The Magazine of Engineering and the Sciences at UC Santa Barbara
Issue: 18 | Summer 2014
A Delicate Mystery
Powerful imaging sheds light on the subtle but debilitating neuron damage accompanying traumatic brain injury
26 Briefs
Convergence Convergence The Magazine of Engineering and the Sciences at UC Santa Barbara Issue Eighteen, Summer 2014 Editor-in-Chief: Melissa Van De Werfhorst Creative Director: Peter Allen Design & Layout: Ian Barin Writers: Julie Cohen, K.M. Kelchner, Sonia Fernandez, Shelly Leachman, Rachelle Oldmixon Artwork & Photography: Peter Allen, Ian Barin, Spencer Bruttig, Sonia Fernandez, Melissa Van De Werfhorst Editorial Board: Rod Alferness, Dean, College of Engineering; Pierre Wiltzius, Dean, Division of Mathematical, Life and Physical Sciences, College of Letters and Science; Frank Doyle, Associate Dean of Research, College of Engineering
Live Feed into the Body
Drought Adaptations
The Birds and the Bees
Game-changing device monitors a patient’s drug metabolism in real time
Cellular Cascade of Color
In Cryptography We Trust
Squid cells use a dance of water and proteins to control color change
Ecological resilience when the global dry and hot trend hits home
Physicists demonstrate the science of flocking and swarming
Scientists explore the future of bitcoin and computer security
Special Thanks: Allena Baker, George Foulsham, UCSB Office of Public Affairs
20 Goodbye to Droop
Living Story of Social Graphs
The Delicate Mystery of Brain Trauma
Geometry could be the key to visualize and mine massive amounts of real time data from social media networks
The Free Electron Movement
Plasmonics researchers are using nanostructures to harness ultraviolet and infrared light to power new technology
Solid-state lighting researchers elucidate the cause of LED efficiency droop, opening doors to the LED lighting revolution
Powerful imaging sheds light on the subtle but debilitating neuron damage that leads to traumatic brain injury
An Entrepreneurial Education
UCSB’s Technology Management Program prepares students for the business of technology through education and good old-fashioned competition
The Magazine of Engineering and the Sciences at UC Santa Barbara
Convergence interviews electrical engineering professor Luke Theogarajan about bionic eyeballs and stealthy drug delivery
Q & A: Luke Theogarajan
Issue: 18 | Summer 2014
Issue: 18 | Summer 2014
Cover Image
Artwork by Peter Allen Concept illustration of research by psychological and brain sciences doctoral student Matt Cieslak, who reconstructs white matter connections in the brain using diffusion spectrum MRI.
Page 30
Letter from the Top
Dean of the College of Engineering
Dean of Science, College of Letters & Science
On the following page of this issue of Convergence magazine,
At the start of 2014, an announcement was made by President
there is a quote by one of our research leaders on campus, Professor
Obama and the US Department of Energy that UCSB research-
Craig Hawker. When asked in a discussion, “Why do you think
ers, including professor Umesh Mishra, are partners in the Next
UC Santa Barbara’s research partners renew their investments
Generation Power Electronics Manufacturing Innovation Institute,
year after year?” he replied: “Sometimes it is the question that’s
a $140 million investment in 25 partners with the goal of boosting
the most important aspect of a research project.”
research in wide bandgap semiconductor-based power electronics.
We asked him to elaborate. “Having that question defined is
This past winter, the US Army Research Office renewed their
absolutely critical and worth its weight in gold. To frame the prob-
$48 million investment with the UCSB Institute for Collaborative
lem in the best possible way and, in a way, working backward from
Biotechnologies, extending a decade of highly successful, unclas-
the product while engaging our research partners,” said Hawker.
sified basic research. Deemed “20 years ahead of their time,” ICB
“That’s where we at UCSB excel as researchers.”
researchers examine complex biological systems and engineer
In the past year, engineering and the sciences has celebrated
synthetic materials inspired by natural models. The partnership
the renewal of several successful interdisciplinary partnerships,
has produced more than 500 publications and supported hundreds
and the results speak for themselves. Renewing their $6 million
of graduate students.
investment for an additional four years, the Mitsubishi Chemical
What does it mean for a university dedicated to both research
Center for Advanced Materials at UCSB has produced more than
and academics? We think it means opportunity – for all our stu-
100 patent applications, with an average patent cost that is two-
dents, faculty, and researchers alike. Science and engineering
thirds that of a technology company. The relationship is both
breatkthroughs at UCSB are made possible by our investors and
effective and beneficial for the students, post-docs and faculty
partners. Great things are happening the lab, the field, and the
engaged in groundbreaking materials research.
classroom every day by the people who have chosen to study at UCSB because of our dedication to opportunity.
Live Feed into the Body by Sonia Fernandez
of Psychological & Brain Sciences, could take
demonstrated exquisite selectivity and flexibility
the guesswork out of drug dosing and allow
in that the device is only sensitive to the target
physicians to individually tailor prescriptions.
even when administered a cocktail of drugs.”
Doctors and pharmaceutical companies can
Called MEDIC (Microfluidic Electrochemical
“For the first time, we can see how the body
generally determine reasonable drug doses
Detector for In vivo Continuous monitoring),
for most patients through testing and trials.
the palm-top instrument can determine — con-
MEDIC is still in early clinical stages. But it
However, the efficacy of a treatment relies on
tinuously and in real time — concentrations
is opening doors of opportunity that Soh can
maintaining therapeutic levels of the drug in
of specific molecules in tiny amounts of whole
already see. In the short term, the device can
the body, a feat not easily accomplished.
not only provide the kind of data necessary for
processes specific molecules,” said Ferguson.
“Current dosing regimens are really quite
MEDIC is a microfluidic chamber lined
critical advances in drug therapy, he said, but
primitive,” said Plaxco, professor of chemistry
with gold electrodes from which artificial DNA
also help new drugs clear rigorous clinical trials,
and of biomolecular science and engineering
strands called aptamers — extend. When target
thanks to data that will enable individual dosage
at UC Santa Barbara. They rely on a patient’s
molecule comes in contact with a drug-recog-
adjustments. More sophisticated diagnostics are
age or weight and are unable to account for
nizing aptamer, the strand wraps around it,
possible with sensors that can target disease
specific responses over time. Drug levels may
delivering electrons from its tip to the electrode
indicating molecules. Several types of sensors
be influenced by patients’ metabolisms, foods
at the aptamer’s base. The tiny jolt of current
can be stacked for multiple target monitoring.
they eat or other drugs. When coupled with the
signals the presence of the molecule.
The continuous feedback loop would prove
primitive state of current dosing algorithms,
“The device worked incredibly well,” said
invaluable for diseases that could use contin-
this variability can become dangerous for drugs
Kippin, whose lab tested MEDIC. The test
uous, automatic infusions of drugs, such as
with narrow therapeutic ranges.
results were “remarkable,” he said, considering
diabetes or cancer.
the complexity of the samples tested. “The mea-
“In the long term, we could use this feedback
researchers Tom Soh and Scott Ferguson from
surements were highly sensitive to doses that are
to control broken biological systems,” Soh said.
the Department of Chemical Engineering;
clinically relevant and could be maintained for
Plaxco; and Tod Kippin from the Department
several hours,” Kippin continued. “Further, we
However, a device developed by UCSB
Concept illustration of MEDIC’s microfluidic chamber.
Drought Adaptations by Shelly Leachman
California being in the clutches of drought is nothing new. There were droughts in prehistoric times, so-called “megadroughts” that strangled the state some 1,000 years ago, and more recent extreme dry periods in the late ’70s and early ’90s. This time around, however, California has more than 38 million residents and is grappling with a troubling trend that’s in play around the world: global warming. “It’s not just that there is low precipitation but low precipitation in a warming climate,” said Frank Davis, director of the UC Santa Barbarabased National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. “The combination of warm and dry has a lot of ecological impactions. It puts greater physiological stress on, for example, forest trees. Also, when it’s dry and warm, we start to see really strong impacts on fresh-water systems, like those that spawn salmon. Being really dry plus warm is a one-two punch.” And it’s not just California, or the western U.S. In fact, it’s not just North America. Parts of South America, South Africa and Australia are all in the midst of droughts of their own, seeing essential crops decimated, pastures drying up and livestock dying. “The issue has been raised: Could this be linked to global warming?” said Leila Carvalho, an associate professor of geography and co-principal investigator of UCSB’s Climate Variations and Change research group. “You can’t say one event is related to global warming; that doesn’t SUMMER 2014 | UCSB
make sense. What does make sense is to say that
of a population that in California alone now
because the planet is warming, we are seeing
numbers above 38 million residents. As needs
more conditions for this type of event to occur.
for water grow ever greater, so too do the poten-
And these events may become more frequent.”
tial threats to its supply.
As stores of water in the West are reduced
“This is something that we just have to con-
— whether by usage in drought, evapotranspi-
front increasingly,” said Davis, who is also a
ration in heat or both — warming temperatures
professor of ecology and conservation plan-
also see the snowpack on the wane. The two
ning at UCSB’s Bren School of Environmental
phenomena together could put extreme strain
Science & Management. “I’m not ready to say it’s
on water supplies, which holds implications for
the new normal, but I am ready to say we really
ecosystems, industries and people alike.
need to be thinking about risk management
Even at their most severe, the droughts of
— and we need to do so in an aggressive and
decades and centuries past did not occur in
systematic way in order to build more resilience
tandem with today’s degree of temperature
into all these systems.”
change or have to contend with the demands 7
The Birds and the Bees
Speakers used examples of dynamic organiza-
the collective behavior of insects such as aphids
by Julie Cohen
tion at various scales — from the coordinated
and locusts. He also led a hands-on demonstra-
patterns of behavior of groups of animals to the
tion of collective animal movement, getting two
Birds flock. Bees swarm. These are just two of the
complex hierarchical structures found inside
audience groups to emulate a milling pattern
many remarkable examples of collective behav-
used by both fish and ants.
ior found in nature. Both were explored at UC
“Instead of thinking of atoms and molecules,
Jeffrey Guasto, assistant professor of mechan-
Santa Barbara’s Kavli Institute for Theoretical
think about units that are able to generate their
ical engineering at Tufts University, revealed
Physics (KITP) in “The Physics of Flocking:
own motion, such as bacteria,” said conference
how marine bacteria with single tails are able
From Cells to Crowds,” a one-
to change the direction of their
day workshop for high school
movement by buckling the hook
science educators.
that attaches the tail to the body.
