3_9_11 Superior Sun

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Vol. 87 No. 10 Periodicals Postage Paid at Superior, Arizona 85173


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

FCCLA candlelight cancer fight an inspiration to all on Saturday night By Cindy Tracy People in Superior, as people everywhere, are busy these days doing their part to battle the disease of cancer. Events to raise awareness about

cancer and funds to fight it have been held recently in town. Included were the February 20 Superior Has Heart dinner-dance and last Saturday’s moving 2nd Annual Cancer Fight by Candlelight walk and

luminaria ceremony. All funds raised by both events went to the American Cancer Society. In the wings with a planned date of May 20 is the American Cancer Society 2011 Relay for Life of Supe-

Hike for the fight … Participants in the 2nd Annual Cancer Fight by Candlelight went the distance from the top of Sunset to the football field at the March 5 fund-raiser for cancer presented and organized by the FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) of Superior High School. Cindy Tracy photo

rior. For more information, contact Tamika Davis of the American Cancer Society at 602-586-7400. To learn more about Relay for Life visit http://www.relayforlife.org/relay/. The Cancer Fight by Candlelight on Saturday was an inspiration in movement, light, sound and spirit organized and presented by the FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) of Superior High School. Cancer is a concern to almost everyone, one way or another. Whether their journey is one of having cancer or having a relative or friend or acquaintance who has cancer, few folks are exempt from being touched by the disease. It was not surprising that a crowd of walkers in the white event T-shirt had gathered at the top of Sunset well before the 5:30 p.m. walk time. Down on the football field preparations were taking place as music played from the loud speaker. Two rows of airy white balloons tethered to the field floated in the breeze. These represented those who had lost their lives to cancer. In a final gesture of goodbye at the end of the ceremony, the balloons were released from their tethers and allowed to ascend gently into the heavens until they disappeared. But first there was the walk and the motivating story of one Superior student who survived childhood See FCCLA on P. 4

Good-by … Balloons are released in honor and farewell to those who have lost their lives in their journey with the disease of cancer. The balloon release was the culmination of a fund-raising walk and candlelight ceremony on March 5 with proceeds to benefit the work of the American Cancer Society. Cindy Tracy photo

Senior cyclists still vital and making a difference in the fight to eliminate pediatric cancer By Cindy Tracy Mike and Lois Libenson lost their granddaughter, Sammy Rotman, to pediatric cancer shortly after her 9th birthday. She had been diagnosed with osteosarcoma at the age of 7. Osteosarcoma is a cancer of the bone that starts in immature bone cells. It usually occurs in adolescents and young adults but can sometimes occur in younger children. While trying to make sense out of this heartbreaking loss, the Libensons made the decision that Sammy’s death should not be in vain. With another couple they formed a group called SammyRides, Grandparents Riding for the Health of Grandchildren. Last year, SammyRides was highlighted at the AARP convention in Orlando. As a result of this decision, a group of 70+ year “young” men are riding their bicycles from Sun City, Arizona to Sun City, Florida in an effort to raise awareness about pediatric cancer. Lois Libenson is driving the support van across the miles the cyclists are pedaling. She is also serving as the

group’s EMT for the trip.

On May 1, 2011, the team will complete their ride in Greater Sun City Center, Florida. They will celebrate with other residents there both the success of their project and the beginning of the year-long recognition of their city’s 50th anniversary.

That’s the back story behind a relaxed and pleasant meet and greet and potluck for the SammyRides cyclists and support team in Superior on March 4. The Superior Optimist Club, the Superior Presbyterian Church and the Superior Chamber of Commerce hosted the event at the church. Mila Lira of the Optimist Club introduced the cycling group to everyone present. She said that part of the Optimist International Creed is to support childhood cancer research. Mike Libenson spoke about the group’s project. “We are cycling through the country and trying to do it in such a way that we don’t take too many chances and so that the focus is not on us. It has to be on the kids,” he said.

The trip will encompass stops at eight hospitals. They have already stopped at one of these, Phoenix Children’s Hospital. “We saw youngsters there who were heroes of cancer, battling something and hoping that they can overcome it,” he said. “We gave them medals and shirts and just tried to show them we loved them. And, then, of course, they signed our shirts, our riding shirts.” He said the cycling team will be visiting a lot more hospitals and other venues and that the Presbyterian Church in Superior was actually their first church connection. “But we will be stopping at 14 churches along the route and they will be kind enough to offer us, as you have done, our supper, and that’s wonderful,” he said. He said the thinking, too, is if there is a family of a child who is battling illness in a town along the way, the SammyRides group will try to encourage people to come and donate to help that family. “That’s one of the things that well could happen,” he explained. The group started off with nine ridSee SENIOR on P. 4

Let there be light!

