Cooley Law School Class Namesake
U.S Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
March 11, 1936 – February 13, 2016
Antonin Scalia, the animated proponent of originalism and structural constitutionalism, was born on March 11, 1936 in Trenton, New Jersey His father, Salvatore Eugene, was an Italian immigrant who later became a professor at Brooklyn College while his mother, Catherine Panaro, was born to Italian immigrants in Trenton and was a primary school teacher Scalia’s family moved to Queens, New York when he a young child He excelled academically and went on to graduate as the class valedictorian and started studying at Georgetown University in 1953
At Georgetown, Scalia was a lauded debater and thespian. He studied abroad in Switzerland during his junior year, and his pursuit of excellence led him to graduate as valedictorian of his undergraduate class with a bachelor’s degree in history in 1957 Scalia’s practiced devotion to education was rewarded when he entered Harvard Law School, as he became the Notes Editor for the Harvard Law Review and, in 1960, graduated valedictorian for the third time in his life
Scalia entered private practice in 1961 at the international law firm Jones Day While he excelled as a commercial law attorney for the next six years, he recognized that he held greater appreciation for the academic aspects of law rather than the practical ones. Thus, he left his practice in 1967 to become an administrative law professor at the University of Virginia. Scalia taught until 1971 when he was appointed as general counsel for the Office of Telecommunications Policy by President Richard Nixon One of his primary duties was to brainstorm federal policies for cable television expansion Between 1972 and 1974, he served as chairman for the U.S. Administration Conference, which implemented methods to increase the efficiency of the federal bureaucracy President Nixon then nominated Scalia for Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel Following Nixon’s resignation, President Gerald Ford sustained the nomination and Scalia was confirmed by Senate vote in August 1974 After the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, Scalia returned to teaching and joined the faculty at University of Chicago Law School in 1977. He taught at Chicago until 1982 when President Ronald Reagan nominated him for the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Scalia was sworn in on August 17, 1982
Justice Scalia was never at a loss for words on the bench. He also possessed a sense of humor that caused the courtroom to erupt in laughter on a regular basis. Furthermore, the witty and thorough writing Justice Scalia honed while on the D C Circuit carried over to the Supreme Court. Justice Scalia was an originalist in that he interpreted the U.S. Constitution in accordance with the meanings and intentions that were present when it was first adopted Ideologically speaking, Scalia was closer to a moderate conservative
Cooley Law School - Florida Ceremony Friday, April 19, 2024
Welcome......................................................................Tyler Williams, Ceremony Host
Invocation ...................................................................Christine Church Professor
The National Anthem
Student Farewell Remarks
Vivian Katwaroo & Ahmad Saifi
Introductions, Welcome, and Address ………............James McGrath President and Dean
Commencement Address…………………The Honorable Jalal A. Harb Florida’s 10th Circuit Court
Conferring of Degrees
J D Hooding
Closing Remarks
Joseline Hardrick, Professor
Renalia DuBose & Matthew Marin Professors
James McGrath President and Dean
Cooley Law School - Michigan Ceremony
Monday, April 22, 2024
Welcome....................................................................Thomas Gildner Ceremony Host
Invocation ..................................................................Emily Horvath Professor
The National Anthem..................................................Susan E. Anzicek
Student Farewell Remark...........................................Adam Kimball
Introductions, Welcome, and Address ......................James McGrath President and Dean
Commencement Address…………………………….Tonya Krause-Phelan, Professor and Associate Dean
Conferring of Degrees ..................................................Amy Timmer, Associate Dean & Professor
LL.M. Hooding ........................................Michael Molitor, Richard Henke, Professors
J D Hooding
Closing Remarks
Mable Martin-Scott, Richard Henke, Professors
James McGrath, President and Dean
Cooley Law School Faculty
President and Dean, Professor of Law
TAMMY ASHER, A S , B A , J D Professor
BRENDAN BEERY, B A , J D Professor
TRACEY BRAME, B.A., J.D. ...........................Associate Dean, Professor
