3 minute read

babies dead?

Swansea Crown Court

Blood trickled down my face...


mental note to ring Maddie in the morning. We’d always have a natter about the gossip from the night before. Only, waking up the next morning, I had a message from a mutual friend of ours.

You should know – Maddie went home with Adam last night.

Sitting up in bed, I almost burst out laughing. Maddie would never hurt me by copping off with my ex. I rang Maddie, only it went straight to voicemail. She’s sleeping it off, I reasoned.

Over the next few hours, I kept trying her, still got no answer.

But then, finally, I received a picture message from Maddie.

I expected a cute snap of her from the previous night, instead I felt instantly sick.

The picture was of Maddie in bed…

And she wasn’t alone. She was with Adam! ‘Happy Valentine’s Day, babe!’ she’d written underneath it.

Dropping my phone, I felt

The judge said it was ‘pure spite and jealousy’ the room spin. How could she do this to me?

She’d known, more than anyone, how upset I’d been. She’d been the one to tell me I deserved better.

Now here she was in bed with the bloke who’d broken my heart.

And she’d borrowed my dress to pull him in!

None of it made sense. Emotions running into overload, I felt fury collide with heartbreak. I’d been betrayed by my best friend.

‘Don’t ever contact me again,’ I replied eventually. All I’d ever been was a good friend to Maddie.

And I’d stuck up for her countless times.

Even my own mum had warned me off her. But I’d defended Maddie time and time again.

How wrong I’d been! Now I just hoped that Maddie would leave me alone for good.

By May 2019, I was feeling positive,

ready to get on with my life. Finishing my shift at the gin bar where I worked in Swansea, I was ready to let my hair down.

‘It’s the bank holiday, let’s go have some fun,’ my colleague suggested. I really needed a night out after everything I’d been through.

So, freshening up my lippy, we headed out.

Walking into a local cocktail joint, I made a beeline for the bar.

But as I waited to be served, I heard something smash next to me. Looking down, I saw a pint glass shattered on the floor.

And suddenly, I felt a huge thud on my forehead.

Liquid trickled down my face.

At first, I just thought it was from a drink, but reaching up to touch my face, I knew immediately I thought we were mates!

that it was blood.

Glass lay in pieces around me at my feet.

Someone was screaming in my direction.

As the room spun, I realised I’d been glassed.

And when I finally looked up, I could see who’d thrown it at me.

Maddie. She was yelling at me, held back by bouncers.

‘I’ll f*****g have you!’ she yelled.

Dazed and confused, I was escorted outside.

Police arrested Maddie and I gave a statement.

Taken to Prince Philip Hospital, I was in so much pain.

Nurses removed a shard of glass from the wound on my forehead before stitching me up.

Maddie Elliott, 19, was charged, and at Swansea Crown Court in October 2019, she admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm and common assault. The judge said she’d acted out of ‘pure spite and jealousy’.

But her sentence was dismal. She was handed a 14-month suspended sentence, 240 hours of community service, and a rehabilitation order. Later, she was given a three-year restraining order, told to keep away from me.

And I just hope she does. In time, I realised Maddie had never been my friend. If she was, she wouldn’t have betrayed me, wouldn’t have attacked me.

Because with friends like Maddie, who needs enemies?

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