Admissions Catalog - Viewbook | Cooley Law School

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Be PrePAred fOr PrACtICe. Cooley teaches students in a dynamic, hands-on learning environment.


At Cooley, we have great people, an excellent legal education program, and first-class facilities.


unique to Cooley, faculty members come with years of experience in the practice of law.they combine real-world knowledge with exceptional academic backgrounds.

Cooley graduates are reAdy FOr PrACtICe PrePared Since 1972, Cooley Law School has earned a reputation for providing graduates with the practical skills necessary for a seamless transition from academia to the real world. Cooley’s emphasis on sound academic knowledge, practice skills, and professionalism prepares our graduates for roles of leadership.

JuriS doCTor CurriCuLuM the Cooley J.d. curriculum has been carefully designed by Cooley’s faculty and deans to help students master the knowledge, skills, and ethics needed for bar examinations, law practice, and further graduate study. every Cooley Law School student must complete 90 credit hours, including 63 credit hours of required substantive and skillsbased courses and 27 credit hours of elective courses, which may be in a concentration of study.the curriculum also requires actual practice experience before graduating. Find out more about Cooley’s academic program, classes, and professors on the Cooley Law School website at GraduaTe ProGraMS A Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree can be earned in the following areas of law at Cooley: > > >

tax Corporate Law and Finance Insurance Law

> > >

Intellectual Property Self-directed u.S. Legal Studies for Foreign Attorneys

graduate Program courses are offered primarily on weekends, although some courses are scheduled on weeknights or in an accelerated format. Some courses use video conferencing or web-based delivery methods. Students can attend part time or full time and can complete the LL.M. degree in one calendar year or can take up to five years to finish. Classes begin in January, May, or September and students can attend classes yearround. Cooley also offers joint degree options for students interested in earning a J.d. degree and an LL.M. degree.Visit the Cooley website for additional, up-to-date information at the u.S. Legal Studies LL.M. program is directed by the International Programs office. Foreign attorneys interested in additional information about this program should contact the International Programs office at 1


*The American Bar Association, the organization that accredits law schools, does not allow full-time students, those taking 13 or more credits per term, to work more than 20 hours a week. **The initial Honors Scholarship is continued as a minimum award for the duration of the student’s enrollment at the Thomas M. Cooley Law School, so long as the student remains in good standing academically and is not subject to sanction under the Honor Code for Disciplinary Procedures and so long as the law school continues the Honors Scholarship program. Scholarships are in the form of tuition credits.

The Thomas M. Cooley Law School is committed to a fair and objective admissions policy. Subject to space limitations, Cooley offers the opportunity for legal education to all qualified applicants. Cooley abides by all federal and state laws against discrimination. In addition, Cooley abides by American Bar Association Standard 211(a), which provides that “a law school shall foster and maintain equality of opportunity in legal education, including employment of faculty and staff, without discrimination or segregation on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability.” This brochure includes descriptions of some current policies, practices, and schedules at Cooley Law School. This brochure is not a contract and does not, and cannot, create any contractual rights. All policies, practices, and schedules are subject to change without prior notice.

Thomas M. Cooley Law School is accredited by the American Bar Association, 321 N. Clark Street, 21st Floor NE, Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 988-6738,, and by the Higher Learning Commission, a member of the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges, 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1413, (800) 621-7440, Students can review copies of the documents describing Cooley Law School’s accreditation on reserve at the Law Libraries. Annual summary financial information is available to the public by contacting, 300 S. Capitol Avenue, P.O. Box 13038, Lansing, MI 48901.

affordabLe LeGaL eduCaTion Cooley Law School is among the nation’s most affordable independent law schools, ranking 9th in affordability among 119 private law schools. Many students work while attending law school and find the part-time scheduling options ideal for balancing work and school. The CooLey CaLendar: year-round eduCaTion Cooley offers classes year-round with terms starting in January, May, and September. each term is 15 weeks. Students entering in January attend classes in the afternoon. Students beginning in May will be enrolled in evening classes. Students starting in September will be in class during the day. A weekend schedule option is also available. Interested students should discuss this option with our Admissions Office. reaL-Life LawyerinG SkiLLS Cooley Law School’s clinical programs provide students with invaluable real-world experience that allows them to hit the ground running. every Cooley graduate has practiced alongside an experienced attorney or judge, whether in one of the nine Cooley clinics or as an extern at one of our more than 2,600 sites across the nation and worldwide. Besides being able to explore their chosen field of work, externs can establish professional relationships in the geographic areas where they plan to practice after graduation. Cooley Law School’s clinical programs provide real-life lawyering skills that win the praise of employers and students alike. exCePTionaL faCuLTy faculty members come to Cooley with years of experience in the practice of law. they combine real-world knowledge with exceptional academic backgrounds.the full-time faculty make the thomas M. Cooley Law School an outstanding legal education program.they are professionals dedicated to the ideals of practical legal scholarship and academic excellence.

