Blind man healed!
Second Bible Women Congress
Apologies And Apostasy! By Christine Darg Beloved… I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints. (Jude 1:3) It’s our watch! The Gospel is currently in our hands (salvation, healing, prophecy) and it’s worth contending for! The Gospel emancipates men and women, restrains lawlessness, makes marriage sacred and elevates civilisation. The Gospel is “the power of God unto salvation” vs. man’s destructive powers. In Ezekiel 3:16–21, the prophet relates how God appointed him a watchman to His people Israel. He explained that if a nation listens and repents, it will be saved. If it does not repent, it will come under God’s judgment… but the watchman himself will be saved. These thoughts were repeated in my recent Bible reading in Ezekiel 33, verses 1 to 11 excerpted: Son of man, ... if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood... Surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die? As God’s servants, we are responsible to deliver His message to the nations and to proclaim his present truth in Jeremiah 31:10: Hear the word of the LORD, O nations, and declare it in the [BRITISH] isles afar off, and say, “He who scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him as a shepherd does his flock.” Britain and the nations are taking their stands against Israel. Where are the watchmen giving warnings? Recently in the UK, we marked the 96th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration that confirmed support from the government for the re-establishment of a homeland for the Jewish
At the Anglo-Israel dinner in London with Barbara Dingle and Israeli Ambassador Daniel Taub
people in the Promised Land. But in Parliament, a number of members from the House of Commons and peers from the House of Lords apologized to the Palestinian people for the Balfour Declaration! Tragically, most of our leaders are Biblically illiterate, but at the time of the Balfour Declaration by Lord Balfour, seven out of ten members of the war cabinet were evangelical Christians! Member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn apologized for the “historical mistake” by Britain. Among those who apologized were Baroness Jenny Tonge, who asserted that the Balfour Declaration produced an Israeli “apartheid” state and that the support of Britain to such a state should end. However, what are we going to do with the fact that God Himself emphatically declared that in His appointed time He would regather and restore Israel as a nation? Furthermore, God requires our nation and all other nations to play our part in his restoration of Israel, while at the same time a just God expects us to deal justly with the Palestinians. God’s restoration of Israel is also an important theme of Paul’s message to Gentile nations and believers in Romans 11:13–15 and 25–29: For I speak to you Gentiles; inasmuch as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, if by any means I may provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh and save some of them. For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?. . . For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that hardening [blindness] in part has happened to
Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour
Israel until the fullness [full number] of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: “The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; for this is My covenant with them, when I take away their sins.” As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. Unfortunately, most church denominations have apostatized to the point that they now oppose God and work against his program by even trying to boycott Israel. Arrogantly, they think they are wiser than God. A Muslim Background Believer who is today following Jesus as Lord voiced many complaints to God about Israel and the Jews. One day God spoke to him clearly: “Your problem is with Me, not with them. I chose the Jews; they did not chose me.” Since then, the former Muslim has been winning other Muslims to the Lord and teaching them to pray for Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem. Paul restates in the Book of Romans what God has already plainly said in Jeremiah 32: 37–41, Behold, I will gather them [Israel] out of all countries where I have driven them in My anger, in My fury, and in great wrath; I will bring them back to this place [the land of Israel], and I will cause them to dwell safely. They shall be My people, and I will be their God; then I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear Me forever, for the good of them and their children after them. And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from doing them good; but I will put My fear in their hearts so that they will not depart from Me. Yes, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will assuredly plant them in this
land, with all My heart and with all My soul. If God declares He will restore Israel with “all My heart and soul,” it’s very dangerous for political and religious leaders to resist such a passionate determination! We discovered this to our own loss when Britain administered the Mandate over the Holy Land. Britain has declined, America is declining, but Israel is rising! In Isaiah 60:12, God prophesied of Israel’s future preeminence: For the nation and kingdom which will not serve you shall perish, and ... be utterly ruined. What a warning! No matter how strong or prosperous we may appear to be, God says we will come to ruin if we oppose his plans and purposes. Scripture looks forward to Zechariah 8:23: Ten men from every language of the nations shall grab the garment of a Jewish man, saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you!” Are you a watchman for your nation? By God’s grace, I hold dual nationality. I am deeply grateful for all the blessings I have received through both the United States, Britain and my adopted home, Israel. I believe God’s desire is to bless the English-speaking nations that carried the Gospel to countless other nations. Our leaders in the past had a greater grasp of the Scriptures. A 1779 hymn book included a hymn, “Almighty God of Love,” by John Wesley in which he foresaw what the Bible clearly teaches, that the Jews would return to their land and that their Temple will be rebuilt: . . .O that the chosen band might now their brethren bring! And gathered out of every land present to Sion’s King. . . We know it must be done, For God hath spoke the Word, And all Israel shall the Saviour own, To their first state restored. Rebuilt by His command, Jerusalem shall rise; Her temple on Moriah stand again, and touch the skies. Send then Thy servants forth, to call the Hebrews home; From East and West, and South and North, Let all the wanderers come: Wherever in lands unknown the fugitives remain, Bid every creature help them on, thy holy mount to gain. . . . How many Methodists today believe events are fulfilling Bible prophecy? As I spoke recently in a Methodist Church, I challenged the congretation— are you in step with your founder or out of step? But revelation about Israel’s restoration does not concern only Methodists. All believers have an urgent responsibility to bear witness to God’s will concerning Israel and the nations.