BRADLEY CHARLES, B.A., J.D. ................................................Professor
MARK COONEY, B A , J D Professor
MARK DOTSON, B S , J D Professor
RENALIA DuBOSE, B.S., M.P.A., J.D. ........................................Professor
DAVID FINNEGAN, B.S.F.S., J.D. ..............................................Professor
DUSTIN FOSTER, B A , J D Professor
KATHY GUSTAFSON, B.S., J.D. ......................Assistant Dean, Professor
JOSELINE J HARDRICK, B A , J D Associate Professor
CHRISTI HENKE, B.F.A., J.D. ...................................... Visiting Professor
RICHARD C. HENKE, B.A., J.D. ................................................Professor
JAMES HICKS, B A , J D Professor
EMILY HORVATH, B.A., J.D. ......................................................Professor
BARBARA KALINOWSKI, B.A., J.D............................................Professor
TONYA KRAUSE-PHELAN, A.A., B.S., J.D. ...Associate Dean, Professor
MATTHEW MARIN, B.A., J.D., LL.M. ........................Associate Professor
MICHAELMCDANIEL,B.A.,M.A.,MSS,J.D. ..................................Professor
MIKE MOLITOR, B.A., J.D. .........................................................Professor
MARTHA MOORE, B A , M A , J D Professor
FLORISE NEVILLE-EWELL, B.A., J.D........................................Professor
DUANE STROJNY, B.A., J.D., M.L.S...............Associate Dean, Professor
JEFFREY SWARTZ, B.A., J.D. ...................................................Professor
AMY TIMMER, B A , J D Associate Dean, Professor
PATRICK E.TOLANJR., B.S.E.E., J.D., LL.M. .............................Professor
VICTOR VESCHIO, A A , A S , B A , J D Visiting Professor
JOAN VESTRAND, B.A., J.D. .....................................................Professor
Cooley Law School Adjunct Faculty
Wafa Adib-Lobo
Mustafa Ameen
Sonya Beverly
Patrick Corbett
Devolder Steve
Steve Fantetti
William Fleener
Hon. Richard J.
Garcia Laura
Robert Heitmeyer
Daniel Houlf
Johnson-Levine Sheila
Salvatore Lamendola
Michael A. Leffler
Richard Lovernick
Peggy MacDougall
Colin Maguire
Hon. Daryl Manning Paul
Thomas Myers
Hon. Nicholas
Nazaretian John
Hon. Christopher
Sabella John Taylor
Gregory Ulrich
James Vlasic
Graham Ward
Antonin Scalia Class
Master of Laws Degree
James G. Curry, III, (Tax), J D Western Michigan University Thomas M Cooley Law School, B A , Michigan State University
Melissa Hrnjic, (Homeland and National Security), J.D. Western Michigan University
Thomas M. Cooley Law School, B.A., University of South Florida, Debt Relief Clinic, Homeland & National Security Education & Emergency Response Association, Jessup International Moot Court Competition Team, Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society
Brandon Hunsaker, (Homeland and National Security), J.D., Western Michigan University
Thomas M. Cooley Law School, B.S., Southern Illinois University/Carbondale
Katie L. Komorosky, (Homeland and National Security), J D Western Michigan University
Thomas M. Cooley Law School, B.A., Spring Harbor University, Cooley Innocence Project, Homeland & National Security Education & Emergency Response Association, Homeland & National Security Law Review
Carlos N. Martinez, (Tax), JD, Thomas M Cooley Law School, B.A., B.S., University of Denver, Access to Justice Clinic.
DeVante J. McCullom, (Homeland and National Security) J.D., Western Michigan University
Thomas M. Cooley Law School, B.A., Adrian College, Criminal Law Clinic, Foreign Study/Australia and New Zealand, Washtenaw County Public Defender Office, Western Michigan University
Thomas M. Cooley Law Review.
Bryson L. Midel, (Homeland and National Security, J.D., Western Michigan University
Thomas M. Cooley Law School, B.A., University of Hawaii/Hilo
Bryan Michael Weadick, (Tax), B.S.,University of Massachusetts/ Lowell.
Lee Jeremy Mitchell Weiss, (Homeland and National Security) J.D., Western Michigan University
Thomas M. Cooley Law School, B.A, Wright State University,ABA/LSD, Cooley Law School Republicans, Criminal Law Society, Federalist Society (December 2023 Graduate)
Thomas Wheadon, (Tax)
Juris Doctor Degree
Amy A. Avila-Vele, American Constitution Society, Florida Bar Young Lawyers Law School Division, Hispanic Organization of Legal Advocates, Military Veterans Law Student Association, Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Student Association, Dean’s List 4, Honor Roll 3, CUM LAUDE.
Sydney M. Baker, B S , University of Louisville, Black Law Student Association Debt Relief Clinic, Student Bar Association, Dean’s List Alan Ruben Bangiev, Saint John’s University/Jamaica, Mock Trial Board, Mock Trial Competition (Intra-school), Mock Trial Competition (National), Moot Court Competition (Intra-School), National Trial Competition, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Student Bar Association, Dean’s List 1.
