotic hookah pipes and even a jacuzzi in the thick of the action! There’s also a music festival to enjoy, four times a year – all with a distinct family-friendly vibe. The Smoking Dragon Music Festival has a different theme each time. There was the New Year’s Fire festival (amid an incandescent sea of fire-dancers); while the Sky Jam theme took advantage of the airstrip on the farm, allowing for thrilling tandem sky-dives. ‘Like’ ‘Amphitheatre Backpackers Lodge’ on Facebook for info on what’s billed next.

Sleeping There are a range of accommodation options to choose from but the cheapest one (at only R75 per person) is to bring your tent and camp. The campsite is wonderful with plenty of space, fantastic ablutions and roomy well-equipped kitchens, but there is also the restaurant for those who want a holiday from cooking. Solar panels are used to heat the water, rubbish is recycled, water is pumped from a spring and their feature black ‘lagoon’ pool is fashioned from the Drakensberg rock that surrounds you.

Make a Booking amphibackpackers@worldonline.co.za 082 855 9767 www.amphibackpackers.co.za Facebook: Amphitheatre Backpackers Lodge

Tel: 017 638 0402 Fax: 017 638 0402 venter99@mweb.co.za





1. Buy a few good solar-powered electrical appliances and lights (batteries always seem to run out just when the wors is about to fossilise or the kids need a midnight loo run). 2. Only one person should be responsible for prep and planning. By choosing the most OCD person in your group, you’ll save a lot of back and forth and ensure there’s no duplication of goods (remember, car space is valuable real estate when you’re camping). 3. To avoid scratching blindly in the boot come night time, pack everything into large, plastic closable boxes, which are clearly marked: ‘food’, ‘pots, pans’, ‘toiletries’, etc. 4. Keep a level head in the camping shop (you’ll want to buy everything!) Only buy additional camper’s gadgets once you’ve seen them in use, or ones that come with glowing reviews by fellow campers. 5. A good, hard outdoor broom is essential. As is a gazebo – either as a sun shield or rain cover. 6. Leave your TV at home – it disturbs your neighbours and detracts from the overall experience. 7. Don’t camp under a tree – if there’s an electrical storm, it may act as a lightning rod. 8. Take the kids’ bicycles with you. 9. Waking up with spine resembling a gnarled old branch doth not a happy camper make. If you don’t want to splurge on an inflatable bed, buy a piece of foam mattress from a mattress shop. Or consider a hammock – it’ll get you off wet ground and away from critters. A comfy bed dictates whether your camping holiday will be hellish or heavenly. 10. Don’t forget to pack your sense of humour – this one will save you a lot of hand wringing and gnashing of teeth!

Images by Amphitheatre Backpackers

Be the Chuck Norris of Campers We sell new and second-hand caravans at reasonable prices, from off-road trailers (for the adventurous) to more comfortable Jurgens trailers. We also stock a wide variety of camping equipment. Campworld are agents for Howling Moon tents and Kellerman fridges, as well as distributors of Leisure Quip and Check Point products.

The first place to start is with your shelter, aka, your tent. Buy a sturdy one, which comes standard with a waterproof flysheet from a store like Cape Union Mart – they’re in almost every mall. Then, choose your campsite from a reputable directory like campingsouthafrica.co.za, there are some great reviews here and pics too. Finally, follow these 10 top tips from the Camper’s Bible:

DETOUR [Travel ] www.onroutemag.co.za

Living Langebaan

By Keri Harvey

A gateway to the evocative West Coast and a springboard to unique attractions in the area - the town of Langebaan fringes a massive salt water lagoon that attracts diverse visitors, from water sport lovers to migrant birds from Siberia.


A Splashing Good Time

The massive, turquoise lagoon is world renowned for its consistently sublime wind and kite surfing conditions. Its flat water is also ideal to learn both these sports, with tuition by professionals and equipment for hire. Sea kayaking is for calm days and fishing for stumpnose or steenbras is another popular attraction off the coast. Still, other visitors come

to sail and waterski, and some simply come to sip sundowners along the sweeping lagoon.