Physicists have been able to
He also demonstrated how the
capture flocking behavior by
shapes of waves moving along
modeling birds as tiny flying
sperm tails allow those cells to
magnetic spins that align with
turn while swimming.
their neighbors according to
Xavier Trepat, a group
simple rules. Thanks to these
leader at the Institute for
successes, flocking has become
Bioengineering of Catalonia in
a paradigm for the behavior of
Barcelona, Spain, demonstrated
living and non-living systems
how his work is beginning to
where a large number of indi-
inform scientists’ understanding
vidually driven units exhibit
of important biological func-
coherent organization at larger
tions, such as wound healing,
morphogenesis and collective
Such systems include sus-
cell invasion in cancer.
pensions of swimming bacteria,
“We want to expose physics
layers of migrating cells, long
or science teachers to physicists
biopolymers driven by proteins in the cell cytoskeleton and collections of synthetic microswimmers. Physicists, biologists and mathematicians are using statistical physics to model the complex behavior of these varied systems and to identify unifying principles. The KITP workshop introduced teachers to the rapidly developing field of active matter. 8
coordinator Cristina Marchetti, the William R. Kenan Professor of Physics at Syracuse University. “If you have a very dense suspension of bacteria swimming in fluid, they can exhibit all kinds of collective behavior.” Andrew Bernoff, mathematics department chair at Harvey Mudd College, talked about
on the cutting edge of research,” says Greg Huber, deputy director of KITP and a professor in UCSB’s Department of Physics. “We want to give them an opportunity to learn from top physics researchers in an intense environment, and that’s what we provide in this one-day workshop.”
Cellular Cascade of Color
inside the lamellae to change drastically due
as the density — inside the lamellae and outside,
by Julie Cohen
to the expulsion of water, which shrinks and
which is really the outside water environment,
dehydrates the lamellae and reduces their thick-
is the same,” said Daniel E. Morse, a professor
Two years ago, an interdisciplinary team from UC Santa Barbara discovered the mechanism by which a neurotransmitter dramatically changes color in the common market squid (Doryteuthis opalescens). That neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, sets in motion a cascade of events that culminate in the addition of phosphate groups to a family of unique proteins called reflectins. This process allows the proteins to condense, driving the animal’s color-changing process.
ness and spacing. The movement of water was
in UCSB’s Department of Molecular, Cellular
demonstrated directly using deuterium-labeled
and Developmental Biology and director of the
heavy water.
campus’s Marine Biotechnology Center/Marine Science Institute.
Now the researchers have delved deeper to uncover the mechanism responsible for the dramatic changes in color used by such creatures as squids and octopuses. The latest research shows that specialized cells in the squid skin called iridocytes
“There’s no optical difference so there’s no
contain deep pleats or invaginations of the cell
reflection. But when the proteins consoli-
membrane extending deep into the body of the
date, this increases the refractive index so the
cell. This creates layers or lamellae that operate
contrast between the inside and outside sud-
as a tunable Bragg reflector. Bragg reflectors are
denly increases, causing the stack of lamellae
named after the British father and son team who more than a century ago discovered how periodic structures reflect light in a very regular and predicable manner. The researchers created antibodies to bind specifically to the reflectin proteins, which revealed that the reflectins are located exclusively inside the lamellae formed by the folds in the cell membrane. They showed that the cascade of events culminating in the condensation of the reflectins causes the osmotic pressure SUMMER 2014 | UCSB
When the acetylcholine neurotransmitter is washed away and the cell can recover, the lamellae imbibe water, rehydrating and allowing them to swell to their original thickness. This reversible dehydration and rehydration, shrinking and swelling, changes the thickness and spacing, which, in turn, changes the wavelength
to become reflective, while at the same time they dehydrate and shrink, which causes color changes. The animal can control the extent to which this happens — it can pick the color — and it’s also reversible. The precision of this tuning by regulating the nanoscale dimensions of the lamellae is amazing.”
of the light that is reflected, thus “tuning” the color change over the entire visible spectrum. “Initially, before the proteins are consolidated, the refractive index — you can think of it 9
Courtesy Bitcoin
In Cryptography We Trust
associate professor of computer science at
founding faculty of the UCSB’s inaugural cryp-
by Shelly Leachman
UCSB. “Bitcoin is unique in that it was the first
tography research group.
to prove it could be done. It’s likely going to be
“Bitcoin is a very intriguing idea in the sense
With implications for computer security, busi-
the first to be regulated and widely accepted
that cryptography is trying to replace trust,” said
ness, the economy and our culture, predicting
— and it will probably dominate the market.
Lin. “It is using mathematics to replace trust,
the future of bitcoin, the so-called “crypto-cur-
“Bitcoin has a lot of technological benefits
which is kind of a radical idea, but it makes
rency,” is practically a cottage industry all its
that fundamentally change how people use
sense from a high level. A bank is not a magic
own. Pervasive media coverage and public
money, and that’s what’s interesting to me,”
fortress. It also uses databases, has doors, is
debates about its worth (both literally and fig-
Zhao added. “It is a potentially world-changing
connected with the Internet.”
uratively) have become de rigueur for today’s
disruptive technology.
“If there were a metric to compare it to the
prevailing digital tender, which is alternately
Based and built on cryptography, bitcoin is
banking system, I think bitcoin would win,”
characterized as a revolutionary innovation on
as troubling as it is intriguing. Can it survive
added Tessaro. “I suspect it’s probably easier to
par with the Internet or a flash in the pan that
long-term in the face of cyberattacks and rap-
break into the local bank. The general problem
can’t possibly survive.
idly changing technology?
with electronic cash is making sure that you
“You can find other algorithms, different
Only time will tell, assert cryptographers
versions that work on the same mathemat-
Huijia “Rachel” Lin and Stefano Tessaro,
ical principles as bitcoin,” said Ben Zhao, an
assistant professors of computer science and
don’t spend the same money twice. And the Bitcoin network is designed to prevent that.”
About our Contributors
Connect with UCSB College of Engineering and Division of Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences on social media
Julie Cohen
Shelly Leachman
has written for decades about science, engineering,
is a senior writer in UCSB’s Office of Public Affairs &
technology and medicine for a variety of international
Communications. She is an award-winning former
publications and websites from the perspective of journalism
newspaper journalist who has covered education, crime,
and public relations. This experience helped her land her
culture, social issues, media and technology and more.
dream job as science writer for UCSB’s Office of Public Affairs and Communications.
Rachelle Oldmixon is a self-professed science nerd who often wonders why
Sonia Fernandez
she had to choose just one area of science to study. With
is a writer who has written for several newspapers, magazines
her MA from UCSB’s own Psychological & Brain Sciences,
and websites for the last decade on a wide range of topics,
Rachelle has begun a career in science communications.
from government issues, water politics, business and medicine
She is currently working as a science co-host on Al Jazeera
to arts, history, travel and culture. Science and technology are
America’s TechKNOW.
among her favorites.
K. M. Kelchner
Melissa Van De Werfhorst
received her PhD from UCSB’s Electrical and Computer
is the Marketing Manager for UCSB College of Engineering
Engineering Department in 2012 and worked as a
and the editor of Convergence magazine. She has an
postdoctoral researcher in the UCSB Materials Department
education in and a strong affinity for science,
until 2013 investigating growth of nonpolar GaN-based
both real and fictional.
materials. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon where she works in the semiconductor industry. @KK_PhD
Visit The UCSB Current at for daily headline news in science, engineering, and technology at UC Santa Barbara The University of California, in accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender, gender expression, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer relatead or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed service. The University also prohibits sexual harassment. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, access, and treatment in University programs and activities. Inquiries regarding the University’s student-related nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Office of Equal Opportunity & Sexual Harassment/Title IX Compliance, Telephone: (805) 893-2701.
with Professor
Luke Theogarajan Interview by Sonia Fernandez
Before joining the faculty at UC Santa
as biomedicine and energy efficiency, thanks
Bioengineering emphasis for College of
Barbara’s College of Engineering, Luke
to collaborations with various researchers on
Creative Studies biology majors. He has also
Theogarajan lent his circuit designing
campus. His work has earned him four pat-
received a Northrup Grumman Excellence
expertise to Intel for five years as part of the
ents and prestigious recognition, including
in Teaching Award in 2011 and was named
Pentium 4 design team. An electrical engi-
the 2010 NIH New Innovator Award and a
outstanding faculty member in the electri-
neer by training, Theogarajan has a Ph.D. in
2011 NSF Career Award.
cal engineering department for four years
electrical engineering and computer science
Theogarajan, who heads the Biomimetic
from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
and Nanosystems Group, is a found-
Convergence interviewed Theogarajan
However, his talents aren’t limited to the
ing faculty member for UCSB’s Center
about his work and the many applications
world of computers. Theogarajan’s research
for Bioengineering, and designed the
that have come from it.
