FOOD FOR THOUGHT The Cooke Center’s 25th Anniversary gala May 14, 2012
Food for Thought 25th Anniversary Gala The Plaza Hotel Monday, May 14, 2012
Program Greetings from the Gala Host
Bill Ritter wabc-tv
Remarks by
Eileen Caulfield Schwab chair, board of trustees
Presentation of the Cooke Center 25th Anniversary Video
Founders Award Presentation to
Marcia and Michael Beck Presented by
Christine HennessEy trustee
DINNER Live Auction by
Eli Rodriguez sotheby’s
Road to Independence Award Presentation to
Moody’s Corporation and Foundation Accepted by
Frances G. Laserson president, the moody’s foundation
Presented by
Karen Robards chair emerita
Closing Remarks
Dr. Michael Termini president
Food for Thought 25th Anniversary Gala The Plaza Hotel Monday, May 14, 2012
Program Greetings from the Gala Host
Bill Ritter wabc-tv
Remarks by
Eileen Caulfield Schwab chair, board of trustees
Presentation of the Cooke Center 25th Anniversary Video
Founders Award Presentation to
Marcia and Michael Beck Presented by
Christine HennessEy trustee
DINNER Live Auction by
Eli Rodriguez sotheby’s
Road to Independence Award Presentation to
Moody’s Corporation and Foundation Accepted by
Frances G. Laserson president, the moody’s foundation
Presented by
Karen Robards chair emerita
Closing Remarks
Dr. Michael Termini president
MenU firsT Course
TRiO OF TeRRineS PâTé GRanD-MèRe, COMPOTe de jOUe de BOeUF & laPin de GaRRiGUe Prepared by CHeF Daniel BOUlUD & CHeF DaMian SanSOneTTi inTerMezzo
Pan ROaSTeD POllOCk wiTH MeyeR leMOn & a TwO aRTiCHOke GRaTin Prepared by CHeF aniTa lO enTrée
lOin OF laMB wiTH MaRjORaM & Mini MOUSSaka Prepared by CHeF DaviD walTUCk desserT
FROzen RaSPBeRRy & PiSTaCHiO PaRFaiT wiTH STRawBeRRy GRaniTé, RaSPBeRRy-lyCHee COUliS & ROSe iCe CReaM Prepared by CHeF DaviD BOUley
PeTiT FOURS Prepared by CHeF jaCqUeS TORReS
DeaR FRienDS After twenty-five years of educating students with special needs, it’s not uncommon for our faculty members to bump into a Cooke graduate out in the wider world. This happened to me just recently as i was leaving a downtown train station. one of our alumni, James k., cheerfully approached me and said he was on his way to work at the World financial Center, where he is a part of the maintenance staff for Cb richard ellis. i have known James since he was eight years old, and it was a joy to witness the pride in his face as he told me all about his job. James started working several years ago when he was a student at the Cooke Center Academy. our staff and faculty had been working with him to find a placement that would match his particular strengths and interests. When Cb richard ellis generously offered him an internship, he embraced the challenge and excelled, even taking on more hours than the internship required. James’ hard work and determination paid off, and he was offered a position upon graduation from the Academy. James is just one example of how Cooke students can create purposeful lives of their own choosing, and how ongoing collaborations among our faculty, families and community partners are at the heart of a Cooke education. Today, Cooke serves hundreds of students who, like james, will use their unique strengths and talents to find their passions and create fulfilling, enviable lives.
our community partners are such an important part of the mix. in fact, tonight we celebrate the generous commitment of the Moody’s Corporation, which exemplifies the “perfect storm” of corporate philanthropy – contributing not just financially, but also providing our students with internships and offering the time, talent and resources of Moody’s employees. These employees have taken the time to get to know our students and faculty and have helped them to succeed in countless ways. They have helped Cooke with operational and governance matters, and have willingly rolled up their sleeves to help us tackle the challenges that come with a growing and thriving organization. Twenty-five years ago Cooke began as a result of the vision of our founding parents and a number of generous supporters who believed in our mission to serve any child who needs us – regardless of his or her family’s financial circumstances. by being here tonight, you are helping to ensure that Cooke will be able to continue its mission to provide the highest quality education for students with special needs for the next twentyfive years. With my heartfelt thanks,
Michael Termini, Psyd President
MenU firsT Course
TRiO OF TeRRineS PâTé GRanD-MèRe, COMPOTe de jOUe de BOeUF & laPin de GaRRiGUe Prepared by CHeF Daniel BOUlUD & CHeF DaMian SanSOneTTi inTerMezzo
Pan ROaSTeD POllOCk wiTH MeyeR leMOn & a TwO aRTiCHOke GRaTin Prepared by CHeF aniTa lO enTrée
lOin OF laMB wiTH MaRjORaM & Mini MOUSSaka Prepared by CHeF DaviD walTUCk desserT
FROzen RaSPBeRRy & PiSTaCHiO PaRFaiT wiTH STRawBeRRy GRaniTé, RaSPBeRRy-lyCHee COUliS & ROSe iCe CReaM Prepared by CHeF DaviD BOUley
PeTiT FOURS Prepared by CHeF jaCqUeS TORReS
DeaR FRienDS After twenty-five years of educating students with special needs, it’s not uncommon for our faculty members to bump into a Cooke graduate out in the wider world. This happened to me just recently as i was leaving a downtown train station. one of our alumni, James k., cheerfully approached me and said he was on his way to work at the World financial Center, where he is a part of the maintenance staff for Cb richard ellis. i have known James since he was eight years old, and it was a joy to witness the pride in his face as he told me all about his job. James started working several years ago when he was a student at the Cooke Center Academy. our staff and faculty had been working with him to find a placement that would match his particular strengths and interests. When Cb richard ellis generously offered him an internship, he embraced the challenge and excelled, even taking on more hours than the internship required. James’ hard work and determination paid off, and he was offered a position upon graduation from the Academy. James is just one example of how Cooke students can create purposeful lives of their own choosing, and how ongoing collaborations among our faculty, families and community partners are at the heart of a Cooke education. Today, Cooke serves hundreds of students who, like james, will use their unique strengths and talents to find their passions and create fulfilling, enviable lives.
our community partners are such an important part of the mix. in fact, tonight we celebrate the generous commitment of the Moody’s Corporation, which exemplifies the “perfect storm” of corporate philanthropy – contributing not just financially, but also providing our students with internships and offering the time, talent and resources of Moody’s employees. These employees have taken the time to get to know our students and faculty and have helped them to succeed in countless ways. They have helped Cooke with operational and governance matters, and have willingly rolled up their sleeves to help us tackle the challenges that come with a growing and thriving organization. Twenty-five years ago Cooke began as a result of the vision of our founding parents and a number of generous supporters who believed in our mission to serve any child who needs us – regardless of his or her family’s financial circumstances. by being here tonight, you are helping to ensure that Cooke will be able to continue its mission to provide the highest quality education for students with special needs for the next twentyfive years. With my heartfelt thanks,
Michael Termini, Psyd President
ROaD TO inDePenDenCe awaRD
MaRCia anD MiCHael BeCk
MOODy’S CORPORaTiOn anD FOUnDaTiOn Accepted by
FRanCeS G. laSeRSOn PreSIdent, tHe Moody’S FoUndAtIon Marcia and Michael beck are the parents of Jessica and Cooke alumnus david. They have been members of the Cooke family since 1994 when david entered the brooklyn heights Montessori school as a Cooke inclusion kindergartener. Michael, Cooke’s Treasurer, has been a Trustee since 1995, and both he and Marcia are currently members of the finance Committee. during the past eighteen years, Marcia and Michael have participated in many of the strategic and educational initiatives underpinning Cooke’s growth.
Michael currently serves as Chairman of loeb & loeb llP and Marcia is a Trustee of the hsbC funds. Proud parents, they are grateful for the countless family members, teachers, friends and new yorkers who have made room for david and his fellow “Cookies” on their journeys to inclusion and independence.
Moody’s Corporation is an essential component of the global capital markets, providing credit ratings, research, tools and analysis that contribute to transparent and integrated financial markets. Moody’s has a long-standing commitment to supporting communities where we live and work with grants, leadership support, company-sponsored and individual volunteerism. The Moody’s foundation focuses on education in mathematics, finance, and economics, along with supporting many other important health, civic and cultural causes. Moody’s is proud of its partnership with the Cooke Center for learning and development and of their commitment to provide special education to so many students in new york City. since our partnership began in 2003, Moody’s has donated over $1 million in support of the Cooke Center’s skills development programs, which includes its successful “Transition to life” program. Moody’s also provides further support to Cooke through the efforts of two senior executives who serve on Cooke’s board of Trustees.
An impressive 57% of Moody’s global employees participate in Moody’s Afternoon of Service, with Cooke Center being one of their favorite placements. The Cooke Center and Moody’s partner on programs such as Moody’s Interview University, where employees teach interviewing techniques and coach students on how to hone their interpersonal skills. Moody’s is also pleased to provide opportunities for Cooke students to work in an administrative capacity at our 7 World Trade Center headquarters. Moody’s corporate philanthropy continues to thrive due to the vision, leadership and passion of frances griffith laserson, President of The Moody’s foundation. fran crafted its strategy ten years ago and directs its charitable giving program. she oversees the community affairs and corporate social responsibility programs, which she designed for Moody’s Corporation, and introduced the Afternoon of Service program in 2008. her first visit to Cooke in 2002 was the start of one of Cooke’s most meaningful community partnerships.
ROaD TO inDePenDenCe awaRD
MaRCia anD MiCHael BeCk
MOODy’S CORPORaTiOn anD FOUnDaTiOn Accepted by
FRanCeS G. laSeRSOn PreSIdent, tHe Moody’S FoUndAtIon Marcia and Michael beck are the parents of Jessica and Cooke alumnus david. They have been members of the Cooke family since 1994 when david entered the brooklyn heights Montessori school as a Cooke inclusion kindergartener. Michael, Cooke’s Treasurer, has been a Trustee since 1995, and both he and Marcia are currently members of the finance Committee. during the past eighteen years, Marcia and Michael have participated in many of the strategic and educational initiatives underpinning Cooke’s growth.