Mother Nature at her Best

With its entrance right on the edge of town, the 30 000 hectare West Coast National Park protects the magnificent Langebaan lagoon and a swathe of pristine coastal fynbos. However, for two months of the year – every August and

September – the park transforms into a floral fantasyland. Carpets of dancing daisies in all colours can be seen in the Postberg section of the park, which is only open during these two months, and visitors from around the world come to view this natural spectacle that’s unique to the West Coast and Namaqualand. In this section also lives most of the wildlife in the park, from eland to zebra, bontebok to Bat-eared foxes, along with

Images by www.craigstrachen.com

In winter and spring, whale watching is popular from Tsaarsbank on the Atlantic coast in the park, while picnicking and swimming can be enjoyed at Kraalbaai along the

sheltered lagoon. House boats for overnight stays on the lagoon are also offshore from Kraalbaai, and offer a unique accommodation option. The whole lagoon is a RAMSAR internationally protected wetland and part of the West Coast’s Flamingo Birding Route. It’s a mecca for birders with its tidal mudflats that are home to over 37 000 birds. They come from all over Europe, Russia and the Arctic in search

of food and the lagoon is where they find it. About 10 500 birds remain throughout the year and include endangered African Black Oystercatchers and flamingos. The area is also home to the largest breeding colony of Black Harriers on earth.

Past Treasures

The West Coast Fossil Park at Langebaanweg, just out of town is the only fossil park in South Africa and believed to be the most


Fast Facts many antelope and small game species. Since there are no large predators, it’s perfectly safe to walk or cycle in the park. Four-day walks radiate out from the historic Geelbek Restaurant in the park, and there’s also a flower trail in the Postberg section.

• Langebaan used to be a whaling station. A mounted harpoon gun can still be seen outside the municipal office in town. • Spring flowers only open in warm sunshine and follow the path of the sun through the day. Between 11h00 and 15h00 is generally best. • Most lagoons are fresh water created by rivers flowing into the sea, but Langebaan lagoon is salty, and was formed by the rise and fall of sea levels in prehistoric times. • Langebaan is an hour’s drive from Cape Town, up the R27 West Coast road. • The West Coast National Park doesn’t have the Big Five but it does have the Slow Five: tortoises, dune moles, porcupines, sand sharks and whales. • You can see Table Mountain from the West Coast National Park.



DETOUR [Travel ]

Boesmanland Plaaskombuis A huge variety of seafood and West Coast specialities, buffet style, right on the beach. Tel: 022 772 1564 or www. boesmanlandfarmkitchen.com

Pearly’s Restaurant At the water’s edge overlooking the lagoon. Light meals and a good variety. Tel: 022 772 2734 or www.pearlys.co.za

Geelbek Restaurant




Light meals in the West Coast National Park. Tel: 022 772 2134 or www.geelbek.co.za

From five star guest houses and B&Bs to a variety of self-catering accommodation, there is plenty of choice. Langebaan Tourism: 022 722 1515 or www.langebaaninfo.com

The oldest known human footprint was also discovered in the West Coast National Park back in 1995. Eve’s Footprint, an ancient 117 000 years old, was found near Kraalbaai along the lagoon.

Fun & Adventure for the Family

While dad plays golf on the 18-hole Gary Player designed course at the Langebaan Country Estate, the kids can be entertained at Sunny Park playing putt-putt, enjoying jumping castles, trampolines and a waterslide. There are quad bikes and go carts too. At the same time mom can enjoy a spa treatment, take in an art gallery or shop for unique curios, clothing or keepsakes. There are horse rides on the beach, plus cycling options for the whole family. A popular 30 kilometre cycle ride from Langebaan to Geelbek Restaurant in the West Coast National Park is alive with game and bird viewing on route. At Geelbek there’s also a magnificent bird hide at the end of a boardwalk, with panoramic views over the park.

Useful Contacts

If you love the outdoors and wide horizons, Langebaan will enchant you with its beauty and spoil you with its gifts. Best of all, it’s truly a place for the whole family. The only prerequisites are a love for fun and beauty.

