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ENGLISH News from industry

has more possibilities than a woman in the belief that she is then more involved in the family sphere. Then there are realities that, for the same job, recognize higher wages for workers. It is a problem that generally slows down the hiring of women, especially at top management when, on the other hand, gender equality in leadership positions should promote everyone’s interest”. Overcoming stereotypes, therefore, is the key, everyone first of all in own reality. And the Monza-based company is not unprepared. Marzia underlines how “the presence of women in the company represents a strategic asset and how balancing the sexes is part of a cultural transformation that requires time and awareness but can lead to great results. Everyone must be able to receive equal treatment by eliminating discrimination once for all in the moment of access to the world of work, in hierarchical classification, in remuneration and in duties”. Finally, Barbara states that “defining what the needs of their employees are, with particular attention to the condition of women and working mothers, helps companies find solutions that improve work-life balance on the one hand, and corporate life on the other”.

FlexoDay Sud came back: over 200 flexible packaging operators gathered in Bari


More than 200 operators have gathered for the FlexoDay Sud in Bari on 28 March. The event of the Italian flexo community organized by ATIF, the Italian Technical Association for Flexography, once again demonstrated the importance of these meetings which offer technical content to support companies and useful networking opportunities for the supply chain.

Marco Gambardella, president of ATIF, took stock of the current economic scenario and future trends of the sector, thanks to data processed by the Study Center of Assografici, the Confindustria association of printing companies and packaging producers. Atif is an aggregate partner of Assografici: this very close link with Assografici was also sanctioned by the presence of Luigi Morelli, president of Paper, Publishing, Graphics and Packaging Section of Confindustria Bari BAT, in a moment of great importance and relaunch of the local supply chain, set off also by the recent reconstitution of the section.

“FlexoDay Sud, like the national event in November, are strategic moments for us entrepreneurs because they allow us to meet the packaging community, discuss the hottest topics, benefit from technical updates and exchange views with colleagues”, says Gambardella. Not only economic scenarios, but also a focus on training, a fundamental asset for companies that want to grow. In addition to directly providing specific technical training for flexographic companies, ATIF, in collaboration with ENIP-GCT (bilateral body for technical and professional graphics and paper converting education), proposes projects for schools, aimed at providing concrete support in terms of know-how to professional and technical fronte la Commissione Education di Atif, coordinata dal socio Ira Nicoletti, offre un sostegno incondizionato ed entusiasta. Due le relazioni del Comitato tecniche presentate a Bologna a novembre e riproposte a Bari: Semplificare la comunicazione committente e stampatore: i nuovi standard PRX-PQX e CTV in flessografia; Come funziona il nuovo metodo di misurazione del valore tonale del colore, prodotte con il contributo di tutto il Comitato tecnico di Atif dove siedono esperti delle aziende associate. A questi si sono aggiunti gli interventi di due ospiti invitati per l’occasione: Giandomenico Marcone di GRANORO che attraverso un interessante storia della sua azienda ha illustrato l’evoluzione del packaging e Roberto Pela di Henkel che ha fornito un eccellente contributo tecnico sul mondo delle colle. Grazie ai soci Atif che non hanno fatto mancare il loro supporto all’evento.

I&C – Mavigrafica – Roflex –

Simonazzi – Siegwerk La Sorgente – Studio Enne – Ulmex –Xysis – 3M – Biessse – Inciflex – Praxair – Tesa.

Il prossimo appuntamento sarà al FlexoDay nazionale e il BestInFlexo 2023 a MILANO, il 21 e 22 novembre.

Futamura investe nell’espansione della capacità produttiva per la crescita futura

Futamura Ltd ha avviato un investimento significativo in una nuova linea di produzione presso il suo stabilimento europeo nel Regno Unito per soddisfare la crescente domanda di film NatureFlex™ rinnovabili e compostabili.

L’interesse dei consumatori per i prodotti eco-compatibili e sostenibili rimane forte come sempre, e ciò ha portato a un aumento costante delle vendite della soluzione di imballaggio di punta dell’azienda, lanciata 20 anni fa. La nuova macchina casting aumenterà la capacità produttiva del sito di

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