Michael currently serves as Chairman of loeb & loeb llP and Marcia is a Trustee of the hsbC funds. Proud parents, they are grateful for the countless family members, teachers, friends and new yorkers who have made room for david and his fellow “Cookies” on their journeys to inclusion and independence.
Moody’s Corporation is an essential component of the global capital markets, providing credit ratings, research, tools and analysis that contribute to transparent and integrated financial markets. Moody’s has a long-standing commitment to supporting communities where we live and work with grants, leadership support, company-sponsored and individual volunteerism. The Moody’s foundation focuses on education in mathematics, finance, and economics, along with supporting many other important health, civic and cultural causes. Moody’s is proud of its partnership with the Cooke Center for learning and development and of their commitment to provide special education to so many students in new york City. since our partnership began in 2003, Moody’s has donated over $1 million in support of the Cooke Center’s skills development programs, which includes its successful “Transition to life” program. Moody’s also provides further support to Cooke through the efforts of two senior executives who serve on Cooke’s board of Trustees.
An impressive 57% of Moody’s global employees participate in Moody’s Afternoon of Service, with Cooke Center being one of their favorite placements. The Cooke Center and Moody’s partner on programs such as Moody’s Interview University, where employees teach interviewing techniques and coach students on how to hone their interpersonal skills. Moody’s is also pleased to provide opportunities for Cooke students to work in an administrative capacity at our 7 World Trade Center headquarters. Moody’s corporate philanthropy continues to thrive due to the vision, leadership and passion of frances griffith laserson, President of The Moody’s foundation. fran crafted its strategy ten years ago and directs its charitable giving program. she oversees the community affairs and corporate social responsibility programs, which she designed for Moody’s Corporation, and introduced the Afternoon of Service program in 2008. her first visit to Cooke in 2002 was the start of one of Cooke’s most meaningful community partnerships.
25TH anniveRSaRy Gala Gala CO-CHaiRS Arthur n. skelskie karen Waltuck lisa Westlake barbara Wolf
Christine hennessey louise M. Parent karen robards eileen Caulfield schwab
Gala SUPPORTeRS eileen Caulfield schwab lisa and John Westlake June eichbaum and kenneth Wirfel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wise
BeneFaCTOR Moody’s Corporation and foundation
PaTROnS Marcia and Michael beck loeb & loeb llP karen and Thomas robards helen lee-Warren and david Warren
CHeFS De CUiSine AbM evensonbest Carlie and neal garonzik valerie and richard o’Connell susan and bill rifkin ilyse and david schaefer roslyn and scott schneider nan Molofsky and Arthur skelskie barbara and Michael zimmerman
SPOnSORS Wendy banner and geoffrey Wiener blackrock Circle of Confusion debbie Cooper and dan sternberg Cushman & Wakefield, inc. deloitte dr. roberta donin Janet and Alan ginsberg Christine and kevin hennessey hsbC beth Maher Janet and david offensend louise M. Parent and John Casaly PricewaterhouseCoopers llP shelley and donald rubin The rudin foundation, inc. satterlee stephens burke & burke llP The saxe family
SOUS CHeFS Avero The bear foundation inc. Janet beck JoAnn and robert beltempo ellen, Janet, and Jean bickal Mary Jane and Charles brock lizanne fontaine and bob buckholz bernard zipprich, dattner Architects Anne dayton eveline erni and gary barton Michael esposito
Midge and John folger Jane garnett and david booth susan h. glendon roger J. hawke hodgson russ llP hudson valley bank Jones lang lasalle k & l gates llP Wendy kaplan and ben goldberg renee khatami Christina Clayton and stanley kolber Mr. and Mrs. robert lehrman Joella and John lykouretzos Arlene and Mitchel Maidman Mark bruce international Patricia nooy and roger W. Miller kate and Joel Millonzi Patricia A. Murphy nancy and daniel neff Joyce and dan Pariser Cindy and david Pinter Protiviti Paul A. ramsey restaurant Associates Patricia schaefer and Thomas fahey Phyllis schwartz and William Wadsworth kelly and rose Marie smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. smith Joanne and ken sold linda sosnowitz and Alex gelinas Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey stevenson sugrue Contracting Corp. Michael Termini Terra Crg Janet and bill Walker Mr. and Mrs. eamon Walsh Amy and ivan Wolpert
CHeFS De PaRTie fran and Alan bernstein dr. naomi bravmann Camp lee Mar de feis o’Connell & rose, PC Melissa kaish and Jonathan dorfman vicki longo and Carl eifler Carol glazer sharon Jacquet Jonathan knee Joan and richard nardi Judith nelson elizabeth ostrow and Andrew buchsbaum Joel Picket bernice Wollman and Warren rubin Amy and Joshua schindler Jamie sildar katherine and Alan Trager
FRienDS Americon Construction inc. ellen banner lauren A. baum brooklyn heights synagogue susan Chadick and robert Weiss Child Mind institute Corrao Miller Wiesenthal fried, frank, harris, shriver & Jacobson llP Anita and richard inz knoll and evensonbest Arlene and Jerome levine Pivotal Physical Therapy, PllC silverstein Properties, inc. sullivan & Cromwell llP
list as of April 27, 2012
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR THOUGHT 25Th AnniversAry gAlA
gAlA sPonsors And suPPorTers
25TH anniveRSaRy Gala Gala CO-CHaiRS Arthur n. skelskie karen Waltuck lisa Westlake barbara Wolf
Christine hennessey louise M. Parent karen robards eileen Caulfield schwab
Gala SUPPORTeRS eileen Caulfield schwab lisa and John Westlake June eichbaum and kenneth Wirfel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wise
BeneFaCTOR Moody’s Corporation and foundation
PaTROnS Marcia and Michael beck loeb & loeb llP karen and Thomas robards helen lee-Warren and david Warren
CHeFS De CUiSine AbM evensonbest Carlie and neal garonzik valerie and richard o’Connell susan and bill rifkin ilyse and david schaefer roslyn and scott schneider nan Molofsky and Arthur skelskie barbara and Michael zimmerman
SPOnSORS Wendy banner and geoffrey Wiener blackrock Circle of Confusion debbie Cooper and dan sternberg Cushman & Wakefield, inc. deloitte dr. roberta donin Janet and Alan ginsberg Christine and kevin hennessey hsbC beth Maher Janet and david offensend louise M. Parent and John Casaly PricewaterhouseCoopers llP shelley and donald rubin The rudin foundation, inc. satterlee stephens burke & burke llP The saxe family
SOUS CHeFS Avero The bear foundation inc. Janet beck JoAnn and robert beltempo ellen, Janet, and Jean bickal Mary Jane and Charles brock lizanne fontaine and bob buckholz bernard zipprich, dattner Architects Anne dayton eveline erni and gary barton Michael esposito
Midge and John folger Jane garnett and david booth susan h. glendon roger J. hawke hodgson russ llP hudson valley bank Jones lang lasalle k & l gates llP Wendy kaplan and ben goldberg renee khatami Christina Clayton and stanley kolber Mr. and Mrs. robert lehrman Joella and John lykouretzos Arlene and Mitchel Maidman Mark bruce international Patricia nooy and roger W. Miller kate and Joel Millonzi Patricia A. Murphy nancy and daniel neff Joyce and dan Pariser Cindy and david Pinter Protiviti Paul A. ramsey restaurant Associates Patricia schaefer and Thomas fahey Phyllis schwartz and William Wadsworth kelly and rose Marie smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. smith Joanne and ken sold linda sosnowitz and Alex gelinas Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey stevenson sugrue Contracting Corp. Michael Termini Terra Crg Janet and bill Walker Mr. and Mrs. eamon Walsh Amy and ivan Wolpert
CHeFS De PaRTie fran and Alan bernstein dr. naomi bravmann Camp lee Mar de feis o’Connell & rose, PC Melissa kaish and Jonathan dorfman vicki longo and Carl eifler Carol glazer sharon Jacquet Jonathan knee Joan and richard nardi Judith nelson elizabeth ostrow and Andrew buchsbaum Joel Picket bernice Wollman and Warren rubin Amy and Joshua schindler Jamie sildar katherine and Alan Trager
FRienDS Americon Construction inc. ellen banner lauren A. baum brooklyn heights synagogue susan Chadick and robert Weiss Child Mind institute Corrao Miller Wiesenthal fried, frank, harris, shriver & Jacobson llP Anita and richard inz knoll and evensonbest Arlene and Jerome levine Pivotal Physical Therapy, PllC silverstein Properties, inc. sullivan & Cromwell llP
list as of April 27, 2012
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR THOUGHT 25Th AnniversAry gAlA
gAlA sPonsors And suPPorTers
Bill RiTTeR
eli RODRiGUez
Sotheby’s wine
bill ritter has anchored WAbC-Tv’s eyewitness news at 11:00 since september 1999, adding anchor duties for eyewitness news at 6:00 in february 2001 when legendary anchor bill beutel stepped down. ritter came to Channel 7 from AbC news, where he continues as a correspondent for the AbC news magazine 20/20. his work as a reporter and anchor for eyewitness news and AbC news has taken him all over, including every political convention since 1996. he has anchored all election coverage for eyewitness news and moderated candidate debates for new york governor and senator and new york City Mayor since 2000.
eli rodriguez has just celebrated his 5th Anniversary with sotheby’s Wine. eli is originally from long island and became interested in wine while studying at Cornell university. he learned the wine business, first at best Cellars, then as a sommelier at restaurant daniel, working for one of the greatest chefs and most professional restaurateurs, daniel boulud, before joining sotheby’s as an auction specialist in 2006. More recently he was appointed Manager of retail sales when sotheby’s launched their new, full service, retail wine business, sotheby’s Wine, in september 2010, and was appointed sales director in 2011. Mr. rodriguez is also a licensed auctioneer and conducts sotheby’s wine and art auctions, and donates his services to many benefit auctions and tastings.