West Coast National Park: Tel: 022 772 2144 or www.sanparks.org

West Coast Fossil Park: Tel: 022 766 1606

Langebaan Country Estate: Tel: 022 772 2112

Sea Kayaking: Tel: 021 683 3698 or www.gravity.co.za

Kite Surfing Tuition: Tel: 082 079 0500 or www.windchaserssa.com

Fishing Trips: Tel: 072 348 2323

Mountain biking: Tel: 022 772 1793 or www.live2ride.co.za

Horse riding: Tel: 022 766 1645 or www.windstone.co.za

Images by www.craigstrachen.com, Images by Kosi Forest Lodge Evelyn Mervine & Shutterstock

diverse fossil find in the world. The ancient Big Five can be found here, along with ancient giraffe remains and the fossils of Africa’s only bear, plus whale, seal, penguin and fish fossils. In all, the fossils of over 200 different species lie in this park and more are still being discovered all the time. Tours to see the dig site and search for your very own fossils are also offered daily. Biking, hiking and horse riding through the park are popular ways to see the area.


BLINK AND YOU’LL MISS IT Do you have any idea how many wonderful experiences you miss when you’re travelling at 120 kilometres per hour? What may look like a desolate stretch of road may actually be a front for some hidden treasures. We don’t want you to miss a thing, so here are some ‘must-see’ secrets along your route.

Mountain Biking Paradise Karkloof Valley, Midlands Situated a few kilometres off the N3, just an hour from Durban and five hours from Johannesburg, the beautiful Karkloof Valley in the heart of the Midlands is one of the premier mountain biking destinations in South Africa. Sappi’s vast plantations coupled with the vision of some passionate local mountain bikers, has resulted in a world-class trail network which is now accessible year-round to recreational riders! Add to this the facilities offered at the Karkloof Country Club, including safe parking, hot showers and a place to wash your bike and you really have everything you need to enjoy a mindblowing mountain biking experience. In an effort to make the area safer and more enjoyable, the Karkloof Mountain Biking Club has implemented the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) trail grading standards across the entire trail network. Those new to the area can choose between an easy-breezy 10 kilometre, an achievable 20 kilometre or a challenging 30 kilometre route. Once riders become more familiar with the trails, they are also able to venture through “outback” trails, which do not form part of the marked routes but give riders a great opportunity for longer rides with more variety. www.karkloofmtb.co.za/trails

Diamante en Goud Heidelberg Famous in Heidelberg, this one-stop-shop was started by owners Christo and Melinda just after they got married in 1978. Christo - a diamond cutter, goldsmith and jeweller - began selling quality handmade jewellery that he manufactured himself. Now, 32 years later, it’s the best place to go for exclusive jewellery design in Platinum, Gold and White Gold, diamonds and semi-precious stones.

to be polished or evaluated. The informal farmhouse still exudes a snug and welcoming atmosphere where you can easily tuck into a slice of delicious cheesecake, Portuguese chocolate cake, warm homemade meat pies, Italian lasagne or a time-honoured ‘Boereslaai’. Sit in the tea garden or by the indoor fireplace and browse the handmade cottage-style furniture on sale (also made by Christo).

Diamante en Goud has since expanded into quite a unique business. The ‘Plaashuiswinkel’ was added on as the perfect place to enjoy a cup of coffee while you wait for your jewellery

Jewellery, coffee, cake and a wholesome Heidelberg welcome – it’s a great combination. www.diamanteengoud.co.za

KAAPSEHOOP Mpumalanga This hidden fairytale town can be found nestled on the edge of the Mpumalanga escarpment, overlooking the valleys toward Barberton and Nelspruit. Originally it gained fame as a gold mining town but has since been rediscovered for its tranquil setting and beautiful surrounds. Today, it’s a popular weekend retreat with its period housing that takes you back in time, making it the perfect place to unwind. You’re bound to find a mystical story or two about the wild horses that roam the area. Visitors are often seen staring in amazement at the horses, watching them wild and free for hours. There are approximately 160 to 200 feral horses that roam the 17 000 hectares of Kaapsehoop. Herds range in size from bachelor herds of around three to larger more structured herds of 15 to 20 horses. The wild horses share a protective interest by the residents of Kaapsehoop. Many horse riding trails are available to visitors, including some lengthy 7 day trails. The sleepy village inhabited by wild horses and often shrouded in mist, is definitely a place worth visiting. www.kaapsehoop.com