interests have applications in fields as diverse
undergraduate curriculum for a new
C: What are the main areas of research in which you’re concentrating right now? LT: I can broadly classify my work in two areas. One is in biomedical engineering, and the other one is in high-speed communications, which actually grew out of some research I was doing in biomedical engineering, but fundamentally, neural interfaces is the one thing that I’ve dedicated my life to. C: You started your work with neural interfaces before you came to UCSB; tell us what kind of work you’ve done. As a graduate student at MIT, the main work I did there was to develop an electrical implant that goes inside the eye and stimulates the retina, eventually sending information to the brain. In the middle of my Ph.D., I changed direction. I realized that if a visual prosthesis of any significance is going to be developed at some point there has to be a different interface to the nervous system. It cannot be electrical, because the power required for the distance the current needed to travel would generate too much heat eventually leading to cell death. Current implants have limited number of electrodes to
a sufficient amount of potassium ions local to
and membranes. We developed a system where
around 64-100, which pales in comparison to
the neuron, it will actually make the neuron fire,
we take a very thin inorganic membrane about
the 140 million photoreceptors in the eye. So
because it upsets the chemical balance. So the
30 nanometers thick and drilled very tiny
if you are using a limited number of electrodes
question then was: How do you actually make a
holes using a focused electron beam, creating
then it is imperative that you know the precise
device that can uptake potassium from the body
a structural ion channel scaffold. Once we had
relationship between electrical stimulation and
and release it on command? You have to make
the structural motif, we needed to enable the
the neural code sent to the brain, which has not
a system that almost mimics a real living cell.
functionality of recognition. What we’re doing
What is fundamentally needed for a chemical
now is to attach a recognition molecule in the
What we’ve been trying to concentrate on
prosthesis is a scaffold by which you can mimic
interior of the pore so it selectively moves things
is a chemical interface, because if you deliver
neurons. You want to make artificial channels
been deciphered yet.
Q&A with Professor Luke Theogarajan
C: Your research into biomimetic materials
detection. We try to thread the DNA through
electronic chip larger just for interfacing the
has had other applications as well.
these holes and look at the amount of current
cost goes up exponentially and the yield drops
Originally, when I was doing my Ph.D, I had to
that they can block. You can also tell other char-
dramatically. So to circumvent this we take a
figure out a way to make a synthetic molecule
acteristics like protein folding and misfolded
very small chip and make it look very large at
that behaved like a lipid, so I made a polymer
Alzheimer’s proteins using the same technique.
a reduced cost, enabling the coupling to the
system based on previous research that was
One key issue in these detection platforms
microfluidics. The same technology can be used
done by others, and I modified it to the purposes
is the baseline background current can dwarf
for integrating electronics and photonics, which
that I needed. That ended up having interest-
the change in ionic current due to the biomol-
is how I started working with John Bowers, who
ing properties that are useful for drug delivery.
ecule. Because we have a strong expertise in
is known around the world for his expertise in
We just published a paper about making very
electronics, we built a new electronic platform
optics and photonics.
modular blocks using “click” chemistry, which
that can distinguish very small changes on very
is a popular way of coupling polymers together.
large backgrounds.
C: Your work in biotechnology actually benefitted John Bowers’ work in energy efficiency?
We are also studying how these polymers
Finally, if a useful system is to be designed,
interact with the innate immune system.
a way of coupling the sensor, the electronics
Tell us more about that.
Anytime a drug delivery system is introduced
and the microfluidics are necessary. Each of
Yes, I realized that if you use a photonic wafer
into your body, the first thing your body’s going
these domains operate in a different length
rather than a dummy silicon wafer like we
to do is recognize whatever you put in and take
scale: the nanoscale, microscale and macro-
did with our bio-related work, then very inti-
it out of circulation. You have to impart a stealth
scale, respectively. However, if you make an
mate connections can be made between the
property to anything you do in drug delivery so
photonics and electronics. This enables very
it avoids detection. Using a complement activa-
short electrical interconnects and thus lowers
tion assay, we proved that yes, if you use these
the power of the system, which is essential for
materials, you’re going to get stealth behavior,
energy efficient communications. We also have
provided you don’t use certain types of copper
a grant with DARPA on electronic/photonic
coupling chemistry. Craig Hawker [UCSB pro-
integration to implement advanced communi-
fessor of materials and chemistry] was a real
cation systems using electronics coupled with
source of inspiration. I was completely brought
photonics. John has been a great mentor to me,
up in a different field; I’m a formally trained
he’s a fantastic guy.
circuit designer. The ion channel work can also be applied to
C: You mentioned that you were essentially
the field of single molecule detection, especially
dedicated to creating neural interfaces. Aside
DNA sequencing. We have married the world
from the visual prosthesis work and bio-
of electronics (i.e. CMOS) with the nanopore
mimetic cell membrane, what else are you
(a tiny hole in an insulating membrane) and by
working on?
monitoring the ion current flowing through this
We’re also working neural recording arrays for
membrane one can perform single molecule
brain implants, to help paraplegics or people
with neurological damage. For example if the
the brain, so it develops inflammation. One of
learn? We have a multiuniversity collaboration
connection between the brain and motor func-
the things we’re trying to do is make some arrays
(MURI), funded by the Air Force headed by Tim
tion is damaged one can record from the brain
that do not have this shearing, using materials
Cheng and Dimitri Strukov, who is an expert
and then stimulate the muscle or control a
that are soft and flexible. We have developed a
in memristor technology (memory resistor – a
robotic arm, partially replacing lost function.
flexible polymer array with soft electrodes, and
resistor that remembers). We want to use the
One of the big problems in this area is that
are starting a collaboration with the Department
memristor as a learning synapse and use that
these implants are made of silicon or stainless
of Bioengineering at UC San Diego to test them.
synapse to create artificial circuits that behave
steel. However, the modulus of the electrode is
The last question we ask is: how do you mimic
like neural system and does tasks of recognition.
so stiff, because it has to withstand the pressure
brain function? How do you make circuits
of implantation, that micro shearing happens on
behave like a brain? How do you make them
Living Story of Social Graphs UCSB engineering researchers turn to geometry in their quest to map social networking data in real time By Sonia Fernandez From flash mobs at the local mall to trending
Which is why UC Santa Barbara professors
Their project, titled Social Network Analysis:
activist hashtags, social networks have quickly
of computer science Ben Zhao, Subhash Suri
Geometry, Dynamics and Inference for Very
integrated themselves into modern human life
and Heather Zheng, along with electrical and
Large Data Sets (SNAG-IT), was awarded a
and become a tool for instantaneous global
computer engineering professor Upamanyu
$6.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of
communication. Every day, an estimated 700
Madhow, have teamed up for an ambitious proj-
Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Projects
million people (out of billions of registered
ect that not only aims to further understand
Agency (DARPA). SNAG-IT’s obvious chal-
users) worldwide are weighing in on the top
social networks but also creates a means for
lenge – considering the sheer size of the network
social networking sites, swaying others, making
analyzing them as they happen. It will provide a
and the enormous amount of information – is
decisions and forming relationships in a con-
deeper comprehension of an increasingly “real”
unraveling data in real time,.
stant torrent of information.
virtual world, as well as ways to monitor or pre-
To help Zhao and colleagues in this task, they
While it’s true that we can analyze the com-
vent viral outbreaks, both in the real world and
have partnered with information technology
plexity of networks, given time, the deluge
online, or track systems like transportation or
giant Hewlett-Packard, the project’s primary
of data is too massive, too complex and too
biological protein networks.
contractor, which is researching and building
time-consuming for current technology to sort
scalable graph processing systems.
in real time. SUMMER 2014 | UCSB
17 17
“When you look at Facebook, or LinkedIn or
instance. Other information deemed relevant
Twitter, you’re talking about networks of more
can also dictate the node’s positioning or inter-
than a billion people,” said Zhao, who leads the
action with other nodes around it.
four-year project. Traditional algorithms devel-
The group is also interested in teasing out
oped and proved near-optimal decades ago no
data that is not explicitly mentioned from the
longer apply, he said. Developed for smaller sets
flow of information: inferred associations from
of data, current algorithms scale poorly when
professional affiliations or shared skill sets, for
the amount of data skyrockets.
instance, or implicit relationships from timing
To compound the problem, social networks are based on constantly changing relationships,
of events — not just the presence of a connection, but also its quality.
which affects what kind and how much profile information can be seen by others. Meanwhile, some people gain popularity, others lose clout, and events have immediate impact on topics of cyberspace discussions and real-life decisions.
“Geometry is a powerful way of visualizing complex relationships.” - Subhash Suri
For example, a LinkedIn profile page could
necessary to analyze such vast amounts of data
tip a company toward hiring a certain individual
“We seek to develop a systematic framework
at a meaningful speed. Even now, queries for
if his or her list of connections was popu-
for teasing out information from spatiotem-
profiles on current social media websites like
lated with influential people in the industry.
poral patterns of activity on social networks,”
LinkedIn, for instance, return precomputed,
Conversely, an offhand comment, a change
Madhow said. “As one example, by correlat-
sometimes days-old information, which may
of profile picture, even a “like” could lose a
ing the timing and volume of activity with the
or may not reflect up-to-the-moment devel-
user friends, connections or followers — and
timing of a class of external events, for exam-
opments, the scientists say.
therefore influence in the social network, and
ple baseball games, it may be feasible to make
As an example, Suri said, take GPS naviga-
opportunities in real life.
inferences about a user’s interests, such as, is
tion systems, with main roads and side roads all
he or she a baseball fan? Furthermore, such
plotted out in relationship to the driver’s coor-
The power of geometry
inferences can be strengthened and extended by
dinates, and measurements taken and relayed
To understand this modern kind of dataset,
examining the patterns of activities for groups
continuously via satellite as directions are sent
the researchers are using an ancient system:
of linked users. As another example, by look-
to the driver while he moves from one location
ing at the spatiotemporal spread of a rumor,
to the next.
“Geometry is a powerful way of visualizing complex relationships,” said Suri, who specializes in computational geometry.
can one make systematic statistical inferences about its source?” But dealing with massive — and rapidly
“Road networks are large graphs that people are just now getting comfortable with in terms of real-time response,” he said.