COOke OveRview 25 yeArs
Bill RiTTeR
eli RODRiGUez
Sotheby’s wine
bill ritter has anchored WAbC-Tv’s eyewitness news at 11:00 since september 1999, adding anchor duties for eyewitness news at 6:00 in february 2001 when legendary anchor bill beutel stepped down. ritter came to Channel 7 from AbC news, where he continues as a correspondent for the AbC news magazine 20/20. his work as a reporter and anchor for eyewitness news and AbC news has taken him all over, including every political convention since 1996. he has anchored all election coverage for eyewitness news and moderated candidate debates for new york governor and senator and new york City Mayor since 2000.
eli rodriguez has just celebrated his 5th Anniversary with sotheby’s Wine. eli is originally from long island and became interested in wine while studying at Cornell university. he learned the wine business, first at best Cellars, then as a sommelier at restaurant daniel, working for one of the greatest chefs and most professional restaurateurs, daniel boulud, before joining sotheby’s as an auction specialist in 2006. More recently he was appointed Manager of retail sales when sotheby’s launched their new, full service, retail wine business, sotheby’s Wine, in september 2010, and was appointed sales director in 2011. Mr. rodriguez is also a licensed auctioneer and conducts sotheby’s wine and art auctions, and donates his services to many benefit auctions and tastings.
COOke OveRview 25 yeArs
Mission The Cooke Center envisions a world in which all people with special needs are included as valued members of their communities, leading independent and purposeful lives. To realize this vision, our core mission is to educate students from early childhood through young adulthood, guided by these principles:
A curriculum that integrates academic, social and life skills with opportunities for learning that promote inclusion
Instruction that focuses on each student’s strengths and interests
The incorporation of inclusive activities as a key instructional strategy to foster positive attitudes in the broader community towards Cooke students and others with special needs
Families as partners in their children’s growth towards independence
Access to quality special education for all children who need it, regardless of their financial circumstances
Sharing our knowledge with other professionals and schools to improve the educational experience for all children.
Mission The Cooke Center envisions a world in which all people with special needs are included as valued members of their communities, leading independent and purposeful lives. To realize this vision, our core mission is to educate students from early childhood through young adulthood, guided by these principles:
A curriculum that integrates academic, social and life skills with opportunities for learning that promote inclusion
Instruction that focuses on each student’s strengths and interests
The incorporation of inclusive activities as a key instructional strategy to foster positive attitudes in the broader community towards Cooke students and others with special needs
Families as partners in their children’s growth towards independence
Access to quality special education for all children who need it, regardless of their financial circumstances
Sharing our knowledge with other professionals and schools to improve the educational experience for all children.
OveRview & PROGRaMS The Cooke Center was founded twenty-five years ago by a small group of parents to address a pressing need in new york City – that of providing quality education for children with developmental disabilities. Since then, Cooke has grown from one classroom serving seven children into one of the largest private special education organizations in new york City. in addition to providing instruction to 500 children and young adults, more than 3,000 general education students across the city benefit from Cooke’s intensive teacher training services each year. Our students range in age from 3 to 21, come from every borough in the city, and reflect the city’s economic and cultural diversity. Students come to Cooke because their families cannot find appropriate placements in the public school system.
COOke’S PReSCHOOl PROGRaM provides special education services directly in general education classrooms so that students can play and learn alongside their typically developing peers. Through our signature preschool program, Collaboration for inclusion, Cooke consultant teachers work in head start centers in Manhattan and brooklyn to help identify children who are at risk for language, social and learning delays. We then work with their families to get their children the support they need in those crucial early years. in addition, Collaboration for inclusion offers longterm teacher training to improve classroom instruction so that all students – those with and without special needs – are prepared for a lifetime of academic achievement.
THe COOke CenTeR lOweR anD MiDDle SCHOOlS are co-located in general education schools throughout Manhattan. The curriculum follows new york state standards, and individualized instructional strategies and related services build on each student’s strengths and developmental needs. inclusion activities with general education partner schools and out in the greater community offer students opportunities to advance their academic and social goals. This fall, we will consolidate our k-8 classes and open the Cooke Center Grammar School on Manhattan’s lower east Side.
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR THOUGHT 25Th AnniversAry gAlA 14
THe COOke CenTeR aCaDeMy is a stand-alone high school located in soho, offering individualized academics as well as important transition planning. academy students participate in off-site education activities with dozens of community partners and select internship placements that meet their unique strengths and interests. students also develop their independent living skills, from navigating the subway system to banking and grocery shopping, to preparing meals and doing laundry in the school’s daily living lab.
COOke’S SkillS PROGRaM helps older Cooke students through the age of 21 make the transition from high school to adulthood. located in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood and close to mass transit, SkillS allows students to take advantage of all that new york City has to offer using libraries, parks, museums, gyms and recreation centers as everyday living classrooms. There is an active Cooke Alumni Association offering monthly recreational opportunities, and ongoing support and continuing education to Cooke graduates.
THe COOke CenTeR inSTiTUTe allows us to share our knowledge and experience with educators and families around the city. our trained consultants are in more than 20 general education schools where they provide long-term support and teacher training in literacy, reading, math and school leadership. The sustained support we provide in these schools improves school-wide learning for thousands of general education students each year. The ACCess project offers support and training to families and guardians of children with special needs, helping them understand the special education system and find the best educational options for their children.
overvieW And ProgrAMs 15
OveRview & PROGRaMS The Cooke Center was founded twenty-five years ago by a small group of parents to address a pressing need in new york City – that of providing quality education for children with developmental disabilities. Since then, Cooke has grown from one classroom serving seven children into one of the largest private special education organizations in new york City. in addition to providing instruction to 500 children and young adults, more than 3,000 general education students across the city benefit from Cooke’s intensive teacher training services each year. Our students range in age from 3 to 21, come from every borough in the city, and reflect the city’s economic and cultural diversity. Students come to Cooke because their families cannot find appropriate placements in the public school system.
COOke’S PReSCHOOl PROGRaM provides special education services directly in general education classrooms so that students can play and learn alongside their typically developing peers. Through our signature preschool program, Collaboration for inclusion, Cooke consultant teachers work in head start centers in Manhattan and brooklyn to help identify children who are at risk for language, social and learning delays. We then work with their families to get their children the support they need in those crucial early years. in addition, Collaboration for inclusion offers longterm teacher training to improve classroom instruction so that all students – those with and without special needs – are prepared for a lifetime of academic achievement.
THe COOke CenTeR lOweR anD MiDDle SCHOOlS are co-located in general education schools throughout Manhattan. The curriculum follows new york state standards, and individualized instructional strategies and related services build on each student’s strengths and developmental needs. inclusion activities with general education partner schools and out in the greater community offer students opportunities to advance their academic and social goals. This fall, we will consolidate our k-8 classes and open the Cooke Center Grammar School on Manhattan’s lower east Side.
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR THOUGHT 25Th AnniversAry gAlA 14
THe COOke CenTeR aCaDeMy is a stand-alone high school located in soho, offering individualized academics as well as important transition planning. academy students participate in off-site education activities with dozens of community partners and select internship placements that meet their unique strengths and interests. students also develop their independent living skills, from navigating the subway system to banking and grocery shopping, to preparing meals and doing laundry in the school’s daily living lab.
COOke’S SkillS PROGRaM helps older Cooke students through the age of 21 make the transition from high school to adulthood. located in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood and close to mass transit, SkillS allows students to take advantage of all that new york City has to offer using libraries, parks, museums, gyms and recreation centers as everyday living classrooms. There is an active Cooke Alumni Association offering monthly recreational opportunities, and ongoing support and continuing education to Cooke graduates.
THe COOke CenTeR inSTiTUTe allows us to share our knowledge and experience with educators and families around the city. our trained consultants are in more than 20 general education schools where they provide long-term support and teacher training in literacy, reading, math and school leadership. The sustained support we provide in these schools improves school-wide learning for thousands of general education students each year. The ACCess project offers support and training to families and guardians of children with special needs, helping them understand the special education system and find the best educational options for their children.
overvieW And ProgrAMs 15
THe 25TH anniveRSaRy CaMPaiGn FOR THe FUTURe The 25th anniversary Campaign for the Future is an effort to raise $5 million to continue Cooke’s mission of providing quality special education to any child in new york City who needs our services. FUnD FOR DiveRSiTy – $2.5 MilliOn from the beginning, Cooke’s board made it a priority to serve any child who could benefit from our programs, regardless of the family’s financial circumstances. in fact, more than 65% of Cooke families cannot afford to pay the full cost of tuition. Cooke is the only private special education school in new york City that enrolls such a high percentage of families who cannot pay tuition upfront. Cooke established the fund for diversity to help us continue welcoming a diverse socio-economic population to the Cooke Center.
FUnD FOR TeCHnOlOGy anD CaPiTal – $2.5 MilliOn The fund for Technology and Capital allows Cooke to maintain its physical facilities and technological capacity. There are final renovations that we need to complete at the Cooke Center Academy and capital projects at the new space that will house the Cooke Center grammar school in the fall of 2012. Across all Cooke sites, there is an ongoing need for technology so that teachers and students can continue incorporating adaptive learning into all classroom lessons.
a BRieF HiSTORy OF COOke 1987 first class of seven students opens at sacred heart school in Manhattan. The principal there, Michael Termini, gives Cooke free classroom space and embraces Cooke’s mission. 1991 first full inclusion Program established at studio elementary school. 1993 Cooke receives a three-year grant from The developmental disabilities Planning Council to increase public awareness about the benefits of inclusion. 1996 Cooke obtains approval by state education department to become a provider of preschool services and begins providing inclusion programs for preschoolers ages 3 to 5. 1997 Michael Termini, original principal at first Cooke site, is appointed executive director. 2002 Cooke launches Collaboration for inclusion to offer long-term teacher training to improve classroom instruction in preschools and head start centers in low-income communities. 2003 Cooke opens its first integrated preschool classroom at West harlem head start. 2005 Cooke opens the Cooke Center Academy, a model high school for students with disabilities. 2007 The Cooke Center institute is founded to help fulfill Cooke’s mission to share our knowledge with parents and educators in the greater community. 2009 Cooke establishes skills, a program to help young adults ages 18 to 21 make the transition from high school to adulthood. 2012 The Cooke Center lower and Middle school consolidates into the Cooke Center grammar school.
