2 minute read
Living in a space ship, 5th, edpuzzle.com
Why I recommend you it?
Firstly, this tool is a great thing if you want to have a collaborative work between your students. Each student can create their own page and send it to the main creator. Also, it a very interesting activity which helps to improve your students’ IT skills and their creativity. They are encouraged to find some information and great images. They can draw and upload their own images as well. To add, this program allows you to create a magazine, a book, a vocabulary or any other work. There is a big variety of templates to choose so it’s super fun to decorate each page and all magazine as well.
English language: Easter Greetings!
Country: Lithuania
Grade: 5th Subject: English Title of the lesson: Easter Greetings! Allocated time: 45 min Chapter: Celebrations
Link of the presentation:
https://padlet.com/juratepoc/1wkurmt1a3u7hazc Digital app: chatterpix.com Type of exercise: collaborative working
Methodical guidelines:
The program Chatterpix.com is very popular among students. The first thing you should do is to create a padlet in Padlet.com where all works can be uploaded. Then, you have to find Chatterpix program in Google and install it in your device (phone). After all, you have to take a photo of yourself, then - record yourself. Moreover, you can use many filters to make your record funny, cute or even scary. At the end, you will find your video in the gallery and you have to upload it in padlet.com. It‘s the best way to see all the records made using Chatterpix.com.

Why I recommend you it?
Firstly, this program really brings much fun for students. They can use many filters to look interesting, funny and scary. It means you can record the greetings or short stories. It is very easy to use it and you can evolve it in each lesson according to the theme. Also, this program is a good tool for collaboration. Students work together, they can see and hear each other in videos and records.

English language: Living in a space ship
Country: Lithuania
Grade: 5th Subject: English/anglų k. Title of the lesson: Living in the space ship Allocated time: 10-20 min Chapter: In my house
Link of the presentation:
En https://edpuzzle.com/media/602fe9797a15ec4293ee53d9 Digital app: edpuzzle https://edpuzzle.com/ Type of exercise: teaching/ learning
Methodical guidelines:
How Edpuzzle works? With Edpuzzle, you can make any video your lesson in three easy steps: Find a video on YouTube, upload your own or re-use a video lesson created by another teacher. Then, edit the video to create your lesson. Record your voice to personalize it, and hold your students accountable by embedding questions in the video. Assign the video to your students and check their progress in real time while they learn at their own rythm.