User profiles can be plotted as points —
growing — amounts of sometimes seemingly
But road information relayed via GPS is
nodes — on a coordinate space, with distance
disparate information is no small feat, and
minuscule and simple compared to the quan-
and dimension representing relationships, for
current technology does not have the power
tities that flow through networks like Facebook
thought leaders and communities; and poten-
“It becomes a mathematical problem,” said
tially even predict events, whether it’s the next
Zhao, who specializes in modeling and mining
Internet meme or the next Arab Spring.
massive graphs as well as analysis of social net-
At the same time, these complex data structures have to be condensed into as small
It also becomes a laborious process in which
a dimensional space as possible to allow for
they take a “brute force” approach to get to the
rapid computations while sacrificing the least
ground truth: Run lengthy computations with
amount of accuracy.
the preexisting data and see how close they get
“We are going to have errors,” Zhao said,
with their algorithms. Computations for even a
explaining that capturing a data structure with
small, 20,000-node network can run for weeks.
up to 100 dimensions or more — depending on
Ultimately, however, the result will be pow-
how comprehensive the social network is trying
erful programs, applications and systems that
to be with its users — into a small number of
can run fast, compute enormous amounts of
dimensions that can be visualized in a graph
data and do it with today’s machines, with all
“fundamentally just cannot be done perfectly.”
the physical constraints they face.
and LinkedIn, with profile views, public and
Some nodes in the data may just be out of place,
private interactions, status updates, evolving
he said.
relationships, responses to external events,
The intensity of information will also make
timing of communication and constant changes
it more difficult for people to lie about their
over time.
cyberselves, Zhao said, because even if a person
“Current systems simply limit the power of
changes his or her information in one sense, the
the queries you can execute. LinkedIn for exam-
other dimensions, relationships and inferences
ple does not let you query more than three hops
drawn from those associations still exist.
away from yourself,” Zhao said. “Others simply
“In a practical sense, it’s very difficult to
limit functionality. For example, you cannot yet
mislead the data in a meaningful way,” he
search for all users on Facebook while sorting
said. “Unless you move your location, change
by social distance away from you. Enabling that
your job and change your circle of friends, that
would significantly improve your chances of
closeness with certain people or things will still
finding friends you already know, especially
those with common names.”
To evaluate and validate these algorithms and models, the group will be using preexist-
Breaking down complex data structures
ing datasets from previous projects, the largest
Enter modeling and algorithms, meant to
of which is a 40 million-node graph of ano-
efficiently and elegantly describe and approxi-
nymized user profiles from a Chinese online
mate behaviors; reveal elements like influential
works and Internet communities.
“The intensity of information will also make it more difficult for people to lie about their cyberselves.” - Ben Zhao The research could also lead to uses in other fields. For instance, the high-speed computing and real-time capacity could be used to observe transportation systems and biological protein interaction networks. The algorithms would prove useful in the monitoring and possible prevention of viral outbreaks, both biological and online. Such research into the complex dance of social media networks can provide a foundation from which social scientists might study a variety of behavior patterns and interactions in an increasingly “real” virtual world. 19 19
Once elusive, solar-to-fuel conversion is looking like gold in a UCSB lab. By Sonia Fernandez
robust and efficient way to harvest solar energy
physical chemistry and materials. For decades,
and turn it into fuel. Unlike solar-to-electricity
plasmons — the collective oscillation of con-
applications, where conventional photovolta-
duction electrons — have been studied and used
Without it, life would be nothing like it is now.
ics have made great strides in efficiency and
in applications such as enhanced spectroscopy,
Modern technology’s ability to generate, manip-
affordability in the decades since their inception,
for instance, or to detect molecules adhering
ulate, sense, and convert light has resulted in
developing a technology for sustainable solar-
to surfaces. However, it was the specific social
man’s capacity to do everything from stay up
to-fuel conversion processes has been elusive,
context, which in this instance is the urgent
past sundown to communicate across vast dis-
until now.
concern to develop alternative energy resources,
tances, even to see into the distant past of the universe or deep into our bodies.
“Such devices have been made by many researchers in the past, using conventional
that spurred the group into considering plasmonics as a source of non-fossil fuel energy.
At UC Santa Barbara, researchers continue
semiconductor materials,” said Mubeen. “The
to find novel ways of using light — in both
problem is, when highly efficient semiconduc-
the visible and invisible spectra — to address
tors, such as silicon or gallium arsenide, are in
In conventional photovoltaics, sunlight hits
man’s growing need for energy and hunger for
an aqueous environment, they photocorrode,
semiconductor material, one side of which is
information. Through the combination of plas-
and stop working after a few minutes.”
electron-rich, while the other side is not. The
Harnessing excited electrons
monics and nanotechnology, researchers have
There have been some inroads made in the
photon, or light particle, excites the electrons,
been able to capture a storable form of energy
solar-to-fuel quest using semiconductors based
causing them to leave their positions, and create
from visible and invisible parts of the spectrum.
on metal oxides, like titanium, for instance.
positively-charged “holes.” The result is a cur-
Manipulating this electromagnetic energy could
These semiconductors don’t fail as readily the
rent of charged particles that can be captured
allow researchers to develop new technology
silicon-based types, but the tradeoff is that they
and delivered for various uses, including power-
for power generation and imaging.
absorb only the ultraviolet portion of sunlight —
ing lightbulbs, charging batteries, or facilitating
about four percent of the spectrum — so their
chemical reactions.
A new way of harvesting the sun’s energy
efficiencies are highly limited. Meanwhile, the
In the technology developed by Moskovits
In a little water-filled vial in UC Santa
search for a viable means of converting the Sun’s
and his team, it is not semiconductor materials
Barbara chemistry professor Martin Moskovits’
energy into fuel intensifies, as concerns over
that provide the electrons and venue for the
laboratory, a tiny disc may hold the key to our
the environmental drawbacks of using fossil
conversion of solar energy, but the surface of
pressing present and future fuel needs. When
fuel mount.
one of the world’s most well known and pre-
illuminated by the sun, this disc — no bigger
Enter gold, one of the Earth’s most stable and
cious metals.
than one’s fingertip — is capable of breaking the
conductive metals. Resistant to corrosion, it can
“When certain metals are exposed to visible
chemical bonds of water, producing hydrogen
be placed in many aqueous solutions without
light, the conduction electrons of the metal can
and oxygen, thus directly storing sunlight as
disintegrating, or otherwise reacting. Enter also
be caused to oscillate collectively, absorbing a
usable fuel.
an entirely new application for plasmonics.
great deal of the light,” said Moskovits. “This
“This pursuit has been growing for more
“We have been working on plasmonic mate-
than 100 years,” said postdoctoral researcher
rials for many years in other contexts,” said
However, these excited, “hot” electrons
Syed Mubeen, of the ongoing search for a more
Moskovits, whose research emphasis is in
are very short-lived, lasting only about ~ 10
excitation is called a surface plasmon.”
Plasmonic Technology
Left to right: Syed Mubeen and Joun Lee, postdoctoral researchers in chemistry; Nirala Singh, chemical engineering graduate student; Professor Martin Moskovits.
femtoseconds (~ 1014 seconds) before
also included chemistry postdoctoral
appropriate nanostructured design so
they relax.
researcher Joun Lee, chemical engi-
that before these electrons decay as
To get an idea of just how briefly
neering graduate researcher Nirala
heat you use them to do useful chem-
these electrons stay hot, imagine a
Singh, materials engineer Stephen
ical reactions,” Mubeen said.
stretch of beach that’s 20 feet long by
Kraemer, and chemistry professor
The result is an array of gold
20 feet wide by five feet deep. That’s one
Galen Stucky — turned to the very
nanorods, each rod measuring 80 to
second. Ten grains of sand would be
tiny world of nanostructures.
100 nm in diameter and 500 nm in
comparable to 10 femtoseconds.
“These hot electrons tend to travel 6
length. Ten billion of these nanoreac-
“The question was, can you capture
~10 meters per second, which means
tors can occupy one square centimeter.
these electrons effectively and put
they could travel at least a few tenths
Six hundred of them lined up side by
them to useful work?” said Mubeen. To
of a nanometer before decaying as heat.
side would span the diameter of an
do this, the Moskovits team — which
The challenge was to come up with an
average (clean) human hair.
▶ Artist’s concept of nanometer-size metallic wires and metallic particles embedded in semiconductors, as grown by Dr. Hong Lu.
Each nanorod is capped with a layer of
provides the opportunity to scale up for rela-
“If the last century of photovoltaic technol-
crystalline titanium dioxide decorated with
tively little cost, even with an expensive metal
ogy has shown anything, it is that continued
platinum nanoparticles. A cobalt-based oxida-
like gold.
research will improve on the cost and efficiency
tion catalyst was deposited on the lower portion of the array, and the entire arrangement is submerged in water.
of this new method - and likely in far less time Quest for efficiency Currently, efficiencies for this plasmonic
than it took for the semiconductor-based technology,” said Moskovits.
When the negatively charged hot electrons,
technology are at about .25 percent, which is
“In view of the recentness of the discovery,
excited by sunlight, oscillate, they travel up the
comparable to silicon semiconductor-based
we consider .25 percent to be a ‘respectable’
rod, through the titanium dioxide layer and are
photoprocesses almost a century ago. And,
efficiency,” he said. “More importantly, we can
captured by the platinum nanoparticles, caus-
plasmonic technology is still more costly than
imagine achievable strategies for improving the
ing the reaction that splits water molecules.
that for conventional semiconductors.
efficiencies radically.”