exPLore The reaSonS why CooLey iS an exCeLLenT ChoiCe in LeGaL eduCaTion 1

ready for PraCTiCe


year round adMiSSionS


GenerouS SChoLarShiPS


SCheduLe oPTionS


LoCaTionS & faCiLiTieS


CurriCuLuM & faCuLTy


SkiLLS TraininG


eThiCS & ProfeSSionaLiSM


> > >

the Admissions Office is committed to providing individualized guidance and prompt correspondence. no need to wait to start your legal career. each term is 15 weeks.

don’t wait. start your Future now. riGhT TiMe Cooley Law School welcomes a new class three times each year – in January, May, and September – and operates on a rolling admissions system, which means applications are processed at the time they are received. when all required materials are received by the Admissions Office, a decision is made and the applicant is informed of his or her admission status.

uGPa x 15 + hiGheST LSaT = adMiSSionS index Please refer to for the most current index requirements and scholarship information. 3


adMiSSion eLiGibiLiTy Cooley Law School uses a fair and objective formula to determine eligibility. An applicant’s cumulative undergraduate grade Point Average (ugPA), as evaluated by Credential Assembly Service (CAS), is multiplied by 15, and the resulting number is added to the candidate’s highest Law School Admission test (LSAt) score. All applicants are required to take the LSAt and register for the complete CAS service. (Foreign-educated applicants should contact the Admissions Office.) Students may take the LSAt more than once. LSAt scores are honored for five years. CharaCTer and fiTneSS Meeting the minimum index and/or LSAt score may determine eligibility, but the Faculty Admissions Committee also assesses a candidate’s character and fitness factors before extending an offer of admission. All applicants are required to complete an official Cooley Law School application available online at All questions on the application, including disclosure questions, must be answered completely and forthrightly. Failure to disclose information can be grounds for not being admitted or for revocation of admission. Visit for full disclosure information.

aPPLyinG To CooLey we recommend that all persons interested in applying to the thomas M. Cooley Law School follow these general application guidelines: >

take the Law School Admissions test (LSAt). Cooley Law School will use your highest LSAt score (that is less than five years old) for determining admission.


register with the Credential Assembly Service (CAS). you may receive information about Law Services by going to the website at


Once you have taken the LSAt and registered with CAS, determine your admissions index using the Cooley admissions formula.


Once you have carefully read the printed version of the Cooley application (you can print out the application in PdF format) and you have carefully read the importance of character, fitness, and full disclosure, you may begin the online application process.


Be sure to print a copy of the application for your records.

there is no application fee. If you did not apply online, you can mail your completed, signed application to: admissions office Thomas M. Cooley Law School P.o. box 13038 Lansing, Mi 48901 P: (517) 371-5140, ext. 2244 or 2245 f: (517) 334-5718 e:


GenerouS SChoLarShiPS Cooley Law School’s tuition is very competitive and is among the most affordable of private law schools. Cooley offers many incoming law school students a generous honors Scholarship. In addition to Cooley’s generous scholarship program, financing is available through federal loan programs.

among the MOSt affordable finanCiaL aid the goal of the Financial Aid Office is to help students explore available financial options including loans and scholarships, and put together a financial aid package that meets their individual needs for both school and reasonable living expenses. Assistance for law students is generally limited and of a self-help nature. Academic goals and financial goals go hand in hand, and students are encouraged to establish a plan for financing their education at least one year in advance of starting law school. detailed explanations of available financial aid programs, budgets, and general information are accessible at honorS SChoLarShiPS Cooley’s honors Scholarship Program for new students rewards entering students whose credentials demonstrate potential for successful law study. entering students can earn from 25 to 100 percent of tuition based on their Admission Index or their LSAt score only. those who meet the criteria for scholarships have a history of performing exceptionally well, both in the classroom and on the bar examination. 5

financial resources

index honorS SChoLarShiP index Score


index Score

210-214 = 75% of Tuition

index Score

205-209 = 50% of Tuition

index Score

195-204 = 25% of Tuition


= 100% of Tuition

LSaT honorS SChoLarShiP LSaT Score


= 100% of Tuition

LSaT Score

158-162 = 75% of Tuition

LSaT Score

153-157 = 50% of Tuition

LSaT Score

149-152 = 25% of Tuition

> > >

honors Scholarships range from 25% to 100% of tuition, based on Admission Index or LSAt score. Once enrolled, students can earn or increase their scholarships based on class rank. Michigan and Florida residents may be eligible for a 10% scholarship enhancement. Over half of students receive scholarships. honors Scholars retain their scholarship as long as they are in good academic standing.

