POST INSURRECTION The previous article ‘Insurrection cannot be tolerated’ outlined events that took place in Kwa-Zulu Natal and Gauteng between 9th and 18th July 2021 and the impact that the insurrection, associated looting and arson had on the economy and communities impacted upon by these events. By Peter Bagshawe
ubsequent to the cleanup, the restoration of law-andorder and task of repairing the physical damage to infrastructure, buildings, businesses, and lives has commenced and the major focus in this regard has been on the indemnity available to businesses and individuals who had taken insurance cover through the South African Special Risks Association (Sasria). Sasria, in its current form, originated out of a Special Risk Insurer Association founded in 1979 to provide insurance for political violence and associated damage, which had become unobtainable via conventional insurance markets. In 1998, under a Constitutional dispensation, Sasria was converted into a public company owned entirely by the State and
accordingly becoming a State-Owned Enterprise. Given the starting position of the Association, the role of Sasria (which is a registered Financial Services Provider) is to provide insurance cover in respect of the ambit of risks extracted below: • Any riot, strike or public disorder or any act or activity which is calculated or directed to bring about a riot, strike or public disorder; • Any act calculated or directed to overthrow or influence any State or government (including any provincial, local, or tribal authority) with force, or by means of fear, terrorism or violence; • Any act which is calculated or directed to bring about loss or damage in order to further any political aim, objective, or cause, or to bring about any social or economic change, or in protest action