1 minute read
Why We do It
No matter which brand you’re thinking of, you probably like it because they consistently exceed the competition in ways that you identify with. Nike’s “Just Do It” attitude, Apple’s “Think Different” ideal, or even Walmart’s guarantee to have “Everyday Low Prices” are all communicated in many different ways through every interaction a potential consumer has with their brand.
Visual communication is just a small part of the whole brand package, but it is an important and inescapable piece that helps build a customer’s instinctive sense of the things for which our brand stands.
Over time, as positive brand interactions occur between Vertex and its customers (or potential customers) they will begin to form positive opinions about our brand—know as brand equity. Ideally, any time someone sees something created by Vertex, they should recognize it as such. That allows us to both, draw from and build on all of their past experience with our brand. Creating a strong relationship with our brand and eventually facilitating the sales process.
To that end, it is important that Vertex as a company and a brand are presented in a consistent and visually pleasing way.
Think of the visual identity of the clothes the brand SJ:IVXI\[IEVW%KSSHSYXƼXHSIWRƅXQEOI]SY a good person, and the same is true for brands. Fortunately, Vertex is a good brand, and we want our appearance to show that.
With that in mind checkout the rest of this manual and stay on brand.