ExpEriEncE thE charm of our pEoplE uncovEr our hiddEn trEasurEs float thE Big muddy shop onE-of-a-kind BoutiQuEs BikE thE Back roads
River Times ~ ~
Explore the highways and byways of TennesseeÕ s Mississippi River region.
A publication of the Mississippi River Corridor - Tennessee
Supplement to MeMphis magazine • www.mSrivertn.org
Rediscover America’s greatest river system Rediscover America’s greatest river system through some of its most beautiful residents through some of its most beautiful residents
7+( *5($7 5,9(5 7+( *5($7 5,9(5 %,5',1* 75$,/ %,5',1* 75$,/ www.GreatRiverBirding.org www.GreatRiverBirding.org
The National Audubon Society connects people with The National Audubon with nature and the power toSociety protectconnects it. Learnpeople more about nature and the power to protect it. Learn more about our Mississippi River conservation programs online: our Mississippi River conservation programs online: http://mri.audubon.org http://mri.audubon.org http://www.facebook.com/NationalAudubonSociety http://www.facebook.com/NationalAudubonSociety http://www.twitter.com/AudubonSociety http://www.twitter.com/AudubonSociety
Elevate Elevate your your weekend. weekend.
Visit the Mississippi River Museum. Rent a canoe or kayak. Take a stroll Visit the Mississippi River Museum. Rent a canoe or kayak. Take a stroll on the five-block riverwalk, and more. Mud Island River Park. Memphis’ on the five-block riverwalk, and more. Mud Island River Park. Memphis’ best place to bike, hike, paddle, picnic and learn. best place to bike, hike, paddle, picnic and learn.
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Explore your sense of family. www.mudisland.com Explore your sense of family. www.mudisland.com
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River Times
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Welcome J
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River Tim~es ~
ExpEri EncE thE charm of our pEoplE uncov Er our hiddEn trEasu rEs float thE Big muddy shop on E-of-a -kind BoutiQ uEs BikE thE Back roa ds
Explore the highwa ys and byways of Tennes see’s Mississip pi River region.
~ Welcome to the first edition of river times Ñ a unique treasury of folklore narratives, welcoming sites of interest, and collectible articles created in homage to the wonderful people and exceptional assets located along our greatest natural wonder in west Tennessee Ñ the majestic Mississippi River! We hope this magazine will also serve as a showcase for the work being accomplished by the Mississippi River Corridor-Tennessee (MRCT) and its mission to identify, conserve, and interpret the regionÕ s natural, cultural, and scenic resources to improve the quality of life and prosperity in West Tennessee. A nonprofit 501 (C)(3) organization, the MRCT began with a small grass-roots gathering of dedicated individuals in 2002 and has grown into an economic and community development agency that serves six river counties: Obion, Lake, Dyer, Lauderdale, Tipton, and Shelby. We also want to acknowledge and spotlight the numerous partnerships and donors that have made our achievements possible. In October 2009, the MRCT received the coveted National Scenic Byway (NSB) designation for the Great River Road-Tennessee from the Federal Highway Administration. Along with our co-applicants Kentucky, Mississippi, and Louisiana, we’re extremely proud of the designation, as it makes the Great River Road (which encompasses 10 river states) the longest, continuous National Scenic Byway in the United States. With the new NSB designation and funding, we believe the MRCT will have an even greater impact upon our river communities in encouraging the citizens to further embrace the MRCT philosophy: Ò That conservation of natural resources should power economic development in our economically depressed counties/region because these resources are better managed when they contribute to the local community.Ó This first edition of River Times is a symbolic tribute to our historical legacy, natural resources, and to the people that make up this great region. We invite you to explore your own backyard which is full of adventure and good times. And if you are a visitor to our region, Welcome! Enjoy our great Southern hospitality and historic sites along the Mississippi River Ñ an international icon and the river of Mark Twain. Here’s to having some great River Times! Mayor Jeff Huffman Tipton County Chairman - MRCT
Supp leme nt to MeMp his m agaz ine • www .mSr ivert n.or g
A publica tion of the Mississipp i River Corrido r - Tennes see
Diana Threadgill Executive Director msrivertn.org
m s rive rt n .org
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A Place Like No Other
A Letter from the Mississippi River Corridor – Tennessee
Here, in West Tennessee, the river brings us the ingredients for a uniquely American experience.
Cultural Currents
From the Mississippi River Corridor come creative talents who have gone on to change the world.
Out and About
A Leading Role
From hunting and fishing to biking and kayaking – and don’t forget bird watching – opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors abound in West Tennessee. The river, as well as the land and people on its banks, helped shape our country.
A sampling of West Tennessee restaurants offers a taste of what we have to offer.
For more on the trails, highways, and byways shown in this map, see "Three Trails: Three Fabulous Ways to See West Tennessee" on p. 10.
River Times magazine, a publication of the Mississippi River Corridor – Tennessee is published by Contemporary Media, Inc., 460 Tennessee Street, Memphis, Tennessee 38103. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part of any of the materials contained herein without the express written permission of Memphis Custom Publishing is prohibited. Project Editor: Richard Banks, Art Director: Murry Keith
River Times
River Times is a publication of
Rooms with Views
A few places to spend the night, where our parks and wilderness areas are just beyond the front door.
Partners, Supporters, and Sponsors 30 Resources 26
Map produced for MRCT by NaTe FeRgusoN (neighdough@gmail.com)
place like no other~ Here, in West Tennessee, the river brings us the ingredients for a uniquely American experience.
t remains one of the most powerful forces on the planet. It Ñ the Mighty Mississippi River, the Big Muddy, the Father of Waters Ñ c an fell forests, move mountains of mud, and lay waste to monuments of human progress. Like the great Mark Twain wrote, Ò The Mississippi River will always have its own way; no engineering skill can persuade it to do otherwise.ÉÓ
© John Guider 2003
m s rive rt n .org
“Beyond the cultural influences of the communities and people on its banks, there’s a more
© John Guider 2003
straightforward attraction to the river … the majesty of this great natural wonder.”
Te x t b y R I C H A R D
et, its impact on those who live nearby and beyond has provided more benefits than suffering — a rich soil that helps feed us and a culture so fertile it continues to influence, and attract to its banks, people from around the world. For many, to visit this river and our stretch of bank is a bucket list item, because here in West Tennessee, from Memphis to Union City, come the flavors, words, sounds, and more that have excited and inspired millions. The works of Shelby Foote, Tennessee Williams, and Alex Haley, all of whom had roots here, started literary and historical movements. Likewise, the music of Rev. Herbert Brewster, Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley, and so many more that sprung from this cultural hothouse, moved us emotionally, spiritually, and literally. Who among us, after all, doesn’t feel the urge to tap a foot, sway to the rhythm, or
River Time s
Photographs by JoHN
just plain dance to “Proud Mary” or “Jailhouse Rock.” Beyond the cultural influences of the communities and people on its banks, there’s a more straightforward attraction to the river. It’s simply the majesty of this great natural wonder that is the Mississippi. For 2,300-plus miles it meanders from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, carrying as much as 600,000 cubic feet of water per second. And on its banks, because the river is so mighty, obstinate, and unpredictable, few dare to build, leaving large tracks of land pristine, untouched by development. Deer, bobcat, turkey, wild boars, even black bears — just about any creature relatively indigenous to the region lives here, while, from above, some 65 percent of North America’s migratory birds stop in at various times of the year. Down below, the river itself is home to one-quarter
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of the continent’s recorded fish species. Think of it this way: The Mississippi and its banks are an internal wilderness, much like the Smoky Mountains, Everglades, and Grand Canyon. That this watery highway — on which barges move about 500 million tons of goods each year — could be so untamed and unfettered is a hard concept for most of us to get our heads around. But for those who do get it, the river, and the land it deems unfit for prolonged human habitation, is a giant, wild playground, where they can commune with nature, remove themselves from society’s shackles, and run on river time, that easy-going pace after which this publication got its name. © John Guider 2003
© John Guider 2003
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© John Guider 2003
© John Guider 2003
“Whatever comes from the river, be it from Mother Nature or man’s hand, it all has
River Time s
a tendency to wash ashore here, take root, and grow into something special.”