MiChiGan and fLorida reSidenTS Michigan and Florida residents admitted to Cooley Law School may be eligible for a 10% LSAt honors Scholarship enhancement. Please visit the Cooley website at for more information regarding Cooley’s LSAt honors Scholarship enhancement Program. enroLLed STudenTS enrolled students may earn an honors Scholarship from 15 to 55 percent based upon their class ranking at Cooley, even if they did not earn a scholarship based upon their entering credentials. Scholarships for enrolled students are awarded after a student has completed a minimum of 15 credit hours. At that point and beyond, those students who are in the top 25 percent of their class are rewarded with an honors Scholarship of up to 55 percent of tuition. At Cooley Law School, an honors Scholar will retain the original scholarship award level during the entire time at Cooley, so long as the student remains in good academic standing (2.0 or higher), and is not subject to sanctions under the honor Code or disciplinary Procedures. for More inforMaTion If you would like to find out more about Cooley Law School, you can visit the Cooley website at In addition, please feel free to contact the Admissions Office, thomas M. Cooley Law School, P.O. Box 13038, Lansing, Michigan 48901, (517) 371-5140, ext. 2244 or ext. 2245, 24-hour toll-free enrollment and Student Services line: (800) 874-3511, Placeholder Text


firST year STandard ParT-TiMe SCheduLe 12 Credits Per Term for the first year – Complete in 3 years Term i

SCheduLe oPTionS Cooley offers the most schedule options in the nation. Choose from day, evening, or weekend classes – depending on when you start.the following are examples of typical schedules at Cooley Law School.

start when it’s best for you 7

Schedule options

Term 2

Term 3

introduction to Law


arC Skills Seminars†


Professional responsibility


Contracts 1


Contracts ii


research & writing


Property i


Property ii


Criminal Procedure


Torts i


Torts ii


Civil Procedure ii


Criminal Law


Civil Procedure i



Total Credits


Total Credits


Total Credits


firST year exTended ParT-TiMe SCheduLe 9 Credits Per Term for the first year – Complete in 4 years Term i

Term 2

Term 3

introduction to Law


arC Skills Seminars†


research & writing


Contracts 1


Contracts ii


Criminal Procedure


Torts 1


Torts ii


Civil Procedure ii


Criminal Law


Civil Procedure i



Total Credits


Total Credits


Total Credits


firST year exTended ParT-TiMe SCheduLe 6 credits per term for the first year - complete in 5 years Term i

Term 2

Term 3

Contracts 1


Contracts ii


research & writing


Torts i


Torts ii


Professional responsibility


intro to Law




Total Credits


Total Credits


Total Credits


> > > >

Classes are offered 7 days a week. the nation’s first and largest weekend program.* Part-time or full-time schedule. take 2 to 5 years to complete your J.d. degree.

*no weekend classes are available at the Ann Arbor or tampa Bay Campuses. firST year fuLL-TiMe SCheduLe Traditional - 15 Credits Per Term with Term 3 off (shown) accelerated - 15 Credits Per Term, year round - Graduate in 2 years Term i

Term 2

Term 3

introduction to Law


arC Skills Seminars


Term off

Contracts 1


Contracts ii


Term off

Property i


Property ii


Term off

Torts i


Torts ii


Term off

Criminal Law


research & writing


Term off

Constitutional Law i


Constitutional Law ii


Term off

Total Credits


Total Credits


Total Credits

Term 2

Term 3


arC Skills Seminars†


research & writing


Contracts 1


Contracts ii


Criminal Procedure


Property i


Property ii


Civil Procedure ii


Torts i


Torts ii


Professional responsibility


Criminal Law


Civil Procedure i



Total Credits


Total Credits


Total Credits

STudenTS May exTend CoMPLeTion and STarT wiTh 9 CrediTS

Monday-friday, afternoon Classes Start in January at any one of Cooley’s campuses


Monday-friday, evening Classes Start in May at any one of Cooley’s campuses

introduction to Law


STarT when iT’S beST for you Monday-friday, day Classes > Start in September at any one of Cooley’s campuses


firST year weekend SCheduLe 12 Credits Per Term for the first year – Complete in 3 years†† Term i

a year-round eduCaTion Cooley Law School has a 12-month academic year consisting of three 15-week terms. each 15-week term meets the American Bar Association’s definition of a full term. Students have the option of beginning their enrollment in January, May, or September of each year. Our program is ideal for students who need or want to work while attending law school. Students may also choose to complete their entire legal education through weekend classes. Classes are scheduled mornings and afternoons on Saturdays and Sundays, and last for 3 hours each.

weekend Classes, Saturday & Sunday: day Classes > Start in September at Cooley’s Lansing campus > Start in January at Cooley’s grand rapids campus > Start in May at Cooley’s Auburn hills campus

