EXPLOITS Magazine August 2018

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Jesus and The Samaritans

Samaritan priest with Christine Darg The New Testament records three positive incidents concerning Samaritans: In John Chapter 4, Jesus has an amazing encounter with a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well; in Luke 17, a Samaritan leper was the only person among a group of 10 lepers to thank Jesus for healing; and in Luke Chapter 10, perhaps Jesus’s best known parable is the “Good Samaritan.” The title has come to mean someone who helps a stranger in distress. Many hospitals and charitable organizations are named after the parable of the Good Samaritan. There are less than 1,000 Samaritans in the Holy Land today. Bible prophecy watchers interested in the restoration of Israel may not give a passing thought to Samaritans, yet small in number as they are, they comprise an important component of the End Time scenario! If we

‘I am not a Judahite; I am an Israelite’ The Samaritans believe that some of the stones on Mt. Gerizim date back to the time of Joshua’s conquest of Canaan

The Parable of the Good Samaritan Of 10 lepers healed, only a Samaritan returned to thank Jesus

Six tribes on one side and six on the other: Across the valley between Mounts Gerizim and Ebal, Israel shouted the blessings of obedience and the curses of disobedience. An acoustic experiment has demonstrated how the valley would have provided a natural amphitheater for the voices of the Hebrew nation.

consider that the sovereign God of Israel is at this time in the process of recovering all the tribes of Israel, it’s significant to contemplate that the Samaritans claim descent from Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Joseph. Recently we visited the Samaritan Museum on Mt. Gerizim near ancient Shechem, where Joseph’s bones were buried. Cohen Husney Wasef, the priest who founded the Samaritan Museum, explained that Samaritans are also descended from the tribe of Levi. The Jewish people identify themselves mainly as descendants from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin --but also from Levi-- because Levites lived amongst all the tribes. The name Samaritan derives from a Hebrew word meaning to guard or to watch, and they believe they are the true guardians of the Torah, the books of Moses, and the ancient Hebrew language of pictographs, still used in their liturgical services. The Samaritans refer to themselves as B’nai Yisrael ("Children of Israel"), a term used by all Jewish denominations. Samaritans do not refer to themselves as Jews but as Israelites. Besides representing tribes other than Judah and Benjamin, one of the reasons why Samaritans are key End-time players is that they have maintained the Passover rituals for thousands of years. The Samaritan priesthood, as descendants of

Samaritan ceiling decor for Feast of Tabernacles

the Levitical priests, insist that their Passover ceremony has not changed since biblical times. Their rituals are studied by Jews hoping to reinstitute temple worship in Jerusalem!

Mt. Gerizim in Biblical Samaria

Four Types of Prayer

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This generation has focused so much on the love of God that the wrath of God is not taught or understood. Balance is needed. Psalm 106: 23 is a commentary on the Scriptures. It says Moses stepped between the LORD and the people—he “stood in the breach,” begging God to turn from his anger and not destroy them. The Scriptures say God seeks for an intercessor, like Moses was for Israel, as Abraham was for Sodom. God testifies in the prophecies of Ezekiel that he could not find anybody like Aaron who also stood between the living and the dead to stop a plague brought on by Israel’s rebellion and insolence. In Numbers 16, the high priest Aaron ran into the midst of the assembly, when a deadly plague had begun among the people. Aaron took his stand between the dead and the living, and made atonement to stop the plague. As Judge, the Lord will enter through the gaps eroded by sin, and he will come in as a man of war to destroy transgressors, unless a prayer warrior should present himself to the Lord on behalf of the people-- to intercede and to seek mercy for them, to interpose himself between God and the people, and act as an intercessor; to pray, as Moses interceded for Israel, preventing God from destroying in his wrath. A faithful prophet who tries to get the people to return to God has always been a scarce commodity. But I’m trying to broadcast far and wide that the influence of one man, the influence of one woman, can be enormous. Great men and women of God, intercessors, have literally changed the world. One man may save a nation or plunge it into Hell. Paul, on board a wrecked ship, obtained the lives of all the crew through his prayers. The intercession of Moses saved the Hebrew nation. For David’s sake God conferred large favors upon Israel. The Wesley brothers revolutioned England. Four kinds of prayer were listed by the apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 2, and all four types of

prayers are mentioned in the plural, meaning they are inexhaustible. Paul wrote, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings, and for all that are in authority; [why?] that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” Concerning his watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem, God says in the marvelous chapter of Isaiah 62 that we must never hold our peace, day or night. Verse six explains why, “You who are the Lord’s remembrancers,” in other words, you who are the Lord’s secretaries, “take no rest and give him no rest until he makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” The Lord’s remembrancers is the literal translation of the Hebrew of Isaiah 62: 6. This is the secret of intercession. Why do we need to pray to remind the Lord of His will? Isn’t it superfluous that we human beings should be the Lord’s secretaries, reminding the Almighty of his appointments? He’s God! Yet many of the great Bible teachers in my life — Watchmen Nee, Derek Prince, Lance Lambert and Reinhard Bonnke who were also intercessors—they all pointed out this truth that God desires co-workers, and so God trains us through prayer for greater service in eternity. Commentaries have made many attempts to distinguish between the four types of prayers in 1 Timothy 2. The first aspect of prayer is the word translated supplications, meaning primarily a need. Many English versions of the Bible use the word supplications but the New American Standard Bible renders the word “entreaties.” The word primarily means a need, an entreating or a beseeching concerning a specific need. This is not just asking something from God; it is an earnest appeal or beseeching of the Lord to reveal his mind concerning a matter. This is why Lance

