An “epidemic of incomprehensible violence”
SA’s latest scourge South Africa’s universities are reeling in the wake of the deaths of multiple students in recent weeks, some as a result of brutal attacks.
statement issued by Universities SA (USAf ), following the rape and murder of UCT student Uyinene Mrwetyana and the murder of UWC student Jesse Hess, spoke of a “truly tragic moment in our country’s history, a moment that has moved South African society, across constituencies, to say enough is enough”. Calling for political leadership and a practical agenda to deal with the scourge of student and gender-based violence, USAf said it represented the vice-chancellors of the country’s 26 universities. 16
Crime patterns South Africa’s 26 universities and 50 TVET colleges are each a microcosm of the greater society in which they are situated, says Des Ayob, Director in the Department of Protection Services at North West University. Crime threats and patterns therefore differ from one institution to the next, although there are certain common threads, he points out. One of the most critical risks comes on the back of a shortage of accommodation on campus. As a result, many students
have to live off campus, says Mr Ayob, either walking or catching public transport to and from lectures, which makes them easy targets for criminals. Crimes against them range from robbery for their cell phones, laptops and cash, to sexual assault and murder. “Students walking alone and those who are intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, are even more vulnerable.” While most of the recent crimes perpetrated against students took place off campus, they were in so-called common areas, frequented by students. However,