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Undertaking for students Year 5 & older
for students Yr 5 & older
As student/s in Year 5 or older I/we agree to: 1. Dress in my sports uniform for learning each day; 2. Be ready for learning every weekday morning; 3. Watch the morning devotions and chapel or pastoral care lessons each morning; 4. Acknowledge that any online or live lessons will be recorded and archived so classroom behaviour expectations must be maintained; 5. Engage in all the learning sessions as per my timetable; 6. Follow eSmart guidelines when using my device and the internet and to avoid unsafe online behaviour; 7. Request help from the assigned Education Support Officers or Enrichment staff if I don’t understand the learning in that session. (You will be given contact details for this support); 8. Plan my study to ensure I meet assessment deadlines; 9. Seek help from the Support Services Team supportservices@ccc.qld.edu.au (or from a trusted adult) if I am worried about my own wellbeing; 10. Adhere to assessment conditions (refer to Assessment Policy).
Students agree to maintain: 1. A good balance between screen time, outdoor/other activity; 2. Healthy eating at appropriate intervals; 3. Healthy sleep patterns; 4. Physical fitness activities; 5. Quality time with family.
By signing this agreement, I am committing to engage with the timetabled learning sessions every weekday.
Child Name: ___________________________________ Signature: _______________________
Child Name: ___________________________________ Signature: _______________________
Child Name: ___________________________________ Signature: _______________________