Cooke Cooke CenTer CenTer FOOD FOOD FOR FOR THOUGHT THOUGHT 25Th25Th AnniversAry AnniversAry gAlAgAlA 16
THe 25TH anniveRSaRy CaMPaiGn FOR THe FUTURe The 25th anniversary Campaign for the Future is an effort to raise $5 million to continue Cooke’s mission of providing quality special education to any child in new york City who needs our services. FUnD FOR DiveRSiTy – $2.5 MilliOn from the beginning, Cooke’s board made it a priority to serve any child who could benefit from our programs, regardless of the family’s financial circumstances. in fact, more than 65% of Cooke families cannot afford to pay the full cost of tuition. Cooke is the only private special education school in new york City that enrolls such a high percentage of families who cannot pay tuition upfront. Cooke established the fund for diversity to help us continue welcoming a diverse socio-economic population to the Cooke Center.
FUnD FOR TeCHnOlOGy anD CaPiTal – $2.5 MilliOn The fund for Technology and Capital allows Cooke to maintain its physical facilities and technological capacity. There are final renovations that we need to complete at the Cooke Center Academy and capital projects at the new space that will house the Cooke Center grammar school in the fall of 2012. Across all Cooke sites, there is an ongoing need for technology so that teachers and students can continue incorporating adaptive learning into all classroom lessons.
a BRieF HiSTORy OF COOke 1987 first class of seven students opens at sacred heart school in Manhattan. The principal there, Michael Termini, gives Cooke free classroom space and embraces Cooke’s mission. 1991 first full inclusion Program established at studio elementary school. 1993 Cooke receives a three-year grant from The developmental disabilities Planning Council to increase public awareness about the benefits of inclusion. 1996 Cooke obtains approval by state education department to become a provider of preschool services and begins providing inclusion programs for preschoolers ages 3 to 5. 1997 Michael Termini, original principal at first Cooke site, is appointed executive director. 2002 Cooke launches Collaboration for inclusion to offer long-term teacher training to improve classroom instruction in preschools and head start centers in low-income communities. 2003 Cooke opens its first integrated preschool classroom at West harlem head start. 2005 Cooke opens the Cooke Center Academy, a model high school for students with disabilities. 2007 The Cooke Center institute is founded to help fulfill Cooke’s mission to share our knowledge with parents and educators in the greater community. 2009 Cooke establishes skills, a program to help young adults ages 18 to 21 make the transition from high school to adulthood. 2012 The Cooke Center lower and Middle school consolidates into the Cooke Center grammar school.
Cooke Cooke CenTer CenTer FOOD FOOD FOR FOR THOUGHT THOUGHT 25Th25Th AnniversAry AnniversAry gAlAgAlA 16
The success of Cooke’s annual fundraising events is due in no small part to those whom we honor for their commitment to individuals with special needs, whether as parents, advocates, business people, or philanthropists. Cooke is grateful to all of our past honorees who have inspired us and helped to advance our mission.
The Cooke Center extends gratitude to all of our former trustees. it is thanks to their leadership over the years that we have reached this milestone anniversary. daniel Adams, C.f.C ed bernstein leonard blackman kathleen boak rev. dr. Calvin o. butts iii barbara Cernikovsky edward Clancy Jack Coyne edward Cardinal egan June A. eichbaum lisa einbinder Michelle ferguson e. Ann gill, esq. linda irby lawrence (lon) A. Jacobs, esq. Joseph McCarthy kathleen Millonzi rex Mixon Joseph A. o’hare, s.J. louise M. Parent, esq. John rachel dr. elsa roe Julian schlossberg James A. simone Constance solomon katherine J. Trager, esq. raymond d. Warner victor yanitelli, s.J.
HOnOReeS 1997
Walter Weiner republic new york corporation
Julian schlossberg castle hill productions
robert P. sanna forest city ratner companies
June eichbaum and kenneth i. Wirfel kate and Joel Millonzi Patricia nooy and roger W. Miller karen and Tom robards founding parents
Wendi and rupert Murdoch news corporation
louise M. Parent american express corporation
Tom freston entertainment executive
Phyllis k. saxe parent
bruce Aust nasdaq omx
lawrence (lon) A. Jacobs parent
karen and david Waltuck parents
irene dorner hsbc
Christine and kevin hennessey parents
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR FOR THOUGHT 25Th25Th AnniversAry gAlAgAlA Cooke CenTer FOOD THOUGHT AnniversAry 18
The Cooke Center would like to acknowledge a number of our significant supporters that have helped to grow and sustain the organization over the past twenty-five years:
Patricia nooy and roger W. Miller louise M. Parent and John Casaly The Pinkerton foundation Cindy and david Pinter The rattner family foundation republic new york Corporation susan and William rifkin karen and Tom robards dr. elsa roe The saxe family eileen Caulfield schwab The Peter Jay sharp foundation The safra Charitable Trust seth sprague Charitable foundation barbara and o’griffith sexton skadden, Arps, slate, Meagher & flom llP The starr foundation sharon sullivan Margie and nate Thorne Tsunami foundation – Anson M. beard, Jr. and family Joseph leroy and Ann C. Warner fund barbara and Michael zimmerman
Altman foundation American express foundation rose M. badgeley Charitable Trust bank of America foundation The banner family fund Marcia and Michael beck The bok family foundation The Carson family Charitable Trust Chartwell Charitable foundation Child Care & early education fund Chrysler Corporation fund CibC World Markets Corp. deborah Cooper and daniel sternberg The Charles evans foundation June eichbaum and kenneth i. Wirfel grace J. fippinger foundation forest City rattner Company Carlie and neal s. garonzik bernard f. and Alva b. gimbel foundation goldman sachs The Marc haas foundation The heckscher foundation for Children The hearst foundation hyde & Watson foundation Christine and kevin hennessey hogan lovells, llP hannah and lon Jacobs hsbC JPMorgan Chase bank The kresge foundation robin and brian leach helen lee-Warren and david Warren loeb and loeb llP The Maher family foundation Merrill lynch kate and Joel Millonzi The Moody’s foundation Morgan stanley foundation news Corporation foundation stavros niarchos foundation robert and kate niehaus foundation The offensend family foundation o’neal family foundation new york Community Trust
in MeMORiaM The Cooke Center remembers with sadness and gratitude the following trustees, faculty members and students who were an important part of the Cooke family: TRUSTeeS John Cardinal o’Connor Martin f. shea FaCUlTy nancy brown teacher , preschool kate fitzgerald teacher of our first class
Marcia gardère
director , cooke center institute
Paul schoote
teacher , cooke center school
STUDenTS Abigail brodsky lena gill hempel nicholas James Miller lucas van der swaagh
overvieW And ProgrAMs 19
The success of Cooke’s annual fundraising events is due in no small part to those whom we honor for their commitment to individuals with special needs, whether as parents, advocates, business people, or philanthropists. Cooke is grateful to all of our past honorees who have inspired us and helped to advance our mission.
The Cooke Center extends gratitude to all of our former trustees. it is thanks to their leadership over the years that we have reached this milestone anniversary. daniel Adams, C.f.C ed bernstein leonard blackman kathleen boak rev. dr. Calvin o. butts iii barbara Cernikovsky edward Clancy Jack Coyne edward Cardinal egan June A. eichbaum lisa einbinder Michelle ferguson e. Ann gill, esq. linda irby lawrence (lon) A. Jacobs, esq. Joseph McCarthy kathleen Millonzi rex Mixon Joseph A. o’hare, s.J. louise M. Parent, esq. John rachel dr. elsa roe Julian schlossberg James A. simone Constance solomon katherine J. Trager, esq. raymond d. Warner victor yanitelli, s.J.
