Of bugs and scammers, not quitting and pushing back Last week, I became a double statistic. First, I went down with a human virus, and then my emails were compromised (that’s the politically correct term for hacked, I was told by my IT guy).
ust about everyone in my address book received an email purportedly from me with a PDF attachment, entreating them to open it. Please accept my apologies if you were on the receiving end, and well done to those who queried the legitimacy before opening the email. Despite having the latest anti-virus software on my computer, and despite being vaccinated twice against Covid and wearing my mask whenever I go out in public, the
bad bugs got in, and I have no idea how. One of the ways to beat the baddies is the adoption of a zero-trust principle. Dear old Wikipedia (https://en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_trust_security_ model) says that the main concept behind the zero-trust security model is “never trust, always verify,” and that accordingly, “no devices should be trusted by default, even if they are connected to a permissioned network such as a corporate LAN and even if
they were previously verified.” Good advice for real life, too, I think: by driving with a zero-trust attitude, I’ll be actively looking for potholes, I’ll plan my routes more carefully in the interests of safety, I’ll keep a close watch on vehicles behind me in case I’m being followed, and instead of rolling my window down to give money to