Meanwhile, the positively charged “holes” left
“We still have a lot of work to do,” said Mubeen,
behind by the excited electrons head down-
ticking off a list of ideal qualities that would
ward to the oxidation catalyst to form oxygen.
make nanostructured plasmonic materials
Meanwhile, in another lab on the UCSB
According to their study, hydrogen production
competitive with conventional semiconduc-
campus, researchers Hong Lu, Art Gossard
was clearly observable after two hours, and
tors. “We need to test cost-effective plasmonic
and Mark Sherwin have performed a feat that
the nanorod array proved to be the durable
metals, so we can make fuels cheap enough.
may provide a wide array of applications, from
visible light-harvesting device sought by the
We need to re-engineer the system design to
more efficient solar cells to higher-performance
be more efficient.”
telecommunications to enhanced imaging and
Catching the (invisible) wave
“The device operated with no hint of failure
Copper and silver are being eyed as alterna-
for many weeks,” Moskovits said. Additionally,
tives to gold, and an efficiency of 5 percent or
It comes in the form of a compound semicon-
according to Mubeen, the use of nanostructures
more is one of the early targets for the research.
ductor of nearly perfect quality with embedded
sensing technologies.
Plasmonic Technology
semimetallic nanostructures, and it capitalizes
with the element antimony (Sb), the researchers
incorporating different materials have been
on the manipulation of the infrared (IR) and
embedded the resulting compound — erbium
studied for years — a technology UCSB pro-
terahertz (THz) range of the electromagnetic
antimonide (ErSb) — as semimetallic nano-
fessor and Nobel laureate Herbert Kroemer
spectrum. These invisible areas of the spectrum
structures within a semiconducting matrix of
pioneered — a single crystal heterostructured
gallium antimonide (GaSb).
semiconductor/metal is in a class of its own.
— with longer wavelengths and lower frequencies than the naked eye can sense — offer much
When IR light hits the surface of this
ErSb, according to Lu, is an ideal material
in the way of information they can provide.
semiconductor, electrons in the semimetallic
to match with GaSb because of its structural
However, the development of instruments that
nanostructures begin to resonate — that is,
compatibility with its surrounding material,
can take advantage of their range of frequencies
move away from their equilibrium positions
allowing the researchers to embed the nano-
is still an emerging field.
and oscillate at the same frequency as the infra-
structures without interrupting the atomic
red light — preserving the optical information,
lattice structure of the semiconducting matrix,
but shrinking it to a scale that would be com-
each atom aligned with the matrix around it.
Bridging optics and electronics To cope with the demands of today’s
patible with electronic devices.
“The nanostructures are coherently embed-
information technology — more data, faster
“This is a new and exciting field,” said Hong
ded, without introducing noticeable defects,
transmission, better energy efficiency —
Lu, project scientist in materials and in elec-
through the growth process by molecular beam
researchers have been turning to optics, using
trical and computer engineering. But the
epitaxy,” said Lu. “We can control the size, the
IR light to transmit information.
ability to translate optical information into
shape and the orientation of the nanostructures.”
electronic data is only one benefit of this unique
The term “epitaxy” refers to a process by which
layers of material are deposited atom by atom,
However the transition between optics and electronics is a difficult one because they operate at vastly different scales, with electron confinement possible in spaces far smaller than light
or molecule by molecule, one on top of the ‘A new kind of heterostructure’
other with a specific orientation.
waves. The size gap between the technologies
In the world of semiconductors, structural
“It’s really a new kind of heterostructure,” said
have been a hurdle for scientists and engineers
quality is of utmost importance: the more regu-
Arthur Gossard, professor of materials and elec-
trying to integrate the two with a circuit that
larly repeating and aligned — “flawless” — the
trical and computer engineering.
can take advantage of the speed, capacity and
arrangement of atoms in the semiconductor’s
energy efficiency of optics with the compact-
crystal lattice is, the more reliable and better
ness of electronics for information processing.
performing the device in which it will be used
Here plasmonics plays a vital role, by pro-
will be.
Seeing things in a new light The semiconductor’s ability to capture and manipulate IR and THz range light opens doors
viding the highly sought bridge between the
Generating these perfect structures is no
into better imaging and sensing, as the embed-
two technologies. Key to this technology is the
minor feat. Any mismatch in size or alignment
ded nanostructures/nanowires offer a strong
use of erbium (Er), a rare earth metal that has
becomes magnified and could result in cracking.
broadband polarization effect, filtering and
the ability to absorb light in the visible as well
The difficulty becomes even greater when incor-
defining images with IR and THz signatures.
as infrared wavelength, and has been used for
porating different atoms, which may be desired
In addition to the thermal signatures that are
years to enhance the performance of silicon in
for their properties, but not so for their poten-
captured by infrared cameras, traces of chemi-
the production of fiber optics. Pairing erbium
tial to result in defects. While semiconductors
cals found in explosives and illegal narcotics can
Materials researcher Hong Lu peers down one of the many chambers of a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) instrument.
“For infrared imaging, if you can do it with controllable polarizations, there’s a lot of information there.” - Art Gossard be sensed using the semiconductor. Terahertz wavelengths, which occupy the space between infrared and microwave frequencies, can penetrate a variety of materials, including the human body, opening up the potential for high resolution imaging without the danger posed by higher energy x-rays. The researchers have already applied for a patent for these embedded nanowires as a broadband light polarizer. SUMMER 2014 | UCSB
“For infrared imaging, if you can do it with
of the project, all of whom decided to combine
controllable polarizations, there’s a lot of infor-
their efforts and their expertise into one study.
mation there,” said Gossard. The researchers credit the collaborative
“I think what’s really special about UCSB is that we can have an environment like that.”
nature between departments on the UCSB
Researchers on campus are also exploring
campus for this multidimensional breakthrough.
the possibilities of this technology in the field
“One of the most exciting things about this for
of thermoelectrics, which studies how tempera-
me is that this was a ‘grassroots’ collaboration,”
ture differences of a material can create electric
said Mark Sherwin, professor of physics, direc-
voltage or how differences in electric voltages
tor of the Institute for Terahertz Science and
in a material can create temperature differences.
Technology at UCSB. The idea for the direction
Renowned UCSB professors John Bowers (solid
of the research actually came from the junior
state photonics) and Christopher Palmstrom
researchers in the group, he said, grad students
(heteroepitaxial growth of novel materials)
and undergrads from different laboratories and
are also investigating the potential of this new
research groups working on different aspects
semiconductor. 25
Goodbye To Droop Case Closed. Researchers discover the science behind the mystery of efficiency droop. By K.M.Kelchner The ordinary light bulb is an innovation so
A team led by professors James Speck and
does what it should. As you apply more and
extraordinary that a sudden brilliant idea is
Claude Weisbuch from the Center for Energy
more current, the LED doesn’t emit a propor-
called “a light bulb moment.”
Efficient Materials (CEEM), along with collab-
tional, increasing amount of light. The LED
Credit for inventing the first incandes-
orators at École Polytechnique in Paris, have
actually becomes less efficient the harder you
cent-style light bulb often goes to Thomas
developed a technique to tackle possibly the
turn up the juice. The efficiency, for lack of a
Edison, but even that wasn’t a light bulb moment.
most difficult technological mystery of LED
better word, droops.
In fact, his patent for an improved electric light
research: efficiency droop. Their recent discov-
came after 75 years of hard work by several sci-
ery could have exciting implications in terms
entists and engineers, all scrambling to find the
of how we understand and use this new way to
best way to run an electrical current through a
make light.
filament and get it to glow.
Just like Edison’s tricky filament, though, the
Luminaires based on light-emitting diode
devil is in the details.
The challenge of LED droop LED droop is a challenge for LED bulb designers who want to squeeze the most light out of each chip, especially if they want to replace the incandescent light bulb, which despite being
(LED) technology already are 10 times
It is widely known that incandescent bulbs
more energy-efficient and last 20 times
are terribly inefficient light sources; 90 percent
longer than old-fashioned Edison-
of the electrical energy goes toward generating
“Efficiency droop has been the biggest prob-
style bulbs. Today, researchers
heat and only 10 percent goes to making light.
lem for blue LEDs for a long time,” explained
in the Materials Department
An LED generates light a completely different
Shuji Nakamura, a professor of materials and
at UC Santa Barbara are
way, by passing electric current through layers
co-director of the Solid State Lighting & Energy
working hard to get even
of semiconductor material called a diode. In
Center at UCSB. While still a researcher in
more bang for the
a perfect LED, every electron passing through
Japan in the late 1990s, Nakamura was the first
buck from these
the diode would release its energy in the form
to demonstrate a modern blue LED using an
of light. It would generate no heat at all.
electrically injected diode made from a semi-
high-tech light sources. SUMMER 2014 | UCSB
In a real LED, however, not every electron
really inefficient happens to be really bright and really cheap.
conductor called gallium nitride (GaN). 27
Goodbye to Droop
Since then, Nakamura has played an important role in seeing these tiny light emitters go mainstream for white lighting. According to Nakamura, solving the enduring efficiency droop problem could have a huge impact on reducing the cost of LED bulbs, which still sell for more than $10 apiece. For years, the exact cause of efficiency droop has been hotly debated. LED manufacturers have engineered workarounds for the droop problem, but the answer to the mystery lies in fundamental science. How a single electron generates light at all involves some magic of quantum physics. Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 for explaining the so-called photoelectric effect. The concept comes down to this: If you want ▶
to get as much light out of an LED as possible,
UCSB researchers Justin Iveland and Professor James Speck.
you must account for all the electrons. UCSB professor Chris Van de Walle and
The Paris connection
Still, the experiment was quite complex. To
his research team theorized in 2011 that LED
Justin Iveland, a materials graduate student
start, the samples had to be carefully prepared
droop can be blamed on misbehaving electrons.
who worked on this project for the past two
and subjected to a very high vacuum. The equip-
Instead of releasing their energy as light as they
years, joked that the most important piece of
ment had to be aligned just so to detect Auger
should, some electrons traveling through the
lab equipment was the trans-Atlantic airliner
electrons, which have a unique high-energy
diode transfer all their energy to another elec-
that let him travel to Paris to collaborate with
signature. The hardest part of all, according to
tron. Think of billiard balls colliding in a game
researchers in the Laboratoire de Physique de
Weisbuch, was “getting everything right.”
of pool. These pesky energetic electrons are
la Matière Condensée at École Polytechnique.
