4th Bible Congress In India Jews and Christians Together in Corridors Of Power
Exploits Ministry!s Salvation for India Bible Congress Attended by 500 Pastors The Jerusalem Channel celebrated Israel’s Independence Day this year with a big event in India. This was the Jerusalem Channel’s 4th Bible Congress in India and coincided with Israel’s 68th Independence Day. More than 500 pastors, leaders and Bible women from around the state of Andhra Pradesh converged in Tenali to hear Jerusalem Channel founders Peter and Christine Darg share about Bible prophecy and the signs and wonders that the God of Israel is accomplishing in the reconstituted Jewish State, despite constant physical and spiritual warfare. “The pastors received Peter and Christine Darg as messengers of the Lord to the nation of India,” said organizer Pastor S. Kumar, CEO of the national organization Salvation for India. “In addition to the Bible Congress to believe for the salvation of India, we held six village meetings to strengthen the local churches and to prepare for a city-wide Gospel campaign in the state’s new administrative capital. “Many of the pastors had never heard such thorough Bible teaching concerning the church’s relationship to Israel,” commented Pastor Kumar, “and now the delegates have pledged to pray for Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem. They have learned in this Bible Congress the principle of
Genesis 12:3 concerning those who bless Israel shall be blessed–and those who curse (and boycott) Israel shall be cursed (and boycotted)! One reason why the nation of India is prospering is because of increased relations between Israel and India. “Peter and Christine Darg are surely the Lord’s spiritual ambassadors between our two great nations,” Pastor Kumar stated during the Congress. “We must as Indians learn to collaborate more with Israel because it is the God of Israel that the Christians serve.” One of the purposes of our Congresses is to empower Bible workers to reach remote villages where Evangelist Christine Darg cannot reach. After preaching a lightning round of six church meetings in one day, Christine said, “Once again,
the vastness of the Harvest and the territory of India are so great that it’s humanly impossible for a single evangelist to reap the harvest in the remaining times of the Gentiles. We must all work together. Our Bible Congresses are similar to and partially inspired by the regional Fire Conferences of our mentor Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.” Pastor Kumar wrote, “Through the Lord’s messengers Dr. Peter and Christine, the pastors and leaders are fully aware of the high importance and priority of Israel, the loving nation of Yeshua. The pastors are now praying for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem. Now Dr. Peter and Dr. Christine have
been able to wake up pastors, leaders and the people of India to love and pray for Israel and Jerusalem on a regular basis and the people now understood how God has been protecting Israel from its enemies. The big evangelists are only able to visit the cities in India but not in the unreached areas of this nation. But Exploits Ministry is reaching the villages through the Bible Congresses with the good news of Yeshua our Jesus. Amen.We are faith believers that Yeshua is the same. By His amazing grace, He has been doing miracles through Christine so pray she will continue in India and the nations.”
The 10th anniversary celebration of the Christian Friends of Magen David Adom (CFMDA) was the first reception hosted by Israel’s new Ambassador Mark Regev at the Embassy of Israel in London. Christine Darg was honoured to be the keynote speaker in an evening of great fellowship among Christians and Jews organized by Exploits Ministry Trustee Barbara Dingle along with CFMDA president Rev. Mark Madeley and other Israeli diplomats and Magen David Adom officials photographed below with Ambassador Mark Regev. Following are excerpts from Christine’s talk: We give the God of Israel a big “thank you” for the rebirth of the modern State of Israel! The fact that Israel is 68 years old is almost a Biblical generation–and it is our joy and privilege to live in days that the prophets envisioned but did not live to see. These are days of saving lives and strengthening Israel. We bless the God of Israel for preserving