Unlike most other wilderness areas, though, the Mississippi offers connections to faraway places. It isn’t so much a spot on the map as it is an artery. While its reach extends for almost the length of the country, north to south, the basin it drains covers about 40 percent of the contiguous U.S., bringing with it the water, sediment, and all the other flotsam that hitch a ride on its current. Perhaps the most valuable of nature’s cargo is the rich, black soil that makes our farmland some of the world’s most fertile — the loam that grows cotton, our white gold, and supplies us with a bounty of fresh foods. Whatever comes from the river, be it from Mother Nature or man’s hand, it all has a tendency to wash ashore here, take root, and grow into something special. Much is made of how Memphis is a melting pot of different cultures, where influences swirl together in an eddy-like confluence of hillbilly and Delta, east and west, black and white, religious and debauched. In reality, as in image, there (continued on p.10)
The River in Pictures A Canoeist with a camera floats the Mississippi.
© John Guider 2003
ohn Guider floated almost the entire length of the Mississippi River … in a canoe … alone. He dodged gargantuan boats, lightning, even a tornado and an alligator. He overcame health issues and his own fears while floating in the middle of nowhere and met people whose stories were those of legend and heartbreak. John lived to tell his tale and documented his journey in pictures, publishing them, along with his travel journal, in The River Inside. The gorgeous coffee-table book shows off John’s artful photography, many of them the beneficiaries of his skill in platinum printing, a highly technical means of photographic development. A Nashville-based commercial photographer by trade, John allowed us to share his photos in this magazine, very kindly giving us whatever we could use. Like a modern-day Huck Finn, John returned from his riverborne travels a changed man — wiser, deeper, closer than ever, he says, to family and friends. He also returned humbled and more appreciative of the giant river, and its lesser cousins, that served as his host and travel guide. “Once the lifeblood of American expansion and economy,” he writes in his book, “the rivers now are all too often seen as an obstacle to cross over. However, now with water becoming
such a premium, we will become increasingly dependent on our rivers for our very survival. The rivers link us to our past and will hold the key to our future. The ties that bind our nation and the rivers are inseparable. To paraphrase T.S. Elliot, ‘The seas are around us, but the river is in us.’” Follow John’s continuing adventures on his website, johnguider.com
© John Guider 2003
Three Trails Three Fabulous Ways to See West Tennessee
© John Guider 2003
1) Great River Road Now a FHWA National Scenic Byway — the longest continuous byway in the country — the Great River Road is promoted nationally by the Mississippi River Parkway Commission and links all 10 states that border the Mississippi River. Coursing through its cities and towns, farmland and forest, West Tennessee’s portion of the roadway connects and highlights the region’s numerous and unique amenities. The portion of the Mississippi that runs along Tennessee’s western border is one of the river’s most scenic sections and the new NSB designation will help preserve that natural beauty, as well as provide access to help visitors and residents alike discover and explore what the region has to offer. The roadway connects West Tennessee’s four state parks, wildlife management areas, and the Chickasaw Bluffs that dot the river’s edge, while it also offers a terrific way to experience the region’s history and culture in our many towns and cities. In partnership with the Tennessee Department of Transportation, another highlight of the NSB Great River Road-TN is an extension route that has been created by the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development. Called the Great River Road Trail, this additional offering for tourists will travel from Tiptonville in Lake County, and head east to Union City in Obion County and then loop south down to Dyersburg in Dyer County. This new Trail will offer visitors and regional citizens another way to experience Reelfoot Lake, the Discovery Park of America, and the developing River Park recreational complex in Dyersburg. www.TnTrailsAndByways.com, www.byways.org, or experiencemississippiriver.com/tennessee.cfm 2) Cotton Junction During the harvest season, ripe cotton covers sections of West Tennessee like a blanket of snow. Heading north from Memphis, the Cotton Junction trail explores our history with “white gold,” as well as other wonders, such as Tina Turner’s hometown of Nutbush and Brownsville’s Delta Heritage Center. Still under development, Cotton Junction is scheduled for completion in late 2010. tntrailsandbyways.com/ 3) Walking Tall Named in honor of Buford T. Pusser, the legendary sheriff of McNairy County, the Walking Tall trail sets a course through southwest Tennessee, where natural wonders, historic sites, and the trademark sounds of Carl Perkins and Beale Street are on display. Still under development, Walking Tall is scheduled for completion this fall. tntrailsandbyways.com/ See p. 4 for a map of the Great River Road and other trails mentioned in this issue of River Times.
River Tim e s
(continued from p.8) is no place like it. Yet, the big city doesn’t have a corner on the market of unique here in West Tennessee. The small and medium-sized towns, as well as the many stops between them that parallel the river, have plenty to pique curiosity and then fulfill the promise of good times and great memories. You could easily fill a long weekend, even create your own odyssey, visiting all there is to see and do up, down, and around several trails marked for just that sort of travel (see “Three
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“Unlike most other wilderness areas, though, the Mississippi offers connections to far away places. It isn’t so much a spot on the map as it is an artery.”
© John Guider 2003
Trails” at left for more on these roadways). There are historical sites, absolutely gorgeous overlooks, museums, antique stores, clothing boutiques, restaurants, and beautifully preserved structures from earlier eras. Among the latter are many of the courthouse squares along Highway 51. Covington, Ripley, Dyersburg, and Union City have all renovated and restored their town centers with a pride that shows, making them even better places to
live and visit. It’s a pride shared by many here in West Tennessee, as we look to show off and share what is ours. Much is made these days about authenticity in tourism and what is indigenous. You’ll discover plenty of that — sites, sounds, and charming people — found only here. Come explore and experience them for yourself. Whether you live in the area or somewhere faraway, there’s plenty to fill up that bucket. • © John Guider 2003
Currents ~T
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From the Mississippi River Corridor come creative talents who have gone on to change the world. Come and experience the riverÕ s mighty influence at the places listed here, where song and dance, writing and art of all kinds are celebrated and shared.
