big brother media 3

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Big Brother in Television T Vs howsar eanot herhot bedf ort ot al i t ar i anwar ni ngs .However , amuchmor ei nt r i gui ngt akeonT Vi st hepr opagandaf or t ot al i t ar i ans oci et i es .F orex ampl e:

T homast heT ankEngi ne( 1991pr es entday) ,pr oducedby Br i t tAl l cr of t T hechi l dr en’ sT Vs how T homast heT ankEngi ne,a qui nt es s ent i al chi l dr en’ seducat i onal car t ooni nbot ht he U. S .andGr eatBr i t ai n,i ss eti nat ot al i t ar i andys t opi a.Cr i t i cs 9 oft hes how not eevi dences uchas ,t hecat chphr as e,bei ng r eal l yus ef ul engi nes .T hi st agl i neal s os umsupt hebas i cpl ot s ummar yf orever yepi s odewher eengi nesar eei t hert r yi ng t opr ovet hems el vesorwor r yi ngt hatt heyar en' twor ki ng har denough,muchl i ket hemant r aofwor ker swi t hi nan Or wel l es ques oci et y.T hi ss oci al i s tobs es s i onwi t hus ef ul nes s i si ns t i l l edandenf or cedbyS i rT opham Hat t ,akat heF at Cont r ol l er ,whos wi f t l ypuni s hesal l t hos edeemedas " us el es s " .F orex ampl e,Hat tor der sanengi nebr i ckedi na t unnel al i vebecaus ei tr ef us est ol eavet het unnel ’ ss hel t er f orf earoft her ai n.T her ear eal s ohi nt sofr aci s mi nt hes how. T hi si smos tcl ear l ys eeni nt hes egr egat eddi s l i kebet ween t hes t eam engi nesl i keT homast hatr unoncl eanwhi t e s t eam andt hedi es el engi nes ,power edbydi r t y,bl ack di es el oi l ,whoar edepi ct edass t ubbor n,l az yands hi f t y. CZ

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