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Most of us love birthdays. The idea of people making a fuss over us and of receiving gifts or phone calls from loved ones brings a sense of anticipation and excitement. As a College, we have been able to celebrate our 30th year together in 2022. This significant milestone has been a chance to recognise God’s blessing on this ministry and to thank so many who have contributed to building and shaping the College from a vision to reality, from humble beginnings to innovative and comprehensive offerings.
However, milestones like birthdays are also a good opportunity to re-calibrate and set directions. The cliché of hitting our 40th and experiencing a midlife crisis is fundamentally a checkpoint in our life journey to reflect on where we have come from and where we are heading for the next 40 years. The same audit should be undertaken by Christian schools to ensure we are still fulfilling the mission and purpose for which we were established. In navigation terms, the image that comes to mind is that of checking our bearing using a compass (or GPS if you are a millennial).
Therefore, in 2022 we introduced the notion of the CCC Way, a visual reminder of our mission, and the guiding values and principles that point us to maturity in Christ. This thinking places Christ as our True North. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Helping students and families understand who Christ is and the central truth of the Gospel remains our most important goal at CCC. This, of course, can only happen when we are providing high quality Christian education that inspires, challenges and equips young minds, hence our mission statement: “Growing God’s Kingdom through Excellence in Education”.
Ultimately, the knowledge gained as a student in our College (head) needs to translate into a heart response which in turn, results in actions (hands) –choices that honour God and serve or uplift those around us. This is the culture we are nurturing at CCC every day, and why we are so excited to be a part of this ministry in this season.
Thank you to all our CCC team (Teachers, ESOs, Admin and Ancillary Staff) who enable and enact this mission each day. Thank you also to the Parents and Friends of our College who volunteer in many different ways.
Thank you to the Associated Pastors and churches for their ongoing support and fellowship. And most importantly, thanks be to God for His provision and blessing over 30 years.
Happy Birthday CCC!
Ross Waltisbuhl