Noah J. Bowers, B.A., Louisiana State University/Baton Rouge, Sports and Entertainment Law Society, Dean’s List 5, Honor Roll, 6, CUM LAUDE.
Cassidi M. Brooks, B.A, University of Phoenix, Dean’s List 2.
Kristie L. Brown, B.S., Michigan State University, Sixty Plus, Inc., Elderlaw Clinic.
Adriana A. Burga, B A , Pepperdine University/Malibu, ARC Dean’s Fellow, Black Law Students Association, Grade Appeals Magistrate, Jessup International Moot Court Competition Team, Mock Trial Competition (Intra-school), Moot Court Board, Moot Court Competition (Intra-School), Moot Court Competition (National), Organization of Women Law Students, Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society, Research Assistant, Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law Review, Dean’s List 6, Honor Roll, 6, MAGNA CUM LAUDE, LEADERSHIP ACHIEVEMENT AWARD
Francesca C. Camacho, University of California/Irvine, ARC Dean’s Fellow, Criminal Law Society, Help Save the Next Girl, International Law Society, Mock Trial Board, Mock Trial Competition (Intra school), Moot Court Board, Moot Court Competition (Intra-School), Office of Student Assistance, Organization of Women Law Students, Pillar, Sports and Entertainment Law Society, Teaching Assistant, Western Michigan University
Thomas M Cooley Law Review, Dean’s List 5, Honor Roll, 7, CUM LAUDE.
Donovan Card, B S , Ball State University, International Law Society, Dean’s List 1.
LaToya Chase, B.A., Liberty University, Black Law Students Association, Graduation Marshal, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Sports and Entertainment Law Society, Student Bar Association, Dean’s List 2.
Daniel Chung, B.A., Purdue University/West Lafayette, Cooley Innocence Project, Dean’s List 2.
Azalea F. Collins, B.A., Aquinas College, Dean’s List 1.
Austin D. Crocker, B S , Saint Petersburg College, Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society.
Amber Crotty, B.S. Grand Valley University, Dean’s List 3, Honor Roll, 2.
Arthur A. Dubei, B.S., Baker College, Sixty Plus, Inc., Elderlaw Clinic, Dean’s 3, Honor Roll, 1
Kristin C. Duffy, B.A., Hope College, Estate Planning Clinic, Western Michigan University
Thomas M. Cooley Law Review, Dean’s List 14, Honor Roll, 15, MAGNA CUM LAUDE
Harry R. Edmonds, B.A.,University of Pittsburg/Greensburg.
Elizabeth L. Embler, Indiana University/Fort Wayne, Dean’s List 2
Jacob Goss, B.A., West Virginia University/Morgantown, 10-Core, ARC Dean’s Fellow, Pillar, Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Student Association, Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, Dean’s List, 5 Honor Roll, 7.
Gabriela Guardiola, B S , Florida Gulf Coast University, Black Law Students Association, Dean’s List 3.
Carly Lynn Hidalgo, B.A., College of Saint Rose, Mock Trial Board, Student Bar Association
Kaley D. Hindes, B.A., University of South Florida, Sports and Entertainment Law Society, Dean’s List 5, Honor Roll, 5, CUM LAUDE
Britttany Rae Holloway, B.A., University of Missouri/Kansas City, Black Law Students Association, Christian Legal Society, Federal Bar Association/Student Chapter, Florida Association of Women Lawyers, Help Save the Next Girl, Military Veterans Law Student Association, Office of Student Assistance, Dean’s List 1
Samantha Jo Hulliberger, B.S., Calvin College, ARC Dean’s Fellow, Criminal Law Society, Grade Appeals Board, Graduation Marshal, Honor Council, Moot Court Competition (Intra-School), Moot Court Competition (National), Office of Student Assistance, Organization of Women Law Students, Research Assistant, Student Bar Association, Teaching Assistant, Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law Review, Dean’s List 5, Honor Roll 7, CUM LAUDE.
Mya Hurwitz, B.A., Rollins College, ARC Dean’s Fellow, Florida Association of Women Lawyers, Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society, Student Bar Association, Dean’s List 2, Honor Roll 6, CUM LAUDE
Vivian Katwaroo, B.A., University of Florida, Christian Legal Society, Debt Relief Clinic, Sports and Entertainment Law Society, Student Bar Association.