Santa … Joe Papas, Business Development Manager for APS Energy Services, explains an energy management systems upgrade projects to board members and the public. The upshot of the package of cost saving environmental measures and funding sources is that Superior will have its football field lighting back better and more efficient than ever, possibly by graduation. In the meeting, Papas was referred to as ‘Santa Claus’ for bringing such a propitious plan to the district for energy savings and new sports lighting. Cindy Tracy photo

By Cindy Tracy Yes, Cynthia Benson and Pete Guzman, there IS a Santa Claus. Benson is president of the Governing Board of the Superior Unified School District. Guzman’s title in the district is Superintendent/Principal. Both have, by their own accounts, been turned into Santa believers by recent happy news from Joe Papas of APS Energy Services. Papas reported at the March 2 school board meeting that it is, indeed, possible for the district to have new football lighting on the field by graduation, if all goes as planned. Superior lost the use of the lights during a storm in 2010. With the football field the hub of many traditional community and school activities such as Friday night football, graduation, the 4th of July celebration and much more, the loss was felt by everyone when the lights came down. The district has been searching for a way out of the light dilemma. The cost to replace the unsafe poles and lighting was not feasible for the district, even with help from insurance and a grant from the San Carlos Apache Tribe written on the schools’ behalf by Deputy Town Manager/ Police Chief Lou Digirolamo. Donations have also come in, including those from Freddie Miramon, a California resident, and Pinal County Attorney James Walsh. Still, the funding level needed could not be reached. But at a previous board meeting, Papas had appeared and talked about

what APS Energy Services could offer the district in terms of energy saving projects and services. At that time, he shared his empathy for the loss of Superior’s football lights and the Friday night football custom. He pledged to work with the district to find funding for the lights. “We’ll get it done,” he said then. APS Energy Services is a provider of “innovative energy conservation and renewable energy solutions” that puts together sustainable projects for school districts, municipalities, etc. The firm secures funding through grants, incentive programs, renewable energy credits and third party financing. Papas kept his promise about the football lights. He came to the March 2 board meeting with a “preliminary energy audit” worked up for Superior Schools. This document, presented by Papas in an overhead presentation, shows proposed annual cost avoidances of $60,587 (42 percent less than existing annual costs). This savings would be realized by putting the proposed green technologies into effect and the total system improvements would include stadium lighting that would not cost the district anything. The district has received three bids for the project. The lowest bid was from Musco Sports Lighting LLC for $60,000. APS service crews have volunteered to drill holes, set poles and run wire, offsetting costs by $16,000. Thirty luminaries will be See LIGHTS on P. 4

Meet and greet … Representatives from the Superior Optimist Club, Superior Presbyterian Church and the Chamber of Commerce host a meet and greet/potluck dinner at the church for SammyRides cyclists and support team. The group is bicycling across the country to raise awareness and funds for the fight against pediatric cancer. Cindy Tracy photo

Celebrate the 23rd Annual Apache Leap Mining Festival this month By Cindy Tracy It’s that time of year again when the word from the Superior Chamber of Commerce is that everyone is invited to come on out and enjoy the 23rd Annual Apache Leap Mining Festival March 18-20 in downtown Superior. “The theme for this annual festival is ‘Helping Hands of Superior,’” said Mila Lira of the Chamber. “This year the Chamber will honor the Red Bear Outfitters for their service to the community.” Things get underway on Friday night with food vendors, carnival and entertainment. On hand will be live music and a DJ dance with music videos hosted by the Superior Optimist Club and DJ Roy Chavez. The 10 a.m. parade kicks off Saturday’s events, as well as opening ceremonies to honor the Red Bear Outfitters. There will be the carnival and food booths that day as well as entertainment and the annual mining competition. Following the parade the carnival and food booths will open. There will also be entertainment and the annual mining competition. “Saturday’s entertainment will feature performances from Baile Folklorico Alma de Superior, East Valley Institute of Technology Comedy Improv Troop, Chihuahua Races, and live music performances by local band Safety Patrol,” Lira said. “The evening will commence with a street dance with

live music from the Aztex Band.” Sunday festivities begin at 10 a.m. with food booth, carnival and entertainment, according to Lira. “There will also be a Junior Mining Competition for youth ages 10-17,” she said. “Other entertainment for Sunday includes a performance by Baile Folklorico Alma de Superior and Safety Patrol.” The Copper Corridor Mobile Visitor Center will be open from 5 to 9 p.m. on Friday and 10 to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, Lira said. Local authors Danielle Tomerlin and Carol Schumacher will be available to sign their new book on Superior and Queen Valley for the Arcadia Publishing Images of America Series. Rolling Rock Gallery will present a speaker series during the weekend. Lira said that author Sam Lowe will speak on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. On Sunday Ricardo Provencio will give a talk at noon. Provencio was recently featured in the Arizona Republic for his storytelling about growing up in Superior and his Latino roots. Returning also to the Apache Leap festival is author Jack San Felice who will perform at 1:30 p.m. The gallery is located at 160 West Main Street. There will be horseshoe tournaments on Saturday and Sunday to benefit local organizations. Lira said that sign up for tourneys begins at noon both days with the tournaments starting at 1 p.m. The tournaments are hosted be-

hind the Superior Senior Center at 230 Main Street. Saturday’s tournament benefits the Superior Optimist Club Richard Castaneda Scholarship and Sunday’s benefits the Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Fiesta Car Show. Registration is $20 per team. “Entertainment and activities are still being scheduled for the entire weekend,” Lira said. “Please visit us at www.superiorarizonachamber.org for the most up to date information on the Apache Leap Mining Festival or for information on registering for the parade, Chihuahua races, mining competitions or horseshoe tournaments.” For more information on the event or to be a vendor or entertainer, contact the Superior Chamber of Commerce directly at 520-689-0200 or support@ superiorarizonachamber.org.



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Weather readings courtesy Boyce Thompson Arboretum.

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