he ississippi i v e R has been called the cradle of American culture, and few places along its banks have had as much of an impact on our folkways and mores as West Tennessee. Here you’ll find the homes, milieu, and inspiration of literary giants, seminal artists, and, of course, incomparable musicians, past and present. From Memphis’ famed Beale Street to the region’s rural reaches, where the likes of Isaac Hayes and author Alex Haley found their muse, the art created here was often an amalgam of far-flung influences transported through space and time by the Mississippi River. The Corridor contains cultural treasures in many forms. Dotting the landscape, you’ll discover museums, theatres, and town squares, many of them just recently renovated to show off their singular charm. Housing all manner of one-of-a-kind shops, restaurants, government offices, and a growing DISCOveRY number of residences, these downtowns have become the source of PARk pride for a local populace eager to show them off to visitors. Coming in the fall So, whether you plan to make the trip by car or bike, or stay of 2012, the 50for the day or night, you’re sure to uncover plenty of enlightening acre, $50 million and enriching things to do that can only be experienced here in Discovery Park will the Corridor. celebrate humanity’s culture, spirit, and accomplishments. Designed primarily as an interactive educational Robert Kirkland facility, the park’s centerpiece will be a 70,000-square-foot museum called Discovery Center that will house a variety of permanent, traveling, and rotating exhibits on such topics as natural history, regional history, transportation, art and culture, and science and technology. The grounds themselves will get in on the act, featuring water features, sculpture, and reconstructed historical farm and town OBION COUNTY structures. production inside the beautiSays Robert Kirkland, Discovery Park’s principal benefacDowntown Union City ful, historic Capitol Theatre. tor: “The park is for the education of all ages, but one of our and Masquerade Theatre You can also take a walking main hopes is that it will be an imagination institution for the tour and see the areaÕ s many Union CityÕ s successful school-age students who visit, helping them realize what they historically and architecturally downtown revitalization led can become. Maybe an astronaut, maybe they’ll decide they’ll significant structures. and encouraged many other want to be a teacher or paleontologist. We hope to nurture obioncountytennessee.com, towns in the region to follow those young minds and help them reach their potential.” suit. Take in the townÕ s numer- 731-885-8330; discoveryparkofamerica.com, 877-885-5455 ucmasqueradetheatre.com, ous shops and restaurants, as 731-885-0651 well as a Masquerade Theatre 12
River Tim e s
Reelfoot Lake
Dixie Gun Works Old Car Museum A must-see for visitors, this Union City museum houses almost 40 antique cars, mechanical devices, and appendages. An 1850s-period log cabin gun shop, complete with all the tools to build an authentic rifle, is a main attraction.
and view ever-changing displays and exhibits. The museum occasionally hosts traveling exhibits, including displays from the Smithsonian. OCMuseum.com, 731-885-6774
Obion County Museum In Union City, experience the history of Obion County
Westtnculture.com, 731-479-7029
Fall foliage in Obion County
R.C. Donaldson Memorial Museum at Reelfoot Located near Tiptonville, Reelfoot Lake State ParkÕ s R.C. Donaldson Memorial
Museum and Nature Center features natural and cultural exhibits, audio-visual programs, and a cypress boardwalk on the shores of the lake. State.tn.us/environment/ parks/ReelfootLake, 731-253-9652
Twin Cities Railroad and Textile Museum Located in South Fulton, the Twin Cities Railroad and Textile Museum showcases industry, history, and is home to the annual Banana Festival.
DixieGunWorks.com, 800-238-6785
CARL PERKiNS ViSiTOR CENTER Located in the former home of Carl “Mr. Blue Suede Shoes” Perkins, the visitor center features photos of the famous rockabilly singer and a jukebox containing most of his hits. The center also houses the office of the Tiptonville-Reelfoot Area Chamber of Commerce. www.tiptonville.org/, 731-253-9922
m s rive rt n .org
DYER COUNTY Dr. Walter E. David Wildlife Museum Part of the Dyersburg State Community College, this unique museum houses one of each species of duck found on the Mississippi Flyway, as well as numerous other wild animals. DyerChamber.com,
Dyer County Museum Catch a glimpse of Dyer County’s past with historical artifacts, local photographs, and other collections. dyerhistory.com, 731-286-7829
Dyersburg Courthouse Square Located in the heart of historic downtown Dyersburg, the square and the surrounding business district includes numerous, wellpreserved early 20th century buildings from the late Victorian period, as well as local shops and restaurants. The courthouse itself, built in 1911, is a registered national landmark and still houses county offices.
The Paintings of Jorge and Fire Cruxent
Newbern Depot and Museum
must see: Two paintings by Jorge and Fire Cruxent are on display in the Dyersburg State Community College Learning Resource Center in Dyersburg. Several other paintings from the famed duo hang in the Jimmy Naifeh Center on the DSCC campus in Covington. While Jorge was born in Venezuela, Fire was from Newbern, Tennessee, where the two eventually made their home and painted some of their most memorable works. DSCC.edu, 731-286-3200 (Dyersburg), 901-475-3100 (Covington)
This 1920 depot has been restored to its original state and serves as an Amtrak stop. The museum displays an array of railroad memorabilia. westtnculture.com, 731-627-3221
Pumpkin Patch at RoEllen Ranch Farm
RoEllen Ranch Farm Experience life on the farm just outside Dyersburg, with corn mazes, a pumpkin patch, and plenty of wildlife and fresh air. 731-285-6929
Sorghum Valley Take a trip back in time with a visit to this miniature settlement in a quaint country atmosphere surrounding the Old Sorghum Mill. Located on the grounds of the Dyer County Fairgrounds. dyercofair.com
Dyer County Courthouse
The Minglewood Blues
Noah Lewis (right)
A few dilapidated buildings and discarded artifacts are all that are left today of Mengelwood, a company town just outside Dyersburg. Yet the little community-that-was lives on in music lore. Developed by the Mengel Box Company in the early 20th century, the site became the influence for both “Minglewood Blues” and “New Minglewood Blues” by Noah Lewis (the spelling of the song differs from the original town). The latter song reached a new level of popularity when the Grateful Dead covered it. While the site is now largely off limits to visitors, some historians and other interested parties have recently discussed preserving the site as a historical landmark.
River Tim e s
c u l t u r a l
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Alex Haley Museum and Interpretive Center
LAUDERDALE COUNTY Alex Haley Museum and Interpretive Center Roots author and 1976 Pulitzer Prize-winner Alex Haley is remembered here at his childhood home and final resting place in Henning. A new Interpretive Center at the site offers interactive and insightful exhibits, as well as artifacts that chronicle the life of one of Tennessee’s most renowned authors. westtnculture.com, 731-738-2240
Downtown Ripley Ripley has a lot to show for the $5 million already spent on the restoration and revitalization of its downtown. The business district is more pedestrian-friendly, making a morning at the farmer’s market or an afternoon of shopping all the more fun. Stay after sunset and you’ll be rewarded with a lighted view of the town’s
stunning art-deco courthouse. RipleyTenn.com, 731-635-0008
Murray Hudson's Antiquarian Books & Maps
Murray Hudson's Antiquarian Books & Maps Internationally known for its valuable and antique globes and maps, this quaint shop in Halls is a must-see for collectors and visitors. Murrayhudson. com, 800-748-9946 Ripley Courthouse
TIPTON COUNTY Covington Court Square and South Main Historic District The recently renovated and bustling Court Square offers a variety of street-side cafes and quaint shops, selling a variety of goods from clothing to antiques. Extend your stay by taking a stroll along tree-lined streets among the South Main Historic District’s beautifully restored late 19th- and early 20th-century homes. Covington-tiptoncochamber.com, 901-476-9727
Center for Southern Folklore
The cast of Rebel Without A Cause, Ruffin Theater
Ruffin Theater Originally built in the 1920s, Covington’s historic Ruffin Theater hosts a variety of musical and theatrical events.
Covingtontn.com/Departments/Museum.htm, 901-476-0242
Visitors can experience true Southern culture by sampling the region’s singular food, art, music, and traditions in the heart of downtown Memphis.
memphiscottonmuseum.org, 901-531-7826
Southernfolklore.com, 901-525-3655
Mud Island River Park
Cotton Museum “White gold” has long played a role in Memphis history and the Cotton Museum tells the story with artifacts,
RuffinTheater.org, 901-476-3439
Tipton County Museum A veterans memorial and nature center offer exhibits on historic preservation, military history, and the environment, all set amongst a natural forest and 20-acre wildlife sanctuary in Covington.