Adam Kimball, B.A., Grand Valley State University, Criminal Law Society, Mock Trial Board, National Appellate Advocacy Competition, Student Bar Association, Dean’s List 7, Honor Roll 8, MAGNA CUM LAUDE.
Tiffanie Anne Lawdog, B S , University of Phoenix, Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society, Dean’s List 8.
Jessica Lee, B A Indiana State University/Terre Haute, Organization of Women Law Students, Dean’s List 3, Honor Roll 2, CUM LAUDE.
Karen N. Maciel, B.A., University of Houston/Downtown, Estate Planning Clinic, Grade Appeals Magistrate, Organization of Women Law Students, Dean’s List 6, Honor Roll 7, CUM LAUDE.
Juan Jose Martinez, B A ,Wright State University, Christian Legal Society, Military Veterans Law Student Association, Dean’s List 1.
Alissa Masciarella, B.S., Pepperdine University/Malibu, Mock Trial Competition (Intra-school), Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Dean’s List 3.
Adriana Ana McDonald, University of Colorado/Colorado Springs, Office of Student Assistance, Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society, Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, Dean’s List 3.
Stephanie Ann McKinney, ABA/LSD, Mock Trial Competition (National), Moot Court Board, Moot Court Competition (Intra-School), Moot Court Competition (National), Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society, Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Student Association, Student Bar Association, Western Michigan University Thomas M Cooley Inn of Court, Dean’s List 4, Honor Roll 2
Norelle Indefenso Miranda, B.S., Saint Mary’s College of California, ARC Dean’s Fellow, Graduation Marshal, Health Law Society, International Law Society, Jessup International Moot Court Competition Team, Mock Trial Board, Mock Trial Competition (Intra school), Organization of Women Law Students, Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society, Student Bar Association, Teaching Assistant Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law Review, Moot Court Member, BLSA Member, Dean’s List 5, Honor Roll 6, CUM LAUDE, LEADERSHIP ACHIEVEMENT AWARD.
Charles David Moncrief, B S , Auburn University, Sports and Entertainment Law Society, Dean’s List 2.
Eric Allen Nelson, B.S.,Grand Valley State University, ARC Dean’s Fellow, Research Assistant, Dean’s List 6, Honor Roll 7, CUM LAUDE.
Natalie S. Pecan, B A , University of Central Florida, Christian Legal Society, Research Assistant.
Alyx D. Pedraza, B.S., University of Wisconsin/Parkside, ABA/ LSD, Client Counseling National Team, Cooley Veterans, Cooley Volunteer Corps, Diversity Coalition, Federal Bar Association/ Student Chapter, Michigan Youth in Government, Mock Trial Competition (Intra-school), Moot Court Competition (Intra School), Organization of Women Law Students, Pillar, Student Bar Association, Dean’s List 1, U S Army Reservist
Camila Zuyin Perez, B.S., Florida Gulf Coast University, Dean’s List 1.
Maria Prifti, B.S., University of South Florida, Debt Relief Clinic, Dean’s List 3, Honor Roll 2
Caroline R. Quandt, B.A., Michigan State University, Grade Appeals Magistrate, Health Law Society, Organization of Women Law Students, Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society, Student Bar Association, Teaching Assistant, Western Michigan University Thomas M Cooley Law Review, Dean’s List 5, Honor Roll 7, CUM LAUDE.
Hayley F. Rabe, B S , Purdue University/North Central-Westville, Dean’s List 1.
Grace L. Rambo, B.S.,Illinois State University, Dean’s List 1, Honor Roll 1
Bridget Siobhan Rice, B.A., Northeastern Illinois University, Student Bar Association, Dean’s List 1.
Shana Rose Robinson, B.A., University of South Florida, Dean’s List 8, Honor Roll 10, CUM LAUDE.
Karen Rodriguez, B A , University of South Florida, Debt Relief Clinic, Dean’s List 1.
Hend M. Saad, B.A., Fordham University/Lincoln Center, Animal Law Society, Criminal Law Society, Health Law Society.
Ahmad A. Saifi, B.S., University of South Florida, Teaching Assistant, Dean’s List 8, Honor Roll 9, CUM LAUDE
Frances D. Silney-Bah, B.A., University of Missouri/Columbia, Black Law Students Association, Cooley Innocence Project, International Law Society, Jessup International Moot Court Competition Team, Moot Court Competition (Intra-School), Tax Law Society, Teaching Assistant, Dean’s List 2, LEADERSHIP ACHIEVEMENT AWARD
Matthew Joseph Soboleski, B.A., American Intercontinental University, Debt Relief Clinic, Dean’s List 3.