Not only was the measurement successful in
called hot electrons or Auger electrons. The
“This kind of experiment takes experience,”
detecting Auger electrons, but the more elec-
more Auger electrons you have, the less light
said Weisbuch, distinguished professor of mate-
trons pumped through the LED sample, the
you get. There have been several experiments
rials at UCSB and a faculty member at École
more Auger electrons they measured. The emer-
trying to prove the existence of Auger electrons
gence of Auger electrons directly corresponded
in LEDs, but measuring them directly has been
Weisbuch enlisted his colleagues Lucio
with the onset of LED efficiency droop. They
Martinelli and Jacques Peretti to help because,
call this kind of discovery unambiguous, which
Very recently, professors Speck and Weisbuch,
as he put it, they have more than 30 years of
is perhaps a nicer way to say, “We told you so.”
along with their collaborators, have managed to
experience taking the kind of careful electrical
“Based on our data and analysis, it offers direct
directly measure Auger electrons for the first time.
measurements this experiment required.
nearly impossible.
proof that Auger is the dominant mechanism Convergence
LED emitting light under forward bias in an ultra high vacuum chamber allowing simultaneous electron emission energy. Photo credit: École Polytechnique, Ph. Lavialle
for GaN-based LED droop,” explained Professor
SSLEC, added: “Professor Speck and Professor
himself said, “Genius is 1 percent inspiration,
Speck, the Seoul Optodevice Chair in Solid State
Weisbuch’s groundbreaking experimental ver-
99 percent perspiration.” This is a testament to
Lighting at UCSB. “It’s the first direct measure-
ification solves one of the greatest mysteries of
the hard work that scientific discoveries and
ment of Auger electrons in any semiconductor.
light-emitting diodes. Now that we understand
technological innovations often require.
The result provides a direct pathway to mitigate
the fundamental process, we can focus on ways
In a few more years, the ordinary light bulb
droop and the Auger process.”
to solve it through novel LED device structures
will be a thing of the past, and our options will
and designs.”
be bigger, brighter and cheaper — all thanks
Materials Professor Steven DenBaars, Mitsubishi Chemical Chair in Solid State
The past 20 years have seen rapid develop-
Lighting and Displays and co-director of
ments in LED technology, but as Thomas Edison
to contributions made in research labs around the world and right here at UCSB. 29
The Delicate Mystery of Brain Trauma To detect the subtle but debilitating damage from mild traumatic brain injury, scientists at UC Santa Barbara are peering into neuron networks with high-powered imaging and analysis. By Rachelle Oldmixon
At 29, John*, an active police officer and part-
personality changes. He asked to be removed
problem is that cognitive symptoms of mTBI are
time graduate student, was in a car accident.
from active patrol. Back at his desk, he found
vague and offer little tangible evidence for common
Despite the impact to John’s head, a hospital CT
that even the standard paperwork proved
imaging techniques to detect neural damage.
scan revealed no damage to his brain. He was
released from the hospital and told he should
“If a patient with a concussion and lingering
John’s case is among hundreds of thousands
cognitive trouble goes in for a conventional brain
like it — incidents of people who suffer mild
scan, there’s less than a 3 percent chance of seeing
After several months, however, John (not his
Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) after an auto
something on the MRI,” said Dr. Scott Grafton,
real name) still had not recovered. He sought
accident, during high-impact sports or on the
co-director of the Institute for Collaborative
help for numbness in his toe and complained
battlefield. Most people recover from an mTBI
Biotechnologies and a professor of psychological
of severe memory problems for the courses he
incident within a few weeks.
and brain sciences at UC Santa Barbara.
recover fully.
had taken since entering his master’s program.
But 10 percent do not recover and, for those
Grafton hypothesizes that mTBI-related
He had difficulty making decisions, found it
people, the symptoms worsen to the point of
brain damage evades common hospital imaging
hard to maintain attention, and noticed subtle
chronic, life-debilitating cognitive deficits. The
techniques because the damage is occurring at
*Name changed to protect privacy. 31
the level of individual neural connections rather
related to the triggering event. Because of this,
possibility that mTBI is an issue of connectivity
than in larger brain areas.
medical experts must rely on the symptoms
tissue in the brain. Currently, the magnetic res-
He believes the long-term symptoms associ-
that soldiers will admit, such as memory loss
onance imaging (MRI) technology commonly
ated with mTBIs may be the result of “shearing”
surrounding their time in combat, irritability,
found in hospitals and clinics is most useful for
of the neurons. In order to investigate this pos-
difficulty concentrating, and a loss of interest
finding lesions or the sources of strokes. Some
sibility, Grafton and his team are developing a
in previously enjoyable activities.
techniques available in hospitals have been cal-
new brain-imaging technique that will allow
While PTSD is technically a psychological
doctors to see neural connections with greater
disorder that can improve with time and ther-
apy, mTBI is physiological in nature. An early,
The detection of mTBI may, however, lie in
accurate diagnosis of mTBI may be the only
the finer — and more complicated — details
way to help doctors provide optimal therapies
of neural connection.
The problems of misdiagnosis The complaints associated with chronic
ibrated to find small hemorrhages, down to a few millimeters in size.
from an early point. Visualizing white matter
mTBI are similar to those surrounding Post-
“The U.S. military is interested in screening
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which is
for mTBIs, but this would require a full cog-
Essentially, when the brain experiences a
misdiagnosed often, and particularly among
nitive baseline examination of every soldier
trauma in the form of a blow to the head, the
veterans who have seen active combat.
before each deployment and when they return,
thinner neural connections are damaged. These
Between January 2000 and March 2011,
which is prohibitively expensive,” Grafton said.
thinner connections exist where the projections
more than 163,000 mTBIs reportedly were
This has left our military in a quandary:
from a distant area of the brain reach their
incurred by U.S. military personnel on active
Requiring cognitive exams for every soldier
target and fan out to connect to many other
duty, usually the result of blows or jolts to the
would be too costly, but, without pre-injury
areas of the brain.
“The white matter is like train tracks connecting many different cities. But for brains, the connections are between different modules of the cerebral cortex. And there can be lots of tracks connecting any pair of modules. No matter where we are in the white matter we can test if the normal connections are present or not.”- Dr. Scott Grafton head. About 10 percent of those people — more
measures, minor dips in cognitive function or
“Think of a cable with a lot of wires. In the
than 16,000 — were reported to have developed
minute abnormalities on a brain scan could be
middle it’s nice and tight, all packed together.
cognitive deficits from mTBI.
explained away as low-average cognitive ability
But at the ends, the cables splay out in different
or artifacts from the machine.
directions and hook back together again. That
Despite how common it is, a PTSD diagnosis
is seen by many soldiers as a sign of weakness,
Grafton is addressing the intricate mTBI
and many will deny experiencing symptoms
diagnosis problem by investigating the
is where the tearing probably occurs,” Grafton explained. Convergence
Fewer or damaged synaptic connections to certain brain regions would result in impaired communication among areas of the brain.
quite sensitive enough to visualize the thinner
DSI scans were collected and more importantly,
neural connections.
in the way the information is analyzed.
To address this, Grafton’s lab team, in collab-
Because there are billions of places in the
With the use of Diffusion Tensor Imaging
oration with research teams at the University of
human brain where the axons of those neurons
(DTI), it is possible to visualize the brain’s white
Pittsburgh and at Siemens, utilize a technique
cross, each DSI scan produces several gigabits
matter, which consists of axon bundles. DTI,
called Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI) that
of data — requiring a new level of data com-
also known as diffusion MRI, is an imaging
was first invented at Massachusetts General
putation power.
method that uses the diffusion of water through
Hospital by Van Wedeen.
the brain to map the white matter.
While it takes about five times longer to scan
Necessity breeds the reinvention of data analysis
The problem with DTI is that each person
than DTI, DSI more accurately maps where the
has a different pattern of connectivity, so it’s
fibers of axons cross — the architecture of tissue
To meet the need, Grafton and graduate stu-
almost impossible to know where to start ana-
— based on where water is and how it moves.
dent Matt Cieslak have completely reworked
lyzing the information. Additionally, DTI is not
Their research involved improving the way the
how DSI data is analyzed.
The Delicate Mystery of Brain Trauma
Currently in DSI, axon bundles are tracked by starting with two different areas of gray
and the lead recruiter of patients for the mTBI
and to add functionality. It will take some time
study with UCSB.
and a carefully designed clinical trial to test
matter. The bundles, or white matter, found
“This study has tremendous implications for
the final version of these tools. The utility of
between the two areas are then counted and
our population of mild traumatic brain injury
diffusion spectrum imaging coupled with the
patients; there has been no way to characterize
custom analysis tools for diagnosing mTBI will
or predict which patients will have more pro-
require this larger-scale effort.
Grafton and Cieslak have found, however, that axon bundles don’t cross neatly. Instead, the
longed symptoms,” said Delio.
