The year has already been rather ‘eventful’ – pardon the pun – and all I can say is, may it continue! The world keeps spinning and will continue to do so, regardless.
t times, I reflect on when we were in the midst of the worst of the pandemic and wonder, what was it that kept us all going? Personally, it was the people within the industry who became friends during this challenging time. The check-in calls and messages every now and then, the continuous association and organisation webinars, Zoom and Teams meetings — just keeping in touch. Business Events Africa played a major role in keeping the industry informed durings these times and we approach thewas endconstantly of year, I am seeking positive stories throughout theI’m cautiously optimistic. Personally, industry to share our readers. To be feeling a lotwith more upbeat. honest, this is what me sane during The business eventskept industry is slowly these unprecedented times. hibernation. emerging from an enforced even more so, Business Events I Now, am definitely seeing an increase in
physical all parts of the industry. Africa is events here toinassist the industry with It is fantastic to observe different sharing its news with ourthe readers, both sectors in our industry starting up again. locally and internationally. The fewI was weeks have been Thispast week speaking to anamazing. industry I’ve been following industry leaders colleague, who shared a story of theon social platforms what they do best time she spent indoing hospital with Covid — be ititexhibitions, incentives, (when was at its worst) and how conferences events. Thewas, industry desperate theand environment with has been waiting foraway so long and all it but took people passing in the ward, was green lightwas from government! whatashe found that the spirit of After months despair, finally there human kindnessofand compassion was is renewed positivity in the industry. always evident, even in what couldOne big is thatas South onlypositive be described a warAfrica zone.is now finally off most of go thefrom world’s travel red So where do we here? lists, including UK.always prevails. In my opinion,the good The recent Africa’s Travel andhave Tourism floods in KwaZulu-Natal been Summit (ATTS) set the scene for devastating, butalso again, what shines what is to If anything, I get the through is come. the way in which people come feeling our continent – the continent forwardthat to assist each other during the of Africa – is finally realising its own worst of times. strength unity.that Over the years, I am so in happy Africa’s TravelAfrican Indaba countries have lookedThis to other returns this yearalways to Durban. event continents for tourism and business will bring KwaZulu-Natal much needed events while, in fact, its own African economic benefits. countries werethe overlooked. This is what business events sector is is no there arepeople still a allThere about: it isdoubt aboutthat connecting lot of challenges, like airlift, visa throughout all spheres of different restrictions, etc. industries, through these meetings, One of theevents challenges addressed During during exhibitions, and incentives. ATTS that tourism/incentive and these isbusiness events, new relationships conference/events packages in theideas past are formed, knowledge is shared,
have created, always communities been geared are uplifted to the due to European legacy programmes, or American and the economic markets. If we, benefits Africans, are immense. would like Another to cater role forI see our own African visitors we our should sector playing, packageisit encouraging differently. people toOver overcome the past thefew fearyears, that resulted our industry from leaders Covid-19, have by done getting a lot them of talking to meetabout again, the face-to-face. issue of airlift This mindset within our of continent fear is a as well tough asone the and issueisof evident visas within in our Africa societies. for Africans, It will takeI hope a while that forATTS people hasto ignited a new overcome chapter, this.where Our industry African can airlines certainly look at be new the conduit routes within for changing the continent perceptions, and finally by following break those healthbarriers and safety which protocols have hindered to ensure travel peoplewithin that they Africa. are in a safe environment. Of course, we would all love to see international The hybrid model delegates is here andtotourists stay, which return means to that ourpeople shoresare butable what to prevents either us from attendexploring or travelnew to business marketsevents withinasour they continent? wish, though, TheinCovid-19 my opinion, pandemic nothing has taught beats meeting us that in-person. we are able to collaborate a As lot the better yearif gets we keep into full the swing, with communication streams open within our lots more conferences, exhibitions and continent. Theforward time is now, Africa is open events, I look to seeing more for business and I am proudly African! industry people… face-to-face!
Email: gomesi@iafrica.com
Credit: Liebetrau Credit: HeinHein Liebetrau
Hear, hear! — to anfor ‘eventful’ 2022 Africa is open business