Paths thread through the 300 acre property each offering their own unique beauty. Follow the pine-scented path to the dam; walk past ancient cycads to the tracks of early Voortrekker wagons; discover an assegai-sharpening stone on a hillside; or point your feet towards the rocky outcrop that provides a perfect seat for contemplating the valley below. Nearby are the breeding sites of the exquisite and rare Blue Swallow. Integrated into the setting are the Centre’s accommodation lodges and cottages, a shop, lecture and art studio, library, and meditation hall. www.brcixopo.co.za


Perched on a ridge at the head of a valley in the Umkomaas river system in KwaZulu-Natal, the Buddhist retreat Centre looks out on a vista of indigenous valleys, forests and rolling hills. Here, for more than 20 years people of all religions have come to experience peace and tranquillity. It’s a gentle, sympathetic space that offers the time to reflect and be rid of the things that crowd life.




Bumpy Road Ahead [S port & Adventure]

‘The Most Fun You Can Have With Your Clothes On’

Images by TRAC

The annual race consistently attracts a small but stellar group of paddlers. Now in its 50th year, it has developed a cult status amongst regular participants who test their skill with a thrilling combination of technically demanding rapids and challenging weirs. Boasting real Lowveld hospitality and a sense of camaraderie you are unlikely to experience anywhere else.

Claire Lindsay, Editor of SA Paddler and finisher of last year’s 2011 Lowveld Croc Marathon says, “It’s a race that will test every skill from ferry gliding, reading the river, executing sharp turns, emptying and patching your boat, to draw strokes. It will throw every obstacle at you from weirs, tight technical rapids, big drops, low level bridges and trees. And then it will spit you out, showing you exactly what skills you lack and what obstacles you are far from mastering.” The race starts 10 metres above a weir where paddlers are seeded and start 30 seconds apart due to the narrowness of the river. Exciting rapids include Rapid 14 and Carisbrooke. Last year’s winner, Andy Birkett says, “I would have to say that the Lowveld Croc is definitely the best river I have ever paddled on. What

a crazy cool race. Many tales have been spread about the size and difficulty of the river, which kept many paddlers including us, at bay. Although the river is tricky, it’s no trickier than any other canoe race yet it’s more fun. Last year’s race saw a small field of 100 paddlers starting - all of different skills showing the race can be enjoyed by even the fish and chips.” The race is backed by the dedicated and super organized Lowveld Canoe Club, with a team so clearly passionate about paddling. The Croc Canoe marathon really is one of the best racing atmospheres a paddler could wish for, so be sure to put it on your Bucket List and challenge yourself – you won’t be disappointed.


www.lowveldcanoe.co.za or contact Eric Dexon: 082 376 9795 or chairman@lowveldcanoe.co.za


loWVelD CRoC CAnoe MARAthon


ne of the toughest races in South Africa is also one of the best kept secrets on the canoeing calendar. Set in Schoemanskloof, on the breathtaking Crocodile River that flows through Mpumalanga, the A-grade race runs over two days on a challenging 57 kilometre stretch from Kwena Dam to Montrose Falls.




Shawn Webb’s passion for saving lives started when he was just 17 years old. Now an Advanced Life Support Paramedic for ER24, his 20 years of experience has given him a lifetime of stories to tell, although his modesty gives nothing away. In June 2012 a near tragic incident put Shawn’s bravery and quick-thinking skills to the test.


E 50

R24 paramedics received a call-out at 15h00 to assist with a suicide jumper threatening to leap from a six-storey building. “I arrived on scene to find the SAPS as well as a trauma counsellor trying to coax the man off the roof,” recalls Shawn, “They had been trying for two-and-a-half hours. The man was in such a volatile emotional state and reluctant for anyone to come close to him, threatening to jump if they did. The police, the trauma counsellor, his wife, a fellow colleague and friend had no choice but to keep their distance.” It was quickly established that the man

was the father of two young children and a long-time employee of the factory housed within the building. He had been dealing with depression for a few weeks but had arrived at work that day like any other normal day. Fellow colleagues were alerted to the potential tragedy when they saw his legs dangling off the ledge through a window on the sixth floor. He had desperately broken the lock of the maintenance exit of the building to find his way to the rooftop. “I climbed onto the roof but kept about a two-metre distance from him, just close enough that he could hear me,” says Shawn. “Knowing he had children, I asked him about

them. Although he didn’t respond to my questions immediately, he eventually told me how old they were. That was all I got, but it was really all I needed to make damn sure this man did not jump! He was not very receptive following our brief interaction, but I noticed him reach for a cigarette from his now empty box. I took this as my golden opportunity to offer him one - rather unethical, but it worked! I lit it, passed it slowly over to him and he responded to my offer. I felt a quiet sense of relief at this small victory, but my razor sharp senses were still on high alert. He was now sitting on his haunches along the gutter of the roof, his back to me, while I lay flat on my stomach