Lambert, of blessed memory, taught us in Jerusalem that supplications are important . . .to be sure that we are praying the mind of the Lord on a matter and so we can expect definite answers. If we do not discern the Lord’s mind, we will thresh around in prayer --getting nowhere. As an intercessor on the walls, the verse that comes to mind is a scripture that we pray in Jerusalem continually, Zechariah 12: 10. God promises to pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, “the spirit of grace and of supplications.” God is speaking in this verse and says, “and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for his only son.” By faith we’re living in this verse and praying it into being as God’s remembrancers. This verse promises that the Holy Spirit will produce in Jerusalem a gracious disposition, an inclination among the inhabitants to supplicate, to make entreaties of God. In Hebrew, grace and supplications are kindred words; meaning “gracious supplications.” The plural, supplications, implies that there will be prayers without ceasing in the future here in God’s city. It will be a great outpouring—an abundance of the spirit of grace and supplications—that will produce a great national repentance for having grieved and offended God. They will look up the stricken Messiah, realizing that Jesus, Yeshua, was pierced and wounded for their sins, and they will look to him by faith for forgiveness. God has promised to perform it, yet he expects his people to apply to him for it; and it is our duty as intercessors to put the Lord in mind of his promises, to plead promises with him, and to pray to him for the fulfilment of his divine appointments. God himself names Jerusalem as the capital and representative of the nation. From the head of the nation, the holy unction will flow down with the spirit of grace and supplications. Now the second kind of prayer mentioned in 1 Timothy 2 is translated by the English word prayers, meaning literally a pouring out. This is the most frequently used word in the NT for prayer. These prayers are things to be desired of God, either for ourselves or others. In our prayer meetings in Jerusalem it’s so very vital to declare

over our prayer time that Jesus Is Lord and that everything we pray will be Spirit-led to hit the target of the burden of the Lord at that hour—we must pray the things that he most wants prayed into the earth. We must learn to assess by the Spirit the topics to pray. Many times the Lord will bring up a topic for us to pray at different angles, and then the Lord will indicate “It’s done,” or “That’s enough prayer for now, but you will take up this matter again later” until the answer comes. Sometimes a person will introduce a prayer topic that is not Spirit-led. If the anointing of the Holy Spirit is not upon the prayer, for example if it’s a sermonette or a lengthy passage of Scripture instead of prayer, it’s vital to recover the flow of the Holy Spirit. The leader of the meeting must gently correct and keep the prayers on track and also encourage those who are praying in the flow and unction of the Holy Spirit. Lance Lambert referred to sermonettes during prayers as “horizontal” praying—meaning a person is not talking vertically to God. Reading entire chapters from the Bible can quench the atmosphere of a genuine prayer meeting. I want to say also that praying and watching go together. It’s not just enough to pray; Jesus admonished us to watch and pray. The apostle Paul also encouraged us to watch. In Ephesians 6:18 Paul wrote, “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful with all perseverance and supplication for all the Lord’s people.” The Greek word for watching in the Bible means to keep alert, to stay awake. The Hebrew word “shomer” also means to guard and to watch over, so as watchmen upon the walls, we are like security guards of the Lord’s interests. In fact, a time of corporate prayer is like a military operation. We engage in spiritual warfare but our weapons are not flesh and blood; they are mighty through God to the pulling down of satanic strongholds. We must learn how to send the Word of God, which the Holy Spirit supplies to us, as our weapon to focus upon prayer targets. Jesus told his followers he has given us the keys of the kingdom, and when we use the keys, we are in effect possessing a situation in the name of the Lord, [continued on back page]

Diplomatic Dining:

Jerusalem Jubilee Prayer Breakfast By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel During the Millennium, the nations will come up to Jerusalem to worship King Messiah, and increasingly it is happening as more and more embassies relocate in Israel’s capital and as Christian leaders turn their sights upon the City of the Great King. In fact, hundreds of Christian leaders, both ministers and politicians, representing 70 nations, attended the second annual Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC) Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast during Israel’s 70th anniversary. Can you imagine that we have arrived at a day when the Israeli Knesset gives a call to the nations to pray for the peace of Jerusalem? But that is exactly what has happened through the invitation to us extended by KCAC Chairman MK Robert Ilatov. My husband and I were privileged to be among the

With my great prayer partner Mirela Petan, Co-Founder of Alfa Omega TV in Europe

founders of the inaugural Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast last year in honour of the Jubilee (50) year reunification of Jerusalem after the 1967 Six-Day War. Fellowship between Jews and Christians last year seemed unprecedented, but this year even greater. At these events, it is our privilege to pray that our nations will become sheep nations (obedient to God) and not rebellious goat nations, turning against Israel. At left, Knesset Member Yehuda Glick blessed our ministry’s prayer base. The rabbi hit a home run message this year speaking on Psalm 122 and praying for the peace of Jerusalem. The atmosphere in the new Orient Hotel ballroom was electric as he began to praise the God of Israel for what the Almighty is doing in bringing Jews and Christians together in an unprecedented manner. This man of God suffered an assassination attempt, and more recently the death of his wife, yet he flows in an End-time anointing as a peacemaker and bridge-builder.

