2 minute read

4. Genially


I. DEFINITION: Genially este o platformă care permite crearea de prezentări interactive în care se pot intsera imagini, fișere video, link-uri către alte site-uri. Avantajul major este că se lucrează online, deci se poate accesa de pe orice calculator: https://genial.ly/



1. Create account at https://genial.ly/ 2. Start creating a new presentation

You can select from a large panel of templates:

3. Example: Create Presentation

There are Free and Premium presentations or you can upload your owen PPTX.

Select a template and it will open in a new window where you can see the formating. If you like it, click on the button USE THIS TEMPLATE.

4. Select all the pages. If you do not use all the slides, you can delete them later.

5. Start editing the presentation:

For each block you can add interactive elements:

6. You can add other elements on the slide using the menu on the left side: text, image, resources, interactive buttons, smatblocks, video, other links.

7. After you finish, click on ALL SET button:

In the new window, fill the title and a short description. Then click again on ALL SET. The Genially presentation will be published online.

8. You can share the link to the students. They do not need to make accounts. They can go though the presentation on their own and solve the requiremetns in it.

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