“Knowing he had children...was really all I needed to make damn sure this man did not jump!”

“Gut instinct took over when he turned to his wife and said: “Please don’t tell the kids what I am about to do...” and I reached out and grabbed him by his waistline, holding onto his belt to haul him in. Weighing a good 110 kilograms or thereabout, he certainly was not a small man. This coupled with raging aggression made it all the more challenging to hold onto him. He was punching and biting me, but luckily a policeman had the foresight to weigh me down by sitting on

my legs, which literally kept me from going over too! It was so quick, but I managed to get him back to the rooftop and quickly drew a shot of sedative from my pocket and jabbed it through his clothes into his flesh to try and calm him. The rest of the team were on standby ready to strap him down and immobilize him before we drove to the hospital.” “It only dawned on me how crazy the experience was when I got to the bottom and stood on that hard concrete floor looking up to where we were. How I managed to grab him from that distance that quickly, I still don’t know! It was pure instinct and really

just another day on the job.” Shawn received a phone call from his wife a few days later, thanking him for saving her husband’s life and informing him that he was seeking psychiatric treatment for his battle with depression. “The experience really taught me not to judge people and their circumstances. I’m just glad he was given a second chance at life and an opportunity to go home, see his kids again and get treatment.” Shawn doesn’t see what he did that day as a heroic act, just part of the job he was born to do.


creeping closer up behind him. I knew that every centimetre closer to him was a centimetre toward saving him, but I had no idea what was going to happen next...”


Aerial Cableway Reopens!


Images by Hartbeespoort Aerial Cableway

fter two years of anticipation, the Hartbeespoort Aerial Cableway has officially re-opened! New owners took over the once popular 32 year-old cableway in 2010, which by 2005 had fallen into a state of disrepair. It took two-and-a-half years to completely rebuild the site and the entire Cableway system. This incredible transformation now offers families and adventure-seekers a world class cableway experience with state-of-the-art safety features. The exciting venture promises to boost tourism and the vision to grow the Harties region into a pivotal tourism hub has now taken form, for the benefit of both the community and visitors alike. The Aerial Cableway has been refitted and re-engineered to international specifications boasting fourteen hightech Swiss cable cars, built to carry 6 passengers at a time and transport up to 500 people per hour (roundtrip). The cableway has been modernised using the latest materials and technology with a completely new state of the art management system and equipment, touch-screen technology, auto cabin spacing and conveyor programming technology, as well as cabin locators and switches all incorporated to ensure a comfortable and safe visitor experience. The strategic positioning of the cableway offers a window to the entire area. Africa’s longest mono cableway offers uninterrupted 360° panoramic vistas spanning the majestic Hartbeespoort Dam and beautiful Magaliesberg Mountains. At the top there is something for everyone! Various restaurants, recreational and educational facilities provide all the necessities for a fun day out. A 250-seater Bugatti Restaurant at the base station complements the Bugatti Express on top, as well as the Pizza Shack and Lookout Bar that offers some of the best views in South Africa. The educational Dassie Walkway and Kids Zone play area keep families engaged for hours, while the more adventurous visitors can call on the adventure centre offering paragliding and hiking among other activities. You can also pop into the Little Shop at the Top for a memento, curio or gift or visit the stylish shop at the base station for an array of items from decor, toys, jewellery and novelty items to curios and children’s clothing. The area is also known to be a birdwatchers paradise with more than 300