the Jewish people and for bringing us to this season. Truly this generation has been an eye witness of the greatest miracle since Bible days, and that is the resurrection of the Jewish people and their ancient language in the Promised Land. Magen David Adom (MDA) as a charity ticks all the boxes for me personally. It’s a very politically correct organization, if I may say that, meaning that all the peoples of Israel are treated equally–no matter if you are a tourist, a Jew, Druze, Muslim or even a terrorist! The MDA volunteers are committed to saving all lives no matter what is your creed or religion! MDA is also a prophetically correct organization. As one who teaches and believes in Biblical healing, I am especially attracted to the emergency medical services of a charity that is part of the fulfilment of Bible prophecy. Ever since its inception by a brave woman in the 1930s, MDA has been literally fulfilling the great prophetic promises of Jeremiah 30: 17. The Lord will “give you back your health.” He says, “I will heal your wounds.” Never have a people been more wounded that the dispersed and hounded Jewish people who had to pass through the horrific gates of the Holocaust before returning to their ancestral land. But like God’s watchmen on the walls, MDA is available to help 24/7 in the spirit of Psalm 121:4, which testifies that Shomer Israel (the Guardian of Israel) never slumbers nor sleeps. My first encounter with Magen David Adom was when Israel was yet a young nation, only about 28 years old. My husband and I were visiting on one of our first trips to Israel. Peter teases me that it was some sort of desert sheik fantasy,
Christians & Jews Meeting Together In Corridors of Power
but it really happened in the middle of the night! We were guests on an official press tour staying in a hotel famous for journalists when, in the middle of the night, I cut myself on a glass edge of a bedside table. The hotel manager called the emergency services, and to my surprise, the medic who arrived in an MDA sedan had payot (side curls) and looked more like a rabbi than a medic! (Over 10,000 volunteers from both religious and secular backgrounds volunteer for MDA, and the minimum age is 15.) They took me to a little field hospital in a tent somewhere in East Jerusalem, and returned me to my hotel-gratefully with no bill to pay! Since then we’ve been privileged as a ministry to donate to MDA a “medicycle,” (a quick response motorcycle), and this fall our Jerusalem Channel will dedicate a fully equipped ambulance, thanks to the generosity of our donors! The next and most logical step would be to donate an air ambulance! For years we have been praying for a certain Muslim family, and MDA was an answer to our prayers. One of the family members suffered a heart
attack at a checkpoint. Without prejudice, MDA sent a helicopter to save the man’s life. That act of mercy changed perceptions and now the man’s son, a professor, takes Palestinian students to Auschwitz on reconciliation tours! The Jewish people were the first to know medicine and hygiene. From the beginning, God revealed in the Torah that the life of a person is in the circulatory system: “For the life of the body is in the blood.” (Leviticus 17:11) Because of the continual threats against Israel, there is a constant need for fresh blood supplies. Genesis 12: 3 declares, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” And our mandate from the New Testament is Romans 15: 27, “If the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it them to share their material blessings with the Jews.” Alms are to be voluntary yet at the same time, we owe the Jewish people everything according to the law of charity, the law of love and the law of reciprocity. If our precious Jewish elders in the faith have given us both the Scriptures and the Saviour, we must reciprocate with every mercy within our power!
Our 4th Bible Congress in India: equipping workers to go into remote areas
Very Dear Ministry Partners, We must press into God for empowerment to reap a great End-time harvest and a great ingathering of souls before the Messiah returns to redeem regathered Israel! We have Scriptural authority to believe for thie great End-time Revival! The prophet Joel said the Holy Spirit will be poured out on all flesh. That Revival began on the day of Pentecost and will continue until Jesus returns, if we will only believe! Thankfully, the spirit of Revival is present in our Gospel meetings. It’s our duty to stay in faith and to maintain an atmosphere of Revival. In our ministry we have a mandate and goal from Acts 1: 8 to preach the Gospel from Jerusalem to many nations, especially in Asia, and we must do this work quickly because the
times of the Gentiles are finishing. Because of the miraculous rebirth of the nation of Israel, we are living on borrowed time. Soon the Church Age and the Times of the Gentiles will be finished. Jesus will return to claim his glorious bride. He will restore the Davidic kingdom to Israel. God will remain faithful to his covenant with the nation of Israel. In the meantime, we’re believing to win at least a million souls in the remaining time before the Second Coming of Jesus. Therefore we covet your prayers. Daniel 11:32b promises that those who “know God will be strong and do exploits.” Thank you for partnering with us on a monthly basis to finish the Harvest!
