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Parent Handbook
Where students are required to submit assessment tasks while learning from home, teachers will ensure full instructions for all assignments and exams are provided.
We remind students and parents that assessment of student learning occurs continually throughout the school year. Teachers gather evidence using a wide variety of tools and samples of student work, building profiles for assessment and monitoring.
Assessment preparation and submission will follow the expectations and conditions described in our College Assessment Policy (see Parent Lounge).
Prep to Year 6 A wide range of activities and tasks will be used to monitor and assess students while learning from home. Depending on the age of your child, it may be appropriate for parents to read instructions but we ask that parents do not assist with the completion of tasks.
Years 7 – 10 Assessment will occur listed in the assessment schedule. These will either be administered online, or if a paper version is needed, downloaded, written and then uploaded (scanned or photographed) to Student Cafe. Where the assessment requires specific conditions we would ask that, where possible, parents supervise without direct assistance. Years 11 – 12 Years 11 and 12 have assessment mandated by the syllabus, external to the College. Where possible we will continue to administer these by remote learning. Where this is not possible – for example a student experiment that requires specialised scientific apparatus and facilities, we will reschedule these to ensure that final results are not compromised. Students will be informed of any rescheduling well in advance.
All changes and adjustments will reflect QCAA advice for statewide quality assurance.
Thank you for your support, as we work together to deliver a strong continuity of learning.
Please raise any queries or concerns through: admin@ccc.qld.edu.au or sue.waltisbuhl@ccc.qld.edu.au