Second Bible Women Congress
Airport arrival scene. Despite three consecutive cyclones, we refused to cancel, and the Lord of the Harvest rewarded the team’s faith with an open heaven!
By Pastor S. Kumar Salvation for India, Andhra Pradesh We were so blessed by the wonderful visit of Dr. Christine and Dr. Peter to Vijayawada City in India. After much spiritual warfare, we enjoyed an outstanding Second Bible Women Congress as well as a Gospel and Healing Festival 29 November to 2 December 2013. Prior to our scheduled events, we were greatly tested by three terrible cyclones in the Bay of Bengal. Thousands lost their homes, many died. The “Helen” Cyclone crossed just 20 miles near our designated Crusade area. Next, our government and all the TV stations announced that the Cyclone “Lehar” would follow as a “great disaster” for our
Delegates to Second Bible Women Congress
and Gospel Festival in Vijayawada region. Our team fasted and prayed and cried to God to save our meetings. After Dr. Peter and Dr. Christine arrived in Vijayawada Airport, there were lots of dark clouds, rain, puddles and mud as they got into the car, but as we started down the National Highway, we saw the “SUN!” AMEN! This was the wonderful miracle of JESUS OUR YESHUA. His name has increased by shining His favor on God’s people. The Government of India, the TV Networks and officials bowed their heads, because their names were decreased. Many people turned their lives over to Jesus our Yeshua, rejecting Hinduism, and many
Girl Regains Use of Arm during Healing Prayer
were healed. So far we have documented at least 70 testimonies of miraculous healings and great answers to prayer, including recovery of sight from blindness; deliverances from demons; a husband released from prison after Dr. Christine’s prayer; recovery of use of limbs. Many other testimonies are being received through the post on our response cards including miraculous healings from ulcers; pains in all areas of the body; heart and kidney disease; diabetes; high blood pressure; and termination of bleeding. Pray for our Third Bible Women Congress and Gospel Festival, Lord willing, March 2014!
The Youngest of our Four Essay Prize Winners. In India, Shawls of Honor are Bestowed like Mantles.
Christine Darg Leading Salvation Altar Call Near Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Peter Darg Praying for Barren Couples
In this precious photo, you can imagine Jesus saying, “Let the children come unto Me!� One of the joys of preaching in India is the attentiveness of children to the Gospel message.
The Beautiful Harvest Field Of India
Response Cards Record Salvations and Healings. Meetings Were Also On 3 TV Networks
With Pastor Kumar, we launched a new Indian website on behalf of the Persecuted Church
! The Kingdom of Heaven Suffers Violence . . . By Christine Darg We must exert effort to be a real believer, rising up in indignation against forces of darkness. “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” (Matthew 11:12) What a verse! The Lord indicated the Gospel would suffer violence from enemies who oppose, contradict, reproach and intimidate disciples, seeking to take the very life of Messiah. But on the other hand, disciples would forcefully take the kingdom. Commentators say the Lord referred to Gentile sinners-- despised intruders-- eagerly desirous of salvation. They grabbed the kingdom freely offered by Jesus and were willing to submit to the most violent deaths to obtain Him. We used to know a Messianic believer, a professional boxer, Burt Singer, of blessed memory, who became a full-time preacher along with his wife Pam. When I asked Burt to expound on Matthew 11:12, “the kingdom of heaven is taken by violence,” he would go into preacher mode, boxing the air, expounding energetically how we must always fight the devil and subdue all opposition. The great preacher Charles Spurgeon spoke about “holy violence.” In the days of Jesus, the common people had an intense desire to draw close to the Saviour to the point that they pressed upon Him, and no doubt some were pushed out of the way in the rush to reach Jesus. The jostling, elbowing masses were a picture of the earnestness needed to be saved: we must press through the Door, for the gate that leads to life is narrow, and “few there be that find it.” Imagine a crowd anxious to reach Yeshua. He warned the hoards that unless they exhibited this level of earnestness, they would never contact Him. But if, on the other hand, they were truly sincere in finding Him, they would certainly be saved. According to Spurgeon that is the real doctrine of Matthew 11:12, not actual violence, of course, but desperation and genuine striving to accept the Saviour. Yes, salvation is by grace, but we must earnestly strive to obtain all the promises of God, including healing. There is a spiritual jihad, the Arabic word for struggle, (not a physical jihad of terrorism and killing), but a spiritual struggle of all true believers,