Restaurants and clubs line the 1.8-mile stretch of this historic district of downtown Memphis. Known as the Home of the Blues, the street also hosts festivals and outdoor concerts throughout the year. bealestreet.com, 901-526-0115
Beale Street
Memphis Music Museums s the “Home of the Blues” and “Birthplace of Rock-andRoll,” music helped put Memphis on the map. Accordingly, there are clubs all over town where local sounds are the main attraction (see memphisflyer.com for weekly listings) and museums that showcase the region’s rich musical heritage. Check out any or all of the following museums to sample a little local flavor. Sun Studio: Where rock-and-roll was born and the likes of Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, and Roy Orbison recorded. sunstudio.com, 800-441-6249 Memphis Rock ’N’ Soul Museum: Created by the Smithsonian Institution, the Rock ‘N‘ Soul offers a comprehensive look at Memphis music and digs deep into origins with more than 100 songs on display that help tell the story. memphisrocknsoul.org, 901-205-2533 Stax Museum of American Soul Music: What began as a neighborhood record store in South Memphis became ground zero for one of the most influential record labels the world over. Visit the Stax Museum and maybe catch a performance from students at the Stax Music Academy, located next door. soulsvilleusa.com, 901-946-2535
River Tim e s
exhibits, video footage, and oral histories. Located on what was formerly the membersonly floor of the legendary Memphis Cotton Exchange.
This unique venue features concerts, a museum, and a working model of the river. At the island’s Adventure Center, rent a kayak or canoe for a float in the Wolf River Harbor, or rent a mountain bike for an easy ride about the island. And for views of the Memphis skyline hop on the monorail for a quick ride or walk the skyway across the harbor channel. Mudisland.com, 800-507-6507
c u l t u r a l
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National Ornamental Metal Museum
National Ornamental Metal Museum Situated on a bluff Mark Twain called “one of the most spectacular views of the Mississippi,” this one-of-akind institution gives visitors the opportunity to see art — and watch it be created. Located just south of downtown Memphis. Metalmuseum.org, 877-881-2326
Orpheum Theatre This elegantly restored Vaudeville-era theatre is home to Broadway, ballet, and opera performances throughout the year. Orpheum-memphis.com, 901-525-7800
South Main Historic District This signature neighborhood offers an eclectic mix of art studios, galleries, boutique shopping, and trendy restaurants. Take a ride on the Main Street Trolley and see the architectural beauty of this historic community, located just south of downtown Memphis.
Mud Island River Park
hen in the Memphis area, tune into WEVL, 89.9 FM, for a taste of local culture, and then some. WEVL, which stands for “We Volunteer” radio, features music from just about every genre, including Memphis’ home-grown sounds of the blues, country, rockabilly, and rock-and-roll. wevl.org, 89.9 FM
Riverfront Development Corporation The RDC is charged with developing and implementing a master plan for the Memphis riverfront and promoting its many riverside amenities, such as Mud Island River Park and Beale Street Landing. Through its efforts, the RDC is helping realize a future that offers even more ways to enjoy one of Memphis’ most spectacular treasures — its riverfront. Memphisriverfront.com, 901-312-9190
From hunting and fishing to biking and kayaking Ñ a nd donÕ t forget bird watching — opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors abound in West Tennessee.
Out& About ~O
River Tim e s
Mississippi River Bike Trail (MRT) Running the length of the Mississippi River, the MRT offers 3,000 miles of on- and off-road trails from Minnesota to Louisiana. In Tennessee, the route begins at the scenically spectacular Reelfoot Lake, then meanders over rolling farmland, through verdant tunnels, and into several of West TennesseeÕ s small towns and cities. Order a guidebook and learn more at www.mississippirivertrail. org/tn.html.
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u r c i t y a n d s t a t e p a r k s offer numerous mountain and road biking trails, while the region’s multitude of rivers, creeks, and lakes offer a chance to float to places not often visited by us bipeds. Hunting and fishing are hugely popular pastimes here, too, while bird watching along the Mississippi River – the country’s largest avian flyway -- and its many connected wetlands attract enthusiasts the world over. What follows is just a sampling of the many ways and means you can peddle, paddle, and generally get back to nature in West Tennessee.
Reelfoot Bike Trails
Take a ride on one of seven bicycle routes along state, county, and city highway systems for a scenic tour of Northwest Tennessee. Although no special bicycle lanes are provided along these routes, they have been marked with standard Department of Transportation bicycle signs that include a milepost number. Visit www.tdot.state.tn.us/ bikeped/routes.htm or call 615-741-2159 for bike routes and more information.
WILDLIFE Bird Watching As the single largest avian flyway in the country, the Mississippi River is a unique location for bird watching. At various times of the year, numerous bird species, such as bald eagles, osprey, and least terns, make their winter homes here or stopover on their migratory routes. Visit the Great River Birding Trail website at greatriverbirding. org to find more information about birds on the Mississippi. To find more about habitats specific to West Tennessee, visit TNwatchablewildlife.org.
Hunting and Fishing The Mississippi River Corridor features a vast area of beautiful land with abundant wildlife. More than 140,000 acres of state-managed Wildlife Management Areas and federal lands are available to the outdoor enthusiast for hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing. For more information or details about land areas, visit TN.gov/twra or call 615-781-6500.
WATERWAYS The Blueway A planned 124-mile blueway, or water trail, will
Naturalist David Haggard at Reelfoot Lake
connect Northwest Tennessee with Memphis. Starting in Dyersburg, the trail will begin on the Forked Deer, then hook up with the Obion, and eventually connect with the Mississippi, where it will continue for 99 miles until reaching the Bluff City. Thanks to a variety of grants (just awarded this spring), several key elements will soon be added at the
Blueway’s Dyersburg put in, including a floating boat dock and shower/ bathroom facilities. Also, renovations will soon begin on the Dyersburg River Center, which will educate visitors and residents about the region. For more information and to stay up to date on this project, visit www.msrivertn. org or call 901-278-8459
Wildlife at Reelfoot Lake
Boardwalk at Dyer County’s Tigrett Wildlife Management Area
m s rive rt n .org
Hatchie River The longest unchannelized, or free-flowing, tributary on the Lower Mississippi River, the Hatchie offers a glimpse of what waterways must have looked like prior to European settlement. In large part because it has remained undammed and unchannelized, the wetland habitats here support a rich ecological diversity. The ecosystem is still largely intact, driven by the natural flood processes that sustain the river. fws.gov/hatchie
Outdoors, Inc. Canoe and Kayak Race The Memphis waterfront is home to one of the country’s largest and oldest muscle-pow-
ered boat races -- Outdoors, Inc. Canoe and Kayak Race. Held in May each year, the 2011 race will mark the race’s 30th anniversary. For more info visit outdoorsinc.com.
Wolf River Once considered an ecological embarrassment, the Wolf River is an example of how past environmental transgressions can be overcome. Thanks in large part to the dedicated efforts of concerned citizens, the lower section of the river is now largely cleaned up, while the upper sections remain relatively pristine and offer some of the best canoe and kayak trails in West Tennessee. Also under development is a new 30-mile greenway that will run along the river from downtown Memphis to Collierville. wolfriver. org
Green Golf Mirimichi Lakes Golf Course Owned by Justin Timberlake, it’s the first eco-friendly and Audubon International Classic Sanctuary-certified golf course in the United States. The course offers full golf amenities and a “green” area to educate about responsible energy. Located near Millington. Mirimichi.com, 901-259-3800
STATE PARKS For information on lodging at our state parks, please see “Rooms with Views” on page 25.