bird species to be found in the Magaliesburg area, including the endangered Black Eagle, falcons, Cape Vultures and colourful sunbirds, starlings, cuckoos and barbets. Almost 100 times older than Mount Everest, the mountain range is also covered in more than 130 species of tree among an assortment of flowers, fungi, grasses and ferns. First-class conferencing amenities make the Aerial Cableway the ideal venue for weddings, special events and corporate functions. Open seven days a week, from 09h00 – one can enjoy a full day of entertainment with the last ride down at 16h30 during winter months. Summer hours will be extended over weekends allowing for spectacular sunset views and sumptuous dining experiences at night. Tickets cost R120 p/p and children (4 – 14 years) will pay R60 for a ride. Make your reservation online through the cableway’s official website and get a discounted rate of R100 and R50 respectively. www.hartiescableway.co.za For regular updates: www.facebook.com/hartiescableway


“The orphanage will have specialist medical facilities to care for these often extremely young and badly injured creatures, from an intensive care unit to, we hope, a special ambulance to transport them under proper medical supervision from the place of the killing,” says Centre Director Arrie van Deventer.

Images by Legend Rhino Orphanage


“We are committed to adhering to stringent protocols. Security will be extreme and the centre will not be open to the public, they will only be allowed to view the rhinos via CCTV camera,” states van Deventer. “We are partnered with FNB Investment Products on the project and couldn’t wish for more supportive, proactive partners. This war is going to be hard fought and long, so we need people across the world to stand up and help us in any way they can.” Arrie van Deventer and his dedicated team have shown the passion and commitment needed to fight this abhorrent issue of rhino poaching. They have spent many hours planning for the orphanage and it’s wonderful to see it all coming together. “There is so much more to do and we still need help from those who care as much as we do,” concludes Trendler. People who would like to help can contact The Rhino Orphanage: pete@theazaleagroup.com or make a donation directly into their account. Account Name: Legend Rhino Orphanage Bank: First National Bank Branch: Mokopane Code: 26 02 48 Account Number: 62366479171 For International donations the SWIFT code is: FIRNZAJJ

frica’s first specialist, dedicated, non commercial centre to care for baby rhinos has officially opened at the Wildlife & Cultural Centre at Legend Golf & Safari Resort in the Limpopo Province.

The first resident is a five month old black rhino who is believed to have been abandoned by his mother. World renowned rehabilitation expert, Karen Trendler explains, “The young calf was found in need of urgent and specialised medical attention and needed a secure and caring facility where he could receive the appropriate care, with the ultimate aim of rehabilitating him into the wild where he belongs.” The little rhino moved into the centre, from a temporary shelter, where he will now be given 24 hour attention. Carers are currently feeding him, sleeping with him and ensuring he receives expert medical attention. With only a few hours notice, The Rhino Orphanage mobilised a 24 hour care team that set up temporary facilities to relocate and nurse the little calf back to health. As soon as the final construction of the specialist facilities at




the orphanage is complete, the rhino will be moved to increasingly larger and more natural premises. “Here we will be able to monitor his progress as we build up to his ultimate release back into a safe and secure wild environment,” says Trendler.


I am originally from... Durban but I’ve lived in Cape Town my whole life. I don’t consider myself a Sharks supporter; I’m a Stormers supporter through and through.

Image by Justin Bonello

Behind The Wheel with

My favourite part of the country is... The Wild Coast. There’s something about the big wide open spaces, not having any cell phone reception and spending the whole day fishing and not seeing anyone for hours. The best food route to travel in South Africa is... The road less travelled where you have no expectations and get surprised along the way. I’m busy shooting in the Karoo and I love eating the ‘egte kos’ (real food) produced by the farmers – everything from preserves to goat brain, offal and the age old family recipes that grandma used to make. Clever ‘padkos’ to take on a long drive... I’ve done it all from quiche, homemade biltong and rusks, to rice krispie treats, stuffed vetkoek and flasks of proper moer koffie. Nothing beats the taste of home when you’re travelling, instead of eating all that fast food rubbish. An adventure chef will never travel without... ...his knives, sense of humour, and his humility. My fantasy guest and ultimate travel companion for the greatest road trip of all time would be... The late Keith Floyd. I think the two of us would get on like a house on fire…if I could keep up with his drinking. My biggest road trip disaster was... When I was just 18 years old, two mates and I decided to go on a road trip from Cape Town to the Transkei. En route we stopped at a place in Plettenberg Bay for New Year’s Eve. After we stocked up on booze and filled our cooler boxes with ice and other new year’s paraphernalia we parked our car near the beach. At about 22h00 we were walking back to our kombi-bar for another refill. Suddenly we heard a thump and a scream and turned around to see a random driver had reversed over my friend and was dragging him along the road. Needless to say it was off to the hospital, police station and possibly the worst new year’s eve of our lives, but it’s still one of the best road trips I’ve ever been on, because we made it to the Transkei in the end. My pet hate on the road is... Litterbugs! We shouldn’t be proud of the fact that our national flower has become a plastic bag.

