Simple Tips for Choosing the Perfect Domain Name By
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Today I am going to be discussing some simple ways for choosing the perfect domain name. Choosing domains properly is something that over 90% of all online business owners make a mistake in doing. I’m going to go over the most important fundamentals that you can use to find great domain names that people remember and love. Make sure your domain name is easy to remember One of the most important things when choosing a domain name is to make sure that it is easy to remember. This is crucial because if they don’t remember your domain name they might type it in wrong and go to a competitor’s site instead of yours. You definitely don’t want to be losing visitors just because they went to the wrong site because they were unable to find yours. It should be as short as possible Another very important thing is that you want the domain name to be a short as possible. If you can find a domain that only has five letters that says everything he needs to say about your brand or website then that is always going to be more effective than a domain length of 15 letters. It should be easily understood Readers should be able to easily understand your domain name when they read it. You typically want your domain to be pronounceable. It should be something that they could tell their friends about without it taking a long time.
Make sure you aren’t using any trademarks in your domain name You want to make sure you’re not using any trademarks in your domain names. If a company catches you using their trademark in your domain name they can have your domain name taken away from you. If you feel like you might be using a trademark in your domain name just do a simple Google search for trademark infringement sites and enter your desired domain name. Only use .com, .net or .org domain extensions Another huge mistake that a lot of people make is they choose domains that aren’t .com, .net or .org. This is a big mistake because people are most familiar with with .com, .net and .org domains. If you’re using any other extensions you’re much better off choosing a slightly worse domain name but getting the .com version. Using a .com domain will almost always be a much more profitable decision in the long run. Photo By: Widjaya Ivan
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