Inside: Faith-Based Diplomacy Jews & Christians Dining Together Dreams, Signs & Wonders in the Desert
W W W . J E R U S A L E M C H A N N E L . T V
By Christine Darg At our recent Jerusalem Channel dinner in London, we welcomed two Members of Israel’s Knesset (MKs) along with Parliament members, the Marquess of Reading, the President of Israel Allies Foundation Josh Reinstein, Deputy Ambassador to Israel and other diplomats, Christian and Jewish community leaders to withstand antisemitism as the People of the Book. Along with the Israel Allies Foundation, our ministry co-sponsored a meeting in Parliament with MP Mark Pritchard, chairman of the British Parliamentary Israeli Allies Caucus, on the dangers of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns against Israel. An alarming growth in BDS is spreading rapidly across Europe. Recently in the House of Lords, former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks described the rise of antisemitism today as being similar to the period leading up to the Holocaust. According to a university study on the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, damage inflicted is also measurable in their brains. Moreover, BDS actually hurts the economic
well-being of Arabs in Israel as well as Israeli Jews. These are some of the views expressed by MK Orit Farash-Hacohen and MK Sherren Haskel as well as Israeli diplomats, Jewish and Christian leaders at our events. Josh Reinstein said, “We anticipate that this event will invigorate our network of supporters in the UK to strengthen their commitment to stand by the State of Israel and reject all forms of antisemitism, even when disguised as anti-Zionism.” Israel faces challenges not shared by any other democracy. The Islamic Republic of Iran threatens the region through its terrorist satellites, Hamas and Hezbollah, and Iran’s quest for a nuclear weapon. Explaining that throughout history antisemitism has come in waves, MK Haskel said, “We are amidst another rising wave of antisemitism and religious intolerance in which European antisemitism is masked in the territorial mask of anti-Zionism.” In his remarks to the Jerusalem Channel, Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev said as antisemitism rears its head, “Christians are also enduring untold discrimination and worse. These threats require us to stand together and to stand up for the values we share.” Indeed, as I often say, pressures of antisemitism and religious persecution are pushing the People of the Book, Jews and Christians, closer together. Barbara Dingle, Jerusalem Channel trustee, noted that one-sixth of all medications dispensed in Britain’s National Health Service are of Israeli origin and that some sort of public acknowledgment should be noted, especially to inform prejudiced patients who are inclined to accept false narratives of BDS. Meanwhile, Ambassador Regev noted that the Israel-UK partnership is growing stronger: “Our
Above left, Peter Darg at Houses of Parliament. Above right, Christine Darg welcomes dignitaries. In this photo, Israeli MK Orit Farash-Hacohen speaks on danger of rising anti-Semitism.
Faith-Based Diplomacy
bilateral trade reached a record £8.6 billion in 2018, our security cooperation is saving British and Israel lives, and research partnerships between our universities are solving technological, medical and ecological challenges of our time.” Israel made history when it became the first country to finalize a trade deal with Britain, after Brexit, which will create even more jobs and prosperity. Deputy Ambassador Sharon Bar-Li said “the BDS movement is a moral failure for three reasons: It is racist itself because it singles out Israel and Israelis for opprobrium and demonization. From university campuses, to town halls, and supermarkets, no other country is targeted by such vile and vitriolic protests in this way.” Secondly, the BDS movement is a moral failure because it claims to stand up for Palestinians, but they
end up as its victims. From staying silent when it comes to the PA and Hamas’ routine human rights violations, to praising terrorists, and undermining Palestinian workers, the boycott movement’s activists are damaging the welfare of those they claim to support.” Thirdly, the BDS movement is a moral failure because it “denies my people’s historic connection to our homeland, rejects our right to national selfdetermination, and undermines peace,” Bar-Li said. Meanwhile, other countries around the world are recognizing that BDS is morally wrong. Germany passed a resolution calling BDS antisemitic, demanding that public funds be denied to organizations that support boycotts. Many states in the USA have passed resolutions against BDS. We hope and pray that a similar resolution will be passed in Parliament. As watchmen, we call upon intercessors for the Middle East to champion our shared Judeo-Christian values. We also want our prayer partners and financial supporters to appreciate the value of our activities. An Anglican cleric sent me the following feedback: “So many thanks for the most wonderful double event which you sponsored. It was a huge honour for me to attend. God’s Holy Spirit was working mightily. There was something quite unique about the day, perhaps summed up when one of the ladies from the Knesset talked about us being brothers and sisters, and the Deputy Ambassador used the word ‘family’ to describe what was going on that day. It was indeed very special to attend and to hear everything that was said. I now feel very commissioned to be an ambassador myself — an ambassador against antisemitism.”