Arban Stafa, B S , Oakland University, Dean’s List 5, Honor Roll 11, CUM LAUDE.
Collin D. Sudderth, B.S.,Michigan State University, Dean’s List 2.
Sarah A. Tanner, B.S., Florida State University, ARC Dean’s Fellow, Federal Bar Association/Student Chapter, Florida Association of Women Lawyers, Florida Bar Young Lawyers Law School Division, Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society, Research Assistant, Sports and Entertainment Law Society, Student Bar Association, Teaching Assistant, Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law Review, Dean’s List 6, Honor Roll 7, MAGNA CUM LAUDE
Varun Thind, B.A., Seton Hall University.
Isaac Thomas, B A , University of Toronto, Cooley Innocence Project, Dean’s List 2.
Wyatt Joseph Wells, B.S., University of Michigan/Ann Arbor, Moot Court Competition (National), Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law Review, Dean’s List 7, Honor Roll, 8, MAGNA CUM LAUDE.
Cameron Michael Wilson, B.A., Michigan State University, Health Law Society, Sixty Plus, Inc., Elderlaw Clinic, Western Michigan University Thomas M Cooley Law Review, Dean’s List 5, Honor Roll 6, CUM LAUDE.
Yahkyrah Yahweh, B.A., University of South Florida, Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Student Association, Teaching Assistant, Dean’s List 6, Honor Roll 10, CUM LAUDE.
Courtney Grace Yonker, B S , University of Tampa, ARC Dean’s Fellow, Cooley Ambassadors, Debt Relief Clinic, Florida Association of Women Lawyers, Honor Council, Moot Court Board, Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, Dean’s List 7, Honor Roll, 8, MAGNA CUM LAUDE, LEADERSHIP ACHIEVEMENT AWARD
Rojan S. Yousif, B.A., Oakland University, ARC Dean’s Fellow, Cooley Innocence Project, Teaching Assistant, Dean’s List 5, Honor Roll 4, CUM LAUDE
John Zefi, B.A., Oakland University, Dean’s List 2, Honor Roll 4.
Cooley Law School Ceremonial Colors
Cords worn by graduates denote the following:
Summa Cum Laude.....................................................................................Gold Magna Cum Laude..............................................................................Light Blue
Cum Laude............................................................................................... Yellow
With Distinction..........................................................................................Green Graduation Marshal.....................................................................................Wine Veteran .......................................................................................................Silver Alumni Dist. Student/Leadership Achievement/Leaders Academy............. Aqua
Questions about the commencement ceremony can be directed to the Administration, Enrollment, and Student Services Division at ess.cooley.edu or (517) 371-5140, ext. 2843.
Cooley Law School Board of Directors
Hon. Louise Alderson Chairperson, Ret. Judge, 54-A District Court, Lansing, Michigan
Mitchell S. Zajac Vice Chairperson, Butzel Long, Detroit, Michigan
Mustafa Ameen Partner Ameen & Shafii, Tampa, Florida
Aaron Burrell Member Dickinson Wright, Detroit, Michigan
Christina L. Corl Partner Plunkett Cooney, Columbus, Ohio
Thomas W Cranmer Deputy Practice Group Leader, Miller Canfield Paddock & Stone, PLC, Troy, Michigan
John M. Dunn President Emeritus, Western Michigan University, Lake Oswego, Oregon
Hon. Michael P. Hatty Judge, 44th Circuit Court, Howell, Michigan
Hon. Jane E. Markey Judge, Michigan Court of Appeals, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Kenneth V. Miller CEO/Principal, Millennium Restaurant Group, LLC, Kalamazoo Michigan
Lawrence P Nolan President, Nolan, Thomsen & Villas, PC, Eaton Rapids, Michigan
Hon. Bart Stupak Partner, Venable, LLP, Washington, D.C.
Jordan V Sutton Managing Director, Sutton Advisors, Lansing, Michigan
Cooley Law School Legal Authors Society
Frank Aiello
Virginia P Allen
Tammy Asher
Anne F. Bachle-Fifer
Frederick M. Baker
Jr. Richard S. Baron
Sherry L. Batzer
Gary Bauer
Brendan Beery
Robert A. Bejesky
Curt Benson
David Berry*
Edwin M. Bladen*
Ron Boglio
Gerald W. Boston*
Tracey Brame
John Brennan
Hon. Thomas E.
