Inside: A report on our Feast of Tbernacles Celebration in Israel
W W W . J E R U S A L E M C H A N N E L . T V
The Tabernacle of the Lord
In our “succa of the Lord’ during the annual Feast of Tabernacles, we enjoy engaging with Israelis. This within itself is remarkable. An open air Holy Spirit atmosphere outside of a traditional church building allows freedom of movement and worship while all of us unfold like flowers. In fact, many rabbis now enjoy engaging with Yeshua’s disciples. This dynamic is part of Matthew 10:40, “Anyone who receives you receives Me, and anyone who receives Me receives the Father who sent Me.” Altogether, our ministry is a
fascinating and challenging operation of the Holy Spirit requiring prayer, far-sightedness, wisdom and sensitivity. One of our evening speakers was Rabbi Tuly Weisz, photo above, publisher of the Israel Bible and Breaking Israel News. He mentioned that the reconstituted nation of Israel is now 71 years old after decades of preparation and rebuilding—but now, he said, it is time for revelation. And to this we can all say with much anticipation, AMEN! We invite you to register now for our New Year Watchmen & Women on the Walls Convocation 2-6 January 2020.
The Gemstones that Spoke for God By Christine Darg For our December cover it’s more God-honoring to feature the biblical high priest rather than a bearded Santa Claus! It’s hard to keep pace with all of the archeological discoveries being made in Israel. And a recent intriguing headline claimed that a prophetic lost stone from the ancient High Priest’s breastplate is believed to have been found. Will it be brought home to Israel, another prophetic sign? Some experts have agreed that the onyx stone is most likely a gem connected with the ancient breastplate. One of the functions of that breastplate was to receive divine guidance from God. The stone’s present owner claims it was given over 1,000 years ago to a member of the Knights Templar, a Catholic military order closely tied to the Crusades. The stone, valued at more than $200 million, was subsequently handed down through one family from generation to generation and currently is secured in a bank vault in South Africa. In addition to the 12 different coloured gemstones representing the 12 tribes of Israel that were mounted on the central piece of the breastplate, the Bible also specified two additional stones to be fixed in gold settings on the shoulders of the High Priest. The fact that a stone from the breastplate of judgment mentioned in the Bible could have surfaced is yet another glimmer from Israel’s past that’s so intriguing and most of all, such discoveries remind the world that the Jewish people didn’t just arrive here recently but that their ties to the Holy Land go way, way back to the Bible itself. Some rabbis believe that the stone just might eventually play an important role in identifying the Priestly Caste that will serve in the yet-to-be-rebuilt Third Temple. The sacred stones on the priestly breastplate were used for divine guidance and prophecy, and the breastplate was also symbolic of the powers belonging to our risen intercessory High Priest, King Jesus. I Samuel 28: 6 records that when the disobedient King Saul inquired of God, the Lord answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by the prophets nor by the Urim, a Hebrew word which generally means lights. In fact, the so-called Urim V'Tummim was the famed, oraclelike aspect of the priestly breastplate of judgment by which a Heavenly answer could be received for important or difficult questions. According to various
commentaries, the breastplate was used to give a righteous judgment in cases in which normal human wisdom was insufficient. In general, the gems are called in Hebrew Urim and Thummim, often rendered as “lights and perfections.” Unless God spoke in an audible voice or sent an angel in the days of the Hebrew Bible, there were only three basic forms of divine guidance available: God might speak through dreams, through the words and admonitions of prophets, and also through the Urim (lights) associated with the breastplate of the High priest. The collection of Jewish law and tradition called the Talmud states that questions were put to God on the priestly breastplate—and the stones would light up to give an answer. On a recent visit to biblical Samaria, a Levitical priest amongst the Samaritan sect explained to us that the breastplate was something like a computer. He claimed the way the Urim v’Tummin worked may have had something to do with electrical impulses emanating from the high priest’s heart, and God simply employed those impulses to light up the stones on the breastplate. That's one theory. The Temple Institute’s website has another intriguing interpretation: claiming that according to most authoritative opinions, the expression Urim v'Tummim actually refers not to the breastplate itself, but to the mystical Divine name of God. The sacred name was written on a piece of parchment and inserted into the folds of the priestly garment. According to the Temple Institute's interpretation, the presence of the name facilitated divine guidance through the shining of specific letters on the stones. There is much dispute as to the exact identity of the twelve gemstones mentioned in the Hebrew Bible; there are up to 30 interpretations of various stones so I dare not speculate but know that the Jewish people are conducting much research and diligently seeking discoveries so that a kosher breastplate may be reconstructed.The study of the priestly garments of our Jewish elders, who are the foundation on which Christianity is laid, is vital and interesting and should inspire us to long for beauty and holiness in our churches by contrast to some of the casual unholy dress and manner in pulpits and performance stages in many churches today… yet the Bible demands
The Gemstones that Spoke for God This teaching is excerpted from a video at
holiness, beauty and joy in God’s presence. According to the Temple Institute’s website, the priestly garments were made for holiness, honor and beauty. Beauty is a part of worship that should not be neglected. Christians have made much of St. Paul’s teaching in Ephesians Chapter 6 about putting on the protective armour of God—the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth, the shield of faith, the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of the Spirit, the Gospel shoes, and so on. Interesting that the Jewish sages also have teachings about the deeper meaning of the high priest garments. For example, the tunic, which covered most of the priest's body, represented a covering, or atonement for killing. They say the undergarments represented atonement for sexual sins. The turban represented atonement for haughtiness and highmindedness. The High Priest's crown engraved with “Holiness unto the Lord” taught sanctity and humility in God’s presence. The breastplate made mediation for errors in judgment, improper thoughts and evil speech. The breastplate of judgment is a particularly important garment because on it were engraved twice all the names of the tribes of Israel. Try as some churches mistakenly do through replacement theology, we can’t divorce ourselves from our Jewish roots because you will discover these same tribal names of Israel upon the 12 pearly gates in the New Jerusalem in Chapter 21of the Book of Revelation! All of these symbolic items—the golden garments that the high priest wore every day and the white garments that he wore on the Day of Atonement— have great theological significance fulfilled in the life and Atonement of King Messiah Jesus. All of our righteousness, the Bible declares, amounts to filthy rags, but Jesus as our High
Priest clothes us with white garments and takes way our filth and sins. He imputes to us his righteousness. As our High Priest, Jesus is currently seated at the right hand of God where he ever makes intercession for believers until he returns to Israel to rule the earth as Israel’s Davidic Messiah, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Each of the 12 stones is different. This speaks of the wonderful variety among believers. We’re not carbon copies but uniquely costly and created to do exploits that God has planned for nobody else but our individual selves. The stones are not alike, yet they are precious, as we are to God. The stones share the same breastplate; this speaks of divine unity—we are all different but members of the same Body of Messiah. One of the simplest ways to leave a legacy is to name Exploits Ministry/Jerusalem Channel in your will or trust. Your gift can be a stated cash amount, a percentage, a specific asset, or the remainder of your estate after other distributions have been made. Through a gift from your will or trust, you will be able to continue your support of Exploits Ministry/Jerusalem Channel. For details please visit the donate page at
The mandate of EXPLOITS MINISTRY ® Acts 1:8 ‘And you shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.’
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