Reelfoot Lake State Park The only large natural lake in Tennessee, Reelfoot’s beginnings are shrouded in myth and mystery. Some accounts place its formation in 1811, when the Mississippi River flowed into it to fill a massive fissure created by a large earthquake. Today, the
25,000-acre lake is home to a variety of wildlife and harbors almost every kind of shore and wading bird, including American bald and golden eagles. Its shallow waters also team
Canoeing on the Wolf River
with fish, attracting anglers from across the region, while a botanically significant array of plants, including beautiful bald cypress trees, grace its waters and shoreline. State.tn.us/environment/ parks/ReelfootLake, 731-253-8003
Fort Pillow State Historic Park Situated on the Mississippi’s first Chickasaw Bluff, this 1,642-acre park is rich in
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The 1 Mississippi cAMpAign
coalition of 25 organizations, including Mississippi River Corridor - Tennessee, the Mississippi River Network (MRN) works to protect the nation’s largest waterway. Because the river and its tributaries connect 31 states and are affected by the various actions of each, the Mississippi is sometimes treated like an orphan. It’s for that reason the MRN developed the 1 Mississippi campaign to help coalesce into one voice the many citizens concerned about the health of the river.
historic and archaeological significance due to Civil Warera forts built here. Other points of interest include the Interpretive Center/Museum, camping, and hiking along a five-mile trail that offers one of the most spectacular overlooks of the Mississippi. State.tn.us/environment/parks/FortPillow, 731-738-5581
State.tn.us/environment/parks/TOFuller, 901-543-7581
Meeman-Shelby Forest Filled with steep hills and deep ravines that are thought to have once been part of the Mississippi River channel, Meeman-Shelby Forest sports some of the most striking wilderness areas in West Tennessee. Its 13,467 acres are
T.O. Fuller State Park The diversity of wildlife and abundance of flora and fauna spread throughout this 1,138-acre park make it a perfect place for bird watchers and outdoor enthusiasts. The park also has historical significance — it’s not only home to the Chucalissa Indian Village, but was the first state park east of the Mississippi River and the second in the nation open to African Americans. Other attractions include golfing on the park’s 18-hole course, a nature center, and hiking trails.
“One of the biggest challenges we face is that nobody is looking out for the river as a whole,” says Jennifer Browning, the director of the Biodiversity Project, which manages the 1 Mississippi campaign. “We get people to take small actions, such as efforts at home to improve water quality, to clean up the river, and restore sewage facilities that feed into the river. We also call on these people when we need a voice for the Mississippi. Our goal is to be sure that all our partners are aware of what’s going on.” 1mississippi.net
home to abundant wildlife, hiking and biking trails, and bottomland hardwood forests of oak, cypress, and tupelo. Its five-mile paved bicycle trail is considered one of the South’s most scenic routes, while its boat ramp is one of the few such public facilities on this stretch of the Mississippi. State.tn.us/environment/parks/MeemanShelby, 901-876-5215 •
Fort pillow state historic park
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Leading Role
The river, as well as the land and people on its banks, helped shape our country. Here are just a few examples how.
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The Golden Age of Steamboats
young riverboat pilot named Samuel ClemenS
found his fame, not so much on the river, as writing and lecturing about it. Clemens, who took the pen name of Mark Twain from a term used by boatsmen to indicate water depth, came of age in what has been termed the Golden Age of Steamboats. The powerful and beautiful shallow-hulled vessels fueled commerce up and down the river in the decades leading up to the Civil War, helping to make possible the countryÕ s westward expansion and the trade of the heartlandÕ s agricultural riches.
Kenneth teutSCh AS MArK twAin
ark Twain is as much a part of this nation’s history as the Mississippi itself. His books are widely read, his thoughts on life are quoted even today, and his act is still on stage through impersonators. Kenneth Teutsch (above right) is one such impersonator. The Dyer County resident performs his Mark Twain act for events throughout West Tennessee and beyond. His 1.5-hour act draws mainly on the autobiographical stories — especially the adventures and life lessons from Twain’s days as a steamboat pilot — that became such a popular part of Twain’s lectures. Not surprisingly, the Mississippi plays a major role in the performance. “All the human drama, all the life and death, all the steamboat wrecks, just add a kind of background to what Twain spoke and wrote about,” says Teutsch. “There’s hardly a mile of the Mississippi River that doesn’t have some story attached to it.” For more information about Teutsch’s Twain act, see lifeonthemiss.com
River Tim e s
Chucalissa Museum and Archeological Site As far back as 3,000 years ago, various groups of American Indians lived on the West Tennessee banks of the Mississippi (the riverÕ s name is often attributed to an American Indian word meaning Ò Father of WatersÓ ). The river was a trading route and source of food, while its banks provided fertile soil for growing crops and dense forests teaming with game. ThereÕ s still a great deal to learn about these early inhabitants, which is part of the mission for the Chucalissa Museum and Archeological Site. Today, Chucalissa, which is operated by the University of Memphis, continues its archeological digs on what was once an American Indian village not far from the river, south of Memphis. It continues to educate the general public in its museum and through guided tours of the site. memphis.edu/chucalissa
River-Borne Commerce
C Civil War Perhaps our countryÕ s greatest struggle, the Civil War pitted neighbor against neighbor, brother against brother. Here in West Tennessee, Shiloh was one of the warÕ s bloodiest battles, while struggles involving control of the Mississippi, including the Battle of Memphis and Fort Pillow, made their marks on the local and national psyche.
Tennessee as a whole played a key role in the war Ð t here were almost 1,500 battles fought here Ð a nd today, it is the only Civil War National Heritage Area to encompass an entire state. To learn more about TennesseeÕ s Civil War trails, tours, and sites Ð a nd the stateÕ s preparations to mark the 150th anniversary of the war in 2011 Ð s ee www.tncivilwar.org.
ommerce on the Mississippi continues to be a major means of distribution for the country’s goods. Today, approximately 500 million tons of everything from coal and oil to agriculture and construction products ply the river’s waters – themselves the heart of a 14,500-mile system of inland waterways that reach more than 60 percent of this country’s population. Ingram Barge Company, the leading carrier on U.S. inland waterways, has been in marine transportation since 1946. Based in Nashville, the company operates some 4,000 barges and more than 100 towboats, as well as custom fuel, terminal, and other business units. The company is a supporter of the Mississippi River Corridor-Tennessee and has aided in numerous efforts to help preserve land along the banks of the Mississippi. ingrambarge.com
Civil Rights Valuable contributions to our communities were made by people of various backgrounds, races, and ethnicities. It is, in fact, our diversity that has, as much as any one single factor, made us who and what we are Ð d ynamic, creative, and unique. It is also a fact that many of our most talented, intelligent, and committed citizens were not recognized as equals. Such is a part of our history we should never forget, which is, in part, the mission of Mem-
phisÕ Na tional Civil Rights Museum Ð t o remember lessons learned and preserve the legacy of the Civil Rights movement. Located on the site of the Lorraine Motel, where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, the museum presents permanent and temporary exhibits that chronicle key moments in the struggle for equal rights and hosts events related to the study of the movement throughout the year. civilrightsmuseum.org
Farming B
y some accounts the Mississippi River basin plays a role in the production and/or delivery of 92 percent of all U.S. agricultural products. For the past 200 years agriculture has been the primary use for land here, while the majority of the nation’s crops and livestock are transported on the river. In short, the river and food production go together like soil and seed.
