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Parent Handbook
Schooling is always a partnership. When Learning from Home, this partnership becomes even more important. Our teachers partner with parents/caregivers to engage students in experiences that stretch their understanding and expand how they approach learning.
Teachers have a critical role in guiding, supporting, and challenging students to take on new responsibilities and to engage with new learning. Our families will have options for flexibility that will give them choice and ownership as the Learning from Home experience progresses. Teachers will continue to connect regularly with students through both online and recorded lessons, email and MSTeams. TRACKING LEARNING: CCC staff will monitor learning through: • Data on student engagement from digital learning platforms – MSTeams, emails and Office 365; • Feedback from students and parents; • Digital learning submissions.

DAILY TIMETABLE: • Morning Devotions/Chapel; • Tune in live lessons; • Pastoral Care check-ins; • Learning support; • IT support; • Specialist lessons. STAYING IN TOUCH: • College email is the communication tool used to contact and communicate between students, teachers and staff; • MSTeams and Parent Lounge are also used regularly to stay in touch; • The CCC Weekly Connect is released every
Wednesday and communicates all key messages, events and news in one place.
“The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an organic, long-term learning process, and not to live in a shell of static, safe mediocrity. Usually, growth comes at the expense of previous comfort or safety.” — Josh Waitzkin