AT LAST, REALITY TV IS ABOUT TO GET SERIOUSLY TASTY! South Africa’s inaugural outdoor reality TV cooking competition “Ultimate Braai Master” will launch on SABC 3 on 13 September 2012. Hosted by South African gourmet bush cook, Justin Bonello, the 13-part Programme will see 30 contestants travel 8 000 km to 13 off-the-beaten-track locations over 52 days in their quest to win the title of SA’s Ultimate Braai Master. This extreme cuisine TV series will be screened weekly on Thursdays at 20h00.

All South Africans MUST travel to... Their backyards! We have this mindset that we have to travel big distances to find the best places. Give yourself an hour and a half in any direction of your hometown and you’ll be surprised at what you find. The regions or areas best known for their unique food offerings are... The wine lands and the Garden Route, but for me the best places are still going into the African markets where you get to go on your own food adventure. All local roads lead to... Adventure!



Justin Bonello



Jeffrey’s Bay

ow often can you say you’ve been to an underwater festival? This is the second one hosted by the small coastal town of Jeffrey’s Bay. Virtually uncharted local waters will give divers something to remember as they explore new reefs, caves and wrecks waiting to be discovered. With great day, night dives and ocean safaris on offer, it’s advisable to book your dives in advance. If diving is not your thing, the festival is set to satisfy land-lovers too with plenty going on above the water, including a play park, fun-fair, food and craft market, beer tents, a 4x4 and Monster Truck expo and lots of on-stage events and live music entertainment.

15 - 17 November

28 - 30 September


JBay Dive Festival



21 - 25 November

19 - 21 October

herry Fever is about to hit. Get ready for an unbelievable experience in the Cherry Capital of the World - Ficksburg - situated in the scenic panorama of the Eastern Free State. This year promises a totally new and revamped Festival full of exciting, fresh and cherry-licious activity.

Centenary Celebration he weekend kicks off with a traditional wedding between the Golden Gate National Park and the small town of Clarens setting the scene for a wonderful celebration of the area! Clarens will come alive with food demonstrations, beer and wine tents, music, a wellness area, an adventure challenge and an opportunity to take to the skies in a hot air balloon. The local town square will be a showcase of cultural diversity. Visitors can look forward to a jam packed line up set to satisfy with a dedicated art route, a photography exhibition, a Soapbox Derby, theatre performances, a gospel concert and a book fair. There’s fantastic kid’s entertainment too, including medieval games, musical workshops and a petting zoo. Tavern Tours will also form part of the festivity. It’s a centenary celebration not to be missed!





Cherry Festival

Gary Player Invitational Kwa-Zulu Natal


24 - 26 October






ot just for the discerning consumer, WineX is a real fun night out. Celebrate the world of wine by mingling with like-minded wine lovers, eat boutique cheeses and olives, browse the wine accessories and share in the award-winning triumphs of South Africa’s top cellars. The show boasts an exciting array of newcomers, boutique producers and passionate garagistes all under one roof. Meet the country’s top cellar masters who will introduce you to their latest vintages and newest releases. With the greatest range of award-winning wines at your fingertips this is undisputedly South Africa’s wine show of choice. www.winex.co.za


or over a decade top professionals, all-star sportsmen, celebrities, and businessmen have come together to play in the annual Gary Player Invitational in support of underprivileged children. More than R25 million has been raised to provide quality education and strengthen impoverished communities. With events in Europe, United States, Abu Dhabi and China, The Gary Player Invitational will be hosted in South Africa at the prestigious Zimbali Lakes Resort. Get in on the action of this extraordinary event. www.garyplayerinvitational.com



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