For mTBI patient John, an early diagnosis
bundles can pass through one another, dividing
More than 15 patients suffering from cog-
could have made a huge difference. A year later
into smaller axon cables and weaving through
nitive deficit related to mTBI have volunteered
when he received a proper diagnosis, he was
one another before rejoining into the original
to participate in Grafton’s ongoing study. Their
able to develop coping mechanisms to make it
bundle. Rather than tracking axon bundles
injuries have been the result of a range of events,
through graduate school. With significant help
indirectly, Grafton’s team decided a new ana-
including skateboarding accidents, sports inju-
from friends, family and his professors, John
lytical program was needed that could trace an
ries and car crashes.
was able to finish his graduate degree. But in
axon bundle along its pathways. Grafton’s new statistical analysis allows researchers to visualize the ends of the bundles, where the axons splay out and shearing is more likely to occur in patients with mTBI. Once the theory behind the statistical program was developed, Grafton saw a need for several additional functions. They needed the ability
“This study has tremendous implications for our population of mild traumatic brain injury patients; there has been no way to characterize or predict which patients will have more prolonged symptoms.” - Philip Delio
to view multiple scans at once, for starters, to
John’s case, he still finds cognitive tasks difficult that were once simple. If cognitive exercises started soon after an mTBI incident can improve the brain’s ability to recover lost function, then early diagnosis could mean the difference between debilitation and hope for recovery. Grafton’s new analytical method could lead to a better outcome from chronic brain injury and mental debilitation
allow researchers and doctors to compare scans
“Patients with seemingly severe injuries often
from the same brain or among patients with
make remarkable recoveries, while some with
similar injuries.
apparently mild injuries may have persistent
for tens of thousands of people.
deficits for month or years, or permanently,” Translating research into real help Grafton and his team work with Dr. Philip Delio, medical director of stroke services at
Delio said, adding that this research will “be imperative in helping to predict functional outcomes and recovery.”
Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. Delio eval-
Lacking initially detectable brain damage,
uates many of the patients who are brought
the mTBI patients are ideal candidates to test
to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, a level II
the sensitivity of the new analytical program.
trauma center that sees thousands of brain-in-
Grafton has also begun distributing the
jury patients every year. Delio is a neurologist
analysis tools to other laboratories across the country in an effort to evaluate its potential
◀ From left: Mechanical engineering graduate student Nick Zacchia; mechanical engineering associate professor Megan Valentine; and Tim Thomas, U.S. military veteran and VIBRANT program summer intern from Pasadena City College - working at a fluorescence microscope.
Can mTBI trigger a pathway for more serious disease?
either loss of adhesion or loss of transport leads to neurological defects,
Zooming in to the cellular and molecular levels, Dr. Megan Valentine of
including Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.”
the department of mechanical engineering is exploring whether force-
Valentine wonders if impact-force injury can, in essence, trigger these
based neural damage can be attributed to molecular-level changes on
other disease pathways that are otherwise thought to be attributed to
and within neurons.
genetic predisposition.
Valentine is investigating possible changes to the individual neurons
In 2013, Valentine was one of three UCSB engineering professors
after force-based damage. Her research team applies controlled stress
to be awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation Early Career
via magnetic fields to the neural cells to see how they react, identify and
Award. The award keeps her research going for at least four years and
repair the impact – and whether there are short-term and long-term
includes an outreach component that creates education and research
connections to neural health.
opportunities for students.
Their challenge is to develop new tools that work at smaller length scales and higher force ranges — that is, tools sensitive enough to detect molecular-level changes after a force is applied. “We’re miniaturizing magnetic tweezer technology to apply forces inside these cells,” Valentine said, “and at the same time introducing high-resolution optical imaging to capture what happens in a split second.” Valentine’s study keeps tabs on the neuron’s changes over time to see
Aptly enough, Valentine’s program brings in and involves students who are military veterans. “The program is a nice intersection between outreach and research because veterans in particular understand the seriousness of these types of injuries,” she said. Employing all the proper tools and modalities, Valentine sees great promise in the research.
how a single-force event — a traumatic brain impact, in theory — changes
“There is a diversity of adhesion proteins on neurons, and they’re very
a neuron’s behavior and properties over the long term. Her research
sensitive to mechanical signaling.” she said, adding that if cell adhe-
further addresses the question: Are young people who are exposed to
sion governs the ways in which axon bundles are formed and intersect,
TBI in turn predisposed to early-onset dementia diseases?
understanding these molecular-level mechanics could be another key
“Neuron adhesion and cargo transport are important for healthy
to understanding why and how any traumatic brain injury takes its toll.
nervous systems,” Valentine explained. “There are other diseases where SUMMER 2014 | UCSB
An Entrepreneurial Education Science and engineering students suit up for the high tech business world through UCSB’s Technology Management Program. by Sonia Fernandez When optoelectronics graduate student Jared
“My graduate research work with Professors
Hulme attended a Technology Management
Ram Seshadri, Steve DenBaars, and Shuji
Program lecture about UC Santa Barbara
Nakamura led us to combine phosphor mate-
technologies that were available to license, he
rials with laser excitation,” explained Denault.
left inspired to explore how solid state lighting
This highly promising research formed “the
research could be commercialized.
basis of our motivation,” she added, to enter
“After seeing last year’s New Venture Competition finals, I decided I wanted to be
Lighting Technologies.
a part of the program,” commented Hulme.
“I have found inspiration in this research
TMP’s New Venture Competition is an annual
because of the far reaching impacts that light-
business competition for student teams to try
ing has on the world, and the associated global
their hand at commercializing new or existing
energy reduction that can be made possible
technology, much of it stemming from campus
through this type of research,” said Denault.
research efforts in science and engineering.
◀ Laura Johnson, graduate student at the UCSB Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, presents her team’s start-up, Salty Girl Seafood, at the 2014 New Venture Competition finals. Salty Girl Seafood, which took home second place in the Market Pull category and a People’s Choice Award, is a sustainable seafood distribution company that bypasses the traditional supply chain to ship seafood directly from fishermen to restaurants and markets. SUMMER 2014 | UCSB
the competition with a company called Fluency
Denault and Hulme joined forces with eco-
Hulme connected with materials graduate
nomics major Daniel Moncayo, and their team
student Kristin Denault, who was research-
went on to place second in the competition,
ing high efficiency laser diode lighting in
taking home seed money for a newly established
the solid state lighting lab of Professor Ram
technology venture.
Seshadri, co-director of the Materials Research
“We expect our technology to be well received
Laboratory. Like Humle, Denault was interested
in a market estimated to be worth $3 billion,” com-
in taking the technology to market.
mented Moncayo.
An Entrepreneurial Education
TMP has been the birthplace for many student-run startups, several of which they can now showcase as multi-million dollar success stories in a spectrum of technology industries. Fueled
For mentors, TMP is sometimes a way to watch the evolution of technology, as students tackle old problems with new insights.
by students fired up about their innovations, and guided by
Morgan Pattison, whose consulting firm specializes in high-efficiency
mentors with experience in the marketplace, TMP has helped
lighting, mentored a team of engineering seniors, Taylor Umphreys,
spawn dozens of successful UCSB-founded businesses in its 14
Siddhant Bhargava, Arshad Haider, and Ben Chang. Their team, Brightblu,
years on campus. Before considering the techpreneur world, the three co-found-
proposed a Bluetooth-based home automation system that could be controlled with a smartphone.
ers of Fluency Lighting Technologies took advantage of TMP’s
“I encouraged them to make it something cost-effective and easy to
course offerings and lectures available to students. Denault
use,” said Pattison. The problem with current automated lighting systems,
completed TMP’s Graduate Program in Management Practice
he said, is that they tend to be complicated and unwieldy, affordable
concurrently with her graduate education in materials.
only to large buildings. Compatibility with legacy circuitry, such as in
“The three of us have also attended several of the TMP
a home, was a problem.
Executive-At-the-Table round table discussions and
“The idea for me was to see where the concept would go and I wanted
seminars,” Denault said. “We have really found TMP
these guys to spend time on the technical issues,” he said. His job was
to be a great source of help and guidance through
to guide their creative power as someone who was familiar with the
this whole process.”
practical realities of the market.
TMP’s academic offerings and student business compe-
They ran with the concept and refined the technology, but they didn’t
tition are led by UCSB professors and lecturers with business
stop with lighting solutions. In the process they demonstrated that the
acumen and experience under their belts who impart knowl-
device — a smartplug — could not only control lights, but could also
edge to students over six months of courses and seminars. The
work with other appliances. In essence, they designed a smartplug that
curriculum covers everything a “techpreneur” could dream
turns any power outlet into an intelligent outlet that users can control
of: business ideas and models, intellectual property and pat-
from a smartphone.
ents, marketing, finance, operations, and how to find start-up
After taking home People’s Choice at the New Venture Competition,
investors. The results for participants are a broader network,
the team landed a top spot at the 2012 Plug and Play Expo, scoring major
concrete business plans, working prototypes, and polished
networking opportunities in the Silicon Valley. Today, their original
prototype has evolved into a product called Zuli. They used Kickstarter
Though not exclusive to tech majors, students in science
to successfully fund their expansion.
and engineering are drawn to the program, which aims to pre-
To test themselves against the reality of a startup experience, stu-
pare them to perform as business leaders in global technology
dents can take courses like “Creating a Market-Tested Start-up Business
teams. Their curricula encourage cross-disciplinary teamwork
Model,” taught by Steve Zahm, president of Santa Barbara-based Procore
between the hard sciences, economics, marketing, and other
Technologies, Inc., a cloud-based construction management software
disciplines to bring balanced perspectives and talents.
◀ Kristin Denault, materials graduate student and co-founder of Fluency Lighting Technologies. 38
Advice from seasoned pros
“Tech entrepreneurs often confuse a technology with a product, and a product or service with a business,” said Zahm. “Conducting a thorough Convergence
▶ Team Shadowmaps won over 2014 NVC judges with urban geolocation improvement technology that combines GPS data with algorithms that correct for building satellite shadows. Pictured: Andrew Irish (electrical engineering graduate student), Danny Iland (computer science graduate student), Dayton Horvath (chemistry graduate student), and Jason Isaacs (electrical and computer engineering postdoc).
and detailed market validation process — in
on long-term productivity and less on short-
investors to believe in them, and then persuade
other words, getting out and talking to potential
term survival. For this eventual need, McKee
the public to trust their products.
customers and partners before launching the
co-teaches “The Entrepreneurial Leadership of
Which is why a strong purpose plays an
product and company — is the one key step
Teams and Talent” with Deb Horne, who is also
important role in the life of a tech entrepreneur.
for designing a successful business model.
in human resources.