– 12



dining downtown | Lansing

Cooley Law School Stadium | Lansing Tampa bay neighborhood

Palace of auburn hills | auburn hills

downtown | ann arbor

Comerica Park | detroit

Tampa Skyline

Mainstreet | ann arbor

frederick Meijer Gardens | Grand rapids

deVos Place | Grand rapids

Cooley Law School Campus | Tampa bay

farmers Market | ann arbor

Palace of auburn hills image © detroit Pistons | detroit images © bill bowen | ann arbor images © ann arbor area CVb | Lansing images © Greater Lansing Convention & Visitors bureau | frederick Meijer Gardens © william J. hebert


Locations & facilities

fiVe LOCAtIOnS outstanding FACILItIeS LAnSIng, MI

LanSinG CaMPuS the 10-story, 220,000 square foot Cooley Center, located in downtown Lansing, Michigan, comprises a state-of-the-art courtroom complex, wireless technology throughout the building, bookstore, classrooms, the Career and Professional development Office, student organization offices, and faculty offices. Cooley’s Lansing operations also include the Brennan Law Library, the Center for research and Study, and the Cooley temple Conference Center. Living in Lansing For students enrolling at the Lansing campus, the most convenient housing option is downtown, where students can choose from traditional apartments, lofts, or condominiums, all within walking distance of the law school.the Lansing campus is conveniently located just blocks from the State Capitol Building and federal and state court buildings. Lansing was recently named one of “10 great Cities for young Adults” by financial news organization Kiplinger washington editors. Lansing’s beautiful and extensive river trail offers opportunities for running, walking, and biking, and was named “Best Capital river walks” by walkStyles wewhowalk™ tour, 10 Cool Capitals. Lansing boasts the Cooley Law School Stadium, home of the Lansing Lugnuts minor league baseball team, Potter Park Zoo, Impression 5 Science Museum, r.e. Olds Museum, and more.

AuBurn hILLS, MI

grAnd rAPIdS, MI

auburn hiLLS CaMPuS the Auburn hills campus has the newest, largest, “greenest,” and most technologically advanced facilities in all of Southeast Michigan, with more than 130,000 square feet of space and 600 dedicated parking spaces. the tri-level Law Center is located on 67 wooded acres near the intersection of Oakland County’s major east-west and northsouth freeways, I-75 and M-59 in Auburn hills, Michigan. It includes a full law school library, high-tech classrooms, wireless Internet access, trial and appellate courtrooms, comfortable student study space, distance-education classrooms, and a fully functioning Legal Aid office. Cooley continues to be the exclusive educational partner of Oakland university with dual-degree programs in business and public administration. Living in auburn hills Auburn hills students may choose traditional apartments, condos/ townhouses, and homes to rent. Cooley students also have the option of living in student townhouses on the campus of Oakland university. Oakland County offers thousands of beautiful lakes, scenic parkland, first-rate educational institutions, internationally-renowned entertainment venues, and top-of-the-line medical facilities. Oakland County has an extensive array of shopping, local boutiques, restaurants and cafes, art galleries, and more. It all adds to a quality of life that enhances Oakland County’s status as one of America’s premier locations in which to live, work, play and raise a family.

Ann ArBOr, MI

new CaMPuS! TaMPa bay, fL

Grand raPidS CaMPuS Along with a 20,000 square foot library with over 150 seats and a complete law school library collection, the downtown grand rapids campus includes a 30-seat computer lab/electronic classroom, four 100-seat classrooms, numerous smaller classrooms, five distance education classrooms, two courtrooms, seven group study rooms (seating four or five), a student lounge with vending area, and offices for student services, student organizations, and faculty. All classrooms and study areas on the grand rapids campus provide wireless Internet access and ample electrical outlets for laptop use. Living in Grand rapids Cooley’s beautiful, five-story Law Center is located in downtown grand rapids, and is the hub of student activities and classes. the campus is only 40 minutes from the beaches of Lake Michigan, and close to restaurants, coffee shops, art galleries, and entertainment venues. Cooley students have many housing options within walking distance of the campus, including apartments, lofts, and condos. grand rapids is consistently ranked as one of the top 10 most affordable housing markets in the united States, and was recently listed #2 on relocateAmerica’s list of top places to live. grand rapids has a thriving art community, evidenced by the internationally acclaimed Meijer gardens and Sculpture Park, and ArtPrize, a 21-day annual global art competition that attracts over 200,000 visitors. 10

ann arbor CaMPuS the Ann Arbor facility, designed by renowned architect Alden B. dow in the Frank Lloyd wright style is the most intimate of Cooley’s five campuses with 84,500 total square feet, an outdoor courtyard with full wireless access, an inviting library, smaller classrooms, a beautiful moot courtroom and outstanding clinic space. In its current configuration, the campus will accommodate approximately 500 full- and part-time students. Living in ann arbor there are 40,000 homes and apartments in the city of Ann Arbor and thousands more in nearby surrounding areas. ethnically and culturally diverse, Ann Arbor is a great place to live. Ann Arbor ranks near the top of the list for many categories: greenest, smartest, healthiest, best Midwest food, best sports town, best place to raise kids, best arts climate, best business climate, best place to retire, and most walkable. Cooley’s Ann Arbor campus has easy access from two highways, and to downtown.the city is consistently ranked in the top percentile of best places to live in the united States.