HOnOReeS 1997
Walter Weiner republic new york corporation
Julian schlossberg castle hill productions
robert P. sanna forest city ratner companies
June eichbaum and kenneth i. Wirfel kate and Joel Millonzi Patricia nooy and roger W. Miller karen and Tom robards founding parents
Wendi and rupert Murdoch news corporation
louise M. Parent american express corporation
Tom freston entertainment executive
Phyllis k. saxe parent
bruce Aust nasdaq omx
lawrence (lon) A. Jacobs parent
karen and david Waltuck parents
irene dorner hsbc
Christine and kevin hennessey parents
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR FOR THOUGHT 25Th25Th AnniversAry gAlAgAlA Cooke CenTer FOOD THOUGHT AnniversAry 18
The Cooke Center would like to acknowledge a number of our significant supporters that have helped to grow and sustain the organization over the past twenty-five years:
Patricia nooy and roger W. Miller louise M. Parent and John Casaly The Pinkerton foundation Cindy and david Pinter The rattner family foundation republic new york Corporation susan and William rifkin karen and Tom robards dr. elsa roe The saxe family eileen Caulfield schwab The Peter Jay sharp foundation The safra Charitable Trust seth sprague Charitable foundation barbara and o’griffith sexton skadden, Arps, slate, Meagher & flom llP The starr foundation sharon sullivan Margie and nate Thorne Tsunami foundation – Anson M. beard, Jr. and family Joseph leroy and Ann C. Warner fund barbara and Michael zimmerman
Altman foundation American express foundation rose M. badgeley Charitable Trust bank of America foundation The banner family fund Marcia and Michael beck The bok family foundation The Carson family Charitable Trust Chartwell Charitable foundation Child Care & early education fund Chrysler Corporation fund CibC World Markets Corp. deborah Cooper and daniel sternberg The Charles evans foundation June eichbaum and kenneth i. Wirfel grace J. fippinger foundation forest City rattner Company Carlie and neal s. garonzik bernard f. and Alva b. gimbel foundation goldman sachs The Marc haas foundation The heckscher foundation for Children The hearst foundation hyde & Watson foundation Christine and kevin hennessey hogan lovells, llP hannah and lon Jacobs hsbC JPMorgan Chase bank The kresge foundation robin and brian leach helen lee-Warren and david Warren loeb and loeb llP The Maher family foundation Merrill lynch kate and Joel Millonzi The Moody’s foundation Morgan stanley foundation news Corporation foundation stavros niarchos foundation robert and kate niehaus foundation The offensend family foundation o’neal family foundation new york Community Trust
in MeMORiaM The Cooke Center remembers with sadness and gratitude the following trustees, faculty members and students who were an important part of the Cooke family: TRUSTeeS John Cardinal o’Connor Martin f. shea FaCUlTy nancy brown teacher , preschool kate fitzgerald teacher of our first class
Marcia gardère
director , cooke center institute
Paul schoote
teacher , cooke center school
STUDenTS Abigail brodsky lena gill hempel nicholas James Miller lucas van der swaagh
overvieW And ProgrAMs 19
Cooke Center lower school – bleecker street; West 108th street Cooke Center Middle school – West 70th street Cooke Center Academy – Macdougal street Cooke Center skills Program – West 29th street Cooke Center Preschool, integrated Classrooms @ West harlem head start – West 128th street
14th street y Acorn school bank street head start brick Church day school brooklyn kindergarten society: brevoort Children’s Center Cleaveland Children’s Center nat Azarow Children’s Center sumner Children’s Center Tompkins Children’s Center Central Park early learning Chabad early learning Center Chelsea day school Children’s learning Center at Morningside heights Children’s All day school City and Country school educational Alliance: 197 east broadway lillian Wald day Care Center Ps 15 Ps 64 Ps 142 gym Time harlem Children’s zone international Preschool Jewish Community Project lenox hill neighborhood house Manhattan day school Montclare Children’s school Morningside Montessori Preschool for the Arts Ps 243 Ps 284 lew Wallace school Ps 81 Thaddeus stevens school Puerto rican family institute head start st. ignatius loyola nursery st. Joseph’s head start
fAll 2012: Cooke Center grammar school – stanton street
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR FOR THOUGHT 25Th25Th AnniversAry gAlAgAlA Cooke CenTer FOOD THOUGHT AnniversAry 20
Third street Music school settlement West harlem head start West side yMCA yaldaynu Center york Avenue Preschool
92nd street y All souls Church Allan’s Afterschool American Museum of natural history Animal haven Cabrini Center for nursing and rehabilitation Carnegie hill neighbors Cb richard ellis City of new york Parks & recreation stuyvesant Park Cvs daniel’s Music foundation gallop Therapeutic riding god’s love We deliver hamilton fish Park library horizon Media housing Works bookstore Café Jan hus Church JP Pullos Photography learning spring loeb & loeb llP national Coalition of Concerned legal Professionals national organization on disability new World stages nyu department of radiology nyu hospital for Joint diseases, food services nyu hospital for Joint diseases health & Wellness Center nyu hospital for Joint diseases orthopedic surgery /fg nyu langone Medical Center, Telecommunications dept. nyu language, Cultural and disability services nyu Tisch hospital of nursing nyu reach for Wellness Program nyu health & Wellness Center Pitney bowes school of visual Arts self Advocacy Association of nys strategic group West end intergenerational residence
COnSUlTaTiOn & TRaininG SiTeS Annunciation school Ascension school blessed sacrament school immaculate Conception school (151st street, bronx) immaculate Conception school (gun hill road, bronx) Mount Carmel/holy rosary school our lady of lourdes school our lady Queen of Angels our lady Queen of Martyrs school sacred heart (bronx) st. Athanasius school (bronx) st. Charles borromeo school st. elizabeth school st. Joseph school (bathgate) st. Jude school st. Mark the evangelist school st. Mary school (bronx) st. rose of lima school
overvieW And ProgrAMs 21
Cooke Center lower school – bleecker street; West 108th street Cooke Center Middle school – West 70th street Cooke Center Academy – Macdougal street Cooke Center skills Program – West 29th street Cooke Center Preschool, integrated Classrooms @ West harlem head start – West 128th street
14th street y Acorn school bank street head start brick Church day school brooklyn kindergarten society: brevoort Children’s Center Cleaveland Children’s Center nat Azarow Children’s Center sumner Children’s Center Tompkins Children’s Center Central Park early learning Chabad early learning Center Chelsea day school Children’s learning Center at Morningside heights Children’s All day school City and Country school educational Alliance: 197 east broadway lillian Wald day Care Center Ps 15 Ps 64 Ps 142 gym Time harlem Children’s zone international Preschool Jewish Community Project lenox hill neighborhood house Manhattan day school Montclare Children’s school Morningside Montessori Preschool for the Arts Ps 243 Ps 284 lew Wallace school Ps 81 Thaddeus stevens school Puerto rican family institute head start st. ignatius loyola nursery st. Joseph’s head start
fAll 2012: Cooke Center grammar school – stanton street
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR FOR THOUGHT 25Th25Th AnniversAry gAlAgAlA Cooke CenTer FOOD THOUGHT AnniversAry 20
Third street Music school settlement West harlem head start West side yMCA yaldaynu Center york Avenue Preschool
92nd street y All souls Church Allan’s Afterschool American Museum of natural history Animal haven Cabrini Center for nursing and rehabilitation Carnegie hill neighbors Cb richard ellis City of new york Parks & recreation stuyvesant Park Cvs daniel’s Music foundation gallop Therapeutic riding god’s love We deliver hamilton fish Park library horizon Media housing Works bookstore Café Jan hus Church JP Pullos Photography learning spring loeb & loeb llP national Coalition of Concerned legal Professionals national organization on disability new World stages nyu department of radiology nyu hospital for Joint diseases, food services nyu hospital for Joint diseases health & Wellness Center nyu hospital for Joint diseases orthopedic surgery /fg nyu langone Medical Center, Telecommunications dept. nyu language, Cultural and disability services nyu Tisch hospital of nursing nyu reach for Wellness Program nyu health & Wellness Center Pitney bowes school of visual Arts self Advocacy Association of nys strategic group West end intergenerational residence
COnSUlTaTiOn & TRaininG SiTeS Annunciation school Ascension school blessed sacrament school immaculate Conception school (151st street, bronx) immaculate Conception school (gun hill road, bronx) Mount Carmel/holy rosary school our lady of lourdes school our lady Queen of Angels our lady Queen of Martyrs school sacred heart (bronx) st. Athanasius school (bronx) st. Charles borromeo school st. elizabeth school st. Joseph school (bathgate) st. Jude school st. Mark the evangelist school st. Mary school (bronx) st. rose of lima school
overvieW And ProgrAMs 21
CHeF DaviD BOUley
CHeF Daniel BOUlUD
bouley restaurant & brushstroke
david’s newest venture is brushstroke, a Japanese restaurant owned in collaboration with the Tsuji Culinary institute of osaka. brushstroke adheres to the traditions of kaiseki dining. Chefs in Japan are trained specifically for this style of dining which encompasses the use of seasonal items presented in small elaborate courses taking health and well-being in consideration along with flavor and presentation. it is with this in mind that Chef bouley is about to re-define fine dining in America once again at his namesake bouley restaurant, now located at 163 duane street. in his illustrious 25 year career, Chef bouley has cooked for everyone from kings and queens, to the average Joe, and each and every person has left his dining room or event having had a meal they remember for the rest of their lives.
david bouley was born and raised near storrs, Connecticut. from early on he was strongly influenced by life on his grandparents’ farm, drawing upon their french heritage which instilled a love of the land, an appreciation for fresh products, care in preparation, and the inspiration to cook and enjoy healthful meals. david studied at the sorbonne and worked with some of europe’s most acclaimed chefs, including roger vergé, Paul bocuse, Joël robuchon, gaston lenôtre, and frédy girardet. he returned to new york, working in the leading restaurants at the time – le Cirque, le Périgord, and la Côte basque. in 1985, he became chef of Montrachet restaurant and in 1987 david opened his own restaurant, bouley, in TribeCa. bouley quickly became known as the most notable dining experience in new york and set a new standard for fine dining in America. Among the many accolades earned was a fourstar review in the new york times and the James beard foundation awards for best restaurant and best Chef.
boulud is the recipient of three James beard foundation awards, including outstanding Chef and outstanding restaurateur, and was named a Chevalier de la légion d’honneur by the french government, as well as Chef of the year 2011 by The Culinary institute of America. he is the author of six cookbooks and the creator and host of the television series, After Hours with daniel. boulud is a generous and energetic supporter of Citymeals-onWheels, serving on their board of directors since 2000 and is also co-founder and Chairman of the bocuse d’or usA foundation.
daniel boulud, a native of lyon, france, is today considered one of America’s leading culinary authorities and one of the most revered french chefs in new york, the city he has called home since 1982. daniel is chef-owner of db bistro Moderne, dbgb kitchen and bar, bar boulud, Café boulud, boulud sud and épicerie boulud. in all his restaurants you’ll find the warm welcome the chef is renowned for, combined with traces of the soulfully satisfying traditional cooking he grew up with on his family’s rhone valley farm. yet daniel boulud is best known for new york’s exquisitely refined dAniel, the three Michelin star relais & Châteaux restaurant. you’ll also discover the chef’s ingredient driven seasonal frenchAmerican cooking in Miami and Palm beach, fl and internationally in london, singapore and beijing. look for his new restaurants opening in Canada in the months ahead: Maison boulud in Montreal’s ritz-Carlton (May 2012) and Café boulud in Toronto’s four seasons (August 2012).