For James Rogers, creator of aPEEL
Once that business model has been validated
“Experience has shown that entrepreneurs are
Technologies, Inc., there were two purposes.
by actual market and customer feedback, then
typically focused on the technology, product or
He wanted to own his own business and he
you can move forward.”
service and give little thought to the legal side of
wanted to create something that could have a
As the venture matures, like any company,
a start- up, including hiring and compensating
positive impact on peoples’ lives. He found a
there will be growing pains. If the business is
employees,” said Horne. “The class is designed
way to fulfill both purposes in the world’s first
successful, roles change and goals evolve.
to provide an awareness of the legal compliance
organic preservative, a spray-on post-harvest
issues they face when starting up and running
coating that preserves the freshness — and thus
a business.”
extends the shelf life — of produce.
“Start-ups have fewer formal rules, are nimble, flexible and more organic in their organizational structure – there are roles rather than formalized jobs – people tend to do more than one thing,” said Kathryn McKee, human resources
“In the U.S. we throw out up to 20 percent Entrepreneurship with a purpose
of the produce that we harvest. And we use 80
In the world of new technology ventures, the
percent of our fresh water in the United States
waters can be a little choppier, the navigation
to irrigate,” said Rogers, who earned his PhD
As the venture grows, so does the need for
a little more uncertain. Not only are startups
in Materials at UCSB.
the company’s leaders to keep the focus more
inventing new things, they have to convince
expert and TMP lecturer.
An Entrepreneurial Education
◀ A $5,000 Elings Prize was awarded to a team by method of random drawing at the 2014 New Venture Competition, prefaced by words of experience by Virgil Elings that “success in business is fifty percent hard work and fifty percent dumb luck.”
Through the development of a thin film composed of molecules extracted from plants, strawberries that go fuzzy the next day will be good for several more, and in the future leafy greens could stay leafy and green for far longer. From growers to grocers, it means better sales and less waste overall. Much of this support he received from TMP, starting with the first entrepreneurship classes led by John Greathouse. “I think TMP is like a series of lighthouses that warn you where you’re going to crash. They don’t tell you where to go; they tell you where not to go,” he said. There might be ideas that take too much time and energy, or it might be the wrong time to take money from a certain investor, he said. 40
research that requires new thought and practices concerning industry and market applications,” said Dave Seibold, UCSB professor and director of the TMP Graduate Program in Management Practice. “For example, technological or com-
aPEEL Technology and its organic edible
ponent innovations that disrupt traditional
spray coating took home the top spot at the
models to increase efficiency and production
2012 New Venture Competition.
or open new markets.”
Not satisfied with helping the agriculture
Seminars such as “Thinking Out of the
industry on the home soil, Rogers is actively
Box” and “How Do Things Work?” are taught
researching ways to bring the technology to
by TMP lecturer Virgil Elings, a UCSB physics
developing countries, where not only are shrink-
professor turned wildly successful techpreneur,
age and spoilage major issues in places with
even before tech entrepreneurship became the
hot weather and lack of refrigeration, but also
vogue. Elings co-founded Santa Barbara-based
biotic stressors — infestations and infections
Digital Instruments in 1987, which brought the
by bacteria, fungi and parasites. For this work
first commercially-available scanning probe
Rogers was awarded a $100,000 grant from the
microscopes to market — including the Atomic
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation under its
Force Microscope and the Scanning Tunneling
Grand Challenges Explorations Initiative, for a
proposal that paved the way for a coating that
“Virgil has a passion for helping students,”
would not only prevent shrinkage but also act
said Rod Alferness, dean of the College of
as a camouflage, keeping the fruit or vegetable’s
Engineering. “His workshops are effective
surface from being recognized as a food source.
because they’re hands-on, very cross-disci-
For the next crop of young innovators con-
plinary, and the student-teacher model is wide
sidering entrepreneurship, Rogers offers this
open.” Elings, a renowned entrepreneur and
advice: Get started. Do anything.
lifelong advocate of learning by doing, is known for eschewing traditional learning models for
Learning to innovate Not all students who enter TMP are looking to be the next big startup. A common thread between the program curricula is encouraging students to keep their minds in innovation mode. “Innovation-related skills are vital because we’re frequently working with game-changing
the head-first approach.
“Innovation-related skills are vital because we’re frequently working with game-changing research that requires new thought and practices concerning industry and market applications.” - Dave Seibold Convergence
▶ Inogen founders Brenton Taylor, Alison Perry, and Byron Myers
This approach, and the deceptively simple
“The class was much more focused on the
Management program in 2015. This intensive
questions Elings asks his students, engages
‘hows’ and ‘whys’ as opposed to the ‘whats’ that
master’s degree program will be the first of its
both student and teacher, giving participants
we could be studying,” said Benji, a former TMP
kind at UCSB and is intended for exceptional
the kind of mental calisthenics needed to train
student. “I learned not only a lot about how the
students in science, engineering, or quantitative
for the fast pace and often unpredictable envi-
things we covered really work, but also some
social science backgrounds with a “demon-
ronment of a technology-based business career.
better questions to ask when trying to learn
strated potential for leadership,” explained
more about anything.”
Bob York, professor of electrical and computer
“TMP gave me a chance to teach a course where the subject matter is just a medium
Despite (or perhaps, because of) their
for thinking about things,” Elings said. “The
unconventionality, his seminars are a tremen-
“This program will propel students with
material was not constrained and could cover
dous hit with both engineering and College of
advanced technical qualifications to successful
everyday things and very technical things.
Creative Studies students at UCSB. Students
careers as business leaders and entrepreneurs.”
Two of my favorite simple problems for the
often cited Elings’ seminars as the best classes
said York. “We’re empowering UCSB scientists
students to think about were ‘How does a play-
they ever had.
and engineers to become leaders and innova-
ground swing work?’ and ‘How does an ice skater gain speed?’ We went from swings to relativity in one course and I learned as much as the students.” SUMMER 2014 | UCSB
engineering and Chair of TMP.
tors. I think that’s a big step, and important one.” Next-gen technology, next-gen leadership Expanding their current offerings, TMP
Learn more at
will launch a new Master of Technology
Jae C. Hong/Associated Press
UCSB Heals United For the UC Santa Barbara community of students, faculty, and staff, the
service at Harder Stadium for George Chen, Katherine Cooper, James
tragic events of May 23, 2014 will never be forgotten. The death of six
Hong, Christopher Ross Michaels-Martinez, David Wang and Veronika
UCSB students was devastating to the entire campus and to our alumni
Weiss. The news of the tragedy had traveled the world, and “We Stand
and supporters who put their faith and pride in UCSB. The following
with UCSB” tributes were organized at every University of California
weeks were some of the most difficult we have experienced; the mourning
campus. Thousands of UCSB alumni broadcast their #GauchoStrong
on campus was palpable.
support on social media and through the UCSB Alumni Association.
Then, something quite amazing happened amidst sorrow. The commu-
Hundreds of people gathered at an Isla Vista beach for a Paddle Out
nity at UCSB came together to support one another in a collective spirit
Memorial, on surfboards and rafts, holding hands in a giant chain as
that was beyond moving. As official letters were promptly issued from
flowers drifted into the Pacific Ocean.
the Deans and the Chancellor addressing concerns and communicating
This June, we celebrate our graduating seniors who have worked
important details about safety and support, thousands of us gathered in
incredibly hard for their education and their careers. They leave UCSB
Isla Vista for a candlelight vigil. The student community mobilized to
knowing grief, but also knowing solidarity. For students whose gradua-
build memorials and organize events. Counselors and academic advisors
tion is yet to come, UCSB is a stronger and more connected place today.
opened their doors on weekends and after hours to support students
In response to requests by the UCSB community, alumni, and our
– in part because spring finals week, already a challenging time, was
donors, a scholarship fund has been established in the names of the vic-
fast approaching. Resources were made available to every person on
tims. The fund supports student scholarships, as well as counseling and
campus to process and heal, and to prepare ourselves for the aftershocks
academic assistance resources at UCSB. To donate, visit
of mourning.
This is our message of gratitude to everyone who has stood beside
There was an awareness among us that it didn’t matter how long we
UCSB after the tragedy, and has joined us in remembering six students
worked into the night, or which classes were postponed, or what meetings
who had tremendous potential and embodied the wonderful qualities of
we had to cancel – we were going to get our UCSB community through
a Gaucho: hard work, community involvement, fun spirit, and positivity.
this heartbreaking time.
Thank you, UCSB.
Perhaps the largest gathering of people in the history of UCSB took place a few days later as more than 20,000 people attended a memorial SUMMER 2014 | UCSB
From Deans Rod Alferness and Pierre Wiltzius, on behalf of the staff and faculty of UCSB Engineering and the Sciences. 43
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Convergence The Magazine of Engineering and the Sciences at UC Santa Barbara Located just over 20 miles off the coast of Southern California, Santa Cruz Island is the largest of the chain known as the Channel Islands. Countless UCSB researchers owe their careers, in part, to Santa Cruz Island. “It’s like what Southern California looked like a hundred years or more ago,” said Lyndal Laughrin, director of the UCSB Santa Cruz Island Reserve. Drought-resistant chaparral gives way to pine trees at elevation, endemic manzanitas spread across the landscape and native grasses are returning after decades of ranching and wine making. The scenery is vast and breathtaking, virtually unchanged from what the native Chumash witnessed in their millennia of existence on the island. The island’s geography makes it a strategic place to study a diversity of sea-dwelling life forms. Meanwhile, endemic species, cut off from their mainland counterparts for generations, have taken different evolutionary routes, earning the island comparisons to the famed Galapagos. Article and photography by Sonia Fernandez
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