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di 2,7 milioni di euro dal Ministero per le Imprese e il Made in Italy.



Numeri importanti dunque per un’azienda che non ha perso la propria identità familiare, fortemente caratterizzata dall’impronta di un grande imprenditore, quale è universalmente riconosciuto Antonio Cerciello che insieme ai figli Vincenzo e Alfredo, rispettivamente a capo del dipartimento tecnico e finanziario, e coadiuvato da manager inseriti in reparti strategici dell’azienda, hanno saputo far crescere Nordmeccanica a livello tecnologico, con lo sviluppo di impianti in grado di garantire sempre più la produzione di imballaggi flessibili che garantiscano elevate prestazioni relativamente alla protezione e al trasporto dei prodotti, ma sempre in un’ottica di riciclabilità del packaging e sostenibilità. ability to invest with a long-term vision and to play the game every day on international markets. As a government, we try to create a favorable environment for all entrepreneurs who accept the challenges of business and create wealth for themselves and for others”, explains Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, who inaugurated the new Nordmeccanica plant in Piacenza 3000 square meters, where the machines for laminating of different materials such as, for example, plastic films, paper, aluminum and metallized films will be built, as well as the metallizing machines, which allow the production of aluminum-based but completely recyclable packaging films.

Nordmeccanica tra l’altro è stata selezionata tra le Imprese Vincenti 2022, l’iniziativa promossa da Intesa Sanpaolo, in collaborazione con Bain & Company, Elite, Microsoft, Cerved, Gambero Rosso, Nativa, Circularity e Coldiretti, per la valorizzazione delle eccellenze imprenditoriali italiane.

“Siamo fieri di essere stati selezionati da questa prestigiosa iniziativa fra le migliori piccole e medie imprese italiane per le nostre capacità imprenditoriali e di adattamento a questo momento storico delicato. Il successo della nostra azienda è legato in primis alla nostra costante attenzione alla ricerca e allo sviluppo di tecnologie green in un settore cruciale per la nostra economia come quello del packaging”, ha dichiarato Antonio Cerciello, presidente di Nordmeccanica.

Giorgetti praised Nordmeccanica for its ability to continue growing, despite the heavy crises of recent years, and to invest in sustainable strategies. An example of this is the research project worth 5.8 million euros over three years, for the creation and introduction in the industrial processes of food packaging of a completely recyclable mono-material plastic film, carried out in partnership with the Research Center interdepartmental for packaging (Cipack) of the University of Parma. In 2022, the project obtained a loan of 2.7 million euros from Ministry of Business and Made in Italy.


Important numbers therefore for a company that has not lost its family identity, strongly characterized by the imprint of a great entrepreneur, such as Antonio Cerciello, universally recognized who together with his sons Vincenzo and Alfredo, respectively head of technical and financial department, and assisted by managers inserted in strategic departments of the company, they have been able to let grow Nordmeccanica at technological level, with the development of systems capable of increasingly guaranteeing the production of flexible packaging that assures high performances as regards protection and transport of the products, but always with a view to recyclable packaging and sustainability.

Among other things, Nordmeccanica was selected among the Winning Companies

2022, the initiative promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo, in collaboration with Bain & Company, Elite, Microsoft, Cerved, Gambero Rosso, Nativa, Circularity and Coldiretti, for the enhancement of Italian entrepreneurial excellences.

“We are proud to have been selected by this prestigious initiative among the best small and medium-sized Italian companies for our entrepreneurial skills and ability to adapt to this delicate historical moment. The success of our company is primarily linked to our constant attention to the research and development of green technologies in a sector as crucial to our economy as that of packaging”, said Antonio Cerciello, president of Nordmeccanica.

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