2 minute read
10. Dracula's castle
by Copelia Oros
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 5th Lesson title: Measurement units; Time: 1 hours; Learning Unit: Consolidation of knowledge about length units of measurement
Targeted competencies:
Knowledge:Consolidation of knowledge about length units of measurement: mm, cm, m
Students will better master the orientation in space Use of geometry tools
Attitudes: Improving attention to detail Resources: Worksheets, sheets of paper, linear, square, compass
Methodical guidelines:
Students work individually. Each receives a worksheet with instructions for drawing Count Dracula's castle. The file contains: • knowledge of length units of measurement, • directions, • mathematical operations, • representation of Roman numerals.
Dracula invites you to his castle. To find it, you need to know what it looks like. Here are the instructions for drawing Dracula's castle:
- The castle is 240 mm wide in total - The castle has 2 side towers - The tower on the left is 0,15 m high and 0,5 dm wide and has battlements - The tower on the right is 1,2 dm high and 4 cm wide and has a roof in the shape of an equilateral triangle with the side of 50 mm - The towers are connected with a 0,1 m high wall - The gate has two doors and is located in the middle of the wall and is 4 cm wide and 5 cm high - The tower on the left has 3 windows measuring 3x3 cm. - The tower on the right has 3 windows measuring 2x2 cm - On the left tower is the Romanian flag - On the roof of the right tower is drawn the flag of Czehia - At the top left window is a short curtain colored like the flag of Spain -There's a blue ghost in the lower right window - Above the gate is a clock with a diameter of 4 cm, with Roman numerals, which shows the hour XII and XV - A coffin can be seen in the lower left window. Above him stands a bat - The result of the exercise is written on the middle left window: 5 + 8: 4 - On the right-middle window is written the result of the exercise: 14-3x2 - In the upper right window is a bouquet of flowers colored like the flag of Lithuania - The names of your team members are written on the middle wall - In the upper right corner you c an see the new moon with a diameter of 3 cm