When Jews Pray & Dine JERUSALEM
When has it ever been possible for Orthodox Jews and Christians in large gatherings to sit down side-by-side at meals, eating, praying and fellowshiping with one another? In God’s perfect timing, that time has come, as Psalm 133 proclaims, “Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell [literal Hebrew is to sit] together….” For many years we’ve been privileged to dine in homes of rabbis and Israeli friends, but we haven’t seen this dynamic on such a large scale until recent times. A whole new level of freedom in worship was a hallmark of the third Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Movement (JPBM), coinciding with the 52nd anniversary of the June 1967 reunification of Jerusalem. Participants from 65 nations interceded for more governments to move their embassies to Jerusalem, Israel’s capital. The United States had set the example by announcing their embassy move six months to the day after the founders’ initial Jerusalem
Prayer Breakfast in June of 2017. Jerusalem Channel co-founders Peter and Christine Darg and Exploits Ministry Trustee Barbara Dingle were among nearly 700 delegates representing Christian leaders, ambassadors and government officials at the two-day prayer summit in Jerusalem. Events were held in the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset and a Jerusalem hotel. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and US President Trump both sent greetings. The JPBM was initiated by former Member of Knesset (MK) Robert Ilatov, who on behalf of the Knesset first invited Christians to come up to Jerusalem to put Psalm 121: 6 into action. Ilatov said it was highly significant that the 2019 Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast was the only event hosted within the short 21st Knesset THE HAGUE
Willem J.J. Glaushouwer, one of the Netherlands' foremost Bible teachers on Israel and the nations, with Peter Darg
& Christians Together
(which was dissolved due to Likud’s failure to form a coalition government.) New elections are to be held in September. Co-chaired by JPBM director Albert Vexler and former US Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, the event is facilitated by Josh Reinstein, director of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus. Both Jews and Christians shared in the ministries of exhortation and intercession, praise, worship and declarations from the Scriptures. The JPBM has been spreading to the nations, and another prophetic breakfast followed in June at The Hague in the Netherlands (above center and bottom photos). The Hague prides itself on its Peace Palace, but World War 1 broke out one year after it was built! There are no visible references to God in the edifice. Only Jesus, as returning King of Kings and Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the root and offspring of David, can bring true and lasting peace to this world! At the International Criminal Court, we strategically prayed for God’s justice! When the churches most need to understand the times, it is imperative that we educate our nations on the necessity of knowing God’s prophetic word. Jerusalem has yet to receive the Zechariah 12 - 13 prophesied outpouring of the Holy Spirit, THE HAGUE but it will surely happen! Therefore we must not disregard the fact that God has
promised to bring his people back to the land of Israel. We must prepare the way of the Lord by being spiritual guardians upon the walls. As one of the founding members of the JPBM, I offered a prayer during the most recent convocation in Jerusalem: “Heavenly Father, your word declares in Zechariah 8:3 that Jerusalem shall be called ‘Jerusalem, the city of Truth, and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain.’ All around us in our nations we see people suffering from strong delusions, believing lies, because they loved not the truth. But we love your truth. As watchmen, we withstand the lies. We stand in the gap against every false narrative. We prophesy to Jerusalem your future destiny as the City of Truth.”
