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ENGLISH News from industry

Sustainable packaging park stimento a medio-lungo termine, l’impegno e la nuova forza di Sisthema sono lo sguardo entusiasta verso il futuro, l’unione di competenze, la capacità di investimento e l’ampiezza di offerta nel software made in Italy. Le soluzioni per il settore Carta e Packaging sono il fiore all’occhiello della proposizione di Sisthema, che si posiziona come partner unico altamente qualifica- to con un portfolio che spazia dagli ERP per la gestione completa dei processi aziendali ai software per l’ottimizzazione dei processi produttivi (MES).

Gatner Packaging also benefits from this. The Polish packaging manufacturer has established its plant right next to PW14. Gatner Packaging and Progroup have already been cooperating successfully for many years at the Trzcinica site, and now they are doing the same in Stryków too: Progroup sends its corrugated board sheets the short distance to its neighbour, which can then process them directly without any consignments needing to be shipped by truck. A significant amount of CO2 emissions and freight costs are saved by the two companies having closely interlinked logistics and production processes. This creates an extremely sustainable packaging park.


PW14 together with PW07 and the PW10 plant in Trzcinica is Progroup’s third production site in Poland – and the family company’s twelfth corrugated sheetfeeder plant overall. Progroup is thus strengthening its position in the market in Central and Eastern Europe and consistently pursuing its growth strategy.

Ampiezza dell’offerta e una roadmap di investimenti definita: è sulla base di questi presupposti che Sisthema si colloca sul mercato come punto di riferimento per l’industria italiana nel suo percorso di transizione digitale.

Sisthema Spa was born from the union of Sirio informatica e sistemi and Panthera: more strength and investments for excellence in the paper and packaging sector

A new player, but with 50 years of experience behind it, is entering the Italian IT market. Sisthema was born from the merger of two historic national software houses, Sirio informatica e sistemi and Panthera, a player with a turnover of 30 million euros and EBITDA of 20%, 7 offices distributed throughout the country and a team of 300 professionals.

A corporate reality, part of the Var Group ecosystem, which knows the markets it addresses very well, speaks the language of the companies that operate there, understanding their needs and objectives.

Oriented towards medium-long term investment policies, the commitment and the new strength of Sisthema are the enthusiastic look towards the future, the union of skills, the investment capacity and the wide offer in the made in Italy software. The solutions for the paper and packaging sector are the flagship of Sisthema’s proposition, which positions itself as a single highly qualified partner with a portfolio that ranges from ERP for the complete management of business processes to software for optimizing production processes (MES).

Breadth of the offer and a defined investment roadmap: it is on the basis of these assumptions that Sisthema places itself on the market as a reference point for Italian industry in its digital transition path.

by Barbara Bernardi

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