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR THOUGHT 25Th AnniversAry gAlA
CHeF DaviD BOUley
CHeF Daniel BOUlUD
bouley restaurant & brushstroke
david’s newest venture is brushstroke, a Japanese restaurant owned in collaboration with the Tsuji Culinary institute of osaka. brushstroke adheres to the traditions of kaiseki dining. Chefs in Japan are trained specifically for this style of dining which encompasses the use of seasonal items presented in small elaborate courses taking health and well-being in consideration along with flavor and presentation. it is with this in mind that Chef bouley is about to re-define fine dining in America once again at his namesake bouley restaurant, now located at 163 duane street. in his illustrious 25 year career, Chef bouley has cooked for everyone from kings and queens, to the average Joe, and each and every person has left his dining room or event having had a meal they remember for the rest of their lives.
david bouley was born and raised near storrs, Connecticut. from early on he was strongly influenced by life on his grandparents’ farm, drawing upon their french heritage which instilled a love of the land, an appreciation for fresh products, care in preparation, and the inspiration to cook and enjoy healthful meals. david studied at the sorbonne and worked with some of europe’s most acclaimed chefs, including roger vergé, Paul bocuse, Joël robuchon, gaston lenôtre, and frédy girardet. he returned to new york, working in the leading restaurants at the time – le Cirque, le Périgord, and la Côte basque. in 1985, he became chef of Montrachet restaurant and in 1987 david opened his own restaurant, bouley, in TribeCa. bouley quickly became known as the most notable dining experience in new york and set a new standard for fine dining in America. Among the many accolades earned was a fourstar review in the new york times and the James beard foundation awards for best restaurant and best Chef.
boulud is the recipient of three James beard foundation awards, including outstanding Chef and outstanding restaurateur, and was named a Chevalier de la légion d’honneur by the french government, as well as Chef of the year 2011 by The Culinary institute of America. he is the author of six cookbooks and the creator and host of the television series, After Hours with daniel. boulud is a generous and energetic supporter of Citymeals-onWheels, serving on their board of directors since 2000 and is also co-founder and Chairman of the bocuse d’or usA foundation.
daniel boulud, a native of lyon, france, is today considered one of America’s leading culinary authorities and one of the most revered french chefs in new york, the city he has called home since 1982. daniel is chef-owner of db bistro Moderne, dbgb kitchen and bar, bar boulud, Café boulud, boulud sud and épicerie boulud. in all his restaurants you’ll find the warm welcome the chef is renowned for, combined with traces of the soulfully satisfying traditional cooking he grew up with on his family’s rhone valley farm. yet daniel boulud is best known for new york’s exquisitely refined dAniel, the three Michelin star relais & Châteaux restaurant. you’ll also discover the chef’s ingredient driven seasonal frenchAmerican cooking in Miami and Palm beach, fl and internationally in london, singapore and beijing. look for his new restaurants opening in Canada in the months ahead: Maison boulud in Montreal’s ritz-Carlton (May 2012) and Café boulud in Toronto’s four seasons (August 2012).
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR THOUGHT 25Th AnniversAry gAlA
CHeF aniTa lO
CHeF DaMian SanSOneTTi
bar boulud
in April 2010, after a complete renovation of the original barrow street location, lo reopened Annisa. she kept many of the same elements – clean design, welcoming atmosphere, small menu and a few signature dishes. she shook it up with new additions to the menu, inspired by her recent travels and a renewed perspective about cooking, eating and being a chef in new york City. in october 2011, lo released her first cookbook, cooking without borders, which highlights her passion for bringing multicultural flavors to her American kitchen.
Anita lo, chef and owner of Annisa in new york City, is one of the most respected chefs in the country, earning numerous accolades for her inventive contemporary American cuisine that reflects her multicultural upbringing and classic french training. lo opened Annisa, whose name means “women” in Arabic, in 2000, an intimate, upscale restaurant in greenwich village serving Contemporary American cuisine. it was an instant hit, earning a two-star review from The new york times. Food & wine magazine named her one of ten “best new Chefs in America” in 2001, and the village voice proclaimed lo as “best new restaurant Chef.” in June 2009, after nearly ten years in business, Annisa suffered an unfortunate blow – a fire destroyed the restaurant entirely. lo decided to take some time to travel as plans for rebuilding Annisa got underway. she scoured the globe – Mongolia and egypt – for inspiration. Meanwhile, lo appeared on the first season of top chef Masters where she battled her contemporaries on weekly challenges that tested their culinary prowess. she finished fourth out of 24 chefs.
When damian left shallots in 2003, he accepted a position under Chef olivier Muller at daniel boulud’s db bistro Moderne. it was in this energy infused kitchen that damian was first exposed to true Alsatian cuisine. he credits olivier Muller for much of his training and for opening his eyes to the transformation of simple ingredients into the complex flavors found in a modern french bistro. After two years as sous Chef at db, damian assumed the role of Chef debanquet at dAniel and later, in 2007, the role of sous Chef under Jean francois bruel. The precise techniques and refinement damian learned at db bistro and dAniel combined with the rustic flare of his own personal style are the backbone of the menu at bar boulud. There damian’s sound foundation serves as a springboard for reinventing traditional bistro fare.
damian first met daniel boulud while working as Chef de Cuisine at shallots, a Mediterranean-focused kosher restaurant in midtown Manhattan. in early 2001 he called restaurant dAniel to make a reservation for himself and his executive chef. As fate would have it, daniel answered the phone. remembering damian from a recent newspaper article, daniel warmly greeted him, made the reservation and, on the night of their dinner, sat down with the two young aspiring chefs. daniel’s discipline, care for his customers and attention to detail inspired damian from the start. The two found they shared a passion for braising, slowly cooking meats and poultry to extract the flavors and create a texture that melts away from the bone and into your mouth.
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR THOUGHT 25Th AnniversAry gAlA
CHeF aniTa lO
CHeF DaMian SanSOneTTi
bar boulud
in April 2010, after a complete renovation of the original barrow street location, lo reopened Annisa. she kept many of the same elements – clean design, welcoming atmosphere, small menu and a few signature dishes. she shook it up with new additions to the menu, inspired by her recent travels and a renewed perspective about cooking, eating and being a chef in new york City. in october 2011, lo released her first cookbook, cooking without borders, which highlights her passion for bringing multicultural flavors to her American kitchen.
Anita lo, chef and owner of Annisa in new york City, is one of the most respected chefs in the country, earning numerous accolades for her inventive contemporary American cuisine that reflects her multicultural upbringing and classic french training. lo opened Annisa, whose name means “women” in Arabic, in 2000, an intimate, upscale restaurant in greenwich village serving Contemporary American cuisine. it was an instant hit, earning a two-star review from The new york times. Food & wine magazine named her one of ten “best new Chefs in America” in 2001, and the village voice proclaimed lo as “best new restaurant Chef.” in June 2009, after nearly ten years in business, Annisa suffered an unfortunate blow – a fire destroyed the restaurant entirely. lo decided to take some time to travel as plans for rebuilding Annisa got underway. she scoured the globe – Mongolia and egypt – for inspiration. Meanwhile, lo appeared on the first season of top chef Masters where she battled her contemporaries on weekly challenges that tested their culinary prowess. she finished fourth out of 24 chefs.
When damian left shallots in 2003, he accepted a position under Chef olivier Muller at daniel boulud’s db bistro Moderne. it was in this energy infused kitchen that damian was first exposed to true Alsatian cuisine. he credits olivier Muller for much of his training and for opening his eyes to the transformation of simple ingredients into the complex flavors found in a modern french bistro. After two years as sous Chef at db, damian assumed the role of Chef debanquet at dAniel and later, in 2007, the role of sous Chef under Jean francois bruel. The precise techniques and refinement damian learned at db bistro and dAniel combined with the rustic flare of his own personal style are the backbone of the menu at bar boulud. There damian’s sound foundation serves as a springboard for reinventing traditional bistro fare.
damian first met daniel boulud while working as Chef de Cuisine at shallots, a Mediterranean-focused kosher restaurant in midtown Manhattan. in early 2001 he called restaurant dAniel to make a reservation for himself and his executive chef. As fate would have it, daniel answered the phone. remembering damian from a recent newspaper article, daniel warmly greeted him, made the reservation and, on the night of their dinner, sat down with the two young aspiring chefs. daniel’s discipline, care for his customers and attention to detail inspired damian from the start. The two found they shared a passion for braising, slowly cooking meats and poultry to extract the flavors and create a texture that melts away from the bone and into your mouth.
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR THOUGHT 25Th AnniversAry gAlA
CHeF DaviD walTUCk
Jacques torres chocolate
Ark restaurant Group
Jacques has released a 52 episode public television series, dessert Circus with Jacques Torres, along with two companion cookbooks, dessert circus: extraordinary desserts you can Make At Home (William Morrow), which earned a 1999 James beard Award nomination, and dessert circus At Home (William Morrow). he also hosted a television series, chocolate with Jacques torres, on the food network for three years. Jacques’ third cookbook, A year in chocolate (stewart, Tabori and Chang) was released in 2008. he continues to make guest appearances on television shows such as top chef: Just desserts and chopped All Stars. Additionally, Jacques proudly serves as dean of Pastry Arts at new york’s The french Culinary institute. Jacques generously donates his time to many national charity organizations including American red Cross, Meals on Wheels, god’s love We deliver, new york’s hard of hearing Association, sloan kettering Cancer research Center, the Association to benefit Children, Make a Wish foundation, and st. Jude’s Children’s hospital. he loves children and dedicates himself to causes that support their well-being and happiness.
fondly referred to as Mr. Chocolate, Jacques Torres ( is the authority on all things related to this confectionery delight. Through his early years as a pastry chef, Jacques developed a deep affinity and passion for chocolate. raised in france, Jacques fulfilled his American dream in 2000 with the opening of his first chocolate factory, Jacques Torres Chocolate in the duMbo neighborhood of brooklyn, new york. Jacques was a pioneer – the first artisan chocolatier to start from cocoa beans to make his own chocolate. Jacques and his chocolate became an instant success attracting fans from all over the country. in 2004, he opened his second chocolate factory and flagship store, Jacques Torres Chocolate, in downtown new york City on hudson street. Today, Jacques produces and sells his chocolates and other high-end confectionery products at his two workshops and retail-only boutiques on the upper West side, Chelsea Market, and rockefeller Center, all in Manhattan.
now with the new decade stretched out before him, david is excited by his new role as executive Chef of Ark restaurant group. he looks forward to taking the spirit of Chanterelle to his next venture, mingling it with the influences that continue to inspire and excite him every time he sets foot in the kitchen. david and his wife, karen, are the parents of Jacob, a student in the Cooke Center skills program.