Dreams, Signs and Wonders By Christine Darg
Although drawn to the Jews because of their covenant relationship with God, I also identified with Abraham’s prayer in Genesis 17: 18 that Ishmael might live. I saw the Muslim’s desperate need of the Savior. God gave me a vision of Ishmael and Hagar in Abraham’s tents—and their lonely expulsion and consequential spirit of rejection as they wandered in the wilderness of Beersheva with only a loaf of bread and a goatskin of water. Genesis 21 describes how God heard the voice of the boy, and the angel of the Lord called to Hagar from heaven, “Don’t be afraid, for God has heard the voice of the boy.” Then the Lord opened her eyes, and Hagar saw a well of water. God called me through dreams to both Israel and Arabia. I began to preach in Arab homes and in Bedouin tents, in open fields and even from a rooftop to an entire village of Muslims in a Bulgarian village near the Turkish border. I was amazed at the Muslims’ openness to the Gospel. Just as he had opened the eyes of Hagar, the Lord also opened my eyes to give Ishmael a deep drink of Living Water. A case in point—a Muslim taxi driver drove me on a 45-minute taxi journey to an airport. He was very talkative, so I asked him if he had ever had a dream or vision about Jesus. “Strange that you should ask!” the driver said, “Just last week I had a dream about a man in a bright
robe. It was Jesus!” But he wondered why he should dream about Jesus and not about the prophet of Islam. This gave me opportunity to share the Gospel all the way to the airport, and to pray with him! Christians are increasingly coming into contact with Muslims. Often we feel inadequate to share our faith. It’s all overwhelming to the average believer. But don’t discount the supernatural! If we will have the presence of mind to ask our Muslim friends if they have experienced dreams or visions, chances are they will say, “Yes!” Many of their dreams about Jesus are conclusive, that He wants to be their Lord and Saviour. But often supernatural dreams are preparatory, offering clues that need an evangelist to interpret. Joel 2: 28 is quoted in the New Testament, which says, “It will come about after this that I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions.” Mark 16: 20 also declares, “Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.” As a sign, God also sometimes uses dreams as one way to validate his messengers. Women preachers haven’t always been received in churches, but brave women have made up the majority of missionaries venturing outside church walls, and some like Jenny de Mayer have gone to extraordinary lengths, spending their entire lives to reach a couple of choice souls. In the early part of the 20th century, Jenny was a Russian nurse and adventurer who traveled throughout central Asia, Arabia and North Africa as a Bible woman. Among my favourite inspirational books is her epic
“Adventures with God.” I discovered her book many years ago on a library shelf at a guest house in Mt. Carmel in Israel. Sometimes when we stand before a bookcase, we are drawn to one title, and my eyes fastened on her book. Jenny travelled long distances through hot climates and harsh terrain just to reach souls whom the Good Shepherd sought. For many seasons, she spent months living with an elderly Muslim couple in Tashkent to bring the Gospel to them. The old couple accepted the Christian woman into their home and hearts. The patriarch, known as the Khodja, a Muslim dignitary, enjoyed listening to Jenny reading from the Gospels and tracts in the Uzbek language. The Khodja continued his religious practices as a faithful Muslim but was open to hear the Gospel. At first Jenny couldn’t gauge how much had fallen into his soul, but his willingness to listen encouraged her to spend long periods over three consecutive years with the couple. Jenny prayed with tears and a burdened heart, asking for a sign that the Lord had entered their hearts. However, she was soon to be arrested for missionary work. The chief Muslim cleric of Tashkent was sent by the Soviet government to accuse Jenny of propaganda. The Khodja sat silently listening, but when the Mullah was taken aback by Jenny’s biblical answers, suddenly the Khodja’s face shone with a heavenly light, and he said to the mullah, “Our friend here has told us that when we stand before God on Judgment Day, Issa al Messia, [Jesus the Messiah], will be the One to intercede for us then.” The Khodja’s statement was a thrilling answer to prayer—he trusted in the Saviour as his Advocate before God! At last, when the old couple sat with Jenny on the day of her departure, the Khodja said, “I will now tell you why I agreed to accept you into our home. Before I ever saw you coming into our garden, I had already seen you! I recognized you as that woman whom God had shown me in a dream, and I welcomed you as God’s messenger.” Through Jenny’s faithful witness, the Holy Spirit had worked in the man’s heart a holy confidence to throw out the anchor of his soul into