TaMPa bay CaMPuS the new Cooley tampa Bay campus is a 132,000 square foot building just off highway I-75 at exit # 254. Over three phases, with the final phase finishing late 2012, the new tampa Bay facility renovation will look to be certified by the Society of environmentally responsible Facilities (SerF). Cooley currently has several buildings in Michigan certified and are seeking certification for all buildings by SerF.the tampa Bay facility will include 24 classrooms with 1,374 seats, which include four distance educations (de) classrooms with 204 seats, a computer laboratory with 28 seats, a trial courtroom with 90 seats, and an appellate level courtroom with 96 seats. All classrooms are equipped with state of the art electronic educational tools and the entire building will be a wireless. Students, faculty, and staff will enjoy the law school's library, which will be approximately 25,600 square feet in area and have about 15,000 lineal feet of compact or movable shelving. the library will also include offices, work areas, reference and circulation areas, study rooms, study carrels and study tables. Cooley tampa Bay will have its own law clinic as well as a variety of meeting rooms and offices to serve students, faculty, and staff. Tampa bay Campus (opening May 2012) Cooley’s tampa Bay Campus offers an outstanding facility with easy-on and -off access to the campus from the highway. Cooley Law School is excited to bring the same quality legal education to the tampa Bay area as we have in Michigan.tampa Bay is a great place for students to live and learn the law; in one of the world’s favorite destinations filled with many attractions, a thriving arts and cultural community, and a beautiful landscape. the active legal community in Florida meshes with a vibrant and engaged Cooley alumni network. Of Cooley’s more than 15,000 graduates, a large number reside in Florida, second only to Michigan. Cooley’s tampa Bay students will feel right at home.


Locations & facilities

ann arbor Campus

Green Sedum roof, auburn hills Campus

Tampa bay Campus

Lansing Campus

auburn hills Campus

Grand rapids Campus

In Cooley’s courtrooms, students are able to practice trial and appellate skills, pairing current technology with the fundamentals of effective advocacy. > the Cooley law libraries are among the largest and best in the nation. Comfortable surroundings, curriculum-based collections, and wireless technology environment work together to provide an ideal setting to study law. >

hi-TeCh CourTrooMS Cooley Law School’s state-of-the-art courtrooms are devoted to trial and appellate skills training and are used for moot court and mock trial competitions, classrooms, and more. All courtrooms boast the latest technology, including an in-podium computer, document camera, telestrator, wireless Internet access, and a production room from which proceedings can be observed and recorded.

exCeLLenT SeTTinG Our facilities are unmatched in size, scope, functionality, and beauty. Cooley provides an excellent setting in which our students can study, our faculty can teach, and our staff can work. State-of-the-art courtrooms, extensive library collections, and technology-equipped classrooms add up to a great educational experience.

LibrarieS the Cooley Law Libraries have excellent facilities at all Cooley campus locations, enhancing legal education by providing the Cooley community with access to one of the nation’s finest collections.the reference desks are staffed seven days a week by professional librarians. Cooley offers both chat and e-mail reference, so students have access from the comfort of home. A toll-free reference number (1-866 reFdeSK) provides access from anywhere in the united States. the libraries provide an inspiring workspace. Comfortable seating, study rooms, and computer access are hallmarks of each of the locations. All locations have wireless network access.


> > > >

Curriculum – 63 required credits + 27 elective credits. knowledge – Master the substantive knowledge required for passage of the bar examination and admission to the bar. Skills – Master the fundamentals required for the competent practice of law and representation of clients. ethics – understand and embrace the legal, moral, ethical, and professional responsibilities of lawyers.

J.d. CurriCuLuM required Curriculum Cooley’s curriculum includes the courses critical to the bar examination and entry into practice. It consists of 63 hours of required substantive and skills-based courses and 27 hours of elective course work, including a minimum of 3 credits of intense clinical experience. the curriculum allows concentrations of study in a variety of areas. the following subject areas are covered by required courses: > > > > > > > >

Advanced writing Business Organizations Civil Procedure Constitutional Law Contracts Criminal Law Criminal Procedure evidence

> > > > > > > >

rigorous CurriCulum

Cooley offers students the option of focusing electives in a specific area of study, with an upper level skills course. Concentrations are offered in the following areas: > > > >

Administrative Law (Public Law) Business transactions Constitutional Law/ Civil rights (Public Law) environmental Law (Public Law)

exCeLLenT ProGraM the Cooley Law School curriculum was designed to provide our students with the knowledge, skills, and ethics needed for bar examinations and successful law practice, as well as for further graduate study.