Brennan* Ronald J.
Justin P Brooks
Mark Burzych
Kathleen Butler
Jeanette Buttrey
Evelyn Calogero
Cheryl Calloway
James Carey
Paul Carrier
Terrence F. Cavanaugh
Charles Cercone
Karen Chadwick
Bradley Charles
Christine Church
Dennis Cichon
Julianne Claydon
Julie Clement
Mark Cody
Marlene Coir
Kimberly A.Colgate
Mark Cooney
Patrick Corbett
John L. Coté*
David G. Cotter
Michael P Cox
Barbara J. Crozier
Hon.Janice K.Cunningham
Hon. Brent V Danielson
Randy Diamond
Mary E. Phelan D’Isa J.
Bruce Donaldson*
Mark Dotson
Barry Hart Dubner
Michael Dunn
Eric Eggan
James Eyster
Bruce Familant
Cindy Faulkner
Norman Fell
David Finnegan
Gerald Fisher
Frank M. Fitzgerald*
Hon. John W Fitzgerald*
William J. Fleener Jr.
Anthony Flores
Randy Foreman
Elizabeth J. Fossel
Donald C. Frank
Judith A. Frank*
William C. Fulkerson
Anthony Gair*
Heather Garretson
Marjorie Gell
Alan Gershel
Elliot B. Glicksman*
David Grande-Cassell
Frederick J. Griffith*
Wesley P Hackett Jr
William F. Haggerty
Lisa Halushka
Hon. Michael G. Harrison*
Christopher Hastings
Frederick Headen
Teresa M. Hendricks
Richard Henke
Keith J. Hey
James M. Hicks Jr
Marion Hilligan*
Aletha Honsowitz
Emily Horvath
Hon. Peter D. Houk
Theodore E. Hughes L.
Kent Hull
Peter D. Jason*
John S. Kane
Eileen Kavanagh
Peter M. Kempel*
Mark S. Kende
Mara Kent
R. Joseph Kimble Linda
K. Kisabeth Dorean M.
Koenig* Tonya
Krause-Phelan Lewis
Joni Larson
Paula R. Latovick
Stuart Lazar
Don LeDuc
Helen Levenson
Ashley Lowe
Gerald G. MacDonald
Paul Marineau
Dena Marks
John Marks
Susan K. Marshall*
Mable Martin-Scott Hon.
Jeffrey Martlew Daniel
Matthews Robert E.
McCarthy Michael
McDaniel Al McDonald
Timothy K. McMorrow
Dan L. McNeal
Mark McWilliams Helen
Pratt Mickens Hon.
James E. Mies* Nelson
Peggy L. Miller
Marla Mitchell-Cichon
Michael Molitor
Joe Mollahan
Martha Moore
Lawrence W Morgan
Janet W. Muller
Maurice E.R. Munroe
Michael Murray
Sharon Nantell
Monica Navarro
Roger A. Needham*
Torsten Nilson
Monica Nuckolls
John R. Nussbaumer
Kimberly E. O’Leary
Charles A. Palmer Nora J.
Pasman-Green James M.
Candace Elliott Person
Ernest A. Phillips
MaryAnn Pierce
Norman E. Plate
Barry Price
Philip J. Prygoski* William
R. Ralls
Daniel Ray
Eric Richards
Hon. Dorothy Comstock
Riley* John P Rooney*
Lauren Rousseau
Larry S. Royster
Marjorie P Russell
Hon. Daniel Ryan
Marianne E. Samper
Devin Schindler
John N. Scott
Kevin Scott
Charles J. Senger
Chris Shafer
Dan Sheaffer
Stephen M. Sheppard
Jane Siegel
Brent Simmons
Paul Sorensen
G. Michael Stakias
Robert W. Stocker II
N.O. Stockmeyer
Duane Strojny
Roberta Studwell
Michael V Sucaet
Stevie Swanson
Kathy Swedlow
John Taylor
John Thompson Jr.* Martin Tieber
Amy Timmer
Gina Torielli
Charles Toy
Ronald J. Trosty
Christopher Trudeau
Gerald Tschura
Donald P. Ubell
Joan Vestrand
James J. Vlasic Victoria
Vuletich William Wagner
Hon. Cynthia Ward
William P Weiner F
Georgann Wing Charles B.
Wolfe Nancy Wonch
M. Ann Wood
John A. Yeager *deceased