meaning that we contend daily against the evil inclination. We don’t wrestle against human beings; we struggle against powers of darkness in heavenly places. Wrestling is a down and dirty, close contact activity. Yet in the West there is so much preaching about ease and success. Somebody said if Jesus had preached the easy success message of today’s Western preachers, He never would have been crucified! I do believe in prosperity in order to preach the Gospel, but socalled effortless Christianity is a deception. In Acts 14: 22, Paul and Barnabas exhorted disciples to continue in the faith, saying “we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” Moreover, Psalm 34:19 states a fact of life: “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” The Good News is that when we are yoked to the Lord, His yoke is easy and his burden is light (Matthew 11:30) because His Presence grants supernatural assistance, wisdom and strength. Now I want to share a powerful verse, John 6:63, where Jesus said, “It is the Spirit that quickens us, [or gives life to us]. The flesh profits nothing. My words I’ve spoken to you are spirit and life.” Somehow we’ve gotten our wires crossed. We approach life in the opposite direction of that verse. We tend to concentrate on the flesh, when Jesus clearly said we should concentrate on the Spirit. His words are life, health-giving, but we spend great time and effort on our bodies, medicating them, going to the gym, trying endless diets. The Apostle Paul said in 1Timothy 4:8, “For bodily exercise profits us a little: but godliness is useful in every respect.” Do we spend even equal time on the Word? Speaking and investing in Spirit Words means we will know how to stay healthy, in the center of the will of God. Neglecting the Word produces spiritual anemia and plunges us on a downward spiral towards sickness, disease and depression. All that was needed for our salvation and divine health was procured during the Passion of Jesus. In John 19:30 it’s recorded that Jesus mustered up his last ounce of strength and dying breath to cry from the Cross, “It is finished!” But WHAT was finished? Redemption for mankind was finished! Salvation was finished! Healing was accomplished!
. . . and the violent take it by force." Generational curses were finished! The time-line concerning Messiah’s death in Daniel 9 was finished. The same Bible that gives us John 3: 16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life,” also freely offers us Matthew 8:17, “Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.” His atoning work of bearing both sin and sickness was a vicarious, substitutionary work in time and space at both the whipping post and Cross to be appropriated by faith in all generations. The resurrected Lord Jesus appeared to me as a child and healed me. He spared my life for a purpose. His vicarious suffering on my behalf has given me life and health. It was a divine exchange. For his pains I have health; my sin was also laid upon Him; and in the exchange his righteousness was imputed to me as well as to all believers who put their trust in Him! Many Christians believe in Jesus as Saviour and appropriate the salvation aspect of the Cross, but they fail to appropriate the healing arm of the Gospel. The double cure--both salvation and healing-- are included in the work of redemption. When we go around complaining and confessing negative, wrong words, we are in a dangerous state of unbelief. Many believers are not aware of the amazing potential available to them. God has done every thing for us, but do we believe it, and are we actively confessing it? A lot of people have missed out on the blessings of the spoken word because of prejudices for one reason or the other against the faith confession movement. If you don’t like one of the faith confession teachers, perhaps you may prefer the ministry of Derek Prince, of blessed memory. Derek was one of our contemporaries in Jerusalem whom we were privileged to know. He always taught the power of proclamation. Confession, proclamation, it’s all basically the same thing:
it’s getting the Word of God into our mouths. Derek Prince taught that no matter what we are facing, God’s creative transforming power is released when we proclaim Scripture. Confess the Word, or Proclaim the Word, is even more powerful when you think about it. To confess means to repeat and to agree with, but to proclaim has the added sense of preaching, by that I mean, prophetically projecting and broadcasting the Word of God further afield. Furthermore, we should know that the Bible teaches that his proclaimed Word will not return empty but will accomplish the purpose for which it is sent. (Isaiah 55:11) Another teaching from Derek Prince that I’ve found helpful over the years was his sensible advice that living in health is to move in rhythm or in tandem with God. You see, God has a sense of rhythm. There is a lot of variety in the Lord’s tempo. Minimum wastage of energy happens when we move in rhythm with God. That means, among other things, when God says to rest, you rest. I’m not just talking about observing a day in the week because I’ve discovered if you’re getting tense and overworked, God might say, “Take the day off.” You might counter, “But God, I’ve got a deadline.” But who knows best? Which takes more faith? To rest or to work? It’s easy to work, more difficult to rest. Surely one of the most challenging matters for people facing the End Times is knowing how to rest and pace ourselves. We can confess, declare or proclaim this Biblical truth: “By the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit and the life of God that quickens me, I command tumors, invasive growths to dissolve, the crooked to straighten, fogginess in the brain to lift, and for the Lord’s strength and health to be restored to me in, the name of Jesus, our Yeshua. My body is a Temple that belongs to God. It was bought with a high price! Amen and Amen!”
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