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community Stocking fillers at Santa Shop sale

THE Montville Woodies are having their annual Santa Shop Sale on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 Novembe at their sheds at the Montville Sportsground from 9 am to 4 pm. Wooden bowls, boxes, carvings, coffee tables, signs, toys and an array of interesting and useful articles will be on sale and are ideal for Christmas presents.

Every year, the Montville Woodies’ members make and donate lots of wooden toys to the Salvation Army for its annual Christmas Toy Appeal for distribution to less fortunate children at Christmas time.

The Montville Woodies respect and protect the environment as all the timber used has been cut from trees donated and is recycled environmentally instead of being burned.

At the Santa Shop Sale there will be displays and sale of woodwork made by members, a Japanese art form that involves making screens out of small, accurately cut pieces of timber, forming repeating patterns.

Entry is free to the workshed and car parking is free for an hour.

The Montville Woodies is a non-profit community organisation that provides woodworking facilities and training for Sunshine Coast residents, as well as enjoying very helpful assistance and the camaraderie of other members.

HISTORICAL photos from the Cooroy Rag and The Review from 1984 to 1996 will be displayed at the Heritage Centre in Cooroy.

Community Diary

Tewantin Noosa Garden Club

THE Tewantin Noosa Garden Club’s next meeting will be held on Monday 14 November at 12:30 pm for a 1:00 pm start at the Salvation Church Hall, Bartlett Street off Rene Street, Noosaville. Guest speaker, citrus grower Tina Grieson will be talking all things citrus. Plant sales, competition table, raffles and afternoon tea will be served. Guests welcome. Enquiries Len 0417 604 889.

Cappella Choir in Cooroy

GOOD Vibrations, a Cappella choir, invites you to a rousing performance of popular songs. Our first performance since 2019, you’ll hear, amongst others: Moon River, I Am Australian, Over The Rainbow, Who’ll Stop The Rain, Teach Your Children, Let There Be Peace On Earth and Mary’s Boy Child. Thursday November 10 at 7:00 pm at CWA Hall, Maple Street, Cooroy. $12 entry ($10 concession). Contact: andrewjemmet@gmail. com


JOIN Sunshine Coast Foodie Martin Duncan, Noosa Black Coffee, and ballroom dancing for Sconetime on Tuesday 8 November at 10 am in Cooroy Memorial Hall. Buy tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/ CDKWF Proudly Supported by Wythes Real Estate, Rambling Rose Flowers, Bassett Barks and Cooroy Rag Community Newspaper.

Cardmaking classes at Cooroy RSL

LAST Saturday of each month at 10:30 am, come and create four sweet cards for $20 Please bring a basic tool kit and adhesives. Bookings essential. Phone Jill 0437 339 961

Muso jams at the Apollonian Hotel

JOIN Trev at the Apollonian Hotel, Boreen Point for a muso jam every second Wednesday from 12 noon, and every second Friday from 5:30 pm. PA, drum kit and base amp supplied, all other instruments are BYO. For more info call Trev on 0411 834 713.

Social ballroom dancing at Pomona

EVERY Tuesday evening from 7 pm to 9:30 pm Pat and Norm Young organise a social evening at the Pomona Memorial School of Arts hall. The cost is $4 and it is a very enjoyable evening as Pat and Norm provide New Vogue as well as Old Time dancing. Come and be a spectator and see if you will enjoy it. Everyone is welcome. Phone 0407 456 939 for more information.

Tewantin Noosa Probus Club

THE Tewantin Noosa Probus Club meets at the RSL in Tewantin on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 10 am for morning tea ($5). Meetings start at 10:30 with an interesting guest speaker. After the meeting, most members stay for a game of trivia and then socialise over lunch. We enjoy walks by the river, movies, mah-jong, weekly lunches from fine dining to pubs and clubs, and outings to local places of interest. Visitors are welcome. Please phone Christine Hartley on 5442 7397.

The Human Face of the Kimberley

Ian Morris, biologist, author and conservationist.

LEARN about The Human Face of the Kimberley at this month’s Noosa Parks Association Friday Environment Forum at 5 Wallace Drive, Noosaville.

