Thousands recite Adon HaSelichot, "Master of Forgiveness," at the Kotel, the Western Wall of the Temple Mount. The special Selichot (forgiveness) prayer service takes place in the days of repentance leading up to Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur and the Feast of Tabernacles.
By Christine Darg
An Oasis of Time in the Eye of the Storm
In the midst of increasing wars and potential plagues and terrorism that threaten our very existence, God in his mercy continues to create windows of opportunity for us as Exploits Ministry to hold strategic convocations in Israel as we watch Bible prophecy unfolding exponentially. Our Moveable Feast of Tabernacles 2014 was to me like an oasis in the eye of the gathering storm in the Middle East. I bless every delegate who had the faith to attend what proved to be our most momentous Feast of Tabernacles yet. In the past for our convocations Malachi 3:16 has described our events, but this verse seemed especially appropriate this year, “en those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name.” Each delegate surely honored his name by standing in Jerusalem with us at this strategic time. Never did the Jerusalem March seem more meaningful than this year as we watched the nations starting to fulfill the words of Zechariah
14:16 in a fancy dress rehearsal, “en the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year aer year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles.” It is a revelation to watch representatives of nearly 100 nations marching in the capital’s streets and singing in solidarity with Israel. As one team member from England who experienced the Jerusalem March for the first time commented, “What a tonic it was for me to see so many nations marching to comfort Zion. Sometimes we think in our home nations that we are the only ones who love, support and understand Israel, so when we see the nations loving and supporting Israel, we are encouraged to know that God IS at work in this world!” We are quickly approaching the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, but we are believing for more windows of opportunity to pray for the peace of Jerusalem in Israel as repairers of the breach. For details for our upcoming 2-7 January 2015 Watchmen and Women on the Walls New Year Convocation in Jerusalem, email yairmazur@gmail.com
China Christians Electrify Jerusalem Celebrations
Photo by Christine Darg
Photo by Barbara Wellauer
Photo by Barbara Wellauer
Sound the Shofar! Calling All Watchmen and Women on the Walls to Come up to Jerusalem 2-7 January 2015
Moveable Feast
Christine honors Gabriel Naddaf, brave Israeli priest!
Our 2014 “Moveable Feast” was a momentous time to rub shoulders with Orthodox Jews in their tabernacles (succas) and meet Israeli Christians who support the Jewish state, such as the Greek Orthodox Israeli priest Father Gabriel Naddaf, photographed on this page. In our Succot event in the Armenian Quarter, Fr. Gabriel told us that, despite the daily persecutions, he must give back to the Jewish state that protects its Christian community. He has recruited many Israeli Arabs to serve in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and is their spiritual leader! “Christianity is a continuation of the Jewish religion. Its roots are in the Tanach, the Jewish Bible. . .Christianity considers itself bound to the Tanach and is not separated from it,” Fr. Gabriel said. “Since 2000, over 77 per cent of Iraq’s 700,000 Christians have fled. It is too terrible what is happening there. Before the Civil War in Syria, there were over two million Christians, and today we understand there is around a quarter of a million. Across the Middle East and Africa in the last ten years, 100,000 Christians have been killed each year: this means that every five minutes a Christian is killed just because of his faith.”
o f Ta b e r n a c l e s. . . By Christine Darg
...in Jerusalem’s Fo ur Qu arters
Worship in a Succa (Tabernacle) at Western Wall Photo by Barbara Wellauer
“ose who want to destroy the Jewish State and replace it with a Muslim or Palestinian state will be signing the death warrant on the last free Christians in the Holy Land,” Fr. Gabriel said. “Our youth must sacrifice for the State, because we want to serve the country were we are protected. We love Israel, and we see the army as a first step in becoming more integrated. I
thank you for the honour you have given me, Shalom.” Speakers included Rabbi Eliezer Ben Yehuda, grandson of his namesake who revived Hebrew, Canon Andrew White, Gidon Ariel and Bible chronologist Derek Walker. Plan to join us 2-7 January 2015 for our New Year convocation. For details yairmazur@gmail.com
Priestly Blessing during Feast of Tabernacles Photo by Barbara Dingle
Rabbi Eliezer Ben Yehuda
Peter Darg leads Erev Shabbat Meal during Succot
‘Britain Will Be Saved by Praying Women’
Recently Exploits Ministry held a Prophetic Summons, at the Emmanuel Centre in Westminster, London, to petition the Lord to hear our cry to save the United Kingdom from many impending perils. Once again we cried to the Lord to forgive our sins and to heal our land by sending revival from John O'Groats in the north down to Land’s End. Lord, flame the fire Latimer prophesied will never be put out! Lord, visit every place that has set up other gods and pillars in this nation, and as you answered the prayer of the women in the Hebrides in 1949, answer us again in Jesus’ name. Remember too the 1911 prophecy that Britain will be saved by praying women! As Daniel prayed, we continue to
pray for Britain, the USA and other nations that once knew God but are now forsaking him in favour of being politically correct: Now, our God, hear the prayers and petitions of your servant. . .Give ear, our God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. O, Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay. (Daniel 9:17-19) Should you wish to continue to pray for our nations and for Exploits Ministry, ring our UK prayer line 0843 557 4077 and in the USA, 1 888 245 2692. ank you!