This year U.S. Congresswoman and former Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann reminded us that the second Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast was being held on the last day of the Year of Jubilee, and so our intercessions were intense, putting our faith out to believe Big Jubilee Breakthroughs from the God of Israel who has stunned us with so many answers to prayer already. Michele Bachmann shared a powerful message on the dynamic of prayer, citing the startling 2016 Presidential election of Donald Trump as a prime example of how God intervenes when his people pray. Leaders assembled from the 70 nations knew that the number was no accident but that our event was ordained by God. In fact, in the Seder service on the Jewish festival of Passover, the assumption that there are 70 nations and languages in the world is based upon the ethnological Table of the Nations in Genesis 10, enumerating 70 grandsons of Noah, each of whom became the ancestor of a nation. When Orthodox Jewish people realize that 70 nations are involved positively with Israel, they begin to believe that Messiah is on his way!

Congresswoman Bachmann led us in prayer for Guatemala, the North Korean Summit in Singapore, and other issues concerning the embassies of nations and Israel. Last year we prayed for the U.S. Embassy to be moved, and it happened! God heard and honored our prayers! According to Isaiah 29: 7, “Every brutal nation that attacks Jerusalem and makes it suffer will disappear like a dream when night is over.”

Various members of parliaments prayed and proclaimed Scriptures, and one of the most profound moments was the proclamation of Isaiah 62: 2 by a tribal king from Ghana: “Nations will see your righteousness and all kings, your glory.” This year’s event was a huge success, and we are grateful for all of the support and prayers for Jerusalem! We heard from many other political and faith leaders, including Reuven Rivlin, the President of Israel, as well as Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of the late Billy Graham.

Sir Ian Gainford, President of UK Magen David Adom, with Christine & Peter Darg in Jerusalem at a planning dinner for the dedication of two new ambulances during our upcoming 25-30 September 2018 Moveable Feast of Tabernacles. To join this exciting tour, email yairmazur@gmail.com

Four Types of Prayer [continued from inside] declaring the

meeting, saying that he was carried by their intercessions. will of God and taking executive action Thanksgiving is the fourth type of on behalf of the King of Kings. prayer mentioned in 1 Timothy 2: prayer Intercession is the third type of with praise, worship and giving thanks. prayer. This word has the idea of Often this aspect is overlooked or sadly petitioning a superior or someone with forgotten. Philippians 4:16 exhorts us, “with authority on behalf of others. We Christine Darg’s message on thanksgivings let your requests be made seek an audience with God on beFour Types of Prayer is from www.Exploits.tv known unto God”—thanks not only for half of others or on behalf of a situaanswered prayer but for answers yet to tion that needs desperate prayer. We come. Here is a sample: “Lord, sometimes I feel must know the mind of the Lord! depressed, but I thank you that You are my glory and I often think of how the great Welsh coal the lifter up of my head. I praise you that Your throne miner and missionary to Africa Rees Howells, is unshakeable! I thank you that You are in control was taught by the Holy Spirit to intercede on beof every aspect of my life, and no purpose of yours for half of others. He first learned to intercede for souls to be saved, and then he learned about inter- me can be stopped!” In using the keys of the cession for healing, and then he progressed to in- kingdom, we discern and declare the will of God; we possess the situation in His Name and take tercede for entire people groups. He interceded territory for the Lord, but we also by faith start to for Indian widows to be saved from the funeral praise and worship the Lord for definite answers, pyres of their dead husbands, and the law was declaring that the victory is assured. We know the changed in India. He got the mind of the Lord to answer is decreed in heaven, and so we thank God start a home for Jewish orphans during World while we take executive action in prayer and then War 2 and to keep Hitler out of Britain through watch for the answer to manifest on earth. We intercessory prayer. General Charles Gordon knew the power of praise the Lord in the midst of God’s enemies. In the Hebrew Bible, King Jehosaphat intercessory prayer, and he knew intercessors who ordered the choir to be the army’s vanguard, and could pray for him! Before he was posted to the Sudan, he addressed a group of British intercessors as they sang “the mercy of the Lord endures forever,” saying that he would rather have their prayers than God dispatched angelic ambushments against the enemy. That’s the spirit of faith! We must cultivate all the wealth of the Sudan placed at his disposal. the spirit of faith because our minds are often He wrote, “Pray for me that I may have humility beset with doubts. The apostle John wrote in and the guidance of God, and that all spirit of 1 John 5, “this is he victory that has overcome murmuring may be rebuked in me.” He later sent another message offering thanks at the next prayer the world, even our faith.” The mandate of EXPLOITS MINISTRY ® Acts 1:8 ‘And ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.’

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