heaven. As Hebrews 6:19 declares, “This hope in the Messiah is like a firm and steady anchor for our souls. In fact, hope reaches behind the curtain and into the most holy place.” The phenomenon that Jenny experienced of having been preceded by a dream also occurred in our ministry on a number of occasions. One time I entered an Arab village near Bethlehem, and a family opened their home for a Gospel meeting because their son had already seen my visit in a dream. Likewise, a hajj (a pilgrim to Mecca) prayed with me for salvation and healing because he had seen me in a dream. He was dramatically healed of lung cancer! When we preached in eastern Bulgaria after the fall of Communism, two women testified that they had previously seen me as a preacher in dreams. In a theater where we preached in Varna on the Black Sea, one of these women rushed forward to receive Jesus. Just the night before, she saw me in a dream, saving her from falling into a deep pit! As I have documented in one of my books, Miracles Among Muslims, the Lord has been increasingly appearing to Muslims through dreams and visions. On another occasion when Jenny de Mayer was travelling in North Africa, she was sent on a mission south of the Atlas mountains to Tolga, One of My Heroines of Faith, Bible Woman and Adventurer for God, Russian Nurse Jenny de Mayer
Dreams, Signs and Wonders in the Biskra Province, 360 kilometers from he pondered the meaning of the pole, but Algiers. Tolga is known for high quality soon, due to the cares of life, he forgot dates and has more than 500,000 date about it. Two years later, again during the palms. Jenny was informed of a supernatural fasting month of Ramadan, he experienced This teaching is a experience concerning the owner of the a sequel to the dream. This time Jesus asked, video at largest date plantation. Due to a drought, “Why haven’t you searched for the pole?” the owner was on the verge of bankruptcy and had The perplexed young man asked, “What is this pole decided to kill himself, but in the night, he met Jesus and how can I find it?” Jesus pointed to a hill far in shining white garments who forbade him to away, saying, “Go, look for the pole.” In commit suicide. Jesus told him to drill once more for his dream, the man ran for miles and, water at a certain spot, assuring him that water would exhausted, came to a clearing. He was be found. The message was so definite that the jolted. Before him stood a big Cross! plantation owner took fresh courage and bored for The young man visited his mosque water at the appointed place, and wonder of wonders! and asked the leader the meaning of the Cross. Beautiful bubbling water as white as water from a The Muslim cleric wisely replied, “Search for the glacier gushed violently and soon overflowed nearby truth.” The young man asked, “Is the Christian plantations, also bringing relief to their droughtJesus the truth?” But the imam repeated, “Search stricken palms. Neighbors agreed to pay the owner a for the truth.” The next night, the young man big sum to share the rushing water through concrete dreamed again, and this time he saw graves channels. Jenny was deeply moved to discover decorated with crosses in a cemetery. Suddenly, another instance of our Lord pouring a blessing on the graves were opened! The dead came alive and Muslim souls rose into the sky, where Jesus was waiting for dwelling in a dry and them! He cried out to Jesus that he wasn’t ready thirsty land. She met because he didn’t yet have the Cross! the owner’s son, who Awakening from the dream, he visited a small testified that Jesus church near his village. The pastor gladly gave him a had indeed saved his Bible. They opened the New Testament to John 14: 6, family. How “Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth and the life. wonderful are the No one comes to the Father except through Me.” ways of God with the children of men! A simple way to leave a legacy is to name During the Muslim month of Ramadan, a Exploits Ministry/Jerusalem Channel young Indonesian Muslim experienced a disturbing in your will or trust. Your gift can be a stated cash amount, dream. He was tied to a chair, but a Man he knew to a percentage, a specific asset, or the remainder of your estate after other distributions are made. Through a gift be Jesus touched the ropes, which fell off instantly, from your will or trust, you will continue to support and he was set free. Jesus then said, “Go look for the Exploits Ministry/Jerusalem Channel. For details please pole.” The young man asked, “What pole?” But Jesus visit the donate page at simply repeated, “Look for the pole.” After the dream, The mandate of EXPLOITS MINISTRY ® Acts 1:8 ‘And you shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.’
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