Now, more than ever, it’s time for stoicism Most of my generation (and some older, others younger) know of the poem “IF” by Rudyard Kipling. Wikipedia calls it an example of Victorian-era stoicism, but its message spans the centuries, as relevant today as it was in the days of horse-drawn carriages and child chimney sweeps. In crimeridden, politically divided, weather- and fire- battered, yet oh-so-beautiful 21st Century South Africa, we need stoicism more than ever if we’re going to keep our heads.
or fun, I adapted “IF” to a South African context — may it make you smile and may Mr Kipling forgive me.
f we can keep our heads when those around us Are losing theirs and blaming all the C’s; If we can see the road in times of darkness While dodging holes and new conspiracies. If we can queue and smile despite the waiting; Or when slandered, refuse to respond with lies, Or being disliked, don’t react by hating Though we sigh and loudly roll our eyes. If we can hope – but not make dreams our master,
If we can plan – but not make thoughts our aim, If we can meet with victory and disaster And treat those levellers just the same. If we can look past all the truths we’ve spoken Being twisted by the weak and by the fools, Or watch the things we’ve created being broken, And rebuild them with our tears and worn-out tools; If we can focus mostly on our winnings Knowing that triumph often follows loss: If we can thrive on faith and new beginnings, And show leadership, no matter who’s the boss. If we can swim when water’s just a trickle
Ignore the signs that common sense is gone, If we discount the shallow and the fickle, We’ll leave a legacy long after we are gone. If we can walk through crowds yet keep our wallets, And share with those who don’t have very much; If neither friends nor enemies can hurt us, Heads held high though with the common touch. If we can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, Ours is the earth and everything that’s in it, And - which is more – we’ll be South African!