How to Discover Your Real Purpose in Life
Where art thou?" And in the last Many people who write to me by book of the Bible, in Revelation 22: email or on social media are confused 17, God is still calling us: e Spirit about their purpose in life or how to obtain and the bride say, “Come!” Let the answers from God. I want to suggest four one who is thirsty come; and take the ways to discern God’s call on your life. free gi of the water of life,” referring Twice in the Gospel of Mattthew, Jesus said to the free gi of salvation offered very clearly, “Many are called, but few are through Jesus. chosen.” is saying primarily refers to the Christine Darg ere are numerous “call narratives” in doctrine of salvation. Many hear the Good News, the Bible where God audibly spoke to persons but few are wise enough to believe. about their special assignment and service to As Hebrews 11: 6 reminds us, “Without God. I want to be among the chosen, don’t you? faith it is impossible to please God.” He calls God has created each one of us with a special every single individual who has ever been born; that includes you and me. But are you also among assignment, and so it’s vitally important that we the few who are actually chosen? To be among the discover our purpose, the reason why God chosen, you must respond to God’s call! is say- created YOU with your unique DNA and personality. Sometimes God calls a person in ing of Jesus—many are called but few chosen-their childhood; sometimes they’re called in also applies to our life’s assignment from God. young adulthood and sometimes in older age, God has an assignment for every person, like Moses at the burning bush. but few are actually appointed to do service for Don’t put off seeking the face of God God. is is a serious and sobering topic. Everuntil it’s too late! Don’t wait for God to withbody, of course, deep down inside wants to have draw Himself. e voice that once called can purpose and meaning in their lives. But the decision to accept a calling from God rests with YOU. become silent! e hour of opportunity can ese Biblical examples are types of "many pass! But don’t be fearful that you have missed the call of God on your life, because God’s call who are called, but few chosen:" Noah preached can come at any age and no matter what you for 120 years to his generation that a flood was think, your past does not disqualify you! Some coming; Noah called multitudes in his generabelievers ARE called by God in childhood. One tion, but eventually only eight souls were saved inside the ark. It’s debatable how many thousands of the best examples in the Bible is the prophet Samuel who heard God’s voice calling him in or millions of Israelites passed through the Red the night when he was a very young child. Sea; but only two souls from that generation, Samuel had been dedicated to the Lord by his Joshua and Caleb, actually stepped into the Mother Hannah, and he served in the Lord’s Promised Land. Of 26,000 warriors from the tribe of Benjamin, only 700 le-handed men were Tabernacle under the mentorship of Eli the High Priest. Eli’s sons were dishonorable, so chosen to fight the battle. In the Book of Judges, God demanded that God called Samuel in the night by repeating his name—Samuel! Samuel!-- audibly. If you hear a warrior named Gideon test his troops. Aer a couple of tests, out of 32,000 men, only 300 made God calling you, answer like Samuel answered. He said, “Speak, Lord, for thy servant is the grade in the end and were allowed to particilistening!” pate in the victory. e call of Jeremiah the prophet is one of e Bible is a book about the call of God. my favorite chapters in the Bible. In Jeremiah 1, From the very beginning, in Genesis, in the Garden of Eden, "the Lord God called unto Adam . . . God reveals, “before you were formed in the
Discovering Your Real Purpose in Life (continued from previous page) womb, I knew you, and I ordained you as a prophet to the nations.” So God said even before Jeremiah was conceived, God had already made him a prophet. What does Jeremiah Chapter 1 teach us about the call of God? God decides even our gender and who and what we are destined to be before we are conceived in our mother’s womb. We can learn many lessons from David who became Israel’s king: First of all, David knew he was called because he received a word from God. Have you received a word from God? God spoke to me in an epic dream about my call to Israel. ose who seek the Lord will discover their purpose. In David’s case, he spent time alone with the Lord on the hillsides of Bethlehem, shepherding sheep. Samuel was sent by God to anoint David. From that moment on, David had a rhema— a living word from God—and an unforgettable experience promising that he would be king. Faith comes by hearing the word of God, and so from that day forward, David knew he would be king, and the prophetic word helped David to overcome persecutions on his way to the throne. In fact, David was anointed three times in his life. at’s a picture of the call of God become progressively evident. Watch for the increase of God’s favor upon your life as you walk obediently in the right direction. Secondly, guidance will also come by trusted leaders who recognize your giings. As confirmations, many leaders prophesied the call of God upon my life. It’s not a presumption to state that God has called you especially when mature leaders also confirm your calling. And here’s a third pointer: never be discouraged by opposition. Enemies prove that you are a
threat to Satan’s kingdom. Opposition can be a sign to confirm the call of God upon your life. When you step into your destiny, it will seem at times like all Hell has broken loose against you. When this happens, what do you do? You are expected, as the Apostle Paul said to his protégé Timothy, to war a good warfare with the prophetic words that are spoken over your life. Fourthly, circumstances will confirm your calling with doors opened by God that no man can shut. God is the master designer of the destinies of his chosen ones. He will set up divine appointments and contacts. God will engineer breakthroughs that you can’t manufacture. When David won a great breakthrough against God’s enemies, he named the battle field Baal Perazim, meaning, “Lord of the Breakthrough!” ose who are chosen learn to live by faith, because God is a “faith God” and requires his children to exercise faith. When you’re just starting out following God, you can be naturally apprehensive of how you will survive. ese are only natural concerns, but God teaches us to trust him with experience aer experience of little victories, and then big victories, so that our confidence in him becomes unshakable. A blessed assurance is 1essalonians 5: 24, “Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.” Purpose in your heart to endure many tests, even when they seem very strange and perplexing. Dedicate your heart for your unique purpose and service. Don’t become another casualty added to that long list of the “many” who were called—but never chosen!
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Acts 1:8 and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
In the USA Exploits/Daystar International is a tax-deductible 501(c)3 charity PO Box 2768 Staunton, Virginia 24402 USA In the UK Exploits is a registered charity (108 5931) PO Box 109 Hereford HR4 9XR England © All rights reserved October 2014