Indian pastors responding to Christine’s prophetic messages concerning End-time Revival
Christine prophesying in Telani, India at our 4th Bible Congress
Strong Delusion Of End Times Believers seem to be shell-shocked, reeling from one jolt to another as a result of the sheer insanity of our times. If my parents came back to earth today, they would hardly be able to grasp the current state of our world. Many of our leaders exhibit an inability to think rationally. Courts are decreeing erroneous decisions while at the same time pockets of Revival are abounding! This dichotomy of activity—light vs. darkness--points to the fact that we are living in a peculiar period of grace. The door of opportunity to receive the Savior is still open, yet at the same time, we are also experiencing foretastes of the End-Times prophesied in the New Testament by two words: strong delusion. Because people “loved not the truth,” according to 2 Thessalonians 2: 11, “for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion.” The phrase “strong delusion” is actually a Hebraism in the text meaning strong, energetic deceit. In Greek the word looks like energy and, in fact, it is the word from which we get the English word energy. Apparently, the deceptions of the Last Days will have an extra operative power to draw people away from the truth because they loved not the truth in the first place and for this cause—Paul says, God will allow a judicial powerful deceit to ensnare them -- strong delusion — because they didn’t care or investigate whether things are true or not. It is amazing how often a commentator will say a politician or religious leader seems deluded. This prophesied strong delusion is a punishment for sins, because in their hearts men love and prefer error more than they love and prefer truth. This is the big End-Time sin—they didn’t cherish the truth, and therefore they couldn’t believe it. They are pleased and satisfied to follow false notions and vain philosophies. And so God abandons them to themselves and to their own folly. These prophecies
By Christine Darg
have, in a great measure, already come to pass, and confirm the truth of the Scriptures. Have we passed the point of no return? Will God abandon us to our enemies to punish and whip us with weapons of mass destruction? May God have mercy on us. I am grateful that Evangelist Franklin Graham continues to visit every state Capital to pray specifically for revival and to repent according to 2 Chronicles 7: 14, “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray, seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and heal their land.” A cloud of insanity has descended upon America and much of the western world. From our top leaders on down, people are engaged in incredibly self-destructive behavior; extremely irrational decisions are being forced, such as the emphasis upon transgender bathrooms, while much more ominous and dangerous issues hang over our heads like a proverbial Damacles Sword. Increasingly both the unchurched and apostates are being given over to depraved minds. Psalm 11: 3 asks a very relevant question: “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Widespread deterioration in sound judgment is indeed a process of decay that seems to be having an exponential effect. The principles of morality and marriage between a man and a woman are the foundation of society. But the psalmist in Psalm 11:3 paints a picture of a house or a building shattered by an earthquake. When the foundations are destroyed it is impossible to find safety and shelter in a shattered edifice. The word “foundations” in this verse refers to those things on which society rests, or by which social order is sustained. Foundations are the great principles of truth that uphold society. (continued overleaf)
"Because they loved not the truth. . .for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie!! (continued from previous page) When truth is no longer respected, when justice is no longer practiced, when fraud and violence have replaced honesty and honor, the foundations are destroyed. However, there are certain spiritual foundations that never can be removed! The most obvious foundation is the Bible. God’s Word is forever seated in the heavens far above all possibilities of revision or destruction. God’s Word can never disappear no matter how much the forces of darkness try to remove the 10 Commandments from public spheres. The Lord’s throne, his authority, is secure in heaven. Everything he has decreed for the Last Days will come to pass on schedule. The final harvest of souls will be reaped and Israel will be redeemed. Revival cannot be denied. In the meantime, those of us who still love God with all of our hearts are believing for Revival and for strong godly leaders to emerge like King David of old to challenge the Goliaths of this present world system. The temporary problem is that people today are paralyzed with fears and indifference just as the army of Israel was paralyzed in the days of Goliath. Although Israel’s army went out daily to meet the enemy, they didn’t engage the enemy as they had done successfully in the past. A similar fear or paralysis seems to have pervaded Christian communities in the presence of enemies who are proud, boastful, defiant, contemptuous and increasingly confident of victory over God and the Bible. Fear is often
the result of not rising to the challenge to believe God. Fear emboldens our enemies, who then heap more and more reproach upon us. “How is it that you don’t have faith?” Jesus asked in Mark 4:40. We must learn that the spirit of fear can be expelled only by the spirit of faith! It’s important to believe God’s promises and to make a regular habit of practicing the presence of God. We call forth new “Davids,” fresh champions of truth and righteousness. God is not far off. The Lord has promised and pledged himself to pour out his spirit in Revival when we meet his requirements of praying, humbling ourselves, seeking his face, turning from our wicked ways and repentance. We’re responsible to anticipate God’s miracles and deliverances. This is our life of faith. We must petition the Lord for true discernment. It’s amazing what passes for Revival these days and how much true discernment is lacking in the churches. The gift of the discerning of spirits is the power to distinguish clearly between the Holy Spirit and the activities of evil, misleading spirits. On the Day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter preached, “Be saved from this corrupt generation!” How may we be saved from this corrupt generation? The method is the same today as it was 2,000 years ago. The Bible promises that if you will believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you shall be saved! Love the truth and escape strong delusion!
Acts 1:8 ʻAnd ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.ʼ
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