Personal and Professional responsibility Property remedies research and writing Secured transactions taxation torts wills, estates, and trusts

> > > > > >

general Practice, Solo and Small Firm Intellectual Property Litigation Self directed taxation undeclared

duaL-deGree ProGraMS Cooley has developed dual degree programs with both western Michigan university and Oakland university giving students the opportunity to earn the Juris doctor degree and either a Master’s degree in Public Administration, a Master’s degree in Business Administration, or a Master’s degree in Social work. these programs allow students to apply credits earned in one degree program to the completion of a second degree program which, in the end, saves students time and money. foreiGn STudy Students have the opportunity to enrich their legal education by studying in various locations around the world. Cooley offers programs in Australia and a summer session in toronto. In addition, Cooley has participated in programs operated by other law schools in many diverse locations such as dublin, Oxford, Cambridge, London, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Florence, Moscow, Cape town, Shanghai, tokyo, and other destinations which are added periodically. foreign Study Program | australia

foreign Study Program | Toronto

exCeLLenT faCuLTy

Cooley has one of the largest and most experienced faculty in the nation. Cooley professors teach three terms a year, which adds up to a faculty with more teaching experience than almost any other law school in the country. Cooley professors blend teaching with active careers which provide students with valuable insights into the demands and rewards of the practice of specialized areas of the law. Faculty members come to Cooley with years of experience in the practice of law.they combine real-world knowledge with exceptional academic backgrounds. the full-time faculty make Cooley an outstanding legal education program. they are professionals dedicated to the ideals of practical legal scholarship and academic excellence. nelson Miller, professor and associate dean of Cooley’s Grand rapids campus (left), What the Best Law Teachers Do (harvard Press 2012) author Michael hunter Schwartz, andPhil Prygoski, professor at Cooley’s Lansing campus. Selected faculty featured in Cooley’s Great Minds Series

Cooley Law School has the distinction of being the only law school in the country with two members of its faculty chosen to be included in a law professor-focused study seeking the “best law faculty” in the country. nelson Miller, professor and associate dean of Cooley’s grand rapids campus, and Phil Prygoski, professor at Cooley’s Lansing campus, both have been chosen to be part of the study, which is designed to identify the best law faculty and to publish their best teaching practices in the book What the Best Law Teachers Do (harvard Press 2012).Visit the Cooley website and find out why Cooley professors are great teachers and why they make for some of the best law faculty in the country.

aCadeMiC reSourCe CenTer unique to Cooley is the Academic resource Center (ArC). here students receive both academic support and enrichment. the professionally trained staff helps students develop and refine key skills that are critical for a successful legal career. through the Introduction to Law class and a host of seminars, students develop the legal skills of briefing, outlining, studying, and examination writing, and also develop critical thinking, reading, and reasoning skills. In groups or one-on-one, students are challenged to experience the gratification of learning how to prepare smarter and score higher on their exams.the Academic resource Center demonstrates Cooley’s commitment to provide students with institutional support to prepare them for the Multistate Professional responsibility exam as well as the multistate and state bar examination, leading to successful careers as lawyers. bar PreParaTion Cooley Law School offers effective, free pre-bar preparation courses to all students to prepare them for bar passage. Options include multistate bar exam overview and the essay writing workshop. Cooley also offers a 3-credit elective to jump start studying for the multistate bar examination. Students who choose our pre-bar prep programs perform better on bar exams across the united States.

Cooley students rate our faculty very highly, awarding them a median score of 9.07 on a scale of 10 in the most recent semester. > Cooley Law School has a faculty that has distinguished itself in both scholarly achievement and the practice of law. each faculty member has been selected for his or her academic background, coupled with experience as a practicing attorney. > Cooley’s professors consider teaching and helping our students become competent lawyers their highest priority. >


dynaMiC every Cooley student experiences law practice before graduation. Students can choose from more than 2,600 externships across the country and from clinics at each of Cooley’s campus locations.

skills liVed & LeArned CLiniCaL exPerienCeS Sixty Plus, inc., elderlaw Clinic Students interview, counsel, represent, and advocate in a general civil law practice for clients who are 60 years old and older. estate Planning Programs Students interview and counsel clients and draft wills, powers of attorney, and medical directives for the client, with priority for weekend and evening students. Public defender Clinics Students work on a variety of criminal cases (misdemeanors and felonies) in the washtenaw County district and Circuit Courts and juvenile cases (delinquency, abuse, and neglect) in the washtenaw County Probate Court. Students in grand rapids work with the Kent County Public defender. access to Justice Clinic the Access to Justice Clinic is partnered with the Legal Assistance Center, which provides assistance to people litigating cases on their own.the students in the clinic, under the supervision of the clinical faculty, advise and represent low-income residents in Kent County in general civil cases that are referred by the assistance center, primarily in the areas of family and consumer law. 15