In the presentation on November 11, Ian Morris will take a look at the fascinating social connections highlighted by recent archaeology and anthropology including rock art, genetics, even sea level change and many other aspects of our human history.

Ian is a biologist, author and conservationist who is one of Australia’s most acclaimed naturalists. With a long history of working with the traditional owners of the Kimberley and Arnhem Land, Ian has an abiding love for the Top End. Join the bird observers at 8:30 am in the car park for interpretive birding. The forum starts at 10:30 am and morning tea is available from 10 to 10:25 am. Entry is $5 by tap and go at the door and includes morning tea/coffee.

Has supported hundreds of families in the community since 2009. Is a small independent family run early childhood centre in the beautiful Noosa Hinterland. Has supported hundreds of families in the community since 2009. Is a small independent family run early childhood centre in the beautiful Noosa Hinterland. Embraces the ‘Montessori’ early educational philosophy, with worldwide Embraces the ‘Montessori’ early educational philosophy, with worldwide recognition. recognition. AFFORDABLE, offering Child Care Subsidy, Kindergarten Subsidy and reduced fees in school holidays. AFFORDABLE, offering Child Care Subsidy, Kindergarten Subsidy and reduced fees in school holidays. HAS LIMITED POSITIONS FOR 2023. Taking enrolments for 2024. HAS LIMITED POSITIONS FOR 2023 If your child is 3, entol today. . Taking enrolments for 2024. If your child is 3, entol today.

community Opportunity with all the bells and whistles

THE Noosa hinterland town of Amamoor is looking for a new café operator.

This is an exciting and unique opportunity ready for the right person, team, or partnership to take their love of food and hospitality to a new level.

The Village Green Café Amamoor is located at the Amamoor Station precinct right in the heart of Amamoor. Here locals gather for monthly Cheers & Beers’ events; day trippers and campers stop in their thousands en route to the famous Gympie Muster site in the Amamoor State Forest; and Mary Valley Rattler passengers disembark to stretch their legs, grab a bite to eat and watch the train turn in preparation for the journey back to Gympie.

The café building is a refurbished Queensland Railway canteen carriage with an undercover alfresco dining area. This facility is owned by not-for-profit Friends of Amamoor who are keen to engage and work with an experienced café operator whose vision is to make this café once again a drawcard for locals and visitors.

They are looking for someone with vision and an established track record of building a name, brand, and signature dish to make the ‘Village Green Café Amamoor’ a foodie and coffee destination point for all.

Whilst the steam train pulls up to the café door on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday, this would be a 5-day café operation becoming a venue of choice for locals to sit, mix and mingle from Wednesday to Sunday.

To submit your expression of interest, please email friendsofamamoor@gmail. com with ‘Café Interest’ in the subject line.

Participants sought for eco-anxiety study

A LOCAL CQUniversity PhD candidate is looking for people to be a part of an innovative program.

Annie Nolan is looking for participants to join a tree-planting event in Cooran.

Annie said it is for a research study by CQUniversity being conducted in the Noosa Shire, funded by the Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation and supported by Noosa Council and Noosa Landcare.

The study seeks to understand how taking proactive action on climate change through planting trees to draw down carbon emissions impacts levels of eco-anxiety.

“Across the globe, more people are expressing their concern about the impacts of climate change and the need to take proactive action to reduce greenhouse gases across all sectors of the community.

“Eco-anxiety is a relatively new concept now coming to the fore.

“People experiencing eco-anxiety may not have been directly affected by a major climate-change impact but are experiencing emotional distress and anxiety about a future impacted by climate change.”

Annie said younger people aged below 35 years and those with a greater affinity with the natural environment are more likely to experience eco-anxiety.

“Recent statistics show that 75 per cent of young people think their future is frightening, and 84 per cent said they were worried about climate change.”

Over three planting days held in March, around 80 people came together to plant over 1,200 trees, offsetting around 3,000 tonnes of carbon over the lifetime of the trees.

“Participants said they had a great day doing something positive for the environment alongside other people with a shared purpose for collective effort.”

The next tree-planting day is being held in Cooran on Sunday 13 November and anyone over the age of 16 years is invited to participate in this study.

To register go to: www. noostreeplanting.com or contact Annie on anne. nolan@cqumail.com.


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