3 minute read
The loop of life
We are constantly moving and sometimes it may feel like we are on a loop…
The business events sector is a kaleidoscope of various events, from exhibitions, to conferences, to meetings, to events, to incentives and many of these happen annually.
It should be something to look forward to. With everything that has happened over the past two years, many people, especially corporates have become quite happy to remain at home offices. Slowly, corporate companies are beginning to institute a two or three day in-office policy — this is definitely positively impacting the in-person event. The more corporates return to the office, the more we will see an increase of in-person attendance. There seems to be a definite resistance, especially from the corporate side, when it comes to attending events in-person. Quite frankly, the business events sector needs to become even more innovative in finding something that will capture this market and get them moving. An incentive or a prize may do the trick, but, in my opinion, delegates of today would prefer to know that they are part of something bigger and are making a difference when they attend an event. How do you do this? Through sustainability programmes and initiatives. Today’s event, has to be so much more than the events of the past.
Our country has so many challenges that can be turned into opportunities for private entities. Forget about the fancy lunch. Keep it practical and use the money that would have contributed towards a delegate bag, to be used for something that can be given back to the local community.
The events of today need to be part of the change that needs to happen in our country. It has to have a lasting legacy, that delegates can be part of and something they can be proud of.
For example, I often think about the massive construction/building exhibitions and conferences that take place in our country.
There is an increasingly growing number of informal settlements popping up in my area, which is the Johannesburg West Rand. Can the construction/building event that takes place in the area, contribute to some form of upliftment in the informal settlement?
The idea – start a rejuvenation in the area — teach the local community about brickmaking, upskill them on how to build, teach them about the electrical, the plumbing, etc., and in return, they can be the change within the community. Perhaps, offer them some materials — for 20 houses, every 6 months… something along those lines but make them accountable for their own spaces; no materials if there is no change or improvement.
This could also include sanitation companies, and kitchen companies, and even landscaping… with the same principles.
This rejuvenation also includes upskilling people so that they can find jobs in those sectors. This is just one example of one industry’s event/s that can possibly make a difference.
I know, I am an optimist, but we have to start somewhere.
The business events sector has a critical part to play in our country; this can be done one event at a time. We can be the difference, by giving back, through our events, to the local communities.