The World Needs a Spiritual Blockbuster! WWW.JERUSALEMCHANNEL.COM
The Concentric Circles Of Faith: From Jerusalem
To the Ends of the Earth! By Christine Darg JERUSALEM, JUDEA & SAMARIA & THE WORLD. It’s taken nearly 2,000 years but the question the Lord’s disciples asked IS about to be answered. When they were together for the last time before Jesus’s Ascension, they asked, “Lord, are you going to restore the [Davidic] kingdom to Israel now?” His startling answer was that first they had a job to do. First they were to receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to be his witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth! (Acts 1: 6-8) The rebellion of mankind is presently reaching the proverbial fever pitch. When the last gentile is saved and Israel summons him, Yeshua will return. He will rule for a thousand years of peace from the throne of his father David.
Former Hindu and Bollywood actress Divya Dani gave her testimony; Jesus healed her son from insomnia and demons
Meanwhile, The Jerusalem Channel and Exploits Ministry continue to spread the Gospel according to the pattern in Acts 1:8 that was commissioned by the Lord of the Harvest: ~We are his witnesses first in Jerusalem, ~Also in Judea and Samaria (territories that the world erroneously calls the West Bank), ~And also to the ends of the earth! Recently we continued to do our part by holding a Moveable Feast of Tabernacles convocation in Jerusalem’s Old City followed by a city-wide Gospel Festival in India to gather up more precious souls for the Harvest. An unprecedented number of local churches worked with our team. As we entered the stadium complex through the moonlit ornate gateway (photo right), it was almost impossible for our car to reach (continued)
Thrilling testimony of a woman healed of 10 years of crippling pain!
Peter Darg Ministering a Time of Healing in Our October 2015 Gospel Festival in Vizag City, India
Decorative Gates of our 5,000-seat Stadium Venue
Honorary Doctorates from India’s United Evangelical Churches
Teaching on Israel was well-received but new to many!
Crying for joy (photo above), miracles and salvations!
(continued) the entrance with hundreds of motorcycles and auto-rickshaws occupying every available parking space. Inside the stadium, the atmosphere was charged with expectation and joyous Gospel music Indian style. The praise and worship was a big contrast to the sombre rituals associated with the city’s many Hindu temples.
Our Gospel festival was held in the second largest city in the state of Andhra Pradesh. We were welcomed by the member of Parliament for the region on the opening night. With the 5,000-seat stadium almost full, several thousand additional Indians were content to sit either on the stadium floor or side chairs. My latest video at on the “blockbuster anointing” describes how Philip the Evangelist turned Samaria upside down. He broke the spell of a sorcerer over the city as recorded in Acts 8. That text was one of my main themes in India. Just as Philip the Evangelist preached with signs following of the lame healed, many came forward each night to testify that the Lord had delivered them during the salvation and healing
prayers of long-standing crippling pains in knees, legs, backs, heads. Some testified they were instantly relieved of suffering that had lasted for up to ten years. As the Times of the Gentiles are almost finished (Luke 21: 24), waves of gentiles are being swept into the kingdom ! We’re working hard in the Harvest. God confirms his Word with signs in the meetings as well as in nature! During our festival, a three-day threat of a typhoon was stopped by prayer! Our organizer said it would not rain until one hour after the conclusion of our Fourth Bible Congress, and that is exactly when rain began. As the campaign began, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake shook South Asia including Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. Many had come to thank God that their city had been spared this year from a powerful cyclone. Thus the people were both thankful and receptive as I preached on signs of the Second Coming, cataloguing natural disasters in addition to my own perspective about Endtime prophecies fulfilled in Jerusalem and Israel. I preached from Acts 8: 5-13 how one man, Philip the evangelist, turned Samaria upside down
and broke the spell of a sorcerer, Simon Magus. During the ministry time, many Hindus testified that they had received peace with God through Jesus. Our organizer distributed response cards. As the Gospel festival continued, even larger crowds filled the stadium. Always a challenge in India, we experienced a partial power failure but went on preaching without air conditioning. In more ways than one, it was a hot Gospel meeting with the added attraction of a popular Bollywood movie star. She shared her testimony of conversion from a Hindu background when Jesus healed her son of demonic oppression. I preached salvation messages of the Last Days, and the Lord confirmed his Word again with signs following. Peter Darg shared about the Lord’s power to heal and the platform overflowed with victorious testimonies of men and women who had been set free from injuries, maladies and pain by the power of God. So far, more than 200 healings have been documented and more response cards come in daily. At the conclusion of our Gospel Festival, participating pastors said there had never been such unity achieved in the city amongst clergy! Also they
said a citywide Christian event had never been held previously in the Port Stadium. We are very grateful for the cooperation of up to 60 churches. Following the festival, I sensed a fresh anointing to share with many leaders the truth of God’s agenda in Israel and Jerusalem at our Fourth Bible Congress in India. I shared the necessity of understanding the times and reaping the Harvest to finish the Times of the Gentiles. The United Evangelical churches of India blessed my husband Peter and myself with honorary doctorates. We first visited India in 1977, and we have been invited to preach there many times since the 1990s. Vizag TV Channel and Pradhana TV televised our stadium messages, multiplying the coverage of our campaign. Dear partner, God bless you! Your support is massively appreciated!
Sample of our response cards
Photo by David Darg.