The largely self-taught david Waltuck first began cooking as a young boy growing up in the bronx. After graduating Phi beta kappa with a degree in biological oceanography, david followed his passion for cooking, briefly attending the Culinary institute of America and working as the lunch chef at the charming country french restaurant la Petite ferme in Manhattan. in 1979, at the age of 24, Waltuck launched Chanterelle restaurant, for three decades one of the most beloved and respected kitchens in new york City. At Chanterelle, david showcased his unique cooking style, creating a menu that changed every four weeks, exemplified by carefully composed dishes, clean and powerful flavors and simple elegant presentation. Waltuck and Chanterelle received many of the industry’s highest accolades, including two new york times four-star reviews and numerous James beard awards, including best Chef new york City. in addition to Chanterelle, Waltuck has made time for two cookbooks and other restaurant projects over the past ten years: his love for classic bistro cooking led him to open le zinc in TribeCa and his extensive knowledge of and passion for Chinese food led to a consulting role overseeing the menu, kitchen design and staffing at Tribeca’s popular bar/ restaurant Macao.
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR THOUGHT 25Th AnniversAry gAlA
CHeF DaviD walTUCk
Jacques torres chocolate
Ark restaurant Group
Jacques has released a 52 episode public television series, dessert Circus with Jacques Torres, along with two companion cookbooks, dessert circus: extraordinary desserts you can Make At Home (William Morrow), which earned a 1999 James beard Award nomination, and dessert circus At Home (William Morrow). he also hosted a television series, chocolate with Jacques torres, on the food network for three years. Jacques’ third cookbook, A year in chocolate (stewart, Tabori and Chang) was released in 2008. he continues to make guest appearances on television shows such as top chef: Just desserts and chopped All Stars. Additionally, Jacques proudly serves as dean of Pastry Arts at new york’s The french Culinary institute. Jacques generously donates his time to many national charity organizations including American red Cross, Meals on Wheels, god’s love We deliver, new york’s hard of hearing Association, sloan kettering Cancer research Center, the Association to benefit Children, Make a Wish foundation, and st. Jude’s Children’s hospital. he loves children and dedicates himself to causes that support their well-being and happiness.
fondly referred to as Mr. Chocolate, Jacques Torres ( is the authority on all things related to this confectionery delight. Through his early years as a pastry chef, Jacques developed a deep affinity and passion for chocolate. raised in france, Jacques fulfilled his American dream in 2000 with the opening of his first chocolate factory, Jacques Torres Chocolate in the duMbo neighborhood of brooklyn, new york. Jacques was a pioneer – the first artisan chocolatier to start from cocoa beans to make his own chocolate. Jacques and his chocolate became an instant success attracting fans from all over the country. in 2004, he opened his second chocolate factory and flagship store, Jacques Torres Chocolate, in downtown new york City on hudson street. Today, Jacques produces and sells his chocolates and other high-end confectionery products at his two workshops and retail-only boutiques on the upper West side, Chelsea Market, and rockefeller Center, all in Manhattan.
now with the new decade stretched out before him, david is excited by his new role as executive Chef of Ark restaurant group. he looks forward to taking the spirit of Chanterelle to his next venture, mingling it with the influences that continue to inspire and excite him every time he sets foot in the kitchen. david and his wife, karen, are the parents of Jacob, a student in the Cooke Center skills program.
The largely self-taught david Waltuck first began cooking as a young boy growing up in the bronx. After graduating Phi beta kappa with a degree in biological oceanography, david followed his passion for cooking, briefly attending the Culinary institute of America and working as the lunch chef at the charming country french restaurant la Petite ferme in Manhattan. in 1979, at the age of 24, Waltuck launched Chanterelle restaurant, for three decades one of the most beloved and respected kitchens in new york City. At Chanterelle, david showcased his unique cooking style, creating a menu that changed every four weeks, exemplified by carefully composed dishes, clean and powerful flavors and simple elegant presentation. Waltuck and Chanterelle received many of the industry’s highest accolades, including two new york times four-star reviews and numerous James beard awards, including best Chef new york City. in addition to Chanterelle, Waltuck has made time for two cookbooks and other restaurant projects over the past ten years: his love for classic bistro cooking led him to open le zinc in TribeCa and his extensive knowledge of and passion for Chinese food led to a consulting role overseeing the menu, kitchen design and staffing at Tribeca’s popular bar/ restaurant Macao.
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR THOUGHT 25Th AnniversAry gAlA
Thank You Founding Families
Moody’s Corporation is proud to support The Cooke Center for Learning and Development.
June Eichbaum & Ken Wirfel Karen & Tom Robards Pat Nooy & Roger Miller
For showing us all the way
Marcia & Michael Beck
Thank You Founding Families
Moody’s Corporation is proud to support The Cooke Center for Learning and Development.
June Eichbaum & Ken Wirfel Karen & Tom Robards Pat Nooy & Roger Miller
For showing us all the way
Marcia & Michael Beck
we PROUDly SalUTe
is proud to continue our support for
The Cooke Center for Learning and Development and its vital work in special education services in New York City. We congratulate our chairman, partner and friend,
Michael Beck TO THe iMPORTanT wORk BeinG DOne
and his wife
By THe COOke CenTeR.
Marcia Beck, recipients of the Founders Award. Your dedication and passion to promoting inclusive education for all children are a source of inspiration.
The RobaRds Family
345 Park Avenue ■ New York, NY 10154 ■ 212.407.4000 Los Angeles
New York
Washington, DC
we PROUDly SalUTe
is proud to continue our support for
The Cooke Center for Learning and Development and its vital work in special education services in New York City. We congratulate our chairman, partner and friend,
Michael Beck TO THe iMPORTanT wORk BeinG DOne
and his wife
By THe COOke CenTeR.
Marcia Beck, recipients of the Founders Award. Your dedication and passion to promoting inclusive education for all children are a source of inspiration.
The RobaRds Family
345 Park Avenue ■ New York, NY 10154 ■ 212.407.4000 Los Angeles
New York
Washington, DC
Congratulations to the Cooke Center
for 25 years
of educating students with special needs.
Debbie Cooper and Dan Sternberg
Congratulations to the Cooke Center
for 25 years
of educating students with special needs.
Debbie Cooper and Dan Sternberg
Cushman & Wakefield is proud to support
Cooke Center’s 25th Anniversary Gala honoring Moody’s Corporation and Foundation and Marcia and Michael Beck
John Cefaly and Gus Field Cushman & Wakefield
Cushman & Wakefield is proud to support
Cooke Center’s 25th Anniversary Gala honoring Moody’s Corporation and Foundation and Marcia and Michael Beck
John Cefaly and Gus Field Cushman & Wakefield
We are so proud of all that you continue to achieve
at The Cooke Center.
to our incredible friend KAREN ROBARDS
who tirelessly pursued her vision.
Janet and Alan Ginsberg
We are so proud of all that you continue to achieve
at The Cooke Center.
to our incredible friend KAREN ROBARDS
who tirelessly pursued her vision.
Janet and Alan Ginsberg
The Maher and Millonzi families congratulate The Cooke Center for 25 years of extraordinary and groundbreaking accomplishment
The Maher and Millonzi families congratulate The Cooke Center for 25 years of extraordinary and groundbreaking accomplishment
Shelley and Donald Rubin congratulate the
Giving children a chance to learn and grow The Cooke Center for Learning and Development believes that all children have a right to an independent future, one in which they are included as integral members of their community. We are proud to support its efforts and honor The Moody’s Foundation and Corporation at tonight’s 25th Annual Gala.
COOKE CENTER and tonight’s honorees and invite you to visit the Rubin Museum of Art.
150 W 17TH STREET, NYC 10011 212 .620.5000
© 2012 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership. All rights reserved.
Shelley and Donald Rubin congratulate the
Giving children a chance to learn and grow The Cooke Center for Learning and Development believes that all children have a right to an independent future, one in which they are included as integral members of their community. We are proud to support its efforts and honor The Moody’s Foundation and Corporation at tonight’s 25th Annual Gala.
COOKE CENTER and tonight’s honorees and invite you to visit the Rubin Museum of Art.
150 W 17TH STREET, NYC 10011 212 .620.5000 GREEN TARA; TIBET; 15TH CENTURY; GILT COPPER AND SILVER ALLOYS; 5 ⅜ X 3 ⅜ X 3 ⅜ IN.; RUBIN MUSEUM OF ART; C2005.16.45 (HAR 65468)
Satterlee Stephens Burke & Burke llp Proudly Honors Moody’s Foundation and Corporation
The Rudin Family is proud to present The Samuel Rudin Trophy to the winner of the
ING NEW YORK CITY MARATHON >6/2!0G"A1@$);$#"HG"4584 The Rudin Trophy is given in memory of their beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather, a long distance runner for the Pastime Athletic Club in the Bronx between 1917 and 1923.
Samuel Rudin (1896-1975) An avid long distance runner and civic leader, Samuel Rudin rose from humble beginnings on New YorkÕ s Lower East Side to become one of New YorkÕ s major builders and owners of real estate. Rudin joined the Pastime Athletic Club in the Bronx in 1917 while a student at City College and competed in long distance races as a member of the Club through 1923. In 1925, he founded the Rudin Management Company, !" #$!%" $&'!'$" (#)" *+,-+" .#$&$/'%0" 1*/&" !/2" )!/!3$&" 45" )6%',7&'1#0" !.!#')$/'"+16&$&"!/2"89"1:(-$";6,%2,/3&",/"<!/+!''!/="">!)6$%"?62,/"*!&"!-',@$%0",/@1%@$2" with many charitable organizations in New York City, including the United Jewish Appeal, City College Fund and the Boy Scouts of America. In 1967, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree by Iona College in New Rochelle, New York. Today the Rudin family continues to play a major philanthropic role in New York City and is proud to have been a &.1/&1#"1: "'+$"A$*"B1#C"D,'0"<!#!'+1/"&,/-$",'&",/-$.',1/"!&"!"(@$";1#163+"#!-$",/"8EF9=
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
230!Park!Avenue! New!York,!New!York!!10169!
Satterlee Stephens Burke & Burke llp Proudly Honors Moody’s Foundation and Corporation
The Rudin Family is proud to present The Samuel Rudin Trophy to the winner of the
ING NEW YORK CITY MARATHON >6/2!0G"A1@$);$#"HG"4584 The Rudin Trophy is given in memory of their beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather, a long distance runner for the Pastime Athletic Club in the Bronx between 1917 and 1923.