Public defender

Sixty Plus, inc. elderlaw Clinic

family Law assistance Project the Family Law Assistance Project is a collaboration between Cooley and Lakeshore Legal Aid. Students in this clinic work with FLAP’s staff attorneys representing low-income people in family law and domestic violence matters in Oakland County Circuit Court under Michigan Court rule 8.120. In the clinic, students have the chance to litigate and practice family law and represent low-income people in a “hands-on” environment. Public Sector Law Clinic the Public Sector Law Clinic partners with Kent County and certain municipalities to offer students the opportunity to do legal work for government agencies. Students advise government bodies in a wide variety of systematic issues, supervised by former government corporate counsel.

innocence Project

access to Justice Clinic

externship Program

family Law assistance Project

innocence Project the project’s dual mission is to identify, provide legal assistance to, and secure the release of persons who are wrongfully imprisoned for crimes they did not commit, and to provide its students with an excellent learning experience.the clinic accepts cases where dnA evidence may establish innocence.

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exTernShiPS externships are learning opportunities for students placed with more than 2,600 lawyers and judges who have agreed to provide a mentored learning environment. Student externs receive classroom training from faculty members in addition to supervision and evaluation by their attorney mentor. Students who successfully complete an externship receive up to 10 academic credits for their experience. Cooley’s externship program has been in place for more than a decade. Cooley’s program furthers the school’s mission of practical legal scholarship by placing students with practicing lawyers throughout the united States and in various countries across the globe. Cooley faculty members oversee every placement and enhance the learning opportunities by engaging in regular discussion with externs. Participating students praise the externship program, citing the opportunities to actually practice law under the supervision of a licensed attorney. they also discover that this practical experience opens doors for future employment opportunities. SkiLLS CoMPeTiTionS Cooley students can choose to hone their skills in competitions against other Cooley students and, and if selected, to represent Cooley against students from other law schools. Cooley faculty coach the travel teams and accompany them across the country as students compete on skills including client counseling, negotiation, trials, and appellate advocacy. Cooley teams have been successful against some of the top-rated schools in the country in all aspects of skills competitions – recently winning the national ABA Client Counseling Competition, the region’s ABA Appellate Advocacy Competition, and Best Brief at the Jessup Law International Super regional.

2011 national Champions, aba Law Student division Client Counseling – LaToya Palmer and erin Moss

Career and ProfeSSionaL deVeLoPMenT recruiting and hiring in today’s competitive legal job market requires students to begin the career development process early. the Career and Professional development Office provides assistance to students and alumni at all stages of their career development. Students are encouraged to visit the Career and Professional development Office in the first year of law school and to continue the career development process through graduation and beyond.the practical skills training offered by the Cooley curriculum, coupled with the professional development services the Career and Professional development Office provides, have given Cooley graduates a reputation for job readiness. employers often comment that Cooley graduates are ready to practice law, a quality that contributes greatly to employability. aLuMni neTwork the Alumni relations Office keeps Cooley graduates involved in the life of the law school through strong networking connections, fostering cooperative communication among alumni, students, and the law school. the Alumni relations Office regards the student body as Cooley’s future graduates. the office organizes numerous events across the united States and provides important services to our students, including the Alumni Memorial Scholarship. Membership in the Cooley Alumni Association offers enhanced networking opportunities, social gatherings, special alumni information, and valuable member benefits. Participation also allows graduates to join with their fellow alumni in the development and governance of the association.the Alumni Association continues to develop and promote activities.wherever graduates may be, they are not far from a Cooley connection.


CenTer for eThiCS, SerViCe, and ProfeSSionaLiSM: SeLeCTed ProGraMS Service to Soldiers: Legal assistance referral Program Soldiers on active duty and returning from war need help with a variety of legal issues ranging from creditor/ debtor concerns, to probate and estate planning, to family law matters. these soldiers receive free legal service through Cooley’s Center for ethics, Service, and Professionalism pro bono legal assistance referral program, which matches soldiers with Cooley Law School alumni and other attorneys who offer their specialized legal training to u.S. military personnel.

Commitment to our Communities

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Service to Soldiers: Legal assistance referral Program

Lead by modeling and teaching ethics Foster and encourage service

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Practice professionalism Commit to our communities

eThiCaL By creating a culture of professionalism in the law school, Cooley intends to foster the highest caliber of relationships between the Cooley community and the legal and local communities.we hope our employees, students, and graduates are not just honorable, but are also people you would want as neighbors.

