2 minute read

Cities in Europe, 6th, padlet.com

Geography- Cities in Europe

Country: Romania


Grade: 6th Discipline: Geography; Lesson title: The cities of Europe; Allocated time: 10 min; Type of exercise: consolidation / evaluation Chapters: Europe Link for the exercise: https://hu.padlet.com/tarorsi87/6bfoldrajz

Application: padlet.com

Methodical guidelines: Students must upload a representative picture of the major cities of Europe on the paddle. Webography: Public domain image

Religion: My Family

Country: Romania

Grade: 1st Discipline: Religion; Lesson title: My family; Allocated time: 10 min; Type of exercise: consolidation / teaching / evaluation


- to define the family and its members

- to name the duties of children in the family

Link for the exercise: https://im-a-puzzle.com/familia_mea_9cyUOzjy.puzzle

Application: im-a-puzzle.com

Methodical guidelines: The exercise is puzzle type. The student will choose the correct answer to some riddles about mother, father, brother, grandmother and grandfather in order to complete the puzzle. They will name their duties and behavior in the family. Webography: Public domain image, https://webstockreview.net/images/clipartfamily-3.jpg


Ginkūnai Sofija and Vladimiras Zubovai School

Lithuanian language: Parts of word

Country: Lithuania

Grade: 5th Subject: Lithuanian language. (Lietuvių kalba) Title of the lesson: Parts of word. The ending. (Žodžio dalys. Galūnė) Allocated time: 5-8 min. Chapter: Morphology. Parts of word. (Morfologija. Žodžio dalys.) Link of the presentation: https://wordwall.net/ Digital app: wordwall.com Type of exercise: teaching; reflecting, self-evaluation Methodical guidelines: Digital app is used at the beginning/ the end of the lesson to reflect or self- evaluate the work at lesson.

Russian language: How do we learn? (Как мы учимся?)

Country: Lithuania

Grade: 8th Subject: Russian/rusų k. Title of the lesson: How do we learn? (Как мы учимся?) Allocated time: 20 min Chapter: How do we learn? Как мы учимся?

Link of the presentation:

Ru https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/5fc3b15a1eeb2a001c1b18ae/как-мы-учимсяkontrolinis-darbas-klasei Digital app: quizizz https://quizizz.com Type of exercise: teaching/ learning

Methodical guidelines:

Quizizz is an online tool for testing students remotely. Surveys - the type of answer you choose. Creating a survey is easy. Questions can be open-ended, with multiple-choice answers, single-answer, and more. When you select a question type, the question is saved, the answers are saved, the correct answer is marked, and saved. It is possible to set the time for answering the question, add a math formula, a picture. Using this tool, students see both the question and the answers on their phone or tablet screen. The teacher is given a pin code that students enter on their devices to join the quiz. The Quizizz quiz can be run in real time or for homework. After the survey, the teacher can view the students ’answers or download them. The results can be forwarded to the parents of the students.

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