Samuel Rudin (1896-1975) An avid long distance runner and civic leader, Samuel Rudin rose from humble beginnings on New YorkÕ s Lower East Side to become one of New YorkÕ s major builders and owners of real estate. Rudin joined the Pastime Athletic Club in the Bronx in 1917 while a student at City College and competed in long distance races as a member of the Club through 1923. In 1925, he founded the Rudin Management Company, !" #$!%" $&'!'$" (#)" *+,-+" .#$&$/'%0" 1*/&" !/2" )!/!3$&" 45" )6%',7&'1#0" !.!#')$/'"+16&$&"!/2"89"1:(-$";6,%2,/3&",/"<!/+!''!/="">!)6$%"?62,/"*!&"!-',@$%0",/@1%@$2" with many charitable organizations in New York City, including the United Jewish Appeal, City College Fund and the Boy Scouts of America. In 1967, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree by Iona College in New Rochelle, New York. Today the Rudin family continues to play a major philanthropic role in New York City and is proud to have been a &.1/&1#"1: "'+$"A$*"B1#C"D,'0"<!#!'+1/"&,/-$",'&",/-$.',1/"!&"!"(@$";1#163+"#!-$",/"8EF9=
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
230!Park!Avenue! New!York,!New!York!!10169!
Ken Wirfel and June Eichbaum
Ken Wirfel and June Eichbaum
! !
The Wise family
Beth, Michael, Forrest and Allie
! !
! !
The Wise family
Beth, Michael, Forrest and Allie
! !
New York | Washington DC | London | Paris | Frankfurt | Hong Kong | Shanghai
Congratulations to 7 WTC Tenant
Moody’s Corporation & Foundation
Fried Frank
as an Honoree of the
is proud to support
Cooke Center’s 25th Anniversary
THE COOKE CENTER and joins in honoring Moody’s Corporation and Foundation recipient of the Road to Independence Award and
Marcia and Michael Beck recipient of The Founders Award
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP |
“Food for Thought” Gala
New York | Washington DC | London | Paris | Frankfurt | Hong Kong | Shanghai
Congratulations to 7 WTC Tenant
Moody’s Corporation & Foundation
Fried Frank
as an Honoree of the
is proud to support
Cooke Center’s 25th Anniversary
THE COOKE CENTER and joins in honoring Moody’s Corporation and Foundation recipient of the Road to Independence Award and
Marcia and Michael Beck recipient of The Founders Award
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP |
“Food for Thought” Gala
Stephen Gordon and Family
Stephen Gordon and Family
We commend the students, families, staff, and administration for their achievements at
The Cooke Center
We salute our members
for Learning and Development
on their 25th Anniversary Gala
and this year’s honorees:
Marcia and Michael Beck & The Moody’s Foundation and Corporation
for their steadfast kindness and generosity of heart.
The Law Offices of Lauren A. Baum , P.C. 307 East 53rd Street, Suite 501 New York, New York 10022 Tel: 212-644-4414 Fax: 212-644-8470 Kule-Korgood, Roff and Associates, PLLC 118-35 Queens Boulevard, 17th Floor Forest Hills, New York 11375 Tel: 718-261-0181 Fax: 718-268-2633
We commend the students, families, staff, and administration for their achievements at
The Cooke Center
We salute our members
for Learning and Development
on their 25th Anniversary Gala
and this year’s honorees:
Marcia and Michael Beck & The Moody’s Foundation and Corporation
for their steadfast kindness and generosity of heart.
The Law Offices of Lauren A. Baum , P.C. 307 East 53rd Street, Suite 501 New York, New York 10022 Tel: 212-644-4414 Fax: 212-644-8470 Kule-Korgood, Roff and Associates, PLLC 118-35 Queens Boulevard, 17th Floor Forest Hills, New York 11375 Tel: 718-261-0181 Fax: 718-268-2633
Our Congratulations
and Sincere Admiration to Our Friends,
Marcia and Michael Beck.
You set an example for us every day.
Susan Chadick and Robert Weiss
Our Congratulations
and Sincere Admiration to Our Friends,
Marcia and Michael Beck.
You set an example for us every day.
Susan Chadick and Robert Weiss
Congratulations Marcia and Michael Beck ~ you continue to inspire us!
And for everyone's efforts with the Cooke Center for 25 years of making the world a better place.
Anita and Richard Inz Â
!"#$$%&"'%% ()*"+#"%,*+-%% .#"/0&-1$&-*%% 2##'34+%5#06#0&-7#"%% &"'%8#1"'&-7#"
Congratulations Marcia and Michael Beck ~ you continue to inspire us!
And for everyone's efforts with the Cooke Center for 25 years of making the world a better place.
Anita and Richard Inz Â
!"#$$%&"'%% ()*"+#"%,*+-%% .#"/0&-1$&-*%% 2##'34+%5#06#0&-7#"%% &"'%8#1"'&-7#"
I have seen first hand the wonderful work
We are delighted to support
the Cooke Center is doing to enhance the lives of children with special needs.
the Cooke Center Cooke has taken the insight,
on its 25th Anniversary
"W hen everyone is included, w e all learn m ore" and made it a reality.
and our heartfelt congratulations
to our good friends
Marcia and Michael Beck
on this well deserved honor.
Arlene and Jerome Levine
Laura Linney
I have seen first hand the wonderful work
We are delighted to support
the Cooke Center is doing to enhance the lives of children with special needs.
the Cooke Center Cooke has taken the insight,
on its 25th Anniversary
"W hen everyone is included, w e all learn m ore" and made it a reality.
and our heartfelt congratulations
to our good friends
Marcia and Michael Beck
on this well deserved honor.
Arlene and Jerome Levine
Laura Linney
Protiviti proudly supports the
Cooke Center for Learning and Development and congratulates the 2012 Road to Independence Award recipient
Moodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Foundation and Corporation
Protiviti is a global consulting firm that helps companies solve problems in finance, technology, operations, governance, risk and internal audit. For more information visit or contact
Š 2012 Protiviti Inc. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Protiviti is not licensed or registered as a public accounting firm and does not issue opinions on financial statements or offer attestation services. PRO-0512
Protiviti proudly supports the
Cooke Center for Learning and Development and congratulates the 2012 Road to Independence Award recipient
Moodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Foundation and Corporation
Protiviti is a global consulting firm that helps companies solve problems in finance, technology, operations, governance, risk and internal audit. For more information visit or contact
Š 2012 Protiviti Inc. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Protiviti is not licensed or registered as a public accounting firm and does not issue opinions on financial statements or offer attestation services. PRO-0512
W e are alum ni of the Cooke Center. We have jobs, we have friends, we have active social lives, and we enjoy our independence.
We are pleased to the support the
Cooke Center 25th Anniversary Gala
We thank all of the teachers and staff at Cooke for preparing us to live in the real world. Cooke Center Alumni Association
Moodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s _______________________________________________________
Marcia and Michael Beck
The Board of Trustees of the
Cooke Center for Learning and Development thanks M arcia and M ichael Beck for their leadership and commitment to children with special needs. new york . washington , d . c . . los angeles . palo alto london . paris . frankfurt tokyo . hong kong . beijing . melbourne . sydney
S&C_LG 4814_Cooke Centerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 25th Anniversary Gala! Ad.indd 1
4/27/2012 4:54:34 PM
W e are alum ni of the Cooke Center. We have jobs, we have friends, we have active social lives, and we enjoy our independence.
We are pleased to the support the
Cooke Center 25th Anniversary Gala
We thank all of the teachers and staff at Cooke for preparing us to live in the real world. Cooke Center Alumni Association
Moodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s _______________________________________________________
Marcia and Michael Beck
The Board of Trustees of the
Cooke Center for Learning and Development thanks M arcia and M ichael Beck for their leadership and commitment to children with special needs. new york . washington , d . c . . los angeles . palo alto london . paris . frankfurt tokyo . hong kong . beijing . melbourne . sydney
S&C_LG 4814_Cooke Centerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 25th Anniversary Gala! Ad.indd 1
4/27/2012 4:54:34 PM
eileen Caulfield schwab, esq.
Michael Termini, Psyd
kenneth i. Wirfel, esq.
deborah e. Cooper, esq.
vice chair
vice president and general counsel
karen P. robards
Joyce Pariser vice president , finance
chair emerita
Michael d. beck, esq.
and administration
Patricia schaefer vice president , advancement
deborah e. Cooper, esq.
Mary Clancy
assistant head , cooke center academy
emily Cozart
Wendy banner ellen bickal, esq. dagnall folger Christine hennessey kristie P. koenig, Phd, oTr/l roger W. Miller Arthur n. skelskie david Warren lisa Westlake
director of external relations
billy english director of admissions
Anne halligan director of marketing
Aliza kushner director of cooke center institute
Mary Munsch head , cooke center
lisanne norman director of technology
nadine rothman head , cooke center
middle school
Marie stamps assistant head , cooke
preschool services
Cynthia surdi head , cooke center
lower school
francis Tabone, Phd head , cooke center grammar
Tim Toal employee relations manager
Tina Wells head , cooke
design by Ahoy studios
center preschool services
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR THOUGHT 25Th AnniversAry gAlA 68
eileen Caulfield schwab, esq.
Michael Termini, Psyd
kenneth i. Wirfel, esq.
deborah e. Cooper, esq.
vice chair
vice president and general counsel
karen P. robards
Joyce Pariser vice president , finance
chair emerita
Michael d. beck, esq.
and administration
Patricia schaefer vice president , advancement
deborah e. Cooper, esq.
Mary Clancy
assistant head , cooke center academy
emily Cozart
Wendy banner ellen bickal, esq. dagnall folger Christine hennessey kristie P. koenig, Phd, oTr/l roger W. Miller Arthur n. skelskie david Warren lisa Westlake
director of external relations
billy english director of admissions
Anne halligan director of marketing
Aliza kushner director of cooke center institute
Mary Munsch head , cooke center
lisanne norman director of technology
nadine rothman head , cooke center
middle school
Marie stamps assistant head , cooke
preschool services
Cynthia surdi head , cooke center
lower school
francis Tabone, Phd head , cooke center grammar
Tim Toal employee relations manager
Tina Wells head , cooke
design by Ahoy studios
center preschool services
Cooke CenTer FOOD FOR THOUGHT 25Th AnniversAry gAlA 68