The fertile land along the banks of the Big Muddy and the farmers who tend it help feed the world. Locals certainly benefit as well. Our many restaurants – from mom and pop diners to fine dining establishments – take advantage of the fresh produce harvested here, while many other area residents get their hands in the dirt and grow their own. It all adds up to a rich heritage you can taste.
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Morsels ~Whether
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i t Õ s ba r b e c u e o r c at f i s h ,
foods from distant lands or the freshest produce from our region’s many farms, West Tennessee restaurants combine regional ingredients and time-tested traditions with influences and flavors from around the world. The results are unique, the flavors divine. What follows is just a smattering of our many restaurants, a list that offers a sampling of the region’s cuisine and a sense of our communities.
Another Thyme A classic tearoom in Union City offering fresh salads, sandwiches, and delicious homemade desserts served on linen tablecloths in a cozy atmosphere. 731-885-5700 Legacy Restaurant This refined old-style diner is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Enjoy a full breakfast menu daily. For lunch, choose from the buffet or specialty mid-day menu. Dinner includes meat, poultry, and seafood with wine pairings, as well as specialty desserts. Mylegacyrestaurant.com, 731-885-8035
River Tim e s
Sassafraz Restaurant Choose from pastas, pork, chicken, beef, and seafood entrees for dinner. Salads, burgers, and sandwiches are served for lunch. Sassafraz.net, 731-8841877 LAKE COUNTY Boyette’s Dining Room Serving catfish and country ham in a casual, family-style environment since 1921. 731-253-7307 Blue Bank Fish House Grill Located at Blue Bank Resort on Reelfoot Lake, entrees cooked over an open grill complement sides with a Southern flair, homemade rolls with strawberry butter,
Cozy Kitchen Located on Dyersburg’s courthouse square. Cozy Kitchen serves classic Southern home cooking. Choose from an array of breakfast items off their menu, and enjoy the cafeteria-style lunch that changes daily. Their classic meat and veggies are a local’s favorite.Facebook.com/pages/ cozy-kitchen/274564840737, 731-285-1054 Cruizers Grill Feast on grilled fresh seafood in an upbeat, friendly atmosphere. You might catch a special weekend, where chefs offer their seafood extravaganza — a plate of shrimp, crab legs, and even lobster. 731-285-6010 Neil's Barbecue and Grill Enjoy Tennessee Barbecue as well as Neil’s Southern sausage and fried pickles. Save room for the House Specialty Baked Fudge. Neilsbbqandgrill.com, 731-285-2628 Lupo's Italian Steakhouse You’ll find traditional Italian dishes, steaks, brick-oven pizzas, and a variety of wines and spirits. Luposrestaurant.com, 731-287-0088
A sampling of West Tennessee restaurants offers a taste of what we have to offer.
and Reelfoot recipe baked apples. Bluebankresort.com, 877-2583226 Lakeview Dining Room Serving American and Southern cuisine for more than 60 years, offerings include catfish and ham, as well as shrimp specials, lasagna, salads, and desserts. 731-253-7516 The Pier Restaurant The only restaurant set on Reelfoot Lake, The Pier Restaurant is a favorite for seafood and Southern cuisine, as well as cornbread, tomato relish, and potato soup. 731-538-2803
LAUDERDALE COUNTY Chisholm Lake Store Famous for delicious steak and crab legs on the weekends. The store is open daily for refreshments and features dinner Friday and Saturday. Fish is served the first Thursday of each month. 731-221-5999 Deb’s Lunch Box Located on Ripley’s Court Square, Deb’s offers a variety of delicious dishes, from shrimp Creole and a daily Southern meat and veggie special to cheeseburgers and homemade biscuits. Don’t miss out on the local favorites— homemade chicken salad and chocolate cobbler. 731-635-3033
TIPTON COUNTY Marlo’s Down Under Located in the heart of Covington’s Historic District, Marlo’s Southern-French-American menu consists of prime-cut steaks, fresh seafood, pastas, and locally made desserts. Marlosdu.com, 901-475-1124
greens, beans, and peas. Live music most evenings. Wellskitchenandcatering.com, 901-476-5750
Reelfoot Lake Campground
SHELBY COUNTY Alcenia’s Desserts and Preserves Shop Soul Food at its finest, Alcenia’s offers standards such as catfish, pork chops, fried chicken, and a selection of vegetables, as well as daily specials and delicious preserves. alcenias.com, 901-523-0200 Chez Philippe Long the standard bearer for
Rooms with Views The Corridor offers plenty of opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. Here are a few places to spend the night where our parks and wilderness areas are just beyond the front door.
Reelfoot lake Acorn Point Lodge Located on the banks of Reelfoot Lake, this family-owned rustic lodge features all the amenities of a hotel, complete with a beautiful view of the lake. Acornpointlodge.com, 731-538-9800 Dakotas’ Cuisine Reportedly Tipton County’s only Cajun restaurant. Down-home authentic Louisiana-style crawfish tails, jambalaya, and shrimp poboys are favorites. Dakotascajuncuisine.com, 901-835-2323 Heritage Café Indulge in breakfast all day, sip sweet tea, enjoy the catfish special on Friday nights, or chose from a salad bar, more than 25 different types of sandwiches, and delicious homemade desserts. 901-837-1965 Olympic Steaks & Pizza The menu offers a little of everything, including pizzas, chicken, catfish, and shrimp. Locations in Atoka, 901-8378282; Millington, 901-872-7766; Oakland 901-465-9029 Wells Kitchen Serving down-home Southern fare, including fried chicken,
fine dining in Memphis, Chez Philippe features eclectic French specialties in a spectacularly grand setting just off the Peabody lobby. peabodymemphis.com/ dining/, 529-4188 Itta Bena Located on Beale, on the third floor of B.B. King’s Blues Club, the Itta Bena feels like a 1920s speakeasy, replete with an unmarked entrance off Second Street. The menu offers Southern contemporary cuisine, as well as signature cocktails. bbkingclubs. com, 901-578-3031 Shelby Forest General Store Situated at the entrance of Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park, this general store has everything from live bait and Frisbees to its world-famous cheeseburgers — a favorite of area-resident Justin Timberlake. Friday is steak night with live bluegrass. Shelbyforestgeneralstore.com, 901-876-5770
Blue Bank Resort With several options for lodging, including a lodge and motel, the Blue Bank also offers a marina, where visitors can fish or relax on the deck. Bluebankresort.com, 877-258-3226 Eagle Nest Resort A variety of lodging options, includes a motel, mobile homes, and cabins. The property also has a pool, clubhouses, and access to the lake. Eaglenestresort.com 256 W. Lakeview Dr., Samburg, TN 38254, 877-EAGLE01 or 731-538-2143 Reelfoot Lake State Park With two campgrounds, the park sports a total of 100 sites, each with 30 amp electrical service; some with water, picnic tables, grills, and lake fronts. State.tn.us/environment/parks/ ReelfootLake, 731-253-8003
Photograph by David Haggard, Tennessee State Parks
Pig-N-Out In addition to barbecue, this Halls restaurant serves cheeseburgers, deli sandwiches, and all the fixin’s. Save room for dessert and belly up at the ice cream parlor situated in the back of the restaurant. 731-836-5353
Tennessee also operates three other state parks on the banks of or near the Mississippi River. For more about West Tennessee’s state parks, see the “Out & About” section beginning on p. 18. Fort Pillow State Historic Park Overlooking the Mississippi River from atop the Chickasaw Bluffs in Tipton County, Ft. Pillow operates 38 campsites designed primarily for tent camping, but will accommodate small RVs. State.tn.us/environment/ parks/FortPillow, 731-738-5581 T.O. Fuller State Park Just south of Memphis, the 45 campsites at this state park are surrounded with beautiful hardwood trees for plenty of shade and equipped with a picnic shelter, playground and bathhouse. Tents and RVs are welcome. State.tn.us/environment/ parks/TOFuller, 901-543-7581 Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park A geographical oddity in southwest Tennessee, steep hills and deep ravines mark what was once the course of the Mississippi. The park offers 6 cabins and 49 campsites with electrical and water hookups. State.tn.us/environment/ parks/MeemanShelby, 901-876-5215
m s rive rt n .org
Current Partners, Supporters & Sponsors
Mississippi River Corridor Ð Tennessee, Inc.