By Christine Darg Israel is increasingly under attack. An Israeli father and mother were shot by terrorists in their car while their small children watched helplessly. A father was murdered on his way to pray at the Western Wall. His wife was stabbed. His two-yearold daughter was shot in the leg. A young man who tried to help them was also killed. There have been many more stabbing attacks all over the country. Increasingly Psalm 83 reads just like the news. It describes a confederacy of Mideast nations hell-bent on destroying the Jewish state, crying as one voice, “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation so the name of Israel will be remembered no more!” Peace is not their goal. Annihilation of Israel is their stated aim! Palestinians incite hatred and strife on the Temple Mount, and the nations blame Israel! All of this opposition and contention bring to mind the prophecy concerning Israel in Zechariah 12. God says: “I’m going to make Jerusalem an intoxicating cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah-- (referring no doubt to the
contested territories of Judea and Samaria)--will be besieged as well as Jerusalem.” And in verse 3, God gives a dire warning to the nations who are meddling with Israel’s capital, “On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against Jerusalem, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock” –in order words—Jerusalem will be like a boundary stone for all the nations. God warns, “All who try to move it will severely injure [or rupture] themselves” by trying to lift and tamper with Jerusalem! That’s hot off the pages of the Book of Zechariah in the Hebrew Bible. David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, famously said, “In Israel, if you don’t believe in miracles, you’re not a realist.” Israel needs a miracle and miracles are coming! According to an Hassidic rabbi, the war of Gog and Magog mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel has already begun in Syria. And many other watchmen are wondering if the Ezekiel War has, in fact, really begun. Many Bible scholars and watchmen (continued on back)
O pe n He av e n
At Ja ff a Ga te ! Ministry Partner Report on our Ongoing Tabernacle of David Projects In Jerusalem, City of the Great King!
By Christine Darg Henry Smith, composer of such popular worship songs as “Give Thanks,” composed a new song for our Moveable Feast of Tabernacles that was “premiered” on the rooftop in our new “Tabernacle of David:” Hail to the coming King who will sit upon the throne In the city of our God, And he will come with strength and bring justice to the earth. He is Christ our King Bringing good news to the poor, He will open up the door He will set the prisoner free, release the captives He will comfort those that mourn with an everlasting joy Then the downcast and oppressed will be oaks of righteousness! A number of years ago, with the amazing cooperation of the City of David, our ministry staged a day-long Tabernacle of David celebration in a tent at the Gihon Spring, where the original Tabernacle of David had been erected. Recently full provision was made for our times of prayer and worship in a tabernacle where we reside near Jerusalem’s Jaffa Gate. We feel secure and protected in our current ministry base at a family-run hotel in a biblically strategic location. The rooftop of the landmark building has been shored up; rickety
Cindy & Henry Smith leading morning worship on rooftop
wooden steps leading to the panaromic roof have been replaced; toilet facilities have been added; a glass panel and tent structures now shelter pilgrims from sun and wind. We enjoyed the new rooftop facility to view the last blood moon eclipse of the 20142015 tetrad at the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles. In the photo above, worship leaders Cindy and Henry Smith from the USA, along with David Snowdon from the UK, led us in praise and worship in the rooftop tabernacle. We look forward to more times of worship under an open heaven from this great vantage point overlooking David’s Tower, Jaffa Gate, the Citadel, the sacred walls of the Old City, the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives. For details of our 2-6 January 2016 New Year Watchmen and Women on the Walls Intercessory Convocation, please visit the events page at Our theme will be from Zechariah 12: 3, “Jerusalem, God’s Immovable Rock.” We are also planning an add-on Exploits Ministry excursion 7-10 January 2016 to Sofia, Bulgaria, where we will hold an “Esther Women’s Conference—For Such a Time as This.” Details are available at our website.
Jerusalem, God!s Immovable Rock! believe the blood Christine in India: moons were a cosmic The Cross and Israel signal from God that we have entered the end-time scenario envisioned by the prophets. Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, Zechariah 12 and Ezekiel 38 and 39 seem to be coming to pass in real time right before our eyes. Despite the anti-Semitism, the inordinate hatred and bloodshed against Israel, God's hand is decidedly upon Israel once again just as He promised, not to destroy the Jews but to bring them home. And that’s why Israel is being pressured on every side and is facing much spiritual and physical warfare. God’s Word promises that as the Lord regathers Israel, he will also protect and shield his nation. In the midst of increasing darkness coming upon the earth, the Church must arise and shine and stand with Israel until Jesus appears to summons us home. The social media are a phenomenon causing chaos to speed up; all sorts of satanic propaganda is spreading fast and out of control. Like all media, the social media can be used for good, or for evil. If God had a Twitter account, he would astound the world by tweeting passages from his unchangeable Word. Take Isaiah 41, for example, where God says, “But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you.
I said, ‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. And here’s a tweet from God to the terrorists and ayatollahs of this world concerning Israel, “All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish.” Therefore, all nations who war against Israel will be reduced to zero! Surely the legacies of Herod, Haman and Hitler testify to this reality. They were all reduced to zero. We’re now coming to the culmination of history as we know it. A recent headline certainly caught my attention: It asked the question, “Syria-- part of Greater Israel?” What is happening now in the territory known presently as Syria was prophesied in Isaiah 17, “Behold, Damascus (Syria’s capital) will cease to be a city and will become a heap of ruins.” In the Hebrew press, an Orthodox woman recently wrote with prophetic insight that Israel must admit powerlessness against the fifth column of bloodthirsty enemies residing within her borders. Step two is faith…to believe a Power greater than themselves can restore sanity. Step three is surrender to God for intervention! Amen! On our watch we’re seeing Israel return to the Father! Soon Jesus will make Himself known to his brethren! Pray without ceasing!
Acts 1:8 and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
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