1 minute read
Names of tools, 6-7th, wordwall.com
Technologies: Names of tools
Country: Lithuania
Grade: 6th-7th Subject: Handcrafts and technologies Title of the lesson: Names of tools Allocated time: 20 min Digital app: https://wordwall.net/ Type of exercise: teaching/testing/learning
Methodical guidelines:
The program itself works online. The app is paid, but if you create up to 5 activities, then you don’t have to pay. By combining the concepts of your subject, you can configure different activities: delete/ withdraw a word, roulette, cards, and so on. With this program, activities can be tailored to children's abilities: limiting performance time, devoting more "lives." The link is sent to students, and students can perform using a phone, a computer. Teacher can decide on time limit as well.