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AT&T – Corporate River Partner
Board of Directors
American Land Conservancy Askew Nixon Ferguson Architects Center for Historic Preservation (MTSU) Chambers of Commerce (7) West Tennessee Corridor Counties Community Foundation of Greater Memphis County Governments: Shelby, Tipton, Dyer, Lauderdale, Lake and Obion Discovery Park of America Dyersburg State Community College Ducks Unlimited First Citizens Bank FHWA National Scenic Byways Friends of the Mississippi River Corridor - TN Graphic Systems Inc. Lower Mississippi Conservation Committee The McKnight Foundation Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau Memphis Heritage Inc. Memphis Regional Design Center Memphis Riverfront Development Corporation Mississippi River Parkway Commission Mississippi River Network Mississippi River Trail Inc. MRCT Board of Directors & Advisory Council (6 counties) National Audubon Society The Nature Conservancy Pickering Firm, Inc. Ritchie Smith Associates, ASLA Shelby County Conservation Board State of Tennessee Conservation Commission State of Tennessee – Governors Office Shelby Park Conservancy Tennessee Historical Commission Tennessee Civil War National Heritage Area Tennessee Conservation League Tennessee Land Trust Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) Tennessee Department of Tourist Development Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Tennessee Parks and Greenways Foundation Tennessee Valley Authority Thompson & Company US Army Corps of Engineers United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) U.S. Department of the Interior – National Park Service U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service The University of Memphis Walton Family Foundation Wolf River Conservancy
Jeff Huffman – Chairman John Threadgill – Secretary Margaret Shoemake – Treasurer Norfleet Anthony, Jr. Regena Bearden Jim Bondurant Rosemary Bridges Peter Brown Ed Carter Taylor Gray Pamela Marshall Joe Royer John Sheahan – Chairman Emeritus Dorchelle Spence Carroll Van West Kathleen Williams Fred Wortman
River Tim e s
Advisory Council Members Michael Butler Mike Carlton Tim Churchill Randy Cook Craig Fitzhugh Jack Grubaugh Steve Guttery David Hayes Randy Hedgepath Laura Holder Marty Marbry Marcia Mills Mark Norris Bob Pitts Jim Stark Greg Wathen Denise Watts For more information on how to donate or volunteer for the MRCT please contact: Diana Threadgill, Executive Director (901) 278-8459, dianathreadgill@comcast.net or Glenn Cox, Director (901) 628-3527,wglenncox@comcast.net
VISIT VISIT SCENIC SCENIC DYER DYER COUNTY COUNTY The The Mississippi Mississippi River River Corridor Corridor Blueway Blueway Starts Starts Here! Here! x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Fishing Fishing Hunting Hunting Canoeing Canoeing Hiking Hiking Bird Bird Watching Watching River River Park Park Farmers Farmers Market Market
Dyersburg/Dyer County Dyersburg/Dyer County Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce
Paddle Paddle the the Blueway Blueway today today Contact Steve Guttery Contact Steve Guttery at at 731 731--285 285--3433 3433
2000 Commerce Ave. 2000 Commerce Ave. Dyersburg, TN 38024 Dyersburg, TN 38024 731-286-4926 fax 731-286-4926 fax sguttery@ecsis.net sguttery@ecsis.net www.dyerchamber.com www.dyerchamber.com
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Great River Road National Scenic Byway Great River Road National Scenic Byway
Memphis Trails Memphis Trails
TnTrailsAndByways.com TnTrailsAndByways.com
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~ ~ Conservation
Tennessee Dept. of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) http://www.state.tn.us/environment/ Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency http://www.state.tn.us/twra/ Tennessee’s Watchable Wildlife http://www.tnwatchablewildlife.org/ Tennessee Wildlife Federation http://www.tnwf.org/tnwf/ Tennessee Clean Water Network http://www.tcwn.org/ The Conservation Fund http://www.conservationfund.org/ Tennessee Environmental Council http://www.tectn.org/ Tennessee Parks & Greenways Foundation http://www.tenngreen.org/ American Rivers Organization http://www.americanrivers.org/ Sierra Club http://www.sierraclub.org/ Sierra Club – Chickasaw Group http://tennessee.sierraclub.org/chickasaw/ Land Trust for Tennessee http://www.landtrusttn.org/ Wolf River Conservancy http://www.wolfriver.org/ National Audubon Society http://www.audubon.org/ Audubon Great River Birding Trail http://www.greatriverbirding.org/index2.php Ducks Unlimited http://www.ducks.org/ The Nature Conservancy http://www.nature.org/ Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation http://www.tnfarmbureau.org/ Park Friends, Inc. http://www.parkfriends.net/index.htm Shelby Farms Park Conservancy http://www.shelbyfarmspark.org/sfpc/front Greater Memphis Greenline, Inc. http://www.greatermemphisgreenline.org/ Greening Greater Memphis http://www.greeninggreatermemphis.org/
Economic Development Tennessee Department of Economic & Community Development http://www.tnecd.gov/ Tennessee Department of Transportation http://www.tdot.state.tn.us/ Tennessee Department of Tourist Development http://www.state.tn.us/tourdev/ Main Street, Union City (Obion County) http://www.obioncountytennessee.com/ Obion County Joint Economic Development Council http://www.obioncounty.org/ Reelfoot Lake Area Chamber of Commerce (Lake County) http://www.reelfootareachamber.com/ Dyersburg/Dyer County Chamber of Commerce http://www.dyerchamber.com/ Covington/Tipton County Chamber of Commerce http://www.covington-tiptoncochamber.com/ South Tipton County Chamber of Commerce http://www.southtipton.com/ Lauderdale Chamber/Economic and Community Development http://www.lauderdalecountytn.org/ Bartlett Area Chamber (Shelby County) http://www.bartlettchamber.org/
River Tim e s
Greater Memphis Chamber (Shelby County) http://www.memphischamber.com/ Millington Chamber of Commerce (Shelby County) http://www.millingtonchamber.com/ Memphis Cook Convention Center http://www.memphisconvention.com/