Professionalism Portfolio every student at Cooley is offered the opportunity to create, throughout enrollment, a Professionalism Portfolio that requires self-reflection and training in personal responsibility, ethics, and service. It also documents the student’s professional development and personal code of conduct, and offers employers insight into an applicant’s knowledge, skills, ethics, and character. Pro bono Programs Cooley students and faculty offer pro bono legal service to those who could not otherwise pay for such services through 37 separate pro bono programs helping hurricane victims, soldiers, seniors, the homeless, and foreclosure victims, to name a few.

ethiCs, serViCe, and PrOFeSSIOnALISM



Commitment to our Communities In Lansing, faculty, staff, and Cooley students offer assistance at Cristo rey Community Center, Open door Ministry, Advent house, the People’s Law School, Loaves and Fishes, Beekman therapeutic riding Center, Lansing Area AIdS network, habitat for humanity, Lansing Food Bank, Lansing teen Court, and Lansing high schools. At the Auburn hills campus, students work with faculty members who have won the State Bar of Michigan’s prestigious Champion of Justice Award each of the past four consecutive years, helping domestic violence and child abuse victims, senior citizens, low-income taxpayers, indigent bankruptcy debtors, inner city high school students, and wrongfully convicted criminal defendants. In grand rapids, community service included fundraising for St. John’s home (a nonprofit agency providing programs for troubled kids), the west Michigan Mental health Foundation, and books for a neighborhood library. In addition, students and staff volunteered help to veterans at the 2009 Stand down, the 2010 “Soups On For All” charity event to benefit god’s Kitchen, and to dégagé Ministries through Operation giving tree. the Ann Arbor campus supports washtenaw County Lawyers providing pro bono assistance, Salvation Army Pantry, Food gatherers, Safehouse, the Kiwanis Backpacks for Kids Program, the 14B district Court, and the Feeding 200 Families thanksgiving project.

eThiCS ProGraMS >

ethics and Professionalism Library


ethics in the Curriculum


enforcing Student Conduct Codes


integrity in our Communities Speaker Series


ethics Speakers' bureau

SerViCe ProGraMS >

Commitment to our Communities/ Cooley Cares


Leadership in the Law


Pro bono Programs


Service to Soldiers: Legal assistance referral Program


ingham County Veterans’ Treatment Court

ProfeSSionaLiSM ProGraMS >

Cooley Student Mediation board


Cultural Competence workshops


Professional development and Mentoring


Professionalism Portfolio and Pathway to Success Course


Public School Mentoring and assistance Programs


Student wellness

integrity in our Communities Speaker Series the Center for ethics, Service, and Professionalism brings nationally and locally recognized speakers to each campus every term to talk with our students, staff, and faculty about issues, trials, and lawsuits touching on ethical and professionalism matters. Past speakers include a nationally recognized criminal defense attorney, a former u.S. Attorney, a former State Bar of Michigan president, a u.S. district Court Judge, Chief Judge of the Michigan Court of Appeals, and the Chief Justice and other Justices of the Michigan Supreme Court. ethics Speakers bureau Cooley faculty and ethics experts from outside the school make themselves available to train and educate groups interested in ethics and professionalism, such as lawyers, paralegals, students, business owners and executives, local governments, and public interest groups. Public School Mentoring Programs In the Pontiac public schools, the Center for ethics, Service, and Professionalism offers character-based educational programs. Center faculty and Cooley students promote ethics and professionalism and mentor students through the Project Futures program. In an effort to reduce school violence in the Lansing public schools, the Center offers the Peer Mediation Program through which Cooley students teach mediation and conflict resolution, and act as mentors to public school students. In grand rapids, Cooley has established a teen Court, in cooperation with the public schools and the prosecutor’s office, that involves high school students as jurors in the determination of minor juvenile criminal cases.

e. Smythe Gambrell Professionalism award the American Bar Association’s annual e. Smythe gambrell Professionalism Award recognizes projects contributing to the understanding of professionalism among lawyers.the award is presented annually by the ABA Standing Committee on Professionalism. Cooley Law School received the gambrell Award in 2006 for its innovative and far-reaching Professionalism Plan. Cooley adopted its Professionalism Plan in 2002.the Plan, designed to help create a culture of professionalism and service orientation in the law school, contained 18 initiatives, each an independent project, which together comprised a deliberate plan to take a student from orientation through graduation with a focus on ethics and professionalism. eThiCS Library Cooley’s ethics and Professionalism Library maintains over 3,900 volumes of ethics materials. the ethics and Professionalism Library is open to students, faculty, and attorneys to promote the research and study of ethics and professionalism. webSiTe for The CenTer this website is updated regularly and features ongoing programs, past successes, and future plans for Cooley’s ABA Professionalism award-winning program.Visit for more details regarding these programs.

Visit for more information.


Thomas M. Cooley Law School 300 South Capitol Avenue P.O. Box 13038 Lansing, MI 48901

FIrStnAMe, JOIn the StudentS And grAduAteS FrOM ACrOSS the nAtIOn And wOrLdwIde At COOLey. Cooley graduates are ready for practice.

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