Recreational Mississippi River http://www.greatriver.com/ Local and National Weather http://www.srh.noaa.gov/meg/ Mississippi River Trail (Bicycling) http://mississippirivertrail.org/ The Great River Road in Tennessee http://www.experiencemississippiriver.com/ tennessee-along.cfm Discover Tennessee Trails & Byways (Driving) http://tntrailsandbyways.com/ Wolf River Conservancy http://www.wolfriver.org/ Mud Island River Museum and Park (Memphis) http://www.mudisland.com/ Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park http://www.tennessee.gov/environment/parks/ MeemanShelby/ Tennessee Vacation – West Region http://www.tnvacation.com/west/ Fort Pillow State Historic Park http://www.tennessee.gov/environment/parks/ FortPillow/ Tennessee Trails Association http://www.tennesseetrails.org/index.php Reelfoot Lake State Park http://www.tennessee.gov/environment/parks/ ReelfootLake/ Wolf River Nature Area in Germantown http://germantown-tn.gov/wrna.html T.O. Fuller State Park http://www.tennessee.gov/environment/parks/ TOFuller/ American Hiking Society http://www.americanhiking.org/ Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau http://www.memphistravel.com/ Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency for Hunters http://www.state.tn.us/twra/wildlife.html V&E Greenline in Midtown Memphis http://www.vegreenline.org/wcreek.htm Tennessee Landforms (Information) http://www.cs.utk.edu/~dunigan/landforms/ The Tennessee Ornithological Society (Birding) http://www.tnbirds.org/ Memphis Hightailers Bicycling Club http://www.memphishightailers.com/ Memphis Runners Track Club http://www.memphisrunners.com/ Mid-South Trails Association (Mountain Biking) http://www.midsouthtrails.com/midsouthtrails/ index.html Hiking trails www.connectwithtn.com Mississippi Riverboats www.memphisriverboats.net
Historical and Cultural Amenities Chucalissa Museum and Archeological Site http://www.memphis.edu/chucalissa/ Tennessee Historical Commission http://www.state.tn.us/environment/hist/ MTSU Center for Historic Preservation http://www.mtsuhistpres.org/ Mississippi River Museum at Mud Island River Park http://www.mudisland.com/ The Cotton Museum at the Memphis Cotton Exchange http://www.memphiscottonmuseum.org/ The National Ornamental Metal Museum http://www.metalmuseum.org/
Tennessee Civil War National Heritage Area http://www.tncivilwar.org/ Center for Southern Folklore (Downtown Memphis) http://www.southernfolklore.com/ Sun Studio http://www.sunstudio.com/ The Tennessee Historical Society http://www.tennesseehistory.org/ Memphis Heritage http://www.memphisheritage.org/cms/ The Peabody Hotel Memphis http://www.peabodymemphis.com/ West Tennessee Historical Society http://www.wths.tn.org/ Alex Haley House and Museum http://tennessee.gov/environment/hist/stateown/ alexhale.shtml Center for the Study of Southern Culture http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/south/index.html The Tennessee Century Farms Program http://frank.mtsu.edu/~histpres/initiatives/centuryfarms.html Fire Museum of Memphis http://www.firemuseum.com/ Memphis Rock n Soul Museum http://www.memphisrocknsoul.org/default. aspx?http=404 Stax Museum of American Soul Music http://www.soulsvilleusa.com/ National Civil Rights Museum http://www.civilrightsmuseum.org/home.htm
Health and Wellness Healthy Memphis Common Table http://www.healthymemphis.org/ Tennessee on the Move http://www.americaonthemove.org/affiliates. asp?affiliateid=5 School Health Issues http://www.tennessee.gov/tccy/adv0510.pdf American Heart Association http://www.americanheart.org Center for Disease Control and Prevention http://www.cdc.gov/
Education Mississippi River http://www.greatriver.com/ Tennessee’s Watchable Wildlife http://www.tnwatchablewildlife.org/ Snakes of Tennessee http://www.tennsnakes.org/ Native Plants in Tennessee http://www.tnps.org/ Atlas of Amphibians in Tennessee http://www.apsu.edu/amatlas/ Common Tennessee Trees http://www.utextension.utk.edu/publications/ pbfiles/PB1756.pdf Tennessee Wildlife Federation http://www.tnwf.org/tnwf/ American Eagle Foundation http://www.eagles.org/ National Fish and Wildlife Foundation http://www.nfwf.org/AM/Template. cfm?Section=Home TWRA Outdoor Information & Education http://www.state.tn.us/twra/infoed.html Lower Mississippi River Profile http://www.worldwildlife.org/wildworld/profiles/ g200/g146.html Memphis Regional Design Center The goal of the Memphis Regional Design Center is to be an important resource in urban design and planning in the Memphis region. It offers its expertise in design and planning issues affecting the community and ultimately the region. As with MRTC, the Memphis Regional Design Center works to provide economic development opportunities in a manner that’s good for the present as well as the future. mrdcinfo.org/
G a Gr Graphic ap p hi h c Systems, Syst stem tem e s, s, IInc. n c. is nc is a p proud ro o ud d sspo sponsor p ns po nsor orr a and nd d t h e official th off fi f i ci cial i al a printer p rii nt nte err ffor e or tthe h he the Mii ss M ssiis i s si sipp i pp p i River R i ve e r Corridor-Tennessee. Co C o rr rrid id d or orr -T -Ten enne ness ne ssee ss ee. ee e. Mississippi
Friends F Fr rie iend nds ds off the tth he he
MRCT MRC CT Annu A Annual nual Membership Categories Navigators $1,000 and up River Dreamers $500 - $999 Paddlewheelers $250 - $499 Mentor $100 - $249 Family Fun $50 River Friend $30
We invite you to learn more about the Mississippi River in Tennessee by joining our volunteer support group today!
Give G i ve us u s a call c a l l at at
901.937.5500 901.937.5500 to to see s e e how h ow we we can c a n handle handle all of your marketing a l l o f yo u r m a rke t i n g needs. n e e d s.
The MRCT is a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit organization and your donation is tax- deductible. Your contribution will help further our mission to identify, conserve and interpret the region’s natural, cultural and scenic resources to improve the quality of life and prosperity in West Tennessee.
Please visit www.msrivertn.org to donate today, or mail a check to: MRCT – PO Box 42061 – Memphis, TN 38174 or call Diana Threadgill at (901) 278-8459 for more information. Thank you! SHELBY
Friday & Saturday U Sept. 24–25 , -ĂŠ iÂ˜ĂŒiÀÊUĂŠ{ÇÇÊ ÂœĂ€ĂŒÂ…ĂŠ ˆvĂŒÂ…ĂŠ-ĂŒÂ°]ĂŠ iÂ“ÂŤÂ…ÂˆĂƒĂŠ/ ]ĂŠĂŽn£äÎ
. 0\[SR_R[PR S\_ =R\]YR \S 3NVaU Make plans to experience: s John M. Barry AUTHOR OF BEST SELLER Rising Tide s Ellen Bernstein AUTHOR OF The Splendor of Creation:
A Biblical Ecology s Michael Reuter 4HE .ATURE #ONSERVANCY s Rosanna Cappellato 0H $ 2HODES #OLLEGE %NVI
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Attendees will leave inspired, spiritually fed and equipped with: s People and ideas FOR PARTNERSHIPS IN ENVIRONMENTAL EFFORTS s 10 Things You Can Do AT HOME TO 0ROTECT THE -ISSISSIPPI AND HOW TO ORGANIZE YOUR GREEN EFFORTS WITHIN YOUR FAITH BASED ORGANIZATION s Sunday School Curriculum THAT INCORPORATES THIS WORK AS A WORK OF 'OD s Fellowship with colleagues WHO THINK LIKEWISE AND AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE hGREENv EFFORTS TAKING PLACE IN OUR REGION s Tools and information ON HOW TO PROTECT THE RIVER SPECIFICALLY IN THE CONTEXT OF OUR FAITH The Mississippi River Corridor – Tennessee is a partner and ďŹ duciary agent for this conference. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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